Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 21, 1880, Image 2

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    "f i-.
The Herald,
j?ko. vlAcMunraT, - J;d:tor,
PL.VrT.-iMOUTlI, OCT. 21, 1SS0.
Kalicsal Eeptiai Ticket!
. jfrl V 'f
Foi- rrf.-.i'.:-;f,
Of ObU.
or Nw York.
(.'. W. ' OT T IN?, f r.iV. uco.
.. 75. TK'.'HHTON'.of ;'.:i'.-!r.
.1 V
C. i
rs l.t:
! , 'f At!li.
1 !''.
rcr( .-:!!:,
I - ." .
r- ; .
ui County,
r-f T's'i f'n:in!y.
:y.-i-r f v.;V.y.
; 1r-' County.
. -.. ! ;i!.ty.
' . -Ill'll in.
-. ; r i (intv
"ih i i' i'.
i i
" ','! "aii Co.
c f Avo( :i rreciitct.
-.':.v .'. n.;Y, r; i; creek.-
Their vri',1 Lis ie;nbli:;?:i speaking
Ri t',. foil -iv in:; IhlivS .11 ul xiacc3:
Su.vs- CiTi-k ri Jcir.ct. t.;tTC Creak
fvlivji 'in:-. VfCorf.-tfaT, Oct. 2?th
(. Uw.i'th vl li. ,1. (.hep-man.
jru -rv-: t ?:ir.-.t Mct.';iij;s school
!.-- s J, 'i !;:::,:,iy, Ucl. ih ChsxpaiaB
pi ? -ii:.'!, c .:r:o scroti
i'j.iy, o--?. Q'tk fi. S. Smith
i ; i
ti:a" I':
nd i'. l Kit f;a trick.
iit iilift!i:r .Sflir.? IUm:s i:i Louis
TlH!:''av t!ia 21t. Dr.
i!c in (jiTWsiii, asd Mr.
At V? !"i'.r- cb- I Ilos.e ia Liberty
r ror;:;,-: i!! '-.- rl-e 23.1 of Oct. Dr.
Kn ot, ?: ;.!, T iTt Blown.
OT i.vl ". i i.v At S'julh t-
l;-c. 'I hi
i t TT. U'. n th!
rv-.tor l-i?na-1rs and
('BiX.i i: L: V
trAh ),-jU:-!b:y
At ilftck Bl;urs Vi-ife on "2J.
TciTt. v;i,3 an. I i;rs-Tr.e.
.U TyI.i,- 'r. H. Lihrrtv n 23,1.
At .-H
" rs
H. 26th.
cin. : c;i
At Mt. !i
rui.riintb prf
'aiop! rrii and
l'j ::niftuth pr-
?. f. )::-.. rz. Gill.crt.
;v: ;:; mitumtl jut i
j'i'-t '.-.N 7-?-. if. :;t ,i Jfff Davit !
. , I" ! IjM.-'s heaf1,w thy
Li --H jj-itically.
1-ciJAiT, .(..: h.u turiu 4 away frw
th r. jn rrcirii, niucc yunt
R-.:'.. :o p.ltlitir.giy of tlie
Jl v v U
Ik 7tc :;.! t!:? i.:naT we vaU gix
Sl'v.'-O tcv-3i-.N n cin sneakies
cr:v.s l;:r'.i!i;.,!.'.'t the v;.h iu th
Lslt lTT(? T7?fk3.
Vi i oi r.r.N'T lector Miliar le eysr
j j p't if G 'V. .'.iiC? W2s fwol eneagh
Is. Trmtc hi- tiirse in iaectinj Tii'teu's
;.!.! s cf vv'ti!!.'. trrr this :tate?
j.spiana ntv..apcr3 are vanng
v. l.t! :.or O. r. l icrtoa kainj the !ws
o; not, ar.d if he hears thf huvralie.
vl:at fi3Ct it luis on the M stalwart.
A.vj Ihiio stan? Ilciiuricks poiul
t!i9 of fate ad eayin
Tc-M -(y so. if vvjd noiainattJ iup
!.-vc Vern r.3 sach wcrk.
