Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 22, 1880, Image 3

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The Herald,
I. : 'A I. A P lilt riSFMKNTS.
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a-c.-r ':. ri copy of paid matter and paid Le-
vy p.-ison who takes the paper rej-ularly
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;,; ;' facie evidence of I.NTKSTIO.SAL
Is quite cool!
And we suppose
Its for the Normal School!
Which commences on Monday.
Piano Stool.s :it Jos. Schlater's. tf
('apt. Hoover was down this week.
Will. S. Wise sell Ileal Estate, tf
do to the Baptist Sociable to-night.
See Great Red Store reduced Price
List. Htf
Xearly fifty members in the torch
light. r,;nlies' celluloid collars at Wes
cotfs. 17t3
l'.e sure and join tiie torch-light
i'c, grand advertisement of Great
lied store. lltf
Want some hay on Sub. Who's
got any?
Greatly reduced prices at Great
Red Stoke. Htf
Nearly every boy in town has a
target gun.
-Vegetables of every description at
J. lions & Son's. 17t2
V. II. Pickins took a trip to Chi
cago last week.
Don't buy until you have priced
at Great Red Store. Htf
We will soon loom with our torch
light procession.
Everything in the line of canned
goods at J. Boas & Son's. 17t2
W.I... Wells was in from South
Bend for a day cr two.
Large line of Boots and Shoes,
cheap, at Great Bed store. lltf
Want some good old corn or oats
on sub. Bring it in.
Fine green ripe apples by the peck
or bushel at F. S. White's. 17t2
liev. Mr. Iloss is building a new
house just opposite Dr. Clutter's.
Garfield & Arthur Badges and
portraits for sale by Fhil Young. 1
Mr. James . llodgert put himself
ahead on the IIehalu books last week.
il Young will give you perch
es with each Binl Cage you buy. 1
Manufacturing and repairing neat
and cheap. Pi:Ti:rt Meuoes. lOtf
Soldiers who have homesteaded less
than 160 acres write to W S. Wise, tf
Fresh fruits and vegetables re
ceived evei v dav by Bennett & Lewis.
Hancock & English portraits and
Badges for sale at the I'. O. News De
pot. 1
Buy the "Snow-Flake" Flour, the
best in the market, Bennett & Lewis,
Agents. 1
One of the finest jobs f masonry
in the citv is being done on Carruth's
new building.
Potted meats, Ham, Tongue,
Chicken, Turkey. &c. at Bennett &
Lewis'. 1
Charley Wilcox has skipped out
for a little pleasure trip to Missouri;
will be back in a few days.
Phil Young has just received
anether invoice of Bird Cages, from
76 cents up to ?4.00 each. 1
Mr. Sanders, a brother-in-law of
Messrs. Solomon & Nathan, from Ar
kansas, is visiting here.
You can get better goods at lewor
prices of Bennett & Lewis than at any
other place in town. 1
Everybody goes to the Great Bed
Store, where they are treated fair and
square. lltf
Don't forget that Chambers is sell
ing lly-covers at cost. Now is your
time to buy. 17t2
The delightful cool weather is du
ly appreciated by all lovers of sleep;
and that takes most all of 'em.
You will always find Pepperberg's
most pwpuh'.r Cigars at F. I). Len
hoffs. !7tf
Buy vour groceries of an exclusive
Grocery House. Bennett & Lewis car
ry a c nnplete stock. 13tf
Dr. Sehildkiiecht's new barn will
be a very fine one, no doubt. The
Doctor never docs things by halves.
V. E. V-seoit is closing out his
stock of Summer Goods at any price.
Don't fail to avail, &t " 17i3
Great reduction in lawns, para
sols, fans and summer goods generally
at Solomon & Nathan's. lTtl
We are sorry to learn that Mr.
Bushnell.of the Enterprise, has been
sick part of last week and this.
Tim Poison Flv Plates are going
fast, get one at Smith, Black & Co's.,
be;' they are all gone. I.t2
Mr. John Tew ksbury at the mill
above W. W. is dangerously sick and
his family have been sent for from N,
II., where thev had gone on a visit.
Mrs. Bird lias been visiting in Oma
ha the past week.
J. W. Barnes wended his way Colorado-ward
this week.
Miss Rose North of Columbus is the
gust of Miss Carrie Bennett.
Mrs. W. W. Drummond is in th
city visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Latham took a
short trip to Osceola last Saturday.
It. G. McFarland, T. M. at tho Seuth
Bend four corners was ia town yester
day. Mr. Strauss, brother of Mrs. Julius
Pepperberg visited Plattsmouth last
week, for a day.
Mrs. Rose and Miss Rogers, from
Iowa, sisters of Mrs. Dr. Clutter, are
visiting their relatives in Plattsmouth.
Mrs. Ilosisr, daughter of W. B. Por
ter, rteurns to Washington, D. C, to
day after a visit of some length to hef
Mr. Frank Davis left on the West
ern train Monday, for his home in Sa
line county, where he will make a
short visit.
