Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 25, 1880, Image 1

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    .-e!l-' :jt i t
Wcscott for iV.t tA ices' and a Square deal.
Wcscott, Wcscott, Wcscott no snide g
Wcscott tlic Uciit:
nc Hats &Caps.
Wcscott for ihVet G lores,
The HersSv.-,.
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Advertising Bill Due Zjuartarly.
of Main,
Uff-Trnleut AdvertimeuU wut
In Advauce. .'
tp Extra Copies of the niUf.D for ! j
J. F. Yucno, at the rot-Offlt New ueio (
Main Street.
TERMS: $2.00 a Year.
in CIj G j'j.
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! HI!'S N l K. .nv ri 'ii'. I.incolii.
y. .i. Al.PX S K- I'F.K, Si'i-ri-iiiry of Mute.
!. ".V. I KlliKK. Auihtt.r. l.iiu-riii'.
(J. M. t- Ai:i 1 : IT. T::i.- ili-jr. I.inrnln.
i-t. 'I iiOM . Mii'l. ic I j: !i Li:l L mj.
1". H. lnV'IiN. . !... i i i r.
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; i:. if. v. ma i iiiKWMiN, Miyi. ii.-ii:al for
.'.V irrir? f'ctirt.
w- ' XWKI !.. t'i : "1 .Iii-tii-'-. l"i-fin:it.
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,v-i n-l 'Stitfritt.
S 15 l'lM'N 1. .IlIliH, l.!lK'!!l.
.1 ' VV N. Pn.Mi tiiin-.V Cv. Nrl. City.
v: r . smm'.v a l.'lKir, ( u-:k li.-;i.-t Court,
!'!;.:: .incut;; .
f'oi'rttr 'Directory.
A. V SII.I.IVA.N. i.iiniv -I
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W. F, I It Kl K I.I . f'trvr yiir.
1'. P. '.i S . iri.nri .
lMi:A CP. Sxci li p.xii.l Pif.inct.
S(M'I. IMCIIAIM''N. Mr. pii;;-:::il Pni-im-t.
IjUC Wi I. !. PI.uI -i.xn tii IT! .!,:.:.
Oitv T'ire
.1. W. jiVS')X. M;,
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.! i. S! V. Pni N, i!V CI.-H;.
UP liA'.:l Vl IAN. Pol!. .' .Ill:lg.
VV. !. M.S. 'tiirf ' I'nlic.
P.. Will 1 !:. hx-f nf l"ir.- Ix j.t.
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jglve HGtiico tlx at wc?
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''n:l".i:-,r " Kt ivKirtV:; We si eisisSed i zo ililti3 fo$
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,1. k. u. i.ivi.(.mv. f'1 fc7 ?
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jU- .vti.i. -,vi-i: . Ba- ' 4r T vc. " .
I , .v.-, -.v .v ..,-,, .rr. rr com?CUND syrup i rr n? r-? & anTVT TT.Tr'.TT -ftT.
I ' fl ' i'1 V:'V 1 ..; .! ix .i' P-l f1 - .
ft. H. tVKK'.!.r.K A '. cuixti. roi-i.i.-ami i:ii.-..u,;..--. .. . '... , iIii.Wi..W . o.- - T "-' V
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;Tv,.;,:K.cvc.,N,.n. xx, tt V" tl HfJ $ & tt flttt5 Qffltt
V ATTOHNKV AT LAW, iMurir.i'iVii!,"'.!;!;;.'' .Vi',!'.!V.!',,i .-..'n-J-u'ry j
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I-K-V1;:.'.;,v.Vi.-..-. ' A ,.v : i-.v,.-.. .r :!"; 1"tV:'f":i1Vr.-;;i..,,":1I;ty ! l!;nnpton. Iowa, O?. ITaa fi kSLB
c,i.;VJi-K" ;4A!:NTs!i Af : Ai!'!t Xcxt door to Frank Carruth's Xew Jewelry Store,
o,n.-or-'.- w m:-.i... .x-ss:.-.-. !Hv,i.-i.:.r.-:i.'-.s;i-i"..i-:-i.-- :-jtiiy of, J ailUU v s Owntonna, Mum.. r , , T TT T MrD
n:;,.-- ..i'' 1 :r'!Ai:,Vi,,i, j I Slanbon-y, Mo. :-:!t PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.
