Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 14, 1880, Image 3

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    The Herald.
v i) f EIITI.-F.MKST.
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!( ,-. to ll:e py.r-t. wish no waste
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f.' t--Ul r.s'.Ur and r ft.-! Le-
r!i'tVr . if-Vr-d to hi
,' n a itr.t scriber er nt is
r-r i Me r7- or.lts Ms fn?"r Mewt!n-
I jriKHtfi. ot tii lnb!ish-
, li-'tii n send It until pawn'mt t
i,i: t-1 the iho! amount, whether
iiticr is nk'-n from the ofi":.-e or not.
: he e.-urt fiavo decided that refusing to
rVnn'.i''r stirt periodicals from the port
nr rpfii'of in:i and lrvir.2 tlu-rn uncalled
' i;i facie etiJnrc of intention At,
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f RAt
--Wescott Mils the lrs:-t buckskin
love. -tf
More tt.vA last Sund7.
The Fair was a success.
I'hil ciar wns, ('list.
V.' ill. S. Wise sells Real EsUtc. tf
Lo.-k cut for the Great Ecd Store
Our ins tv lielcl is ljcziiiiiijj to loom
Another new house jroing np on
GvSIol Hill.
igil Orc(E, of Omaha, cam down
yitv Lit nigh.
(.'ash paid for butter ;unl figjis by
Bennett & Lewis. 23tf
-i'iRtt6muth had rather mors than
he i ;;hire of fijhis last week.
-Manufaeturning and Repairing r.t
M rises' Slioe .Store. 22tf
I.nfft O'Xk'l is lisivinj; the inside
of his hutcher shop fixed up.
The highest line
gloves at Wescott's.
Thil's Green boy Fold 10 worth
of paanuts at the Fair.
It was a windy, du3ty day. Saturday
for t'" running races.
Money to loan on Country Real
It-atft by W. S. "Wise. tf
Il.alok's Diamond Dress Shirts,
Knld mly at Wescott's. o0t2-
I'. M. 'ol?ott of Wepinjr Water
Mas in town the first of the week.
i he walls of Fred Lnnhcft's new
building are gradually 'Omitig np.
Dick '.iciht moved his fam
ily back to Plattsmouth last weefc.
. Yon wi'.i always find lVpnerberg's
most popuh'r Cigars at M. Carroli'.s tf
Fare buck glows at Wescott's the
best going, cheaper than the cheapest. 1
About forty of the G.& A.Gu.ml3
went out to Louisville Monday night.
It rained so last i ii;hl, guess ihe
Ptock F.'.uiTs meeiir.g was postponed.
Fresh fruits ami vegetables re
reived every dav by lUmnott A: Lov. is.
Ouc or two lunaways at the Fair
but nu on liurt and not much damage
The .fn?on & Hamlin organ tsok
the first prmini3 ?it the Fair last
The finest stack of ready made
clothing, at now One. Frice Clothing
House. 1
We want 1000 dizen eggs, for
which we. will pay cash or goods. Ren
nett & Rowif. " 2otf
Jot. Gil more drew Dave Miller's
double harness, it was a very fins
work harness.
The habit of running over booths
r sliS.-s corrected with Rvon's Patent
Heel Stiffeners. " 20t2
That Cocoanut Macaroni at Phil
Young's i the best thing rre ever ate.
in the candy line.
New Goods ! New Goods ! ! A
full assortment at Bed Rock prices at
the Gieat Red Stor. 23tf
Fresh ojter3 received daily from
Baltimore, and for sala wholesale and
retail, nt F. . White's 30tf
Fd Weseoott has tho latest styles
in neckwear. Silk handkerchiefs, kid
gloves, underwear, &c. G0t2
Not the Largest Stock, but tho
freshest and purest candies in town,
at John Ltach's stand. 25tf
Full lines of linen suits are being
sjld very cheap at Fivl. Herrmann's
Call before they are gone. 18tf
Lsok out for Dennett A Lewis on
upper Main St. the last of the week
in Gns. Hcrold'a o'.d stand.
IM. Wescott received a lar in
voice of boots and shoes, overcoats
and wtlier clothing last week.
New line of ladies valises and
traveling bags, at One Prico Clothing
Ilwiise, next door to Sage Bros. It
If you want nice, light bread or
biscuits, white as snow, buy the 'Snow
Flake' flwur at Dennett & Lewis'. 2itf
We can do yem good on boots and
buck gloves, at Wescott's Bos Cloth
ing Store, next to Saiith & Black's. 2
A full and complete line of ho
siery and underwear, all sizes and
pricts, at W. II. Baker & Co's. 2t2
Farmers, lake vour buttar and
e-g t Bennett & Lewis. They will
pay the highest rnarkut price in cash.
Parties wanting choice Michigan
apples can have the different v.-vriptip
by leaving their orders in tirue. at F.
is. White's. 30.2
lust received, a lot of ladies cloaks
and dolmans. Call everybody and get
a good selection.
w. II. Baki:h & Co.
Come down and see the latest
s!y!es and lowest prices. Xo trouble
t show goads at the Great Red
For good cheap reading fcr fall
an 1 winter season, subscribe to A. L.
Marshall's Circulating Library. Cali
and see it when you go to town. 30t2
Mrs. K. Ii. Lewis returned from
Missouri Valley last Friday.
Mrs. E. S. Sharp goes east to Michi
gan to-day. for a visit of a few months.
Mis. Yates, f Lincoln, stopped in
Plattsmouth Monday on her way east.
