Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 05, 1880, Image 3

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    Fhe Herald.
fr:i!.v;. ?. :' "n'.s u line. I!i'i:l;ir nilvonls-
.... i "i tl if. No mlvciii.-tt.-uit.iil insert
1 .
:n'i, .-. ;it S .ilnti- rate.
:. -y- 1a u'nvers .if !:; law will be neld
.!- .. it H an :eui 1101 ; tv.ry nana in,
lint i'I ,1 (liMu.i'.iihci a proof of imhlira-
t;i . ii"i 'T '.viii be ,eia tor lue im.iiica
CO M Ml' N I 'J A VI ( .VS.
As o;ir sn:fi- is limited, :i!l cori;ii;tiniea'!ons
:: h- i-.iii-f a rl to llif jiuiut. with no waste
c: woi-ii-,.
The i:i t n ifjwiiisll.le for tlie corri;-tiiess
-.' r ; .. 4 f-iy ol ;ml i;i;Ul er :i:iu jiaia 1-0
l f v f-r-in who tfikfj the tmpcr regularly
iiiMn ii:;'-ii.-i -.i;;ii-o. whftr.iT itiifc:-i to uis
U5i;i . m !i in' Is a subscriber or not in
ft'tiiiur ii-lf for 'he pay.
2 II :tny person onifiM lifs p;ij'r tliseontin
jiftl, he must n:ty iill arr':ir;!;et. or the publish
ct i:n v continue lo si-ml it until payiiii-ut is
riaiii-."aii(l collfct tli whole amount, whether
the KiiMT is taSsn trom me oiurte or uoi.
i, ....i! i h;ive ilornid that refuslnir" to
take i'(-Tsna;M i-s ami p i Uitlieiil from ttie post
Ookt. or ii'iiitiviiiK an.) bavin;; th'm uncalled
for. is prima jacie evitieuce oi it.'uuaAi.
Turn out
Drill to-night.
To-morrow eve.
Corn is looking fine.
Hon. Jno L. Webster,
Melons begin to roll in.
Wheat is about harvested.
And the Omaha G. & A. Club,
Piano Stools at Jos. Schlater's. tf
Go to the Concert Saturday eve.
Musical concert Saturday night.
These cool nights are refreshing.
Will. S. Wise sell Real Estate, tf
See Great lied Store reduced Price
List. lltf
. - At Fitzgerald Hull, to-morrow
Who ever saw nicer weather in
The Licderkranz will have a con
cert soon.
Sise grand advertisement of Great
lied Store. lltf
Concert at Fitzgerald Hall, Satur
day night.
Garfield Hats just received at
Wescott's. 19t2
Ice Cream at P. li. Murphy's New
Kestaurant. 1
Farmers are busy cutting Hunga
rian 'Hay."
The 7th street grading is progress
ing rapidly.
Greatly reduced prices at Great
Red Stoke. lltf
Go to Chambers' and buy your
leather fly-nets. 20tl
Nuts, cardies, tobacco and cigars,
at P. 13. Murphy's. 1
Apple wagons and apple boy3 are
running each other.
A large stock of fiesh salt on the
road for F. S. White. 2012
Don't buy until von have priced
at the Great lltd Store. lltf
The brick work on the Ilerold
block is about completed.
Cool enough Monday j. in. and
evening for a thick coat.
Large line of Hoots and Shoes,
cheap, at Great Hod Store. lltf
Manufacturing and repairing neat
...1 - t . T 1 . . . . 1 1 . . . 1 ni f
ilUU CllfilJI. 11-1 l it .ULUUM. 1U11
Walter White's nuivu.g barn play
ed hob with telephone lines.
We are very sorry to learn that
Air. O. F. Johnson is quite ill.
' Mr. Peril's house on South Sixth
street, is beginning to loom up.
Soldiers who have homesteaded less
than ICO acres write to W S. Wise, tf
Pat Murphy sells Garfield Tobac
co; you get a badge with every plug.
Going! going!! at any price to
close out summer goods at Wescott's 2
A fine lot of white fih, mackerel
and trout, bT the kit, at F. S. White's.
Fresh fruits and vegetables - re
ceived every day bv Hennett & Lewis.
Everybody goes to the Great lice.
Store, where they are treated fair and
square. lltf
Dr. Sehildknecht's Barn is nearly
finished and is one of the nicest in the
Milton Polk was quito seriously
injured by a fall from his horso, last
Oysters, sardines, and all kinds of
canned fruits for lunch, at P. li. Mur
phy's. 1
Head all about the Grand Army
Reunion at Central City Sept. 13th, on
A large quantity of genuine apple
vint-gar, direct from Indiana, at F. 8.
White's. 20t2
Don't fail to see tho "P. G. & A.
G." in torch-light procession to-morrow
You will always find Pepperberg's
most popular Cigars at Jo'in Fitz
gerald's. lTtf
U. V. Mathews was appointed
"Commissary Quartermaster" of the
Don't faiget that Chambers sells
whips cheaper tkan anybody else in
the city. ' 20t3
Twelve of the finest male singers
west of Chicago will l2 here to-morrow
Sventy-five excursion tickets
were sold here on the day of Brnum's
Circus at Omaha.