Mr. It. A. Young, Eight Mil Grovo,
ne of the Hekald'b oldest subscrib
ers called last week and pt himself
square on the books. Wearo alwars
glad to welcome the old time subscrib
ers, especially those who keep their
Herald account well up.
Lcctnres. "
The committee spoken of before,
who have charge of the Lecture sys
tem in the city, beg leave to announce
that during the coming Teachers' In
stitute there will be good speakers here
from abroad, who will address the peo
ple on Temperance matters during that
time; also they waat it understood
that regular meetings and talks of
some kind will be held every two
weeks at the M. E. church, until fur
ther notice. A programme of the lec
turers engaged ahead and their even
ings will soon be published.
1,500 Scratch books at Phil Young's
all of which will be sold at the small
snm of 5 cents each. 1
Ice I Sounds pleasant these hot
mornings. F.S. White's team deliv
ers it and it's the coldest in town. 15t3
Full lines of linen suits are being
sold very cheap at Fred. Herrmann's.
Call before they aro gone. 18tf
A new supply of those superior
fly-t.ets, at reduced rates at J. G. Cham
bers harness manufactory. , 17t2
We are sorry to learn from the
Red Cloud Chief that Mr. and Mrs. M.
L. Thomas have recently lost their
youngest child.
A good mowing machine for sale,
or for trade for a horse, by
lSt2 ' . E. K. Pakmele.
The democratic outfit aro going to
have a big blow-out to-night. Ex-Senator
Tipton speaks for them at Fitz
gerald hall, and, it is said, Dr. Miller,
The champion of all drinks, Birch
Beer, is on draught at Smith, Black &
Co.'s. Get a glass when you are thirs
ty. 17t2
Everybody should go to tho Bap
tist Sociable to-night at the residence
of Mrs. Ilobbs. A paper will be read
by Mr. Gilbert Ilobbs and Miss Ida
Dennisen, and a good time will be
guaranteed to all who attend.
-Messrs. Grace & Wiedman sell
Pepperberg's Best and Bocky the fin
est and most popular Cigars of the
age. . 17tf
A trial for the robbery of goods
froai a car was tried before Judge
Vivian, yesterday, and continued un
til this morning; Gen. Smith for the
Company, lawyer Hartigan for the de
fence. Pepperberg's Best Bocky and
Presidential Boom are Superior to any
Eastern Cigars. Ask your dealers for
them. 17tf
The Fourteenth Annual Fair Pre
mium Lists are in the hands of the
Secretary, a copy of which will be sent
to any address received by him. Get
one and bring something to the Fair
for a premium.
Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!!
cheap I cheap !! cheap !!! At the Great
Red Store. Money positively refunded
if not satisfactory. lltf
Aug. Stohlman and Jno Leach are
making real pretty places of their lots
on Washington Avenue, by putting in
rock fronts and grading them up; one
of these days that and Vine will be
the prettiest streets in town.
The Poison Flv Plate will kill
more rlys, is more convenient, is more
economical than any other Fly Poison.
One plate lasts a whole season. They
can be found at Smith, Black & Co.'s.2
Bennett & Lewis have secured the
agency in this city for the celebrated
Leavenworth "Snow-Flake" Flour, a
strictly fancy winter wheat flour.
Every sack warranted. 1
Find Good Luck, Keno, Trotter and
Lorillard Tobaccos. Also a full line
of smokers' articles of every descrip
tion at SCHLEGEL & NlEMAN'S. 12tf
If the Campaign clubs through
out the County will send us an ac
count of their organization, officers,
&c. we will publish them from each
precinct, and we hope a good Garfield
& Arthur Club will be formed in ev
ery neighborhood that can support one.
Anchovy Paste, Currie Powder,
Picket Olives, Fresh Mackerel, Fresh
Codfish, Spiced Brook Trout and lots
of other nice things at Bennett & Lew
is'. 1
The Helicon Band Leader got a
dollar cr two ahead, got on'a spree, got
on the ca-yars and got up and got, and
the boys mourneth (not for Robinson)
but for missing music, and for the
want of a good, first-class leader; now
that the campaign is coming on, and
the boys are about a stand-off, politi
cally, they hope to "draw" from all
Torch Light Club.
The following was introduced at the
last meeting of the Garfield & Arthur
We, tho undersigned, agree to take
tho number of uniforms set opposite
our respective names, at S1.75; the
uniform to be "Uniform No. 1," as
manufactured by E. F. C. Klokko, of
Chicago, Illinois:
Niun No. Names No.
