Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 30, 1880, Image 3

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The Herald.
,-: liiii'1. Uvular advent-
, . r line. No ail voriisciiiuiit iusiM t-
i.-mv i : in -j hi-.
t . ;: 'lUtC IV. tM.
-. . ., i . h vrf the law will be field
,:. -i .i! :.-ii:tl notices they hand in,
.1.. i .,-i:ri:niit;;: :'. proof of publica
.. . v. iii bo tU'M ior tbe publica-
;t Ml leu ol silcii iloW'JC.
A s --.ace is Hurt. 1. all communication
nisi I c i.i'icf a-i t to the plnt, Willi no Wa-itO
Ml V1.1
The tf-r . .--!Miis!.le for tli correctness
.. ...' j. s-i t'.I paid Matter ami piiiJ i-
, . v j:.-is..!i who takes the'or resnlarly
- '. pus--),., cc, whether dne'.-;cd to his
; . ..i -.:'.!. -r tic Is a subscriber or not is
(- ;i i. U for i :ie ;i;iy.
t. '.. ....i... ..tew..- il icenn f lu
ll . ui'i viii iiniri.- ui.i . . ...
i,- mist pay arre.iraircs. or the publish
v continue to send it tin I il payment is
"rfH.l collect tlic whole amount, whether
u.'ier Is Liken frem the oftice or not.
1 lie court", have decided that refusing to
si. .vs;,:ii.:-rs mi l periodicals from the post
CI ill:
the p
Of!i e,
Tor. Is
r it a it
or removing ainl baviiiLt them uncalled
;iriina facie, evidence of intentional
The mud is fast disappearing.
Look out for good wciitUer now.
Will. S. Wis; sdlx Ileal Estate, tf
Die!; Slrc-ight was in town
i: .-.tin. lay was a good d.iy for gum
liusinvhs is just looming nowa
days. -rash paid for butter and eggs by
li.tinett Lewis. -?tf
Sam Long was in town the Erst of
tlie week.
livery bi-dy is suited in hats and
gloves at, Wascott's. 1
(Jo to Duke's for the ".Splendid'
-Manufacturning and Iieiairing :-.t
Merto-s Shoe Stare. ".'.'tf
(ins. llerold is moving into tlie
new store np town.
Uurlock's Diamond Shirts sold
only by Weseott. Mure Jit. 1
The Democrats are going to rally
Oct. 2d big time they say.
--l'lattsmouth almost turned out
en nt'isse to the State Fair.
Chambers is receiving a larg ; sto;k
for tlie fall and winter trade.
You will always find lVpperherg's
most popular Cigars at II. lions, tf
Mr. Herrmann has gone east after
an immense fall and winter stock.
Soldiers who have hoinersteaded less
than H50 acres write to W S. Wis;:, tf
-Co to Duke's for the new "Com
fort" hard coal burner.
-bargains! li-'rgains!! 15 irgains!!!
at the new, ene pt iceil, Clothing Store.l
A new assortment of zephyrs com
ing at Misses Ilorrniar.ii & Willi's. '7i:2
Fred Horde r id Democratic Cen
tral Committee in the 1st Ward, Hat ts
Fresh fruits and vegetables re
ceived every dav bv Ikunett !c Lewis.
For latest novelties in neckwear
and furnishing goods, go to Wescott's.l
I. O. C. T. Lodge to-night, all
members in good standing should at
tend. We want 1000 dozen eggs, for
which we will pay cash or goods. Ih'ii
nett & Lewis. " 2"itf
The Street Commissioner is grad
ing tlie lot around Fred Stadc'mann s
new house.
Mucilages from 10 to CO cts per
bottle, smallest to the largest at Smith,
Black & Cos.
IWnuett ..v. Lewis will move into
the store room now occupied by Cus.
Ileroid, as soon as he moves out.
-A car load of winter wheat Hour,
just received at F. S. White's which is
for sale cheap. t2
Sep Dean & Son's ads in this paper.
Thuir Lumber yards are at Ashland
and Suth F.eud.
The newest fall styles in clothing,
perfect tit and lowest prices guaran
teed at Wescott's. 1
The Clerks around town are work
ing night and day. nowadays opening
and marking goods.
Uuy your groceries of an exclusive
Grocery House. Bennett it Lewis car
ry a complete stock. l."itf
Thos. Mitchell started for Cincin
ati last Monday, with his daughter
Mrs. Carter for a visit.
New Goods ! New Goods ! ! A
full assortment at Bod Bock prices at
the Great Bed Store. ",tf
George Dovey returned from the
East Monday with goods by the car
load, give them a call.
The most comfortable boot in
town is that with Lyon's Patent Met
allic Heel Stiffeners. 24tl
Mr. Cox, our new Hardware man
has put in a large stock in the west
store of the llerold block.
Xot the Largest Stock, but the
freshest and purest candies in town,
at John Leach's stand. 2"5tf
Dave Miller must have a large
family, he bought in the neighborhood
of forty tickets to the State Fair.
Full lines of linen suits are being
sold very cheap at Fred. Herrmann's
Call before they are gone. IStf
Born to the house of Ford, Mnn
dav, h daughter, weight t?j2' pounds;
George is :Vs happy as a sunflower.
If you want nice, light bread or
biscuits, white as snow, buv the 'Snow
Flake' Hour at Bennett & Lewis'. 20tf
-Monday night Mr. Dimstan's nine
year old daughter fell from a wagon
and dislocated her arm at the elbow.
Leaders of low prices. Every
thing warranted as rtpiesented and
fair and honest treatment at the Great
Bed Store.
The Sheridan Post, edited by Hush
Fellows, formerly an this paper, came
to hand last Saturday, and docs '"Buah"
great credit.
