The-Herald. .c.i. AHf MiTIS'tMr.NTS. nts i. tint". lleular adveriis- .i'. No ad veru.seim.iit iiiscit- rr;i!iM--' it : ..i .- :it S::tUlt ! u..i.-fi"s .if i:vv i!l ! Held .-.i urines ll.i y hand i:, a pioof t piii-iica-i , iil l.i; ,'t'Ul Jor lue imoiica nolice. : .IM VNJ'JAYIUNS. 4 S m:r N limited, i-oi nmnic:if!oTlS i I --In. to th p jiiit, with no wiile cf -.vol -.!. !'!:. is ..--iiwii)le for the correctness . . ' i copy of paid mutter and paid '-e" i.;.:-. -:.iy. I A i v f" r.'mi who takes the paper regularly f:vu: s:.- i-.v-oiiW. whether d reeled to ins nm;.-. :. !her he l a sul"c:ioer or not is re i i i. i.n- for the pay. ., ? i ;l.,v rerson ordei his pnper diseontin !,! ' t.tu-t pav ill! arrearages, or the publish er n" " to sPil 't until payment Is !ii i..-":iii.l ' -."ilrrt the whole amount, whether Ibc l;'.jx r is -n from the office or not. 3 Ic- coin is have derided tliiit refusing to -iV i'ce rs ami iodic;tls from the post oV r iei.iovin-4 ami h aving them uncalled for. It' itrinvi facte evidence of istkntional LOCAL NEWS. Barnum To-morrow, At the City of Omaha. ilxeuisiou trains will be run. I'iatto Stools at Jos. Schlater's. tf Fred Kroehler lias returned home. -- Local matter is scarce. Don't forget t.he County Fair. Wili. S. Wise sell Ileal Estate, tf - Work on the bridge progiesseth. Mr. Deck goes west this morning. Who's going to bring us ;i big mel on. Sve (Jreat lied Store reduced Price List. lltf Why don't some one have a run awav. Ladies' celluloid cott's. collars at Wes 17t3 The Normal School commenced Monday. See grand advertisement of Great lied store. lltf Temperance column on outside this week. Dr. Tr.nner still floateth on wind and water. Garfield Hats just received at Wes.-utt's. 19t2 Bring in a few "Mush" Melons. We like 'em. Greatly reduced prices Red Stoue. at Great lltf Miss Mary L. Ruby is visiting the IIeiiald house. After the first of October you can harvest your Quail. Don't buy until you have priced at the Great lied Store. lltf A little robbery has been reported in the south part of town. Large line of Boots and Shoes, cheap, at (Jreat Red Store. lltf Miss Edith Bennett camo in on the evening train Tuesday. ,r t,, i.s.. VJ. 11. I IIUIlll'I'll 13 Vi-lOJ Ill.lHI", , the plans for the new hotel. If you need a Trunk or Travelling ha, tro to W. II. Baker & Co. 1 Fifteenth of August get ready to shoot your Prairie Chicks. Manufacturing and repairing neat and cheap. Pktki: Mkiksks. 10tf Miller's harness shop is pretty nearly filled up with nice stock. Good Boasted Bio Coffee, 3 pounds for SI. 00 at W. II. Baker & Co.'s 1 See Sage Bros., add in another col umn. The boss pump of the age. Soldiers who have liomesteaded less than 100 acres write to W S. Wis is. tf Mrs. A. Schlegel has been very sick for the past two or three weeks. Going! going!! at any price fo close out summer goods at Wescott's 2 Mr. Stadelmann's new house is to be 0 x 34, two stories and abasement. Dr. Tanner's stomach "kicks" against so much water. Try beer, Doc. Fresh fruits ami vegetables re ceived every day hy Bennett & Lewis. Hit One man writes Dr. Tanner that he is ripening a big melon for his 40th day. Prof. Swpt. E. II. Wooley, LL. 1)., and assistants have their hands full now. You will always find IVpperberg's most pwpub'r Cigars at F. It. G tub man's. 17tf Morgan's Hat boat brought up a load of wood Tuesday, from some where. Everybody goes to the Great Bed Store, where they are treated fair and square. lltf Parasols, Fans, Linen Suits, &c. at greatly reduced prices at W. 11. Ba- j ker & Co.'s. 1 Mr. Wilson, at D. II. Wheeler's of fice has an electric pen, the only one in the city. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Window Shades in great variety at W. II. Ba ker & Co.'s. 1 The B. & M. depot is being repaint ed and generally renovated both up ' stairs and down. j Don't forget that Chambers is sell- ' ing lly-covers at cost. Now is 3'our time to buy. It2 We understand that Mrs. A. W. White's babe was severely scalded a day or two since. A few Summer Hats left at W.II. Baker & Co.'s. which will be sold re gardless of cost. 1 Mr. ,T. M. Huberts will occupy one room' in the llen.i.l l.inH-. nnil a man from Iowa the other. voar groceries of an evr-lnsive, Gi'-ci'iy House. leniH'U !C Lewis car- ry a complete stock. 15tf the Chicago Garfield and ArtUur K, l A I UtlliUj UMAI ALH ouua CAiiCLlj j like those on the road for the Platts- i !1V. Ith dub. Thf Iin ::.! Mllv IMN.-Ttjcini w-"iii" IIom, t!,e su- f--.i:'.ri'll .tit! i'l'Jte Q;U!:I;;C, and jmvious iii-!"' .heiit.i. coiobi m 1 it f "l uv!: I it i 'i . are 1 insredi- wild ems ot -.iaiL iiiueia, pit-parea oy ine Malt Bitters Company. 