D.'. of th iJerahJ, :)t wf
c;jt iKii U c-irrv Indiana, next
TtifH'.!,xT. On v it ic. the
Dcvclor, l;9i ie'.ii,irii;itlv level hr h
A3 level iw- ti t ii n:oertic hesi
iifcU.illy it.
wF. ar? use
SSUtiiCi-.l Slit
Jr i: .- of tha ovi&:u that
n tvrkvas in the seuth
5. ilviv l'foi'ie ttitie
r.l b
U Li
:e siJfl O
tua-.i, ;iO'l l!T?t.Ti.-i' bis fe'lf'i
ir.'r. h vry nVcumt'y d?sci"ibe!
llittri.k wtis'u" !:e s,i'i that he ifl
aub"ui:s, vni- ar,l w ik, and crazy
tw li lV-nU'J;t. N'. Y. Titl:i.
Ar. 1 Grant hit it. . b rlway d?3.
a.ii,l v.-t
in Oi-'
Oi)i' b,i
I '. l. '.! j.;;
i ' : . "
i: ;!? stAira ' have votod,
:.. ;: J in A'tiMOJit, SI'C ill
. sr.ii iftayh 11 m in Itid.
m 0. vi:: pmV II. Of
vr v.u-'.-..h:.y hL;U enf
in OV hi I i; cue ' i;j Xev.
"Vuik ji'.iu a c;,:ip.cb ia Pcnt'.syi rami.
Erery paid subscriber ef the IIf.k
ALi) this Christmas rrill get a beauti
ful ll::r.ALO Alraan?.o, iih Alditie
cuts. Sti a. cbs.'.p, co.irsa thir.s, but
bsiutiful bock, with !sg3Bt reading
ni;itter, astronomical calculations ' arui
Kssful i".forrktiu besides thepiclnres.
J as. Hall and Dr. Jieot are thOTr
iiS up .ta ccod advantage Trfecrever
tl)fcy m;;kt thsir appearance.
Jon:, P. Jni?a, after Btumping Iq
diana, says eke Trill five 15,000 major
ity, nxt Tu'siay. Te d net put tke
majority sn iiigh, but tt ffel sare ef
a majAi ;t ibfst ili clearly prove tha
fact that Gat livid cau't Le elsctai.
V"aat yen think :;uut it nvr, Jehu
TTk caai ia freui siiuth Eead the
other day on the nerr run and it jos
like old limes ca an eastern express
tram. It .va3 R'racst ri tinto frera
Su;h IJend t Louisville. These ad
ditional tram? arc gainjr to be a vren
drfiil imprr?mt and accomodation
to the puMj. J!r. Teuzalin the pres
ent Miir,s;?r i;f the B.
H. sem9
trying t raakc it the best and mrtt
accoHiJdatinf rail-war in thi IT. g.
Job a P. Irish.
At last the democrats have, had one
respectable speaker here aad a thr
ongh democrat. Hitherto they have
be?n contcat. it would sssia, to emp'ey
sore-head republicaas or played out
ld seeds like Dean.
We said when they held a good
meeting and had a decent rpeaker we
r.euld say se. Frem a democratic
point cf view Mr. Irish makes a good
speech ; he ii pleasant in his manner
aud preseats his case with force and
clearness. It is the only speech teany
thine like nmtch Got. Stone's, n'y
Stone was mcra gentlemanly and not
se Tituperatire as Mr. Irish tetvaris
tke last.
Of ceurse he distorts and falsifies
history to isake hie points, as every
democrat rcust, or be left for want of
material to prP up his cause.
In spite of bis tirade en Beb Inger
srtll as the auther of the sayin "That
the democrats always blunder," its
truth could ks no better illastrated
than ia the attempt ef every demo
cratic orater to tamper with facts.
Let hiin tell Ids story and it makes
a fine romance., as in Irish's Credit
?.?i beol ytajarn, but k-t leistoiy
tf !i litr true titory .ud tl;e ieten,e
G KEEN WOOD, XEB, Oct. 20, 'SO.
T. B. Thornton and II. D. Root ad
dressed an attentive aiidience at Grand
I'rairie school houe on tho ISth. Th
beys are feeling happy over the re
turns from Inrfiaaa and Ohio, all feel
ing confident that Garfield is to bo our
next president, and Cass county
will be true to bar republican princi
ples aad do her duty i Xovember
next. Yaerrf, Voter.