Mrs. Mary Carruth. mether of our
FranK, left fr La Pite, Ind.,Tuesday
Jese Irwin called yesterday. He
reports the meeting- at Folden's as
very well attended, and the speeches
very good. Judge Welph more than
waked the eld issues up.
SenaLor Tefft, Reprasentati ve Wind
ham, with Mr. Hall candidate for Rep
resentative, returned yesterday from
the western end of the county, where
they hare been canvassing, Ac
Mrs. Jehnsoa and Miss Sweener re
turned from St. Leuis last Friday,
and report a fine time viewing the
gret Fair, the precession of the Veiled
Prophets and all the gloriea of Fair
If yeu have a friend with a Cough
or Cold, tell hiw to try Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup. He will thank you for
yeur edvice. The price is only 25
-Call at Wescott's and see his new
invoice of boots. 80t2
A good ve;k for weddings, but
the cake dossn't pot in its appearance
Hunter wa3 mado happy last week
it's a bey and a big one too. Hur
rah for nunter.
Buy vour groceries of an exclusive
Grocery House. Bennett & Lewi car
ry a complete stock. 15tf
A new Supply jmt in, of the grtat
est Bargains ecer ojTered on our 5 and
10 cent counters, o'reat lied Store. 28tf
Mr. Leasley had a very fine dis
play of apples at the Fair. Great big
beauties they were, and tasted as tine
as thoy looked.
The ball given by the Xew Plaits
mouth Orchestra was a fair succiss,
financially, and even body seemed to
have a goed timet.
' Mrs. Swarts will probably take
the room occupied by John Boone for
litr Millinery store, when ha gets in
his new quarters.
Dean & Son, at Ashland and at
South Bend, too, are receiving an im
uience quantity of lumber and selling
it out again as rapidly. 30t2
New fall and winter styles in suits
and overcoats, just received at Wes
cott's Boss Clothing Store. We will
not be undersold or outdone in our
line. S0L3
Pottenger says when Bill Jones
was thrown out of his sulky, ho gat
up, shouldered the sulky and trotted
in along side the iirse iLst. We did
net see the race.
J. (J. Chambers has just received
a large invoice of blanxets, lap robes,
whips, &c which he will ssll at the
very lowest prices. Give him a call
before purchasing elsewhere. 29t2
Go to C. G. Herold the Id reliable
in his new building he will sell you a
good winter suit for from .5.00 to
80.00, and a gaod overcoat for S3.00.
Consult your own interests, a dollar
saved is a dollar made. 29t4
A. L. Marshall of W. T7. still car
rias on the drug business with his Cir
culating Library, also newspapers.,
magazines, periodicals, stationary, con
fectionary, cigars and tobaccos, fall a
cheice and well selecte4 aesertment. 2
The slock at the Boss Clothing
Store is new and complete, aad we will
make pricss to please the closest buy
er. Call in and see n?. Xo snide
goods. Xo jockeying in prices. A
square deal guaranteed. C E. Wescott.
If the parties who stole the rings,
straps, A.C., off of a certain har
ness, at the Fair, don't come around
and settle for the same they raay wish
they had some of these fine day, as
they are knoicn.
Dave Miller had the best assort
ment f things in his line at the Coun
ty Fair, that has ever been shown
there, the following were a part of his
fine display: A line S100 nickle plat
ed harness, a S45 team harness, a fine
assortment of saddlej, bridles, lap
robes, buggy rngs, whips, collars, sad
dle hardware, and other things too
numerous to mention. 1
We unfortunately forget t notice
last vvek the opening of a new millin
ery store in Plattimeuth by Mrs. S
Swarts, whose adv't f the some ap-,
peared in tho Herald. Assisted by
Miss Bennett, who was formerly
known t the ladies here, Mrs. Swarts
has opened up an excellent stock f
millinery, and vre trust will be favored
with a share of the patronage of city
and county. Reoms over Mathew's
Hardware store.
Ed Wescott continues to show up
the best and newest lins of clothing,
hats and caps, furnishing goods, boots,
X:c. Everything marked in plain fig
ures and ijq deviation in price. 30t2
The Guards passed their time
(about three hours and a half) going
up to Lonisvlle to the Grand Republi
can rally, Monday night, in singing old
National tunes, and debating on tho
following subject : The Solid South i3
a detriment to the Republic. Joe.
Fairfield and George Magney took the
aflirmativo and W. F. Morrison and
D. A. Campbell the negative. It was
decided in favor of the affirmative
after a good discussion on both sides.
The Democratic Rally last week
was the thinnest thing yet. Wo
shouldn't nse slang if the Courant had
not unjustly endeavored to belittle
the Stone meeting, which was a Grand
meeting and they know it. Xow wo
believe in the truth always and when
the Democrats get up a decent meet
ing here, the IIehald will say so, but
that Hartigan Redick thing was so
weak, s thin, so rnortiliying to even
the democracy that out of respect to
our democratic friends, who are pretty
fair men in all but their politics, wo
will spare their feelings and omit to
i tell the plain truth or make it harsher
j than to say it was a complete fizzle,
j Hartigan was off his nut and didn't d
j himself justice (nor us either) and the
"paralytic" boy Redick thinned the
bouse like a dose of salts.
