Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 01, 1880, Image 3

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    The Herald,
!.)! a i . ADTIi KTIS EM E NTS.
I i-.m -i - ii . ir cents a tine, lobular advertls-
r, , !i:ic. No advertisement insci t
i ; fi- I. I nan cents.
! -i:.V. ''i.oi hI Statute r.itc-t.
. ...( ni l ni'.iecrs of the law will be Held
i i iur all letfitl notices they hand in,
l I wl ; l l" .Iftll.HllllIU a proof f pllblica-
,. .;. .,f ;. v i.. n: -r will be ucWl tor the puldica
.. t . tee ii such uotice.
VMj'.irsiiiire 1 limited, all communc-aons
' in- In and lO in point, wuii no ww
5: i
1:,. ...irti-rin ieiiisible for the correctness
' to ropy in paiu mailer anu paiu i.e-
o .iy.
1 Anv person who takes the paper regularly
from" be" !. whether uie'--;ed to In
.. ii. ' lier he Is a subscriner or not is
ri- i.if for the ;iay.
V. II any pel-son order. his paper dlscontin-uf-l.
''i- imiM pay all arrearages, or the publish
,m i emit inur to send it until payment Is
:u....e. ami eolleot the whole amount, whether
:i.v i a ie r in l ik'-Mi (runt the oflice or not.
3 i he courts have decided that refusing to
ta'- e newspapers and periodicals from the post
o:; ee, or leinoving and h-avilig them uncalled
fi.i, i i-rinm foe te evidence of l.vriOTlosAi,
KIIAUll. - . .
Will "
On Saturday,
July 3d, 1880..
Piano Stoula at io. Schlater'a. tf
Will. S. Wise sell Real Estate, tf
See tlie grand Manli Gras parade.
IMck Streijfht was down this week.
See Great lied Stwre reduced Price
See Sinitli, Black & Cos two-line
See giand advertisement of Great
store. lltf
Dou't fail to gee the "rag martins"
n the 4lh.
Target shooting is all the rage in
Lincoln now.
Greatly reduced prices at Great
Kkd Stork, lltf
The river was gradually rising
again Tuesday.
Don't forget the Grand Ball at
Fitzgerald Hall.
A brick kiln near the Brewery is
making white brick.
Don't buy until you have priced !
at the (Jreat Heel .Store. lltf
Large, line of Boats and sjioes,
cheap, at Great Bed Store. lltf
Michael ! Michael ! this won't do.
You've desaved ns, me boy.
Manufacturing and repairing neat
and cheap. Fi-:teu Meikies. lOtf
r Scream at I. O. G. T. Hall on Fn
day night, turn out everybody. I
Highest maiKet price in cash paid !
for eggs, by Bennett & Lewis. 15t2
(Mark hangs around Phil's Peanut
roaster all the time, sometimes.
.Soldiers who have homesteaded less
than 1G0 acres write to W S. Wish, tf
Dick Reese puts as neat a shoe on
a hoi He as nuy blacksmith in the land.
Fresh fruits and vegetables re
ceived everv day by Bennett & Lewis.
Lwndon Purple, sure death to po
tato bugs, for sale by Smith, Black &
Co. 14t3
A bunch of bananas hang from
John Leach's awning; they look tempt
ing. Dr. Robert, yeu'u a bad prophet.
We've sten you just as sanguine be
fore. Everybody goes to the Great Red
Store, where they are treated fair and
square. lltf
The grandest ceUbratin ever held
in Cass Cunty, on the 9d at Platts
mouth. Remember, we deliver all goods
free in 'any .part of the city. Bennett
& Lewis lotl
Kelly Fox and his grand mother
arrived from Kentucky last Tuesday
Bennett & Lewis will Hell you six
bars of good laundry soap for twenty
five cents. lof2
Sai. B. Rose, f the paper house
of W. T. Seaman, Omaha, was in town
A lot of pure sugar syrup, in 5
gallon ke3, just received by Bennett
A Lewis. lotl
The first brick on the walls of
the Herold Block was laid Tuesday
Fifty-three cars of stock passed
east on the B. & M. last Saturday, in
one train.
The iron columns of Carruth's
building were being placed in position
The bridge work will be delayed
about a mouth, awing to the continued
high water.
Buy your dried leef f Bennett &
Lewis, and get it chipped on their Pat
ent Chipper. 14t2
The largest procession' ever seen
in Plattsmonth, will be marching our
streets on the 3d.
Buy vnur groceries f an exclusive
Grocery Ilowse. Bennett & Lewis car
ry a complete stock. . istf
A large number of young folks in
tend having a little pie-uic of their
own on Monday next.
Large stock of Candies and Fruits
of all kinds for the 4th of July trade,
at the P. O. Xews Depot. I4t2
A letter from South Bend will ap
pear next week, r the writer will be
answered by letter soon.
The Courant is trying to learn the
Enterprise how to run a newspaper, it
seems. Its well never iniitd
Mrs. Imhoff, of Lincoln is the guest
of Mrs. D. II. Wheeler.
Mrs. Atwood is in the city, visiting
her relations and friends.
Mr. Thomas Evans and wife spent a
few days in the city last vek.
