The Herald. The Herald. ID ADVERTIHIXO RATES, PUBLISH VD JtVEUY THURSDAY, AT PACK t W. 2 w. t 3 w. ! l m. i 3 in. m.l 1 vr. PLATTSMOOTH. NEBRASKA. 1 sqr 3iqn, . Si oo 1 50 2 IK) ! o oo 91 no saon oo'$i2o 2 no 2 7& Sill !W, 10 00 16 v 3 is 4 no 4 75 001 13110 20M H col Kcol sw mini ii nog ngo so oo 00 10 IW 36 09. O IT" I?" 2 O DEI ; Or Vice St., One Block North of Main, Cop. of F'fth Street. HCOl... 8(011200 1N001 1800, r00 40 00 1 60 (4 I COl...' 15 00! ISOO 20 001 25 00 1 40 001 80 OBI I CO OS EVaII Advertising mils Due Quarterly. W Transient Advertl.tnenU must bo Paid In Advance. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. J "PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS. (TERMS : $2.00 a Year. tasl Crculjuca of ii Fer is lbs Scaly. Terms in Advance: One eopy. one jrr , $2.00 One copy, six rkiuiim 1-00 One coj.y, three mouths, M ff" Extra Copies of the Herald for sale T. F. Youko, at the Post-Omce News Depot Main Street. VOLUME XVI. PL ATTSMOUTH , NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1880. NUMliER 11. MEM HENRY BCFCK DEALER IN SAFES, CHAIRS, FTC, ETC., KTC. Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES IK r". nzes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. Ir FINE HEARSE is NOW READY FOR SERVICE. With in;i!i thanks for past patronage. I invl: all to c;ill and examine my LAIUiE STOCK OK U:t. FCKXTI'tl-: AXU :OK'IXS J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in EE ii H. EI E S S( SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPS ETC., ETC ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. e oiiiv place in town wnere "lurieys pat ent sen adjustable iiorse coiiarsare solo." (T' TTf remedy ron baldness . ' r!i nwr Krowto ul Iitr.WhUksjra or UuiUcW t-.vuraa fe Co., 2 Clinton iPizce, Kew York TA LUA BLLH TRUTHS. uu Ifj . -cunrbirfrom ins; c J Uxi of rn tnmi, Hop Hitters 'poor health, or lnngnlnh , take cheer, tor will Cure Yoa. and have overtaxed jroor. Self i ?'Jr pastoral du-fctieSi or a mother, wora If i-vi r:c a minister, oat wiift ciro oiid work, or if you fo l weak and tus knowing why, Hop Hitter will If too aro a nian of bus Strcun of your everyday piritod, without ciearh f vou are simnlv ailinri Restore Yoa incss, weakened by tho duties; or a man of lot midnight work. ten, tot hue over your Hop Bitters will Strengthen Yoa. .mfTerinir from any India but, as u otwn Uw case. If you nre yountr, and eretion, or ore growing loo Mn; Hitters will If vot ar In the work Relieve Yoa. shoo, on tho farm, at the d '-. ktwhrrc ami frel that your Fvatein needs .ulating Kit boat latoxi. orft-nuuiij, touuiT or fctim- Hop Bitters l If vou aro old. and your I What Yon Need. Incise la feeble, your acuities waning. lien till tor will rive yoa Sew Life aaa Yfcrsib Bop Oorje:i CXm: la the nweetcst, safest and best I One n--r T.:r for Stomach, liver and Kidneys Is 1 to idl oilers, cures by absorption. It is perfect. I a. I. C loan t!i3l2 and lrreslntible cure for drank-1 marii ut-o ot oiuum, looacco ana nucoaa. jLbv u:j by Jrti'j'-i. I lop B:uer Mfi. Co. RochwLrr. N. T. A vegetable nrenaratlen and the only rare rrmeay tn the world for Uria' llsoaso. U .Mnbeln. .ad Alfi Auaer. later sue. IHTTestimonlalsof tbehighest order in pro.f of Lbeae stutetneaiK. loFor the care of nintwteo, call for War er'a Safe liabetra Cure, ae-For the cure of Krlclt' and the other diseases, call for Warner's Nale Ktditoy anel IJlver Care. SWarner's S ii fe It e in c tJits are sold by Iruf;tJlfs and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. EH. WARNER & CO., Proprietors, Hoc fleeter, N. T. OreSend for Pamphlet and Testimonials. Cathartic Pills Coml'ine the choicest cathartic principle! n nieiUcim;. in iiroimrtions accurately ad. ustel to seeiiro activity, certtiinty, ami uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, ami are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases, cansed Vy deran-reiiient of the stomach, liver, ami Lom'cIs, -".vhich reruire prompt and effectual treatment. Avr.u's 1'ii.i.s are specially ap- SHcaMc to tliis c'uiss rf diseases. They act irectlv on th? tlipestive and assimilative processes, and restore regular healthy ac tion. Their extensive use ly physicians in their practice, and hy all civilized nations, Is one of the many proofs of their value as a sale, sin-?, ni:d perfectly reliahle purgativo meilii inc. r.einjj comiHiuntled of the ccn ceiitrated virtues of purely vegetable sub stances, they are positively free from calo mel, or any injurious properties, and can be administered to children with perfect safety. Aykr's Pills are an effectual cure for Constipation or Costiveuess, Indiges tion, l)ysKpsia, Loss of Appetite, Font Stomach and Itreath, Dizziness, lle wlache, lxss of Memory, Numbness, liiiiousuess. Jaundice, Kheumatism, Kruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tuit.ors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, firipes. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gout, l'lies. Disorders of the liver, and all other diseases resuiting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Till they have no equal. While gentle iu their action, these Pili-S are the most thorough and searching cathar tic that can he employed, and never give pain iinlcjis the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is healing. They stimu late the apjetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to the whoht system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical ChemUte, Lowell, Mass. OLD IT ALL DKCOOtSTS ETKKTWHCBX. wmm mmmJ js" y-f S. 1 L1 'J C 7a. : ' ff- s KAVS HPECIFIC MEDICIXK. TRADE MARK The Great Kn-TRAOC MASK Rllsn Kemedy ; An uuf a 1 1 1 iik cure for Semi nal Weakness, Spermatorrhea I in potency, and all diseas es that folio as h senuwnce ol Self Ahuse : IEF08E TAXIK3. a Iaim of AfTEB TAKIII. Memory. Universal Lassitude. Pain In the back lJumes of Vision, Premature Old Age. and many other diseases that lead to Intauity or Consumption, and a Premature Grave. f r-Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. CST-The specific Medicine is nold by all dniK gt al SI tier package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Mechanics' Block, Detroit. Mich. tSSnld in Plattsmouth and everywhere, by all druggists. GMPIMTE SAIVS Or any othr kind, you tu file ytirrlf with oat ' A'ese Statihim tbst it will cut Mrttfrv thaa JJrei". Tbs teeth will all remain of equal sica and snaps. Sent Vee ea reeeipi lau; part of ths t'nited State.. Illustratec! Circular. S... 3XMiS0eM(aeiMret in wrs ewatnTst sims! eify Address Mi. MOTH 4a JtJtO., icic Ojc. font, JRa. Itsy We have hundreds of letters from mem nsing ear Msrhino who say the would aot take b tor U. run a. tn iitn.itfinl .. I 1 1 If rf X u baa bun 01 U I UlJ&'ZrZ1" mora pateat Improve ments than any other stoves. Ask your deal, er for them, or send for free illustrated cir cular. Chic-Tjo &. Erie Stove Co. (Limited), '"--171 A 173 Vaii SL. Chiotaoo. WIRTS & SCHOLLE, Ko. xei Wabash Atiivi. Chicaoo, ii.t, Fine, Medium, and Commoa FURNITURE. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and price Ust of over 600 new designs MAILED PKEJC apon application. (Send fur iU) GEORGE A. CLARK, SOLE AGENT. The BEST and MOST POPtXAIl Newiar Thread of Modern Tinea. . BEWARE OF I3IITATIOXS. riM niir" try i'utcv t.v ooiuiuuu NhIIiuu, WmHfiold, V. H. liuker & Co., L. $350 A MONTH! A3INT3 7 5 BmI Selllat Artlele. Is the WertS sum. pitfre.ALjAYBKQWSON,Strftlt,iiUa VJk UTCn ,ao0 r8Ht" Brcrrrrs. .f wWsk I 1 1 H ii I LLIiaakcBuckey.I'ileOinUueiit.WsTTsatrdta cur rue. Aaar.M with Mssip. Dr. J. M. Tibl.r. St. Leata. Me. Catarrh! Will be mailed, with INSUFFLATOR nil complete, for .1. so. Address Dr. C ft. BIKts. lev c juaaison at.. vniea 111., who was cured by It nine year, af u. I hoo.snd. eurea since. If afraid of n ine humbuitired. name this paper, and Ifor Book of full information. t,w,Hiio. send ten cent, to nav nrtntinff and Doatsire Luiala, ete. Yoa will never regret It. KENDALL'S SPAVIN OTTIRIEJ Til Vi jtoa a ..... r..l i neyer discovered, ae it l certain in its eueeis ana aoes not Duster. READ PROOF BELOW. From Rev. P. N. Grander, Preeiding Elder of the St. Alban's District. St. Albans, Vt.. Jan. 20th, 1880. Dr. K J. Kendall & Co.. Gents : In reply to vour letter I will say that my experience with Kendall's Spavin Cure has been very satisfac tory indeed. Three or four years ago I procur ed a buttle of your agent, and with it cured a horse of lameness cuused by a spavin, ltst seaxou my Iiorse became very lame, and I turn ed him out for a ft w weeks when he became belter ; hut w lieu I put In in on the road he got woise. when I discovered that a ring-bone wae lorming. I procured a bottle of Kendall's spavin Cure, and with lens than a bottle cured hint so that he is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. Kespectfully Yours. . P. N. Granger. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, All druggist have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to anv address on receipt of price by I he proprietors. B. J. KKNDALI, A C O., EnoHburgh Falls. Vermont. C. F. GoonMAr, Ag't Omaha. Neb. basd nrsTB,xmKT catalog tn. bitfucau, M tLslCeSaittv Cap, BlstouchmmtPom- , potw. Drum Majors' Bta I tutd Ht, Kpftlet. Csp-f Umpt, Btaada, and Out 0ta eoatains 8ft pm Mailed fWro AddrM LxQm SZalsT, lO Stat ftU n Ob K F Mathews, DEALER in Hardware, Cutlery, ITails, Iron, Wagon Stork, STOVES and TIN-WAKE, Iron, Wood Stock, Pumps, Ammunition, FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, ROPE, AND ALL KINDS OF SHEET IRON WORK, Kept in Stock. Making and Repairing, DONE WITH NEATNESS & DISPATCH. All Work Warranted. 44tl Schlegel & Nieman, Successors to A. Scuucgkl & Bro., Manufacturers of JPTISTJIj CIQABS, And dealers In 8MOKEltS" FANCY ARTICLES, SMOKING and CHEWING TOBACCOS. Special BRANDS and sizes of CIGARS made te order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cigar clippings sold for smoking tobacco. Main Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's store Qpporff PottQflUe, Plattsitotth. Neb. lmJ USB A, SURE CURE run wee 11 J VIS -5 PROFESSIONAL, CARDS IU. J. 1a. VtCBBA, HOMO2PATHI0 PHYSICIAN, at Factory vllle, Cass county, Nebraska. 2ly . T. B. ATTOItNEY AT LAW. Practices In Saun ders and Cass Counties. Ashland, Nebraska. 