E. J. Mat his J. P. of Greenwood
called last week.
Miss Lillie Simpson leturned from
her visit to Chicago last Tuesday.
Mr. Thos. Barnum and Mr. Geo. H.
Miller of Factory ville were in l'latts
mouth last week.
Our friend Lcughridge and family
have moved to Factoryvillo, where
Mr. brother-in-law, we believo is
milling. We wish them success.
Mr. and Mrs. Klepser of Nebraska
City came up on Sunday last. The
sad occasion of their visit being the
death of their little grand child Lottie
A. Beeson, Esq., of Greenwood, Cass
county, is in the city. Mr. B, proposes
to open a law office at Greenwood in a
few weeks and we bespeak for him a
good practice. The editor of this pa
per has known him for a number of
years as one of the prominent lawyers
of western Iowa. Globe.
J. B. Strode, one of our best speakers
and one of the best workers in the
party left for Illinois last week, where
ho will remain until the last of the
month. While there he will spc aK on
political matters a few times we un
derstand. The necessity of further medical
treatment for his wifa takes Mr.
Strode away now. The IIi:n.i.l has a
good word for Mr. .Strode wherever
he may go.
Even if we. are not smart, we
know what to do when trubled with
a Cough or Cald. No doctor bills for
us. We take twenty-five cents, ge to
the nearest Drug Store and buy a bot
tle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. One
dose relieves us and one bottle cures
us entirely. It is pleasant to the
taste. " . 1
See notice of team for sale.
Carnith's Windmill is immense.
Everybody smokes "Phil's Darling"
5 ceat cigars and they will smoke no
Sanfords' ink in all the different
Size, Oualities and Prices at Smith,
Black & Cos. 3313
W. R. Thoma3 of Lincoln stopped
at Plattsrnooth over Sunday on hi3
way back from the State Fair.
Gloves, gloves, gloves, all kinds of
gloves, the best line for the least mon
ey at Wescott's. 1
Henry Boeck broke one of the
large panes of glass in his hearse, the
first of the week.
Phil. Young has a full line of new
pipes, cigar and cigarette Holders,
which he will sell cheap. 1
Mr. Gus. llerold is moving into
his new store building and the gosds
will make a big show.
A new Invoice of Musical Instru
ments, and the "Marvelous Orguinette"
at the P. (). News Depot. 1
The new street from Mr. Weck
bach's east is rapidly being put in or
der. It is needed.
Mens' Clothing, Youth's Clothing
Boys Clothing, Childien's Kilt Suits,
at the new one price Stois. 1
--C. II. At wood takes the Heuald
through the thoughtfulr.ess of Charley
Parmele. Thanks, Charley.
All goods marked in plain figures
at the New one j)iu-al Clothing
Hoi sk, next door to Sage Bros. 1
Claude Champion, a former Piatt:5,
mouth boy, writes that he must have
the during the campaign.
If you want any Schoal Cravens
Phil Young just received 100 Gross of
the Walth;m crayon, the best nuuk. 1
Come down and see the latest
styles and lowest prices. No trouble
to show goads at the Great Bed Store. tf
About foar hundred passengers
from Cass county went up to the State
Fair Friday: and five hundred from
Tha ladies are especially invited
to call and examine our new stack.
No trouble to shew goods. The Gisat
Bed Stare. 2tf
Several l'lattsmouth parties got
their pockets picked at tha State Fair,
we understand, but none of them like
to acknowledge it.
A nun Snjiplyjust in, of the gnut
est liarijnins trer ntfvred on otir 5 and
10 cent winters, o'nat Rtd Store. 2Slf
For good cheap reading for fall and
winter season, subscribe to A. L. Mar
shall's Circulating Library. Call and
see it when you go to town. 2St3
We are sorry to learn that young
Mr. Went worth has been very sick,
and hope lie will soon recover fully
and be at work again.
Dean & Son are receiving immense
stocks of lumber both at Ashland and
South Bend, which they are selling at
prices which defy competition. 23t2
Phil Young will always help a
friend out of difficulty and that's what
he did for us the other day, for which
we were duly grateful.
Remember the only host place to
buy Pons, Blank Books, paper and En
velopes. Box Paper and Sanford's Inks
in 20 different colors is Smith, Black x:
Co's. 2St2
Eugene May field is working in the
Couraut office and Mr. and Mr3. May
field want a Louse to live in, so they
do. This is one thing Plattsmeuth is
short of.
Farmers take your produce to
John lions' S; Son as you can get more
in r,7.s for them than you wiil get in
prod (ire at other stores, and don't you
forget it. 2s-
The goods stiil roll in at Solomon
6 Nathair's, and their store is now
packed to over flowing, every body
stop and see them and get prices be
fore purchasing elsewhere. 1
The festival given at the M. E
Church, Tuesday evening, for the ben
efit of the Pastor seemed to be a suc
cess financially, and everybody enjoy
ed themselves hugely.
Sanford's Ink is the best in the
market and is sold only by .Smith,
Black & Co. who have it all tl.e dif
ferent colors, also a:, ink made espec
ially for banding use. 27t2
Republican Speaking.
The Stata Central Committee have
G. W. Collins and T. J. Majors billed
for Plattsmouth, Oct. 11, 18S0. Re
member the day.
Hugh Orr, a former well known
resident of this county died at Chey
enne last Saurday. of consumption.
Mr. Orrjiad been failing somo time.
lie left many friends here to mourn
hii decease.
Geo. S. Smith, Surveyor General of
Nebraska, leaves lor Utah on official
business, being called there by tele
graph from Commissioner Williams.
A general meeting of the Surveyor
Generals of the Western Territories,
meet there October oth, for consulta
tion, Sic.
