Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 22, 1880, Image 2

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    The Herald.
National Repican Ticket !
For President,
Of Ohio.
For Vice-President.
Of New York.
The HERALD from July 1, 1880, to
Dec. 1, 1880. Five Months, for
From July 15, 1880, to March 15, 1881,
Eight Months, for
The next ten months will be full of
interesting political events, both of
State and National importance. The
nomination of State and County offi
cers, the elections in October and No
vember, the meeting of the State Leg
islature in January and the inaugura
tion of the President in March.
The Herald will endeavour to sup
ply its readers with data of the above
events, and one portion of it.our coun
ty news, can only be obtained from
home papers.
In order to place this news before
as great a portion of Cass county pop
ulation is possible we offer to all new
subscribers the above rates; the first
offer, to December 1, will give all the
news of thd November elections, and
the second, to March 15, will give the
proceedings of our State Legislature
and the inauguration of the President.
We trust this liberal offer will call to
us many new subscribers, to whom, as
also to our old ones, we will endeavour
to give full satisfaction for moneys
received. tf
The campaign rates on the Inter
Ocean is only 50 cents for six monihs.
Remember the rates ! We will take
subs, for the same. ' tf
Grand Island has a G. & A. club,
200 strong.
Earthquake at Manchester, N. II.,
July 20th. Vte for Garfield and you're
They've got a 500-member Garfield
and Arthur Club at Lincoln, with a
"flambeau" attachment. Hip, hip 1 hur
rah I I
being formed here. We'll English you,
and carom and pocket you, too, boys,
before 1881.
If the party writing from Mt. Pleas
ant, answering "Mt. Pleasant," will
give his or her name, the article will
be published.
Old "Pap" Thomas issued a "Gener
al Order, No. 40," once in Alabama. It
reads very differently from Hancock's
'No. 40," in Louisiana.
The Washington Star is received, in
which our Col. Irish denies he ever
proposed to vote for Hancock, He's a
G. A. It.field man, tooth and toe-nail.
Hancock's letter of acceptance (?)
in the Omaha Republican, last Satur
day, was widely read and commented
on. Nearly every one on the street was
asking: "Have you read Hancock's let
ter, yet?
The Editors of St. Nicholas an
nounce that the August number of
that delightful magazine will not be
ready before the 24th of this month,
but promise a feast f good things
when it does come.
After the State Central Committee
meets on the 28th, at Lincoln, and the
time set is for a State Convention, we
presume our County . Committee will
be called and our County Convention
located. After that the Deluge of
Candidates and things.
We expect you fellows will set round
and let the editor of this paper go down
on the street and buy corn or oats for
his horse?, and pay cash for them, when
you owe him and could bring some as
well as not. The way to do it, is to do
it right now.
The majority of the national com
mittee are in favor of making an ag
gressive campaign in Virginia, West
Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro
lina and Florida. It is believed that
good management and hard work may
secure some of these states. Rep.
It's a Gre ley campaign over again
for the Democrats. It is au attempt to
win with a candidate whose acts have
been in direct contradiction to their
theories, and on a platform whose ev
ery line contradicts absolute democrat
ic history.
Mrs. Ella E. Dickinson contri
butes to the Midsummer Scribner an
account including affidavits, a state
ment from Thurlow Weed, etc. of
the origin of the Mormon Bible, which
it is claimed, was written, in the form
of a novel, by her great-uncle, Rev.
Solomon Spalding. It is said this MS.,
with a few slight changes, was appro
priated by Joseph Smith and his associates.
The Cass County Premium List
For 1880, is now in the hands of the
Secretary, Mr. J.N. Wise.
We hoje every farmer who receives
one, will read it carefully, and show it
to his neighbor, if he happens not to
have one. We als hope that every
farmer, divesting himself or, if it hap
pens to be a farmeress, herself of all
prejudice on account of where the fair
may be held, will began to prepare
something at once for exhibition at
your County Fair.
This is your Fair. Suppose you don't
like all the vfficers, or haven't had ev
ery thine .to please you heretofore. Is
there anything in this world that al
ways goes exactly right for everybody?
