Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 21, 1880, Image 3

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    The Herald.
rr:;:!ii"rit. 25 cents ;t line. Regular advents--
1,1 h i liiK- No ad Vfci LisfSniant Insert.
. . i. I.' . .. r. i,nrj
3 I IUI I.. IHUil V v.
l.vzr) notices .it Statute rates.
A i i"i i" v and officers of the law will be fteld
cspmiohff (m all leral notices they hand in,
1'nl i:n t :; demanding a pnof of publiea-
on i( any notice will be nelU lor tb publica
tion f'-e el such notice.
A.s our space is limited, all eornmunlcarJoni
Ct. i: in.- brief uii'l to the point, with no wast
Cf .v,rdft.
The paper is responsible for the correctnwf
n, v.;:. to.eo;.y of paid matter and paid Le-
.tv person who takes tbe paper recularly
, t ;a i-o'-elbec, whether directed to bis
Rr.. .w- w bother tic Is a subscriber or not la
.T'-.::--i;rn- for the pay.
I any person orders his paper dlscontln
ii. '., U- must pay all arreataffes, or the publish
er .-.- continue to send it until payment !
fj r. .-." and collect the whole amount, whether
.he rafter is taken from the office or not.
3. i tie courts hare decided that refuslnj f
take newspapers and periodicals from the port
oi.'iee. or leinovini; ana leaving them uncalled
for. itn iina facte eTldence of 1NTKNTIOWAL
Wesi' sells the
:iutiful S::JV !!
Isw Eiilvrwa'.ks .til over lown.
Alf. White went ast Tuesday.
Will. S. Wise sell Real Estate, tf
A Grand Rally at South Bend the
Raad the Fxtra in this weeks
J.W.Barnes returned frem Illi
nois, last week.
Tipton will be here the 28th, for
tha Democrats.
Road Commissioners Proceedings
n Fourth page.
Cash paid for butter and egg by
Bennett & Lewis. 25tf
The dealeri re alaoet giving ap
ples away this fall.
-Manufacturning and Repairing at
Merges' Shoe Stere. 22tf
Boys clothing in endless varieties
at N. O. P. C. House. 1
Money to loan n Country Real
Estate by W. S. Wise. tf
Sen L. Kalisky & Son's, immense
Ad. on the Second page.
A foot and a half of snow in Sew
ard the Grst of the week.
The biggest line f buckskin
gloves at Wescott's. 29tf
New Hats and Tkimmixcs at Miss
es Herrmann & Wurl's. 31 12
Several car loads of apples stopped
off at 1'lattsmouth last week.
The great aale of dress goods still
gres on at Solomon & Nathan's. 1
Don't fail to read L. Kalisky &
Smis new Ad. and locals this week.
You will always find Pepperbeig's
most popular Cigars at J. II. Buttery's.
Best stock of Olovee and Mittens
in the city at W. II. Baker & Ce's.31t2
A good all wool uit of mens'
clothing fr S7.50 at the Great IUd
Store. SUf
Go and see that immense stock of
Whip., Lashes, Stocks, Ac, at J. G.
Chambers. Slt2
Wanted A second-hand wood
heating stove, if cheap. Enquire at
this office.
Fresh fruits and vegetables re
ceived every (lav by Bennett & Lewis.
Misses Herrmann & Wnrl have a
large assortment of new zephyrs. 31 12
All new poods no old stock.
Bargains at S. & C. Mayer's New One
Price Clothing House 1
We want 1000 dozen eggs, for
which we will pay cash or goods. Ben
nett & Lewis. 23tf
Fresh oysters received daily from
Baltimore, and for sale wholesale and
retail, at F. S. White's SOtf
Full lines of linen suits are being
sold very cheap at Fred. Herrmann's
Cajl before they are gone. IStf
Sage Bros, is the place to go for
Hardware. Stores, &c., and don't you
forget it. Raad their local.
Com and see us. We are deter
mined to sell lower than any ether
House. Great Red Store. 31tf
Our Almanac with th Aldine
cuts will soon be ready. Every one
wants to advertise in the same.
Self rising Buckwheat flor and
pure Maple syrup at W. H. Baker &
C'3. Tiy it these cool mornings. 3H2
Wanted: A strong, capable girl
to do general housework. Inquire on
Sixth street, of Mrs. R. R. Livingston.
If you want nice, light bread or
biscuits, white as snow, buy the 'Snow
Flake flour at Bennett & Lewis'. 22tf
Just received at Jos. Schlater's a
new and magnificent stock of Jewelry,
latest styles and patterns. Call aad
see. 1
The f jundatien to the hotel is
moving rapidly upward again and will
soon be ready for the joists for the
first floor.
Everything in Underwear, Hosiery
Gloves, Hats, and Caps at the strictly
one price fair dealing Boss Clothing
Store. Ed Wescott. t
If tho Ads. keep coming in. the
way they hTO (een lately, the old
Ukua wiil have to enlarge to a nine
column paper.
Farmers, take your butter and
ess to Dennett & Lewis. They will
pay the highest market price in cash.
lllnr.kets. Comforts, Shawls,
skills, Hosiery xc, in great varieties
at bottom prices at T. II. Baker &
Cos. Quo
Tim Rev. J. II. Storms from La
selle 111. will preach at the Baptist
cliuieli, next Sabbath both morning
evaning. Everyloly invited.
Parties wanting choice Michigan
apples can have the different vaiieties
by leaving their orders in time, at F.
