ie Herald. :,r ektkkmexts. !.-l'. U---'i:l:ii- ailvcnlH- ' No ;k1vlI vi.i,.-i,i.iit rt- , " i . .it-. .: . ' r::tfM. - i ... i is .if i ;n' law v U1 le ii-I1 : .. i 4.1 iii.n'-r? t : i li;-u.l in, :: ;i J .!';: t . ullica- i : wi!l t;; ,u-lJ lur Hie iiuulica- ( UMMIM-'AVIilVl is lUnit.'il, nil i:i.T.' ions t: the (J til:t. v.uh no waste : !- .. ;, .;!:-!!" fr Ihe eorreet !!PH ; r j-:.:tl r ami ahl l-c- : f.V ( --''i who !;ikt-x the paper regularly ,!'! v. n tl.'T i:i.i" lt 1111 !if Is a or not is i-jr li.-c ;:iy. i. i-!.. ii irlfi IiiH paper di.ffnitfu i ;:y uil :ir.-.;:inisre, r the Utlish- i ill: !!!.: I Sl lill 11 Ull'.ll il II1CIII. is rt the wh'ile amount, whether 1 i ';-! tioii! tl.e (;:i-i or not. ' - h;ive ilni'r-il thai refiis'.lljr to . :.! i -. : ;iiii-;t! f ruin tin; l"nt - ; : n ;:t:.l t ; t v i 1 1 c them uncalled )..:,.; cvidvlia of IliTK.MlOflAl ci.:-' i J 1 : r fi!. "i t ft A LOCAL NEWS. -I'buio Stools ;it J'-s. Schlater's. tf -Will. S. Wisi' sell ileal Ivilate. tf re 1 need Price lltf -S.'c r.iud a.tvf-rti.-scint'Jit of CJ resit 11.. Store. lltf i 1 1!y reduced i kes ;it (Jreat l!i.i stoi:k. 1 llf ---.'. isli jmid fT Uutter ;uid cn by Uvr.Kt-tt A: Lewis. '3tf -Mii'.iufCLiirniiig and llepJiirins'J'.t -hoe fclore. 12U A is3w slock of corsets, at Mrs. J.Ii!istn & Sweeney's. -.12 Don't lnv until vou havo priced at i tie Great Red Store. lltf Largo line of Loots find Sliot-s, elH-.ip, at Great Led Store. lltf Soldiers who have hoinesteaded less than ICO sicres write to XV S. Wish, tf You will always find IVpnerherpfs niu.-t popular Cigars at I. X. Ilieks. tf Fresh fruits and vegetables re ceived every dav by Lennett & Lewis. ntt Ib-jiairing done on short notice find at reasonable prices at J. G. Cham ber's. 25 1 2 Persons in debt to Dr. J. II. Hall to;i! 1 confer on him a great favor bj paring at onco. C'3tl 1'vervbodv goes to the Great Lef. Store, wherr they are treated fair smd squire. lltf A new stock of fatu-y goods at Mrs. Johnson & Miss Sweeney 's ; manv novelties. 2"t2 ' Quite a number of riait.Mf.outh boys camo down from Osnaha with the excursion J- unday. We want 100!) duy.n ecrgs for which we will ;i.iy eas'j or goo. Is. JU-!i-nett & Jjeu is. 25tf Lay vour grocerii-s of an exclusive Grocery House. JJennett & Lewis car ry a complete san k. lolf -Look out for the new bramls of Cigsirs at the 1'. (). Xews D pct, l'iiifs Dai ling Set cigar. The most comforiabb boot in town is that wit'i Lvon's Latent M-l-allic Heel StiiTiers." 2 ill Xot the Largest Stock, but the freshest smd purest candies in town, sit John Leach's stand. 2-jtf A good 10 cent ruler given away to every one buying school books, slates vtc at the P. O. Xews Depot. A nv.' b: of pipes and smokers' articles gem-saily, jsst received at Schlogel Ninnan's. 2-3i2 Full of linen suits are being sold very- cheap at Fit d. IL-rnn aim's Call before they are g--;ie. ISif If The Democracy can't gt ?mo speakers to beat Wiso and HsirtijaH, the campaign is oui3. Xew plushes, tiimroing silks smd velyets, and latest style ribbons, at Mrs. Johnson A. Swcrney'.. 2ol2 J. P. Yuun; presents ua with a rule to guide us on our wfary way. Success, Philip', tunccs to yez ! J. G. Chambri kecj's ihe test as sortment of farm harness. Call and see them before purchasing clsewhere.2 If you want nice, light bread or biscuits, white as snow, buy the 'Snow 1-Tsike flour at Dennett & Lewis'. 22tf Mcst Skll bj tbo 24th, one span of ponies, a new opeu buggy and new harness Terms cash. Inquire of 2GU Dr. J. II. Hall. J. G. Chambers keeps the largest and finest assortment of Whips, and sells them cheaper than any one in town. .t2 We have received frem Misses Herrmann & Wurl the fall and winter catalogue of M'm Demore?ti' Pt tarns. Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! cheap ! cheap !! cheap !!! At the Great lied Store. Money positively refunded if not satisfactory. " lltf Gen. Grant would like to "Cigur field elected," aud Dr. Tanner will try si fifty day starve if it wiil gain G. & A. any votrs. Peppei 'oerg's cigars are the most lvliable for purity smd fineness in qlal ity, and are far superior to smy other make. Ask j our dealers for them.2 jtf Mr. Xathan has gone to Xew York smd has sent on soma of ths handsom est pattern hats smd bonnets in the very newest styles. Just you go smd see them. 2i2 Mrs. Johnson & Miss S wepney have begun to receive their fall styles of millinery, ami have some very hand some pattern hats, with more "coming. Go and see them. 212 . Doubie-thi. k "Corner Stone" plug tobacco, at COc jr lb; also sill of Loril lard's brands, at from Gac to 70c pr lb; and all other pjpe.lar bramls, at Scble gel & Xieiuan's. opp. r. U. 2ot2 This is the way the Port Jervis (X. Y.) Gazette dishes it up to the Re publicans of its district: -M.irier! Marier!" csilled si washer woman of the "Holler,"' "You chil', be s ire an brung all dem clo's otTen de line. Da 'publicans have a' to-nite an' we doau want ncn ob dat Mogollier bizuess "reuud us; yeu hesih me, honey V Personal. Capt O'Kourke is still very ill were gret to ssiy. - Eddie Donelan went to Xebrask College last week. Mrs. Marshall visited South Lend and Louisville lbs first of the week. It. O. Fellows took a trip into the southern part of the State Tuesday. Mr. Fhillippi, of th Ti. & il., spent two days in the city the first of th week. Mrs. M. IJ. Murphy returned last week from Ssilt Lake accompanied by her bister .Mrs. Thos.