Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 11, 1880, Image 3

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    i(r--, .
. -.1. M'VKXH.-'IM.f.NT.
. :. !iae. K''.lr aitvcnl.t-
". No jMlvfi'iUrusaiil iani't-
' .i :..t'i5 rvn.
. ,.! .,: i- jt .r Ik HI nrld
. i if"- ih-y h.i:n1 in,
j ; ...( 'I :.'! l'o;v-
. .-. a Lie j Iw '! i'iiil!ca
. .. :i'.i:..e.
t'iM '.! i . IC !'".
; l st.i t'.t.:imilca?li
, i. I '..l U Hi-- i iliit. llh no w:uil
t , .cini! ! for the rprr-"'-niMs
y uf .ti malUT Mini iaitl Le-
ncrou t.'hii tal'f the psper rff.ilarly
.oe. whether tttie'.'.ea lo HIS
'.l.rr lie Is & sul'crioer tr not is
f..r i ae- iay.
-i lijv all ! H'.ini4fi'. or I In puhlish-
..v . "t-.r to ".rial tt l,l llli'llt to
..." . .; t?.f. tii-,:- runiuiiit. whfther
: r ! 1 1 4 -mi ;lie oH'-ce or not.
!. r. : I s !l.ltf .Will.'!, that refll'lntr tO
v-i. r and - a.lii'als from tti post
r rt-H.-ivnin ami r :vmiu Uidii uncalled
.i i.r.a Jacir eiiilrnce of IXTKNTIOMAL
Tin biggest Hue
vt s nt V scut t's.
Sociable !
Thursdu) night,
lieiut J. M. llsbeits' local.
At Dr. H. II. Livingston's.
See Commissioner's proceedings.
A light snow Ml Tuesday night.
Wescott sells the best buckskin
gloves. 20tf
Smith, lilac-k & Co. sells drugs. 2
Will. S. Wise soil Ileal Estate, tf
Schlater has had his slore paiuted.
Express wagons at Smith, Mack
& Co's. 3312
f.o to Smith, Mack & Co. for your
stationery. . 33i2
Tli- cornice on LenliofTs new brick
is immense.
- Don't forget the dance Thanks
giving night.
--Doiit forgot, the Catholic Fair the
10th and 17lh.
b into John Uoono's new place
and get a Viath.
( "--The blidgp, on soulli Sixth street,
i ! ting lixed up.
A fin line of gents fu"''sl'V'
im Clb I 1 k . - I
Look out fur Smith. Black & C-j's j
ne iv ad. next week. i
-Manufacturing and Bcpairiug ::l
Mergi's hoe.stre.
Money to loan on Country Heal j
Estate by W. S. Wise. tf . J
The brick work to Fred Lenhoir? j
building is completed. j
1 . . . I t I fO 1
(ileal bargains in IjoLs ami xlrtts
at the W. W. s!,e r-tore. ZU j
Th liver steamer. Benton, passed 1
bwn the liver Friday. ,
-If jou want any line box l'apeteiies ;
go to the i O. News Depot.
Boeking hoi sen. wagons, jigs, and '
carts at Scl.l iter's .Jewelry Moie. 1
Hot ami cold baths at John llo-me's
under Carrulh's new Jewelry store.
A good a!! aoo'i suit of mens'
clothing foi 7.50 at Cue Croat Hed
Store. Sltf
Mrs. Swartz has removed to the
bu:lding next w est of S-domoii & Na
tliau's. The B. o: M. have onlered six m w
eiuiiies from Manchester, New llamu-
LoieRzi's Fac.i l'oAder ami all
otheis. lust class lranils at Mmlli,
HiackiS; Cos o'-l-
-If you want any line Stereoscopic
views from 15 cents up, go to the T.
O. News Depot.
J'at. Murphy moved into his new
hall Monday, h- has now tha linest
billiard bali in town. ;
Corre -t vur habit ol crooked ! burglarized Monday morning. The
walking by using Lyon's Pat ''"t M" t thieves got about S13 fiem the peck
taliic Peel Stifleners. o4 of jn pi4r,or
.Mason & Htmlin Organs on ex i
hibitien and for sale or rent at V. V. Faimeis don't forget to go to Jne.
Leonard's art gallery. 1 i lons & m.u's with jour I. inter, egs,
I and all country produce, as they give
Episcopal Sociable at Dr. B. B. j the highest prices in cash for the same.
Livingstons this evening, everybody Don't forget to call on them. 33:2
go and have a good time. We learn from report on the
Ladies desiring a fragrant and ' street of the death of Mrs. M. McGuue
lasting I'ei luuiH suouid iu.
of Smith. Black Ai- C.
Mvi i v one i3 cordially iuvited to
. .." ,i . w. t i? I iv
attend the sociab.e at Mis. L. B. Ln -
iRvftt-sii's this evening.
i Anv amount of lumber and
kinds at Ueao vS: Son's Lumber yanls.
Asliland ami South Ileml. 34t2
A new line of fancy Cheviot suits
just received at S. & C. Mayer's New
Uue Trice Clothii'T House. 1
New .Jersey gavo Hancock a small
majority and elected' a Legislature
that is 13 Hep. on joint ballot.
-The largest and finest line of
Photograph ami-Autograph albums in
the city at the r. u. -sews jepoi.
1 i r... , l,-r i nijSV'illiT ilt(l tllA '
1 . U. .--.Ill I'L .3
bird new store building of ""o ;
a d is fixing up things lirst class.
, , , ,. O1.r:,.o .,,.,1 i
- i-uckw heat tloi r, cianl-nr s and ,
app es by the nan el at . no. l.ons .V .
Sinu s, cheaper than the cheapest. ,
The Mortis Sullivan Panorama,;
was not very well attended Tuesday ,
oii .v.-t n sionnv bad niirht. '
Jnst call and examine Ih hand-
seineline of Overcoats at all prices
best stvle at S. it C. May
ma le in the
Thev arc-selling the b si clo; 1. ing J Cteek and all other points in the coun--Soviabielhis
evening bv the at t he Great Kcd, at such veiy ty Hg in a sm;in noliea of tlieir
i xt i.'iKr s -iiinu .it oir "";
of Mrs K. R. Liviiiifsu'ii. All are in
There will be no church at the Church next Sunday, as
Kev. Mi. Hargess g.jes to A bland to
Fr.tnk Curi'tith!, old store -bni'.tl-iug
is being repai.vd by S. .fv C. May-
e-i who will mow in as soon as P-
Jacob Stroud, our old Plattsinouth
friend. U'.'W of Cheyenne, has been
,- to 5ee the I. ova this week. Ja-
"', , , .
c.b leoks as good as ever.
Kev. Mr. Storms will take charge
fifth r.intist Parish from now on.
i a.... u ;m i.. raebintT there niornins
and evening, beginning next Sunday.
The Socfal connected with the
Presbyterian church will be entertain
ed by Mrs. O. II. Parmele at her res
idence Tuesday evening Nov. 16th.
Mns. Will S. Wise, Sect'y
Otd Koreas breathed cold upon
U,v descend..!" rain T rt '- ''mi,' :: the old regents of Cass Co. j J"' of '. P"f? hand a the regular examinations rani nocer
i - ,,i , ". . . . .., k.Up.iV '"it -j-t- i larjre varietv- of fanfV zinc boards. tifiwtes from othtr Count irs imll It
frs. A. W. McLaughin went to Chi
cago last week.
Conductor Gayle has retmrned from
his visit east and south.
Mr. and Mrs. M, BusLneli of Iowa
parents of II. M., of the Enterprise,
are visiting relatives in the city and
Dr. Veed of Peru and now one f
the editors of the Herald there, came
up to seejis after 'lection.
iSam. M. Chapman, Geo. S. .Smith and
Jas. E. Morrison are all attending U.
S. Court at Omaha 'his week.
Edwin Jeary, Eaqr., lias returned
from England we see. and his address
is "Greenwood, Neb." as usual.
