Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 28, 1880, Image 2

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    The Herald.
jlKO. fl. JA.CfAumrrtT, DITOR.
National Replcau TicM
For President,
Of Obi.
For Vice-President.
OI New York.
(5. Y. COLLINS, of Pawnee.
J. M. THl"KTON. of l;o;i!:is.
SAM ICS L I1!1, of Adams.
W. L. WILSON", of Otoe.
G. V. ELSLL'V, of 1h!;.
E. K. VALENTINE, of Cuming County.
For Contineiji Congressman,
T. J. ilAJOU, of Nemaha Connty,
For Governor,
ALBIXUS NANCE, of Polk County.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
E. C. CAUNS, of Seward County.
For Secretary ol .State.
S. J. ALEXANDEK, of ThayerCounty.
For Auditor of Public Accounts,
JOHN ALL1C1IS, of Hull County.
For Treasurer,
;. SI BAKTLS'IT, of Lnnc-iV.erCounty
For Attorney General,
C. J. InLVVOitTHjOf Phelps Cunnty.
For Commissioner ol Public Lauds .t Kir.ldincs,
A. i. KENOALL. ol Howard C illity.
Fer Superintendent of Public Instruction,
W. V. W. JONES, of Lancaster County.
Tor Attorney, Second l)i;trict,
J. C. WATSON, of Oie County.
El .
For Representative ' t!ie 5f!!' I'iuict.
JOSEPH li. M KlNNON',01 Ca Co.
Si'f.te Senator.
OuLAM'O TEEF1, of Avoca Precinct,
floiiseof Pi-prescntatives.
K. 11. WINDHAM, of PlAttMi:c nil). -
JAM EH HALL, of Ml. Pleasant.
11 EN It Y I. ltwOT. of Salt Cre ok.
County Commissioner.
JA.MiS CRAWPOKP. of South Berd.
Republican poitkin;.
There will be republican speaking
at the failuwing times and places:
Eliuwood precinct, McOaiy's school
house, '1 liursilay, Oct. X2ti h Chapman
and Thornton.
Tipton precinct, at Eagles school, Friday, Oct. 2'Jth G. S. smith
and Ed Kii kpali ick.
I'lattsmouth precinct Taylor's school
house. Oct. 2Sth -TelTt, Campbell and
At Thorn-. S. H. I'Jatl?iiouth pi
cict on 2Jl!i. Jirov.-nu and llayiifjy.
Mr. Chapman bvii g usable to .'ill his
engage mcn.s west Mr. J'iov.ih- goes in
his plnet, and Mr. Morrison will take
his place on the 29ih at Thomas'.
There will be. a meeting at ICijiht
Mile Grovo, Saturday, tha ;'0th, Ma
ney, ('ilbert. ami Wooiey or Chnr-iuau
. in place ol IJro wns.
Grand Rally at ( 'reerswnod Saturday
evening the ,';0th, Green Laird, .smith
and Siiode, pom wr ill cZ thsrn to be
there, sine.
Speak ir s; fit south fiend Saturday
Tien T. M. Marquette- will speak
her on Tov. 1st . Ths Loimrille
JJand will ba ewn,
We cannot as vL fill Rock Bluff.
Wend us the returns at once.
"lirsn" goes to Exete.r to orat? tlii.
Avoca jflu'r a littla late tr, cenar
ally. Be on hand this time.
Trip Xetv York Sun speaks of En
glish as a "detestable skinflint."
No man, no citizen can afford
stay home Tuesday. Vote early.
Tns issues are tremendous, Tote for
he honest Republican Candidates,
The B. & M. have reduced fares to
four cents per mile en and after Nov.
1st, next Monday.
We send printed postals to all our
committeenjea and want full returns
from tha election.
Sauah 11 sun ii a K dt, the famous ac
tress has arrived in New York, with
her troupe, and the city is wild over
Sixteen working-Bien in Indianap
olis inn'chea1 to the pedis in a body
wiiH a placard, "English robbed ls of
our homes."
Wi've made a goed Campaign and
ought to win. ivry man n the Re
publican ticket U2t to be elected and
will if toe voters do their duty.
Now, lir. Tipton, you are almost
always behind. Won't somo of you
try and get t he new3 from your pre
cinct here eailv nxt Wednesday.
