Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 09, 1880, Image 2

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    The Herald.
national Repleai Tictet !
For rresident, v
Of Ohio.
For Vice-President.
Of New York.
Call for a RcpnMIean ConTention in the
50th ICeprestntntlre District.
The Republican electors of the Mth (er float)
district are called to send delrjste to a Con
Tention at Ahland. September 25th, ispn, at 12
nv.iharp. to place in nomination a candidate
fer Representative for this district in the coin
ing Legislature, and for the transaction of such
other business as may legitimately come be
fore it. And the apportionment hall be ten
(10) delegates from each Couuty.
J. II. McKIXXON, Ch'n.
J. A. MacMckpiiy. Sec'y. 22t
State Platform of the Republican
1. The Republicans of Nebraska most hear
tily endorse the profession of principles formu.
latvd by the national republican convention at
Chieafce. and Dledge their unswerving support
o the candidates there nominated.
2. We affirm the doctrines of national sover
eignty intLe termulated principles upon which
the perpetuity of the ration rests, and that the
principle ef home rulo as enunciated by the
democratic party Is but the omitleus expression
of the Calhoun doctrine of stale right, is revo
lutionary in its character and distinctive of the
unity of the nation.
3. We regard the recent seizure of tho polls
and wholesale robbery of the fniBchiscs of the
republicaa citizens of Alabama, iurpassing iu
the magnitude and effrontery of the crime all
former efforts cl the paitv under their Tweed
plan in New York, and the AlusUsippi plan
In the south, as a lair specimen of democratic
wethed and a forecast of democratic dominiou
aaticnal affairs that slionld incite every hon
est ma and tax-payer in the country to tho
test earnest endeavor te defeat ttio party of
brigandage and fraud at the polls in November
4. We hare considered " hat Lee and Jack
son would no if they were alive," cheers and
have determined te employ our het energies in
preventing the seizure ef the national govern
ment by their living comrades through the
frauds of a soli4 south.
6. We congratulate the peopl of the state
apoa Us rapid Increase of population and wealth
and upon the good measure of prosperity tiiat
has rewarded their labor, upon the rapid up
building of our material interests since the sue
eess of resumption and the revival f t trade.
6. We pledge our to such legislation
In congress, aud such measures by state lems-
lalures as may be necessary to effect a correc
tion ef ahusee, and erevent extortionate dis-
eriraination in charges by railroad corporations.
T. We mt't cordir.ily Invite the aid and co
operation in the latest defence of the national
Integrity and the national pure of 11 republl
cans and war democrats who have differed
with us on temporal issue, or have clung to
a party name.
The following was offered by the committee
a a suggestion which the convention might
usefully adopt :
Resvlved, The republican state central com
mittee be authorized to name the temporary
organization of the next republican state con-
Tentiou : to nppoiiit a committeeon credentials
from among their own numner, whose duty it
shall be to pass on all credentials and upon all
questions that may properly come before the
state committee, and to report immediately af
ter the slate convantion shall have temporari
ly organized.
Hen. John M. Thurston rose aud caid : Mr.
Chairman and gentlemen of the convention I
deira to move that the platform which you
have beard read be adopted. In doing sol de
sire to say that not only does It represent all
principles of the party, but it reflects also the
forward position taken by ths republican party
and "t is such that every mt in the party rep
resented by the delegates te the convention
ill cheerfully and gladly support . Cheers,
The motion having bMo secended was fer
ried noaBimously.
Maine yetss the 13 of Sept.
Indiana the twelfth of OcUbar.
It bitt4 in Chicago on Tesdj.
Dox't we tvant a new Republican
paper here?
The Omaha GUt CUb nlirend the
Let's hare another paper here, feels
are plenty, brine en another.
Last Sunday, Sept. fth, at sundown,
etramtneed the Jew'eh New Year.
Hon. Jos. W. Joints is the State
Central Committeeman from this (the
4th) District.
The Courant must want another Re
publican paper, werk is so plenty in
turn just now.
Arkansas held her electien Tues
day and swelled the ranks of Demo
cratic victories.
The State delegation frm Cass
worked together thoroughly in har
mony and did itself credit far once.
Joet C. says Sam Chapmau is the
"Mephistopbeles ef Cass Ceunty poli
tics" wh taught yeu that word, Joe?
Tme Alternate Electers ef the State
are: C. E.Eieley, of Dedge; Tf". L. Wil
ton ef Otee; and Got. Garber of Web-
er. . mum
Joe Connok is rusning the Ourant
now. lie has left Ruahnell and fallen
to the arras of father "Wentwerth, it
Ir Sam. Chapnyin is the Msphisto
phelee f Republicanism in this coun
tr, Jos. Connor is the Diabtist at the
Haven't you fellews tried tbe Her
ald often earns to know that it
don't bluff worth a cent. Brinj en
your paper
How long did Moo" study the diction-try
beforr he acquired th pronun
ciation of Hon. Sum. Chapman's latest
honorary title.