I. M. Chapman . 4 Will Chambers 1
J. a. MkcMurphy 2 M. McKlwaln 1
Joneph Fairfield 1 E. H. Vf ooley 1
M. U. Murphy 2 K. W. livers 2
It. o. Fellow l A. N. SuIllTan 2
J. W. Jennlng 3 John Buttery 1
T. B. Clark 1 Mc Fairfield 1
J. U. Strode IV. Mullis 1
C. E. Duk9 ': IE. E. Chandler 1
Uil Ilofcba 1 H. L, Wiles 1
8. H. Knoemaker 1 S,C. Green 1
F. H. i'etteuger 1 J.W.Marshall I
H. E. Palmer 1 L. C. Stile 1
H. M. Bushnell -1 It. Kirklny 1
Vf. J, ltawllns . 1 J. W. Sag - 1
J. E. MorrUon 1 James 1'ollock 1
U. V. Mathewg 1 Kasmui l'eterson 1
Ceo. Fairfield 1 1. II. Wheeler 2
G. S. Smith 3 E. M. Buttery 1
The above list ought to, and probably
will be doubled, which will make a fine
The uniforms are described as fol
lows: A sacque coat or "tunic," of blue
enamel (probably oil cloth), scarlet
sash, collar and epaulettes, all trim
med with white; a Zouave cap with a
plume; a flag and staff with a ballot
box torch on top. The lists will be
circulated, "and any one wishing to ob
tain one ef these uniforms will apply
immediately to the committee.
The Executive Committee of the G.
and A. Club met Monday night and ar
ranged plans for the future. It looks
bright boys, all over the Union. Don't
let Cass County be behind either her
Sister counties or in proportion to the
State at large.
One of the very best things the
City ever did in the way of an im
provement, was to clean out those old
bridges on Washington Avenue, where
we turn on to the Platte Valley road.
It's only God's mercy some one hadn't
broken their necks on the old kriss
cross. things before the change.
From every quarter comes tho
glad cry: "Our crops are excellent, so
much better than we expected !" Even
tbe.hailis counted as a blessing in
some quarters, causing the wheat to
stool out and thicken up. The merry
sickle and the rustling sheaves make
music in the pure summer air all the
time. "
' Rounds' Printers' Cabinet of Chi
cago, once more makes its appearance,
filled with its usual amount of inter
esting and instructive reading, nobby
specimens, late styles of type, and the
new "Orient" border, which knocks the
spots off the "Japanese,'" and which
we hope soon to add to our Job de
partment. Mr. Ferree sends us some fine ap
ples as a specimen of what he can do,
one red Astrakan is the finest we have
seen this year, the other an" unnamed
apple is also a large, fair, clear speci
men. Out near Eight Mile Grove the
hail just chawed the apples up and the
fruit will be smaller and gnarled in
Our G. and A. Club met Saturday
night and adopted a Constitution and
By-laws', made arrangements for a
torch light club, and general business
of the Campaign. If anyone thinks
we are not going to make it lively this
fall, they will ba grossly mistaken.
Thb Constitution, &c, will be publish
ed soon in the Herald.
. . .
Every precinct iu the County
ought to form a Garfield and Arthur
Torch-Light Club. All those wishing
to do so, will receive prompt attention
from Mr. E. F. C. Klokke, of Chicago,
111. All ought to order "Uniform No.
1," consisting of sack coat, with sash,
collar, epaulettes, cap and plume.torch
and flag, all trimmed with our Nation
sil colors.
We are sorry to learn from Chap-
Iain Wright, that his daughter, Mrs.
Buell of Blue Rapids, Kansas, is very
low with lung difficulty and has been
ordered to Colorado as a last resort in
the hope of procuring relief. Masters
Ned and Lewis Buell came up to
Plattsmouth yesterday to remain with
their grand parents' during their par
ents absence.
: The Presbyterian lawn sociable at
the residence of Mr. Thos. Pollock, last
Tuesday evening, was largely attended
and enjoyed by the guests. The pleas
ant grounds were well illuminated,
and croquet, swings, hammocks, etc.,
gave means of enjoyment to all. Mr.
and Mrs. Pollock and family, by their
genial welcome and attention to their
guests, made every one feel at home.
The G. A.R. met Tuesday even
ing; adopted Constitution ana I5y
Laws, and provided for new enlist
ments and a larger attendance. Old
Soldiers should remember this organi
zation. Regular meetings 1st and yd
Tuesdays, of each month at Good
Templar's Hall. Applications for
membership made to J. W. Jennings,
That reminds us that "Jim" Weav
er is running, too, for President, and
some people may have immagined it
was our "Jim" Weaver, the temper
ance Carpenter, at least old Jim didn't
deny the soft -impeachment, and we
heard Frye trying to argue it out of
the head of a happy hollow man the
other day, by declaring that "Our Jim"
Weaver is a Gen'I, and not a Carpenter.
The continued high water is de
laying work on the bridge very much.
The track is laid on either side of the
bridge up to the one span wanting, but
the depth of water prevents the driv
ing of temporary piles upon which to
erect the false trestle work necessary
in putting in this last span, and so ev
erything is at a standstill except the
water which still travels along from
the upper regions most provokinglyj
It can't last for evei, however, and re
trust soon to see the snake like train
gliding over the air castle seemingly
hanging in mid air over the old stream
which has so long mocked us with its
impassability but now yields to the
dominant genius of man, and no long
er forbids to pass over.
Table ol Assessor's Returns.
We call attention to our table of
Fersonal property value in the Coun
ty. Please keep your papers. No one
but a printer knows what these tables
cost to get up and arrange. It looks
so small in type and yet it costs sever
al days work for some one, first and
For Trade I
For Cass County property, an im
proved farm in Butler Co.,Neb.,ef 200
acres. Applv to
18t3 R. B. Windham.
