rH'E HERALD Tlio Star Sirlus. Bt Datid Trowbridge. Waterburg, N. T. Ou a clear nijjlit when the atmos phere is free from smoke ami hazo, as wo sometimes have it in vrinior, wo have presented to us the most sublime spec tacle that nature has to otter for our contemplation. Turn the eyes in any direction above the horizon, ami we stirs innumerable, from those of the f rst magnitude to others so small that we catch only a glimpse of them by means of a side view, the stnra dis appearing when we turn the eyes and the attention directly on them. Those stars which we distinctly see on any night, loav'ii the pluncts out of consideration, appear to occupy the same relative positions with respect to one another msht after night and year after year. We sco them all appear to move toward the west each night, and we notice after a suitable lapse of time that they seta little earlier each night, bo that at the cud of a year they all come back to the place of starting. "When we reflect that all these stars are as free to move as the earth or the moon, how wonderful it is that they thus appear to retain their relative positions so exactly, even for centur ies. AVe must conclude that their real motions are very slow, or the stars arc very far from us. We are bow sure (but the ancient astronomer was not) that in many instances the stars are in rapid motion. But we did not commence to writo about all the stars, but only one of them, Sirius, or the Dog-Star; this star shiucs during our winter evenings aud it may be easily recognized by its great brilliancy, and its magnitude which is greater than that of any other fixed star. It has received the namo of Dog-Star, from the constellation, or collection of stars which it occu pies. For convenience of recognition and reference the ancient astronomers divided the starry heavens into con stellations', each one having a some what definite outline which could be traced by means of the stars. The name Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, was given to that one which con tains the star Sirius ; and since this is the principal star in the constellation, it is often called the Dog-Star. This star, has played a somewhat important part In the history of mankind. It at as to a certain extent the almanac ol the Ancient Egyptians. The present position of Sirius is in right ascension 99 dcg. 55 nan. SO sec, and in south declination 16 deg. 32 min. 23 sec. This position is subject both to an apparent and a real var iation. The apparent variation is duo to a gyratory motion of the earth, which causes the poles of the heavens " (the north pole is now near tho north star) to revolve around the poles of the ecliptic, or the vanishing points of a straight line drawn through the centre of the earth, aud perpendicular to the nlane of the sun's apparent or bit. This revolution is completed in about 25,000 years, aud it gives rise to the precession of the equinoxes. Since the star's right ascension is reckoned from the spring, or vernal equinox, the precession causes it to increase at a 6low rale. The declination will also vary from the same cause. Tne real variation ol tne position ol Sirius is duo to its proper motion, as ii is culled. Though the stars are call ed Jixcd stars, yet they really are not so, outuacii one has an independent motion of its own, by which it is car ried through space with greater or less rapkuty. This motion of the stars is owing to the attractive influ ence which tuuy exert on one another. The whole proper motion, however, is not real, but a part of it is apparent and due to the real, or proper motion of the sun, carrying with him the planetary system. The proper motion of Sirius is subject to some irregularity, but the matter has been pretty thor oughly discussed by Dr. Auwcrs, so that it is now very well understood. TTIT A"D HUMOR. Don't despise a woman because she can't drive nai'.s or hang pictures; if you want to discover vour own weak point?, just carry a Cx4 mattress down a narrow, winding stairs. When a woman requests her hus band to bring home a dozen or more needed trifles and he returns without them, she realizes that in domestic life as well as in politics, instructions do not instruct. To educate young ladies is to let them know all about the ogles, the omcnies, the ifics, the tics and the mistics; but nothing about the ings, such as sewing, darning, washing, bak ing, aud making pudding. A bride of a month went to a mar ried lady of a quarter of a year, and said : "My darling says that women are fools.', "Xcver mind," 6aid the other, "he is only studying nouns; wait untill he reaches adjectives." "I am an independent voter, and I can't support you until I've seen your platform," she said as he finished pro posing.' A couple of hours later it dawned upon the young man's mind that she wanted to know the amount of his salary. Not one American woman in twenty-five can walk five miles," says an English physician. See here, Doc., yon just show an American woman a street five miles long, with bonnet stores every ten rods, and see if she can't walk the whole distance. Some admiring poet said of his best girl; "Upon her lace a thousand dim ples smile forme;" which only adds more emphasis to tho adage, "Love is blind." llow like the mischief a girl would look with a thousand dimples on her face. The poet must have meant freckles. "My daughter, never tell any one your private titlitirs," said a mother in K' tiding her daughter away upon her first journey. "Monsieur, a third-class ticket, if you please I" said the