Q 2 ... t 1 9 Herald. . i. v-ir ItlSTlSKHr.XTs. ' :. leie. liltai" lelve fls- ; No JtUvvt i.-uti( isyrt- . IV T of 1. . '.'s . i1. ivr wilt T ni-td . . ... ii' :.. i jr U.t.: iu, ; p. oiwn- .4: -..:'.. Utf iH '.1 I'.ll tile :... I4-Jt- l.oi IOC .'.IMl'Ni'M . vs. : c.o. oo.iiicao.-.na i- Im.iMi-u, . ( to t:i" poil'.t with n w.wi ... ; ei:s:l !f; fm fne enrrcct ness , ot paid 1.1.4 a. i and p.Od l.e- ; Tv tf io:i wiio lakw the paper regularly fr in ( poj -rilce, wlidi.er direc.4-d to his Tett . .r v -tli-M' he Is a mil'MTloer or not is iVt's-'ii .: tor tie pay. i it .n.iy person orile.. his prxper disentitln !, he intssl pay all arreariwrtst. or the puldlsh M :::v .iiinir.u to send It until payment In xei.:. an tee", et the hole amount, xvuelher Zii- i .ipt-1 U v.-iu tror.i the off.re or not. 3. ': lie coinis Nave die-niod that refusing to ..1r-v- nrs!.;ij. is and runlh-M from tlic post oTcc, or i.mi. ovins and 1 avinif them uncalled f.-r. is 'i imi fine exid.tnce of intentional i a A I" i. LOCAL NEWS. Wesrott sells the best Idickskin rhves. 20tf Dance. To-night. Georgia Minstrels To-morrow night. At Fitzgerald Hall. There was school last Saturday . Tk river froze over Sunday night. "Will. S. Wise sell Real Estate, tf Tickets to dance to-niht only SI. See S. & C. Mayer's nobby new (Jeorjjin Minstrels to-morrow night. Arthur White was in town last week. E. T. Duke, of Omaha, was down List week. A fine line of shawls Herrmann's at Fred 3-t2 - -The Catholics did verv well at their Festival. Be sure and read the prospectuses on the first page. Organs cleaned and repaired by James 1'ettee. tf Don't the turkeys have to k'tWt it to-day. though? Toys in endless varieties ;-.t the I', p. News Depot. Manufacturing and Re pairing v.l Merges' Shoe Siore.. '.2tf Money to loan on Con. -.try Ileal Estate by W. S. Wise. tf Bird cages in a largf varietv at the P. O. News Depot. Supper in the basement of Fitz gerald's block, to-night. The biggest line gloves at Wescott's. of buckskin 2'Jtf Cash buvs cheaper than credit at the W. W. shoe store. J4tf For vonr fine Cigars call at the" "Monarch Billard Hall. SSinl Several deer were shipped to Plattsmouth this week. Great bargains in lts mn! shoes at the W. W. shoe stoic., :!4tf Bead S. & C. Mayer's new ad on first page, and prolit thereby. Full line f toys and holiday goods at the P. O. News Depot. Services will be held at St Luke's Church this morning, a! U a. m. Be sure and go to the danc to night, if you receive an invitation. Dick Streight calls his colt 'Tan ner;" in hopes it will make him fast. Bennett & Lewis have honey and buckwheat flour. Don't forget that, t A good all wool suit of mens' clothing for :?7.."0 at the Great Bed Store. ::itf The Georgia Mi.is;ils, the first of tho season, at Fitzgerald Hall, Friday night. There will be no more school this week, so the small boys and girls are happy. Oh yes! oh yes!! just read Wes cott's head line over the heading on first page. Tii largest sorttncnt of Photo and Au'ugrapn Albums at the P. O. News Depot. Several immigrant wagons p issed through town Tuesday. A cwld time to travel now. The party that were surveying be tween here and Bellevn), on tiie river finished Saturday. The cry of "more tnort" is still heard on our streets, in spite, nf the continued cold s-ap. Large stock of boots and shoes t u.,.ua iM rejj,-ving Co'iitrhs and Colds" the W. W. shoe store, xvaich they MCi,,,,,,. i'irs r,,.,i, srrun. It is re selling cheapor -a.sh. aitf Mr. Fiu'ds. the Landlord of the Pacific house, wi!! get up the supper for the dance to-night. Y'u will find a tina Hue of pocket ; that held it to the train, and the main LiMes and testaments from 20c up, at p;U t uf the train gst nearlv dow n to the P. O. News Depot. , ; (, , before it Was noticed. A large quantify of sweet cider at. y Hodge, Cambridge. Mich., Jno. Rons & Son's xvhich they xviil sell ! savs: I have been artlicied xvith Asth by the barrel or gallon. :fit2 i ma for years, an "Only Lung I'ad" gax e me itnme.liate relief. I can re- Poor "prints" will have logo xvith- c.,mmend it as the nreatest, remedy out any turkey to-tlay. Terible hard j ever produced. See Adv. times for them just now. , rlu. .tin,;,. yAU Week xyas X full supply of Maltby's finest j a success as usual, both financially and oysters, both standard and 4.ehi't, j soci;i.IIV- The net profits being 405; l.anii at IJemiett A Lewis. i ; aj i:lr?t? crowd attending the three Lawyer Martin, of NVb. City, was j evenings during xvhich it was held. in toxxn attending court Friday, and !' jf vou are tired of taking the returned h. mf Friday night. en.- at:d see its. We !'.:: ll .,1 Se. I ivx . t bail II ill.-O t;;...i j; ,: .,, ll"e I 11 v lle'el ..!!. A".f --!i' OI Vxoet j.,.,-, I c..ai lo silo:' .'o it :. P. (I Xt '.xs ! pot. xvlo ie will fin.l t!'e Iwsl l iaiiis. IJetn m'.i-r th. 15-a,iett tV I.-vxis ar: paving cash ):- t ut er and -s:gs. Fotno i!-. 1 nse tin i,s a call. 1 See ch.it:.'" i'i i.-'ei-t: Lewis' ptlceii.st. Four papers of A rtmckle's c. :f-e for t: cent's, instead of The ghi.ss came Tuesday to till the place of the one lately broken, in the Temjierance Hiiliard Hall. "St. Tulien" passed through Otu;i liH on tne ISth inst. Charley Holmes aw hiiu init says lie is all "lfo&." S. .& C. Mayer moved intti Frank Carrutli's old building Tuesdny, whero thpy will do business on a larger scale " ' '.--'iff. Tlitir motto is .Tr-ifS '"'V: y-?prrfy- I x". c- w,.t lar Ai- . -.. : . ' ' 1 1 4K-." itoot-- "I I.: :iv.:3,',.tlf ' - 4 .. - 4-4-... - ' . 1 -I - - ' . - 44 ' -f Personal E. S. Gilbert, of Victoria, came in to se us during court week. Sam M. Chapman has been sick dur ing court. He is Uf Iter now and out. John W. Clark, of W. W- brother of IJyron, dropped in to see us yester day. The Louisville band boys have been quite extensively represented here this week. Ben Hoover. Ben Ward , Flank lYtzer and i.thers have all been down as witnesses or otherwise dur ing the Hoffmeister trial. The band from that plaeu of which these yotuijj men are a part, did us good service during the Campaign, and particularly on Nov. 1st. when we had our last grand rally. Without the Louisville band it would have been a tame affair and the IIekald shall always feel obliged to them one and all. Friday night, Nov. 26th. Mr. Windham made a good plea in the Routine, case. Can't get that poetry from Louis ville straightened out to print. Cullender's Original Georgia Min strels at Fitzgera'd's Hail Friday Nov. 2Cth. Frank Wlrte's office disappeared from view around the foot of Main street, Tuesday. Capt. Marshall's deputy P. M. is named Staats and not Scott as the Herald had it, once. Go to Guthmann & Weckbach and get your urv goods, groceries, &c, as they always keep the besk 1 Snow fell, snow is falling, snow is going to fall, so is the thermometer, so is soiuebedy off the 6th St. bridge. For vour nice oyster stews, lunch hot coffee and confectionery cali at the Monarch Billiard Hall Restaurant. 