THE HERALD f &- e it AFfCHCLS,SHEPARD & CO. Battle CroeKIcli. EtbiUhJ ORICINAL AND ONLY CENUINE TVIT AD HUMOR t,okp.T-ria cr,s Eiit:ii1i " Heaven Called him." tt is a sickly sentiment that advices youn doctors to have p itiemre. A Philadelphia antiquarian who married a voting widow says she is the most interesting relict he ha3 ever found. The woman caught in a shower with her new bonnet and no umbrella can never he persuaded that rain was need ed. A lady for the first time listening to the ''till small voice" of a telephone, remarked, '"(tool gracious it sounds like one's conscience." A husband telegraphed to his wife : "What have you for breakfast, and how is the baby?" The answer came : "Breakfast cakes and the measles." A lady being asked how old sire was replied was married at IS ; my hus band was then 30. Now he is twice ns old that makes me twice 18. I'm 3G." The world is always interested to know the last words of a man. It doesn't cam so much about those of a woman. She has her last word all through life.' "I should like to see somebody ab duct me," said Mrs. Smith, at the breakfast table the other morning, "ll'm! so should I. my dear, so should I," said Mr. Smith, "with exceeding earnestness. A man gets into trouble by marrying two wive. If he marries only onu he may have trouble: and sonvi m'ii have conic to sure tribulation by simply promising to marry one. Trouble any how. Apropos of n lines. Fir-t swell : "I never did like 'May,' not nearly so pretty as 'Marv ;' wonder they don't change the nanie of the month to 'Mary.'" Second swell : "Clevaw ideaw, bah Jove! make awstaws good to June, you know." A woman in New York accidentally went to church with two bonnets on her head one stuck inide the other and the other women in tin; congrega tionalmostdiedof envy. They thought it was anew kind of bonnet, au.1 too sweet for au thinz. Madame, who is of great embon point, asks her Im'sbaud in what char acter she shall attend t lie m isqueradc. "As a captive balloon," he said. "How must I dress that character?"' "Sim ply by tying a string to your foot!" answered the brute. A lady says tint a woman, in choos ing a loer, considers a good deal more how the man will he regarded by other women, than whether she loves hini herself. Some women may; but the men they smile upon will be regarded bv other women us jolly green to be taken in by them. A woman rushc I into the Pawtucket (it. I.) lieu library a few days ago and earnestly requested the librarian to se lect for her an interesting 11 jvel, as her husban.l was not expected to live un til morning, and she wanted something entertaining to occupy her mill I. A Scotchman in llrechin, al ter hav ing pent a year or two in the inirried st it ", had the misfortune to his wife. No s oner was he bereft of the purtner of his cares than he consoled hiin-elf with a review of his worldly eircunisl:iii':es. "I hail,"' said he, "but one shilling in " my pocket when I was married ; and now that my wife is dead, 1 have ninepence, so that I have only lot threepence." Stalwart Athlete I was at school with your brother. Did he ever hap pen to mention me to you! Fair Wrangler from (lirton Xo ; but when I was a little girl I used to see your name on the college books, you know. It was always the last of the form, and you were live feet eleven when you were only in the lower fourth, and measured eighteen inches round the calf of the leg. (They dance, fall in love with each other, marry, and live happy ever after. ,. -a. The Hallways of Loudon. A London paper states that the rails used by the companies within a radius of G miles of Charing Cross would form a single line from London, a distance of 750 miles. This estimate does not include the rails in bays and sidings, but it includes all double, treble, or quadruple tracks. Leaving all dupli cate lines aside, the increditable num ber of 2G0 miles of railway is in daily operation in the Metropolitan district. Thirteen different companies hold sway not including the East London, whose line is worked by another company. There are also six: short lines, varying from 4 .miles to 1 mile in length, owned and worked by the companies jointly. The Brighton Company owns the greatest mileage in the metropolis 27 miles. It is closely run by the Great Eastern with 32. Then comes the London Southwestern with f;7 : the London, Chatham and Dover and Northwestern follow with 2t each. So far as using the lines are concern ed, the London and Northwestern ruii over more than one-fourth of the whole metropolitan system. The trains of this great company u-e the lines of five other companies, practieflly adding 4t miles to their own system. The (Jreat Northern has running power? over the lines of six companies, em bracing 3j miles. If there be a Id -1 to this astonishing system of locomotion the 70 miles of tramways now open, the omnibuses whiclijceaely traverse the metropolis from one end to the other, the thousands of cabs, tiie pas sengers steamers which ply ou the liver the magnitude of the means daily employed by the people of Lou don in getting from one part of the "New Babylon"' to another will strike the observant' mind. With all this vast t runic the injuries to life and limb save in the ca.