i V.;THE 1 ? I . a :..c i r f k y z i . 4. i 'a it r? a: i 1 ( i i V i Herald. LOCAL ADTEKTISltMKNT. Transient, 23 cents a Hue. Rturulnr advenls !?V 0 . ent!,le'' line. Ko advci tiseniant insai t- J lor less than 23 cents. Legal notipos at Statute rates. Alioriip.T ami officers of the law will be nrid f sponsihie for ail leiral notieei t-hey hanil in. Hid ail pintles demaiiitiiie a proof of puhlic;. Aon of any notiee will he otilti fur the ptihlica jn fee oi sucU notice. COMMLNICAYIOXS. As our spare is limited, sill rommtMilra'ons niist he brief and to the paint, with no vva-sie of worUa. Tlie paper is responsible for the eon-pet urns i Wfonlui to copy of paid mailer and paid Le a!s. only. . Any (wrson who takes the paper re-ii!nry frfcw pos" -otV;ep, "Aheiher il.n ; d to lH airaf . r wac'.v.r-r lie la a .siilwjrltjer or not is i f(Juiiih!f for the wy. 2. i ! Any person nii'i'is bis p'vn-r dix-nnt In- '. ttCil. lie ma' pny all ,i;re:n-:.Kfs, or the pnhhsli- I t r..y ci:t.-u to , i.d ii m.si! payment is i b:i..r. ami iii.:"-! the vtliilr iMnnniit. Viiie'.iiet the i-.sm is I ik ju from tiie or.. e or not. 3. Site e.--ii.-u have .cfl..l that refusing to islKe m-. -!!;. rs an.! j-erii. -;:- .is p. i.m the n;: r i-m. uvirg me". I- r.viai tle-tn t:iiel!e: (, is lir.il j'l' tt- e:ileme of 1 N IKN I A L F.X Vli. LOCAL NEWS. Weseott sells th; best buckskin 2'Jtf To-niglit. At Fitzgerald Hall. Monday and Tuesday night. It rained Wednesday night. -Nine column paper this week, do and trip the light fantastic. Dan and Josie Morris Sullivan. Smith, Iil.u k & Co. sells drugs. 2 Duck hunting is all the go now. Will. S. Wise sell Ileal Estate, tf A wedding is lepotted for the l.-th. Smith. Black & Co. keeps cigars. 2 Fresh Figs ai the V. O. News De pot. 1 Frank Cai ruth's building is coin pKtt d. Express wagons at V Co's. Smith, Black a:H2 The boys bad lots of fun IIolloW-e-'.i. tiiovesand Mittens at S. & C. M;iyer's. The ratilicaliiin last evenin i in nieuse. M. A. McKinnoii retuiin tl Mon -- tla t ight. t---y. Beau Phil Young's ad in another -lninn. -Xew Side walks are a'.l the no A:iv , ni:..; w-days. - " Fresh cvc .anuts at the P.O.Xews Depot. 1 Go to Smith, Black' Co. lor your stationai y. .V'.vi Eventhing in utiiii'i w t at aim g'.oVt S at eoco'.t M. i. Polk called Satuuiay. again Milum. Come Flesh chest nu at the P. Xews 1 Depot. Bead our adverliseiuent i other column.- Go to the ;he.itre Monday Tue.sdav nights. am Fred Leii.ioff's new just looming up. Tiuse caps at S. & ( simply immense. There was a tight in Salojns Saturday. bMi'idiiig is Mavei's are ! one et the The binirest line of buckskin 2!tf gloves at W-escott's. There was a dance at Louisville last Friday night. .-Manufucturning and Bepairing at M-.rges' Shoe Store. 22tf Bead Bennett & Lewis' new Ad in another column. Mrs. Swartz lnuse on Gospel Hill is nearly completed. Money to 1 an on Country Heal Estate by'w S. Wise. tf They do say Browne is immense on political speeches. The G. & A. Guards made a good show ing Monday night. A. G. Hatt has had a new coat of paint put on his house. Leach's Home made .Candies for at the P. O. XettS Depot. sale 1 -S'.apie aud Fancy Groceries, a full lin?, ;it Chittenden Bros. 32-tf. Tin-President has appointed Xov. 23th as 'Thanksgiving day. l.,- I'.lo-U's Itheutnalic cuie- -sure ciie- -for s;t!' by smith, i;a.-K v. o. . , . Fresh oxs'eis ami ce.eij ' lLl ' 4 daily by Bennett - Lewis. 1 ix hundred ami seven'; y-one votes cast in Pialtsmouth Tuesday. lMattsmoiuh w-a.5 ('.'.led with torch i,r..ct's.iii):i.i .ion it. IV l.lglll. t.i-. ' I 'd Louisville en;;. ' up almost m is to the raliy L oo lav ui. i : Buv a hanging bi! "1 snutli Black Co., toe :at.-.. itni-toV-m ts. (in v llolH.d Bu .11 ,t a "i.urn". wl:ih at Exerer ! :-t wee it. rite Plattsiu tise in L'-on.trds i i-. ('! Club pra -Photograph Galb ry Oyster: by the quart at ("MITT NiiKN llKt A v o 1 at .ili! of llleli e ( ; -e:tl :'ii i . -tj-i.te a iniaii t f o voiin- folks went down I i'.attsinotit.i !il It'icU l'lo-iVs llf:d-l . o:ei W ill ; .;.!! a' ti.pl i to th-i: a Chit'e.i leu Bros. 32-tf. v a. J is..,. Streight, of Sou.h -Fm-le Bend, was in tovvr the . first week. of the Eleven Greeiibaekers voted straight Gteei.bick tickets in Puittstnod lb. Tuesday. , I. I here ns c insitirra'eie uiptunei nt i.t town, be careful and not catch cold children. Loicezi's Face Powder and all others first class brands at Smith, ft ...l-.t- i ."s v2 12 ... ...fx... The best made ami, best tilting clothing aL Wescotts.be will undersold. not ne 1 The new hotel is getting along fat. and is gt -dug to be a line building when cotiip'eted. l he finest ibting and best m. d Clothing m tiie city Prices guaranteed. at Wesc.uts. 1 . About six hundred dollars bet in-. "tic0f one hour, in small bets, at Plat'.e r . fi-W JrT.W Pleasant Honr Cloh wiisi Personal Mrs.'.Je.ining has returned from Ottuniwa Miss Xe'.lit; Murtin, of 'Factory ville, is in town. Mr. J. Ii. strode returned "from 111 noi.s lust .Sunday. dipt, and Mis. 1 aine spent :i lew dajs in the city this v. celt. Mr. and ilrn. -"Height were in town Monday night to attend the rally. Mr. Will .Short, and bisters, MiiS Xtilie .Short and Miss Doll it- Conk Were in town Tiiesatay. Mr. (.'. W. Lyman and family -.pent a day in Piallsiiioulli last week on their way from Chicago to Lincoln. !...( .. . .i...i.un.i was ill uie CUV las w e;, k. W e uiidrisiand lie uoes. af.er a ' vi...i: v!;t .i i ;......! i ..i ... . . .... ..... ... ...,,., ..nao.uei.poilKS io itasuiagton lor the winter Mr. and .Mis. Saul ileardsly and daughter, Miss Vbbie, were in town : not quite so' near finis!pd. The speech Saturday. Mr. i'.eardsicy brousiht in ! .s were one and ail a:Uiotiia.e and a load of cheese, of his own nake. -Mr. .1. . (jiiackeiibush of Green-j wood the democratic nominee for the j legislature called upon the IIek.M.L. : one day last week in company with; Mr. llartigtu. That wm before the election If you'll call again friend (J. j we'll condole with you. i All over the woi Id Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is making its way. and every place it reaches consumptive people are more seldom met. It is truely a blessing to luiuanity, and costs only 29 cents. Ed Wescott will make prices tu suit you on ch. thing and f urnishin j l",w il1 1 ow 3 '" gauds. Xoold goods. Xo bUeXpen-h'"'1 Satiir.li.y evenings next and .Sat ses. Looktovour interests and call ' "r,1:l-v Ma.mee. lhef inpany is one at the y;,.v .in.l tret a souaredeal. 