--- 1 'k' I I' .1 ,0 v - l r I. The Herald; PLATTSMOUTII, NOV. 11, l80. P-Tfion't the Jf . Y. Sun go fer John Burt County is clear in the east 5 ' - " f .ao north we mean. man, pocs to congress anyway. - Cuming Co. went republican too, for the tlrst time in several years. ' "Boxes and Securities ef all kinds went up. took a rise after 'lection, scold you so. J''iiiestlons-kf the hour wheth "..lifornia is republican, and Wells, Saline is elected? 1 Why do we lauh ? Sunset Cor. v To think what an ass B u num &ile ' e-f himself for a few muled. u-i ( ' '.CoitKELL made it, so did Bro. Turn r ftr of the Columbus Journal. Erasmus, I i Lag you at Lincoln. ! 5at deal cf labor has been - WastetTthis caiupaiga to prove that dack was wmie once, jtre u'ssk we - ' mean. mean. J I 1 VVTf.'ue Hatty at ofn Home." .See the Advertisement under this heading, and note the very co i lea ions for Lfing happy. Douglas Co. sends two democratic senators mid two representatives of same persuasion. The other seven areTTiJii'jl.'ia republicans. .The '.obe Democrat says tlis deui- . . """ irty is like the devil. It will l' !"1'I::iml even this daf.-vit will " Doii-ie t from existence, giving - or the firand Island J lmes. ioth ' iat ,,oy t!iriti ,s;pt lu,,eyi' nted to spread himself, and hi: vi" aftr ""lection" covers al j J r jLhe emit 9 editorial pa.ze. ,s " ':k are, indeed, three parties, the Vk'an, the Democrat ie, and the ' Aml the peoplo generally at ' f the matter of keeping the Dem tfron getting into power. Item. f 3fcn La a S'tl !ix the .aaer, who is a democrat, says le republicans next time. He Vj ;n:il vote their ticket. Dan never vot ' . f I ed for a nan in his life who was elect- ' ed. Jlrre too. Col. ifquain. j Wk have received another letter in answer to tlie Liverpool coinm:uica tun from Haiti lic-nland. As it h:.s . no name signed we cannot demit t from J ur established rules bv nubiishin it. Msuppe it will now be n frd r , f- ior the republicans to hold a roarinjr ratification meeting. Don't do it, boys! God ;;sows we "feel bad enough al ' toady. "Xevc- kick a man when be is cS.D.-iuocrat. . - . . ,-Tx iluvs after Hectuui n. less tlmn ji'-h- different cabinets had been .- ' Jfftuctod for Gen. umtield. It s no - (.boys, for the- future president has '' written us piiviUely that- nothing will . be done iu this matter till be Sire the ('as C. delej;atiii. Rktout says the itcnio. r.t; ic paity li!w rr.-nirt tr h lb and the Methodist r' ' brethren say "Home at !ad." "cs.Mr. Democrat, tv.vl you try to uper with that electoral vote in J .ew York and you wuii't bave to iieave this Hernispheie to find fut what ' hll means in earnest. If anybody says Cass county .lidu t have a lively campaign, an 1 didr't :o herself proud, and the box s didn't get out and the committee didn't work this time, shoot him on the spot. We say they did. 3-300 is pretty fair, but w haven't got a full vole yet, strange as it may seem. Ex-sJi:xatok Hitchcock seems to be veiy prominently mentioned as a i-hai)l candidate for Secretary of .the Interior. Certainly this great v;rst, where we pile upsn many repub lican votes, deserves one cabinet rill -er. and moreover, a man who has liv- -id grow n up with this country 8 its heeds and cajabilities better tne whe has no personal kaowl- e of the United .states west of the t. .u ississippi river. If we had the power W.ide Uiim ton claimed, and cauld cast tho solid Tote of the south, we would say to tlie president of tlie V. S. Senate next March "One hundred and thirty-eight elid votes for Garfield and Arthur." That would show the world where the south really stood, that would stop sectional clamor, that would stop the talk ef the tail wagging the dog that would mean peace, prosperity, and a .united country for the future; but Y4Ide Hampton style of man ver ill a sensible thing yet in poll tics - TBElllowing we clip from a Black Hil .s r?r; we also are in receipt of lama'card from Mr. Me.M., saying ... ........ i. :.. ..('...I'o I -....1" w ' iat ne nopas io ic i i,ri1 eforelong, and rejoicing over the , dorior.s election news: J '-fetyx," in the absence of our eii e rT. reporter necessarily absent informs f H.t. the McMakeu mica mine is, b- I ' (liuniiunt. as cood. if not the best I ;ing personal property in the South- errl UUls. for the amount of capital ..t- . .1 nti , :ivfr I lull - vjitcs pu. ii r i . ....... v - - ... - - - he fact stated is a iact. Jir. yic.MaW- 1 cannot now till his tele-.