19t4 Personal. F. J. Metteer goes to Omaha to live awhile. Miss Anna Livingston has gone to Lincoln for a visit. Mr. McMillan, of Omaha, spent San day in Plattsraouth. Miss Florence Richardson, of Eight Mile Grove, is attending the institute. Mrs. Carman and Miss Sessions of Lincoln, spent Sunday in Plattsmouth. Mrs. and Miss Maggie Dawson leave this afternoon for a trip to Philadel phia. - Miss Louie Hill, of Evanston, 111., a niece of Mrs. Dr. Livingston is visit ing her relatives. Mr. D. Campbell returned to Platts mouth last Saturday morning, after a long visit in the east. Miss Mamie Dakin came down from Decatuv Tuesday evening; is visiting relatives in the city and will take in the Normal Iastitute. Pic Aid From Prof. Wise we learned late last evening that the Sunday Schools of Ashland, under the supervision of Mr. J. A. Jury, were cominjr here to day, en masse, to hold a pic nic on the ground occupied by theOniahasen the 5th. Go up and entertain them, all of you ! How that chap kicked himself af ter he learned "that 'twere Garfield & Hancock's pictures on his badge. Tanner says: "Young man, never marry a woman who eats pork and cabbage morning, noon and night." Note change in W.II. Baker & Co's ad. this week. They mean business from the word go. . C. E. Wescott is closing out his stock of Summer Goods at any price. Don't fail to avail, &c. . 17t3 We learn that an old friend and subscriber, Mr. II. N. Orr, is lying very sick at his home in Cheyenne. Best Stock of Groceries, canned fruits, meats and fish and lowest pri ces at W. II. Baker & Co.'s. 1 The work of grading 7th street is completed north of Main, and they are now at work on the south side. Full lines of linen suits are being sold very cheap at Fred. Herrmann's. Call before they are gone. 18tf Grace & Weidman are fixing things up gay in the old place. Geo. Weid man thinks he likes it up town. White Glycerine Soap, cheapest and best iu the market. Give it a trial, at W. II. Baker & Co.'s. 1 Col. Pace, Editor of the Western World, Lincoln, is in the city and will give a public lecture this evening. Mr. C. E. Wescott is closing out his summer stock at greatly reduced prices. Call and see him. 19t2 T"! , T-V : A - 1 II. rrariKavts leiuuieu nom u.e west yesterday. He reports every- . . . ' thing flourishing in Saline County. A good mowing machine for sale, ! or for trade for a horse, by lSt2 - E. K. Parmele. Dr. Black is putting in a new side walk hy his buildings on Main and Gth. Some of the rest of you follow suit. Col. L. C. Pace, of Lincoln, will lecture at the Presbyterian church this (Thursday) evening, on "Temperance." We have on hand a new lot of pencil tablets, which we sell cheap, just the thing for the Normal teachers The officers of the I. O. G. T. Lodge will ' be enstalled next Wednesday evening, a full attendance is requested. All those who signed the torch light list will please be prepared for the collectors thi3 p. m. or to-morrow Messrs. Cummins & Richey will soon move their lumber yard to Pearl Street, west of Holmes '& Dixon's sta ble. -Messrs. Grace & Wiedman sell Pepperberg's Best and Bocky the fin est and most popular Cigars of the age. 17tf We understand Mr. Hesser is go ing to take a large assortment of flow ers and plants to the State Fair this fall.. Pepperberg's Best Bocky and Presidential Boom are Superior to any Eastern Cigars. Ask your dealers for them. 17tf -W. H.Pickins returned from Chi cago Tuesday morning after a short visit. Hyers said he had a splen did time. Farmers bring in your butter and eggs to J. Bons & Son, who will pay as much if not more than any one else in town. 19t2 Don't order cheap job work, but come to the Herald office and get some first class work at the lowest living rates. Saddles! Saddles!! Ladies', Men's and Boys saddles at J. G. Chambers Harness Shop in all styles and kinds. Go and see them. 1 1 Clothing ! Clothing !! Clothinz !! cheap ! cheap !! cheap !!! At the Great Bed Store. Money positively refunded ; it not satisfactory. lltf i W.II. Thomas, of the B. & M. ! Lincoln, came down Sunday morning, ; and stayed until Monday morning i Come again, Roscoe. i Dr. Meade has moved his office up ! over tbe 1osL 0&ce, where he is ready i to receive calls from those needing i in nis ne- 'Ul and see him. ! Reader, as vou no to the P. O after vonr mall ask to spa our nrintorl j ft.,..-! nf Pamnaiirn Tlafpa anil tull tlio p. M. to send for the paper for you I he M. L.. feociaole at the resi dence of Mr. Wash. Smith, Tuesday evening was well attended and the f-venijtg w as spent very pleasantly. -T i ie. 1 i!-.. "i Flv Plate 'a iil kill ;r.ore yj, is ai-.ue convenient, is more eeoiioinieal thai :tv other Kl Poison. , Une Plate lasts a wholft SHUson. Thev J can be found at Smith, Black & Co.'s.2 The Normal Institute. Twenty-five devotees to the acquisi tion of knowledge, may be seen each morning about eight o'clock climbing Plattsmouths 1 Hill of Science, to the temple of learning which crowns its heights, where, undismayed by the tor rid heat of July, they devote the morn ing hours to storing their minds with the necessary information which shall serve them in their vocation of teach er. Profs. Wooley and Love, with like commendable disregard of the enervating effects of Lot weather, are busily engaged in imparting this in formation, and when we looked in yes