1 .M,i.. u-u,i n t t .. .... day night for the big crowd that was around town. Correct von- habit of crooked wa'kiug by using Lyon's l'atent Me tallic l'eel StirT"ii' is'. :i2;4 A very pleasant party celebrated Mr. and Mrs. L"ou ird's ninth anniver sary Monday evening. L-ulies desiring a fragrant and lasting I'ert nine should buv Ixia-Lis of Smith. Black & Co. :!2t2 Tl! e Democrats; got out a paper Mondav, which v-js-ilie- stratv that broke th-ahiel's back. -John Boo?! will move into his new quarter hi the cellar of Frank I Cai ruth's ii. w Jiiilding i his week. j - Buck v. liea",tUur, cranberries, and apples bv the t)rlel at Jno. Bons & Sun's, cheaii-r ttinn the cheapest. 33t2 .Judge Xev-ell voted and then weu. down l.i Reck Bluffs and helped "1' H'e Republican vote there. j W'.NTKii i strong, cajiahle girl j to do general 'tot Vwork. Inquire on Sixth s'rect, oMrv. IL It. Livingston. t i.' I'.!!-; ies wanting choice Michioan ; apples can h a t n- dilT.'ret;t varieties ' by 1a inn their oflers in time, at F. S. White s. ', iitllli Born to the In use of II twksworth j --a b ov and "a big o:ij too. Both I mother and V y a e doing well. He i is for Garrteiil. too. !. j A new in voice in hilts and caps i just received at W?tcott's. including; S et tin's lines! goods and latest j siiapcs. !.;. l.. tesc.ti inn tsoss ciorn er. t. 1 Farineis don't forget to-go to Jno. Bons & Son's with your butter, egjs. and all country produce, as they give ' Mm lii ft ..ct iirteea In iiAIi for tliA 4:1 inp . ."v" 1 . I Don't forget to call on them. 33i -Two funerals Sunday : one was a child of Mr. Coleman'?, and the other a child of Mr. Wells, jioth of which died o: diphtheria. Fresh otsters leceived daily from Baltimore, and for sale 'Wholesale and retail, at F. S. White's SOtf Select oysters. 30 cents a can; Stand ard 40 cents. See premiums awarded at our County Fair in this week's paper. We have been so crowded lor room and time thai we have not been able to give them before. ) From Garfield dowi as far as heard from the only democrats elected in tin County are the Assessor of Rock Blurt's and the Judges and Clerks of eh c ion in Pi 't Isnioiitl t GRAM" LA I . - lilttXI l.Al t nu r uitASULX! Xew diie.l enri an's, raspberries, blaekberri s, and pi line., just't received, be r..nni tt - Lewis. t 1 ... , . . ' ., Plattsinouth has at last got aside- walk boon!, new sidewalks, all over! ! Main street, and the sidewali up I he i Hi; i School It'll is nearlyj, finished ! which is q i e :in improvement on the i ltl.,M. ,. ': i ' ,.-,. o fipp llill'..l I Hie' ...v'.. run BAKtiAiNs in ai.o.lim:s. atorv about getting the grounds in or Youcan positively do you rK some movi llB llllih,illt(Sl at : i from the old grounds, and had it not ...-u muwi ijx(tiii. irinnv is .f b'Cii! uritters thif week oli::.:sioi! and have a lit tie tiat iepc Wih thei 1 . i ... 11,,'j m. .. ti e 1 i.-mocra lie nar- j ty. i lit.!. upsiile dou n. ,5'ist l ow. . t.ie o!;n-. - r '";,v aie selling ' la best clothing ! at the Great Red Si ore. at such; very i low prices, end you have cvcr'Hiinir ! u'uarait'ei d as liq-resented or money j rcfuodol. l'h.'t is why y.m Miouhl ' go tle re for all you need. Sltf ! Ei ae.k Cai i tn h's in w bui'diuAViis brihi-f'tly livrU: I with ts. and look - ii 1 like a Xew York palace last night, When this ci i l war is over" ind we e time we're going through F'ink (we mean his house) to write him up. i - -Overcoats . O (ll . 'Jfp V,n Ov.-r-.oats . Cheap I ister . . . Chin. Overcoat . .'.3 o() ; . .a.OOi U Beaver Oveieodts IC.30 I t Xew One Price Clothi.jS House ,of A"- C. Ma ver. 1 .mi Our railroad facilities are growing . 1 greater with rapidity late.y. Only wtek or two ag.. two extra pass-ng.-c ! trains a day were put u n e .. ! t .. 1: thev commenced run nine r ..i. - ... Pullman to this point, so mat now t cm take a sleeper from here at any time, and mi the fust of November the lncrd to four rents rrt:fol'.Ny ! mill, iuste.id of five as heretofi Monday night, the last nigh no fore elec'ioit was duly Celebr.i.ed. by a. verv It' ""'-s nie torch light procession. iminen.f. -xyi'lieiice in Fitzgcrabl an HrilJ tit ir Mr. Tarquefte and was iltioC''i.:t llr ii i.' and suitable clos- I t.; o a. b. sL .".upteiighs ever ni oh- i:i i';.s- At !r. Marquette, j And because v.-e intended to pr.b lr s-iode fenoUe happily for a few I lish just as soon :u v.e couhl possibly moments: also E. L-Keed of Weeping Watr aiid very effectually. - -! . "vii a-l-' and lue liat titration I j L:ist ni;h, Wii3 ;l gIiti.d outpouring, It w as glorious. The Guam- patatieu and Cant. Jennings was in his glory .The houses of all prominent citizens were illuminated: out -men I'.uid gave us J music, und cl.eer after cheer rent the air, while il:e eld c.mnon boomed her I j.y t. thick t In- campaign was over t J List," and ended happily for li.e cause oi" I'leed'iin. right and justice. In the II ill lion. I) II. W.jieeler pre sided, and shoil ien-lninute speeches were made oj MfAys. Deesou, IJiown, Capt. .shannon of Io a, Sin'!e, .Sulli van, Chapman, Morrison, Uturye ii. .Smith, MacMurpliv an liusituell, in terspersed with witty remarks from ! the chairman, music ly the Hand, ami I ! spirited songs hy the UleeCiun. Ke-i ' - i ,i - grets were mingled with rejoicing w.en ,avs ,ou. d " al U)e tM ! bar'l and the torches f 'r the last time i ti,(.v a!., osl wished tlie canmaivrn wn ; forcible; and tliis our list meeting in i the gi t at political caupaign ot lH.st) will long be remember.d by the young the old, and all who U-k part therein, j I FlIZtJl.UALI) II U.I., MONDAY AMI j TL'1DY, Xu)V. s & it. . " r : me original liun ana jos e .uoi i is, . of McEvoy's Hil.eri.ico.,. i We clip the following from he Cruud Kapids lJe.uocrat. SULLIVAN'S MlIlUOIl OK IRELAND. j Sullivan's Mirror ef Ireland audi i trisii m; -) , t uimn; ...... ... i. i...; - ' ot tlie nest n.u nas et i aiipeaieu u. ! "l?lty; .. . ':."rt. a . i,:ll( 111 M.UtlltllI O.H-l3. .w i. .... : . ii... t. ci .I111S13 Ul llllll. .111. l-'.ii .'iti.-i livan is a host in hi itself ; he keeps the audience in a rnr of laughter whenever he appears upon the siae. .MlssJoSle .Mollis suilivan is one ; the brightest and most sparkling la-J dies. She is a second L.