Call aud see the naw stock of sad
dles, displayed on a grand revolving
rack, at Chambers. 20t2
Windham & Campbell, is the firm
ame printed on Letlcr Heads aud En
velopes this week.
Buy your eroreriea of an exclusive
Grocery House. Bennett cc L wis "car- j
ry a coinpioie stock. iotf
T. J . Todd, we learn, is dangerous
ly ill. We sincerely hope we may re
cord him better soon.
Lyons' Patent Heel Stiilener is the
ouiy invention that will make old
boots straight as new.- 20t 1
Hoys nnd girls, ladies . and gentle
men are jnvited to the Garfield & Ar
thur meeting to-morrow night.
Frof. Simons has gone to Albany, N".
Gregory way in tLe City Sat
urday. Prof. Drummond is visiting Platts
mouth. Mrs. II. B. Burgess and Miss Lulu
returned from Kansa3 last Friday
The infant daugter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ruffner was very sick last week but is
now better.
Miss Lincoln, of Mills Co., Iowa,
formerly a tacber here, is attending
the Institute.
Mrs. Yates and Mrs. Phillippi of
Lincoln visited Mrs McLaughlin last
Monday, returning Tuesday.'
Rev. 11. Dougherty, principal of
Brownell Hall made Rev, II. B. Bur
gess a short visit last Tuesday..,
Geo. Cutler was in town last week, a
trifle longer and older than when he
used to play 'devil" at the Herald
Mr. G. A. Ashmun, of .Weeping Wa
ter, is attending the Institute, and fa
vored the Herald with a call and
campaign sub.
The .Visses Clark, the three sisters
of Mrs. Fritscher, and Dr. Fntscher,
a brother of Mr. Fritscher, are guests
at the Fritscher house.
Mr. Chas. Powell left Plattsmouth,
Wednesday of this week, for his old
home in La Porte. The friends Mr
Powell has made while here will re
gret to see him go, but wish Jiini suc
cess wherever he may be.
Phil Young lias in stock at all
times tho best of Inks and writing ma
terials. 1
A rousing meeting of the "Platts
mouth Garfield. & Arthur Guards" was
had Menday evening.
Don't fail to give Phil.' Young a
call while in the city, for anything
you need in his lino. 1
C. E. Wescott is closing out his
stock of Summer Goods at. any price.
Don't fail to avail, &c. 17t3
Herrmann has got a rattling new
wagon and the old white mare is as
proud as anybody of it.
Look out for a large line of Sta
tionery and new novelties in a few
davs. at the P. O. News Depot. 1
J.W.Jennings was elected Cap
tain oi the Guards, J. B. Strode, 1st
Lieut,; R. W. Ilyers, 2d Lieut.
Full lines of linen suits are being
sold very cheap at Fred. Herrmann's.
Call before they are gone. 18tf
-"Can uth," cut in a large slab over
the centre of Mr. F. Carruth's new
building, tells whose block it is.
Mr. C. E. Wescott is closing out
his summer stock at greatly reduced
prices. Call and see him. 1912
Some of the finest music, both vo
cal and instrumental, ever heard in
the city, at Fitzgerald Hall, Saturday.
-Messrs. Grace & Wiedman sell
Pepperberg's Best and Bocky the fin
est and most popular Cigars of the
age. 17tf
Our facilities for all kinds of job
work are far ahead of anything in the
city. Call, see samples and leave or
ders. 1000 Scratch or Exercise Books
just received at the P. O. Xews Depot,
all of which will be sold at 5 cents
each. 1
The carpenter work on the Stadel
mann building commenced yesterday,
Messrs Nichols & Son having the con
tract. -
Just received, one dozen more of
those fine hoop akirts, and they are rap
idly closing out, at Solonioa & Na
than's. 20tl
Pepperberg's Best .Bocky and
Presidential Boom are Superior to any
Eastern Cigars. Ask your dealers for
them. 17tf .
Will Ruffner, who is traveling for
the grocery house of Boies, Fay & Con
key of Chicago is here on one of his oc
casional visits.
Clothing 1 Clothing !! Clothing !!!
cheap ! cheap !! cheap !!! At the Great
Red Store. Money positively refunded
if not satisfactory. lltf
And the Hon. J. W. Chapman, an
old resident, and now of Council
Bluffs, Iowa, is invited to speak Fri
day night (to-morrow.) .
Mr. Wing Sharp is seriously ill,
with a cancerous affection of the
stomach, and has been obliged to re
turn home from Colerado. . t
Cummins &- Richey are grading,
fencing aud otherwise fixing up their
lots on Pearl street, preparatory to
moving their lumber yard.
Find Good Luck, Keno, Trotter and
Lorillard Tobaccos. Also a full line
of smokers' articles of every descrip
tion at SCHLEGEL & NlEMAN'S. 12tf
Fred. J. Semen has opened up a
neat tonsorial establishment, one door
east of J. G. Chambers, which is called
the "Western Shaving Emporium."