" For Sale. ,
Forty (40) acres of Land and a good
Stone house, one (1) mile south west of
Rock Bluffs, for sale. : For particulars
enquire of Thomas Brown. 1815
; Found I -
A folding "Norwalk Lock Co." door
key. The owner can have the same by
calling at this office, giving No. of key,
and paying for this notice. 18tf.
New Goods! New Goods ! ! cw Goods ! !
Bennett & Lewis have just received
a big lot of new goods, comprising a
great many things in Fancy Groceries
not heretofore kept in this town.
d. r. i.
It has been determined to put the
track down to grade, therefore no
driving on the track can. be allowed
for a week or ten days. Notice ' will
be given when it is ready for use again.
Bennett Lewis.
Our new Grocery firm deserve great
credit for their enterprise in furnishing
and keeping a new and superior line
of fine groceries, not usually kept, and
they are receiving their reward, too,
in a good rousing 'first-class trade.
They are liberal advertisers, and seem
to try and use advertising systematic
cally and in a business like way, not
hap-hazard, hit or miss style.
Gen. Beauregard's Book,
"Advance and Retreat," reminiscences
of the lato war by Gen. Hood, (now
dead) lias at last reached us. This
book is now published for the benefit
of tho Orphan children of Gen. Hood,
it being their only patrimony. Be
sides giving much information about
the war from a Southern standpoint,
it is a very readable book generally,
and we hope many persons will sub
scribe for it remembering that they
thus aid the children whose parents
were both swept away by yellow fev
er during its last terrible blast South.
Mr. Showalter, our present District
Clerk has shown himself a carofal, re
liable officer and we desire to givo him
credit therefor. Pper3 left there are
filed, as they should bo with tho cases,
and he has sense enough and justice
enough to see that printer's fees are
charged up and collected with other
costs in a case. and settled before the
case is closed, so we have no more
bother hunting up old cases on which
the fees have been lost, neglected or
left out somehow.
Tho County Surveyor desires us
to notice that it is Garfield, not Fair
field that is running for President. It
seems some of the people down in Lib
erty are making believe it is George
who is running and want him to come
down there and speak to them. They
have bothered the life out of the old
man. so that his level is out of whack,
his compass gone astray and his chain
stretched beyond government limits
entirely. Let up, boys, or well send
Pope Bob, to help Fairfield out.
The funeral of Mike Eagan the
Engineer killed near Naponee, was
largely attended, 150 railroad men
went from here, nearly all the U. P.
shop men turned out, the officers of the
road and others making a very large
procession. He died at his post, and
deserved this last tribute of a people
who respect bravery and performance
of duty above all things. Tho En
gines on the B. & M. were draped in
morning, and the Company furnished
an elegant casket and bore all expen
ses. We were most agreeably surprised
the other day to discover with what
marvelous rapidity Mr. Pollock had
transferred his grounds . into a beauti
ful lawn and flower garden. Although
a beginning was made some years ago
in sodding, etc., the greater portion of
the work, the laying out of beautiful
flower beds and graveled paths and
walks has been done since the remov
al into their newly-built house, and
with the dry weather of the early
Spring to add to the difficulties of the
task. Despite all this they have now
about the handsomest yard in town,
and a model it would be well for many
to follow. A few such handsomely
decorated grounds will help to awaken
our people to the advantage of them
as aids in showing up the prosperity
of our town. Plattsmouth has so many
natural advantages that her citizens
have relied solely upon them, and as a
result but few marks of man's work in
aiding and reinforcing nature are man
ifest; the neatly kept and handsomely
decorated yards are so few as to be al
most countable on one's fingers, and a
general apathy in regard to sudi mat
ters overspreads all.
Honored and Illessed.
When a board of eminent physicians
and chemists announced the discovery
that by combining some wall known
valuable remedies, the most wondir
ful medicine was produced, which
would cure such a wide range of dis
eases that mo?t all other remedies
could be dispensed with, many were
skeptical ; but proof of its merits by
actual trial has dispelled all doubt,
and to-day the discoverers of that great
medicine, Hop Bitters, are honored and
blessed by all as benefactors.
riinrp Improved Hoot BrerPark
rl III LJ se, as VtH. Makes five gallons
if .1 i.l iii. til .jmiI KTurllii". 1 ... v'ii-a i. Ii ril A
come niul temperate. Sold. Cy ilrairui!ts- or sent
lv 111:111 on rtceir.t oi 2- nts. Address, CHA. tv
If IKES. Manufacturer. 215 Market Strtet. Phil
adelphia, Pa. &Ot23
Retnrn of Personal Property for Cass
County, State of Nebraska, for
the Year ISSO.
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Hon. Sam. M. Chapman left for
Lincoln yesterday to attend Supreme
Walter White has been fixing up
and adding to his premises along with
the rest. -
A fellow was trapped the other
day stealing lumber and carpenters'
tooU, and is now in durance vile.
G. & A. Club, South Bend.
The Republicans of South Bend met
at the office of W. L. Wells, on Satur
day evening, July 17, for the purpose
of forming a Garfield and Arthur cam
paign club. The meeting was organiz
ed by the election of II. J. Streight as
temporary President, ana C. N. Jtol-
som as temporary Secretary.