35mS . it. u. nnoiiAH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Plattsmouth. Neb. Of ficeFront Kooiu ever Chapman Jc Smith's Drugstore. 43ly SI. A. IIARTIUAX. ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR. Will Prac tice In the State and Federal Courts. Resi dence. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. illy H. It, LI VINs.STOX.' M. .. . fniSICIAK A BPROEOTV. " OFFICE nOUR8, from ia.-ia., te t p. m. Examining Surgeon for U. 3. Pension. ' OIL W. n. HCIIILIU.KCIIT. PRACTISING PHYSICIAN, residence on Chlcairo Avenue. Plattsmouth, . Nebrsaaka. Ottlce in C. E. Wescott's Clothing Store. 4Jiy; J. II. MALL.. M, O. PHTtTClAK AUD SVRQKOM. OFFICE with Dr. Livingston South Side of Main Street, between 6t and 7th streets. Will attend calls promptly. , . 49yl '- WILL K. wisi:. COLLECTION'S M SPXCIALTT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. Office in Fitz gerald's block. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. z2m3 UEO. . SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker. Special attention Eiven to Collections and all matters affecting the title to real estate. Office en 2d floor over Post Office. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. - o 1- l. H. WHEKLKB e CO. LAW OFFICE, Real Entate, Fire and LifelB surance Agents. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles. : Buy and sell real estate, negotiate loans. &c. 15vl JUI1.V HCItKW, irtvft-B-v ortol Tr Wilt attsnrl t A buvinaT and selling lands, examining titles, making deeds, paying taxes and collecting debts, will also atteud to law suits before a Justice ef the Peace. 47tf Factor y viLLK, CA83 co. m KB. JAMES K. MORKIROJf. W. L. BROWJf K. Notary public. MORRISON HltOU'Xtt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will pmrl Ice in Cass nii ad lolninir Counties : cives suecia: attention tn oiiii.itiinw unit u)itriui. nf title.. Office in Fitzgerald Block, Plattsmouth. Nebrask. 17TI - 8AM. 91. CHAPJIA.V ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery. Office in Fitzger ald Block, I9yi ruAiia.Muiin.iitB. . W. CLtTTEK. DEKTIST. Plattsnnonth. Nebraska. omce on Main Street over Solomon Na- thau's Store. 3Uy PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMOCTH. NEB. C. IlEISEr, - Proprietor. Flour, Corn Meal & Feed Always on hand and for sale at lowest cash prices. The highest prices paid for Wneat and Corn. Particular attention given custom work. CI1A.RL.CS WARRES. : Tonsorial Artist. PLATTSMOL'TH XEBItASKA. Place of business on Main St.. between 4th and 6th streets. Shampooing, Shaving, chil dren's hair cutting, etc. etc. I91y FRED. D. LEHNHOFF, Morning Dew Saloon ! South-east comer Main aad &xth Streets. . Keep the best ef Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. 33m9 Constantly on Hand. W. c. Brown. Edwin R. Prick. Edwin K. Brown $rofon, tyxltt (So., Commiskioa Merchants In Room 81, New Exchange Building, Union Mtoek Yarda, - - Chicago. KKFKR BT PERMISSION TO E. S. Stick uu y. President Union Stock Yards .national wauK. unicago. 001114 MACHINE" SHOPS!- JOHN -W--A.-3Ti:-A-35r PLATTSMOUTU. HIE., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boiler, Sato and Grist 31 ill UAH AKI HTKAM F1TTIt.. rought Iron Ple. Force and Lift Pioes.Steam Gauges. Safety-Valve tioveruors. and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings. ' repaired ou short uotice. "; FARM MACHINEK D. C. Wagn kk, G, E. Benslky, J. it. BKNSLity. BENSLEY, WAGNER & BENSLEY, -LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Office, 6C Exchange Building. UNION STOCK YARDS. - - CHICAGO. REFERENCE I We refer by permlssieu te the First Nation al Bank, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. H. K. SMITH. General Western Agent, headquarters at Omaha. 2m FIRST National Bank OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. SUCCESSOR TO TOOTLE. 1IAXXA A CLARK John Fitzgerald. ... E. G. Dovey A. W. McLaughlin. . IXB O ROUREK President. Vice President. Cashier. .Assistant Cashier. This Bank is now open for business at their tew roem. corner Main and Sixth si reets, and is prepared ta transact a general BANKING BUSINESS. Steaks, Beads, Geld, Geveramaat aad Leeal Securities BOUGHT AND HOLD. Deposits Received and Interest Allow ed on Time Certificates. DEA.FT3 JDJEMlTW-ET, Ivailable in any part ef the United States and la all the Principal Towns and Cities of Europe. AGEXTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Inman Line and Allan Line OF HTKASIERMk Person wishing to bring out their friends from Kurope can PURCHASE TICKETS FROM US Tkrstgk t Flatsth. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. SlaU Ttirectorr. A. S. PADDOCK. V. 8. Senator, Beatrice. ALVIN SAUNDERS, U. 8. Senator. Omaha. E. K. VALENTINE, Representafe. West Point. ALBIN US NANCE. Governor. Lincoln. 