H K. !';,;(';Viix -V- I- "" I .. ,., (,,.,.,.ivri:i- rt..-:l -il!.v j '
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LEFTIST. i""'-"''-
I : tnt ! Vbra,k. ! BATES & KOBiNjt.L.
t t..: i........ . . . . . .' ! Xpvv .' h..j. ott Mt.ot. y
Vf , B).sjv!:d a,x1.k. Ibotldehscoitkiactoss
i .v.,.s .i- V;,u.! ;i:vl f.i'M'.li; :if lov T ctisli i !
torn. r;i:-lk-i.l..r iili.-imni iv;ii .ui.iiivvork. j , C' M MM. Mjj
i'iUZP. . I,E I! '.' H'lFF, ,. " , , ... "
f . . . . j Ii r iri Car. :. I i.:..-ct;wni::,
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I ,r r: '.A; '.. ;;';;"':A'1A'.;'-;,a : - r-piM- nrri.-r iv s.vmk i
I '1: i ExciJslor "srbn;- Shop. I rTrTTirr 15 :o
I --rr'-A.AA.:!! I . .T T-t,. T i iw, 1? PiU. . - . I
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N-.-r. John Uooues New Miop,
V Mmm&Q " . ito all Cempelltoi tsu nil n cIMIreist weIl-IIIII depssiti2tsa?4
r i m i?f?i rNJV ... , uf ,!,.. i,.t-o.i.e. n..asH.uti,. i
fr-ri"rV -rJrr ---g. .. ..:o:
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SUB 7' inoS, ZIM TiS. Bit A- J J TSE 'p""" 'S
Lurije .ii.orl m-iit ..I K.iia jiiu .tr - fS s 4J L.XI csL Ld f -Xfi.
Pttuiiia, tiils-. rijujand Fittiii.x.
Wxo! aiiil Coal Stoves fi-r
UEATiNti cookixo, !3xay ?isieed mt k, sssd ae if yoa St save fey It.
-js. - j
. ...1. - .
ivty vr;e!v ol iia. Mm't inn, w.a anc
' 'f ' -' :v ' : a 'a'--- " - ' . ' '. I
? . - - '-A'" ' -
At it meeting of stock raisers in C tu
t-ago recant ly a rcsolutiou w doi'tuJ
ua follows:
Whereas, Tiie canti;illiS pleur
piieuintii f c;tttle axisis in eTeriil
states of the uniti boiilerins on the
AtUntie sfSi;trl; and wliereas. it is
evident that su lmiir as umtriotd
trat'ae in liv catile is permit. ed be !
twen thfse infected siates and thos
not infectert the live stok i-iterets in
all sections of our couutry ate instiau
ed hy trjnbie d.tnirer, and Trherea,
this statu f affairs ha resulted in tht?
adoption of itnUtiens by the British
government which seriouslr interfere
with ur export trade in livfl cattle
wi;h that country, thereby mailing
irreat daui;tce to all cattle raisers and
feeders ia tbe United states; and
tvhereas. in view of the decision of
our state nod federal courts that slates,
aclitijf a such, are powerless to pro
tect tliiuj!e!vs frni infection frotn
hii ii.ijaiiitiitf statw. and for the same
leAsun an infaetU slate is power. tss
te taap out the contagion so long as
it exists on lis borders in au adjoining
state, ti. i ei'wie,
Ktsolcf't, That i; ti e imp.-ratite
dutv ci.tigrevs to enact such UV8 s
b'.i.j'I ellecinaily prevent tUe spread of
the disease into states not already in
fected, and which shall restilt in its
entire extei tuinatioa at the eatlk-st
practicable date.
liiso'Cfi, That as an iinprt:in! prc
liininarv sicn we heartily endorse I lie ion made by J tidt. .JiMfs,
of Olito, to the pivaiileut t the LtitvyM
Mt. tor the anouin; ment mf nr. or
more veteiinary inspectors, vviio shall
ai'initl v asrer.ain and desien.'it e the
iiiffcled reirioiis.
