' -. ,e: Sir-' V T H JUHHE A L 1) ITEMS OF INTEREST. LoATelTs population will reach CO, 000, a growth of nearly 20,000 Pinco 1878. One of the biggest lonnnzas of tho day is the little toy marine railway extending -from Manhattan to Brigh ton Beach. Hansom cabs have made their ap pearance at Newport, and are exten Bively patronized by that class of young n.en who, at home and abroad are known as swells. A Boston business man, impressed by the Xarragansett disaster, offers to ten.ch, without charge, a class of boys irom me puonc schools to swim. The main 6taircase in John Tcabody Wetmore's house, at Newport, cost jt-iv.uuu. Ane wood was imported ami A .......1 i A 1 . T.-II AS 1 - m in mo r luiciiiuic style. A "woman at Newport bathes in suit of oiled silk, woruuuder the usual flannel suit. She says siic enjovs tho surf, but can't boar the touch of salt water. A Phiiadclphian made a fruitless ciiort to sell worthless bars at the mint, for pure gold. The profit, if he Jiau succeeded, would have been $70, 000. Tho postal business of Macon, (ia., is greater man mat oi any city (At lanta excepted) in .North Carolina, soma Carolina, ueorgia, to iorida. or viauama. Tho sod for the lawn in front of the new Oriental hotel on Manhattcn Beach cost nearly $7,000. Six acres back ot bheepshead bay were denuded oi grass. Le Trait V Union, of Mexico, says iii.it me p;iriii priest oi lepemi del Kio nnpiieons bachelors who refuse to marry and nevertheless frequent piaces oi in repute. Letter found on a California sui cide : "Jn this sheltered nook I lay mo down to die. When a man outlives las usclulness, I think he ought to re tire. I have done so. Adieu." The large increase in the foreign commerce done through Boston is shown in custom-house receipts of $:.0,674,8yi for the li-cal year ending dune ov, ifcbu, as against $13,460,557 ioi- iuo piece.mig year. The strip of earth between tho Mis sissippi liivcr and Luke Concordia, above Natchez, is fast caving, and it now appears to be a m.itter of a very eiioi i ume ueiore me lake will drain itselt into tho river. Ihe worst enemy of the Chilean soldier nt the seat of war is fever and ague. No less than nine hundred sick men were sent from Ilo to the south in the Loa, which arrived in Valparaiso during the first days of May. Camden, X. J., has a population of 41,741, an increase of 13,232 over 1870. The addition of Newton township, in 1S71, constitutes the Seventh and Eighth wards. The population of the citv before this annexation was: In 18i0, 9,479; 160, 14,3ti8 ; 1870, 20,045. The population of San Antouia, Tex. is reported at 19,500, and of the coun ty of Bexar 39,000. In 18G0 Bexar county had a population of. 14,454. Ia 1870 it was only 16,U53, and that of the city 12,258, leaving out 3,795 for the county. The county contains an area of 1,456 square miles. The golden oriole devours the pota to beetle with relish. A pair of these bcuutilul birds had charge of a potato patch near Rochester, N. Y., aud kept it lice from beetles. The young ori oles that was raised in the nest in the elm tree near the patch grew fat on this tender food. Among the relics recently found in Mitchell county, Georgia, are speci mens of coral, sponge, masses of bar nacles, oyster shells, and many singu lar masses of shells, all united by the action of lime in the soil into 6olid rock. In addition are specimens of petrified wood, such as cedar, etc., of later formation, most likely, than tho marine growth. A little girl, defining "bearing false witness against your neighbor," said "it was when nobody did nothing, and somebody went and told of it." "Now tell mo candidly, are you guilty ?" asked a lawyer of his client. "Why, do you suppose I'd be fool enough to hire you if I was innocent?'' "Sit downl" said a nervous old gen tleman to his son, who was making too much noise. "1 won't do it," was the impudent answer. " Well, then, stand up, I will be obeyed I" An Illinois chap, in describing a gale of wind, says: "A white dog, while attempting to weather the gale, was caught with his mouth open, and turn ed completely inside out." Adjutant (to newly-joined recruit, who presents himself) : "Well, my man, what's your business?" liecruil: "Shure now, if 1 knew what I wanted, 6hould I be afthcr askin you, sorr?" When a young farmer's wife made her first boy's pants precisely as sim ple before as behind, the lather ex claimed : "Goodness, he won't know whether he is going to school or com ing home I" Physician (to government clerk) "Well, what do you complain oi?" G. C. Sleeplessness, doctor." Physi cian "At what time do you go to bud?" G. C "Oil, I don't mean at night; but during office hours." Grandfather; " "You are stupid, Charley; the dullest boy I ever saw." Charlie: "You must not expect me to understand things as quickly as you do, grandfather, because you noii't have the trouble to get 'em through your hair." It is said that the deepest gorge in the world has been discovered in Col orado. Wc always had the impression that the biggest gorge in tiiis country mi-ht bo w itnessed ut a railway sta tion where the train stops "iive min utes lor dinner." An old judge of tho New York su preme court meeting a friend in a neighboring village, exclaimed, "Why what are you doing here?