Gen. Smith will return about the
10th of October, and will make sever
al speeches iu the State and County,
for the Republican party during the
rest of the Campaign.
A.L. Marshall's circulating Li
brary of W. W. will be iu running or
der en Monday Sept. 27th. See cata-
! l.xrn.-.c fur fprm? nml riilp? 2712
John N. Swartz, the painter, is
still hanging paper in the best style,
i uid latest patterns. Also painting and
graining to order in the most work
manlike manner.
All kind of school supplies (except
school books,) can be had of A. L.
Marshal, boskseller, newsdealer and
stationer, W. W. Neb. 27t2
Fred. LehnhofTs new, two story
brick, between Hatt's butcher shop and
Cheap Charley's store, has been com
menced and will soon fill up that va
cant space on Main Street.
Good lumber and lots of it at Bean
& Son s, call on them and they will
prove to you that you can save money
uy purchasing of them.
Furniture, groceries, boots and
shoes, hats, caps, dry goods, trunks,
notions and clothing in endless variety
and at prirts which defy competition.
Ceme and price our goods before buy
ing. The Great Red Store. 2Stf
-A. L. Marshall of W. W. intends
making a specialty of the news and
stationary trade, has a choice assort
ment now on hand and still adding
Misses Herrmann & Wurl have
just received a large assortment of
Demorests Patterns. New pattern
sheets, &c. Call and inspect them.27 2
FLil. Y'oung's, young man give us
a chew of Tobacco, with a Garfield
twang last week, that beats all the to
bacco we ever saw. Ask for the
"Whitellouse" Chewing "Tobak" and
go away satisfied.
A. L. Marshall of W. W. has just
received a choice selection of good
standard literature, 184 volumes bound
in cloth just to start his Circulating
Library with. New books will be ad
ed from time to time. 27t2
We have just opened one of the
fit;. - stocks of ready made clothing
ever brought to the State!!! At pri
ces that will astonish everybody and
defy all competitors.
New O Price C House,
A. L. Marshall of W. W. still car
ries on the drug business with his Cir
culating Library, also news, magazine,
periodicals, stationery, confectionery,
cigars and tobaccos, of all a choice and
well selected assortment. 28t3
The Excursionists to the State
Fair from Plattsmouth and the West,
Friday, took a vote on the Presiden
tial Candidates, the men voted as fol
lows: Garfield, 108; Hancock, 02;
Weaver, 11. That is a fair showing
of what Nebraska will do in Novem
ber. Tlie best "Blood and Liver Rem
edy," is Brown's Compound Extract of
Sarsaparilla and Dandelion, with Io
dide of Potassium. For sale by A. L.
Marshall, Druggist and Stationer,
Weeping Water, Neb. 23t3
Somo man offers to act as City
Marshal of Nebraska City for $23 per
month, provided the City pays the
casts of arrests and prosecutions and
furnishes him two good balls and
chains to match, so he can set prison
ers to work. They have also passed a
Sunday Ordinance there, that's light
ning on the profane wanderer and
Last Sunday being the day ap
pointed by the Bishop of this Episco-
al diocese for the celebration of the
Harvest Home Festival, St. Lukes
church was decorated and appropriate
services were held. Owing to the
rain on Saturday the decorations were
not as elaborate as they would have
been, but looked quite well, notwith
standing. ooo
Overcoats I !
at a Sacrifice Must be sold Call and
get prices, at S. & C. Mayep.s', N. (). P.
C. H. 1
Attention, Teachers !
The first regular meeting of the
Cass County Teachers' Association
will be held at Plattsmouth on Satur
day, Oct. Oth, at 10 o'clock a. m. and 3
o'clock p. m. All teachers that can
attend are invited to be present and
help to make the meeting a success.
Essays on topics pertaining to the pra
fession will be welcome.
2813 O. F. Mor.TuN, Pres.
Attention !
We can't run a paper without mon
ey and many of our subscribers owe us
for a long time now. Can't more of
you try and pay up, some of you back
fellows. Last Saturday night our boys
went home on half-pay, and it has
been the hardest summer on subscrip
tions we ever saw. One man, nor two.
nor a dozen can't support a paper, but
you all can and we must have some
monev siion.
X. O. P. C. II.
That means S. & C. Mayer's "New-one-price-Clothing
House." next door
to Sage Bros. Remember the name
and place.
A pples! Apples!!
If you want nice hand picked -'.tin-ter
apph s, leave your orders with P. B
Murphy; deluded in car for G-3 cts.
a bushel. 2St3 T. Duke
has just returned from buying new
goods f all kinds in his lino and
wants all his customers to give him a
call before looking elsewhere.
One of the bfest hard coal burners in
the marKet, cheap. Zinc boards, pipe
in great quantities. Scuttles; and a very
large assortment of all kinds of hard
ware. Newest and latest styles in
every thing.
Oh Yes!
The Weeping Water Orchestra will
giTa a concert Wednesday Oct. Cth,
proceeds to help pay for new instru
ments. Turn out everybody and help tha
boys, and you will be benefited by
hearing seme good music, both vocal
and instrumental.
Sudden Death.
A daughter of Mr. Anlan Schmkler
died very suddenly on Monday morn
ing last. She had just risen from tho
breakfast table when she fell upon her
face, and soon breathed her last. She
was buried Tuesday from the Catho
lic church.
Terribly Sudden Death.
Tue-sday about 3:;;0 p. m. one of our
brst known citizens dropped suddenly
dead in the blacksmith shop of Mr.
Campbell, near Hewland's wngon shop.