A paktt has been at last discover
ed to run as candidate lor Member of
Congress in the place of Dr. Livinc- I
Mon. and his iuiiib is Jurnes V. XV.i t h '
f Columbus. ;
DrriNrt 'b severe
nrt -j '
it u'i at'i'iit
fouls on bojid, i:t one of r. how lived
to tell the tac nf tie n ible dM;tstr
' ' L '
r. !...,.
i Il-.-i-
J UliiitUi, .1 "'!'(. u ; ;
ing's took fix hundred
tlemen dowfi to the ra
ladii-.T and gei:
!v, including a
torch-light brier If, in whi-ii
ver rj.'t v
ladies marched. lariic ;rches a!
side their husbands and brothers.
Look out for bogus tickets, mind
what you vote. Examine every ticket
carefully before it e3 in, false head
ings may be given. All.wa fear now
is treachery at the polls, on tha df.y,
of election. Republicans guard against
it. lit ure your ticket is right.
i Once More!
There will be a Grand Rally at Green
wood village on Saturday, Oct. 30th
with Laird, if possible, Greeno, of
Omaha, and Smith, Strode or Brown
train here. All turn out. It will be a
rousing meeting if we get things going,
now, we tell you.
2Sow reaiember, if tou want the
news send us the news. Every Coua
mitteemaa and every eth-r raan that
has time see that seme one Beads us at
once a card with the results on imme
diately at the close of the count. Pleas
deu't forget tkis, don't leave it to
everybody. Do it yourself.
Ix looking over the campaign one
thing is remarkable, viz.: the persisten
cy with which the Democrats have
tried to steal our thunder. When we
heard a Heal politician claim that the
Democracy had put down the Rebel
ion, afid that the Democratic stales and
Democratic eieraent had furnished
mote soldiers for the Union Xorth
than the Republican slates and Repub
licans, we supposed he was siinp!y try
ing to perpetrate a good joke on an un
reading and unthinking audience, but
we have lived to see orators of nation
al leputation and papers of standing
in their ranks claim the same false
hood, and even go fur! her and claim
the free school and homtslcad legisia
lion and the U, P. railroad bill, (when
thev tnought it cfluld bo used to
effect.) In short they have deliberate
ly abandoned thoir 'tiui9-honored"-as
they call them record and traditions
and coolly and dsliantly endeavored to
climb on our platform, and absolutely
eject us thciefrum; abandoning their
own ierinei positions in every respect
from nominating a purely miiitarT
General and Union soldier, with a Xa
tional Lank President thrown in; to
their last attempt to get round on the
protective tariff plank of our party
and win votes on that. It has been
'an thing to beat Grant'" from the out
set. If this can obtain Republican
voted or ne.p mem in iiipi south v e
miss our guess, and the whole cam
paign may be set down as another
"Democratic Blunder," and probably
the last thoy vill make, as it is likely
to prove the last of the Democratic
party in this country.
It has been wonderful as well with
what persistency thev hav urged the
value arul importance of a ;'Congress
ienal Record." as proof in Garlield's
ca?e of corruption, ignoring the fact
that the same authority unearthed
their tissue callot fraud, and that if
the evidence is good in the one case it
is in t!:o other; als.. that on the score
of economy, and in ai.'Sffer to the
th.-rge of stealing it w3 the suppress'
eu report of their own committee in
Conjitsfl that showed the lass to the
people ir.collection of tho gn.ver:.nient
revenuo had sieze'ily, decreased from
$20 en thethousand to one third of one
per cent under Hayes. This proof
they never mention.
Al'-jiii in regard to Aithur they
Lave based their v, hole evidence on
John Sherman's letter dismissing Ar
thur from the Cu.stom house and harp
ed and harped upon it; but they give
no talue to .Tohn Sherman's last letter
to Wade Hampton in which he says:
"Your power in the south resfs upon
actual crimes of every grade in tho
codo of crimes, from murder to the
meanest forms of ballot box staffing.'
John Sherman says this to the man
who pledged lSS solid votes for Han
cock, but they do not seem to consider
his word good in this case and never
quoted thi.t letter. If John Shermon
is atithcritv in one case he should be
in another.
The contest between a candidate
who we admit was dismissed from the
X. Y. Custom house because he could
not please Mr. Sherman and President
Hayes on civil reform and one who ia
the candidate of a party guilty ef
every crime from murder to fraudu
lent voting on the same John Sher
man's authority must prejudice every
candid and honest voter in favor of
the Republican candidates and against
the democratic on this evidence.