Gen. Cunningham made Platts
mouth a flying call last Friday.
Uncle Jake Vallery came home Sat
urday, with a big Hancock and En
glish badge en.
Miss M. L.. Ruby, of Georgetown,
Colerada. has returned home for her
summer vacation.
Mr. Andy McMakin visited .Platts
rneuth the first of the week, the sad
occasion of the visit being the death
of his mother.
Cap. Paine aud wife came up to So.
Bend f o see Hank Streight, Saturday.
Cap., it's "agin" the law to fish in Sar
py County en Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsland returned
frtm thir visit to Canada last Thurs
day, and immediately began the
pleasant task of moving. .
Andy McLaughlin was off last week
on a prospecting tour to see the coun
try and how the eorn looks. Mrs. Mc.
accompanied him as far as Lincoln.
Mr. Taul Rawlins,' wife and mother
returned to Plattsmouth last week,
rith the intention of again making it
their home after seven or eight years
of absence.
Mis. J. W. Barnes, accompanied by
her niece, Miss Wheeles, of Nashville,
Illinois, who has been visiting in
Plattsmouth for some time, started for
the west this morning. They will vis
it at Cheyenne, Denver, Georgetown
and other points during their absence.
Mr. Watson B. Smith and daughters
of Omaha, made a visit to Plattsmouth
this week, Mr. Smith having in hand
the inspection of arrangements for the
picnic, which will come from Omaha
the 5th, he being one of the managers
of the aforesaid excursion. .
Twa old friends of Mike Murphy
came dawn to see Plattsmouth on
Monday, Charley Law ton and. Joe.
Southard. Mike hooked up and gave
them a drive round town and surpris
ed them. We'll never forgive Charley
Lawton for not calling to see he
knows who at the Herald office.
Frank Hager is expected at Platts
mouth on Sunday.
Grand Social Hop at Fitzgerald
Hall, Monday eve, July 5th.
Fifteen car-loads of stock were
shipped from Greenwood Friday last,
12 of cattle and ii of lings.
A full line of crackers and snaps,
from the celebrated "Duke Bakery,"
Chicago, at Bennett & Lewis', lotl
Ice! Sounds pleasant these hot
mornings. F. S. White's team deliv
ers it and it's the coldest in town, lots
The Enterprise don't think much
of the Democratic ratification meet
ing, Saturday. Thinks his boy could
do better.
Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!!
cheap ! cheap !! cheap !!! At the Great
Red Store. Money positively refunded
if not satisfactory. lltf
Allen & Co.'s Richmond Gem, 33
cents per f pound, and Ole Virginia,
13 cents per package, both curly cut,
the best and finest smoking tobaccos in
town, sold at J. Pepperberg's. 30tf
A meeting of all 4th of July com
mittees at the Court House to-nigkt;
don't fail to bo there as business of
importance is to be transacted.
Over a thousand picnicers from
Omaha will be here on Monday. The
grounds will be In perfect order and a
giand time is anticipated by them.
The Board of Trade meeting Sat
urday received Messrs. Ilerold's propo
sition, and a committee was appointed
to see what aid citizens were willing
t-o extend.
Messrs. E. G. Dovey & Son, have
an immense quantity of Hams and
Shoulders, which they are disposing of
cheap as possible. Call, all ye hungry.
In the parade Saturday, will be a
man in a cage with two large, live,
black, New Foundland "bears," who
will be feeding them fresh meat from
his naked hand.
-4th of July Celebration at Platts
mouth, by J. P. Young, who has the
largest assortment of Fire Works,
Flags, Torpedos, Fire Crackers and
other 4th of July goads. 14t2
Balloon ascension at the P. O.
News Depot, at 9'oclock p. m., one of
the large Meteoric Balloons, displaying'
Fire Works, &c, while ascending in
tke air, the first one ever displayed in
Plattsmouth. 14t2
Arrangements are being made for
a temperance meeting on Friday of
next week, at which time several
speakers will be in attendance. Fur
ther notice will be given in our next
Mr. N. S. Young finishes his grade
contract to-day, so that nothing now
remains to complete the bridge but
the west 400 foot span. "Won't it look
glorious to see the trains sliding over
the Missouri 53 feet above the water.
Solomon A Nathan will make
special bargains on and before the 4th.
Their stock is large and an assort
ment of everything in their line of
goods may be found there and bought
dirt cheap. Call if you wtmld get a
grand good bargain. 1
An excursien of 2,000 people com
ing from Omaha to celebrate the 4th
at Plattsmouth, and Phil Young will
supply all with -Ice cold Soda Water,
Sarsaparilla Beer and ginger ale,"
drawn from the new Soda Fountain
at the P. O. News Depot. 14t2
At Plattsmonth, Saturday, July 3, IS so.
Line of March will be formed on
Main street with right resting on cor
ner of Main and Cth st., at 10 o'clock
a. m.
okder of riiocEssrox.
General Officers of tn Day and Assistants,
flattmnouth Silver IJeliean Baud.
-Sunday School Children.
Singine Societies.
Grand Army of the Kepnhlic.
Orators of the lay.
Mayor and I'ouncilnieh.
Comity Official.
Mardi Gras Carnival, (lia Muflius.)