Miss Anna M. Dakin returned from in Thursday lart, vvl ere she had
been visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. M.'A. McKiniion, of Minnesota,
and cousin of Mr. McKinnoii of ihi
city, is in town. Mr. MeKim.on will
probably stay, if he can get a situation
that will suit him.
Mr. II. W. Donaldson, of Minnesota
made the family of Mr. MaeMuiphj a
short visit on Saturday and Sunday
last, leaving Sunday evening for Chi
cago accompanied ly Mis. Donaldson,
who has been been visiting here for
a few weeks pa.-t. "
An old Baltimore negro nho had
emigrated to Liberia ears ngo. order
ed a quantity of Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup a short time ago. stating that
allho'ugh Coughs and Colds were not
frequent in Africa he would not like
to be without it in his family.
The issued ils last and dy
ing wail the last week before election.
Billy Shryock, by aid of Wise and
others pumped some wind in the old
thing ami got out a characteristic
grunt just beloie the polls opened
but it was the last squeal.
The annual Catholic Fair will be
held at Fitzgerald" Hall, Tuesday and
Wednesday nights Nov. 10th and 17th,
articles of vai ions' kinds will be there,
and also a beautiful set of china and
many other valuables too numerous to
mention. Every body go and have a
good time.
next ;!!J davs at V'. V. Leonani s.
Jamks I'cttfk,
1 State A gem.
M ml ! inure mud ! !
Sniiih. Black iV: C-. keeps rigars. -
Cash buys .-heaper than credit at
the V. V. .-.hoc stole. attf
The new vugiuc No. 4S is put to
work in the vaid.
The Olker band has been engaged
the i';easant Hour Club for their
x,,anksiliviltt, ,,lMlce.
T,)e un js heing
...lsl.,(1 ;is :ls il(,ssil.!e. to ret it
thiished before cold weather.
c . ii i i
Dean & Son of Ashland and
South Bend are just piling up the
lumber in their yards, ai.d then they
can liaid.) keep up with the demand. "J
ck of bo. .Is and shoes ul
the V. W. shop e; ore. wnii-h they are
selling cheap "o." i-aslt. o4tf
I hey do say thnt Morrison helped
carry Louisville bv his earnest argu
ment and funny t-tjrier, that night e
8;oke there.
Credit to whom credit is uue we
a)i ltf Very man helped in his
! oWI, WilVi iimCs the only method
i thai v ill win.
i (Jo to Ed Wrscott, the Bess Cieth-
i jt.r for vour winter clothing, where
j you can get goed clothing cheaper than
it!0' atl''1" l'''4L' " town. 1
A .iulll)t.r of new sidewalks going
; , i . , i ... ,. ' ..
! down about town, and am t they tine
; to walk on. the old ones so
; iumli worse, by contrast.
The Witlmeil House, Omaha, was
at Rapid Citv, l). I., out nave not
; heard any particular.
Fresh osters teceived ditilv from
I - .n.-.u, .n.i
l'tltVlltlV'l t , llllli S OOIV OV'H Ul 4 siu
retail, at F. S. While's oOtf
Select oybters, 43 cents a can ; Stand
ard o3 cents.
Mr. Pierre Olkcr, leader of lhe
Olker Hand, Council Jiluffs, was in
tow n last SiUiuday, and the Pleasant
Hour Club engaged them for their
dance ThauKsgiving night. They have
a line caller and are a first-class band.
Oo to the
You can positively do yourself some
jood. oitt
, 1. .!., ..... t..f ...i.-aa.l ..
i.u-se stock of iain,ai loiiet sets, vases,
&.C., w hich he offeis cheap for cash
also a fine line of Indies" and gents,
keUlwokil inoI(i iliks for til,.
I l
-The work of filling in the trestle
work on the east side of the river
from the cut on this side is rapidly
progiessing. Itis;i most interesting
sight to see the old steam shovrl plow
- walk into the bluffs and demolish
, them.
jw pT'es, and you nave even ining j
guarantee.l as . eon sen ;ed or money i "
refunded. That is why you should j 1;- is wanted terms yvill b
go there for all j ioi need. oltf : csminuiiicated to theni upo applica-
The ?.I..riis Su'livan iroup pl.iyed tioii.
in Phitismouth Mutiilay and Tuesday Haths ! I.atlis!
nights, th.-y have some very line pic-j ;i, Jch.1 lloan l;e,v p,;lc.,..
tu res. ami Miss Jo.-ie is an excellent! . .
comic siiist-r and dancer.
Mr. O.iii
Morris is a line actor and as Harney
the guilk. all(i the f rtuiie teller was
! excellent.
i Loek here! If you want a jtiir of
boots or shoes, or anything in tht
' line, go to the YV. W. shoe stoje and
you will ctt rear money s worth, ottf
i We b am from a resident of Three
! Oroves that Mrs. Jno. Allison died
! vtT suddenly a wet k ago Friday
while standing at her table ironing.
She had complained for some time of
vertigo ond dizziness, but had not re
garded it serious. We had hoped to
get the full particulars faoin our cor
respondent there, but so far have not
cone so. Mr. and Airs. Allison are
During a recent trip over the riv
er we noticed the growing appearance
of I'acific luncfion. The new round
house shews up well, and an air of
business pervades old Bethlehem's
Carter's Little Liver Tills will pos
itively cure sick headache and prevent
its return. This is net talk, but truth.
One pill a dose. To be liad of all drug
gists. See advertisement. Fer sale
by Smith, Black & Co.
Why was the Democratic party
on Tuesday, last, like the earth we
live on? Give it up! Because it was
an oblate spheroid flattti ed at the
Mrs. Wm. TtrricTT, Owasce. N. Y..
says: -I have worn an Improved Ex
celsior Kidney Bad about three weeks,
and have received great relief from it
for pain in lhe back. See Adv.
Bill Jones owned one of the bill
boards in town, but business being
dull, he was compelled to sell in order
to pay Ids hotel bill. It rathor bored
Bill to have to sell Ids billboiud to
pay his board bill.
J. N. Beck, of Toledo, Ohio, says:
My father, before w at ing the "Onlv
Lung I'ad," could not sleep nighls on
account of his violent coughing, since
wearing it he has slept soundly every
night. See Adv.
We see by the Sherid in 1'ost that
"Hush" is going to reduce the size of
his paper from a six column quarto to
a six column folio, which will give
li i in less press work to do, and lie can
tret in more county news. A good
idea. Bush.
The well known strengthening
properties of lnox, combined with
other tonics and a most perfect ner
vine, are found in Carter's Iron Fills
which strengthen the nerves and body
and improve the blood and complex
ion. For sale by Smith. Black & Co.
Ilenieml or John Boone lias mov
ed into Carrulh's new basoment and a
nobby place he has there. It's good
for lhe soul of man to see Joint's nsw
mirrors, baths, chairs, &c.
The young ladies of the Guild
cleared 8-14.fi3 at their dance and oys
ter supper, last Thursday night at
which there was a good attendance
and everb''y enjoyed themselves
hugely. 'Hah for the young ladies.
Tf you are nervous er dyspeptic
try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dys
pepsia makes you nervous, and ner
vousness makes you dyspep;ie; either
one renders you miserable and these
little pills cure both. For sale by
Smith, Black & Co.
Call at V. V. Leonard's and ex
amine the beautiful OrijaiiH he has ad
Wed to his complete stock of Photo
graphs and Frames of every descrip
tion. 1
We learn by the Neb. City News
that (.'apt. N. B. Finney who formerly
ran the "New Ella" transfer boat here
has fteen appointed government s'.or-j
keeper at Nebraska City. We are glad
to hear of the Captain's good luck.