S. White's. 80t2
Tfe are plumb full of business;
work and ads. crowd in on us so we
cannot notice meetings and things as
we would like.
Just received at Solomon Sc Na
than's a fine assortment of Dolmans,
Cloaks, Mantles, Circulars, and Child
ren s Cloaks. 1
Mr. Bushnell speaks at Juniata, Fri
day, the 2Cth.
Dr. Meyers will speak'in Germau at
South Bend on the 22d.
Mrs. Robert nayes and child pass
ed through Plattsmouth on her way
to Seward "Wednesday.
Mrs. J. J. Deck and Mrs. Donaldson
went down to Lincoln last week, Mrs.
Donaldson returning the first of this.
Cadets Livingston, Stadelmann and
Wheeler, came up from Lincoln Fri
day, and remained over the Sabbath.
Miss Minnie and Miss Mary Mur
phy left for Grenell, Iowalast Tuesday
aaerning, where Miss Minnie will at
tend school for a year or two.
Mr. II. J. Hudson of Columbus is
again nominated for the Legislature
from that County. We shall be glad
to welcome Mr. Hudson again.
Geo. A. Seybolt our old friend who
comes and goes with us in Cass, is
here for a few days again. We wish
Mr. S. good health and good luck
wherever he travels.
Hon. Jos. Mckinnon, candidate for
float representative, was iu town the
first oft lie week. By tin way Mr.
McKiiiiioii will be at Soul h Bend on
the 22d to see his future "const its."
Mr. Jesse Campbell with Mrs. Camp
bell and a daughter Miss Nora Camp
bell have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Phil Young, being some relation of
theirs, that is to say, father, mother
and sister of Mrs. Young.
Thirty-three years have passed since
the introduction of Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup, and it still stands unrivaled.
Price only 25 cents.
Buy vour groceries of an exclusive
Grocery House. Bennett & Lewis car
ry a complete stock. 15tf
Dean & Son, at Ashland and at
South Bend, too, are receiving an im
mense quantity ef lumber and selling
it out again as rapidly. 30t2
Phil Young has a new shew case
where the soda fountain stood which
he has filled with as fine a variety of
cigars as a person can find anywhere.
Go to the
You can positively do yourself some
good. 31tf
How much longer is that bad place
in the sidewalk on the Sixth street
bridge to be left? It's such fun to
tramp round it iu the mud and dark
ness. For good cheap reading for fall
and winter season, subscribe to A. L.
Marshall's Circulating Library. Call
and see it when you go to town. SOU
We did not know that Windhain
was a doctor as well as a Lawyer, be
fore. What k:nd of instruments were
those under the seat, Bro. Windham?
J. G. Chambers has just re-painted
and re-arranged the sales-room of
his Harness Shop and now makes the
finest display of Harness, Saddles
Whips, ice., in the city. 31t2
Cheap Overcoat $2.50
Dark Overcoats $3.00
Ged Overcoats 84.00
Heary Ulsters $5.00
at the New O. P. C. II.
During the recent storm the false
worK in front of Carruth's building
was blown down, just barely escaping
demolishing those handsome windows.
Dr. Kirk's new Hotel at South
Bend is just immense and he keeps it
full of boarders too. The house has
been more than doubled in capacity.
Go to C. G. Hereld the eld reliable
in his new building he will sell you a
good winter suit tor from $5.00 to
$6.00, and a good overcoat for S3.00.
Consult your own interests, a dollar
saved is a dollar made. 2Ut4
Something new struck Plattu
mouth MoHday in the way of amuse
ment, called the ring beard game
which raised considerable fun among
the boys.
Our expenses are the least, our
prices the lowest for prime goods. A
complete line of clothing, hats, caps,
gloves, overcoats, boots, &c. at Wes
cott's Boss Clothing House next to
Smith & Black & Co's. 1
We call attention to the adver
tisement of the Sale of Short Herns
by McBride & Druse and others,
which will be found in another col
umn. The Rev. Mr. Storms, of Lasalle
Illinois, preached in the Baptist church
last Sunday, morning and evening.
Mr. Storms was formerly located at
Fremont, this state.
Dr. Livingston deivered the intro
ductory lecture before the Nebraska
School of Medicine last Monday at
umaha. i- uteen Matriculants were
admitted, including one lady.
See the
Beats anything you ever saw f r S5.
Bennett & Lewis have at last
moved up atreet, into Gus. Herold's
old stand, where their many friends
and patrons can find them at any time
Call and see them before purchasing
elsewhere, and get your money's
A. L. Marshall of W. W. still car
ries on the drug business with his Cir
culating .Library, also newspapers.,
magazines, periodicals, stationary, con
fectionary, cigars and tobaccos, of all a
choice and well selected assortment. 2
All precincts that waut their pre
cinct ofiicers on the county ticket send
them in at oic. Be sure and have
them correct. One dollar extra charge
for changing the forms.
They are selling the best clothing
at the Great Red Store, at such very
low prices, and you have everything
guaranteed as represented or money
refunded. That is why you should
go there for all you need. 31tf
Two new ads in the paper this
week from South Bend. Dr. Darling's
Drug Store, in a new place and with
an increased stock, and Hay Bros
Hardware Stere.
