Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 18, 1880, Image 1

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ef ' - - mMMmmm mamm mm mtm mm
. ' ' r "
ro mi
i i i U U 1 ii , i
.a J- aa-.
Or Vine St., Oni BlocH Not
Cur. of !3..f
i u il li. ii tJ li. a.
CjVpll 8 j a. ill A
: : I of Mw1n,
Terms In A'Jvanca:
cr.ov. one v....
ro;o-. -. v :u.' ., . ...
rt.y. tuiee inui.
. l.HO
. .SO
t..t n?.TTTT?Pl-7V Wrlitnv !
TERMS: $2.00 a Year.
XUM15EK 5.
A I TBRTlSlSfi -
I w. i 2 w. 3 . ,
1 nqr ..
2 CM''
V nil.
y, col..
1 t-ol . ..
s "..!
x mi; lino i?1.,,; ;,,,,,
,J1 Ailve-llslnC I'.ll's 1'uo Quarte..;
. i.
tfT- Transient Advci aliment- wuM ..:
lii Advance.
1 ,7- Kvt ra Orle of the Ttr.KAi.n -T5
J. V. Yocno, at the ru.t-Oi.tcc
Main Street. 1
Mill 7ii'rerrry.
v Y 1 -tHX'K. I'. S. Sc!i:itir. r.fatrkM'.
I V 1 S f M!'!:S. I'. S. hi-nati.r. 4lni:-.l!:l.
y K. V A! I.M'IN I".. K.'ri-s. iit:it. Wi-t J'Uint.
I.f'!."S N N K. I invi'i nor. l.liicoiii.
.1. A Mil- K. s-civun v of Mate,
i VV . i.l I I . i l 1".. A mliHtr. I.iin-oln.
M. P.'.M I.Ki I'. 'l'l'-iiMii'tr. I.ii;i-!u.
!. 5t. TIHCI I'XiN. Sunt. I'i'I'iic I ii- tiuotiici.
i". M. IA 1. I..1U.I V ir.-ioiif-r.
r' I l.fl Willfl ii Atl.iriirv (iT.r:'.l.
: i.;0 c c II v l: !: is. ( hiii'liiin in" ivnileiiti
i i:. U. !. MA 1 j'ilL:V.-U.N
l!ll" lllSHlif.
!lolici! fr
.Supreme C'nnrt.
xvi I.l . CiiiT J:i-lii-'. l"iemo::t.
; i. !;. I.AKI.. :!;. !i:t.
.1 ASA Colli.. l.iii-
4. 4!.
He 1 7- is
M U fv
; "4
t w tj t 3 r ! :v-
My Little Buy That Uicd.
lav thing m
liar.1 to lose
I . .i asa cour.. i..n-oi.
' j ,treouit Judicial Vtiiricz. -
is !o'M. rrjrJB , x
C. SUO'.VAI.I 111:. Ink lii-tm-t Court.- .'..v-t . 8 .4 M f jf 1 dTNJ T f
.1 i. Il ri-:i:S-N.c.!!ii Tri-a-iin r. t r I ",i
H 1 ...v. .i-v.c...s.i.-t rub. ii.xtniftion. C-.'. '. '.-.Yi 2. I -ri P?"W "Fl ETT Q W v.
WM Aiitl Ifeigli Fnces II
i ; .. U i L.!-..-. l'iall-iiui.iii'.i l'lvni.i-t. .. I
, Vi.'v 7ire forv. ' Ki ' .'"i -' ii I - ..
i V..i!AKi. VIVIAN, l',.-. .1?.- 1 4 I W U V ii&Vi.- tC Jl- c ' a-
J -'ll"";m:,-!'"n'll. " '
;M war.1 vii.m:i:.tiios. rM.( k. . . - - ?' v "'
J I eu H. 5KAIB. MitN tin- r.-iiur.-iiient- of t!.i- ial!..i':il iii-'t-
f I ; ilVSU I VN aint SlKlir.ON, oIiicp 111 I'll- , v .,. s ,,,rf.;;,i,;,. .i,l,ra.-l!.K
1 A. Mlll.U.A. th tri.icl st.,iai-h ni.-i lis.-r. a':.l -n--t a
1 , , ,v 11 !:NKV AND sol. It ;l KM:. t.. ri.ic- t :llt;t:trv chaiu-.- i. the Hiiti.v sst.-m.
I r (i. i- 111 the sta!.- ami K .l.;ial 1 oiirts. - wl,,. :l i,.i':,i,l c.i! liiion. -sj " 4. 1 ' 1
I rr.--- . CMsaeY PeffiiJselec! for all oojIs not Sattsil sictosj .