-raphic or I t "oairsTfo"iu"astein centres of meic;in I t r f.le deinand, to say nothing of home f cenmmptiou so to speak in Chica- go and St. Louis sv Fok twenty years the democratic Varty has been advancing the s..me old 4stis for they. are the ancient ideas, v dotbed ii different language. For "twears the ilemocratic party hae a-Viil itself up irom theground ', , "l!egrically, "lifting itself seat Of its pants to ue -y knocked down again by it cr'agouist. There aie a great tl mocrass who are bexinnin? to ed of th's sort of thing. It is a,iu in the words of the pot"Too itoeeus, you know." Let us iVesfith new mee and new meas t.t; bvii shake off the fossilized ide r.c wll ,ive 9I,1J U1 t,ie mpm lrew Jacksm and llartin -. , " new do;il nU : Old Ureas breatiiw.-.4ia U j desce'iiling rain lat ' '.'t :unJ turned it to suow V i -.... J ,n irv Central Couiiuittee .Matters. s I do not like a loose way of do lus business, I wish to state that after calling a meeting of the G. & A. Club and town central committee, and get- img four persons out to hoar my re port, I have had Mr. Newell, the fcec retary, appointed by the Cemmittee, examine my accounts and expendi tures, and below give his Teucher fer the manner in which the business that passed through my hands lias been conducted. To stop feolish gossip I de sire to say that no money lias been re ceived in this County from tho .State Central Committee, but that myself, with other good friends of the cause, have made up the deficiency over and above what the Central Committee funds proper furnished; and thaterery bill we as a Committee wer in any way responsible fer, is paid. As I do not expect the Cemmitteo want to assemble now, I will ajso have .Mr. liicbaidsou examine these ac counts and certify to them. Jxo. A. MacMukpiit, Chairman Ctntial Committee. 3111. NEWKLL'S .ST AT LU EXT. 1 have this day examined the ac counts, expenditures aid Touciifia of Jno. A. MacMurphy, Chairman cK" the lfepublican County Central Commit tee, and li i id that he has kpt an accu rate account of the money tliat passed through his bauds as Chairman ot s.iid Coimnitttee and contributions frnnt other sources, and tbnl the same is satisfactory, and that all accounts the Cuuuuittee have been responsible lor, either directly or indirectly, have b?en paid by Mr. a acMurphy, the sum total overrunning by a good many dollars all the money he has receive! from the CoMimit.te, or other doners in the County. Wji. II. Xkwkll, Scc'y. I'lattsmouth. Neb, Nov. 10, Tilings. The latest and seemingly most relia ble estimate of the result gives Gar fit Id 210 and Hancock 0 ve'.us in the electoral college. California gives Hancock a slight majority on electoral vote, except fer Terry (.the man that shot Da v. Urnd trick yrats ago) and he was tut by his own party so that we get one elector there, ami the legislature will be 10 republican majority n joint ballot. The estimates now at hand give Garfield !,000 popular m ijoiity. si s mi nil r rnn n Ckdai; llr.v, Nov. !. Ed. IIi:rai.i: I haw always voted the straight demoeratii' ticket until last Tuesday, when I v.''ed f -i G ir- tiel.l and Arthur, bocansn I wa. -t d let well entub alour. Did I to do wrong V Not much, Maiiann! It will t-d.ted io your favor on the day ol judgment. riaibiriii-, Ac, lib. YVo have consi. b red "what L' ;i;:.l .lai K.-on woiii'l do II t.iev v.i ie iiiie,' and have de e! mined to employ ;r I'Cm energies in jtreventing the seizure ii the national i; ivciiiinuiit ! tlieir living cutoiades thioagu the au.Ls if a ".-did sou!!!." That's the t i in- ;. platform was meant lor more than a place to g . t in have . and unl out on. S).l) i t.- or ov coliSi'ieH'tl tins loin; in t!ii-i -'at " i!l Is moie ioiira eU upon tho. w here, nd vou b-ir the verdict. i)s;T!5 a i ii:: polls. iLe Pii'ver ef an A.( .1 :-n (irantetl to the i.e!t: r. An age.! ii;;r.. named Alny, who io a itsideiit ol ijiookixi:, an iiiiuoin sii'ou: ii, had l'ruiueully explessed tiie ho,e t i.at he luii.dit live long enough to vote lVr GalBeld. '11. is old mail was very feeble and likely to die a; any time, so that bis friends fearrd he would not be able to realize his desire. Election day came around, bright and balmy, and found old Alby still a ten ant of this muiidamo sphere. Nobody was more ekf ud than the old man, and a-.;. ted by .-evera! friends he tottered to the on!v pulling place in the town. All waiting tlieir turn, kindly an-.! ' promptly made way and gave him pie eedence." Alby bad ids ticket ready and stepping up to the window jzave his n ime. t he ballot was received by the judges, duly marked and deposited in the box. Satisfying himself that his villi; had been proberly registered and dispo.-e.l of, Alby turned away to go home, but before be had made a half do.en steps he suddenly staggered reeled and fell. The by-slanders, sup posing that be bad accidentally fa!b n. i uslie.l to his assistance, but tlie tirr clance showed them that he was de ck his on" hopo had been fulfilled, and lie passed an ay, peace fully, bis fealty to his party strong even in dfath. Hi uiiblicaiis in i' :igress. j WASiiiNiiTos, Nov. !. -At- tho re-j pubiiean headquarter.