-tta. and our music loving people should not tail to see her. Let there lea full house, and see 1 he grar-d pies m es of I relaiid. IH SHit B .'lit 1.1 1 Ii. ... rL rnui I'.t'iiii' ... !.... I 1...... ... Il.u..il,. l:es..rve.l seats sold ;.L the Post Of4 rvv ... . ii ui.i ii ii. ii... Li... 1 lice New s-Jtu'-" j Gil. Hmbbs went down to Elfn- woutl and brought up the returns freni j th;l! l"i'ter. Bargains! Bargains!! clothing, Hats, Caps, &c, at S. & C Mavei's. next door to sage Bros. J. S. Duke's Hardware store is the place to find the "Sp.endid" haid coal burner, also find Ranges and cooking stoves tinware, toilet ware &c. He has a line line of 1 lilies'. Gents' aud bos' skates which he proposes to sell at cost ju ices. He is now prepaid to manufacture ail kinds of stove pipe and hits on hand a large variety of fancy zinc boards, coal hods aud ellxiws of every disci i tion; will not be undersold, give him a call. 33t2 Nebraska State B:tr Association. NOTICE. The adjourned July meeting of the Association will take place at U. S. Court room, Omaha. Wednesday veil ing, Xovembei 10 1SS0. There will be an election of an Orator for 1SS1, bal loting for new members' reports of Committees, and other business of im portance transacted. Chaules F. Mankeu-sox, Pres. D. G. Hull, Seet'y. More (iooilsat Dovey's. We beg to inform our friends that our Fall stock of dry goods and no tions si now about complete, and so licit an inspection of the same. Our stock consists in part of a fine line of gentlemen's, ladies', aud misses knit goods, underwear, nubia3, hosiery, comforts. &c. Ladies misses', and children's knit hoods, shaw ls, tied com forts, and blankets. .Jeans. tlnnis. linseys, balnnUiils, and felt shirts, yarns ir. all colors, cotton battings, cashmeres, alpaca, and American dress goods in great va rieties. Gents and ladies fleece lined kid gloves, ladies and misses' hosiery, supporters, buttons, laces, ties, ribbons, belts and every thing else in the no tion line. Our stock of ladies, misses and chil dren's shoes, men's and Ikijs' winter boots, arctics and snow excluders, men's and boys' hats and w inter caps. &c, is full, all of which we off r at I he lowest prices for first ?lass goods. We have also received a nb'e line of glass ! and bronze lamps, class sets and ileco- rated ware. iVc, iVc. tiive, us a can. g0t4 E ( I)OVKY Sox. The County Fair. ) Eleclion being now over, it is time j to say something' about the Comity i Fair more particularly than we pos- sibly could at the lime, lhe tacts ;ue that the County Society were vi-ry di'- ' : been for-the officers of the Driving ' P.irif .u-oif inn. we oncss the build- . '",,. ' i , ,i ii t.i.r ,l...iil ll-ll' I'.- 1 1111 I I .Mil lit I he o' I I nlace until to tl iv. and the icucii-u on ! , . - .. i.i i . .., me new giouuns iohici o- r.n. Be t!i;it ;ts it may, ;iller so long a time, and just so much fussing, the buil-.Iinu-.s w ere gotten i-vcr. and the day et for the Fair approached. Xu; a sign of work on behalf of the Fair seemed to le doing; and when the ! time oiigimtlly set for tividing the ! Fair cattte l-ouiid, it was found that it j was impassible to attempt it, both on account of the weather, ttie tolal lack ! of preparation, and the absence of Mr. j Wheeler the President of the Associ- ... ... ; 1 1. f 1 1 . ,ii -il .tT.o ta 4l'1UI,t llliOlt OO JSId i i, ' it was felt no fair could be held. A pos.ponment was made until Oct. Cth. A c:in no suitable iuterest was taken in the matter bv our citizens, or farm- ! ers in llie vicinity, anu oniy aiew uajs i before the time set and on the arrival oetore ine f Mr w 'heeler from Omaha were ' lIiertJ ;l!iy SelioUs preparations for a ; CounU.r.lir. Ulidee fiiicl, cii'ctliiistuii ij-S.uiiferAttM nj jotii'lt'T n ai ior inere w.is really' a better exl.ii it than usual aril had then been I iref buildings, many ui.i:e (Tispl iys w il l !iave been made, it h f ; : :." - 'Cit-l'ing atten- . . . t ... :-. eii--- there is s ,a. : ' grounds an-J i.pii lings i i.i.s T.i'i linii w e itotiue to these tiiatteis "i ov. ia heving that the j people after t'te exc teineht of the fall may have a little leisure tn do 1 somethiug for iheir material interests at home. - t get the time and apace, a review of j the premiums awarded.jand such oth- ms awarded.jjind such o lis m.feht 1 liu teres; iu' tri(!' rise anf n.o exlii' er matters as infcht 1 I ititeres-inr Lm ' " . i ' " , - to get ieidy,iu time r.xl je.u and make the Cass County F.iii lau tue importiH.ee ot the occasion UemaiiUa.- ihe premiuuis a.wardeU at this iaif arc as lo.iows: I'llKMIL'M LlsT. II. Livingston, JJaoies, twins, over 9 unuVi 24 moiiitis oiu, Uahy Car riage.. J. Vaileiy, I aoj ovct y mouihs and 1 uner 24 months, haby carriage. ! .1. II. l-'an iiahy under i months old, necklace. t. Austin. Uoar 1 year and ver $6 00 A. O. A.sidey Sc Co., Sign paint ing ornamental ou glaas Doors, walnut graining Lizzie Adams, Iady ques- 2 00 Jip. tvian, over 14 . J. L. IJiow n, Co.t 2 years and over Hull any age or breed J. it. Buttery pair golden pheasants 10 00 10 00 1 Ot) D. E. IJabbingion, Fuiup for Well or cistern 2dDip j5(lX fo: keeping bath bi ick for cleaning knives and forks m,s. j. f. Jj uck. Cotton socks Can Tied grapis (;lul,(, marmalade Tr;l,lSC,.mient crab jel'y IVacIi preserves. Dii aO 50 00 00 30 50 llhnh.iro jell Wjld Henry Btck, patent hammock rocker Mrs. Henry Hester, Kgg Plant Din. 30 r oo 10 oo J. C. Cummins. Mare tears , ani, OV(.r Mate any age or bred.. Family cairiage Team.. Mj i tie Craig, loaf of 4 o wheat. i ' "y Uirl under 13 yrs oi age j J. W. DickGon, Fair ot brown j Eeg Hoi n fowls j jty,. cia3s 7 1 1,0 4 00 Single horse waniei iiiiuan, ciasa v, iu.it years old and over M is. . I. F. Doud, oil painting., Ka wauls & Pil,e liuU 0 ye rs old and over 1 . XTotv 3 yrars'old a.iti oer. . . Cow 3 " Bull calf Grant. i i 4 (10 2 OO : 4 OU : Heifer calf Gracie. ' , Stallion, class 7, Xig-'. i Jack over 2 years old Suthe F.tiilleitl, J-)ly take Sieciinen of Bible civer " crochet f jIT.s Mrs. G. W. Fairfield Hya or w ax philit I '. Mrs. J. II. Faiiflelilg siM-cimen log cabin quilt ii Mrs. X. M. Fiench, v ater cl or jiainting Eva Fi-dd. loaf wheat bread. Cairuth's special p'eniiuiii. gohl ring. , . A. Gram'ich, cow 3 J.-ars old an t over 2 .'0 j 1 00 i I Oil ; , i -.'I 1 Cm) 1 00 2 00 to oo ; Heifer one year ld J calf '.A Cow, class 4, 3 years old '..... Heifer, 2 " " 2 ; t i ' ' caif Fat cow, steer or heifer. . . . Herd of cattle of any a,re or breed, not less ihan 3 iisati.. Five lbs. honey iiicumb,'. . .! . J C Gil more, family buggy eani matched .'.. Barley, 1 bushel ; . . , . Rye, " " , 1 .: Fred. Gorder, harrow, cult va tor.Moline Stalk cutter.Portnble fence, corn planter, 2 horse farm wagon, spring wagon, prairie breaking plow, sulky plow, 1 14 inch wood beam plow i. .. Cultivator, stalk cutler, ct it planter,. S-horse Gilpin's sully, plow A 5 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 OO 3 oO 2 oo .