Constipation is positively cured j
by Carter's Little Liver l'iils. Not ;
by purging and weakening the bowels, j
but bv regulating and strengthening ;
them. Tins is done by iinnroving the
digestion and stimulating the iiver to
the proper secretion of bile, when the
bowels will perform their customary
functions an easy aial natural manner
Fuigative pills must be avoided. Ask
for C.uler.s Little Liver Fills. Frice
2.j ccu'.s. For saU at Smii h. Black t&
The Inuses around town and conn
tv are all getting the epizootic; w
have heard of no cases where thev
...... . ,"
died of it as vet. as it seems to be
light. The ileii very hoi ses around town
aie nearly all sick; take good care of
ti.eiu or some one will have a dead
! hoiae
The Hop given by the young la
dies of sh. Luke's Guild last Thursday
evening was fairly well attended and
the net proceeds tvere over forty t;ol
Tho mush; and supper
A basket of downs was voted
to Miss Anna Clark by 75 votes, her
competitor Miss Lottie Iwiier obtain-
ing 1 2 voles.
Isn't Main .Street looming up.'.
The hotel begins to look imposing,
Ilartiu .n fc Gorder's building is up to
the second story, a fine cornice has
been put on Lenhoff's building, and
tin: third of the Ucrohl store buildings
is about completed, Carrulh's needs
only a few finishing touches, but a
; description or mat wo reserve
another time.
Although the campaign is ever it
mny not be amiss to slate, that from
"all we can hear, about the jolliest
crewd that went out stumping was
our ftiend Brow ne.'the lawyer, and (r.
S. Smith. Everyone knows Smith's
powers on the stump; but Hiewuo,
like Mark Tapley. "come out strong,"
and cheers and laiighUr followed his
quaint sayings through the western
end of the county.
Our Aldine Almanac is going to
be immense; besides being full f real
ly fine illustrations of American scen
ery, east and w est, north and south,
and various character sketches,, as
well as a complete calender, we intend
to make it also a business directory of
Cass Co. As it will be issued free to
over a thousand subscribers and be
constantly used by them throughout
the year, our business men can see at
once what a good medium it will be to
bring themselves before several thous
and readers, almost daily for a,
We should be pleased to have our bus-
i iness trier, of Weeping Water, Green-
wood, South Bend, Louisville. Cedar riuoc li'i I t .Ifal-is T ooo n 1.1 uT-
Overcoats ! Oiercoals 1 1
A line line of overcoats just received
at the Hoss Clothing Hwuse. Ceme
:t:id look at them before purchasing
elsewhere. TJ. E. Wescett. 1
Court Next Week.
Our district court epens next week,
Tuesday, aud the lawyers are all hap
py. The clients well they're a the
"ankshus" bench.
J. S. Duke's
Hardware store is the place to find the
"Splendid" haul coal burner, also find
Ilanges ami cooking stoves tinware,
toilet wure &c. He has a fine line of
1 idies. Gents' and boys skates which
he proposes to sell at cost prices.
at cost prices.
is now prepared to nianufaetuie
- pied. - - J
JUTTI.ER. At Weeping Witter. Nel . October
2MU. lSS'nssiATTilt it., vi)iinmsx daugmer vi ;
lr. M. M.n1 Stella B atlrr, aged 1! yesir. 8
inoullis and IS days.
No bitter tears for thee be fJied,
lllosaom of being, seen and pone !
With flowers aluue we strew thy bed,
O bleft, departed due !
Whooe all of life, a ro-y ray,
Ik'i!'d into da n and passed sway.
Yes tliou art fled ere guilt bad power
To staiu thy eherub s .ul and form ;
Closed 1 the soft ephemeral flower
Thnt never fflt a tlorin !
The sunlit-ain's Jinile, l!i" zephyr' breath
All that she knew from birth to death.
Thou wert hi like a form of liht.
That heaven benignly called thee hence
Krc yet the world could breathe one blight.
O'er lliy sweet innocence ;
And thou, tiiat brighter home to blcM,
Art pas.-ed with all thy loveliness !
After a lintel inj; iliijem of three weeks the
little darling, the libt of rtie hoi. re. succumbed
to the fell destroyer, le:ith. ar.d left deflate
hearts to mourn her io-s. The funeral took
place Wednesday. October -JTlll.
WOHb. At I.nuiavil!". Neb.. October 20. 1SS0,
Mr. Joii.v Won I., in the 11 yearol bis age.
Funeral herviut. were heH in the Congrega
tional Church. Sunday the 3i.-t, the laraei-t
coni;rei;ation eer assembled iu fuui.sille be
injj present. Kev. lii.Teiibacher a ?uhi:iioucJ
by telegram from the Stale A?-ooi:uioiial Meet
ing at UaMing. and res!!ided. preaching
to the very aitentio aauieiice from the text:
-Kor iod h:lll brnii; every work into judgment
with every fecrct tiling, whellier it be good or
whether it be evil. ' Led., xii. H.
i;n!:iON Of choleia infiiiiui n. in Centre Pre
cmct. :as comity, Ncu.. June 3ijih, 1ho. Aha
inl.iut daimhtcr of Warren 1.. and Helen M.
Oordnn. anJ grand daughter of Dr. J. A.
Kenailen, aged 8 mouths.
tlOUDON of dintheria. in Centre precinct
Cass county. Nel. -t. Mil. lS.-, ( AltKlK
lii'.ss. elileM tlang iter hi wanes 1,. :ion net
en si. Cordon, and uraud daughter of lr. J
A. Kenastou. aged S jcarn. 11 months ami 18
I50UK of typhoid fever, at the family resi
dence, in ;ieeiiwo.i:i precinci. ci. diii. ii
AKTticit Maumon lioCK. agstt yearn. ;
nioutns and six days.
The deceased was born near Clinton City in
Clinton cnuntv. Iowa, anil emigrated to this
iCassi county. Nebraska, absut 11 years ago.
whore he has heed a resimctsd citizen a::d kin.t
neighbor until h:s death. Jle leaves many dear
friends and relatives to mourn hl untimely
death, but wo trust that their loss is his tn na1
Iu. J. A. Kknasto.v.
Solomon A Nathan are doing
rushing business, don't forget te call
on them.
-Johu Dnke. makes all of his own
Fred St;eh was in town ever
Tin' tirnri'S for the Healing;."
Of the native of Siberia, are the
leaves of the Arnica plant, to
be found in all their healing power in
Bnowx's AaxicA Sai.vk. For sale
eveiy where. 3 1 tf
The Winter f Your lllsooiiteiu"
Is made Glorious Summer, by taking
Brown's I'i ivsin Toxic; Try it. For
sale by all druggists. o'Jtf
- Look out for the linest line of
toys anil Holidav goods at the I'. O.
News depot ever displayed.
More (ionils uk Dowry's.
We big to inform our friends that
our Fail stock of dry goods and no
tioi s si now about complete, and so
licit an inspection of the same.
Our stock consists in part of a fine
line of e-nth'uien'.:. hi die", and misses
knit goods, underwear, nubias, hosiery,
comforts &c. Ladies misses and
children s knit hoods, shawls, bed coni-
forts, and blankets.
Jeans, flannels, linseys. b.tiinorals,
and flt shirts, yarns in all colors,
cotton battings, calimertis, alpaca,
and American dress goods in great va
rieties. Gents and ladies' fleece lined
kid gloves, btdies and misses hosiery,
supporters, buttons. 1. ices, ties, ribbons,
bells and every thing else in the no
tion line.
Our stock of la.lit-s. misses and ehil-
! dren's shoes, men's and boys' winter
.toots, arHifS a.ui ftiinw excluilern,
t.tuitu ami .i li'it rnwl WllltPr P!n5.
) ..... :' f,,,. .,.', (lf .. .,',;,. ntTHr At 1 1,
j lowest prices for first class goods.
VVV . i. I nut -4. - - -
have also received a nice lino of glass
and bronze 'amps, glass sets and deco
rated ware, ifcc, itc (live us a call.
29tf E. O. Dovkv Son.
