Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 15, 1880, Image 3

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    The Herald.
I n; A ! . ADT IlKTISKM knts.
I"r m-'.Mii. i' cents : line. Ueular advertls
. Iii i' ; .i ! line. No adverlisciuvnt insert
i i t i- less I .i.iii i'i i.i.
!.-:.' ii -fi'-- at Statilt-e rate.
.-. . .. . . I ic; of the law w ill be ncld
...I hMal notices Miry hand ill,
nil i !,:.; l. -in uhIiiu": a proof of publica
.1 ...... c w ill be ,ihl lor tut) wu'.ilica-
loii Ice ii such notice.
s our -pace is limited, all corutnunlcaMons
ni;.-. ! I. ni f and to the pjint. with no wast
I lit- ! ii-r i.t iCKMiiisilile for the corn el ness
..r.i-.e:; to copy of paid matter mid paid Le-
fcais. iM.iy.
1. Any iwrson who takes th paper regularly
front the pns'-oniee. whether direc'.ed to his
nam-, or whether H 1.4 a sul'scrioer or not is
responsible for the pay.
2. It any iK' orders his paper discontin
ued he must pay all arrearages. ir the publish
er iii.iv continue to send It until payment Is
made and collect the whole amount, whether
the paiM-r is Uksn from the office or not.
S i lie conns have derided that refusing to
take newspaper- and periodical from the post
Oflice or lemoviiitf and leaving them uncalled
for. is prima facie evidence of INTENTIONAL
nut .
I cuess not?
How Jo you like it?
I'iano Stools at Jos. Schlater's. tf
Will. S. Wise sell- Heal Estate", tf
Fred Hayes was in town Sunday.
riiis i the eve of the melon-colic
day. s.
See Great lied Store reduced Price
List. lltf
--Albeit Ainison was in town last
Ladies' celluloid collars at Wes
cott's. 17t3
The 'onnal Institute coiniuences
the 2tJth.
('apt. J. T. A. Hoover was in town
See jjrainl advertisement of Great
I.i.l Store. lltf
Uob. Ilayts was over again last
If you can't keep cool keep as cool
as you can.
Greatly minted prices at Great
Hki Stokk. lltf
-Vegetables of every description at
J. Hons & Son's. lTt2
The walls of the Herald block are
up to the first story.
Fresh supply of choice candies at
the 1'. O. News Depot. 1
The Gne windaw and door caps of
CarruMi's, look nobby.
l'rof. Robinson plays away on his
cornet night and day.
Don't buy until you have priced
at the Great lied Store. lltf
For Plug and SniokingTobacco go
to the P.O. News Depot. 1
Everything in the line of canned
goods at J. lions fc Son's. 17t2
Large line of Hoots and Shoes,
cheap, at Great Hed Store. lltf
The river continues to 15oom; 13
feet above low water mark.
Fine green ripe apples by the peck
or bushel at F. S. White's. 1713
Manufacturing and repairing neat
and cheap. Pktkh Merges. lOtf
A big lot of fresh groceries just
received by Bennett & Lewis. 17tl
Capt. Palmer has scld two Alder
ny cows in the past few weeks.
Soldiers who have honiesteaded less
than 1 CO acres write to W S. Wise, tf
Full line of linen suits are being
m!d very cheap at Fred Hermann's. 1
Charlie K lutein left on the East
ern train yesterday for Burlington.
"Am.," the same old Am. La.en
by was down from So. 1$. this week.
Fresh fruits and vegetables re
ceived every dav bv Bennett & Lewis,
Sam. M. Chapman and (Jen. Smith
came in on the Western train Tuesday.
A delightful little raiu Tuesday
night cooled everything off once more.
More broken arms in town than
was ever before known of at one time.
Several accidents to boys through
carelessness, have to be recorded this
Bennett & Lewis will give you
bargains in groceries. Call and swe
them. 17tl
A Mr. Jansen, brakeman, got two
fingers smashed between bumpers last
Everybody goes to the Great Bed
Store, where they are treated fair and
square. lltf
Oh yes! and don't you forget it,
Phil Yuung sells the Boss cigars in
the city. 1
The Glee Club will sing Monday
evening at the M. E. Church, also
speaking, &c.
Don't forget that Chambers is sell
ing lly-covers at cost. Now is your
time to buy. 17t3
Charles B. Lew and Miss Belle
Cox were married last Sunday, by the
Rev. J. T. Baird.
Subscribe with Phil Young for
your Campaign papers and keep post
ed in politics. 1
They do say that Senator Tefft
bluffed Bill Jones on a glass ball shoot;
brace up William!
Yon will ;il ways find Pepperberg's
niot pwpulr Cigars at the Monarch
Billiard Hall. I7tf
A female tramp was seen in town
Tuesday morning, and ;i sad looking
sight it was too.
Buy vour groceries of an exclusive
Grocery House. Bennett & Lewis car
ry a complete stuck. lotf
Fred StadHm.-tnu is laying out the
plana for a building on the lots next to
tiie IIeuald otllce. Thompson says
he is making figures for a handsome
residence and we hope Fred will lay
himself out on it.
iris, dishing spent Sunday in the
Miss Kennard came down with Capt.
and Mrs. Paine last week.
Mrs. T. M. Marquette visited Platts
niouth the first of the week.
Capt. and Mrs. Payne made Platts
mouth a flying visit last Saturday and
Mrs. Plummer and Mr. and Mrs.
Clark, were guests of Mrs. McLaughlin
last week.