Bennett & Lewis are now moved
into their new quarters, in Gus." Her
old's old store room, where they will
keep a full stock of fruits and other
things too numerous to mention. Be
sure and give them a call before pur
chasing elsewhere.' 1
The Red LIou Dry Goods House, Lincoln
Have now received their new Fall
stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry
Goods and it is acknowledged by all to
b the leading house in Nebraska, for
the above named goods as well as for
fine Satins, Ribbons, Fringes, Beaded
goods, Laces, Jimbroiaenes, uorseis,
Hosiery, Gloves, d-c. I will send sam
ples of six numbers of our Cashmere
Giunette Silks at $.75, S1.00, $1.25,
S1.50, $1.75, $2.00, which are fully S.50
to $1.00 pr yard under price, and our
goods will prove it. Also samples of
Cashmeres at $.50, $.G5, S.75, $JS7 ami
51.00. Also samples of Silk Velvets
at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
Customers sending us in orders for
goods will get the latest styles and as
low as if they were here in person to
make their selections. Correspond
ence solicited and promptly answered.
Prop'r. Red Lion Dry Goods House.
11th St., Lincoln, Neb.
P. O. Box 914, 30t4
The B. X M. Trains
Now rnn as follows:
Leave Plattsmouth at 3:15 a. in. !
2:45 p. in. going North. I
Arrive at Plattsmouth 10 a. m. and j
7:25 p. in.
Going VTest 9:20 a. m, going West
6:50 p. m.
Arrive 9:20 a. m., arrive 6:50 p. m.
Any omission of .local news for
the next two weeks must be laid to
politics. After that we'll promise to
do better. A presidential campaign
only comes once in four years.
W. Chrisinger, known by many of
our citizens, will be here about the
20lh with car load of apples. "Wait
for hi&i.
Ed Wes cott has just received an in
voice of new and nobby suits well
made and fine fitting. Prices below
all competition. Remember the lions
when yeu want a square deal. 1
-Sage Bros, have a large stock of
Heating Stoves on hand, among the
most popular ef which is the Crown
Jewell which is the boss. They also
have a largo stock of Hardware, Tin
ware, Ac. Persons wishing to pur
chase anyt hing in their lino will do
well to call on them before purchas
ing eisewuere, as tnev sea cheaper
than the cheapest. 1
There was a surprise party at the
residence of Mrs. M. B. Murphy, for
Miss Minnie, who was to leave Tues
day fer Grenell, Iowa, Monday even
ing, at which about a dozen couple
met, notwithstanding it was a dark
uddy night, and the evening was
passed very pleasantly, until some
where about the loee etna' hours, the
company broke up after wishing Miss
Minnie a safe journey and a good time
during her absence.
New sidewalks are the order of
the day on Main street, and now after
cliubing ever piles of lumber and
brick all summer the pedestrian has a
still worse road to walk, or climb or
jump, wuatever he can. But all seem
to bear it with equanimity, looking
forward to the prospects of good walks
in the future. U. V. Mathews, M. L.
White, Jos. Schlater and Miller are
vino ii g the enterprising ones who have
started this new departure.
Coy Lost.
A young boy about 10 years old by
the name of Patrick Griffin left his
parents the latter part of July and
ran away. His father has gone Lorn
home now, and his mother begs of
him to come back. The boy was thica
set, with brown hair, blue eyes, and
had on a linen seit. Supposed to have
gone towards JNeuraska City, wnicu
papers please copy. Any information
of the lad will be thankfully received
by his mother, Mary Griffix,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
POLLARD li-VTE.S I5y Amos Tefft. J. P.. at
tne residence oi uriumio" lent, avocu, ca?s
Co.. Neb., October 18th. l$o, Maluoi.M H.
1'ollaku t Kuih K. Bates, both of this
14 yds Brown Muslin yard wide for SI
20 M Standard Prints. " $1
12 " Gingham M $1
10 lbs Batting (good) " $1
to be found only at Solomon & Na
than's. 1
Lumber ! Lumber 1
of all kinds at Dean & Son's, Ashland
and South Bend. Call and see them. 2
A Load of Oat Straw
in good condition wanted at the Her
ALD Office.
To Whom it may Concern.
Notice is hereby given that we will
not be responsible for any debts of
men employed in our work in con
structing approach to the Plattsmouth
bridge or pay any bills created by
them unless orders are previously
given by us.
Belcher & Straxahax.
October 14th, 1880.
Teachers, Attention.
The County Teachers' Association
will hld its second regular meeting at
Eight Mile Grove on Saturday, Nov
13th at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. The fol
lowing essavs will be read: Past,
Present and Future of tbe Public
Schools, by Prof. Love; Composition
Writing, by O. F. ;mton; Grade for
Country Schools, M. Searle; Responsi
bility of the Teacher, J. II. Berge.
Essavs by several others may be ex
pected. A full attendance is desired
and a profitable time will result.
30t4 O. F. Morton, Pres.
Elegant Pattern Hats.
Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney have just
returned from the grand eastern open
ings where they have seen and studied
all the latest styles in millinery and
dross making. They have also brought
with them some elegant
and a full assortment of the latest
hats, bonnets, trimmings, fancy goods
of all kinds, which they invite all the
ladies to come and examine. They
will be pleased to show them.
. Weeping YTafrr iUms.
We have had quite a sicy touch of
Id winter duung the last few days,
some snow a::d nuite a severe frost.
Mr. W. F. Fenn, Mi. Atnie Fenn
and Miss Mary W olcott, all of Tall
madge, Ohio, are now visiting with
Mr. F. M. Wcicott and family.