A. rally will be held at Greenwood,
prebably Saturday, the 30th.
If the weather is favorable they wN
have a biff time at South Eend to-aa ar
row. Tfiz following from iis Lincoln
Situte Journal, published while 2.1r.
Tefft was in the Senate serving the
County faithfully as a Legislator
shows the estimation ho was hold ia
abroad and by those conapeteit to
Senator Tefft, of Cass County, was
oae of the most watchful, active aud
untiriaa members f the Upper House,
aad always showed practical common
sense and sagacity upoa the measures
that were discussed there. When the
mannor of action upon the "revision"
was uadsr discussion at the opening
of th session, be earnestly Hdvc:itj!,
u-niast the opinions of the m .j,uii.
i tn t..M of dietribuviny th
I Ml 9 w 5
2aM, 83 Hts JS ts&
sisrJj tLtfia
&tV9 CJol tr f fi
V Wi Ml p
il ll n
n ?
; J 5 j tl
Hi 1 1 li
'1 ! A
rci-v-rd of Jr
Yc-it Ci:y, is sui.-i-nt guarantee of
tlie integrity oi tb.e firm cf which he
is the Lead, aa, while competition has
brought ('wn the prices ef pianos and
e:';i'i.s viMj leu- r.-ithin the meant f
everyb,-tTy purchasers may be certain
of l-i:;',' IV.iTly ds?.it with by this
ho:j'.. Ti-.i-ir advertisfinfertt saay be
fr-iii.'i in .'tin-.:. '?r column.
Vitt;k: iitf !!:: smoke, tale joer c!M,Prl fng il the iudi
TP. "f. ! - . .... I - T .-!, ..,.1 '
liiTts "allettfd" Garfield ten
y :" Ir;u;d is indinant-lh-"
ii.t:p,e;ident press
aiiii ii.f' p--. j b- .f liidiana. It is the
chrrkif. i-r; oi m-nce yet. Elaine
s i.i &Mi,'.r k ;i;C they claisa it a
tltuioc it'.ic victory. To ayid another
dfil?:C .ir v
bi:; j';
I:.d ,
d..-!:T:-f: I,
!,.:y .f Ibt ort they
they suppose, iu
: tha gta.!s are not
the Trrild tlit all Ir.di-
:,4 to ba ha;:ff',:t. Wo
"it hooj.-pfilts asa mad.
of .out h Bnd aro
l f'i 'r enterinff on bus-
oj in : hanlware .line, bit
)ifas5Rt and affable to cr.sto-
i 1 .IT
i:n S3 lr
t!;ey :;vc'i, and k;5 a sor-d stock in their
lia. We were euiprir-ed at it?, amount
ami variety. Th-j l? kap a prac
ti'J v! !i-n-;r. n-fco is busy all the time,
an I f't. :r i'ov r-rd ers 'vera. Uis
fritv.iui a:.d nr-ihcL.-rs. .Ilicamr
yt".i ran .ct all kiiiils of tin work done
at Hay L:--.;s., Swr.lh J3?nd, rcefiag
earrx trighin and everything any
!if i do.
Tl.:-. iicp ublio-tu ape.akiiij a
ilile (Jiovf Tuesday tthj a great suc
cf'i::s. ever K'O present. Tb.e Democrat
i.n rtij-f,' s!: rt iy bsfare had IU ftsaub
licns, ' Hrascrats 1 Greenbackcr, so
said, and !;i speakers.
Ia fii-t sii oi.r ir.oc-tings so far have
bm well atteaded and not a failure
as Jul. oxenpt ci:e night at Heck Bluffs
an account of storm. Otherwise our
speakers have tieeu on hand and we
have !ibd every appeintment. Dea't
! ;.s fail for tks re.-t of the carnfiign.
Aciiamy of Sfir.c
ar-:ci a rr,-r fucc?3M;i meetmar in
Omaha last Thursday oveniaj, in the
jccius which !u;ve been psrmaaeatly
p;e:-:od or it. A large number were
pra-?'il, ?:i 1 Iho ladieii intert-sled re-
wliicii added to the
A paper was read by
parte a iw?:cii
citl pifM'ur?.
c;;j- Dr. Child on "ireteorology," one
by Prof. n "The Petrified
I'.iha forest ef Wetrn Wyoraing."