- Carter of that city. Mayor Johnson, Sheriff Dyers, J. XV. Darnes and J. A. MsicMurphy are at tending the G. A. R. Reunion at Cen tral City. Chas. Pettcc is out in the county canvassing for tho IIkuald, and is rolling in the campaign subscriptions pretty lively. Sec. Wheel6r and asst. sec. Wilson 12ft for Omaha Monday where they are kept busy making entries for the coming State Fair. Mrs. Pollock, smd Mrs. Marsland went to Drowuville the first of the week to represent the Women's For eign Missionary Society. Jim Grace came homo from Canada last week, after a good visit among the Kanucks. lie puts on as many airs as a Frenchman, by the way, and some of the Irish boys want to take him down a peg. C. II. Van Wyck and wife are the happy parents of si new daughter. "We csill for si rc count in the census. It stopped too soon in Xebniska. W can beat South "Kariina" yet, if they'll give us and tlfe General time enough. Mr. Valentine Hay, si well-to-do far mer of Stove Creek precinct called in last week and paid for si campaign subscription and orders the Herald to keep coming. Mr: I lay also sends the Hekald to his son-in-law Mr. May in Illinois as all farmers of Csis3 ought to do. We neglected to make mention last week of Mrs. U. W. Wise' departure for Tecumseh to attend the stata con vention of tho W. C. T. U. wher, ne see by the reports of the convention, she delivered the response to the sid dress f welcome. A farther report of the piocecdings is given in the Temperance column from her pen. We have tried Dr. Dull's Cough Syrup in our family, and can assert that it is the best remedy for a cough or cold ever introduced. Price 23 els. -The Lincoln Democrat says Hop Scotch is a fraud. The way the dirt is being hanled out for the foundations of the build ings on Main sttcet isn't slow. Kvery boy and girl that buys smy school books, slates or other school supplies at the P. O. Xews Depot will be presented with a tints Ruler worth 10 cts sit any store, don't fail to ask for the ruler. The number of entries for the State Fair we learn is much larger than hist year and-the Fair promises to be the finest wo have had by long odds. The display of live stock will be particularly large. Some enthusiastic Garfield and Arthur friend sends us a magnificent 'organdie" pocket handkerchief with, Garfield and Arthur printed on it. We suppose, this is a "Show-er" wa'il go home and get a "DIower." Xight Watchman Robins wiis as saulted last baturday night on Main street by a party of unknown roughs and received a pretty severe drubbing. The sissaulting party should be hunted 'lown and severely punished. The Omaha picnic business hd better be vetoed unless the parties can behave betiar than they have done heretofore. Last Sunday they had a big row at the bieweiy again and re spectable people are sibout tired of the business. Mr. Weckbach is making quite a change out by his place. He has bought four lots esrst and fenced them in thus throwing the road into a reg ular street instaad of across lots as it ran before. Mr. W. wili have a fine place there. Will Shryock thinks he's got a sure thing on Dave Miller but we think he's a little off; he bought a riding bridle which lie is to psiy for when Garfield is elected. Are there any Han cock bridles for sale anywhere ground town? or a suit of clothes? The Leadville Minstrels passed through here Sunday night on their way to Omaha. They have two di minituve donkeys about three feet high with immensely large ears, and at towns where the minstrels perform they march in procession drss ed in brown corduroy with tha don keys leading. Tho Workingmen's Union or some such association of Omahsi picniced at Plattsmouth last Sunday, and a good desil of noisy and drunken carousing was manifest in the company. As the season for picnics is about over we can save our protests against such in decencies on the Ssibbath day for an other season. Mr. Hesser is making arrange ments to carry an immense number of plants to the state Fair," and to excel if possible his previous collections. He has added a large number of rare and showy plants to his collection within the psist year, and his display will be a credit to the state. He takes tho mammoth century plant again this year, which in itself is a big dis play. Two cars will be required to transport his stock. For Sale 1 A fine black horse, six years old, good roadster, for sale cheap at this office. 17t3 County Commissioners Proceedings. REGULAR SESSION. Plattsmoctii, Sept. 6, 1830. Deard met pursuant to adjournment ; present, Jas. Crawford,'l Richard son, Isaac Wiles, Commissioners; J. D. Tutt, Co. Clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, when the following was done, to-wit: Order heretofore made, allowing Mrs Mary 'Wilson $:j.00 per week on poor fund was revoked. Eoard adjourned to meet at 8 o' clock, Sept. 7. - Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1880. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment, full board present. The following claims were then al lowed on general fund: Xeb. Herald, sundry printing,. . 42 80 Catherine Kcanedy, washing... 50 J I) Tutt, compiling census 70 15 C G Herold, clothing prisoners.. 4 45 E II Wooley, Supt. Pub. Inst't. . 72 7d J D Tutt, salary & expense acc't for August 41 24 Pli Murphy, b'd'g prisoners 04 00 R W Ilyera, Sheriff's fees 40 50 Mrs. Mary Wilson, washing pris oners' clothes 1 00 Insane case, Annie Pruitt C9 40 Joe demons, witness Gr. Jury .. 2 60 Dr. S II Richmond, rejected. II C Chubbuck, work on jail 1 00 Allowed on bridge fuud: Qusickenlush Dros., lumber 4G CI Hay Bros., nails 5 90 Win. Droniblet, repairing road scrapers '. 10 00 Allowed on poor fund: W II Schildknecht, ssihiry aa Co. physician 43 75 W II Iisiker, nidse for paupers. . 33 15 Jas Wsilstow, nidse J Bates 5 00 J C Eikenbary, boarding paupers 38 90 C G Herold, clothing to paupers 3 30 The following amounts tvere refund ed for taxes erroneously paid at differ ent times on school lsmds: Simeon Rector "S 10 C2 Jacob G ruber G7 97 A P Weston 33 81 R G Doom...- 39 71 E Doom 7 31 John Hirt 57 49 GE Pronger 14 23 GW Young 70 83 Thomas L Harry .. 90 8G J 13 Brent 45 48 S M Holverstatt..., 80 51 II J Rohnne. 195 20 W Xichols 3 33 J Adams 18 57 Jsison Streight .. 1C0 C7 Elias Sage 209 79 Samuel lirantner 37 29 John Ossehkop 55 70 C M Cheney 35 51 D W Foster 40 07 W Ii Ashman 70 45 Perry Wsilker 2C0 08 Lewis Calkins 104 13 Cenrsul Schlater 51 93 Mrs. Kennedy allowed S3 per week for four weeks on W. H. Baker & Co. Julius Bates, order for 35 per week on Jas. Walstow. Order allowed en poor fund in favor of Jame3 Patterson for $12.00, for the benefit of Mrs. Fry. Official bond ef XV. E, Latta. super visor district 37, approved. Board adjourned to meet Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1S30. Board met pursuant te adjournment, full board present. Order allowed Jas. Fitzgerald, sup'r district 24, for 64.24. Clerk, instructed to draw eiders on general fund for fees due road spar visors for back years. Clerk instructed to make out list of taxe3 due on each subdivision of land and personalty in. each road district, for the use of supervisors. Geo. Pronger granted extension of time on school land. License was granted Claus Brecken feld to sell liquor in South Bend for 8 months. Twenty days' license granted Chas. A. Bielefeld to sell liquor at Louisville. Order allowed Jeha 'Ward, sup'r read district 25, fer 700 feet of lumber, and 25 lbs of spikes. Order allowed Monroe Craig for 1000 feet of lumber for district 13. Order allowed C.P.Gilbert, super visor district for 1,000 feet of lumber, and 1 keg of nails. Order allowed Fred Ost, district 50, fop 225 feet of lumoer. Ordered that contract for furnishing coal to County, for the year, be award ed to Fred Gordor at the following rates: Hard cosil 12, and sft $6.25. Ordered thsit C.TI. Pinkham have the power f expending a donation f 50 fer the benefit of Jsicob Yazel, do nated by the board. Ordered that the County Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to give no tice of election, to be held in the Co. of Cass, on Tuesday, the 2d day of No vember, 1880, for electing tlie follow ing officers, to-wit: 3 Presidential Electors, 1 Congressman, 1 Contingent Congressman, 1 Governor, 1 Lieutenant Governor! 1 Secretary of State, 1 Auditer of Public Accounts, 1 Treasurer, 1 Attorney General, 1 Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, 1 Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. 1 District Attorney, 2d Judicial Dis trict. 1 State Senator, District Xo. 4. 3 Representatives, District Xo. 9. 1 Float Representative, Dist. Xe. 50, 1 County Commissioner, 3d or west ern district, 1 Assesser for each precinct, 3 J udges ef Election for esich prec't, 2 Clerks of Election fer each prec't, 1 Road Supervisor for ach read dis trict. Electors will be allowed to express their preference for U. S. Senator. Clerk ordered to draw, warrant on bridge fund in favor of Robert Wil burn for $100. In accordance with a call of the Beard of Trside of Kansas City, Mo., we, the County Commissioners of Csiss County, Nebraska, havo designated Messrs. M. L. AVhite, A. W. McLaugh lin, H. II. Bushiell, Chas. Pinkham, F S. White as delegates from and on be half of Cass County, to attend the Mis souri River Improvement Convention te be held at Kansas City on Septem ber 23d, 1880, without any claim for compensation for time or expenses as such delegates The following accounts were then all awed on general fund: James Crawford, Co. Com'r...$ 11 50 Sam'l Richardson, " .... 10 00 Isaac Wiles. " .... 0 00 Allowed on bridge fund: II A Waterman & Son, Loujsv. 109 CO II A Waterman A Son, Platts.. 