Did You Ever
Know any person to be seriously ill
without a weak stomach er inaotive
liver or kidneys? And when those
organs are in jood condition do you
not find their possessor enjoying good
health? Parker's Ginger Tonic always
regulates these important organs, and
never f.iils lo make the blood rich and
pure, and lo strengthen every part of
I the system. It has cured hundreds of
despairing invalids. Ask your neigh
bor about it. See another ciilamn.
Sec the
Heats anything you ever saw f jr S3.
Save Your Money.
A large stock of Hoots and Shoes
just arrived at Merges, which will be
sold cheap. 22tt
Come and see us. We are deter
mined to sell lower than any other
Utilise, (ireat Hed Store. 3ltf
The Vnivei'Mitl Verdict.
Of all who have taken Hkown's
Petsin Tonic, is that it never fails to
cure. Ask vour druggist fer it. tf
For Sale ( heap.
A good young pair of
will weigh about ten
died, and good travelers; also a good
double harness and buggy. Enquire
of the Proprietor, James Pettee.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Ti. '.lie Citizen's of tl;eCsuut; and State,
I have now ready for market lOO.Ooo
White ami Fire brick, wiiidi we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a tire-proof bousf, bf fore
the comet conies down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover, Louisville. Nebraska. Htf
erinaii I'ntarrU Care.
Cures Catarrh; Try it
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following limes and places:
At Plattsinouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust. Octolier and Novemlier. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March. J uue and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
lie other examinations w ill lie given.
No one toill be examined except at
Conntr Commissioners' Proceeding.
. Nov.
Board met in regular essiontx
ent James Crawford, Sasu'I Richrd
soa, Isaac Wiles; J. D. Tutt, Clerk.
The fallowing was then 4oiie, te-
Ordered that the couety treasurer
be hiid is heiebv instrucied le transfer
the count of 9 cent County Library
fund and the amount ef for dollars
and fifty-three criiU County Feuaity
fuud to that of the county general
Order allowed G. W. Coveil o gen
eral fund for $35 as retaining; fee in
the case now pending; in the supreme
court, E. II. Eaton vs Cass county, and
also order for 820 as necessary expens
e's in defending the same.
Order allowed J. Forsythe on Den
nis Dean & Co., South Bend, for tfJt)
feet of lumber, such as he may select
fer use of dist.
All bridge petitions laid over for
want of funds.
Ail claims in misdemeanor cases
laid over until the April session of the
board, 1881, for want of funds.
The following claims wet then al
lowed m jeneral fund:
J. M. Boberts. oil, &c, per livers
and Murphy " 0')
G. H. Black, regis. ering Flatts-
mouth City precinct 40 00
J. D. Tutt, salary and expense
account, Oct 42 24
E. II. Wuoley, services as Supt.
Pub. Inst, Oct. 1880 6f 90
B. V. Uyers, boarding prisoners 72 50
" jailors few 4(1 50
Jas. Crawford, services as coun
ty com'r 17 00
Sarn'l Richardson, services as
county com'r 14 DO
Isaac Wiles, services s county
com'r 12 00
Fred Gorder, coal for cou:t h'sc.i37 18
Bridge fund.
Hav Bros, nails for road dist. . .. 6 7.5
W. J. White, balance en bridge
contract, Aug. 1880 1283 1(1
Poor fund :
Fred Gorder, coal for poor h'se. . 37 50
The follow ing claims were then al
lowed for the refunding of taxes er
roneously paid on school land, less 1-10.
Henry Spang'er, for the years '73
and '74 C7 37
B. F. Allen, for y'rs '74, '75 59 01
John Johnson 41) 00
T. B. Johnson, for year "74.. .... 37 12
Order allowed John B. Yallery, su-
pervia ;!-road dist. No. It, on H. A
Waterman & Son for 500 feet of lnm- ;
ber, such as he may select for use ol ;
diot.,also 23 lbs of spikes of J.S. Duke ;
Claim of S. MeCluntal as witnofs.
case Slate of Nebraska vs Stephen
Burton, was then allowed, same hav
ing been ovei looked bv the judge in
report of said case.
John Hichev also alloy ed lor same j
reason in case of State vs Clinton Bu j
by. j
Petition of Abel Bevet.s e'. al for1
the est iMi.-diUig of a county road, com- ,
nieuciiig at the south-east corner of!
section 18, town 12, ratue 10. running
thence Hrs1 to tin- south-west co:nei :
of section IS, to.vo !2, range 10, re- ;
jected as.reiuiui.-o i .!: against same i
bowed !;;. .mil l ,;-.ce of evidence!
ainst toe .... au ', i: s.r. . road. :
Petition of S. Pitillip. piaving t
hat a
.... . e ,i . ... ii
poition ol Ins I axes for the year la.U
. ,.i .i i t
be remitted on the grounds of an r-
roneoiis assessmi-nt, rejetrted for rea
son thai coiiiinissioiieis have no juris
diction in the case.
. st t loiuonl wiili shii'i- iiiitl tlist. ".
10 .1 1 i t . .1 . .. .. ici-u .. 1
19 was then hail for the jears 1818 and
Ualance due SI 2.50.
Hoard then adjourned to meet Dec.
6th, 18S0.
Attest: Jas. Cr.AWFOun. 1 -J.
I. Tutt. s. Kichakdson", r,1,'
Co. Clerk. Isaac Wn.r.s, o''
Premiums Awarded a I tin fa.v Coiintt
5 00
Plat I Ketchum, stallion 3 years
old, class C ....
mare 3 years old, class C
Libbie Klepser, vai iety of croch
et work
1 00
4 00
5 00
2 50
George Laverty, pair of mares
owned by one person ...
V. V. Leonard, display of photo
graph work. . .'
Joseph Leesley, largest collec
tion of apples correctly nam'd
squashes, ov
parsnips, 5
John Leach, assortment of home
made candies
John A. MacMurphy, trare "La
dy Mac" class 7
mare "Lady Mac" class 6
1 00
8 00
10 00
8 00
2 00
3 00
3 00
1 00
1 00
3 00
4 00
4 00
Lady Mac and Mate, speed.. .
C. G. Mayfield, sow under 1 year
boar under 1 year
sow, 1 year
cotton quilt .
display of quilts . . . .'
Win. Mertens, boar 1 year and
boar under 1 year
sow under 1 year
cabbage, C heads
turnips, 5
U. V. Mathews, display of tools
and cutlery
assortment of tin and cepper
parlor stove for heating
Joe McMaken, specimen of em
broidery specimens of mica
Wm. Nolting. colt tinder 1 year.
ram 1 year and over
p.Mi of 3 ewes, 3 y'rs and over.
ewe. 3 years
3 00
5 00
2 00
5 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
10 00
5 00
Orr at Thomas, beet 5 steers ov
er 1 and under 4 years
lies'. 5 steers over 1 and under
4 years
Mrs. II. L. Oldham, lady eques
trienne over 14 years of age.. 8 00
J. M. Patierson, bull c..lf Ctass 1 4 00
heifer, a y'rs and over, class 1. 10 CO
cw, 3 ears and over, class 4. 5 00
cow, any age or breed, class 5. 10 00
bull calf, Hancock, class 2.
boar under 1 year
sow under 1 year
sow under 1 year
boar any age or breed ...
sow any age or breed
Chas. ami Geo. W. Page, broken
pair 2 year old colts
Chas. Page, saddle mare
A. Patterson, stallion 3 y'rs and
over, class 9
gelding, class 8
Alie Pollock, fancy work with
needle for chair
LPlie Pollock, collection of dah
lias collection of zinnias . ;
" - i phloxes. . .......
2 00
4 Co
4 00
3 00
e oo
6 oo
s oo
4 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
5 00
i James Pettee, organ .... .......
j Bessie - Peterson, specimen of
.nr''nyv'--i had work.. Richardson, pair mules of
any ago . '.