The temporary organization was
made permanent.
Philander aid, G. D. Mattison and
James Crawford were elected Vice
Presidents ; C. V. Hay, Corresponding
Secretary ; R. G. McFarland, Treas'r.
An executive committee, consisting
of seven members, was elected as fol
lows: II. J. Streight, C. N. Folsom, W.
L. Wells, Fred Marsh, John Fountain,
,C. II. Dill, and R. G. McFarland.
A finance committee of five mem
bers was appointed, consisting of R.G.
McFarland, James Crawford, 11. Deck
er. John Cree and W. J. Manley.
A committee of five was appointed
on rules, with instructions to report at
the next meeting of the club, viz: W.
L. Wells, R. G. McFarland, C. V. Hay,
Geo. Hav and C. N. Folsom.
It was decided that the club meet
every Saturday evening, at 7:30 o'clock
at the office of W . L. ells, in South
The Secretaiy wa3 directed to fur
nish the editor of the Herald a copy
of the proceedings of this meeting for
Meeting adjourned tor one weeK.
C. N. Folsom, Sec'y.
Rock Bluffs Notes.
July 20, 1880.
Ed. Herald: Since our last writ
ing a few things have happened here,
which we will mention tins time. Joe
Shera has been fixing up his scales, or
rather Mr. Fitch has for h'm. Mike
Archer's law suit on Monday was al
most a failure, the defendant beiug the
only side appearing.
We had a hop at ike Bates Satur
day evening, which was well attended.
A e were visited last week by a aoc-
tor(?), mind-reader, or something of
the kind ; anyway, he could, or claimed
he could, stand at a distance, look a
person in the eyes and tell how he felt.
what was wrong with him, etc. Some
call him a humbug, while others seem
to think he is all right.
It seems the report has gone out
over the County that the mind-reader
is the doctor who is located here. I his
is a sad mistake. We have a doctor
here, and one who possesses ability, of
which we have a right to be proud.
Dr. Reynolds has had good success, no
far, and we don't hesitate to say he is
the man we need here.
We are to have a pair of law suits
here this evening before Squire Arch
er. Our constable, Thos. Smith, i3 af
flicted with a boil on his arm. Get the
mind-reading doctor to get hold of it.
Tom I Ave noticed Geo. Ilendrickson
and Bert Bohannan making some im
provement in the fences around their
residences, Tuesdav morning. That's
right, George ! Fix 'er up as though
you re going to stay. Jacob Bates re
ports the river as rising since yester
day evening. Captain Jack.
MAHOXEY THAYER At the Catholic
ehurch. on Wednesday. July 2lt. 1S80. Mr. P.
11. Mahonkt and Miss Makv Tiiayek.
WHITE SNYDER At the residence of the
bride's uncle, Mr. W. BeveridKe, iu Platt8-
mouin, on i uecaay, .1 uiy zo, oy liev. j.
A. Oallagher, Mr. (Jko. Whitk and Miss
Alice s ivdek.
Thirty of the best orsan makers of the
World are competitor at the Paris Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Assaciated Prees says
two highest gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
Now open witli new, cheap and
good Boots and Shoes, next door to
Post Office. lOtf
For Sale 7
A fine black horse, six years old, good
roadster, for sale cheap at this office.
The Herald. Detroit, Mich., savs of Warner's
Safe Liver aud Kidney Cure : "Its eflieaev in
kidney, liver and urinary diseases Is so fully
acknowledged that it is not worth the question
ing Bona tide testimonials from well-known
citizens in public and private life are evidences
strong enough to convince the most stubborn
doubter." 8U3
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons w ishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth. 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
No one will be examined except at
the regular examinations ; an J no cer
tijicates froin other Counties will be
E. II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
V e will py Agents a vtiary of fcU4s per xnonib
and expenaeu, or aiiow t&rge commiiou, tofrrll our
nw arid wooderful iarsntiobi. He straw Mai vaw
Weduesdav, July 21. 1S80.
65i6 70
. '. '. '. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2X22H
3 003 25
3 GOCitA 00
40 M)
Wheat. No.2.. ..
Corn, ear
" shelled,
hurley, No. 2
Rye :
Native Cattle...
HiK ,
New'YOKK, July 21, 1580.
Money $1 .033.1 04.
Wheat 1 1J 1 15V4
Rye 4
toru 49 Wt
Oats 44
Chicago, July 21, 180.
$ dull
. . . 80
Hosts, shipuing $4 GOttSl 90
Cattle. " 4 GC54 4 90
Sheep '.. 4 3 bo& 4 75
,1K. K. K. ItEYXOIiU'K,
Cass County, Neb., will attend calls promptly
at all hours. 17m2
Customer "'Why are 'Malt Bitters' so popu
lar? .
Druggist "Because, as a Food Medicine, they
enrich the blood, harden the muscle, quiet
the nerves, perfect digeslian." 1514
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7tf
To Kent.
A new Hotel, with 17 rooms and
cellar. . Enquire of .