8. J. ALEXANDER. Secretary of State. F. W. L.E1 DTKE, Auditor, Lincoln. G. M. BARTLETT, Treasurer. Lincoln. S. R. THOMPSON, Supt. Publle Instruction. K. M. DAVIS, Ind CommlsMoner. C. J. DILWORTH. Attorney General. REV. C. C. HARRIS. Chaplain of Penitentiary. DR. H. P. MATTHEWSON, Supt. Hospital for the Insane. Supreme Court. S MAXWELL. Chief Justice. Fremont. GEO. B. LAKE, Omaha. AMASA COBB, Lincoln. Seeomit Judicial "Ditiriel. J. C. WATSON, Prosecutlng-Att'y, Neb. City. -- 1'tattsmouth. , o -County Zfirecfory. A. N. SULLIVAN, Counly Judge. J. D. TUTT. County Clerk. J. M. PATTERSON, Comity ireaurer. K. W. HYEUS. JSiierm. .... E. H. WOOI-EY.Co. Sup't Pub. instruciioa. G. W. FAIKFIEL1. Surveyor. P. P. GASS. Coroner. JAMES CRAWFORD. South Bend Precinct. cAM'r mi'iiiHiisos' Alt. Pleanant Precinct. ISAAC WILES, Plattsmouth Preciiiet. City Z)ire-:fory. J, W. JOHNSON. Maj or. J. M. PAl IKKS, irea-suror. J. D. SIMPSON. City 1 iera. RICn ARD VIVIAN. Police Judge. P. B. MUKftll, tjniei 01 reiit-e. F. E. WHITE, Chief of Fire Dept. COUNCILMEN. . ...... j, o nnuitvn o if PIRMF.I.E. id Ward-G W. FAIRFIELD, J. V. WECK- 3d Ward-D. MI LLER. THOS. POLLOCK. 4th Ward P. McCALLAN. E. S. HARP. a.erJNO. W. MARSHALL B. & M. R. Jt.JTime Table. Taking Effect April 11, 1880. FOR OMAHA FROM PLATTSMOUTH. Leaves S too a. ni. Arrives 10 05 a. m. 3:4" p.m. 5Kp. m. FROM OMAHA FOR rLATTSMODTH. Leaves 9 :00 a. m. Arrives 10 :10 a. m. " :30 p 111. " :l3 P- " FOR THE WEST. . ni..i..A.,tii a .'in ,1 tti Arrives Lln- coin. 12 -15 p. 111. ; Arrives heainev, 1. 40 p. ni. Fre'.illit leaves at 10 UJ0 a. 111. and :t 7 :IS P- m Arrive at Lincoln at 4 :35 p. m. and 1 1 :M a. m. FROM THE WK.SI. w I." ...... . wi n l.34VeS LtllCOlll. 1 .0 p. m. Arrises Plattsmouth. 4 :J5 p. m ... , I l,..ll. ut tl -Hil 111. Hlid 4 M0 a. ni. Arrives at t'lattsmoutli at 4 ;) p. m. and :&o a. ni. GOING EAST. Express, 6 :00 a. m. . r :. . i.. ..i, .l.rt x n at., eveent rasseiiKcr, vi'i" en.,, - r -- - . Saturday. Every third Saturday a tram con nects at the usual time. R. V. R. R. Time Table Taking Effect Sunday. Arra 11. 1880. WEST. 5 :3Tllil 5 :07 6 :V8 7 K 7 :23 7:35 .-00 S :15 S:M 9 :05 s -:m 9 :4I 9 :&6 STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYR. BLUE HILL. COWLES. AMBOY ItED CL' UD. IN AVALK. RIvKKTON. FRAK KLIN. BLOOMINGTON PERTH REPUBLICAN EAST. 8 :10am 7 :40 . 7 : J 6 :49 :32 6 :20 6 M 5 :4S 5 :22 :0'J 4 :55 4 :35 4:20 4 :00am 4 Ojun 3 :30 2 :00pm ALMA ORLEANS OXFORD ARAPAHOE 10 :15 ar f'ei I've ar. 7 :30am 9 :00 I've 10 :30 ARRIVAL AKU DEPARTl'HE OF PLATTSMOUTH 3IAIL. EASTERN, NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN. . I Depart. East. .4 :00 pm Arrive 9:30 am CB&R-U ortn :ou pm 7 - 30 Dm I ouuui.;waiM I C B & Q East 6:00 am OMAHA. VIA B. & M. IN NEB. Arrive 10 : 30 am Depart 3 : 10 pm WESTERN. VIA M. & M. IN NF.B. Arrive 4 :15 pm Depart 0:30 am WEEPING WATER. Arrive U :00 am Depart 1 :00 pm ROCK BLUFFS AND UNION MILLS. Arrive ll :00 am Depart 1 :o pra J. W. MARSHALL. P. M. The Promoter and Pre fector of Aestlasllatlea. w MV The Reformer and Vital . ler orth Blood. 1 r The Prodneer and Invljf- Slaoelo. Tho Bnilder and Map. porter or llrsiu Power. FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP S HYPOPHOSPHITES Is composed of iiiKredienw identical with those which constitute Healthy Blood. Muscle and Nerve and Brain Substance, whilst Life itself is directly dependent upon some of them. By its union with the Blood, and it effect up on the Muscles, re-establishing the one and toning the other, it U capable .f effecting the following result : It will displace or wash out tuberculous mat ter, and hus cure Consumption. By lacreasing Nervous or Muscular Vigor, it will cure Dvspepsia. feeble er Interrupted ac tion of the Heart und Palpitation. Weakness or Intellect caused by grief, weary, overtax or ir regular habits, liroachitis (Acute or Chronic), Congestion of the Lungs, eveu in the most alarming Ktages. It cures Asthma. Loss of Voice. Neuralgia. St Vitus Dance. Epileptic Fits, Whoopinc rough. Nervousness, and te a most wonderful adjunct to other remedies iu sustainiog life during the process of Diphtheria. Oo not be deceived bv remedies bearing a simihtr name, no other preparation is a substi tute lor this une'er any circumstances. 1.00k out for the name and address, J. 1. FEL LOWS, St. John, N. B.. on the yellotv wrapper in water-mark, which is seen by hvldtag the paper before the light. Price, $1.50 per Bottle. Six for $7.60. Sold by all druggists. 1U4 V-: cX) i't W CELESaATEO Appetite, refreshing sleep, the acquisition of flesh and color, are blessings attendant upon the reparative procesaes which this priceless invicorant speedily initiates and carries te a successful conclusion. Digestion is restored aad sustenance afforded to each life-sustaining or gan by the Bitters, which ia inoffensive even te the feminine palate, vegetable in composition, and thoroughly safe. For sale by all druggists and dealers gener ally. 1114 M4l MOKPniHK fc-Mt m .BUI m4 wp4rtU CM. 11 km Urn MblattEtv. Immd ata a, a ft'OTtasi ar-rr.kt.iuik lif ' 0TO5XACIZ U 1 fesaB Hjmm for Decoration Daj, 1SS0. Dedicated to the Grand Army of the Republic, by J. F. Lovenag, Chaplaln-ia-Chlef. I. God of the living and the dead, We bow before Thy face, ' Pleading Thy goodness and our need ; We supplicate Thy grace. IL- As when the storm ef battle lowered. Our courage was in Thee. Aad for one country and one Cac We fought on land and sea. IU- . As we have mourned with aching hearts The love ol