Jtrs.r- i, Ti..t vre recount. the hi-i
iiitrodnc, d tine thi house i.f represen
tatives last !HM'ii i iv liti. Kcift-r, of
Oi::o. a imiboilv inu; tho c-si'ntial fe
tmvs nerefirv to I lis inteliiueiit am
cttii-inut S'lliel'ViHioTi of c.oil
iri ! o."t i.i'.is di'j.ises ot i:ve srock.
7v.r,r. Tlit we ifcotnmend thst
tietiti-ii.s be uropared and circtt'.ated
hi till p.i ts of t he country
-.r.i. l ii to i--ti..rnss, calling
to this mi! j.c. and liiyim:
iT.i.b ...!(' i xlio'i for measures
in the fun siic; resulutions.
vrtf f -li. l ixii to more ln.:i' thfui avfl' . 14
b tl:n bvtint in all ! .s7 i .
1? lBeIimiii:'.tincIlieimpiiri-ir,rjT .-Vitri"
v aainral ami in-i-wrrMiii '" "
9 RT.l f-ui. rk n K'uplixi'S-O I -,
t -.1J,;Y rn: -. iV. Viy. ".c. un
J ftx't i n i r.t!l..r tonic.
4 ! is ci-.ii. lai n ht. h slixii.ti h..' in fcvery fiim-
liv fc'."t wliu-h. win-river mm .1. ul "e lae
J fyaientcf Biiinyiiocto.a La.s.
f Soltys of two sizes; f i1j3,50ctnts anJ !..
'vf?-V;.liS;i Safe''''r5
!ie are sold
' 2 5Ti a n ti Btaiera
4 JislHT-Ha tvcrvH here.
i - 7 j t i ""5 -Send fur Puirtpirfc-
- n it j iiii i ii'T ami lusriuiuuiitiB.
varietv of Titi. s'.it-t iron,
v i,i k, kilt in MucH.
H.iiie on 'u..H iM.-e.
w-EftRrrfif-vt;. nfi-t.
is and
.nul for
atte'tit ton
NV. MiliOI.AS FOli 1SS1.
o,t) for I'.nirlaail, li) ,(iK for America
St. Nicholas, ths cl:; l ining maga.ii
fur bnvs ami nirN. edited bv Mrs. Ma
rx Manes Dude, has increa.ed
UMich in xize and number of pages du
nn.r 1 nasi veil that the tiuolishei s
In ve been oo'.ijfcd to issue Him xearlv
vcluine. i.i two narts. instead ot one as etofii; e. As to its circulation they
.l imi t a ir.iin of 10,000 in the avera
mniiihiv v lilioiis o! 1S0 oxer 187V
The tiunounceihtnts for the cumin
vi'.tr i:icinde3 a capital story for
..v s, t nil of exciting adventure, "In
N'a-tire's Wonderland." or. Adventurer
in the American Tiopics; Stiics of
Art and Artists, bv Mrs. t. Lira Ki skint-
i'li-iiu-m. a faithful ijiiliiue ef the his-
toi y ol Hnrof.ean Art, vvitli many n imis; '-rnaetou Kopeis," a de
light ful and humorous serial by Ros-
siter Johnsoti :"Mysiery in a Mansion,"
a six months' serial; The Ireasure
Uox ot Literature, directing and en
couraging joutij people in the bst
reading ;The Agassiz Association, fully
explained in the November number;
"Two ii(lisli Queens." by Mrs. Oli
phatit; "The Landof Xod," a children's
operetta, xvith music.-full of charmins
tableaux and effects; A series of beau
tifully illustrated ballads for young
folks," beginning vvitli the Christmas
number; A special Kudget of Fairy
Stotii s by Frank l. tucklon the first
cf which is in the November number;
An Indian 5Ury by "Bright Kyes," the
Toiica Indian maiden; a splendid holi
day stery, "A Christmas vtith the Man
in the Mimii," by W .shington flladoen.