-' "I'm at work, trying to make an honest liv ing," was the reply. "Then you'll suc ceed," said the judge, "for you'll have no competition." When the political situation was decidedly complicated, a diplomatist asked Talleyrand one night what was his opinion as to the course of eveuts. "My opinion," said Talieyran I, bland ly, "well, I have one opinion in the morning and another in the afternoon, but 1 never have an opinion at night." Liiverstick has been ill for some weeks, and Jones, meeting Smith, asks : "How's Liiverstick, Smith any bet ter?" "Well," says Smith, '-his phy sician is hopeful." "Yes, ye, respond ed Jones, "that's all very weil ; b.it is his undertaker hopeful? That's more to the purpose." Jones is such a pecu liar fellow. "Wheu the Paris bourse was agitated with conilieting rumors as to the death of George ill., a o inker went to tue iiii.uit r oi ioivign ad.iirs to punp mm. "All I can toll you," repiied Taiieyra.iu to his iiMiscr.ect question er, is t.ns: ""Som-s say he is dead, some say lie isn't; lor my put, I put no laiiii in eitiier story. This is in con iiwCJce, mind. ' You will be care ful noi, to compromise me in jy lnju-ncr." - Hiding: at West Point. So far aa the visitors are concerned the exhibition drills arc naturally of more interest than the examination of tho "poor fellows," who aro dragged one by one before the professors and Board of Examiners, in order that a test may be made of the thoroughness of last year's instruction. One of the most exact of these drills took place one morning nt the riding nca cmy, and was watched with great interest by the board of visitors, youugdadies, and officers. The riding hall i a large barn-like structure, with two little galleries from which the riding can be seen. Tho ground is covered with sawdust, and the scene as thirty-one of the first-class men went galloping about under the command of Captain Godfrey was a "perfect circus." Af ter mounting their horses the cadets rode round in single file aud practiced a great variety of saber thrusts and strokes at imaginary foes. Tho rid ing was good, and tho slashing was vigorous and skillful. Then two long frames from which iron rings were suspended, were placed on opposita sides of the hall, and near the corners, upon some racks of a suitable height, were placed some leather heads, which the riders hacked most viciously as they went galloping around. On tho ground were a couple more balls. Then the cadets went dashing around by twos and threes in opposite direc tions, trying to pierce the rings with their sabers, then to draw their pis tols and blow oil' tho unoffending wooden man's head, and finally to give the poor ball on the ground a slashing thrust. The sport was most exciting, and as the heavy hors j pis tols were fired off" in rapid succession, the "dear creatures" in tho galleries stopped up their cars an l trembled in fright. Some of the riders were very quick, and would succeed in go iug through all the maneuvers in rap id succession. The same exercises were then repeated alter two well padded hurdles had been put up. Some of the balky horses caused con siderable amusement. After the saddle- had been taken off the horses the sccon-i part of the pro gramme was begun. At liist one half the.men walued beside tue other haif, who were mounted. Suddenly the horses broke into a ,aiiop, and lno order to mount was given, immedi ately each horse tiaa two ri; rs. i ius practice of leaping on and oil a bare back iiorse was continued lor some time, to the delight of the audience. Then the nurdies were orou-ut in a-ain, and Ihe excitement inci a-eu. Each ca iet had his horse, and an i.u camo to the huivtlo would leap oli", jump the hurdle, clinging all uie lime to tho horse a mane, una men leap on his back again. .Many ot t tic cadets did this very gracefully, and showed izreat pluck and skill in clinging to their rather wild chargers, some- tim.ia t!ll ll.ll(Aftt Wltit til i 1 1 a.1 I .1 i . : I rl I and great contusion would loilovv. The "riu ' masters" as they were ia- cetioiisly called, stood with big whips in hand, so as to remind me oalKy iiorse tiie danger ot stopping. ihe cadets then varied the excrc.se bv jumpiiig ou uieir iioives wiuie ;.t full speed, and then leaped clear ut, r their backs, and tnen on their back- again, ine exercise was, ot com rs. very violent, and the young la-ues o-,. stowed many expressions oisvmpainv . i . i ? ..I. .... on me "poor uo. .mere weie s,mo narrow escapes irom acciicu, an t many laugu.iole s enos. As a i;.o. liriivi'vnr tltH ritni-r w.-ia fvi-iMi., t,- and showed mat the cadets were t nor. ough masters of horsemanship. Many expressions of admiration were heard, and there was considerable applause at tho exceptionally daring feats. A graduate ot West Point is necessari ly a skillful rider, because of his thor ough training, and becomes inured to tho hardships he may encounter in ins luture career m tho army. The bosr hole above Meritleri, Cnn.. trires the Hartford and New II rcn railroad a great deal of trouble. Un der it the bed-rock slopes downward to the east at an nnlc of perhaps 4U to 50 degrees, and this causes the tons of sand and gravel that are dum pod into the hole to slip oil into the main peat bed along the east side of the track. Still the work of dumping the Kind goes on vigorously. The editor of The Colusa CCal.) Sun says : Uonuug down on the road, on the east side of the river, about dusk, last Sunday evening, we ran through a school of small frogs about the size