-, o i 10 00 30 8 00 1 00 1 Oil Dip. Dip. C M Ilo'mes. Black Bess,spoi d 15 00 i. .. .. jj oo Colt undur 1 year old A. M. Holmes, stallion, aity age or breed, showing 5 colts. , Stallion, of any age or bretil Clyde '. i Stallion aay iige or breed, 3 00 7 10 00 8 00 10 oo . 5 C B Hadiey, pr. of mules o any age Three water melons Hoover & Ward. Seymour 2 00 i ;5 ) j ? Mower, Col n-sheller, hand-power . . . Two horse wagon 1st Dip.' .211. dip ..2tl.diii. ' Harry Howland, spring wag. made in the state 7 00 Dip Open biiggv made in state.. ..7 0J Dip .irs. v . .) . itestser. .jar. ivasp- t bt-1 l ies 5 Tomato catsup A 1-5 i ....I.. . I r. Mrs. W.J. Hesser. Jar. Rasp 50 50 Annie t.reseives ? 50 V J Hesser. Collection of green house plant? and Mowers in pots 2) varieties oiler! ion of Yeiber.as Beets, 1 d z-i; Mrd. M;ny ilialoii, pillow s nuns made by lady SI rs. age. . Pearl Holmes, specimens . of worsted work .' Birdie Iiish, cotton quilt Specimen patchwork'. ..'-...... Jones & Agnew, family car riage team, matched , Pair of marts owned by one per sn Continued next week. A Word to the 1 earners. Organization, as a means of mutual improvement and help, is of lecoginz ed value in ail triples and professions. I'n none should it lie of more ilinitil- - - r tance than to the teacher. As the set- tied portions of our state become more stable and improved, it will each year be, m less exensi.ble for the tPi.cl.er to neglect this matter. He wishes to see his profession lifted higher in tliS ponuior estimation; more earnest, and steady and less desultory and tempo- .t.o. i.;a -n, mil l Ol 1 oil ine jei i. o i ilia icuun workers. Teacher-Should h be'Tri' in qu linll tUIi,.'!!' tl i in 'in I Iii wf.-rTiganizai ion win am in in s, rr. I .. . ..... . i .. . c . -. r . . . inn. ifitiit'ii-.tii.nMn e,,,, voiiiilv make tlietTAssociation as successful as it can retCionablv become. Our- ()n a firm footiflg it will in a measure take f:irp of itself ........ T.. ifo. riti,n'M .rtl...l'....nlrn..-l Kt-it..: I have now ready for market 100.0!t( White aral Fire brick, which we will' sell at reasonable prices; parties wish ing lo build a fire-proof house, before the comet comes down, call on J. T. A. Hoovku. Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf l.erttinu 'tarrli Curt?. Cures Cat art h; Try it tf For Sale Cheap. - A good young pair of mares will weigh about v-ten hun- -fdred, und good travelers; also a grtod ior. 8 '-!e ami , huggvr " - .- - -. , .. X r"-' ' Euq aires Article of Incorporation of the IMatts mouth l)i iving Park AssiKdatiou. The undersigned, tr the purpose of organizing a Corporation, - under the general corporation laws of the State of XebrasKa, do hereby associate our selves together, and adopt the follow ing ai tides of incorporation. Auticle 1. The name , of this corpora-ion shall lie 'The I'iattsinouth . . , iml.S ta.K aauw. ! AliTK LK 2. Tiie principal place ; Tl,.. .iii.rin;:l olaee of ; transacting business cf thisassi-ciation ; shall be the City of I'iat tsmout h, in the ; County of Cass and State ot Xeliraska. Auticle il The business to be i transacted hy this Association, is the I... puich sin holding and improvement i of certain grounds in the county of 4 00 ("ass and the erection and inaintain ance ol suitahb' lui!dings therein, fo.r the purpose of afTording the facilities necessary to a driving park, pleasure ground, or for the usual County Fair purposes. Aktk le 4. The amount of capital stock of this corporation shall be twenty-rive hundred dollars t6,-i00) to be divided into shales of. live (3 dollars each, the one-half (Jj' of each at leas:, "shall be immediately paid in. Aiitici.k 5. Ti e tiin of the coiu nienct ment of this coipoiation. shall be the 2th day of Jiinmiiy issa; ;t,id the time of its limitations shall be the 28th day ot January l'JOI ; r.i twenty one (21) years, unless sooner dissolved by the consent of iwo-thirds ( ) of the members thereof, or as provided by Article 14, of these articles. Auticle 0. The amount of indebt edness nf tins Corporation shall never exceed the hua-lred (S5D0.O0) dollars. j after the present indebtedness on land I is paid. Auticle 7. Tin- general affairs of ; this Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Din-clots consis.ing "f Vive i.". meniliel'S. who shall ehoos "' j rrom among their number a chairman. j ami the Association shall annually 5 00 j elect a President, a Vice-President. 2 0 . seciviaiy ami Treiiu et, whose duties ; snail bas hei eiii.iftrrset forth. 0(,! Akticli: Xo deb.s shall W co:; 10 00 ( ii'iictel or liabilities incurred b. this 1:0 i assiisiatioit tin. ess previously aiifhoriz- eii by a urn joi i; v.neof;nl the stocK subsci i' etl. at a le. ular im-tMiig of the boanl, or a special meeting trir tlutt. nose of which due notice has been niteii to each slock bolder. Auticle U. Each share of stock shall entitle the bolder, either in per- I ou or bv nroxv. to one Vole. Auticle 10. There shall be an an nual meeting of the slock holders on the first '1st I Tuesday in December of each ear for the purpose of electing oilieers and Dii eiiois.-md transact- ! ingsiich other business as is necessary I Auticle 11. A receipt shall I uiveii by the S.ci'e.aiy f'U' each share ! of stock sub.-ciib'd and as soon as I pt ac . icaiite cert lue.iti s ot sloCK Sll.iK I be issued to each stock holder of this I co: porti: ion . which ccititieate shall be trausiei able only o.i the books of the I associat ion . i AuTtci.i. 12. Xo oiliei r of this as Mcia:..ni siia.i ret i i ve any c.mij ensa- lion, o.xeep' rite I I e.i'.ii er w uosi- coin- .e.isai i-!ii : iia'.i not exceed one t?d I !oi'::l p-r .iiuiiiiii, and toe Secr taiy , w hose conipeiisalion sinill not exceed inly ;??.t.oo. iiobi!is prr. annum. Am K Li: 13. 