Mil. Vanbeman of Saunders, our
Float Representative was .1 d?la:ile to
tho Convention and the IIerali is
under obligations to him.
The Vermont state election took
place Tuesday and resulted in increas
ed Republican gains all over the state,
the rnajaiity being about 900.
Tije Saunders Ceunty neminees are:
Senate, C. C. Whits; liwuse, II II Shedd,
J. P. bcett, Ben Johnsen. Hon. M. Ii.
Reese renominated fer District At
torney. Joe Connok wants another Republi
can paper, f coarse; he has outlived
tho patience of two, and the Democrat
ic one is about dismissing him as as
sistant. TriE Blair Pilot thinks unless some
body licks Rosewater now he is gone
under permanently. A goed fresh out
rage would bring him out at nee,
At Hastings thty held a two days
Cunty Convention, and 120 ballots on
State Senator before a nomination was
made. C. R. Jones, of Juniata got tho
Among the old friends the Herald
met at the Convention were J. T. Spen
cer of Dakota, a former Editor, and
now teaching the Wiunebv Indians
on their Reserve.
In Dakota County a Hancock and
English pole was raised, and a huge
broom placed at the the top to signify
how clean the Democracy would sweep
the country in Xovember. Wait and
Thirtt-two different sorts of wind
mills are incessantly clawinff the air
in Michigan. Among quite a number
in Nebraska the windiest and clawing-
est is the Morton-Miller patent recent
ly introduced. Republican.
Four ladies joined "the Garfield &
Arthur Club at Central City ; as they
are the pioneers in this line, we
their names: Mrs. Benj. Clark,
O. F. Person?, Mrs. K. E.,
8. K. RatclifT. It's a good idea.
Tnr. Lancaster County republican
convention made the fallowing notfli
nations Je.ituniay: Fer state senators,
C. H. G?re, C. 7. Puree; fer members
of legislature, X. C, Abbott, C. O. Whe
don, N. T. McClun, R. B. Graham; for
County Commissioner, TV. E.G. Cad
(Jwing to press of other matter we
cannot make roem for Article from
5cniibler .No. 2 this week; as we have.
already given a good deal of space
to this m-Uter which is only of local
interest, we would suggest that it is
about tirfte to arrive at some satifac-
tory conclusioh-of the matter.
Dick Ccsiiino says that when the
Editor of this paper wants to run again
for a State office, ht should take the
Mac off his name and put row n. How
would Mac-von-de Merfie do and
leave the J. A. out. That ought to
catch all but the Yankee vote and
that's no account in America.
InE soldiers and sailors reunion
will be held At Central City, Nebraska,
from Sept. 13th to the ISth. Several
distinguished gentlemen are expected
to be present. Among those named are
Governor Nince, Gen. Logan, General
Sherman, Gen. Wagner, Gen. Swain,
and the goverLors of Kansas, Missou
ri, Iowa and Illinois. Ulysses Dis
Tbe omnipresent and irrepressible
MacMurphy, of the Plattsraonth Her
ald, is at the Coremtrcial in disguise.
We met him yesterday and had a talk
with him, hut soon Re acted the dis
guise. It was n. g, that tip-tp'" g-ive
him away. TV hare eur piaien of a
tan wh will shave ff hie heard asd
have his ha:r cut just before a conven
tion. Glebe.
The Burt County deltien pre
sented the nan ef Geo. P. Hall as a
candidate fer Lnd Commieeioner
Although perfectly satisfied with The
nomination of Mr. Kendall, tho Her
ald would have liked to o Mr.
Hall, an old and true friend nominated.
This was nmosg tho impossibilities
The float member is yet to bo elect
ed; we hope ho will bo a good nan and
one we can endorse. With our full
ticket in the field, we shall enter upon
the active work of the campaign, con
fident of success in all that wo deserve
success, and astarod that every man
and every vote will bo fairly eounUd
in Xovember.
The Herald desires to say it be
lieves that Prof. Lovo woked honoat-
ly and faithfully fer the nomination
of the candidate from Cad-j after the
delegation decided who that candidate
should be. We furthermore any that
Prof. Love was fully competes for
the poeitiou of Superintendent, and
we heartily wUU tk circumstances
had been favorable to bis nomination.
The County Central Committee at
the request of Mr. Til't and Mr. Hall,
two of the candidates, will not bo call
ed until Monday a wet'k, Sept. 30, in
stead of next Monday as was at first
proposed. The comuaitUo being farm
ers mostly ana luyiig not tnrougn
with until then, we shall call the com
mittee together at l at the
G. & A. club rooms, Monday, 23th, at
12:30 o'clock, of which fuitLer notice
will be given.