Mrs. Ilargreaves and children were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dawson
last Friday and Saturday.
J. II. Bauer, Louisville, an old sub
scriber, called Saturday and reports
hail as bad there, on Wednesday a
A very neat uote from our old friend
J. Stroud, Cheyenne, says he's not
"busted" yet, and wants the Herald
every week for a year.
Deadwood paper, from 'Hank Mc
Miiken, we guess, says "Hurrah for
Garfield !" and then goes on to tell all
about the Holden affair.
Miss Mattie Cooper left for Omaha
last week, where she will reside with
her uncle, Mr. Elbert Duke, and at
tend school at Brownell llall.
We are sorry to learn that Miss
Belle Marquett has been obliged to
come to Plattsmouth for medical treat
ment, being allhcted with spinal trou
bles. We omitted last week to notice that
Miss Taylor, sister of James Taylor,
Treas. B. & M. R. R., was visiting Miss
Maggie Dawson. Miss Taylor has out
lately-come from Massachusetts.
Mr. W. B. I Iambi in, of the B. & M.
R. ll., and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Julian J.
Deck, Miss Wallace and Mrs. Carman
all of Lincoln, spent last Sunday in
Plattsmouth; and tiie darky peddler
boy thought "them Omaha folks never
bought nothing."
Meeting at the M. E. Church
Monday eveving, songs by the Glee
Club, speaking, &c.
C. E. Wescott is closing out his
stock of Summer Goods at any price.
Don't fail to avail, &c. 17t3
George Fairfield surveyed the lots
west of the IIf.kald office, for Mr.
Stadelinan on Tuesday.
Great reduction in lawns, para
sols, fans and summer goods generally
at Solomon & Nathan's. 17tl
The Poison Fly Plates are going
fast, get one at Smith, Black & Co's.,
before they are all gone. 17t2
Benj. F. Turner and Miss Clara
W. Butler, were joined in the holy
bonds of wedlock Sunday.
A new supply of those superior
lly-r.ets, at reduced rates at J. G. Cham
bers harness manufactory. 17t2
Lincoln people seem to have visi
ted Plattsmouth tn masse, almost, as
our personal column shows.
Another lot of that splendid Non
pareil Mackerel in 51b cans, just re
ceived by Bennett & Lewis. 17tl
Phil Young has some fine Arch
ery outfits on hand. Good pastime and
excellent exercise. Get one.
Two of Fred Kroehler's boys are
enjoying a broken arm apiece, to keep
'em quiet this warm weather.
The Cass County Premium List is
in the hands of the Binder and will
soon be ready for distribution.
Now is the time to subscribe for
your Campaign papers and Phil Young
will give you low rates on them. 1
The old Ther. stood 100 on Mon
day, the first of the season, and like
the first strawberries, very "juicy."
Ice! Sounds pleasant these hot
mornings. F.S. White's team deliv
ers it and it's the coldest in town. 1513
The champion of all drinks. Birch
Beer, is on draught at Smith, Black &
Co.'s. Get a glass when you are thirs
ty. 1712
Messrs. Grace & Weidman sell
Pepperberg's Best and Bocky the fin
est and most popular Cigars of the
age. 17 tf
Ilyers says that Clark, the Lawyer,
is wearing Chicago Avenue all out.
Committee on S. A. A. li. must look to
Pepperberg's Best Bocky and
Presidential Boom are Superior to any
Eastern Cigars. Ask your dealers for
them. 17tf
The best thing in any emergency,
is to keep cool . We hope everybody
will profit by this advice for the next
Clothing ! Clothing !! Clothing !!!
cheap ! cheap !! cheap !!! At the Great
lied Store. Money positively refunded
if not satisfactory. lltf
There is a new lawyer in town,
they say, "from Massachusetts;" he
don't advertise and very few are
aware of his presence in our city.
Find Good Luck, Keno, Trotter and
Lorillard Tobaccos. Also a full line
of smokers articles of every descrip
tion at SCIILKttEL, & Niemax's. 12tf
See Bennett & Lewis' local ads
next week, as they will give an entire
new feature of goods, something nev
er before on sale or seen in Platts
mouth. Just received at Solomon & Na
than's, another fine assortment of la
dies', misses' and children's hosiery.
Rare bargains. Call at once and iret
first choice. 17tl
A pair ef the nobbiest rid
ing bridles seen lately, hang in Mr. J.
G. Chamber's shop, which show what
excellent work they can do at that
Judge Sullivan has his hands full
issuing marriage licenses now-adays.
This month he has issued on the 1st,
2d, 3d, 8ih and three on the 10th;
fourteen souls made happy, despite the
hot weather. The second party of the
second license issued on the 10th, was
the widow of the late Ficderlien, who
was shot by IIolTineister at Louisville.
Meeting of the Garfield & Arthur Club.
A regular meeting of the Garfield
Club, of this city, will be held
July 17th, at the new club rooms, over
the rear of the Post Office, at 7:30 pm.
All true Republicans that desire to
join the Club an 1 abide by the results
of the campaign, are cordially invited
to attend and give us their names -and
their aid, and their influence in this,
one of the most important campaigns
the country has ever witnessed.
Remember the time and the place
and let tl-ere te a full attendance of
members and officers.
II. M. Bushnell, President.
Temperance Meeting.
There will be a Temperance meeting
at the M. E. Church, on next Monday
evening, which will be addressed by
Mr. J. A. MaeMurphy anJ other
speakers, and it is hoped there will be
a large attendance of our people, The
Plattsmouth Glee Club will sing and
the Silver Helicon Band will play on
the occasion. P. P. Gass,
President Red Ribbon Club.