Our mutual friend T. techaeffer goes
to Lincoln te-day, to attend Grand
A. L. Marshall has moved into the
basement of D. E. Jones' house.
F, Mull will occupy N. Sayles' house
and a family frem Ohio (relations of
Mr Ashmun's) will occupy Mr. Wood's
The W. W. Bank of Reed Bros, is a
success, and supplies n business want
long felt.
Dr. Gibbon starts fr Omaha to wel
come Ins brother-in-law and family
who are on a visit from England.
Kasper Sigler starts East to-day.
Cedar Creek Items.
Cedar Creek, Oct. 18, 18S0.
Geo. Sayles has shipped about 50 car
loads of grain this month.' Schluntz
& Dewey are doing a No.- 1 business,
they received a car load of salt this
week and you can hardly see any more
of it. Lots are selling rapidly on ac
count of the prospect tf a bridge being
built by Cass and Sarpy farmer, f.r
this farmers have subscribed
250 shares at $10 each. Mr. Soliaitiiz's
store building is going up rapidly and
will be opened about November, after
which Mr. Geo. Sayles will occupy the
old Inhelder building. The painter
has employed here and in Greenwood
or neighborhood now, about six "men,
and could, if he had not so much work
in Weeping Water, about a score more.
The farmers here are all busy gather
ing corn, but one farmer is to be re
membered, ha signed by opening the
list for the new bridge, 20 share, $200,
and this was Mr. Christ Metzke, but
Mr. Schluntz will clcse the list with
about $200 over his signature. James
Smalley is going to remove his house
to-day to build a larger one.
Plattsmouth, Oct. 18, 18S0.
Ed. Herald: In reading your pa
per as it comes on i:a werkij visit, I
see corresponuence ironi nearly au
parts of eur county, and learn that in
every case they speak in glar ing term
of crops, improvements and of politic
al matters; they always seetu to indi
cate that the j tpuOiiean p.irty has a
majority in riieir ranks. Thinking,
perhaps, some of (.l--ie j a the county-
would like to Xioiu Plattsmouth,
concluded U write a lew lines fer
your paper. Jaueineis ha? never ceea
better than it lias besa the pst season,
merchants, lwrr, mechaaics, doc
tors and preat!,i5, all have been bu
sy, and the latter class have the hard
est werk and &e: Use -'.?t pay; im
provement is gLr.g on in evr-ry direc
tion, the Railroad Co. has completed
the bridge, but th- v.oik of grading
still goes on. They have put up ex
tensive shops and round houses and
other building?, and from the piles of
material they are getting they have
only commenced; as for the town,
quite a number of flue brick business
huses have been built, and several
more in process of construction on
Main street, and dwelling houses have
gone up all over town as if by magic,
and every man that wanted employ
ment could get it at remunerative wa-
Political matters nave beon ana are
the all engrossing subject. . Democrats,
republicans and greeubackers hare
their laborers in the iteld; the two
former have had a number of meetings
with large attendance, the republicans
so far have taken the lead, our demo
cratic friends have been very enthusi
astic until the news from Ohio and In
diana seems to have had a demoraliz
ing effect on them, and they, or a few.
ned sympathy, and the balance repair
to democratic headquarters for some
good old bourbon, and then they can
elect their ticket, or they say so. We
uive two candidates here, Hon. R. K.
Windhain, republican, a man well
qualified in eveiy way to look after
the interests of our county, lie is a
good lawyer, ana all concede you can't
spoil a lawyer, so there is no doubt of
his election, as I3eb is very popular
where people are acquainted with him.
F. E. White, of our town, is a good
grain buyer, and makes money in that
business, and to send him to Lincoln'
would so spoil him he could never
come back and be one of us again, and
we can't spare him, and the farmers
can't spare him, and J. A. Connor can't
spare him, and Frank you can't go
Wiis time, and as Hen. O. TelTt has
been here and made many friends, an
we think done as well as any man
could have done last term, we will
send him back and not take any chanc
es of Spoiling our Frank.
Our old friend, Squire Roberts, green
back candidate, has net been here, but
we would be glad to see b'im. Come
and see us, yo -. io;ue votes here
than you think, and can make more,
your old friends do not all forget you.
As the balance i the ticttts will
each get their party vote, with a little
in favor ef U c vopnbiictn ticket, I
shall not meniisu any name except
Crawford, candidate fr Co. Coin., and
it is universal; v 'cni.e-:e.d that he is
the right man ;n the right place, aad
will go in with a tig majeruv. Our
town will cast from 80 t-i I.OOo votes,
and the republican party was never in
better condit ";, all dissatisfaction
having disappeared, much t the disap
pointment of ur derancratio friends:
and Plattsmouth v. ili, on the 2d of
Nov., give a largo vote for the ticket,
both National. State and County; and
in future local difference wi21 not bo
a hobby for democrats te ride into
power on. 1 ours for u. x A. and all
the rest. T. I). S.
Consisting of the entire herds of Menride .
Druse, and Yanderpe-..l Kros., and drafts frem
the herds of H. C. Dawson auU T. P. Quick, will
be held at
Lincoln, Neb. Nov. n & 12, '8o
Sale will commence ai 2 o'clock p. iu. of tbe
lltli, and close on the l-ili. at which time there
will be sold at public auction
of which n timber 30 bead are breeding cow and
heifers ; 17 are Mills. -mostly yearlings and in
prime condition for vervica. All are thorough
breds and in good condition, and will ba sold
to the hiirhest bidder, on easy terms.
