Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 04, 1880, Image 2

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-" ---"" s . j inn if nii. ....
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i in mini if i mm
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lUHE Herald.
to a.
if I iffi'C
fi I H -----
! jam of an"
. iv
; o i-uitori
.: "ilk Id. I'dld-a
'I-'.il... ; ac
i::.!;:r,i ly '.. c .
J'.. It,: l uU yy-.i!c s;
t'JO r.i:.j rity. J,
' pencil lies i-ili.
Tin- I .'-';; i 1 . Vijf;-i:it t
.'is nr. i w e vf
r I ,-rn Vtfi. .i j. .: I y up.-,i do1.--n
i HitSiP i.tiJS t ill ?';t t !f II 111 il
.a t .r n -
id -o;c,rY"
' I " !;...!. Km b " .. v. . ': :
''J..-d the fere"-, t lii- or -dois rain-'- i:i
-w' ' 3. -the. M.-vsp:siirrs took a
j - hng fall, strong pull,
(f..'7 i-iill brought us tlnt,( 5:1 .
-it it gentleman t hut l.aird snv5 J.
I w . 1 1 i
i jiins jiwi iin iiiua i Know so yveii
j vason their, in tho caily
1: ' v f the carnpaian i:v-.,l iiave chanff-
i ' fi-r Pff.vl-.Uncv; sccujs to have
a on t7s in the
a ii'.oiiov.;; -h
.day I.o-i.v - n
-r. nc -.-
.y of v.ep.thf r.
.0 vote in, a
i.c'.Vi in. ar:l
' : 1 s ri f n-f 1 f
v Lr'-y the u:::t o" unpleasant HCft?
i'iooi th- rn;cr of political tin-.
The Lauiei of tiiC Tcr.iJ. iai.c l':;-
; iou are to he ccmrconueJ fi.r sur;.';- i
in the voter'uii Tiie'lay r !; ;
"JyVi,ei'ance i,inclic-s aii'l i--: oi-aso., !
i 1 ii ui. Uniaiid the prccvtl.i v. :: !
I j , -vlll be 'devoted to th bc-neiit t.f
ft library far..U Tha la-.lie are .h-
i 'us of oltai;:i::s a buiU'.in; rind i-ut-
f tho library en a. round basis, ta-
iuay ;3 one of tho sb-i'i-iii;? stones.
. Fostiuailer Geuesvil'ti :(. rt.
.WJiiN'fJTOX, Nov. 1. 1 a.
. I cn'.B titiariineiii. uan com; K-ua i.'
- coniplnilion of the i-eei;ts and (.-
peiiditures tf t?:t? posiofhee d-part-
Tiunt rur tue yar eii'iing it-:). i lia
LJ iigttros will fcrm tl-.. basis f
a:.'u r
.1 n-
t. ,..... 1 . .
1 1 1 -'t f rt all r.'MiM-f s.
V UI -:q't-nd:-:nsf-.
l'l'O-ii sal
veer ou-l"-'
)- .
. ( l a -1 r ' --y
l e pi eve,"
- tivtu 1 i 1 1 1 -) i .
al vi;-.r
" t.r t- ice
ing .-tee- J
:V vc::r .1 1
t-i-:pti i :' ; s
1 ---- - o " :
:( :' ::
1 . .) i.l. C
it p. tt : .!-.
iz.;- :.'.t- !
cci vii .r i oil
i : v-" r ' v d. i-a
oi' tld.; wiiti
V .Ai'Vuitiiifl' I-...:. . . '. : .- . i i..- r,
J . ,.- rrii-.ed n e. i: i' ; 1! t . i-t . : :.-o,--
j i rbick'.y fid tied fori: .n-- of ii. - ry
If- end tb absolute tii((-..iiy of x :n
I mg the service in tt.-' ui-.-lcni .slates
I and territories. It is expiit.-d that
1 ; t the total estimates Ii r th-j lis al year
endiiig June 30th, 1
.2, v, ill asgregat.'
k V nearly 6-1.000.000.
Thanksc iving 1'kk ! tan.
AVA-b'.NoT. N. NOV. I, 18S0.
Jy the Preci-h-" ; ' t .attsof Aicer
ioii, u pros it .1 .'
.At no pf" '. -.- history sinea
jtiie rnitod b-:c i-r.e a nation,
ban thin re abuud..ut and
so uniYcic-ai r;".s.ti3 for j y u:d c,:.;!.i-
tudo at the, fever of A.'miuhty God,
ibid been subjec-t to r-n prof.oaid obli
gation to give thrjjU-5 I'.-i !: lovtri?
- kindness, and humbly to htip'.uiM Vi
coiilfnuc-d- care and prc-t
litaith, wealth. v.n i--v;i;-"r;;y
- tliroughout our herders pecce. !i-)c-01,
and friendship with ::'i .!.'. v.cil-J,
firm cud faithful adhcrcnte by tho
great body of our ropultUiaa t. the
, principles cf Jtbctty c.::d j u s-L io which
' has made o'cv ric itncss as a nation,
ami to the wic-e institutibs and strong
form of govcniiaoat ar.d society,
' which will peri cttiiii-j it, lor all thess
the thanks of a h:.."i y i.nd united p-'o-pie,
as with one voice, m-ce-al in devout
1 lieioage to the giver of ail goud.