terday morning, we found the institute fully under way, and everyone seem ingly working with a will. We learned from Prof. Wooley that there were twenty-five pupils in at tendance, of whom eight are m the first grade and seventeen in the second grade. The hours from eight to twelve are devoted to recitations, no afternoon session. Arrangements will probably be made for the first of the series of lectures sometime next meek. Prof. Worley, of Peru, is in the- city and will probably make arrangements to conduct a class in vocal music. This will, however, be entirely distinct from the institute. He has just concluded successful musical convention at Nebraska City. -Charley Ppwell soon goes back to lis Indiana home to take charge of an A. U. telegraph office there, and E. B. Lewis will take the one here to his store. Miles Chilcott, of Union, accom panied by Charles Clinton, came in Friday, paid in advance for the Her ald and took a look at our printing machines. ... -Sportsmen and others will bear in mind that the chicken season has not yet arrived. Any violation of the game law in this respect will be summarily dealt with. Mr. F. Stadelmaun has commenc ed preparations for a residence on Vine Street, west of the Herald of fice; and still the good work of enlarg ing and beautifying-our city goes on. Geo. W. Young, of Mt. Pleasant, delivered 146 head of hogs to Holmes, Dixon & Co., yesterday, for which he received 81,224 in clean cash. He has sold 44 head before, and has over 200 lead on his farm yet. Miss Libbie Wheeles. accompanied by Master Chester Barnes, left on the morning train Monday, for Marysville, Missoari, where she will visit several weeks before returning to her home In Nashville, Illinois. Henry Kirkham, sr., returned on Tuesday from England, where he has been visiting his old home after an ab sence of thirty years. None of his peo ple recognized him, of course, as the young man of long ago. -A premium of a campaign Sub scription will be given for the largest melon left at our office during the com ing month. We to have the useof the melons after recording dimensions of melon and name of competiter. Lawyer Ilartigan was admitted to the Supreme Court this term and ar gued his first two cases there. He was appointed by Judge Maxwell as one of the committee to examine applicants for practice in the Supreme Court. Walter White is preparing to move the barn belonging to Mr. Fitz gerald to the corner, north of the Herald office when a good substan tial dwelling will be made out of the same, and a fire-trap removed from our midst. A very pleasant little party was given Miss Ida Waterman by her par ents, on "Saturday night, it seemed an enjoyable affair to all; the music and refreshments were delicious, though the latter received the "long est" attentions. Solomon & Nathan will commence a grand Clearance Sale on the 2d day of August, of all Summer goods, con tinuing thirty days. Don't fail, each and every one, to improve this golden opportunity of enriching yourselves from this great sacrifice of all classes of goods in their line. 1 What has become of our High School Reservoir? Waiting for a fire? Come mighty near it the other night, A lamp exploded, or.iather cracked in Mr. Wescott's store, and but for the fact of his having non-explosive oil 'twould have been all dav with that portion of Main Street. Sage Bros., with their usual enter prise, have obtained the Couuty right for one of the best Chain pumps in the market. It will throw more water and at the sami time fill the water with more air, than any other method known. Call and see them and you will be sure to buy one. W. B. Brown has been laundrying here some time and is well known to our citizens. Monday a bad accident happened at his house. Tliey call it Martha, because its a girl. Brown goes around whistling: "We meet up on the level, and we part upon the square." What words of preciou meaning these things, on Monday, are At the Garfield and Arthur club meting Saturday, Judge Sullivan made some vnry pointed and just re marks, pointing out the danger "ahead in a change of Administration. "Cn cle T. J. Todd put in some eld time licks, and we had a glorious time gen erally. The new Uniforms will be here in a few days now. Be ready for them boys. "Gil" Hobbs had occasion to ex amine a buggy that two of the boys had out the other nijrht. In the vehi cle h only found tuft hair-pins, one lone pin, three bra.s batt?!V, a pair of flrtves. two lace ImjUiuls a pair of luitts aj a r.ewj-jripi-r with tne young r-irns mime on; .i .kad iiite-awrsy Gil says. We saw the name, but as he is one of our friends we'll never tell. . . TLEASK TO READ! A Warning to Newspaper Mea. Tha pnblisher of the Boons County (Iowa) Republican has recently Jueen arrested and heavily Hoed ftr folding posters in his paper and sending the same through the mail. This is a vio- ation of the l ostaMaws, and all news paper men will do well to lcok a' little aut. The department has its agents al- 8 looking after publishers