comrades brave. And gather here to .cutter Cowers Upou each cherished grave ; So raucter back our dend that they With us our ranks may fill. An i stand in glad fraternity. Shoulder to shoulder still ; V. So make each patriot soldier's grave A sacred shrine to be. That a high altar it mar prove Of stalwart loyalty. VI. Then when the great inspection day Shall sound its bugle call. May we. in Heaven's grand parade. Give answer one aad all. A U00D CIIA-SCE. BT ALICE DREW. "And this, I am sure, Is Louise,' saicl Hurry Marfrrejor, turning from tho rrom of fle!ilitetl little nieces, to it quiet girl with a face like nn artist's Meal, who had tt all the while busily l.i:ii tin on a bit of fancy work. ' N", mi," she said, lifting her brown f-yes t ini.lly to his. "I am only the MVVH, of course you are one of the a:n.!y. you will shake hands with n:f. Kitty, can't you tell me her ii-i:?iit?m 'it's Miss Dnle, and her other name isdii V sai l Kitty. Iltrry la.iyrhcd. That is a very fair introduction," and his fm-fers very1 warmly clasped the tiny hand which the governess shyly gave iiiui. "Iain Uncle Hirry, and with your permission, I'll sit here beside you un til Mi -i. M:ic and her sister return from t' eir drive." S ) the slyl'sh-'ooking gentleman sat down on the rustic settee beside tho governess, and waited. ilic hid splendid eyes, for he had cuirhta glimpse of them when she looked up; but now, she persistently viiik'd them beneath long lashes, and he could only look at the profusion of brown hair, which she wore in au odd fashion, looped back in great waves, aud fastened with a comb, and at her nice complexion and faultless profile. ishe was neat and prudent; he could see a nice little darn in the well.woru white dress, and her cuffs and collar were snow white. He knew very little about women, for he had been making money in Col orado for eight years, but, somehow, this one struck him as being something beyond the ordinary. lie was thinking this very busily, and wondering not a little if Louise Nesbitt, who had been his ideal of a tYffVe girl, had blossomed into any such a perfect rose as this womanly little creature, when there wa3 a sound or wheels close at hand, and an open barouche drove up and paused. They had been expecting him for many days, aud therefore,-Tils sister-in-law was ready with her loving greeting, and sprang f; o:n the carriage in a manner at once graceful and ef fective. Miss Louie, however, who aspired to the title of a well-bred, in different personage, in the carriage until he turned towards her. "I'm sure this is Louise," he said, looking at the long, loose, yellow hair, falling in u neon lined crimps to her waist; at the blue eyes, and languid scornful mouth. "I declare, I had for gotten how you did look, and mistook Miss Dale for you." "Indeed, I am fluttered," she said, looking North l'oli s at the shrinking young girl. "She it a nice little body," said Har ry, who did not know that a woman can say one thing and m: 111 another just as easy as she ean draw on a glove. "1 have taken quite a fancy to her." "Here I Miss Dalai Hold my fan and gloves while 1 arrange my overskirt." The overskirt was in perfect order, and if it had not been, the house was not fifty yards away, and she could have waited until she reached her own chanilx-r. Her obj-ict was not thesim- Ele arranging of an overskirt, but the umiliatiou of the pretty girl whom the had almost forcibly made her menial. This Harry MacGregor saw; but with nothing more than a darkening of his fine eyes, he gathered up the bundles from the carriage and went up to tho houre. "Isn't Uncle Harry awful nice and handsome?" said Kittie, putting her hand through the arm of her gover ness. "Very," said Clara Dale, with a pretty blush. Now the whole affair lay in a nut shell. Louise Nesbitt had made up her mind, years before, to marry Har ry MacGregor, whenever he should take it Into his head to leave Colorado and come home. He made a strike about that time, and remembering him as a good looking, soft-hearted fellow, she laid her plans with the skill of a diplomatist, and now that he had come he was ready to put them into execu tion. She was charming. Harry himself could not deny that, and he- took a sort of delight in watching her. Women were novelties to him, aud particular ly this kind, with fussiness, furbelows, her pretty society tricks of lifting her brows, curling her lips, shaking her crimps, dropping her eyes, and talking affected nonsense. But men are by nature more per verse and s tab born titan that much abused and quoted animal the mule and Harry was no exception to the rule. "Where are the little ones?" he cried in his bluff, hearty way, when the two ladies came down in marvelous dresses of white cambric, starched, and ruf fled, and tucked, to the verv extreme of fashion, and fluttered into their S laces at the table, like two white Lrds. "They dine with their governess," said Mrs. Mac. "And a charming little thing she is, too," he said, "and it's a great pity that you do not have her dine with you." . "I think I merit an explanation, Mrs. MacGregor." "I have none to give, beyond the fact that I do not