80 40 Board then adjourned to meet tho first Monday in October, 1880 Attest: Jas. Crawfobu, Jas. Crawfokd, ) q t, S. Ricii.vnDsox, r " k. Isaao Wiles, ) comr" J. D. Tutt Co. Clerl Special G. & A. Club UteetlB?. A special meeting of the G. & A. club and of the Glee Club or Bsind is called to meet next Mondav evening (the 20th) at the time of the meeting of the County Central Committee, and a full turn-out is desirable. By order of Chairman, and Execu tive Committee. II. M. Bushnell, Secretary. Birthday Party. A very pleasant company celebrated Miss Ola Barnes 18th birthday at their residence last Thursday evening. The rooms were dscorate by Mr. Llewel lyn Moore's skillful hand, and a hand some wreath was presented to Miss Ola by Mis3 Clara Bsibbington and Mr. Hosworth. Among the refreshments was a csike containing a ring, a ten cent piece and a thimble. The ring, which fell to Miss Keller, showed she wsis to be the first married of the com pany, the ten cent piece to Mr. Pick ens thsit he would be rich, and the thimble to Mr. Wiley Black, that he would be an old bachelor, all of which prognostications old father time will undoubtedly prove, if the parties de sire he should. Slarried. KEEN AS SHEKA. At Plattamouth, Nebras ka, September by Kev. Father Lynch. Mil. Jamks Kkknan, ol Kapid City. D. .. to MlSS ADELINE SHKKA, Of liOCk Blull. So, that's what James came home lor, and kept so quiet about it, no one suspected. Well, here's to the health, wealth and happiness of Mr. and Mrs. Keenau in their new home. Three Groves Notes. Since it has stopped raining fall work hsis been pushed forward rapidly, hay making is progressing finely, however the hay is very short and scarce. The thrashing of smsill grain is moving around slowly notwithstanding the grain is wet and growing to some ex tent. Wheat is yielding some better than last yesir and better in qusility than was expected. Corn is ripening very fast and is going to be very good generally, late corn is goiag to be good if frost stays off a few days longer. Mrs. XV. XV. Wiley started to Denver Col., last week to see her daughter Mrs. Baldwin who has been quite ill for some tiu:e with the heart disesise. Mr. and Mrs. Spurlock, Miss Viola Barnes, Mr. Frank Davis, and Mrs. Lucinia Emerson all of Plattsmouth made a flying visit in this vicinity on Sauday last. Misa Joanna Young is teaching school out in the Fairview district. James Wiley is putting up a new wind mill. Mrs. Hattie Drost is in structing a music class on the organ, and has quite a number of scholars. Glenn Roval arrived from the moun tains a few days ago, so we learn. Howard Young was quile ill all last week, he is improving slowly. Most ef the farmers thought it a very good idea ferthe pestponment of our coun county fair, every body would have been so busy at that time that the at tendance from this section would have been very small. General news is very scarce this week hence a short letter. Reporter. TTeepiuj Water Items. September 13, 1880. Ed. Herald: Tipton Piecinct just heard from, and S. M. Prouty, formerly of . W.. is elected; its a bouncing bsiby boy, weighing 7 lbs, all doing well and 4,psipa" Prouty is su premely happy. Another little stran ger in XV. XV., XV. It. Sperry claims it, it's a lb boy. Mr. C. P. Smith, of Plattsnaeuth, was here during the hist two weeks visit ing Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Marshall, and friends. Messrs. Iloggett and Coglizer are now at work on Reed Bros, well drilling through the rock 30 feet al ready. The XV. W. M. E. Sabbath School had a picnic in the XV. XV. grove, the arrangementswere com plete and sill present enjoyed them selves immensely, the XV. XV. orchestra discoursed music on this occasion. F. Cunningham, a school teacher in Cas3 Co for many years, aud well known lies dangerously ill. Fleming & Race are having quite a large cellsir addition added in the rear of their store with a view of building thereon, their increase in business de mands more room. R. XV. Wilkinson has returned from his "visit east find he came alone. Our Photo, man has gone. D. T. Dudley of the temperance billiard hall has purchased a little giant peanut roaster. Reed Bros. new fall goods are arriving dsnly. Y"ours Faithfully, Trixt. NEW MILLINERY-NEW MILLINERY And a New Milliner ! Who Dispenses the Lattst Styles at solomox &. nathan's ! - Messrs. Solomon & Xathan beg to introduce to the hidies of Plattsmouth .Miss Gillan, who has just come on from the East to take charge of their Millinery department, and who, hav ing a large experience in the business, will be able to give them the latest styles and th? best satisfaction. All are invited to see their new stock of goods, and their pattern hats in the newest styles. 