,a THE HERALD NEW BRICK YARD. eswejt. A0 CHUT 9HVlK I. !4 ITEMS OF HfTEKEST. There i a ship now snilinvr out of ITolland that was built in I.V.H. T o history of a vessel that lsns kwi orr three centuries of navigation mr.st l o on interesting one. The coat of blue English i ilot clotli Colonel Clement McDjniel woc when Cornwallia surrendered at Yorktown has been added to tho treasures of tho Tennessee Historical Society. An expert on apples says that the Jefferis, Tame use, Jonat han and Northern Spy, are the four best kinds for table use, and for a dyspeptic far S referable to the more highly flavored pitzenburgs or Baldwins. Miners in the Sutro tunnel complain of tho rats in the headers, and of tho numerous bats at the junctions of tho two branches. The former persist iu getting into lunch baskets and the lat ter trouble the mules by flying about their heads. Gambetta i3 said to bo greatly an noyed by the escapades of a man who so closely resembles him that he is in daily fear of having set down to his account exploits which would not be in the least creditable to tho president of the Chamber of Deputies. The London Lancet s-iys that thirty eight strokes a minute dangerously overtax au oarsman, and do not pro duce the greatest amount of power in him. About twenty-eight are right. An oyster is able to take food with in twenty-four hours of its coming into life. It is able to produce its kind when on year old, and is mark etable at the ago of three years. Senator Hannibal Hamlin, from Maine, his been iu public life as Leg islator, Governor, Congressman, Vice 1'icsidoiit and Senator since 1S',C, without interruption, a longer period than that covcicd by tiie service of any of his present associates. The Duchess of Newcastle paid the debts of the Earl of Lincoln, in ISfiS, rnd married him. Now, as a widow, she lias married Holder, the chorister of St. Vincent de I'auTs church, 1'arid. Her two sous by the lato Earl of Lin coln are cripples re know not from whatcause. The wonderful volume of song which proceeds from the tiny throat of a canary bird seems wholly dispor porlionate to its size. But it has been discovered that in birds the lungs have several openings, communicating with corresponding air-bags, or cells, which fill the whole cavity of the body from the neck downward, and into which the air passes and repasses. In the heart of a large pine tree cu down by Jonathan Oatley, of Unndilt la Forks, N. Y., was found an Indian pipe of ctone, with the date roughly carved on it, 1783. A flint an I a few arrow heads of Bteel were near it. This is supposed to be the spot where the famous treaty of 1783 was made. England don't intend to starve her soldiers. One ration of a British sol dier consists of a pound of bread, a pound of fresh meat, half a pound of fresh vegetables, three-quarters of a pound of flour, and at the discretion of the commander or medical staff, a pint of porter or half a gill of spirits. When this ration cannot be obtained, Other things are substituted. The Chinese and Japanese are be coming very proficient as marksmen with the rifle. Dr. A. J. Howe suggests In the Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association that triangular vials ought to bo manufactured and exclusively adapted for poisonous drugs used internally or externally which are liable to be swallowed through misapprehension. If tho pub lic could be taught that such a vial means poison, and then the profession and tho druggists would uniformly adopt the plan, it ruiht prevent many cases of accidental poisoning. The oldest specimen of pure glass bearing anything like a date is a lit tle moulded lion's head, bearing the name of an Egyptian king of the eleventh dynasty, in the Slade collec tion at the Britiffh Museum. That is to say, at a period which may bo mod erately placed as more than 2,0u0 vcars B. C, glass was not only made, Lut made with a skill which shows that the