longer need your ser vices." This was said one morning in Mrs. MacGregor's beautiful chamber, where the summer sun was lying in freckled patches on the velvet carpet, and the wind just stirring the bells of the honeysuckle outside, so that they fill ed the room with their rare fragrance. ."Iteally, Helen,' I don't see why you are bound to account for your movement-'. Miss Dale is exceedingly pre sumptuous to think of such a thing as demanding an explanation." Misj Dale, I1U10 aud timid as she was, turned her queenly little head In the direction of the haughty Louise, and said, iu a voice singularly firm and decisive : "I am talking with Mrs. MacGregor, and my business lies solely with her." "Impudence 1" "My sister is jight, and for that same impudence, alone, I will dismiss you. Here is the amount due you. The carriage will be ready to convey you to the depot in an hour," said Mrs. Mac. While this was going on up-stairs, Harry had been quietly smoking his cigar on the back piazza below, and he was all at once very much startled by the sudden appearance of little Kittie, who flew out, all tears and anger, her flaxen curls lying in disorder, ami htr pretty dress all crampled and soiled. "Uncle Harry! Don't you think that I hid in the closet between Aunt Louise's and mamma's rooms, and I've heard something dreadful." "And what may that be?" "Mamma has sent Miss Dale away, and Aunt Louise scolded her like ev erything, and said, after she went out, that she would give her a lesson that would keep her from making love to rich gentlemen; and I'm so sorry, I don't know what to do; and I'll never have anybody else." "Where is she? Where Is Miss Dale?" "Packing her trunk, and crying just as hard as ever she can." Harry MacGregor hated injustice to any one, but to use it to this little, meek-eyed, unproducted girl seemed criminal, and there was a very danger ous fire in his eyes as he arose and went out to the stables. In an hour the carriage was ready, the trunk was borne down and fasten ed up behind, and Miss Dale stepped in. "Why, Mr. MacGregor!" she cried, as she saw him sitting back there, as unconcerned as though he had been going for ah ordinary drive. "Hush, little girl I Never mind me ;" and James, who was in the se cret, mounted the box, and drove hur riedly away. When they had passed the gate, Harry caught both the little cold hands in his own. "Did you think I would let you go alone, little girl?" "I don't know. I am sure you are verv kind, and " "Clara, don't talk that way. I could not help being kind to you, because I loved you. Ever since I first saw you, I have loved you in my odd. unculti vated way, and when I heard that my sister-in-law had turned you from her home, I came right here to offer you mine. I've just bought a house a cozy, homelike house as you ever saw, and I want you for its mistress." "Oh, Mr. MacGregor!" "If you don't come, I shall have to shut it up, or rent it." "I think I will come." When James opened the door at the depot, he had a good chance to wonder at the changeable nature of things; for, instead of the disconsolate pair he had shut in, he let out a couple that might have been heirs to all the hap piness in the world, and not look more cheerful. "I wonder where Harry is?" said Mrs. Mac, a few hours later, when she had recovered from her excitement. "Why, he went away in the carriage with Miss Dale," said that terrible Kittie; "and do you believe, I saw him kiss her just as plain as day." Had a thunderbolt fallen in their midst, it could not have caused great er dismay than this announcement ex traordinary, but it was well that it came as it did, or Harry's letter, a few days later, would have annihilated them. As it was, they were prepared for anything, and therefore read the fol lowing with martyr-like resignation : "Dear Sister : I was quite hurt at the little disturbance between Clara and yourself, and, therefore, did not ask you to our wedding. "Ilowever, now that we are married, I hope you will not be slow in making up a friendship. I have purchased the house on Fifth Avenue, which you so much admired, and in two months shall bo at home. We leave this after noon for Saratoga. "Yours, etc., "Habrt MacGbeoor." And indifferent Louise heroically aid : "Well, it was a good chance, and hard to lose, but I suppose there are plenty more of them." The great question among monarch ical governments now is how to keep their subjects at home. Even Canada is discussing: measures to prevent emi gration to this country. Raisin grapes are being planted in California on a gigantic scale. This furore is stimulated by the great prof its, the superior quality, the export demand, and the very light work re quired In that climate for preparing raisins. A large company of capitalists is incorporated to introduce raisin cul ture in Fresno County, and in five years' time California raisins will drive all such imports from the United States. m 1 mi Among the advertisements in a well known Scotch newspaper this was recently found : "Oh I degenerate Church ! is there within you no Nehe xnlah no Zerubbabel, son of Sheal teel? Are we given over bound to Tatnai and the