-es of street accidents, art comparatively few. With trains liv ing above ground and underground, over complicated points and through crowded junction-;, collisions seldon. occur and seldom result in loss of life. During last year twelve persons in the U. S. and Europe gave- an aggre gate of $3,000 to the cau-e of foreign missions. University of Nebraska. Open to both sexes. Fall term be gins Sept. 7: ends, December 24. Win ter Tel "ii begins Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1SS 1 : ends, March 17. Spring Term begins March 28, and ends June 14. Tuition fuketo all. Board may be obtained at S3 a week. The new Ladies' IIa.ll furnishes pleasant rooms for seventy ladies. Bent 50 cents a week; each room being fnrnisLed with a large closet, bedstead, chairs, table, wood-box and washstand: ladies providing their own beds and bed ding. A Musical Conservatory has been es tablished, which will open with tie Fall Term Tnitioe s?30 a year. EV uien ary '.-,; ,':.:s : r-' tit . For Catalogues and Circulars givirg all farther information, send to E. B. Faikhkld, Chancellor. Lincoln, Neb., June 22, 180. 1513 Millions of Mothers expsess their de light over Castoria. It is nature's remedy for assimilating tho food. Unlike Cas tor Oil, it is pleasant to take, and uclike Morphine Syrups, it is harmless. Castoria regulates the Bowels, destroys Worms, Cnres Sour Curd and Wind Colic. and allays Feverishness. What civts health to the Child, promutes rest for the Mother. Children Cry fr Pitch er's Castoria. It is the most reliable, effective and popular article dispensed hy Druggist. Since Healing remedies have Leon used, by SUFFERING MAN has there been knoTm ?arli nliroluto Pain relieving agents as tho CJentaur iniments. They soothe, heal, and cure. They II HA L Cm-. AVounl. i:ill, OM-Miri .-, I!ro-ken-brea-ts and .-'ore Nip k?: CI'RH Iai: i;i the ! -k. Ith-uuinti.ui. Scia tica, Lumbago, Xi liral.-ia. Iir-Aehe, Tetter. Pimples. Iirh. Fait I'.heum. and all Kloyh. Hone riul Mu.-i-i..- ailments 'f Animals : Sl'ISIU'I-; Ii'ilatiim .ition i'li'l i-Kirit's l'cluii'.rii or. .' .ro'i lirnut. llrmif liiiN. 'roup -i'u: v : i:XTi:A(T i'ain fr.ioi lair:.:-. ::ea;.ts .StintfS. Frost-bite?, Sprain und V.ruises The experience of centuries ha." iii::tl the CENTAUR Liniments, the most speedy and ifh-otivc curative agents for MAN and BEAST the world hai ever known. The Centaur LliMIiVIENTS hare relieved more lied-rirtdcu Crip ples ; healed more frightful wounds, and saved more -jilTiaMo aniiiifiJ' t .ian all other liniment', ointments, o'i'.f, extract plasters and -called "pain :!! is '' and "skin cures" combined. Physicians and Yct'riu:ir.v ."'me t ns in dorse the Contar.r !?.r.!irc : mil", en of nt(n, women and ehil lrtn in ;.'! onr.r.trl-s use tllfcDl, l Jioo( ki pel 2".: vtriors. Planters. 'I'rsvc'.i v.- l.ivr? r.. Y- .:io-t-rs and ?t .eWr..iIs, arc 'heir !rn--. T!.e are c1cr.ii. :ir' SitKuy. '! ' v p. a., they rsIinVIr. T U i. . i-o" -. , 1 ; !.- r.:i.i?, or ! viate. sr.!),!:;; . ..r cur.- :' .. THE IIABITA' 1'. for 50 ft - iid '- i ..:ti. - -. H.VV. AVER & SON ADVERTISING AGENTS b Jino PHILADELPHIA ior.thrstnut and Klehtlt Sts Aflvrtisomin(i fVP thffl PftiWT at Lowest Cash Rates Lb I I IVlrt I CO free fbr Newimiuvr AdTertlslisr. Send 25C. for AY ER &SON S MANUAL Gi:oi(n: edgehton. Wines, Liquors AND CIGABS: . Main Street, opposite the Court House. This place is just opened, new, good goods of all kinds. We v;iiit to keepa good house and il'ae our eutoiners. REMEMBER THIS. 91y. J. F. BAUT1EISTER Kmni-!ie FrCsli, Pure Milk, .Special calls atterited to. and Freeh Milk from same eou f iirnislied when wanted. 4! ' NEW HARDWARE STORE, J. S. DUKE Has just opened an entire new stock of liard- a iv, on Nf.t door west of Chapnian & Smith's Ini Store. A Full Line of ; SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES ana ALL HARDEN TOOLS. NA TLX, NAILS. NAILS, hy the Ke or l'oiiwl RORE, POWDER. SHOT, (,'RIND STO V WHEEL-BARROWS. ' A Full Line of CI'TI.KltV. Special Rates- tc Guilders and Cv trac')s. All goods soldf. is lov s-they osibly can bt junl live. 4lv 7i Wr&VS?l?r&pr.