The Red Lion Dry Goods Ilonse, Lincoln
Have now received their Hew Fall
stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry
Goods and it is acknowledged by all t
be the leading house in Nebraska, for
tho above named goods as well as fer
fine Satins, Ribbons, Fringes, Beaded
goods, Laces, Embroideries, Corsets,
Hosiery, U loves, &-c. I will send sam
ples of six numbers of our Cashmer
Giunetl Silks at S.T5, S1.00, $L25,
SI. 50, S1.75, $2.00. which are fully 8-50
to $1.00 pr yard under price, and ur
goods will prove it. Also samples '
Cashmeres at $.50, $.65, $.75, 8.87 and
S1.00. Also samples of Silk Velvets
at 81.50, 81.75, 82.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
Custmers sending us in rders for
goods will get the latest styles and as
low as if they wore here in person to
make their selections. Correspond
ence solicited and promptly answered.
O. M. Anstead,
Prop'r. Red Lion Dry Goods House.
11th St., Lincoln, Nob.
P. O. Box 914, 30t4
Mr. C. R. Dovey had a dozen or
more panels at the county Fair, paint
ed in the various styles of graining
now in vogue. They were very fin
specimens of workmanship in that
line, and comprised a number of new
varieties not heretofore shown here.
Mr. Dovey is a master hand in hi
trade. -
Lumber! Lumber!
f all kinds at Deau & Son's, Ashland
and South Bend. Call and see them. 3
Winter Apples.
Bennett & Lewis have just received
a car load of choice winter apples,
which they will sell at 81.85 per bar
rel. It
A Card.
The rumor that Charley Myer
should be implicated in a petty larceny
down at my place is false. I consider
Charley an honest straight forward
young man. J. H. Becker.
The ladies are especially invited
to call and examine our new stock.
Xo trouble to show goods. The Great
Red Store. 23tf
In the School House at South Bend,
next Sunday the 17th inst. at 3 o'clock
p. m., by Rev. Kenjamin F. Diffenback
er. Subject, "Water made Wine."
Also at the Congregational church
in Louisville at 7 p. m. Subject, "Sal
vation, the doctrine ef Scripture from
Genesis to Revelation.'
New Millinery I ! !
Xew beaver hats in all styles, Che
nille cord and tassels and jet feather
trimming. Cashmere ribbons, new
varieties of flowers, jetted feather
bands, and plumes;
Plushes, velvets, satins, gilt braids
and plush bands.
Wool felt, camels hair, and felt hats
and bonnets in r.ll shapes and styles.
Velvet caps, trimmed and untrimmed;
Turkish caps;
At Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney's.
Call and examine them. 30t3
Teachers, Attention.
The County Teachers' Association
will hold its second iegular meeting at
Eight Mile Grv en Saturday, Xov.
Hth at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. The fol
lowing essays will be read: Fait,
Present and Fture of the Public
Schools, by Prof. Lov; Composition
W'riting, by O. F. liortn; Grade fr
Country Schools, M. Siearle; Responsi
bility of the Teacher, J. IL Berg.
Essays by several others may be ex
pected. A full attendance is desired
and a profitable time will result.
30tl O. F. Moutov, Pres.
Our City Schools.
Last Friday closed the first month
for this year of our city schools.
The enrollment for the month is as
Boys 341, girls 34G, total C37. This
gives an average to eacn teacher f
nearly C3 scholars. Surely our teach
ers cannot do justice to themselves
and students with so many scholars.
In five rooms every seat is occupied
and still there are children running
the streets wh should be in school.
If this increase in our schools contin
ue, our Board will have to provide
more room and teachers.
Supt. Lov informs us that new
scholars are applying every day for ad
mission. So far he has been able to
find them room in their respective
classes, but from this on he will have
to refuse admission to seme of the
rooms as it is impossible to accomo
date any more.
Llegant Pattern Hats.
Mrs. Johnson and Sweeney have just
returned from the grand eastern open
ings where they have seen and studied
all the latest styles in millinery and
dres making. They have alse brought
with then seme elegant
and a full assortment f the latest
hats, bonnets, trimmings, fancy goods
of all kinds, which they invite all the
ladies to coase and examine. They
will b pleased to show tlism.
The Meeting at Loa'.jville.
The Republicans f Louisville met
in a grand rally on Mnday veiling
and were addressed by Judge Fisher
r.nd Mr. Taos. Kennard.
Chairman MacMurphy was there and
introduced the speakers. Glover'a
Hall was literally packed full. Both
speeches were good and full of meat
for the democrats to think over.
The Louisville band, a most xcellnt
band by the way, was lit under th
leadership of Tiof . Albee, and late in
the evening, owing to the delinquency
of the Railroad Company, th Platts
muth Guards arrived and were wel
comed by th band. Ther marched
up to the Hall where Judge Fisher
raid a few words of welcome again as
did other speakers.
A Garfield and Arthur club was or
ganized and A. B. Fox was made
chairman and J. C. Newberry Sect'y.
The Meeting was a graad success and
will rouse the voters to thought and
BOSWOKTH JOHNSON At the residence ol
the efneistting clergyruHn, by Kv. G. II. Crlp
pen, Mr. Mabshali. W. Bos worth t Mrs.
A-toEU.ii Joii.xsox, all t W replug Water,
DAVIS nARMON By Judn A. Jf. Sullivan,
Sit Mt. l'leaant, Css County. ?ieb., October, 1880, Wm. B. Davis to Mary E. IIik
m w, both ol thH couaty.
The bride and groom both belong to the most
worthy and rtHpcctablo families In Cas County
and enter upon their married life with the good
wishes of hosts of friends. A select company
of friends were presont at the ceremony and
many valuable presents were forthcoming from
friends and relatives. The Herald adds us
congratulations to other friends and wlshoi
them health and happiness.
HERMANN JACOB I At Watertown, Wis..