:ys&:;sr CALL AND -bfc-fc IHu WtAN UhhiLab!
if I vn-uKM;v at law. ;-;-.t -w. ki iu- cpvr,cX y fi
) Kr'1' r::l'.i'"-----1 r':. N?.7
I. i Oli m. v.t ll.M.r r r-;l Ofii.-e. I-l;li;sii..mUl. . , ,, .,. ;, , . I r. . i : i U - 'Jr
If Nfiinka. ' " is : v;!,:;i ! : ..1:1 - v.-- i . :' i-ai'i"
' . . t.wv Ofl'lCi:. Keal llato, Urn aim i.ur in- p,K ,.,,..,,,, . ; ; . , :,-i a-tit.i; - ' -
yj- miranee 'e;,ts. I'lattMiinulh, M;hrasl.a. - S,.:1S1.S ; .,-.:'..a. ... ! i ". a,.. .:, ; gjyw-'fcJJ 1
irr ' ;:vv. if i m ff iMWYi f&- P r HH 1 iTp P If 1 1 I P 1 u
i J,4;;'ri'AT.-tiVVll.l.F..CACo.SK. tV.:".' VhV..:;-": ;-V-..;.i.-,!i-.l in -Vi W . j
1 - tuae'h '. .H': HI t- - I--.' i -O.U i o.l.ol. 'ti . ..I
I -t - Il tPMA.V. J.f.i- ,... !:i r. -lull.,.: 1-Kt:t-ni.ft J
y- . M'rt'tV'rnKvi:. :;1y;!v!-.N'ii;;r-:-
. cu in:i:. J. . it. uJv - - 1
S I or-.,-.-..., Main S,..vt over S,,,: a- BA Lo Ct XVOi,ii': . J 1 I
t:';'''?t;u N-ewrinr,Lt.-rU.1..? u St.e,t, " MJ I.
I . . . ( i i i:i.-r .1: . . !i. -
, TOllSOrUll nl'tiSt. . v pA1,-tr- pTjQ
pWMdUTH MiLLS: : I 41 lb M l. 11 H N " 1
. i-uAri.f)nu.M.u. -nj.-,".-,'.-,-!..-.. few' a wwl r4 n b h M a H a a m b pi a u B a U S
I e.,,.i.,,r. J, . tij &
I t.,"; I-aiti.-nUi-af-eianm pv.-n eusioiu work. J gt6te M MJJ.JSL-1
I " Fnt:D. IK LEliyilOFF, SI.i.p om i li. UrU U r,!. -k m-xt t-
f Morning Dew Siiloon ? ii. , s.
V South-east cn.iT Ma n ! Sixth StrM-t. I-1..VITS.MOI i H. - O' " ' - -
" Kgf HAv-B?r,;:;3s,- n Tb 1 A en DVll. WMF
I - t ' i ...'..?.. g HO'ie 11.:,.;,. !!. !. . ' l.'.-':,--
-'. ..?Xli. a i;.!i--li.. '"'i'- a:.-o
',..:-. -r i rr.:;- V;::.:c.ii Cr.ea-i.ji cr.J ; i'i gj C"J f
IHk. r.--t c ,t .-. t . ..4, m.'.i m et.1 ai.w s :.a;. .
1 !n..:,,- :--S:ot .-i clean NEW plall, AILS WaMML m. -
. isi i.3E brothers, IPEATM-B EALIKft FElIClfcs
I . sii'sv-'iliji'dl'i'arjt.! .
1 j..1:-.- .- . ujmi' iviVTf. r.j--. ,,i,. j Vo.kef.4n
l'-:vrLrZZZ "WIEET lliO, jA'. . -. j;,A- , nfTf TTPN "ElT T T
I -r.i .-1.- ! :!i.-Mi.: : .'. rea i... . . u ... j., i I . I
I .,c,lnic i,-..-.b'h H:....-c'.c Ki:. oua in tti . . . e--r- . v-1-7 CTi I s
T. 'r, rt, tiir N.-rv.n brouctit j JCj A I 1 CJ L V -Ti-l- - I I
S on"-,- ,s.ww tiriak:...:. work, iii.'iitai I ' I I
lives. Uilll V.'SllieruiliS . . I a'H. 1 ' M'i I I
tO lt.9 I I I
ties i.l ' i e... ;ii; i ',' ! r . I
lit.i JSici J yan ,4.v.i-ti; 7 - .'
c;ry vaiUty tf T:ii. sheet lr:a. .'uiJ Zinc - . "
'Work, Uei. I in Stork.