'. 1 1 .. 1 IJJCgg
THEMortuoLs and President Haves
are out. Gov. Murray lias appointed
committees and made arrangements to
receive the President and party, entire
ly ignoring the Mormons and city of
ficials, who in their turn appointed
committees, etc. Upon communicating
with the President as to las time of
arrival, he informed them he shttuld
be the guest of the gvrrnor. and so
the Mormons have issued orders that
not onf of their numbers shall go out
side thdr doors during the President's
visit, or any way recognize him.
Tho County Ticket.
The Republican County Convention
renominated two of tho old members,
one for Senator, and one for Reprc
sentalive. The new men nominated
are James Hall and Dr. II. D. Root.
The present Senator, Mr. TeiTt, is
farmer Jiving at Avoca, in the south
em part of the Connty, and the family
haa been a long time in Cass County
Mr. Tefft has already served one term
in the Legislature, and is considered
by hi3 friends a man of a good deal of
As a rule, no gead objection exist
ing thereto, we believe in keeping the
same men in the Legislature a reason
able length f time at least, because
one term simply pests a man in the
routine work of conducting a large
leffislativa bodv. and tha older mem-
CJ ' "
bers always have the advantage of
prestige and experience over Ifce new
lv elected incumbents. What Mr. Tefft
may do, or may not do this titna on
certain local matters, the Herald has
no means of judging; but we do"knew
that Mr. Tefft has it in his power large
lv. to now harmonize this party. If he
will stand by the true friends of the
uartv. those who have shown some
generosity and conscience in political
matters, and wh have hitherto borne
willinslv the. burdens that free suf
frage imposes on a community, ho can
be elected bv a cood fair majority. He
can then help us t put down and out
live sectional Jlghts and personal bick
erinns. not bv asking the modest and
honest man to step aside fer cheek and
impudence, which has been the syno
nym for 'harmony" irr Cass County
but by throwing his influence for right
and justice, for peace and prosperity
and for the men and the measures that
hava not been tho result of bargain
snles. promises, fraud r.nd deceit. These
thing3 Mr. Tefft can do and should do,
The Herald, which is a Republican
paper, asks him to do this, and abide
by the result. lie has it in his power
to do much for Cass County, and carve
out a bright career for himself. As be
fore stated this is one cf the. most im
portant legislatures that ever met in
the State. In apportionments and re-
districting the Stat, this, the third
Count v in the State, is largely inter
ested and should have a voice. In one
house the voice of Cass County is Or
lando Tefft, and tho Herald has faith
to believe that with the experience of
the his present term will redound
to his own credit and trie welfare of
the County.
R. B. Windham, the other candidate
re-nominated, is, as von all know, a
voting lawyer of this city. He served
in the Inst legislature, and his friends
say his record will bear an earthquake
shock. All tha- we have said in regard
to the re-nomination of candidates in
Mr. Tefft's ease will apply as well to
Mr. Windham. He, too, has now the
experience of one term in the councils
Cf State. That he will profit by it, the
Herald makes no doubt. He is a
young man, quick to learn, and his le
gal ability will be of great service to
the other members f the delegation,
should he be elected.
The importance of this Session to
the country and party, in tha future,
cannot be over estimated and in Wind
ham we lnjpe to find a wary, cautious
Legislator, but a prompt and aggress
ive foe to Democratic schemes, and
plots to weaken our forces or eventu
ally capture part of Xebraska for the
Democracy. The experience of last
winter should toach Mr. Windham, too,
who are his real friends, and what is
badly nee 'ed in Cass county politics
to ensure success in the future. Hop
ing that his record this winter may
b-i-ss true, a? faithful as his friends
hope it will be, we leave hirn in the
hands of the voters of Cass County.
Janaos Hatt, surnamod "Jim" by
common consent is one of "nature's
noblemen," an honest farmer-- who
cane here serao years ago, ho says as
poor as wan well can b. aud who by
hia thrift and enorgy and solid good
sense ha carved out a competence and
a reputatien for fair dealing surpass
ed by none. This is Jain as first hoat
as a Candidate, although ho was fairly
nominated four yuars aga in Conven
tion, when it being discovered that
tho candidates were not distributed sat
isfactorily, the action of tho conven
tion was re-considered and James left
out in the cold. He took it like a man.
the Herald has always felt that the
party owes Hall something and wo
hope to see the vote for him this fall
attest the generosity and love of fair
dealing, which we claim for our party
and as our principles.
Dr. 3. D. Root, candidate for Repre
sentative is a practising Thysician in
Greenwood village. Dr. Root was at
one time very favorably spoken of as
Superintendent of tho Insane Asylum,
and has been for years an active and iu
tiuential member of the Republican
party in tho western part of the coun
ty. Ho is a man of more than ordina
ry ability and if elected will mirke a
X. 1 Representative, in our opinion,
and we don't want the Doctor to go
back on our judgment, "no how."