I v Therefore, I rccomniend that 0:1
' " Thursday, the 25th day oi November,
next, the people will nit f t iii their ic-
Bpective places of wors'-ip to make j
" their ackr.ov.-Iedgiucnts to A. mighty
God for his bounties r.u.l his protec
tion, and offer to him pray --rs f r their
In yvitness yvhere o
to St lilV hiil'd C ,
United st i f ; i-- 1
the City ft w-:
of the I
c e rt !
1st d.'.v !
of Nov i. 'si
ih:een I-.-.:
V IhC-IOjbCi'' ' ' -"
iuit out! ! 1 1 .-'
VTillta:: :' c
Rc.b -i - (;.:.!.
"iit ::ry lb"
rain: d hcie, s a
- j out.g .i4uais, an
ItC!- 11. ed ill It:-.' I.
ctiU, bu. v'l ;.':.! ii
.' t.
. , finite, i o..r ; -cs :;i,., ...
I-7X Men- ; C--'it:. v,cc '
vA.g-bn-.-lHi.Iar.i thf ,;...',
f7 f"M i's,d. t bid : , -''..-!
1 r'd,--' - :.--..'
1 ,v t I'r :.:-i: ... . , - -
Ibcli 0',,;ii,,,. d,C,i, .
the ib is: .' ..I ,
-V7a--ic-... :-... - -I c
f :. afltl s;oi;;J U.. tl. d. I. i
.; .
I :.-.
-si X
. i;- -sjjcr
f raised
a.e bn tl tli'-ii i -l '
jjjfcrrtTAvt-i e li.ttcin-d. Tb.-y ivoM ad!
ea ly ljCld-.o., .uc miu
l!!gC' ibese young ip....t.a oegan i.ii:ig
on May 2!st last, and up to July 31
- - have laid 108 eggs, b-ct they sl ow r.o
signs of sitting as yet. sein e of tl.e
-fr, oifero il arc-1 icidr a bantam
the first tirce anyone has succeeded. o
far as the records shows.
The above was published in the col
TiTi$ of tho New York Times, by its
' correspondent located :.t
l'f Raritan, iu the State num
- :i matter of regret that such
ohntatenients .ue published
,lt.(j time, statements which
h nudgiveto tho younger
hose who are not sjiorts
fastrfsiv false in:prees.-i'-.n re-
yvben v ts of our de;ir B-Oi-,
, ail has been raised
r7, ,in 'dred times, and ur
(,;1.n""nM 0f v,-i,ite Plains,
l'ricfs P:orXe,v York, has
About six liirtn. in the
s.iduof one hour, in small btrr;
n:': Tuesday night.
P'eas nt Hour Cinb
eggs .-were piaec-i o .t.-t ,i ........... liaJn 3-0; jt.,, o,H. 1;,,.,ti .;o ! : Craw-
V chicked, and six ot t: da i;aic:?a. ami . . , .. .
the quails -re alive t-day.' This c-x- . lb u
-' reriment cf raisintj yoanj quails has Dem. Electors, 3 0; N d th, 3 2; 1 lp
1 been underf akon by garje societies all ton, S32; Johnston, 352 H.iwle, 347;
f over the world for vear?, but this is w,lit. ..):. v: it :v5: Wil-
H n
C. i '
v y
1. -v
L-'''.' '"r--::::
jit'ii : y
i iW'i't 1.
i i'.i
a 1' si-c
-V , i-AfT.-tT' 1 -i
.; Jxi'r;" J ,.
Wtivo tho Flau" Yc
To WiiOiii wt:
so hugely
5 'r'Vjfefls-
TV a lave fought the good fight. We have legained by ballot what yve
once yvon by bullets, and now let the whole people rejoice in li e salvation of
the great Democratic party.
We have kept them from committing another great ci ime. e have at
last made them loval.
Don't eel Lull-head. -.1
X.- i ! V . '- -
-3S7 r?-'s . - v
about it I t.l
hi'.vti cause :
1 t ;-t . f c ; rcfoi m ( in Parties! ) ar.u
lint h a b-ckiug nio.sttr over the
; .: - . - .i?.
It i-- a p.
: ral y " s.:i
i Nt w J.-r: ;. 1
Solid North.
Aivi-it : ! i
Ciomly Yd'.
City: Rep. Klei.-tors, 3-i(5; Valen
tine, 311; S'ance, S'OO: Alevandf-r,
308; McKinnon. 3',0, Tefl't, 250; Wiml-
cockson. -.1 1 2 ; (black
W. Clark, 313.
Greenback vote 11. -
ST(A E t'RIirtv I'ltl'llINCT. y
Rep. Eb-ctors, 10 1 ; Valt-titui.", 95;
Nance, lo!; Ah xandcr, . 102 ; McKin
non, 104; Tcbr. 10; V. in-biitm. si;
Hall. 01; Root, ti
Watson, 104.
Dem. Electors. 14; North. 44; Tip -
tn, 4o; Johnston, -14; Roll,
White, 40; V.'. II.Smith.43; Wileoek-
son 70: Qdickenbusli. 40; W. W
Clark, 44
dibUsh. 345: W.