'these articles may be amended at li.e annual meeting by a in e of 'Wo-lhirds (.,'' of the stock holders of this corporation, and a ma jority of the stock must be represent ed at such meetiiig. Auticlk 14. The property, both, real and pirsonal owned or hereafter purchased may be sold and disposed of by a two-thirds (-3) vote of all the stock I ciders of the corporation, ami ail proxies must be iii writing. AltTICLK 13. Xo assess nents shad evci be made again.,, tl - m. ck-l.oid-ei s of this associa: ion, aud the stoch subscribed and paid for by any stock holder, shall never be forfeited. Auticlk 11$. X'otice of this organi zation shall be given and these Aiti-cb-s shad be liletl alld lecol tled in the manner provided by law. JoIIN FlT.lii:UALIi, J. A. MacMi spiiv. ihesiilent. secret. ir . . l :;.tJ!i:s, ;iv ir tt. .... NAM ItS, J. A. .MacMui phy, j A W. McLaughlin, ! J.X Wise, G. W. Fairii-hl. J. Hues ("race. J. W. Dickson, ! '.V. j. ii. o'.v ii, ' " 11 1. I.. tV ise, ir. V. Mathews, II E. Palmer. Fred. Gor ier. Waterman iN; Son. Isaac Wiles. J.M.Schnellb.ickei A. X". ui. i Vim, John O'Rourke, . E. K. Parmele, , F. R. Guliiman. J. V. Weckbach, J. P. Young, C. M. Holmes. BY-LAWS. j Auticlk 1. President and Vice- j President: The President shall pre-I side at all meetings of the stock hold- j ers and directors if requested; he shall 1 have general supervision of the alfaiis , jnf the corpui ation ami shall at the an- ' iunil meetings of the stock holders; Make ;itid submit a Wl it ten lepoit of the Condi: ion of tie association. In I the absence ol tin Piesnh nt. the Vice- ! ! i Pi evident, iii ord-r, shail perform his dunes, ami in tno absence of both; I'l' sideut and Vice-President, thu . Ctairm.ui of the Board of Directors j max in: as rcisiileiii. or the assoeia- Mqii may provide pro tempore. j Ai:ricLi:2. Seen '.arv : The s'ecre- ;f tary .sitai! attend ail mei'iinj, i of the ; iiloard of Diiectors and Stock Hohlcis. i .. ' ttui keep an accurate record of their I fc.o&.edings; shall safeiv keel, all : c , , , 9 records, reports and doctiuieuts 6 lol.ging to tl.e in-social ion, except si. eh' as pertain to the Tieusuitr and si upon request furnish a copy of ! . : J , , i t me. lie shad collect all mon- i ' fr'"i' whatever source, keep an I mi-it n account theieof, paying the same to the Treasurer and taking his; ! receipt there'or; He shall register i 1(JV11, .',.,.,,,.. t, ri. ! me names ot ine su.ck hohieis, me I number of shares held by each, and re- .....l.l.t. r , it-. i....t j I ui ti t ui. ti iiii.iii i v'i nun i He shall 1 lvl' t-Uielv u ilice of ail meetings, pe I' form such other duties as he mav directed, and shall turn over to his ,, , , , , successor, all books, records aud P pets oeiongmg to ine Associatiojj. Auticlk 3. Treasarer: All mon eys of the associa'ion shall be paid to the Treasurer, and he shall safely keep the same and account therefor, and pay the same out, only on the tr der f the President, countersigned by the Secretary and at least one Director. ,He shall keatp an aecui ate account tf trll receipts and disbursements anl "shall at, leas once a year-settle . with Treasurer shall give a lond in the sum of one tliousand dollars (J.miO.W).) At ; the expiration of his lei m he s.ha:l tit - liver to his successor in olliee, ail i me.itys, hoolis aud papers t.elonging to , tiiv assicia:ion. A r.TK'LE 4. An executive coiumit- tec of three 3) shall he inied to ; a.-lwitii thi directors in examining ! ho..ks and vouchers and shall ltcoive j ilii.iirpiiii on .in Ui''i'3iu"i.j, hji in.-j and lepoi t n all iuopositions, lor mi-! ..,...,.;. .,1,.,,;.,., ,.P ,l,c.,vi..r f t !, 1 ' " c" ' ' gli-ii:its. Akticli: 3. A majority if the Board of Directors and oilieers. with I've 3) memiets may constitute a ' ' ! i.-i.ii .nil t'.t- II... '.rij wT . . I u 1 1 1 ' ! . ! v..'. v ......-.'. ... " t i I .nti f 1. i wmit . lirv is.. mis! i- i ' ' ' ,. tutionally provided for by a majoii.y or two tliirds ( .,') vote iind the DirT-c- ! tors and otlicers, r.s above, i::a compel the attendance of absent members, u: del such pcuulths us May be iiicscrib- Ctl. The absence of any ollk'er r direc - tor, from four (i) conscuti v.. regular- ly Cit'led meetings, shall vacate his po- sit ion unless caused by sickness or consent : In case of vacancy in ot'iee, .. r,f tl... .win....... ...,.i 1 1." r, ,o can li'i vacancy until next regular leecting in Decembe.. Auticlk G. Special meetings may he called by the President and Se"ic tary on business of importance, and due notice shail meet ihg. be iveu of such Auticlk 7. These By-Laws be altered or amended bv a m . : .... .. JOIll." . . . vote at any reguitir meeting. .oiie:- of such change i;mt however be given to the Secretary and Diicctots i'.ji)) dny a previous. irtv N.v.MLs. N'AMKS. Daniel II. Wheel, r P. L. Wise, I. V. Ma. thews, II. E. Palmer. .1. A. M.ic.Murphv. V W t:.!,,.n,!i., J. X. ise. G. W. Fairfield. Jam 's (Jrtice. J. W. D.csson. in. Ii. Biovi ii, ' Fred ("order. Waterman iV. Son, Is.iai; Wiles, J. M.Schiiellbacker.F. U. G tul.mann, A. X". Sul! i v;m, .John O'Roiirke, E. I-:. I'armelo, J. Y. Week bach, J. P. Young, C. M. Holmes. cc m '. i ; i :s vox d e x ck I'l iiiu ( etlar Crei i;. Mlt. lu-l'ioi;: On iaiii:g ilu- Ii ALU ul llie 2lsi ot Oct., 1 uottiiti a !.'' ier headed lloul llengi tno, i.iei.-.i and other points, i, as ati - l.iih.o woiiiau feel 11 m dutj io . ounne'e. ;i liltle on the ilulaii nes ol s e.i o tltl, ttiial is) it' ton wili aiion me a sin.io s..tee in yt'lll esllliniblc paper "oi" I teel C'i;iiiced thai any s.i.iiili i n . d-1 lug the said letter win without a douni conclutle tlnil Lieii;ooi. I ie. ; lieautiiul se;i porlcity I Know it l" be. must be the Vilest illld most di.slepm-: a'.iiC place on the lace of lli glooe, bul 1 am glad lo say r. is n i o. i lie ', police authorities wnico n ii .idn r ' souiew iiel iliMtlt 1300 lliee Will h"l allow vice an ! iai aioi .o n .o I uu l.ou- i 1 panl, it is kei. th.w o ;is mucn as poo siolc, tlivie is no s w iii i ng or lo'ii lau : gUilgi; allowed ill the sil. - ls, and ! drunken people if annoying or caus 1 ing any distui nance in the s.iet-: ill" ! locked up. lresidtd i:i Li'. t r,i-...il i.) : v ears p! i i my cortiing t- Am'Tict .andean sav 1 never i'm t wit !i a better c;.:ss ot neon " in every s( i;sa oi w.id. Il.nl he gone "through Li v. - r - ; ,ou Ul ; ;;t. a.iv i I ttie i.e -Voill i ti.i'.e : seen a ei y dil'iVreiii class oi "i ' '. if he woubl go through some ol tne large cities in America at the s ame bonis of the night I have i o do. lot he would st e similar sigots. He n.h. have seen some tew d i an ..en women in Liverpool i am soi rv to s;i , sotu. of which are not worthy of the name woman, ami there are some of them . .... .. .i... w ho deserve our deepest s nip.it n . but w here there is one English woman i:i such a crowd t here are ion-igv-ers, he sas he saw more .Irutikeu'irss in hi- 4 hours jiroineiiiidti t hioi be usd here in 8l2' years, that is another piot-f tlutt he has not seen much of city life. f . .,4i-;.,t, l.ii.i t. I. 