It was Geo. Leving's, son-in-law of
H. A. Waterman, Esq. He came there
to get a hoise shod, was as weil and
as cheerful as usual, and but a second
before he was dead remarked that he
wanted to make two more loads that
He had been in's shop to
pay for a wheel he had filled a few
days ago, and had passed from there
to Campbell's. As the blacksmith
was preparing to set tlie shtie, Lev
ings leaned forvard to see how he
was doing it or to give seme directions
about the shoeiag and dropped from
the bench dead; ho scarcely gasped nor
did his heart beat after he touched the
floor, so sudden was the call.
Physicians and Mr. Waterman's
folks were sent for at once. Medical
skill was of no use. An appopletic
fit carried him off iu th prime of life
without a moments warning. The fu
neral took place yesterday at 10 a. m.,
from his residence, and was attended
by a goodly concourse of friends. The
sincere sympathy ef the IIekald is
extended to the bereaved widow and
n.KTl'IIEU UUIJY At tin" ri'sIJenee of the
briile' father, near ICi-lit Mile ;roc. "as
Co., Nebraska, bv tlie Kev. .Mr. Worlev. Mon
day, Sept. 'JTth. ltf'ji'. Mr. Waiihkn 11. 1'i.Kivii
Kit of Colorado t j Miss Makv, L. lam' of
this county.
And a happier couple ticvcr trot spliced or
the JIei:ali is no jiuise of sins. Miss Pai
by. daughter of James Kuby. is well known
here, where she made niasy friend?, having
taught in our City schools at one time. Mr.
Fletcher, the groom, lived near Orleans, in this
tate, for several years, so that we may almost
call him a Nebraska!!. Ho went to Colorado as
secretary for the late D. N. Smith, also known
here, and is now engaged in mining in that
State. He bears the highest testimonials from
all w ho know him, and Mr. and Mrs. Kuby,
though loth to lose their daughter, may con
gratulate themselves on bavin.; found a son
every way worthy of her. The bride has lung
been a special friend of the IIkkalo ami fami
ly, who sincerely respect her energy and many
good iualitie. and feel that her future life
should embody the best of things earthly, with
tho largest amount of happiness vouchsafed to
mortals. We part from them both with regret,
and hope for a pleasant re-union iu the not too
distant future.
SIMPSON At riattsmouth. Xeb. Saturday,
September 2."th. at 6 p. in., of Diphtheritic
Hons throat, anna I.kiitia, daughter of
John D. and Kat e Simpson, aged nine years,
two months and litteeu days.
The funeral services took place from St.
l.nke's Church, Tuesday morning, September
-'sill, at 10 a. m.. Kev. 11. 11. Hurgess, officiating.
The promise which was given in the Utile bud
of a fair and beautiful blossom has been de
stroyed on Earth by tlie cold frost of death,
but m the beautiful spring of another world
the petals will unful.l and the flower will blos
som, its beauty and fragrance only withheld
from tlie earthly sight ef those who long to be
hold it for a time ; the germ of future powers
and accomplishment, the cultivation of which
had only begun here, w ill grow- and develop in
the beautiful land of the hereafter and the
parent's" heart in ay gather comfort in the
thought that what they would feebly do here
will be fully wrought there, that the music of
this earth which her little liiiL-ors were just
learning to render w il! be but di-cord to the lit
tle freed soul which now knows that music, the
language of.thc other world, the full expression
of the harmony in the pouI, which mocks our
earthly endeavors to give it expression.
It is so hard to give them tip, but blessed is
the faith which can believe them happy and
waiting for us.
In Memory of Lei tie Simpson.
Think not of her, fond mother.
As lying 'reath the sod.
For lo ! sh1 is an agel.
A chosen one of God.
Not by thos pale, sad features
Wilt thou know thy darling now,
Nor by the look of sutferii.g
On her sweet and patient brow.
Eternal life is 'round her,
Joy Hashes from her eye,
And her angel form U radiant
With the beauty of the sky.
-I'rAiiL Holmes.
This poem was handed us by tho lit
tle girl by whom it was composed,
who is but a few years older than lit
tle Lettie, with a request that we
would publish it, with which we cheer
fully comply.
Miraculous Power.
The Forest and Stream bus it : "To preserve
health use Warner's Safe Kcmedies. These
are almost of inii,iuilius power in removing
iiseases for w hic'n reeoninieiidcd, ll'.e won
derful curative Ualitie they are posse-sed of
of is vouched for by tens of thousand. 1!11U
"Use Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills,
The Western Remedy for biliousness
and sick headache.. All druggists sell
them. 27tf
For Sale Cheap.
A good young pair of mares,
will weigh about ten hun
dred, and good travelers ; also a good
double harness and buggy. Enquire
of the Proprietor, James Pettee.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Try Brown's Tar Troches,
For sore throat, and clearing and
strengthening the voice. For sale bv
all druggists.
"Malt Kilters'' pr.: Kram. Nerve, a:..' EJood
food, peculiarly a ,.,ued tv. au.i warmly rec
ommended by. on. Jru'i-! ami pliweiuns
for General DcCilhy. Mental ami I'hvsi.-al Ex-h-iustion.
Hysteria, A'cnoiwacsn, Sleeplessness
Emaciation and l'rpsy. -J7t4
lie! ter Time.
Tlie Detuner-'t. N p-.t ( " -...tivs : "Suf
fering among nu!, :.:-.. ,i iro.iu! villi
Ureases of tae kSe-iH., ..d h,:s be 'a per
ceptibly better siuce the -introduction among
us of Yv arner's Sato Kidney aui Liver cure. 1st
For the Blood and Liver
Use Extract of Sarsaparilla and Dan
delion with Iodide of Potassium. 27tf
Is conducted by an expert accountant and
sucressful leacher. iTrrrnn t ion thorough and
practical. Tuition lower than elsewhere. Full
particulars to any address.
'Ml THOS. J. ilKYANT, Pres.