Gearge Maytield is keeping a first
class hotel at Greenwood. Stop and
see him boys, all of yeu and hornswag
gle him owt of your bill if you canj
If any more of the G. & Ai Uni
forms are wanted, just leave your or
ders with J. B. Strode, as the Club in
tend sending on for another lotsoon.
The "Plattsmouth GarfieldT and
Arthur Guards," tlie name adopted by
the torchlighters, were all uniformed
last Monday night, and looked teo nob
by. . J
Farmers bring in your butter and
eggs to J. Bons & Son, who will pay
as much if not more than any one else
in town. . 19t2
We received two letters from Mt,
Pleasant yesterday, about the School
house. We could not publish both at
so late a date and took the one writ-
tea on one side of the paper. Corres
pondents please remember this""
The Bone and Muscle producing
Malt, tlie Nerve-quieting Hop, the su
perb Malarial antidote. Quinine, and
other precious ingredients, combined
without fermentation, are the ingredi
ents of "Malt Bitters," prepared by the
juait Bitters Company. . It4
Opening Unn of the Campaign.
The meeting ; to-morrow evening
will be addressed by the Hon. J. L,
erjster, or Uraalia, President or pur
last Constitutional Convention p.nd
fine speaker. Other speakers have- al
so been written to, and will probably
be here. . ' .
The two bands of the City are eo
gaged and the Plattsmouth G. A A
Guards with their Uniforms & Torch:
es will march to the Depot to welcome
the Speakers, and the Omaha GJee
Club, which will sing a Campaign
song as they march to the Hall, The
Omaha train will be .in early, probably
about 8:30. Speaking will commence
a a-quarter to nine prompt. Ladies
are particularly invited and -front
seats will V reserved for ' gentlemen
with Ladies. Hon. Sam. M. Chapman
will speak during the evening.
We set out for a good time .and
mean to have a good time. Hepubli
cans in the County should turn out in
numbers, as we expect to pay the com
pliment back oeiore tne campaign is
With our wire sign on Mr. Leach's
building and the aew large one on the
corner of our office, no one need miss
'findiBg the Herald, although it is al
iBost hidden by trees.
The dignity of a certain Judge is
illustrated by breaking forth in low
and cutting sarcasm at a pair of argu
inc attorneys, with "Don't make G
D fools of yourselves!"
There is soma talk that Streight's
property, on Sixth street will change
hands and a large Livtry Stable put
in place of the one now on the corner
of Feail and Sixth streets.
A key to the Driving Park gat
can be found at U. V. Mathews' store
for members who have the right to en
trance. No driving on the track.
though, URtil the grading is finished. 2
P. B. Murphy es moving out of the
small frame next the Court House in
to his new Grocery and Confectiona
rie further up Main St., where every
good thing known, will .be kept, in
There will be no services in the
Episcopal church during thy month o2
August, Rev. Burgess joining his
brother clergymen in performing mis
sionary work in their counties during
this month.
The G. A. R. met Tuesday even
ing and embraced five new Comrades,
made arrangements to go to Central
City the 13th to 18th of September,
and did lots of other pious, patriotic
and positive things.
Two lectures will be given next
week under the auspices of the Insti
tute, one by Prof. Hunt of Mt. Pleas
ant, Iowa; and one by Prof. Wilber of
this state. Further notice will be
given of the time and place.
C. M. Huebner, who was formerly
with P. Merges, but now with "Wil
liams, a leading dry goods merchant of "
Omaha, came down Saturday of this
week to spend a month rusticating
here, but was yesterday remanded
back to duty.
Capt. Jennings appointed his nou-
coumissioned oflicer3 last night, as
follows: First Serg't, "W. II. Pickens ;
Q. M. S., M.McElwain; and Ed. Chand
ler, S. M. Chapman, J. II. Fairfield.
Corporals- C. E. Duke, I. N. Jlicks, II.
M. Bushnell, R. O. Fellows.
A number of little sons-a-IIan-
cock men had better learn a few man
ners and keep their mouths shut, if
they wish to keep their names out of
print. It shows poor breeding to make
so much noise that the orders of Capt.
Jennings cannot le heard at all. Look
out. ,
A key to the club rooms of the
Garfield and Arthur club can be found
at Phil Y"oung's store for the use of
members only. Mr. Stiles is the jani
tor, and the rooms will be open after
noons, as a rule. Papers and periodi
cals there. Come in and chat, all Re
publicans. 20t2
; Our young friend, D. A." Campbell
has gone into partnership with City
Attorney Windham, and they will
make a strong, steady and reliable
team. We are glad to see the young
man take hold of business and think a
better selection of partners, under the
circumstances, could not be made.
The two bauds of Plattsmouth are
engaged for the G. & A. Rally, to-morrow
night, ami will accompany the
torch-lighters to the depot to meet the
Speaker, Mr. Webster and the Omaha
G. & A. Glee Club, when the latter will
sing socae or their campaign - songs
while the procession march to the
Hall. . .