5 00
1 00
1 00
3 00
1 00
12 00
25 00
2 00
yfilrs. Sam'l Richardson, 10 yards
rag carpeting . .-.
Mrs. P. E. Bobbins, woolen cov
erlet 10 yar.le rag caipetmg
Jehu Housh, specimen bushel of
Irish potatoes
O. M. Siit ight. Melon Medium
and mate, speed
Helen Medium, speed
J. M.Sciti.elibacliur, ware, class 8
dtiuble wagon made in slate
diploma and 7 00
covered buggy atado in state
diploma and 7 00
O. M. Streight. stallien class 6. . 10 00
stallion, class 7 8 00
Streight & Miller, display of bar-
set f.utu harness, dip. and....
set carriage harness, dip. and.
gents saddle and bridle, dip. &
display of lap robes, whips,
saddlery hardware, horse
collars, brushes and curry
Schlegel & Nieman, display of
t ig irs. home manufacture
Mr.-.. 1. .ciilegel, specimen of
w.os'ed work
Eiias Sage, collection of apples
corr ly named
1 00
fi 00
largest collection of apples
correctly named 7 00
display of seedling apple 1 60
W. W. Scott, black sow 1 year
and over 1 00
pair ef dark brahmas 1 00
pair of light " chicks... 100
pair buff cochins 1 00
pair of patridge fowls 1 00
pair of black cochins 1 00
fair Piymoulh Bock 1 00
pair white bantams 50
pair B. B. red game bantams.. 50
Rouen ducks 1 00
Prkin ducks 1 00
breeding pair of buff c-jchins. 1 00
Sage Bros., pump for w ell or cis
tern Dip.
parlor, wood base stove, for
heating Dip.
i hard coal stove for heating 2d dip
I combined stove for heating or
j cooking 2 00
i display of cooking or dieating
! stoves 2 00
Solomon & Nathan, display of
j millinery goods Dip
! E. R. Todd, gelding 3 years old
i or over, class 9 5 00
mare 2 years and under 3 4 00
colt 1 var old and under 2. . . 5 00
white beans. 1 peck 1 00
A. B. Tod.!, 1 g U. sorghum syrup 50
vellow corn. 1 bushel 1 00
i Mrs. T. J. Todd, woolen iiuilt. . . 1 0
j display of quilts 2 00
! Thomas Thomas, wheelbarrow. 1 00
j adjustable ladder 2 00
! Mrs. S. i'hoiii s. cotton uuilt.. . . 50
live pounds hard soap 50
Mrs. (J. W. Thomas, pair bronze
tnrkeys 1 00
Mr. G. W. Thomas, white corn,
1 bushel 1 00
red Bra.ili in artichokes 23
J,'.i:o's W. Thomas, sink tlnwcr
pi.: i:id il f stand Dip.
Mis. J W., wo .len qtl It 1 f.O
crochet t dging, 1 yaid 00
10 varieties house plants ... . 3 (0
-'"u,tT tiiiiii.ij, !i.i'j ,jji,7 j-hj
1 t.,. ..i.i .....i,, a ....... ..i .....
-4- i,:. -IT 1 !.. :..ll..
, - "
i S. L. '1 hoiiiiis, cheese, 'J.) Ids
i '
a, a. a. aa 4a a.
1 00 :
5 0'J j
2 00 ;
2 00
1 00
. A. 'tiffany, bee hive
.. .. ..
two swarms ot Italian bees. .
i J. N. Wise, bull 2 years old and
: J
over, class o
Mr. J. X. Wise, most tastefully
arianged. 2 boquetes
Stephen Wiles, bull 1 jear old
under 2. class 2
heifer 1 year old, class 1
heifer calf, class 1
i ;;. . Wellbourne, mitre 2 years
I old and over, class 'J .
! J. C. Wisewell, gelding 3 ytais
' old and ver. class 9
I Miss F. li. Wise, fancy needle
i work for chair
specimen Worsted worn
Mrs. P. L. Wise, orange jelly. . .
lemon jelly
plum jelly
grape jelly
jar strawberries
jar cherries -
jar gooseberries ;
cherry jelly
raspberry jelly
-'- !
Dip. I
1 00 j
1 00
. .
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
cranberry jelly
buffalo jelly
peach jelly
whortle jelly
strawberry jelly
F. M. Young, Sr., Cotswell buck
2 years old and over
Leistershire Luck 2 years old
and over
pen of 3 lambs, grade
pen of 3 ewes, grade
J. M. Young.5 lbs honey in Comb
J. P. Young, peanut roaster
display of musical inst. dip.". .
display of confectionery
display of school books
display of J. P. Young's own
brand cigars, home man'f're
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
4 00
4 00
3 00
2 00
1 00
5 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
Above wj give the premiums as
awarded, and ..gain remark, that con
sidering tke circumsiauces, it was a
wonderful little affair, our Fair was,
ami next year we must do better.
Tlit, superintendent of the baby
show, who alo happens to be editor
of this paper desires to make an expla
nation abouL that matter, as it was the
only thing about the fair that we
know of, that w.ts unsatisfactory.
It has been customary for this event
to take place in the grand stand where j
all can see thu children. We went
there and the ju-.lgas said positively we
Could not have the stand then. As the I
parents had bee i waitin-; a long time,
we loudly announced that the baby
allow would "happen" al the South
dour vf .ii.- Liuiiding east ot the t;ck.
Hv soii'.h nii'.tns all did not hear, ami
C. G. M.ijiielJ and wifj and Cn-dt Eik
enbeiry and wife, with their children
weie left out, the babies never appear
ing. It was very annoying ami no one
fels more annoyed than we do, but at
the time and under the circumstances
we diil the bst we could, calling re
peatedly for the parties w h had made
the yjher entries.
M:tke from S-.r to io rx week Metiing jjixmIs ftr
E. ti. Ill lK H'T & CO.. 10 lliiielitv Street, New
York, ejenil for eatiilonue ami tortus. Jly
The Friend of Delicate Ladies.
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Cunt is ;he remedy that will cure the
many diseases peculiar to women., neuralgia. disordered ; '4- -A"1 -
nerves, wt .kness.ment,. sLocks and n;-,, -r. T, ?- rjfi
kindred ailraeuis tra effectuallv te-' oui'heK!t. "
mnv-Hil Iiv iti ikp.TIis Mnllisrtfuir. "ey Ti.!!. A -k. "Wiaiams T.iork.
.0 mi ne
Buy onf V.--.' '"eading (at top
and shuttlef , VVuuricnn -Sewing
Machine, w hit i sVe,f bituphcity in con
struction, light running, and for dura
bility cannot bo excelled. For sale by
RasLioishek Bros., Merchant Tailors,
PlattsiiKRith, Neb. 2 Jm3 "
For Home Garden Farm.
ana a o may w.
wnv? now?
Jv " Because we liavo
lt d Read
The American
anj Its Thousands of Good
Units snd Suggestions help m
to tlilnk, plan, and work better
and m ire profitably. It holes
W Ifc. find pleases snd lustrum
the Children. Il it Hrst-ra'r,
and every Man, Woman, and
Child lo City. VtUwje. and
Country outjlit to bavc l:.'
It Will Ilel; You.
Terra fur Vol. -10 itssn,
S I .."iO ; 1 hrre, 1 ; Four. "i,
Si Hr.t of tills year Tree.
J On? Specimen for Cent.
Eatahlithed In 14?.
Vol. 40 1SS1.
800 Instructive,
Original, Pleasing,
Useful Engravings.
German KU-tion
tni'iit.l on tame
teryns asth c English.
Splendid Premiums
at no font.