art was nothing new. A report from Hungary told of a criminal hung and subsequently re stored to life by the application of an elf ctro-galvanic current, in a special way; death occurring a second lime from congestion of the brain next morning. A similar experiment was made upon the body of a man hung at Bridgeport, Conn. The respiration w:s restored but tho heart's action could not be. The Italians know the value of out door air. They never breathe an at mosphere poisoned by stove or fur naces, but they grow up in the sun shine and the breeze. Both men and women ot ail elates possess a kiud of beauty derived from color alone. The complexion is of a rich, healthy yel low, or olive, with a glow upon it like that of a ripe nectarine; tho eyes are of sparkling black or brown, the teeth w hi 10 and regular, and the luxuriant raven hair shines like a piece of fresU-iy-broken anthracite coal. "I believe iu a Providence," said Victor Hugo, to a company gathered around him in his red salon iu the Hue de Clichy, ''because I am a Providence myself." Some one asked tor au ex pltuiulion of this curious riddie. Tho venerable poet replied : "We caught a mouse yesterday evening. Its death reuiciice was already proiiounced,when my little grauddaugiitcr, Jeanne, with eyes glistening with tears, begged for the lite of tho gray prisoner. Her mother hcsita.ed whether to listen to the dear little advocate or not, and in her doubt said, 'Grandfather shall de cide.' So they came to mo. For a n on.ent I held the power of life and death over the diminutive oreature,and I thought the Hcatenly Providence may find itself iu my situation when the fate of a being of higher order is to be determined. Naturally 1 set tho mouse free, for when a man undertakes the role of Providence on a small scale he should at least imitate its gener osity." Among the old houses in Wethers field, Conn., is what is known in his tory as the Webb house, the place where Washington held a conference with certain French otiicers.and where the plans were matured which result ed in the brilliant victory at York town and the close of the American war for independence. The conference which made this house historical was held iti May 1781, and was partici pated in by Washington, Gen. Knox and DuPortal, Count de Koclunnbeau, and Chevalier Chastellux. It was hcie the subject of attacking New York was debated and resolved, upon. The owners ot" the house take a par donable pr.de in their fine old mansion on account of its associations, and there is one room in it which is con sidered even more sacred than the room in which the conference was held ; and this is the chamber where Washington slept. While other pai Is of tlic house have, from time to time, -iven wav to iniprovchicnt, this one I ' . ". i . i.-l . 'PI.a r , . i - ..it.. i : , l..i ri ha ruoln Hits u.iiuiy oa'ii uisiun;u. fctuuo i-apcr i- o':i the walls that waa thcio otto hit. idled years ngo, when Watiintoii, ioir uue night, occupied the room. N Cry for ?itolier'a Ce.atart . Tkcjliltm U becanaa it la awei; Mothera liko Caatoria became it gives health to i' o child ( and Physicians, because it contaiiia no morphine or mineral. la nature' remedy for assimilating the food. It cares "Wind Colic, the raisins of Sour Cord and Diarrhoea, allays Fevorishness and Kills Worms. Thna the Child has health and the Mother ohiaina rest. Pleas ant, Cheap, and Reliable. The most effcetivo Pain-relieving agent fur MAN and SSAST the world has ever hnova. Over 1,000,000 TJottlcs tld lst year! Ths roasoim tor tLij unprecedented pera larity, aro cvi'lcr.t; ths Centaar I-riili-mcntt aro mcls to deno rvo eonfidesoo they sra : rbed ii.:a tlio rimitare; they altera;- ctts p.