- the following! is ligured :is the republican gains and j l.i.-sas iu congressmen: j Republican gains--Massachusetts 1, ! Mo.ise; Virginia 1, Cuod; Nr: h Car- ! clina 1, Ketchum ; Tennesse" Z. 'fay lor, Yriing and Atkin: Alabama 2. 'lid and 4;h districts; Louisiana 1, Darrell; Io wa 3, Gillette and We;iver; Minnesota, 1 ; Wiseonsinl. Bouck; ?vlissuri 2; Pennsj lviinia u. Scranton. Jiarniim and Decanip; West Virgiuiii 1; Kentucky 2, lth and KUh districts; Illinois 1. Total. 22. New York :!; Nevada 1. Tbp folSoiving are the figures iu tka se.iate: In tf e prcsen sen iite Hie re publicans have Zi. They lost Bruce iu Mississippi, but gained one each in Connecticut. Pennsylvania, New York. Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and New Jersey. Total. o'J. The republicans have apparently lost mie in Nevada and Cadfornia' which, if true, will make the total UT. The democrats leive 31). but in tlie event or Maunno acting wi.h the republicans there will be a tie. which gives tne vice tursi- U nif.. t lie v ce lil'rsi- dent thu casting vtde. At llelllO- eiatic headquarters they have not fig ured up the gains and loss. Till: NKVT YOl'.K ASSKMliLYMICX. A I.B ANY, Nv. I. Ti e returns from the assembly districts t hio'ighout t h" state give the republicans a majoiity ef -10. Thv have a m jiity in tl.e seiiate o' IS, making a ivptibl -.can ma jority of 53 mi joint ballot, which in sures the election of a republican suc cessor lo Francis Kernan. Tin: voir in" nkw yorkcity. Nkw York. Nov. 4. total vote of this city was: ILiiicock. HT.Gt-.O; (iajiiel.l. 7S.S"iS: Hancock's niajerity. HS.311. There are twenty-eight elec tion districts missing, w hich, howev er, wiii effect the majority not more than 200. It is estimated by politi cians here that Garfield's majority will vary little from 23.000. Tildeu's majority in 1.S70 was "2.7 !2. The ex j citement over the mayoralty contest j in this city has somen hat- subsided, now that it is detinitely settled who is elected. All the figures are in except one election district, and John Kelly's candidate has a majoiity of 3,201. HOW HANCOCK TAKES IT. Ni:w Yor.K, Nov. 31 a. m. A number of visitors went te Governor's Island yesterday to pay their respects to Gen. Hancock. He received them cordially, but the subject of the late election was not broached, as the Gen eral seems assiduously to avoid any conversation in regard te it." Tlie of ficers sen I riband other fubarmants , , . ... !Ci- v rbAv Itiivn not ,d7 S. Senator? Don't We call attention to the new Ad. and store of Walter Jinkins at Eiht Mile Grove. H'k call attention to tho Caning Gov. Furnas has received from the State Board of Agriculture. lie de served it, if any man did. Tin; County papers are a curiousity this week. Every fellow illustrated the victory acording to his own whim, and eveiy variety of rooster, hen or chicken with numerous outside cuts appear to help the general- joyousness along. The Big Lxcursinn. Eighteen car-loads of excm sione.-ts from 111. Ind. and the east cross ed here yesterday, and 20 mere are ex pected. They go to Lincoln, and else where in the stato fer a visit. California Safe. S;jee 1 PiHatcli to the B.-e. San Ei:ancis o, November 4. The Itepnblicans claim Oregon by live hun dred, and will not admit the pssihiliiy of less than three hundred. Califor nia shows s small majontv ler Car tinlii, which will probably net be creased by later returns. Republicans ' gain two ashemhh men by latest re-j turns, which will give necessary num ber to elect a senator to succeed Bool P. Uaisisg Cane ! Skckutaby's On n f, I'latts- . mouth. New., Oct. 2't, ItS'J. J Hun. It. W, Furnas. JSrnwitnllt, Neb. Dkak Sir:"--I have 'he pleasure of forwarding to you by express, nit! this letter a cane w hich your fiiends dasii e on to accept from thci.s; not on account ol "Us iutiinsic north or value," but as a token of their kind re gard and esteem and as a slight we- mmto of their appreciation of the val- j uable services you hae rendered the AgrumUmal aud llo, ticultu. al inter- ! e.-its of Nebraska in the twt nty-one years yu have been connected witn ur Si;it lioiird ol Agricu'iUii e as an active member. We trust that in year t ciiiiiP ou iay bed this cane as val 1 1 : 1 1 e to oiipptfii ail, and I'.jn-n which i you r.a Un; in tfii.r declining yiars, j a y. u have been a Mippni t to, and cno j tijion v:!.viii ve l iivt beon aba- to de pend in every ern rgency connected with tin mateiial iireres s f Agricul- I ure or Heriieu lure in our StaSe. Tru.