4tf F. Ii. GUTnMAN.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
pply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
We have just received a large stock of
new Wedding goods, Invitations, gilt
and plain cards, cards in cases ready
for use and other new goods and styles.
Give us a call now and get your print
ing cheap. 16t3
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover, Louisville,. Nebraska. Htf
Bueklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itheum
Tetter," Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in' every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Smith & Black, Y holesale
and Retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 241y.
Read aud See.
Women's Cloth Shoe3 65c.
M Button Shoes $1 15.
" Fine Leather" M 1 25.
Men's Brogans 1 25.
Misses Leather Shoes 75.
Youths' Genuine Calf 1 25.
Others in proportion. Call and ex
amine, no charge for showing them.
lOtf Peter Merges.
'.The Silent Man"
Is no wiser than he wh has the fore
thought to provide his family with
Brown's Extract Blackberry and
Ginger, the most wonderful remedy
in use for curing Diarrhoea, Dysentery
Cholera Morbus, and all Summer de
rangements of the Stomach and Bow
els. "The Noisy Man"
Is the man who has been rejuvenated
by Brown's Liver Pills. He wants
everybody to know that all druggists
keep them.
The Disappointed Politician
Is less miserable than the man whose
dinner proves too much for him ; and
while there is no hope for the former
the latter may be cured by using
Brown's Pepsin Tonic, the new rem
edy of the west. Try it. All druggists
keep Brown s medicines. J. II. But
tery, Smith. Black & Co., and O. F.
Johnson, Plattsmouth ; John Painter
and Eledge & Co., East Plattsmouth.
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime bv the neck, bushel, or
watron load can be had at the Kiln.
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickelwait & Sharp,
7tt on premises.
Dr. King's California Golden Com
pound. Is a strictly vegetable preparation,
and will positively cure Dyspepsia,
Sick Headache, Acidity of Stomach,
coming up of Food, Pain in pit of
Stomach, Low Spirits, Biliousness,
Constipation. Jaundic, Liver Com
plaint or any affection of the Stomach
or Liver, in the shortest time possible.
1 ou are not asked to buy until you
know what you are getting. There
fore, as you value your existence, do
not fail to go to your Druggist and get a
trial bottleree of charge, which will
Show what a regular ono dollar bottle
will do. Ask for Dr. Kino s Cali
fornia Golden Compound, and take
no other. Sold by Smith & Black,
wholesale and retain, Plattsmouth,
Neb. 27e6wly
How to Make Soap for a Cent a Pound.
. Shave luto small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in three quart of water
until the oap is thoroughly dissolved, so that
upon straining through a sieve nothing re
mainH ; add to the solution or "suds" three
gallons of cold water ; etir briskly for several
minutes to mix. and set it away t cool. Al
though it wilt look like nothing but soapsuds
while warm, a chemical reaction will take place
and iu twenty-four hours' time will develop
forty or fifty iound.s of magnificent and white
soft soap, costiug less thau one cent a pound,
and as good as many oi the adulterated com
pounds called soap, and sold at 7 to 10 cents a
pound. How long would it take for any other
Koap used the same to become anythiuz but
"ftoap-siids?". Any housewife knows that it
cannot be done with any soap she has ever us
ed. See if it can be done with Dobbins Elec
tric. Foi sale by all grocers.
Kkko Bkos., Sole Agents.
4-eowly . Weeping Water, Neb.
Probate Notice.
In the Matter of the Estate of David O.
Shoopinau. deceased.
In the Count Court of Cass Co., Neb.
Upon leading and fating the duly renfled pe
tition of Einiua J. Sbooinnao. praying that ad
ministration of the estate of David O. Shoop
man. deceased, be granted Robert B. Windham
Ordered that notics of the uendencv of said
cause be published m the Nebraska Hkkald,
a weekly newspaper, printed, puuiK-nea ana in
general circulation in said county, for three
consecutive weens, au:i mai me ueuriiig 01
cause be set tr the 6th day or August. A. D
1S80. at 1 o'clock p. in., attheoflice of the Co
Judge, at Plattsmouth. at which time and
place all person interested may appear anil
show cause, if any ihey have, why administra
tion of :ii l estate should not be granted to the
said hobtri b. Windham, according to the
prayer oi sam petition.
A. N. SCLLIVAN. County Jud;e,
Plattsmouth, July 21st, l&o. lU
Trims (CdDHJjWiz
Is Leased to
who will,
With their immense stock of
Basistifiig: of all Prices;
Styles s& BDesigiis.
W. M. UBAII&IEIEa & Dfl.
Are now located lu their
One door west of their old stand, and are prepared to show you the
Best Variety aiid Lowest Prices !
In the following lines :
staple and Fancy HDry oocl$9
Mot iosis, ILadics9 c& Gtofiits9
hats &d oa:fs,
Queensware, Glassware,
Wooden Willow-Ware,
HDi'Ied atd (Canned IFruits I
':.?" !':. Groceries, 'Flour and Provisions.