' - . - .
APPLE GROWS. a-. - i-:cr?i;J';-
.'- -,- ;
Hlow v;:ir :
1 I (Jaliricl.
: 5
loval Sons of Toil
("iival Victory
rt a ve
. .
- ;U"
; .0 1 a 1 ; it- -
1 . , f . . .,
I I" '. ui.- .t:
C.v C lis the!. I.
. id
! ':,):
is. . lie
1; is
j sot!, 5 1 ;
: Clark, 52
(Jaai:!;--nbusii. 54; W, W
lb' p. Electors. 1"3; Valentine, 101;
Nance. 102; Alexander. 0 ; McKinnon.
103; TelTt. 10!: Wi! dhim.04. Hall.OO:, fl.l Pi-ltv for .1 Wircm 1M
Dem. Electors, t.'; North, 42; Tin -
ton. 42:.r.hnst 42;Raw!e,41 ; White
30; VT. II. Smith
Wilcoekson, 51 ; !
Qaacki !.bt-..di. 43: W. W. Clark, 20.
Greenback vote, 4.
i'bATTsM'H'TH bttbi INCT.
Rep. Electors, 12); Valentine. 113;
Nance. 121; Ah xandcr. 120; .VeKiu
i mm, 121; Tefft. ioH: Wimlhai.i. It?."!-
Crawfctd, 1'M;hh1I.12.-,; Hot,t. '20; Crawford, 122;
Watson, 120.
, Deiu. Electors, -ISO; North, 143;
Tipton, 13S; Joh .ston. l.';0; Roll 133-
Wi5te 131;' w n '
j cocksoll? 13s. q,rUhu ,33.
f AV. Clark, 13S.
Giettlack" vote, 4. -
ton, 101; Johnslon, 101; Ra-.vle, 102;!
W!,itp, 137; W. II. Smith, 100; Wil
eocks... 10-2; Qnackfiibush, lit; W.
W.Chtik. 10.
3r'L-tibaek vntf-,
- Ibp. 'Ifitors, bl; Valentino, 75;
Xancp, HO; AU-xandcr, SO; Mc Kimioii,
SI ; 'IV lit, : sit; Windham, J; Hall. 81;
Uo.t, .?; (.'raw ford. Ml ; Watson, si.
J) 111. eh-c tors, 2U; North, 2;; Tipton,
2!); .T.ilmston.i!); 1! v. . 2U ; White, 20;
Y. II. .mith, 27; WikucksOii,
Qii.ickenbufch, U'J; W. W. Clark, 28.
(1 reei: back vote, 2.
Ibv-. rhetors, t'H: Valeii.ine, 138;
.';il:iT, loU ; Abxaiuler, 10!); .MtKlli-
11.01, t:i;); Tell., 12S; Windham, lbi;
Hall, 13-i; U ot. lii'j; Crawlonl, 1S8:
Watson, lti!).
Int). eitctor.-, bJO; North. Io0; Tip
ton. 1 30 ; Johnston, 100 ; Uawle, ISO;
Wliite, H4; W. II. .Smith, 110; Wil
cockson, I'M; (juackenbiibli, l."t0; W.
W. Clark, UO.
Greenback vote, 2'.t.
Rep. electors. 147; Valentine, 1U0;
Nance, 117; Alexander, 147; McKin
non, 117; Tefft. 151; Windltain, 144;
H ill, 14(1; Haot, 117; Crawford, 147;
Watson, 147.
Dein. clecior.s, 22; Noith, 21 ; Tipton,
22: Johnston, 22; liawle, 22; While,
1C; W. II. Smith, 22; M ilcockson, 22;
Qnaekenbusli, 22; W. W. Clark, 22.
Orecnbsuk vote, 11.
i:i.M wood rnnriNt T.
I!ep. electors, 103; Valentine, D7;
Naiev, 102; Alexander, U'J ; McKinnon,
117; Tefft, 130 ; Windham. 02; Hall,
103; Hoot, 05; Crawford, 108; Watson,
Dem. electors, 32; North, 34; Tipton,
39 ; Johi.ston, 27 ; Kawle, 28 : Wliite, 1 1 ;
W. II. Smilh. 33; Wilcoekson, 31;
Qii.-icketihn.s'i, 45.
fireenback vote, 22.
Hep. electors, f(5 ; Valentine, 3;
N;nce, SO; Alexander, SO; McKinn n, i " , . ,r
82; Teift, 85; Windham. 80; Ihll, 81;L ""iuaov 2.-In Mont-;
r(i,iiiiurv i-iniiitv tli estim iieil ilemo-
...-.. ........ t (. i . .. . ....
47: .loimslou. 47: Itawle. ."i'l : Wliite.:
... . .. .. , . i
i; W . II. SiuiL'i, 3ii; lie,.' kcoii. -15; !
(imickMibus!,. 73; . yV. Clark, t:7.
- ' ,
i It eiiback vote, 10.
Republican majority in Salt Cnvk j
t!iiit-iiine. McKinnott's majority in
Asl latid fcigldy-iive. j
in in iiKXij t'i:i:(. IN! r. i
lie p. eh-ctot-s, i2 ; Valentine, ;
Nance. !)2; A!. xauuVr, if.'; ' McK.ntu.n.