-tintr thai vou will accept this twki n of r yard in tin sarni kindly spirit i i i;i v.m, I am, oti behul f of t lie donors, wince names are inscribed tr:ci!i!i. Yoius faiibfully, Danim. H. WiiKKi.r.i:, Sec. Slat' B jardi of gr. of Neb. NkB. STATi: IloUTK I LTfUAL I SOlIKTV, Ibownvilb- Neb., Nov. 1, 'SO. S l. . Whaler, Fq.. Se: Neb. .State Ji- nrd ' Airi'-vitare. Dc.vn ."!!!:- 1 !;.ve the honor to ac kriowled?" the leceipt of ouii' verv c.'inpi!ineniar favrr ot the ','". h lilt. ti-g'"ther with "b.p tken f kind re-g,-id !id esteem" referred to, .ni esent- by "ritlJMne:! Hart in in, J. T. C mo! f, It. Ilariit'ls, M. Dnnliiim, Chris ark son. J. P.. D.?;i (i. W. E Dorse v. E. KiiuiMV, A. Hum te, l-'d Mclntyro iind rembers o; the Nc- N. Gren!l, .1. r . p!ir-y, V. . Whit y o;rs If. active n:i braska S: a!. ibiai . ot Au'iien' ore. I be; to ;l:--oue my a '-'S:ci a: i -. Ilia! t his muifet aiion fai Ib-ir pa. , is Jiighiy appreciated ; !. h for intrinsic wortii. and evi lence 1 rem thse in tituatelv estgaued in the agricultural weal of ! le ! .;' f.jits ia that h ! 1'. i my humnie :i have been, el- I ! l!,eni acceptable. 1 have endeavored t give to the ag ricultural fiictor r.f Nebraska rpat jn terest ncr a quait-r of a century d' J th bet jrs id my life without tlie ! hone of fe1. r reward : i simple di ! I'liare rf eoneeivd duty, and lieciiuso the labor, to me, has n pleasant and in harmony wiih inherent inclination . . i i t-ainl lasia. inr wonuerini upeioii- luent and advanrnient made and wit !essel since my lirst connection with tbt l.esrd actual t! ansit if:i from des ert ta fruitful fish's, orc;;rds, gardens and happy hemes has been gratifying bevor.d power ot words lo express. If I have rided in th" least, art linmcnts so glorious, tho acbi-iveroents of tbem fdes. in a common eauso and for a common gno4, laoip than coinpfiisate. I U ust others, more able, w ill take my place and carry forward more ef lecluallv and successfully, that Which of all else must make Nebraska, agii culturally. sscund to no ther state. As secretary f the Hoard, las pleas ed to convey to members my sincere thanks for their kindly consideration, together w ii h devout wishes for all the future can bestow. With great re spect. I am. Yours ti uly. RolfT W. ftUNA Nii e!y MMe-iiu SI our. N ' N'el S i : o There was :u"!id out from tho Grant Locomotive Works iu Patterson, N. J.. a few d ays -go. a new locrxnu tive f peculiar cont i weticn intend- eitferihe PiU.bnrg. E.irt Wayne I hicago raiiioad. Eugene I'ontaim, tin: inventor, claims iiia, this locomo tive can be made to go ninety miles an hour, while the m icliinery is run no faster than that of an culinary lo conifliive traveling at the rale of sixty miles an hour. The machinery is all on top of the boiler, instead of under it. The di iving w heel rests on anoth er wheel, which in turn rests on tlie track. This lower wheel has two rims one a foot smaller thaa the other. The cuter rim touches the track, and the innei or smaller rim supports tho di iving wheel. The motion of the driving wheel thus communicated is magnified by this ai raugi-ment so that the lower wheel turns one-third faster than the driving wheel, and so the I speed is increased. The smaller lim I of the lower wheel bears to the larger I - . ..: . . , 11.... .. .. .. .. mil a leiaiion siuma: in iikii oi it ei rim a large hub to any wheel. Of course j any rate of motion communicated to ! such a hub is greatly magnified at the j periphery of the whe!. In the same ' way the motion of the driving wheel 'i in this case is magnified bv the pecu- liar arrangement f the wherd it vests u on. Mr. Fontaine believes th.t his i locomotive, if it were not for the in : crejised resisiiince of the air. could be run at tbe rate of 170 miles an hour, i j He expects it to make ninety miles an . ; hour easily. The machinery of the I j new locomotive, which stood propped i up on blocks, was put in motion on ; i Saturday wit h satisfactory lesulls j I Many r;i:lioad '.n'-n have visited it. CO M I iESrON DEXCE. That V.!ar Croc!: Letter. Er. Hnr.Ai.D: Having bad occasion to return hom earlier than I oxpected I can now answer tho letter pt'.dislirj in the last issue of the ITerald. tinn ed "II. Young." I am glad Mrs. or Miss Young, as the c:up may be, rebuked ree through th medium of your paper, as she thought I so j ti 3 1 1 y deserved, as perhaps I did not draw the line at the lijht place. Still I do not retract any thing I said in my hist commuoiea; ion from England. Ali I said was true, a I found it. - I konw there are many hundreds of good Christian women in Liverpool, as in every large cily. but mv friend froia" Vdar f.