Citizens on foot
Citizens in Carnages.
Precession, will commence moving
at sound of cannon.
.Procession will counter-march at
corner of Main and 6th streets, moving
east to 3d street, thence north te Vine
street, thence west to 6th street, thence
north to Walnut, thence east to the
Prayer by Rev. J. T. Baird.
Song "My Country 'tis of Thee,"
Plattsmouth Glee Club.
Reading Declaration of Indepen
denceChaplain Alva Wright.
Music by the Band.
Oration Hon. II. D. Estabrook.
Chorus by Plattsmouth Lieder
kranz. Thirty minutes for refresments, af
ter which toasts and responses by the
folio wing gerrtlemen:
1. Judse'A. K. Sullivan.
Music hy. Hie Rand.
2. Jiev. J. A. Gallijjncr.
Song by Glee" Club.
3. Hon. S. M. Chapman.
Music by the Hand.
4. Hon. M. A. llartican.
Song by the Liederkranz.
5. - Hon. R. B. Windham
Music by the Rand.
6. Gen. George S. Smith.
Sous tv Glee Club.
7. rrof . J. W. Lov.
Music by the Band.
8. Rev. Father Lynch.
Sons by the Liederkranz.
9. Gen. It. K. Livingston.
- Music by the Band.
Games of different kinds, good
swings, and plenty of ice-water on
A full view can " be had from the
grounds "of the beaut iful Bridge span
ning the Missouri River at Platts
mouth, besides other beautiful scenery.
A fine display of Fire Works en the
High School Hill in the evening.
Everybody invited to attend and
have a pleasant time.
Bv Order of Com.
Grand Ball Monday night.
The Enterprise seems to be terri
bly exercised over some one in this
office wasting so much f his Employ
er's time. Yet the Employer doesn't
kick, Deacon, and it seems as if you
were the one that's interfering with
other people's business.
What elegant little rains we are
having; no dash, no hurricane to
knock things endways no lightning
and thunder to set the wmen crazy,
but just a gentle out flowing of mois
ture that makes the very grass, the
trees and the crops smile in gladness
of heart.
The first day of this year was on
the Hehald's issuing day; also the
first day of the 2d quarter; to-day is
the first day of the second half f the
year, and it will come within one of
being press day at the end of the year,
the 30th of December.
Parties having ropes fit for
"swings,"and who are willing to assist
in amusements on the 3d of July, are
respectfully requested to hang said
ropes for swinging purposes on the
grounds of the celebration on the 3d.
Lets of nice trees to tie to, and we
hope they'll do it.
Request of Ex-Com.
The first 30,000 of the pressed
brick that were burned seem to be sim
ply the fruit of an experiment, but
the remainder of the kiln are appar
ently good brick. They are smooth
and plump. The trouble with the
first was owing to the laek of pressure,
which was only about 20,000 lbs, and
the others received about 33,000.
Great complaints are made of the
slaughter house out on the avenue, by
farmers and citizens generally. It
ought to be abated before the 4th, as
such a stench must disgust all visitors
with the town and its surroundings.
Certainly a trench can bo dug and all
oltal from such places buried at once,
while a free nse of lime in some form
would always keep the premises sweet
and wholesome.
The following old and reliable ad
vertisers will please forgive us for
leaving their advertisements out this
week: II. A. Waterman & Son, lum
ber dealers; Streight & Miller, harness
makers; John Shannon, liveryman;
Rob't Donnelly, Blacksmith; M.
O'Rourke, tailor ; P. B. Murphy, Tem
perance Billiard Hall; Jas. Grace, Bil
liard Hall; J. N. Schwartz, painter.
Remember this is the 4th of July
week and brings in more news thanJ
Frye had brick en his wagon, and
sand in his "craw" and the horses
couldn't get awny from him. We think
the reason he stopped those horses was
because he has a little spite against the
papers and objected to furnishing a lo
cal, which might have said that brick
were scattered, from the head of Main
street to the river, and that when they
went over the cross walks, two bricks
flew through Cheap Charley's window,
knocked down several signs and smash
ed in Hick's north side, tipped over a
tox car and finally jumped into the
From the Sturgis, Mich., Weekly:
Mr. John Brast, living in Sherman
Township, informed us a few days ago
that his feet had been so terribly frost
bitten that he could hardly staud the
pains caused thereby. He happened to
think of St. Jacobs Oil, which he al
ways keeps' handy, rubbed his feet
twice with the remedy, and the pain
disapppeared entirely. He not only
Tallies St. Jacobs Oil as an unexcel
led remedy for a great many other
painful diseases, to which mankind is
subject, but he also asserts that it is
really invaluable for the many diseas
es horses and stock are subject to, and
which so often play havoc with the
prospects of the farmer and stock-raiser.
Tbe Fnsilade.
We are willing eur Democratic
friends should fire cannon, (in the air)
to "ratify" as they call it; and burn
tar-barrels, and fizz crackers (like chil
dren) and shout, and halloo themselves
hoarse for Hancock and English. We
never did think much of Ratifications
anyway, this tinhorn aud jingling bells
business, this banner aud booming bus
iness, this shouting and shooting is
but a relic of barbarism at best.- It is
the form of expressing joy or sorrow
most in vegue among uncivilized peo
ples and partakes of the "barbaric
yawp" system of polities that did
much to make this country a disgrace
in the eyes of civilized Europe and a
stumbling block to the more .intelli
gent of her own citizens. It is a vent
for disappointed hopes, full as often
as a method of true rejoicing. It elects
no man, it declares no principles, it
binds no administration. Let our
friends "ratify" in their own way and
be happy then.