100; Tafit, 70: Wiudham, 112; IL.i!,
lol; Itoot.l'O; Crawford, 144; Wiitsou.
Lctn. elector.-, 5S; North, 57; Tipton,
57 ; Jiihuritou, 57 ; liawle, 54; White,
75; W. II. Smith, 33; Wilcoekson. 4!;
Qiuickeubush, 51 ; W. W. Claris., in.
( 1 1 eeliici-.-is. vote, 32.
.r.r.! nw!i;j t'ticcixi.-r.
eb dot-:. s:; Va'.eniinc, ',:: ,
Na.if. :': Alexai.der, 8:: McKium u,
07; i iff. Ji ; Wimiuaiil. 81; Ilail, S2 ;
Hoot. 7J; Crawford. 72; Wals.u', fc-S. j
1). in. f ieclois, 40; North, 47; Tipton. !
40; J..!, list. .11. pi; IliAie, S ; Wliite.1
30, W. !I. smith, 32; Wilcoekson, 47;
(iui.ckcoi.' 7S; W. W. t:h:th-, tt.
Greenback Vote, 32.
i.iiiirr 3MI.E cr.iivn im:i:i ini t.
Hep. Electors, Oil; Valentine, Uj;
Nance, t'0; Alexander, 00; Mclviu
non.OO; TclTt. Si); Windham, 05; Hal!,
00; Hoot, 00; Crawford, 00.
Dem. Electors, 04; Noith. 01; Tip
ton, 04; Jolislon, Roll, 04; White, 107;
Smith, Ot; Wiic ickson, 04; Quacke:.
bush, 94; Clark, 94;
tittox ruKi.ixcT.
Hrp. electors, 79; Valentine, 80;
Nance, 80; Alexander, 80; McKinnon,
80; Tefft, 82; Windham, 80; Hall, 81;
Hoot, 78; Crawford, 80; Watson, SO.
Dem. electors, 40; North, 45; Tipton,
44; Johnston, 15; H iwle, 40; White,
41 ; Smith, 28; ileockon, 45; Quaek
btisli, 5.5 ; Chirk, 45.
Greenback vote, 8.
lo t" 1 s v 1 r. 1. 1: Pit Ei 1 x CT .
No fid! returns in. Republican ma
jority 21. Tefft nine majority, Wind
ham 15. White 15 ahead of his ticket.
Hep electors. . 177:) Dein electors. . 1238
Valentine 1724 North 1235
Nance 1782-Tiptou 1242
.Melyhiiion 1703' Roll 1274
I TelTt
j Windham .
I Hal!
! Root
' Crawford.
. .1702', White 1329
..KiHjSinilh 111G
1770 : Wilcoekson. ...1240
. 1727'Qiiackenbush..l3(H
.1HI!) CiitlK 1 157
- - -
State Ncr.r..
Ian. caster 1 epnb.ican by 2,0o-l major
it v.
I Saimders (-..iitily ti t :i0o it publi
: can majority, a giiin of 0o0 over ls7S.
' The 1 utire republican ticket ch-de-d.
I C.)V. Nance got !. '05 votes in Pod-.
county, Tii ton 212, Widiams 12.
Omaha, Neb. N..v. 2. From x alter
: ed r: i ui ns received fi 0111 the state at
I b'rg. it is probable thai. Ng-rasku
j gi v-.s Gi.itteid fi-...m 2:i,ooo to 25.000 isia
: Joi ity. .Nat'CL is re -. i. t tf-. go, .
ivermir i .y
i: ice r...
E. 1C.
hind I.
ii. ' !
e ! Clot ii
C. .11 .
t: ' '.
s, ra
t'ht- 1 .
'. V. til II vli 1 ".-
it.- is iiii .!,
ti Ui'ij I i o
). II 'Ml. -
ueld. JO !j i eel 1 e ..-iv. I 'hi:; TicK- t
. d. Iil"i'i,i: SS, ; --, i ! .. ie.:;.' is. gi Cii.i.iCk
i t. gi':-l-i. i.iels 1 Mtl 0l!ssiii:t-l' :.). 1-
iic.ui 55. o !:er precincts give u
! iiei.l 03!, Halle -ck 277, We ivtr s
I State tickets the s one. The Semite is
i ; .1 I ... .. '. !.-: .. . .
I " - , ,n,1Wl,
i tiUl,ves "feted bpy.,n,l doubt.
j . 1 K" "'; '-.-Republican elec-
i lofsi 1 -111 lli.ili.ntl' lit TV. ..,...
' tors haye ISO majority in Fremont a !
'. J ' J.
R..ui i.)-j over It5.ii. Reiiublican
,.:-.-f ..L.r.f i.1
t " ' " "' ..
I -"M.s,M,v .'.-i ue vo:e Here as h i ui',- c-jiiiii.ii-iiii iice.,
570; democratic ticket, 195; greenback,
Reitblicav City, Nov. 2. (J.u-
t field 77, Hancock 2s. Weayer 4.
RKoyvNviEi.E, Nov, 2. A'otes cast
t0. Count is not finished, and the
vote will be close, but tiie yvhole cun
ty ticket is elected.
Oilier Sbstfs.