A society ef this kind has to work with
the wen they can get to serve, and
these that are handy, or have time ; but
the Fair, the exhibition is yours, farm
ers, and will le just what you make it,
You ca make it a success or a failure
and yeu cannot lav it off on any one
else, or anv other class of citizens, if
you fail.
Cass County, ne of the oldest and
richest counties in the State, and one
of the most productive, should not at
tempt such a farce as her last three
fairs have been. Better close the whole
thing up, abandon the Society, and do
without the semblance of a fair.
Good grounds have been now pro
vided; a nice, cool, elegant grve, good
stalls, etc., will be made, and we hope
to see this County Fair a success.
The Mail route from Ashland to
Neb. City threugh Luella will be
changed Aug. 1st, running to Syracuse
and Leaving Ashland Friday, so as t
get the B. & M. Mail from the East
that day.
Our South Bend Correspondence
says "The bojs here, seem to have or
ganized for good, solid hard work from
now until next November, fully con
fidant of success" That's the way to
do. Follow suit all over the County.
A terrible railroad disaster occur
red on tho Wabash, St. Louis . & Paci
fic It. H. Menday. An excursion train
from Indianapolis to Put In bay, on
returning, left the track on account of
a broken rail. Three card were thrown
off an embankment, wounding twenty
or more people und killing several.
Sam. M. Chapman's brief, in the
case of The City of Plattsraouth vs
John Fitzgerald, is before us. Printed
here, we take time to notice, and Mr.
Chapman makes out a very good case
for his client, and no mistake. We are
very glad we are not a Supreme Court
to decide on this case. As a tax-payer
we don't want to help raise that $3,004 ;
as a man we think the City ought to
make good its "swap" to Fitzgerald.
A call for a National meeting of
Republican Irishmen is out. It is a
gaod thing. There is no reason that
Irishmen, who become Americanized,
should be Democrats. In fact, as the
editor of the Irish World has said, it
is time their vote was divided, and
they be not used as cattle, driven hith
er and yon by one paity who claims
to own them, and has built upon their
prejudices and suspicion" long enough.
Let us have a change. Gentlemen of
the Green Isle, be your own men here
after, and vote as you please !
The Lincoln Globe has interviewed
Jfcdge Cobb en the charge thatMcClel
lan, Hancock and other democratic
Generals proposed to surrender the
Government to Jeff Davis and the
South at one time. A Wisconsin Cor
respondent of the Chicago Tribune
says Cobb knows all about it. The
Democrat denies the charge of course,
the Globe dares the Democrat man to
interview Cobb, and the Omaha Re
publican says that the victorious Vic
tor would rather acknowledge the
corn than intarview the Cobb, it seems.
So much Capital has been attempt
ed by the Democrats on the supposed
ground of Gen. Grant's being huit at
not receiving the nomination, and that
consequently he would support Han
cock that we give this interview from
Denver just as it occurred and hope it
will refute all such slanders:
Denver, Col. July . 18. General
Grant in an interview said: "I can say
without hesitation I will give General
Garfield my hearty support. There is
no reason why any Republican should
not vote for Garfield. I know him to
be a man of talent, thoroughly accom
plished and au upright man. I have
nothing against General Hancock, but
Garfield is the man for the office." He
denied the report that he had com
plained of Conkling and Logan hav
ing deceived him. He had no letter
from either of them, either before or
after the convention, since his return
to America. He said of all men Conk
ling and Logan were the last for him
to find fault with and he felt more
proud of the 312 that stood by him
than if he bad received the nomina
tion by unfair means."
There is every indication that Ne
braska will receive her portion of gov
ernment patronage in case of the elec
tion of Gai field. Brooks, of the Omaha
Republican, would make a good Chi
nese ambassador; Gen. Manderson. of
Omaha, would do honor to the Attorney-generalship;
Rose water would
have forced upon him the Spanish min
istry; Cuddy, the bright journalistic
star at Grand Island, wishes to return
to his native heath in Turkey, and his
appointment would be eminently sat
isfactory ; MacMurphy.of Plattsmouth,
ha not visited Italy since childhood,
is still a master of the language, and
would till the position with honor.
Last, but by no means the least im
portant appointment that the State of
Nebraska is entitled to, is the ministry
to Africa. So far, the northern anj
eastern part of the State have been
provided for, and the ministerial ap
pointment must be made from the
snuth-western portion of the titate.