who simi- arly transgress the law- by folding pretended supplements in their issues. A poster, hand-bill, or an advertising sheet is not a "supplement." As that is defined by the law, it most be a sheet containing matter for which there is no room m the principal sheet for the same issue, and really a part thereor. Hence, the law-breakei s must stop sin ning, or be severely punished. Globe. We are repeatedly asked to do this kind of advertising, and when it is re fused;' are met by the lemsrk that f "other papers do it." If they do, it is at the risk of a riue. Tli City Mast Pay its Fuudinar Bonds. Our Supreme Court has-just decided the case of -'The City of Plattsmouth, plaintiff in error, vs John Fitzgerald, defendant in error," after a very full ar gument, in which John Fitzgerald was represented by Hon. Sam. M. Chapman, and the City by Hon, John L. Webster of Omaha. " We are informed that Mr. Webster made one of his best and strongest arguments in this case, but apparently to very little effect. Thi? decision, by the highest tribunal of the State, is probably final, and we might as well address ourselves to paying off the debt at once without further costs. i Hotel at Last. The Gordet property, occupied by Cummins & ltichey, was bought on Monday by Fritz aud Oswald Guth man, who will proceed to erect a Hotel, forthwith; the dimensions are said to be 70 x 80 feet, three stories high. "Whether the owners intend to run it themselves or whether it is to be rent ed we do not know at present; at all events a Hotel we are to have, with out doubt. Notice of Meeting. . A Greenback meeting will be held in Rock Bluffs Precinct, at the Berger school house, next Tuesday, at 1 p. m. sharp. All Greenbackers invited; Hurrah for Garfleld & Arthur! M. A. H. (Most All Hancock) went into a barber shop to get shaved, the other day. After lathering him superb ly, the "barber stood back and flourish ed the razor vindictively, saying: "Now promise to vote for Garfield, or I'll cut your throat !" M. A. H. never winced. "Xo ! I'll never go back, but die a martyr !" not like De la Matyr, though, who seems likely to be cruci fied between English and the Voorhees wing of the democrats in Indiana. Major J. M. Bundy, Editor of the "New York Evening Mail," is writing the Life of General Garfield for A. S, Barnes & Co. of Xew York. The book will contain several illustrations, and possess many unique and special fea tures. The nairaiiVH will present many ef the qualities and attractions cf a romance. Every young Ameri can will read with interest this ac count of a brilliant career, which is in a measure, open to them all for em ulation. On hist Saturday at a called meet ing of the Congregational church. Of Sarpy Centry, Itev. Benjamin F. Dif- fenbacker was by a unanimous vote invited to continue to serve the church as their minister for a year from the first of October next. Brother I). has served this church from the time of its organization over two years ago, and the general wish of the church congregation and pastor is to continue the mutually pleasant and. prosperous relations of the past. Papillion Times A farewell party was given at the home of Miss Olla Barnes, last Satur day evening, in honor of her guest Miss Libbie Wheeles, at which several couples of her friend3 gathered at an early hour. The evening was passed very pleasantly with music and other amusements. A .very handsomely bound volume of Shakespeare was pre sented to Miss Wheeles, by Mr. D Campbell, in a few well chosen words in behalf of her friends present, which she replied to, in a very able manner. After which the company dispersed wishing her a safe journey home. Mr. Chris Hartman and bh little son, Fred, came near losing their lives Sunday evening by their horse and buggy being thrown into a ditch near the is ail Works, the horse having been frightened by a dog. Mr. Hartman is Cttufiued to his bed by injuries received and the horse, valued at $300, had to be shot, as his back was broken in the accident. The cur which caused the accident is probabty of the class which would sell dear at a cent a thousand. Republican. les, ana hundreds of useless curs run yelping after every buggy in this town, only to help break some one's neck, sometime.. Do the owners of dogs know, or care to know, that their dogs have no business yelping at passengers in the street, and that they are and ought to be responsible for all dam Among othr nuve'.'ies" Le found in Mr. 1 . CiUTulh's m ignifi cent building v "ib:. completed, is one which will show f.r itself, (.oa a dark night) in all parts of the hous, viz from sixty to seventy-five gas jets, o a sufficient nurabpr to light the.. 'up stairs and down-stairs of the entire building. The gasoline, from which the gas is generated will be kept in tank of boiler iron, buried ten feet, at a distance of sixty feet from lar, where a blower will be attacheed to the connecting P'PS run bv a sim pie -c'oek-w oi V inp,'ir.-t:.t;s, w hirli w ii kf-ep lhr j-ts ail t re pa red w.