Apharsachites?" The point of this fervent appeal is said to be that the Established Church should rouse itself up for a more earnest and determined struggle against disestab lishment, the tide of which at present it resists fesbly ana LuciTsctually. Oar City Schools. One week last Friday closed a very successful year's work in our City Schools. THE ANNUAL EXAMINATION consumed all of the last week ia the higher departments and from one to three days of it in the lower. Every department had a written ex amination of the work compiled dur ing the jear and it is interesting to see with what care and -interest many of the little ones prepared and executed their work. As you notice the work on up through the grades you can see the advance step bv step, both in the work done and manner of doing it, which speaks much for the rapidity with which eur City Schools are approach ing that thorough grading they have so long needed. We realize, now that a good graded school is nut an institu tion to be created and brought into complete and perfect working in a twelve month, but solely a city'e pride and perfection which can only be ac complished by steady and careful working by experience 1 hands, after years of developing. We hope the work may continue, and that eur City Schools may justly be the pride and chief attraction of our fast thriving and promising city. A few facts gathered from Prof. Love, will be of interest to our citi zens. From Prof. Love's report we notice that during the year eight hundred scholars were enrolled, an increase of some one hundred and thirty-five over last year. The attendance up to April 1st, averaged 522, the largest by over one hundred and fifty ever our city has secured. The expense of our schools for the year has been less than $5,500, making the average expense per capita on average attendance only 810. We ven ture there are not a dozen towns in the United States, the size of Platts mouth that have run their sshoois on e small an average expense per capi ta. Although all the rooms and de partments were crowded, the year has passed, entirely free of the usual com plaints. This speaks well for our school board, the general management. and each individual teacher. During the year our High School De partment has turned out more well qualified and successful teachers than during any two years previous. Many of our young women and men have taken advantage of its privileges and fitted themselves "or activo work and in every instance so far. Prof. Love says he has favorable reports from the districts in which his pupils are teach ing. This is just what we want, and do hope our schools will continue te pros per and do the good work as effectual ly and thoroughly in the future as iu the past, and all will be pleased and many benefitted thereby. The Catalogue and Report, that is likely soon te be published will give all the data and show the exact figures throughout. Programme. Aunual Meeting of the Cass County Sunday School Association, to be held at Mt. Pleasant, Tuesday and Wednes day, June 15th and 16th, 1880. FIRST DAY. 10 a. ra. Prayer by Rev. P S. Mather. Address of Welcome, Rev. W. Worley. Response by the President. -Should Church Doctrine be taught in Sabbath School?' Kev. Stone, Gee. Hobson. 2 o'clock p. m. Reports from' Treasurer and Corre sponding Secretary. Reports of delegates from Schools. "One Hundred Years of S. S. Work. Rev. P. S. Mather, D. D. Martindale. "The most efficient way lo promote regular attendance." T. N. Bobbin. U. E. Woods. 7:30 o'clock p. m. "S. S. Music as it is. and how it nay be improved." Otto Mutz. T. L. Potter. "Temperance Work in S.S." Mrs. Pol lock, PIatt6mouth; Mrs. Trew, Mt. Pleasant. SECOND DAY. 9 o'clock a. m. Praise service, conduct ed by Rev. J. T. Baird. Work ior our next Convention." E. A. Kirkpatrick. "Advantages and Disadvantages of the Present Method of con uctiug S. S." Mr. Scott, H. M. Bushnell. Essay, by Mrs. J. Wis well. "Pastor's Relation to S.S." J. Galla gher, Dr. Kenaston. 2 o'clock p. m. Model Class, by Miss B. Wolfe. "How to Save our Young People te the S. S. and Church." Rev. Ewell, Union; Daniel Trumbull. "How shall we secure the co-operation cf parents in S.S. work ?" Mis. Kel ly, Platt8raouth; W. K. Loofborrow. Opening Question Drawer. Election of officers for ensuing year. Conductor of music daring Conven tion Otto Mutz. Ail schools ef the Canity are re quested to send delegates. The whole shipping interest of Can ada has been of iao up iu amis agatust the by-law of ne Queooc llaroor Commission to increase the uues of. pilots for the lower SL Lawrence. Montreal merchants have been much excited iu the matter, and the Quebec board of trade has forwarded a peti tion to Oitaiva, praying the Gover. ment not to sanction tiie by-law. N withstanding the prayers of tiie in cauiile community tue Goverum has given a decision favorable to lb. pretentious of the pilots. The Corner Stone of Trlaitj Cathedral. The corner ".tone of Trinity Cathe dral, Omaha, was laid Tuesday, May 26th, with imposing ceremonies. A procession, composed of the Infantry band, two companies of soldiers, city council, church vestries, deputies