Hon. Fred. Boehner, of Arapahoe,
would be a fit appointment. He is a
linguist, unapproachable by compari
son; his dialect of the. Negro language
has been acquired after thirty years
hard study, and we fel confident no
better selection could possibly be made.
Republican City Enterprise.
France, man J France is our native
place, you Corkonian, jou
Cass Connty Normal School.
The Cass County Normal Institute.
for the year 1880, will be held at Platts
mouth, commencing on July 26th, and
continuing for four weeks, and five, if
desired by the teachers present.
There will be a first and a Becond
grade class formed, and the work of
each class will embrace a thorough ra
view of all the branches required for
first and second grade certificates re
spectively. The work of the institute will be
made such as to secure the best meth
ods of teaching, as well as a thorough
review of the subjects under consider
tion, and conform as far as practicable
to regular Normal school instruction.
The school at Plattsmouth is now
provided with a full set of botanical,
geographical and physiological charts
and philosophical apparatus, thus giv
ing superior advantage for pursuing
these studies.
Arrangements have been made
whereby one or two lectures on scien
tific and educational subjects will be
given each week, by men who have
made specialties of these subjects.
Able assistance will be rendered by
Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Love, and, if pos
sible the State Superintendent will
hold an examination for State certifi
cates at the close of the Institute.
Teachers will please bring text books
and, if possible, the following list:
Webster's dictionary, Ray's arithmetic
and algebra, Loomis' geometry, Guyot's
geography, Harvey's grammar, Ander
son's history, Parker's or Peck's philo
sophy. Gray's or Wood's botany, Hut
chinson's physiology. McGuffey's read
ers. Mr. Leonard, the Photographer,
has made a very fine picture of "Lady
Mac," our trotting mare, in a sulky,
boy and all, and for a picture of an
animal taken from life it is wonderful
ly true. Everyone knows how hard
it is to take such pictures correctly.
This is the image of the Little Blue
Judge Gaslin is mentioned for U.
S. Senator out West, it seems, We have
the . greatest respect for Gaslin as a
Judge, and think, and have said, be
has done much to strengthen law and
order, and discipline our Courts in his
district. We sort of hoped ho would be
found so useful in his present sphere
that the Senatorship would have no
charms for him.
Gen. Arthur has also written his
letter of acceptance. It is a No. 1 busi
ness letter, short, covering a pood
deal of ground, though, and to the
point every time. In fact, the more we
6ee of our candidates, and the more
they have occasion to appear before
the public, either by letter or other
wise, the better we like them. There
are no long-winded pretensions, no
slopping over, but straightforward
and manly words from both.
On Civil Service, which very many
thought would be a bug-bear to Gener
al Arthur, he has one short paragraph,
as follows:
The resolution referring to the pub
lic service seems to me deserving of
approval. Surely, no man should be the
incumbent of an othce, the duiies of
which he is for a cause unfit to per
form, who is lacking in ability, fidelity
or integrity, which the proper adminis
tration of such office demands. This
sentiment would doubtless meet with
general acquiescence, but opinion has
been evidently divided upon the wis
dotn ana practicability ot the various
reformatory schemes which have been
suggested, and of certain proposed reg
ulations governing appointments to
public office. The efficiency of such
regulations has been distrusted main
ly because they have seeaied to exalt
mere educational and abstract tests
above the general business Capacity,
and even special fitness for the partic
ular work in hand. It seems to me that
the rules which should be applied to
the management of the public service
may be properly conformed in the
main to such as regulate the conduct
of successful private business. Origin
al appointments should be made upon
ascertained fitness. The tenure of of
fice should be stable. Positions of re
sponsibility should, so far as practica
ble, be filled by the promotion of wor
thy and efficient officers. The investi
gation of all complaints and the pun
ishment of all official misconduct
should be prompt and thorough. These
views, which I have long held, repeat
edly declared, and uniformly applied.
when cailed upon to act, I find embod
ied in the resolution, which, of course,
I will add that by the acceptance of
public office, whether high or low, one
does not in my judgment escape any
f his responsibility as a citizen, or
lose or impair any of his rights as a
citizen, and that he should enjoy abso
lute liberty to think and speak and act
in political matters, according to his
own will and conscience, provided on
ly that ho honorably, faithfully and
fully discharges his official duties.
