The Herald. jfNO. l. yAACyVluRPHT, - jDITOR. PLATTSMOUTII, SEPT. 16, 1880. Katioial RepMcai Mel ! 18 8 O. Fer President, JAMES A. GARFIELD, Of Ohio. For Vice-President. CHESTER A. ARTHUR, Of New York. Call for a Republican Convention iu the 50th Representative District. . Tha liepubliean electors of the 50th (or float) district are called to send delegates to a Con tention at Ashland. September 25th, ISM, at 12 ni.,harp. to place in nomination a candidate for Kepresent.ttive fer this district in the corn is?: legislature, and for tho transaction of such other business sis may legitimately corae be fore it. And the apportionment hall be ten (10) delegates from each County. J. II. McKIXNON, Ch'n. J. A. MaoMlrphv. Sec'y. 22tC State rintform of the Republican P.trtj. 1. The republicans of Hsbraskji most hear tily enderss the profession of principles forniu ' td by lh republican convention at Ciilcsfc. aud oledge tlieir unswerving support te the candidates there nominated. 1. We affirm the doctrines of national sover eignty in tl.e formulated principles upon which the perpetuity of the nation rests, and thtft the principle of home rule as enunciated by the democratic party Is but the cautious expression of the Calhoun doctrine of state rlshte, is revo lutiosary in its character and desti uctive ot ilie unity of the natioa. S. We regard the recent seizure ef the polls and wholesale robbery of tUe fraachi3 of the republican citizeas of Alabama, surpassing in the masBitude and effrontery of the crime all former elorts of the part? under their Tweed plan in New York, and the .Mitsissippi plan la the south, as a fair specimen of democratic sethed and a forecast of democratic dominion aational affairs that shoald incite every hon est nan and tax-payer in the country to the most earnest endeavor te defeat the party of VlgundaKe and fraud at the pells lu November- i. YYe have considered "what 1-ec and Jack sen would no if they were alive," cheers and have determined te employ our best energies in preventing the seizure ef la e national govern moat by their livies comrades through the frauds of a solid south. 6. We congratulate the people of the state upon its rapid increase of population and wealth and upon the good measure ef prosperity that has rewarded their labor, upon the rapid up baildtng of our material interests since the suc cess of resumption and the revival of trade. 8. We pledge our support to sucli legislation ia cenress, and such measures by state leis latures as may be necessary te effect a correc tion ef abuses, and prevent extortionate dis crimination in charges by railroad corporations T. We inest cordially invite the aid and co- operatioa in the latest defence cf the national Integrity and the national purpo of oil republi cans and war democrats who have differed with us on temporal- issues, or have clung to a party name. AX ADDITIONAL KESOLUTION. The following wag offered by the committee as a suggestion which the convention might usefully adopt : Ilrgolvcd. The republican state central com mittee be authorized to name the temporary rganlzation of the next republican state con vention : to appoint a committee on credentials frem among their own number, whose duty it shall be to pas on all credentials and upon all questions that may properly come before the state committee, and to report immediately af ter the state convention shall have temporari ly organized. Hen. John M. Thurston rose and said : Mr. Chairman aud gentlemen of the convention I desire to move that the platform which you have heard read be adopted. In doing so I de sire to say that not only does it represent all principles of the party, but it reflects also the fernard position taken by the republican party and 't is such that every man in the party rep resented by the delegates to the convention will cheerinliy and gladly snpport . Cheers, The metion having been seconded was car ried anaaimously. Andy Taylou has corn that will go 80 bushel to the aere Old wan Wnt worth's eyes are sore "reading proof" on 13ouk's letter. Tun Saunders County Fair is Sept. 28, 29 and 30th, coming after the other fairs generally they expect a large turn-out. - Young Frank White looks mighty pleasant since his return from Knight rrantry. Has he heard good news from the front? "The Daily Central City Courier !" Here you are. All about the G. A. It. Re-Union I Only 5 cents ! That's the way to do it, boys. The Insurance men are holding a convention in Chicago. Capt. Palmer read i paper on incendisrisim and claims it is on the increase. We Lear of wheat fields turning out 20 bushel to the acre and corn all the way from 50 to 80 every day. Looks like drouth killed this country! We expect that after reading the Herald Urn week Tefft will be found on his knees praying the all wi3e Fa ther to save him from his friends. TnE whole American people, 48,000, 000 strong, are now rushing, as by one swift railway train, to a brilliant des