We received the Buffalo Advertiser
with an account of the demonstration,
in that city, of veterans Oct. lGth.Gen.
.Stewart L. Woodford addressed them
and here is his opening remarks which
are good enough to keep:
In 185t5, Democracy resolved in fa
vor of Free Trade. That prty which
never chauges applause and laughter
except when whipped by the Republi
cans, applause, in July was silent as
to the iiuerests that touch yoar labor
and that touch mine. Its candidate
thought tlie tariff question a local
question which he had heard once dis
cussed in the larrn whrre he w as born.
Laughter and applause To-day, on
the day of tho Indiana election, lie is
sues a postscript to amend his letter
of acceptance. Applause. Wher
ever tho black man toiled in unrequit
ed bondage in tho old days of slavery,
t:e Republican party reached cut its
hand and said, "Labor shall own. it
self." When the terrible pressure of
war had come, when taxation was
iiecPssarT, ihrt readied into every
factory and every home, the Repnbli-
can party was equal to the emergancy
" r'"" P-e came
the statesmen "of
the cotton fields desired Free Trade.
! The Democrats of Xew York city hc
i d tho cry of "Free Trade." But
vr : from t! j fr A 'Ivi'ie coast to the fur
... -n.r ;-r ?'.v-if ;-'. .i - wh-i work
.. kr.- iht u.e isiii. the anvil.
i fH pioteclien. and wo said w.e'll help
'even man who rr.-r!:s on American
si'.;' sa I V.r !.- f 'i- -Hi i irt.-ij ii-.-! n
.: . J-hslIfli y-fzzt. We !
in AiTifrica all that Au'iftr
We will dig from Ameri
can mins a'.I that America uses. We
; w ill protect American capital and
American Jabor, until we can take all
t!4i we make and g into every mar
l et of the world, and whip the world.
Our Candidates
While so much attention has been
devoted to tha National Ticket and
wo all earnestly wish and hope for the
election of GarGeld & Arthur let us
not neglect bur home inerests, nor for
get that our Statejand County ticket is
of vast importanca to us as a people
and to Cass county now and ia the
fature. Remember how much depends
on the next Legislature, what impor
tant work it has .befero it and
not a singla man should scratch a
single candidate on that ticket, we
have good men, honest men, tried men,
on every part and portion of our tick
et ; candidates whom the breath ,of
slander cannot touch, candidates whonf
we can be proud cf. Vote for them
as you believe, as you hope, as you
shot, as you expect for future happi
ness and glory for this your native
Let us review and compare our can
didates. Gov. Nance, first on the list, a taan
whose name is a household word, who
is known the state over for his integ
rity, for his honesty, his nerve and his
wisdom. Without desiring it, modest
ly trying to keep in the back ground
at the great re-uuion at Central City
he yet rceived a natural and spon
taneous ovation from tho people tnere
at that time and his tent w:i3 crowded
with the hanest Yeomanry of tho land
who wanted to see our "boy Gover
nor. What shall we say of hi3 opponent
on the other side?
LL Gov. Cams ha3 made a good
record as the presiding officer of the
Senate, he is known the state over,
and poses3e3 no mediocre talent
for public affairs.
How many can name his oppsnerit
and tell us of his deeds ?
Sect'y Alexander, "our Si", "Old Pap
Alexander, endeared to every man that
lived with him and by him in his own
county and throughout the state ; gen
erous, loyal, pure hearted, his record
is without stain or blemish. Vote for
for him and do yourselves and the
State credit.
Where lives his opponent?
John Wallichs, for years County
Clerk and County Treasurer of Hall
County, no better man could have been
selected to audit and settle the ac
counts of a great State. He is a Ger
man, the only German on the tick
et and ought to get the entire German
vote of the County and State, and wil
no doubt receive a great portion of it
uhoislus opponent j 110 w mivny
Republicans can answer?
G. M. Bartlett, literally the old watch
dog of tho Treasury of Nebraska,
where's the man mean enough to vota
against him. Real, practical Treasur
er of the State since its commence
ment, not a whimper not a sniffle of
crookedness have even a vitiated and
corrupt Democratic Press ever ven
tured against his good name. With
business men throughout the State
the funds are felt to be as safe under
Mr. Bartiett's management as if they
held them in their own hands.