Setul your al!rt.s en Poal
Card f.r Free CvVU ' 11
paacs Illustrated levriptiont.
ilj Broadway. NEW Y0SX-
FACTG V.'OtvVH liiviGW IrtiCt. ;
Cincrr, Caiia. Ssniirstiv, Ktlllin.ris nrd
rr.aav i-' .i"r i t' l.'1 5h t rii-iiriii't Wn.m 11 crc C
; to ui i-c i' tin' prt'sl p: ti'aoa mil .
ho lUit I..Uh sud STrnKtli Llorcr
ttiT t s i. ;
So rr'rt is tfi e4j:r. -tS-! of T's
QiJnnK Toxif thnt no u. -.. m:i I 'll;; oul'
hi- It ic ui. xT yii Hvc tSni. p..j. r.cad-,
ch, Kh--ltr.m. r-fr-l j. Bvwi I, K-cnoy.
r Liver Oitfrrdor. or II" V(rii..-1 u itiilil fctiiu-
ulnnt, or apj-cii-.T, t no T is jiint tlio m"i -
xHne for ywl. ms t h; i. ,.iiy curauw tuu ia-.
viroratia lv.l ii.-v-r iu,u:..ivli.c .
If tj'i arv bioi" vaiwiB'j nv.v.y vitli Con-;
Issmptian or any ti l . s. n yon Uiv.-. a r:tu..
wlilV-ir.-'v l.-'.n voj. It civos it--w endj
Tipr to l":i: i'.-olil- n: I : :?!. u 1 it. a i.rt:i.u.
euro f r r;hc'j.T;ii:im fci: 1 - soier U.Tzn'.jm.
It lies 1-n v. cl Hnnd.-f'i cf Llits; It Ssj;
Sao li.ur'i.
', If you nro f.x-'iiii iirei'.i!.!o io:i"t vir.!t tmti:
youur.; o.iv. :i ;i !:. IM. it: -' ti.. Tcx:e t.wlay
Pio mutter wli't yt. i. r (':.. co: r;:u.;jlu.may
bfitf. illfioiirmit-t r- .uf.
. KeWKtuiMT I ! ASiEKit'ii Tonic not
a mm drinl; tn.t tl-.e Qrzi re. I Pr-it family
Msdirino r i:ir.! . t, by a v.-.-n
,pnv! r.r..l einr.-ly o-iV-tit Inn hiA- '.i:
"-inet r prt'i'ura1 ;oi;s .'.:ui .'.il o' .i.-r 'J .?". '1 ry
i.-mo. botlff. Vourdr;: -; t can !H.i !-'.y y..a.
The l!i st and ?5st t;omi.-l H.v;.- !irsing
saqulsite: 1 rT' ii- 1 ,-r. t priLlIy l-arnil-J.
AVill A'.n-.n lM!0 t-f-y or ta!'-.I nair
to its cnal yo-:vS ' r c:: ! rnp-r,
warranted lo M-.-; l'-i i::, ot i-.
A i
t avi
rrvent t.iic!np--s
a r.u. j,;r- r.f the l'.xi.4M tI f - vi t.-.s
ka.r, cleanse ail djinlrv fi" nvl rare in 'ari ."id !''
saouis of the sc-!i. i-iii ty all ja;: ii s.-tt.
Vva Mseh Cured, Hut Mere!y Rallavsi
And Cttyi i'rurc What we Claim,
toIiitinoi:tH. IT ou nrc tnHihled nltli
ciat?ekt.r -iiioJ. nftIitil r: ttikTP ' n
lwnI.T, Vo h;UI Fo j! lo r
lisMt r tf:tim?fiinlt' to any intVr(el
Also cure all fi.ra.sof Biliousness, prevent Consti
pation cn J Iys;ieisia, prouiotQ l:;etion. relievo
distress frcra too hcart7 eating, c-jrrect Uiscrders
of thi Stomach , Stimulate the Liver, and Heiralute
tho Bowels. Tacy d. r.Il this by takfr.jj Just ono
lU'-lo ifillut a dye. They arc purely vepetntlo, au
Hot crlpe cr pur(rnnd uro cs nearly perfect as it
Is possible for a pill to I o. Frio -5 cents, 5 for $L
Sold ly "rujrpl:-ts crcrrwljcre or sor.t hy ma 1 1.
VV r R N F. tt 'T
L e l a4-
Iv i, !...;. r . -i.i a siini.'a' !':.,'i.'al t.c ; nt i: ire
i V::l
. a ii 1 1 i ii liKiiivi' IX till-. I y I ui a. I I in'
I-- i ::at ' ,v'.;v.' pan s ia t i laa ; f of
a'v- i'.'l' 1- 'i'.'i I.U' -r o,.-i.j:,,a; . -.1 am
SO ili-'
. ll"
tni'i' I a. iai ' . i .1". it . al ia. ;"iti i li a' ii-rnlilf-ul
tin' Ki.t!!!-;''.. I.i-- i:il rrit... r
:aiiv I 'cr I ';i' lo' li-.f.i:Ke. .M a; i : : v a-
I Mr'.v
ili.'ii. :::t.t iIhit: " ro-.ti; v. i: i'.:i- ln
fiaial. li : - -T a I. - - I'l- nli: i'l' 1'la. i i i.'i
' hi"' i.i. -anl li.-if. ii ! ii l v I t: !i.-r..l i'.i ri ' t I'.
j II i- liia i'"iv I i' r- la-.iy th.. i'l" -
! a-iuiru"'. Sleight. isi.;,4.o. !' r ! ' : laif-.
II-. Vi BI'lilT i !Ml!'" ! wK'tCal i't.Vi'.
En:' S ia- l.s I 'I a -V - aav I aa"- : ' i
par I")', t iiv I.;.!"' -i !.!.; in ili.' inn-Rat. 'lr;. it.
II. !. WA E Kit ;'. CO.. l:.M-!ii s!.t. N. V.
l'i..:iKr. .v'a- iaa-:a.
-( la in ''; Mi l v" Mi, eh.
i i i ' .-j a ! . i
Ti ir.;. v la; ii i ' i ; a. -
Si'laa ii'l. W ;.- c. iiu'vii'
.fii Ififti-'U lint -i.
fin '.it 'I'.tie.
A I.f. 4 I'l 111 I- s
?!. .-f a ' r '. ' f
I"i. tu- :5 rant
Sl:i'.'iit'y itiin pa-ii-it:.
:it I
cc?t .rce f y 1 1
i-;.i:'.-:r. t . :
rt r '"P"'S ?r f? '"' i-T,
t : .r.! i f, fr:-j
"I M.,
;:v.:-'VLji.':'. --,
- hiz-Ji.:, ra.-l.'.:j
'J r!5:.t-t V.'r-f'i &. !
.i r-A in 3
tj La.! i-ai vui tt'i li",' ,
nnDii vnno
if' a-1
iij s.J. ; si
5 oo
7 oo H H'l
.1? ."rfTs31 na
I i e.Vl
4, M - toln-l. l. .1'. !,,! .V.ill ,'-..: ' , . i .
-rj J7TI P ii.s m i iv 1.. i.-l.;. t- -,i:i i-il o
T3iUj b?.l1 I Iff Cra sati j-7t it.av.
PiLi. Estray Nctic3.
A' ; .ii-oi-- of tla- Kai:.. v l'-'iaiia l-atal A II B.S Sim- ?2I4MS.
lniii.ijt.-iiii-lyiiiii:!,!,. i 3 Tll-KVIT nixJllsriS,
IMPROVED EXGELEI0K KIDKUif i 1 a 1 1 Kn aihiu? i nmhlca.
:.vj;vi-;!. r hfai.j.n': .tui k
it i..
i.i Kl
Simple, Sensible, Direct, ! "i:::;;;:!::syvt;fc;rt
It Tf-:! v.'.av:'lo!"-.:i::-. A ire?.! I ill IVA v ' l fj ! j fj ! I ' i-
tiou iin.l Kevolntt'... l:i MeOi.-ir.'. -M,-..,,,.- lUJ L'.ld XiU.aJ! till U, UUlUut ! .
tii-n or tiii-t r
:: i.iiii ail f lit.
:i-. i-:al l a
-. tit ir-a. .-'.".