of the end of a man's thumb. Tiicv made the road black for about a quar ter of a mile, and were all headed for tho river. There was a pond on the cast side of the road in which tiier bad probably hatched, but it wasdrv- iug out, and they were striking out through, tall wheat aud dense thicket for the river, a quarter of a mile away. Says a recent report: Vancouver island is about 2b0 miles loiu and LO miles broad, contaiutng 8,yJO,0U0 ucrt- its shore line is so deeply indented that the island can be crossed at sev eral points by less than one-third of its width by land travel. In the northern division down to the line joining Sey mour narrows and .Nootka.soiiiul, there are 4,1U0,UUU acres. Oi lh;a omv 7,- 0U0 acres are cultivable. The central division, bounded on the north by t!m Qualicum river and Alberni canal. contains z,lu,uuu acres, of winch 67,- 000 are estimated to be cultivable. The southern division contains 2,670,- 000 acres ot which 2o0,000 are account ed cultivable, making a total of SS'J,- 000 acres of cultivable land in tho island. A remarkable hit was made by tho New York Life company in the mat ter of the lirougham annuity, when tho benefit was given to John Broug ham by his 1'rieu.ls, every effort was made to render it profitable in the highest degree. Under such circum- tauces it became a granJ success, and- the two performance: cleared tho al most incredible sum of $11,000. The next question was, what to do with the money? After some deliberation the purchase of an annuity was order ed, and the New York Life lusuraiico company took the contract which gave the annuitant $23 per week for lite. In two pears the payments stopped by his death. The company during this time paid lirougham $2,912. They received 14,000 which, with 5 per cent interest for two years, equals $15,400. Now deduct the payments (.52,yi2) and you have as the net gain $12,4Sa. Mrs. Tom Thumb is described by a correspondent as she appeared recent ly in the surf. She is now a perfect matron in miniature. Her face, though still pretty, shows her age, aud has a quaint motherly expression. She is a realization, in a small way, of fair, fat, and forty. She wore a suit of blue graj' flannel, which was jaunty and coquettish before it got wet. Her arms were bare to the tops of her shoulders, in each of which was a pretty little dimple, and there was a shapely, taper down to her wrists, licr small feet were uncovered. She had a comically dignified air, and stepped into the surf with the air of a knee-high queen. She waded boldly until siie met the first wave, which soused her, flopped her down, rolled her over and over, and finally threw her up on the sand. All the style had been instantaneously drenched out of her clothes, out, "take her altogether, she looked better after the ordeal than did most of the bigger wointta." Cry for Pitlie'Catorta. Theylilce it became it ia aweet Mother Ilk Castoria. became it eve health to t- child i and Phyaiciaaa, became it contains no morphine or mineral. Is nature's remedy for assimilating the food. It cures Wind Colic, the raising of Sour Card and Diarrhoea, allays Feverishness and Kills "Worm. Thus the Child has health nnA the Mother obtains rest. Pleaa- ant, Cheap, and Reliable. II1EEIT! Tho most effective Pain-relievins agent for MAN and BEAST tho world has ever known. Over 1,000,000 Bottles sold last year I Tho reasons for thia unprecedented peps- Iar";;j', are erident; the Centaur T.ini XAOiita are m..d-j to doserve confidence tlicy are altsorbed iuto the atrueture; they nlisrays c:ire and xiovor disappoint. No poison nucd longer auutr wiln PAIIf in the BACK, Rheumatism or Stiff JoinU, for the CENTAUR Liniment vrill surely exterminate tho pain. There is no Strain, Sprain, Cut, Scald, 2a rn. Bruise, Sting, Gall or Laineiioas -la which Maniind or Dum j Jvrn-ies are subject, that doos not rcwal to thia Soothins talm. 'A'iio Ccut&u.? cot only roliore T"in, but they incite Loalthy action, snbtluo iaHammation, ar.l etirc, irhathir tho eymptoms proceed from Vio.-r-lit of tho fieshjig" Neuralgia of Sbo Korvci ; from coutractel Cords or a csaldod Lasi ; frsia a uprained anhle or a trashed foot : whether from dif custiuz PIMPLES cn a LAST'S PACE or a otrainod.iclut on a Hcrso's Lf?. The ocpet produced by a Burn or Scsld; mcrtifioatioa from Trost-bitcs: S-crell inp;s from Strn ins; the tortures of Iiheu m'ttism; CrJpplod for life, by ome neeleLtei ftcciKtt; a valuable herse or a footer's CHI may all bo saved from Oao Dottlo of Contanr Liniment. 2 o Housekeeper, Tanner, riantor.Tcameter, or Livorym-n, can aCcrd to be without thceo isroiiderf-jl T-izjimonts. They can bo precurcd in aaypart cf tho sloho for .".0 cts. an! Sl.GO a bottle. Trial bottle 25 cts. NEW BRICK YARD. I am going to im: a.s:d3 :b unions:, this spring and want to MAKE THEM CHEAP, that people can build BRICK UOUSES INSTEAD OF FRAME. 1 shall contract and Build BRICK Houses, the coming year and wculd like those Intending to Build to give me a call before lookius eUeivlu'ra JEIII1Y IIARTMAN. At my place on Washington Avenue or at K. S. White's Store on Main Street, Plattsntouth, Nebraska. 