tiny. Why shall we change our engine ? Congressman ChittendeR of X. Y. There were 500 political meetings, Dem. and Rep., in Indiana last week. -The canvass absorbs everything, it is said, and business is at a stand still. The best speakers of both parties are in the field. Tho delegates to the Fluat Coven tion from Saunders Co. are: P. J. Hall, W. E. Deck, II. 15. Reese, Elias Tfallen, S. B. Hall, Levi Wl!s, J. X. Davis, S. G. Brjiin, J. O. TervilJ, Jo seph Arnold. The 29th of eptetnker, at 7 o'clock p.m. the State Central Committee opn the Republican campaign in Xe braska, and forty of the best speakers in the State will open simultaneously on the common enemy. jf John M. Thurston is appointed to speak here, September 29th, at 7 :30 p m.. by order of the Slate Central Com mittee. Republican Central Co ruin it tee Meeting The members of the Republican Cen tral Committee of this County are call ed to meet at the Gai neld and Arthur Club Rooms in Plattsmeuth, on Mon day, Sept. 20th, 1880, at 12:30, sharp. Candidates and friends invited to be present for consultation and advice in regard to management of campaign, and matters that may come up. Jno. A. MacMurphy, Ch'a. The Committee are as follows: If. M. linshnell, 1st Ward; G. W. Fair field, 2d Ward ; SI. B. Murphy, 3d Ward ; Li. C. Stiles, 4th Ward, Plattsmouth ; J Q. Adams, PJattnmeuth precinct: Ben Drost, Rock Bluffs; Jesse Erwin, Lib erty; G. W. Adams, Avoca; Sni Rich ardson, a t. Pleasant ; J. F, Folk, Light Mile Grove; J. T. A. Hoover, Louis ville; 1. X. Woodford, Centre; J. W. Thomas, Weeping Water; Al. Dixon, Stove Creek; S. W. Orton. Elmwood; R. G. McFarland, South Bend; M. 13 Abbott, Salt Creek; A. Beeson, Green wood ; A. A. Laverty, Tipton. The call is made at the best time and place we could select, after consul tation with as many as could bo seen, friends, candidates and committeemen. It is to be hoped there will be a full turn-out, as many mutters affecting the campaign and future of the party should be discussed, and fairly and equitably settled before we go further. It is a meeting for Republicans, and none others. As we have gone out to Weeping Water twice this year to convention, and once to Eight Mile Grove to Committee meeting, it would seem that this is the proper place. The time has been set so that those along the railroad can reach hero by the morning freight, and re turn by the evening train ; and tkose from the country have time to reach here without starting at an unseason able hour, and to return the same day, unlets the moeeting should be unex pectedly long. W shoald like to have- all the mem bers and friends stay, though,'aud meet with the G. & A. club in the evening, a special meeting of whieh is called. We will have a little music from the Glee club, and some speeches, if our Couuty friends will remain. Among other things that I shall bring before the committee, is the question whether I shall remain chair man during this campaign. I propose (and the Herald proposes) to take hold of this ticket under fair condi tions of success, and pull it through if possible, Mr. "Adirot. (lack's" "twins" and all. Those conditions the Central Committee shall determine for them selves, and it is for this reason I pre sent this programm e now, that they mao have time to consult working Re publicans in their several precincts, think it over coolly, and come here piepared to act. They can either ac cept my plans, or, appointing another chairman, run the campaign to suit themselves. I feel just this way about it. Al though I have never swerved one iota from Republican principles, my paper has floatiug""at the head the flag of Garfield and Arthur, and has given the full official proceedings of the Rf-pub-lican County Convention (at the tune) with sketches of candidates, the pro ceedings of tho Republican State Con vention, with snetches of candidates; published the call for this meeting (free); and every lino of editorial in it since the day of Convention has been Republican to the core; yet there has been a great deal of unnecessary fuss, because at a very inconvenient time to me, and when short of help in the of fice, 1 did not set up half a column of names in the paper, and keep theia standing there to occupy room other wise needed; and it has been charged that I am not a Republican, aud the paper not a Republican paper; oven going so far as to threaten bringing in another Republican paper. If there is any candidate or ring that wants to get laid out about as cold as a wedge now and forever, let .them try that game. I never bolted a nomination in my life, never scratched a Republican tick et yet. I doubt if the fault-finders can say as much. Furthermore, I understand it has been said I was doing this because I was not nominated at Weeping Water, and that they put me on as chairman, and got the delegation to vote for me fer Auditor, to -'fix this up" and make me feel good. Whether this was the case or not, I am not