;.iid t-i ":y Prsf. Wiiber oa'The Use
of Mu.-u :.' This ia a most auspi
citis,fc f the Academr in its
ne uuaitets, an-.
giTr iiiiy.
vu hope to & it
At Ciu' v.; Uuritif the K'sat- Graat
mechif , i-rir to th aoiBiuati.i, ijt.
Otii. itii:idii. ' tiir U. Army, sat
u a pi ivMte n,n as a .sprctaior of the
proceedings, lie was loudly and re
patedly 1 ir and askod for a
spre.-l. fii-? aulit'nce bscame so
I r?ia in thr-Ir deuiauds that at last
the ehainasn, :ilei'art L. Woodford,
slv.Ud that (ion. Sheridan Wir.g aa
( Sic-r in the IT. S. Army did aot d?em
it projrrT to spsak at a purely politics.!
Hr.,1 he- f') spoken at t!.e unanisnoua
wi?b of that vat audience the dsmo
ciatic papers would havo howled
tke:n.slves !:oara at the Army cheek
snd uriy intn-ference. Yet V. S.
Hancock, only a Central in tha army
vd lap, U. S. 3 yei, writes dispatches to
Main, congratulates the Gieenbackers
en "aur victory," :nd seems to think
he has a general supervision of tie
political fortunes 9f at lest two of
the political parties tf the counlry.
How co;ijs tiiia that what ia a sin for
er:e man becomes riht ana proper in.
dt.:?uf.crati? eyes whea th wther does it
shares, weaimitit. Ames, a demo
cratic senator, allotted a goed at any
shares to democrats and republicans.
Did you show any proof that Garfield
ever took them, ever owned thene, ov
er acknowledged there not much.
We were told that Mr. Irish's words
would burn, but they struck no great
Gre, they hut served to illuuine the
darkness left by Dean, Kediek and
nartigan, as a match stiuck en the
wall, leaves a phosphorescent light,
but no heat.
Our friend is fond ef dealing in An
gels and dreams, and now calls Abra
ham Lincoln that great find solemn
figure in American History.
We too dreampt last night, we
thought Iriah hooked a republican an
gel's uaiforra somewhere, and ap
peared at the sate of heaven inquir
ing for the great and goad Lincoln to
vouch for him. "Old Abe." appeared
less fo'emn than when here, and our
"manufacturing" friend made his plea
for admission as a patriot who hail
savJ his country, and who now wor
shipped Greeley and Sumner and Chase
and Lincsln. O. A. smiled and look
ing down on eur fleshy friead he reach
ed round in hi3 hind coat tails pocket
and pulled eat an old copperhead pa
per, of about 'G3 or '4. and read, "John
P. Irish, Editer." The war 13 a fail
ure. The minions and satraps of Go
rilla Lincoln can never subdue nerth
ern democrats. Lincoln's hirelings
and hell houeds of fredtai might as
well go home, &e., Ac.
"John P. yo can'i ceme in a a pa
triot; as a repentant sinner and hum
bled convert I'll seo 5it. Peter about
you, but as a patrist it's no go. Jehn
P. that's thin."
One. word more, friend Irish, Arthur
may have been kicked ont of tlieX. Y.
Custom IIou3c for irregularities (al
though Hayes and herrean say net,)
but h never tried to steal his Grand
mother's penio as yoar friend En
glish is reported to have done!
Gent. Kilfatrick: seods his con
gratulations te Gen. Garfield from
Xewtoa, X. J., and says his state will
follow suit. Tfe hope hm General is
a good prophet-
Arsons the goad the Kopubli-
Tsk Republicans have during the
last week produced a "story about Mr.