-I never (Ils&ppoLaVta 2Co jitrsari nesi Joxutor falter wi;a PAiTi" La tha BACK, TlkiMinatiria or Stiff Join, for th CENTABR T.in!it Trill BTirrJy extiTrmiaalo tho pain. TL ere la no fltrada, Sprains, Cat, EcaIA, 25a rn, 3Srn!se,3tinj;, Gail or I-aicoaee swllak ?aahla4 r iJaa'b V.rutc are sa'kjeet, tkat dee sat rt.'ad to taia Seotaing laJjo.. She Csataar LINIMENTS- not only relieve joia, br.t they incite uc.iltby action, subduo iiSrimmatiaji, ar.d tit'?, whether the fraiptoras protect from wcsmds cf the fsh$r Xearalgi cf tho TTerven from eonSriieteS Oords er a coaliled Land ; from a &rrainad ankle or a rrasied foot ; whether from dUguftics PIISPLS3 ta a LADY'3 TAC3 or a c trainad j rit en a Horres aLorr. The arjsny produced by a Burn r Scald: mortification from Frost-bites; StfcI! -1ii;t from Strains: thotorttrircs of lihou stalJiai Crippled for life, by rome nckricitc 1 neediest: a valnahls hsraa or a Dooter'a Bill may all be tavod froia Geo Eottlo cf Ocntaar Iiirdngnt. I?o ITousck coper, Farmer, riantor.Toamster, or L'rcrrni-n, can afTorcl to be without these wOEdcrfal I-iuicioiits. They can bo praourcd la any part cf tJio glo'be f r SO ct3. and S1.00 bottfe. Trial bottles 25 eta. Vifi Tff for Printers. nil yvarran:vl i t i:i': lenor graa:v ins n.oji Eir3 MANtrrACTi: ? liKo. (Formeriy of Londoi!, En;-U::i'. 181 & ISO WOXRftX ST., .H5t"Ar.' A lid 13 Barclay Street. VvrZ-:. ,Thc liochcslcr Astronoinical Observatory. The advancement of any Great science is always. a matter of puhlic inter est, and aceustomtd a3 the people of Americu arc to wonderful discoveries in the world of invention, they take ns less delight in those revelations which concern the material universe, includcis The erection of a new bui.Uinz therefore, which is designed to advance tha study of astron-r.v in all its departments, is a matter of both national interest and universal importance). Such tory at Rochester. X. Y.. is desisniedlto atory in the world, and containing a telescope third iu power to any ou this continent, it cannot fail to contribute largely to the cause of science iu the United States. Rut however much may be accomplished ;!in the future, American astron omers have already done grandly in the tions which they have made to the world The separation of Rieila's comet into two parts in 1843; the discovery of the eight satellites of Saturn iu 1848 by Prof. Rond. Prof. Hail f the Washing- J ton Observatory discovered the two was one of the greatest astronomical dition to the above the United States claims the discovery f more than one thousand double and triple stars (among them some of the most wendeiful in the entire list of those objects), over ets, while Prof's. Watson and Swift, three intra-mercut ial fnlanets. This justly be proud. , The new observatory atiRochwster cially designed for astronomical purposes, and its endowment is due to a for tunate circumstance. The original lut-a ing of moderate proportions, but tho who made the orisHal endowment, and and Liver Cure and other remedies, induced that gentleman to expend a much larger sum, and make the building what it is. as shown above. I he new tel escope will cost about S15.000, and is to be in charge of Prof. Lewis Swift, who has become so famous by reassn of his discoveries of comets and two lntra-mercurial planets. The tube of in length, while th--l iiif? is sixteen inches in diameter. It will be mounted in the revolving tui;et, ao as to most possible tlirectious. " Tt-. ...),.., The advancement whit. a sclfvca has very great, but niu;h raore lu.y reaso:.ubly be expected in the future; and, although the locality cf IlocheVter is not wsll designed for astronomical re searches, as there are so many -.terms in that region, still much Le looked for from thtviiew Warner Observatory in I am going to 3E A.ZEC1E BRICK, this spfhig and want to MAKE THEM CHEAP, that people can build nnicK houses ixstead of frame. 1 shall contract and Build BRICK Houses, the coming year and weuld like thoM Intending to Build to give me a call before looking elsewhere JERRY IIARTMAX. At my place on Washington Avenue er at T. 8. White's Store en Main Street, Pluttsmouth, Nebraska. 