daugh ter, at l!ic ticket office. "For where?" astvcd the employe. "Is that any of your business?" answered mademoi &cllc. indignantly, remembering her mother's advice. A Sacramento girl was guilty of a mean trick the other day, the relation of which will cause the blood of every mother in the land to curdle with horror. She eloped with her objectionable lover the same day her mo titer was enameled, and, as the lat ter was compelled to remain shut up three days tr else crack all over, the couple managed to get away without pursuit. A fair and buxom widow, who had buried three husbands, recently went with a gentleman, Avho, in his younger days, had paid her marked intention, to inspect the graves of her dear de parted. After contemplating them in mournful silence, she murmered to her companion: "Ah, James, you might huve been in that row now if you had only had a little more courage." A young man with an umbrella overtook an unprotected lady acquan tance in the rain-storm, and extend ing his umbrella over her, requested the pleasure of acting as her rain-beau. "Oh I" exclaimed the young lady, tak ing his arm, "you wish me to be your rain-dear." Two souls with but a 6ingle umbrella, two forms that step ped as one. j - - ' . larayette's Tom v. American (Paris) Register. All Americans should make a pil grimagc to the last resting-place of the great lialayettc at the cemetery of Picpus. It has been said that it became necessary' to abandon this cemetery because it was gorged with dead. This is an error; the room was not lacking, but the place of interment was badly situated in the midst of a quarter thinly ponu latcd, but rich; it was beside the "sub ject of the diatribes of the aristocrats and of the coutre revolutionists." Tho result was its removal. During the early part ot the Iteign of Terror a cem etery being needed, choice was mado of a sort of desert, which backiug up against the very walls of L,a Folio Chartres, that is to say thcParc-Mon ccau of to-day, was bounded by the old wall d'enceiute the liue Valois and the Rue du Koche. This was called the Cemetery do Muusscaux, as known ofhcially, but all tne people of La Petite Pologne called it the"Cintc ticrc des E franc is." It was "inaugur ated" in July, 1795, by the burial of Charlotte uoruay, one ot the very- first to be interred there. It received also all the "hard-cases" of the revu Hit ion. tne cemetery was very soon closed and never again used. Before the 18th brumaire no more in terments were made there, aud its very existence seemed to be ignored. A "cabaret" was established on its site, and people drank, sang, aud danced there. The annexation of that suburb of Paris caused this "petit Ti- voli" to disappear. The construction of the Boulevard Malesherbcs and tne extending of the liue Miro:nenil scat tered nearly the lost remains of this ancient cemetery. All that is left of it now is a fragment close to the walls, and some ball players come together there occasionally toenjoy themseivos. Picpus, La Madeleine, and Lcs Lr raucis were, therelore, the three de positaries of the victims of the guillo tine. FASHION ITEMS. Laces axd Embroideries. For all other purposes than for trimming, Spanish lace, both black and white, is still in high favor, and vails, scarfs, overdresses and sleeves of the same provide a graceful finish to handsome toilets. White lace of this kind is much used on dress bonnet, and tho black on bonnets for 6trcet wear. Breton and Languedoc are still popu lar materials for jabots and fichus; and ccrue has proved so acceptable a shade in tho latter lace that It will probably appear infothcr varieties. The old lace points, Maliucs Angletcrrc and guipure are more and mote in favor in Paris, and Malines will doubtless be soon extensively in troduced here by leading houses. Fichus and jabots tliflcr only in slight particulars from those heretofore shown. Swiss, mull, plain or figured and white, cream tinted, pink or blue crepe dc chine, often handsomely em broidered in colored silk, are among the materials employed as centers. A new fichu recently observed was in cape form, finished by a very full standing rullle of lace at the throat and terminating in front in long flow ing ends. Imitations of Russian laces are attractive to those who desire something inexpensive for trimming underclothing, and for the same pur pose llamburgs arc. provided in a great variety of unusually pleasing patterns, and in sets conveniently ar ranged to spare the shopper trouble in matching 'edgings and inscrtiugs. Another material especially adapted for a finish to muslin is Indian em broidery, which much resembles Hamburg, and is said to bo as durable as what are called "everlasting" trim mings. Children's Fashions. The changes in children's fashions are never radical They merely distinguish change by a loop more, a ruffle or tuck less a sash worn low down, high up, or uoins at all. The princess dress, that displaced the long-favored, loosely-fitting Eng lish dress, competes with the long vest and jacket suit; these, and the panicr tunic costumes, arc the most stylish for little misses at present. Skirts arc very short, aud the panta lets quite invisible. Every child should wear a waist of 6trong muslin, with a stout band well supplied with buttons, to which all the uudcr-garments are buttoned, thus bearing the weight of them upon the shoulders, and leaving the person free to grow as nature intended it should. As the child develops into tho "miss" the waist can be shaped, and attain the dignity of whalebones as a