b-ngliah which appears to he genuiao
and will hold water. It seeras that
his rraiidieother was the wiiow of a
KovelHtionary effieir, and thus became
eititlod to about 84,000 a-j arrears of
pension, out died in 143 without
claiming it, leaving six heirs besides
Mr. English himself. He became soon
after a clerk ia the Treasury Depart
ment, and while there dieceverod his
graudiriAttter's claim. Treat out to In
diana and obtained letters of adminis
tration in the wrong county, without
notice to the other heirs, and drew the
entire sum and kept it to hinself. The
heirs, however, two years later, found
hiso out and claimed the money, but
ho refused to pay it over, pleading in
solvency. They then applied to the
Gwvernment for it, on the grouad that
the payment to their slippery cousin
was not a legal payment, as ho was
aot entitled to receive it and the
imeuat was still due to thaxa. This
brought the transaction under the no
tice ef William L. ifarcv, who was
than Secretary of War. and Isaac
Toucey, who was then Attorney Gen
eral, and thsir letters and opinions
se-ena to place it beyond doubt that it
was a fraudulent one. There seems to
be seme question as .to whether JLr.
English has sine settled with the
heirs, but two of theet at least were
last month ia persuit of him on this
account, and their letters reake useful
campaign documents. The comfort
the Republicans are deriving from
this affair it very great, as it helps to
ease their minds about the Credit ifo
bilier and!) Goiter taatter3. Xatien.
s.'YUi al
i com
UlllttOcr the IWO liOiiOoS, euii irtrrlV-
iii, for its exaiuina.ion those poitiuns
that beleugedto the department of iegis
lation which it was inleuded to Uok af
ter. The other plan which was finally
adopted, notwithstanding his warnings
and resaeastrances, was to create a
joint committee of both houses, called
the "Committoo on Revision," who
should undertake to consider the whole
matter, and report to the two houses.
The plan failed for the very reasons
given by Senator Tefft. The regular
standing committees of the t wo houses
with the exception of such members
as happen to be on the Revision Com
mittee, knew little or nothing of the
revision, and were given charge of an
immense number of bills introduced
by individual members, the greater
part of which were unnecessary and
superfluous, providing the revisionpass
ed. Thus there was continual clashing
and confusion. These standing com
mittees would report back a oatch of
bills every day, with a recommend
ation that they "do j ass," and it was
very diiBcalt to ascertain whether
thev ought to pass or not, because the
majority of the members were igno
rant of what was provided for in the
revision. This battle of cross pur
poses finally swamped the revision,
precisely as was predicted by the Sen
ator. Had each cemmittea known just
what was in the revision in its depart
ment of legislation, all superfluous
bills would have bean suppressed, and
at an early day in the session the
revision woahl have been practically
finished, and there would have been
ample time for its full consideration
in both Houses, as the Journal verily
believes. Th appointment cf the re
vision cesHBiittee, merely give rerm
for a fleod of unnecessary business in
the Legislature, which eventually
strangled the babe that the Legisla
ture was most vitally icterestcd iu
seeing safely delivered."
TThat a Squeal.
Richmond, Va., Oct. 13 The Daily
Dispatch, coramenting upon the Oct.
election, says the results of Tuesday
show that cur mis-called northern
brotheren are net only bitter haters
and slanderers of the southern people,
but are eur enemies. They would not
allow the southern people to go. Like
Phareah, they hardened their hearts
and forbade us to move a step, but,
unlike htm, they have not vet been
verwhelmed in the Red sea. Popular
prejudice and invincible ignorance
still rule the people by whose baronets
the states of the union were pinned
They will never allow us to be their
equals outside f the union or within
the unien. We offered in 1872 to elect
the prince of unionests. The abol
itionists in his own section repudiated
him. In 187G wo elected the distin
guished governor of Xew York presi
dent, and ho was not permitted to
take his seat in the presidential chair,
TT now propose to elect the most ac
complished officer in tho federal army
lo that hige oflice, and the people of
the north band themselves together as
his and our deadly enemies. More in
sorruw than in anger, we say these
things. Deeply do we regret it that
we of the south are to continue to be
aleins in the land of our fathers. We
confidently counted upon success in
Indiana, and because ef that confi
dence in the result in Indiana, we en
tertained hopes of carrying Ohio, our
theory being that both stales would
go the same way. The result, as we
have already said, is evidence that the
northern people look upon us of the
south as enemies. They have solid
fled the n-.rth as an offset to the solid
south. Lt us trust that the wrongs
of reconstruction days are not to he
1TIE1SC AJTM g;s2l osio?s9
- leS,
till you Stave price! or-i.O!2.5 aratl see if t!o5?.?t save fey 21
in general.