4Tm3 MIKE SGHNELLBACHEB, BLJlCKSJfTIJ IIOKSE MlfJEIXft, AND WAGON KEFAIKHf All kinds of FAKJI IMPLEMKN'fl mendeJ Neatly & Fromplf. :0: lorse, llulc& OxSliociR In short, we'll shoe anything that h four feat, from a Ze bni to a Oirafi. Couie and sea us. isnErw SHOP r Filth S between Main arid Vi-j S'.rpprs. n--t acresj 9fni:F. e cornet ft-rin the yaw " O. F. JOHNSON, DKaLER in aa ar a a Drugs AND Stationery, Magazines, Latest Fublications. Preseriptions Oarefajlly Cocipoacdci' by ad Bscperit?d E9rnsrsiit. REMEMBER TIIE TLaCE ih XT. DOORS SOUTH OF MAW FLaTTSMOCTH. xeb. the most remote heavenly uoUies. is just what the Warner Observa do. Reins the iiuest private observ past. Among ttie prominent revela may be mentioned the following: moons which accompany Mars, which events of the present century. In ad tifty asteroids and nrteen new com during the eclipsy of 1878, discovered is a record of which Americans can is to be a large and airy building spe was to construct a tower and build tinaucial success of Mr. II. II. Warner, is the proprieUr of the Safe Kidney the new instrument is twenty-two feet thoroughly sweep the horizon in ail made in t'ne last few veuis L;i3 Lesn the very near tutuie. All Paper Trimmed Free of felSSfe A.S0 DEALER IN 111 l&i.-'f-- --it V. 1." . - V v., James Pettee DEaLEIC IX Musical Instruments, Sole A pjwinUwj Ayaitfor ThJ l"rivallI Sti-iOH fc IS;.mi5r. CABINET ORGANS. At- State AirsT.t f;r the Henry F fitter and C Kmcp'on t.'.i. I i;ii'.rs. S Aill'J. i: I XSTIU7M I'XTS ;rt office. Sixth, one door ssttth of M:: St. 1 ' L AT J S MOUTH. SE1S. ?Ici"5ic SrJiolars Will lo well to examine our New Mr; son k Hamlin ORG-AHiisrsTiaircTOB NO CHANGING OATU ) rnoM ( OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY or PLATTSMGUTH to CHICAGO, Where direct connections nre.inade.yvith Through Sleeping Car Lines TO NEW YORK. l'.OSTOX. Fill LA DELPHI A, BALTI.MOUE. WA.VHIXCiTOX, AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. Via FEORIA for 1XD1A XA VO US. LO CIS VI U.S. CIXCIX- XA.TI, oiiti all jiiiiit'in the SOTJO?BC-BJS1?. TI3F. b::bt k for ST. LOUIS, Where Direct Connections ;iy, mad; in th l XH. Dl.J'tl yvilli lltin..;i SIeei;if.L' i'nt Limi's for oil po(iits.;Sl''i"!l. The Shortest. Speediet and i;:ot Coiufei t ib via HANNI3AL ta Ft. SCOTT, rF.XISO., DALLAS. HOUSTOX avsux,saxa .vroA'fo, (iAi.rz:..zox, an' a'l jwdnts in TEXAS, l'tl:ll"il!l IS-'Ci'l'l ri !'.i!;;! .t 'i'iiiiic t'4l.i. '.. 15. A O. Fala'v l).-.iA-inu--l;.!M Cms. With JHHen' ir.c-fis: ciiaii't. St V.ir t'htkl's lor Seals in t'ceii;.;:.; "h:iis. rast iiiHe. 5?iei itati iiae: any. S.-!.frter J.lU!t)ni:i ctuubiue-t witn ttieir V rfis Tnruutjm ir A i raniant nr. makes tin, abtvc a.i t .li-ii, tne lavurite nou; to tue .xtiv, sc: nii oit:t s; i'aS-i;-y; . TRY IT, aadivc.t will flud TKAVELING 4 l.ux- All infui uiatlan aheut.' lialas ef li.n. leta- ins 1 ar AeeuitinKMi-illans. :uiU litia HH will be cheei t iillyrtjiYwii by pt!yl.i!j to Jaiuev EI. Wuod, tleuera'.ll'a'senger g't. Cliiaa. C. IT. HMSTSZ. Trartle Maaager. ft K Tahi3 i l a r s. a v4ii iir.J Hi. LIAVaytfaJ Sis a Sta.B'isvrJ ITfiinilv . f-. J V v aftT, aadisfKs of tho Li vor, Stowawit r 5Debilifcate-I. ia H $3 JCatuarti and SEND FOI9 OlSCULABi ... ..... a. ""i-tt .7 yaacrzJ ill UK ailV )al awl Ki H SEr;TiOtw. .fjfy pun. DAY a:M2AftTEDuangoa9 .Jsi n M 4? -pi VfUL & Mill h good tf' 4sli3 J"';"' Tr- oie by &.- J J av iA a Fi V9 . C " .9f r hit'Aifi m. v . aaaaiar waaieat a'f imiwwoi Mptn- f3 riVrV oS' 1 (yt ' '3 a -.4 ,aUaM. U d.... -UI ba f-a4 t ISkV.5i ' J"WQ - 0 V'A'.vlSV 1 3 a Oatlllt - aaa.-rf .a. lata la raaaa ia knU. xi6 ay o' L. 0 ,A 5 cs3Cf3Mt (Sarc. c., -u.a c. rr..finS a'& ft " V ft tftV M S tai ktm.pr Mill! aMaaMM, cii aV Mtslal tlCatrt. A ViO P 0 a tif S WUi bj aai M. .t(r.4. WUl faaai, Pr- 1 . V I W V) - 5 MtaaJ Ultiaa.U M T(afra, wluck M fr AC laVafJ. fir W , A flf y 5 kBi ( bt Miira b ptitf awf lrt!Hl kii:&4 r(( 2 . 