Jamea Crawford, re-nomicated for
County Commissioner is the right man
iu the right place. The present board
of Commissioners is oue of the most
effective and prudent the County has
bad, and of those Ja.ui!s Crawford is
one. The Herald most cheerfully
hoists his name to the nast head and
recommends him as a safe reliable
business man, a staunch Republican
and a Cemmiasionef that it won't pay
to swap off in crossing the stream of
Cocntt Fair postponed to Oct. 6.
Senator Blaine made one of his
most j points when he said that
Hancock was the first man who ever
topk part in a great war whj was
afraid to havo tho fact naentioned.-Ex.
The peint is well taken as regards
Hancock, though he is not Xo. 1 here
either. Congressman Morrison, cf Illi
nois, was the first public man on rec
ord, who forgot his war (forthe Uniou)
record, and had it expunged from the
Congressional Directory.
Our State Ticket.
Of Congressman Valentin?, Govern
or Xance, Lieut. Governor Cams, Sec
retary Alexander, Treasurer Bartlctt,
and Attorney General Dilworth, who
are unanimously the choice "of this
large and representative body for re
election, it is unnecessary to say. here,
more than that their services have
been recognized by the people, and the
compliment paid hem is in every esse
well merited. Xo state officers havo
ever been more diligent and atten
tive to duty, and the departments havo
been conducted in an irreproachable
manner, with signal ability and suc
cess. Of the new men nominatd.
of Hall county, our candidate for Au
ditor, is a representive Oerman of the
Xorth Platto, who has served many
terms in the legislatare, and has had
much experience as a public man. He
will deubtless fill the place ably and
of Howard county, eur candidate for
Land Commissioner, is a young man
of sicnal ability and energy, who has
been.for years a leader in tho republi
can ranks of that section. Besides
several offices of trust he has rilled at
home, he served as a member f the
constitutional convention of '75, and
was present there as a debater, and an
active member of several important
prof: w. w. JONES,
of Lancaster, candidate for State Su
perintendent or Fublic Instruction, is
one of the most experienced and sue
cessful teachers in Xebraska. Fer the
past six years he has been the superin
tendent of the High School in Lincoln
His execntive ability is of a first-cla.s
character and he will worthily succeed
the present incumbent, Prof. Thomp
It is due to the retiring officers to
say that they have been able and cfii
cient in the several departments. Un
fortunate as was Auditor Liedlke's
judgment in reference to his right to
the insurance fees, his office has been
a model during the two vcars that he
has filled it.
Hon. F. M. Davis created the Land
Department, commencing in 187G, and
has had great obstacles to overcome in
reducing to order the chaos into which
our school lands had fallen under tho
old and slovenly system. , He has dis
charged his duties with acceptability
and will retire with a clean record and
the respect of tho entire people.
Prof. 8. R. Thompson who, having
served two terms declined a renomi
nation for the office of -State Superin
tendent has. we lf lieve, given ur.usa
al satisfaction in his office, and his
place will be hard to fill even by as ex
penenced and able a gentlemean
Prof. Jcncs. Journal.
Reduced Rs'es on the 11. & M. II. I.
Omaha, Sept. 1, 1889.
Maj. J. W. Pearman, Secretary Otoe Caunty
i-air Association, -ebrasKa city, ssea.
Dear Sir: Xoticing the energy with
which all arrangements for your fair
are being made, and considering the
benefit which is iikely to accrue to
your section if it is a perfect success
we nave decided to do what we can
to aid you, and have made a rate of
one fare for the round trip from al
stations on our Xebraska Railway di
I trust this adyice will reach you in
timo to make the necessary publication
of the rate, l ours truly,
P. Lowell, G. T. A.
Xow, that's the way to do it. Pear-
man is a host, and the little ourg or
Xebraska City always gets np a fair,
fhile the great city of Plattsmouth
in one of the largest Coonties in the
State well, she doesn't.
TnE State Greenback Convention
nominated the following ticket: Gov
ernor, O. T. B. Williams; Lient. Gov
ernor, Teter Lansing; Treasurer, A
Herman; Attorney General, Xoah
Shackles; Land Commissioner, David
Xeal; Superintendent of Public In
strnction, A. S. v. Manafeldo; Electors,
Z.. G. Cass, Watkins and Cennors ; Con
gressman, Allen Root; L'reieronce for
L. S. Senator, L. C. Pace.
Where's our Caunty Groonhack tick
et? Sond her along.
An editorial excursion party from
Peru, Indiana, comprising representa
tives of the press of XortLrra Indiana
will pass through hore, September 9th,
en the way to Lincoln, where they will
mako headquarters for Swme time, and
view our State.
We weTceme eur GarStld Boesier
friends to Nebraska, and all the othor
kinds, tow, hoping they may have a
glorious visit,that tho present weather
Lmay let up, and tbe prairies smile at
them once more. Wo shall try and be
on hand that day to help them cross
the new bridge over tho Missouri.