. 8AGE ; -,. .. "..- . . . ' yr: ' .- . ? " : . ' .,
the house all
t ! ol.en !
eer a niv
T.oolt on bis iretty fare for just one n.iimle.
tii. fio.-k hi .lniiity hut imieil shoes
li: i'.riu-liut ban I, the favorite 1
Ami tell me. tnolhei-s. wasn't
An 1 miss hini finni my si.le
My little Ijov that Jieil ?
Ilo'v imny nnolher lxv a3 ilcav ami rhavni'ms.
!:i i t' ti er's Ii.j.e. hii mother' one leli:.:ht.
flins ;-!r..iise ieV..-M-, H fi'arttU
nviitin.. Anil lives a Innp. lonff lf i" l'trents' siahl!
Mine nai so short a (ri !e!
An.l then my ioor 1mj- .lie.l.
T lorn roekinson bw woo.ien c.iarger
Ihearhitn lettering thrmiph
Iat.-h hU prat blue eyes grow lare an l
I.i,;e..i it to r-toriii-, wh. lher vavo or gay,
To'.l at lln bright liresi le
li now, since he il
my 1 o;. is li in,
ol her i-'iil :n n are.
i -...!. i :.;,-!il ki- 7.'s l;;ll:u-i':;'.'iiiii?!v:'ij.
i j. one f r bin., though be is o far,
an a mere prave ili He
Me fro ui Mm, thotu-h be ilie l
i'.c I come ar.-l hint it f er iiii'iai.e-,
r -hnl ehii ii-h.lai-iies all roar roun-L
! Oo.iv Iraiel Ibeeiirtnin rai-eu,
1 . hear his merry von-e's t-iun l
.- ;. ! feel him at my Ki le
y. : v'eloy that .iie.l.
I!Y I.t'I.r E. Fl'KNKI-L.
Tlio licaw crim-on mi l tm nro
ilnuvii, "lmt in or out t!if dronry ).:to
lwr iLii kupcs. tlio rrns is lit, t lie fifo
I.i nm livio.itlv in iho nolislicil LTatc
in Mrs. Vrnncis M v wooil's cos V til 0
ii"-r.ii';:i. t lint 1 ulv sits bo 'ore tlio
t l"i.; ,!,l toilc!-t:lblo wll'llo till?
rk. (V.-lt fmtrprs of a rosv-rMockci
in -ful pile up Hie ft dark liair into
nv.a'.ii l ol'nirv nulls and crimp
"Maku nit' I n.ik my best, Mary," says
M-n-v's sine t'til voiui'' nnstrcM, prany,
"It xi e. ! to moot some people
m Mr. Dnif.rlli's to-iu'lit, ami
xi-. hi i.i 1 ink as nice as iosnib'e. H'liat
i.w . 1-sl.all I iioarlsofdiaiiieiids
M r.V"
( li! diamonds by all means, ma'am;
pen Is v..:ild not 'look hall" so well
x i tli 1 1 :ti lovely amber, and if
you'll : II w me to put tlio diamond
arrow m .sP.timvc you on your birtii
tl iv. in y. nr hair, you will look just
iK'i'ioci, ma ani.
...nor V
. ..,.,.,,...!.,.
V liO S IN S sei v .11113 -
Old J iiij is l! e must ilcvoieuoi i..uo-
ii. I as lo KMViiiir m .
ll toil! 1 don't believe lies mci,
Von won't believe it, you m
,.,.. 1-! I I S . I I ll Iv. S.3..1 111 11 I 1 . 'Mivl
Hi ....,. J - fc J - J - -
cus.n-aiiv. , ,
1 b.iy 1 tlont believe m ui.-afi
Ko-e, passionately, "iiei i-eri is ou-j,
all babies are at Ii is iig'o lite Uein
Ida them thai s tlie uiiies ou
so aiarini.i. iwu
1 :n.
Mad-e Clivenn
i ii
..lis t n4 evelilll-. 1 Mian
I'l'lU's whrlli'T VOII lli'-
on 1 Olll IV 1IIV.-C1I
',rv well; I'll wear
the tlia-
Almo t as fi'.e speaks a liatv
comes ai , he door, and without wait
in . fi r pM inis.-,ioii t lie door opens, and
a 1 -1 . i a in ers.
i v
a i ..
1-" '.'.uik, yon:' cries out Mrs.
! in Mirpri-e, "and 1 doe aiv,
my cnii-i alios, not jcl dies.-od
o o i, ion."