9 . ft 0 . lVv'V?V liur iwilTktiae ni"''1- rr .aklvi tr t mI&mi ISSol Pi DR. BUTTS' 2 6lrL1 t 4W 4 -f V. '."J 5 aSHC rkrairlaaa ia aharta ml Ww, .11 aed wl kuawai li!. T mP K' 3 ViJ i 0) V a(' X latiaa a raalaa fninaM m meaKinx t o nnm. Tran ;"' pj tj 1 j.B . a" tialiil la ta toOa.l f aararir Bbayaa liar, mtfi T r V 'i".ta' aSl? awauaaliliilif HaaakHauMr I.IIUI at arnaa; 7 fi f , -a " -fel 1 fia if aaaianciaar, t.it tkwr aa avr a ttaail naaalaaaa T F-rYBrTVy IV f ' C lwfa "air ltMM mt acaaaaJtaaaaa- aa. 5 & -f ' . V ((,.1 1, V, ft C fci-.aA aatlSiJsVi.a.-ii; .-a. aSTSw-V .fcWU. J 5 mJpV ' VP .fWit6 i !, lUi ar haw, KMtoa aW HMaa, i . . , -VB rf tfiJt ' i ? away. alaw r. aaaiaaa i.aj.ap- aj liai S .A X '?1r ll M -V.:l 3 V-'i-a rjn. of aMaajr aa)ar, ajha ak. K, t a -a. v aruj&a. S '"1 57 J ITf soratorS iSTiXS121 vl wM. litid L 4"e Publi. r " . ?4v?i" for mow tw 3 57? k s- i- - - - t..-.U.a ORTAVLi. TRACTIOM. m ThlrtT-To Yeara or rrc 'erc-'i ij VI ..clilae. V tc hfnw Ta.r!. r--t', . , -. --.an. tsc to ot;4 n4 lifi,tr f.r t i.niTrl im.m.aaaja ur CMneu gc4. sk wot Dncire u all. ftMe.'nal" r t.- " Uinn!r CICE&7.H. SSTII-fATvD ft CO.. n.'!! frffk. m mmm store. J. S. DUKE Has just opeacd an entire now stock of hir ware, en mar .a. 3i itaj omt . Jtsaarj-p Next door west of (.'hupnian t Smith's I)mt Store. A Full Line rf SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, SiAKES. SPADES ; ALL OA HI) EN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, by the Kg or Poniul ROPE, POXfPPR, SHOT, 6KINP STONE, WHB13L-B AH It f?S. A FiiU - ; f t traff ):. U Hidbhrs end C All an ', livo s ti-y i-'.:Mv cue t 41 V KENDALL'S SPAYIN -T..gatf) fiis 3nt 3incr'iKral Itor.T-e 5?ver diffcovered. .if it iecrtain iu ltt 3 .ySelTect and des nol-IIter. RUD 1'IIOOF BELOW. Frons iiCY. P. N. Granger, I'ref-iding F.idf r of the Ft. Alh;ia Iistriet. St. Aliiash, t.. J;in. 0tli, IfSO. I r. 15. .1. Kendall ft Co.. (lent : In reply te vour letter I will miy Hint my experience virt KctulriH's Sjiavln Cure has tieen very satisfae toi y iiiiiord. Three or four years niro I prneur d :t little of your agent, niid witti it cured a Iioisr of hunenef.s caused hy a spavin. Last season my horse ticcaiue vci j' lame, and I turn eI ltitn e.ut fr a fe w weeks" when he hecame better ; Imt when I put linn en the road he peri worse, when I discovered that a rinfi-hnne wi forminir. I procured a bottle of Kendall's Sortvin t'nre. :iud with less th; a bottle cured linn so that he is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. Kespertfully Yours. 1. N. Oraxrkk. Frice 1 i:er bottle. orsf bottles for .?.. AH riruKtst have it or can (jet it for you, or it win be sent to any address on reecii t of price hy the proprietors, II. .1. KENDALL ,t (':., Ennbiiririi rails, erniont. C. F. Goodman, Ag't Omaha, Neb. 6 ta BATT JUSl" OPENED A;.1X, Neio, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street Comer of h:Y. riattsmouth Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. 2Tl. ry-sa t rcr a, 3. m-i r i.-Ti I t "fifer! .eJ wnh a r V . 4 jy uk II to cf -v, fBrii Tat 1lC.tT" iof : I iff - a---V - -a ' ' S T " ' r - ' 3 UMit, sa ,a .a - . t. -v-' ! - .4 - ' A;- -. --"A-V-'k )r- y ..V , frt if MtweaT',5- 'J. ! j- Ir;'":'", : i . V 14 rr . . r f .w-re r.f n.. ti. .-5 ; ... .- X4 j tl V. . . . w .- - - , 1 ".I n 1 - I -. !-.-:-.- .t. I I -r! W. .. kf . i-J, I ""sf. a rr-riTcl TTTTT f,t,,rtn, faf : r ', '", fr? r.f-.". r'sfip rf ir iLVtr 1- - i t'l riv cvte ; it fit ttiaj Kr ice. i - .1, XT T--r-.fi :7 4-d n ct u-rr tnoi , . 1 rvt-! n Tien I hvr u l i-c-' f i a i.:r.-: J-t-t r-rru. 1 a-' f ! -k-Jj( '. 1. .rV. '-.! J.aaf arata re - - - ' . t . ; m't.i r ."t . ari tdtt H-tea- 4, aaaM IMUV Af.- the IOI WW efvxaaa ( A inat f-mtuhix4 laJn ( Ca X mwf mTanmr Otpry ahUfj 11 .iMirMRMff, aVtar lLaV 9 fV i, BtfVaatMV 3 faJM-aa, r DM MttP.frL Ms hms MteY a&i Utt.i , LaaaMl mwm i an. tMh.4iit 1 aVale aaai aal ajtaa at. A aaaatk fm far' m& aaosaaiaWra ae 'THE PRIVATE MEDIAL AOVISER" rtrty. uetr.aj aMa.l f. M-m i na,i ial, 4a.ia.jaa.w.'y. Ijwail anay. I mm, m'mjf. fj.r.,,. afr. aarfaiaaa. Pwa.at.awat . 