Vol. 16. PLATTSMOUTII, NE Bit A SKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 18S0. No. 32. How English Marts His Fortune. Cincinnati, sirpt. 13. The further the investigation is pushed into the inniiner in which W. II. English ac quired his great wealth, the mwre his character suiters. The evidence taken from the records of his grinding policy toward the poor continue to be pub lished. It was at first stated, in be half of Mr. English, that he did not deal in tax titles, jet records show that ha has tax titles to 2l."i pieces of property in Indianapolis. Then an ef fort was made to prove that he actual ly lost money on real estate loans, but the records tell that the balance in his favor between the amounts tie bid at Sheriff's sale and the assessed value of he property is nearly $:J00,O00, a;;d that many of the notes on which he foreclosed were purchased by him. in dividually, at from to .10 cents on a dollar. His latest Defense that he was len ient towards the poor indebted to hitu is disproved by the fact that during the last tw years (H ejectment suits have beew h; ought by hi.n before two Justices of the Peace, out of the thir teen in oflk'e in Indianapolis. In ad dition to these 6'J. 11 were vicled during the present year, up totlYetinif of holding tlie Cincinnati Convention, but none since. Somo f those evicted tenants have been talked with. An drew O'Connor, an Irishman, was evicted Aug. 5, 1S71, from N. 117 West McCarty street, because he owed $3 rent. He was out of employment, and is a sober, industrious mm. He has three children, and is n v work ing on the Belt road. Mrs. E:ln Kn tflish, the widow of William II. En glish, a namesake of the "poor man's friend," was ejected summarily from No. 50 Circle-hall, diroctlv adjoining the barred window, on Oct. 15 last, and this was done without the inter vention of an agent. John Arnold, in (Sreenwood street, rcceivwl bis walk ing papers May 5, 180. He had four children, who" were motheiles, and the house from which he was turned out did not have a p me of glass from foundation to roof. Those ejectment suits wre not brought for money due. They were brought ior an advance every time. Another method adopted by the "Por mau'j fiiend" to ai l in building up his Virrel is as follows: Ne was Presi dent and principal owner of the Citizens'. street Railway Company, of Indianapolis. It was a close corpora tion, and no man could get work who did not rent a house, or at laast a room, from William II. English, It mattered nothing as to whether the man was married or f ingle; his name could never be placed upon the pay roll of the street car company until it was registered upon the rent-roll of William H. English. All his employes were thereby made his , rental agents. Some of these unfortunates hare been been, the ilrst one being A. II. Fifty, who was formerly in charge of the harness department at the car stables. He found it necessary to rent a house from English at Dillon and IMoss streets in order to get a job. The rent was taken from bis wages each week in advance. Mr. Fitty says that it was the invariable rule that all em ployes should rent from English, and that rent, whether the property was occupied or not. was taken from thei; wages every Monday. .Several persons who were made to conform to this rule were seen, and all continued its binding force. Two of them, at least, never were inside of rooms for which they were required to pay. The Democrats in their desperation over the difficulty of keeping their presidential candidate .standing on a -tarill for revenue only" plank, while issuing letters which will satisfy pro tective tariff i leas, have sent forth a document parpurting to be a letter from Ien. (iartield to one II L. Morey a Lynn manufacturer which reads as follows: j"IKI:f(VAL AND CONFIDENTIAL." IIOCNKOK IlF.rilESKXTATIVKS, I Washington. .Ian. 23, 1880. Deai: Slit. Yours in relation to the Chinese problem came duly to hand. I take it that the question of em ployers is only a question of private ind corpurated economy, and individ u ils and companies have the right to buy labor where they can get it the cheapest. We have a treaty with the Chinese which should be religiously kept until its provisions are abrogated by the action of th general govern ment, and I -un not prepared to say Ciat it should be abrogated until our great manufacturing interests are con served in the (Matter of labor. James A. Cahfiklii. II. L. Moklry, Employers' Union. Lynn. Mass. Of Avhich the followi ng will be & complete refutation : New York, Oct. 22. The following dispatch was received t--iay at repub lican national headquarters: Mentok, O, Oct. 22, isso. To Hon M.Jtwrll rtnl Iiou.S. II'. lhr-i : I will not break the rule I have adopted! i-y mating a puotic i wpiy m campaign lies, but I authorize, you lo denounce the so-caded Morey letter as a bold forgery both in its language and senti ment. 17 ii n t i 1 its publication I never hoard of the existence of the employ ers' union of Lynn. Mass., nor of such a person as II. L. Morey. (Signed) James A. Iauhee:. The national republican committee furnished the following: Mentok. Oct. 23. 