sort of t-icmi-corsct. The gradual training of the human body is as necessary as the training of a vine. The broad-brim Rubens hat, worn somewhat on the back of tho head, aud slightly on the side, is still the most favored. The face shading and protecting Directoirc form vies with the coquettish toque for tho second place. Large, flat collars are decided ly stylish. Fancy colore in dress fabrics, such as pink, light blue, etc., arc not worn in the street. Velvet aud satin are less used for trimming children's out door garments than formerly. Dark blues, browns, and Russian green, trimmed with plush of the samo shades, are the prevailing styles. Dark suits, trimmed with hand some white lace, are much in vogue for little boys under five years of ago. Nothing about a little girl displays a mothers peculiar taste more than the way the hair is arranged. The severely neat mother will comb the hair smoothly back from the brow; tho vain mother willcurl audi wist it; the elegant mother will "ban" a pretty fringe of hair over her child's intellectual brow, brush the rest back, slightly braid it, leaving an end free to kink or curl, with a pretty-colored ribbon bow that holds the hair in place. Sunaay-scnooi scnoiar io tne teacn cr) "Did you say that the hairs of nty head were all numbered?" Teach er "Yes, my dear." bunday-school scholar "Well, then," (pulling out a hair and presenting it) "what's tho number ot that one?" . "Elder, will you have a drink of cider?" inquired a farmer of an old temperance man who was spending an evening at his house. ''Ah hum no, hank ye," said tho old man ; "I never drink any liquor of any kind 'spec ially cider: but if you will call it ap-D'e-iuicc, 1 11 take a drop." JSTIJI W J A. G. MATT JUST OPENED AGAIN, - New, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street Cprner of 6th, nattsmouth Everybody on liana lor fresh, tender meat. Tl.0a American Women. Jaly Atlantic The mcnof aNation inevitably make the women -what they will, and the women in return impress upon then children what they have received from their own fathers. Hence it come that tho existence of the American woman has becomo almost as purely objective as that of the man. llcr ideal of liie from her cradle has been associated with the maximum of exertion. There is no quietude among Americans, and wonderfully little egotism in their so cial life. It is a never-ending series of sensations and mental shocks, which keeps tho wholo being in a nervous quiver, and allows no tune for any quality save that of energy to develop itself symmetrically. The American woman is as unquiet in her thoughts and enslaved by her duties, however light, as the man. Even when she visits she has no air of repose. Her conversation is not thoughtful, but actual. She tells you what she docs or sutlers, not what she thinks or leels, There is no reverie about her, no sug gestion of that brooding spirit which indicates a capacity for impassioned affection, a capacity which to bache lors is always ideally seductive, how- ever little the married man may ap preciate or return it. let. generally socakinz. undemonstrative as the American girl may be, she will wear her lilc out in working lor the man 6hc loves. She forgets all about being for hitn in that merciless energy which always drives her into doing lor him. There is, again, another reason why the American girl seems cold to tho superficial observer. It is because she is free. She is educated to repress emotion, because her independent movements expose her tocontuct with men of all classes, among whom there are many very "vile persons." Her coldness of demeanor, therefore, is iter armor against impertinence or even worse things. She passes, Diana-like, through crowds of men every day, not one ot whom lor one instant suspects her of being other than she is, because her manner shows her at once to be a free-born, spotless American woman I They never dream tnat because no one is watching her she means to go astray. The defects of the American girl may be done away with by giving less prominence to the purely intellectual or purely practical side of her educa tion. For while one clas3 of men is striving to solve the problem of Jiie by educating women intellectually, there is another class which is shoiuLig for education in domestic matters. Whilo the professors at Harvard are re joicing over some, girl who can luKo in their philosophies in their mathemat ics, the newspaper editor sings the praises of her who can roast a turkey, bake bread, or make her own drosses. Neither gives the poor girl a chance to exist, but only to work, with either hand or brain. No one says to her, "You are not only yourself, but pos sibly the future mother of other be ings. Do not therefore allow your self to bo driven by either schools of apostles beyond what you may do easily, comfortably, or plcasurably. The healthy balance of your nervous system is far more important to you and your future family relations than all the mathematics or dress-inawing, or even roasting of turkeys. Occupy yourself steadlastl, but without strain, without hurry, and without emulation. As the apostle said (aim it must have been meant expressly for Americans), 'avoid emulation.' "iud out first what you can do best, and even if it does not come up to some body else's standard, learn to content yourself with that." The London Examiner says that Oxford and Cambridge are mere boarding schools. The emperor of Austria has set the fashion of wearing a golden pig as a pin or watch-charm. A colored preacher