Any good Republican can conscien
tiously subscribe to the above.
Sunlight Notes.
July 1C, 1880.
Ed. Herald: Those fellows that
were so despondent in the Spring begin
to say. "we'll have a crop after all I"
Rye is in stack; spring wheat is almost
ripe, though a smaller acreage than
last year it will yield more per acre;
oats the same; corn everywhere; it is
clean, even, and promises well. The
fruit crop is small; Ave have a variety,
We had a fine shower Tuesday night.
W. B. Arnold's little boy fractured an
arm a short time ago. They say the
Squire rides in a buggy now.
Uncle Iliggins ishappv: it s a girl.
and calls him grand pa. Henry Roelof-
sz s boy is a girl, too.
Mr. 's house was robbed Tues
day of jewelry, watch, etc, Detectives
were set at work, and the thief' was
captured in Seward.
Our summer term of school will soon
be out; Miss Flora Kenaston, teacher.
The Sunlight boys are base-balling
these times.
There was an uncommon stench ob
served hereabouts recently, and upon
examination it was found to proceed
from democratic headquarters, tirant
ammunition spoiled since the Chicago
nominations. A. S. Cooley, of Eagle,
is a Qai-field man. T. N.
4 Fool Once 3Iore.
"For ten years my wife was confined
to her bed with such a complication of
ailments that no doctor could tell
what was the matter or cure her, and
I used up a small fortune in humbug
stuff. Six months ago I saw a U. S.
flag with Hop Bitters on it, and I
thought I would be a fool oace more.
I tried it, but my folly proved to be
wisdom. Two bottles cured her, she is
new tkS well and strong as any man's
wife, and it cost mo only two dollars.
Such folly pays.- H. W7 Detroit, Mich
An Able' Document.
Mentor. O- July 12. Gen Garfield
has forwarded to Senator Hoar of Mass
the following letter of acceptance of
the nomination tendered him by the
Republican national convention.
Dear Sir On the evening of the
8th of June last I hal tne honor to re
ceive from you, in the presence of the
convention of which you are chairman,
the official announcement that the re
publican national convention at Chica
go had nominated me as its candidate
for president of the United States. I
accept the nomination with gratitude
for the confidence it implies and witn
a sense of the responsibility it impos
es. I cordially endorse the principles
set forth in the platform adopted by
the convention. On nearly all the sub
jects of which it treats, my opinions
are on record among the published pro
ceedings of congress.
I venture, however, to make special
mention of some of the principal top
ics which are likelv to become sub
jects of discussion. Without review'
ing the controversies which have been
settled during the last twenty years
and with no purpose or wish to revive
the passions of the late war, it would
be said that while republicans fully
recognize and will strenuously defend
all the rights of the people, and all
rights reserved to the states, they re
ject the principle of state supremecv
which so long crippled the functions
of the national government and atone
time brought the union very near de
struction. They insist that the Uni
ted States
with ample powers of self-preserva
tion, and its constitution and the
laws made in pursuance thereof, are
the supreme law of the land; that the
right of the nation to determine the
method by Which its own legislation
shall be created cannot be surrendered
without abdicating one of the funda
mental powers of the government; that
the national laws relating to the elec
tion of representatives in congress shall
neither be violated nor evaded: that
every elector shall be permitted freely
and without intimidation to cast his
lawful vote at elections, and have it
honestly counted, and that the poten
cy of his vote shall not be lost or de
stroyed oy the fraudulent vote of any
other person. The best thoughts and
energies of our people should be di
rected to those questions of national
well-being in which all have a com
mon interest. Such efforts will soon
est restore to perfect peace those who
were lately in arms against each otlv
er, for justice and good will outlast
passion. But it is certain that the
wounds of war cannot be immediately
healed, and that the spirit of brother
hood cannot fully pervade the whole
country until every citizen, rich or
poor, white or black, is secure in the
free and equal enjoyment of every civ
il and political right guaranteed by the
constitution and the laws. Whenever
the enjoyment of these rights is not
assured discontent will prevail, immi
gration will cease, and the industrial
forces will continue to be disturbed by
the migration ot labor ana tne conse
quent diminution of prosperity.