Wcduesdav eve, October fith, at the residence
of the bride's mother. Mrs. E. Jacobi. by
Justice Beckmann. Mr. Fried Hkkmanx, of
riattsinoutli. Nebraska, to Miss Amanda
Jacobi. of Watertown.
So tais was the polar star which hold the af
fections of Mr. Hermans true all tbeso years.
And now that he ha made It the guiding star
of his home and life, his friends ant the Her
ald all with that It may be tho star In tho east
njBicli shall load hir.i erer into ways of bappl
nets and prosperity.
The wedding was a quiet one, only a few In
timate friends of the parties from Watertown
and Milwaukes being present ; tho bride look
ed charming and the prevents were rich and
handsome, but the modesty of the groom pro
vented his giving us a detailed list of them or
of the appearance of tho bride.
The happy couple arrived in Plattsmouth
Saturday morning, last, and will shortly com
mence housekeeping on Tine St., In Mr. Stad
elinann's new bouse.
Mr. Herrmann is one of ear reliable young
business men, well and favorably known here ;
of the bride we cannot as yet speak from per
sona! knowledge, but bespeak for her a wel
come from all Mr. Herrmann's friends.
riCKENS DESP AIX-By the Rer. J. T. Baird,
at the Preliyteria;. Cliurcli, Tuesday. Oct.
iL'tli. 18SO, Wm. II. Pickens and Emma A.
Drspaix, all of l'lattsmouth, Nebraska.
The Church was crowded to see our Soldier
friend go off. He has entered upon a long en
listment, in which the pay and rations will
have to be foraged for, cut of the wide, wide
world. We hope his knapsack may always be
well supplied with rations an 4 his canteen
never empty. May good luck "halt" at alright
face" in frentof him and the base (misfortune
never cause him to "connter-march" May the
flag he fights under never bo lowered to tho
enemy and the guidons of his onward march
always be turned to the right.
As for Mrs. Tickens we've run out of "sorts"
on a democratic 'lection bill, and can't find
type enough in the office to express oar good
will and wishes towards her. May she aever
have to camp out on a forced march or hear the
drums of adversity beat a retreat. May tho
alignment of her happiness be perfect, nd plen
ty of material for dress parade be always at
hand. With a double shotted parting salute
that our friends remember, reveille always
sounds in the morning, we hearken to the
"taps" f the fornian and leave the field with
out further reconnolssance.
WEnRBEIH At Mt. TMesssnt, Cass Cit., Neb.,
Mondav, Oct. 4th. isso. Amaur Wehkbeis,
mother-in law of Mr. Fred Gorder, of this
place, aged 68 years. The funeral took place
irom the United Brethren church, south of
town, Wednesday, Oct. ith. at l o'clock p. m.
A number of friends follow inn the remains to
the grave.
By an oversight the above notice was omitted
from our columns last week, which we much
The Connty Fair.
Our County fair, althwugh gotten np
in a hurry was quite a success. The
exhibit on stock was good, considering
tho adjournment ef time and all.
Many fine horses and good grade of
cattle were exhibited.
Chaplain Wright' full loded Al
derny bull was quite a curiosity to
many, he being the first f the breed
exhibited here.
Th display in the building has sot
been so good in years, it was literally
jammed and packed with froits, Hew
ers, store goods, harassses and hard
ware. TTe hoped when oir election law
was changed from October t Novem
ber that we would ut always be
so crowded with political matter and
bisiness about fair time; but this
year both come together and w have
nt the space to do our fair justice.
When w f et the official list f pre
miums awarded we shall speak f in
dividual displays mr In detail. We
must close here sayin that it far ex
ceeds tho hopes of th most sanguine.
The first day was devoted t filling
up the Hall, arranging matters and
jetting ready really. The first races
wer n Thursday. The "entries' iu
the county trot (single) wer:
Brown Fanny, 0. H. Parmele; Black
Bess, C. II. Hlraes. Fanny won th
first heat m 3-23. Th second heat
was declared a dead heat. Tho third
heat was won y Biack Bess in 3-18.
Jenee refused te drive Fanny again
claiming error in judgement en second
heat and th race was give to "Bs."
In th duble free fer all trot the
entries wer "Hellen Medium" and
Mate, by O. M. Streight; "Lady Mac"
and Black George, by J. A. MacMur
phy. Helen and Mate won th first heat
in 8-03. ,
Th sacend heat and rac w&s won
by Helen and Mat in 3-06.
Ladies' ECiUESTitiAXsniP- Ther
wer seven contestants fer the pre
mium, th judfes awarded the first
premium t Mrs. Oldham, and the
second to Miss L. Adams.
Free for all trot. Three horses
entered, tw started, nellen Medium,
and Black Bess. Helen had the pel
and cam in ahead in 3-23.
Second heat, Helen Medium cam in
an easy winner in 3-21.
Pacino RACE.-Three horses entered,
Holmes k Dixos's, Wild Bill; Shan
non's, Grey Ben ; and Merles', Ben.
Wild Billimide Ban next; Wild Bill
came in winner in 3-45.
Second heat. Wild Bill woa in 3-40
the heat and race. All broke badly.
In th dille team cut race.
Black Bess anl Male, and Lady Mac
aad Mat st-ited. Lady Mac and
Mate won tho two boats with as.
Xe time give.
The farmers' trot and runuinj races
were put off until Saturday fer lack of
ime .
Notice t Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examination will be given.
No one tcill be examined ex ept at
the regular examinations ; and iio cer
tificates front other Counties will, be
42tf Superintendent.
A Word to Mothers.