,-ii,i-!xr is a, hard -inie man,
ai i- o ratio, I.i. li-liii .1 ia -e
.l.d is sl.ll Vi'lllio ; bm j;nt
.oisit irntve. soiui er expre--'n
brown eyes as ho tspuaks,
os in irs his bcauiy.
not goii.jj to the reeeptiou,
t rou
lomv.-eiit lo me as
. . . .. .. i i
trm U ol U all is, sue runs "-."-nx
angrier ana more oxeited every m-
biant. "ii'M -loii t care lor enjov nienu
and ido 1 frankly eonless it you a
raihor stay quietly at home man go to
thisallair lo-ni-ht; you -v.nld like
U prevent inc going, to, and tho
!, .', - rv,N as an o -olleut excuse an 1
,, i ' i- h i.'um- mo to slop away
,. ,.i .,! !)i ,:i;t'.i's bail and roeop
ii ... : iuil I h vo m i intention ot ob
i '., in tii li.irlii'.til.ii. 1 '
I'll n-.. t disaniioint
w:iou sirs
r , to Ml';
eomii mv mo or not, an 1 enj '
nil tne same.
Pi-iiii-ij Max'wool at the
tl. nit woin in b fore hini, wiih urave,
.li-.d-a-el eves. Ii is no!, tin- Inst
time since hi- m arri i ,e that his y.u m,'
so Hini'. cossai uy ini"'io"
umoui'I'o i leniper, ami used
Utile ton-rue in hot, iiueall-
nUfor words; but just now no is
sii.iekel at hi r apparent want ot
iin.iherl v alVeetioii an t .solicitude tor
their ci'.ild; an I in th it hour Mr.
Mive.ool f.rvoiulv wishes he had
iu'ver vi-ibai t.:e L ng 1-l tul village
i.i. I ialien iii love w illi and married l a)
villme baker's pretty, dark-eyed
il llliller.
Tor Mi'-, rra.i' is M tywool, woal
t.iv. co.ii'ted, i'.isiiiou i. de thniigli s..e
n.riv be no.v, hid been, a year aula
ha ff since, iio','ivi;it person iv;o than
Miss K.i ilan t 11 al h, the jolly, red-f.ic-d,
10114:1 b.koi-'s tl-iugluer, nut
verv ban ..-oiiie and grao lul, au.l .11
tho'uh diibrcnt from her undignified
;. I'-humored. . a-y-goiu parents.
Miis Kosil nid llouh was n- lavor
ite in her village; thegos-ips
died ber "proud an 1 vt no p ;
,!,. i I h:r. -i !l' ealiri ly aloof tro.n
the villagers :.u 1 ih ir merry -nri kings,
an I s-.:ai-eelv imt.eed tlie love-l..i u
voiiug l'.inuors who languished iyra
sin ieTof a kind word lioin her; but
. X 1 ........... 1 .. ... s: , .eeil 1 i-
V.'l'ell I' rant: 1.1 - ia x-w., -
and wealthy, came be.ging for ber
h. art, all her pride and coldness m 1-
. .. .. . 1..,.. .......... il.l..
111 tne innnsiiy xi in..
sivc uniisii love.
Mr. M.ivwoo.t was an aiikiety n.
Idimr. an i so one -u-
U os. Ian d I loath was in.itle
. , . 1 ... 1... 1 .. 1 1,, ... I.
isiiallll .MIX OH l in uiuiioiti"- -
dago, and in Ihe cool 01 me
evening she ki-v.l the Honest uauer
and Ins thrifiv wile, and bade fare
well to the dull liUie town iu whieli
the bad d a proii I young tpieen.
iieiore i'raak na I b.-on icd
mm. weeks, he noticed l'ov lorn I of
tiel v and a.lmirtt; ion and dress . she
uas;'a. lir.-t he thought it .piae nat
ural, for K s; wi.s very young and 1111
acc isionifd to the orau.teuipnid pk-as-
i.ut as tune ran mi
louiior she set 11. e I
ami ares-ino- wen
Captain End's Ship Railway.
Ti.n si.iont ii'10 American f t!
week contains two furl pagu ilins!
tiont of t'antain K.uls' proposed 1.
.....v f..i-1 1 -iiiciiiii-t i nrr shi ld with
cargo aciwss fontiiients.
Captain llads claim: by hi: I ' l:
be able to take loaded ships '
lamest toniiage from ne ocean to
other arross the Isil'is
ad readilv as c.
aftor the Li-ssup pia.'
less cost for engii'.eernig
l.Mi. il!.
The project is certainly bold ai..l
ti'inous. aim tin-p'ojni ; ..
Pilous tlillieuliiH in carry. r.ft ti l-.
ward his enterprise. 'J'b ciipiavi:..c ?
reffiml to in tho .dentine Am. l ieu 1
show the proposed construction c-f not
onlv the railroad but the uppl.ainvi j
for transfeinng tiif snips "
water to the rail.