Closing Exercises.
The school at Homing's school house'
over which Mr. J. 8. Cooley has the
honor to preside, gave a very pleasant
picnic entertainment in Cole's grove
last Friday. At the school house there
were the usual recitations, declama
tions, music, etc., together with the
presentation of prizes by the teacher.
After that children, parents and neigh
bors adjonrued to the grove where lots
of chicken, sandwiches, cake and pie
disappeared mysteriously in an incred
ibly short space of time, showing that
examinations must be hungry times.
The small children didn't make way
with all the fodder either, for we saw
Cap. "Wiles and Henry Eikenberry
there, and after dinner they both look
ed like a thriving critter that had been
in a fresh clover patch awhile.
Mr. Cooley is to be congratulated on
the fine appearance of his school out
of doors; the Hehald got there too
lata to hear the in-door exercises.
Grand Social Hop.
To be given in Fitzgerald Hall, on
Monday, July 5th. Music by the Bo
hemian band of six pieces. Tickets
for dance, $1.00.
By Order of Com.
Piano Stools.
Any one wishing a stool will do
well to call at Jos. Schlater's Jewelry
Store, where they can be found in
abundance. 15t2 James Pettee, Agt.
The G. A. R.
Tho Grand Army of the Republic
meets next Tuesday in regular session
and all old soldiers are requested to
come up and join. A full meeting of
members is desired, and, in fact, ne
cessary. -
Fred (.order
has on hand every description of Reap
ers, Mowers, Harvesters and Headers
in the market, which will be sold
cheap and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Come and see them before you pur
chase elsewhere. 13t2
A very large excursion of Omaha
people is expected down here on Mon
day the 5th, if the weather, is favor
able. Mr. Watson B. Smith, of Oma
ha inspected the grounds last Tuesday
and seemed well pleased with them.
The fare for the round trip is seventy-five
cents and even less for children.
All efforts are being made to render
the excursion and picnic pleasant and
safe. Wo glean from the Picnie Bul
letin sent us by managers of the affair.
Died :
LLOYD At the residence ofliis grandfather,
llliam Lloyd, in Cass County, Sebrasha. on
Tuesday, June 2H. isxn, Ai.kxandku. " of
David Lloyd, aged 1 year, 11 months aud 1G
The IIkhald expresses its regret. at the
great loss of its friend's family.
McMAKEN At Blattsniouth. Neb., June 2t;th,
1S:0, Mr?. C. McMakkn, aRd years.
Mr. McMaken was born in New Yerk. May
11, 1800, the first year of this century. She early
began a westward inarch, coming irst to Ohio,
thence to Indiana, to Iowa, and finally to Ne
braska, in 1S58. It will thus he seen that she
was one of the pioneer settlers of tliii the ter
ritory. She united with the Presbyterian church
at 10, in which faith ahe continued, and was
laid t her last resting place with Us prayers
and praise over her remains. She lived to see
all her children married and settled, the grand
children, and even great grand-children grow
ing up to perpetuate the family name, and
then, her life's labor done, and life' forces
upon;, at a ripe old a;e she passed away with
words of love for her absent children on her
lips. The funeral took place from the rresby
teriat church, Monday, at 10 a. in., a large num
ber of friends following her te her grave.
Sad Acccident -Which will Probably
prove Fatal.
About 8 or 9 o'clock Tuesday, a. m.,
the quarrymen at tho Louisville Stone
quarry, were about to light a blast and
and one man, Nelson Munsou by name,
crawled under a flat car to avoid the
shattering rock but instead of getting
out of danger, run into the thickest;
for the rock fell in such quantities on
the car as to break it through, a splint
er from the floor striking Munsou on
top of the head, making a scaip wound
and crushing the skull. In answer to
a telegram for medical aid, Dr. Hall
went up on the freight, and did all he
could to relieve the poor fellow. The
Doctor thinks that his chances for re
covery are one against a good many.
Haunted Me.
Debt, poverty aud suffering haunted
me for years, caused by a sick family
and large bills for doctoring, which
did no good. I was completely discour
aged, until one year ago, by the advice
of my pastor, I procure 1 Hop Bitters
and commenced their nse, and in one
month we wen' all well, and nne of
us have been .iok a day since; and I
want to say to all poor men, you can
keep your families well a year with
Hop Bitters for leis than one doctor's
visit will cost. A Workingman.
Find Good Luck, Keno, Trotter aud
Lorillard Tobaccos. Also a full line
of smokers' articles of every descrip
tion at Sciilegei, & Niemann's. 12tf
Rock Bluffs Notes.
It would surprise you to come down
and see how our town has grown up
(with mustard). On last Wednesday
Morning we thought we he.ard afamil
iar voice, and, sure enough, it proved
to be Mr. Leak and family, who
came here from Kansas.