Mothers should remember that a
most important duty at this season is
to look after the health of their fam
ilies and cleanse the malaria and im
purities from their systems. There is
nothing that will tone up the stomach
and liver, regulate tho bowels and pur
ify the blood so perfectly as Parkei'e
Ginger Tonic, advertised in our col
umns. The wonderful cures of loss
standing cases f rheumatism, neural
gia and malarial disorders is the rea
son why this pure and excellent family
medicine is so generally esteemed.
rost. 3U
More Goods at Dovey's.
W beg to inform our friends that
our Fall stock f dry goods and no
tions are new about complete, and so
licit an inspection of the same.
Our stock consists in part of a fin
line of gentlemen's, ladies', misses and
knit goods, underwear, nubias, hosiery,
comforts, &c. Ladies' and misses',
children's knit hods, shawls bed, com
forts, and blankets.
Jeans, flannels, linseys, balmorals,
and felt shirts, yarns in all colors,
cotton battings, cashmeres, alpaca,
and American dress goods in great va
rieties. Gents and ladies' fleece lined
kid gloves, ladies and Misses' hosiery,
supporters, buttons, laces, ties, ribbons,
belts and every thing else in th no
tion line.
Our stock of ladies, misses and chil
dren's shees, men's and bys' winter
boots, arctics and snow excluders,
men's and boys' hats and winter caps,
&c, full, and which we offer at th
lowest prices for first class goods. Wo
have also received a nice line of glass
and bronze lamps, glass sets and deco
rated ware. &c, Ac. Give us a call.
20t4 X. G. Dovey & Sox.
Fnncy Goods ! Fancy Goods 1
Novelties in fancy combs and pins
for the hair:
Pearl, silver and gilt pins for fasten
ing white ties;
Jetted girdles with spik ends, the
latest novelty;
Xew style of neck handkerchiefs ;
Jet necklaces; Polka dot ties; fancy
jet ornaments; bracelets and fans.
Cream colored net fer neck handker
chief and ties;
Invisible frizz nets:
Feather braid and books of designs
for making it.
Xet for darning lineu floss and book
of designs for darning canvass, worst
ed and patterns
at Mrs Johnson and Sweeney's.
Call and see them, and also their
stock of millinery advertised else
where. 30t3
Proposals for Grain.
Headquarters Department of the Platte, 1
Chief (Quartermaster's Office. V
. Fort Omaha, Neb.. Oct. 4, 18S. )
SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, subject
to the usual condition) will be received at this
office until 12 e'elock noon on Monday. October
251 li. 1889, at which place and time they will be
opened in presence of bidders, for the furnish
ing and delivery, in quantities as required, up
to January 31st, 1881, at Omaha Depot. Nebras
ka, or at stations on the Union PaciQc Railroad
east from Kearney Junction, of
2.000.600 pounds of corn, and
1.000.000 bounds of oats.
Proposal for quantities less than the whole
will be received. Delivery of the grain will, if
required, commence November loth. isso. Pre
ference will be given to articles of domestic
The government reserves the right to rejoct
any or all proposals.
Bids should state the rate per 100 pounds,
(not per bushel.) and tho year intwhlehthe corn
proposed to be furnished was grown, and
should be endorsed on envelopes "Bids for
Grain." and addressed to the undersigned.
Bidders aro requested to submit proposals
for delivery of the corn In new re-sewed gunny
sacks of one hundred pounds each, and for de
livery of tho Oats in new re-sewed burlap
sacks of one hundred pounds each, or for part
or all the oats to be delivered in docblr
packs, the inner sacks to be provided at the
Omaha Depot, by the Quartermaster's Depart
ment. Copies of this advertisement and of the Cir
cular of instructions to bidders can be obtain,
ed on application to this office, and one copy
each of said advertisement and circular should
be attached to or accompany each pioposal
and form a part thereof.
Chief Quartermaster.
For the Blood and Liver
Use Extract of Sarsaparilla and Dan
delion with Iodide of Potassium. 27tf
St. 7osop3s., 3&o.
T ..I..... .1 .... nn ...-.. ....... T. f .1
in uriiii i uui ij .ill fTAt-ii .HA uuiiioiii.
successful leacher. Instruction thorough and
......... l T.i 1 A. ...... ..1 1. . L..II
M ,t liltkl. A itl l III II iun CI lljrtil cicnjiric. .i-uii
particulars to any address.
24tf TIIOS. J. BRYANT. Pres.
Pepperberg's cigars aro tfe moil
reliable fr purity and fineness in qlal
ity, -and are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers fer them.25tf
Make from $J5 to sro per week selling gmuls for
K. G. RIDEOLT A- CO.. 10 Barclay Street. New
York. Bend for catalogue and terms. 22ly
Buy only the self-thrading (at tp
and ahuttl) New American Sewing
Machine, which fer simplicity in con
struction, light running, and for dura
bility cannot be excelled. For sale by
Ilasgorshok Bros., Merchant Tailors,
Plattsmouth. Xeb. 23m3
We Challeng the World.
When we say we believe, we have
evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con
sumption Cur is decidedly the best
Lung Medicine made, iaasmuch as
it will cure a coram or Chronic
Cough in one half the time and re
lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping
Cough, Croup, and show more cases of
Consumption cured than all others.
It will cure where they fail, it is pleas
ant to take, harmless to the youngest
child, and we guarantee what w say.
Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 If
your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lame, use Shileh's Pereus Plaster. Sold
by Smith So Black.
Do you Believe it.