Portland, Me., Nov. 2 -One bun
uieu ami ui ty town give uariieid 4,i
020, Haxcock 35,577, "Weaver 1,222;
net republican earn of2.327.
lioiu, i.-:v tiuuru.ui aisou, ;u ,. , ..... . ,
, t , - I cralte. majority is 1,000, a deuoicrattc
Dem. electors, 4i ; North 4.; Iip'on, ; - - - , , ,
' 4 '..r.ii'i.if .on. I Inst w Tini-ii-K s b:r Ii
mate It this hour indi-
. ,, , .
' -r3-v-
A careful estimate
imr dispat-li to Gen. Garfield:
Maine ha given yon a hiuiosoire
niajiri-v over all ir-iib!ican tickets.
ined. J. (t. 1 1 LA I N e.
Cin'oi:i, N. II.. Nov, 2--The reptib-
lici'.u tiii.joriLy in the stace will be 2. "00
to 2,500. All indication point to the
election of three republican congress
men. New, Yohk, Nov. 2. The Time.-,
places the republican majority in this
state at 25,000, the Tribune at 40,000,
and the World at 10.000 to 15.000. The
two tormer paper clahiie a republican
majority in the new congress, while j -.
tho World says the house will certain- 'J
ly bo democratic by a small majority.;
The city votes with only 11 dbtrici ;
missing, gives (Jrace tdeai.) Cor mayor i
a majoi iiy of 40. The districts to be! !
!u' aid ! r oo are .!ein M-ra'.ic. j ,
I.sp itc! t sTCi-i ived at headquarters j
of : he national republican cotninittee j
claim New Jersey for (J.iltield. ; 1
Ni:v.r.ic, Nov. 2. Ib lnuis ttom j'
West Jersey are so imperfect that the
general result cannot be stated. The
probability now is that Hancock has a
diminished majority. The latest re
turns encourage republican prospects
of electing Potts governor by a email
majority. Republicans elect four con
gressmen, and the democra's elect
three. The legislature will have a re
publican majority in the senate and
probably a small majority in the as
semblv, insuring the United .states
Den'vek. Nov. 3, 3 a. m. The indi
cations now are tltat the republican
majority in Colorado .vill exceed 3.000.
The republicans elect their state and
congressional ticket, and will have a
huge majority of the legislature.
Chicago, Nav. 2. Returns from 141
towns in Illinois outside of Chicago
give a net republican gain of l,25-. At
I committee headuiiai tcrs and newsia-t
, - , miin-. ,l fcl.i . s.... v. v - s. .
! per otlices tlie claim is a republican j 1KJt bt:siued lionr the culliva-
I majority of from 35,000 to 40,0L'0 in the ' tiou to anii..a; ".en ps. A3 a conse
, j on me liic Hint trees ;.nd vines are
ir - - .. - "J " " . -" " " J
ptiic.e, Sctiitvlkil co'intv gives a i:tiio-
1 . ,. , .,,... j
ei-.tti.' tjiitj.n-ii v of a!oat 2,000. A deiu-
" . , , .. , .,.,
ocr.Uie g-tt,i ol 20). lVrry county 210 i
. T ,i
i-epnbbciiii ni.ij.'it y, Ly com tug a d-m- i
11M-.,t;c majority of 3,0!)0. a gain of 2 o. I
Wt!, XV;il.,. Iwtm) is eleeted to ongiess !
in ,,. sixth (iis,ri;t.
"we'iva i.tit of thirtv-oiif) w;ir
;.hia give Gaill.dd 25.42(1 m.i-
j i.rity. indieatin-i a repiibiican m ajuri- j
ty of C 5,000. This makes the stat" re- j
publican by not less than 30.000 ami
probably 40,000. Fourteen wards show
a net republican gain over 1870 of 5,-
MlLffAfKEE, N IV. 2.-
esdm.tted at least 3,000
-Visconsiti is
majority for
d. sjj ,nt of eight tin tii'n-i s of j
ciini - ss are republican, a g iiu of on.
Mi iie'sota pro!.ably elected thr.'u 1 e-
publieau eo!igr-.-;saieu, ;i rrat-i of oj.e. 1
st ate is at I vast
I0,0no majority
f,.r Garfe-hl.
San FitANCisco. Nov. 2
lect-i vti! by the Chronica- up
o'clock ;. iii. aggivgu'.o 4 7,m
o -.evil
0 votes
out of a tola! of fully 1 75,l)o0 t hat ha ve
been cast throughout i he state. Cains
by the r jtdilic.iiis, how ever, show the
.1.0,. ., ;n -.1 ma t ,.oi-. i
i,,-.. .... ........... " i"-'
bars O.noo republican majority. Three
republican congressmen are undoubt
edly elected. The republicans have
elected enough assemblymen to give
them a majority mi joint ballot, insur
ing a republican to succetd Ronth
Later returns contradict this.
Oregon is very close, but the repub
licans are confident they have carried
the state.
Nevada is all right for Garfield, but
the seualorship is still iu doubt.
Yankton, Nov. 2. Yankton county
goes republican by about 200, and Da
kota by about 4,800 majority, electing
Pettigr.'W (rep.) to congress.