of Cobb county. Georgia, has a novel way of collecting his salary. When his members haven't the money he puts them to work on his farm until they work out their as scssmcuts. Millions of Mothers cipmu their de light over Caatoria. It ii nature's remedy for assimilating the food. Unlike Cas tor Oil, it is pleasant to take, and acliko Morphine Sympi, it if harmless. Caitori regulates th e Bowels, des troys Worms, Cures Sour Curd and yfjind Colic, and allays Feverishness. What circi health to the Child, promotes nest for the Mother. Children Cry for Pitch er's Castoria. It is the moat reliable, effective and popular articlo dispensed by Druggists. Since Healing remedies hare been used by SUFFERING MAN has there been known each absolute Ir aLn relieving agents as the Qentatjr Ijniments. They soothe, heal, and cure. Thar riKAL-Cuts, Wounds. Galls, Old-Sores, Broken-breasts and Sore Nipples ; CUBE Pain in tho Tack, Rheumatism. Scia tica, Lumbago, Neuralgia. Kar-Ache, Tetter, Pimples, Itch. Salt Kheum, and all Flesh, Bone and Muscle ailments of Animals : 8CUDCK Inflammation and Swellings; RELIEVE Boil, Folous.T locrs. Sore Th roat, Bronchitis, Troup end Quinsy; EXTRACT pain from Burns, Scalds, Stings, Frost-bites. Sprains and Bruises. The experience of centarios Las made the Iainimenta, tho most speedy and flfeotiv-s curative agents for MAN and BEAST the world has erer known. The Centaur mm hare relieved more Led-ridden Crip ples heeled laore frightful woanda, and caved more valuable animah tSan all ether liniments, ointments, oils, ait mo:., plasters ai.d ao-ualUJ "pain Vi'.i.r ad "skin euros" combined. Physicians and Veterinary 5ur;i nn; dorse the Ca'ui!ir J.;?iinoiitt. ; zoiilicia of men, women nnd children in all coumri use them, and lloUt.keepurs. F-ir:iiftr. Planters, Trarelers, Liverymen, -Taainter and Stock-growers, are tbur trns. iiiey are clean, they r handy, bt j are ci taj, and they are reliahic. Tliera i no ncats, pain, or s-rrelllng which thty will r.o. alle viate, subdue, or cure. Sld thru;l'"it THE HA3I7ASLE GLCP2 for SO cts. and Sl.OO tott'.c. Tria.: bottles, 25 ots. .TiGlfeS rHAMLH CABINET. James Pettee DEaLEU in Musical Instruments Sole Appointing Agent for The Unrivalled Mason A. Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. AIho State Airent for the Henry V Miller and V. C. Emerson C'o. Pianos. SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at offloe. Sixth, onf: door south of Main &t. PJ.ATTSMOUTH, XEIi. Music Scholars Will do well to examine our New Mason & II am 1 in OXO-JsT IUSTBTJCTOE NO CHANGING CAKS ) FRuM ( OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY or P LA TTS MOUTH to CHICAGO, Where direct connections arc.iii:ii!e;with Through Sleeping Car Lines TO NEW YOKK. KOSTOX. Fill LADELFHI A, BALTIMORE. WASIIIXGTOX. AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. CF7ze SKoit Line Via PEORIA for INDIANAPOLIS. LOUISVILLE. CINCIN NATI, and all jtoints'in the sot7t:h::k!A-ST- Till-: hi-.st 1.1 XF. FOK ST. LOUIS, Where Direct Connections are made in the UNION IEl"OT with T1iioiis:1i Sleeuinir Car Lines for oil voints!OlTiI. The Shortest. Speediest and most Comfortable via HANNIBAL to Ft. SCOTT, DENISON, DALLAS, HOUSTON A USTIN, SAN A NTONIO, GAL VES TON, an all points in TEXAS, Full man 1C-Wheel Palace Sleeping Cars. j.;-h. u. raiaee Drawinji-Koum cars. With Horton's Reclining Chairs. KoExtra Charge lor heats. 111 Keriinwj; Chairs. The famous C, IS. & (J. Palace DininjjCars. Fast Time. Steel Ball Track and Superior Equipment combined with their Oreal Through Car Arrangement, makes this, above ail others, the favorite Koute to the jr-.AST, SOITH OICMOI'TII-EAST. TRY IT, andjyou will find TRAVELING a Lux- ui),iDieau ui a jji-fcoiniurL. All information about Hates of Fare. Hleeo- inf; Car Accommodations, and Time Tab'., rill be cheerfulIyrKiven by applying to James R. Wood, CeneralfPassenger A.g't, Chicago. C.W. SMITH. Traffic Manager. old m mrniz. i Db. Sanforx's Tjitbb JjtcuobatobS lis a Standard Family Reruadv for iiiseasos of the Liver, Stomach jand Bowels. It is Purely ??$fi5 JVegetableIt never fftJ Jg Debilitates It is JCathartio and WV STonio. .Vi 5ft PVM 2 I MX fit 'SJ Vina Vvar. noxH i in mv Tirati ! au iur prstiieOj r"UJ"-lS I " ior more tiion 35 years, 2 T Trit.Ti linriMMwlonlaJ MnUa a. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. i JS. T. W. SANF8S0. M.D., lSZiTZ&t AST DCl'GillST WIU. TIU TO7 ITS RCrtrTaTlOa. S A DAV GUARANTEES trMrja., WELL AUGER & DRILL ia goa4 torritory. Eadorsod by Goveraoes of IOWA, AR KAN SAS & DAK0T TAKE Till! , , .S.tt..JjJ, -j.,.i.-i,..S e?rti II If iitT": J s 5 t-i II WaV-of ;tf".A.S ! InvicroratorS t flfCHC LS, SHEPAkD &. OO.EailieCreer.KlclL -A i'ii' ' ORICINAL AND ONLY CENUINE Astonishing! Durabfo and wronderfullf mimpte, umnr Ion than half the usual gwars and bolta. ORTAILt, TRACTION, and CTXAW-BURNINC STEAM-ENCINES, with apaeia faatama of Puwar, l)urbi'..ty, Statr, Koonomy, ana Beaotj eutirolr nnkcoirn in other tnakea. Simula Fowrr Outala ana Seen m Power Hrnsralen a. apecialiy. Four aiiH of tiuparators, irom u j iwn nor puwtr; aio iwn mijim it ThlrtvTwa Vaara of PrrMtnmu anri ie o nam, locauoo, or mansenmput. timubu a nHTnMf The wrlerful .nrv: r.-5 populmrlty af UHU I lUIi I "or ViSKtma Vachin'rr triT.a thar akaebiaa. tne wall ; heaoe varloat Ui.krr. r- ,w atiaipt la( to ballS anit paiia off la:wlor aai ar.trcl i-niT-ltat af aar lamfKll gooa. . BE MOT DECEIVED 5 mj wm. pci ini-jLM ski J w.j v w - I' nrn i r-i t . as j vm at rt the Ordinal c4 thf "Genuine ttvm 5jTof rull pArtlffQiair eiii cur Ofaier, lo na fv I!'nirt'l Cireo'.awrs, rhlrl. we iuaU fTtie. or writ Aa14reM miCHOLS, SHU? AUD & CO.. Battle Creek. NEW BRICK YARD. I am going to :m:a:k::e 'brick, this spring mid want to MAKE THEM CHEAP, tbat people can buijd BRICK HOUSES INSTEAD OF FRAME. 