Where lives his opponent?
Gen. Uiiwoilli, the lfeyal, Loyal id
Soldier and honest prosecutor. Does
anybody know aught why he should
not be re-nominated and re-elected V If
so now is the tims to speak or forev
er hold vour peace.
Who knows hin opponent?
"Glen." Xsndall, a host in himself
for a young man, bright, prompt, sober
and shrewd, where could tho vas
landsd interest of this great State bet
ter centre. In whose hands would it
be safer; fit successor to the man who
built up and made tho Land Commis
sioner's ofiice what it is, every yottn
man, every sound Republican and
en good citizen interested in our
school fund and all its sacred interests
must vote for Glen. Kendall for who
knows the record of his opponent?
W. W. W.Jones, Willing, Worth and
Wisdom all combined, Mr. Jenes will
make the School Superinteudeacy of
tho tate a business, and add to tho
lustre of this young state already fa
mous for its institutions of learning
and the facilities offered to all for
free and valuable practical education.
Who's the other man?
.io.'inny natson, second terra, as
good 'a prosecutor as Cass County ever
had, a mere than usually good lawyer
and a man with whom no" faalt has
been found in his official capacity, his
treatment of his friends, or tho dis
charge of hi3 .duty. You must vote
for him. Upon our honor we uoi"t
know the name of tho other fellow;
who does?
Also young, shrawd, a match al-
oady for older heads, improving daily,
what do we want of another or a bet
ter man. It co.ts the Stata something
to educate a congressman, we'vu got
"Ynl" partly educated, let's keep him
there a spell longer, and see if he
won't do better vet.
Will any body, any follow, big or
little, rich or poor, i.ld or your.;, loan
or rat, rise up in meetia' and tell the
front name f the chap who's running
on tho other side. You cau't kelp bat
elect " Vai."
Joe. McKinnon, soldior, farmer, leg-
slator, a man every inch of him, if
you've get any better man trot him
out. but Cass County don't think s
and no aolid reason cau be given whv
my Saunters County candidate should
A'fie' up a bigger vote than "Joe'
Wid we bklievo none ether will.
Orlando TefLt. serred once already,
apt to learn, sIott to be deceived, wary
and safe, can a young and inexperienc
ed man La heped to reflect a3- much
crrdi:, and da as much good for Cass
County as Orlando Teflt, and you'll all
tlrnk so next Tuesday and put in yonr
ballots for our Senator and alct him
by the biggest majority yet seen in
Cass County.
R. B. Windhaui. a thorough lawyer,
a man of probity, of exemplary moral
character and having the experience
of one tei Ki in the Legislature already,
can you better him by unknown men.
men of no experience in public affairs,
men unacquainted with public men in
the state, unacquainted with the de
tails of Legislation and public busi
ness. Tfe do not think so and the
voters will not rote so. Mr. yVindham
ought to bo elected and must be next
Tuesday if Cas3 County wants to do
her duty to herself and the public.
James Hall, farmer, used to business
as well, careful and prudent in his own
affairs, a safe man, having practical
knowledge of the needs and wants of
tho Agriculturist, his neighbors- and
the people. Twice Sheriff of Claik
County, Iowa, he is posted in public
business also, and no batter legislator
could be found. Shall we elect almost
strangers to busines, to thu public, to
the management of legal or general
affairs arid throw aside this experienc
ed man, this true citizen, this old
friend and true Republican for a
stranger. No, "Jim" Hall should bo
elected and will be if we only vote for
him as we should.
Dr. Root, a physician of long stand
ing, a man who has worked true and
faithfully with and for the party in
season and out of season, a man of
reading and knowledge, conversant'
with the wishes and wants of his con
atitucats, and active always on the
side of right and justice, shall we
throw such a man over, for those not
in sympathy with us, for men youngor
and inexperienced in the ways of the
world. Do we not owe something to
the men who have time and again
served the party faithfully, helped
elect others and put aside their own
wishes and ambitions for the public
good and that others might succeed.
And snch a man is Dr. Root, and he
ought and should be elected too, all
personal feeling to the contrary not
withstanding. Flo deserves it, he has
earned it and Republicans will be un
just and neglectful should they allow
him to be beaten in Tuesday's contest.
Jafcies Crawford one of the best men
ever sat in the Commissioners Chair.