:, ec vev'.-ii't i . !
l-fiii'TiTy lati' r: ail !:u-!:
tri'ati-i.-n Ki'lii")' irmil
lrngvit. or M-nt tv in;-
I DdtllJ.r. JHiy
.k or hiek fiisiittviii'A,
Use Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills;
For sale by all dealers in medicine in
Plattsinouth and East Plaitsmouth. tf
Pcpperbcrg's cigars are the niesfc
reliable for purity and fineness in qlal
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers for thera.23tf
To Whom it i:my Concern.
Notice is hereby given that w will
not be responsible for any deb's of
men employed in our work in con
structing approach to the Plattsmenth
bridge or pay any bills created by
them unless orders are previously
given by us.
3lt4 s. Pwiutir F.atkn.
lir.M in n & Stkanahav.
OcteLer 14th, 10.
Jloney to Loan.
On go(! f.un: pro: city on longtime.
Apply to T. ,li:sMii,
H f Plat tsmi.'U. h.
How lo yinU.i S.nip tor al'etil a Ponnd.
.s'i.hi- into lnaM i'it r. s Ave !:;'.: uf DoMilin'
ri-viiir S-i.i;. ami hn:l in tlir.-c iju;ir:- ul ier
(!,:.! th.- :o:ii i. th.iroit :.! ti.-A-iv.-tt. sk that
u.'.ni ;r.:iiiitu Ihr. :::! a s'eve K-'i'i'iiS re-
Iliitill- ; ;l,UI lo tin- r.t 1 :.l Sol! Hi' "-11 i-" tlOffl
C.ti'oti- of i-ol.l w;.;i r : t-i:r l.M i -My tor'H i ll!i. :t:'t 't it :t :.. l !!. Al-
i lltu-uli tt ttiii loot; into ito::ni--i t-t M-.ii"u-f
j w lid.- vi.trii;. -i ' 'ni:i-..l i-. i.'.io;. ..Hi ;:,r.- !!: '
! .0 .1 ill 1 AfiU -io'ir ...i,.s' t:. i- lii .irti'i.",.
! n.i t oi- 10 : v 11.. in n is ot 1 !..!.. 1. i nl ;-ol w l'.!;r
olto;i, I'o- I Il'i'. t ) 1 -1 r . Ill" I'Ollt .1 i'Ollllli,
an! ;t p'oii ;is i.i niv oil a- ;ui:i!u-l:ii-a r.nn-
i, oino!s f.ii'.od no;. li." ;,n. n!il at 7 lo ! eretn t
ii. 'ii:-. 1. How 1 , 1 . u ivoiii l ll Lil.o tor:oiv i.llu r
Ko;n 1, sod tile .Villi!' IO i.i-colill- .tMllil!li but
s-niip-iiils-.'". Ai.y 1:.. avert He kn-s liitil
cannot li dono with :u;v soaii Ikis er in--d.
Si-o if 11 1 an lii" dm :f 11 !i Hobbins' Llc-
Mif. 1 01 siilo liy all
Ui:i i r.mi.i.. Solf Atifvtn,
V, i i.iili,; S tin, Nt'li.
I'resli I. inie.
Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or
wagon load can he had at the Kiln,
n ar west end of the bridge. Lime sl
was on bun 1 an I ct mpi-rior ijuality.
Imiuire of Mi Ki'i-n ur .1 Siiaki,
7tf on premises.
Ciar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Sciiegol & NicmaniVj,
opposite P. 6. 7tr
A of (bit Straw
in good voiidiiion wanted at th
A i.i) Oilice.
rf,TjH'4 A Yt:lt. AentT. anted.
i i-?f S''3 t " '" '- loplttniAt. r.irlIi-!lll!HIV.
f iilVi V1' AAKJ Lotta. Uft
i'rl' ill ii s
Ta!., ! lii. h
, in j.,
,t r '-.ii
I Wi'v
, v II. Vu
Lslray Police.
o::."-h:i!f l:.i!f
j.l iia. of 1 1.-
j. iii'ii.'i'. I So'
ii'.ul l hn
s. ( ;. 'ma ik.i:
Taki-n il v 1 l!i' M.
I.llil'itV 1 --a a ! i . I.!i .
liu Iiii.-i i-uii. -.iiit .. i
lii-; firm l:i
.ij-li i -t . .1 -i!l-,
;t 111'.' VI iiir
! I .lit '' iilie -: .1
i.'itiniii': t l .'-ii.
ii. vu.." ly
rtv ir'.i.i.-
in. u. i
I III ii.u
i i.i.t'..-'
ii. i.i
.vim I,;
II. V. Wii.i t.
: a s r.
N :! ' i- l.-v
i; '. : il R v iii'l . ui,
;t .-i i' ii.e.l nil.'.
i tr,;
. 1 1 ; o
.;.l li;rt. )..-.
r j . 1 1 1 1 . Hi to bi!
vi ii
-: v. ,' .,i le-iH.n-'iit
r r.f j tH!ll I I'lti-
.-rt lur tir.-t:i.,r it
ii-! i:f . vi '. lit- , . i it a y
', ..ii. . Vi :i i. ;v in. . s 1
,1 j.. -i ."ii i:i..'iv--i vi
1 li :i;:v I itcy !i;c. e.
't!il nut i. fiVfcn d
:.i .1 Mild l'i.v-f1,
..I 11, v': n. ;!'--
I tl' , iiiiu 1 1. t r.v.u i-,,
i n r iV;i- i l isr ! ..'"!..
of lu-i-em '.'i . . A II. I '
ulKi-li tii.t.' av.i ; i ii'
ln.; ;iili;il ui.'l s .r. t
il r-jn.l !;.; Hi I
1 lie i'l ui; .1 I "i "
i.r..l H.i!liia.-ii ! ;..'ii-
.V ... m i.i it n. cnuntv .laii&o
Notice to Faiclirsers of
School Lands.
Ill', I '! I
i l'.ll ll l."
1.1 N .)'. N. 1 !
H:iT.Mi I ' t' .::-' !
i!;,.'. i.f li'V.iii l'.i i :
K i!')'.n . Ii:. . ' V"i .! '
ui I il.'ll- H -.V.T. 1'. : vi
N-l'.Hi::i. iv:: : -t t"
t ti.. 1 1 -. I i . ... -U ..
ia I .111 . N :
i i: . . u i nv !' trri , ,i - .1'
n.-'ii. '. villi vi. .:..ii i
ui vii'l I'.iMi.'i t i i-.i.v
Mi. I.- i'l' Ni'I'ivivvt. i 1
t.-i 1 1 1 1 ;! s il !---;: t.i- ii
juir-uai ri' ui 1 1 ' I .. .
m il ... iileil. not .T 1
li-s , ;!!il t-;!ll:ilf'H 'V
! '. 'i i- i I r.f f
i v n i;i iliit m;s. ;
I. I . Lv'. A. I !- 'P. )
: i . . . r-in .'. v. i:ne
l- t , c a i. a-,- l.ii -
. V V i'.i I 111 !' 1 1 ! ' 1 . ,1 1 IS
r.ii'i v ii It ;'u' Mali- if
Ii..' I 1 !::: ol
i.i.l-. vl'.l.t.-.l
.-laalli i .r. v't
' ' i.. r I'-si.t i -v
I-. ; --:v a.p I n I !.i' l.'iliim
' ii.ti-iv v: lama y ii. I .,
a n hy 1 In; t a-i ui" il i:.l
tt ' ; v ii -v. I ue; ait. i i-. In
. ' . ia avi ra..-s in .ul r
. i . . i ' V j-'i'vu t ;.ai t::: -i-
i via-' '-.I v. ' '.if ; liii ;
rant. li. t ia- 1 ii...:! .".-nt .if
i-i.l; I l .K'' I !l i.i lil i'il I'
a t i til- lil.'l'-of h.- lr .-t -
i ;i;. i 11 ''III 1 In ti a I - - I..
t li.. .i i iiaiit-s "I' - ti I
-.lia 1' iv. .'! I tu. an 1 t !
t .1 ia i if Mate
j . f
' j
I.v i rd. '- ..f t'na !: ...-n
i-l.'f I'lltl l-.