Mac. F. Hagoqd was in town Mon
day. Ho thinks Hitch not Hitch
but Hancock will be our next Presi
dent. -There is some talk of having a pic
nic at1 this place, but am not " certain
whether its "a go", or not. Hut. just
come down here on Monday eve. of
the 5th, to one of the best dances Rock
Bluffs'ever saw. it will "be at ur
Hall. Music by Collins and 'Graves,
violinists, accompanied by. an! organ.
Come down, Editor, we would -lika to
see you "hop" once. If you can't come
perhaps we can save you a piece ot
cake, pie,.or something of the kind.'
R-. II. Fitch has had a very sore' fin
ger for a week er more. Can't carpen
ter any at present.
What has become of our Rock Creek
correspondent? Should like to hear
from there occasionally.
Don't forget about ur dance, Mac.
Yours Resp. . P. Vines.
To Hie Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska, lltf
UID CC Improved Hoot Beer Puck
nltlL J as:e, 543 Vtn, Makes live pallous
of a delicious and sparkling beverage whole
coine and temperate. Sold by dmjiKists. or sent
bv mail on receipt of 25 cts. Address, CIIAS. K.
If IKES, Manufacturer, ItH Market Street. I'hll
adulphia. Pa. 50t20
The Herald. Detroit, Mich., says of Warner's
Safe Liver and Kidney Cure : "Its efficacy in
kidnev. liver anil urinary diseases is so fully
acknowledged that it is tint worth the question
ing Bona fide testimonials from well-known
citizens in public and private life are evidences
strong enough to convince the most stubborn
doubter." 8tU
Read and See.
Women's Cloth Shoes 05c.
" Button Shoes SI 15.
" Fine Leather " 1 25.
Men's Brogans 1 25.
Misses' Leather Shoes 75.
Youths' Genuine Calf 1 25.
Others in proportion. Call and ex
amine, no charge for showing them.
lOtf Peteis Merges.
Customer "Why are 'Malt Hitters' so popu
lar? Druc'Kt "Uecatnie. as a Food Medicine, they
enricii the blood, harden the muscles, quiet
the nerves, perfect digeMiau. 1.14
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7tf
To Rent.
A new Hotel, with 17 rooms and
cellar. Enquire of
4tf I- . 1J. (JUTIIMAN.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
Now open with new, cheap and
good Boofs and Shoes, next door to
Post Oflice. lOtf
It lias no 1'olitical Significance;
But for curing all Summer derange
ments of the stomach and bowels,
Bkown's Blackiji:ki:v and Gingeii
has no equal. No family is safe with
out it. For sale everywhere. 50 cents
per bottle.
May be secured, and constipation and
biliousness cured, uy using Bkowx's
Liveii Pills. All dealers keep them.
I'Olt tiik m,ooi VM
Use Compound Extract of Sarsa
parilla and Dandelion with Io
dide of Potassium.
Cures Indigestion, Sour Stomach and
Dyspepsia. A new and reliable reme
dy. Price 50 centa per bottle. Above
for sale by J. H. Buttery, Smith & Black
and O. F. Johnson. Plattsmouth, and
John Painter and Eledge & Co., East
Biicklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 241y.
I wish Everybody to Know.
Rey. George It. Thayer, an old citi
aen of this vicinity known to every one
as a most influential citizen, and
Christian Minister of the M. E. Church
just this moment stopped in our store
to say : "I wish everybody to know
that I consider that both myself and
wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure." Itis having a tre
mendous sale over cur counters and is
giving perfect satisfaction in all eases
of Lung Diseases, such as nothing else
has done.
Bourbon, Ind., May 15, '78. Drs. Match
ett & France. Sold by Smith & Black.
Jio Deception Used.
It is strange so many people will
continue to suffer day after day with
Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion, Sour Stmiich, General Debility
when they can procure at our store
Shiloh's Vitalizer, free of cost if it
does not cure or re ieve them. Price
75 cents. Sold by Smith & Black.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A
marvelous Cure for Catarrh.diphthrria,
Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With
each bottle there is an ingenious nasal
Injector for the more successful treat
ment of the complaint, without extra
charge. Price 50 cents.
Thirty of the best organ makers of the
World are competitors at the I'ari Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Associated Press savs
two highest "ld medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
VSo wiii pay Agents a tuiutry oi kUv per month
and xposn, or Aiiowa tre commuaion, toavil our
Bw mutf wonderful In rcntifeus. W mean tkat ut iy.
mel &. AjJuMamimKXMMimlL Mich.
IlomeOIade Cigars.
Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made
cigars. Ask your dealers
for Pepperbeig's pure brands of home
made cigars. If you don't find them
there, go where they are kept, and by
doing so, encourage home labor. Job
bing in cigars and smokers." articles a
specialty, at low prices. A large and
varied stock of smokers' goods always
on hand, at prices to suit the times. "
42tf Julius Pepperberg.
vl eduesdav, June 30 1SS0.
Wheat. Xo.2 ." (s M
Corn, ear I'O
shelled J I
Oats 'jo
Rarlcy, Xo. 2 4
live 50
Native Cattle : 3 5ow4 00
Ho;- .3 40
Rutter - ((, 15
Kjiiis l."