-, 8 t CU S K F? Cr- cJT is ii t; c BEST THRESHER OH WHEELS Is not n. Vibrator nor an Apron ItTarbin. Is wonderfully ximplfl end admirably perfwt in ita thrtvdiiutf and petaratin qualiues. Kavefi all tte icnun, and cleans it ready fur market. Klin easily, u constructed dumbly, U lininntd l-autif ully. is the most economical, l,ast erin fcive. and uinwt Hat isfaelory inaelilne In 111 market. Vill handle wet grain aa well as dry. liaH noeqnal in thresuinsr flax and timothy, threfh. and cleaniinr both as well and nearly as rapidly a whesU. and requires no chanire except the mevea. Has trwre uar feet of irparating cjd rlrnning nr. 0iie that any other snarAt'n made, and can not b orrrlwtrd. 1 both over- an1 under-blant Our I.OVKR Ul'I.I,IN(i ATTACHMENT 1 new aud very diwimbJa. Doea the work more rapidly and better Uian au exelumveiy Uuiluitf Machine. SKFAHATORS of tho rarioua sizes Ji'ttd for S' or Hvrmm I'otrrr, aa ,Hred. An Improved Pitt Power, an Improved Woodbury Power, and the 1.1 ward i:iuul izintr Power, all mounted on fonr wlieelv. are manufactured by ua, ami are not turpaueti by any in Ih mutrket. JV are alto ri)red to furnlnh firnt-cloaia Portuble Lniue with our tk-paratora. Per Price-Lbft and Circulars, address SEVMC JR, SABIN & CO. Manufacturers, Stillwater, Minn. Excelsior Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, One door west of f-o'oiiioiiJ.tJNatha'nV Store, ZKIZES- CTTTTIICTG, S II A V I X G A X D SHAMl'OUIN V, Especial attention given to '. TJXG ' UlLDf'EN'S AND LA DIES" HAIR. ALL AND SEE BOONE, GENTS, And tret a boon In a CLEAU SHAVE MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, HORSE .SHOEING, AND WAGOX KEEAIRIXQ All kinds of KATIM IMPLEMENTS tnenjed Neatly d- Promplp. :0 Horse, 31ule& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that ha? four feet, front u Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. jsrurw shop li Filth between Main ani Vine Streets, ust across ie corner from the new IJEKAI. okkick. loy Going East, TAKK Till: P"9t ' r. FT ' NO CHANGING CARS ) ki:.,m ( OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY or PLATTSMGUTH to CHICAGO, Where diieet eonneelioits are made. with Through Sleeping Car Lines TO NEW YOKK. HOSTOV. PM 1 1.AI KI.1'11I A. EAllIMOHE. WASHINGTON. AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. TJLeSltorLI.ina V.a PEORIA for'OUS. I.OUISVIIA.K. CIXCIX NATl. a nd all iiinl in the SOUTHEAST. THK BKKT I.IXt-. KOiS ST. LOUIS, Where lireet 'onnect ions are made in tbe I'NION lEl't)T with 'lhi-oii;li Sleeping Car Lines for oil points MOl'TII. The Shortest, Speediest and most Comfortable via HANNIBAL tj Ft. SCOTT, DKXISOX, DALLAS. HOUSTUX A CSTIX, SA X A XTOXIO, OA L VLSTOX, an all ixiints in TEXAS. ruilcii.'ii li;-Wh-cl I'alat-f Slccpint; Cais. '.. II. S: (.. falac,' liraw init-lloom Cat. Willi lloil'.n's I'l-i-liiiin Cbaifs No Evtra Clt:Mj:f for Scat-, in lclintn i h:iiis. The fatuous C, ii. & i. I'aiaitf l;iniii4'ai. East Time, Steel Kail Track ami Superior Equipment eomliiued with tlieirfVmit Tlmimih Arrmmiini nt, makes thi, above all others, the favorite Koute to the KAST, MOI'TII ok noi.tii.kaht. TUV IT, anl;oti w 1 1 1 ii nd T J A V E LI N ( i d Lux iirySinstead of a JJiseomlort. All iitfonntitioH about Hates of Fare, Sleep ing Car At'coiiiimidatiotis, and Time Tables, will be cheerfully iveti by applying to James It. lVood, OenerarEassener g't, Chieao. V.W. S.111TII. Trallie Manager. I- JLSSP-' I An entirely NrwinJ jKmtively rticft.v -"i'3 J kemcdf for the t-r ir ai d irrnutt cure of Seminal Emiasiona and Icnpotc:nv t- iti-- true Vkj, Tit-, ltrct AppitcftUoa w um priaca trt f ti ajc. i um of tLe ttmmdj u aiu(ll wttb no w Jo cB loUrfr with tb rtia&ry puruK of !. Ihi tauU ! Urtmtit u to4 tbe tml La Trf mtin ciM, and mow prbHMiooril iwri. T I" r g M DOoaenM abotil It.w prrmUM3. tract icriUiO tit j'.mt w l-atftlT fuaraaue that H H pe perfect itu.'aiU. It is e'it bj tb Medical truftuio:! ie be Ue mot rtieaal isaa vrt 4-K-tr crcil at nacbuc cuxiof UuJ prrrilcat trout TL lUtnrd ' rit it MH Ui rf Un min. f ('... nt! 1. . C I ...,t 3Wt panM i.r, m tair; h- 2 (:! e Mtmm --''" .U Ht unia- oa rnuci fM t h mrtt cams), f .'. taM fcj -mmi ( sLttxZmi trU PiM.Utta Ai.W.. 1 I !