-r lihtbi ; Mr. C !e-r es r-i:f eiv-iit for t : iitii tu i :.; in an a:;erpne of l ...s j kiiti auu uany othis' wo.t'd i,nre j safety frotu coal oil explosions were j they to follow his example. - Jim Garfield's at the FrenU "General Garflelrt proceeded to the front.' (Ocu. Kosecraus' official rcuorf of the battle of Cliickamaujja. : - Once more the grand old fight is on, the fight . we've orten fought, And a we've done these twenty years, we'll - onng our ioeu 10 naugtn ; We won with Lincoln, Grant and Ilayes, and in this battle's brunt. Well conquer to the rallying cry Jim Gar- neurs ai ine ironu Chorus Jim Garfield's at the front I Jim Garfield's at the front ! 'Twould be a sin to fail to wiu With Garfield at the front ! m early learned to paddle well his own for lorn canoe Up on OUio's "graud caual" he held the helm so true : And now the people shout to hint : "Lo, 'tU ior you-we wair. We want to see Jim Garfield guide our glorious snip oi state." Chorus Jim Garfield's at the frout ! J im Garfield's at ILe frout i Twuld be a sin to fail to win With Garfield at tlia fiont ! lie was a carpenter of yore, and to this day lie teems To love to nail (old Ilourbon lies) and hammer (rebel eeneinei) : We'll wager, and tiie bet, we know, will go without a taker This carpenter, come ides of March, will be a cauinei maKer : Chorus Jim Garfield's at the front ! Jim Garfield's at the front I Twould be a siu to fail to win -"With Garfield at the front I lie taught the young ideas to shoot, and then the plucky tutor In war's grim nchool was taught to be another sort i shooter. Me braved, to aid the Union's cause, full many a battle's brunt, And those hIiu sought his whereabouts feund Garfield at tne front. Chorus Jim GarfUld' at the front ! Jim Garfield's at the front ! , . ' I 'would be a siu to fall to wiu 'Willi Garfield at the front ! Wlien Uncle Sam, November next, shall count the ballots o er. One houi shall nhake the continent, loud as the ocean s mur ; 'Once more the hots Kepublican have borne the battle's bruut. Once more they've triumphed gloriously, with Garneid at tne iroui Chorus With Garfield at the front ! With Garfield at the front ! We're sure to gain the grand cam paign. With Garfield at the front ! A Reply to 31t. Pleasant. In the last week's Herald I noticed a letter written by "Mt. Pleasant," at least that is what he calls himself, but I think he has no right to the name; that name belongs to our P. O. and would imply that he was expressing the views of our entire neighborhood, and that the people had given him authority to use the name; but. such is not the case. Mr. Mt. Pleasant says (in speaking of the Good Templar s Lodge) that our School . Directors are opposed to the order, and take the au- thonty upon themselves to ioroia them the use of the school house. Yes, they have forbidden them the use of school house, but why? If you would step into our school house some morn ing after a meeting or the order, you would see why; everything in dirt and disorder, until you would think that some one had been trying to de molish the old building. Our school house is insured, and when the building burns down, the people want their money back; now Mr. Mt. P., go to our Director, secure a copy of the School Laws, and post yourselves up before accusing the School Board of being opposed to the "order," for such is not the case; there is not a member of the "board who is opposed to the Order of Good Temp lars, they think the cause oi temper ance a great and good cause, but they are opposed to the disorder of our Good Templars at Mt. Pleasant. Now Mr! Mt. Pleasant, are you not a little abashed at being so exposed? but, re member, I should not have written this letter, bad you not written yours. I will not give the news of the week, I leave that to our worthy friend, Mr. Mt. P., as he writes a very good letter; but I hope in his next I will not find any errors to correct. Yours, A LOVER OF J EMPEKANCE. Find Good Luck, Keno. Trot tor and Lorillard Tobaccos. ' Also a full line of smokers' articles of every descrip tion at Schlegel & Nieman's - 12tf Died. MARTIIIS Wednesday, July 2th. 1so. I1a M.'iY. youngest daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. J, V. Martins, aged nine mouths and seventeen days. Funeral services will lie held Irom their resi dence this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are invjled to attend. CAMPBELL At Rock Bluffs. Cass Co.. Net... July 16U1, IS0, .ions 1.. lniant sonoi j. it. and Fannie M. Campbell, aed 7 months and 16 days, of Cholera Infantum. Thus pass our treasures away, peihaps for the best, the pain and suffering of this life be ing scarcely a compensation for Us long contin ance. ... - ... 