Dr Dirling: ts a'te a Praoiisins rijiiclan aud
can be found at his 0:licc In
the Dru Store.
a:i party
ii II.''
or are more deserving
ifcit.I thitn Jes. II. McKinncn. A
if -;i iv-i.t of Cass Couaty since 1S03, he
represt-cted this county oaca before in
the Legislature of aad '70 with
ability and integrity, standiug along
side of such ir.en r.5 Uathtway, llai
well fiv.d oth-.-ra f that day. He ia an
-Id VLteran of li:e war, wh- followed
Phil Sheridan t!ie Siienau-
Vi.':'.-y, a-jd flrant in the Wilder-
-aisipi-iQfn iu litany a oioccy right
:a old ;1 '.g, and was a' ways at tho
fe:- tl
t ' epr t n .i t Ji'i will te a: the
r lie Republican that
rk r.gaii.'t him either
front now, l
wtiuld vte cr w
hero or in .Sa-u:d.-rs ought to bs court
Marlialf d f?r lck of ju Ivmsnt and
ff-altv to tas party and its tri?d dv.-
riidru. This comity ha. neglected
its t!d ?-)-dier.s shame fully, and its
bst wet, !:, jfnnettj'iies and we hops
- - - - - - . .. -'l 1 : . 1
in .vl--v a ca.-a i it .!iousty
b!vi gs to boti)
THE OFFICIAL riOVKES., Ind., Oct. to. Re
turn; have new bean received from
nisety-psie counties, ofik-ia! and unoffi
cial. Tliwe give Porter a plurality of
30,423, and Landers 23,754 net repub
lican plurality of f.,CS9. Riply coun
ty, which has not yst bftn heard from,
gave a democratic plurality of 225 io
1570, so that if further gains shall bo
mu5 there Pr-tier's plurality will ba
G.414. These iiijurea caanot bo chang
ed. Tii congressional delegation re
mains as reported eight republican
and !le democrat ie. The Fifth Dis
trict elects Matsn, Deue., by 881 ma
jority. No ehsnjes are reported in the
Legislature. The .Sennte is a tie, while
in the House the republicans have fifty-six
iuttbrs, the democrats forty
three, and ths nationals oae. The lat
ter will pri.bably act with the repnb
licane, as he was so pledged as to or
ganization and United States Senator,
if tbe nationals did not hold the bal
ance at power. The national vote has
dissolved, as was predicted in these
dispatches more than' two weeks be
fore the election. v.
Bancok on the Tariff (Jnet ion.
Xew Yoiit, October 15. The fol
correspendeuco was taade public to
night: Mokristown, October 11. 31 1 JJtur
General: lly atteutin is called to
day to an interview or reporte I in
terview had with )u, by a person
representing the Patersen Guardian, in
this state. As I read ths report, it
seems to see you were verv mperfectlv
understood, or very indilferentlv re
ported. I caree to this conclusion lie-
cause of my knowledge of your views
upon the tariff question. The report
does you injustice on subjects which
our naanufacturing friends are vtry
solicitious abcut, and very properly sc.
I want yeur views upon the tariff
question as I understand the., to be in
your letter of acceptance. If misrepre
sentations of yoiii tariff views con
tinue would it not be wise and judi
cious to take some occasion to put
vour lf ribt? Very truly, yours.
Thlo. F. Randolph.
To Gen. W. S. Hancock.
Governor's Island, X. Y., October
15. Mt Deaii (Jnvr.n.Noii: I have
received your f.vrr r-f t!e iltii ,:i,.st.
In my letter of acceptance I expret:-' tl
ray full sympathy with our Ameiiean
industries. I tkeught I pdainlv
enough to satisfy our Jersey friends
regarding tariff views. I am to eounil
an American to advocate any depart
ure from the genera! features of the
policy that has been largely instru
mental in building up eur induMries
and keeping Asi-ricans frmn the com
petitions ef underpaid ia'bot of Europe.
If wo intend to remain hoiii-st and
pay the public debt i good people of
all parties, and if wo mean to admin
ister the functions of government,
then wo must raise revenue in some
way or other.