the man "to be fixed up" by a little paltry honor thrown me as a sop after years of insult, treachery and de ceittreachery that lias nearly ruined the party, and brought us to the pass thaf. we don't know whether we can elect a Republican ticket or not. It is not that I did not receive the nomination, for I cared little about that, but because I could see no end to the present system of politics, no hope for tho future; and if the party would ot take my advice before nomina tions, what use to give it afterwards? I didn't want any more politics this fall got enoufh wanted to go out "shooting prairie chickens" and have a rest; but if the committee, on assem bling, of their own free will and ac cord choose to continue mo chairman, and will stand by mo in much needed reforms in the party, and help me make a lasting and effectual protest against the methods and measuiet of the past, the IIeilald will bo found on the right side every time. If they see fit in their wisdom to do this, I will have a complete system of campaign work prepared, and each man assigned his duty. I am tired of hearing that we have no organization, no leader since Cun ningham left, and all such nonsense. If the Committee mean business, and will put aside past differences and avoid past mistakes, no cause for such complaint shall arise in the future from my neglect. We will find leaders somewhere, and when found they will be mahogany men with rosewood legs and ebony headpieces. I'm tired of Cottonwood men, with white pine legs and a basswood mouth-piece. If we can do this, gentlemen, next Monday we'll enter upon this cam paign with a vim, and ia dead earnest, and win. All I want to know is, that there is some future before us, and that it is not one year after another the same cat-hauling, jealousy, section al threatening and personal sculldug gery, and no man will take hold more heartily, more cheerfully than I. and the Herald, we reckon, will follow suit. To please the weak aud cheer the strong, we'll print the whole ticket in big capital, cross-barred and chequered Italics State, District and County next week, and then be oe week ahead of the general grand opening of the campaign by the State Central Com. Very Respectfully, Editor "Herald." The "Boss" Letter. Luklla, Sept. 10th, 1830. Ed. Herald: The haying and fall plowing campaign is booming. Slight frost Wednesday night. Geo. Hay ward is down from Lincoln. S. K. Taylor is building a house. Hay and grain wero much damaged by the re cent rains. Elmwood club favoring tho regula tion of R. Ii. charges by law will hold its next meeting at Dimitt's school house Saturday Sept. 18th, at 7 p. ni. all' are invited to attend. Judging from resolutions adopted at the conventions ef Filmore and Saunders counties and the sixth plank in the platform adopted by the state convention, thejpeople are beginning to realize that thy are being robbed by li. R. monopolies and it looks as if something might bo done to effect a correction of abuses and prevent ex orbitant discrimination in charges by railroad corporations if we have tho right kind of men representing us in law making bodies. We are sorry that the aftwr com ments on the ingratitude of those whom. the Herald has helped time and again to office and patronage should have compelled its editor to make such a protest against the nom ination made by the Co. Convention for the office of stats senator in the issue of Sept. 2 (which we did not get until this week) that too after Mr. Tefft had received nearly three-fourths of all the votes cast. If tho. Herald after the calling of a semi public meeting and a prelty thorough taking in ot the county failed to find An or ganized head in opposition to the nom ination it strikes us that it was pos sible that the feeling under the surface had been ever estimated, the mean ornary county seat bill notwithstand ing. We are inclined however to look at the article more in tho light of an explanation than in opposition .o Teft which is a more liberal construction than most of the readers of the Her ald in this vicinity put upon it. We are strong in the belief that the republicans of this ceuntv will ratify the choice of the convention by giving our nominee for state senator a rous ing majority next Xovember. It is our humble opinion however that the convention acted hastily and perhaps unwisely (saying nothing about parliamentary usage) in enter taining the motion, sprung upon the convention, declaring Hall and Root the unanimous choice by acclamation. on a minority ballot in their favor. when there was such a bitter feeling in Greenwood, and Salt Creek precinct over the "twins." Some go so for as to say that they (Hall and Root) are not regular nominees of the conven tion. We earnestly hope .ill their dis sensions will be harmoniously settled before election, as we can ill afford, through local differences, to throw away our representative at. this im portant era in the history of our