331111 Mr. Sundell, one of Cass coimtj's farmers, brought in thirty nice fat hogs, Tuesday. Tliev were an extra line lot. Go to Fied. Herrmann's for your Nubias. Cloaks, Shawls, Winter Gloves &c., where you will get the best in the market. 35t2 Some common drunk ltaned up against the window at P. ii. Murphy's billiard hall, loo hard Thursday night, and cra..-kd it. Jno. Rous t Son have just receiv ed a large and choice stock of Canned Fruits, try them lfote purchasing elsewhere. 3."t2 The advertisements are slowly coming in tor our Almanac. Anyone wishing to a-lverfi.se in i should semi for terms, &c. Ladies, don't forget to call on Fred. Herrmann if you want a warm Cloak. Shawl. Nubia, or anything else in hs line. o3t2 Tho Episcopal sociable at Mrs. Latham's Tuesday evening called out a large attendance n.t withstanding the weal her. Every business man should take advantage of the Hi;kali Almanac to advertise, as it is a first class adver tising medium. If our country frie: ds will call and price our "roods before buying else where, we think they will profit by it. Bennett & Lewis. 1 Union Thanksgiving services will be held this morning at the M. E. Church, Rev. Storms, Baptist, preach ing the sermon. Edwin Jeary will take adver tisements for our Almanac at Green wood, should any of the business men wish to adscrtise. If you want anv fancy and pure candies go to the P. O. News Depot, where you can find the Urges: ami best assortment in the city. Carruth is getting some handsome wire signs as a finishing touch to his building. Hope he will have better luck with iheiu than we'uns did. Dr.".!. 1.. McC'rea has removed to Plattsmouth, where he will pursue the practice of his profession. His office will be over Mathew's hardware store. " There was no service in the Baptist church Sunday night, as the pasttir was sick. There will be preach ing next Sunday morning and evening. Look here! If you want a pair of boots or shoes, or anything in that line, go to the V. W . shoe store and you will get your money's worth, oltf -Farmers, do your trading with Guthmann & Weckbach, wheje yon ! can get the best goods for the least money. Give them a call and see lor yourselves. 1 Being asked what, in his opinion caused the recent Democratic defeat, a Chicago Englishman replied that "Aticock was beaten by the Nation with a big Hen." ' X . ...1.,... -..in.u).- l-'id lil'.iV.i.t Uli uf. commended by manv physicians an.l eosts oulv 2- cents a bottle. Monday evening the sleeper on the eastern bound train broke the pin larg ohl-fashioneil griping pills, try Carter's Lit.ie Li vr Pills and take sere comfat. A man can't stand v :x t'eia'. (l ie piii a ios . For je,. by Mi-.irli. itlaek .V Co. -Mi i ;mi'l I : ever g S ,ll:t'el!g riiJit. i !e s:ix s -.lo.-" IJaiker, fatlor of 1 J ee : i ri, :i!;:I one i: f ; lie I dc s t eek men iif" t 'as cotlM . ie. Hoxx y- s. Situs? Or did von change your nau.e to -toe id LiniMla. I These imlnppr persons In fuf ' f r fioiu iiervottsness and dyspepsia j should use Carter's Little Nerve fills. i wcieti are mane expressly 101 .siee, .,. ss i nervwiss. iiyspeptie stiiterers. l uce o cents, all drngsrists. For sale by Smith. Black & Co. XIaj. O'fiourke and family took in their share of the. things at the Catho lic Fair. The Major got a chrouio and st very handsome lamp, and his daugh ter n set of nrs and clirorao. He must have got them iii pay, for that 'Vj,' &HVe tlieni Wednesday nifjht. -4 jjr r . ,.. .- - - ' J. M. Roberts haa just received a! large stuck of lamps, toilet sets, vases, j &c, which be offers cheap for cash also u fine line of ladies and gents', pocket-books. Sanford sinks for sale, 5 cents ai bottle. 1 Van Stone & Crosby. Wholesale and keiail .Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, says: We have sid large quantities ot the txcelsior Kidney Pad, and have been surprised at the unvarying satis faction given by them. See .-dv. We did'nV quite have a fellow here like t lie Irishman, who when asked, if he w as guilty or not guilty 'r said "How can I tell, yer Honor, 'till I've heard the evidence." On of the ipris oners sent to the state boarding house when asked by Judge Pound, if he was "guilty or tiot guilty" answered "I don't know till I sei a lawyer." Palpitation of the heart, nervous ness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain iu the back, and other forms of weakness are all relieved by Carter's lion Pill's, made specially for the blood, nerves and com plexion. For sale bv Smith, Black & Co. The following ulficers were instal led at the I. O. G. T. Lodge, Wednes day evening. Nov. lTih: Byron Clark, W. C. T. ; Louise Shry ock. R. II. S.; Ida Goodel L. II. S.: Olive Gass, W. V. T.; Dr. II. Mead W. F. S.; Amanda Pol ler. W. T.: Mrs. D. B. Smith, W. C.;Miss Adamson, W. I. G. ; Robert Dabb. W. O. G.; George Maguey, W. M.; Win. Lamarr, W. S. If you are tired of taking the large old-fashion griping pills, and are satisfied that purging yourself till you are weak and sick is not good common-sense, then try ("alters Little Liver Pills and learn how easy it Is to be free from Billiousness, Headache, Constipation, and all Liver troubles. These little pills are smaller easier to take and give quicker relief than any pill iu use. Forty in a vial. One a dfse. Price 25 cents. For sale by Smith, Black & Co. The case of BirdneU, Son & Co. vs J. W. and W. S. Carter, taken to the Supreme Curt by the plaintiffs has just been decided in their favor. Geo. S. Smith and T. M. Marquctt atfys for defendants, and Wheeler and Stone for plaintiffs. In the Supreme Conn the case was argued by M. A. Ilarti gan and T. M. Marquett. This we be lieve is Ilai tigan's first case in the Supreme Court, and shows he can get along in good legal company. Byron Clark is a full grown (on paper) law yer now ; he mat l iculaledt, 'i) last Monday evening, passed a most excellent examination, set up the oys ters like a little man, thai night, re ceived the Judge's blessing next day, kissed 1 is brother attorneys all round (except 'Po;,r' and lie was asleep) for ood luck, and begins his career with ihe good wishes of the whole bar, the i.ewspaper men, all the preacher?, the young ladies and the landlord at Weep ing Water. Wo predict for him a promising future, and hope clients may"rush in by the dozen, wito pock ets full of rocks to lay at the feet t f our newly made Lycurgtis. The Famous Georgia Minstrels the genuine ons, will be here Friday night, Nov. 20th. Read the following notice of them : "Moreover, a company that can boast of four End Men. must indeed be a talented one, and such Ends aie seldom seen ; it is a lively scene both on and off the stage. The troupe is un doubtedly tho iiest that has ever pur formed in this city. 10,0110 people at tended their four weeks' nei l'ormences here. Possibly to wi loss Negro i Minstrelsy by original darkies as in j 10 days gone by together with a : l thoroughly enjoyabh' perfm mance, j 4 fiulo which e verv l hi ii" nhiect inii:i!i!e ! 0 is eliminated, drew together the j MlliliiMirr"; wliieh c. oolite! el v (illc.