Tliirry of tlse bet organ mailers of the
"World are competitors at the Paris Kxpositiou.
a cable dispatch to the Associated 1'rcss says
two highest gold medals have been awarded "to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
To the Citizen's of the County and Stale.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. I4tf
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or
wagon load can be had at the Kiln,
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickeiwait & Siiai;i
7tf on premises.
.;kxts as c.iw.vssr.KN
Make from .-'j.l to j-.'O per week selling goods for
V.. :. laiil'.Ol'T jt C O., in llarclay Street. New
Vol!;. Send for catalogue ami terms. i-Jly
Per Sale .'
A fine black horse-, six yi ars old, good
roadster, for sale cheap at tbi.s oilice.
Save Your Money.
A large stock of Boots and Shoes
just arrived at Merges, which will be
sold ch'jap. 22 tf
Buy only the self-threading (at top
and shuttk')' Ne.v American Sewing
Machine, which for simplicity in con
struction, light running, and for dura
bility cannot be excelled. For sale by
Rasgorshek Bios., Merchant Tailors,
l'lattsmouth. Neb. 2:Jm
l",y his personal friend, Ma.Jok Hc .niiy. Editor
N. V. Mail, l the only edition to which Geii'l
Gailiold has given personal attention or facts.
I'.rautifullv illustrated, printed and bound.
"1 he best." N. v. Commercial Advertiser.
"The neatest." N. Y. Herald. "The most use
fill, sensible and sat isfactory." N. Y. Tribnne.
Full length steel portrait by Hall, from a pic
ture taken expressly for this work. Aotiv
Asren Wiiiiteil. Liberal terms. Send l.on
at onee tor eomplete out lit. A. S. I5AKNES .
CO., Ill 113 William St., New York. ISU
You are Sad aii(F,Loaely,
And it's all on account of your indi
gestion. BriowN's Pepsin Tonic fur
nishes the stomach with the active
principles of digestion ; gives tone to
the svsteia and cures dyspepsia. For
salo by J. II. Buttery, Smith, Black &
Co., and O. F. Johnson, Plattsmouth,
John Painter and Dve & Dentree, East
Plattsmouth. 27tf
We wiil liy Agents actuary oi i'o per iuomli
&n1 expenses, or al lw a lar cunii;:isair-ii, to wtl 1 our
nw mni womitM'ful in rent u-ii. H f mfu'i vrhat nay
b&rui;l LTbS. AJJiotjucuiiAj I: Co.. AlahAii. ilizii.
22tf AT JfEJtaES:
New Millinery.
Misses Herrmann & Wurl have a
variety of trimming silks and velvets,
feathers, and a news stock of fancy
goods which they invite the ladies of
the city and county to call and exam
ine, also new hats in all thrs latest
styles. 27t3
K '
Pepperberg's cigars aro the most
reliable for purity and fineness in qlal
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers for them.2 )tf
Money lo Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf l'lattsmouth.
Fresh Oystors.
Bennett & Lewis have secured the
agency in this city for D. D Mallory's
celebrated "Diamond brand" of oysters
and will bo prepared at all times to
furnish these well known Oysters to
Hotels, Restaurants and private par
ties at bottom prices.
We Chalhnyc the Weill.
When we say wo believe, we have
evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con
sumption Curo is decidedly the best
Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as
it will cure a common or Chronic
Cough in one half the time and re
lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping
Cough, CroUp, and show more cases of
Consumption cured than all others.
It will cure where they fail, it is pleas
ant to take, harmless to the youngest
child, and wo guarantee what we say.
Price 10 cents, oil cents, and $1.03 If
your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lame, use Shilah's Porous Plaster. Sold
by Smith & Black.
Do you Btlieve it.
That in this town there are scores
of persons passing our store every day
whose lives are made miserable by In
digestion, Dyspepsia, Sour ar:d distress
ed Stomach, Liver Complaint Consti
pation, when for 75 cts. we wili sell
them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to
cure them. Sold by Smith & Black.
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth,
and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY". A nasal Injector
free with each bottle. Use it if you
desire health, and sweet breath. Price
2-j cts. Sold by Smith it Black.ieowtf
From the corral nearllei-el's mill in
Plattsmouth on Saturday, Aug. 28, one
red and white spotted cow, three years
old, short horns with crop out of ear.
A liberal reward will be paid for its
return to ma.
2ot3 Mns. S. Bkantneu.
Read! Read!
I have just received a large, well se
lected and complete assortment of
Boots and shoes for young and old,
from my old manufacturers, which I
warrant in every respect, and will sell
at the very lowest prices possible. 22lf
How to Make Soap for a Cent a Pound.
Shave Into small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in three quarts of wter
until the soap is thoroughly dissolved, so that
upon straining through a sieve nothing re
mains ; add to the solution or "suds" three
gallons of cold water ; stir briskly for several
minutes to mix. and set it away to cool." Al
though it will look like nothing but. soapsuds
w hile warm, a chemical reaction will take place
and in twenty-four hours' lime wiil develop
forty or fifty pounds of magnificent and white
soft soap, costing less than one cent a pound,
and as good as many 01 the adulterated com
K)unds called soap, and sold at 7 to 10 cents a
pound. How long would it take foranv other
soap used the same To 1 ecoine :'nvthing but
"'soap-suds'."'. Any h-viscw il'e knows that il
eanpot be done v is fi any soap ',. hs ever u--ed.
s -e if it can be doae w it'ii iotbi:is' Elec
tric. For sale by ail grarers.
Itiir.O KiiuS., Side Agents,
4-eowly Weeping Water, Neb.
Wednesday, Sept. 2:, 1SS0.
W heat. No. 2 70
Corn, ear, 25
" shelled , -v.