state. We beg leave through the Herald to make the following snggestion, that tickets be headed with these words Choice for U. S. Senator, leaving the name space blnnk to be filled in by the individual voter. Adirondack. COMMENTS. We have read tho article called "af ter comments" by Adirondack and we cannot see where it is a protest against the "nomination" when made, or how it applies to Elmwood; it was as to tho manner of the nomination, and applied almost wholly to Plattsmouth. We never called any semi public or any other meeting. We said one was called by other parties, wo were invited to at tend. A. doesn't know the under cur rent of his own neighbors, or else they must have lied to this Editor, aud we cUn't believe that, farmers generally being truthful. We are sorry t'at the after com ments of our valued correspondent should compel him to speak so slight ingly, and make such a protest against the nomination of Messrs. Hall and Root, or the "twins" as lie facetiously calls them. We are inclined, however, to look at his remarks mere in the ight of explanation than as opposition to the couplets, or anger at the Her ald, which is very liberal en our part and we are strong in the belief that f Adirondack will rustle round as lively out west as we shall here, east, we can carry this ticket by a "rousing majoritv." "Xuff ced," old boy. Do you remember the story of the old fox who lost his tail in a trap and the$ tried to get the other foxes to cut theirs off that his own loss might net be known. Xow wo boys might have lest a tail or two, Adirondack, in that Tefft trap, but we aint goin to let you fellows have the chance to scratch round in tho sand and make us show our defects to every body. But wo must cut our tale short for it's bed time. Ed. Herald. Congressman Belzhoover, a dem ocrat of Pensylvania wrote to a con stituent that it was impossible to get tho 4Gth Congress te do anything in be half of a pension, as the feeling was against pensioning Union soldiers; and added that the "Rebel General who is at the head of the Pension Com mittee was still more averse to the passage of such bills." Think of that you that fought to suppress rebellion, a rebel General at the head of tho pen sion department, with a full rebel Congress and President in their power how long would Union pensions be paid. We must give Watson a rousing ma jority next Xovember. Syracuse J'l. That's what the Republicans of Xe maha county will do, too. rBrowu ville Advertiser. And Cass couuty will add three hun dred tn the majority. Enterprise. Tifqnain on the Senatorial Outlook. Democrnllo Guess-Work. (Lincoln Democrat. The way the senatorial contest ap pears to us now, is as follows: If Gar field is elected and the republican ma jority large, Senator Padock has good chance of bring returned ; but Gover nor Nance has a better one. Wo know that Governor Nance is for Pad dock first, last, and all tho time; he will not desert Paddock until Paddock himself tejls him to "let go." What will be the result then? There are the Van Wyck and Dundy factions on the other side, ready to tie up; tho Weaver and Laird factions also ready to tie up on the other side; and in the third place the Paddeck men, separat ing the other two factions. Dandy and Weaver will never pull together; neither will Van Wyck and Laird, hence, with Paddock out,, they will have to take a compromise candidate who will come from the Paddock side. That compromise candidate, in our opinion, will bo Nance. If Hancock is elected, and the re publican majority in tho legislature be small, the chances are that Judge Dun dy or a democrat will go to jthe U. S. senate, no matter what the republican caucus may do. And why Dundy? Eecause the democrats if they cannot send one of their own men to the U. S. senate, are in duty bound to make ft vacancy on the U. S. bench. That va cancy will be made by sending Dundy to Washington, and Hancock will ap point a Xebraskan to endorse the ju dicial ermine, honorably laid aside by Judge Dundy. Republicans and Democrats can study this over. They will find out that we are not very much mistaken in our political prognostics, with the exception of our supposition of Gar field's election. There is no show for Garfield, and we only supposed the case of his election, to better and more fully illustrate the senatorial problem in Nebraska. Congressman Beltziioover is not likely to be successful in his attempts to disclaim the authorship of the pen- sion letter. Some of his friends ad vise him to sho for libel against the newspapers in which the document has been published, and the New York Tribune come to the front and says: But, Mr. Beltzhoover, don't sue :n a small way. The Tribune published the letter. Sue us. Sue us at once and get the matter to an immediate trial. Sue for $100,000. That is the smallest sum any blackguard asks of us for telling the truth about him to his hurt. Don't you sue for a penny less, and that you may have