26t2. Found. A lady's shawl soma time lost. Ihe owner can have the eanie by calling on Holmes and Dixon, proving property and paying for this notice. .Money to Loan. On good farm property on longtime. Apply to J. W. Jennings, ltf Plattsmouth. POSTPONEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. TO. THE PATRONS OF THE CASS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Owing to the constant rains of the psist two or three weeks, and the, con sequent loss of time to farmers and others in getting up with their fall work, particulsirly in the preparation of their winter's hay, many farmers have expressed the wish that the Coun ty Fair might be postponed for a time In compliance with this request, and for the further reason that additional attractions and interests can be brought together at tha Fair, if post poned a few weeks, it has been thought advisible by the officers and others to annoance a postponement until Wednesday, October Cth, to con tinue through the 7th and 8th. Every body will please take notice and gov ern themselves accordingly. By order of the President. J. X. Wise, Secretary. NEW GOODS ! Coming in every day, at Solomon & Nathan's. DRESS GOODS, MEN'S CLOTHING. HOSIERY" AND UNDERWEAR, SHEETING AND WHITE GOODS Something new every day, and as soon as thev get time they will give you a price list. " 26t2 SPECIAL NOTICES. Important to agents. tub life of jamkn a. P.y his peisunal frieod, Majok Bijoit. Editor N. V. Mail, u the oIy editieu to which ;n'l Garfield lias given pereonal attention r facts. Beautifully illustrated, printed and bound. ''1 lie best." N. y. Commercial Advertiser. "The neatest." N. Y. Herald. '"The most use ful, sensible and Satisfactory." N. Y. Tribnne. Full length steel portrait by Hall, from a pic ture taken exprely for this work. Active APii Wnntfd. Liberal terms. Send $1.00 at once for complete outfit. A. 8. BARNES & CO., Ill & 113 William St., Xew York. 2t4 New Millinery, Hats and Bonnets, Plushes and Velvets, Laces and Ribbons, Feathers and Flowers, at Solomon & Nathan's. 23t3 Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's, opposite r. 0. 7tf . .1- M We will Dav Azenuitbaiarvof tun mar m t h ftnd expenses, or allow a large commiiwioa, teeell ear eew d1 wonderful iBrentioos. IT wua trhat v t av. Samel free. Addrua SBsaMaa A Oew Majekail. Ml am. BOOTS 'AND SHOES. SHOES AND BOOTS, MAX iD CHEAP 22tf AT MERGES'. A Wonderful Discovery. For the speedy cure of Consumption and all disesises that lesid to it, such as stubborn Coughs, neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in the side and chest, dry hacking cough, tickling in the throat, llosirse- ness, Sore Throat, ami all chronic or lingering disesises of the throsit and lungs, Du. Kino's New Discovery has no equal and hsis established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many lesiding physicaii. recommend and use it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared is highly recommended by all medical journals. The clergy and the press have compli mented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist smd get a trisil bot tle free of cost, or a regular size for $1.00. For sale, bv Smith & Blsick. wholesale and retail, Piattsmouth, Neb. 28eGwly. - ' ei - ' ' i Fresh Oysters. Bennett & Lewis have secured the agency in this city for D. D Mallory's celebrated "Diamond brand" of oysters and will be prepared at all times to furnish these well known Oysters to Hotels, Restaurants and private par ties at bottom prices. 23tf We Challenge the World. When we ssiy u'e believe, we have evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con sumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as it will cure si common or Chronic Cough in one hsilf the time and re lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show more cases of Consumption cured than all others. It will cure where thev fail, it is pleas ant to take, harmless to the youngest child, and we guarantee what we say. Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and 1.00 If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous.Plaster. Sold by Smith & Black. Do you Believe it. That in this town there are scores of persons passing our store every dsiy whose lives are made miserable by In digestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and distress ed Stomach, Liver Complaint Consti pation, when ior 75 cts. we will sell them Shiloh's Vitaijzer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold bv Smith fc Black. We have a speedy and positive Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Csmker mouth, and Ilesid Ache, in SHILOH'S CA TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health, and sweet breath. Price 25 cts. Sold by Smith & Black.4eowtf Strayed. From the corral near IIeiel's mill in Plattsmouth on Saturdsiy, Aug. 28, one red and white spotted cow, three years old, short horns with crop out of ear. A liberal reward will be paid for its return to me. 23t3 Mus. S. Brantner. Antelope Beer Hall. Just opened this new place, under the Bank on Cor. of Cth and Main St. Good fresh beer always on hand wholesale and retail. "Schooners" 5 cts., all beer 5 cts a glass. Liquors at wholesale and retail. 23t4 J. F. Fitzgerald. Propr. Read! Read! I have just received a large, well se lected and complete assortment of Boots and shoes for young and old, from my old manufsicturers, which I warrant in every respect, and will sell at the very lowest prices possible. 