Prof. Worley, aided by the Glee
Club, has instituted a musical insti
tute to be terminated by a concert.
Two sessions, one in the afternoon and
one in the evening, will be held at the
Presbyterian church: An admission
fee of one dollar is charged. The con
cert will be given, Saturday night, at
Fitzgerald Hall. . ' ;. " -
.1 i
Dr. Murphy, a brother of P. B. and
M. B. Murphy of this place, lectured
at the M. E. Church, Tuesday evening.
It was a very interesting and valuable
lecture, but owing to the meeting of-
the Board of Trade, Grand Array of
the Republic and several minor assem
blages, we fear it was not attended as
it should have been. .
The Democrats formed a Hancock
& English Club in the Precinct, GO
strong, they say. and are crowing con
siderably over the fact that they had
more out than the Republicans at
their G. & A. meeting. Irr the first
place the precinct is democratic, if
they can't carry that they can't carry
anythiag. Next, they made a special
effort for a meeting that night, the Re
publicans did not, lastly the less any
democrat has to say about that G. &
A. Club meeting in Plattsmouth Pre
cinct the better for the reputation of
their members.
We're Going to Have a Hotel M-M
At the meeting of the Board of
Trade Tuesday evening,. $1,000 were
subscribed towards paying for tlie Jot ;
n the Fred Gorder corner, oft which
the Guthmans. are going to build a
No. 1 Hotel. They effer to put up a
good substantial three story building,
suitable for a hotel aud worth when
completed Sl5.00d, provided J he citi
zens would raise 82,200, the prie of
the lot. 81,500 had been raised yes
terday and we are going to have
Tavern. .Hostlerv. Inn. sleep you and
eat you in good style once more.v
Attention I !
The order of March to-morrow even
ing will be: . "
President of Club and speakers.
Band, (.Plattsmouth.)
' Omr.ha Glee Club.
P. G. & A. Guards.
Band (Bohemian.)
And the or? er of exercises us near.
the following is t-caib!?:
Son by Glee Club.
Remarks Lv PicoKh r,t of Club.
Song Ly Glee Club.
Speech by Hou. J. L. Webster.
Song by Glco Club.
Speech by Hon. Sam. M. Chapman.
Sontf by Glee Club.
Remarks in General.
Notice. .
We received notice this week of
three different parties who have coolly,
quietly and nnthinkingly changed their
residence and Post-office within a
mouth or so, and left no word to
change their papers and all the chance
we have to find it out is, when the P.
M. sends the papers back at the end
of a month marked "left this part of
the Country." This is a criminal of
fence under the law, and some day
we'll make an example of somebody.
The Institute
goes bravely on and proves by the ad
ditional numbers daily arriving the
interest which is taken in it. Over
forty teachers are now iu attendance
and the interest daily increases. Prof.
Drummond occasionally lends his au
gust presence to the scene, and aids
the hard working educators, numerous
visitors drop iu, and even the weather
is propitious and abates its torrid heat
in favor of the work. Our institute
is a success.
.. Great Game of Base Ball.
The Mt. Pleasant Nine and the
Plattsmouth Nine of base ballists
played a challenge game, at the new
Fair Grounds yesterday, the Platts
mouth boys made 39 to the Mt. P. fel
lows 17. The Capt. of the Mt. P. club
is Amor Miller and of Plattsmouth,
Patterson. . .
All over town we see a carpenter
perched on the house-top hammer
ing away; and the cry ofAiore movi,
resounds through the land. Frank
Carruth's new building is a beauty and
will be a thing of joy forever; Herold's
new block goe marching upwards aud
itz's old barn i to hr. made over into
an elegant residence.
Between f-vir arid five? hundred
Ashlanders p: niccd at Plattsmouth
last Thursday, ar ? although the day
was warm, ve y warm, they seemed
to get cousidei .iolo pleasure out or the
excursion. Mr. E. Hutchinson and
family, formerly of Plattsmouth, were
among them and Mr. H. favored us
w ith a call. Mr. Pickett, of the new
Ashland paper, th Gazette, was also a
caller and informs us that hi? paper is
succeeding well, which we are glad to
earn, as they need some true Republi
can doctrine preached among thf m af
ter the doses of Greenbackism the
Times deals out to thorn.
A Vocal and Instrumental Con
cert will be given on Saturday evening,
August 7th, by the "Home Talent" ol
the city, assisted by Vocal and Instru
mental Performers from Nel iaska
City; under the able direction of D. M.
Worley. Esq., "Professor of Music in
the State Normal Institute." The ef
ficient manner iu which the drill is be
ing conducted gives promise of fine
handling of the Great Choruses and
the Solo Talent, both Vocal and In
strumental will undoubtedly make the
Entertainment very interesting. Furth
er notice aud list of prices will be giv
en by hand bills..
By order Committee. .
Prof. Wilber will lecture in Platts
mouth next week for the benefit of
the members of the Normal. Institute
in particular and the public in general.