-t t he l hall, i hev are at the head ot ti.e Minstivl business in this count rv." i lie choicest and innt compile stocK Boston Advertsser. ! of groceries in t he city. Call and see ...... , ins. 8tf Bknni:tt & l.r.wis. 1 he engineer s wife threw down! i 4fr.-14 htr sewing an 1 impatiently hastened Seethe into the back yard to settle a noisy dis- i 2.'J. OVF.Rt'OATS pute among the children. Sin- select-i :,t- ed Jack as the offender and imeoup- i THK ..ltr.Ai KKi stoUK. 1 . Beats auvl'iing vim ever saw f.r .. ling her slipper v it h a ju.ck move j ::itf ment she run master .lack on a siding, j and began to mark him "bad mile" without re-aiding his signals and pit-J j,lst aniv,, i Merges, which w ill be eons hoxx Is. 15y this time Uob, thejsoldche.jp. ' 2'itf jruiity one. having run on to the se cure turn table of the back fence, so ! that he could run oil in either direc- ! Hon sci earned out, "Let up mother! shut her off. I tell vou! You've cut! out the xvron car an vou'U run hv with the right one if vmt ain't livelv.' The mother coupled up an 1 Vd 'to iilpied tt make a flying switch on the culprit hut he got out on the main litis. Mock ed the sei'tinn against her. and was running wild for tlu firs; sidiiis; loii2t lief ure the switch engine could get out of tho yards. Marrie.i. Itt SSFI.I. llCltitl'SS. At the re-i.leece of j iu general use for illuiieu.n in.ir purp.i ;es nut Hev. .1. Italla'aer, of i'latts:no :ih. by tlie ! side ol cnies ef lai-'c Ion as xx here con! pa- is ltcv. .1. Itallaher. Vx avnk 11. Iti ssKi.i. and j 11-cd. a ml xv lie.i a pm.j r lamp i- 1 s;d i! is the Anna A. Ilruor.s.s botii of Weepini; Water, ; best uli-titnie tor suulilit yet di-eoveren on Saturday, Nov. l:;tli. lAse. i The principle or plan upoii which i lie .-unleut i l.'.ini is eonsi rucled mav be sal.i to be the best WIIiN- .JOHNSON'. At the residence of , j use. but tiie lauiu ii-t if has tdxvavs had see the bride's pal'ent-. on Suiid.'iy. Nov. 21. lsso. j cial idvjectiou ii.e fe.iiuies xxttieh we ::ri' ul:ol bv Jiev. 1 1. Is. Ci 11 .pen. O ns I . W 1 i.sov ami to see are he in-- done a v. ay with in I lie new as M.XHV .!. .li'H.xs'i.v. Imili oi Weeping '...l; r. 1 piranl f. r f:tvr called the Hoxtr. l.x'.ie." Cmttea 11 her of tacir friends were present ' taaniitaciiii-d bv the lion-.c I ;.ip Co.. of C111- , , . , , ... . .. cinnati. Itieerei! onjeclion 10 most olaei on t! e joxfal oe.-ass o.i eed the happy hiulo ; i;,m,,. is t!u.jr tia!..!tty to !. upset. Ihe troiihl r eeived inanT'vatiiabie and useful present. I to keep ihem i i older, and the 1 r lifrht ;io-n ma they live loun and happ; is tiie wish of bythem. The New Home lamp , is nick-l plat -, . . iiJ" .ed.aiul almost a tae-simile oi the suntent I heir many friends. ; ,, . n ,a- a I- 'ol-oine ..ruaio. iiied ctauip. l.v means of wli : ti I je lamp can be at once ea- Schlater! Sclilater!! Schlatei's Jexvelv store is uiiicli im- proved now. He has new cases, n.-w ' ifuads. ainl 1.4 m;ikini? :i VIM'V line U;S- it u- 1 I I liii' oil i.iienli'ico i-o t . x ...-i.i x v..i..;.,i r.. .1 1 ,... tin 1 t;.i cAiiuitnc t.ul . .tu iiiiii j iruti Viiluable tfood.s before looking else xv here. The Catholic Festival. The Cathode Society one of their Ai:nn.il Festivals 0:1 the even ings of Nov. 10th, ITtii and lSih, at Fitzerahi's Hall. The attendance was large on each evening, and all ni-nnniiiici. it nno ()f tli4 l..wt l.t.l.i in oi .. .1 T, - . ii Plattsmouth. 1 he i eeeiots reached a A ., . , . tr.:!eovci 8o00, leaving a large r.t-t .-liii.lus. Tho voting on the silver pUxher for th ) mosi popular man in I'l diMiioiith xvas spirited, and at times " I exciting, neailx li'.VQ votf-m being eiist, Hie eoiit- st being i-ontined to .7. A. i x oi.nur. L-i (ifisel ;mt Lawyer Harti- . g-iii. Ilartig.i:: leceived Jj.jO votes and e.i:liod tif lh? pitciier. a spiemtid spee::ueii t ill nisheil Ifoiii Fi iink Car rnth's "Silxer I'.thtte." iiii.l valtud at Soil. The contest over ihe -bootjack" xvas warm, beie.? for the htmir-1 iest in:iu in nattstnoi'th. and won by ,i. A. t. enuor. . . , . ... t- . Toe tea set Was voted to Mi.SS Kote O'llrit-n -tn.1 -t ti.Vn.li 1 .,! vr.l4..1 lr linen, aria a sp.einiM e.ike votea to Miss Marv Ilemtiel. us. the hest '!tz- er iti Lht. hall. A. .Monarch Uilli ird li all. ft 4 , , , , 4 Hot Coffee and lundl' always ready, s: At tun Monarch IleslAuiVint opposite FIvo,k Carruth'.,. J ' S6ml ' 1 Bold, Bad, Burglars. Wednesday morning, aboiu i o'clock, burglars broke ia the front door of James Grace's s a'oon, and blowed ti e safe open, xtracting therefrom 6-1. The; opened a window fa Mike SchneK bacher's shop, and got a chisel, sledge and brace and bit. With these they pried the door open, t'rilled a hole in the safe door, filled it with powder and blcwed the "stuffin" all out of it. One of the pieces of iron connected with t lie safe lock was thrown up in to the big front window, arid bioke an upper light, out. The jar w;us felt all along the street , but no one thought to try and capture the rascals. The night watch was uou tst, it seems. The .HcJLiketi Mica .lliue. This mine is situated about two and a half or three miles northwest of Cus ter and is one of the substantial minrs of Custer county. The mica comes in a different shape than what we sup posed, being thrown in among the na tive rock iu every conceivable shape and i quarried out like common lime stone and all of it from the surface down is of N. 1 quality. '.v. McMak en now employs a halt" a dozen men in the mine and as many i:i.ne iu the siiop where '.he mica is sorted, cut and put up in piicka;.:es of various sizes leady for shipment. At present only Iwoeuuing machine.-, are u.seii, but iu order to supply the demand Mr. Mc Makeu has ordeied another which will be in next w ek. The works are at present on the summit of a large hill, and on every side the mica can be seen cropping out for at least 1. "5,01)0 feet. This mine i.i equal to any gold mine w i tli a 20-stamp mill, as the capital required i.; small, compared with the cost of milling and .mining gold ore, and roduces about tt.'ioit pounds of mica per month which will average about S'i.r.o per pound about t wo thi rds of which is profit. Tho success of this mine has given an impetus to pros pecting in that line, and several par ties are now opening up mines which mav prove to he as valuable as this one". Black Hills Paper. Collection Notice All persons indebted to Fred Gorder either by notes due, or otherwise, are requested to come forward an 1 settle within the next thirty days, or said accounts will be colheted by law. ;;i;t:i l'i:;:i Goum:;:. for Sale. Lots 1. 2, 4. 7 no i S in b!o-k Lots 5, 6, T and S in bhn-k I I Lots 1. 2, o. 4. o. (, 7 ami in block 1 s. Lots 1. 2. ::. d.J and S i i b'.-k p). Iu Vonr.'; & Hays addition -i! : 'ar gain. !!-;! :s .V I! ii.!., tjitiU Omaha. Neb. I nii iarde; 's 0;!5er. Owing to the fact that Mr. Gonb-r is now buihiiog, an 1 his old qa li ters are taken up by the ne.v Hotel, he will make his ' ;a.v for the .res ent, at his house, on Third sticet. east side, about had' w ay up I he block. Remember the p'.a -e and direction, and he can be found thee in business houis. 