-. .. W-S mffl ftmcm Um Mil ikiti'ii thM l-r r td ! -''-'1 HWiL. 1 mA tut d.tln ml Lf. ItlM M if mBoet-l. f Ui' ) HARRIS REMEDY CO. MJF'Q CMEWi'CT:'' , 3l&rLCI una mn Pirwi. r x. i m.ot uu. I iiKolirlteil testimony t thr Flfilfnm Ji'i. MtnrriM iSftitittfti. E'tSKtit fer .c 4 rum J,t?ttrf rrvi ftt ffnni i'tti jh : Ir(Jian. K't ntfi, lfc7i. I he rrme '.y ia n'kn:; perfect. llavi jilrjt' trom wrilnri', f -r r r 1 A. Chlrar. Ane. 14, I am thar"uI.W c:r- tcA t p lop, 1'htf yuuag nr In ihf fmm'ry i rrttirtt Writer. Missouri, Sept. ttt, IS79. I rrct ivrd nmuch t-mrftt ftri vk itf jour rentediei tbat 1 h nl lu Irv ti.cni m i .n t . i htfl i of Iug !i"l;nr, r'l w-i'l r-M ! f?uug vtr t'jui ;. M cb., Jan. 25, IH7S. I have tw l u; y-.r rr-rrf i r:nt( -J p.e 3D"lhrr a n a "E it-t; (! all ar parent lronbl. l-' l ti.rr-- a . '-.- - I vr.ifc jot ffoui rrrT" l"f f"f "r I'nra,Oft. 10th, 19. I am ahn.l irl-r-.- ' - f t.!!ci, 1 i-.rr t-3e .rk? I a c t-m i' r. I . .v icj ai much uf a man as I j l - I.-'.: i. I " ' - r-e of titc rnv, I irtftuJit, an ! i.. t . i t.r ; lor tut i.uf I (I'M m ror- m f ,f "It if-MIL. W"Mt Vircinia, A1-. 2-, K'.. I r-'rirr I T-trf !rJ"tp.r'' I le'trTe it ha cu'ri m-J. f r ri irii I - r H. .i.kf j.'rsse Im-i S "'. l-,r w ! i i't r 1- ' i . J f-vr a itir'A. - u ha tt- ..-- a frt at tti. lut i-. . til c-aJ you alt -r or ':-! I JVoim ft J7ijyrrffri ht M: ui . J-- f Jtri. isTf. 1 im- f r - . . : . " I -1 .f i'ir I aVi!!.... The ir: t -n v. !'-rt 1 i w t . c L.- n aJiition t a imt tr x i I -t i . rvc....: . . I t :.jr 1 1 ' ,; .''"".J''' MlL'" 'i on tt frntfrifis-t. M.rylin .. St. A -Tat. I a? J . . r..' liox of rrti.r !v, fur 1 ',:r ;f !':'. 1 - ' j .ricclfurcof lii.n. We (:..::. -rCT it i -r It. ji in the ane tv .v, ai 1 h i-'i-h th '.-' V A . ..... :w U,d- '.-. . . .. . ' -.. !e l"l 1. 1 v ., ... i. I. -ii. t.riiV;.T2 VtDICALADVIfEH" t t i-J... t:-. ;.Cj.:. 'UL1Ity, t f.n -i i . N r ' ' . I !.-: fkl,IllM- ... 4 b ;.,!' .! fti . t ! n- !... it.-., i. v ar- r...-. -i. i f. !-..-' ' "t- M f- '''t riv ., . . llt.I. - 1 . --t. !-., ' -". 1 r; ? :3 !I:r.::i tT?ii:;;i. :Cc ' . 4 " T" I -j V.t )rl. l j lllil .'I liltt- S '- ; V ' i JaJ" ' 1 r k. I Iff e. " "t .."' "T- ".jt". - fi ij a::J t ItO . t c ., , f v - 1;.-- u J ;!. 'y l c- i: i 1 , . V - " it V : i 1 i-' 'J'r i'i' k fltri t i -it .. v i i - c .- ii -fi k ), ;-. .; .- . , ... ....; i- . -., .. u t t.iv: ..f ' ' " J".f .. . ..." ( i i-..rt ,? "J ' " ! t ' " (-: ' '" it i ' . ,1 - .7. ft i .... . .t - - - . ' - - t ' ' - - ,'! , t T , .1. i. t f ! , f ' i- it ilii i i.- i ,.',( . V- It- .u- . . , ..'.. . i.ia. : . .... -- :-. -'-iv:.';-- DR. BUTTS' DB IriiUisleilSi; it 12 X. Sib Stmt, ST. LCH3, W. THE Phyicio i. char ot thit olJ od well koowi tiltion r regular r.duat.t in mrdine nd lurgerr. I.ars .f tiurirKf is (he lretB.rit ! Chrwtlc Imw " "' thir tkill aod ability to much utrinr la that of th. ordinary Braxtition.r, thai tta.y ha acquired a aauaaal rc j utatiua throorh their treatment of eomi.liclrdae INDISCRETION or EXPOSURE ryj; JJ55JIIlBlIminIIThea, Olert, fclrlrlure, UrrUllh ail Iriur, Trouble, aud Sjnille or rr.H.l aflrctiont ot lh tbrMl, Un or boae treled ith auccesa, o. acie.tihc priur eicle. wuhout iitmf Mercunr or other fmtoooua Medicme.. Yntllir M P M thnu of middle ace wh ar. tur OXJTtfyXn ltritf (rnB the tHcrl , Sporaaalor1. rZTiTrtTm.u.l n,una, the re.ult of aelf-.buae id jouth or race" in matured tear, are rrB.anenlljr cured. 1 l.n ctli eaie produce w of the followmj effrctt rmifiora. tlMc., illinea. Mrrouaneaa, dimnea. of airM. cuuih, n.dijeio, ec c.tipali".. lepoiidenc. confual,.. of !e. aeriun lo ao. cietr delectire otemorr, aexual elhat.tiun. impoleocr or wla ot o.i.!e riror. which or fin thr vienm f -r or mama.. PATIENTS TREATED K,' fJSSK fCTvltat C. (.u i (.relrrrr.l, wt.ivt. I FREE ltt mt. Lut of que-tinn to r antvwerri hr palcit denru.j Uat ... nri.i ir in ihi a Mrr vD tu l.f ai i"n. rrraeaa tiffrnif rrm auyiar noit rn isrir inniT, m mm4 learn acarliiNC I Im-i r i4tmitKff, It ir. tt. I a tru.r L un. mi. UK Ji -!" ii.fl'v J i.M i 'riicJ Jilt. Ill I T 1 N-rtk iU M., St- 11 a. Fk fj i : r " ' ' ' E EwliaoVty st. inula, ji.. a PaTUTC WANTED for th Be.t axi raateH ft ULrt I O fKtorial Boo: and Bible.. Price f reduced.33 lr ct. National Fubtuh e Co., St. Louli, Mo. . i t a i, w - -s. mm V 7 M. fe ... James Pettke de.vm;u in IYIusical Instruments, iS'ttti .1 o t if A yen t for Th I'm-! vmIIimI .llawoii aV llaiulin CM HI NET ORGANS. ANn St;tt' Ai:-iit fur tin' Henry 1' i il'cr ;mtl V. t'. Kiim-i-oii I'o. I'i.'iims. SA MI'LI-: I X.STIJ UM KXTS at ollk'e. Sixtli. one door soutli of Main St. rLATTSMOl'TH. NKI5. .Itisir sdiolui'S Will do well to examine our Xew 3Iason & Hamlin OEGAJSE UnTSTBUCTOB NEW BRICK YARD. I am 'oin to MAEIE BRICK, this sp: inir ami want to MAKE Til EM CHEAP, that poo).!.,' ran !uiM UTtlCK llOCShS 1XSTKAI) OF FliAME. I .shall contract ami Build BRICK Houses, the eoniing year ami vvt nUl like tlits't Intending to Unilil to give me a fall hefore looking elscw