4Hh3 "MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, ULJl CKSJU1 Til HORSE MIOEINti, WAGON KWAHUNfi All kinds of KAKM IMPLEMENTS mendeJ Neatly Promplp. :0- Horse, Mule & Ox Shoeing, In short, well shoe anything that har four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us, JTHTW" SHOP mFiUhS' between Main and Vine Streets. ust across e corner from the nkw HEKAI.l Ofkick. ioy' O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, J -AND Ail Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. Preseri pilous Carefully Centpasded by an Experienced Oraffslst. UEMEMBEi: TIIE TLaCE 6th ST. DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN P La TTS MOUTH. KE0. J. F. BAUMEISTER Furnl.slies Freli, Pure Milk. JJCjLIV.CIICO IA2I.YV Stei!il calls attended to. and Freeh Milk j from same cow furnished wheu wanted, LI , J 7 n ' HAMIM CABlNEt James Pettee DEaLEU IX Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing A gent or Tiie I'll rivul led Mason & llaiuliu CABINET O ROANS. AIho Pt:te Asent for the Henry F Miller and X. C Eiiirrson (.. I'imios. SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St. i'LATTSMOUTII, NEU. Susic Scatolars Will do well to examine our New 31ason & la m I in If A .... '-: K -i- NO CHANGING OARS ) FROM (.. . OMAHACOUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASXA CITY or PLATTS MOUTH lo CHICAGO, Where direct connections are madewith Through Sleeping Car Lines TO NEW YORK. I30STOX, PHILADELPHIA B A LT IMOUE. WASHING TO X. AND ALL EASTERN CITIES V.a FEOMA for IXDIAXAVOLIS. LOUISVILLE. CIXCIX NATI, ami all jhhuU it: the SOUTHEAST. THi: nr.T i.tsi. ron ST. LOUIS, When Iirect Connect ions are made in the ITNION 1EI'0 1 with Tliiouuh Sleeping Car Lines for oil iomts Hl'TII. The Shortest, ?ueouicpt and most Comlortahle via HANNIBAL to Ft. SCOTT. DEXISOX, DALLAS, 1IOUSTOX AUSTIX, SAX A XTOXIU, GALVESTOX, an all noiuts in TEXAS. rullmaii 10-Wheel Palace .Sleeping Gars. ., 15. & Q. r'aku-e iJja-.viiig-Kouni Cars, With Horton's Kecliidnc Chairs. No Extra Charge for Seats In Keeuning t 1i;iiis. The famous t' 15. & Palace DinmglCarc Fast TIiup. 8teel Rail Track and Superior Equipment eonihiiieil with their (iittit J tirowjli Car Arrangement, makes till1, above ail others. Uie tavorite noute to me itAST, HlrTII 01t.80lTH.EAST. TRY IT, and;jou will find TRAVELING A Lux- ury;iusteau ot a IMncoiiiIoi t. All information aboutl Kates of Fare. Sleep- lup- Car Accommodations, and Time Tables, will bo.cUperfullytgiveti by applying to Jain e 11, lood, Geueralll'assengor Asf't, Chicago C. W. SMITH. Traflie Manager. L old am reliable. ZDb. bxuFOTAi a Liter Lsvxoon l old m mmiL i JDS. 6xiFGIua Ljveb LsYIOOnATOKj Jia a Standard Family Huiedj for di8cnss of the Liver. Stomach s n i wr-in. i i. i r. i iir. T . . Vegetable. It neTer ji. l u i i u . . Cr4 v n mm 1 ' 0rrt T -if 1 L i t e rs InTieoratori 5 i sua Utw Las been naedl in my practiced 58ab4 l7 i?e publie.J lor more t-uaa So ytaire, with unprecedented eiiult.l J3- SEND FOR CIRCULAR. v. . i. w a rwTdascirM AST Mtt'4.UaSf nilXTCLLTOC PT3 Ra-TVTATIOa. 0 A DAYCaARAHTEESaAiVM WELL ADSEB A MILL la good Urritory. E4 armed by Owennaf f IOWA. ARKAMAS &OAXOT tzttftpyyj.&c, : a a Kir-; -.v-:v- -wis ;htxtf H 5 fA mmi i n it tj st I it Q fjrCH&LSrSHEPARD & CO.BatQfi(M,HiclL mm. ' mmmmrn i?5 ?--.4Vv 1 hfr.ftr MKtrimcry and Portable TT ft Trscttcn Engines. Vf ."'; v'ft-Vr-i My TANDAPO of czuRllrno throughout ihm &JrALX-- 3 f'- S? Al CHUSb for Orin-Re-nnr. Ti-,STin. Pr- i ;rr- A r v k lo us tm- r,,nv ,,,w work u ' - ' .i -,Nf jL-ir -j. - nf Orjn. ti.i wTic.a'v known mm the mnlw p.rnful AstOnShTnp Dvirofct and wmdrrfuVv usiri W ih.n hlf the unuai KMri and tmlla. PORTABLE, TRACTIOfl. lnd STRA-IURRiriC STEAM-ENCINES, with himcUI fratore r,f 1'im.r, Durnbuitr. ta:-y, Kconotny. nd Rwtatf rm.r!y nnknnwn in other mkke. Steam rowrr OulSti nd Slfnm-Ponfr SrrjMfcn a erlaltj-. Fonr eir.re of Separators, Inm Bix to twelve hi.rtff pawer; lo tw ntylfs IinsreTM .''tonntea Iforsc Ptwrn. Thirty-Two Years of Prosperous and CsntlnKous 6ulnea bj tbia hoiua, without cbaaas ui uauib, iw.iu.in, or man-nro?n -r un.irrr ft Hiriing iraarante for iperior p-wvl iin.l h'.nnrV.. dmlina;. machluua to tiie .all: hciWN! uru-a. t: t-. r r- :cr .ttrv.t' in to buiiil ana flm otf ic;crior i4 rnnzv t i,:.aiia ur rarootu BE KOT DECEIVED d7 For fuU i:u-i?i-u5ph cf'l ra cur ocfJ?rs. cr write to us fr.r lliu-urir-.t ('i.-rni-tri, whU-h we mail frre. Id lre BlCnCLS, SILEVUiD & CO.. Cattle Creek. Kich. If HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE Has just opened an entire new stock of hard ware, on Ton .-Bk. ? r3i: saa 3sr- qs is-c: -bts-jbt Nest door west of ( 'jiapnian & Smith's Draf Store. A Full Line of SHELF HAED.WARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES ana ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAIt.S, NAILS, ly the Ke or Pound ROPE, FOWDJiR, SHOT, GRIND STONE a, WHEEL-BARROWS. A.Fi;ll Lineol t VTI.KI5V. Special Rates tc Vuildtrs and Con tractors. All goods- souijas lov and live. t; they poss-iblv can be 4lv KENDALL'S SPAVIN WW i ; 3 $ . j i Jio Ttot (oijieei'MSfu! Etemecly i -'-.ev'-r di--rovp:-ed. it iseertaiii in its ..'Vileifei't" and docs not uli.