In addition to the large iiuu.ber
cii"iavings. illustrative vt i'itvt-i o
works, liivfiitin and now diKCovcri . ..
which appear we-, kly, 10 ;-;:'i'"""
Ani'-rican has, dm ing the P-i-l.Y '.
.i..,-.',t...l r.nil. ici aide spaco to ).'
inn and d. ci lbinp; lailing
.....iitsi !ev..lrd to dilTerclit
turing industries.
This feature has added in
(..tin. rat tiveue S and u.s
of iho nam r. More than
most iuipoi taut imlusli ia! 1 .
nients of our country have ''
trate.l, and the process (f ti '
out lnanulaciiiris dcrciilad io
unii.s. The 'A-ientilie Aiivn:
been published for more tha't
four xeais by Ml sn & Co.. '
Kow.'N. V., and has attained ;
weekly circulation than all tin
ner miblished in tho couiiir'.
publishers assur the iillii'r;.
have not p,inte.lbssU;;;;;iii;;.:i. '
i. s: a wick lor scV'
1. -. . . i -U.a,.
fifty ' l
its (
Ui '
ti ;
of 1 he vi
w tit
nro of her new li.e
iiiv .
nil: r.i:sr pai'E'1
Iteanlifullv IV- " -
Till: btII..M!r-r? AMKIMCA :.
.1 L.
of e
I la.
- U
1 1,
The Scientific Auieiicau is.
liist-class Wet kly Aewspaj.ei
let it l'agt-s, juiiiud in tb m
1 il ui tit v ie. ni"'ti.-i hi illr.Aia
kiJ, t u iiticiii ts. ret'it'-st-ii'.ii.
new t hi lnVL-nin iia aim inc niuv. 1 e,
advaiieeuiciits in 1 ho arts ami sck-ia f-
iiicliiding new and li.terestn. f.u
iu agriculture, hoi ticult u re, i in k-ii
health, medical prgrris, yorial scie;.:.
natural InstKij, geology, iitron-vi
The most valuaM piaetici-.l p i:
by euiineut w l item in till tSepiiiti.
of science, will to lotunl in the :.- .
titie Auieiican.
Tcims, per year
eludes iioslau. Discount
Sinele coliv, ti n cents. So!u i.
Nww.sdeab-rs. Unnit bv p"S
to MI NN Cy., I'uVilisbrii,
UoW , NeW Vol k.
!u connect
the Nfie
4 in it lea 11, oIiN-sra .mi.,
:,.-. solicitois of
cie-ii pat.mts, have had li' jt-arj tx;
,.xv i.tvi) tlie. la.'.esl 1 in tl.'J wor!
. , : . . I...
ice is inane 111 wo
ol" ii.l invention.. P-
which i.i I
1 -1
il t
. . , 1
U 1!
5 .
he. la:e.est r
Id. A s;. ,
1... ... o- li a- mu ll
. , . 1 110
. . t.. .1. x.'...,. 1- ' .!' l...knr i.iottv ami uivs-1110 wen . ,
- 1 1 ri " 1 III. 1 i.nia . .x'-- 1 Ckl-BBBa
'e 1'.. us. disappoint Mrs. I) nl'erth Ih 01 i.e.' hu-b i,,.l s con.iui ,.u Haoit, this Ag"iH'.' li I
this eveniim." pursues the gentleman For -o 1 e time 1 ' name and ivsidenee of tne P-UUe.
oiavelv: "We 1-t remain at home, lb.siland grew indi le.cnt .0 c i 1v tllte inimei,se circulation !.!..., ' x .... know little Herbert oiocr joy ; she was he inot d. v oic I Vblic at!, i.tion is dite.t lo ti..
is sc. iouslv illr" and tdoliang ot ot -e , 1 1 b . t -- m.ri.s of n,0 nevv patent, ami , . . s -
lliriei-eais Uosix M.yv.oo.l, pet- gnes .ho iiovl-I; ot I lie s. 1 b a b inU.t,U(.tiol yl-u.u atly ..!l.;ct.-d.
,i.hly. Ayhy, what no,, use you ; U- d aw a , 1 Ko-ew a tia. , Al,y p,iS(n who has made a
think how ru le
it will be if we
id's health is of far mori
to me than our a-ipi tin
talk. Frank! Herbert is well ciioagn;
you only lancy hecau-c he's a linle
iiiisliod and cross, that he is ill. You
cannot mean tic!i a trille as that shall
prevent our going 10 the Danierllia'
call and lccen.ion. Flunk?"