no trouble in proving the es sential facts of your offense, we here with repeat it in detail. We say you did write the letter. You wrote it to E. W. Curriden, of Chambersourg. You wrote all of it, text and signature. You lied when you sid it was a forgery. You lied knowingly and deliberately, hoping to deceive your constituents. You did not then know that we had tho original, and you thought that you could lie your way through. We copy the following from the Dakota Argus. Father Martin strikes it now and then: Every editor who has brains enough to run a sensible sheet, should never ask any one to write for him anything more than neighborhood items. It is really an insult for anyone to propose to furnish brains for a paper. An ed itor should never father any thing that is not the product of his own pen, for should he do so, ho deceives tho public, and, thereby, proves himself a rascal. If any one wants to write for the Argn;$, let him, like a man, put his name to the bottom of the article, and then let it go to the public. A man who is afraid to let it be known that he is attacking :gi enemy, but fires from a masked battery, proves him self a sneak and a coward. We don't propose to have any masked batteries in the Argus, but shall demand that every man come out boldly before the public, so that he can receive the full effect of his attacks upon his enemies. This is the only honest and manly way of doing, and we shall insist upon its adoption by all who want to write for our paper. One of the best, truest and cutest things in. the literature of politics this campaign is the 4th article of our State Platform. We do not know its author exactly, but it will pass into a proverb. Short and sweet, but 1 ristling with points, a campaign could be fought on it alone. Here it is: 4. We have considered "what Leo and Jackson would have done if they were alive," and have determined to employ our best energies in preventing the seizure of the national government by their living comrades through the fraud of a "solid south." Weather reports indicate that dur ing Septemberthere will be a series of heavy storms. In view of this the life-saving stations on the New Jersey coast will be equipped one month ear lier than usual. Would it not be wall for thousands of farmers throughout the west, whose wheat stands in shocks in the field, to make preparations for tho event by stacking or threshing their grain. Inter Ocean. Chas. Page, Esqr. on the old Craig farm, 1J miles from Concord, brings us six ears of corn, that weigh 6 lbs, 14 oz, and it is the average ef 10 acres. Their stocks measure over 12 feet and that is the average height of tho same piece. Xo corn in Nebraska! Mr. Phileo. If you had to husk it all you'd ba leaner than Tanner before breakfast time. Anson G.Tichenor has turned up in Atchison, and. is the inventor of anew process for reducing the ores of pre cious metals, for which he has been of fared so said Three Millions of Dol lars. Judge Dundy, of our State, is a half partner in the patent, and has already cleared $100,000 as his share rumor also says. I-O. The campaign rates on the Inter Ocean is only 50 cents for six months. Remember the rates I We will take subs, for the same. tf Maine got rather mixed in her state election, Monday, and instead of a clear majority for the Republican the Fusionists have succeeded, so far as can be learned from the present incom plete returns, in electing by a very small majority Plaisted for governor, and re-electing two congressmen. The Republicans claim the other three. however, and a majority of the legisla ture, which insures a Republican sen ator. The Democrats are wild over the result, and therein lies the germ of possible disaffection inthe Fusion ranks befure Xovember, as the Green- backers claim the victory, and are evi dently jealous of the cool way in which the Democrats monopolize it. They have issued an address from national headquarters which proclaims that "the party of Solon Chase is victorious over the combined vote of the hard money Republicans and Bourbon Dem ocrats. We were handicapped with the support of tho Hancock men Their party having fallen to pieces. they lent oar ticket their support in hopes to usurp the credit of our victory." Latest Tho latest from Maine in dicates the election of the Republican Governor after all. When men write crop reports about the Republican Valley counties in this state orj the extreme southwestern part of the state it would seem as if common sense would dictate that they should mention this fact ane not in elude the whole State 200 by 400 miles and say that it is all parched up and other like nonsense. Tho truth is seven-tenths of Nebraska never had a better crop than this year's, of every kind, and may not have as good again in a long time. The G. A. R. Re-union is a grand success. Soldiers come from every di rection. some, in wasons, over a hun dred miles, bringing their families and