President Hayes and party, con
sisting of Mrs. Hayes, their two sons,
Rutherford and Burchard, Gen. Sh;r
man and his daughter Rachel. Gen'l
IcCook, Mrs. Audnrid, Mrs. Hunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Herron, Mrs. Mitchell,
Dr. Huntingdon, and Jno. Jameson.'t general sup't of tbe railway rsail
service, arrived in Oiuaua i nday mor
ning, n their way to tbe Pacific crust.
They wre joined there by Secretary
of War Ramsey, and Secretary C1.
Burr. They were mt by an Omaha
delegation, headed by Mayor Chase, at
Council Bluffs, and taken to tho Bar
racks, where they were tendered a re
ception. The rain interfered much
with the pleasure of their stay. They
left on a special train for tho West at
rnE sickuess of the Editor of the
Herald prevents auy extended com
ments on the State Convention, or tho
situation in Cass county, further than
that the fuss made about net hoisting
the ticket ia a very foolish one. It is
a mure form at best, not,cntemary in
many Eastern papers, and at the op
tion of the Editor at an - time unless
he is paid for the pace it occupies.
The Editor would not resort to such a
petty system of retaliation, because if
he did not choose to support tho ticket
the names could be placed at tho head
of the column as Rosewater has done
and the paper goon fighting the nomi
nees in its Editorial columns. W
propose t support that ticket in our
own way when the proper time comes
unless "some fool from Buffalo keeps
hdenng 'louder !"' and then he may
have to wait a while.
! Yonnj Men Look at This The Cr.
reer of GirficiJ IJri?ly Stated.
14 At
work at a Carpenter's
16 Driving a canal boat.
18 Student at Chester Academy
21 Teaching in public school,
At 23 Entered TTillams' College.
At 2C Gradnatfd with the honors ef
his class.
At 27 Tutor in Hiram college. Ohio.
At 28 Principal of Hiram college, Ohio.
At S9 Yeui?st member of the Ohio
At 30 Colonel ef the 42d Okie Regi
ment. At 31 Commander of brigade; whip
ped the rebs under Humphrey Msr
shall; helped Busll at Pittsbnrg
Landing; siege of Corinth. Ac.
At 82 Chief of Staff of the Army ef
the Cumberland.
At 3 In Congress ef the United States;
as successor of Joshua R.Giddings.
At 48 Elected United States senator,
having been in Congress 15 yoars
At 49 Republican candidate for the
At 50 Will be President of tho United
'States. Ex.
The example of Gen. Gnrrleld ought
to be and will be an encouragement to
every honest and. industrious yonng
man in tha Cor.ntry.
In this respect his norair.ntien has
been one of the most rlerious events
of tho Century.
Pemocrntic State Convention.
The Democratic State Convention
meets at Hastings September 2Cth. 23t2
The Greenback Nominees.
For Senator, Judge Roberts, of South
For Representatives, M. V. Wood
B. F. Allen, X. Clommons.
For Couiily Commissioner, Owen
We thought our G. B. fiiendr. woul
come along after a while. Why didn'
you send lh3 herald word of your
Convention ?
A Uandso'uc Caiuphnie
State of Seubwra, Exeix-tivr is-
Hon. C. J. Xobes, Lincoln, Xeb.:
Dear Sir: I havo the pleasure
forwarding vour commission as warden
of the penitentiary vice Dawson, re
signed. Feeling confident thai you will
fill the position with great credit to
yourself and to the satisfaction of the
people of the state, I remain, very re
spectfully, Alointts iance.
Gov. Xance has hit'it again. Xehes
is the man.
rLmsaouTius tet.
The r., IJ. & Q.'s Bridge Finished and
Thoroughly Tested.
Yesterday was a big day for Platts
mouth. The C, B. & Q. bridge was
tested and not "found wanting." Eight
engines wore placed on the bridge at
once, and run to and fro. A large excur
sion party took their dinner in a din
ing car en route. Speeches were made,
and the day was observed as a holiday
There is great rejoicing in Platts
month, and Xebraska City congratu
lates her, and hopes soon to have a
bridge herself. Xeb. City Press.
nr?Bn are some strains frem the
press of the seuth, which clearly indi
eate wijicn way the political winds in
that section blow. The Meriden (Miss.)
Mercury says:
"We would like to engrave a pro
phecy en stone to be read of genera
tiens in tho future. Tht negro in thrsc
states tall be slave again, or cease to be
His sole refuge from extinction will
be in sHfverv to the white man."