-repk ntust 'l-car ,?cbJ not be nnfJTeld Now wlio il be U. all speak at once." turning house I had a good opportuni ty to see all kinds of society in Liver pool, aud can safely say that what I wrote was true, and also what "II. Yeung" wrote in reply i3 true. I have every reason to believe that "H. Young" is a lady of sound sense and good judgment, but she certainly dees not know me, or she would not have suggested the propiiety of me becom ing a night mifsionary in Liverpool. Hoping seme day to meet my friend from Cedar CieeK so as to hare a food laugh over our correspondence con cerning the city of Livei jsool. I reoiain Yours Truly, Edwin Jeauy. Greenwood, Neb., Nov. 8, lbSO. From Uusbherry. NOVF.MBEK 8, 1S80. Ed. IltnAi.o: I start out by in forming the peopls of Cass County that we are still aliTe, and that we had quite a lively time election day, here in Elmwood, which showed since that tho Republicans walked away with the barn Is. We were glad to see PI itlsmouth do her duty towards her candidates, as theru wa a good deal of talk out here that some of the candi dates were not in favor of Plaits inoulli's interest; that I'lattsmouth in- j tenied to work against their interrst, but we were mistaken. Never mind, we will return the compliment. We have (juitu a spicy Lyceum here cverv Thursday night; all the folks take an interest in it, to- judge from the way they turn out. had quite a debate en Foreign Immigration, Kve land and Thompson opposing parties; the judges, M- Cavey ;;nd W. Buster. It was decided in favor of Thompson, the affirmative, favoring immigration. The other gentleman did noblv, but the strong sido was against him. We are having ijuiie a large num ber of marriages heie th s fall; till the young folks seers to be on the marry, tx(.e,)t William Ragos; and , .. ,. . . l'on,, t!lI,";1"r-' " 1 when he is to ask him if the riddies ars full. The fanners are all busy gathering eoi n. I expect Mr. H.rtignm is traveling tor Mr. Parker, of Lincoln, selling tomhsionfis, by this time, as Mr. Par ker was dealing iu politics with hi in ;it McCaig's school house before the election. We have a new store here, and also have the Post Office re-established,. Gakiuxd. -- - (ireentvoo'l Locals. (WtitUMi fur the IIki'.ami.) Giernwood Gleets Garlield. And Roy ally Kecoies Root. (ireen Wiui.l will flourish like a green bay tree during the next four years. Mr. Hackney has opened cut a tine sleek f new furniture in tlie old Neel building. John Green still buys hogs, mt w uh 1 s-tandir.g tho fact that the "iitae-hon-! red priii.-iplos of Democracy" have been consigned to oblivion. Our demccratic fiiends have cciised singinj, "What wii". the harvest bt;V" They now sing: ( oul.i I but rea 1 my till? clrar 1 ! ilic W.u'.ii.'.cii'i'icu; iiiaunroii, I'd bid : ii.-n-ell to aituy cheer Aril ; i.T's ilieail expm'Siou " They might also sing, "Who will care for ILim-ok now Y' O. r fellow townsman. J. W. Qu.ick enbush, takes his defeat like a man. We look upon him as one of the 'straight" men of I. is party, and the position he has maintained in the late campaign will insure him friends, fay this, dc.siious of courting no vers, but simplv ta t:ise "inner e whom hoaor is du". A very pleasant party of about tliir-ty-f:o residents of Greenwood and vi cinity met a few evening5; ago, per in vitation of Mr. and Mrs. Carmichaei, at their iesider.ee in Greenwood, to cedebr.iie th'- birth -day of Mrs. C. li e usual amount of fun and good humor incident to such eccasions was indulg ed in, am.! ee:yni.e appeared to be happy, and to enjoy the eccasien lm-n-.ensely. several very useful and or namental presents were made to Mrs. C. witb the hearty good wishes ef the donors. Greenwood ratified the election of Garlield and Auhui last Thursday ev ening in good old ratification style. Empty coal oil barrels, r.dds and nd cf lumber, parts of fences, and every thing that the lioyg could find loosu was piled up, saturated with coal oil, and a torch applied thereto. Then such celling and tiling of cannon (.anvils) as perhaps never was heard before, and prebably will uoi be heard again until lbsl. when Garfield and Arthur are re elected. Alter this kind of fun had been indulged in for about an hour ami a half, the question was asked, 'where is Dr. Root?" .Sunn of the boys pro posed serenading the doctor, but this had to be abandoned on account of sickness iu his family. Then ii was de cided to get him out io the lon tire on the pretext that one of the boys had got hart in firing the anvils, and a party was sent to bring him o-at. He came, but finding no patient to whom he could administer baits, the tallies were turned, and tho buys gave him three hearty cheers, and then calleri for a speech. The doctor mounted a bug.sy that had been placed in readi ness for him, and made a speech re plete with patriotism and good sense. After the speech he was taken to his heme in the buggv from which he had spoken. Democracy w as to have been buried here hist Saturday uis'it.bat the event did not come off fer some reaawii r ether. Hallelujah John was. to