That in this tewn there are scores
f persons passing onr stor very day
whose lives ar mad miserablby In
digestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and distress
ed Stomach, Liver Cemplaint. Consti
pation, when for 75 cts. w will sell
them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to
cure them. Sold by Smith fe Black.
We have a speedy and positive Cur
fer Catarrh, Diphtheria. Canker mouth,
and Tlead Ache, in SHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector
free with each Dottle. Use it if you
desire health, and sweet breath. Price
25 cts. Sold by Smith & Black.4eowtf
How to Make Soap for a Cent a Poand
Shave into small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in three quarts of water
until the soap is thoroughly dissolved, so that
upon straining through a sieve nothing re
mains ; add to tho solution or "suds" three
gallons of cold water ; stir briskly for several
minutes to mix. and set it away to cool. Al
though it will look like nothing but soapsuds
wbile warm, a chemical reaetiou will take place
and in twenty-four hours' time will develop
forty or fifty pounds nl tnauuificent and white
soft soap, costing less than one cent a pound,
and as good as many 01 the adulterated com
pound called sonp, and sold at 7 to 10 cents a
pound. How long would it take for any other
soap useu me same 10 yecome anytning but
.'soap-suds?". Any housewife knows that it
cannot be done with any soap she has ever us
ft. See if it can be done with Dobbins' Elec
tric. For sale by all grocers.
REi Bros., Sole Agents.
4-eowly Weeping Water, Xeb.
Wednesday, Oct. 13, lfisa.
3 00&3 M
4 20
litt 20
Wheat. No.2..
Corn, ear
" shelled...
Barley, Nu. a...,
Native Cattle..
Potatof i
Nnw Yoke, Oct. 13, 1880.
Money-$l.C2ail 1.
v neat
t l2l 14
Chicaoo. Oct. 13. 180.
S 4 e ti?s oo
Barley ,
Hogs, shipnlng...
54 P3ffft 93
S 905 4 33
S SOlL 4 40
Miraculous rwer.
The Forest and Stream has It : "To preserve
health use Warner's Safe Remedies. These
are almost of miraculous power in removing
diseases for which recommended. The won
derful curative qualities thev are pesesed of
of is vouched for by tens of thousands. 2U13
Try Brewn's Tar Troches,
For sere throat, and clearing and
strengthening th veice. For sale by
all druggists. 27tf
"Malt Bitters" are a Brain. Nerve, and Blood
food, peculiarly adapted ty, and warmly rec
ommended by. our druggists and physicians
for General Debility. Meetal and Physical Ex
haustion. Hysteria, Nervousness, Sleeplessness
Emaciation and Dropay. 27t4
Better Times.
The Democrat. New Orleans. La., says : "Suf
fering among such a have been troubled with
diseases of the kidneys and liver, has been per
ceptibly better since the introduction among
us of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver cure. 13t
SaveJTenr Money.
A large stock f Boots and Shoes
just arrived at Merges, which will be
Bold chg5. 22tf
Furniture, groceries, beets and
shees, hats, caps, dry goods, trunks,
notions and clothing in endless variety
and at prices which defy competition.
Come and price our goods before buy
ing. The Groat Red ejtere. 2Stf
Use Brown's Tegetable Liver Fills,
The Western Remedy for biliousness
and sick headache. All druggists sell
them. 27tf
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime by th peck, bushel, or
wagon load can be had at the Kiln,
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickelwait & Sharp,
7tf on premises.
You are Sad nnd Lonely,
And it's all on account of your indi
gestion. Brown's Pepsin Tonic fur
nishes the stomach with the active
principles ef digestion ; gives tone to
the system and cures dyspepsia. For
sals by J. IL Butt-ry, Smith, Black &
Co., and O. F. JohnseD, Plattsmouth,
John Painter and Dye & Dentree, East
Plattsmouth. 27tf
We will ny Anns
to will wit Anns 8)(Kitt &iO r zaonih
aad xpvDira, rnlitliTH ctnmliuu, torn)! oar
maw wOTidcrfal tncr,n. We mrnin nhat w
taasli ft. AdrM tuiui A Oo JSknkalL. ui.
shoes and boots,
22tf AT MERGES'.
Thirty of ttie beat organ makers of the
World are competitors at the Pari Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Assaclated Press says
two highest gold medals have been awarded to
tho American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
Fresh Oysters.
Bennett Sc Lewis have secured the
agency in this city for D. D Mallory's
celebrated "Diamond brand" ef oysters
and will be prepared at all times to
furnish these well known Oysters to
Hotels, Restaurants and private par
ties at bottom prices. 23tf
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite r. 0.
Estray Notice.
Take up by the subscriber, at bis residence
In Concord precinct, Sept. 2Sth. 1880, five calves,
four steers and one heifer. Tho owner can
have the sane by proving property and paying
charges as required by law.
sets Jonx H. Torso.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing under the firm name of E.
A. Ryder and L. A. Hackney, is neaeby dissolv
ed by mutual consent, all debts doe and owing
said partuership are to be collected by E. A.
Ryder, and all indebtedness due and owing by
said firm will he settled by E. A. Ryder.
E. A. Rvdf.r.
30t3 L.A. Hackskt.
Done at Greenwood. Sept. 2, 1880.
Legal Notice.
In the Distriet Court of tho Second Judicial
District, within and for Cass county, Neb.
In the matter of the estate 1
of Minnie Adams, iufant. VOrder of Ceurt.