The national government should ex
ercise all its constitutional authority
to put an end to those evils, for all the
people and all the states are members
of one body, and no member can suffer
without injury to all. The most se
rious evils which now affect the south
arise from the fact that there is not
such freedom and toleration of politi
cal opinion and action thit the minori
tv partv can exercise an effective and
wholesome restraint upon the party in
power. Without such restraint party
rules becomes tyrannical and corrupt,
The prosperity which is made possible
in the south by its great advantages of
soil and climate will never be utilized
until every voter can freely support
any party he pleases. Next in im
portance to freedom and justice is .
without which neither justice nor free
dom can be permanently maintained,
Its interests are entrusted to the States
and to the voluntary action of the peo
ple. Whatever help the nation, can
justly afford should be generously giv
en to aid the states it: supporting com
raon schools but it would be unjust to
our people and dangerous to our insti
tutions to apply any portion of the
revenues of nation or of States to the
support of sectarian schools. The
separation of church and State in
everything relating to taxation should
be maintained.
On the subject of
my views have been so frequently and
lully expressed that little is needed in
the wav of additional statements. The
public debt is now so well secured and
the rate of annual interest lias been
so reduced by refunding that rigid
economy in expenditures and the faith
ful application of oursurplus revenues
to the payment of the principal of the
debt will gradually but certainly free
the people from its burdens, and close
with honor the financial chapter of the
war. At the same time the govern
ment can provide fwr all its ordinary
expenditures and discharge its sacred
obligations to the widows and orphans
of those who fell in its defence. The
resumption of specie payments, which
the republican party courageously and
successfully accomplished, has remov
ed from the field of controversy uiahy
questions that long and seriously dis
turbed the credit of the government
and the business of the country. Our
paper currency is no w as nationalas t he
flag, and resumption has not only made
it everywhere equal to coin, but has
brought into use our store of gold and
silver. The circulating medium is
more abundant than it was before, and
we need only to maintain the quality
of our dollars to insure labor and cap
ital of a value from the use of which
no one can suffer loss. The great pros
perity which the country is now en
joying should not be endangered by
any violent changes or doubtful finan
cial experiments.
In reference to our
custom laws
a policy should bo pursued which will
bring revenue to the treasury and will
enable the laborer and capital employ
ed on our gre2t industries to compete
fairly in our own markets with the
labor and capital of foreign produc
tion. We legislate foi the people of
the United States, not for the whole
tj'orld, and it is our glory that the
American laborer is more intelligent
and better paid than foreign people.
Qur country cannot be independent un
less its people, with their abundant
national resources, possess the requi
site skill ut all times to clothe, arm and
nquip themselves for wr and in time
of peaoe to produce all the necessary
implements of labor. It was the tnan-
fest Intention of the founders of the
government to provide for the com
mon defense, not by standing armies
alone, but by raising among the people
a greater army of artisans whose in
telligence and skill should powerfully
contribute to the safety and glory of
the nation. Fortunately for the inter
ests of commerce, there is no longer
any formidable opposition to appropri
ations for the
improvements of ouu harbors
and great navigable rivers, provided
that the expenditures for that purpose
are strictly limited to works of nation
al importance. The Mississippi river,
with its great tributaries, is of such
vital importance to so many millions
of people that the safety of its naviga
tion requires exceptional consideration.
In order to secure to the nation the
control of its waters, President
Jefferson negotiated the purchase of a
vast territory extending from the Gulf
of Mexico to the Pacihc Ocean. The
wisdom of congress should be invoked
to devise some plan by which that
great river shall cease to be a terror to
those who dwell upon its banks, and
by which its shipping may safely carry
the industrial products of 25,000,000 of
people. The interests of agriculture,
which is the basis of all our material
prosperity and in which seven twelfths
of our people are engaged, as well as
the interests of manufactures and com
merce, demand that the facilities for
cheap transportation shall be increas
ed by the use of all our great water
courses. The material interests of this
country, the traditions of its settle
ment and the sentiments of our people
have led the government to offer the
to emigrants who seek our shores for
happier homes, willing to share the
burdens as well as the benefits of our
society, and intending their prosper!