have delivered tl.e funeral oration, and uelanchol v Jim W; s t. b.avo pery H.iri intoned 1 1. responses. ipnerv nan was ex pected to be h;-ro to he.ise a sih and d;p a tear over the r.;ve of the de timet. We da not know what flights of oratory ll.ilh ir.jah John r:i!dit hate ir.duld in. but we presume it would have been replete with such sentences as these :"A man that is bora a demo crat ha!h much to conten i with, and is full of misery. Ea springih up like a m mill room iin.l is cut dtiwn like a cauiifl.wer. (). General Hancock ! yvho shall now deliver us from the hands of our enemies V" etc., etc. A KG US. Green wood. Neb.. Nov. 9, 1330. A Graud UeptiUtion. Warner's Safe Kidney aad Liver Cure lias re;chcd a reputation that is not limited by the confines of section or country. JThrw are no injurious substances, nor false, or temporary sliuiulams iti thw preparaliou. It is purely ver-tab'.L, and compounded nn ur n formula that Iras " passw.1 svre t.. f .t-- - . . . -rtT- r" - ' ' ' Our Temperance Column. KDITEO BT T1IR WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TF.M TKISANClt VMO.N. " For Coii. auJ r.ome. and N;tiv I au.l. Slaves of Mil. "WhotaeTer cemiiiitteth iu u the servant Of sin. M. joint ?::i Ji. Charles Lamb writes: "The w ate hi have gone over me: but out of the Iback depths, could 1 be heard, I eonM cry out te all those who have eet a fo;t in the perilous Heed. Could the youth to whom the flavor of the first wine is delicious as the opening scenes ef life, or the entering npon ame newly dis coered paradise, leek into my desola tion and be made to utulei.t and what a dreary thing it is when he shxll feel himself going dow n a precipice with open eyes and passive will te see all godliness emptied eut of him, and yet not be able to forget time when it w;is otherwise -to bear abwut tlie pite ous spectacle of hie own r in ii : could he see my feverish eye, feverish with hist night's drinking, and feverish looking for to-iught's repetition of the folly ; could he but feel the body of death out of which I cry hourly with feebler outcry to bo delivered, it were enough to make him dash the spark ling beverage to t he earth in itil the pride of its mantling lemtatin." -v The following table of the receipts 01 the Internal levesme for the year ending June 30. make a very credita ble show for the New England htatai. in view of the fact that niue-teuihs f this revenue i derived Iie whisky, beer, and tobacco: Connecticut 5 C. -.' .1 .1tl..-iT VJi.iv .'-1....-S .'.!- 2,I:i4.H4 s.si'i.re i .-ti l l.' .4JI.4'S lft,4l:i. i:l l:i.r)U.-,-J i o w u M;oiie New i!;im.lhiiv. mio.if IUiul. ... Verinunt Mrfaetiiiett . . ii iiinylvariia Knliii'k M.so::n " irmi New Vorii ll'inoi MiissHchusetts, !:owv!-, is a excep tion. Rut leok at Maine-. The i ceipts only 8t-j,o0''), whicli ;ne from regular busines. there not beiiiga dis t i Her y or brewery in tk state. The figures contiadict the assertions niad to the discredit of the rrrhibito.-y I.iw. To be everi with the liiiimr slte it must yield a revenue of afeut 3.hh. 00(i. Look iit Vermont, te. receipts .. erely nominal. It has a prohibitory law iilse. Then look at our own state. It is ahe:id in whisky producing, and in the taxes paid by our citizen. There were sent fiem Quincy, in this ststo. last week, twenty-one pris oners to the penitentiary and four boys to the sdale Ueloi i. .School, the result of the work of the September criminal couit sitting for Adani coisnty. Now, 'her is no leason in the world for tbis small ;irmy :' crim nals from a county which ouirht to be passably aioral, exeepi the exitrm e in Quincy ;md cher towns of a large i number of saloons. Will our people never learn wisdom from such bitter ) Its 5?us cf experience a t!ie-? The! diiierence is, in a pronibition i vuti'y, one; sent t f the pcrdtent iary in thirty year. License county, t we nty-orse at on session of the court. The latter, however, boinyr the largest, is entitled to abeut six Pi thirty years to be pr portionate with the other. St ndard, Chicago. The Enterprise ays that since tic! sal of liijuor was proh:bi;e-l at Car- j roiUon, ( leoi'sia, live jears a-o, the j amount of trade of the place has in- j creased from SiO-.i.OuO to i?.0i,f!0d, and j that there is r.oi one merchant in ihir- ; ty in that towii who would not vote j against th" re-instnteuicnt of tlie lii-j uir tr.'llic on purely business t iitn-:- pies. Think of this you wi- liav V r"i f i iizhtenetl from vntitiu' "r. lnerse"; from the fear that it. would drive bit-, sin ss from your villa? or t-i t v. Il i will tlriv povi-ilv find enrno r.iul expense rf them out of your town. te Reports from those i; charo of the effort fit the fuls-ieng'h portrr.it ot Mi.-.. Hayes, in trstimony of puutic f tet m of that lady as an " e.