6l3 F. Gonnr.i:. Go to the GRF.AT Ri:i) STORK FOI! r.AltOAINS IN AI.I. I INKS. You can po?ilivelv do yourself some od. " ;;itf BOOTS AND SIIOKS, StKUtS A N I i'.OOTs, .! ixv am t ii i:ai .17' :jki;ji:s i.ourTin:i;i:! See Our Pric.-s 2-Hf Sli ptilliid ranulated sug ir for..l.C0 .iintard A '" ..1.0'J ..l.Oo ..1.0(1 ..1.00 .. 00 . .1 .00 . Mr, extra C " ... yeihixv ' now currants " packages Arbnckles coffee, pounds siood Rio cotTee ... bar White i'u-si an soap... ' v$ pounds of Hominy itid every thing else in proportion. Savi Your rdouey. itlllts a lid V 1 iree st .:. u! I.i mis :...! MIDI'S Money to Loan. On ioo l farm property on lung time. Apply to ltf .T. YY". Ji.n.vi.s';.s. I'lattsmouth. To the Citizen's r the Om.it and State, I have now ready for market KH).((M j White and Fire Mick, which xx e wi!! sell at reasonable prices; parties wish ; , 1 ,, ; ' . I' , . ' 1. ..- 1.. 1 mi; lo l.'lll. t 1 hic-proot li'Mei', tn-tol e . T . . tutcoin.t i-..iiie.s 00 xvu, ca.i on .1. I. A.! II'eiVKi;. I.eiiisvilie, Xthr.tska. Htf j A i'jijTi: tfcetipatinit. Ttie a:i;. r-':e !i of tin' toe.' inter ex el 1 in -; calls at !::: inn t - ; lie mat ter of . tamp, for w i: h . out a 1:00.1 limit lent tne piea-un . r pndit taken from readme or -tadv Coated is nov,- Mi, 'adjusted in mix position upon the eenle;' ta'cte. piano, ii.e-ie re-t. sew in niartiitie. desk. 01 l.y ui4'ali ' a haieKoeie bl acliet. w I'.iell oc xvitii the lamp, can be placet! upon Ihe xvatt. w',:,t .;'.' i"';'"" ' y---: it is ai.-..- llil,- safe. II. s :s Hie e e: I l.-aTTire ol ewe - h'tier. Nt Um1 Nm II.m:.i; I..t:itti cult' :m 1 .... . 1.1. - -s. . 1 . ... ! if-Tivi'tl M.ith i-.u-ii liiiusc.tl iav'i r rcct-iv ' l( S! r.iti" i i i :n t i i- ( 1 1 ; n i f r. hi r I , ! rl i n iiie ii-l;n:o loi.riulis oi I oi.'ir.:ei : 1. ttis.-iiso ci used bx s'.i-'li men :i- ;:.. neixor ;uid p i-'nt.iMor. o'ltr- i a 1 insurance )i ' si.icei s and express audits of j that city ns t'le s.ii- st. most . ouvenit'iit and j best 1 unit in. i.i I be 'omo.o. v de-ires nsei:t:i m ;n:s lee-'iov. and any s v.ait ta.iv orp-etie- iiinii e.in is'.iko ,; liniid soiue tii'-mni' c! m l i; tr ibe eet siv nioniiis by e.ituas.it.u' fi i.s sate. Tliere are liar.by :i lio'eu faiuilu-s in ttie eoiintj xx 110 will not u.u.t one. and ii erieo is so low- as to iirins it within rlt- rej.-li of all. Kor ftir I'uer leforuiatiou .oioiess il-mie linip I'onipa ny. i nei ntiat i ie;o. n ei; io'.in our paper, ainl lliey witl uiveyon full p irticuiars and e etusixe territ iiy ! cai.xass iu. 3 '.115 ! " Fresh Lime. I , r . , , Fresh Lime by the neck, b is, el. wagon load can be had at t - Ki'o. near west end of the bridse. 1. :.!. .. ways on haibl and of superior tiahix. inquire of Micki:lwait x sii xi:p, 7tf otl preiais; v:. KEIIDALLS Sx - ' W4-...S -'- - V - "i j t,' The Mott Successful RemiJy ever discovered as it is certain in iis eifeett Mid doct not hlis ler. Also ..-4-;i..nt for !:u:i: iu liesli. ItKXIl ritonr hei.oxv. - rroma rromiaciiL rnyeician; Washin."o:ix ilie, Otii" lime lTth, lss.1. i i'K. n.J. nr.xnti.i, sin. i.ei.ts : iieaiinii; 1 viiradvertisrment iii Tu.f. Pictd and farm, ol i i Kendall s i:vin I'nre. and bavie a x.itiiMl.ie ( .Ulll s,H.Ptiv nrs,. ...j, !)a(1 ,...,, Uwt. .-.,llu . epnxiu.ei'sliteeii monilis. I .eut to vou for lioTl'l. liv orns Lvl.i.'li io ti, u m.1.. ..um. .4.44.1 ' tlil l.nnciiess and fiil:irjerneTi ami a l:n'!o sniiut fr.lu anoilier litrse. mid 1-e.ili t;oies urelo-dax ; as snuu'l ms pop-. Tlie one pottle wa worth to 1 11 e one tiunUre t nui'.u-.s. T 4 ' ..'i.i. -.4. ..1 1.. . . . .. . 1 , ... . 4.' '-u.ii j'on 11. . 1 . t . r. r; 1 1 1 1 . 1. irv , .11. 1 1. sv-d for iilust ated ein-nl ir Lixin' Positive pr,1-, TrieeSi. All dnitidsts have .tt orcn; S'!.' J-Kiiail & Co.. prop, i- """N Enosbnrsa Falls. VeTtnoiit. -'-t-rv Tit J ft ! 7.. Our Temperance Column. KOITKO bT TI1F WOMIX'S CHRISTIAN TKM For vod, auj i outs, mi'i .anve u.u.u. j Thirtr Thousand Pines Out. i ,, , ,. ., j no r unci .uipcoi. .ii.mi K imu j those studnts in lh. colleges of j Eranco w ho suioko wcie decidedly in- ( ferior in their studies to those who don't luok, prohiniU'd this ba.l habit j in the college. Ii is 6:nu he put out thirty thousand pipes in one nay! I t.-i-l. tv l.-i.t :.it t.inii..nr to cr?t. tint .o.kin" ainoi." all the bovs of our ! a.-ets. Won't the t m ntror Good-i Sense do it V GoldeH Threads. Letter Frdiu Boston. Last Sabbath witnessed 3 curious siiihts in this old Puritan city. A ! great temperance convention ef the Chrisrian women of America was hel l i the week before at Clarendon street Baptist church, and gifted ad vocal j of the cause were piescnt from almost I every stale. On Sunday the pulpits of j various ik'Honiinations were taken by j storm. Forty or fifty of these women were invited into the pulpit, and staid j conservative congregations beheld io place ot tl:c regular preacner a w..nian ltd iwcr, who piearl.ed to tht m I he gosp. temperance. Boston h;is never be-ii ihc like before. O.l the vas Mrs. at to) .1 !'.eui-j;it nm Ellen i. Foster, the tact a. id ski upon t he leghi ;i of low w I.e. .i h of a !. . fi.Xe pect i It." lapi 1'- ance cause. .V t i h I'ni versalist chiiic CiilnmbiiS .it'i:i" t -tew art. i a leader in the Ohio Temperance- Cru sade, held fort h. At Warren avenue Baptist church Miss Frances K. Wii- I..-.I ,'..1 ! ,).. .,,1 -ii. -i ii, 1 . about BoVion the pica, hers a: wav j to the women. For this single ocas- j ion the arrangement was very satis- t factorv. The women received" polite i attention, and were listened m w it t. : great interest. Some of them gave ! evidence uf great, abilitv. I ha 1 the ! , ..;1 T- , r ilt.:iKiiri ot lie.irio" Mrs. I- ii' c . of I .f Iowa, xvho. I believe, is a ia yer, prac . i ticing wiih her husband, under the sty le d Foster and Faster." Si-rt:e- 1.'... : ..:a;.i.f ..4......t i . . . u :,i ... , be i I'i.m l I'.k West. With a lew ex- ; cept ions, the western wwim n were the oratois of the convention, and the i . . i ... .I.I....I. 'ri... . roiicn'-i.- i ii; ' " el :iume-se II OI uicse laoir-s mm i iir pulpits si ow a great change of opinion as toih" long mooted pirstion of ' wo-iian's sphere." A .".I da.-r's Voir?. A good l.niy .iving in one id our. At Plat tsinotiih. 1st Fiidav ami .Sal lare cities, v. a e .-mg a i.iiehiiig sa- u,.,,.,v j,, .j:lm,:u.yf i-!a inirv, Mav. .m l.tou one da), j a si as tne ke. per ot u gsl i-tobcr and Novemi At was turning a i.i i.i m o ti.e street; ; Weeping Water. 1st Fridav am! Saltir lie was ijtu.e young, but vt rx pale. ! (Iav in j;4lTs,, .J ine anil Sept ember. At His Ua aid I ..c and wioiey a w .v- ! j,;.. jvilio 1st Fridav and .itt;idav in ed that ;ie had oe -.'a dunking, ami was ; , t..,.. ... i ),.,.t.lni.,. v, ,. far gene on tlie way to rutn. il was sweaiiiei dreatlfuliy, and shaking Ids clenched iist at the man who had thrust him out ..:' tlo; saloo:i. He was so hliiatcd with pe-sion that he did not sec tin; lady wi-o stood near him., till she laid her hand on him and ask- i cil, in ;t gi nlle, loving voice -"WhalV the matter ' The young man started no though a heavv Idow h;id struck him. lie turn- i ...I ..i.l.O.lv r,.m,.i n .:.