HaktkokI), Conn., Nov. 2. Legisla
ture is republican. Garfield electors
Colomu s. O , Nov. 3. 12:20 a. in.
Democratic headjuarters are deserted.
Ohio yyill surely give Gariield 35,000
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 2. Keturns
come iu sloyvly. So far as received
they indicate forty thousand majoiiiy
e .. t ...1:. ' 1 1 1 . t 1
Iiu i (HK iii, .lb1) i.'ir ui.ii.uuir n ('ut
licitii ny a large majoiiiy. 11 tins
! pnne.-i eonect, an unbroken i-epubU-j
; ,.;U; Cei .tion will be preserved in
Indian ai-oi.i.s, Nov. 3. 2:30 a. m.
5:;l voting places, or -53 p.-r tent t l tec
sl.'te, show a net it put licao gain of
liCj. The same ml io of gains in ti.:.
balance of ; 1-.-: ate wm give a repui -
!i'-;t;i uj.ijt'lity uf
Di-'s MiUNiis.-Iowa, Nov. .'.. A c; ar
majoiiiy iu tl; ' .-tide of 40,ni!0 f.n- g,y
ei i. ..c,- uver all p;ositioti, .a.otut major- i
iiy o i-r liaiuoek, ami i-vt-rj ( 'ongi -ss-'
man in the sir.: e. :
!. si in, Nov. 2.H -pel Is from tie-i;;-d;i.
i f en ' h ilist: id s ii!.iic..te :,.c
elect ion oi Mui. t on and ii!ith',on
l' by j. iite tnajoj itii-.s 1
H . C, Nov 2. Hetuns
;:i'i. ?!!.; s in the central p i t
! t In' - 'ate tie lea! -. s t hat thevo.. of
i is .'oi..i'.i,'.i :1. I ' l. I. n-!, 11. il-ly
c; r:i 1 - s!..-.,v sii.ds: m iii.vr-i, c.
i Nt lii'.i'i.:., 'i!.. -.. 2. Til - c!!V
. ! Ves
l'cgi:i..r oelie Ci l! :c t'clo t 1.
ii.' , ICl-tjUS'i
1-!. l e 1 1 ti b ' i c.ii i s 3 I
y .ui ! i , Nov 2 Ala! iudtc.i es
t !a eh t e n ol all i he ih-nio ra c eo: -t
. t ssl:i( t., mui ( !a-d. lie icr it ic majoi i
! V in I be st 'te is p.!tnii"n.l ur lo OIIO
' ' '
, X .s!i VI ;. I.i:, 1'pntl , Nov. 2. Til" re-
publicans claim a majority on joint
: lmllL Tlie t,.fe:lt ut- Y dem(!.
; i at. lor congress, in the tenth district
: ; .
i is i eiitii leu.
1'ensacola. Fla , Nov. 2
-Goes deu
, t.r:t. ,0 ,,Vt.r.
; Vi'iv Ori'-iv:
-Returns in-
dicate tlie election of deui'tcratie can
didates in all the congrisional dis
tricts. Miraculous rower.
Tlie Kinvst ami Stre.mi 1::: it : "Tn i!i'i ve
!:t:tiili Use W miner's Safe Ki iiif.Iies. Tlu--e
ice almost of inii.i.'Ui.His utv r in removii.j:
tii-easfs for ntiieii r-i.iiiiinei:itett. Tin ttt.ii
tb'.lul fanitive 1 1 1 . ! 1 1 i 1 iln-v arp ((f
of is vouctieil fur by tens of t huusauil. i-lt 1
Ho w She Saved Her Darling.
"I shall never again feel so ayvfullv
nervous ab.ut my babies teething
- 1 writes a rtateful motlier. "YYealmost
last our little darling by a long attack
: of cholera infantum, but happily
j.rd .f barker's Giager Tonic in
1 time. I teok a few spetmfuls- invJC,
yvl.iclf somi cured mXirsIng XTi
ssi s! ...-s,.. ., . .1 a..- ' - .
Whon t: li:iit Frsii Trees.
lVait :
t't1. rs :-.i:ic planting
. : uoi till they
. " . . !t in an ex
.. i" .i .oner. Tiicy
i - tf
c!io .,,:!.:: fr.i'.t till they
c mi i:i o .i t :'ia.-'c t. number f
ti-eiM io ron-'t.rc :i hirge orchard.
Ti e,- i-:' :' bio tan - w'icii they can
Cit")ov : : e. :u! I vvi. e ti.l they are so
silti i.c l thai ihey e in plant tin I teml
! -i. -1 i'levai-il. Some do not
plant x '
cosctii -.
- .oal i. uil Ire""-! when they
.. .nija-tivea larm, liecim-o
a o .a.- space means i til
v.t-!! ii.'ciry stock,
.-. : i. t il i hey have a on-
. i ! :.- i i goo-1 coll li
. o- '. -i-.t ail viiiojard.
; - :i ; hi c-moo.-iiviog
: : i e .!
i th.-v ii .