Reduced rate have been obtained on all rail
roads in Nebraska leading to tbe city, mid at
tbe leading hotels.
There will alo be sold a few thoroughbred
Jerseys, botli males and females, and a tine lot.
of grades of both Sharthoru and Jersey varie
ties. Also a lare lot of
BertsMre ad Polanl-CMna Pip,
f tbe right age and size for immediate service.
Catalogues will be mailed free ou application
to the Nebraska Farmer. Lincoln. Neb. Terms
Of sale will be an jounced on opening of the sale.
h. c. dawsox & son,
31tl - X. P. QUICK.
B. & M. Time-Card.
On the new time card of this road
the point of most interest is that two
daily trains between Lincoln and
Omaha will be ron; one leaving Lin
coin at C:30 a. m., arriving at Platts
mouth at 9 a. m., and Omaha at 9 :30 a.
r. The other one leaving Lincoln at
1. p. m., arriving at Plattsmouth at
3:30, and Omaha at 4 p. m. Returning
leave Omaha 8:40 a. rn., Plattsmouth
9:20 a. m. arriving at Lincoln at noon.
And Leaving Omaha at 6:15 p. m.,
Plattsmouth 6:50 p. m. arriving at
Lincoln at 9:15 p. m.-
The Recent Storm,
which commenced last Friday, was
the most severe, for the season, that
has been known for years. West of
us the fall of snow was very heavy. In
the Elkhorn Valley tho cuts n the
Niobrara & Black Hills It. R. were
piled from seven to ten feet high; on
the Omaha & Republican Valley road
the trains were delajed by similar
drifts, as also the trains ef the B. &
M. on the western sections. The tele
grrphic communication was interrupt
ed for a short time also. Eastward
ilong the line wf ihn lakes the damage
i and sufTV-ring were sever , much sliip-
ping being wrecked. Here we only
got a little rctuiinier ni the uig snow
north and west, but the wind blew, the
thermometer wunt down ten or twelve
degrees below freezing point, and all
who had stoves up hugged them per
sistently ; all who didn't hastened to
get them up after the storm was over
in time for the warm spell.
New Millinery ! ! !
New beaver hats in all styles, Che
nille cord and tassols and jet feather
trimming. Cashmere ribbons, new
varieties of flowers, jetted feather
bands, and plumes;
riushcs, velvets, satins, gilt braids
and plush band3.
W ool felt, camels hair, and felt hats
and bonnets in all shapes and stvles.
Velvet caps, trimmed and untrimmed;
Turkish caps;
At Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney's.
Call and examine them. 30t3
More Goods at Dqvey's.
We beg to inform our friends that
our Fall stock of dry goods and no
tions are now about complete, and so
licit an inspection ef the same.
Our stock consists in part of a fine
line of gentlemen s, ladies , misses and
knit goods, underwear, nubias, hosiery,
comforts, xc. Ladies' and misses',
children's knit hoods, shawls bed, com
forts, and blankets.
Jeans, flannels, lmseys, baimorals,
and felt shirts, yarns in all colors,
cotton battings, cashmeres, alpaca,
and American dress goods in great va
rieties. Gents and ladies fleece lined
kid gloves, ladies and misses' hosiery,
supporters, buttons, laces, ties, ribbons,
belts and every thing else in the no
tion line.
Our stock of ladies, misses and chil
dren's shoes, men's and buys winter
boots, arctics and snow excluders,
men's and boys hafs and winter caps.
&c, full, and which we offer at the
lowest prices for first class goods. e
have also received a nice line of glass
and bronze lamps, glass sets and deco
rated ware, &C., xu. (live us a call.
20t4 E. (I. Dovey & Sox.
Fancy (Seeds ! Fancy Goods !
Novelties in fancy combs and
for the hair:
Pearl, silver and gill pins for fasten
ing white ties ;
Jetted girdles with spike ends, the
latest novelty ;
New stylo of neck handkerchiefs;
Jet necklaces; Polka dot ties; fancy
jet ornaments; bracelets and fans.
Cream colored net for neck handker
chief and ties;
Invisible friz, nets:
Feather braid and books of designs
for making it.
Net for darning linen floss and book
of designs for darning canvass, worst
ed and patterns
at Mrs Johxsox axd sweexeys.
Call and see them, and also their
stock of millinery advertised else
where. 30t3
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping ater, 1st I riday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
pril, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
iVb one will be examined except at
the regular examinations ; anl no cer
tificates from other Counties will be
42tf Superintendent.
A Word to Mothers.
Mothers should remember that a
most important duly at this season is
to look after the health of their fam
ilies and cleanse the malaria and im
purities froni their systems. There is
nothing that will tone up the stomach
and liver, regulate the bowels and pur
ify the blood so perfectly as Parkei's
Ginger Tonic, advertised in our col
umns. The wonderful cures of long
standing cases of rheumatism, neural
gia and malarial disorders is the rea
son why this pure and excellent family
medicine is so generally esteemed.
Post. 30t4
Proposals for Grain. !
Ileadipiarters Department of tbe Platte, 1
Chief Quartermaster's Oiiiee. V
Fort Omaha. Net)., Oct. 4. ISsn.
SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, subject
to the usual conditions will be received Pt this
olfice until 12 t'clock noon 011 Monday. October
25th, lssi, at which place and time tlicy will be
opened In presence of bidders, for tbe furni-h-lngand
delivery, in quantities as required, up
to January 31st. lsM. at Omaha Depot, Nebras
ka. 01 at station on the Cnion Pacific Railroad
east from Kearney Junction, of
J.nfto.oW) pounds'of corn, and
l.ooO.coo pounds of oat.
Proposals for quantities less than the whole
will be received. Delivery of tbe grain will, if
required, commence November loth. Isso Pre
ference will be given to articles of aomest'c
The government reserves the right to reject
any or all proposal..
Bids should Mate tbe rate per lotl pounds,
(not per bushel.) and the year in uhii h tbe corn
proposed to be furnished was grown, and
should be endorsed 011 envelopes '-Rids for
Grain," and addressed to the undersigned.
Bidder sire requested to submit proposal
for delivery of the corn :n new re-sewed gunuy
sacks of one hundred pounds each, and for de
livery of the oats iu new re-sewed burlap
sacks of one hundred pounds each, or for part
or ail the oats to be Jelieied in iouiti.K
sai-ks, the inner s.nk to be provided at the
Omaha Dej.ot. by the Quartermaster's Pepart
Copien of this advertisement and of the Cir
cular of instructions to bidders can be obtain
ed on application to this office, and one copv
each of said advertisement and circular should
be attached to or accompany each pioposul
and form a part thereof.
C7a Quartermaster.
Yon are Sad and Lonely,
And it's all on account of your indi
gestion. Brown's PErsix Toxic fur
nishes the stomach with tho active
principles ef digestion ; gives tone to
the system and cures dyspepsia. For
sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith, Black &
Co., and O. F. Johnson, Piattsmouth,
John Painter and Dye & Dentree, East
Try Brown's Tar Troches,
sore throat, and clearing
strengthening the voice.
For sale by
all druggists.
Pepperberg's cigars are the most
reliable for purity and fineness in qlal
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers for them. 25tf
Make from .?-" to S.rn per week selling Koils for
V.. ;. RIDF.OL'T & CO.. 10 liarelay Street. New
York, bona for catalogue ami terms. 22ly
Buy only the self-threading (at top
and shuttle) New American Sewing
Machine, which for simplicity in con
struction, light running, and tor dura
bility cannot be excelled. For sale by
Rasgorshek Bros., Merchant Tailors,
Plattsmouth, Neb. 23m3
SaveJYoiir Money.
A large stock of Roots and Slices
just arrived at Merges, which will be
sold cheap. 22tf
!": the Rlood and Liver"
ls - Extract of Sarsapai ilia and Dan
deii "ii with Iodide of Potassium. 27tf
Very Droll to Think of.
If not above beinj; tatigbt by a man, use Dob
bins's Electric Soap next wasJi day. Ci-eu
without any wadi boiler or rubbing board, and
used differently from any other soap ever
made. It ueeias verv droll to think of a quiet,
orderly two hours' liht work on wash day,
with no hvat and no steam, or smell of tlic
washing through the bouse, instead of a lonjj
day's bard work ; but hundreds of thousands
of women from Nova Scotia to Texas have
proved for themselves that this is done by us
ing Dolibins's Electric Soap. Don't buy it,
however, if too set iu your ways to use it ac
cording to directions, that are as simple a to
fceni almost ridiculous and to easy that a jrirl
of twelve years can do a larsre wash without be
ing tired. It positively will not injure the finest
fabric, has been before the public for fifteen
years, and its sale doubles every year. If your
jrrocer has not sot it, he will get it. at all whole
sale grocers keep it.
I. L. Chagix & Co., Philadelphia.
IiKKD linos., Sole A trents.
3-cowly - Weeping AVater, Iieb.
Use Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills,
The Western Remedy for biliousness
and siek headache. All druggists sell
them. 27tf
Fresli Lime.
Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or
wagon load can be had at the Kiln,
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickelwait & Sharp,
on premises.
32 A .W ATiti C'SSEAI
.12' JIEnGUS'
Fresh Oysters.
Bennett & Lewis have secured the
agency in this city for D. 1) Mallory's
celebrated "Diamond brand" of oysters
and will be prepared at all times to
furnish these well known Oysters to
Hotels, I'est iurants and private par
ties at bottom prices.
' Better Times.
The Democrat. New- Orleans. I.a., eays : -Si;f-fcrii;
aiiuu:g such iv have been troubled with
diseases of the kidneys and liver, has bceu per
ceptibly better since the introduction among
u o W arner's Sate Kidney an 1 Liver cure. l:it
Wish Everybody to know.
. George II. Thaver, an old
Itev. George II. Thayer, an old citi
izen of this vicinity known t every
one as a most influential citizen, and
Christian Minister of the M. E. Church
just this moment stopped in our stoie
to say: "I wish everybody to know
that I consider that both myself and
wile owe our lives to Shilob's Con
sumption Cure." It is having a tre
mendous sale over our counters and is
giving perfect .satisfaction in all cases
f Lung Diseases, such as nothing else
lias done.
Bourbon, Ind.,May 1-1, "7S, Drs. Ma'.ch
ett & France. Sold by Smith X Ilhick.
?"o Deception I'sed.
It is strange so many people, will
continue to suffer day after day with
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, General Debility
when thev can procure at our store
Shiloh's Vital izer, free of cost if it
does not cure or relieve them. Price
73 cents. Sold by Smith Black 5c Co.