1 Honored and fi!etcd. When a board of eminent physicians and chemists announced the discovery that by combining some well known valuable remedies, the most wonder ful medicine was produced, which would cure such a wide range of dis eases that most all other remedies could bo dispensed with, many were skeptical ; but proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to-day the discoverers of that great medicine, Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefactors. The Celebrated B. & M. AND OTHER POPULAR BRANDS OF CKiAKH, Manufactured and on Sale by ." Schlegel & Sicilian, , IStf - Opp. roet-Office. SAGE BROS.' ' Improved Water Elevator AND Pl'RIFYlXU-I'l'MP! It works c.oii i , wiii nut ireeze and is always ready for me. It has no wooden tubing, suckers or valves to wear out, no iron tubing to rust; nev er has to be primed, packed or thawed '!it. Tlif hiVertf! -:-.-; c'vsi i ) . r iliiO'in ihr- Water, li'i'--STirp'i'is .--f yu,vn i:::u ti; eoiis'imii.g ail iuir-.ri"'i" ;r or-ina;ir-r in i L;4 foulest veil or I i I CP Fur fur th jm particulars, address or call on Sage Bitos., who have the sole right of Cass County. 19t3 THE MARKETS. HOME MAUKETS. GUAIN AND riiODUCE. Wednesday, July 2x, 1SS0. Wheat. No.2.- Coru, ear. shelled,.., Oats, Barley, No. 2 Itye Native Cattle.. Hokp Butter Egcs l'otatoes 2X322 li 50 50 3 0V7fc3 25 ....4 0Kit4 2i l(K-j,l: 2-i 10 40 CO NEW YOKK MARKETS. Nkw York, July 28, issp. Money Sl.tWCsSl 04. heat Itye ... Corn Oats $ &1 07 ?i 94 43 47 34 4i 42 CI1ICAGJ MARKETS. Chicago. July 28. 1SS0. $ 4 60 tt5 00 S7; 34'i '-"-"4 70li 73 S Flour Wheat Corn Oats Kve.. Barley LIVE STOCK. Hog, eliipning. .. Cat tie. Slice!' ?4 7."?.?5 20 3 4.V'i 3 U5 . .'. . 3 8.VJ. 4 75 SPECIAL NOTICES. For Trade 1 For Cass County property, an im proved farm in Butler Co., Neb., of 200 acres. Applv to 18UJ ' It. B. Windham. For Sale. Forty (40) acres of Land and a good Stone house, one (1, mile south west of Rock Blaffs, for sale. For particulars enquire of Thomas Brown. 18t3 II in PC Improved Root Beer Park nlnLj nje, 5 't. Makes live gallons oi a delicious and sparkling beverage whole some and temperate. Sold by druggists, or sent lv man on rtceipt oi 2i ets. AUaress, tllA. c HIKES, Manufacturer, 215 Market Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. MM Thirty of the best organ makers of the World are competitors at the Paris Exposition. a cable dispatch to the AssDCiated Press says two highest gold melals have been awarded to the American makers. Mason & Hamlin. Now open with new, cheap and good Boo's and Shoes, next door to Post Office. lOtf For Sale i A fine black horse, six years old, good roadster, for sale cheap at this office. 17t3 Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's, opposite P. 0. 7tf Unquestionable. The Herald. Uetroit, Mich., says of Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure : "Its efficacy in kidney, liver and urinary diseases is so fully acknowledged that it is not worth the question ing Bona tide testimonials from well-known citizens in public and private life are evidences strong enough to convince the most stubborn doubter." 8113 - Bucklen's Arnica Salve.; The Best Salve in the w orld for Cuts Bruises, Sores, LTlcers, Salt libeum Tetter, Chapped Ilands Chilblains Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions This Salve is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction in every case or mon ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 241y. Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: .At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March,. Tune and September. At Ix)uisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. No one trill le examined except at the regular examinations ; an I no cer tificates from other , Counties will be indorsed. : ' -' - ' E. II. Wooley, 4:2tf Superintendent. We wiiluuy Acinus iti:a.rv ul teliju ijer month and expense, or Allow a larv ccntmtftn, to sell our Bw snd wonderful intentions. He mean rht irt jav 'The Silent Man" Is no wiser than he vh has the fore thought to provide his family with Brown's Extract Blackberry and Ginger, the most wonderful remedy in use for curing DiJrrhoea, Dysentery Cholera Morbus, and all Summer de rangements of the Stomach and Bow- "The Noisy Man" Is the man who has been rejuvenated by Brown's Liver Pills. He wants everybody to know that all druggists keep them. The Disappointed Politician Is less miserable than the man whose dinner proves too much for him; and while there is no hope for the former the latter may be cured by using Brown's Pepsin Tonic, the new rem edy of the west. Try it. All druggists keep Brown's medicines. J. II. But tery, Smith. Black & Co., and O. F. ."Johnson, Plattsmouth ; John Painter anil Eledge & Co., East Plattsmouth. Fresh Lime. Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or wagon load can be had at the Kiln, near west end of the bridge. Lime al ways on hand and of superior quality. Inquire of Mickelwait & Sharp, 7tf on premises. !2500 A TEAR. Agents wanted. Bnsl oess legitimate. Particulars free . ddrcu J.WO&fH CO.. Bi Louis, Mat A Wonderful Discovery. For the speedy cure of Consumption and all diseases that lead to it, such as stubborn Coughs, neglected Colds, Rronchitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in the side and chest, dry hacking cough, tickling in the throat. Hoarse ness, Sore Throat, and all chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs, 1)r. King's Xew Discovery has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicans recommend and use it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared is highly recommended by all medical journals. The clergy and the press have compli mented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bot tle fiee of cost, or a regular bize for SI. CO. For sale by Smith & Black, wholesale aiid retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 23e6wly. Very Droll to Think of. If not above being taught by a man, use Dob bins's Electric Soap next wash day. Used without any wah boiler or rubbing board, and u-ed differently from any other soap ever made. It eeins very droll to think of a quiet, orderly two hours' light work on wash day, with no heat and no steam, or smell of tlie washing through the house, instead of a long day's hard work ; but hundreds of thousands of woniea from Nova Scoria to Tex;us have proved for themselves that thi is done v ! i'. ,:t.'.-- .-.ap. ii-;,: !." i:. !' . i-K if !; i'i - :rv.'! ! :! wvifi ; ? I-; -T i i'-: ! ;. lino -mii-mv ; i i' a if poi:i.- i i-eeli i-et-,:! i;s U: do h:i- !."! Lot : , ! to . erv . . !: v i.-e v.iii 'e! ii. as- ;.'!: s!ml; sale jjiwecrs keep It. I L. Cragi.n & Co., Philadelphia. Keed linos.. Sole Agents. 3-eowly WeepiDj; Water, IVeb. .. Is Leased to wli wll!9 during? tiie SPRINGSUMMER n A VJ IK? V CbtMuhi Sjdsi3 CwumS ELa3 I With their immense stock of S4 Vl - Styles ds ISeSgiiK. MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH NEB. Ht in sm Acknowledged. IFael W. M. JEAKJEIB & COD. keep the largest and best selected stock of G-eixeicLi JMercltcmcLLse ! in the city, and a little time spent in examining and pric ing their goods will couviin c the most skeptical that their prices are as LOW as the LOWEST, We lami'k every figarcs9and sell to all alike. Dq not Claim to Soil at GoBt, ' ' but will sell at closest living margins and guarantee everything to please. ALWAYS PAY HIGHEST MAliKET PIUCE FOR Butter, Eggs, and Other Produce! and we wiii save you onae money oi no trade. Respectfully, W. S. S. MAIN STREET. Money to Loan. On good farm property on longtime. Apply to J. W. Jennings, ltf Plattsmouth. To the Citizen's of Hie Comity it ml Slate. 1 have now ready for markcl 100,000 White ami Fire brick, which we wiii sell at reasonable priees; parti-s wish ing to build a lire-proof house, bs.-fofe the comet conies down, 'call on J. T. A. Hoover. Louisville, Nebra.-ka. Hit' DOWN THLY COM E. Read and See. Women's Cloth .Shoes Rutton Shoes. " Fine Leather " " Men's Rrogans Misses' Leather Shoes Youths' Genuine Calf . . .Cjc. .81 15. Others in proportion. Call and ex amine, no charge for showing them. 10 tf Fetek Mekges. I wish Everybody to Know. Rev. George II. Thayer, an old citi zen of this vicinity known to every ona as a most influential citizen, aud Christian Minister of theM. E. Church just this moment stopped in our store to say : "I wish everybody to know that I consider that both myself and wife owe our lives to Shilwh's Con sumption Ciue." It is having a tre mendous sale ver cur counters and is giving perfect a ;;.ii.t :tioii in all cases of Lung Diseases, ssoxn as nothing else h::s done. Rourbon, Ind., May 15, '78. Drs. Match ett & France. Sold k-y Smith & Rlack. No Deception Used. It is strange so many people will continue to suffer day after day with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipa tion, Sour, General Debility when they can procure at our store Shiloh's Vitalizer, free f cost if it doe3 not cure or relieve them. Price 75 cents. Sold by Smith & Rlack. Shiloh's Catakkii Remedy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh.diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful treat ment of the complaint, without extra charge. Price 50 ceiits. Ceowtf. LEGAL NOTICES. Constable's Sale. Notice i hereby given that by virtue of an execution, issued by M. Archer, a Justice of the I'eace in and for Rock i'.lufts Precinct with in and for t'ass (.'utility, Nebraska, in favor of I.afe O'Neil. and a;,iii;t '. J. lloilnian. and to me uirveteil, I will at 1 o'clock p. m. on th 7th day of August, is), at the front door cf the Court House In riattmouth City, in eaid Co., offer for sale at I'ublic Vendue the following Kood-s ar.d chattels, to-v. it :One dark bay mare, taken in said execu'iou as the i ropotly of said t'. J. Hofiinan. Dated tht linth dav of Jul v, !(). 1'JVJ, THOMAS b.UlTH. Co i:s table. Notice. To the owner or occupant of the following described real eotate in the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, to-wit : Lot twelve (1J), in block one hundred and mxty-lour (14, in the city of I'lattsmouth. Can County. Nebraska: You are hereby notified that the above desci i! ed real estate, a.ser-sed as belonging to a non resident oi l ai-s County, was on the 3i d.. f" ('it I'minty, Neiii i-.