provisions. Gen. Wagner, commander in chief of the G. A. R. is there, and every train brings in squads of the Boys in Blue. The Hardy Herald, Nuckolls Co., comes to hand, Ralph K. Hill, ed itor and proprietor. Success to you, roy bey. Vermont went Republican by about 3000 over the last election, in spite of the lies of Democratic telegrams last week. Democratic State Convention. The Democratic" State Convention meets at Hastings September 3Pth. 25t2 Greenwood, Sept 6th 1880. Mr. J. McMurphy Plattsmouth, Neb. The Article in your paper f last is sue over my signature is, as you might have reason to expect, very unsatis factory, you are fully aware that the article as published is not the one sent you. & that I never authorized you to put out such a fool thing as you did. & I think as little as you could ps silly do would be to state in your next isstis that you did not publish the ar ticle as sent you. as it is, it is not my Article at all & I do not want you to insert anything in your coiumi in an swer to it as though it was. it is your duty as an editor when you receive a communication of any Kind that you are requested to publist, to publish it entire, or decline to insert it, one or the other. A not amend, abridge, or abre viate, in such a hole cale manner as to distroy the ability of the effort & leave it in such a disconnected manner as you did mine. respectfully vour Aopreciateive friend R. X. Bouk. To please the young man we pritit the above verbatim. Tho facta are, we gave all the letter that referred to the Greenwood muddle and our convention as we thought, and could not well spare the space for more. It's all O. K. any way. Ed. Herald. Remember though box in tlicj plural makfs boxes. The plural of ox chould be oxen, not oxes. Aud remember though fleece in the plural is fleeces, That tbe plural of goose isn't goose norgeeses. And remember though house In the plural is houses. Tlie plural for mouse should be mice and not mouses. Mouse, it is true. in the plural is mice. But the plural of house should be houses, not nice. And foot, it is true, in the plural is feet. But the plural of root should be roots, and not reet. Our Temperance Column. EDITED BT TnE WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEM rZRAJIt'K UNION. ' For God, and Home, and Native Land." The Public Library Is now kept in the office of Will S. Wise, and will be open for the loaning and exchange of books every Wednes day and Saturday afternoon, from 1 to 3 o clock, and on Saturday evenings, from 7 to 9. 44tf 4nnual Meeting of the W. C. T. U. in Nebradkv. Thfisiirth annual Cniivpntion of ilift W. C. T. U. of Nebraska was held at Tecumseh, Sept. 2, to C, 1830. A reporter for the Tecumseh Chief tain was present at nearly all the ses sions, and we give, below, the sub stance of the report as published; omitting many of the unimportant de tails, and also adding two or three items of our own. The meetings held under the au spices of the State W. C. T. U. of Ne braska, have been characterised throughout by the most devout and earnest spirit. Delegntes wore pres ent from Kearney, from Beatrice, from Lincoln, from Falls City, Humboldt, Central City, Fremont," and Platts mouth. The meeting on Thursday night, Sept. 2d, conducted by Mrs. Roberts, of Lincoln, was participated in by a large number of ladies and gentlemen, both visitors and residents. The principal topic of tho meeting was the power of the C. T. IT. to unite all the christains whatever church or name in the temperance work. It was enjoyed by all present and was blessed in its influence. The Conse cration and Prayer meeting on Friday morning at 9 o'clock, was cond noted by Mrs. Henderson, of Falls City. At 10:13 the convention was formally opened; Mrs. Hardy, of Lincoln, Pies ident. in tho chair. After roll call and seating of delegates was the - ad dress ef welcome bv Mrs. DeLong, President of the W. C. T. U. of Tecum seh. Responce by Mrs. Prof. Wise, of Plattsmouth. The fiist meeting on Friday afternoon was a prayer and workers' meeting, conducted by Mrs Louisa Collins, of Kearney. Many ladies from different parts of the state took part in this meeting. At 2:30 the convention was called to-order when the President delivered her annual address. This was a very fine production and was ordered to be printed in the Lincoln and Omaha pa pers. From this address as well as from the Corresponding Secsetary's re port and tho reports of various 'local unions we learn that a large amount of temperance work has been done during the past year, chielly by the President and Mrs. Slaughter, tho state organiser. Thirteen new unions have been formed, many of them with largo enrolments. After tho appoint ment of special committees by the President, Mrs. Henderson, of Falls City, read aTpaper on "jail and prison" work which was highly appreciated by the audience and followed by a sp'rit ed discussion of the subject. A very elegant and telling paper was read by Mrs. Ashby