The Memphis Avalanche brandishes
the shot-gun and bludgeon over the
heads of republicans and independents
in the following tragic manner:
nVe must hace but one party, and
hat tlit democratic party. White men
tche dare to arcw themselves here as re
publicans should be branded as the bit
ter and malignant enemies of the South
The name of every northern man whe
presumes in this community to aspire
to office upen republican votes should
e saturated with stench. We can
spare all such and would caution them
to be careful to keep away. ii e must
put an end fortyer to this shameioss
effrontery of northern men and repub
licans aspiring to office in th scnth.
They must keep back seats, and very
quiet ones, or get out."
After noticm tho above extracts
from the southern press, is there a
northern man, much less a Union sol
dier, who will vote for Hancock? We
cannot believe it. Ex.
TTeeplny Water Items.
September, 7, 1SS0.
Ed. Hskald: It's raining again to
day, as usual, celebrating, i suppose,
Dr. Tanner s succais at fantinr.
W. W.has jot tbe "elephant" now.
Hoggett & Cof ;izer, you know, have at
last got their new augur and drill, and
can pat a hole down for a wU, about
8 or 10 inches in dUneter, at aluoet
any depth to secure good ?attr, aad
through earth and rock. They have
just finished a well for Mr. Reeves,
which is quite n eucces. an abundance
of water coming u threugu aboat 13
faet of rock.
E. L. Reed kra just returned from
Chicago; been to buy gojJs; look wut
for their new lall goods.
-J. Chare has returned from Chicane;
been doing that city in style, and com
bining business with pleasure; bougut
a heavy rail stock or hardware ;t.d
Ji. Tf. WilkiEten is bisected
frem Chicago to-night.
Our photo tnu, Mr. Skinner,
us next Monday for Syracuse.
D. L. Joaes has just added a new-
forge and osnplgyod a guod blacksiaith
to help him.
Dr. J. if. rhcraus is having a eom
rnedious now fiaina barn boilt; like
wise our fries Charles Fowlar.
Over $1,000 new stock of bcts and
shoes just received by J. Marshall &
on; call and examine before purchas
ing elsewhere.
.Numbers of our citizens are. prepar
ing to visit the State Fair.
School will commence hero tn-dnv;
Mr. Filbert, principal; Miss l,illie Er
bnr, intermediate, ad Miss Annio
("Vlkins, primary. G. A.Ashsaun hts
accepted a pesitioe iu the Plattstauuth
High School, and of course will tace
up his residence theie..
Mrs. Charles i arshall. ef Syracuse,
is in town visiting her friends.
The campaign rales on the Iuter-
Ocean is only 50 cents fr sjx moml:s.
liemt-ml'r tin? ratea ! We will take
subs, for the same. tf
m Uis kuvi J . inpn W.. Ku. c to AnitA
Asuuhm, A. CUL1.TKU 6i CO. Cmicaou. liX.
Our Temperance Column,
' For Coil, aud Home, and Native Land."
The Pnblic Library
Is now kept in the office of Will S.
Wise, and will no open for tho loaning
and exchange of books every Wednes
day and Saturday afternoon, from 1 to
3 o'clock, and on Saturday evenings,
from 7 to 9. -Utf
The Lictnse or An just 10th, 19S0.
On July 24th one of our gosd meral
citizens(?) made application to our
Council to ebtain license to sell liquors
in eur city for the ensuing license
year. Upon the fact becoming known
sonae ef cur citizens presented to that
honorable body a remonstrance, ob
jecting to the issuauce of said license
and giviDg as a reason for their protest,
that the applicant had been guilty of
violation of law in the manner in
w hich the business had been conduct
ed during the existence of his former
license, and placing before the Council
the transcripts of two of our courts
and citing Laws ef '73, which says that
"any person, w ho has violated sec. 572,
574 and 575, chap. 53, cr me code, Xe
braska; r any other restrictions now
placed upen the sale ef liquors, shall
net have license granted them." Xow
when the manuscript of our city court
shows that the applicant plead yuilty
of violation of Ordinance 59, Ojd paid
fine and costs, when the Laws of our
state and the United States s.ty that
full faith and credence shall be given
by all courts to the finding and decree
of any court in the land, and when the
applicant did not deny before that
honorable body but that he had been
guilty as plead, our Council proceed
ed to vote upon the question ef the
guilt or innoenc3 of the applicant in
the case on transcript, tha vote stwod
four for not guilty and one for guilty;
the matter now stands thus: four
Councilmen say by that vote that this
man of morals falsified when he said
he was guilty before tho courts.
They also s.ty by that vote, that our
Sunday law is a farce.
They also sny by that vote, that tho
plea of guilty and payment of a fine ia
proof of innocence.
They also say by that vete, that tho
transcript of our court records, proper
ly certified is not worthy f belief.
even when there is no evidence to the
Ihey also say hy that vete, that we
will wholly disregard tha law in the
faith whicn the law say a must bs plac
ed 'in the findings and decrees of our
They also say by that vote, that we
consider a man who ioIatea onr laws,
a msn of good moral character.
lhay also say by that vote, that we
will grant licsnse to sell liquors in our
city to any man who applies.