Opfci.-aii Papers, siories of sports, and
games, will be continued, xvith all the
nonular departments.
ithscriptiotiS 1 cgi'-.iiing with tL
November issuo wi.l incltnie 'The
vroialei f ill Ohrislmas iiumher," ef
which the edition xvill be 5.O0D in Km:
laml and 100.000 in America. The
price of this number,, to be issued
ab ut November iJOtii, w ill be:!0ccn s
lieiTiilar m ice S:$.(Kl a veai ; 2t cents
:i i. mi. I ei. For sale, and sui.rciif;
li6n rtceived by all dealers, or tin
t)ub!ihers. vV I o. "4:5 15niiid-
wuy. New Yf'ik.
that course unfalteringly .i the fu
ture. ?o lonj the republican party
remains true ti the mission on which
it set forth twenty years ago.
Th election ef James A. Garfield
and Chester A. Arthur as president
and vice-presidtstit of the United States
bv au unquestioned majority of the
lt-cteral votes, secures peace and pros
perity te the country for four yeart.
We believa the new a'lminiSvrai.i9n
will toon Kain, and will steadily hold
the contidence, not only ef the repub
lican, party, but of the nation, by its
isdwin and integrity, as w ell as by its
loyalty the principles of the organi
zation xvhich placed it in pevver. The,
t;iolo D. mccrat firmly hoes to bo
able to give to I'rtsidout tJartield a
cordial and arnest support. It believes
that he w ill dn the right as he sees it,
and that he will bring to the discharge
of his presidential duties a clear head,
an honest heart and a deteruiinatien
to serve his remit ry to the best of his
ability. Certain it is that no man ev
er entered the XThite House better fit
ted than he by uatme, education and
experience to lurnisii an mat we ra
ped iiotn a good president.
1 he republican paity is now inoro
thoroughly united and haimonious
than it has been in many years. There
are no rival "wings" to it and n op
posing Indians in it. Tue campaign
that has just closed welded it together
in a soiiit mass against the ceruinon
f..e, and there ate now no signs of pos
sible division. We believe this unity
and harmony will continue through
out Cen. (iarliehl'a administration, end
will resuU in a long leiuinued lease
of power to it. Tlu democratic parly
is broken and demoralized defeated
under the besL candidate it has had in
twenty ears and not likely ever
ajain to present the unbroken front
winch the republican party had to
meet on tlx 2d of November, lSJO.
While nali nal rather than in
its conduct and purpose, the Globe-l.-mocia!.
w ill devote special attention
to the subject ef immigration, doing
us best to invite the thrifty farmers
and mechanics ef the Fast and of Ku
rope vo se;tie on the feitilt lands of
the southwest, and especially of tlie
suite of Missouri. This subject hs
engaged cur attention in the past, and
.10 vv thai there are four years ahead of
us in from the tiiimoil and excite
nif tit of a national political contest,
x(! shall tin enabled to give it addi
tional thought and energy. Theie is
room in the territory trintitary te the
great City of St. Louis for millions of
now inhabitants, and there is land
enough now untitled te feed the world
if cultivated to its capacity. To in
vite those in pursuit of homes in the
west o the facts capable of bring
show n on this subject shall be one of
the special aims and feat urns of the
(Jloh, Democrat.
No newspaper, east or west, is better
equipped than the Olobe-Dctnoctat for
the collection and publication of news
from all parts of the world. Our list
of special correspondents covers all
the nows centers in this country and
in Europe, and they are all instructed
to span- no labor or expense in procur
ing the latest and most rename inioi
mation, and transmitting it promptly
by telegraph. Our special telegraph
service has been greatly increased and
improved in the past year until it
ranks amomr the most liberal in the
west, and it is our intention to contin
ue in this direction, availing ourselves
f everv opportunity to improve thia
journal as an impartial record ef cur
rent oven'.s the world over. Our Week
ly readers will get the full benefit of
this service in selections from the
most important ef the dispatches tent
to the Daily Glob-Democrat.
In its commercial report the Globe
Democrat has always been unrivaled
among its cotemporaries. Ne journal
in the West pays so much attention to
fullness and accuracy in giving a
faithful reflex of the markets from
day to day aiid.frera week te weeR. I
t hi department we shall also keep
pace with the growing demands ef St.
Euiiis and the xvest in all that is te be
x peeled from a grat newspaper pub
lished in the commercial metropolis
of the Mississippi Valley.