ty, shall become an indistinguishable
object of our people. The recent
movement of the
to our coast partakes but little of the
qualities of such an emigration either
in its purposes or its results. It is too
much like an importation to be wel
comed without restriction, too much
like an invasion to be looked upon
without solicitude. We cannot consent
to allow any form of servile labor to be
introduced among us under the guise
ot immigration. Recognizing the
gravity of this subject the present ad
ministration, supported by congress.
has sent to China a commission of dis
tinguished citizens for the purpose of
seeming sucn a mouincation of the
existing treaty as will prevent the
evils likely to arise from the present
situation. It is confidently believed
that these diplomatic negotiations will
be successful without the loss of com
mercial intercourse between the pow
ers, which promises a great increase ot
reciprocal trade and enlargement of
our markets. If these efforts fail, it
will be .the dutv of congress to miti
gate the evils already felt, and prevent
their increase, by such restrictions as
without violence and injustice will
place upon a sure foundation the peace
of our communities and the freedom
and the dignity of laoor. The
to the various executive and judicial
officers of the government, is perhaps
the most difficult of all theduties which
the constitution has heaped upon the
executive. The convention wisely de
mands that congress shall co-operate
with the executive departments in
placing the civil service on a better
basis. Experience has proved that
with our frequent changes of ad
ministration, no system of reform can
be made effective and permanent with
out the aid of legislation. Appoint
ments to tne military and naval service
are so regulated by law and custom
as to havs little ground for complaint,
It may not be wise to make similar
regulations by law for the civil ser
vice, but without invading the au
thority or necessary discretion of the
Executive, congress should devise a
method that will determine the term
of office and greatly reduce the uncer
tainty which make that service so in
convenient and unsatisfactory.. With-
ut depriving any officer of his right
as a citizen, the government should re
quire him to discharge all his official
duties with intelligence, efficiency and
faithfulness. To select wisely from
our vast population those who are
best fitted for the many offices to be
filled, requires an acquaintance far be
yond the range of any one man. The
Executive should therefore seek and
receive assistance ot those whoso
knowledge of the communities in
which the duties are to be performed
lest qualities.
The doctrines announced by the
Chicago convention are not the tem
porary :fevice of a party to attract
votes and carry an election. They
are the deliberate convictions result
ing from a careful study of the spirit
cf our institutions, the events or our
history, and the best impulses of our
people. In my judgment these princi
ples should control the legislation and
administration of tho government.
In any event that will guide my con
duct until experience points a better
way. If elected, it'wul be my purpose
to enforce strict obedience to the con
titution and the laws, and to promote
the interests and hquor of the whole
country, rejying for support upon the
wisdom of Congress, the intelligence
and patriotism of the people, and the
favor of God,
With great respect, I am, very truly
yours, i&ignea.j
The Full and Accurate Census Returns
of Cass Connty,- as copied from
the Official Record.
Greenwood. .
ialt Creek. ..
Mt. Pleasant 5G4
Liberty 1281
Rock Bluffs
Elm wood ....
Platts. Prec.
Platts. City.
Stove Creek.
8 Mile Grove
South Bend.
W'p'g Water
Total..,, 16,718
Our Temperance Column.
"For God. and Home, and Native Land."
The Pnblic Library
Is now kept in the office of Will S.
W ise, and will be open for the loaning
and exchange of books every Wednes
day and .Saturday afternoon, from 1 to
do clock, and on Saturday evenings.
from 7 to 9. 44tf
Little Drops.
Little drops cf claret.
Now and then, at first,
Form an awful habit.
And a dreadful thirst.
Little drinks of 1-ager,
Little cups of al.
Make the biggest guzzltr
Xever knew it fail.
Little kegs of whisky.
Often brought from town.
Make a mau a monkey.
Or a illy clown.
Little drop of brandy,
Little drops of ry.
Make the mighty toper
And the rummy eys.