Jacob K. Vallery, guardian I
And now comes tho said Jacob R. Yallerv, by
W. S. Wise, his attorney, and files bis petition
in this cause, with the subscriber. Juf of tho
Distriet Ceurt ef ihe Second Judicial District,
in and fer Cose couaty. Nebraska, praying for
a license to sell and convey the following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt : An undivided one
eighth interest of the north fa t (uarter of sec
tion twenty-eight (21) and the southeast quar
ter of tho northwest quarter of section twenty
eight (M), all in township twelve (12) north
range thirteen fl3) east of the 6th p. nv, in Cas
county, Nebraska, for the reason that it wauld
bo for the best interest of his miner ward, tho
said Minnie Adams.
And the judge ef the Court being fully advis
ed in the premise, it is hereby ordered that
Jacob R. Vallery. Henry W Vallery, Christine
Rigler. Annie Wright. Peter P. Vallery. Theo
bold Vallery, Conrad, Vallery, and Minnie Ad
ams, aad all other persons interested in said
estate, do appear before me at my chambers in
the City of I'lattsmoutii. Nebraska, at the of
fice of the Clerk of the Distriet Court, on the
lth day of November. A. D. 1. at 4 o'clock
p.m.. of said day, to show cause why a license
should not be granted, to the guardian apply
ing therefor, to sell said real estate.
3ot4 S.B. Pound, Judge.
Probate Notice. .
In the matter of the etate of Crandal Shaw,
deceHsed. In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given, that J. J. Roberts
administrator of the estate of the said Crandal
Shaw deceased, has made application for
final settlement, aad that said ca.e is set for
heariu? at my wfUce at Plattsmouth. on theloth
day ef November, A. D.. ltwo. at 10 o'clock A.
M. on said day ; at which time ami place, all
persons interested may be present aud examine
said accounts.
A. N. Sullivan:, County Judge.
Plattsmouth , October 6, 1880. 2Jt3
2 Si li: I: ililija
3 We 5 Sirs
In the matter of the Estate of George M. L6v
lug. Deceased. In the County Court of Case
County, Nebraska.
Cpon reading and filing tho duly verlied po
tition of Maria Leving praying that adminis-
tration of the estate
of George If. Ievmg de-
ceased, be granted to her : Ordered that lottce
or tun pendency of said cause be published in
the NeWavka llEXAi.D.a weekly paper, orint-
ed, published, and in geaeral circulation ia
saia county, for three consecutive weeks, and
that the hearing ef said cause he 8tt for the
third day of November A. D., ISfiO. at 10 o'clock
A.M. at the office of the County Judge, at
Plattimouth, at which time and place, all per
son Interested may appear aud show cause, If
any they have, why administration of said es
tate should net be granted to the said Maria
Leving. according to the prayer of said pe
tition. A. K. RriuvAK, County Judge,
riattsmonth, October 6, lso. 2t3
Attachment Notice.
Geore W. Rouse will take notice that on the
2d day of September. A. I). lxo. E. J. Mathls, a
Justice of the Peace of Salt Creek Prerinct,
Cc.s Couatv. Nebraska, isaued an order of at
tachment fer the suns of Sftv-sven dollars
(fST.OO) In an action pendia: before him, where
in Moses Reefer is plaintiff, and George W.
Rouse Is defendant ; that property, consisting
of one header box. one half of one header box.
and a three-foarths interest In one Haines'
header, has been attached under said order.
Said cause was continued to the 2!th, day of
October, A. D. 18S0, at 10 o'clock a. m.
September 20. isso. gsu
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by W. C.
Sbowalter, Clerk of the District Court within
and for Ca. Couaty, Nebraska, and to mo di
rected. I will, on tbe lid day of October. A. I.
130, at 1 o'clock a.m.. of said day, at the
South door of the Conrt Hoiine, In said County,
sell at Public Auction the following real estate
to-wit: The East half (em of the South West
quarter (sw") of sectiou thirty-one (31), tow n
snip eleven (11). North of range twelve (12) ea-nt
of tho sixth (tb) P. M., in Cass Couuty, Ne
braska. The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Harvey Carper, Agnes C.
Carper and Cyrus H. McCormick, defendants,
to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered
by Aim ha C. oodruff. plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 13th. A. D 1S8L
2t5 Jt. W, HYEIiS. Sheriff Cass Co., Nb,
Sheriff's Sale,
P.y virtue of an execution, Issued by W. C.
Showaitor. Clerk of the District Court within
and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will, on tho lcth day of October, A. I).
isgo, at 1 o'clock a. m.. of said dsv, nt the
South dor of tho Court House, in said County,
sell at Public Auction tbe following real estate
to-wlt : Lot ten (l). In block one (1) North and
one (1) East : also lots one (I), two (2) and three
(3), In block one (l) East ; all of the above de
scribed property beisg located in Rock HlufTn,
Cass County, Nebraska. Tbe same being levied
upon and taken as the property of Joneph Sne
ra and Henry Shera. defendants, to salMv a
Judgment of said Court recovered by Buck Me
Conias and Patterson, plaintiffs.
Plattsmouth. Nob.. Hept. 13th. A. D. 1M0.
2f.t5 It, W. HYERS. Sheriff Cass Co.. Neb.
Legal Notice.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interest
ed in the estate of Frank and Andrew Deitrich
minor heirs of Joseph Deitrich, deceased, to
appear before the Hon. S. B. Pound, Judge of
the District Court within and for the Second
Judicial District, at his Chambers ia the City
of Lincoln, In the County of Lancaster, and
State of Nebraska, on tho 21st dav of October.