G. A. It.
The regular meeting of the Grand
Army of the Republic is Tuesday next
at 7:30 p. m., in Good Templar's Hall.
All old Union soldiers invited to be
come members, and should report to
Adjutant J. W. Jennings, at the Co.
Clerk's office, and make application, to
save delay.
Judge Pound passed through
Tuesday on his way to Lincoln, from
a visit east.
Our Japanese designs are all the
rage: neat, nobby and ornamental.
When you want nice work just order
the Jap.
Meeting at M. E. Church on Mon
day evening. Lecture by Mr. Mac
Murphy. 'The Preventions of Intem
perance." The track is about finished on the
grade to the bridge and already has it
been in use in storing cars, in making
up freight trains.
M. B. Murphy is takiug one of his
periodical "lay-offs," and will be here
for twelve days now, helping the boys
make fun and raise the wind.
If there was a good bath house in
the town, he who owned it would
make a small fortune, during the
summer months. Start one, somebody.
We call attention to the card of
Dr. E. E. Reynolds, physician, who is
located at Rock Bluffs and prepared to
attend on all who may desire his ser
vices. A son of Mr. Wentworth of the
Courant, with his wife, lately arrived
here from Wisconsin. The young man
is a printer too, and they will prob
ably remain here.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give a lawn and parlor so
ciable next Tuesday evening, the 20th,
at the residence of Mr. Thos. Pollock.
All are invited.
Mrs, J. N. Wise, Secretary.
The 3'oison Fly Plate will kill
more flys, is more convenient, is more
economical than any other Fly Poison.
One plate lasts a whole season. They
can be found at Smith, Black & Co.'s.2
A sorrel mare belonging to Mr.
Montgomery, was feeding above Davis
& Pederson's brick yard, when the
ground gave way and she fell over the
bank, hurting her back, and will, most
likely, have to be killed.
Mr. J. S. Tewksbury, Miller at
W. W., desires us to correct a state
ment of our W. W. Correspondent in
regard to his dam. He has not spent
a dollar on it for repairs, &c, in two
years. It stands corrected, friend T.
Mike Schnellbacker's new Store
room is now ready for occupancy, and
some one could not do better than open
up a stock of goods of some descrip
tion immediately, and start the boom
on Vine Street, Where business is sure
to be sooner or later.
Several lads have broken their
arms or been injured through minor
accidents last week. A son of Mr.
Philips was hunting the cows, horse
back, and got dumped somehow, break
ing one bone of the arm. Dr. Schild
knecht fixed him up.
F. A. Bales, brother of Peter
Bates, an old subscriber to the Her
ald and resident of the County was
married in Plattsmouth, at his broth
er's house on Thursd.13', July 8th. He
has been living in St. Joe lately, but is
coming back to Cass county, soon.
We are mighty glad that fellow
that makes water round the streets,
has put nettings on those poor mules;
we've been pitying 'em for a week. Say,
boys, does swearing make that pump
work any easier? If not, the ladies
across the street would rather you
omit it; and with the new nets the
mules will pull without a whimper,
we know.
Henry Hoffmeister, the man who
was under $500 bonds to appear at the
next term of the District Court for
killing Ambrose Fiederlien, at Louis
ville, has skipped out and left his
bondsmen. Frank Stander and J. S.
Peterson to stand the blunt and pay
S500. Steps will, of course, be taken
for his re-arrest, but not much hope of
his discovery is entertained.
Some time ago a committee from
each of the Temperance organizations
in the town, viz: the Red'Ribbon Club,
the Good Templars, and the Temple of
Honor, was appointed to meet and de
vise ways and means to increase the
morality and sobriety of our city and
surrounding country.
In pursuance of this plan they have
organized a series of meetings, which
have generally been held at the M. E.
church, for the purpose of discussing
Temperance subjects, and to encourage
all in the formation of temperate and
J sober habits.
It is under the auspices of this com
mittee that the ga'hering of Monday
night will be held, and a full house
should be the result of their efforts.
The Garfield and Arthur Club of Platts
raonth City.
A numerously attended ami harmo
nious meeting of the Republicans of
th's city was held on Friday last, to
perfect the organization of a Garfield
and Arthur club. Officers had been
partially elected at a previous meeting,
but owing to the 4th of July excite
ments and weather, the full organiza
tion of the club was not completed un
til Friday evening, July 9th, 1880.
Mr. J. W. Johnson, who had been
elected President (in his absence), re
signed, on account of other public du
ties which occupied his time, and on
nomination Jno. A, MaeMurphy was
duly elected to fill the vacancy. J. W.
Jennings was elected Vice President
in 1st Ward, in place of MaeMurphy
just made President.
A change was made in the Finance
committee, and it now is: J W Barnes,
M McElwain, C II Parmele and JE
Morrison. II W Ilyers waa also placed
on the Executive committee, in place
of II. J. Allen. The club, therefore, a?
new organized, is as follows:
President J. A. MaeMurphy.
Vice Presidents one from each ward,
1st Ward Jno. W.Jennings,
2d Ward J. B. Strode,
3d Ward S. M. Chapman,
4th Ward L. C. Stiles.
Secretary- II. M. Bushnell.
Corresponding Sec'y Geo. S. Smith.
Treasurer A. W. McLaughlin.