Lord Derby on on the Coffee-Hoose
Tho coffee-house movement in Eng
land has secured the aid and co-opera-
tion of many distinguished citizens
among whom is Lord Derby. At a re
cent annual meeting of a Coffee "Tav
ern Company" in London he was one
of the speakers. Commenting upon
the financial report, from which it ap
pears that a net profit of eleven per
cent, has been realized by the company
the past year, Lord Derby said:
In Liverpool which with its im
mense seafaring population, and that
other kind of population which, an
luckily, is never far off where sailors
come ashore, has an unfortunate repu
tation in the matter of sobriety a
Coffee house Company has been set up
which is, or very lately was, so prosper
ous that when, by way of giving it a
lift, I wrote to apply for a few shares,
I found that I was asking a favor rath
er than offering one the shares were
all bought up and at a high premium
In Manchester and other places I hear
of similar success, and I think this, at
least, may be taken for granted, that
there is a real public want to be
plied, and that therefore these
cerns ought net to fail except
consequence of mismanagement.
as a
It is
a common thing to hear people say
when they are arguing against the
ideas of Sir. W. Lawson and his friends
'I am all for temperance, but I am
against temperance on compulsion.'
Well. I rather lean to that view of
things myself, but there is another
side to the question which, perhaps,
we don't consider enough that in our
great towns you are often to have in
temperance on compulsion. There are
thousands of shops where intoxicants
are sold, but till lately there were few
or none where a thirsty man could get
a cheap cup of anything that would
not make him drunk. There is a great
deal of talk in connection with this
subject about local option.
Well, we are not only for lo
cal but for personal option, in this
sense : that we want everybody to have
what he has not now a free choice as
to whether he prefers stimulants or
non-stimulants as part of his daily con
sumption. As matters are, the work-
ingman's choice now very often is,
drink beer or go dry; and knowing, as
we all do, the extent to which excess
in drink prevails, we think that the
least which society can undertake (I
don't say that it is the most which
it should undertake) is to give a man
a chance of being temperate without
making himself exceptionally uncom
fortable. I fully believe that for
every one man who has taken to swill
ing of his own free and deliberate
choice, two or three, or possibly a
much larger proportion, have been
driven into it by example, by the in
fluence of social habits, or by the fact
that a good fire, a warm room, com
pany, and refreshment were not to be
had without the accompaniment of
liquor. It would seem as if a move
ment like this interfering with no
body's freedom, meddling with no man
who wishes to be left alone ought to
meet with little if any opposition. But
don't let us flatter ourselves into any
such sanguine delusion. As yet it is
not big enough to have made enemies,
but if it succeeds as the co-operative
stores have succeeded (and I don't
see why it should not), it will be met
with an opposition as vehement, as b;t-
ter, and in the end as futile as that
which the co-operators have had to en- j
counter. And all the better that it
should be so. We don't expect to win
without a fight. I recollect once hear
ing two M. P.s talking over a speech
which had been lately delivered in the
House of Commons 'That was a tell
ing speech of bo-ana-bos, on9 said
Well, I don't know,' the other answer
ed ; 'I don't think that it made anybody
very angry. And so, depend upon it,
a reform which makes nobody angry,
which provokes no jealousy and ex
cites no criticism, is not generally one
of a verv effective character."
Mrs.Gov. Colquitt does not permit
wine in the Executive Mansion. All
honor to the noble few high places,
standing up for the right. Their
brow should be encircled with the lau
rel wreath of victory victory for the
right oyer public opinions and customs
Colorado Springs, Colorado Terri
tory, is 6,000 feet above the sea. has
l.uuu lnnaoicants, ,uuu trees ana not a
saloon. Each inhabitant has a tree
for himself or herself, when life with
out a saloon can't be endured any long
Queen City Suspender Company of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing
and introducing their new Stocking
supporters for Ladies and Children
and their unequaled Skirt Suspenders
for Ladies. None should be without
them; our leading physicians recom
mend them, and are loud in their
praise. This manufacturing establish
ment is managed by ladies who have
made the wants of ladies and children
a study, and they ask us to refer them
to some reliable and energetic lady to
introduce them in this county, and
we certainly think that an earnest so
licitation in every household would
meet with a ready response, and that a
determined woman could make a hand
some salary and have the exclusive
agency for this county. We advise
some lady who is need of employment
to send a postal card to the company,
With her name and address, and men
tion this paper. Addres Queen City
Suspender Company, Xos. 147 & 149
West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, 0. 16t4
Piano Stools.
Any one wishing a stool will do
well to call at Jos. Schlater's Jewelry
Store, where they can be found in
abundance. 15t4 James I'ettee, Agt.
over the Brick Block next tc
II, Boeck's.