1 .shall contract and Build BRICK Houses, the coming year and would like thoxe Intending to Build to tlve me .1 call before looking elsewhere- ii AltTMAN. At iny place oa Waklnston Avenue or at F. S. White's Store on Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 45m3 MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HOUSE MIOEINGf AND WAGON KEPAIKING AU kinds of fak.m implements mended Neatly & Promplp .0'. IfnvCA lliilk fix- ClirknS n In short, we'll shoe anything that ha. four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe, Come and see us, JSTIETW SHOP n Fltth St ust across OFK1CK. between Main and Vine Streets Ae corner from tha new IIEUALJ lOy 5 tra wit, i-"!r. AfacaOfto taw p.4J Vtt cf W sWw. of tM msn; m U-rMsJ n a CO Of V -r Oett. taA Oof Intsjrftro wiih Ui ri:ssrT imzTti f Kt TtJi ino4 ut ntca&t b too4 ih tctt In rrry trraM ml iM i.-r TT-'wiiwed nsetsi IWts skitirtly rvurtbr thi K vtl fp Tf"f "-:.fMtAsm. It m trv MiAxi i,j iB KMttuI rrofsVit ( t i tr vxjn rx t1 msMvn jmt 4wco rrW ot rssxbint C crtb iL rzrr jrrlt.t Cnnblt. Tb tUv.wy m silsSiaMtU-a,fMnlff'a 1 ia- ) ii: Rs. 1 (sOwal 9 CTvSA sai ail t .-, V Ks f . . ' . r Vairaa aoalka. lJ s. jaaaM.a M-HS ' ' fie-sa tjf tJkaUa, SSkSaad ah (AaJ rx a D f. . lrtArVj .!.-. ' I - its 1:T'.s;r ' . .1. t-.Jn j -an s ( ' IK dmi asj U S-a, S J SMWir vv' !-SSa,arfccj iP 8B J, co. &re chemists, svlast fa smsm. Ir.!:--v P r" t i -1 r. " 'i.-rt:-' ' X.si c?i;ff 3,:n. r-v: CklT". 4 -f. 11. iei 1 Ivpr u - , e9 n4 fctl tip Missouri, .--t. I., ! ice' ! j 5 1 r.. j. h hntr Zi from trl -.e f y "r t s ti-.it I i-. w fry ti.e-t in taatner cite. Mi;h., Jn. J5, K'J.-J -" nici j.r pf kre of nffi. r.-i ws 3Ztr t p "aitii. That ttTF"I a!I ? rTn:t lrufc!a. a.nt ftir'fl a v;ahn" ye. aJ Uiri, Trt, h, i?73 I s.Tt aimrt wntp td a Tfur Hlla. Varv Iatp " I IH t erm -n an. i n.-n ttr.t s rrrct c a maa as I rji t-fcre t-kif . I m ei ti erc f fkc s'rwe, I tbonrSt, ac4 there wu bo cure Cur ' bH mmw I a.-u in rt4 -.'t "f cart. a. si jm i i i is siii i. rr as ssi ass VTrt.; Vf fist, Hf. 157.-1 rir4 Tnr m?a!irim1 ansl -I : it f. .ii n, f-r wHirt I T rr tbAbkTul. !. '--J lain fn-t f for hicS r!ste fin in anttther t-t x f tend, Y4 ha dws f ei tbl; for ma, 1 .: l i t M"era I fin. .,4r:. 2Slli. 1TJ. Flc forward .i;e at onrc anntf.rr s;(f c Te (! rt ttknin 1 .jc Wird p.t S--.". i ;.'k: !- airnnlf i- sxrt recoTcriaf, aui 1 irr-GM u Ji-tf fftfh.t MarjrlJi.-.. Sv?U 2. I.TT5 !.M Januiry w f frnm m . -r nf y--r ir..:c7. lor at cur ensttrer, khJ it tat rvia (ifi(t cur 'ri'H. W ? ifonrr CMOwer rtw infer ' - ia th r ? it. t iy rvtatiTi txtl h; 2 bo ctuiui a'f. with ftior ier, b fol tictva Wisj, Ttu-MrimtDii.nn-aliLla i4 istuspaUU( SlvrriUT iVoMB, cautp and aacatniaitt. Adviea ta Bnlttran, Ad wet to Htb, Aav.cc to VV ivtt PrMttlias Ma ?, Celihacy aa4 Matn.t r cumfMrcd, CjaJ WUM. OmImmsI, a4 Cn4bn. Ips4wita Masr aft, Btmmf aVStOMilSaJ, V(M S?ali mrmu , w . aaata naji saa tarsw, UsU ncfewW ainM ww, .. tu).4 if tntmamt rltr f Ml y.f whk fJ ! trmrtne.. kj al,MM,Hlm THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER" K PRIVATE MEDICAL dUIis. Ooaorrhoa. Olaet. Bt On 8td a.ls, i ..,..a..kaa. araal TlaKUItir xmii tamer, irm s'ii-aium aaa ciunn aailaNl . ffsrr Arswtne a Scia'J. FbyaisiSal Wswy.lMu--MMtriscbt. I)fUv Maavvrs-. Jm w AUcusvi fsmfr. ., aaaktca BAMtemur sst kiM. rnf rsunaM,td a -t a--iuU re fr t vara f ail maa .amw; tH au !, W Mta. - Ueiieil AdTloo LMturt ei Hiti&:4 1 V?cnLizl:ti, 10c FOR ONE DOLLAR wc " hr of tk a- XgBaKapssjyQtv aY described books, bm--iTSajZdisaeita aTtsia., bAii i f 36 parea. and over K9 illuatratiaaa. T. aoanbtiiad velaane ts posttivetf the awt papular Medical Bk pualiaaed. Tee tulhor m aa experi rwd phyticiaa af aaa ?eara practice, (aa ia well knoa, sasI ia MTaM ftvea. rssUa fr arsvrwjt Ua sWr, 4tl be f" ef Cat nteM ia tb MaTssnmf fiw ssssysiriussi f taw -7tna. artT Mwrt vtfsw. m l ul ats krsmalM osssw! u4r lv k4 ef " ee "CUaaNiC1 aiieaan. Pinea etaaafai ftakea Us rVMl for fcsMka. IsBUTTy 0l9PJJtgAjH tavs? 'its tliMrf .1M ..4 MH.lTc2lj run, and umiki rc.ulltat Ft tapirs aazaal v1!!..., Mif-.SuM ar Nloal .icw rallkala Ir.il.s toy atail aaS .xanra. Wb pauiM., sr. Mail .BtaiUtl.a ar.(.rr, Ktk n fr.saaS i.Trfrd. tjw,. b.a. I a. sn.w.r bj palt.au saunas Iraanxal boiW4 lira tiaa. aa4r.M p.rK.fa. f .r w traalas..! ariili.aa DR. MUTTS, 1 Kartk atk lac-. IU. Lenta. al. Dn.Duns' Sfuuuiiti iwr t a v. ea Btrwt, rx. loos, ko. fTTHI n.ricUa ia tbarta af Ikx aid aS M kaaam inl. I tabaa ara racular pa4uaaa ia a4icia a .arg.ry. ymaa at aa.riaaa. ia taa IraaUawa. W IWmIj HI fcava aaaaa A aaaltfT so aauca laarw la laai a in. anuaary taat taay bava aao.uL-aS a aatiaaal rcpataUca OirMrl Ik.ir traalaaaat al caaalinlM aaa... m i iiHiaaaai Stiaary Traaablaa ajad aaUaiae or Kere4.rial aJSacuvaa mt Of tu-wiK. 6M4rrlutw iaarw QrssiiUtsi. aJI afcia ar aaaTafa. ireatasi wVtli aacceea, aa acieatific praa- rl I tal O Kt IT iJ aadlUota of aiidn axe rha ara auf. wittwot aati susavsr Mere are uiac ai ere are or otaer r-nsua maoicimae. amaalaajltiaaaBaaam i i "nn 1 1 feriac fraa iW etlccta ef Bparaiaiar Wa rwa. af aatf-abilaa la .anita ar axcaaa la i a aura. T.ara, ar. aarataaMtlf curcS. Tata 4i. awl o rtM allawrar aScca cauaaaaaB. alalcaas. u w eeeesi aiasiaaaa, aarvaaaoaaa, iaiaaa A aichf. c.ah, iaaif.atjoB, Saa.liaalWia a.ap.aacaey, foafualoa of .:, aaMvaaa ta ao ai.tf, a.f.cfi.s Bftam.rr, aaaval aahauaiwa. iaaaatcarr or luaa of bbodJt if, wHiata a.la Iti. ieim f-. auaiacat or mavriaa; a. a aaanlT fitur, nlwli a.ta tti. irflm r- kuact ar aiarnaaa. aaall jilva ca IT a T ar n k. Mail ad ilu,,.. aaravaal caa.tti-to. fr.rtrrrrt. VS. la FBZS aaJ i"rt- aa. Ljal aaaaMai la b. aa.w.r.. by panrrai aaairiuf traaa. anraf mail., fraa ao a.f uMitN a apiiwtlaa. r laMai traaa Buptar AmM am. larb-aSSroaaa ajiS aaara aaaaMblaa to ta4r artiaNtaca. It la iw4 a yaij Coaiaiiialcarlaa ir,a0v tar.!eatul, a.d a'.i'jol w. aie..aara Dai. BCTTS. I J.rta ath M., t. Itsta, AUa era r f ::'r acr Jarria' Illu.ara.f4 pamih!'