-:a':;-.;e of temperance in hish places, m -an. u that the conti iiiutioi.s arc already iit - eral. 'i'iie retuin ot a i-ire sUcl coiiy j of the paitiiiii. far eveiy itii't of live dobats r f over, ha.; br-c.cuc an iacotit ive to many 1'ic.tl erauizati'-iis, as .Sunday schools, litcury nd oii.er j club.-, as weil as to temperance socio- i lies, to collect fo .v cents I rem each j member ami thus reci.re the enuraving i for tlnir iu!l-'. rooir and chuicii-pai- j lors. The design is r,.jt to r?n t;:i tl.ts engia iupr shali teach one laillion homes to remind v. i. in ; i k i i: i ! of ibi force they hold for i:io-.d reforms, i.b.i thii will accHinuIais a fund beyond cost ef the portrait. What w;Ji be j done Willi it V It will become "Ti-..- ; Mrs. Hayes FuticI for l-"rre Temperance Literature,' only its interest f trnitis: to be consumed, it is ;t grand thon;:! j in its projector, the local union cf. Christian temperance women at I !.- j ware, (Jhio, and is in good haudi. Mis:-. ! Wiilard beiny president of ths fund, ' Dr. Crosby first vicc-prcsiden . xnl Miss Esther I'us'i. the ('laKc;, Trr-iis- I urcr, ut a: IJible llcnse, New Yoikj city, to whom all donations aie f-ent. i Jiut i?. further aid of tin1 fund, thn la- j dies have in.inju! atrd the "i.ucy Hayes Tea Party," ,ui eviii-rixinniii! in pub-! lie hril or pr.rloi, :ii whii !i f.ims l.e'y personntes thf r:niple manners r.f tiio j hoMoss of tlie Wints Iione. ;md other ! ladira nd gentiriccn pfienf.te !iota- blc While llnnse iirs'.i -secilors, I judges, forpj'n rcsidrn's and tho Wif-.. vi!h their f.imilios. The's is i K'ncr-I oili cni'fl:! : ; T i T :1 lo:irLe.l tbivv r f 5i.Hial. I tnftit.il and musical spirits, but a mark fd absence of inl oxic.itinjf ones. A modci'ate admission fee is taken, and tbe proceeds forwar.ied to th fund. Here is room for v. holesom and ftmii" ito" cntprtainni"'it duriii th1 winter. I'hil Vo-ip. i'. port ic iit.tr p Works of uy author at r;n volumr. irilt rd-c. A !5is Success. 'My wife had been ;ii!i:ig a innj time with dyspepsia and 'nervousness and was in b;-d two years with a coti plicatio:! of iiioruers her physicians c otiid not cue. ". hen I was led by reading a cii cular left at my door to try I'arkcr's Gir.ger Tonic. Having beefi so often derived by worlhlecs mixtures, nothing but my wife's dap gerous condition coul.r ba e leil us to maUe any more experiments:. lint it yvi'.s ii big success. Three 1 ettlts cured her, at a cost ef a dollar anl fifty cents and she is new as strong i's any woman, and rrgui u lv do- s her hoist Indd duties. II. I).. Uuffalo -ee an oth.er column. 3H4 Wo I I. Vhen ire sav v e bel v. we have liil-di's I'u'i- evidence to prove tl SMlllptioll t'uic is it Lui.' Mcd:ci:f il will cirri cl". 1 i'i lli'li i;i o:ir- h.iit bi'Vc Ardhma, ".:o!, l.'.mili. Ciol.p, at.d si ci.i.siimpti'-'is cured Ml li'.iiy li;c t.i-t iiia.-in'.:-!: -is n ur t "aim ;c ; 1 11. f and 1 1 is, Y hovipi itj ui ji t- ca-i's d tr. 1 ail d!;ers. It wil. cure wheio th-y l.iii, it is picas ant to lak1, harmlrss to the yoto r-t child, and we guaranti-y what ,u s.:v. I'rice 10 cents, ":. cents, and SbbO If niii! Luns are scr, (io-st cr Hack l.iine, use Shi!hs l'wrous I'iastci. ."juiU bv ymith c lil.ick. ') 1'Jlt litiirl'e it. That in this twu theie sre scor.s of peii-ons pabsing oar store every day whose lives are tnudo miserable by In digestion. Dyspepsia, So u r ar.ddist reus ed Stomach. Liver Complaint Corsw pation, when for T5 cts. wo will bell them i-diiieh's Vitiili.fr, cruarautccd tc cure them. Sold hr Smith A- Kp.;ck. -We have a speedy and positive Cure fop Catarrh, Dinhtheria. Canker mouth, and Head Ac!u. in .SHILUIIS CA- Bessie Teterson," specimen ttl "aor-ji---n.j bond work,. THE MARKETS. J?M" 'markets. OKAf v:i rntitit tT. '-)'cbir;Iav, Nor. io. !o. ' ' Tho.-lt. No. 2.. C'.mi, ear " shelled,.. Oats barter. 2... bye. " N:uiT Catile. r.-.-. IMltor Ks'ts I'otalcfs 5? .3 r.xr .'.'it'.; .3 .0 fK YORK I" AliKKTS, Sk 'o:ck. Nov. 1", !-;:i .Vei.ev Wheni. Ke ... tun . . . ei;s .. fi.c;ti ti. 1 ( CHICAliO MAJ'.'.iinS. -Chicaoo. NiT. n. f 4 y iV r 1 S-l v v;i-eat . ( 01:1 . . . i iai . . !!'.... ss . ?l fV-4 TP 1.1VO (T-?CK. Ho; .V . liip".ii:'- Phee r . - v; i " v---r' - ;r. tj. -v-;;- J Ki t -M e-r i : 1 '.V.i-.'J- i.-LTt MA. ""fia! -ticl'i.t ,r! m.ir'3 sinj- 3 A KV-.f-- 'err i--t-. 2 UBU Crura. :-fr.j7?:.-3:f:.-i Ji r "-tft?v.lr-.:S s" i -. ' r t 1 1) I- ; ' 1' f.TT M T Z ' ',1 'r-e'- r. -, r - ' tt. 34 (ts. TNE BEST REREDY rom C1S05S3! cl Its Ttraat acJ Inn. Die:iscs r.f tho pulrao- ; cry organs are so prev- j lent hi id fatal, tliat e ; o end reliable remedy fr tiieiii is invttiuuble to every community. A' Eft's Aver's C'ur.r.uv I'k tubal is such a reined t. ,&Z and no oilier .l rmi- . :. . 