22tf How to Make Soap for a Cent a Pound. Shave into small pieces Ave bars of Dobbins' Electric Soap, aud boil in three quarts of water until tho soap U thoroughly dissolved, so that upon etraluing through a sieve nothing re maine ; add to the solution or "suds" three gallone of cold water ; stir briskly for several minutes to mix, and set it away te cool. Al though it will look like nothing but soapsuds while warm, a chemical reaction will take place and iu twenty-four hours' time will develop forty or fifty ihiuimU of macnificent aud white soft soap, costing lcs than one cent a pound, and as good as many ot the adulterated com pounds caiiea soap, ana sold at 7 to 10 cents a pound. How lonir would it take for anv other soap used the same to become anything but "poap-suds?". Any housewife knows that it cannot be done with any soap she has ever us ed. See if it can be done with Dobbins' Elec tric r oi sale by all grocers. I'.KED hbos., hole Agents. 4-eowly Weeping Water, Neb. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Wednesday, Sept. 15. ISSO. M heat. No. 2 70 Corn, ear. 2o shelled '-V, Oats IS Bal l.-y, No. 'i lot.ft.'io live 6 Native Cattle 3 0(X&3 25 I logs 4 Z Butter 17i-it& 20 Kir-- 11 ll;ktoes CO NEW YOUK MARKETS. Nkw Yokk, Sept. 15, 1SS0. Money $1.P2Q1 03. Wheat $ 1 .V0.t 06 ltve i foru 40 61 "a Oats 42ij CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicaoo. Sept. 15. isso. Flour $ 4 M tt$5 no . nf-iii Corn 40 Oatf ig'i live 85 Barley . '78 Live stock Ho?, shipning Cattle. " Sheep ...4 00C.J55 20 ... 4 OCCti 4 75 . . . 3 50ni 4 40 "More fond and less medicine, more of nour ishment and strength, less of the debilitating influence of drugs is what our feeble) and ex hausted constitutionereiuire,"said Baron Lie big, when he perfected the composition; of the "Mall- Uittprs " OltA 24t4 Buy only the self-threading (at top and shuttle) New American Sewing Machine, which for simplicity in con struction, light running, and for dura bility cannot be excelled. For sale by Rasgorshek Bros., Merchant Tailors, Plattsmouth, Neb. 23m3 Fresh Lime. Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or wagon losid can be had at tho Kiln, near west end of the bridge. Lime al ways on hand and of superior quality. Inquire of Mickelwait & Sharp, 7tf on premises. AUE.VTS A'I C'AXTASSEBH Make from ?J5 to $r.o per week selling goods for K. . RIDEOUT & CO., 10 Barclay Street, New York. Send for catalogue and terms. 22ly Tlic Presidential Clioicc Is not more important than the choice of a family medicine. The people of the west are adopting Brown's Liver Pills, becsiuse of their great efficiency in relieviug bil liousness and giving tone to the stom ach and liver. For sale by J. II. But tery, Smith. Black & Co., and O. F. Johnson, Plattsmouth ; John Painter and Eledge & Co., Esist Plattsmouth. DOCTOR TAXXKR Could have enjoyed eating for the forty dsiys, as well as fasting, if he had only used Brown's Extract or Blackberry and Ginger; the cele brated western remedy for Diarrhosa, Dysentery, and Cholera Morbus. For sale by sill Druggists. Tlic Miserable Man Can now eat and be happy. By using Brown's Pepsin Tonic, he gets the sictive principles of digestion and is relieved at once. For sale every where. 1s conducted by an expert accountant and successful loacher. Instruction thorough aud practical. Tuition lower than elsewhere. Full particulars to any address. 241 f THOS. J. BRYANT, Pres. Thirty of the Iest organ makers of the World are competitor at the Paris Exposition, a cable dispatch to the Associated Press s.-ys two highest gold medals hare been awarded to the American makers. Mason & Hamlin. To the Citizen's of the Comity and Slate. I have. now residy for market 100,000 "White and Fire brick, which we will sell at responsible prices; parties wish ing to build si fire-proof house, before the comet comes down, call on J. T. A. Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf Miracnlons Tower. The Forest and Stream has it : "To preserve health use Warner's Safe Remedies. Tbeee are almost of miraculous power in removing disease for which recommended. The won derlul curative qualities they are peM.set-sed of of is vouched for by tens of thousands. 2U13 1 : e a. n 3" z 0. e t! j I r 1 I-S O S J a. j u c s v t- j it; j v? S 3 v f ei bp1 esse LEGAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given ta all persons Interest ed in the estate of Frank and Andrew Deitrich iniwor licks of .Joseph Deitrich, deceased. te appear before the Hon. S. B. Pound, Judge of the District Court within and for the Second Judicial District, at his Chambers in the Citv of Lincoln, in the County of Lancaster, and Stsite of Nebraska, on the 21st day of October. A. I), isso. at 1 o'clock p. in., to cliow cause, if any they have, why a license toie!I and c n vey the real estate jit said minors should not be granted to their guardian, according to the prayer of the petition in said cause. tiEORCE SCHOEMANN, Guardian. September 14th, isso. 2Gt4 Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber, on the fnrm of J. D. Cook, five miles south west of Platts mouth, a black cow with right honi off. medi um size. The owner can have the tame by proving property and paying charges. 