Oats IS
l'.ai 1-v, No. 2 ltli.'
live. ." Hi
Native Cattle 3 r0i.3 25
Hogs 4 2(1
nutter KiiTi, 20
Kgas 11
Potatoes CO
Nk'V YoitK, Sept. 23, 1SS?.
Monev 1. 02v 51 01.
Wheat $ 1 07L t 07i
Kve !4
Corn 5!V?. M "i
Oats lo ti 13
CllH'AOO. Sept. 29. ISs.l.
1 .VJ Li ?3 no
20 'i
-2' i
Hogs, s liipuliig a fjyr.j,-, 20
Cattle. " 4 T,:.-:, 4 75
Sheep 3 5lMi 4 40
GO f
t J?
S ill -5 s -
. a
.. . - cci
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Sclilegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0.
Attachment Notice.
Oeori'e W. House will take notice that on the
2d day of September, A. I. lssa, E. .1. Matins, ;i
.luMice ot the I'caen f Salt Creek Precinct,
C ;s County, Kebraska, issued an cider of at
tachment forth i sum fifty-seven dollars
( in an action pending before him, where
in Mose Kf.ef.-r is piaimiff. and Ceorge w.
l.'ouse is defendant ; that property, consisting
of one header box. one halt of one header box.
and a t hree-'onrths interest in yi.e Haines'
header, has been attached under saitl order.
Said cause was continued to the 2:ith day of
October, A. 1)., at b) o'clock a. m.
MOSES KEEl-'Elt, I'ltlT.
September 20, is0. 2St:s
Attachment Notice.
.1. E. Jeffries will take notice that on the 13th
day of Sj-pt'-mhc-J. A. I), lsso. K. J. Matin, a
Justice of I In- Peace of Salt ( reek Precinct,
Cass Coii'ity, Nebraska, issued an order of at
tachment tor the sum of fourteen and fin-1 no
dollars (14.r.(o in an action pending before him
w herein W. W. Oullion is plaintilt, and .1. E.
Jcilri.-s is defendant ; that property, consisting
of one derrick, complete, and three large iron
drills, has been attached under said order.
Said cause is continued to the Jyth day of Oc
tober, A. 1J lsso, at 2 o'clock p. m.
W. W. GLEI.ION, l-ltff.
September 2. ls$0. 28t:i
Commissioner's Sale of Real
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale issued out of tlie District Court of
Nemaha County, in the State of Nebraska, and
to us directed as referees and commissioners in
the case hereinafter named upon an order and
decree rendered by the said Court in a certain
action therein pending, w herein, l'.ryaiit Cobb U
plaintitf. and Martha l'inley, Nancy Allison,
Chirk Cobb, Williamson Cobn, Pinkney Cobb.
Clay Cobb, David Cobb, Catharine King, Mar
tha Conner. 1'raneix Cobb. Seynioiire Cobb,
Nancy A. King, Williamson li. W. Cobb. New -lon
C. WorleyT louisa I nman. Mart ha N. Mc
(iaha, Kliza NeNon. Martha C. Kell, and John
A. Irwin are defendants, we will oiler for sal
at public auction, at the door of the Court
House, in l'lattsmouth, in Cas County, Ne
braska, on Saturday tlie aotli day of October,
lsso, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day
the following real estate in Cass County, Ne
b. 'at-ha, to-w it : l'he norl heast quarter (r.ef)
seei ion 111 teen. (15) town eleven, ( 1 1 ) range ten,
(101 east bin acres. The southeast (iiiarter (se!4)
section fifteen (15) town eleven (II) range ten
(Hi) east lunacies. The northwest iiUMieriiiw'.i)
section fifteen (15) town eleven (11) range ten
(in) east. li'.o acres, known as "Mnllin's Kanche." ok Sai.k : One half cash, balanca in
one and two years, w ith in per cent interest, se
cured by mortgnge on the land.
" H. HoovF.n, t y,,,
J. 11. r,, Attorney. 2stl
Sheriff's Sale
I'.y virtue of an Order of Sale issued by W. ('.
Sh. "waiter. ( le; k of the Disl rict Court within
and for C;c-s County. Nebraska, and lo me di
rected, 1 w ill, on Monday, tlie 2 lh day of Oc
tober. A. D. lsso, at P) o'clock a. in. of said day,
at the South door of the Court House, in t lie;
city of l'lattsmouth, in paid County, sell at
Public Auct ion the following real estate, to
wit : The East half (e'j) of the South West
quarter (sw'j) of section t hirty-one (.;1 ). iu town
ship No. eleven (11). Norl h of range twelve ( !2),
East of the sixth (tli) P.M., in Cass County,
Nebraska. Tlie same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Harvey Carper. Agues
C. Carpet, and Cyrus H. MeCormick. delend
auts. to satisfy a judgment of said Court recov
ered by Almira C. Woodruff, plaintiff.
l'lattsmouth, Neb.. September 22, A. D. ls.-0.
It. W. IIVEltS, Sheriff Cass Co. Neb.
r.y M. M( Kl.WAl.v, Deputy. 2715
Probate Notice.
Notice is hereby given that Amelia Peterson
has filed an instrument m writing purporting to
be the last will and testament ot S. J. Peterson
deceased. I'pon liliiig said innire.inent, it is
ordered that all persons interested therein be
notified that the hearing of said cause is set for
the 11th day of October, A. 1). lsso, at 4 o'clock
p. m. on said day, attheoliice of the County
Judge, iu l'lattsmouth City, Cass County, Ne
braska, at which time all persons interested
may appear and show cause, if any they have,
why said instrument should not be taken as the
valid last will and testament of said deceased
and admitted to probate.
A. N. SI LE1VAN, County Judge.
September 22, lssu. 27t:;
Attachment Notice.