Can be foumi at tiic o! J
Howland Blacksmith Shop,
Corner of Vine and Sixth Hreete,
I'lattsnioutH, ... Xebraska,
Ue will do all kinda of
la his line. The followins are liif price" :
Horse Shoeing, new shoes
.40 cts
Reset I ing Ulioes
Plows Sharpened
Shovels pointed, per stt
Warranted as good as new
lie tnaxaritee to do all work iu a workmanlike
a xrn wir.r. r.tvp a tkv a crmsr
First clafS Lodging IZooms.
l-'irst Class-Boarding.
Good Sample Tfooms
Everjthiinf ud every comfort
A Good Hotel can Funiisli
Also, God Wines, Good Beer, Good Liquors.
Good Lemonade, Good Cigars,
Kept tX the Citj Hotel.
Hly 1-KED. ;OaS, IToprietor.
Wholesale and Retail Defers in
Ma.u stret-t. Corner of Fifth. -
Still Better Rates for Lumber
Ia nwss Jfa n vfuvt u re rs,
and all kinds of harness stock, constiintlj- o
Repairing of all Kinds !
And .Satisfaction Guaranteed.
EyHeir.emlier t!ie iilace. Oiiosite Henry
Btx-i-k's Kiii iiitare Store, ou Lower Maiu btreet.
Vagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing
ftm tkw prepared to do all kinds of repairing
pi inn and omer nianiinerj, as nitre
is a Mod lathe iu my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon shop.
He Is ell known as a
Xrw T'asons nI KutJes made to
H!jop on Sixth street ntniOiiite S'reiKlit'.s Stable
F5KPer Day ruafa
Day r-uaranteef!nirro
j (7 gfeg .ygjrfg
nift i nn nn i rim t
.... . . . v . . . ... ri,.
and fipnd it witti your i -; t inn. :i!v -ml a 3C
stomp to insure answer. S. ie-i- A ..
J5t4 CinciniiMti, Oiiiu.
wA-isrrTDXD-: jgltts i
tj The HOUSEHOLD and i
This bein Ihf ctnly trHctill nr ! -rlope.flA
pniWbe(i. WM .U tie.1 nil
agecti axamit otlior w rrk.o I'lirpoiinst l t "'
bi"ic the itnp Mifijecj. Ly.t i'uinu r will
iucli;ne tiii rxvik. l'lit.lishoil "in Km;li!i :u
;ermn. Artiiins ANCIioi; I V r 1,1 SU 1 N J
CO., St. f.fiUM. Mo, -J.'U
Meal Me at I Market
.still stand: roirru
At the South Side Main.
tliut I iii.-n to ki'ep on lutml ti (;uol anil well
srlt'vt'.'d stm1!; of
Frevtii Beef, Pork,
Game and Fish in Season.
fc-ywill jify tha Ii'iuliet market 1'iiio for ill!
hule. kito!i or dry.
Gl'AliAM ia:i:
21tf 'm. it.Mi A.'.KJFOHTH.
4.. ,ll Af T 4k..
tle.-.hT in
22ta3, (Cloths, rinrirn,
SilTcr Ware, Toys, Pictarss,
3iuf3iciil Instrument: and
rartieu'ar attent v.U to all kimls of Yiuu
Hop .irin
Main, near Fourth Stnrt, lSir6
P I. AT7,f MOJ'TS J, - - .::23.
Thonglt Slialanar like sin Aspen Leaf
With the fliiUs ar.d fevor. tlievMiiti of nia'a
ria in tj' slill rocevcr ly umi; ('olt hiiiii'd
sppciil'5. wliicli not only hivak's up the most aii
gra'vati'il attacks. Imt prevents t!u lr rrcur
renc,. It is Iniinitriy on !i'!ai!o 1- (iniuliif, imt
only horaiifc it docs l lie husim -ss f;.r i:ioic tiior
ouglilylml iiNo on f us pi rfcrt wholc
poini'iicKs atd invigorating anion upon tliu en
tire sytem.
irorcaiauy an Druist jiihi piaicr;
fe w CT021ACXX
fel?2ie Old. MoliGLlbio !
Vc sliow the largest and best .selected stock of
ISo'tc) tMie&9
Real Genuine Bargains'
This Season in every U i-nttnicnt.'
fey 1. per ccmI.
Call at the Philadelphia .Store, make vor.r I'urehiue,
ana you win
mmtmmmmm ill HOIJflS' I
. Plt i -ii4i l. i.-iuv n.'.iin 31" ri. r-
n Incite l'H'i AtliirrM I'ANiri, V. Bpattt,
Wufliiiiln;!. N. ,f.