;--1-:.-!- I'l:
.1. M. I'a-:t. i: --'. '-
, . SV. DYK'RHARS B LI V 1 1
r i: ia -.; .!: ! i. itiiis
r. i. kvvis.
:a. iv aial I lit
ii- r. .
V 7 . e- I r-As'l ? -V
cm. - l.v AI'.Mlit.'THO
It ltl'iVI !-. t'
-yti-ni curiilivc
at. in iir.iiiu li. '.: i:a-r-.
It !i'h n-oii I.. - t'.i-i .t-'C'l ia-tH
;i- . Irm I ili-KVait tl.u:! Havn in '1 till" "ill 'llil. i
"iir Ki'.'iiv i.i'iiii.a; ttse.l II iit'all.y lit rittKl ;
I l-.y licin.i.iv. ' J
.; (.: Sal'l liy I'-:i .i.t4 or ; nt't.y mail on recent
. 1 of ft ice, 1 . . '
l'T '"f ?&!
i;:ria:.- ... -
' ' 'i !iu- 'WilHve 1 1'.'Jt . -
.1 rni hit. , aii-y -
I Str.t free.
11 Btp. 4 felt Itso1-'. ' ''',,.. '1'
n.No.Ni'.-''.i-.. v,H'
AOilrel:n'l I'- H' -u
ifitton, e .l.-isi
. - 11 1
KW 4MI VrllV AnRACUVK M',,J '''
-. 5I) KKA.UV
'inn 4 N! I'll'''.. ...
i 11:1'-
I Hlol i" "?
Si. a iJIl 1. KM.10 .'" 1' .
i For A'y ' t) iiu'Wt".-
. . 1 1 - . t 1 : N it'
; 11 :l 1.1 , ,l,.,.'U
Trement St.. POsrON ; l M-l 1 1" ;! i .u
!iire. S fcNf VOItK: lljhll'A""V;.J-r f
' f
id j o ; - , .
tn s.-r.4Und 1 o t r !' H .S
;H. in. i :i ,,V x, ' '
lliB.irni.ii r.miui'iii,..
Mkit l: U'ATkkai! ' "rJ'
vy. X. V.
r-t,HSv.vy 1
"' 4. .1 111 ii, Il I
IMnre it li.v ticii'i f- 1 ' " . ','
nii.iin; pin.i'ipie ii il-." ,,.'.,
m4..'iu in-!! MALT I'l l ll-.l. v I .-J' H
: i
l ii'i i .'I'lift'l tliV-t. H"t.s
frd t nil SIS tin i'l I
. . 1 1 .
nil .' I "
, !l.i t
' I lii' '!.
li ;.. .1
(...lull, tin i. 1 ;"
tue iini.-ie. tuiet tin r'i
rr-te-t die-Lio. reto-ie '.
awi-ls. e!r-!ie the livei
i :o it li
,. . ! u V
: i.i m
. - . 1'i t M
ts'te ,th K' I.I KB eve-
, o! li: .
V I ... I
iHi ? iiMl!;l'l 1 ill. !" ' "
i.i iiim imrM n .ni!' 'tT1
an'ily o tt.i ' ef ' t
rwrvv. 'inc. V l i ei I " -
J..4 !
n Tile HOUSEHOLD and i-
i.i.. a 1 . l.rll'illl il i.-
!.ir.'t I Al I J '
Steels ;sj;aie-t oilier i : '"i 1 " "'',
hM-'ellw sioee -inject-. ' :' i'
iitr.-li.e- fill- !- rit'.-hea t;i y ,:
i.enii.o.. A.tdre-. Ah!.lKUl 111 I t li i
l't., I.i lite. Me. '
suriR iw;ni. m:!5.
ill ge:;r'..,l.
i tit 1.
rr Or.r'ir f. sic r I . ii-h1
fv:l .- ''.' s t ' 'V. .ol l 1 -ll.o
ll".i :rr.
t .. rial Klleui on
or.'TTCRlCA r
ri.ATTSM'i"T, M r tif -
V -llji.
"''fl!ieR !ir s ,-t
J ' .- e- r
Out. .-
( re, ; V."i-.(i. ; K-er. vvl i . .turs
.4, V
V.'axl Liior '
I i.A'l -ML I 111, - - - " - ' -- .
!l .'! Ktt H0Fr.',t a m 1' v'n;. . " '
,.: 4 ,-4 M ;h it .v:i " 1 .1 e.
..'v!7.".Vi' Of CI OA Wj.
err .
T. r. .'.i r.
j ? Hi tee
di ; i i ia -
v..'. cir.p.
r?; T'V7 i:V '
m i a r-iiAMDis r. ,
FaKLi bUH'Wi v i. til
I', .!, h' J!l f I'i.i Ik L'.iC
T It . . TTI V K 'J ' K .
1 , y
it ". '.'e 1 i
ret.Vf..i. i'l'Sj!., iTeo-AlK-e V fiu0 r-1
pairing, i I ynrta! JI'-ihh I
I am ia i.-rp-n 1 !,) 8! ki:... ( i ' .-.i 1 ' ij ,
f 'ait'i i.a.l e !'T '!!. i v. a ; t:.ii
! - . it . tt ll' ia, t ' -... a.
The old Iicliabls Vfc :-;cn ll'pu
):, t.-l 1-n r!i:.i.;e tt ti w n;o.i s! - I
lie ii r!l kitsyrn aa a
Ml, ...
lU'eW 7lM!!9iil4 J,4ll Mn'-r
A TI :-1-A Cj 1 1 J N J C A K i M .i i
Plalp O'.t .''Lilt t !'.! 4.,Ul.'l i'' . ! .
( ia
4 4
hv f.'iti.a! al lhe ''M
H OT1T I'll rl I -. J
Ci.'i: -r of Vine r.rjd i'l.:;!: ' . 1 1 i'
!iA'.i:iuiilh, . ... X '.:
lie tin ail kia.i ..f
jo in: is a.
la hi' I.i. e. The ffi.'!iv,i:n .: 1
cj;.v tihofin;!, 7ttt'i hho'Ai. . . .
li'f tiilt'J H i O'.t
I'biira t-;hirjn in il ...
,Sk'jr l-t p'litd'-l, p'r ift :. A
Wti rritut' d tlx ji ,. ;
I'.I' '.i I1..1 !"l- tl! tlO hil V.Cii. 1;, :i
man a. r,
. t
.-;' -J. ,' :
ct-rstei..:;! ; ,
M I'lTiiliti'io I by an t x fie it .- e J
vi. .-.- :..! I.'.i.'iit f. lc.-'r;i". ,', t ,
ii:i-::..l. Ttiii! ' u lr..-. r l ;i. , . '
".i'.t P
:4 ti a.;.) ;i'l
: Uf
11HJS. J.
'r!i'il; ef tie hi'Nt !"i;
i ' i : : ! ia i- I'm. ;."i tar at ; ue iv -. rwa i
; a . ..'.a- lii-i. ,.. a ... Mi A-. v,..,. ', J
i'l.!' ' (" l '.li.Uliave u .
; 1 in- .Mi.i'r :.'.;. v. .f.i-i. alh-iia ,. ,fif i J ' '
I "is, C
'.9 ;
i L
c - ' B " I '
Z r; : Y-. e t
c - j ;
-3' VZ
m z - -
l Si?
i e v s
i - . t - - ,
: j io -r. - :
- . i -- .-. r
K am -
i - C M- 4
the , ; z z '
i's' -c"-- .
?..WVa.L1, '
ZliFS r
' -r1?8 c
'", . ' f .vihu :
i i
nTl !fl
t i
- AV