Cool, calm, deliberate, r.ot moved by
hasty speech, of good judgement care
ful in eery thing, why ahoald he not
be re-elected; who is opposed to him,
anybody ?
What has hi3 opponent done to re
couiend him to the voters of Cass,
what record has he that we should not
en masse as Republicans and Democrats
return James Crawford to the post
he has so ably, so intelligently so hon
estly filled? None, and James goes
Reviaw them, compare them, make
a business thing of it and tell us one
good reason w hy our candidates should
not and ought not to be elected. Go
then to the polls Tuesday, bravely
and truly, loyal to your friends, your
County and your own interests, and
vote the Republican ticket straight as
a stiing.
Friday las: was a big day at South
Bend. One of the best Republican
Rallys held in the county came dl there
on that day.
On tha morning train a numbar lait
Plattsmauth for the Bend, at Louis
villa they picked up the band, Prof.
Albee and all. In tho afternnen tho
meeting was organized by placing
Squira Clapp. of Stove Creek, in the
chair, and after music a prayer wa3
offered by tho Rev. Mr. Diffenbacksr
cf Sarpy Centre and then Gen. Geo.
Smith spoke to a fair audience gather
ed in the opsn air, south cf McCain's
Hotel. Aftr him Sam. M. Chapman
said a few waris and promised rnore
in the evening, after which be intio
dnced the Hon. JamP3 Laird, of Hus
tings, candidato for Presidential elec
tor, who said he supposed thfty just
wanted a tasto of him then as ha was
announced ti speak in tho evening.
The band played a number ef fine
tunes and th?a t'a-J meeting was ad
jearntd until later.
A very largo crwd of ladies and
gentlemen, fron tho villaga and neigh
boring farms, with soma from Sarpy
eounty, assembled in the new store
building South of McAffee's Drug
Store, which had boeu sealed for tho
Pending Mr. Laird's appearance, Dr
Meyers, a German Republican, was call
euout anu matie some remarks trom a
German Republican's point of view
Then Messrs. MacMurphy and Chap
man were called out and Mr. Chap
man made uuito extended remarks
in a forcible and earnest manner.
From Plattsmeuth, under Capt. Jen
nings, having arrived from Platts
mouth were oscurted from the Dpot
by the Band and fiilod tho building to
overflowing. Mr. Laird having rriv
cd on the ground, imw tok the Uua
aai for eno hour aud a h&if beid tho
audience in that cold room by tho
magic of hia eloquence and the force
of his logic.
Seldom hav the questions wLieh
now agitate tho country from wne end
t the other been s ably, so logically,
so excellently pre3eiilod. Laird is a
flue Speaker, ho travdod o- tr usw
ground fo. and ctiopared the tw pur
ties past lfecwi'i aim prohibit curse in
the fature froui the standpoint of Ley-
altvto tho Countrv in a masierlv man
ia r, uatil the etdd air so siffected his
voice that iit mercy tb audience asked
hiia to stop, lunch ; (hsy veuld hare
liked to listen longer. Aflr tlitte
times three for the cause, the il v. Laird
antl all the boys several tiwes repsated
the meetiag broke up.
Altogether ii was a gratia1 meeting
and aroused the patriotism and slami&a
of tho Republican voters to tho high
est pitch. Next morning the I'latts
mouth beys all get bora in gt?d sea
son, thamss to the us arraagsmsnu
on the B. & M.. and South U-ud went
on her way rejoiciug.
Mr.. R. C. CrsiiiNO, who nomi
nated on the Lancaster county. Demo
cratic Tiaket for Stata senator, has
been withdrawn and substituted as a
candidate for the house on the same,
ticket vice Wm. Cooper who refused
t run.
si 3
as3 eMails rfesfl cJaSAi g&
"c?S -
AMd wSi
-it.'? t3 2
in general.
Dr Dsi"nsU;') a l'irrti;as
can ai.-!T he aho'I r.t Lii
tli Drue Ptftre.
'e in
Fpreif.l .-.t'.enf io:: p:;i:i to
OB S TER ICA L CA S ES. 3 1 if C
O'Ta Br.KD; KilRnASR.t.
A ;oi Iir,riv alwsT ra hutnl. Prp-i;ir
iiOii irtiT. piVmptly :st elieaply.
Eave-tronsiiir.-i rti Hoofing alto
iHO to order.