-r tl.a- be! oi e 1 11 '1 " v" ' J " " " - - and trembling from head to foot, lie looked at the lady for a momei.t, and j and t hen said : "Oh! I thuujtit it was my liiothci s voice; it somaied so sua:. gely l.ke it! Uut In r V'ii(.-e h is leu,; been hushed in death." "Y eii had a mother, il.cn. w liw hived jou V" said, the lady. He buiVi i:;t.' tcaisns h .-aid: "Oh, ye-', I had an a.ucd uo. tht r, ano :.i e ioxed ner boy. . Hut sii.ee she died cerx thic has Li.d.e ;.oaii-t me. 1 a., lest; h l to every . I. that is jfecd, Ion1 I'orevei." "No, imt l ist fiO' Xei; for (Jod is iin-rciful and itracious. and his pityin; love- t an reach the chief of sinners." said tie..- lady in a low sweet voice, and her v.ords seeiin d to hae a wonder ful effect, upon the youiiji mail. As the lady pascd on her xv .y the younir man followed her. He noticed the nuiiiU r of the htnisv .she entered, and wrote dow u in Ids pel;et-bo.k tin- name that was on the dnor-plate. Then he went on i.is var xvith re w thoughts and feelings stilled in h:; bi east. Years passed away, and the k ind la- iv h id lorottt n all about this ii.ci- .ient, x hen one (lax a vti.;ri r ca .. .1 at her house, aiei sen, 1; ; iiis c..i, a.-k- , in I'Ci niissien to i t f. r n- ' tiering who it totlhl he, h he ..si,. ....xx :i to the parlor and ioum! a imhlrt ;'k : inr. well-ill tfssed yetilhouan. He n.-e respectfully to meet her, and hoi iiei; -out his hand s.ml : rardon .ncinadaio, for ihis lil.eM v out I have come many intles to ti-.a: k you for the j:rc.-t sei viee you nuideied ui a few years stgv," said he iu ;i treni Uliiiii voice. "1 am puzzled to know what you mean, sir," said the lady, -for I di - not retueniher to have ever seen oii la fore." I have changed so iuu''h. .-a:T the j youii).' mati. "t li.it i d not x under xoii i.ave for-otten me. H-it tl.!Slt I ' V' " " 1 V'l have ie xxn you anyxxiieie. A no oi:i: ! voice, inn. is si, much like mv moth - - ,.,.v s. .... , P:,e mooieiit this'"- last words xvc! e spoken the lady r. m.-moe, ed the I-'-r young man to lion, sue n:bi spoKe.i kind'.y in front of the drinking saloon j s.i long before. She saw htm weeping J and she wept with him. ' Prest mly the gentleniaii wiped 1 away his tears, sat down, anil told the lady' that the few gentle xvoids she' spoke to kiui on that day i a l len ti e means of saving him frtuu ruin, and of making him a k.vi'u! man. 'Those! wolds "Not i'si fuleVe!',' ! followed me." s..id he, "niicnwi I went ; and it always seeine.d to me lit:' my mother's viee ' Speaking to me. from her grave. I u-pentrd of my s,ios. and iesolx'i'd to live :.s Jesus and my iimlher would like to have un live, and I am thankful to say. that by t he grace of ( lod I have been ;ih!e to resist temptat ;ow. and do some g.-:. 1 in the xxorlii." Ili-Iiard N'c.vi'ei. ' l'eppei here's ftpdis ai'ti tin? ni:st ' .; j r.'li'ili'e for puiity :uid iirienes--. in qhtl- : ity. ;iud are fni-siipofior to noy other: ! Mi'.Ke. Asl V on r uttaie; s I Ol 1 llful . i l I ' Ci'rClirai 35 ct- WiV ; x; . Qnlilary?! A MlV'rSP'l'e ; I J. tlb OOili 1 Oo -1 ir--. lir. in l . , : -ip p ri i UllLC I. J. - p ie s rr National Bank 'K n.MTS.Milvril. NK!'.!t V S !: A. r. s : ei tiu:i:.t i..f . . li. l.vo. .. V. Mel. XI ..ill.ls o Mi o Koei: tv k V.ee !'- -: :.:::. If l ilT. A.ssNiaut (".st:ier. fi..s Itatik is i-.ott i.ii.ii for 1 nl:.i-s e.t i!i4-;i " fiieiin. ci'iiii r Miiin ami at reels. ,;i:d I'lcparcd to tre.iisact a general BANKING EUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Government and Local Securities norc.iiT . si) s;i.n. ed on Tim? Cti tijlx utra. ' Vvaila'.de iu any part of the fnited Stale and j tn at! the Vri.ieitetl Towns and Cities t oi Virnp, ' - ... tr.Ms ioktih: CELEnRATED Ik man Line and Allan Line: Ol' BTKAMEK!. I'.-r-en wislitiijj o bri oul tllrir flieiots frotn .rrope can - 1 PCBOHASB Tir-KETS nto.xt in i Tit r OUCh t-a PUttsnoath. Fresh oysters received daily from B iltimoie, and for sale wholesale and retail, at F. S. White's - COtf - Select oysters, 45 cents a can; Stand ard 3-5 cents. . rc HHm:." Of ths native of -Siberia, are the f leaves of tho Arnica plant, to be found in ail their healing p i f r in Buo'x's Arnica salvk. For sale eveiy where. iBtf " The Friend f Delicate Ladies. Waimr's Safe Kidney and Liver - "'" l 1 !' remedy that will cute the s" "'-v leases peculiar to women. i Headaches, neuralgia. disordered ! tier vt s, w eaki.ess. mental shoc ks and kindred ailments are effectually re moved by its use. The Mt litis" Mag azine. o4t!3 .t-r SL'J.CIAL NOTICES. -Tt'r K,ow any pel son to be seriously ill without a weak stomach or inactive lxtr or kidneys? Ami when tlo.se organs ar in good condition do yon ll(;t. find their possessor enjoying good hea'th? Parker's Ginger Tonic alwi.ys reuulatea Un-so important organs, and ncver fails to make the blood rich and pi.i-.and i o s! rengt hen . very pail of the sy si . in. It li.e i urn! iintidreds ot i "esp..i, i!t inval.ds. A-k ; our neit-h-" i ' a'M.ii it. See au.;i ii' r column. . ii i 'i i.i- Winter .r Vi:u i:isei.l r ji .' Is made Glorious' Siimmi-r.by 1 .4 king Far a.Tf Bkown's Pits in Tonic; Try it Ja!e o at Iruggif ts. 'S tie E'ni verbal 'M'i!irt. .Ii who have taken Bi:own" or I'M'sin Tonic, is that it never fails to l Ask your druggist or n. tf .4kxtm ai ( .iwtnts K , , K ,, 4 ,, , , !:.r,.i:l Ue, , . ,.w Y..ik. i-i-tui tor cutuloKUe met tehtK. -Ay .rr." ., . I hex art selling the oest Cioihmg . at t lint rear. 1..1 uii1. at sncn verv low prices, and you have everything gtiarantcrd as lepre.-en'.ed or money refunded. That is why you should go there tor all ou need, h tJltf Dcail , South Bend Sua of Aialund ; al i the ! ire just piling no "lumber in t!:eir vards. and tl.eo thev can hardly keep up with the dem and. 2 '. .Notice to leaclicrs. Fxaininat ion of persons wishing to teach iu Cass county, xviii L-e at the following limes and tdace?: other exi.iii'.nations will be uiveii. t.r-T.t at th- : ;' ' . '( f ."( i'liit ; an ' (l i fts jr-i.t 'i.r Covniiis ,rii! lc v tf. K. II. Woo-.i v, ICif Superintendent. Notice. to xx hoia it max conec i n : I l.erel reiiy 1 vf " ice that I will pay no debts i cent riicted by my wife, Fannie C. .Mat- shall, as 1 have left her and will imt live x ith her iis her husband. J. W. tyso. MAI.STIAi.I.. November lTth Iliii t .M.ikc Snap f iraCccf a runut.. Stiav."1 into aie..!! pieee-: ti.e .:u f liSd-liis Ktri Uk- S i:.:. ee.el bi.il ia t'lie.- .i;:it- ui v:t unit', the i- t lioiiiatily tlisuve.l, s.i ileit lijuiu -ti'.-iiuii. ttinae'ti ll j'vvc :: 'ttiinir le itiuia ; ai!.il itio s.-luiieii or suits'" tiuee giiMic.. t:5l water ; t:l hr'.-kly f-'i' " vei ..! inilillt.-s ! ami M't i! away tu em.l. tie.ll'll it look lit; e ll -1 i i i 1 1 u; Im.I s xv llili? XX anil, a 'iiellll-al le;:i i. ... V :!' fa'.:e ll:;re ::! in i ci; y - i.mr lnuirs' lini v, ill i . - v t -1 s . i l.-ily or iiilx i.,a!ul-i ei ni.iLUlie'fe; iii'M nl.'m ;;l'l"si;ip. eil ilir ifs !;;.u. I'l.i' i. anil ;i pM..i ::s iKiitiy eiiiu- te:e i :ii.'i e-.:n-Me..e- e ;it( .1 s....e," ::re.i - !: :.l 7 In In ' t'i.r :i iiiiii.ul. lio.'