'i.ii. :l liiotlT niissioiiai v in Liveriiod so that h A .1 'I.I II llll.l-T- I.I... v-'-...' . , cotiiil C-hiistianize anil Civili.e such eharacters. by so doing li" wamiil ier- tiiinlv msrit the thanks of many w ho have' been led astraV bv i he Use of in- toxicating liquors, it is to be heped that he was not so f.-i'iUfindiiig when he arrives at his parents resilience. II: Yoi'No. How Easy It Ii fo Keep House .Nowa days. A conplo mty set up foi tie ni-f Ive-t with verv lew trciisil-s. scarcely any r-ovision-5. and HCX t to HO klloWiO.IgO l.r !-.-..... A ,.il clove i-iLe-i the place of a costly and cuinbrou- cooking range. (Jo: lee is not only parched but ground. Spices and pep per come all preptifeJ f ifusi;. Every kind .if itiv.i I, c i i-te a el p is; ry cm bo pinch i-ed ai a -li ht itdvanc" on tho i o-i o i '. niit'ei i ll t'l cult l"u. If on- is;ie-: i'i " s-;i . ( "I m. C. IK liietn. t-el .-r .5 i.a : il t!i ni I'.' !) n i at iy e roeei v. Fro tu' a 1 !i i Is. al r i'o." t I.e t I ue, can b . rell i- 1 't as che : . i ;i , : iei . .v i n i ; i . i ! . o: -1 1 1! i' l. Xot . .ly lot-s'.'-r- and - h-"l i 11 . , iml saimoii may he o :i 'it coo..-; i '' -I le.dv to be vncl at a priee iitu- hut e w !i coo c 1 c .! I ...111 :",t .carticr s'm-i : et', toa rU' ld;t's I-'";!. b. e.i ou t :e !.i l i." . e tu a tl soil ; is. l'i i : out . . 1 i ;e i ; in .ii t" m i i, :ii on . !i l we n p.e era . ; i.i 1 . d i'o vis of all dt-veip-.l o -er-i l.ce,) inns i ;.re i . ir. i o on b i i.t; I ea is, i . ;.i ve ei I a gi'C 1 1 ru i t'-'.v ;. eii's. Uiiiiis.i i ; i s i ! -o n p- iii t ie hi : ; i "t. . , ,i i:e- c I i ie i e it ol es a- an l'i cle ul itinii- re ilv K r..!-is n l.o.s. ( -tfed 1 . ' .1 :" i: ' !l ii Lis; I. e i p in ';' ''. oi in a. let 1 'T. Il il'. 1, . i i i 1 il I .l ei' ilii.l a- . ; -..li ,i e ;' it; .i i oil 111 -1I--1 a." t O. ov i'v co: iice ui'oc ji v. li is no .loiigei iicee-s try to ii .ve a coo.;, or to 0." :l cook, in oi'J.'a- i. keep hou-e. It re- iiii eate any coding utensils to pi' .viile a warm meal. A can opener, a iV;. iut; i u ami a cidi" c pot are ilu p:. nc. pa. icq ui. si tcs. Even the hist is not tibs iif.'.ciy ncccss .ry, sin-jo a mix- tu.'eof prep. red cotl'ee.sugarand cream c-.li re., lily be obta.ne I. It is c-yeii yraci cat ,,, ,oi uu mvii, io v ia- pe..:-e wail a cook book, as the lalul on every can tells Low to treat tuo contents. Xt.o. i.ii Jui k .Saephei'd Hone.-1 y h ;i H to oe oicl w ith in il .in. Co. A..loii l p.-O.C lilCil ij an iViive: . o.'oi' .--lo.l J .i.i I t.i;J' i ii;u raijn iittcr ..i.ig to liinr liextciilv m i I 'V . .-i- . . I . IV . . I'.. 1 1 L l .-in .'' i a lZ.a ... Z, Lon..oi. our.iars i,nr. ca.is la- '.c..ou i ioeir inii.ieiii t: im-h. i. ev aic o. i...- ...i it ui ... n. ..i, j l"C u',v 4i"1LVa0 W" "- ''v.. . ..." i-. .......- , ami Woo arc -cncl'ilii' worm pinii In.ii'iis iiiey - j i.U'lll.. L.lsJ IlloUUC . be . real : is .1 tx . . is I. li ul a n oil il Ji'sCiit jU IO C-Ceots oil llilsllSileCt- 'i:""" : -" i.c-c.o- o.. i...,,. illil 1. j in , tiu-tin. inev .vi.l uiSiiiu.itit, iiini, - J,w ..ruc i low-c.tsto Hindoos, tU'ip to ih." -Kin, Soap tociii-H! ve all over :iu I s ip wiliiiii iu t live 1110 tor toe i. o s wi.i nut oai'ix al a nauCd ui in. "'iiicy giiiic upon tiie jjro.in 1 like Snakes, coverc.t w nit grass, with si l-iw, w iin ca ve-, orcssc I in tucep- suius, ui.sguiso i as oe.ars, as tiia.i- lUen, :is stiinls, as soid icrs.. Tncy will risK iiicir lives ior a c.-ieken, ani go ten nines lor a no.y. Tncy wnr even ul'i.tl a ba of moue.rui uiiacr luc i.ctt'l of .a -'steepiiy mtti.'7 . Tuey; d it ll'iiris'liiiig bii-hte-s, a.iti" thrive ' ' - - - f'- - j"'vSP EC I ,v I i N ( ) t'i .' h. ,r. . . . Sat 1-t-V net ! t k uf li.K-is .v e.i s! at Merges, Yi.;c:; il jiiSt ai isvcd f'111 clieaiC . ,'t t lVpi'erbi rg's cigars are the most r. li iMe for purify and fineness in qlal- jty. and are far superior tt any other make. Ask your dealers lor them. 25tf tt'l'TS W l AVAN1.II! ili.k'.. . ,:, ,,. : ... r k m Iiiiii: u.mmIs ior oils : . N !:.;. IMKMifT -t.. 10 Uawiay Slrct. New Voi k. Sfiid for eal.iliiaue und terms. 2vMy Buy only 1 he si 1 f-threadinjr (ai toji land shuttle)" Xe .v American Sewing Machine, w Inch tor simplieM y in c.n- ..... . . . , ; : . . . I t . . 1 . . i Sililtll'lll, I It;!!! I II It II I U.. IIIl H'l liilit v -:mi.if 1 u e v eel led . r or Sale liV IbtsJorslick Bros.. Merchant Tailors, I'lattsm.iuth, Nel. 23m3 j i j j j B , j j , u -s, e ti e :s2 ."J3 OVERCOATS at Tin: .k: at kko stoke. ;ts anything you ever saw f .ir 31tf A Word to .Mothers. Mothers should remember "that a .-;t itnpoi taut duty at this season is to lo.iit alter the health of their f;uu ilies ;in.l cleaiiM the mtd.u i a and ine ptii it ies from their st stems. I hen is nothing that wili tone up the stomatrii : and liver, regulatv the bme:s and pur i ify the blood so perfectly as Parkel's Ginger Tonic, advertised in our col . limns. The wonderful cures of long I standing cases of rheumatism, neurul niav Pi; :l"d tjuhirial disorders is the iva- ! son why this pure and excellent famil v ,,,,.,,." .,,....11.. i.k nil mi- I s r(.. i;ru(iiiio t .-.ii-eiiii ii. Post. 30t4 Tciic h e rs , Attention. i Th" County Teachers Association i w in -,s Wwn legular meeting at ' Eight Mile Grove on Satuuiay, -Nov : 13th at 10 a. io. and 2 p.m. lhe fol- lowin" essavs will te reau: last. l'nseiit and Future of the Public ! Schoiils, bv Prof. Love; Composition Writing, by O. F. orton; Grade for ! Country Schools, M. searle; Responsi 1 1 iiity of the Teacher. J. H. Herge. j Essavs by several .others may be ex i pec cd. A full attendance is desired S an l a profitable time will result. ;;ot4 O F. Mouton, Pies. j Notice to Teachers, j ExituiiiuC.ioii oi' peisons wishing l'( te;ieh in 'a:.s County, will he at. ti e i following limes and !b-"-,": At I -bit-., n- . :. ; '.':: ' " . n ii i i : . t a t: : . ? ' v ,r::.:,u; -.t.i ot her ( N;'t'.lt!:it A i, tnir i"'l (!. ) ' i ' :! s fr".'U W ! I e.i'. lit i in ! :'.'.' r ' ' V.. il CC, i. .j i ini -! 4.nr - Come ill mine' I to se Hon e G 1 1 I' ib I of. er i; i .- t!i tu t: re V,:y 1 II ail : s nM-i IV lib .' io tf ew ;:in ver ii.Cs Xe'.'. bl a : j-'l ' ton.i. t II ! I h- col ( i ,ie ! t .1 ii incur:;". ('." vaiietits oi ;i bain's, ;i r il pltte: N'!l'I l'l!:-':es. V '!m .her j. t.C'l t pi ( 'ii; Set ii'S. lit braids !"';'! ", Wo--! f-'!. cane eu boitn ts in ; I Velvi-t caps, trim Tut-i;i-'i e-i! s ; At Mrs. .Johi! a.' i'ti" St .i-s. itnmed : f '.;.. V. :!( ". am! '!"'. and (1 exauni e i hem I B( () r AND -si p ii:s 7i A i !'('.! AN!) ii'.i' .1 '." 1 I A .- , ' : i t; '' I 2." f Better ! line. ill.- !'