to the church council, with the bishops of Minnesota, Texas, Kansas, Colora do and Nebraska, marching to the spit, and with hymns and prayer laid the foundation for the beautiful house of God. The Corner Stone Hymn, composed by Rev. II. B. Burgess, was among those sung. The Annual Council of the Episcopal church meeting at Omaha at this time, was chosen as the proper occasion for this event. The following is the text of the hymn above spoken of: Lord God of Hosts. Thou Mighty Lord, Who ait in Wff'iest heaven adored. Fain would we btie thine altar raise, E iiuleiu ol e vet lifting days. In loving faith we lay this Stone, To honor Thee, Lord, alone. Be Thou our Coruer Stone, and we Thy Holy temple owned by Thee. And here when prayers aud praise are heard. Bless. Lord, each supplicant ith Thy ward ; Iucrease our hope aud faith in Thee, Thy loving kindness may we see. Bless, Lord, each stranger at Thy door ; Enrich Thy poor with heavenly store : Let mea ef high and low degree Dwell here in love and uuity. So through the age all along Praise, pral.e to God, shall be ear song : Let saints on earth with choirs above Here laud aud praise the Loved of Love. University Commencement. Mr. Editor: Please call attention to the arrangements for University Commencement, as follows: Saturday Evening, June 5, Anniver sary of the University Union. sabbath Evening, June 6, Baccalau reate Discourse by the Chancellor. Monday Evening. June 7, Anniver sary of Palladian Society. Tuesday Evening, June 8, Universi ty Address bv Chancellor Hammond. of Iowa State University. Wednesday June a, v o ciock, a. 111., COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. All the exercises will be held iu tho Opera House. Arrangements are made with the different Rail Roads that all who at teud the Exercises, and have paid full fare in coinimr to Lincln. mar rsturn at one-fourth fare, upon a certificate isued by the Chancellor. ihese re turn tickets are good until June 17. E. B. Fairfield. Lincoln, May 24, 18b0. The Domestic Monthly. With the arrival of warm weather, and the probable approach of still warmer weather, the Domestic Monthly presents its attractive list of fashionable, useful, and indispensable novelties appropriate te the season. The color plate represents a simple, tasteful princesse dress, two fabrics being combined in such a way as to represent a skirt and a polonaise. Iu general effect this drapery is peculiar- '' ly attractive. In the literary department a new serial entitled "Bertine: an Episode," by Ellis Conway, is begun. Among the other authors represented by con tributions in prose or verse, are lira. Merighi, Mis. Howell, Howard Glyn don, Florence B. Grelchell, and others. The very popular feature of a pr'ze competition regarding a choice of pat terns is continued, the successful com petitors for the May list being an nounced, and the new feature of mon ey prizes for the June competition be i g introduced. It may be novelty, but it is not al ways symmetry of dress that is ob tained by copying from periods. Spe cialties are hardly ever successful for any length of time; hence a compre hensive idea of what is becoming and appropriate is far m-re useful than a facility 111 copying styb-s which soon lieoiiuie riioncMMious if not conspicu ous. "Dies me so that my vulgari ties may pass for medieval fancies," may possibly be the excuse for many a loi;;te for which there seems no rea son of beini;. but good taste will never approve of fancies used for such a pur pose. From the Domestic Monthly for June. Among the miscellai.eous points of fashion which may be given here, mention is made of lace sleeves, which may be had in leading houses, already made, to accompany dresses that are trimmed with lace. The sleeves of dresses are made extremely tight, and are flaring at the lop and raised up like the sleeves in gentlemen's coats. From the Domestic Monthly for June. TnE Domestic Monthly is pub lished by Blake & Company, corner Broadway and Utn Street, New York, at 81.50 per year, inclusive of pattern premium. Specimen copies 15 cents. There was quite a breeze in Atlanta, Ga., the other "day, over news of the finding, in the Ocoochie Valley, White County, of nuggets of pure gold, weighing all the way from five penny weights to four hundred ami forty pennyweights. The gold, it seems, is found iu the vegetable garden of a far mer who, with two hands, at an ex pense of f 150, took out of the garden four pounds of pure ore, or nine hun dred and sixty pennyweights. Elegant Haik is woman's crown ing beauty. When it fades she fades as well. While it is kept bright, her personal attractions are still main tained. By preserving the hair fresh and vigorous a youthful appearance is continued through many years. Those who grieve over their fading hair turning gray too early, should know that Ayer's Hair Vigor pre vents it. and restores gray or faded hair to its natural color. It is a c lear and healthful preparation. ront--in-ing neither oil, dye, nor an tiling de leterious, and imparts to the M-alp what is .most needed a st-use of" pleasant aud delightful freedom from scurf or dandruff. New Berne (N. C.) Times.