I. ;.- niising
-..-: to i II-
. -.;i s'iiii.-ieili
r : !;;. le. pCtf,
. . . i -:nii-- gra pe
'i. . '. U' .1, c. oilt ill
-. a .d , : ijiorl c taken
. i i M-. r. to bear in a
C . I.e.. to III.: owner
. j.i i t a. 3 ovtoiisive
..e .i. d, Inj will have a
i.iuas ni fruit of Ji is
i'a -i e tire few f irmcrs
i 'i not p.' eiiaso hall a
.. .mi-, o. i if these arc
. :,. k -.i.l s.i.l.l supply
i i: . tooting tho
i:u;l -
own I :
. I .'. Ii ;
We. I
a i l l.
c . : . i:i
ii n
oi :- o
i i i
; . : ..a iie; c grape-
'. . .i iare uuui- i
,i 1 so.ily of
.-,( i .' o, I . e-, villi
ma ;
beei lu
1. i.l
C inooi
a -i.i :
. n-ii - . ir a t.iii,. i' gralually
. . -.. i li.e I t- ..iclrciit, mill
:.;!.-. I l ot:i eXj.i-i i. lis o which ho
. cr-vo i"o ii . o. l,y nun-
i l iv ,iv -S an i 'iu:- he will
l .ii .i iio.v to I t .e p. "pec care ot a
1-ir.o or-n.ud and i.e. .ml. There
a.ei!ia.i oiaer ,4ti . an aes ill COIU
n:cnC;..g iiu. i ra-.ny; on a limited
jM-i-ie. A i. v tr- s, vii.i.s and hushes :o i.-i-.-oi' vir,. goodat.en
ti. ;i. re piiic botcoiuparatively
lit tie i;ilol.i.:o.itf- 11 I1--! .1 i.l'c11 omli-
ar , via :um, oi?jf .i..C;i of sm dl fruit,
li e e..-- .s i.uroi.l. Tiicy demand
.: '.. ; . .. ?.. i., .... ,r IiIwt nun I
.-..,,..1 .. in. ... ui.i n lsr a wcck. ui, a. . j -,
, ,10 u,MlU u,ct-ry to wait
u 1 i is : nir-'tl liloL Ot latlu llie-
. ...
i r
........ Tc. . .
,Uf .in orci.urd or vineyard be-
.ii,iic.. ii;i to M.-L out trees and !
1:1 r." i u i nviuy in the labor ;
i in (-. .tivdiu ii .0 have irees j
1 i-i.l ci in itllg rows, but I
. V, .-.i.i i nk' not :el!''r.lily ob- i
wlicn tho pla is done in !
y. NoMorl.. l e- largest, but, j
-1 y g To;-,' lo.g-livcti, and ;
iie n;ilt j-t-v. and Viu-s arc i
... .! 1 alone. Thou- I
... .. .
a: a
.... .
ii) .s , .i . ; :i hni .st.iiice anil obi 1111 j
a siii.. e n: Mjpjuy ui !.ourihnieiit. !
Tiic.r i..v.i- .s i.yi rclarsled by want !
el .1,1 i- u. ,;iii." Uve.-y portion of J
l.i-m oei..,, id'ds, ihey are likely to !
i,! kept vn il ran. I praacd anil free '
1 1.0.0 in-tc.s. ? yv-.neo a iree or vine
bi. 11103 III illl is.i; c l jin.-i nun nit; is.i n j
i-tr.ivos the soil- num. dia.cly upon the !
roots aii.l cauMJSil to pul out leaves
an 1 hlosiioiiis eariy in toe soring. A I
. : .1.. - : 1 1, A c...,.
period rij.eii'.ng of the fruit is also
insured. ?
'i nc.e are generally nooks, corners, ;
tin 1 siuail sliitJ.-s ii)ouc me larni ouila-
:, lltl ,A i:,Cs can be planted j
u e.vcei.ea. a-,lvjiii;igc. A grape-vine j
111;-, wlii'-ii lil.i 1101 ciiii.iaiea, on
I ...1 ..1.. w !) irmi'i' e;iii Iwt
! potitetl abt.'.ii it viful make a very vig- !
I oious grow 1 i'an.1 be very productive, j
I A tree iiian:ol njar tlie lerniinatiou '
t.i iheoiMiu iro 11 Hie siulij or cuiiar
will l-iii-l;. dil 1 o attain a very large '
fci.o cim to b i vi.ry protiucuve.
wit ax: iii ;;)!!.
i A t.l-ff u lWn linl ids Tl.s Cu-.
. . I - '
torn ll . us?.
About l'c most tro'ib'csoms ("action
in any political . party u dissalis-fac-tion.
Men are geciC, wotufn arc ducks,
and birds of a jcat lier thick together.
The m -t - wou.l riii! thing about
the sci-scrpent is l a it iis never actu
ally a seen serpent. .
Ryu Rt-ii to : T'l : mui who never
smcit powdor is too fedow who never
held lii lioso 'close to a woman's
cheek. j j,
A ni-in yvho srdd ho spoke from ox
perienoo 1 1 .vly' tlechire.i thai, iu his
opinio. 1, "the worst thing out" is one's
li-t mitch on a 1 ark nig it.
Al m -soheriivil kn-.wledc is not
t lioro.i ; h ly fisiribtue i 1 mir scini.'N.
A boy bc:n i iit'sc .. "What is misiV"
vaguely i-.'plicl, wAu iiiii'ireila."