-I do. indeed. 1 rci.eal, the child is
iioxv. lL sei iouslv unwell, and we can
not h ave him," 'res-ponds the husband
rol.llv and decidedly.
"lint, frank," persists tlu; girl, ris-
in- ai.d ooin": over to where her hus
band -stands, "the Clavvrings are to
o.. 11 foe 11s in their carriage, and I
lo-.o.dsod Mrs Din.erth we would at
tend her
and di-a;
'-My chili
nm-ps' di-i ppoiiitments.aud you should
think in litis matter precisely a-; 1 iU,
And of course 1 do," says: !to-i! in 1,
Willi pe.ulant toss o. h".- pretty, -lai-k-baiiedlc
ad. ' I iim sni' I I -ve Her
bert verv dear! v. but I don't ss:0 loe
110 f d.'orix in r 111 v-elf iii' ii uro-i t
pleasure for the .-ake of a fooli-'i es
ngger.iteil fancy of yours. For ij i
an exatr-ra ted fane v, .'.ear, isn't ii'.
continues liose. pleadingly, ''and U
xv-ill l.o n tnrrible d i a o I ioi n t men t to
1.10 if I d.m't r.i I haVli looked fol'-
wiikl. for weeks 'nasi, with such
light to this jilhtir. Mademoiselle d'
Aborie has made my so beauti
fully, it is Mich a iienecl lit, and 1 u u
vou know the English Ambis-ador
... I iho ( 'n:iii!oss of 111 w i uen.: arc .0
bj there to-night, and I'm just dyi.i :
to sec tie 111, partieul irly the eoiinte--,
M.-id r,. 1 M..V i-iii-r savs she is a very
irraiifi l.idv.and mat her voaiiLfest
loe ii.-i .-l l.eilice. S.IV VOll Will
go, oh, Frank, darling, make me hap
py,aud say 0.1 will go!"
'She lliiiirs her arms around his lie-!
and looks up at hini with the w inning
dark eves 60 full of earnest pleading,
that lor it moment Francis Miywoo-i
iniiinio I in kiss tne lovelv exeiicd
f...-r. n ,.l iri-mt her then he
euddenly'i'enienibers the brig it, f-ver
ish cesand burning lace ot iiltlo Her
bert, and realize w nai 11 tno.igi.ii
selfish roi nest, it is; and he uiiwin i-.
tUn eliie in-', co.txinir arms, und 1 urn s
his head aside iroui the girl'a
bes. 'cchiuireve
Ox'evei theless, Ilosil.tnd, we cannot
itosilan.1 leaves Mr. May wood's side
:,c;ir:t-t. 1
h;-st rtiat'.Jy
Orl t;- rX.-i''.l'!' Ill
0 it --..,Kt.: h:i.1 ts nevr-r itntiriiris
F ... "Ti.'iKt rtf n-U Norvini'i. liottlt'S of
6- Wnrnrr s Safe
P r;'i 5 4 ZKlfei where.
; i gMzMmhJi jl e wakner & co.
ISfl Proprietors,
ber oval cheeks buruui' a ice; red.
her lips tightly compressed ; her bl c.
ces, b.aciver man ever with swii , .11
tense anocr; she throws the ivory
backed 1. .ir-brtisii in her hands, im
petuously t'roiii her, and turns quickly
nml faces her husband, her w hole man
ner full of reekiessi.ess and deli .noe.
'T tell Vou 1 shall iro! i ou may re
main :i I. llollie if VOll choose, but I
iha 11 not inar.yr and di-appoiut my
Belt' for any ridiculous whim of yours!'
And Mrs. May wood g.ves an angry
damn 01 her si 1 1 1 1 -ere 1 toot, as it to
stii'ioihcn and enjonaize her dejlara
o -
Frank, iscarccly seeming to notice
his wife a show ot temper, turns caiui-
lv towards the maul w iio is busily ar
raying the l;teo trimmings of her mis
tress ball dress.