--:t. there beinn no oilier . ul l is lii.-n-tor, i:n Ihe taxes levied then ou lor the year J-fTi. a:n. that unless tlie same is redeemed from Mich sale ou or before the 15th day of November, 10, a deed will be issued for said real estate to Francis L. Murphy, assignee of sal I Cait'ii. 1:.3 h'V : ' V s" -'- : '' - -i ' V !.t:.os i.t, .1, ;..MI ;.s . ,( , . - f.-iul pr-Ji'et-rj o.tii u.ive -....' !' i'loiu p.-orertv :ir.u payiniitx r -.;;ises. DaT-;i this loth ly of .Imy. A. D. 1W. 17tj A. M. FEKGCBON. tlaiiagf in plain H. BAKER & CO. Road Notice. To all w hom it m.iv concern : The M-ci ion line road ii t illoned for by K-l-ward I .l;-. et ill., cuiiiuieiiiring at tlit; E;i.-t idt ciuil imiiiin Wost hftwfen ecclions sex-u j and cijrlit (7 & township ti n (loi. rai.i; l I wt lvi-t i-'i, ami m ctions twelve aiid lllirtt t-n . (12 a; l:). tunn-l.ip ti-n (10), l;iliK; U-veil til), I a -s I niiiny, Nrtirakit. The Name is ilcclan-U j by tin- County t 'oiiiiniiMoiiei f an cn-ii road, i aiid all oliji-i.-i loiin 1 1,1-n'io or ciaitn.t for daui j ;:i s. lull-1 '.) Ii!i-d in Ihi- oiiuly l.lern 's oll:(.-e oil i li.-ioi- ii-Hiii, i n tin- :nli day ot Auki!!- A. ' j. I'M . i-i Mi-;i n;.a v, lii le opened .inli ul i j i :Vi fin-- i ii r -to. ! 7ti .1. i. Tt'TT. Yi.n).v fii-ik. Probate Notice. In the matter of Hie Kr-tulv oi William Deles Ueinier, ileeeasi-d. Notice i hereby given to all persons Waving clames against tne estate ul VYiliiam I.Ic J---Mer, deceased, to tile Hie name on or In-tore I lie Hth day ot January, A. I. ISM, in the olllee of I lie t'oiintv Judge, at I'latiHiiotitli, t'a'Ht'o., NeUraKka. A. N. SL' I.I.I VAN, t o. .jinlire. I'laitsiiioiith.July 13, 1ks). ' 17W Sheriff's Sale. P.y virtue of an order of Male lsued hy W. C Sliuwaltei. Clerk ol : the District Couit, within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and tome di rected, 1 will on the UtU day of Auu., A. D., 1880, at 10 o'clock, a. in., of Haul day, at tlio south door of the Court House, iu said County, sell at 1'ublic Auction the following Real 1 tate to-wit : 1 he east half (e!J) of the xouth west quarter isw1) of section twenty r.'o) town ship eleven (II) ratine foui teen ( 14) eat of the ft tk p. iu. i:i Cars County, Nebraska. The same brhih leyh-d upon and taken as the property of Johu V. Carroll, defendant, to Katslv a judg ment recovered by John Carroll, ami the sur plu, if any, to apply on judgment of said Court recovered hy J. I. Ca e & Co., l'lahititls. II. W. 11 Kits, Sheriff, Cass County. Neb. riattsmoutli, Neb., July Mill, A. D. lb). 1715 Road Notice. To all whom It may roncern :' The M.-ctiou line road petitioned for by L. II. Youi:i?. et al., coumicneuif; at the quarter sec tion corner on the fuuth side of sect ion twenty four (2i, township twelve 1'). North rane twelve (U). Fast of the sixth (tali) Principal Meridian : running thence Kast on section line to the South l-.ast corner of said section. '1 h same is declared hy the County Commissioner an open road, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be lHud iu tne County Clerk's ollice on or before noon, on the 0th day of August, A. D. 10, or such road wiii be open ed without reference thereto. 17t5 J. D. TUTT, County Clerk. Attachment Notice. Guthmann Jfc Weckbach 1 vs Ilefore M. O'Dor.o- V. F. hoe, J. 1'. 17. F. Feezer will take notice that on the 10th day of July, 1S0. M. O'Donrdioe, Justice of the I'eace for I'lattsmouth City Precinct, County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of twenty-nine and 75-ton dollars (Si.'a.TS) in an action now pending before htm. wherein jiithmaun & Weckbach are plaintiffs and V. F. is defendant ; that property attached being money due aud payable to the defendant by the I'urllnjH-on and Missouri Itaiiroad Company i-i attached under said order. Said cause Is continued for heariiu? to the Z-d day of August. Isko. at 11 o clock a. in. ;U I'll.M ANN & WKCK1JAC1I. M. A. Hahtkian. Att'y for pltft. 1711 Notice. Wj:!Iiam Sta'ie'.ir.aiin ) vh V Li I -ro M. O'Donohoe, U. F. Feeer. ) Jiistue of the Peace. I. F. will take uotie that ca the 21 day of July, ikko. M. d Donohoe, J. P., of Platts moiit Ii lily li ciii'-t. Couuty nf('nn, and St a to of Ne'u-isHia. ls-:ie l an order of att 'liinent t r tlie sum of twelve (12) dollarn, in au action (.ending before him. wherein William .st.ideluiaiiu is plaintiff, aiid L'. F, Keiver i d.--ftiid.-i.t : tliiit pmpertv coii.sisiin.'i of money dii ;iud payabb- bv the lu linlon and Misiiiil Kiver kmiroad Compaiy has l:;H S'tu'-lo-i under tuts oidcr. Said aus wa i:i ln-urii' to lua loih day of Acc'u-t o'ciociv a. III. i WILLIAM STADELj? ' W. S. W tsK. Ation.ey. 1 Probate Notii ; :. tf r of x llaic In I'liou ii'.'uU i; ;. o. ; i.u e. titionot h.iiiina J. suoopiiiaii, praying , iiiiuitration ot the estate ot Lav id U.v man. deceased, he granted ttobert ii. V t, ordered t liar notice cf i lie pendency Dial er ol said t eni ioa. 13 A. N. SULLIVAN, Couuty Jade. FlattsiiKmUi, July2ljT, is. lU