1 88 . Hon. Mar shall Jtictll: Your telegram of this afternoon is received. Publish mv dispatch of this evening if you think best. Within the last hour the mail has brought tue a lithographic copy of the forged letter. It is the work of seme clumsy villain who caneot spell uor write English nor imitate my hand-writing. Every honest anil inaulv democrat in Ohio, who is fami' iar with my hand-writing, will de nounce the forgery at sight. Put the case in the hands of the ablest detect ives at once and hunt the rascal down. ("Signed) J ames A. (iArkiklu. Address of the National Democratic Committee. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in- New York. Oct. 14. The National Democratic Executive Committee' met to-dav and issued thd following: f To the Democratic ami Conservative; Voters of the Country : The election of .President and Vice' President is now before you. State! and local dissensions are eliminated; from the" issues of the day. The mag-; nitude of a victory or defeat can only! be estimated by the forces and means! employed in securing it. By fraud and corruption the 'people of the' country were defeated in their purpose; in 187(5, and the rightful v elected j President was kept from office. With! S T O "V IE S ETC., ETC., ETC. On! Door East of the Post-Office, riattsmoutli, Nebraska. rractiral Workers in 1HEET HON, ZINC, TIN, ZIERY,dc.,dn. BRA- assortment of Hard and Soft Pumps, (J ass Pipes and Fittings. JO-A.3L. STOYE3, Wood and Coal JStoves for the combined capital of the ItepiiMi-j II V ATI Vfjj COOItT(i .1 vry Always ou Hand, variety of Tin, Sheet Iron, work. Kepi in Stork. iiiij:! MAKING AND REPAIRING, E VETl YTU 1XO 1VA lilt A XTET) ! jSM PIC I r KM LOW POWX. can party, anted iy inents upon an army of oilier-holders with the power of the Federal (lov eminent represented, by United State: marshals at the polls; with uon, I rami, auti a resort lo ev rupt appliance known to Republican methods, concentrated in two Stales,! our adversaries have succeeded in pro-. curing the probable return of their lo-j cal candidates. Can it be possible! that in every state throughout this broad land the same methods cm be; brought to bear that were used by the Republican managers in Indiana and Ohio? Can the great States of New York, New Tersy, Conneticut, Cali fornia, Colorado, Nevada, and New Hampshire be bought, intimidated and defrauded,; Even without the vote of Indiana, which we believe will ) redeemed in November, with New York, New Jersey, and the States that are conceded to us, including Maine, tha election of our candidates is assured. The Republican party has put in nomination for President and Yier President two men who, by the admis sion of their own paity and press, aie unworthy f your confidence and your suffrages. It is impossible that lift v millions of intelligent and patriotic people will consent to thus place them selves upon th humiliating level thus! j CFH"7 , H jy prcpareu ior mem oy ine. jepuoncun managers. Pellow citizens, the first day's re pulse at (Jettysburg ended on the "d, with Hancock in the front, in a glori ous victory. That victory seemed us our Union. The quest ion is not. now the preservation of the Union, but of; the constitutional government. Han cock is now. as then, in the front. The repulse is now, as then, the omen f a victory which will secure to com ing general ions the inestimable bless ings of civil liberty. By order of the Nat'onal Democrat ic Committee. Wm. II. Harntm. Chairman. ud Zinr Excelsior Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, One door west of Soloiiiou'.t Xathan' Pfor FTX-CTJTTXIsra-, R I1A V I X G A X D SHAMPOOIN ( Especial attention given to JUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. MALL. AND SEE BOONE, GENTS, And jret a lioon in a CLEAN SHAVE SIGN, CARRIAGE AND ORNA MENTAL PA INTER, I shop over the J.rick Block next tu II. Boeck's. PI.ATTSMOl'TH. 4!y XKB. BATES & KOHNKfcJ. Street, Fresh Oysters. Bennett & Lewis have secured the agency in this city for D. 1) Mallory's celebrated "Diairond brand" of oysters and will be prepared at all times to furnish these well known Oysters to Hotels, Restaurants and private par ties at bottom prices. 2otf ew Carpenter Shop on Main Corner of 7th. BUILDERSCONTRACTORS GENERAL V ORKMEN In the Carpenter line. BRICK! BRICK! If J on want any Fire or Grnamental Brick, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - NEBRASKA. f AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT Centennial history