TH BDU'-NZA FOfl EO'jk Ae'tnTi l 4ii1i
our two rj,tu-iii)ly illv'r -tfji l.i t.lTr ft
ilts. ,f. Y. rinivFV fr.ii ai,f-pr of f
liiiui'.l highly ri;i,'( l rr I ( ,i r. T H'.'nc It,
::-r v i nnl I In- hr'" ; P. t h K.I rt wf
U EX. ( A It F I E h l h'l
l'4'r)i,i:l friend. Utii. .J. s. l:mnr, ihf
f widf ri-IHirit y : Uh -hi mtri n Btt
oliU'l.-il. Imiuf iiHciy pnpnin-, ?!:ir f r It "
: week ! ! Apriits lu ikiiiv !0 tnj ! OutSfn M
i-rnls I'.-i'li. For ! t;i trrn Mrtm
iuii'k. I 1 1 OS. 1MMM ID if a. Fn rr!i!. tlVM
rue wm rrnn 4
iy- nf't coufiMiiiil iln
'Ffpli!i ami ovlum
vtolri:t c.illiMliM, (!
riuwju ii.l
liC)cl liiirii.- MM
T' ,OTlliii' !,(' I -
h'lliif lltni i5;i!S. 1 1 o ; ,
precious i:iL'r.-ir:; ;l(
ltd ( on-tifnt:!!
? ,i'-i.t innorntiV 1
V fiM'lT.UM
f pn .rrfl froci C
P.l'd I.H'Hiiin. rkS thM
'idmu tA , fif,
of'Ui. ariil sm ricii
r in lli fl4wiwt tr4
rt'.-toni lo p?i !ii;! t
r . i ' t : i the v r.
v:tii'.;i!!t. Ci'ilMi'inptiv
vim?, .vli'p!p"j. iy-rrj'
in A ppi" I liau all !
?i!r1n-!i:C. 'i ll.- ;i :ini:tr
; ht roni I ;i v. r v '
i' r.:i:ifm i ri'ki
i l:i"r f.ti r.? nf Mr'f
;r pluiuly rlRr.ei try
I V vllCi O.
malt r.i n i:::.s
NY. .U"rON. MAf
xi:itvoi rE.n.
IT alTord" mo rivMt pl.';i"nio to lnr iMniptnj
to t In-l.'iu'llts I liavi- re";vl trm itj
FcUown' t'onipoiiioi ,Sj nip of llypfi ofjMt
1 have roiiiiiit'tnli'il i; t i many of my fr;ii,
and it h:i piovrd ;!i rinpili r,t rnrtt 4
Ni'iMiiiMii-s and I inrm 1 Dl.i!ity. It is t Ir
tiist-cdast toin.'.eiiatd -s .roiilA tt
rapidiy. ;til in iioi-iroiii O'.e ( "Pl 1 ,inrf of
ftiti idiai acli-ifl if of ot'.ifr tonic I finvf irttj',
llK.Mir .lollMSTON, Montnl.
IN'iid Dr. TarTc's TcsliinoAiftl.
Mrt. Jajiks I. l'ri.!.oti f.Man tif r?nTiiHr Ckwr-
Mir : For .several iiion!hi pant I
your t'oiiipouiirl nip in i fi u 'fTirnt of tn
ci:'li lit pill !l 1-!.'. I (M-In .it'.rl, it ! f,t 49Af
aifi-cl ioi.m nf I tic ciu'si , i:d I Iik o hactLy
tian in statiu it ra. its frn-nnt,
tlic rcinctlii's u-cd in tliOe rt,f(-n. ftvcj t
excellent nervous lone, ii ex'rtk urf t tui
ence nn I lie nn ous t st io. n.l I h ro -j-1 it J
vii;natf s t he t.ody. ft n?T.in1s j,if y.' tt ,-r m
lecolimieiid a l( medy v.liiclltn n4 la
CiM'S lii' u hi( ll it in jiiH i,d d. ufifi n mi J
adveitlscil are uirw llixo iiclrn.
I am, sir, jours ti u! v,
.. .S. I'.Mfl.K, J.,?J. P.
Iteiues Asthma. I.on o( Voir. Fn.t.!fc
St. Vim-' iiaiice. l-r;! -lh- J itn. r,lie:4.
'oiili. Nervousiic", ;i n . ! is n rr.o't T t(Jti-fJ
ad j ii in-1 lo ol her reined s In mi? t. if. In- l!e i c
riii;; the process oi I ipl;l liei ia.
Do not he (!i'c'ivt-l l v reinciirn h'i-r'ojft
similar name : no oflu r 'l'i,iilin in
a substitute f-.i i ; f naotr iy
rrk-p, 1.30 i r Iiottlc. Six fr $7.V.
sold i;y all Dia'ouiMR.
L '.'J-1 .-,.r-r?r-" r-ri'j
SM!at9 C
Gm&A G I
be nappy.
tt n i i
mm 1 mmm