hciv- JKUIaV HAHTMAX. At my place on V ashintoii Avenue or at V. S. WhiteV Store on Main Street, riattsinotith, Xelnaska. " 45in. IJ ew Firm ! JOINKS & A(i.M:Hr, at tlie Brick Livery Stable I'l.ATTs.MoiTH, - - nkhuaska. The old llonner Staliles. in J'Uitt-inoiitli. are now leased Ity Jones & Aiinew. and thev have on hand New and handsome accommodations, in the shape of HORDES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SADDLE HORSES. We are prepared to keep HORSES FOR SALE s TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On lieasonitble Terms. ALSO KESIGMKEi:, That with plenty of room (that every one know we have; it. on I t able, we can jiet. -"arm-ei' t-toek 1 1 1 1 wagons, loads of hay, ci.e., under eover, wl.eie tliey wnl keep tlry. rii.u.:.l :ii the old paii'oiis lor llii-ii lil.eral t v.we .so:ieit tiieil tr::de tortile fntine. ati.slicd th it ve can aceoinitirnlate them better and do belter bv them than ever before. oOly JOXES & AGXKW WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer in our coons, cloths'. HldANKET.S. FEAXXELS, FUUXISIIIXCi (JOOI).A -:o: GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. I.aiK' stock of BOOTS and SHOES to bp CLOSED OUT AT COST Notions, Queens ware, and in fact everything you can cull Tor in the line of General Merchandise. CAS 1 1 I'.Uli I'Olt 1IIHKS AM) Kl'KS. All kinds of country t ici! n in e. liaice for poods. 5 OLD Ar:D RELIABLE, f Tjt Si 1 V l.'r.I 1 T.IVTM TvfT ' T'y-. Tf Jiat ti Standard Ea;uiiy I?UtJy for awlini'tis-.'s of the Liver, SUmiach ?i.4 0anl Bowels. It in Purely T at ViTt.tnllt Tt lidvor l .-o-- , S Vii A3 aS"' 'PC3.! I lovigoratorj en usedj practices ''lur more tliau 33 years.2 -'' v ith uuprecedentl reeiilta.J SCND FOR CIRCULAR. J i -. rir,U, M.J,, mew YORK CITS t. ....... n ILLTtLI. TOf ITS nEITTaTIO.1. Jj ar r- ra CalP EJ . -a. 'Ucbihtates It is "HUM fj 5 iCatliai-tic and . 5 fLj.i,' t 5 jTonic. ifllpJt J X Waa 5 VW f vJv p- ri6v S - O a.-'r n M H H 51 If. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THS SEE BY EXAMINING K'.lt- Miriin .-pT. I I 1 I. ' t ,j...a.T.. Ny J:.i-it I f'S f-ISSt S ..llSv'ri i :l I t I. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS TIIE GREAT COXXIXTINW I.IXTi ta main line runs from 4 liii :iL'o to ..i;n.'il Bluffs, pafsiim tlirouuii Joiiet. I.tti. v;i, 1. 1 s.. I.-, Cieneseo. Moline, Itot L Islatij. l)a,.iiiport. t Liberty. Iowa t lty.S'.nreii.i. l:r.,L'vn. .ti:i:.-l I. L)e Moines (llie capital ot Imaa-, Smart. Atlan tic, atlil Avoch ; with bram-ttt'H from .liitiuu Junction to l'euriu : Wilton Juc ii-.u to M. tine. WaatiintEton, tairtlclit. Khlou. H. I1.1. . CentreTille, l'riticetiin. Trt'iilin. tiulliittn. 1 ;o... -Ton, Leavenworili. Anliisoii anil Kaunas Chv; Vaiihitiutoii to, oUitloosa. ami K i, Tille; Keokut to i-aruiin:toii. Ilonttpui t. . i..M: tonsport. Independent. Ell..n. ittn;i. ;.. t;.:.i ville.Obkalocinii. t'ella. Mt.nroo. an! !. Moit..-; S'ewton to Monroe: l!i Moines 10 l:i.ii:ii.o!:i :::i.t Vintcrset; Atlantic to Lewis aa l AiiIiii. :i; :,ii.l Aroca to tlurlun. 'lliu is positively tuy ..lov Kailroad, which owns, nml op.-imii-s a i!o.ii;:!i line (root Chicuno Into the M.'tc f Uatisa. Throucu Exprefs I'nsseiver '! : ar:. with !'al'. man I'alace Cars attache-!, are run ,-n-!j vay t::uly between Chicago and I'fuiaA. Kansas i'ii v. COUKCIL BLITr-FS, Lt: A V KX VVult T II a:cl ATl'Il BOS. Tbroutin cars tire also 1 an pet we.. n Mi! v. :n. kee and Kannns l itT, tiu the -.MilnaitKce uml Rock Island Short Line." The "Urent Rock llatrl Is ni.-n-'nittcontly quipped. Ita road bc1 is Miuply Krti?-t. ut,4i its track is laid with steel rails. Wbat will please you moot will lie the pleasure Ct enjoyinff your nn;Hls. while tasin: over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and Iowa, in one of our maKDiHcent Uinlnu Cars that accompany till Through Express Trains. You pet au enure meal, as erod as is served in uny Unit-class hotel. forseTentT-nve cents. Appreciating the tact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartments tor different purposes tauu lue liuiutrusv iJasacuKir iiuaiut-aa Vil. I.n. varrMtitlm, it I wa.iru .il.'u...1 In ill.. Bounce that this Company runs I'ullmnn Pulnre Mlctpina Cart for sleeping purposes, and l'alace PFM.MAX PALACE CAICJ arr- run thi-ouirh to PEORIA, DEM MOINES, rnrvMi. MI.Tn.-FM. AVmvm ( I I'V. ATI 1IIMIV. and LEAT WORTH. Tickets vlal this Line, known a the il Ticket AatcBta In the t uiteu sint For Information not obtuinutilw ul JL. IUMBALL. i;nn'l Hunerintendent- S87.SO ' CEIL D. E. CHILD, A O o o H o (4 rM W 5. O o o xfl w o M t I r. a O U 2 "3 p-t . o o STYLE IESCTtTPTIOf. xtilslxa tine Cottit'i "r '.01. Two full sts (irrmls. niiu- sioi.s. (iruiul orrli.n.r ( II AftJ. (HlliANs.