1 .I i:eili:y lurrita iih- euiiu- .i... . . . i ' : . i . C,, , UCUIC ui llir iui.ui. ! ilaL.tiiiI is ecientilic combina tion of tho tuedieii;;U rrir.cirles ami curative (virtues of the finest .2 rpjj" oriiu, cueimcitnv uiat. "::-ed, io insure the'rtafc-li'-A.et r.ossible ellicicnrr fci-.v, .,...; il.. : PECTORAL. ;1 miifonnity of ro. imlta. wlm.li enaliles pliyicia:n well an invalids to uo it with c.if.tlilenre. It i the m-it reliable remedy : for diase of the throat and lutiica that sci- ; rn -o lias prndaeed. It strikes at the foun dation of all pabuormry diseases, aiTordin prompt nn.l certain raltt'f, and ia adapted to pst-ierits of any age or either sex. Eeinj yery Mlatahle, the youngest children take R without ditlieulty. In the treatment of ordic.rv f'oiiyha," Colt, Siiro Throat, Iron-fiItl, Inr1uenz, ler.sryinaii's ?orf Tliroot, AEtfcma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effect of Arr.rt's Chrrkv I'eo toral aie macieal, and mtiititudes are aii luihiiy ; renorve-l from erk.u illuo? by it taceU-a.id faiihf'.'.l af-e. It sb'iiild be kept e. l.r. 1 ia every hf.uehobl. for tho pro !'! iuu it affords ia sudden atlaeki. In "rii'x.-.iai-eoti&h r.d Ceiinei'iillou '. i';.'re. ;a no oMut remedy J !m:4K-i.US, ; f .-e' i.;i-, i.-,d helpful. 1 Th virve''.-i;'.s cures wldeti Ann's r:':-:rT J'r.'-JoKAf. lias eiTectwl h!5 over the v. rhl .-? s'.ia' jruernnty tliat it will -;:i:i;i to prod ace the l.-est resu'.ts. An iii:;triii trial witl convince the most scepti cal cf its wonderf'il ct'.rBtive powers, as well r of its iinri'.rity over nil other prepara tion for pulmonary complaint. Eminent phyi.-lans in a'.! parts of the r lantry, knowing its centpesition, reooin t: fii.l Avsb'i I'iibRitr Feci ok al to invalids, rid preriho it in their practice. The teit cf bsif a c-entnry has proved ii ebsoluto c,-r'.i'it.y to cure all pufmoiary complainta r.M already beyond the reach of huunn aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., "rx Vifr2 and AnlTtirI thiKiili, Lowe, r'xeaisior Darber Shop. J. C, BOONE,. I'ner Frank C:rruth'. new .ii. Iry stnt. HOT ..VJ COLD 13ATH3 Af.T.'AVS tikAUV. GLEAN NEW PLACE, ;.n.t r.rtvr litlie Inrr t; ret Ftf Si) A.MPot'SI' MAll'.-Cn. srerth:n' e'-e the toni rUl way, i John Ioonc?s New Hlio?, ("criirr l.iii ;i.d S'.UU .S.ieri-, PinitTHimth. - - n GENERAL i U ii AT Eight Mile Grove, Neb. i . y WALTER JENKINS. liav!:.' 1 ;i::? i u Ne.v Slot :c tbe ;:eui:"'. l mv to' t:. :i : t.'i.&.ii:'- my friet. - a: i'l.l':).' iu Kt:"-':!. Pit. Tin wart? WoiMiriiTf-aro, raij. (ii'ij'ial ;ei! of p.i! -..it-. CHEAP GOOD I Coll an I see cur &i3' I: eL'u I.) re. e 01 t.j r ft PATEWT STEAM i moved by its use. Th Mothers' 60 1 aline. t-uUj it-i r,"' ?.--'! oit i -" .'v.C.fin-.Vri.V "f. .rv'. i. V. ...-fi t ; . . T 1 i ronw.-. H : 1 vi . SUBSCRIBE KOlt TUE 2TSBEASK A A LD ! 1 ait: ME&BA3IE& HERALD ! I pa T till Mwi 1 a in d! 1 1 THE COITKTY l!n F v ifinn ilie'iv. 'till IV. per In the County. OF THE COrNTY. TO Columns, and fsill ofj Co ti nly yews, Letle.rs ; from II Parts cf I tfeo Cu nt y and Elsvhi'r. P li Nps Yen? 1 1SS1 ) we shall r;i! e i :i t. Illilil:! ibc: eff-r ery iow club lies; p. ipn s ar.u i i:i the ln:tn. We shell ,i! o publish and isvaa ;i it niflftrtscJ v ISiii'-irnir "ALDINE" fer cadi ef cur suUeriber;, l CLrift ii.iis tiiiic. AnJ iitrwl t-'.ukf tftejviper BETTER AHB SITxOK&EE Italic - o f News then ectr. I'M W THE HEBAtB and ytt 9'j.r frUn ut it give w a lift j The More Help Wo Get, the Belter papr We Can Blake. J. A, KacMurphy SUBSCPJPTT02T PRICE : S2.00 a Year. CO 0 HER IlMlISiliQifi rneia mcv vj-t rvr1 .b SUF j TIIU i t t HIL. "2"OTJ3SrC3-'S PEANUT-. ROASTER, ntfi--Yyn W, rlt take lTBOt 34U3 do ot!ir. S4l y CSTAPLS JlsTlD FA3STOYO 5? Ii $1 J !H M SE1 TTEa Old SiaXiacjl ' ALWAYS AHEAD ! r.RF.ATKIi Sum Ihr Ir W akuw Ihr Uivvst mi eats5 Fiiralsfciltis $A&&&a9 WJC AKK This Seaseia in We will k" f - fey per csaL Ctll at th? Philatlolphip Store, make your I'uivbjo, and you will ) happr. DKA LICK GENERAL MERCHANDISE ktd iueh feed i are etaiiy kept iu TTe effer kTFXlkL BARUAISS ia BOOTS jL.3$riD SHOES, nc we tie t t 'k t' ,f hbi-ee-it. I ro i tr i ui: t Is ouri itly elic;.d. V.t sui ur.i HS is M Jta zy e fUutaUr the piece -Seat h East C9iur Uein tud Tend '.', Puttuceuth. liVTttliitlS i: Yt'VA'H liJJ.l. THIS C TVS T U ,3111 I O, U lu 0?0 QIYE THEM CA FTTLL AID 4 4. 1 S.8.M.VIK, STREET. JSL.H. BAKER & i I", L llt'h. J tb'i's a r . 1 Hvr.t Hoc. ot i 5?S IlAKtJALNS T1UN I'.Vl.l.'. ... .0 ... ;vst Alt it c;ccici it. I ) 'i-cu-l lc ot i 1 il il GIVINC eery dej.y"trse?it. asssi Sl-1 - r 'Tt .1 .4 3T iK OiM-kt"k su.l iatve ououjli cil, e::d Ws conviT41 ed of Tai: Delirif the 3.025 BLACK & U i VSi Kj J - M "l Ail. COMPLETE I f t -f V i' L Ji 1 i'l' .d ' it r- r i- r Jl ,j utn. i. : r it 1 ; 1 0 iSnifi o