? avct r.t . ra apriicatMa. Znai g OkeaJal, Mb A Sbrkrt ata, ' .. LoarU. Ma. n retire wanted 3.rtai ra. flUl.II la8cUlB hlrtcttal Pooki and itibtn. rricaa ft A rakeedkrxer cC NatAwil FuU.ui'frit Lobia, Ma. r, f C U C t? & 3 0 . s 2 2 - cJg a s ? . J MY FINE HEARSE V-' ' t J Rem--lj for tie tv-c4t f-rrmAct 1 tav-r;tyr- w - 1 lis m .T i- 7hrohlng Machinery and Portable ncj Troctlon Englnos. THE STANDARD ot excellenca throuoout Ou MATCHLESS for Grin-STinK. Tim-STiii, Par. fl 4')ftnin4r, farpi nni ThurovtrK Work INCOMPARABLE in Qwltiy of Matarial.Wcfo of i'tru, Thor-tugh vVurkin&Eship, Klegant Finun, ud Mcujiv of UiKlt-1. MARVELOUS fur txuly tvprrior wnrk ia all lrindt of Oram, and tnivvilly ksowa as tho only aacrciiMriil Thrasher in Flu. Timuthr. Closer, and all othnr hla. InnroTfd. .TiountPd IlArwe Power. Continuous Business by ihw .rousts without chano strong wmj T Mich.te - r GEOltGE EDGERT0N. Wines, Liquo r s AISL OIG-AE;S. Main Street, opposite the Court House. This place is Just opened, neir, good poods of all kinds. We want to'keepa good house and please our customers. REMEMBER THIS. 91y. J. F. BAUMEISTER Furnislies Fresh, Fure Milk, DELIVERED 14II.V. Sneclal calln atteiidod to. sind Fresh Milk irom same cow furnished when wanted. New Firm ! J0.NES & AG NEW, at the Brick Livery Stable fLAriSMOUTJl, - - NEBRASKA. The old fionner Stables, in I'lattsmouth. are now leased by Jones & Aguew, and they have uuiiiiuu .ew hiiu iianuoiue uccominouaiions, in me suapc oi I HORDES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HORSES. We are prepared to keep HORSES FOR SALE TRADEI And will Train and Break -Colts On Reasonable Termi. ALSO REMEMBER, That with Dlentv nf room (thnt nmrv nnt Knows we nave) in our stable, we can set Farm- i ers stoek and wafjons, loads of nay, &c, under 1 cover, wnere tney will keep dry. Thai.khii; all the old natrons fr their lilierall- ty.we solicit their trade for the future, satisfied that we can accommodate them better and do oener Dy tnein ttian everbefore. 501y JOXES & AflNEW. HENRY BCFOK DEALER IN Purniiure. SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptioyis. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODEU COFFIUS Ot all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. IS KOW READY FOR SERVICE. With many thanks for past patronage. iuvite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 13tf. Fl'KXTrHE AM) COFKIX8 O. F. JOHNSON, DEAl.KI! TV Druqs? Medicines? AND acaai':'Ki. ws-iSiS sfc.'? -.VT . iT- -'Jim All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. PreHrrlptlons Carefully Compounded by an Kxpe rienced Oi-ugglst. CEMEMBER THE PLACE 6th ST. DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN PLaTTSMOCTH. neb. fllST THRESHER 013 WHEELS Is sot a Vibrator nor an Apron Machine. Is wooilerf ully Duple aud admirably perfect ia its throaibliur and separaUn4T qoavlitis. Marcs all the aralQa ana cleans it ready for market. Kanri oiaa.ly. Is coDxtrnotd tlurubly. la fiiiinhoi beautif uiiy. la the mrwt eounomical, leaxt expen sive, and inoat aaticfartorT Riachinn in the rnnrkrC. Wiil handle wet (rraia m well aa lirv. HaasoeatnU In thpeKiuns; flax and timothy, tiire-h-InK and cl.imini? both as well and niarly &n rvpid i y aa aherx. aud reqnirea no char4 exei .t the afevM. Has aaor. mrumr jfeml of separating and cleaning .mt. foot than any athur aucaiM ao'lo, oatt tan mot So I both over- and undT-b!at Our tllOfKIt IILI.r.IXi ATTACUilEJiT ia tip ana very ac mrrf'tly and better rhadraM.-- the work more than an excauaaveiy muling lAxa 8IiPAlT ATOItS of the various sizes fiUdfor E-twi. or Uorm I'orrr, as dealred. An Improved Pitta Power, an ImproTrd Woodlicry F.wcri and the Hwnnl Kquoi iztaar i'awer. all ruoonted cn foor whwla, are manufactured by Ua, aaui or not rrpad by awif tai Im ajataraet. We are alao prepared to furnish flrfft-claiM Portavbie Katrines with oar Boarators. For FrioB-List -ud Ctrcnlars, addrees SEYMC JR, 8 A3 IN & CO. fiSanufaoturerSs 6tJU water, Uinn. aaraifliHiWa WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH T! VSEE BY EXAMINING gSiSiANSAS city. jr(?Att'Y f2S)t IVw! CHICAGO, ROCK ISLA'rlD & PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT (0NSFCTINU L!XX Bluffs. DaHKlns throusb Joliot. Olunn, l.ii vn.' Its main lino runs from thio:it:o to ..t'i.' Ueneseo, Moline. U k lulimrt. lJuveinx.i t. "i-.'