-,M..e;:il. . I'( I l!'V JtlnoiiK shell : lli-i-j'.-is (! I af J. ilia .(' l ;e::l!-. L:l . -l. s : " S iit -- h:: e t.ei'li 1 1 uiiiaeit iillh ys ;l.!ii i.M". itil- heel, per- c'ltie iU r.-niici ieii atiiehi Kidney .Hi t Liver etire. l it eeplll.lv hi llel Ml;' .! ' ill iici ii:e - n Very Droil t I liink of. j it n..r ai.ou l-eins i:.'.i."i!t a ;.;u. u- ioi ,ins"s i:ie.lric -(,.:p rest a.li day. fsei ! without any H!t h-.ii'. i i..- inhhliu Inv.iul. :ttu - hlfei. ar'y (leti ney oilier so.it liitel. -. i! M'l-'t'.s von oide.Ii two l-olll"-' i m it ti in. ilea. ::hd In 0 tllhlk of tl ((lliet. iit iv. r;i en : I - I 1 1 it V. II. I'll I'l I w aslilii ' I hi.iliL: ii I he hdlise. i'lstea.l el a lei ilav's hai il a K : lull huiidii-os el t'lcn- e es ol'v.eliicl! lldlil Ni.Va rn-eiia in 'it-.es hiivc ie(i il far I he lit -ei i-s tiial liii- I- lieiK v n--ili' I Idhhin- s Klecl'. le Soap. Kuli'l hil il, lllini'l er, il loo set iuyi irwjls ! Il-e It ae ii.iillii;; to direi'l i.ncv thai lire as i-iii: jiie a- In i-ci'iii iilinor! ridii'iili.iis aiid -ii ca-y 1 1 : T a n i ot t v. five yeiir-. fan do a Mite v. ash u u tioie ' -e-ini; lireil. Il pi sdiveiv v. illi el injiire i In- lim -I fid l ie. Ii :s lieeii l-et. re I I.e public for l.neen : ears. and us sale iloi.l.le.s every year. II your i-wet'i r liiis no! i.i.l it. he ii i l ii' l it. ii-ill! ii I sale rect i's I. cell It. I I.. i:ois. i I o.. riiiia-ieiia liK.m IlKoS.. Sele Auelil.s. 3-eoly Weeping Wa'.ii ..ei i ish Lterjb'Miy ! kpa'.v. Rev. Geol fi II. T!l c es . i:n Id iii n of this v.-i.M K': v. :. i - i . . ' . one as n m.-s-. ; ! , ::.-! Cl.i--" . : : - ' - et .' e. . to ;.v: "I - il . ..." i- 't. '.a ' . thai 1 e.-'us: ., f. . ' w i i e o ' oi: i I e s ' . "v , 1 Li -' i ' - sumpLioii Cure." Ill- havio' t 'ie-i moii'loits sab over our imti.'t'i.s and i i giviiiif perftct s:!tisf;".C'iot in all ca.-a s of Lung Diseases, such as iitthinu els, has done. Bourbt'ii, Iml., May 13, '7s. Drs. Ma'eh ett. .Se France, sold by Smith iV Black. Ntt Bectpiion I'seil. It is stiiing' so many people will continue to suffer day afier day with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipa tion, Sour Sttrtnitch, Geneia! Debibly when thev can jiii.cure at our store Shiloli's Vitalizfi', (ui of cost if it does not cure or lelieve l l.elu. Price 7.3 cents, sold by s-mith Black kV Co. siiilom's Catai:i:m Ri jiluv. A intu v, elotis Cute fur Catai rh.uipii. hi I ia, Cankei nioii'.h. and Head Ache. With each hot tic tiu-re is an ingenious instil Injector for tUe more success! ul treat nient of the complain!, w ithout extra charge. Price ."JO ceti's. ii owl f. 1 Tiiflnivfr.nl Verdlrt. " Gf M who have t.,k(.,, i;I:(lUN'4 . ,.I:J!1N T(,nic. is that it n-vel fails to cure . Ask jocr druggist foi it. tf To Whom it may Coiiterii. X'otice is hereby given tbat we will tiot be responsiiile for any deb s oi men employed in our ivmk in con structing ;ip;iro;ich to the I "iai tsu'ioiit li bridge or pay any bibs created by them unless orders are pievioiilt given by us. Jlt4 S. Dw KiHT E itox. BE Ll HKtt A STUAN MI AN. October 14th, 1SS0. li'or fi"l Sifaditfltf L'se Brown's Vegetab'e Liver t'il!s; For sab" by till ili ulcis iu uiedieine in Piaitsni' iith ami East Pla tsmouth. tf Tltf IViiitfr of Yinif l)lrotitf it Is made Glorious Summr, by taking Buow n's Pf.p.sIX TtiNic; Try it. F u side by all druggists. 32t f 'Tltf I.iTiVfM fur tttf IleatinK." Of the native of Siberia, are 'he leaves tf tho - Arnica plant. to be found in a!! their hea'ing p wer in IIwiwn's AunicasAlvi;. F-r s tl fvetvwhere. 31tf Money tn Lean. lUht-i-efaiid. - "y - nun A-'.. l Ji - J- s i.. ;. : -a ; riMui'i Wi'i!lie.l:!.t . rt.'t. , l .SJ( T-V ;i ...-.".. ; ('.ill!, eitr S.ifllH.I., . . Outs u l") . No. i liir N-itive Cattle.. lb iv- Ii liter K-iis l"ol;iiocs 2i .VI .3 fit" 3 ? 3 ..I7'r.i. - 11 m:v voniv m auketm. Nkw V.lKK. Oct. 'JT lfSti. 1 IK to ian'ii Money S! 02l' ft (' heat Uye ti.rn t;.ts CllICACO MAKKETS. Chicaoo. Oft. -T. lxso. 4 ,V( UfS 1 00 Flour Wheat Corn Oais I:e l-.;irlc I iirs. fliipnliiii. tiillle. Sheep 1.1V ft SHII'K. . .1 l.ViC 4 " Fresh Lime. Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or wagon load can be had at. the Kiln, near west end of the bridge. Lime ul w;ivs on hand and ol ' inpei ior (jiialii N. Inquire of Mil KFIJVAlf & SllAUT. 7tl ' on premises. Cigar Clipp.V.gs, 35 cts. pei ib.. at Sohiegel & Niemann's, opposite P. 0. 7t f A Ioiul or Oat Mimv in good '"oiidition wanted ;tt the IlF.K ALl Ollicc. 589 vrll. Apeutuw-iiiiit-ti. llnsl iwss lrpltlnrnte. Parilculiinfn 41tuJ.WOKTHCU .Bt Luia. U. fr.t,, ' H OB Id MtU" ' '" ' " LE(tAL notices. Esirdy jNotice. I -.!..... ir. iiv Hi.- siili-ri it" r. af his K i.ii'iie ill '..i.('..IM il-i cinct. Sepi -'slh. ISsn, llvee.llVes. ...ii- i.'.is:m.l one I. filer. I he owner fan h.ie lhe rami' hy pii.wuj; prolfiiy unit pay In eiiiiiiii s as reiitiaeii hy l.i w. yAZ John H ot no hstray JNotice. iii,.f..ti i hi He' snIiM-nliei . one-half mile n win oi e- ,ii,u W :iiel, ell liu- o day "'I l.i.n-i , is n. u..e ;.e.a i..,.ii i .ii an i.eil. r. i L' i i i.t . i .- ( -. i ..ii. in- lnrsr.ril ..ml l.iio her it I. i ' i II, li.e I osll II I I iii-oici. v n:.: In n..- in.iii. i .. ..l'..;.i 1. 1 1 i.i : h. ...... I i (Mill. . .il' s.ll 1 .i.i' e ... it. ai.et;-. 'O . o e . 'ii :i 1 1 i te . .a. 1 1 I i;cs I. is , . . i . a... nil me -lie- l e s . a ii(l-e e! .. .; '!. .iii.a.it i.-.i'.r. 1 i'l i : i,n 1 'i i .-. - . i.iL.y . . .-I..-.- e. -ei. iii.il . i.i ltVti.o.v.. i.iIU i - . , i in i.-l ... .. in - e -e-.i I :a e-i .'.''. l"-v 1 : .-. Ii ii ail. i lu.-il .eu i : mi int. mi -.: ul t.ie'tioi'tio asi ipiaro i i .- .! 1 ;e.i l . cut v eiv lii i J",i 1. 1 1 1 1 I he si.... in .-.. pi;a ; .'. el III.' in I I . 1 vv i ' - . ',11.11 It 1 el s-'i -I 11.11 i f. ( II. i .(..il (.'Si. i.li l.i 1 v .. -1 i 1 1 1 IK.ne ll-i lion. , .. i.e iiili I eel. 1 1 J i'.i-i ol 1 nt oi ! P He. la .. i-ii'iiuV. N ..' t.i ii-',... nil' tie lei-.in th.a H '...iii-I,..- 1 1 l' I lie lie - I I i.i I 1 . a ... lie 1 1, h. I'l M . . i I. tie s.i:.! .'.liliele AH...". .o..i 1 ee jinii..' i I liu t in.rt hi i 1 1 i luhy :m s in in l ie- pi e Is. . it I- lit leey ol'.e.e.l lll.i .li.eii.. It. -v .- 1 . il' iuy w i.Mi. i . . t hrisin S.. ."Aoliie tn'oi.e l. 1 in r I'. .iiei.v, inc. Iiii.il a.iei , i.i: I ..ii :!.:. ill"i (U..IH' A'i ia.is. aa'l ati ot ei i' p "i "th.s i.'o if-ied in sin, I'siiit'-, i." :); ' .a I.i ..'le ine el i.ij eiL.tatu is in I in? i e . ul i ..i I i ' " in ". i .. - i.,i . ai li.e ii. -hi e .