We Challenge the World,
When we say we believe, we have
evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure is decidedly the best
Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as
it will cure a common or Chronic
Cough in one half the time and re
lieve Asthma, JJrunchitis, Whooping
Cough, Croup, and show more castas of
Consumption cured than all others.
It will cure where they fail, it is pleas
ant to take, harmless to the youngest
child, and we guarantee what we say.
Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and 91.00 If
your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lame, use Shilah's Porous Plaster. Sold
by Smith & Wack.
Do you Believe it.
That in this tewn there are scores
of persons passing our store every day
whose lives are made miserable by In
digestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and distress
ed Stomach, Liver Complaint Consti
pation, when for u cts. we will sell
them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to
cure them. Sold bv Smith & Ulack.i
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth,
and Head Ache, in SI-IILOII'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector
free with eack bottle. Use it if you
desire health, and sweet breath. " Price
25 cts. Sold by Smith & Black.4eowtf
Willliam Stadelmanu )
vs Before M. O'Donohoo,
U. F. Feeer. ) Justice of the i'eace.
U. F. Feezer will take notice that on the 2d
day of July, 18S0. M. O'l onohoe, J. i,of I'latts
motitli Citv l'recinet. County of ('m. and State
of Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for
the sum ol twelve (12) dollars, in an action
pending before him, wherein William
Statlelinann is plaintill. and V. F. Feezer is de
fendant : that property consisting of money due
and payable bj
by the Burlington and .Mixsouri
ltiver ltailroad Company has been attached
under this order. Said was continued for
hearing to the loth day of August, loJ, at 11
o'clock a. m.
W. S. Wise. Attorney. lot5
Notice of Sale Under Chattel
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated en the ltfth day of Jan
uary, A. D. Ihbo. and duly filed and recorded in
the office of the County Clerk of Cass County,
Nebraska, on the IStU day of January, A. I).
lsxo : and executed by George W. Mutz to F. J.
Maldaner. to secure the payment ttl the sum
of 42.90 and upon which there is now due the
sum of $21.65. Default having been made iu
payment of said sum, therefore I will fell the
property there la described, Viz : One deep ird
cow, bix years old ; oue bin&cr sctviug mci.iue ;
one complete kit of carpenter tool, at public
auction, the routh door of the CSmi t House in
the city of riattsmonth. tlasn county, Nebras
ka, ou the 31st day of July, A. D. lseu, at one
o'clock p. in. of said day.
F. J. Mai.daxek, Mortgagee.
By W. S. Wise. Ins Attorney. ltiU
In District Court. Second Judicial Distriet of
N brack a, within and for Cass County.
II. A. Waterman & Son, 1
F. M. Dorrington and
Maria C. Dorrington. J
F. 51. Dorrington and Maria C. Dorrington,
non residents, defendant, will take notice that
II. A. Waterman & Son. a firm cornMitea of
Hiram A. Waterman and John Waterman, of
the County of Cass, in the State of Nebraska,
did on the 25th day of .March, 1H0. file their
petition in the Distr.ct Court of the Second Ju
dicial District of the State of Nebraska, within
and for Caes County, against the said F, M.
D.irrington and his wife, Maria C. Dorrington,
defendants, setting forth that on the 10th day
of February, lxi. said defendants were indebt
ed to the said plainlitfs in sum of one liunlred
and ninety-three and 1G too dollars ( 5iy;t. 10) for
goods, wares, merchandise, building material,
etc., sold ami delivered by said tlaintifls to the
said defendant l their special instance and
request, aud inaii; judgment againrt said
defendants for the sum of one hundred and
mnetv-three and li-loo dollars, with interest
from February 10, tu it the said plaintiffs
did on the "oil: day of March, Ihm), cause to be
issued by the Clerk of said Court an Order of
Attachment, and did cause the following prop
erty of the defendants to be attached, to-wit :
Lots eleven and twelve (11 6: 12), in block sixty
two (02). in the City of riattsuiotith, Cass Co..
Nebraska, for the purpose of having the s;tmt
eold to pay said indei teilness.
And the faid F. M. D.u nut'tnii aiid Mai i . V.
Dorrington are notified tiiat lliey are required
to appear and answer said petition on or be
fore the third Monday after the lth day of
Julv.A. D. 1880, or judgment will be rendered
acaWt tnem. II. A. WAT EltMAN & SON.
Bv SAM M. Chai-man, their Att'y. I4t5
cluriiisr the
h 1)
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The section line road petitioned for by Kd
ward l.odt;e, t coinniciK nig at the Hast
tide and iiiiiiiIuk West lit-tweeu ceriums seven
and eight (7 & s), township ten (Ho, rautre
twelve 1 12), and sections twelve and thirteen
(12 & U). township ten (10), rant;" eleven (111,
CafS County, Nebraska. Thesainn is declared
by tlie C'ouiuy C'oiiiiiiixssioiit-rs an open road,
and all bj--i iniiK t hereto or claims fur iliiin
afs. mut be tiled tu the County clerk's oltice
oil or before noon, on the 1)1 Ii day of Aii-iihI, a.
I. ifso, or such road will be opened without
reference thereto.
m J. D. TUTT, County Clerk.