. Liberty. Iowa City. Marenu". ISrooklyn. iii in-u 'A, Des Moins (the capiinl of lowai, Smu.:. Ai:.n tic, and Atocs; witu lirmiclK-a fr.Tn 3urr:i.i Junction to Peoria ; Wllum Junrtl.ni tM .i. : tine, Waahlngton, I-airtivlrl, Klilmi. Il-lk :n i. Centrevllle, I'rinctton. Trenton, liullntin. t urn.' rnn, Leavenworth, AU-liin. un.l Kitnau H; Wanhinifton to Sinnurucy, ((fkaliM.Hii. anu Emu Title; Keokuk to Karminuton. r.imi'iim. I'.r.i. tonport. IndppeDdt-nt. k.llon. Oiiumin. I..1.I1 ille, Oskaloosa, l'elln. Monroe, ami Ilea Moint-n; Newton to Monroe; Dps Moines lo lii'i::nn.;i uni Wintered: Atlantic to Lewis aii'l Aui!ii!r: ami Avoca to Harlan. TI118 is positivrly tliu ot;! Kailroad, which owns, anil oporulrs a Uirout;:i line from Chicago Into the State of Kaiin.. Through Express fsssuatrer l'rai:i. wnn f'n!' man Palace Cars attached, are run eooli nay i!.A.'v between Chicago and Pkoi:ia. Kansas 11 v, Coukcil, Bn-rrs, lxavenworti! mid atct.i BON'. Throushcars areulso run lctwo'ii Milwi -i-ke and Kansas City, Ti:t the -'M ilm a'.lki-o nr..l Bock Island Short Line." Tbe "Ureat Rock Island" Is ir:ini3iT.l!T quipped. Ita road hed is sluiply portevjt, and its track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure Of enjoylau your meals, while passntf over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and loni. in one of our maenlttcent DininK Cars that acit:npany nil Through Express Trains. Vou cet nn entire meal, as (rood as is served ia auy first-class holul, Xoreeventy-nvo cents. Appreciating the fact that a roajorltv of tl,o people prefer separate apartrueiu for different purposes (and the immense passenger business r ,(. lint vnrrHntinff in. wn arr nlcud to an nounce that this Company runs Puilm.iu J'ulacc At Kansas CUY, witU i:ll Hues for tho West Sleeping Cart for sleeping purposes, and I'aiuce and Koutlr.vcst. FULL1IAN PALACE CAHS nrp run lhrc.tir.-h to Z'FOItIA, 11FS MOIXE8, COrXCILi J1LVFFS, KAAaA till, sUl Ticket Areata la the nltert st;H- j'lCILetS Vila nils Mj I II e, linoill ia Vor Informatlott not olttuiuutie ut A. ItlMHALL, Cien'l bupertatetiacnU Painter Grainer. ALL KINDS OF fainting, minings lasing, 4 Also, Decorations of all kinds. HSxn&oro&i &c.a&c.a Painted in Good Style. FRESCOING A SPECIALTY. REFERENCES 1 A. IL Taylor, J. Holmes, .1. Vallkkv, Sit., E. llKEHNEU. 44tf NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE, Or an Old Stalle in new hands entirely. The New Finn of HOLMES & DIXON, open the old STREIGHT BARN on the Comer of Cth and Pearl Streets with a New Livery Outfit. GOOD HORSES AND CARRIAGES at all times HORSES FOR SALE, HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD. HORSES KEPT BY THE DAT OR WEEK. Call and see HOLMES & DIXOX. MONARCH BILLIARD HALL I In the basement of Merges' Store, PLATTSMOCTH, - - - NEBRASKA. One door east of the 1 O. Rooms Newly Fitted up With m:w jioxakch taih.k. Cigars & Tempsrance Drinks On hand at the counter. It Is a ide and spacious Hall ; plenty of room ior piayers suiu seals ior visitors. ED. Oliver, p. H. MUKPH V, Manager. lltf I'rop. PEITTEi SAWS ?2TJh'r. V'"1, ou r'" c: yra-7'w;!h Ml Siarhitte ho tliut it ,; cut Hrttrr tliua ??rrr- J w.-ih will all r. t....;n cf r.i jal e .ncj Vri or the L mti-,1 h.at. ... 1 Hum. uli-,1 CiTc.ilirsy,; ft?, tOl" staT" A" BuoVxJ ,f;?r bAV1 1,u",,r"'1 r'f '"ers from rr, nainc cur ilachmo bo.if tiiy aouM uut uk ("r it. 8 REMEDY F01 BALDNESS rriaaciiijtiufi Fr.a lu aliT ai K . -T- .V. -K- . v-j Iniirun .ha.ll . p""iaw aau, w uiaaara or jausiacli la actually prodtieml. War.aa tt Co.. S Clin too, ior, Kaw York. t.-sh-asErstsat; 2 Lit tli ; LiLL & slii 017 St. (;l,i les Sreei, St.Loiil9.9Ie. A rrt j.s. aril, ,.f two M.uual nr., haa txarn loufW rn;s(!i-o iu t- .j--i-.fi triform i.l'all VtQfri'sl Sexual ar.dtt: c:i. J. p-...n,- tl an ai y o:h-r 1'hrau'iau in km, Louia. aa cuy t pri. :-iow,aiiil a:l oi l ro.ijt hu know Syptiiiis. Ccwn b'n.O'i-ct. Lti icture. Qi cliitis Hernia, or li.ii.ii.re. t!l Urinnr U.teutfs ailci Syphilitcor aieicuria! Aife:.tiona ol the Throat 8lo cr if one, aj- trrateJ m-itri ui'fiaraiirri aucccaa. am latpat acicntitic prin:-;p!t. 8a'p;r. I'jivately. Bpern.jiori n, fixual licijiijty and Tinpo tor cy. aa the rouit of N-'l-Abtfc in youth, ai-zual ca acaaca in winw m-a. or o:li-ris.:!..a:nl vha-Ji produos av.mrof ll-i loiiowirm rili-ta : n.ri,.iaiii-aa. amiiml rmia aiona. I'rlni.ty. il.m'Ka sit if!il.ti"tlivc liH-n.ury. n:ti)ilrs on thr Imt-c. hyiral Irrcy. uvi-r.ien tn a,M. jfty of r.-maU-a, rontu.ioil of iina, ioa i f sxial puwi-r. cti'., n-ofk-rii g marriage liiii ;Oir cr uui . j,! arc orrnu'iimil Curd. Ciiiaa)!u(ion at nlii.v. vi by ripil f.rr. arnl i,vited, Wliell it ia ii;(.-oi.ciii'i.l - vi.:l tl.e riry tor trrutltK'iit, mrdiciara ran bo f-:tt by In ! vr -Xiii.a evrrvwli-re. ( ur. at.rcaaca guaranti-eil, ilrtr u.ui! taistvil ia frank I v atated Pipilc: t-.t llcr, 1 s-rr; ::r n.-izan, 1 tixv : fe-iia. f:r t.:i. 2 ts;3 C4 Tir t. LIARREACE I p!S?3. pffils. I GUiDE. Juiaout cloth and pilt WniLnfrr. 8aledfor60c I in poalaiie orfurrcaty. Ovrr efly vundt-rful pen pirturaa, : trua to lifct artu-lra on thr lo lowii," atitjvu : Who may aiarry, iio not. why. l.ri.hooj. V.'oinaiihooll, I I T.,caJ : decay. V ho abouiil arn'rvi Ii-,w Dfr and happim-aa may ; be insrraacri. The I'lnra-oluiM of if' iiriMlurtioH. ami mar.T more. 1 how married or r.,.,. .l ,v:in marriage ahouid 1 more. TKo utamrd r r,n(-h.l (l.:nig matrriesc ih read It, then kept u;urr tx k ai,i krv. I'opuiar fJt MJMM tbuve, but MlV-r cor r. LV) natsr. tLsi l. n,s.il ar edition. U mnae nr naslssu ' 'Kaa.. .a f .i ....:.. a runle i l.i-istatiiarTfiTa.JLJr.rwaol PRESCRIPTION PBBB For tba ipKjy cure l S"iniu,.; Wukwm It Maotiood, frauiature Liebi.irr. Kmi.iiitr... lun..t.a..t,r. ,.,.i-..n of lil.aa. Ann oo to &.X-U-IV. I li-rtiie klcmnrr. n.rt ti'. Diaordera bronglitMl fcv i'wrrt linoila and tl t.a. Ay Cxugt;iat ha. the iim-dt:r. Ad(lr.a. UK. C'liesaiiit St., Bt, Loiiir, M AGENTS llr"riAri.KlTIltr!Lf WANTE D I 15 JAMES. Tie StnJ Weatera Oallawm. Hy Hon. J. A. tlacvs, Fb.D. S Im aad IhriliiDC accunt ill) ualraled) af letr bold opera, tiani fnr i year ia 20 Mal.a and Terntor.ra. Satflirc drier:,,, ... .Siciait t the law. Heat BVIII.a Ba.lt tSe i,ar. iu.mm al. IB three winntha. SO eeaU for initri! : $t.M1 tor aarnul. Paollaaera, 60 fla Sstrect, BY. IM VI. U O. r.VW. Uk.nl tr. 1 - L. THIIM I'MII M . T FAIL to er4 rr mil CP H.J in;. uK l.' '"a:.y with over l.rJiM ti:.