We shall aim, in addition to a week
ly record of current events, to present
our readers x ith a newspaper for the
Farm, the Family and the - Fireside
Sp'-ciai attention xvill be given to these
several depart men s, which have ce.-n
conspicuous features of the Globe
Denii'crat in the past.
ri5SCKrlT10." BKICi;S.
A Dor Ioctor.
yew Yrk WorWI.
'Canine Infirmary. Dr. ;.lr?aU
11 disease of dogs. Doge called on
at their residences. Offloe hours from
Sf till 4." This is the eigu which
haii 'S over the door of a dingy little
hop in Canal etrect. Within the
aiiniv onn aide of which Is adorned
nciti. ahnlvea full of bott'C.- whilo tllO
three other eides ar
ca 'Cs. was a smill
-meuocioi niuu.. - j
lients, bul would bo in pre!"J ""J
would the reporter bo seated.
Tho reixortcr vrould. The room is not
more than six by twelve ftwt.10.1":
ions, and even thU .pace ! 1
by the dog cages arranged on
about the sides. These were all clean
ly kept, and though tho occupants of
in.iiiv of them wore unable to stand
O.nir rested on what fccmoa to uw
WHICH is anoriiuu
f bott'CT- whilo the
OU', rr. m "
mt att. ndin" m pa-
couiforltible couches.
came in xvithin a tew
The doctor
moment. Ho
- f
is an African, apparently fifty year
old, with an intelligent faco an-f j'
dcineanor, and every do.r in the room
ecognised hU pi-M-'iice vtUu a vrag of
he tail and a wink, as much as to say.
'lie understands us." With "the uoc
'tor" xvas a young woman who had
come from Newark, N. J., to get mcdi
cino for a poo.lle.
' Well," aaid tho doctor at las first
leisure moment, "I hare treated dogs
otT and on for over thirty years. It a
do "'s got anything the matter xvith
hi iu I can find out what it Is mighty
quick, and if tie is curaulc at all 1 can
letch him around as quick as tho next
one. Now, these dog which you co
around hero are alt patients of mine.
That dog is one of my uiuit valuable
patient. There is nothing the matter
with him. llo is merely auiyiug with
me lor ties feummcr. Ilii-f'l-vU a
broker, who-e funiily iiaaone ahroa 1,
and xvlio ili l not want to take care ot
ihe dog. To-morrow I shall sen., hiw
to the boarding-lion- on Eigtity-tiiit,
street. Tho boarding-hou-w is a larger
placo than this with plenty of grasj
about it, where the uo.;s can spend
tho summer in goo I company, and get
clean food. For a terrier, pug, or any
small dog, tho rates are -fl a week. A
pointer pays $-. My quarters up
there are nearly lull now. 1 c annot
accommodate more than twenty-live
or thirty dogs at a time."
"Hut about theo sick fellows; hovr
lnanv havcpiu on tho sick list nowV
"Well, there arc about six or eight
here, not including that Better, which
will only be here until her little fam
ily is somewhat stronger. Then 1
have about as many more to call on.
You see, some of these rich people
xvill not let their dogs leave the house
at all, and I go to see them once a day
or once in two days, as the case re
quires. I charge 1 a vioit lor pa
tients in town, $o, to Brooklyn, and
$10 for out of town."
"Ever see any touching scenes about
a dog's death
"Why, I should say so. I have 6cen
entire families weeping over a dying
pet. One day lat season I xvns stand
ing at mv office door when a coach
was driven up to the curb, and tho
footman jumped down and opened tho
dour. A oviitleniiiii stepped, to tne
pavement,! went to Ihe curb, an 1 lie mi! a bc-uitiful shawl, which
containc t a lapdog. As ho did so ho
turned to assist a lady from the car-
ria -e. and at the same tunc lie saut iitxr
,11C : . . , , .
"WllUyou plcaso tako this dog Into
your care !' -"Why,"
siid I, "this dog is dead."
"The lady sank to tho pavement as
though she were dead, too. Sho had
fainted clean away upon tho an
nouncement. .
"Is it true," asked tho reporter,
"that the m ijority of dog-dealers or
dog-thieves?' The doctor aprc -not
to hear thia pointed query In
seemed to in; pondering ihe poibilu
lies of making a go..o cipturo the next
time lie wenl lo cuuivli. '::
21 Niiiubers ef hcribiierV for .
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