-i- 1. v rmn'hia. Siit..l:iv-S(-ho,.ls. r.. i'or s.l.-n.l..i i XOSta Wliife w inv din-in t.-ir iui lo imiwrir,! ttte all-lmporuuit rrtiiiixi -. I this tl,. k. th- i Worth, howevi-r l.-iir Lli . i.-nor. UV 'h .it..: t-.i CASH TKK.Mh -He - :1 I u..-. " -.t f pleaaed, to p.'iy for wi i hi n nvi.liy-. li h.i1-:, . t o: pleased. I will :iv tin- :r i -:;t . !. :( I: .m r tICKUIl' '1 KIlMv. -U.-WI.I ...- i - r-i.i :..r--to anv nurlv w hw owns i.-l -';i t- th .1. -n ,.-i- five lime oil the nioai 1. i ;.., nfti'. ? Have not UiO utnoiirit oi r--. Oive the n.tuie and 1. i i.t :i--v o. k. .. t. k -.. SPvMUW,WUOClaUIVeollllUeilJ-oU. SK'uatuf t.l,-ul:il , BATES & KOHNKE. ew Carpenter Shop on Main Street, Coiner of 7th. BUILDERSCONTRACTORS GENERAL' WORKMEN In the Carpenter line. i3) C -. t -- 5. 5 cs 2 CD O 3 CO -n e ' s t P a T 2 3 (J5 p -- ' 3 3 -i tn t T NEW FIRM. JSTZEW GOO DS ! I J NO. HONS & SON, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At O. iuthuiiin's old store. A FI LL LINK OF Staple and Fancy Groceries, NKW AND riM-'SII. BREAD STUFFS, of every description. Choice ami Fancy Candies and all kinds of Canned Goods. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, of iiie best brands. CHRISTMAS TO IS. dC, dt, in endless quantities. Fresh IS read Daily. Don't fail to Call. SSiy J. LONi & .SOX, Props. CFOCR4PHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL THIS MAP. THAT THE . ii Mlj.,.j,i.. i.t-HA Jti'tt IJETWEEN THE EAST & TIIE WEST i .ir li.r i",.t;n: t.urpofesomy. .nomrr Kii nt f.vttu'.' of oi:r Pulace I'ars is a SMOKINtr ;..:.o.'N l.,-r' n.ti can uiijoy your "llavaua" : t , oi 1 :. .:av. .i.."oi!u-i 1.1 lio.i loi.-'s span the Mississippi an t .'.ti-soiiri rivers: 1 nil Hitnt crossed by tui 01. . :o. 1 trausti rs arc uvoitlea ut t ouncn muni. l.a.i-:;- itv. Luuvi av. . ,rtli. and Atchison, cou- ii.-, -ti mi Iicimu taadf in l.'iuon Depots. Till: I'KIN. li'.M. K. It. CONNECTION'S OF Tlil t:Ui;A 'UiKUltili Li.Mli AlttSi A3 1 111 1 i 1 v A 1 v ;i 1 a.;o uitli all diverging Hues for tbe .' .,lllll. ..1 ::.,.,i.i imiii. mill the 1 S. A M. S., and P., 1 : - VI 1 : 1 1 , .iiiNu-iti lltiunrs, witn tr., v;. et si. !.. 1:. -V 1 i A t 1 I V : I. A . I.- : . 1 . i- o. ,-l f-pnf Tt Tr i 1 . ii !; .;i.:.: .0. K !-!. . : li.-rt I..t. A v l. rt.i 1 ii:; r.'x .1 ; 1. I. E.; I. B. X -1. : ! t W. ltds. v.uli "Milwaukee ft Rock ' ai.d lttM-k Isl d k i'eo. Kda. -...ia the Davenport Division c. . : t i. 1 At v,":r i.iun;i v. with thelt.. C.R.& N.R.R. . ; : it 1 ." M.1.1.. w 11 h t eutral Iowa K. it. A. lo.s .Moi.-.i.s wuli I). M. '. 1. It. R i At i him 11. lii.fras. with Union Pacific R. R. A: ti.i.oiA. wnli K. Mo. It. it. R. in Neb.) I At' i,i.f.Miif.-Jl-NCTHiN,witUil..C. K. N. R.R. I At ot'Tt'MWA. with eutral lu.a H. K. ; W, St l .Vl I'ar. and C. It. AO. It. Itda. At iabOKi'K, w ith Tol., I'eo. ii. War.: Wab., St. Louis . I'iic. and St. U, Keo. i N.-W. K. Has. At I AMFHOX. witn M . t. J t It. At Atchison, with A tcli.. Topeka ft Santa Fet Atch. .S: Neb. nnd ( en. Hr. U. r. K. Kill. At i.F.AVi xwuiiru. witn Kan. fac, ana kta. - PtMlt. It. KllM. i At Kansas city, with all lines for the West : and Southwest. "tlrrat Kuck Island Koute," are sold by and . nnuoia. your tiouic ti ofHce, address, iC. .TO UN". aien'l Tkt. and l'ass'i.T Act.. CUicuuo, ILL S 8 7.50 ORGAN, DAYTON, OHIO. 0 U tc a- IS MS f 2 p sr g S I- o U 2 3 2. 5 5 . 112. h iving !t fino tone, nml (he lw"t stop-aotlnn In uaa. ,v... iniisti; r,'iver. sliding cover, veneered panels. linl i.ivinna. IjHi k tiinsheU like trout, fur JXHltfe ii 'iie.. we ever Ix'ur In mind that tbe Tone Ml 10 ..r mi t,.' lU'lii'ieiu. the t list rutuuut is of UlU r. :io -,; i!i(.-o..'i,.i'i.f K, e lone. r ..i,siM .:ii-'y for tlioui to examine, and If . i or... -T i'.. order, or expVeas. or, if not ,-:-.l to in4. lv.- ;noti hs i-nitlt. with S per cent interest, i ..vr huh nit iminrances. we win ais t t :,',,.oti s in-r cent Interest, to Uiose whs a a, -lory evidence or rcriponsiniiiiy. . . tii.-e.. - . r:u. muMi-r oi tr.inye louse, or jusuco 0 A .I..I. -.-L U. 1-;. (.'II trX), Ufij ton, Ohio. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in STOVES, m imx ssi "m.m." a. sm k KTC, ETC., ETC. One Door East of the Post-OMcn. rinttsmouth. aM'lliasKa, : o : rractical 'Workern in SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN. . BRA- ZIERV,d;.,tXf:. Large assortment of Haul aim Soft Tumps, Gass Pipes and Fittings. COAL Wood anil Coal Stoves for IIEATIX(J OH (OOKIMi, Always on Hanrf. itvery variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, and Zinc vorK, Kept in Htoek. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done tin Short Notice. t&rEVERYTMXO WAUUA XT Kit ! iDfi I'ltK-KS A IU,V. SAGE ROS. O. F. JOHNSON, DFAl.Kli IN Drugs Medicines, WALL PAPER. All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND La I es t P iibl ica 1 i o n s . lrM4-riitiiiiM Carefully 'om jound C bj an Kxperieiirfd Irnsrrist. i:emi;mi:hi; tiu; i i.ack (ith S T. DOORS SO UTII OF MA IN rLtnsMtinii. neii. s " "'"M"'!. 'jt aL I I " lor -3 t-iiXJ" " " ?&iu.:;".'3 1 . t - 'if.' -j- : :f " it.1 AStOnlShlncIy Duiabfe n! vomltrntty impt.yii U-HK half the n-unl frrf juid belt. PORTABLE, TRACTION, and STRAW -BURNING STEAM-ENCINE9, with flcUI iV n tun ia of Powr, Unmlnl.ty, Satfrv. Krnmv, and ltnuty eiiimIy tin!&unwn in thr S(tnin I'owor OntHt mid Slcnm- I'owr St'liiinilaM it .pn in U y, bmr nr. f s pnxtor, truia bix lo lwilvi h.nH p .wor; nU) 1w ntvlt'ri I iiirovc(l AlomiU'd ilor- I'owrrM. Thirty-Two Years of Prosoerous and Continuous Business iy thm Uoums. without chance vi inuiw, ifcniion, tir nuui:iiv;.iiiiu . n.riiiMu s a h.r;u iruarmne for suirior pc and hu.rM dnniir.;. PAIITiniJI Ttie w.ii! rrul u.w- u t iM.:i:iaritr of UriU I lis II a ur VnmiT.-n Mri..n -n Im-t drin Btttcaiue i our fkmau i HICH0LS, SHXPAKD & CO.. Cattle Creek. Mich Lo ui wail: hT,' vari-ui irnvk.-r. ro iio.r ut tnui.t- T -Z&Z .:T' '- i J-u huihl mnd altu oil Ituvriur aoi inoimn-l iu.itaiiviu of . JS-J:V. .--.r"".'.1 .''. '. 'J '. r-- civ BE NOT DECEIVED it LJ lAtk: ! MlASS by aoeh raerimnlM and wortlilrw marhlnrrr. If u tur j. tf- -----T'." s . iw- i., --.' ZiZmW al r t lb Orlcliml" in I t I.,.,ul,-" Ir.m'i u.. ;5V2--f3-.C , A QTor full ,urll,-il,ir. rail on our ilral.r,. or ilio ,JPj:,K 6 ( I 'law i i-Jr to UM f,,r lltUHtrftt'l lr.-u!:iri,. hi. h mr. ninil fr,-. - aV.J 1 - i-nrfJ . mm 1 sV. -w "TJIK HAEYILLE T0CK FAH3I," ....AT.... - ii.siio.v, iioovr, cor,TY, cr. id. "vLisriDoiEasr, im-opv. ESSEX SWINE. w .. I A ..i. ..:.. i..... r.. .....ii.. ii- .. . . .. t- mm .i h i , in. n-c n h in m. i n j can thus iii.itc jiiM fur luvi-iliiiK, ;inl w :iii:mt One to two months olJ each, or $L'." por pr Fiva " seven " " " " ir5 " ' X..rt-'.. --Hn- arT i-i 1Ut.4ote NUMBER 27, FOR 1080. Please observe that cur Pi ice List, No. 27, fop Spring and Summer 1 800r and illustrated Gun List are now rea dy. It is embellished with ovsr 1,200 illustrations, and con tains prices, with descriptions, of over 10,003 articles, useful and ornamental, such as Dry CcoJs, Notions, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Saddles, Harness, Crockery, Ciaclts, Watches and Jewel ry, Musical Instruments. Guns anJ Acccuterments, Groceries, &c, &c, all of wiioh wa effer lo the consumer only at wholesale prices, in any quantities to cuii the requirements of the purchaser. The only house in America who make this their special and exclusi 2 Imineis. Fricc Lists, Order Blanks, and Samples of Piesa Goods SEriTFncEto any address upon application. We are the Pioneers of iliiu plan of direct dealing with the consj uer, HAViNr CfJulMA i'E'Q ihe system in 1872. minwcivnvxY iybd & co.f ill : :J.i WW-VW AViMK, CHICAGO, III REFEREfXL Th-. Tirst .A.o i r.r.;-.k, CJucayo. HUBB4H : C5 63 A. G. HATT Jir.SX UI'ICNKII AGAIN, New, Ch an, First Class Meat SJtop, o Maiji Street foriifr of nth. IlattsmnutU tveryiiouy on hand lor iresh, tenuer meat. n DAV GUARANTEED us-ing out VS WELL AUGER & DRILL lirritory. Endorsed by Governors ot'lOWA, ARKANSAS & DAKOTA C17 St. Charles Street. St. Louis, Mo. A rt-cuitir y raiinatf t't"o Mn! ica! CV1 :'(.'( , hnt bt-rn lunger a i" tt.c tM-aiiiu nt toj Vi-ncreai. bexum Itud tht(uicl;.;;is('8 Uian m.r o!hfr Phj ninan in Si, lxiut. city rnH r e.toiu rrtiO HU know. lTrnin- or Ktinture. nil Urinftrv DisQrj.fR nril BynUilitic or A:et'rui-i'l e -ticna of tiao Throat o k. i u or lit u - y. tare irf;uej mi unpaU-Biu-ira auccew. breruiatori Kt-ximl debility and I m po tency, mn tin' r'ti!t ot St-if-AbuM iu youth, w-xual rx eef nt iiiaturcr yt-ati, or otii r wiisf, and m hk h prrxiuca Stiiif t t!i Joliow iit ll. tit : i.- rv.ajiricsi, eiiiiuuJ rntit liuin, !.' biiity, d.niDcs ut eilit, drtW-tive innKKy, pimple on the lure, piiy-m-al ilt-ruy. uv r-ioti tj njtM-ty ot fVinalff, conttis.on of id-Hi, lof tifa. ki.ul p-iWcr, rrnJriii)( UiarriiiKe in; proper or ULnury. ere ierntuiiitiy eurt-il. Coiiu.'tuiiuii at oHi r, or by moil fric, and invited, Whttti it it iin'oiji-cit.t ia to i-ii tlte city tr tr4-tii)nk, medicinr ran Ik- i nt Ly mail or rxpr. i vrry wiu-re. ( ur abifcas,p f usranS-4-tJ, In it- d utf -it-Jt i J fratikiy ctutf U rixziun icr kg.