"Leave the room, Mary," he com
mands, in that quiet, linn voice of bifc
that makes even wayward, capricious
Uo-e inwardly tremble, "and don't re
turn until Mrs. May wood rings lor
So, with bowed he id and meek air,
Mary obediently departs; then Fran
cs Maty Wood addresse-i his young
wife :
"lldsiland, fond of excitement and
gaiety as! know you to be, 1 cannot
bring myself to believe you are to
thoroughly selfish, to utterly h oartloss
as to r, ally wish to leave your little
helpless child sick at home, to tho
uictcy bt caiclcsa servants, while yuu
. .... ! 4
idcusure-iov 111:4 .-....w. ... ,
hi-hiug for the glamor and cxci.cinont
ot?,he'oall-room, caring . il . le or noi h-
iu" for the peacctui quiet 01 no 1.0
life. . , ,
s she stands there now in u.e. 100-e
lluwin-; rolie "1 wlnte ea-iim. re, ine
ho. tlir-h sioa ly ia ling f. oin hei'tl.u k,
piquant lace, li.e anary light .i.Miig
lroin her black eyes, she forms a pret
ty, penitent picture, lor a I read., sue
re r rets ner nunj , iiiiin-uiuu-i
already she lee Is" -she has acied both
coldl v and bcliisliiy in w, 10 oi
lier husband and torsako liUie llcr-
"berl, to attend the Daiiierlli reception
l)ut, lepenlaul ana a.-namva as s..c
fetl at her bclntMor, l.iso -Mil) V.00.1
lias too much foolish pride lo ae
k11.mie.l4e i., o she has only glum es
across at 1 ram,, ami .-a, , v..... .--
"If vou desire me n il to uo 10
)aiileri!is', ot course 1 sii'eu't go,
Fr. nk, who has not yet b.rgoltoii,
or l'oi'Si'iveu, her of had
ion:-riil':i fo-.v Iliniu'.cs la lul'o, w'au,s
-. 1... 1 e 10 1 In; door, an . v ii 1 h is na i 1
upon "the ku-.b, licaii.-aei.s her:
I , i-si;-o nothing: vou may ldi-a-e
votir.-elt' without 10 my
W idies. If your own lov- and naiural
fi.-ol.nas for your sick i are so
liaht ini.t you can w go and
m..v voinsclf aiuoiiLT that "ay a-seiu-
j j - -
M.l-O if youi-chil 5's h dlh r.i. 1 coo
fori are o!" ... li'.ie 1
x-i.u. I s'.all i. iliier ro i' '-t "or Ion
vol tor-mail at :' r.ul wiili
!.... ..! ,to ivreih 1 ho ui to 1 trin o; 011-
the door .1:1 1 leaves his e. i.e alone,
ilu-i-. whose foi iiu r ai.a'or has scarce
Iv eiiiii-'ly evaporated, cro-so tl.c
i-'iimii xei 1 li one loier stri and Mives
il.o lioll-eo.,!' a onick. VCIireful i-'I'k".
..ii.. .1; bv his 10., roaches, he
can frighten me into pleasing him and
tl n-in.7 lieio she SIVS. to herself,
,,-iih .ru!o.rf mirthless laugh, and a
.tnioini flisliof ber angrv eves, "but
l.o shall soon see b-ov verv much mis-
l-.kon he is. I might have stayed at
homo it ho had acted loss coldly, but
when he assumes t hat freezing look,
nnd that si ern. 11 naiU'roachab ie air, 1 d
do anything rather than ploa-e him.
1 missed tho Duiferth dinner party
nnd vtumciilr, part I v because Herbert
l.-i I a n!i'r!,i cold. liartlv be.;au-e
Frank declared it would bo poibly
wioic- to leave him, and now I'm not
.r..'.m, i tae 1 iiiee the Daiil'erth ball
and re ep:ioii for the same foolisli re
s.-ii. I can iro with the Clavcriug
thank goodness I'm not depeu lent 011
discovery or invention, . ..o :
free of v.haryt. w bet her a a i ..t
pifcb.ibl.V I c. ol.tailieCl, ,ly 'W4n;..y
McxN A: C.. ileiuso i-ni'i "
Hand Hook about the F'-jJi'A
l'u; ids, Caveats, Trails .-.t ;
t.-ostis, and how proem co, vr. . ,
ftr piueiiring advances n Uiv. v ,
Address tor the. paper, or c. 1., ,., :
1 ... V T- A '. .
itelilS. -on- -' i"' o .
aT l'ark llow, New Y. 1
Dranch Olliee, c.r.
ington, I). C.
The Ileceniilal of Scribut r'.s
Sciibiicr's Monthly cei.d rate-
tenth birth-dy with a p. jm-di'
change of cover, and with a ima.
(for November) wlncli the cm uiei.
have dona all in their power to m.
one 01 exceptional onau.y, 1
and it in the raifc.&l 1 ':
of Seribnor ever issue.!. Sei i. -.