Executive Committee (to act with the
Vice Presidents on matters of fi
nance, general arrangements and de
tails of business) from the city at
large J. W. Jennings, G. W. Pair
field, A. X. Sullivan, It. W. Hyers.
Finance Committee J. W. Barnes. M.
McElwain, C. 11. Parmele, J, E.
The Committee on Rules asked foi
further time to report; granted.
Those present then signed the roll;
and P. P. Gass was appointed a Com
mittee of one to get more signers, and
which he did next day.
Mr. Gass was also appointed a Com
mittee on permanent room, which du
ty he perfojmtd; and the club will oc
cupy the rear rooms, up stairs, over
the Post Office, from now until No
vember 15th.
Chairs and tables have been procur
ed, and the regular meeting next Sat
urday night, will be held there.
Republicans, please remember this,
and give us a full turn-out.
Official notice of the meeting else
where in this paper; also in the Enter
prise. The roll of members, as handed to
the Committew, with preamble of club
is given lelow. Every mother's son
or a Republican wants to be out Sat
urday night withoi, fail:
"The undersigned gentlemen announce
themselves as in favor of the election
of Garfield and Arthur for President
and Vice-President of these L'nitod
States; and hereby , form thenselves
into an organization to be known as
the Garfield and Arthur club for
Plattsmouth city, pledging themselves
to use all honorable meaiw in their
power to promote the election of the
nominees of the Republican party for
the office of President and Vice-President.
J A MaeMurphy, O E Duke
S M Chapman, J S Jiuke
J B Strode, W C Reynolds,
J W Jennings, G II Black,
Geo S Smith. G F Hobbs,
J W Johnson, C E Black,
M McElwain W II Schildknecht,
J E Morrison, C E Wescott,
W S Wise, Win B Brown,
E II Wooley, C E Wilcox
J W Marshall, Geo Mitchell,
J W Barnes, P P Gass,
J II Fairfield, J S Mathews,
II M Bushnell, C II Smith,
R W Ilyers, Willett Pottenger.
David Miller, U W Wise,
T B Cktrk, B Spuilock,
Sam'l Long, A Wright,
R O Fellows, M Schlegel,
A N Sullivan, W L Browne,
(ieo A Maguey, M L White,
William II Newell, D II Wheeler,
Thos Mitchell, R B Windham,
James Ilodgerl, J F Baumeister,
W II Pickins, II C Smith,
Robt Donnelly, L D Bennott.
I II Shumaker, J C Boone,
J W Dickson, John Gallagher,
O F Johnson, I N Hicks,
P L Wise, E B Lewis,
O C Dovey, U V Mathews,
F T Davis, T H Taylor,
Geo E Dovev, Jos Schlater,
Thos. Pollock, J G Chambers,
Geo. W. Fairfield. J II Waterman.
A W McLaughlin."
Don't forget that we defy competi
tion in the line of fancy job printing.
Our facilities for that class of work
are far above the average. See our
samples, and leave your orders, and we
will guarantee you Satisfaction, or
charge you not a cent.
A man was going down the river
in a skiff which struck pier two of the
new bridge and was tipped over, and
the auction of the current took boat
and man both under, and did not again
make their appearance till they were
about 200 teet below there, when the
man came up astride of his boat, yell
ing lustily for help. A pair of oars in
the hands of one of the bridgemen
soon rescued him unharmed.
A man from Nebraska City walk
ed into a certain saloon of this city
last . week Wednesday, took a
drink or two and almost immediately
oecame stupid; he was placed in a
back room, and afterwards dragged
into the alley back of the "shop,"
where he was pronounced by a physi
cian, at one time, as dead, but at last
feeling a slight throbbing of the pulse
he was revived, when he asserted that
he was sober when he went into the
saloon. It canst d cn:;aiderb!e unea
siness on the part of the proprietor,
who thought the feilow had painter's
colic, ic, and to cure it, had some of
his assistants throw water on the back
of his head, down his back, and in fact,
all over him.
A Great Enterprise.
The Hop JVtier Ma"Mfa-- nring
Company is oiif Roche.-' v ' great
est business ei.u i 11. ia. TIaI' Hop
Bitters have reached a .-,:; beyfi.d all
precedent, hav'.-'. ';-.ui their intrinsic
value found th u way into aim 01 ev
ery household in the land. Graphic.
G. aud A. Club in the Precinct.
The Republicans of Plattsmouth
Piecinct organized a Garfield and Ar
thur Club, last Saturday evening and
obtained quite a number ol signers.
Ami Todd was elected President and
Ira Bosworth, Secietary. We are glad
to see the boys take hold so energeti
! callv.
Our "Devil" had to go to Jail Tues
day. He's been raising the d euce for
sometime, so we sent him there with a
few exchanges to keep the occupants
thereof a little company.
For Sale J
. A fine black horse, sfx years old, good
roadster, for sale cheap at this office.
ALLOrATIirt: PHYSICIAN at Rock Bluff
Cass County, Neb.,nvill attend call promptly
at all hour. 17in2
Wanted! Cash!! Cash! !!
See here, vou fellows "what" have
sold your cattle and hogs or grain and
were going to pay the Herald please
come along. We never were so hard
up we want money and must have
money, now, right off. We have that
Press to pay for. Paper to get, boys
are getting ahead of us and our grub's
gin out. If some of you don't pay up
soon there'll be collectors bills to
add to your account. Old accounts
and Notes must be paid promptly or
we shall certainly see if they can be
collected bv law. 16t2
Customer "'Why are "Malt Bitters' so popu
lar." I)ruy:i;lst-"I5eeauet as a Food Medicine, they
enrich the blood, harden the muscle. iiiet
the nerves, perfect dijjestiau." l.t4
Cigar' Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite r. u.