Potatoes fc M(
New 1 5(1
x 1-: w y m : ii m ark in s.
Nkv Yoku, June 30, ltsc.
Monev l .o-Jrt.! at.
Wheat .3 1 17'.,
Rye : . . . - i
torn fo (, .M'i
Oats j (a. 34
Chicaco, June 30, lssn.
Flour .-s dull
Wheat 87! i
Oorn 34
Oats P
Rve To
Barley 75
Hops, Miipuing $4 3oft ji-t 43
Cattle. " 4 a!, 4 50
Sheep 3 iXiO 4 25
To the Farmers of Cass County.
We w ish to call your attention to a
few figures on harness work. We will
sell you
Saddles for $3 00 and up.
Riding Bridles 75 " -
Halters., 25
Fly Sheets .'... 1 25
Collars C3
Sweat .Pads 50 " :
Whips..... 10 "
Brushes.....! SO
Curry Combs 25, "
Lap Dusters 40 ".
Single Harness 9 50
And everything else iu proportion.
These are no sham figures, but real
prices. YVe have a very large stock on
hand, and feel that we must sell at
once. No man need go away because:
of the prices of our goods.
14t2 Streight & Miller.
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or
wagon load can be had at the Kiln,
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickelwait & Sharp,
7tf on premises.
An Honest Medicine Free of Charge.
Of all medicines advertised to cure
any affection of the Throat, Chest or
Lungs, we know of none we can rec
ommend so highly as Dr. Kino's New
Discovery' for Consumption, Coughs,
Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Hay Fever,
Hoarseness, Tickling in the Throat,
loss of voice, etc., This medicine does
positicdy cure, and that where every
thing else has failed. No medicine
can show one-half so many positive
and permanent cures as have already
been effected by this truly wonderful
remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis
it is a perfect specific, curing the very
worst cases in the shortest time possi
ble. We say by all means give it a
trial. Trial bottles free. Regular size
1.00. For sale by Smith & Black,
wholesale and retail, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Very Droll to Think of.
If not above foeingtauirht hy a man, use
iit:s's Electric Soap next wash day. Used
without any was-h boiler or rubliing hoard, and
ii.-cii dilierently from any other soap ever
made. It seems very droll to thiak of a iiuii l .
orderly two hours' liylit work on wash day,
villi no hca! and u steam, or smell of tio!
v.ashi;; through the house, instead of a lon
dav's hard work ; but hundreds of thousands
of "women from Nova Scotia to Texas have
proved for themselves that this is done I y us
in' Dobbins' Electric Soap. Don't buy it.
however, if too set in your ways to use it ac
cording to directions, that are as simple as to
seem almost ridiculous and so easy that a Kill
of twelve years can do a larjtc wash without be
in tired. It positively will not injure the linest
fabric, has been before Hie public for fifteen
years, aud its sale doubles every year. If your
grocer hae not got it, he will get it. as all whole
sale grocei-s keep it.- .
I L. Ckaoix & Co., Philadelphia.
Rkki Rkos., Sole Agents.
3-eowly Weeping Water; l.eU.
Sheriffs Sale. .
Hy virtue of an order of sale issued by W. C.
Showaltej. Clerk ot the District Court, within
and lor Cass County, Nebraska, and t me di
rected, 1 will n tho 3ist day of July, A. It.,
180, at 10 o'clock, a. in., ot said day, at thu
south door of the Court House, in said County,
sell at Public Auction the followins Real Es
tate to-wit : The east half (ett) of the south
west quarter (sw) of section twenty (20) town
ship eleven (11) range fourteen (14) east ef the
Cth p. m. in Cass County. Nebraska. The same
bring levied upon and taken as the property of
Francis M. Carrell, Alzeria Carroll, John M.
Carroll and John Carroll, Defendants ; to sati
fv a judgment of said Court by J. I. Case A
Co., Plaintiffs. . ." K.YV.Htekk,
Sheriff, Cass County, Neb:
Plattsmouth, Neb., June 28th, A. D. 180. I3t5
All the heirs next of kin, and persons inter
ested in the estate of William E. Douelan. de
ceased are required to appear before th Hon.
S. 15. Pound, Judge of-the 2d Judicial District
Court of Nebraska, at his chambers, in the city
of Lincoln. Lancaster County, Nebraska.. cm
Monday, the 16th day of August, A. D.lsJO. at 2
o'clock p. ih., of said day, to show cause whyli
license should not be granted to Allie V. Don
elan, guardian of the minor heirs of William E.
Douelan. deceased, to sell all the right, title
and interest of Edmund F. Douelan and John
A. Donelan. minor heirs of William E, Doue
lan. deceased, in and to the following dcscrilr
eb real estate, to-wit :
The undivided one-half () of lot three (3) in
block thirty-six (36) ; the undivided ene-half
of lot two Cd) in block forty-six (46), as desig
nated on tlie recorded plat of the City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska. The whole of
lot two (j), in section eighteen (18), towtmhip
twelve. North of range feurteeu (14). East, iu
Cass County, Nebraska, containing six (.6; acres
more or less. Also, lot fifteen (15), block forty
eight (48). in Clark & Miller's addition to the
town of Aslriand. Saunders County. Nebraska.