'S: rs," sj'nl;- 11 U 's in 111, .ire,mn- h
more use: l, lain toe sin, for they
siii .c in ihe ii.;.:., w.n-!i it i dark,
but t. e '.I sLi.i's 0.1!' in the t'ay-
1 1 ne, woo
yvilbo'tt 1..
1 s
:iit enj'.ig.i
l.c -. 1.1 i.'iil
k. You have
11 it sj.: i.s lo
.tic -o.:i.
tit a 1 c ' o
lit V)., rit:
a. 1 - ,
r 1 00
there's Iio.bVl ,
.eg 1:1 t;i t ;
MI.V, 1
.1.1 t (iici'i
V :e.i I Was IU.
s(l,.-,(i j t
A :c ... liu.i. :;.iv.;i; .1 servant
a very t:.i k ijt'ill, u
; h-;u i'-..- i-..j . :.,-.,.
I the I'- :o-.V (iiri v,
"i v Ls'i," s ii 1
ui t oah; ma '..i!
i.'o-ild thou be
! v., ur . or t gi. 1. :.s i
j ',iJL. ,,, i:lltf, f) t .0 w
(.'oli-ba s'bt f
t '
. '-oven
"Miss S..lili . OO I I
J rinii'' t iii iv ii ...
lamp cc. -,
lor ie.iv ,- n-o 1.
ji t il l. 1 lien
l ,iiey tl',v y..;, et,: sttiown
' laku i ,. tn k 0.1. i'o." "
A j.-.ti is if. . .. li s; .y in ; in a
ft'tlt i.nt to ii:-! .t s..-gat-d
.o .1 cii .'ii i.i.
yvlrit -i y.s,j;do;. j.
lepl.c !, -It. U a iC- i
oil" t 1 . ii r.. 'i-.l so., e
t,ii-'. i -y ish t i-si.
ion with re-
r, was asked
:j vhi:ii h;
Cut. im
T.l' . i'O.iil ; C t . ii SOt '.'is.'S til3
fedroli i f : v.. nog .ii tii w iio iias
i. c.-u ' . .vtO.j.ol i yiii'as iti hive
t go :o a imp yv i.ere t -rn is a girl
tuat im a.' C . j. k;1 -p co.iipaay witu,
a. i i iii'l . ii"o Jiic i.ti c-siZ :d s.iti:-
v ni ! - t
M c. H ll.-.'s S ( e. '":,, SOU ts
fi' -t t.o i.'pcM v.-.;.. 1, - vi-i e 1 W
lie :i : ib; I'i JI .o.-co.
Ti i ' a ! "e"lblf etc', b to :1 -C
i t -tf !' N'1 10 .llto . IU.
ii. i e ir. ni sin viibii:, F.u, on -en
oi li e suppled di-cov ty ot'g -Id.
r ?
Y i
S kk t
V?-S. 'i v.-dijt--'-----iv '-i!: -3 , i
m I imimmmi 5 1
fexpjllMEAJljjT ROASTER,
rote THE
1 ."
hi ."i. JLJ if
t , - -r t -v t t
UJT71-? A T 1 1 ! !
TiB Larpst, lie Ikiwll
Only lUpublicaTTiTy
rapor in Hie County.
Jpr (Qfii'iitl UlWr
Col UlllllS,
ami fulL of
County Xows. Letters
from i.ll parts of
tlie County and
ii'j im
(1881; we shall (if.'. r very low club
rates on t..e 1 ist'papeis and
magazines in the Union.
We shall also publish and issue a
Handsomely Illustrated
Herald Almanac!
for each of our subscribers, at Christ
mas time.
J.4?Kt' try and make the jwper
Fullei oJSTaivs
than ere;-.
and act povrfritttds to glre ns a lift j
The More Help VeB;
1 i tii,
Paper We
Can Make.
A, MacMurphyl
Ed, HEMslLlD;
utV-4 -iy
$2.00 a Year.
? Ii & J Et
TiiG Old. llclialslc i
(;ri:atki; i?ar;ains than kvkk.
. . . . o
Vt- show the larircst and host .-iciccted stock nf
&ffioe.49 Mate, Cap9
and MiBlaEiery 5o3,
Heal Genuine
This Season in every department.
We will '3MpBioftie sassd
e&nnt all IPrice JLfotB C
Call t the Philaitlpliin .Store, make your run-lm
ami yon will le hajijiy.
-lEAl LliS
and Jich goods as ;ue
Weoffer sl'liClAb
as we an going out
ofdhat line of business. Oar stock is still large .;iotA
Vii SliV 'l' it fil'.. I
Is earliest lv solicited
fie sure and call,
We alwsay
Remember the place South East corner
S P RI N G a S
! k-
ttoCui Hi
V.'illi th
sx it
li I- Lgiscd to - . j '
g-QPilJiilLiL aaajiH Jialj
1 1 ii.i t.H li -i" stock oi'
iLatcS Styles
usually kept in a
11 .VRGAINS in
and be convinced of 1- air Dealin-.l
pay te j
Main and Third St's, riatlsmouJ
B. i ''-'-'
K- :V ; i
I H i
. . ... -. v
JA. Zdl;Tt7?ft
ami ILowel
.a . j- w .
.11 !