-Uer. ltt ui moot' nninw. Fi'ojn Uev. P. X.JLJ rancor, I'lTidinK Elder of the St. AKian's District. Rt. A i.hans, Vt.. .Tan. 20th, 1x80. Dr. I'. J. Kendall & Co., Gents : In reply to vour letter 1 will say that my experience with li-iid:iU's Spavin l iirc; has hi-en very satisfac tory indeed. Three or four years at;o I procur ed a bottle of your a;rent, and with it cured a horse of hiincne caused by a spavin. Last season my horse became very lame, and I turn ed 111 in out for a ft w weeks when lie became better ; but w hen I put Inm on the road he not woise, when I discovered that a riuK-bone was fornihur. I procured a bottle of Keudall's Spavin Cure, and with less tha" a bottle cured ti i in so that he is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. Respectfully Yours, V. X. flitANfiEK. Frice. vi per bottle, or six bottles for S5. All druK'sts nave it or can set n for you, or it will he sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, 1. .1. KKNDALI. jt V J., KnoHiiuii;h Falls. Vermont. C. F. Goodman, Ag't Omaha, Neb. i C5 SB A. G. 'HATT JLST orKXED AGAIX. Ntw, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Muni Street Corner of 5th, I'lattsmouth Every body on hand for fresh, tender meat. 2ST1.0S V X--kfT'k i Ao entirely lw a--J positively effect. rm Va 1 KrmcJy fcr tr. iH-e,T t,i fnTinie it ciro of Seminal EnMMiour c.n."l ln:7cien', tbe c-. f tmt rlT, Tit.. LrKt Aprl.Ct U Ura. pakOpl C1 of OralSe. Tt bm of tX rrrae i atn..icJ nb no x ccv i.uicf,e'. ml 4imj n-- Irterfert iLh tb or-tiw p'trvJ. ct t:te. liw nude of tt:taa. b :?oj ib tet ia rtry Mnrt caim, aJ is '' pr ouaorl rura-M. T h : rt b Dcspi? a Sou i this prrpavrsua. rA't ci crTavtra mAi its a u f.-5:t!7flf r-n- lit 11 Tr"frC tiaist. It n ero- C Uit ilixUcal PrL-'curoai ta l- tU tr.oct ra:3tial inai yst disco erd of rabi!ij crti t!ui tr frYicnt IrooM. Tbc bid-i; if r-rt ap im ai busn, of Uir t,r. K. I a, nwiS). H. tanflWiai-.t .-?-. nn.-tiA4' WJ,le-,r-H. :.-' tLrw mtr.av f-i- T-i-Tf" 4 -tt- in f I-. laf alKtol. Maw ("4 far ft Inri ti(a . X fin at Aratt toi-al I lt.Birmte.aWt m - tfta o.i at waj tot tb T " r . w p. r ack akanhoni. Ml fti- 3 J tS Jnuao o4 l.A c if r a-.T'-l . b-rt aaai! for Matnp. HATTR'S REMEDY CO. PPO C?-.EMI3TS, jrct ur! r-i-a Street. L .l ILI M J. front -ciis.v rcwirfl reft A'iifrans; !niia-. Arl i t i-TL. i :-c rempriy i trsrletrf perfecSy. Chir'rn. A-f. U kVJ. I em if omuef..T cur-f -nd feci Up rni in rn f i-isnt'ri, frpt. 13, I receive J r truch berr frtn th e f '::r if!tn!;:j tt.At I want to l-y ttirn in r.-tner Ci?e. 7 Li it 1ol. tyr 1 v-i'i -rhj, very tirouf. M'ch., Jan. Z J.D. I have tit-! t'p y-jf f arkire of Mr. fi cne; c - t Tte a--!Uer as t:-n ( ifc'.iLe. '1 t"ai jr-j; ;-r-r",l 'l a; ptri'r.t tr..iLie. !-. t ll-cre i a w eat: r y., a-i Iot4, O'-t. iTj. I ai-i a!tm t KT;triait'.3 at rcr rai- t.'lei. 1 tve "i i:t ! lil'e a c'-rn cri .e. 1 pni .iu 4 t ic-r rs d-uch of a Pun a I '- t- r "o tjt:if. I wm on tU -rt of 1 v rraTe I l-'-f'tisl.!. ar.i ILtre vat bo cure (ur me, but cow I am in "Ll 2V"S rf " C1'"g A'T-tt Virri-vTVtTr" I4f I tree ne 1 y"nr MitIiciMe, ap I lcitre tt Isn ct:-cJ ma, f r which I aci vrv loankful. Ii r'"fi 't-aie f , f i!cl tie aetil e annU.e tot fi. 2) f if fri.-. i, Vou hax doc a great tttc ftr dc. I r ..i cr.J ya .,'',' .Tr.r , , Miswiuri, J'j r ,&th, irTi). Ft rate for ard mr ai oi-ce anofVrt bx cf the fas'ill, Te patient op 1-om I ttave urJ nrort oi cf. L-.t. i a-ii'mn to a B.imt !e bsz, is Xant recovering, aui '. rT'-r.'?1 CT- 2, 179. I.as( Jatiujrv rr from rw i rf t' ri-n-c'r, for or-e ot our c:tmer, rnd il i n da i ri iVct cure cf fcini. W t hve aneer c''l'nier rnm siirier ; - : i ':r tw.me wjv, ar.al wislt rctrrp mail ee 1S. 3 boj Iscai, tu.:u u.r, Mitn tii Any titir'i, Ira fol luuriitj cixte: : A Competent "'".ear.hot, 3Irtun oi W;('e, Teu.pcranicni, wtiipittl'Te iBi iu,ui,iuie. Stt-rtJitr ia vvinnen, cause aiii ireatniei i, Advice te Bridfgrom. A Tikce lo li usr-andK. Adtice lo Wieea, rntitutin, it causrt, t eiilocT ni Matrimony eonipare, tWojunl Wtiw, Cnnetiirt, 1 oo arfl Court!) lp. Ituprdirrwnw Iw MftT Scif RyrtucHa.t "f! Uf morlrv4, lw ot Mwnift and ,Vt4M, Lffai r:gb( f anarrtanl fowl, aw. . iBe.O't'tt: luraiM icuhae It'wmeii, ti.elr c&um And rretwtt. A bowk f ir fnvi' nt cyriiderA Kvtiri(. ef 3iS pa. 'b l'la EnirA'laO. J Mi. ed,6Jccia. "THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISErV On Cypnili. OocorrhCEA, Oleet, Stricture, v arico- tele, fte.. aito oa Spermaton hue, beiual Pcb'lity. ml jmpotene?, from 6eif-AbLe mit1 r'itm, tiiuiir fenainat'. Eduhioii. KrTrune, Arri:T. Ml SocteT, Hh 5 IVcy, DliA MM ftf fwjhi Jsf ( Mcmry. Im eVsuaJ Fir, rtc. nvlnnf n:w M5 improper or rhpy, (ivtne traaumrrt.avadai frvat mtu y luiMfirt fur ia cura f all jirivits dirr: 114 p-e, vcr Lv pUlt tVJ oruU. ' lfcd!c&l AItSc' Lectire on IThoci TTcsiant::!. lOx Wlaaaai fff aT PftMCT - , ' , " k ba.bl in Oi.e VO -U-c. u.,..iiih.b oto r, tun w fluitratirtt:, Tb combined vo!um i poitiTciy the moil lofuii.r alatticak P " ui.rtcj. ire auiaor an ripn ue4 phrsiciin f many rear practic. a i well ki uwn). ud tit lTia fivea. fi rula for trvatmrnt Itutt dB. be fvuud (if gBt itiiM to inofea) uff.rtng frBR mpuritv f di arteo, rtilT rrrtre, n-a ci. nr sriT of rb troubUa cemm under tke ba-i kf PK1V ATiv mt 'CiiROMC diMaMB, pMiftgc taip utto so pajatu for beoka. fTtTablisrictl d lfr47, curt vet reiuittne fium inipnrt siual asr-ciattwaa. aeil atute cr citial ascetsra. PaliBis ireateJ Otail and erp-e. Where p.ttil.ie. p''" oital eQuiratioo it pttrfrrcd. which it freeatvJ ii.iuJ. W tiiut to be answered bv pMr.t detu-11. treatafaent mail- f re to any 'H'pm on arT,li'"ati'n. I r bf'ki ft lreatr:eit ad-lei 13 U. lit TI 1 Xorfi ih gU t. Icula, Mow OR, BUTTS' BiSS trttUliia 1347 .t 13 K. U Ctrwt, 37. LC7I5, JIHE rbriletani ia