To Kent.
A new Hotel, with 17 rooms and
cellar. Kmjiiire of
4tf F. 11. (il'THMAN.
.Honey to Loan,
(hi good farm property on long time.
Apply to J. W. jEXNINCiS,
ltf " Plattsmouth.
Now open with new, cheap and
good Poo's and Sho s, next door to
Post Ollice. lOtf
fiirjCC I"lov'l Itoot Iteor 1-U-rl
I Ii 1 0 use, S4. "t.x. Makes five gallon
of a delicious aud sparkliutr lievcratte w hole
some ami temperate. Sold lv dr.iK;isls or sent
liv HKiil on it ceipt of cts. Address, ( HAS. K
HIKES. .Manufacturer. 2t;" Market Street. IMill
adelpliia. I'a. 5Uti
We have just received a large stock of
new Wedding goods, Invitations, gilt
and plain cards, cards in cases ready
for use and other new goods and styles.
Give us a call now and get your print
ing cheap. lGt;J
To the Citizen's of the County aud State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; patties wish
ing to build a tire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
IIooveu. Louisville, Nebraska, lltf
Hiickleit's Arnica Salve.
The Pest. Salve in the world for (Juts
Pimses, Sores, Fleers. Salt Pheuin
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
Tiiis Salve ks guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 2t cents per box.
For sale bv Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Pel ail", Plattsmouth. Neb. 24iy.
Read and See.
Women's Cloth Shoes
" Putton Shoes
" Fine Leather "
Men's IJrogans
Misses' Leather Shoes
. . . .G5c.
...1 lo.
1 outus denuine ( alt i
Others in proportion. Call and ex
amine, no charge for showing them.
lOtf pETKii Mi:i:oi:s.
I wish Everybody to Know,
lley. George II. Thayer, an old citi
zen of this vicinity known to everyone
as a most influential citizen, and
Christian Minister of the M. L Church
just tltis moment stopped in our store
to say : "I wish everybody to know
that I consider that both myself and
wife owe our lives to Shilwh's Con
sumption Cure." It is having a tre
mendous sale over cur counters and is
giving perfect satisfaction in all cases
of Lung Diseases, such as nothing else
has done.
Uourbon, lnd., May 1.1. 78. l)rs. Mateh
ettiS: France. Sold bv Smith & Plack.
No Deception I'sed.
It is strange so man' people will
continue to sufi'er day after day with
Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion, Sour Sttmii eh, General Debility
when they can procure at our store
Shiloh's Vital izer, free of cost if it
does not cure or relieve them. Price
75 cents. Sold bv Smith & Black.
Shiloh's Catakiui IIemkuy. A
marvelous Cure for Catarrh.niphtheria,
Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With
each bottle there is a ingenious nasal
Injector for the,inore successful treat
ment of the complaint, without extra
charge. Price 50 cents. Ceowtf.
-The Silent Man"
Is no wiser than he who has the fore
thought to provide his family with
Brown's Extract Blackberry and, the most wonderful remedy
in use for curing Diairhcea, Dysentery
Cholera Morbus, and all Summer de
rangements of the Stomach and Bow
els. "lite Noisy 3Iau"
Is The man who has been rejuvenated
by Brown's Livkr Pi-lls. He wants
everybody to know that all druggists
keep them.
lite Disappointed Politician
Is less lnisnrable than the man whose
dinner proves too much lot him; and
while tiere is no hope for the former
the latter " may be cured by using
Brown's Pepsin Tonic, the new rem
edy of the west. Try it. All druggists
keep Brown's medicines. J. II. But
tery, Smith. Black & Co., and O. F.
Johnson, Plattsmouth ; John Painter
and Eledge & Co., East Plattsmouth.
Thirty of the !t orun makers of the
World are competitor at the Paris Exposition,
a caMe dispatch to tde Associated' Pre -says
two hiuhest jroLl mettuis have been awarded "t'i
tiie Aiiie ricu'.i leakers. Mason & Hamlin.
V. ( vi:i pay Aif.jiiua y ol pur jm.uia
n.i xtinftf4, (it ft i tow ft In i 2s cumniT-a.mi. to ftei ! oi.r
Hew fttiU wouticrful iurt.l. c..;s. U'c .rat v-fcut uituy.
UKAIX AM) ritOlU't'K.
Wedue.vlay. July 14, 1SS0.
(it. 65
Wheat. No. 2.. ..
Corn, ear
" sUt-Ui'il
Bill ley. No. 2
Native Cattle
3.rt 40
3 50C.C.4 00
(.( 3 40
C(, M
iOkH &0
Xkw York, July 14, lsso.
Mouev ?1 .o-JiSl 03
S 1 'e&l 15'i
4 Ct .11
37 iA 44
I' .Inlv 11 1iiUl
Flour S dull I
w heat Sf.VtWSD1
Com MS
Oat .. 24S
live ct'
Marley f j
Ho;s. eliii)inr $4 4"r(4:4 SO
Cattle. " 4 Mfist 4 35
Sheep : 3 So
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or
wagon load can be. had at the Kiln,
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickelavait & Sharp,
7tf on premises.
Better Thau Gold.