His subject will Ve the early life of
James A. Garfield, aud entirely aside
from its political bearing at the pres
ent time, no better subject could have
been chosen fur a discourse before a
class of pers ns striving to educate
themselves, some of them like Gar
field hampered by limited means, and
obliged to work eaily and late to gain
their object. Very few of our public
men have bejiun so entirely at the
foot of the ladder as did Garfield, few
er sUll have risen to such a height, by
the sheer force of determination,
brains and hard work. Prof. Wilber
was intimately acquainted with both
Gen. Garfielfl and his wife during
these early d;.. A of struggi1 and aspi
ration, and, we understand frcu other
sources, the r: clc;scr ia tc.o modest to
tell that himst-ii, rendered the strug
gling youth ajliveaiid eilicjeni aid in
attaining the o-ject of his desires; he
is therefore emineutl qualified to tell
as but few could tell' of the early life
of this great man, and bringing to his
task. the ardo ..f t-nrly. t' iendolwp and
genuine admit vni ..d'-npprviatioft
of the fine qualifies .aaxi' .ur.t abilities
of his subject, he vll, without doubt.
.give to his hearers a rare treat.
GRUBER LYXN-Oh the f!t lrst.. by A.
BEK t Miss Sa C. I .-.n ; li old settlers
of Cuss Co., and children ul well to tio farm
ers. ,
Tbe Hekald wUhe tberu health, ptoperity
ttuu uappiaess ior mcir xurure. .
Hair Work.
Mrs. A. H. Knee, thankful for past
favors, is desirous of again receiving
orders for hair work from the ladies
of Plattsmenth and Cass County.
Combings made up into good switches,
curls and puffs. Residence west of
L. Moore' Green House. 20t3
Nearly one hundred took advan
tage of the excursion rales on the B. &
M. Friday and took in Barnum's cir
cus, including the giant, the dwarf,
the tattooed man, 'the animals, the au
tomata, the horses, the monkeys, the
trained oxen, the woman shot out of a
cannon, the clowns, the crowd, the
noise, and all the etceteras of the
"Great Moral Show."
. By the advertisement of Mr. P. B.
Murphy, in another column, our read
ers will see that he is prepared to feed
the hungry with.-a good substantial
lunch, -or set them out a good, cooling
dish of ice-cream in a neat and cozy
p trior. Ha has in connection with the
same "a general stock of confectioner
ies, nuts, fmits, tobaccos, cigars, and
smokers' goods in general. One door
west of C. G. Herold's.
10O, or auiOO per moiuli
duriiij; VACATION. For full piirticiiiiirs. ad
dress. J. C, McCirda & Co., CUicago. I11.21U
For Trade I
For Cass County property, an im
proved farm id Butler Co., Neb., ef 200
acres. Apply to
18t3 R. B. Windham.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
For hale.
Forty (40) acres of Land and a good
Stone house, one (1 mile south west of
Hock Bluffs, for sale. For particulars
enquire of Thomas Brown. 18to
ijfrjpC Iiuproveil Koot ISefrPaolc
11 1 tt EL J ase, siS Cts. Makes live gallons
of a delicious aud sparkling beverage whole
some and temperate. Sold by druggists, or sent
by mail on rtceipt of 25 cts. Address, CHAS. E.
H1KKS. .Manufacturer. 215 Market Street. Plill-
adulphia, I'a. 50t2
Thirty off the bent organ makers of the
World are competitors at tlie farts Exposition.
a cable dispatch to the Associated Tress' says
two highest gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
Now. open with new, cheap and
good Boots and Shoes, next door to
Post Office.. lOtf
For Sales
A fine black horse, six years old, good
roadster, for sale cheap at this office.
Cigar -Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb.', at Sclilegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. u.
The Herald. Detroit, Mich., says of Warner's
Safe I. iver aud Kidney Cure : "lis etlteacy in
kidney, liver and urinarv diseases is so luily
acknowledged that it is not worth tlie quest loll
ing Bona li tie testimonials from well-known
citizens in public aud private life are evidences
strong enough to convince the most stubborn
doubter." - 8tl3
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof bouse, before
tlie comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
noovEK, Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf
Bui'klcu's Arnica Salve'
Tlie Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruisesr Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey retunaeu. x rice cenis per oox.
For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Retail, Plattsmouth. Neb. 241y.
We will pay Ai-nLna a.ary of frit, per mouth
and expanse, or allow a larj com ru its inn, toaeM our
Bw and wonderful invention. We mean ehat v avm
bnsl u Ad drat tiauau A Co Marshall. Mica.
Head aud See.
Women's Cloth Shoes
" " Button. Shoes. .
" Fine Leather "
. 1
. 1
Men's Brogans
Misses' Leather Shoes .
Youths' Genuine Calf
1 25.
Others in proportion. Call and ex
amine, no charge for showing them.
lOtf . Peter Merges.