2"it5 J. D. COOK. Notice. Adam Rhodes will take notice that on the 19th day of August, A. D. Isso. A. !. .Sullivan. County Judge within aud for Cass County, Ne braska, i?ued an older of attachment for the sum of nine and 7i-100 dollars (9.75) in an ac tion pending before him. wherein Elizabeth Shafer is plaint ill, andAd:im Rhodes defend ant ; that the wages due eaid defendant have been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 5th day of October, A. D. 1?S0, at 9 o'clock a. in. ELIZABETH SHAFER, Plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Sept. lth. ISso. 20t3 Sheriff's Sale. By ii tue of an Order of Sale issued by W. C. Showalter, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will, on the 23d day of October, A. D. 18S0, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said dav, at the South door of the Court JIoupc, iu said County, sell at Public Auction the following real estate to-wit: Tlie East half (el4) of the South West quarter (aw?,) of section thirty-one (31), town ship eleven (11), North of range twelve (12) east of the sixth (flth) P. JI., in Cass County, Ne braska. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Harvey Carper, Agnes C. Carper and Cyrus H. McCormick, defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said Court recovered by AlmiraC. Woodruff, plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Neb.. Sept. 13th. A. D 1SS3. 26t5 R. W. HYERS. Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of au execution, issued by W. C. Showalter. Clerk of the District Court w ithin ana for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me d'rr reeled. 1 will, on the 16th day of October, A 1880. at 10 o clock a. in., of said day, at South door of the Court House, in said Coi eell at Public Auction the following real et to-wit : Lot ten (10). in block one (1) Nortt -d one (1) East : also lots one (li, two (2) and f-vee (3). in diock one (l) Kast : all of the above de scribed property being located in Rock Bluff. Cass County, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Joseph Ske ra and Henry Shera, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Buck Slc- Couias aud Patterson, plaiutiffs. Piattmiouth. Neb.. Sept. 13th, A. D. 13?0. 26t5 E. W. HYERS, Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. PIP 8 Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of John Cleinmons, deceased. In the County Court of Cass Co., Nebraska. lrpon reading and filing the duly verified pe tition of Christiana F'aught, praying that ad ministration of the estate of John t'lenimoiis, deceased, be granted to MoOinnis Cleiiiiiione : Ordered that notice of the pendency ot said cause be published in the Nebraska IIkkald, a weekly newspaper, printed, published, anil in general circulation in said cou'ity. for three consecutive weeks, and that the hearing of said cause be set for the Clh day of Octobor A. D., 18x0. at one o'clock p. M. at the olTlce of the County J udge, at Pl.itt-inouth. at which tun. and pfuce, all persons iuturested may appear and show cause, if any they have, w hy atiii.m istration of said estate should uol be g-auteii to the said MciSinnis Clemiuous, according to the prayer of said petition. A. N. SULLIVAN. Count v Judge. I- Plattsmouth, September 10 isso. s.t;:; i Guardian's Sale. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of a decretal order of "sale, made by the Hon. S. B. Pound, Judge ot the District Court in and for Cass County, NebrasKa, ax his Ch ambers, in I lie citv of Lincoln, on the 9lh day of September. A."D. isso. I will, on the I4th day of October. A. D. 13S0, offer at Public Vendue, at the front door of the Court House, in Plattsmouth City. Cass County, Nebraska, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, to the highext bidder, nil the right, title and inteiest of George Elbert and (irace E.. Swaits, minors in and to the North half (is!,) of the .-outh East quarter isc 'Oof section No. twtbty-four U'4). township No. tea (10), raiigc No. ten (10), East of the sixth (9th P. M., hi the County afoiesaid. Sale will remain open tor bids from the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. until the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. ui same nay. ici nio, canu or cieuu, as pro iv 2;t3 NELSON JEAN, Guardian. Notice. To the non-resident owner of the following described real estate, in the county of Cass aud State of Nebraska, t-wit : lots (1) ono (-J) two and (3) three in block (7S) seventy-live, in the city of Plattsmouth ; you are hereby notified ttiatthe above described real estate was on the 121 li dav of November, ISTS, sold to tho un dersigned John Reich, and, that unless the same is redeemed from such sale on or before the W day of January, lsSl, a tax deed will be Issued for said real estate to the undersigned, John Rei-h. Plattsmouth, Neb., August 31, 1S.J0. 2U3 Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution. Issued bv W. C. Showalter. Clerk of the District Court w itliin ud for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di rected. 