of Beatrice, on prohi bition. The mass meeting on Friday evening opened with singing by the choir. Following this was a very fine and impressive responsive service. Tho audience then listened to what all considered a grand and eloquent lec ture upon "Home Protection" given by Mrs. M. E. Griffith, State Lecturer of Kansas. Saturday morning there was a prayer and consecration service. At 10 o'clock came tho call to order and the reading of tho minutes. The regular order of business wa3 suspend ed to allow Mrs. Griffeth an opportun ity to talk to tho children. This she did in a very impressive manner for an hour teaching them the effect of alcohol upon the human system. At this time an invitation was received from tho County Alliance which met at the coart house, that some of the ladies of the convention would meet with them and take part in their de liberations. A committee consisting of Mrs. Griffeth, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. DeLong repaired to the court house where most of the. la dies, being called upon, made addresses. The resolution on Home Protection was read and accepted by an almost unanimous vote. An invitation was extended to the Alliance to meet with the convention at the close of their session. Meanwhile the convention tion had been called to order and a paper on "How to make our Local Unions Interesting," read by Mrs. Branch of Lincoln. Then followed a discussion upon the "Distribution of Temperance Literature" opened by Mrs J. tf. Wightman, of Fremont, and participated in by many ladies present. At 2 :30 o'clock a paper was read by Mrs. James Stephens of Central City upon "Work among the Children, X cessity and Methods," At 3:20 report of special committees. At 4 clock the convention proceeded to the elec tion of officers and delegates to the National Union. This resulted in the re-election of Mrs. C. A. Hardy of Lin coln for President; Mrs. A. B. Slaugh ter of Omaha, Vice President; Mrs J. E. Ford of Kearney, Correspond ing Secretary : Mrs. T. Pollock, Platts mouth. Treasurer. Delegate to the National Union, which meets in BoS' ton in Oct., Mrs. S. H. Clark. Omaha Alternate, Mrs M. J. DeLong, Tecum seh. Mrs. M. J. DeLong was elected to deliver the annual address at the meeting in 1831. Place of adjourn ment. Kearney. A mothers meeting was then held and participated in by a large number of the mothers present, all pronouncing it a most profitable and interesting leature ot the conven tion. On the evening of Saturday there was a large and enthusiagtic mass meeting in which many speakers participated. Sabbath morning Sept. 5th, a meeting was held for conference and prayer. At 11 o'clock the church was crowded with an intelligent au dience to listen to the Annirersary sermon delivered by Chancellor Fair field. It was pronounced by all, to be a splendid effort. At 3:00 there was a children's meeting conducted by Mr?. Stephens of Central Cay, and Mis. Roberts of Lincoln. The little ones will not soon forget dear Mrs. Roberts who entertained and instructed them in such a pleasant and winning man ner. At 5 o'clock p. m. there was a meeting in the jail led by Mrs. Hen derson of Falls City participated in by Mrs. DeLong, Mrs Roberts and Mrs. Parker. But all felt that high noon was struck in Chancellor Fairfield's lecture on prohibition on Sunday even ing. The house was litterally packed with a delighted and attentive audi- enee which could not forbear at times an expression of an enthusiastic ap probation. It was a grand and telling effort. There was a final session on Monday morning for unfinished busi ness and adjournment; after "which tha ladies separated for their homes not altogether with dry eyes. There was but one verdict, which wa that the session of 1880 was the most suc cessful, most interesting, and upon the whole, most important session the Union has ever had in this State. May the good Father help us, endow us with wisdom and strength from above that we ne'ther falter nor fail. NEW RESTAURANT! Corner Main and Second Streets, Ojiposite U. & M. 12 11 Passenger Depot, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. JAS. WOODSON, Prop'r. o MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Hoarding Iy Day or lTeeK Cigars and Tobacco, CONFECTIONERY. NOTIONS. &c. Soliciting a chare of the public patronage, I shall try. by equare dealing, to give satisfaction to all. 2titf JAS. WOODSON. Meat Me at I Market T. It. STAJiElFOKTII, STILL STANDS FOUTII At the South Side Main. KEMEMBEK that I aim to keep on hand a good and w ell selected stock of Fresh Beef, Pork, MUTTON AND FOWLS. Game and Fish in Season. -ViIl Nay the hichei-t market price for all hbles. fueuu or dry. rUllE AXD WHOLESOME MEATS GUARANTEED! Ull T. It. W TAX Kl FORTH. H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers In PINE LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES. SASH, DOOUS, BLINDS, ETC., ETC ETC. Mau. street. Cornerof