chart of tbn .IJ and well kantra io.ll. f utioa ara regular gradual., i. airateiue aitJ .urgrrr. Yrt Kaa.f4aa. id rh IraarBical f 1 krw.i. IKtmrntt. h... BtaJa th.ir iVill aad Lilif to aowti aupirior to that of ia ardni.rjr iHuhv, taat ia.7 n.va aotjuir.J a bimwui rcy.iaea rsummmm TpmhlM ajid favtokibtie or MereMriaJ aJTccUai ef Ilka troftV, afcui OT Mir, ireaiea who iucrr, vn cirim ejplea. witrtout uauir .Mercery or a-Lher foitBu Medici VAlllip UI e rJ aod Uioie f n..aJ1e tfe whe i IJlMfclW MllMiyi 1 friB from the etfrct of taper raa or Aoutiuai VtraoeM. the reaait f aeil-abUM in larval, kiM or boaea, treated with aucreaa, on acieatitic prm ejplea. witrtout uaiar Mercary or e-Lhrr fotaosaua Mediciuea. are iui major- r aieea in viatured yeara. are fermtneMiy cared. I bis die oaae produeea aooie of tha foJlewm flcct emiwiona, blutchaa, ttixsineM, Mrrouaaeaa. dimnoaa of aht. caub, iBijetoo, ninitir" " deMadeier. confualoa et ideas, averwoa lo ao atrtw, defective aimcrr, aexual eaanu, imocacf er loaa of aunly ifor, wtwca anlS tiie TtMi f- r tMas ar auarriae paYlafNTS TREATED r a.iaJt.rrM. coioiune. Lt-V.-f.d, ."ittt m FBK a.d LtM ef qu.lK la b. .n.wcred b. tic.t. dM4rli Cmi mmjird trim a avy ilrrM Pi-l hl.hiu . Imt) ta I Ccai..Maic-k'tra'tif Wjt . HZKCTTs. 15 MM.taWia C M4r adTant... rl U Ml . truu.jr urtii irtla -t., Ft. ImiU. Ala. Tfc. fima-iat (flit fe ar-" iniuL f VV II 1UKIV RE.VTBT F.SXtf H i.-r. Mil t ffirl.t Ft. Lsnla, 12o. WANTED for the Bl and FaatcaU O S.i!:n)f pieu;ril Bouks and Bible.. Pricaa g-a r.dacrU-33 ymr O. NallOoal rutli!h'g.CKiSl. Loun, Mo. C a W A Ymmf m A Cftmiit tent Iowiwj nun ia each i U J ElSJ ' - -- s. to Kil lie t!Ml-uia cf Ibrng M.rlit kuowlu" aulwr jjtice. T..tjck B-.-U, w;rli good rpiv.i.es e n.rni.h t.'.c natUl Irf ais! tcrma tint iU lnr a r?lkor r flO a aiaalla. Aii-cJ iATfUiaTlOiil. 11 D. CO, Boa 2fl, BU Loi-ia, Ma. Even aa it iiriwrni kiiai i Bi aJ 11 CuMurri. fa.aU fc.Hi. OrrkilU. a01 I Bl.Ba.1 Thr.Nr in Flam. Timtrt hw. ('Ictt.r &n1 &11 nth.r K.. 1. cf a , , iftS TLX 233 A. CLARK, SOLE AGENT. The BERT and MOST- FOri LAl Kc-wTngf ThreaU f llodern Times. BEWABE OF K5ITATIOXS. For sa'e by E. l. Dovey & Sou, Solomon A Nathan. Win 'ilerold, W. II. Uaker Si Co.. L, Kuliskv: Son. GEOKGE EDGKKTON. VV i ne s, Liquors AND Main Street, opposite the Court House. This place is just opened, wit', good goods ef all kinds. We want to keep a good house nd please our customers. REMEMBER THIS. Sly. I ra. Ra.g.r; I riaia H.U.r; I lubber hm r.a.il ; liia. E.t.l. r; It aaatta ta. r.fxr; I tl.it Baak taat fa. Poaai, a.d Cfcin.aa Srct ror gl.aainc lin.a. (.if aaoa.f Ml'liaf aa crtt.) All sent for Fifty Ceata. Siau.pal.taa. Aii'rm, Ikatak. lf.J (MUk Uik BoraVaaawarX. w Jmaa ipO"CJILTlDI2,Y" MACIIIXE SHOPS! -TOHIIbJ". WAYMA2J I'LATTSMOCTH, NEB., Repairer of Steaji Engines, Boilers, Sato and Grist Millr AH AMI NTKAX FITTHS, rronpht Iron ripe, Foree and Lift rijies.Rteam viuni;-.-, .-iiir-i y- aivr! tiovernors, ana ail kinds of llrass Knjrine Kittings, repaired on sliort notiue. FARM MACHINEHU Kew Firm ! J0M:S & AG NEW, at the Brick Livery Stable. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA. The old r.onner Stables, in Plattsmonth, ar now leased by Jones & Anew, ami they hv en hand New ami liaini-oma aeeoiamodalions, in the .shape of HOWES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HORSES. We are prepared to keep HOUSES FOR SALE hTRADEI And will Train and Break Colts Oa Reasonable Terms. ALSO KEHEMRER, That with plenty of room (that everv one knows we have) in our stable, we can cet Farm ers' stock and wagons, loads of hay, &c., undtr cover, where they w ill keep dry. Thai.ki:ia all the old patrons lur their liberali tv.we so.ieit their trade fortlie future, natisfird th-it we can aeeoininodate t hem better and do belter by mem than ever before. 501 y JOXES & AfiNEW. - HENRY BCFCK DEALER IN SAFES, CHAIRS, '. ETC. , K'i'C, FTC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES Of all sies, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FINE HEARSE IS NOW IJEADY FOIl SEKVK.1;. With inaiiy thanks for p;ust iatrona,t nvite a'.i to call uml eauiLne my LAKUK STOCK OF 3lf. Fl'ltXTI 'ti: AM) tOWIXM i. -J. li v. PS rc . Hi X BST THRESHER G? WHCg Im enr n ihrairAl ntar an A proa Hu falMta. ?m wonrterf lUly aluir' and admirably ,ri&et iu ita tbrftHhiti- ajid acparatlnf qualities. iaaTs ali iit vraJti, and elrtinx it readr far Biarkat. f.uia rA.iV, ia oonearuoted dursibly, la finiaiitt beautiltiily, la tbe niOrvt oonnminal, Vast eipc-n- v, aad aiat aa tlal ucrory anaemne la tb tnarkrU V.uJ liamdie wrt grain m well aa Arr. Kaa bo en Oil in thrwhiag- fax and timothy, tbravo. irur aiwl idHUiinir botb aa well and nearly aa rooldir an whestt, aud rojnina no charfc axt-ept tbe :Ta. j fu- tH- J0m q taraluf mtui rlan,nf nr. fs thorn any cihtr mutrMitt wait, mnd aaa im l riltk TIITI. 1.1X2 ATTACHMENT aar ami .rr rtKl niSit. loatl tb win mora mny ae4 becwr t&aa aa eacluairelr HiuUaar Htf AltATOKS of tb nu-imu KiAWyVir aaaaia ar Jfonw Ptrrrr, aa ueaumjL ' Aa Itujaraarrd Pic la Tower, an IanraTr4 tVawkirv Paver, and tfaa IJ ward Lqiui. a'awer, ail Bacunted on four wtetsaa, ara Jfcu!f!jnf d by U, ana ora ae faraaafai a"f aro aino pr-?rarad to fnrnina finat-daaa Port&bla aiaea with our Saparacoca. Tor Frioe-UBt aad drcnlara, addreea SEYMC JR, 6ASIH & CO. Kanufttotursrs. Ctfllwater, Kiiuu Ut! A f Including Shootlr Outfit. H JaJSA Every Cun Warrantod it J VilagarkU, Xwura Uroeka be Loiua orp hprf T tq r,rm h h .w la.lta.s au M IHI ti WC fckl J J L SaM.OMtlM Caa.