RirimJ-'f r tlie nstine and piaec. Hay P.ros
Sulh Pnrt. Nebraska. 3lrn3
nsw.'a fisrpS Her Darling.
"I shall never asrain feel so awfully
nervons about wy babies tcethins.
writes a rra?efnl mother. "Tf o nlmrt
Isst our little darling by a long attack
of cholera iafantnra, but happily
hs.trd of Parkers Ginger Tonic in
timo. I took a few spoenfols ravsolf
which seen eared my nursing baby en
tirely, and an occasional doss ha3 kept
roe and baby in r nch perfect health,
and made hs a strong and comfort
able that I would not bo without this
reliable medicine for worlds." A
Mother f Broeklyn. Z9'A
I 14 .sttr,. 4 se! Reels, onir .?a
-r a . - . ' ' I i"-. '.
tT (K CI"-, nr. I'mnr Iran
J II II II Audreys Dan I k. jieany, wnsft
invTVHaB lntcn. Now Jersey. 27tl
New and very Atikactivk Stvles arr
31 A SON
LOU OKOANS in til? world,
(winner of ltihei-t istinc
!tirn at r.vr.RV woki.d's r.v-
liiir.irift.v Kuit TiiinTTRN
XT "4T T i Y KAIt J. PriCf-. 5.".l. $")?, f e.
s.l. f.-.oo and up-aid.
i Por eav n mejit", v.s a
fjfl K 44 Quarter and "upward ( .-.ta-'
illfiii.tO jf,Ci,,., frt.P. M-SON &
Trein:it St.. POSTON ; 10 E:ist 14th St.. tl'
Sqorae. NEW "lORK : 140 W abasli Ave.. CHI
CAGO. 2:t"-
"Krrr OR". Ann
iltrts4 CATLiliat: isn:
flltMAt'K WATSillUA '.. ilr sl-
wsy. V.
npbere i no eiotcr nion nciiiiccr and
- ntiii rinrt!; lr t he or!i vf footM or
B!"!in than MALT lUTTKUS. prepared from
L ttfermentni Matt, ll'ii mtd Oniniur. Ihry
fod th bedy d the tirain. eiici: the tl"Od,
soliif the he.. hareru ih i'.-.'.-lrs, ;iin-i
the mucl. xuiet th nervt . t-heer the miisd.
rrfK-t diK"tin. r;:ul: tlif vtmssuc-li a::d
oI. t-i;i r livor i:d itinncv. and vi-
taSie with NKW LIPS every fluid mt th- I "dy.
Heware f 1rr)i;.rir. " rniiarly r.stiieti. Lo.k
f-r the COMP4N V. aiMNATl RP. wh!h p
pcar plaiely nn tho lt-l of cvpry hnt!!-. Sr:d
OT-rvwhern. M . LT PITT T. RS CO.. lWvvoe.M j
"V A 1ST
p Tile iiUUSiiriULD aiitl i
Thi itr-iss th. onlv Attricnlf nrst 'y
rlOPiiU )ii!Hhfi. WctHI'TIOS
aceut :i;tliit Uir verics ! !'i-'0 . u ;:l:i t r.:-bra.-!-the
siimo .c;.l'jsr:. Kf iy J attar;
purchase t hi hook. Pi;b;:"Hfd 'in l-n;!:sh --.d
iTTr.a:i. Addrr- ANCHOR I'CRLlSlil.Nu
CO., St. Louis, Mo, aatl
E&fea thM MP
9 ijvu?-siH. vujiaujfg5
.UMDSEWEABj pea suit
rn'mm Fiif, -
i'lTVrrSMOiJTa, NE3.
Pi: --i c::i"s i..ilrins Rf-oms.
Fij-btCI.T-" Hoarding.
Hood Rain pie lio orr.
irv'i- tl'.ircr r.v. every crn:'rit
A (go(1 Hotel can Fiiruhli
A'.so, Cmiil Wines, R.-cr, Good Lir,n.-ir
;oot Lfiii'inaite, i;.-o.l Cijtnrs,
at ths Cit Hotel.
14'y FRED. COO. Pron if f.T.
; D. I ;qi) .". Propii f t
Retail Liquor Ssaler,
:!ilnrd ftall r,nd S.iinnn on Main Street
floor from Sixth .it Neville's
Reracinhcr the Xafltie anil Ilrife,
James Grace.
dealer in
SilTsr ars. Tars, Pictures.