A. D. 18). at 1 o'clock p. m., to show cause, if
any they nave, why a license to sell and on vey
the real estate of said minors should not be
granted to their guardian, according to the
prayer of the petition in said cause.
September Hth, 1880. 2Ct4
In the District Court of Cass Couuty, Nebraska
Dennis Dean. Plaintiff,
J. W. Newsiim, P. A.
Gould and Aim II.
Gould, Defendants.
J. V. Kewsum. defendant, will take notice
that on the 13th day of September. 180. Dennis
Dean, plaintiff heroin, filed his petition in the
District Court of Cass County. Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object and prayer
of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage, ex
ecuted by J. W. Newsum to P. A. and Ann II.
Gould, defendants, and assigned to this plain
tiff, upon the West half (w'4) of the North East
quarter (ne'i) of section seventeen (17), town
ship twelve U2, range nine (9) East, to secure
the payment of four certain promissory notes,
dated February 6th, 1ST. and due respectively
in two, three, four and live years, for the sum
of two hundred dollars (SJOO) each, the first
three of which notes were assigned to this
plaintiff. That there is now due upon said
notes and mortgage the sum of six hundred
dollars ($tm) with twelve per cent, interest
thereon from Febiuary Gtli, 1877, together with
a reasonable attorney rs fee, as provided in said
notes and mortgage, and for unpaid taxes upon
said premises. And plaintiff pravs that said
premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy
the amount found due thereon.
You aro required to ancwer said petition on
or before the 1st day of November, 180.
DENNIS DEAN. Plaintiff.
By Chapman & Mathews, his Atty's. 27U
jf" . I . . . . . i . j
Is Leased to
With their immense stock of
Consisting of all IPriees5
JLafe ty!e
Notice Is hereby given thnt by vlrtn w. .
order of sale Issued out of tho District Court of
Nemaha County. Iu the State of Nebraska, aud
to us directed as referees aud commissioners Iu
tho case hereinafter named upon an order and
decree reudored by tb said Court In a rertalu
action therein peadiug, wherein Hryant Ool.b le
plaintiff, aud aiartba inlr, Nancy Allison,
Clark Cohb, Williamson Cehti. Plukney Cb.
Clay Cobb, David Cvbb. Catharine King, Mar
tha Conner. Frauds Cobb. Heyneure Cobb,
Naucy A. King, Williamson K. W. Cobb, New
ton C. Worley, Louisa Ioiaan, Martha N. Mo
Gaha, KUza Nelson. Martha C. kell. and John
A. Irwin are defebdauti, wo will offer for aalo
at public auction, at tbe door of the Court
House, in Plattsmouth, in Cas County, Ne
braska, on Saturday tho seth day ef October,
IsmO, at one o'clock in tho afternoon of that day
the following real estate in Case County, Ne
braska, to-wit : Tho northeast quarter (d W)
section fifteen, (16) ton eleven, (11) ran'fl ten,
(10) east ltio acree. The southeast quarter (xw1)
sectlou fifteen (15) town eleven (11) range Ion
(10) east lfio acres. The northwest ouartor(nw1i)
section fifteen (15) town eleven (11) rntigo ten
(10) oast li;o aeres, known as"Mulltn's Raacho."
Tkkms of Sai.r : One half cash, balance le
one and two years, with lOper ceul interest, se
cured by mortgage on the land.
ILI.14.11 II. '1'U r.l, I TAm'.,
J. H. Croadv, Attorney
Attachment Notice.
J. K. Jeffries will take aotlcn that on tho 13th
day of iSeptembe;, A. D. tsse, K.J. Mathls, a,
Justice of tho Peace of Salt Creek Precinct,
Cass County, Nebraska, issued an order of at
tachment lor the sum of fourteen aud 00-10
dollars (tU.r-S) in an action pending before lnni
wherein W. W. Gullkon Is plaintiff, and J. R.
JelTncs is defendant ; that property, consisting
of one derrick, complete, and three largo Iron
drills, has been attached under said order.
Said cause is continued to tho 2vtli day of Oc
tober, A. D. isso, at 2 o'clock p. m.
September 2, 1880. 2t
Can bo foundjat the eld
Howland Blacksmith Shop,
Corner of Vino and Sixth Hreets,
I'lattamoutli, - Nebraska,
He rill do all kinds of
UOIlii: 9UOI1MG, V
In his line. The followingjare his prices :
Horse Shoeing, new shoes 40 cts
Resetting Slioes 20 "
Plorrs SharjH-ned 23 "
Sliovtls pointed, per set 8'3.00
Warranted as good as new.
lie guarantees to do all work In a workmanlike
. V A certain ear fbr Nervous
S De)blllty, mlnttl Womk-
neee. imeMenee. mxs.
The Eeeipee tied la asy Vreetiee r 14 Tear
and anillnsVaUdtewkeeOaofee gtvlrg fall dV
rcctlona for self-treotaieat, sent fro). Address
DR. T. WLLLLLMA. Ut nTW luEvasiU. Wit
All holders of B. & M. R. R. Contract
for Land purchased of that Company dur
ing the year 1879 and prior to that date
aro liable for tho 1870 tax.
They became due January lit, 1880,
were delinquent after May 1st, IS SO, and
if not raid by the first day of November,
1880, the land will be sold for taxes.
The Company' Agent, for the purpoi
of paying Delinquent Taxes on ft oll
lands, will visit the County Seats the last
of October, end all purchaser of R. R.
lands hould pay their Taxes by October
15th, if not before, in order to tav addi
tional expense.
Lajad Commlialoaor B. .&. B. lm .
a em! ILwt