-antt. BOl'T ! lW Ckaan rAfc0 I valflati. aio.iry-m.kiDf Swili : 10 Kick Ft JrYrz ' v'--. W Z ? WHO CHICAGO, ROCK !Sl ISTHEUHEAT t OSS t J '... !.'... Its main line runs from . -... i . Bluffs, passing thnmuii .!!!?'. "n -i -Ocneseo, Moline, Unfit IsUtiri. !. -,.i I.ibertT. Iowa C ity.Marentn. iri.. ' .:. .- . Ie Moiura (the taiitl t,l Iowa . !.--. I v . tic, and Anca; with UraFir--r tr. i . "... Junction to I'eoria : Vi!t ! Juii'-n ' -ttna, Washintlnn, Kairu-M. k-l ; i. . ". C'entreTille, rnntfton. 'I r-iil;a. t-ai. iini '. ron, Iaenworth, Atc-hi.-uin ur.d mhi- .. ; WasbumtOD to Sl8'urnry. fcalM. '"' ' " ille; ReokuK to KarminKton. H.-n ir-nr; t -i-tonsport, Indepenrtcm. Eldon, c n i i -.-..- . Tille.Oskaloosa, I'rllH, Mnnrno. an.l ! M.-.r.- ., Newton to Monroe; Iip Mnmii to ln.!:i m -i.i Wlnteraet: Atluntic to Ion and Aii.i:r,- n. Avoca to Harlan. Thia is piwitiTe!- Railroad, whieii owm. and cpfmn a IV -. r.'; line from Chica into the Stntp of i s.i-.n.v Throush Express Faasenpcr I rnins. tril.i r-.!l-man l'alacal'arsatt?liBil.arc run i:irl. rc.y !. between Chicago and PcoitiA. KjsfAs ir-. Cocncii. BLfrrs. ucavenh-okth and ATflii IOK. Turouchcars areaUo run botwen Milwau kee and Kansas Ut, tiu the "Milnaulvo and Rock Island hhort Line." The "Great Rock Island" U ncninnt!f quipped. It road bed Is simjilj perfect, and iti track is laid with steel rails. Wbat will please you most will be tho pleasure ef enjoylna: your meals, while passing Ter tho beautiful prairies of Illinois and lows, in one of our raacrmflcont Dining t ars that accompany all Through Express Trams. You tret an enure meal, as good aa is served in any first-ciast hotel, JoraeTanty-tlTe cents. Appreciation the fact that a majority of tho people prefer separate apartment lor uinereni purposes (and the immense passttneer busineat of this line warranting It), wa are pleased to in . Bounce that thla Company runs Puilm.m l'ilnrc kUuxnnm Cart for sleeping purposes, and I'aLite i y,S t V ' - '. : . ;.-x-rv. r--.$ i'jjPa2'7' SfSPlSfe i-r.tlA. inQjltSfSfer. i PtLLHAX PALACE CAR sn rmn hrnrh to PEORIA, IKR MOINM, COrNCII. BLCFrt, KANSAS) CITT, Al t JIIH. and I.KAVSWUKTn. - Tlekata Tla tkla I.I nr. known ava tke iirt-t If oca. ialaa4 JCauUc," ur al J ii Xlelie Atesti 1 the United Atatea and Canat1ai. Top Inforamtloa nm obutlatablo att Your borno tlrket nfflec, atadreaa. KIMBALL. Gea'l baperintondent. ia i iter Grainer. ALL KINDS OF fainting, draining lasing, Qixhrnnutinn. rv IX "3 s Alt-o, Decorations of all kinds. HS'mt Painted in Good Style'. FItESCOIXQ A SPECIALTY, REFERENCES : A. R. Taylor, N. Holmes, J. Vallery, 8b., E. llKKUNEK. 44tf NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE, Or an Old Stable in new Jiands entirely. The New Firm of II0L3IES & DIX0X, open the old ST HEIGHT BARN i.n the Corner of Cth and Tear Streets with a New Livery Outfit. Unoi) HORSES AND CARRIAGES at all - times ' HOUSES t OH SALE, houses BouaiiT and sold, HOUSES KEPT BY TUE DAI' OH ITEEK Call and see HOLMES & DIXON. MONARCH BILLIARD II ALL 1 In the basement of Merges' Stork-, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. One door cast of the P. O. Rooms Newly Fitted up With XKW 5IOXAIII H TAIILFJS. Cigars & Temperance Drinks On hand at the counter. It is a wide and spacious Hull ; plenty of room for players tad seats for visitors. Ed. omvkis. p. r. MunrjiY. .Manager. Htf Prop. Or an, r.tV-r 1c 1. TOU fH r.t(. Tl.t'. With Dal Aflrftiiie so that it .lT ciit Mtrttrr lhaa &-. I In- tK. lh will alt remain t,f e:tinl n-i anil hiit.l Sent ftffs on t-e-retjit nf 2.60 to any jj-irt i.rthi:n:id i-ttti-a. I ; I iu-Ii ieil I'lrular. Ve. Jnil A(f,t,rftntrtt in evert eountumiid rJ'!f; iJ Mtura at- mi., Ae- o. ffl, I'tt. "We liar li't- lrrH. of Mttrs from mti aaiac our Macba. who ay tutj woulj not tii!; j for iu rraaenpilon Fra n aav Lfflmrun .11. .ill a.,., ir . Ci. witeii anew eruitiu( il.ir.WLl.ka. Muatai-aa la ariialiy prtnSc(l. f.a;..,.ttraca ti. Co., S Gliiitoo i'lvac, tir Trk. TE 17 St. diaries Sre?t, &t. Lolf , V: A rrprnlar priiu.i:f nf two Mrdirai 1 viJ hu et-a '.OUfmT cojrorfil in ii-.e psa'. trratrmut cf ail Vu(riil. &mx uaj Jid Chi omc iJ Bcaoc! th&n c?:r other Fhyitia ia Leu is. city repvr tho. and I! old r i V- u kiov. Syphilis. Coi-cri haCt, Wti ictur. Ck-chitls. Hernia, or .Rupture, aii Urinary Ineaf ua Cyphilitic or ILei eurml AfTection of tho Throai Dftin w i u' i. err ir. -: iu w:in UT':ra..lcira latest ri?titile prijit. ). fc?fciy. Pnvtc.T. fceriiiatori h' n, xval JL.xbiiity nnd Impo tency, ii the rcu!t oi" 8-Atiue to youth, muil m. CNiei in inoturei yr . or other ra.ic, and which produce itnit-J tSi fo!!nnri:iK rflVrtu: DTvousria, M-mlimJ eajfa- i(Hi. tHiUtty, Jii.tft f of th:, d: d c tive int:niuijr, njinpliM s xual powia, ., rriKlarlng U1..V1-P, y. ! lrDiliMnUr , or tv li. J I rp. aril iavit4o. xuarri0(re m j,io r cr vlu eurrd. C'jnvuitHtion tt oltVr, or Wlirn it i iiiroi-ntjt ti vuit tin city lor trrmitiiefii, mviKiur ran Nt irnt by utaii or -xprt everywhere. Cur abieraiea guaranteed, bee douU txikt-. 