. l.nej xoue.i e ..a arx" o:'it soil), l.srdll.e s.oii.' In'i.el-ie i:l:li:ilm I'll! iii-- .:.''. A'.X' li .s.-. it!- eio.ivs i:eit It c:u:Kot ! .lone v. i. n ,ie' k; li.ii evi r a-- eil. S e ll' il e:t:i :.e .to..- 'a .' . in." l-.it-e-ti ie. t el sale l'.v jhti '. Kk.- n I'.t.ns.. : . V j 1 1 . 4-eovvly xx n , ; W, a. r. N li. V.'e Challcr.'jf lh" V.oi.l. j When re sav xxe helieve, w. h.c.e1 evi'leiicc to ju-ove thai titleh's Con- j ! stiiiiiitioti Cure is decidedly the best : Luti"; Medicine tuade, ina-M iie!: a i ! it will cure a connnon or i'hro:.iei Collh in one half ti.e tirv.ojtnd I e-j liexc A.thiua, H; "oiiciiit is, Whocpin t Coufiil. Croup, and : hox llloi'c eilses of j ron.-uint'tion rule! li..::; ;:'.! ili,ers. I It XX ll. Cli! where they int. to lak.", harmless t tl is pleas- a- Xol.'Oi ehtUi. ami xxe i.'riee 10 cent .arantee hat we o tents, ;iini . sax . 011r l.u'es are sore, t hel or Hack ialiie, U:-e riiiloii's l'oniua Cia.-ter. Sold .y S'.nl'h .V K'aek. J. Do tjotc Jhii re it. That in this town there are scores of pei sons p.ii-sin;? our stole every day whose lives are made miserahle hy In digestion. lFyspepsia.S011rar.il distress ed Stomach, Liver oinplamt ousm pat ion. when for : "i cts. xxe will sell j them Shiloh's Vii.ii.cr,tfu.,rantee.l to ; cm e t l''2!IL-l ;1 k' ... , , (. ...,,1 .,;, ;v ('...p :,,..,,.. , , . i. ! I Ol 4 .11 .1 I I II, I Fl Oil I I ' 1 ' -t -O ' l- III. o . 11, , r. , '. ' tutm-w; -x i and Head Ache. 1:: .-s 1 1 i I . ) II S (A- y j j, j j Jj j;yj ly . na;al Injector ! f ,"t.e Vith :tch tnittle. I's.-'it if you ; (lp!i:r, health, and sweet hrrath. Price 2a cts. Sold bv Smith lMack.4eow.tf ; uuuio, Maanfacturcrs, - Nurserymen, Herlsts, -,.. . . Stationers and . .v. Business Pccpio C"x.- ,'V ; '.T :--r evcTTW:.sr5 ar- deit'.-.tcd xrii'.i. lad ',:i-tl' W Matt; tod Save Money iti '.:L:cLji, I tC s2 Id VI r t u ii-:.-"Ttc . i s, t ..x- . rc.'.il .-, .Mi l 3T,y l.;y can 11 i" ." C" t. .rs ' nr. ci w t vrry f-ti. V. c .'i-.l -nr.-l n:.'lt otp'-r.cr, r it-z-v. r. T,i,.e-r ;tccu: '-irh S'-v..l 1 - f.A in ur.'.i, .,. i ... r 7."- ;. i. C j' " MDV. !'-- m m- i: - r-.rr fr m, r. v" !'".;-- t-i a.: 1-" ii. Kl'-'-i. 1 ' ' . 1 ' My Mi nn V i- r - s r. s r r p , -t 11 )i a., f - ,y in i n 1 j'Tltjr.oj a-- :," ' - V.- F. "A . H.Ai:i. 1 .: ! I, I ' . t - 1 .--VhltfFI. A : r II '' - "i n. r ; tt.r.n V' 'i f 1.!.. :".-'-- H. Ni' -i . i . I ii'tr.'.1'!il,:.rp,';,!:' l.t) ".r, N.:. ; )- A i l.t.-.- Ft'i t-r Ifi-iiir ir. piir.c lo n:a:,. .: ..t .rx.-r; J. V.. HtZujhaJay t Co. 7-'l Chninut St. PhilzdiUia ALliLj AvFrr. ii;.-r. Late of "rOMK and F.VIOI." SOUTH and VEST" PCELI.-IIKD AT S10 riXE SmCET. FT., LOCls. - By ALFRED AVERY & CO. ; M' txT, y i : Ii li a rt-rl:i..s l,r;-ulirai . . (,.15. i i; er, jiubliic-l hcui liiot,;!.;-. e. il.e loiv price of 6J ("llNTS A V r .XR. i'olil .. '-f . , , ,lt!c, H l-'imred. Cicnera'. nexvs, va'nr.i.tc 1:..' e 1 Mat. on, en J lii.crc.enitc irauin; neulir sn- .'.:; i!'-i:e.t. Tiie ls'r.t of corr.-spon.lcnM m tr '- o. ! from .itl'cctionscf tiiecountry. I'eef ut n .;:: '.o 1 anil lilicrat eoinu-.issions xx iii be givcu ic'. '.! ! le.escra. bAMTLtS 1 1:EK. Addres,, "S0U7K& WEST" 5?!S Pine Street, 6t. Uj s p? s ' jpl, t-. .SuII xia Suu.dai'l At: .altur..' Farming for Pie?i; l.T'-'-j-y it- :i-s'f. A -r pt-,e to wf-.."i '1 ry in ii -v A - 1 t mil I LLLo tiUU 6 f.iake Money i AlldrMfreV Hi- .-.l-x. ct many tlnu It ft rTery ts j v lilm tV.tit. F .::! f - tirti'ttr k. t - ELASTIC T11US9 B CiH' 1W, WIIB ;..-Alt JJBVBf Bai ; ia cvfettfr, Btlaptjl torlf to ai r-'i. cf tt. bo..y. wb-J tbt 4... ii u -.-tip p. ..... dw. tn. "SK lst n'sjtit i! F'-JlrJ raciua. ill. 4., aUJ(ji EGGlislOj" lEUiS CO., Chicago, III, HAY BROTHERS, UKALF.K IN hardware. STOVES & . tinware. Of'TM .ES 13, K B it 4$ K 4. A Good dlnne:- a'w.-ix j i.a- hand, tieonti inir Kone i.eaiiv. -iiuir.t v ami Iic.i.ly. Eaxe-trniii.liii, t d HooUhk a.ro uue lo ijr.Ier. I Sou tit Kend. XidrrasUW. . ' xl oil 8lni3 Buy only the self-threading (at top and shuttle) Ne.v American Sewing Machine, which for simplicity in con struction, light, running, and for dura bility cannot be excelled. For sale by RasLToishek Bros., Merchant Tailors, Plattsmouth. Neb. OUnVI For Home Gtoxden Farm. "WE'RE HAPPY -37 at OUB HOBLE, fj and You nuty be too." WHY? now-f -jCc"! Ss. " Bocauno we bare ' I: ;"' lf 1 PLENTY To EAT, la---- - 3-i PT.PWTV T ST.T.T PLENTY To SELL. IV Head Th-3 American Agriculturist, VV- an l iia Thousands cf Good Hints and suggestions ke'.p u.t to ttank. ptao.and work b. tti r nnJ more profitably. It hi'li-s AVic.nnd pl'-ftcBulid instructs the Chitdrcn. It it Fin! ra f. ocJ eviry Man, Wrmin, .-.d Cliitl la City VU:u:'t. oi:d Country jcglit to Laxc IU' It Will Iltlp You. TRY IT I llil i.i i--!. fSptcui'.til I'rcnilii:ia V.: -to ISM.? iitno Com. 803 TtiiTrardfe, fr- 1 voi.r oh rniai Cri.n:! f I,i:,:n", ' ( '"rJ f"r (' '"' of U'i'J lrrr, 'a-vs' )pui; lU'uiraM iKiwtpstont. t,tn: :t .i H s i o ii j 0 R A XG E .fl'DD (0., . ( -.is r.rc-i i-v fTEW TORS- FAGT3 VVTt KftOWIiie. I Ctntrrr, Itit.a, Stanrimke. Ultlincla and' ma .v i '.tit -r t itjubt-f i put leines known ere su stolliUiiy eo-iieiueU in 1 Ktcit s oiMltii 'joxic, ad ) i:. .'.; it ttu: frn-ati st Hood Purll.rr end . 1L l.t-s.t, n.iKh nnJ strantk hi'ktorer ' Lttr l ifd. ' Fo perfect is tt. icTri-ei:ioa cf TArjiKR'6. ijirt..ii Tomc t'.i-it. to tiiM.'-4ts cn loii txibl' xxkeiti it ui UfcvJ. li J oil fcave Dyipfi. Heid aahe. Rs.njWrr, rutalf.i, iuuvrl. Kidnry or Liver CuN-ilur. K vou uvud a mitil Etim jlaut. or ar;-;UM.T, te T c jiuit the nu d iein f.A- you. u ii U li'niy ctusuavc und In vi"or-.1 lu;t liuver ii:t'iciitrfr. 'Xt v.iii r iLl4iw!r M.-aiUnir ct'sr T i'.li Con- hiu r hit H4.'l:j4- 3i, it you 1.it h P?:i.fal Cop?1! or a D.l wipttn iuie wjiliie.rvtr Lj!:x ioa. It fe-iXL-s n xv hfo end' frijror to t !ir- lebl WriJ, amd iu a f rtiuu, curj l"r ii'ietcie;it.ni tu 4 ....mm 4i4iui4. . It 111 Sitd Hnnrrdn cf I.ixui ; It BJ S.-.V lours. If ymt fire f v. tin:: intseruldo don't .iit until' Tou arc it v.n i-.eic, let i -e tlio Tonic tonlay.; No ia;.i'tr waa you: ee ur t'yu vtouus may. b.-it xv. :l rive i-'"' rett-f. . HiT3i.-i!i!jrr I 1 in:u:::'ii lic.nrr. Tomo U not; a rem drie.tt but li:e B'ft Bud Piret Family M drcine ver r.VM reim-.eml ! by a new pmivss bit I entin-lv di.Tcrvtit frvmi IStittrs irinirr prraraios and ml uiiir Tonies. Try ioUo. Ut!. Yxaar amgjjist cau euiiply you. . 'a iww t - ' '-''Aixie ' "'- The Est and ?-.'st Kror.r.raioal I'sir Drtnluj eiquisiicty ivrf.in-.cd -ind pr-rfci-lty harr.itcs. -xjTill Aliraj i Iti'Morc tiray or Failril ilalr to its o-i-in .1 yn-:a.f:!l r. ior ni'd .iTirc.-wrinri., nnd if m4-ited to sl i i: iUim S, fcit tmwih and nir-vrnt liatdnrss .., , , A few innlic .tiots rf t'r Hii.mm Kit fitcn tlie lair, c!earie H dirfrrffar. l cure tt.tiais and . OK)u: cf ilic sc-'.p. itu by al! d.u-4;i.i.t o jori. Fosmvr ly mm . - '.T--3 J?Tfcy STYLE .u..V 4.' ' 15 Wa Mann Cilj's-!, flat Merely H&sd .!..