J. E. Jeffries will take notice that on t!:e 1 1th
day of September, A. D. ls.sii, E. J. Math is, a
Ju.-tice ot the Peace of Salt Creek Precinct,
Cass County. Nebraska, issued an order of at
tachment lor the sum of twenty-live dollars
and sity-one cents (25. U1, in an action pend
ing before him, wherein E. A. Kyder & Co. are
plaintiffs, and J. E. Jeffries is defendant ; that
property ns follows has been attached under
said order, to-w it : 3 Comments on t he liible ;
a Historic" : 5 Missal P.ooks : 4 Histories of
France ; 1 Hymn Hook ; 2 Music Hooks ; l fam
ily P.ible. Said case was continued to the 2'jtii
dav of October, A. D. lsso. at 2 o'clock p. m.
27t.i E. A. KYDEli s.- CO., l'lllis.
In the District Court of Cass County, N btas!;a
Dermis Dean. Plaintiff, 1
J. W. Newsiim. 1". A.
Could and Ann H.
Could. Del'eu. hints. J
J. W. New siiiii, defendant, will take notice
that on tile la; h day of September, lsso, Dennis
Dean, plaml iii hen i:i, filed bis petition in the
District Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object anil prayer
of w hich is , foreclose a certain mortgage, ex
ecuted by J. W. Ncwsnm to P. A. and Ann H.
Could, defendants, and assigned to this plain
t itf. upon tl.e est half i w ; . i of t he Norm East
quarter ( lie1..) of section seven teen ( 17 j. town
ship twelve (12', range nine ,':! East, to secure
tbe pa incut of four certain promissory notes,
dated February (th, ls7t;. and due resp'eetively
in two, three, lour and live years, for tlus sum
r.f two hundred dollars (S2(K each, the first
three of which notes were assigned to this
plaintiff. That there is now due upon said
notes and iHortgage the sum of fix humU'ed
dollars (.si;eo) with twelve per cent, interest
thereon from l'ebiuary tub, s,77, together with
a reasonable attorney's fee, as provided in said
notes and mortgage, and for unpaid taxes upon
said premises. And plaintiff prays that said
premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy
the amount lound due thereon.
You are reunited to an-wer said petition oil
or before the 1st Uav of November, ls-o.
DENNIS DEAN. Piaititiif.
I'.y Cft M'.m.v.n & M athew s, hi- Atty's. 27tl
Sheriff's Sale,
Ry virtue of an execution, issued by W. C.
Showalter. Clerk of the District Court within
ami for Cas- County, Nebraska, and to me di
lted. I will, on the dav of October. A. D.
lsso. at Id o'clock a. in., of said dav. at the
South door of l he Court I louse, in said County,
sell at Public Auction the following real estate
to-w it : Lot ten vho. in block one (i North and
one (11 East : also lot otic (1 1. two (2i and three
Kt. in block one (!) East ; all of the above de
scribed propeity being located iu Eoek lilufts.
Cass County. Nebr; M;;. The same being levied
a;.oi! and taken rs the property of Joseph ske
titaiid Henry Shera, defetidatit-', to sati-fv a,
j u!.-i:ent of said Court recovered by lHiek: Mc
(."':. .as and Patterson, plaintiffs".
Plattsmouth, Neb.. Sept. 13th. A. I J. lssO.
26t5 li. W. HYEJiS, sheriff Cass Co., Neb.
. -1. " s
Adam Rhodes will take notice that on the
Pit ti day of August, A. D. lsso. A. N. Sullivan.
County Judge w ithiii and for Cass County, .No
hraska, issued an older f attachment lor the
sum of nine and 75-leo dollars (;i.7--) in an ac
tion pending before him. wherein Elizabeth
Sliafer is plaintiff, ami Adam Rhodes defend
ant ; that the wages due said defendant have
been attached under said order. Said cause
w as coin inued to the 5lli day of October, A. I .
I'fO, at u o'clock a. in.
l'lattsmouth, Sept. l:an. l.s.vt. 2t;i3
Sheriff's Sale.
Ry virtue cf an Order ef Sale issued by V. C.
Showalter, Clerk of the District Court" within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will, on the 'Shi day of October. A. D.
lsso, at lo o'clock a. m.. ol said day, at the
South door of the Court House, in said Count v.
sell at Public Auclion the lollow ing real estaie
to-wit: '1 lie East half ti':) of t he South West
quarter (sv'4) of section t hirty-one c;i . tow n
ship eleven 1 1 11. Nort II of range twelve (12) east
i 'the sixth ((3th) P. M ., in Cass Count v. Ne
braska. Tlie same being levied upon and taken
as th property of Harvey Carper. Agnes ('.
Carper and Cyrus II. MeCormick, defendants,
to satisfy a judgment of said Court rccovctid
bv Almira C. Woodruff, plaintili.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. Sept 1:5th. A. I) 180.
2'::5 li. W. 11 VERS, Sherill Cass Co., Neb,
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of John ( hvr.mons.
deceased. In the Culllity Colli t of Cass Co.,
rpon reading and filing the duly verified pe
tition of Chrisi laua FaiigM . praying Unit ad
ministration of the estate of John Cleniinoiis,
deceased, be granted lo Mediums Clemmons :
Oi dered that notice ot the pendency of said
cause be published in the Nebraska 11 Kit a i.i.
a weekly newspaper, printed, published, ami
iu geneial circulation in said coii'ity. for three
Consecutive weeks, and thai the bearing of
said cause be set for the Oth day of October A.
1 .. IS.-'), at one o'clock p. M. at the otlice of the
County Judge, at Plattsnioui!i. at which tunc
and place, alt persons interested may appear
and show, cause, if any they have, w hy mliniii-1-tralioii
of said estate should not be granted
to the said Mctiinnis Clcmmoiis, according to
the pnncrc.f said petition.