Fifth. PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Still Better Rates for Lumber NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ORGANSS 14 .Stopn, Kub n.axs. Oct. mipler. V ox Celeste aud i'iix H ti imiuft K.nt. 1 1 m trial Mai luuled, only $(3. Pianos $1.'5 up. t'nt nlojftie Free. Address Daniel. F. Lkatty, WaHliiiigton. X. .). - H1t4 THETBONANZA -FOR BOOK AGENTS isrcililiK our two x)lrilillij Ulutlratnl bowks. Life ol fJTY II ,1 VriH 'K written by U.s I-iiV II iVx LyVIlvJV life-ionc friend. HON. J. W. I'OltN F.V (an author of national fame.) highly endorsed by Cen. Hancock, the pari v leaders and tho ires ; alo the I.irs f personal friend. Cen. J. S. Hnisrti.v, au author of wide celebrity ; also flroimly endoincd. Itot h official, immensely ; popular, selling ver lO.Mwi a week ! ! Afrents making $10 a day ! Outfits 50 cent each. For best boi: ke and terms, adilrew quick, T1IOS. l'KOTH EUO. Kmporia. Kansas. THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE To not confound this Matchless lienovater ( 'Feeble and exhausted Constitutions wilh violent cathartics, cheap decoctions of vile druv, ai:d ruitioti intoxicants iniinccnt! v la beled -bitters." MALT LUTLUS appeal U popular enntidf nee because piepaied I mm t'n lerme'ited Malt. Hops, and Ciiiuino. and othitr precious iniiivdiciiM, aecoiiliiiu to the proces of l.ichiji. and are richer in the elements t hat restore t permanent health the Weak, Cou- ....,......;.. t.-...- i. ... i v voiis, sieetiiess, Iypepiie, Hliliotis ami Fickle ' in AppciKc.thaM all other form of Mail or: Medicine. The ue.nahw are plainly Mued by! the cuntai!v. Sold everywhere. MALT islTTEuS COMFaNY. ll-.;RTON MASS alBsmeN Wan We want JTU ;oj if. CIGARS to DEALERS $105 A mjstb tad erpc;::j Sample vrr Cut tlii .Volir Out and send it with your appieatii.n, alo rend a 3e ptamp to insure answer. W. fr'otr A "o.. 25t4 Cincinnati, Ohio. Fur tile fastest -iellmir bunk i llie ajie : P The HOUSEHOLD and i fAIlMKKS CYCLOPEDIA This beint; the otilv .frrlenltural Vy cIoihmMu published. UeC VI l l() all silent against other works purposlin;; to em brace the same subjects, livery Farmer will imrchase this book. Published in Knalish and Jlerman. Addles ANC1IOK l'UUUSll I XJ 5 CO., St. Louis, Mo, i!"t 1 J. A. OAMPBulLL Can be found at the old Howland Blacksmith Shop, Comer of Vine and Sixth streets, IMattsuionth, - - - XrltrartUa, o Ho will do all kinds of jOBiiiza. GENERAL REPAIRING in his line. The following are his prices : Horse Shoeing, new shoes 40 els Resetting Shoes 20 " Plows Sharpened 2 " Shovels pointed, per set 3.00 "Warranted as good as -new. lie guarantees to do all work in a workmanlike manner, AND WILL GIVE SATISFACTION -o 1 1 7i ? n, t3Ef C?TV M JidTV A-.. rTV Tlie Id. Reliable: t ALWAYS AHEAD ! GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER. o Wo show the largest and best selected stock of EM8y (Roods, 5SotIaas5 OoIMmq;, ll&SDfe, Eaoe5 lEsnt9 Capr, iiicl Mfi8!lEa.ry (Roods, WE ARE GIVING eal Genuine Bargains1! This Season in every department. We will Hhfipllcale and JDIb- S3imhb& salE JPrico jLisfo foy 31 per cent. Call at the Philadelphia Store, make your Piirckaei, and yon will S0L0M02T hi em 5k P Pa Ed frs$ era we it at DC CTAMES Q-RACB Retail Liquor Dealer, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. rLATTSMOUTII. .... SKD. lii'.iianl Hall and Salooa on Main Street, four door from Sivth at Neville's old ).l,ice. BEST BRANDS Ol' CIGARS, LE8, WINES, d-C. It cm ember tho Xacie rb1 IMaee, y James Grace. J. SCH LATER, c! al r in Klhtcjjc-s (Iochs, Iffotlrp, Site Ware, Toys, Pictures. 3liisical Iiisti'ifikK'iits and MERCHANDISE, POCKET CUTLERY I NOTIONS, r.nti.-ul.u alt. nt ion !, :) kinds of Fine I'cpairli'jf. Main, near l'n'ii:!i Street, It'irti HOTEL. CITY HOTEL I'I.MTsmo;; i ii, sv.n. Firl c':i. s I mlii,!; Unguis. First ;ias- Luaiding. Jood Sample K'loma Fvcrvt hilly aud VMy coiiifoit A (JOO'tl Hot('I CaSI Fliniisli v . i--..., i wi .'.'.'i".. ... .. ... Hood I.emoa.nle. ; Cisam, Kpt 11 the Citj Betel. Hly . Fi;i:iJ. coos, Proprietor. ROBERT DONNELLY'S A ND IJLAC K31 IT II SHOP, Wagon, Huygy, Ma hine and Plow re- pairing, a?id general Jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing f farm and other machinery, as tliwo is a fod lathe in my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wason Maker has taken charge of the waon shop, lie Is well known as a NO. 1 WOK1CMAN. Xpw WngoiiM and Bugrsiei made) to Order. SATISFACTION G I'AUA NTIiEI). Shop on Sixth street upoite Streiuht's Stable STIU:iG1IT k Ml LIE IE, a niejis 3fa n iik eta rers, SADDLES UUIDLLS COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Repairing of all Kinds ! NEATL Y DONE er SHORT NOTICE NEW HARNESS ! TURNED OUT IN SHORT ORDER, And Satisfaction (liiaraiiloetl. P""lemcmber the place. Opposite Henry T.oeck's Furniture Store, on Lower Main Micct, I'UttMiiouth. Neb. 21-ljV ST RE IGHT d- 31 IDLER. be happy. & 2TATHA17. ft( B33 vat 3 F3 E caj & est