The grand climax of success is at last
achieved. The poor rejoice, the sick
arise and walk, the rich bank in the
golden sunshine of perfect health. The
physicial miseries of the human frame
need no longer be endured. Dr. Kino's
California Golden Compound, for
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Head
ache, Coming up of food, Jaundice, Liv
er Complaint, Biliousness, General De
bility, Drowsiness and Low Spirits.
This wonderful remedy will )ositivrIy
f;uretnu that where every remedy has
failed,' To prove that this wonderful
remedy will do all we claim for it you
are presented with a trial bottle free
of cost, by which you will readily per
ceive its wonderful curative qualities,
and which will show you what a regu
lar one dollar size bottle will do. For
snle by Smith & Black, Wholesale and
B-etail. Plattsmouth. Neb. 2.ewly.
Very Droll to Think of.
If not above licing taught hy a man, use !!
jhi.s'.s Electric Soap uext wash day. I'sed
withoul any vah boiler or rubbing board, and
used differently from any other soap ever
made. It nepins very droll to think of a quiet,
orderly two hours' liht work on wash day,
with no heat and no steam, or smell of tiie
washing through the house, instead of a Iouk
day's hard work ; but hundreds of thousands
W women from Nova Scotia to Te;ts have
prov d for themselves that thte is done by us
iiijf Doiiliin-s Electric Soap. Hon't buy it,
however, it too set in your ways to use it ac
cording to directions, that are as i-imple as to
ceeiii almoi-t ridiculous and so easy that a girl
of twelve years can do a large wah without be
ing tired. It positively will not injure the finest
f aline, has been before the public for fifteen
years, and Its sale doubles every year. If your
grocer has not got it, be will get it. as all whole
sale grocers keep it.
I L. CttAotx & Co., Philadelphia.
Rkk.1i RltoS., Sole Agenli.
3-eowIy Weeping Water, ..eb.
The Herald. Detroit, Mich., says of Warner's
Safe I. iver and Kidney Cure : "its efficacy in
kidney, liver ami urinary diseases is so fully
acknowledged that it is not wort h the nuest inn
ing liona tide testimonials from well-known
cifizens in puldio and private life are evidences
strong enough to convince the most stubborn
doubter." H113
Probate Notice.
Iu the matter of the Estate of William Deles
Dernier, deceased.
Notice in hereby given lo all persons having
claims against the estate of William DelenDer
liier. deceased, to tile the name on or before the
lttli dav id January. A. D. ISst. in the offlee of
the Couiilv .Indue, at 1'lat tsmout h . Cat-s Co.,
Nebraska." A. N. SL'I.LIVAN, Co. Judge.
Plattsmouth. July 13, Ism). ITU
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The section line road petitioned for by L. II.
Yotim;. ct ;d., eoiniuenciiij; at the iiarter sec
tion corner on the south side of Section twenty
four township twelve North range
twelve (12). Kast of the sixth (titli) Principal
Meridian : running thenee Kast on section tins
to the Soiit h Kast corner of said section. The
same is declared by the County Commissioner
au open o:id. and all objections theieto or
claims for damages must ha tiled in the County
Clerk's ollice on or before noon, on the idh day
of August. A. D. issii.orsueh road will beopen
ed withoul reference thereto.
17t5 J. I). TCTT, County Clerk.
Attachment Notice.
Gutlimann Weckbach
V Before M. O
I hoe. J. P.
U. F. Feezer.
l K. Feezer w ill take notice that on the 10th
day of.lulv. isso. M. O'Donohoe. Justice of the
Peace for Plattsmouth City Precinct, County of
Cass, and State of Nebraska, issued tin orderof
attachment for the sum of twenty-nine and
T.i-lno dollars (SlD.TS) in an action now pending
before him. wherein Outhmaun Jt Week bach
are plaintiffs and U. F. Feezer is defendant ;
that properly attached being money due and
payable to the defendant by the mirlingm
anil Missouri Railroad Company is attached
under said order. Said cause is continued for
hearing to the l ilav of August. 1R80. at 11
o'clock a. in. OUTHM ANN & WKCKHACH.
M. A. llAlil'IiiAN, Att'y for pit If. 17t4
Willllam Stadelinanu
V. F. Feezer.
V llefore M. O'Donohoe,
) Justice of the Peace.
I. F. Feezer will take notice that on the 2d
day of July, 1.. -M. O'Donohoe, J. P., of Platts
mouth City Precinct, County of Cass, and State
of Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for
the sum of twelve (12) dollars, in an action
pending before him, wherein William
Stadelinanti in plaintiff, and V. F. Feezer is de
fendant : that property consisting of money due
aud payable bv the lSurlingtou aud Missouri
Kiver U.iiiroau Onnpaiif has been attached
under this order. Said cause was continued for
hearing lo the loth day of August, lsso, at 11
o'clock ii. m.
V. S. W isk. Attorney. 1615
Notice of Sale Under Chattel
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated on the null day of Jan
uary. A. D. Isso. and duly tiled and recorded in
tlie'otlice of the County Clerk of Cass County.
Nebraska, on the Huh day of January, A. D.
issti ; and executed by Oeolge W. Mutz to F. J.
Maldaner. to seciiie the payment of the sum
of 42.!i and upoc w hich there is now due the
suiii of S24 ti.".. Default having been 'made in
payment of said si.m. therefore 1 will sell the
proterty there in described. Viz : One deep red
cow, t-ix years old ; one sinper sew ing machine ;
one complete kit of carpenter tools, at public
auction, ih i-ouili door of the Court House in
the my of Pl.ittsiiioiith, Cass county. Nebras
ka, on the :slsi day of July, A. D. lf0. at one
o'clock p. in. of said day.