The Silent Man"
Is no wiser than he who has the fore
thought to provide his family with
Brown s Extract Blackberry and
Ginger, the most wonderful remedy
in use for curing Diarrhoea, Dysentery
Cholera Morbus, and all Summer de-
ngements of the Stomach and Bow
"The Noisy Man"
Is the man who has been rejuvenated
by Brown's Liver Pills. He wants
everjbody to know that all druggists
keep them. ,
The Disappointed Politician
Is less miserable than the man w hose
dinner proves too much foi him;, ami
while tbere is no hope - tor the lormer
the-latter may be cured by using
Brown's Pepsin Tonic, the new rem
edy of the west. Try it. All druggists
keep Browns medicines. J. II. But
tery, Smith. Black.& Co., and O. F.
Johnson, PIhUsiuouUi ; .luhn Painter
and EU & Co., East Plattsinouth.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, M;fy Au
gust, October and November, At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
No one will be examined except at
the regular examinations ; an J no cer
tificates from other Counties will be
E. II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
Retail Liquor Dealer,
PLATTiMourir, - - neb.
Billiard Hall and Saloon on Main Street,
doors from Sixth at ieville'd
old place.
- Bemember the Xante and Place,'
y . James Grace.
Wednesday, Au. 3, 1880. ;
70 S
I.::::::::::;:::. 21 i
. ., Wi
... 40
3 0031 i' I
3 60 1
IOQ.12'4 '
W beat. No.2..
Corn, e.-tr.
" shelled
liarl-y,Xo. 2
Nittive Cattle
Butter I.
303 40
Ntw Yokk, Aus. 3, 18W.
Oats .. .
1 0551 01.
$ l 0s (21 oi
4.1 x 4
Si (& 47
Ciijoai:o, Ai:
9 1 M
:. 3. 1 80.
w ;r oi
Flour. .
Wheat .
Com ...
L.IVK bfOt'K.
fl 70.v..?4
a 7.V.'j 4 TO
3 50(i t 4 00
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime by the peek, "bushel, or
wagon load can be had at the Kiln,
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality
Inquire of Mickelwait & Shari,
7 tf on premises.
How t Slake Soap for a Cent a Pound
. Shave into small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in three quart of water
until the foay is thoroughly dissolved, so that
upon rtnuniu through a sieve nothing re
mains ; add to the solution or "suds" three
gallons of cold "water ; stir briskly for several
minutes to mix. and set it away to cool. Al
though it will look like nothing but soapsuds
wuile warm, a chemical reaction will take place
and in twenty-tour nours' time win develop
fony or fifty pounds of magnificent and white
soft soap, costing lees than one cent a pound,
and as good as many ot tne adulterated com
pounds called soap, and sold at 7 to 10 cents a
pound. How long would it take for any other
soap used the same to become an tiling but
"soap-tMids?". Any housewife knows that it
Cannot be done with any soap she has ever us
ed. See if U can be done wiili Dobbins' Elec
tric. Foi sale by all irrocers.
Reku Bkos., Sole Agents',
4-eowly Weening Water, Neb.
Free of Cost.
The most wondei f ul remedy of the
age is now placed within the reach of
all. Be he ricli or be he poor," it costs
nothing to give this great 'remedy a
trial. Dr. King's California Gol
den Compound, for Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Low Spirits, Loss of Appe,
tite. Sour Stomach, Coming up of Food,
Yellow Complexion, General Debility
Inaetivity and Drowsiness, Liver Com
plaint, Jaundice and Billiousness for
which it is a certain and speedy cure.
No person should be without it. In
ordei to prove that it will do all that
we claim for it you are giv?n a trial
bottlezee of cost, which will convince
you of its truly wonderful merits, and
show you that you what a regular one
dollar size bottle will do. For sale by
Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail,
Plattsmouth, Neb. . 29eCwly.
We Challenge the World.
When we say we believe, we have
evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure is tlecidedly tin? best
Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as
it will cure a common or Chronic
Cough in one- half the time and re
lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping
Cotigh, Croup,' and show; nMre cases of
Consumption cured than all others.
It will cure when they fail, it is pleas
ant to take, harmless to tlie youngest
child, and we guarantee what we say.
Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and SI. 00 If
your Lungs are sore, Chest or ISack
lame, use Shilsh's Porous Plaster. Sold
by Smith & Black.
. Do you Beliece it.
That in this town there are scores
of persons passing our store every day
whose lives are made miserable by In
digestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and distress
ed Stomach, Liver Complaint. Consti
pation, when for 75 cts. we will sell
them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to
cure them. Sold bv Smith & Black.
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth,
and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector
free with each bottle. Uso it if you
desire health, and sweet breath. Price
25 cts. Sold by Smith & B!ack.4eowtf
The Celebrated B. & M.
Manufactured and on Sale by
Sclilegel & Sicilian,
SSlf Opp. I'ost-Ofnce.
and MOHPIIINE babil io.
lately and .pfedily c-rwl. Vin
ms. No publicity. Send tamp
for foil particular. Dr Carlton,
2U 8. ClMk SU, ChicafO, lit.
Improved. Water Elevator
. AND , - t
It works e;oHj, wiii i.ot Iret-ze and
is always ready' for use. It has no
wooden tubing, suckers or valves to
wear out, no iron tubing to rust; nev
er lias to be m imed, packed or thawed
out. The inverted caps constantly
discharge air through the water, forc
ing a large surplus of oxygen into the
water consuming all impurities or or
ganic matter in tho foulest v ell or
cistern. .