1 MaaaiMai " aaaa, a,nac Baaanl.aU, pMfaf ai ai' 111. raa- I afaraaaaaaraliartnaiaMea: UlrinfWffiu,ltaK aia. CaaaMBiaa. larvaauMa, imMWpM-y.njaa I a(4, .; e X i niiar. kkMefeatiNi Trww. lhcw M!Mi AtTtM, Laema e Jtisii . xniiCM, ;os. a.ac aVaVj bdf f. aver K taaWaiB. Tav Cal W Mai VaVi van- m f.,--if tie KKaat I J a w hr-i -i .. ,5". F w? a. Vina, SS'arr.Sa.S cva.-u- m . w. S. aba ART.-- rrr ..- irow. t r?n. ra, ai sr.i.ia, iio, I A. G. H U C-5 H."'2 K lark, M. f brewritnie, fJfici-i!ncry end ?ortfe! .Or ;3r exirfXMKa! r-Wua Y fSSi' 1 hm-wm mm Imm mmttm mmmmmm eX? Tmm Tmmhw. Cnm-. mm4 ml mtbmr Ims. Tfev'JRrjl!lC BTtAMRClftie,nt. vmm Ci rrtirir flukiwra in ft-r rikN at Barlneua or tcu uec, a in?ai ajami RteV Ki'SlP'Kh:: USB SOLS AGHItT Tlx imtST iw ifJr? ytypisiAR For ! ly E. L Bevey A Sob. i-a 8, "lataan. e'm Heinlj, W. H. itaWoi Jk fa.. U i ne s, Liquors AE CIGABS. 5fin Itreet, opposite the ("eurlllouse. This place is just opened, iicvr, good ponds of all kinds. We want I keep a je-od hotife and lefie cur enftoir.er. REMEMBER TSIg. Sir. m HERE I h I3H f H As. g'Vja, !.Maai aaraMl. T tk. (Haa r-'Fi; I Vat r.aata.a T.m ; I 1I..I P.ai ; I a il,.r-a!a r.a a.r; I riaia ti.l.rr; I r.aail ; HI irn-tff- 11 tkacli til rip.,; 1 !.aa mml laal fa.aT ttmrn, Ca an. f-.tr far !. rm, (( ai.a.f a!liiit ta. taw?. OTjnsriDHiTr MACHINE SHOPS! dromrsr "wrrisr rUTTSMOl'Tll, N'EH., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Millr 5AS AXI) JSTIIAM VlTCTlnur.. freucht Iron Tipe, Force and Lift Pijies.Steam vjuuue-i, .-;ueiy- v ai vo i ioveruors, huu all Kinds of Kra.ss F.nijiiie Fittings, repaired on short nctite. FARM M A C H I N E H Iview Firm ! "J O:ES k AG NEW, nt the Brick Livery Stable i'1'Ai ltiMut. in, - - E.lASKA. me out i.onner htanies. in i .att-nioutli. are now leaded hy Jones ,t Aincw. s-id they have or. nana .New ana iiiUiasor.-.o Reroinr'.oi'.'fiins in inv mi.ij;; oi HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUaZT?. SADDLE HORSES. Te arc rvetxr.red ta Keep li.j'lsr'S FOR SALE STHADEI AlidTiil Train and Ei;ivk Gslts STest with ideutr of lon:n th:,t errrv nrtu , nave) iMurat:tlile. t. c ca-j r.r t Fan eri fid-,: uausai. l:t.is ui hT. te.. araiar j mver. wfcer' will krpjj oit. faanKiai r.li : !n- !;.:;;. is fr !is:r lihr1i- tj.xre s.:eit tiieir trade tartii- fuiurc. a!Uifia4l l.t r. e.i'i i:r.-:nttii'it:ire t; raa licttrr ac4 n f.ifr (iy liiem tli.iii over tietin. Xflv JONES A ACKEW. f:Ai.EU .4 feix W ii, gjr SAFE-. CUAIR.. eir:., kt., etc. V JZZ Dt-n.-ripliiHiK. liSTALLlC BtJHIAL CASES wooDErr coxxznt Cf di ais?s, ready mado ua J koli ehaap ftr tck Ifl" FINE HEARSE ak 'i isr2rT J ' Sjaaj- 'v'?'' is .nov. i;i:adv roi: st.u i Vitly many thitnks for jiast pauvsi:t. trite all to r;;!l ami oxaiitine n.y I.Ai:CE SiUCiv OF Vi .15. L .--(.-iJ.-. -w-r. (V-aiaw a TJamtar anar a ia MfCa i yam i la-aulr aaaapjai aal laaavwaxy gta-riiaa M .a-awiy aatJl uaut aaa.aM tMiaaa auC r anal ajaal a. an am at rvvf aaar aaau-kakV f -ai awa. w auevaaxwaaAal aaaaatf . ia aiii 1 a'aai'fWari.ay. W Uu) Bauat innaniia,- uf 'am aiaija. aea. aaa aavaaa uaMlaifacaLaiT aaaaiaiasai tm aaaHfiaat. aUi luaavft an rao aa 3 aa T I a ii nl in laaaciaiaa; f AX mcA aaualay, 1 frt- r t Aurnii ft bod m wj( eaal aawrir aa mraavaf ai ra lif, ti 1 i rm diiw. in cabara ajaaai kka aalTni. A waara aa a a ra fmmt m aav-aw.f auaaf J wafc jwi ajtaw aau mimr auwltoa (avs, awat aoaa awaf la, 11 1 it.; I., b-aji ovr- ard ns'r aLa 4 Oar 0fiaf UVIJIMi ATTAt u.tier m Bar ana varjr 4wa.iwuaa. IVMa fii a- n,! JTraaV M4 t.aCaf tiaaM aa tveUaaaMr aj4 ItsaSf '50. . ar araa fwr, M ar.'t. i., ?trr-a rf-al Ptats l'wr. t arqiyaT'1 TiaaiaatsrT Bwir, wl tea tjwsM Zrnri- rv-arfyr. Ji luanollaal am fnr aHiaa. a.