A. N. SV l.l.l V A N. County Ji:dge.
l'lattsmouth, September 10 lsso. 2i',ta
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a
decretal order of sale, made by the Hon. S. R.
Pound. Judge of the District Court in and for
Cass County. Nebraska, at bis Chambers, iu the
city of Lincoln, on Hie 11th day of September.
A. D. lsso. 1 will, on the I lib day of October, A.
D. lsso. oiier at Public Vendue, at the liont
door of the Court House, iu Plattsinout li ( it v,
Cass County, Nebraska, at the hour of 1 o'clock
p. 111. of said day, to the highest bidder, all the
right, title and mteiest of deorge Libert and
dace E. Swarts, minors in and lo the
North half (n'jl ol the South East quarter (se
Vk)ef section No. twenty-lour (24', town-hip
No. ten (b, range No. 'ten East of the
s:th (Olhl 1. M., in the County aforesaid.
Sale will remain open u.r bids from the hour
of 1 o'clock p. 111. until the hour of 2 o'clock p.
111. of same day. Terms, cash or credit, as pro
vided by law.
NELSON JEAN, Cuardian.
Restaurant I Confectionery
Where will be Found a Good Stipnly of Choice
of all kinds in .Season.
Also in connection with the above will lie kept the
If eastGRi; lee reani Pallor
Wj -4 S Si 's,' & . '... Sr' '-.J' s. 'si. ' s , . . '.. . '.,'sJ X "s i
consisting of Oysters, Sardines, Canned Fruits, &c.
Cssia sasad ic, p. B. MURPHY,
One door "West of C. CI. Ilerolil's. Proprietor.
Is Leased to
0 m
m m m
M 11 n a y
SjvMiii 3 r..m ET-U..2 kikkitM
With their immense .stock of
CaItlEig' all JPvlees9
Eiatet Styles
Legai Notice.
Notice is hereby given twui persons interest
ed in tin-estate of Frank ami Aietrew Deitneli
minor heirs of Joseph Deitlich, deceased, pi
appear before Hie Hon. S. R. Pound, Judge of
the District Court within and for the Second
Judicial District, at his Chamber in Hie City
of Lincoln, in the County of Lancaster, ami
taleof .Nebraska, on the 21st day of October.
A. D., at 1 o'clock p. m., to show cause, if
any 11. ey have, w by a license to ell and convey
the real estate of said minors should not bo
granted to their guardian, according to ttio
prayer of the petition in said cause.
OEOKdE sciloEMANN, Guardian.
.September Uth, lsso. 2;t4
Sheriffs Sale.
Ry virtue of three cxecutionn. Issued by NT.
C. s"liowuItcr. Clerk of the Di-triet Curt within
and for C;uss Countv , Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will on the 2d day of October, A.
I). tso, t 10 o'clock a. 111.. of said day. ut tbe
soul h door of the Court House, in thu cityof
1 lattsmoiith in said county, sell al public unc
tion t he follow ing real estate, to-w it : i.Ms o.
three Cii and four (!) in block No. nine, 00 111
White's addition lo the cityof i'lattsmoiil II,
Cass County Nebraska; also lots seven (7),
eight (si. nine (:t) and ten (10). in block No. six
ii, iu Duke's ad. Inioii 10 Hie City of l'latts
mouth ; also lot No. three (.".). iu block No. one
hundred and sixty-three (IKl). in the t il y of
l'lattsmouth ; all of the above described prop
erty being in Cass Countv, Nebraska. 'lh
same being levied upoitand taken as the prop
erly of Calx in P. Moore and Arniilda A. Moorr.
defendants, to satlsiy the Judgment of said
court, recovered by The State Journal Co.. Ar
niilda A. Moore, and E, (i. Dovey i'c Sou, plain
litis. li. W. 11 KKS, Sliclill Cass Co., Nci.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. Sept. 1. A. I. lsso. iMf.
Iii Hie DSIric! Court of the vMMuiliciul dist
villiiii ami lor t ass county, Aemasua.
A. W. White. Plaintiff, 1 .
vs I
Ellen Melinite . .M. McHuli'c, ,'
John O'Rouike, J. V.
Ucckbach, Win. Neville j
and Patrick MiCallum, !
Dcf't's. J
l.llii McCuire and M. Mctiuire. defendant
will lake notice that on Hie lllsl day d August,
lsso- V. W. White. Plaintiff, herein tiled bl
pclilioiKlii the District Court o( OS colli t V ,
Nebraska, against said defendants, tbe object
and prayer ol w Inch are to foreclose a certain
moiUMgo executed by Ellen .Midline and M.
Medline, deleiniants to W illiam E. Done. an,
on the following described pienn-es to w .1 :
lots seven (7) and eight (si 111 block twelve ( 2)
111 Hie c itv of PlaitMio nth, Cass ( otiuiy, Nei...
to secure the payment of a eeitaiii proinisory
note, dated December :i('l h. 1ST.;, for the sum of
M0.1 (i an.l due and payable 111 one year lioin
the date thcroot : Which said pioilgage and
note w as altei wards assigned lo llns Plaint HI.
1 hat t here is new due upon faid noleand mort
gage the Mini of s tun 00 for which sum with in
terest at the rate of twelve percent per annum
tro. 11 the b.tli day of June. A D. 17. plaintiff
prays lor a decree that (bjeiidalils be required
to pay the same, or that said premises may bo
sold to satislv the amount, lound due.
You are r quired to answer said petition on
or before the li!i dav ol October, A. D. lsso.
Dated September 1st, lsso .
A. W. Will i E. l'laintiu.
P., W. S. Wis k, his Attorney. 2115
a ti u
mid EiOWc4