IIow will that suit Democratic free
By the way, Mr. Hancock, you now
write as you shot. The above is noth
ing more or less than good Republican
fcpecf! attention iid to
! 1 m 0
A (le,od linner nJwiys on hand. Keia!riDg
ocue ceau.r. frruptiy and cne;tiy
EaTe-troiifclHiij; ana Kuoflaj; al"o
dn to order.
Ksmemfcer tbo iiinic and placs, Hay Pros.,
Bow Mis Sared Her Darling.
"I shall never again feel so awfully
nervons about my babios teething."
writes a f ratefnl eaother. "TTe almost
lost our little dorliuf by a long attack
of cholera infMiiuns, but happily
heaid ttt l'arkor'e Oieger Trnic in
tine. I took few eeoenfnls raysalf.
which soon core sey nursing baby en
tirely, and an oecnsional dose has kept
nao and Vroby in sack perfeet health,
and wade as so strong and comfort
able that I would aot bo without this
reliable medicine for worlds." A
Mother of Brooklyn. 30 1 4
14 St in. 4 ..rls UpptN. on!v ("".
1-1ANOS. ?12S (i. I'ai 1 li.'i-.
Aii'lif sh Dan'I V. Rentiy, Wa!i
ixij;in. .Npu .Iciity. 2714
Nsw ji:;i vnrtv attbactivk Stvi.i-.s a nr.
o.v KEAIiy.
T -iW iKFST C A VA KT all I'il.'-
I.oil OKC.'.N S in lhr .! lil.
AhD itini at kvm:y woim.;'s i v- 1 a Tiiir.-riiN
If A Tl I ivr.AW. ri in-. V.l. J?57,
aa.iJi.Jil! ..iti.H, to s.:k:: and upward.
;rrrasv i;iyiiioul?, .-'...- r.
Oil, t C i'iaite r aiiil up arc. 'a'R
VAkvf 1L O ilocu f.t'c. MASON .S:
Tremont sr.. f's roN ; 4r. Kat lirii-st-.d'nion
Sourae. NEW VOKK : 1!0 Wabash Ave. Cill-
ca;o. 2t;-
piaatm.suo. no. a it. atkm c
yeir-. Wrfonii Hand Inlrti nwi-.tfi at
Ba.Kt.-i.M. .j;r
iiN:-ttHied yrt.(Hin; rm,i;
aiJ.4JJ--4 IVA'i V.L'i .. ftrt lir d-
wr. v.
lit' i vt i i a. ; - f a im
I'l.AT IT, MOS'TiT. N?-;?!.
11! ft r'.i.- l,c.i'-nn FJfftr.i..
First C :.-: Brii8.
Ev(l' ihiiig ar.1 rycry fn:frr
A Good Hotel can Fwrnifch
Also, lioottv.'iiii-s, JJnod Bi rr, Gt-i.4 J.iat,
IooJ l.cinonarte, (ioorl Cisr,
Kept at the G'itj Fstal.
Mir t'rrtT'.i"r.
Retail Liquor Dealer,
lM , A 'IT S MOUTH, ... - eex.
wmMMt mm
B;lliHii 4 f sloon on Main fxrett, fr
i?e.- fim Sixtli at NeriKe's
eld pl.ife.
rtcnifiuhf-r the Kimvio nnrt rirtee,
uv James Graice.
iic Old, H.eIlablo
We show the largest and best selected tecV of
M&&t Iioe5 IITsit (Dnpsj,
ad Millinery Stod5
dealer m
Site Fare, Tsjs. fmm.
3iusieal lnsiruiiicnt.s awdi
Particular at ten ion psld ta all kin
Ki'i.itiriii f.
PL.irrSSIftiTH. - -
vv'E arp: giving
Genuine Barqains!
This Season in every department."
fey 1 per eiatU
tU of ni,ej Call at the Philadelphia Store, make your Purcl t,
and you will be happy.
A A' J
Tur urw mnn M
Wn'jon, Zfftrhin ,'-?' Pi'ii f.
fair i Jiff, and ff'nrt.ljLUtw
I am i-ft-.v I'l-.i. (.- fin .:') tl t-Avsirlkg
ii Iii tii riiifl ci Ik r marhlsnT, .-w luiar
is H isn.Ki !;;the ii my siioy.