-- tir.'h:ts i s r ),: W :- n a a. i:l 3 5 CVOCPIV OF Ti!'! CO'JNTRY, WILL IH.i WAP. THAI Tuf KETWEr.X THE EAST JL THE WEST! - n j ttth ir i,t out ni piiriio.coiilT. neotbi?r t Vi.' o.N .-.-. yi:i cah enjoy your llatatia " 1 I: ."1.1 : ;.-h!rs firn tho Mimnnippl ". I " I 1'iiinn rriwncit I t tins '1 'h i--. .1 r. ! 1 , 1 . . -. rivi'i icd at Council ItlurH. J !-." It v . 1 :iv. !:. r' I:, and Atchison, cuu-li-i l ('.i'. I'.'inr liiailf; iti 1,'nion Iienots. 1 Hi. i1 !., ll'.M, U. ii. CUNNKCTIONS OF ! 'ir.is (,.,:;.; Tituuiruu Lisa Aim as 1 1 i.l. - : .Mi ;. .-.. ii with all divcrjinK lines for th , ru-t n..l ' .;n. : V.s- !t'in. wiiU the L. S. A M.S., and P- I 1-. . ' :t. AiWAriiiAiiiu.; IlntouT.s, wltb P., C. A St. . :.. k. it. , At I. :: I i.r. t. .1 .1 III. Cent. n. XI. ; .m i .! - it t. !. .1 ; p. i. 4 E.; I. B. A i ", : 1'; :.: : I' l T. P. W. Ki!s. At i;...-jv I ..AM, v. :.u ' Milwnnkoe A Roct ; lt':u-.: 1 I. iv. ' r.mi I'.iv k 1st d X IVo. Kits, i , 1 I :. 1 w.in ilm liuvenpurt Jnrislon v ' 1 . i. ;.. At V. r sr Ii hi mi', with th"rl.. C. R. N. R.R. .M ' 1 '. n ..1 :.. .ii: ( emr:tl Iowa U. It. 1 M... !io;t... wiih I). M. A K. H. K. U. Alt i. lii.rrtx. wii!i I'l.ion Pactnc n. R. At Oil a i: "iili I. At :. K. K. It. lu Mill.) At oi l m i'l sJi'SCHuN. .Hi 11..1'. K. He N. II R .I ( r I i'Mv a. with tentral Iowa K. II. ; W 1. i.. f.i.:.. aii'l ('. n ,V t.i U. lids. At ll.oKi ii. with Till., I'i o At War.; Wnh., St. Louis A Pr.c. .-mil t. 1. . Ki 0 s.-V. H. ltds. At (MHi'iN. mill ll.M.J ll.lt. At Ai c.i -i'N. v ith aicii.. 'i'opeks A Santa Fot Ateh. Ncii. !?! ' en. 1-r. !'. P. K. liils. At I.ka v r. v w oufii. vtitii iCan. l'uc , and Kan. .cent. it. n.v. ATl'illMi, irxl l.K.llt..tnUKTII. nre sold by nml 4 itniili. . 'rv.i b mm Aii.t iiuiC) jour Uonic tieUe.t ofiloe nildrfu, Zu. iT. Gea'i Tkt. u:id PasbVr Apt., t. hicuo. 111 NEW FIRM. C3-00 DS I I JN0. KONS & SOX, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At 0. Gutliiiian's old store A FULL LINK OK Staple and Fancy Groceries, NEW AND FliEKII. BREAD STUFFS, of every dosciijition. Choice and Fancy Candies and all kinds of Canned Goods. CIGARS AXD TOBACCOS, of llic best bninds, CHRISTMAS TOYS, dt, AC, in endless qunnlitus. Fresh Dread Daily. Don't fail to Call. S81y J, HONS & SOX, Prop a. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always on Hand A NO HEARSE FUNERALS. T-A-ICTIj iNOTICE I I want all of my aecounts settled to date, anrt I shall tlo no more credit hiifiness. All old aorounts must le si'ttli'il up. and no new ouch will lie made. I'nless n-li accounts arc sfltied shsrtly they will lie ciif d. I wish to do a sti icily e.-vOi Tin.sincss in future JOIIN SHANNON'. I'latlsnmuth, NeU, S350" MONTH! A3r.T?3 tl-szzzi S Ileal B.lllaa4rllrle.in lhi-.ri,ll Plefa.A(LjATCR0NS0Nir9tf5!t,lii:i VilMTrn ,0'000 Bt"S,,F"'-S MTEtYEa, Thirh I llMll I LUBOteBurkeyrPiieOiiitment.WarrajiUdto cure f.iaa. AdJiaM with ataiaii. Dr. J.N. Titlar, St. Lvuli, la. M0HHIS 0'UOUItKi: again comes to the fi out with his lare .stock of piece uoIs, and muxes his stand ing offer t f a FIT OR HO GASH OUT ! on every suit that lie measures for. Von can't miss the place as ton :o down street. Opposite the Court limine. 4Stf (Ball nub set Jyiwx ! THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER: nix' ss miz CB1TT. PUHE. (Z'atf nteil.) FINELY POVDEItrD. The arronewf .v.l porcsr r tiiT'o, V !1 rruiLel iouui f ta.-i 1 t 1' -1 iil liiSl ,u In 'Jl imaut.-j wili.out buii:i: j. Tile U-it wutrr-aollrurr ii.lo. Tho b-t tlisiudTlitnt. Tbn f i lUox.'tiiir iiro a.iiro of tl'.o cr'vnrif parr retained by uiiiuir Iyewii,1 68 Por Ct ul. l-jntiLiKa lore: nrat. limrsrue iinar; iron ran ti rliaior roiiiovaktiis 1; !. cnMiv ta'ai-u ra 14$ and l.avinif Uk. rout"- UrXi- -.1. tLfir. by tivinit tti? trtud.lt-. atiooyaMMi, a'id aatKeruroM ii.viiiif T n'w, a. lailli mlir T i wiiii'i: !.,-. . I Tfl n ry-iil 111 L-ari., r.iCr:. ij I'i - ". FJ" l'"'' wit.'i a l.iiti Vi.ef Ci V vCi tai J-o i ut yj-r-il HocoiiJ. It liclnsr ft flaaj f: . j 4fcpwil r. you ran r uove :i,a wilul in tiif cans, miwt li r, aau (-our ci.i a:i tii-i con. t..r.U, twun; iltaj a rciiy Tlilrd. A trsspori'if.il r.? rr orf? ran ha aa.aj.as in w.-.tT-a.,f ni-r. wjul.lk. - 6ta.,(kiiU tliu L.l r.t.:r'vi ;o tin? ritr- at" .( tii'T-!iy aavn tho l'-i'.r,"ia ri c.'i '-if Vlth other Lyn nil n:ui , : ,i atOUOft ail t ll:'l Ul u l-llt tau-t, tf Ul J - btnTiinii is ft i.t. . aSiaa Fourth. Ai. ..,!i.'.a pu? it,,. Ti.-t to twi-nty irlanu-a w.rh Ln I v. "-i aaivtli. o faimrii m t,-i 10i tius J.yo wtim tho sin.-, ar foUowwI In P'-.Vi -tr F-vi Hryrnth. On ran r.f th:, J ')r!c-. i T auaj to twenty utiOs of fcul .lu it r M.0 Kiarhtb. Ono ccn of ti.t-; I v " ' . Pound nxevnf vrreaau t.'aai, . - i , i , BaU Potash, or Karen - ' Ninth. This I,ve U Li i -,. ,.! , . ., , anv (,Ui-r I.ya orl'aVi " ' " tub of the hArdit Pneve-nth. na i ' -. ; i t aaeaiiias Sinks, TiroiTis. .r ... IovaJiiallu f.-ir knliiv I' 11B Usat arUUo tor tl i.-L:j i XAKCTaCTCiUaO o . r :.- rFor a!e hv K. O. DOVKV A SON". OUTH MA & V, K;fCIlAC'H, t K. WHITE, and n. BAKEia & CO, aud dealers iu general. I Tf