For further particulars, address or
call on Sage Bros., who have the sole
right of Cass County. . 19t3
Bankrupt Notice.
In the Distiict Court of the United States.
the District of .Nebraska.
In the matter of T iankl.,'in.rv
Asa Emerson, Bankrupt, j ln Lankiuptcy.
Omaha, Nf.f.kaska. July 0, 1S0. f
To whom it may concern : - '
Take notice that a general meeting of the
creditors of the above named bankrupt has
been ordered to lie held at the ofiice of .1. L.
Webster. Ksq., Register in Bankruptcy, in the
city of Omaha, ou the 19tli day of Augiiat, IMO,
at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of consider
ing tho linal account of the assignee of said
bankrupt estate, and the application of said
ajifiiine? for settlement of hi accounts nud for
a discharge from all liability as such assignee ;
at which time and place you may attend aud
show cause, if any you have, why said account
should not be approved and aid assignee dis
charged. Veiy Respectfully.
2ou E. D. FRANK, Clerk.
Constable's Sale.
Notice la hereby Riven that 6y virtue of an
execution, issued by M. Archer, a .liiitlce of
tlie I'eace in aiul forltock It lulls rrceiuct with
in ami for Cass County, Nebraska, iu favor of
I-ife O'Neil, and aK-'ust C. J. lioiluian, mid to
me directed, I Mill at 1 o'clock p. in. on the 7th
day of August, isno. at tlie front door of the
Court House in riuttxiuoutli City, in aid Co.,
olter for sale at Public Vendue the following
poods and chattels, to-wit :One dark bav marc,
taken iu said execution as the property of said
C. J. Hoffman.
Dated this 2Sth day of Jul v. issO.
lyt2 THOMAS SMITH. Constable.
To the owner or occupant of the following
described real estate in ihe County of Cass ami
Slate of .Nebraska, to-wit : Lot twelve .il-'. i i
block one hundred aud ixty-lour tl4i, in tne
city of iialtsmoiilii, i nuuty. .Nvbru-ka :
You are hereby lioiilietl ihat theabove lifNcub- j
ed real estate, assesed ;o belongiLg in a non- ;
resident of Caw utility, was on i lie ii ii..y -I '
September. IsTS. sol.l t t Count) . i
ka, tliere being no oilier tuilders therelor, lor 1
the taxes levied thereon lor the year lsT-l, and
that unless tlie same is redeemed fruni such i
sale on or before the 15th day of November.!
isso. a deed will be issued for said real estate
to Francis L. Murphy, assiguee ofsai I Cuss Co.
l!H3 , lli-V.M IS L. Ml Kl'llV.
: 1
Estray. Notice.
Taken op tsiray bv Uie subscriber, on his
eiiclo.-eu Iniids. in Stove Creek l'recinet, Cass
CoTiuty. Nei.t;ska, ou i!e second day of July,
IK (, a ti;uk brow a or. !'l.:ok mare, supposed to
:ie ten yvus oi ;se : s.;:.i mare is about llfteen
hfiriiis a-io: is raiix i-thin. The owner of
proper:. v can !'sv the same by proving
i. -i-n.'ii-. ant! 1 ;v!. ei .-uses.
i:.u i U.ii b'i i !: y Jutv. A. P. tWrt.
Sherilf s Sale.
Ev virtue of au order of sale issued bv IV. C.
Showaitei. Clerk ol the District Court," within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, aud tome tli
i vcted, 1 will on the 14th c'ay of Aug., A. D.,
180, at 10 o'clock, u. in., of said day, at tlie
so.ttli door of tlie Court House, in said Comity,
seli at fublic Auulion tlie following Heal Es
tate to-wit : The east half (e'i) of tlie now fa
west (juarter (swi) of section twenty (i2o; tow n
sliip eleven (.11) raue fourteen (14) cast ef the
Gih p. m. In Cas County, Nebraska. Tlie same
binfe' leyied upon and taken as the property of
John W. Carroll, defendant, to satsfy a judg
ment recovered by John Carroll, aud the sur
puis, if Any, to apply on judgment of said Court
recovered by J. 1. Care & Co., l'laintifls.
li. W. JlVEIts,
Sheriff, Cass County. Neb.
riattsnjouth, Neb Jnly lttU, A. D. lsso. irto
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The section line road petitioned for by L, II.
Young, et al., commencing at the iu;u ter sec
tion corner on the south side of section twenty
four (24), township twelve (12). North range
twelve (12). East of the sixth (Uth) Principal
Meridian : running thence East on section line
to the Mouth East corner of said section. The
same is declared hy the County Commissioners
tin open road, aud all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be tiled iu the County
Clerk's ofiice ou or before noon, on tlie Uth dav
of August, A. 1. 18K0, or such road will be open
ed wiiuoui reterence tnereto.
17t5 J. I. TUTT, County Clerk.