-a ia vratiti ai P-r m, aw 'yna a. V. . - 8 i '. . , ' ( III - hi li ii ii nil in i in fi J ! J"! lrvoHMjln.1 h;rf? Otrtfit. w y .? v v,n;ra E.-ve st. uua ?r WHO UltAOpVAl! r?- ! ' i t r : a l f S.'tf 1 'a- mm ', . CHICAGO. RSf 13 cat;? 7n J " iasianiB l.fia raa iV-i-t ri- ' Blasra. ra.ji :.t!iis .''.s. riw .- -Oa-o. a.ira. ta'at. .: I.'.bart. Iowa C :i7- Jfe ; ' ' Das oina (a a.--.! of iam . S. - '. - 4 ' 1C. aJ Arrmm ; will a.fi"-' '' : JmckiMU r-r'.l; rLij-.a Ji rr -fcat rn!at-a. F-ai, fr-. talreilla. "rla'iar. r-n). :- ' rrm. Iiifaiatrti, w;.a w.i --- : nahlrna ta aaaraar. -i:i " c . Til!; taali aa rraaiT0a. 7!-- . . oparl. Indaaaaaat. . s:..r--v Villa. Oifcaioraa. Pah. Sl'tr.-; p-i : Vwia iiaarwa: r i -" T'laiaiaot: A!nta l.ar-ia t-" Arata to Itarlaa. te'i f !- '' SaUraad. ! . r f ' La a fram CNiaaolii!r Taaaaca rra' lirll rii,ar t-tl.' " ' ' .Mjlwaaa ('hia9 an t rrt-r's, ComeiL uvrtwi. lii'C'',"(": ' " K. Tnrraaa aara ar ' r" o--' i La. and Kaaaaa ( i. ni IT -JC:ir--Kaak lalaaal fr I.t.-.. " )tbbo1. Is rti. ! "i.Ti'lr pc-.' ' aid la la'4 will r.:". What will plaji4 Tan r-."ir!l a (a r!a- f entaylax yoar as . wi!a aaan-s -Tr tft bcau.tfal arainaa r Illiaoia !. Is f ear Bia4isa rr Tkroacii Bxarata nan), a oa4 i iaaaat Plaint Can th r'nr-.r: 'Iraiaa. tm fy ai::r aarraal ka as S: :a"i r.-lai. ApareaSaiian ta irt s-f,. af fV., aala arafar aaaarata aaaaaai lr'fH areata iai taa laaaaaaaaa aa.aawrr kna:r.iy ( tkia llaa warraanaa iti, Vfa anra t i'tet v. n- laabiitn!il('9r.aiif raaa .f;.'Tf C,;'" MLaMiwu, tr fer aai nrmm. ii-5 Vwm pn. aM r T-i itkau -rir. a llaa, eiT! m riic niek.t Airaaa la aJa T!r, r-.ij.T- a?M. lDfrmavtna na( arti.ata at A. KIMBALL. M l BaeruitMiik 'J'nhilcr if- Graincr. ALL KINDS OF fainting, raining. Iitsrnj, Tiiihtmininti. 5 rVj1 rv -- AIpo, Decorations of all kind. Painted in Good Style. FHESCOIXG A SPECIALTY. ItEFEKE XCE5 : A. n. Tayi.ok. .1. Vam fiit. Sr.. 1IOL.MK.H, li. riF.nr..'.T,n. 4!if NEW Livery, Feed k Sab STABLE, Or an Old Stable in new hands entirely. The Is'ew Finn ef H0L?IES k DIXON, nprn tlie old ST HEIGHT BARN i'-e Corner ef mh ar.d rsrl 1iee!s rfH a Livery Outfit. crc-r. i!...i:s;:s AM) t'AHKIAKF.S at ell time?1 foks;:x i r.r. salk. jionsrs hockht asp sold. nor.v;;.s Ki:rr ur the day on wr:. Cull and ere H3J,MES h. DIXO. MONARCH BILLIARD MALL! In the haserr.ent "i Mei-s' Btart, n.ATip.-'.ot rn, - - - scstAstA, Owe t'wr t f Ika T. O. -tcoms aewly FittU u TTitk Oa hiiJ a; tica raajelar. tki "'Ms C!u! tpiiiioiis Ii.:il ; pJaatp ud www . lor piayera ltd aw.tii ;ar via.tai. 3i. Olivki:. 1'. UlaJty, iauti'ex. Uaf J-t. utalii' t g . i, .Aa ia f aia Jt;".:a6,i4- .. i t a . . js mmr ikaa S". I -:k nil aJt Hta aal i -t-fc raaany fM.m iini ! part ai tbal n't. a) P'.a:.a. 1 . . ar! a Kt t ir aa a -a Vaa). I j---. far. - ','l "a'" arr.ir.-:. ,f l-tt.-a rta-a m., v, a?tr KHl.a ar aa tar ..t t... ft tt VarlT aa-J -fc. jaT. fc. . ai-a i.i a. CaV, rTvft aai eabrr t-a a. J" af tat (tat.J. I 4Caa.. aTaaaa .y.arTI a0lCfM LM aaa W4 L ..-... X-f ... TflU-r, p ftfj 1j aSt , i- . 4. aaVft kLM .J1 V .saT tiaTM 4 .l-.A, r u; l 4V.. ft Mhtataafa kaaV pr..1. ,r -.'lU.-Jf. 'ir'.alia-rr lafite aft i ;i.Ctl iliiPtl f 4sS Tfi&aKl Lv-aCri .fa fJ.a-a-aa lavM tM4 .VA .ahl.Mt 9 aM aVaW. jajVa Mpatf . Lasr1 J: i HfiVU X aW ftaa4 lttttap r waa t i W 4v-- A m i 7 4k. fMaaaaaaV -a-a -a. araiairav rat. r jm , m4 WatiM t-i tr jl tpM I t til afaT.M: sV IMaaM. MmC L. aaa). ebi, (y . .-- aW at i Mkj2 k ffttM. !. . c-af . ta MaaVaafy tV 4 taaaaal fati !, taMIItaaVi aa ., MaaW MHir:.A Ivj-i.ickar r cvy 1 p., ,w MM J Mu- Cabia tJiiui tu aw bsbju! r. m aValH 14 ik. Wt V-a.t aa iW TaBBBlaaBV aat f4VaB U ; t-aV.i r aat y vraw'Uarff. i-aTaW alav gutika-aw., llaalam UftiaCaK Ire ivit. 1 ft'afMSf ; aliflt aaX laVML A '- ' - - - sfU.aUK Ire All. X -Vafc;; Vsm 1 Hl'iMJ ; "STJ''J,aa. a. in. I "f kraal Mi ayaat f it V'aarTaaj. a-.wi -aw . aa arilM a. ui aair w a. A GSM TO WAMTSDi II.'