51u.sical Instruments rind
Particular attention paid to all kinds of Pine
Main, near Fourth trlrt-et,
E'5ATTS"IS5i'TH, - -
Wttjon, Bujfjy, Machine rnV Plei re
pairing, cnrl gm-ral jtbhi-it.y
I am now prepaiPd to fin a'l kSndu t,t rretia.?;
cf furin and other maohinrry, as ti.tmf.
i? a gowd lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Vta Maker!;eii el'.arce of the wjvjoii shop.
He i.? well known ns a
?4'eTT Wftrronj nitd Ktic-iie stAi tx
HUnji on Sixth strt-t .j.p!i:i- 5reitlit'sSHjWe
t FACTo WC;tUl iC?:GVI7fcS. I
tiincrr, rt"::3.
-tA ii-.t'i..:.-?; I:"(a n v.rt
Eki;l;''-ii:T t jTri' iiiOd in l .'.hfi:;ii.;.cta iui:it
y t-irs it -R sWr; t ics I-is i ;:( r tnd
t Zho Et HeaPh S rc.ti ReUrer
j.vrr i f- s.
nl nt. r ;r i-i n-.- .-.; T-:-:c ? .1 r't in.- rr."i -J
rein Tr -, it. w --T twM ta tu-J
kui ncvr ir-... "-v.U. ;r. J
. 'f Vc. Ln fi f.;.f..'T
LJ 1 1 ....... i i ..... - - . ' -
'Couih ornh! Cz,. PjlifiiTJi's Gsge,i TomtI
,wS1 surely he!? y It jr.vvs xtew l.fe end
rignr to t ffoi9 and r-l. ttzid i; a cc rtdE
'cure for "d Cholera UtaU-m.
'it Ra Savrd Iinni!rr ot Lives; It Kay
Vavo Vr4:n.
' Tf T-nn a fecKne miw?n!.!o don't T-ctt Br.ti!
Ta tm dor. n rick, Ui't t"r. Tori;- to-;-lcy.
Ko TMnr what.Tmirflwtr syr ioaac;uyi
h tt vill nvo nrorrnt rT-iit-r..
a rinn drii:k but tho Ees! er.d Tl rtst Fa-ndyl
Medicine ever mat, compoimc?.! ry a 7.?;r
process, and entlrrty d-flr-rent fi-nn I-itV ra.4
ginnvr prpparoons run nn wut i '.mj. i i j i
a SCo. bottle. Is) it orugrsiiit cen supply you.
The Eest and Most, Economical Hair Brcssicj
exqmsitely rfrfracd snd perfectly harmless. .
Will Aln-syg Restore Cray cr Fmh-il Hair i
to its orizimd youthful c '.cnr orj rppcr.rancc, and is :
rarranted to stap iu tiliir.j, iss.ii its growth and
prevent baldness. .....
A few applications of the Ki.M wi 1 sortci the
fcair, cleanse all dandruff and c-re inJiing and hu- ,
aaours of the scajp. by'sui Iiugisu ja cis. j
j2tJiiJ3 &y
P f (fl BP H M
4zP dkS "Ja iLiii Ms Mst
aiail sec- if yost
; 4i . i f
tMSXSi crr3
o.... .
WV show the largest and best selected stock of
5SicI MHMiRCPy r4eac2'ei'5
This Season in every deji.n tme.nt.
W& will E&rapIIcsa6e &
eoiasst sail
fey 1 CP
Call at the Philadelphia Store, make yonr
and you will be happy.
-DEilAi IS-
and such goods as
We offer SPECIAL
we are ing out of that line of btigiue-is. Our ,,...! :.- sdil
to si st tiii: t:j ;;.
Is t :irnct ly t ulici'.ed. I)e sure an d c
if igheti
Iiep.ieu;Ler th
CP Sou'li East cor;.'.;- .'-Jiiii .u.-l Third fet's, l'lat !oiixnith.
c!on5i saave foy
l?s?e SIia
arts usually hep: in a
i3 A U (E1L Jj
ViJ 'T- T
HAlfi A IKS ii
t!l, u'ld be rtr,: : n'-i d ur I.;: r -.i!i:t,'.
r Ah
BrWJ n m
-Li. U If U L - IA2A