Also, lot three (3), block sixty-six (6(5) : lot live
(5). block fifty-seven (57;; lut one (1),
block ninety (SO) ; lot six oj). block sixty (coi ;
lot two (2), block fifty-five (55 ; lot twelve (2,
block forty (40) : lot five (5), block sixty-seven
(7) : lot six (0), block fifty-seven (57) ; lot mue
(it), block eighty-six (SO) ; and the undivided
one-half Ci of lot six (6). .block seventy-nine
7U. in the town of Arapahoe. Furnas County,
Nebraska ALI.IE V. DON ELAN.
Guardian of the minor heirs of W iiliam E.
Dw.ielan, deceased.
Ry Wii.litt Pott kn kk, her Att'y. I3t3
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber. living one mile
north, of Grand Prairie School House. in Center
Precinct. Cass County. Neb., one yearling horsu
colt, mouse color, verv small star iu forehead,
litllc white on lilit hunt lout. Said annual
was taken up June 1st, 1M0 The owner is re
quested to claim propel ty, pav charges ami
UiliC said animal away. N. .f. CALKlNtS.
Louisv i'.) Neb., June 4tli. IseO. 12t.
In District Court, Second Judicial District
Nt-biaska, within and for Cass County.
II. A. Waterman & Son"
Isaac N. Darnell. T. P.
Mullii.ix. and Mrs. j
Wilcox. . J
To T. P. Miillinix and Mrs, Wilcox, part
ners in PlattMiiouth Steam Ferry Company,
non-residents, defendants, : You and of
you are hereby notified that II. A. Watwrutuii
&MUI, a firm composed of Hiram A. Waterman
and John Watermau, of Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka, on the 7th day of January, Irisu, filed their
uetition in the oflice of the Clerk of th,; 1ns
irict Court, within and for Casi County. Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which js to
obtain a judgment of said Court against .vtid
Isaac N. Darnell. T. P. Miillinix aud Mrs.
Wilcwx. and in favor of said it. A. Waterman
Sou, on a certain due bill, executed and de
livered by said Plattsmouth Steam Ferry Com
pany, dated Plattsmouth, Neb., July id, 17:),
for the sum of three hundred and twelve dol
lars, with interest thereon ; that the said plain
tiffs did on the 7:h day of January, 130, cause
to be issued by the Clerk of said Court an or
der of Attachment and Garnishment, ami did
cause K. D. Morgan to be garuisheed for the
full amount of their said claim, for the purpose
ol having him pay into sai.i Court the full
amount of said indebtedness.
And the said T. P. Mullinix and Mrs. Wil
cox are notified that they are required to ap
pear and answer said petition ou or before the
third Monday after the 13th day of July, l&sO,
or judgment will be rendered against them.
By Sam M. Chapman, their Atty. I4tj
Staple & Fancy Grocers,
IFaimntt UDceaiilloE0 I
Lower Main St., 1 door west of II. Boeck's Furniture F.stablishment.
t&Vv Sisive In &ticl ami expect
to carry 9 a complete Hue of
Staple Fancy Groceries !
v. iiic
For CA&M 3tly!
ISeceived dally fey express.
we except isrcosnEi.
Call and See Us.
Is Leased to
who will, during the
; c..,Ms:.a
;" With. tht-ir immonso stock of
1! . WJ&XjUii - . -
13 Ztl j-r.; -a is . .- zX
CosasistlssfS' of all JPrIces5'
W. M
Are now located in their
One door.wcst of their old stand, and arc prepared to show you the
Best Variety and Lowest Prices!
'in the following lines :
staple and IPancy JI5ry Qoods9
BJotioiaSj ILadies s& (Rents9
IFuriilsliiiig; (Roods,
Queensware, Glassware,
IHfoodLen UUillow-UiTare,
Urietl and (Canned Pruits!
Groceries, Flour and Provisions.
Notice. '. ;
To the noh-resideut owner of the following
described real estate, situated in the County of
Cass, and State of Nebraska, to-w it : Lot twelve
(12), block one hundred and sixty-three -lti.
in the city of Plattsmouth. You are hereby nd
tilied that the above described real estate was
on the nth day of September, 1S74, sold to Cass
County, Nebraska, for the taxes of 1873, and
that on the 3d day of March, 1SW). he said
County sold and transferred all its right and
title iu said lot to T. J. Todd, aud unless the
same is redeemed from such sale ontir before
the lull day of November, ISsd. a tax deed will
be issued for said real estate to T. J. Todd.
lain . T. J. TODD.
' Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, on Sec. 3. T. 10,
K. 1.1. -i'ass County. Nebraska. May8lli, ls8o,
one spotteil sow. and two harrows one spot
ted, and one most ly black; ciop oil f riht
ear. and hole in leli ear. liie imti-rcui iine
Hie same by proving pioiily ;.ni
charges, under the l;t.
li:.i . j i . .
In District Court. Secoi.a J. tn-i:ii 1 ! t !
- ebrasku, wuiiiu ami .'r r - .. .
II. A. Waterman .v .-o- 1
vs : !