SniLOH'.s Catarrh Remedy. A
marvelous Cure Inr Catarrhiiphlherkt,
Canker mouth, and Head Ache. AVith
each bottlo there is an ingenious nasal
Injector for the more successful treat
ment of the complaint, without extra
charge. Price 30 cents.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. Tt r
Estray Notice.
Taken up by Hie subscriber at his farm iu
Liberty precinct, on the telegraph road, a year
ling hore colt, dark iron gray, a white stripe
under his belly, right hind foot lialf w hite, star
in forehead, can be found by iiniuii iug of Oeo.
Grave. The owner can have the same by
proving property and paying charges as rciuir
d bv law.
31t5 H. 1. VTiu.ltltANT.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, at bis residence
in Concord precinct, Sept. 2sih. iso, live calves,
four doers and one heifer. The owner can
have the same by proving property and paying
charges as required by law.
soli John H. Yovng.
Dissolution. Notice.
" Notice is hereby triven that the partneisMp
heretofore existing under the firm mime of h.
A. Ryder and L. A. Hackney, is hcieby dissolv
ed by mutual consent, all debts du and owinc
said partnership are to be collected by K. A.
Rvder, and all indebtedness due and owing by
said firm will be fettled by K. A. Ryder.
.lot 3 L. A . 1 1 AUK A- KV.
Done at Greenwood. Sept. 23,
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of (Vandal ".shavv
deceased. In the County Court, of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Notice Is hereby iveti. that J. J. Roberts
administrator the estate of the said Craudal
.Shaw dciva-ed. has made application for
final sett lenient, and that said cause is set for
hearing at my ollice at lint tmoin Ii, on t he In; It
day ot November. A. D.. lsso. ;it in o'cincU A.
.11. u;i iini ii.o ; .it , nir.i ii;iii- aim pj.icc. ;i,l
persons interested may be. present aad examine
said accounts.
A. N. S11.1.1 van, Co-.o.ty Jud-e.
Plattsmouth, October ti. l-.(i. 2.U :J
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the KMate of ( M. I.ev
me. Deceased. In the County Court of Cas
County, Nebraska.
1mii reading and fil 1 1; tr the du-y verified pe
tition of Maria Levins praying that
tiation of the estate of Geoiire M. Lev ins de
ceased, be granted to her : Ordered that notice
of the pendency of said cause be published in
the Nebraska Urit.Ai.o.a weekly paper, print
ed, published, and in general ion in
said county, tor three consecutive weeks, and
that the lieariiis of said cause be -et for the
third day of November A. D., lso. at lo o'clock
A.M. at the office of the County Judge, at
Plattsmouth. at which time and place, all per
sons interested way appear and t-how cause, if
any they have, why administration of said es
tate should nut be granted to the aid Maria
1-cving. according to the prayer of said pe
tition. A. N. Sullivax. County Judse.
Plattsmouth, October C, lsso, 2i't3
Oct. CO, 1S.-1.
Wheat. No.2.. ..
Corn, ear
" shelled,....
Barley, No. 2
Native Cattle
Bin ler
..3 00 a- 25
3 75
..IT'iSS 'M
Xkw Your, Oct.
1 17
Money fi.oa&ffi e.T.
w neat
4 60
20. 13s0.
i!.S5 Ml
1 M1 j
Hogs, hipi:iug
4.V'?1 7.-.
.. 2 4lv 4 t0
.. 2 tid-i 4 I.-'
Attachment Notice.
George W. Houe will take notice that on tbe
2d dav of Meiitember. A. D isso. E. J. Mat his. a
Justice of the Peace tf Salt Creek Precinct,
C;;s County, Nebraska, issued an unler of at
tachment forth sum of fifty-seven dollars
l-f'iT.Hi) in an action peuding he tore him. where
in Moses Keefer is plaiiuiri. and George YV.
Rouse is defendant ; that property, consisting
of 011" header box. one hall 01 one header box. a I til vp- fox; J Ik interest in ore Haines'
headtT. b is been attached ueiier s;iiil order.
Said cause was continued t the 2:iiii day of
October. A. 1. l-o, at ID o'clock a. i'i.
mo.:s KLEi-'LR. r::ir.
September -jo, l.-f-o. 2. l-t
IlT the District Court of the Second
District, within and for Cass county
In the matter of the estate 1
of Minnie Adams, infant. VOrder of Court.
Jacob K. Yallery. guardian
And now- comes the said Jacob R. Yallery. by
W. S. Wise, his attorney, and tiles iiis petition
in thi cause, with the subscriber. Judge of the
District C'Jurt l ihe Second Judicial District,
in and fort'ass county, Nebraska, praying foi
a lietfuse to sel! and convey the following de
scrioed real e.tato. t'-vit : An undivided one
eighth interest 01 the northeast quarter f sec
tion t wi iiiy-eight (- and the southeast quar
ter of the northwest quarter of section twenty
eigiit (.-si. li in tovvi.siiip twelve (12) north
r;..;ge ti.:rteeii (1.'- east of the iJth p. in., in Cas
county, Nebraska, lor Hie reason that it would
be tor the best intc-it of hi, minor ward, the
Svrd Minnie Adams.
viiit ii:c j.otg' vi ine voiu i 01-iug limy a
v! the premises, it i hereby ordered
Jacob It, V;llery.. Henry W Yallery, Cliri
!Sisl-i', Annie Wright, Peter P. Vallery, T
Ami t lie tf the Court being fully advis-
1st me
rv. Tlieo-
bi-id Yallery, Conrad Vallerv, and Minnie Ad
oiiis. and all other persons Interested in said
estate, do appear before t;ic at my chambers in
1 1. e City of Piattsnioutii. Nebraska, at the of
fice of the Clerk of the District Court, ou the
I6i Ii day of November, A. D. ltss'0. at 4 o'clock,
p. m., of said day, to show cause why a license
should not be granted, tn the guardian apply
ing therefor, to seil said real e.-tate.