1 will on the 21st day f September, A. D. Isso, at 10 o'clock a. m ( said day, at the premises aw occupied by ISeorge E. Baker, ia Tipton Precinct, in said County, sell at Public Auction tho following personal property, to wit : Forty () acres of crn in the ield. and five (5) stacks of wiieat and two (2) stacks of oats, on the farm now occupied by George E. Baker, in Tipton Precict, in Cass County. Ne braska. The tame being levied upon and. taken as the property of George E. Baker. defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said Court rtcovered by C. C. Burr, plaintiff. Plattamouth. Neb.. September 4th. A. D. 180 IM2 R. W. Hvkrs, Sheriff Casa Co., Neb. A. IS1EW IHMTrjHlSjPinijTSlE : Restaurant 1 Confectionery STORE, Where will be Found a Good Supply of Choice Csiffeetioanciry H Frii5ts5 of all kinds in Season. NUTS, CIGARS, TOBACCOS andSMOKER'S ARTICLES GENERALLY .JSTID .A. IlRO-IE VARIETY OF FANCY GOODS, &c, &c. o Also in connection with the above will be kept the i$t lC(5i 0Blfcllltlftl?lo IIST THE CITY. ILtnEneSii at all SBiom'&j consisting- of Oysters, Sardines, Canned Fruits, fcc. all aiiMl hcc, P. B. MURPHY, One door West of C. G. Herold 's. Proprietor. Is Leased to Sill IJIMlCIj I wlto will, dtiiiiiig: tlte SPRINGSUMMER IMi! With their immense stock of (Doaislstliag- of all 3Prices9 Styles k Uteslgns. MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH NEB. r- St is an Acliiowlcs!?Gcl IFaet THAT W. M. mAZ&J&Mi & 01). keep the largest anil host selei'teJ -tock of Grerzeral JilercluirtclLsc ! in the city, and a little time spent in examining :ui 1 pricing their oo 1 will convince the most skeptical that their prices are as LOW as the LOWEST, We mark every tlaiisjg isi plain figure39aiid &ell to all alike. Bq not Glaim to Sell at Gost, but will v !I :it closest living margins and guarantee everything to pleiwe. AL1VA.YS PAT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOIt Butter, Eggs, and Other Produce! GIITS US .iL TBLl-aeSa, and we wili save yon some money or no trade. Respectfully, S. S. MAIN STREET. W. H. BAKER & CO. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an Order of Sale, issued by W. C. Showalter, Clerk of tho District Court w ithin and for Cass County, Nedraska, and to me di rected, 1 will on the 20th day of September, A. D. 1ko, at 10 o'clock ft. m., of eaiei day, hi tin? south door of the Court House, In said ('uuty, sell at Public Auction the following real estate, to-wit: 1 he South hast quarter hc1) of sec tion thirty-two (XI), In township ten (10), North of range t-.i-veu (II). East. In Cass Count y, Ne braska, i nc same being levied upon and taken us the property of Hemy, Miiidcrmati mid lior- nian Nnrmrmig. and .Miudcriuan, wife of Henry Mindxruiau, defendants, to s. it fly a judgment of said Court bv Silas iSray, p, alt. till. I lattsinouth, Ncn., Augin-t Ui h, l-o. ?:? K. W. HVLKS. Slu-rifl Cas t o., Neb. Sheriff's Sale. P-y Vint! ot i bi ."e ercciiiions, issued bv W. i . hl:o:iiu-j-, ( U-rk ! iie District Com I illilii :,ul lur i n-s l o'inl, Nebraska, and to me di irileo, 1 will on liiO lid day of October, A. i . 1 sso, ai in o'cUvk a. in., of said day, al the r nulii dooi of Ihe Court House, iu the city of i ialisiiioiuh in saul county, sell at public am -t iu t ho follow lug real estate, to-w it : i ts No. iirt-ei.i) and four (4) in block No. nine, (in Iu While's addition to the city of Plattsmouth, Cuss County Nebraska; also lots ecn (7), eight (8). nine (j and ten (10), in block No, six itii. In Duke's addition to the City of Plaits mouth ; also lot No. three (3), tn block No. one hundred and sixty-three (103), in the City of PlaltMuoulli ; all of the above described prop erly being in lass Countv, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of Caivin P. Moore and Armtlda A. Moore, defendants, to satisfy the judgment of said court recovered by Tho State Journal Co.. Ar milda A. .Moore, and H, G. Dovey & Son, plain tills. U. W. HYERS. Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 1. A. v. Io0. 2115 Notice. In the District Court of the 2d Judicial dlstlict within and for Cass county, Nebraska. A. W. White. rkUutiff, 1 Tl I EHen McGuire. M. McGuire, ,' John O'ltourke, J. V. j- Weckbach, Win. Neville and Patrick McCallum, f Def't's. J Ellen McGuire and M. McGuire, defendant will take notice that 011 the 3lst day ef August, isso ; A. W. White. Plaint iff, herein filed his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendants, tho object and pravcr of which ate to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Ellen McGuire and M. McGuire. defendants to William K. Donelan, on the following described premises, to-wit: lots seven (7) and eight (SI in block twelve (12) iu the City of Platteincuth, Cass Count), Ni b., to secure the payment of certain prnilsory note, dated December 30th, 1870. for the sum of $uw 00 ana due and payable In one yfar from the date thereof; Which said mortgage anil note was afterwards assigned to this Plaintiff. That there is now due upon aaid note and mort gage the sum of K0 00 for which sum with In terest at the rate of twelve percent per annum from the 16th day of June. A. D. 1S78. plaintiff prays for 11 decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may bo sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the isth day of October, A. D. Isso. Dated September 1st, isso. A. W. WHITE. Plaintiff. By W. S. WisK.hia Attorney. 2413 SEC -Jt M.-.- e. i . -L A Mi