.over has tui'M-d from vio .0 1
win m brewL, ana in n r 1.1 !(.;
11 in has been .i.stnictnes.5,
and a rich d..coi'.-ili v elTaet,
In the editorial departnie
1 m
land has something to savj;.
xi iiu and history of Sci ibi.r
101s." l.o savs. "1.0 liotmlai ma
say with I-
to in st 1 i-.-i r j
iigtavi::,.; I
continued Mrs. May wood, as Mary
makes her re-apiearance in answer to
ber mistress" ring, "Mary, lay out my
i-'wels, and get me dressed as soon as
you can, lor JtisS ii .vering iinii nci
b rot ner
Frank to take me to-nigut.
may be here at any ininuto
iu half an hour Ilosiland May wood,
looking positively radient 111 the trail
ing amber satin, is whirled away 111
the Clavering equipage, towards the
handsome, illuminated Danferth mau-
Kion. where music, mirtli and cxciie-
ineiit reiiru sunreuie.
Mrs. Danf.-rth, a stately lady of fivo
mid fbrtv. oi-cets the Clavering iiarty
with quite a show of effusion, and
Tu-esentlv liose is introduced to the
countess", whom s'.e I'm is to be a very
formal, verv chilling, verv uncongen
ial iiersoii.igc indeed. The English
ambassador lakes Mrs. Maywoo.l lo
supper, ami converses on subjects so
far above poor liose's rather meager
intellect, that she begins to repent
coming, and wish she had stayed away
from mis aristocratic assemblage.
As the night grows so does Hose's
regret ; the becomes thoroughly tired
of the dancing, though she has had but
two waltzes and a quadrille; she con
trives lo escape lroin the little group
of admirers "Hat .surround
liar, and sevens ner-elf iiiihe deep.rc-
ss of a French w indo w, feeling quittt
"'' Concluded en Fourth Page.
I! -
,!...(' i
existence which it took fr a mou
It aimed at a hilier t-xccliciiee m ;u
than bad bitheiLo been itttt nipl.ol. a a
a fresher, more vigorous and in. .pi
ing literati re than has been ext.. .p.
lied m any popular period. e n, .iw
1 . . . . . 1
can or loi'Cign. it n ' mo ......
complished w bat it nnd, lo-
he believes, "it Ins modi.'nd ami
v.ited the work of its comempoi -1 1' .
fhH wlih.r mlih: "We say wit
iies.s, and w e believe H
true, that American ei
- . -. ...... ; . . 1 . ,....)
acLlcVCU HS emineiico 111 inn ' j
simply because Sciibner'n M.:it!.i i-'
deinandt-u, j;uidetl, and B.11..U..U-1 1- j
lie furthtJi u.oie tabs att-iilbvi. to l-i i
poiicy adopted iy evai muri aon.e
ago, of foster ing American wiiicin
M-iial novels, and reftrs au fi m'
tho policy to the w oiks ot Mr..1
.111, ..r i.l 1 1 ji lil a.tr1 i-r'.ji, ,- -
Mis. Ibuuett, author or "I
bowrie's," and "Hawoi tb's.
. . - . . . : . . v r. . .
II) hp.:.tilii(4 d 1 iieiion, ii.r ;
can claim also 11 I iiaries oiiij, J.-t j
and t he Sa.e I lolin J): . I- . '
lesion's tirsl story for aeliit lo-. 'i i:
as wi'ilH 11 for, and at thd n ;ur ,'..
en!. nor: he altei war.1 t5 his t'-S,
novels lor oilier iieiicni 1.1
latest cove!, "U ap
ner. Dr. Holland s.ivs.j
readers bear with lis, 011 tli'i't
sary, w e attempi to gne t u-
. umuiing-up id what' we. n'Wc
for them, for the kiuall 1 tl i
.lol!ar.-? We have giver, th. in t'i
lal'g Vo.ltliles ot good;
read ing, on al1 topic -, un '
all po.ssitdo foims- of Jiteraiy
1'lies voluiiii's have contain d t-i''
thoiisand seven hundred a:ol .,
two page., of matter, ilimsti ai .
.housaiid six bundled a!:u t iahty-i
ixt od t'Uis, eosiing iroin ten tto.i 1-
threB hundred dollars eac!i
the material published in tl.
.nt i.-t.s. io.' '
pp'-aj-! i.l -ej !
ie :
volumes, mere nave Ijet-'.i
published oxer fifty books,
prleu of w jiich amouirs f
twice the subscripthtri i
magazine during the wiu.!-
say nothing of the other .
appear, like Schuyler s
fjreat,' S'lisioi's I.if of M
man' work of Hip Aineii-,; ,
etc. 1 he lirsl bokS reftl'le
are only a small part of t h;
mass of material of whicli
magazine velurms are coiu-j
xjiny int. en comet have !
covered in i!ii couum v, .i A
twill, ot Kocix-ier, N. V., n ;s y..
111 six of theiu sin-ao TbCi, one in vy
if ihu imwt. linn- vi-r. . f
- ... ; . '(