41s fruukiy atatrd tViARRBAGE I pIFs. iKtnt cloth tv4p'!t 'nctiufe. fcfcJcd lor 6O0. ponape or currency, s.iiy waoarrui pen f .L trua to Jifc; art:ie on tu- f-i !oir:nir iuL-U: KLo i UMTjr, uo nL tiv. Jui.;"Hrf. )v..btaniiid, fi j H4i.riu. iic i i:vhcivv kr i, rva i.iXi tv I) , au 4 UUUf nuirr- iiioc u-arri-'i or c j t k , rtad it, tii en kept tit.Ur luck a J (Stitvft. c aa aiMva, uJt po t t-wrr, ?& ofrt-a ct fcy ikafl. ii l ia if i. 1 1 .1, w -.-i -.v. rtJ Vj PRESCRiFTIGlf FREE or til .EMu-tfv p. f kuiui Vt,-..r lt.. arurel llJ li..' tnri.et.,.. A4r. ' V. JACOUfi. '' Ciiercaiat St., f. ACENTS WANTED ITKaatl ABVEVTrUEIt I jSE JAfilESi Tfc. Xit4 irxltra OuIa. H... J. A. Orm, rh.o. iru. a. irtrtliior ae.ani mtuitr.t. J af tar Ud aar ti.a ,r 15 yr. ra in JO atatra ac4 Tr-ltyrtM. kic -. orb.ial. . Mi. law. IU.I IH.a t ta rar. Ma.a m ia thr. nmu. ao .m. l. r.r .u't : ai.aa fer m Dl. L-6 rp.. I.IWal lw, ta Jiaak. TMttM Jk CI a-Biuiir, 1'lae Ntrnt, T. lt I. at. rl HOT FA II. to aa4 tor ur f rr L,iataa IgsO. rii u- tu; 1.4iTitaliia of ev-ry- M. I..r with or ) ! fr.uil iil B '" -'' o tttirj i -."r TV. n , We 7I - I j'''"''l'-'-a . ' in a -. , , -a 3t iiT'. :--. V t A ; v t.. 44? il.lia.ll A lr.,t.inra 1,1, MAN H. 4U , PACIFIC R. R. ? i ur, FART A THE WEST! ) r r t ni4.rr ritrr annlr. Oneotuer - i.ur r. I t - r.r l i "'i'!i n enjoy your lJTaua" '. v f -:.it. :-, fnan tke litsstsslpql . r. r 11 Inm erunsed by tea mi-:. - r... :w ..nlrd at i'otinril Bluffs. , ir,,--i and AtoblaoD, con- v - in I'ninn Iionots. N l-). i'.. It. CONNr.('TION3 OK r HULvlull LI.NB AUK AS r. -i:u all dirergiDC linei for the ... .'. rt:ib the L. 6. & M.S., and K, 1 ' I. ,t i. SM.t '. v, t:i in. rent. n. R. At i-i i -tii A v.;.:i I". !'. 1 .1 i P.D.E. I. B. V : I i y , i : and I . 1'. VV . Kds. At '." k I'I.vmi. vuh "Mllwoukee A Rnefc la ' v : i it I. !!." nd Rock Isl'd A Ieo. Krta. At liw r.M'i'iif. wiiu two Oarenport llvuloa C. M V -t. IV H. H. At tvt-ii I.'. r.rnTY. with tlieB., C.R.& N.K.R. At '.tMW r- l.l.. with entral Iowa R R. At Sl:tf:. weh 1. M. h F. li. R. R. A i cr M ii. Iti.rris. with In Ion l'aciflo R. H. ,Mlr.iMH. Mill I). A Mi. K. K. U. in Neb.) AM oi l Mnt s J i xi Tio.N.witU H..C U. N. R R. At m i t MWA, with Oniral Iowa U. K. ; Wfc, hi. i.. l-nc ana . . una At Kn.tl K, with 'l ol.. Pro. Sl Ys n. A Yar ; Wab.. 8. A N -W.R. Ku. Lfii:;s i I'sc. and St. I... heo At ( i:imv, wiiii it. i-l J rt. at. At iiramuN. with Atnli., 'l'opeka 4 Santa Tw Afh. A .!. and ten. Jlr. IJ. P. K. R'it. At I.UTKNnuitlH, with Can. Pec. and KaaV Cent K. Hds. At Kansas Citt, with all lines (or tho XVe9k and tonthwesu Gtn'l Tkt. nid rais'rr Art., cm -hioago. Ilk NEW FIRM. ICTIETW" C3-00 DS I I JNO. B0XS k SON, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At O. (Juthman's old store. A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries, NEW AND FRESH. BREAD STUFFS, of everj description. Choice .Hid Fancy Candies and all kinds of Canned Goods. CIGARS AD TOBACCOS, of tiie Lest brands. CHRISTMAS TOYS, dC, dC, ia endless quantities. Fresh J trend Daily. Don't fail to Call. 881y J. I50XS A .SON, I'rop a. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always on Hand AM) HEARSE FUNERALS. TAKE 3STOTICB ! I want all of my accounts settled to daU, an'l I Khali do na more credit hiisini-ss. AH oftl accounts must he settled up, ami no new uu.Bf will he made. I'nlcss sni-li aceount aro settlial 6hrtly they will ho mied. I wish to do a strictly c:sh hmluess ia futnr JOHN SHANNON'. Plat laiiiout k. Neb, S350fr":r! NTH! AlZWVlXZm illiav ArtUW a tUHtrMitMin. II Afs I tU'"Biaaj-f r,.On,iMMlararTaj)UifVa Ziiaa. Aaar.H wl(a ataaiy, Dr. J. at. fablar. at. Laua, Ma I()KIMS O'JIOUKKE nain comes (o the (rent with his laia niui.it at yieee goods, aad utaKits his stand in! offer of a FIT OR NO CASH OUT I on every tuit that h me.'iirei for. Von can't miss the place as y go rfowu Htrent, Oppoiita tha t'eyrt Hoiife. Yr?.?4iLYS0JlPrMER; tC f .S.i 3 CZHT. PUKE. (I'atcntrJ.) ftxixy vovn rm:o. iiiciily rraFntrn. The cfronarrtt and prrnl m-i-in. V:!l triKl'i 1J K,tiuJ,t,,P liij I-Kt 1'. t-T.-iiacd lia. J .i lii M iiiiuuu-i witiiimt 1 no tt wan-r.itolicm r uJo. 'I be (lialatcrtHiit. Tii foilowuiar aro a nno nf tT:o ulnitaM otitauiea by uauig- Levis' fc3 Tcr Cu. ivv.ji-i4 w t-!rt. IXKTWrm. 'HEIir ,n fr.TT w: i a atiiu or r(ui',vnJii- li-i. rn-. y t.-il. t; a and laiii.r tho (o:it- ::U-ST''!'-J. r -tlaiiwor (ir.nu rymK 1 in :!.. ta ,.r jrwtih nii.. l.v... t'li.l,. I-..: a 2 l.mirTi itri a L.i,ik.r lo sret tlir Lve out. a.?ronil. It l-.VT a fee P'jm iiit. y i4 1 1. 1-."- n i:i3 h i aij.t I it, r " it ii i !:! lii-c, ' Tklral. A t.-afiioonf it! rr n: c i lv Ofo i. in i:r-')i u i, : h .-. u i;'..t-i(- t.,a-.iUMj.a M.'t o iiji. i-.t. .-ia threbv "io t)i .:i,w : , Wiln olhcrLycK all tT'i-r ! ... .1 at once aud u.-d i.i a , oi t;.a I'uurlli. . V. 'UV. r -i i i. Tr. a irom an a nt .t : s. Fifth. Tha h"t -!i ' i-.-; f . to twmity luiuut' -i Willi tlii-i I i o tixtb. K' failure v. i-wu- n 1 i wiUi Una I -ye Wiutn tjj aii;:.:-- t... . ara f oi I. , jri a. Hrrrnth. Or. C2tl cf t: aqual ut twenty i-ouV. t ! : Ora mic' lv ' ux,J n.irt-a r.f ifTtri.. 1. . . re. B Ball pntwli.cr K.'. latla. 'Xhla 1. ye I. i a? oUir I.ye cr I'ov., Teatla. Cna to two t- u; : - teib of Uia hardowt wet r. ,E1ereath. Or Wa-K'-l -.. aaaaaa Klnka, IrtilriM, t r ( ' -IOTaluaila ti r t.li.;i - I Xljo Ux arUcla lor -u . "... PIIIULDr.XJ-t-l'ir :ire bv H. i. DOVEY SON. GUT 1 & WEI R ISACll. 1'. b. ttl.i uu Y , BAKKK & CO, antl deulTi lu eeueral. a ft Ik ;. A s I). hi 'h i . Y '1 l h ?i 7