A compete ! butiorM bub inaca
ceaot la Iho t. S. Ut aril Lb
To uc mB, with rood rf or , we furaiah ite tal frro.
give trrm that will larr m worker over $ll Bioath.
HUrcM 1ST &X ATIOX AL MB. iU, fioi 22, fct, Lc, Mo.
Stool. Rook & Music,
boxed & shipped. only
S85. New l'iaoos. i toSl.iu.O. tMidf uinmcr
offer Iil'et'd Iree, Address Daniel F. JSeatty,
Washington, N, J. 15U
Agents wanted for Smith'h Uiv.i.k Piction
akv ami
Address, for Circulars, A. J. Holman iS; Co.,
114 Rroadway. New York,
buy Purchase Money Mortgages well secured
upon Country Keal Kstate ut the very bet
ed Blood. Weak Lime. Kidnevs, and
Urinaiy organs. Consumption, Emaciation,
Mental ana rnysicai cxnaustiou. weucaie re
males. Nursing Mothers, sickly Children, and
Debility f Ae. MALT HITTKitS are warrant
ed more Nourishing. Strengthening, Vitalizing
and f urifying hy reason of tlieii richness in
Bone and Muscle Producing Material than all
other forms of malt or medicine, while free from
the objectior.8 urped apraitmt malt liquors. Pre
pared Iv the MALT H1TTKKS CO.. from I7;i-
femtented Malt and Ifnim. Hold everywhere,
.... A I T DTTTCUa ti ....,., Kf..u
ijll iviai.a. i J & 4 a Citiu v-v., xwst.iiis, mass.
If you would regain health, strtngth jind energy
vi r iio v t ti nri; wlTo ri 1 1 iT; 7
try Beach's Improved Electric Sponge Hel t ,
which we will send on trial. Agents wanted,
Address W. C. Beach. St. John, Michigan lGmU
Wagon, Buggy,' Machine ami Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
uiidiiii tuu ouirr iiiHciiinery, as mere
is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon shop.
He is well known as a
Sew Wagons and Hiissiea made to
Shop on Hlxth street opposite Strelght's Stable
' bItters"
r . .re mark
Bill AH $ MI h MAI !v
The Old
We show the largest and best delected stock of
Boots9 S!es5 HEats, (Daps,
and Millinery Gj3$1n5
Real Genuine Barqains!
. This Season in every department.
We will IDuplieaie aiad HMu
count all IPrice JLils
toy 1 per cent.
Call at the Philadelphia Store, make your Purchases,
and you will bo happy. '
gJo)- fed-
& g
All Indorse It.
The Recorder, Amerieti. s:iy : "Clerks,
Senators, Representative, Doctors, Lawyers,
Citizens, In public and privatw life, are testify
ing by the thousands, and over their own ig
natnres, that a remedy has been found for
Kright's Disease of tho Kidneys and for Dia
betes j those are respectively known as War
ner's Safe Kidnevand Liver Cure and Warner's
Mate Diabetes l ure." htl.l
Wholesale and Ketall Dealers in
Man. street. Comer of Fifth.
Still Better Rates for Lumber
Harness Manufacturers,
and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on
Repairing of all Kinds !
And Satisfiiction (Juarunteed.
:Ketnemler the place, Opposite Henry
Boeck's Furniture Store, on Lower Main Street,
l'lattsmouth. Neb.
J. E. Cunningham,
aptr nankins;, lialaomlnlngr,
draining and (blazing,
A specialty. AIfo a first class
Piano & Organ Finisher.
tfWoiild say to the people of Ptattumouth,
that I fully
A share of the patronage is solicited. Orders
will receive prompt attention.
First class Lodging Rooms.
First Class Boarding.
Cood Sample Room
Ever) thing und every comfort
A Good Hotel caiigFuriiish
Also, Good Wines, Good Beer, Good Liquors.
Good lemonade. Good Cigem.
Kept at the City Hotel.
lily FRED. GOOS. Proprietor.
dealer in
SHattjjM, Clocks, $efailqr,
.Sita Ware, Toys, Pictnrcs,
Musical Instruments and
Particular attention paid to nil kinds of Fine
Main, near Fourth Street, iCirO
P1.1TTS3IOLTII, - - M:il.
Reliable !