In Distriet Court, Second Judicial District of
Ncbiaska, within and lor Cass County,
II. A. Watei niaa & Son 1
Isaac N. Darnell. T. 1.
Mullii.ix., and Mrs.
v 11 cox.
To T. 1. Mullinix and Mrs. Wilcox, nart-
tier in I'lattsmouth Steam Ferry Company,
non-residents, defendants. : You and each of
you ae hereby notified that 11. A. Waterman
& Mn, a firm composed of liiram A. W aieriuan
and John Waterman, of rMat'.xniouth, Nebras
ka, on t lie 7th day of January. Ikso, filed their
oetition in the oli'ice of the clerk of the Dis
trict Court, wiMuu and for Cass County, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which is to
obtain a judgment of Haul Court against said
Isaac N. Darnell. T. I'. Mulllni v and Mrs.
Wilcnx, and in favor of said II. A. Watennaa
.t Son, on a certain due bill, executed and de
livered by faid I'lattMiiouth Steam Ferry Com
pauy. dated l'lal IMiioiith, Neb., July 2:iil, 1x7:),
tor the Hiu it t.f three hundred and twelve dol
lars, with interer-t thereon : that the said plain
tiffs did on the 7th day of January, 10, cause
to be issued by the Clerk of said Court an Or
der of Attachment aud Garnishment, Mid did
cause II. D. Morgan to be garnisheed for tho
full amount of tlieir raid claim, for the purposo
Of having him pay into said Court the full
amount of raid indebtedness.
And the said T. 1. Mullinix and Mrs. Wil
cox arc notified that they are required to ap
pear and answer said petit ion ou or before the
third Monday after the l.Uh day of July, lsso,
or judgment will be rendered against them.
fly Sam M. Chapman, their Atty. I4t5
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Kstate of William Deles
Dernier, deceased.
Notice l hereby given to nil persons having
claims against the estate of William DelesDer
nier, deceased, to file the came on or before the
14th dav of January, A. I. 1HM, in the office, of
the County Judge, at l'lalliuouth. Cacs Co.,
Nebraska. A. N. SULLIVAN, Co. judge.
l'laltsmouth. July 13, 18b0, 17t3
Estray Notice.
Taken up as estray by the subscriber, on his
enclosed lands, iu Stove Creek Precinct, C:iss
County, NebJaska, on the second day of July,
ai), a dark brown or black mare, nupposed to
be ten vears of age : said mare is about fifteen
hands high, anu is rather thiu. The owner of
uaid property can have the same by proving
property and paying expenises.
Dated this loth day of July. A. D. fsso.
1715 A. M. FEItGlSON.
Sheriffs Sale.
I'.y virtue of an order of Hale lsued by W. C.
Showaltei. Clerk of the District Court, within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, aud tome di
rected, 1 will on the lltli Cay tif An:;., A. D.,
18.-0. at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, at tho
south door ol the Court House, iu said County,
sell at l'ublic Auction the follow ing lieal Es
tate to-wit : The east half (dVi) of tho south
west tiuarter Isn't) of section twenty J0j tuuu
ship c.eveii (1 1) lange loui teen 1 14) ea I tf tho
Kill p. m. In Ca-s County. Nebraska. The same,
bejnji leyied upon and taken as the property of
John W. Carroll, ut-fendaiit, to satsfy a Judg
ment recovered by . John Carroll, and the sui
plux, U any, to apply on judgment of said Coui t
recovered by J. I. Caee & Co.. l'laiutiils.
K. W. HKitfl.
Sheriff. Cass County. Neb.
I'lattsmouth, Neb., July 14th, A. D. lto. 171.3
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The Beet Ion line road petitioned for by L. II.
Young, et al.. commencing at the quarter sec
tion corner on the routh side of section twenty
four (24). township twelve (12). North ranj;e.
twelve (12). East of the sixth t)th) Principal
Meridian : running thence East on section line
tothe South East corner of said seel ion. Ihe
same Is declared v the Countv Commissioner
au open road, and all objections theielo or
claims lor damages must be Iiled In Me County
Clerk's office on or before noon, on the &th day
of August, A. D. lsj-o, or such road w ill be open
ed without, reference thereto
l7l5 J. D. TLTT, County Clerk.
Attachment Notice.
Guthmanu & Weckbach j
I V. Feezer.
V Before M. O'Dono-
hoe. J. 1.
I. F. Feezer will take notice that on the loth
dav of July. 190. M. t Doii.ilioe, Justice ol the
Peace for Plattsmouth City Precinct. County of
CaH. and State of Nebraska, issued an order of
attachment lor the sum of tveut-uine and dollar t2.73 in an action now pending
.eti!- 'in. wherein GuthiiiHiiu & V eckbacli
; 1 1 i .' is and U. F. Feezer is defendant ;
1 , i ... attache. I beiny money due and
iriyai ie i. the defendant bv the Burlington
and Missouri Kaiiroad Company is attached
under said order. Said cause is coi.t iimed for
hearing to the 2:!d day of August, isso. at 11
o'clock a. 111. GUTUMANN & WECKBACH.
M, A. Uaktioan, Att'y for pltft. 1U4