! a4 rjaa aal a a a a .a " V J-S5 MjraVai.iAaatt S SaW W,w. hidak (r Baa J. A kwia. A araa ... M.,ir.aa a...aa fll ..H ) W aaT aaa. a. I. ... ,. a sk.ua m.4 Tarr ataaw aaCaajax faa aal aala.aal'af W. I.a. tmM l.z IWt a awat aV a. tK... a.aau. aa aa. .r .wai ' M t a. aaa, literal ta XaaaM. TSt'1' I V maartM, W risaa asraat. sT Mk X- .V 1 fii- "i ! faaa-.:?s f!f, hi 1 .- i v,:..i - J -, . .-.1 . i !'. aai, i aWaka.. W ,,qt ..am 4 If-.j. 1 i-f a tm,,-m ;J '.a I -i.a, a. ... a ..a. I mr.f. L.T &w a. a Jmf J, v J V k-' V. jL-', In.i' a.'jaiawmuWW J- -ai..a. turin'wf a'Un.MMaai iU w. f : V . ',: -J A "a i- " Taaa aa-r aa aa aataaaraaalaaT mmilpmm at, J . . 4 -a X avaaj. II HIV 1 Hlfi la. Waa kai. naa aw a. aaa- aasaES v. I aP , Uftal.l.fu'... .-.. u a f ia ai aM... Mt raw ,- 4 M t J ;- -A f. 1 .! f.-r.-Hj aa. ...a- a. f Y C V': C'.'fTTJTf . WILL a --ar-aj Ar ASIFIC R. R. ,7 - T T.T. r.liT A TfIB TTISTl fl!c f.ifim!y. Oixiii .-.'- 1 1. c nra la a BM'Ttll t i if a ecjaf yar "Utmi' T-T." ai k Mlaalaa1.a -' ' til a'"i araa4 kr ana n - Jr at ( a.aall Blnf a, : rt-.. aa4 Alckicea, aoa : y in t ?:c" t)u. . n. m iVNit Tints or ; .Italian ld.Na are as n US clt ".lrcrtfDf, Itaca for Mi . " :: i 'l.c L. B. M.B, anl , -i H;.: -.mts. Tilth r., O. A Ft ' T;t. T! Tt. 1 .' ; r B.JB.jLB,J . .'. rr. nca. !i " ?S;l"tiaUe Kaeri - -.i Vc-'i 1 a 11 : Fan. Ka. ; flu th Ubvcuaart Jtt'fcilaa T. r 1-h t.r. fl . r. R. Ik ?). HIV i avtal len R K. r m. i. r. u .. R. .l-fT nta l aiaa FaaltaaVIa. !S P. Tll "t H k B n. ) , J: T.-riON.wi' ... Lt . IK rvuh taairaJ lawa B. K. ; IS, 1 .' . i ill r. Ft. A O ft. Fta ' Tl :. "i 1 ai. ra War.; i r . r.1 t.. .. .a. K -W. K. Ra. wi; :t rs . t. j n. "t. A . ' '.iy. wti .en.. teraka tic try rXS '.t'ti. ' -.'iti r.r. rj. itjiA 1 'ri-:r.',r.is, nh Sta. raa, aa4 Xar r. ; ,n sv-m- r-.TT, M;h :l fr.ea far the Wd r, '. 0' -..r,r.-f rl. "'.s-t--: it !rt'ra-.( Ji:H," annt4k .-. ; Otuai'.'.. ran ho mi li Ui.t ciTlcr, nafffoaai. 13. RT. .TOT5 7ST. 8(n l T. at, raca ar 4 X CM kiaaar I HEW FIRM. INTEW GOO DS ! I alXO. 150NS & SON, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At . ;utlin:;in's old store. A full Lixn or Staple and Fancy Groceries, new and rnr.Mi. BREAD STUFFS, of every description. Choke Fancy ("liidies and ft 11 kinds tf Canned Goods. CIGARS AXD TOBACCOS, ef lhf hrst hrasiTs. CHRISTMAS TOT fi, AC., d-C, in endless qr;tn titles. Frc.l! IJrrafl D.illj. Dn't fail to C1I. lty J. BOX h fi!f , Trap s. JOHN snAM'S Ll?rr,T SALE A1D FZ Caif;5S aiwaja 01 Hand AMI ! T want all f hit atefniii:fs .rtli l ta daUl, i aa a I ha!l da na mora re'jit lniue-a. All v i aaaunt imm ha ani i ay, a:nl a n aifl at!l aa mad'. I nks in'-li ai-raaats aa M'tti I Aartlf taT will he ane!. i I wiai ta a a iTirlir r;va i ulniai la ful ura I j'JflN MAi:ON. l Utlaanaula. ; ?a-5i!.tH, is Sa4 VlSaXii .MvVaUn. nl. kH.Uilj,aaw4,4 ra. af vakUk I laaa?a P".la &auaauaaarall aj-rajaaaHa a, a, i. . ta a. aa. au. Ma. V a J Kurt;UUa Kriaah, f.ia) 'Jl.k. ierlai rail atlandJ ta. .ml K.-'aa if.! frara a.e taw f aikialiej haa wai.it 1. t!y a- r. a a ftj. - y 24 yia. C5t7. ?UUV. ( j'at aalaal. fa' ..' j i , ii f ii a V- .i , -.-: .. iy.. a v Ba j. ili. fHimmm( h 2 :ii ' . . j.a I aa alaaaiaH-lHBiL. la lu..w.- 'a rf t a ajtmitiir! ai lr ba..' n ra. It U va. ta " :: 1 : - ' a j. - -a I.J. aa.y '- t ,'" , k j'aitli.-'.iiU i.!: ..i;wJ,li.ft V" '5 W a.iih( li. j r...-.a- LK"ii.i'ar...a . Ucra lf-" '.;, if-ia... aa r! : v;.a l..a. r-t-K. w af-aj- Ta Va. . i- i 1.. iu . UJ ta twaar U-a aan a.'ji '..i I,,, I ' fa.r:.- .a . r. i. ; saaaa l-ya akaa u.a a-av, ... r. . ." T i ar f.n.aii ttrraxita. Oa raj r.f f.!, t .. -"" a fwantjr iio u. .. . , inaf .fc.ir. Oaaa iwn if l'..e f . aaa at aya-a f fie.- u'. . . . aaiwr ra or i' (..'' . r wwaav- c a vo . m,wr j. . a aar.a vi ranlk. na '. : i . av-aa. ii- a. . .- - - ilaHa fur e.'.,'' ...... iir-,-ii i ;v t:. ;. rxtv'KY !-v. ;vr rn U1K WKt ifcAfl!, 1". S. 'AHI1K. i.iid , K. KAIVRR & CO, antt ticali-i-iu central. I