-I t :i i :ei'.. I ! i.e i 1 1 1 'i (. ei.: i. "ii i ... i. il .' : i .... .-. io i- i ".'i . e 1 ' iv. ii t e ( I -t . ... ..- . ....... . A.oliCo tu ruiciiaseis oi s-oiiooi LanUs. liilo I. o! UM...I -.-I.e. I II ui i I I 111. I, I.A.OS iMi Itl i I. I'l NOS I.IM'OI.N. Ni l'. ,('i l .'.'. . II. 1SS'. 1 W ;l' l'.'..s l''i' 1 1 ti'. n. 1 1 : !' li'llil.'d e I -(His. v. I a e i piiiei . ei ri si.lelire an To I i:e slllit-l'iiliel' 111! Kll.oitl ilitV' si Veiaill I. iii, tell I he ocia I et 1 1 1 I'l I' 11 sii.-el ive eii.il r.iei .-, iiilll Ilii'Sliil Nehi i:Ua. rela: nu; I i : lie p!ii"ha''e h lli"iii... i tie 1 1 aels er iiaveel-. ol hi-Ii.i-.I lands, siHi.,1.... j iii l'.l- C'.lll.ly. .N.'lil'..i,:i, .n-IVIil.il lei ili-l I'la - ' I il . illld W hicti ' -h "'.II' eppe ' " hi ll' 1 e-peei i I I I'iilaes. said Vlol'iitlnln cues.,! IIV III lln l.il.iin ' ! ei Si.i.i It.irlies le pay llit' i-'sl haiaey 1'. til Siiiteel .N' t.l'.ek". i'l.ii t;-.'- i li'-.il -aid I luiiliatt-i II "" Oil" d'l ': '("''. tin li'lele, n. I iii -liii a'e ul Hit' n line, iii i n.-'i e i-.--. inane ! ( '' I I""' ".. , n ! is In'l i (fivell Ihill llll- .'-- ll'l (l';IIKllH'll('V I- I ell!" "Veil .',11 I ill an I d.iv- ll'.lll llie ii .e her, . I. hv Ce tl I ' Il I ! . . a-i 1 .. tie' i-.e. mints of i. ea.' rae! s, i in n -.anl I.e. ! .-I I'll: I "'. II t to, II 1 I II" I .lie lll.-reof ! II''. -'a , in ti e State . N. hi.t-Kii : i -i - 'r ' J- ' -i-i-i-i-.-i l. - l - J - l T v- r r. t ' 7 - I t r. j -. :.. i t'.v fill er Of tie I! i l'ii i f !"i!iii ii1io :ai Liiiiil'i ami l ie its. '. !. loVls. I'l l- luissioner I'i.l'lie Latel- ai 'I i!:i'!(lii:i's. J T1 PATTFAISO v I '... Irei'.'r Ai OiO. ,'i'itt V'C. i'li U..JV,'C. C'n;T, ltrr'ei. i'iincrzH. Hi!l'nri' and rr 3.--. '. i.? 1 ..-'.a ; t I 'e.a. i:e s 1 nee c-f 1 1 iei.I.:. i a: a' '.in'l in 1 a. .fee. a l.::.n' a i cxicl n'j I it. .'-a it- l pre-l'e st t iciUli irtnil t 11:3 tr.l l.viilih sral s.'reD'ta l.mtorer ' Itir I ."!. rsrfffS life torr iv iriun cf rr.Kin'e sjisOi-H Tu'.'IC S.;t I.O .. -a-'! fl.ll lt li(; tilit' where it M u !. if y 'Hi liivt Dj orpsia, t oad ach. Fi.'iairntittm, f-ojwn-io.n. tovnel, K.dncy. or Liver Duordjr, or if vuu"j.el a lu '.A fain ulini, or tpKlizr, tiif Tt i r: is o4 the mcd ieiua f t va t, iiit it It highly iirtivo u.a-1 ia , viz'trfc'.in? b it n ver ifibaivtainj. If vou t-.n Biol' ui'KtJifr cv.-fy T.ith Con-' iiunipti.iiicrf.nv Ba t-uu-sH. if y.ih ve e P-a.lull CouiS or a i't Coal, l itiaits ti"r.:..j Iumc will sertlv h.'p you. li. f ivirt u.v l.'n rtiA rip-ir to I'lO f. el-4 t.r. rr"l. tifi'l h n ri-nisii, ui-e for F.iev.im.-.tm ur.il Ciiotcra lr.r. i-a-a. . It lit bo tol i;utnlrr' cf I-irtt It Bj Salt li.tiri. 1 If y.-iu nm fpellr.c; te.iw rsmta rlort f clt imtli roa do"-Tt H.i-K, i.e.. uft iz..t ii.m; t.siy X.j nvxtJttr u:-tyuur eortyt-iiunisiutiy lw it. w.ll riv.. ei-omi .1 r"i' KememiieT 1 l iKl.1 s tw-.cn ictriic tt not I IMSTi l rum drinlc btit the b!. trei.l t -nt Family M idirina erer mtwli. eornpoiun!. .1 l.y a now prorewt, and fnnrelr ti.iTi.rerit f(s,ra Ei.fe's. in(rer pnpara"ion awl ail ut aer Todk-k. Try a. Sue bottfe. Your ti.xKfe'ist can supply yo x. r-r ' PARKr""'S HM" E!.!WIV Tlie Beit and nr.st CrcnuJttlctl K-ii- liicar, esquiiae!) pofuracd and pcrft-'y ha.mi'iS trui iiwrt cmw Crr r-" n icct Is NEW ADVLKIISJ 11 SI 'ps. 4,U j:. els, i ITA.No.s, flSi up. I'itpi i Allan ss I'iiii'I I . Ileiitiy, 'J." liiKfon, New Jersey. . New a.vo vruv An u trTtvn Stvlks at kow kicaov. . 11 1 ilfK Bl'Sl' CAIUNET OR vat JlAoUA li.oii OlttiANS i.ithvc" 4 wilihcrt ot liicliest 1st: i iUB tion iit r.vrthv woj:i " s - hi hi i lo.v roa i trie i " II A JI Ii 1 A ;M SIP'., to s.MKI: t 1vikai:m. 11 ires, y.o. ' For ensy piivtirTiiiri, i Vt !(iiatn-r and upwiinl llC.wJ- il Treiiiotit St., ItOSToV,. or - ' S.pmie. NEW YOU - S O I !. i. T - . '. , I'Al.tl, - ' J a path; dsS 11 !Mi". 1.1 4.s.. i .-. i i-rr S. t4kf-tftl 4if i A f (J w . . imn ,i -c: j-. rnrs. It lt. Ilni.lr oi'il " V i i.C si .4it t x r , i . v3 r war, X V. r tuf imfw foOD : I I I L. 111." .w- v 4- It - ' MEDICINE ; licren ie, .... , ' '" ,1 1 li sii.l.ih a.- I'i'i'K ip'e in the ""i1'' "j ' inedieliiv i linn MALI 1:1 I I LKs- d, Ciii'i"(io( Mult. !..; oid " i t feeil Ihf hoilv aHil llie hiain. i'-' .3 .ei. s.ilUil, the hones, hanie" Hie f , ... I ih imisele.. xuiet the nerve."., t'l i w lH!iff-t ilitiesiioii. it-'iilute thei i y. hum i-Is. cle. in-e Id"" liit'l anu 'f". ) K . inli Willi NKW 1.11 K tvi ry Mi. i" t" ilennltfol iinltilll.ii.s s II 1 1 li. Iv tn . .... i i in- i a i' v n 's sii V.j. V -kV .Mis ptitiult on li.e ! I" I ." i ptinrr "T evel VK lieie. M I.I l.i I I l'-..-( llef.,,t - J ' WAIT rA.liTT TD A(I ye.. r..l l.ie r.i-lesl neilhej h"""I, .,,, , The H0U;,EH0JJVu F tfJST1 This heini; the only -i ieii 1 1 li ; elope. tilt pin It I. e l ie' t. ii'ftils auaiii-.l nil ei well;, nnrpe-i h . lira", till' s 'li.e -.; , r:s. .': l'"'n piitchiis,' tlii h ..I...' P:;;.'j,i,,..' t- r. :-. I'lllliUI. Alillli-- i. ;:i.; ei-: t .'tt.. .si. Liuil-. .i. ' !. ; ...i f, II ai . ,.......' !V 1 .1 1 .'i ia iii; . sori l ilFXD, XI-, or' ;' as . A7('.'JA.y, Of ft"' FLOUR AITD Si - in e. ru ral. V j' 111- I i .. l.i. I ilt.ee ' ","i t 5 --4' . f C s Mtn. ... I'l. V i --.it ir ni r.i- i.i !. :l.liit. ..-; il'lld'tl rl t ..n I'aViii! l ! ;,iih11j ' . f7.r- . ., . V - , , j r.,s , lOBiM. Ki !t o il'v'. '.I , ItK ". ' i.'.'.'.l AV -s OVCIUAKS.-;. y i v .s. tf-c. ". t t ' . Ite.ill'iil ei- .i: Vll't't" flllti i'lMt ; ,-, J.vm'-:s Gracf- tti. ii-I M '.V. '-'A I V'i V", j .i ii t li'vV a V. TGTIu. iJ I el (I l'i .1.1 k'll'!. t ; ; 'vv.ii. ; t'.i.i,!,. S.l'i'c7t ,', D J.I KILLY JXi l 1 . a ' 'jE-rc.-j?-',,' Wjij iit, Ji ir:!;, Mai him zitt f'b,,. pun tn:, anil '.nu laljulliny I ni l hum pi epiii i it In iln alt k ' nils nf rur," nt he in 1'inl oi tn r iiia.'Sisaery, : tnvw I" a iei'i.l iaih' in tn y stjnp. i n rr.n nAijzy, oiu Rc-liable WasoirM.il tie. t '.-!' el. ,!', of t lie w ik;!.",!, fc - ( !! ' r i, a .. i'..ir.i llitlrr. . . ' i . , i A ". I I I I .. ' I. ....-lie -'-.liilil , CA ViPB Li in- f'.ei .l :;t t tie ottl Blacksmith G. J. .A. a. Howl ai ul ( . iiiui.I V!ui' .iml MMli itl reel- - o i.u t it . ' itl Mini, of .';.' 1,1 V- i x ; .1 . j ','... If ,.- t. '... I '!;, .-7.1 ."-'oo- '.,' y " II'., tt" ...1 -I 1 . Xl ..ii r . f''if i s. ! 1 .'' t - -.'.: V'H t- liMiiM .'-jKjJ l .'iOJ "I ' Ti i SVaif. ' . , Uio causes oft nRBANS U1IU -a1 t: V&f" 19 mm- i 1 ': H ! ' .ft ..r'if, i I p o .... ..." ., I'lOl' n - s "V r r-Q pi - . iiTiiifi