(.' t'ftn l vi'C What Claim. tr:.iin;i'..H. ET o. -.' f !i5iit;4Mlw ills Kit i JM t --ki:j.e;n enn to l.r inij r;ut. ( r "!. si . Iif::..,vib h:no linn CARlXirS LiTlfS "LIVER PILLS A.sotur1:..! 1 ci-e-oi I;i::.ej3-cs, f.rtiTent Const!. pr.tli'ia..n 1 l'r!;v:i'-t, pr in .t x Je-e tli", rcllovo tfl.-tr r 1 ::i !:.?. rt t ca" :n -, correct lilsordera cf th '.' -...i-'v tiii'il.itet'i j I.ivc.-.i'.iid ltcu! :ta e-.n i:.ir.':i. yC , :.'. Wi s I ytukiaJustono illtlo !:.". -a s. T:--rar jnrely TCgct.V-lo.au n:'t ' :t,e - ; :.-.- c.r. I ;:re r. t ! ..'rl7 perfect K lir- ' ' r:.;.:::'. e, I'rlco t'Scur.t , 5 ftr t L t;o!i !-, :: cvrvvliere t-r s-j-t by mutt. CARTEr 'TOlCnit CO.. NEW YORK. "v7X n if cj c? , r7 '-- : ps &"4 iT iS. t:.'!.l :l Simple ll"'ie;:l I.e,if of l,':ile .1 is a S'ilive kniinty !oi atl iti iiat . a".-e i-ains iu 1 !ie io-. ': pari of for oip:d l.iv-v-H. ai!a lie--.lauu 'i;e-s. 1 , 1 a v. I. Malm la, ead nil ilini Ihe Ixidl.e'. . Fixer and I r':i: i v Or- fr't oiair lll-i'Usi's. Monih!y 7X1 -11 .siraatioii. and ilurin ri'i'-ri!;uii'V, i: let- no 10:1a!. It I es 'jj is I i. M'Mio. end hence h th It is 1 he entv M in-. 11 : oi'an- tilat i.n"'.v t tie hi i l.l.i'.d t'uri.t: r incoy thai cure- Miat seiuiL-i. If ri'il:"F Si-ae. For :;;! u-e ilitr.irrs stare imiietest ttr 1" 1 e e. i : I. a:ni I r- at -Z per l.oltle. I. em 1 b"C!e in the market. Ttyit. it. it. w.x ::m.i; en.. ;:. :i. si. r. x. v. (rn!'-!-M 'li 1 hnir.- I'ej.u!:'!'. o ,ts & I;;, I 'On 7'r.oi.. Mii t'.'i, til X ia- pa .: 1 ::. Full Sit? i I'iano .Iti-.;.- I AI.I. I 1-1 1.1 I s I yid'lt ! ii;' ri ' ' 'i t of i i 7s' .'' t l ' . It iid vx '-rds t iua-ie 1- oer ;j S'leups. j. a. zz:zz.--z i :: l'li.taeeiohia. lo". eiio it i. o..--SI.I ii.l.ttv .a.d 1 h ;:.-il.;-. Please vrile for our Price List. rr ee,u 13 tt"r 13 . 4 - .: n l v taJrs prices end de- I f J 8criptions of all coeds V-? v" 4 "x l,n Genera' use, em A. Ml 5? Ibraclna Drv Gootla. W?J&Z E Clothinrj, Boots, Sfcce3, & ?5il Harness, Sadtlles, m tmmn I A C . I III I of anv tlacs ct rirv .: f feJii? 1 CootJsfurr.ished.Noob- i ir t'fA'.-'f if 1 I'Batiot.sto buy. Sat-fJ mm i I lafaciion cuaranteeil. hi 4 i.n.-n.ll-u iuri x. ri I1WII 4 Hu 4.4 J TI U. 4. UW ,- 1:0.. -tu &. zzv wa Sr-.Ct9- 3 hash flv.. r.hlcarn. I'I :S4 m 13 f niinit luuii mi AOHH! JLl d : t: .1 -r - ef tt.e X-. Ptillll, :! ir. tee t'uiici y iru:;i. I IMPROVED EXCELSIOR KIDNSY I Jk. XXA4 it i- .; M.iiVri- r.f ;ii:.!.IMi snd Itltl-IKF. Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless, Powerful. It ri'BI'Js xx tier.- nit eNe fait-. A Itovela 11(411 mot Iteviilrtinti i.i xtedieise. At."or;i. lien or direct at.i.t.entini'. : - oi!'.l lo un-at-isf.ictory internal tuedici; wui f.,r our tre:oi?u o Kidi.ev rf.eiol."-, sont fr-'e. Sold by oio;.'rjjr;, o, soi.t 1 y inaii. on receipt of iirice. f iirxalf Lei Pal Co., l.eui ii e Ki t- i.ey I'aJ. A-': fuiJtne.t! rulie no otb'r. WlUiioo. IMorh. loii ntii r, JIK'Ii. If I t-'S Terms for Vol. 4t Hl . i !fiH - S ' 5 row. -.. tOfji ' n li'st f tlii jrar lit c. in i siiy (rroan Catarrh Care. Cures Catarrh; Try it tf For Mirk nrsitarhr Usa Brown's Vegetable Liver Fills; For sale by all dealers in mcdicino in I'lattsmouth and East Flat tstnouth. tf A Load of Oat Straw in good condition wanted at the Her ald Office. 25Q0s AYTAII. ArenM wanted, llust- leffltlmaw. rantculnnfre. tUmt J WOBTU CO.. St Low. H RXJ5.?Al.B.!If-!L,t.!?J:12i5 r f f'i- r-OU.i'ir.l.UiM.. t.ll.wiililu , iH-l fc i 11 r i ' n Vii i ii III Aimm afini. LIXfAJ. .NOTICES. Notice. Notice is le roby elvcii I hat tlie coparttier'titp liPieliilore existiui; belneeu .1. M. Wittrrniaii and It. S. ItaiiiM'y, iiudi-r tlie tl rm iciine of W i t et'j ii ii Camsev. is bv III lit ll it t t'oueiit this d .v dissolved All ib-idi due tli- itid firm lit ii -; b. sc. tied with ell liei of tti" nn iirliiedon or oeiole .l.uuial x 11. 11. All (I' I'Ih due from ttie aid linn xt ill be .settled by J. M. Water niau, duns M. Watkkmam, 15. s. Kamskv. t.-juisvitte. JYb.. November Mil. 1M). Milt Road Notice. T ' 'til lt'i"i " I'l-o '.,.rrrn: Tlie eon minsloiier arpuinted to locate a rosd CrtieuciMi.. , ..i .o..... 4. ..-i I'olner ol o:lii KaM '4 S-ct ion j:i. l invu I.'. hance I t ruunliii: t.ieiie- Neiili one laee tei iiiiit.ttini; at tie S ,t!i K.i.l i mil.ti'I Nortli lat-t ( Nsiih West 't Seell in II. Town 12 Italle I ", itlno tilt vi.i :o loll ( a rubta Itoad coaiineiieiliK tit tit S'uati l-.ast coini r ol S.nilb XXrt x of 6i lltll Y(ts ' ef Seel ion i I. Town limine lltlieuet .Noith . nf a mile to tbe Soutli hit-a eornrr ( Nnii West '.t of Norili Wrt i of .nd Serlloo 14. lowu 1.'. Kainri 1:1 Inn ie.lted III favor nf t lie loeat ion iiml vaeul ion t hereof, und Hit ob jeetioni tlnjielo or el.ne.n for damasi'S. muni be tillrd in the County Clerk's ofliee, on or bfore noon on tlie '.'d dav of t'ebriiarv A. I. IWI. or Mieli road xx :ll heloealed uud vaeatett witliout reference tlietslo. 3ot". J. 1). Tc it. County Clerk. Moatgage Sale. Pefautt liaxli! been made in tlie condition of a eeitain elutltel inoi lyaue. xtlierehy tlie puw ir ol Kile tUeii'iii eoiii.tuicd Inn beeonie opeiative. M'cuicd by .lo'ni K. Kii;:erald of I'l.u 1-iMoia h. Nehr.ni:i. to .Islm Kilj;erald of l.iuceh:. Ni lilak.i. on I lie ixt ll day of A uj,'ils, A. I. is-i. and n i.lcd on tlie Till day of Au- cu-t. A. 1. Ia. at lo :.":. a. in., to neruie Hie lieene ot one t iioueiiel dolt. trt, liieli is now due and uii:iid. and no pi oeeedniK haviut; been institiiie.l at 1 1 or in eiiuilv to eolleet tiie :nne. Said ini!i:e witl be foreclosed b :t H.tle of lilt zoods, i'lialtcis ;ind f ranch Men tlieieei ili'-eiihe.l. a! tlie More room now oeru I'ied by .lo-epli McVi v, at 1 lie fool of Ma. II Mr t . iu l lie t ily ol l'tal Itiiioul Ii. on Hie '.'2d day of 1 leceiiili!". at It'll clocU in the fore noon f s nd day. Said niopcily lieuii; describ ed as 1 lie fixture, liiiniliire. wines, Inpior and 111' t"ek of beer and ale, with the licctnc issued by the Cilx of l'l.il I -iiiolil Ii to s:tid Joliu F. r'ttzcrald. Tern. H : -Cash. tinted Not lTlti. !sn. :'Jiia Jiihx IT i.;kkai r. Mortgagee. .Mien'l. A. H.xienoaN, All'y for Mo. iH.iree. Guardian's Sale, Notice in l.t reliy ive.i I l.ni in pursuance of a decretal order of sale made by lion S. It l'ound, .I'.ntge of the 1 s;; n-r t ourt. Jd .ladicial lts tiiei! in C;iss C-iimlx . Ncni iska. at Hie Xoxeiu bcrlei .n.A I 1'-". oa i uesd it, Hie li.tli day of Noxenil er. lssn. 1 w r,',. on Saiiirday. the ls.h tav of 1 leceinlir, A . I". 1hii, at t he f roul door ol i he eoiirt lioue. in I'lai tsiuoutii. Cuss ('nine t y. Nele a -ka, :ind at I I.i hour n to o'cl M k a. m. of aid day. oiler for sale at public au.-tioi. to I In- lustiest .ind be-t ! eider for cash, nil the i i ,'tit. t nlf uml ime:e-t of .Minnie Adaiiin. in laid. f Cass County Nebraska, in and lo the following ui cniied Itcal liate. To-wlt ; All iniilix nleil otie-emliih of the North Fast iiiai -ter of seel n:i I went v eiebt USi and tlie Soutli K i-a iiiai'terot I he No 111 West unarter of iee tion twenly-elubt '-'siall iu Township twelve (l.'i North Itannc lliiricen (l.