."oti S. B. Pound, Judge.
Commissioner's Sale of Real
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of nn
order of salt! issued out of the District Court of
Nemaha County, in the Stale of Nebraska, imd
to us directed as rcfereiM and commissioners in
the case hereinafter named upon an order and
decree rendered by the said Court in a certain
action therein peudhic;, wherein Bryant Cobb is
plaintiff, and Martha Finlev, Nancy Allison,
Clark Cobb, Williamson Cobb, J'inkney Cobb.
Clay Cobb, David Cobb, Catharine Kins, Mar
tha Conner, Francis Cobb, Sevnioiire Cobb,
Nancy A. King, Williamson R. W. Cobb, New
ton C. Worley, Louisa I iiman, Martha N. Mc
Gaha. Eliza Nelon. Martha (.'. Kell. and John
A. Irwin are defendants, we will offer for sale
at public auction, at the door of tin Court
House, iu 1'lattsmouth, in -Ca-s County, Ne
braska, on Saturday the Ciiili day of October.
Ism), at one o'clock in the afieruoon of that day
t he following real estate in Cass County. Ne
braska, to-w'it : t he northeast quarter ue yt)
section fifteen, 1 13) town eleven, ( 11) range tun,
110) wast li')0 acres. The .outheast quarter (-eU )
section fifteen (13) town eleven (11) rane ten
(10) eart Pin acres. '1 lie northwest qucrteroiw')
section fifteen (IS) tow n eleven (11) range ten
(101 east liio Hcres. known as'-.Mullin's Ranche."
Tr.KMs or S.m.k : One ball cash, balance in
one and two years, with W per cent interest, se
cured by iitortgi;e ou the bind.
Wll.l.IAM 11. HoOVRI:, 1 r .
Davidson Pr. srr.its. f rv
J. If. P.r.oAi.v, Attorney. . 2S11
32' I
Is Leased to
1 IT! if Si
ifl I -JT. r f- r: -7'T?l S G
in m m I w
With their immense fetock of
styles 'Sl HBesIgpns
fj . -.. - );
atet Styles
-1 sr7 T
V IrncAiTMfon or.
The Foi' and Stream has It : "Topreseno
bli nuo Warner's .Safe Remedies. The
villous power in removing
Miraculous lover. '11'0-'.,,;.r
The Forest and Stream has it : "Tm preserve
health use Warner's Safe Remedies. Tbco
are almost of miraculous power in removing
diseases for which recommended, Thrc won
derful curative qualities they are possessed of
of is touched lor by tens of fhoiiaiulH. nun
Thirty of tlie lietst organ makers of tbe
World are competitors at tins Purls Exposition,
a cable dispatch to t he Associated Pres sayn
two hiubest gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & JIaiuliu.
Y wi.i iay Akrrnut t t-amrT of lb per luuiua
ani npnie, or ki low a I at cummiuii.D, to our
nw nod wonderful Inrsntious. M' mean ukat m $ry
;troi(ijji fitly
Ct. Tessp2a., 2T.
Is conducted by an expert accountant
successful leaeher. Instruction thorough
practical. Tuition lower than elsewhere.
particulars to any address.
2ltf TIIOS. J. BRYANT, Tic
b se
it. Li
i 1 "si
i Z
3 & mu m
A. CAMPBiiilili
Can be found at the old
Howlancl Blacksmith Shop,
Coiner of Yine find Sixth Streets,
i'lattM-aoutli, - Xebru.In,
He will do all kinds of
job Jim a.
in hi line. The following are hi prices :
Horse Shoeing, new shoes 40 i ts
Resetting Shoes 20 "
Ploics S7iaen d j "
Shoctls pointed, per stt $2.00
Warranted as good as new.
lie guarantee to do all work in a workmanlike
A certain cure fbr HervO'JS
Debility, Seminal Woa.
noss. liriDcterifio. etc.
'Jko Recipes used in niv "pmcuc.u for 25 Y--?"3
snd un illustrated book ofCOputfoe Kiv'uii oil. di
rcctiouB foreelf-tretmi lit, sent VTOO, Address
SR. T. Y ILLIAIgS. 435 . ttuhjrSt.. Hilwasiee. Ui
All homers of B. & M. It. It. Contractu
for Lund purchased of that Company dur
ing the year 1ST!) and prior to that dato
lire liable for the 187!) tax.
They became duo January 1st, 1880,
wore delinquent after May 1st, lbbO, and
if not paid by tho first day of November,
18S0, tho land will ho sold for taxes.
The Company's Agent, for tho purpoa
of paying Delinquent Taxes on its nold
lands, will visit the County Seati tho last
of October, and all purchasers of It. Ii.
lands should pay their Taxes by October,
15th, if not before, in order to save addi
tional expense.
J. D. McFAltLAXI), "
Land Commissioner E. & M. P.. R. In Neb.
.a. juLii
rsbI ILwei
H. yAKLR & CO.
J - 1
1 t5:
-on 1 -'m
m si i W
IS. iiaiv