The old Reliable Waon Maker
hastakfn chr.rse of Ihe vsrp.
11': li well Unorv n a
-DtAhliri I.V
and such goods as are usually kept in a
fun. u
1 5i v v&
Thr : no fa e ...'. i a Ml
- stttH.iK f-riirit1'.' !n d oi ii.i!5
lreU-ij tii;:'! M A CT BITTKJiS, !.. r::if! ir -I'
C'-'finf tiU'l .ViV, I'.UfJS an i ;u .i-n-. i'.r
fva t!u- fnvlv ,i ihe tn-Jiii1.,;i-i. : i.r b -.
,H!i(iiy th lscs. iiai- u tltt t,.i;-if h. ;ui'-:
Mio taHv.-ie, xh! l.ii- :rrvi. t t.i i i iuv
pfrf'l i iT'" - ii-Tl. T-. u" f!.e r-t"T" :
;tv. fls, ' h-ii-o Viiff It vrr a:! i V i.i.t-, s. ;uiU x.
ta'iZ'? wttii NKW LIt'iT tvrry i'r.l oi' w- .
I;farf oi ioiil : :fi:t irjiii-riv nui:-il. I .'.
lr iktf COM P. V "S Slii.NAR'Kh v im.-.i n
rf p!ily r Sii-f i i f everj r--tti. So:-;
-ti7-vl,i't. 11 ii i TTKPS ).. H.;;fin.'.lf
n The HOUSEHOLD and i
f A RHERS cwhovmiK
11U hnii V:" oniv A;: ii'ultm-rtl i y
rlspniu pi:t.!i-rt. V p C" 4 1 It a'i
3v;ei.t i;4iii;,st other wurks i:ii ;i t !'-
I. - ti... .... ..i,,: lni.l I'-.r, ...... ,l
i.rult. AiSt.w A NC'KOlt 1'UIilJSH INU J
CO., Uti Vitais, 5tn, "irt-4 1
filarar. Eirki. Karak. .
nuuiT otiicr of LiM beat iicuM
killruiijr couibuMd in Fm rm
M to iBnAa it the erMSnst IU4 ;
Qaat Tone tiut ma Ammmlm e
Snrkaro U m uwd. II too itw sr:'..
r Lav Hiiirttf. ar m yum mmm fc.
olut. or imitUMr. bb TKW kt la
iciaa for y, m is ia kls-4y
Tie ormtJBT uvr hwiwuhi,
I If you a. slowly- waotia; ay
KaaiBkiea ar mt aickmeaa, if you kor .
Caaak or a Cia, nutn a tow .
wfll aurelr kwlp tou. It firaa -
or to the f uafcla aad mro. a -
euro far RNaaimatia aaa i;aara ta.
It Hm St4 Mumirt4t of LItmj
mii I van.
If you are foelina; miaerabla don't
ou ara dowa aick, but uaa tbe Tonic
lo naaUar what your diaaoaa or wymvi
a it wiil rtTa prompt reuef. .
lUnaamhar 1 rmn i uivrn iohtc
a ram dnaar owe toa t ana rurtn r
MarfWiM aw amada. onmoouodad bT
ii im aaa. aad aatarely diffawt fWB X
tumr aracaiVMai am au ami i naica.
Dotue. iou
11 i A
...,. i
" S'irg out of thut line & biiiUtetii. Our stsvl; ir t-M . -
er.rnf h! !y solicited.
iff ;:nd Cii'l, r.i id le . vv - si I"
a 90c I
Your druEfia eaa auaaily j-
Tke Btt sad Boat Economical Hair Dr;
exquisitely perfumed and perfectly harmless. -
Tfill Always Battore Cray or Faded Ka' r
ta ia oririnal youthful cnlor and appearance, ms:
a td to stop us Tailing,
ItS ETOWlii -
t haldnesa. - 1
A few aixaicatioiis of the Balsam will aoftea
fcsir, cfmise an daodrnfT and cure iadnsz and K
i , ' o
er tlie ph.ce South East cor if-r il.-u'ii .md Third Si's, ri.-tt'sniouth.