F. J. -M A t.liA n Kit, Mortgagee.
Uv W. S. Wisk. Ins Attorney. Iiit4
In District Court. Second .luilii District of
Nvbra-ka, wit bin and for Cass County.
II. A. Waterman & Son, 1
. . vs '
F. M. Dorrington and j
Muria C. Doriui-ton. j
F. M. Dorrington and Maria C. Dorriiijjtou.
li n residents, defendants, will take notice that
II. A. Walcruinn & .Son. a tirm composed of
IlilMin A. ViUci iu:iu :ili John Waterman, of
t he County td Cass, in the State of Nebraska,
did on the lh day .of March. Isso. file their
pel moil in the Distr ct Court of the Second Ju
dicial District of the State of Nebraska, within
ami for Cass County, against the said F, M.
D iringtoii and bis wife, Maria C. Dorrington.
tielendaiits. setting lortittuat on ilie ltnh day
of February. Is7s. said defendants were indebt -i
d in the said piaintiils in sum of one hull livd
and ninety-thiee and lii- loo dollars (Sl'.i.i. Hi) for
goods, wares, merchandise, building material,
etc., sold and delivered by said idaiulifts to the
said defendants t their .tpecial instance and
request, aud mayiug judgment agaimt eaid
defendants for the sum ot one hundred and
ninety-tWiee ami Jit-too dollar, with interest
ftoiu February Hi. IsTS ; th it the said plaintiffs
did ou'tlie 2".tl day of March, Isso. cause to be
issued by the Clerk of said Court an Order of
Attachment, and did cause the following prop
erty of the defendants to be attached, to-wit :
lits eleven aud twelve ( II & I2i, in block sixty
t'.vi; ;.;, iii the t ily of I'l.tttsmoiith, CassCo..
NVbra-ka. for the purpose of having the same
sold to pay said indebtedness.
And the ;dd F. M. Dorrington and Mari t C.
D..ri ingtoii are notified that they are rciuired
1. 1 aj'p.'al" and answer said petition oa or be
foie'ibe third Monday after the l.'th day of
Julv. A. D. Is0, or judgment w iii be reieiei ed
against tlieiiTT li. A. W A1KKMAN A. SON.
Uy Sam M. Chapman, their Att'y. I4t5
Staple & Fancy Grocers,
ffVimfitt IlDaEttflo3iio I
Lower Main St., 1 door west of II. IJoeck'a Furniture Establishment.
We have in Stock and expect
to carry, a complete line of
Staple Fancy Groceries !
IPor (CAfeJM 4Dnly!
11 ll
i 1
ISeceived daily hy express.
Call and See Us.
Is Leased to
who will, dssi'lng; the
With their immense .stork of
(Consisting of all H'riccs
Styles s& IDesigTis.
I fff1f.X:safi3gs
Are no"' Inenteil in ! heir
One door w est of their oM sLuiil, and are irc;iicil to show yon tins
Best Variety and Lowest Prices!
in tiie following lines :
Staple and IFancy Dftry (Roods,
Motions, JLatlies9 fluents9
IFuraiishin' (Roods,
Queensware, Glassware,
Wooden Willow-Ware,
Idrled and Caamcd JFrnits !
Groceries, Flour ami Provisions.
Estray Notice.
Taken up as estray by tiie subscriber, on bis
enclosed lands, in .SLove Creek I'ri eiuet, C;t.s
County, Nebj;usk:i, on tli second day of July,
1wj, a dar k brown or black mare, Hiipposed to
be ten years of axe : said mare is about fifteen
hands uiii, and is rattier tliiu. Tbe owner of
eaid property can have tbe same by proving
property and paying expenveti.
Dated tills lotli day ol Julv. A. 1. Ihxii.
17t5 A. M. FKlttj L'HON.
Sheriff's Sale.
I'y virtue of au order of sale fsxued by Yv. C. j
Sboivaltei. Clerk of tli District Court, within
and tor Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di-i
reeled, 1 will on the llth day of Am., A. D., ;
ISMi. at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day, at the i
south door of the Court IIoum-. in s:iid Coiitily, !
sell at l'ublic Auction the toIloviiij Ileal j
tate to-wit : The east half of tin- outh- j
west (juarter isw1 bisection twenty (JO) town- I
ship eleven (11) ranjje fouiteen (14) east f the'
nth p. in. in Cas County. Nebraska. The same
bruit, leyied upon and taken as the property f ;
John W. Carroll, defendant, to natsfy a judg-'
inetit recovered by John Carroll, and the Mir
id iii-, if any, to apply on judgment of said Cmu I
recovered by J. 1. Care & Co.. Plain: a).
K. V . 11 Ki:-.
Sheriff, Cass County. Neb.
l'lattsuioutli. Neb., July llt.ii , A. D. IS"). Utj
All the heirs xt of kin. and persons inter
ested in the eoflre of William t. Doiielan. de
ceased are reouned tn apitear before the H"ii.
S. II. 1'eund. Judge of the 2d Judicial District
Court of Nebraska, at his chambers, in the city
of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. 4u
Monday, the So; Ii day of August. A. D. 1mi. at 2
o'clock p. ik.. of r.anl day, to show cause why a
license Mtoilld not be i :iut-d to Allle V. Don
elan, guardian of I he minor .n-irs of W illi.un I.'.