-, i - ac : i;r v. .xen. i lues : W C 3 -E, ITT 'i u.. OI IV3ARREAGE I pIHFs. fine s ninnr PLATES. J MUILIt.1 jLjeuiLt ciotn ana put rnnaintz. fceaiea ror &Oc, in io still'- or riirTTKy, vr liny wopafrfiit ptr.-picturci. Irna to lift: aitii-.e on tho to i. iiiir iiliif'ta ii v no may .arry. ho not. hv. JH:uiJ; 'niai)hood. I'hyairal decay. Vho -'u!'l nuiiry: I 1 it-uiitl may be invreniu-d. '1 it l'liv-ii.i-v if It -proflmtu.n. md many more. l'ho nifniti --r -it. :p.ti i injc mar riaife should rrauit.tnrn a-it iiimut im a mt v. funutMr litU)n- Miueu abov-, but pu;T i-o i r. :) Pug-!". 26 ni by mail. in mnnry or p"';i;v. "hafK-t tf'd ifindrin An .rut. PRESCRIPTION FREE 1 or the ipeeiiy cure oi Seiniiial V.'(l.t.fs, J-o-.t lni hortl, 1 retnature IJk biiity. Ni-rvm t. I) -f p;tti.J. i-r. .MttunKn f I. lea. A viToii t Sc: ty. I'.l.;ivr Mmhi.iv, hi ! f.i; liiswirda-rs Lrotrl ton Lv .---.. ' t !;ibt:- nmt 1L - , . dTlHi-t baa tl.r iniriMinits Aiii.ri .i I- . ' -. V r. J. A !,.ri .. I ! IJ. ' T- rr I ! oj .-r. "I . r I t-r. I' S. ....L ... I ' . - III i.liu f -! ' li. ,'.-- ,-. .fi : .. i; .....1. I .-.,- f, I.,r ..... . Iu!.l:.iirv, &i I'lne Mm t. ST. I. Jsl . NOT FA It. fo sn rn.( l.if t r :1 L-J i t-4 ii-irf.- ii,-.ri . - v-TaM i ;.' I'.ii.h ,f fviTV- wtih iv-r 1 A coiup-tti.t bui:i- ti.aa iiiearb - a a - w c..tii.iy m i.e c. i- m.i ido .1 fs ft.. a BaUaa ' . . a. .iin.iv m i;e 1 Tij s.1-. i:.r. wi'L r-oJ reb-reB, e fi.rbiu ii.c outut irrr. ami rive tfc-rii that will a workrr orr f im a anal lw AUn iMi.ttaf tUAAi. riu.iunaili mo. s9 CSV Jl aV liiWIITTIEE Threshing Machinery and Portable and Traction Engines. r'ifr c t ai n s --. , . . - ft'rt'.t'h'iti stiff II MATCHLESS Crin Time-KaTinK. Per- fft "liininjf, K ipt t unl Thrtutjh Wnrk. INCOMPARABLE in tj t.Utvt1 Matr;n1.VrVWs4m nf t'l.rtj. 1 h'fn,,jh WorkiiuinHhip, MUyunt k'xiumXk, and tffiuty ,f MiMll't. MARVELOUS fr mmtJa ujmtUt work in n wf f t.rmn.nud uMinim. km ma a I h only nnrrffsful 'rtir.-lir in Flux. Timothy, t 'tovt-r. ami till tithr S.i oil r. an m ihi 1 1 1 mi M il i llc l llll.o 1:11 Kins : Wei -v-i y pijj pure , i.i n.i s:ilt ; t o to tlnve months old sjo i-adi r;!5 per pi Vouuy; Sows luil mo to m'.o. " v i - - V- NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Or an Old Stable lu new hands entirely. Th New I'iiin of IH)lvMi;s A: DIX0X, OjM-n 1 lie ili ST HEIGHT BARN, on the Curiu r of i.lli anil Trail Slircts- with ik New Livery Outfit. ;ooi iioi:si:s am ;akima(;ks at m 1 iuif. irnitsLs Full, lumsKA nor out Axn sold, nii:sh;s kf.i'T ny Tin: day on wffk. Call and sr- II()LMI-:s& DIXON'. WMMfflMMMM 1 a monthly, K)0-pai7-j Srrap liook of t h cream of .he WrlJ Literature. .Siiik.u vpyt '&z., or $r yar. An Oil ('hromn inehc of " Vtiiiit Valicy,' rric, J?.',; lilack Khf ," a flMi hh, id paper liirulinK; "Christian Oak Ivy a Mi.tak." a $& iKxjk, in psp-r binding, and a Kamplti cipy of "Wood i HotisehoUl AJaKaxme ' all for only 'JO iwuta ia money, or in ono-cent poKtae HtampH. AKfuttt wanU'tl. Mip t iht:ral term, but not hiitK nl lre. AiitirebttS.K.Wooil 'Vribunt Uuj.diutf, .Now VfllCltv ' FAMILY SOAP MAKER: iH cs ?,: criir. iure. (I'lUCIlfCil.) FrXKI.Y I'OWCMitlll. ijk.iixy ri:i:Ft'.m:n. T.,i arnnsi-vf inr ,r I.- i r 'r. v. i'l rial..-1.. ...i-i,,. . , f ,:.! U . l- i ! ll-i J Sa I.i i ai i.. i :nu h wiil-.onr l-iil;.ii.-, T'li- i i t vtM l .f.:)i(ri-.;r J.- 'X I !..! I . -t ili-i(ii, f :n (. ! 'j l.;';iv..iiT ar.t ..'no of 1;i (!-,-", '--u,ii.a i,y u-ujrf U.' US ivo 1 o.-i.fC a tt .-"irsl. It !- .a-T-f 1 ir- u .-,n ' :. -.-..- -.... ..... - . . ,.. V , , . - .- li aa.'in ta t; ... '. ,nu iv. ,...' "ft ' -i r (froji; iti:? s -' -'' f'-'i I I.I Hi-: Mitii.t tiO j.-. K(l Urf '.'.viii i", v. . i-aii i i. ..ivi- iha fr it I an ' I ' ii ..i.t u . tin- i.. ii. , 'J4! Tli'nl. A t n--' ia'l f.r n '.r- -! . Cts i.. . .. i ... . i. i r. .i t., ,i i- til'-f' i-y tn.i I-. ! r ..'lit. Wirli i.lh' r i:IJ m:i t t .. :..-l-. tt uuco u.i.l n -! I.i u i t'a. v"- lli at."".!! i. .V.r fr"' ial . r.i'....;jr Fifth. Tho Jvrt S.,i ij i-. uuu.v ia fnt, v, t4 twtrity i.iimt. -. '.vitu ,L.n I . ' " Sixth. No fj.w:,! i- In ;-.' U:i, i.vii v,li;a L.o m. i-.ri ,i.r..r . . 7 are f.,i:.v. X - Sovrnili. Oi onn cf fiW , t, S'hI'I1 10 t'Ct'l' I"'141--'' ' t .1 a4- ' -ail1.. ' I-.iChtb. Ono ram T l'::a T w t-iuu l iiK.njuf aox-a: '!i : t . , . r Ly'j llall i'r.t;ir.ii. ! i .i .!., Niiuh. Tl:n t . , ''IlCI- i;v titli-r I.S'o i r ; ..i . Tont'i. iiv.'i t t s j tul . tho Im-rt 't :-. ' ' i:iovonlli. t:o t Jivaiualila f r !;ii.. Ilia UxA aruclo lo.- ; . ., lIAVmf.Tfi;::.' - G.T.Lewis o r .t-I li -:i!c l.v I." II. liOVKV V SON. CUTH-. -MN it W -."K liAC I!. I". . UIIUK. HUCl ws I. i;.m.k ii o, lieu u-ir in ut-i.erai. , 1