-.i Kast tt tail I". M. in Cass County Nebraska. bein twenty -fire acres, mote or lcs. J.xi . lit U. YAl.I.hKY. Ciuardiaii of 1 he xirrsoii and estate of .Minnie Adams, l-.fant. Said sale w lit remain open for the space of one hour. ;:u W. S. Wi si, Alt'y for Fstate. Estray Notice. Taken up by tin- subscriber, one-half mile smith of Weepinir Water, on ttie'.'d dav of Oe - tidier, Is.m). one liulit 10. .11 e.u iin in iler. ihe owner is lieicby leoiu.eil to come lorxxard prove property, pay eliaiyes, und lake her ;m ay. :t:i'. S. ;. Cooi.I7.Klt Probate Notice. Notice iti hereby iv- n that Alva Ilrew lias ill. 'it an nisi; unieiii in vvtiiini; nuipoiliu to oe 11 eei 1 Hied copy of i he last . ill and leMameui ol iiuuli Oil. deceased, lale ol XX yonilni; lerri ioiy. end tliat f;.el cause i 4-et for heariiii; al inr oiiiee in tne t '-uniy ainitie 011 tie 7111 day o iiceeniuei-. A. I. at one o'clock p. III., at winch tiaio and place all persons interested may appear ana saow c.iush, u any they have x? uy aM insii auteiit stiouht not be taken hh the hist xxiil and testament of Mild ileccised and admitted lo prol.ate. ::lt:i A. .. Sn. 1.1 v xn. County JudJ. Notice to Purchasers of School Lands. OlTT' K OK C'lMMIssiox KU OF i I'e ui.ii: I. x lis x.xii Hi 1 i.iu mis. 1.1 NC.ol-V. N r-..'l.,Oi. I'. -U. A. H. liNI. ) Xx'iiereas the lollo.i i:i i. a: tied perfoiiv, w liose places ol ie-udence are to tne subrei ibir un known, leix e ne.'. i a.ly x lolatcd I he covenants ot their respective contracts w uli the Slate of Nebraska, ieiai oe: to Hie iiurcua! by t hem id the tracts or par -els of school lands, situated 1:1 ! tss c.nii.t v. Nteoa-Ka. herein. ifierdescrih i ed . and which a ; ioe.il" oppo.le : heir O'specl ive i nanu s, s.iel violations consist 1 Hit 111 Hie failure 1 ol said pari les to p..v interest moiiev lo tin I St ale of Nebraska, when by the terms of said j 1 o dr ids it ii-cann? due; Now, therefore, 111 t pur-Hal"'' of I he -tat ule, in such cases made ! and provided, noiice is lieiel.v niven that 1111- . le-.s said ieliiniieiicv is renin veil wit Inn t nil t v i'd ivs 110:11 the date l.'-i by the lalllllnient of the .'oven inls of ml 101:1 r.i' l s, tlien s.iid land sh.:l! revert lo. and til" Mile, thereof be revest eii in tlie Stai of Net.iaska : ' - 2 . " si ; - "i I i t I -1 r. f s 1 P.x- i n:, r .f tne I'i-; rd ol IMne.-itio'ial bands :uol Kiuels. K. M. KAVIS. '001 i-ioi!i" Pulilic Lands ii ml ituitdtntts. .1. M. I'.xrr k.kson. 1 ... Ti4-a-'r. Aiient. arttl Cure- Uy AP.SOIUTION iXaturv's xav All"" t uii;tsr., atliiiior iroulilc,. It lrlvesi into tlie sy-tein curative .njeiitt and lialiug; inefi i-inc.. It lr from the di-r-a-ed, parts the I'oisonn that eau e dealt!. Tliou-atids testify ti, jts irtue.. Yea can lie Me, ed MM! Iont despair until vou hax-e tried tlii. Sensible, Ka.tly upiillcd and Kadirallj ttfTeetaal Jtemedv. , Sold l- IxniL-irisis orciitby mail ou receipt of price. 4. by fflrnb3,,fiifly",LiiiiPa!iCo.'! our book . - y ' ''Hire Mil i" ini' Block. A:TtoiT. .If led. lions a ear. int five. O-Cy NEW . ADVERTISEljEU 0RG-A1TS !1 ! 51.000 2 to 32" llixnos I J5 up. iree. Addruss liiinl' I lenli y wmsiiii i k ij TTANTtD-To tine i f CAiAKU. c caoli nli:liborhod. with Vr. Hur.i; it-,.i..i i iutroduee ll. Bainiile iree. v 1 Il.TCiN. lilttsbuic. T'a. . .. FA KM FITS AMI .S4.5) a it kit its Ho.va M Fer Mionlli. daring Fall and Wle eryeountv. InUreMlm; and v:. lrmallon. witli full jatri leulara. lie' at once. J. C. MeCt- KO & CO.1 , Europe and Am r? i. nil oi i: .Ti x eieor:ru en eine, 4 :..,4uiiie 50 oetavo panes. 40 lull !,. "v "L 11 ores, twa ne- IIIUMiaeii book- r.xti or ClilcrtKO, Ills. New ahu vky attbactivk Stvlks ai,. JtOW BKADV. I . oxv 1 HF.ST CABINKT OR I'.V tf Jl.YoUtl !LOKOllUANS lo the wi.r j !l, rs ol hlL'her-t Cisiin AN tion at EKV wom.i. s t IMIBIITOy KK IHiltTKi If 1 Ml TivioKi. rriee. ?.m. 7.j 11 A Jx lJ I tl 1 t ion. to .kio and iiiv.u tForeitsy pay ment', ti.:i Ann t Xft 'quarter and utmrnr t 1 UtlUAtbliiVtM free. MASON iHAMI.IN ORP.AN CO.. 1 Tr.nmnl St .. ROSTOV ' -Hi F;V-t 1 llll St. .(I'll! '. ta. u PHYSICAL LIFl BOTH SEXES. A MUUai boek. flaartnla l sule, para 'I lsKorsissip.is.tiii- of lbs r-r""' J'.T. . . .71 A441-SSS W. U. McX.XAiX, KssMuium. luws. Ml. 0UI1X DAKLlNCis! .SOUTH BKNI.NEB. DK U0S, PA I NTS, OILS K Tr- FLOUR AND GKZ in general. I)r Darllnic It also a FiuetisIiiK ITiynn l;.nV can always be found at lilt Otic' In tlie luiiiStore. Special attention paid to OlUiTEMCAL CASES. 31n HOTEL. CITY HOTEL ri.ATTSMol.'TU. N U. First class Iaiiljjliii: Rooms. First Class HoaldliiR. 140041 S.H110I44 Ihie Kverjth.thK Hud rvery Ceinf. rt A (sOoi Hotel can Furii Also, Itood W'lnes, liood, ileer, (tied Itootl l einnimde. liood Cl!mrr Kept at the Citj Kotel. Illy I it i-.l. i.miM. rriFpiirit.-i JAMES Retail Liquor Dealer, CIGARS AND TOBACCq PLATTSMOUTH. ... - Kt Billiard Bull sod Saloon on Mam Stiret, 1 (Ivors from Sixth at Neville's eld plftc. BEST BRANDS UFCIQARS, ... WIN KS. d-C. flrinrmbrr the .itine it ml I'iaee. ,)y James Grace. J. SCHLATER, denier 10 Sita3, Clacks, Stbiclt surer ware, Tays, mm- f 1 ll4 1 1 k . full Itliill .l 'lllll tll lllll lillll ll I tilt MERCHANDISE, t POCKET CUTLERY I NOTIOli: rartlcular attention paid to all kinds ut 1 Iti'palriiiK. I Main, near l-ourth Htreet, ' I'LATTSMOITH, - - UNION STORE! AT Eight Mile Grove, Nef -i.v- . j WALTER JENKIN' Max Ini; opened a New Mure at tin atim . . 1 i call ill tei. 1 1011 to 111 v "lock, and ask t . palronaKe of iny friends and Die ( l illile; in je'iei'iU. y Dry Goods, Groceric Tinware f, WoodriTle ait'l em-rut Ciootiv of hII Ktut'. H CHEAP JJSTTi (3-OOl. Ctill awl Htf onr St'ji-lc bifort: ij,' flair tr hire-. 341y Wai.tkk J i:riVj onnrrnp nnN&rrTT'i llxUUIII UW1111UUU I ANb BLACK3IIT SHOP. II'.,..... ll.in.. 1. ' . . riF I pairing, and general jobbing I am noxv prepared to do alt kinds of r-ual of f.trui and otuer machinery, as llist is si Konit hit lie 111 my uliop. j PETER RAOWN,- . J The old Reliable Waon Ma.f lias taken char; of the whrou thop. He is well known as t, NO. I WORKMAN, f.. Order. 1 , SATISFAC-IIOX llUAKAKf Kljopon Sixth stiett Mii,oite H'rel ( ' J rXC A M.PB ' 1 Can tie found sit the old ' Howland Blacksmith S.a Comer of Vine nnd blxth Itrect-, I'lnl txinouth, - . elirS' o ti'n'- Iia ill do alt kinds of JOlililNU. ' - eiousi: saiocixo;, GENERAL JlEPATu, In liis line. The following- are lit price Horse Shoring, new shots 4'; Rf. si tting ZotH. . . : . .i.m Ploini Shiirpineil '. .' Shoi'fls pointi'il, pr t-t Warranted an gooif. an nrtr. j He guarantee to do all work In a work 111:0 j man tier, f AND WILL GIVE SATISFACTI- Is conducted by an expert aero mtinl suceessful l:ielicr. Instruction th -roit-a .r.wii. ;il. Tuition lower than elsewhere, t p -.i I iculars to any address. ' j THO.S. J. BEY ANT. Vn j -5?.- -- n ri -its' Z. Z ' - e At f si" e -i" t - -E -c- ,. z u t"Z t - f wBi i a m Z C -M 3 1m . 41 rm Ir-i l CvSE-ii1' Spj pi PfOSJE TREAT, rtaU ear IW " Smln. 1 tie Reci dm uisd ii s v,.M . iudaolilasua,4VookeMt r - i?clions rri If Ii snin i 2-tn:t : - X r r sr' I o