Doiielan. deceased, to sell ii.e rihr. title
alld interest oi I.illlHind I-. ! 1 I i -i , .:::;
A. Done ia ii. initio! ' : i . .. :
Ian, iit ceascil. hi ami lo l ;.c J.e... i,. i v i
eb real elate, ln-v. it :
'i lie iliulivid. d one-lia!' ') of lot t hlee CO in .
block thiriy-six i;m) ; the indivi.ied oue-iialf .
otlottwo(j) in block foiiy-i-ix i p.p, as desig
nated on the recorded plat of the City of 1'lai t
iiiouth, Cass County. Nebraska, 'lhe v. hole of ,
lotlwo(2i, fn section eighteen (Is), township ,
twelve. Nort h of i ane t oiirteen 1 1 4 , Kast. in i
Cass Couuty, Nebraska, containing six tUMicres j
more or less. Also, lot titteen (10). block forty- I
e:;;ht (4s, in IT irk & MillerV addition to the;
tow ti of Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska.
Also, lot three (3), block sixty-six ; lot live
(o). block fifty-seven (jT) ; lot one tl,
block ninety !) ; lot six t:i. block sixtv (on ;
lot two U, block fifty-live ,.Vi ; lot twi-hc i Yi. .
bl " k fol ) i , lot i.V ' ' block six I y-se Vr 11
('j.; : lot siviio. bioeU b.. -even (57) : "iot mue
(!, . V'yc!; eil-iv-six (.) , and the undivided
on--!. ail t.j. : U1 ': block sevelil y-l:iiie .
(":, ill the " .-!, e. Kurna- Coiaitv,
Nebli-I'a. A-. ' '' V. DONKI.AN.
uardian of ti. :n!iot heirs of William K. :
I lo.ieiall. decea-ed. j
By Wii.mtt Potteujck, her Att'y. iol3
1 kJ r"i i
n n ci
t'a BE'-1 1 H
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The section line road petitioned for by Kd
ward l.od'e, et a!., comuieiiciiiif at the Kast
fid aud I it ii ii i West between sections seven
and eitfht (7 sj, township ten (lit), ran'e
twelve ( I2i. an. 1 sections twelve ai.d thirteen
i rj &:t. township ten (let, ranije eleven (I l ,
Cas County, Nebraska. The same is declared
by the County Couiiiiiassioners an open road,
and all object ioiif t hereto or claims tor dam
ages. u;iist be liled in the County ( l-rk's ollice
on or bfore noon, on the (ith day of Auu.t, A.
D. ixxn, or such road will be opcia-l without
reference thereto.
17tj J. D. TUTT. County Clerk.
In District Court. Second Judicial District of
Nebi;ika, within and for Cass County.
JI. A. Waterman & Son 1
Isaac X. Dai in 11. 1. V.
.Mullii.ix, and .Mr.
Wilcox. J
In 1 . I. Muihiiix and Mr. Wilcox, pait
liers in l'lulli-mont li Mcaui Fenv Company,
iion-i'ci-ideuis. defendants, : Vou and each of
you are heieh notitied that II. A. Waterman
&oii,a linn composed of lliiaiu A. Waterman
and John W alei man. ot l'iattiiioiuh, Nebras
ka, on the Till flay of January, lso. filed their
nel i; ion in the oliice of theCierk of 111,' Dis
trict Court . w i! hill ami for l a County, Ne
braska, l he object and prayer of whicli is to
obtain a judgment of said Court against
Isaac N. Darnell. '1 . 1. Mulliuix ami Mrs.
Wilex. and in favor of said II. A. Waterman
.V (Son. on a eeitain due bill, executed and ne
liveied by said l'!al t-iiiout h Sieam I'errv Com
pany, dated l'la!!niiout!i, Neh., July .'.:l. 1-7:1,
for lhe miiii of three hundred and twelve dol
lars, w it ii in t ere-1 t ! Hi eon ; t hat t lie said pi a in -litis
did on lhe 7t ll day of January, 1 ssn, cause
to be issued by the ii-t k of Said Court an M -dcr
of M lachiiiei:t and iaruKlimei.'t. and did
!: D M -r 1 1 i to be j.".irn;her.l lor the
! ,., ., f , i. i .-aid claim, for I he purpose
. ! ... j . . into sail Cotiit the lull
;,liiniiil o, -,iio i..o. oiedl.rss.
And the said I. 1". .'iiiliinlx and Mr. Wil
cox arc notified that they are ropmed to ap
pear and an-wer said peliiiou on or befoie the
thud .Mond.iv after the l"thlaof July, le-o,
or jinl -'iiiei.t will be rendered aaiu-t them.
II. A. WA'I l.k.M A .v & SDN .
By Sam M. Chapman, their Vtty. lit".
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The section line road, petitioned for by K. A.
Spracue. ct ul.. comiueiiciiit; at the North Kat
coiner of fcclion No. six it;,, township eleven
l Hi, !) Vfii (Hi, rniinin thence South
on s. ciioii line, anil termitiatin ct South Kast
ci lu I ot M-ctioii e lllcci. i is i. tow esiiip e!ev en
ill,, rat lire clcvca Cli, has bci a declared by the
l.o.H.t ol County Couiuiis diner an open load ;
and a ii object ;o"i is I li.-i.-to, or claims for dam
ages. liiU-l be hied in tiie County Clerk's ollice
i. :i ,r before noon oi: the Kill (lay of August,
A. D. Isjmi. or such road w ill be opened illiout
leference thereto. J. D. 1 I TT.
Utj County Clerk.
QTrftTI n
i II H El 7 ff? UT?
3 n )U m