Restaurant 1 Confectionery
"Where will be Found a Good Supply of Choice
of all kinds
Also in connection with
Mfattst Met QmmnimM'S!
ILmicla vA
consisting of Oysters, Sardines, Canned Fruits, t&c.
Call and &ee9 P. B. MURPHY,
On.? door West of C. G. Herold's. Proprietor.
W. "- - . li .i v - ' J -: 4' rMWI I lira
Is Leased to
wlao wi!I5 during ilae
cLLeLL ciiaiia eLJjXJ yj
With their immense stock of
Consisting of sill IPvleett,
styles c& UDesigns.
Etas an;Ac2i3sowIcdged Wnet
kt-fp tho la st :tnl b t .-i-'iPvt-l fetot-K. of
G-ete 'ul ' Ae ': ( irti'i '
in the cit-, and a little time scnt in fx:uni". li.u .'iiid '-t tii-n- ino Is
will convince the most skeiticnl thtit tiu-ir prices areas
LOW as the LOWEST.
W juzirlt everytialng in plain
MIKfansl sell to all alike.
Bq not Claim iQ &ell ai Cost,
" but v.-Ul sc'.i iX clonest living margins and guarantee everything to ple.ite.
Butter, Eggs, and Other Produce!
aiisl v wilS save yoca fisic?
Ki4Bi6y op "MO trsaels?.
Road Notice.
To all whom It nui concern :
Tlie section Hue road petitioned for by Fd
ward l.odi. et al., commencing at the liast
vide and iiinnlutf West bt-tweeu nectlon seven
and eight (7 & H), township ten (1(). raiiKo
twelve (12), aud sections twelve and thirteen
(12 & l.i). township ten (.l). range eleven Ol).
Cas County, Nebraska. The same is declared
by the County Comininsslouers an open road,
aud all objections thereto or claims lor dam
ages. be lllcil in tlie County Cleik's olllce
on or before noon, on tlie bth day of Aujt'icl, A.
D. isxo, or such road will be opened without
reference thereto.
1U5 - J. D. TCTT. County C lerk.
Attachment Notice.
ii.iiuuaijii & Week bach )
vs liefore M. O'Loro-
U. i'Cci r. . ) line, J. J.
T. 1 l' w'.'l take notice that on the toil-
l.iy of .lui v. lss". M. I I'Dmiolioi', Justice ol Hie
1 V. - lor i'lat 'Miioulli . ity 1'ieciiict. Couui of
I itss. .iii.i ."t.tte of Nebraska, issued an order ol
litlat 'hnn'iit, br tlie sum ol I wt nty-iii.ic i.ud
7i-KW tioil ,i iry.7.' iu an action now pending
befoie linn, wneielii ul hm.-tuii .t S et kliacli
are plaintills anil V. Keezer is deleiitlitiil ;
that propcrtv ail.tcltcir beinx money d.;e ami
payable to tlie defendant by the Itur'.innton
and Missouri Kaiiroad Company is attached
under said order.- aid cause is coin In n oil for
hearing to tlie 2.'id day of August, Ihso. at 11
o'clock a. in. O U r It MAN N & WKCKUACU.
M, A, llAuru.AM. Att'j lor pltfT. . 17U
Wililtani Stadelmanu 1
vs V Itcforo M. O'lonohoe,
U. F. l-'eezer. ) Justice of the I'eace.
U. E. Fcezer will take notice that on the 2d
day of July, 1KS0. M.O'Donohoe, J. l,of l'latls
inoiith City l'reeluct. County of Cass, ami btute
of Nebraska. Issued u order of attachment for
the sum of twelve (12) dollars, iu an action
pending before him, wherein Willi. mi
btailelinaiiu is plaintill, aud U. I', l eet r is de
fendant : thai property consisting of money due
autl pavable by tho lSurlington and Missouri
Kiver liailroaJ Company has been attached
under this order. Said cause wa continued for
hearing to tlie loth day of August, l.iso, at 11
o'clock a. in.
W. S. Wise. Attorney. 1013
Probate Notice.
In the Matter of the Estate of David O.
Shoopiuau, deceased.
In the County Court uf Caw Co.. yd).
I' pou leading aud filing the duly verified pe
tition of Emma J. Khoopiuan, praying that ad
ministration of the estate of David O. Shoop
nian Nleceased. be granted Kobert II. Windham
Ordered that notice of the pendency of nald
cause be published in the Nebraska IIuhai.ii,
a weekly newspaper, printed, published- and in
general circulation iu said county, for threo
consecutive weeks, and that tlie bearing of (aid
cause beset fr the uth day of August. A. D.
lHso. at 1 o'clock p, in., at tho ofiice oflhe Co
Judge, at 1'lattsmouth, at which time and
place all persons interested may appear and
show cause, if any itiey have, why administra
tion of said estate should not be granted te tho
said Kobert It. Windham, according to the
prayer of said petition.
A. N. SULLIVAN, County Judge,
riattsmoutu, July 2Ut. latiO. 1813
in .Season.
tho abovo will be kept the
nil HE&iirH,