K. AL I)iUTiliW--l ni l ,' '
.Maria t . ii ir:: :.!!. J
h'. M. Doi-iinjUou ;.!! ."..ui . '-' tnii--f-lion
residents, ueicini.-.jil -., wiii !. nu! '. ; !vf -II.
A. uterman & Si'ii.- a iirni e'-i:v-e :
Hii am A. Waterman ami John W:ui ol
the County ot Cass, in tne Male of,
did on the .lh day of .March. lxu. nie men
peliiion in the Distr ct Court ot Hie Second .1 u
dicial District of the ."Mute oi euiasii;;, wiiin,.
and tor Cas Coumy. against tho said t',-M.
D.ii rir.i;toii and his wile. M.irh. C. Don .iil'-i..
deieiiiiuuls, st'tiiiijr fort n thai on .lie loin daj
of I etiruaiy, ls7S. said deicudaut wi re lmiclil
td to the said plaiutifts in sum of one linn lied
and iiiiicty-tluee and hi- ion dollars (-ski.: ,) lor
oods, wares, iiieichamiise. building matciial,
etc., sold ami delivered hy said plaiutills to the
said defendants oX their special instance and
ropiest, aud praying judgment against said
defendants for the sum oi one hundred and
ni'icty-tkiee and iti-lou de:iar, with interest
from February lfi. ISTs : tint the said .plaintiff
di-i on the ""Ah day of Ma? h, ixso, cause to be
is, ed by i he t. irr!i of Court au Order of
Aniiincn! . l :i'd c;uv ;he following prtfp
er'v of the iicind: t i i attached, to-wit:
Lois elevei. twelve "I . l.'i, in block sixty
two - . I J tin! Ct V Ot i I,.! LMllotlt h. Cuss Co..
Nc a -.till, fui t he t.,.i ,-h ..f having tile same
SO.d to pay saiti Iulc'.ielii.-Ss.
And the said F. M Dorriugton and Mari i-C.
DoiriDK ton are notified that they are required
to appear and answer said petition ou or be
fore the third Monday after the day of
Julv, A. D. 1880, or judgment will be rendered
acainst them. If. A. WATERMAN & hON.
15y Sam M. Chapman, their Att'y. Ht5
will -i:i i.
F'AP - ISBi li
'.- -....3.-. : Sit VAAbi'il
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Kstate of James O'Neil,
Notice is hereby given to all persons bavi'm:
claims against the estat of j limes O'Neil, de
ceased, to file the same on or before the 3otli
day of December, A. D, Isko, in the oflice of the
County JudKe. at I'lattsmouth, Cass County,
Nebraska. A. N. hL LLI VAN. Co. Judce.
I'lattsmouth, June 23d, lso. nt3
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Kstate of William Delc-Dernici-,
deceased. In the County Court of
ass County, Nebraska.
I pon readiiiu and filing the duly verified pe
tition of Sarah DelcsDeriiicr, prayinu that ad
ministration of the estate of William DelcsDT
nicr. deceased, be granted to herself aud Wii
liaiii De;r ncr. lei.Jr : Oniercd l hat notice of
l he pi lnb io y o; s;iid c u-e Oe published 111 the
N lira-l.a 11 i.UAi.ii. a ..i ,h i.ewjiaci, prim
ed. PH.. iis:i. l. j.'i ... :, .in main, i. in
s.ud . i.lllltV. lol . :.l ' - .v. u ij
i:i.l! ll.e in-;.. of - .. -,..; r-
:-.' . ol .1 . A. ; is -ii. i! .!.. ;. i,i . :,t.
; :. - '-'.!' ''.' .; ' j i !:.-. i i -; - . , , . ., .
:' - I- : 'i-.. i j.. ; ;. . i . ;
!; ;-. !)'-, ; V -l.o a- . i.i.-, 1 1 i.i y t ii'-v hi..',
u -t. ,--i i!i. .. --t -'; in.'...t ..-t
". V -: i.l.l V W vt.i
I.-! ':;.. .:.::; ir- I . i
Probate Notice
1 '
lil-u -1 r :
im ,: of i!. i;. i ;;i---N.
i ( .i..!t ;:... ii ..
i 1 .. -w i- I'. i
.'., !:- v . 1! 1 .
. i.-M j.' .-!,!: ;: i I a t-.r
: -. .. --j- ,c '- ' t I r
t 1'.:' icnil.ii. on I i.i
i--v. ill oi.e o'clock p.
.. i. Uine and place a.l
.1 1
ci . ,: i ,-i .'mi d ii..i uc present and exam
ine sid accountn.
A. N. SULLIVAN. Conntv Judjre.
I'lattsmouth. June Z3d. lsj-o. nt3
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern :
The section line road, petitioned for by E. A.
Sprauue. et al.. Con: meiiciug at the North Has I
corner of section No. si ,. township eleven
ill), range eleven (II). running thence South
on st ctioii line, and terminating at South East
corner of sect ion e'ghteen tls, tow usliip ideven
(11). range eleven f 11 , has been declared by the
hoard id County Commissioners an open load ;
and ail objections thereto, or claims for dam
ages, must be filed in the County Clerk's oflice
ou or before noon on the 17th day of August,
A. D. I8s0. or such road w ill be opoued without
reference thereto. J. D. TUTT,
j3t5 County Clerk.