Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 27, 1880, Image 3

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The Herald.
I ranticnt. 35 cents - tine. Regular advertis
es. 10 rrnu per tine. No advertisement tnsert
1 1 tor h-as than 23 cents.
notion nt Stature rates.
A ;.rm y .m. I ollieers of t lie law will be field
f-i-for all 1-c;v4 notices they hand In.
in.1 .ill m t:r demanding a proof of pitblica
vu tli.rv notice will beheld for tb publica
3o lee ol Midi uotice.
As our ace is limited, all conimunlcsr'ons
mist be brief aud to the paint. Willi no wast
: words.
Thermpcris lesponslble for the correctness
n -rtn to copy of paid matter and paid Le
uJt.. ouiy.
1. Any person who tukes the paper regularly
(runitiie pos -office, whether diiec;ed to his
name, r whether he Is subscriber or not bj
responsible for the pay.
a. It any person ordets his paper discontin
ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue to send it until payment is
made, and collect the whole amount, whether
the paiier is Ukn from the ofllce or not.
. ine courts have decided that refusing to
take iK-wsfiitprrs and periodicals from the post
offlce. or removing and leaving them uncalled
tor, is prima facie evidence of IMTKMTIOMaI.
Good suits for $5.75 at Wescott's9tf
Refreshing soda water at Smith,
Black & Co.s. 1
Will Wells has been in town for
a week or mors.
The genuine "Deer Island" Jeans
pants at Wescott's. Otf
Jlock Bluffs was bjessed with a
shower Sunday night.
A Large line Ladies Fancy Goods
at the Great Red Store. 6tf
Win. Eikeuberry left with the rest
f his cattle on Friday last.
The Best Sewing Machine in the
market, eheap at Merges'. 1
Dr. John Black and Black & Sons
shipped a fine lot of cattle last week.
Se Furniture at the Great Red
Store and don't forget it. Gtf
Now is the time to buy thermom
eters ; they will be higher after a while.
Summer underwear 55 cents a
Suit at the Great Red Store. 6tf
Smith & Black's soda fountain is
running, and is as good as good can be.
Finest Neck wear in the City at
Wescott's Boss" Clothing Store. 9tf
Pete Dowers, the man shot by
Willitt Pottenger, is slewly recover
ing. -r-Manufacturing and repairing neat
and cheap. Peter M erges. 1
The champion fiddler and large
story teller of South Bend precinct has
gone West.
3traw Hats for Planters, 10 cents
each. Great Red Store. 6tf
The new "Convention Scarf" a
daisy, just received at Wescott's. 9tf
See report of Nebraska State Con
ventien and ether political news on
uts'de of paper.
, Now open with new, cheap and
good Boots and Shoes, next door to
Post Office. 1
Latest Styles Mens Spring Hats
and Straw Goods at the Great Red
Store. 6tf
The festival to have been given by
the MasDnic fraternity has been post
poned until the 15th of June.
Lace Mitts, Silk Mitts, Lisle
Thread Gloves and kid gloves opened
to-day at Solomon & Nathan's. 1
A large line of Boots and Shoes
at the Great Rett Store, al makers
prices. 6tf
Higgins, of South Bend, who laid
in jail here, for a while, far stealing
the iron off an old reaper, had his leg
broken and heel cut off by the cars at
Merges Trice list of Boots &
Shoes astonishes the nation and makes
f oor folks happy. 1
The best fitting Clothing in the
land at Wescott's. and wrapped up at
ten per cent above cost. Otf
Walking made very easy with Ly
on's Heel Stiffeners; they keep your
boots and shoes straight. 813
C. II. Pinkham, of South Bend,
stowed away about 3,000 bushels of
shelled corn, Saturday, and says that
he averaged that amount during the
Smith, Black & Co.'s Sda foun
tain is in operation and never fails to
produce the Ice cold Soda Water for
which it is so famed. 1
Another invoice of the "Joker"
Hat (a beautiful light summer Hat),
Just in at Wescott's, low prices. Otf
The Catholic Festival last Thurs
day evening drew a crowd as usual,
and netted to the getters-up thereof
between sixty and seveuty dollars.
Smith, Black & Co.'s old Soda
Fountain is still with them and throws
cut the same Ice cold Soda Water. 1
Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney have re
ceived a large number of ellegant pat
tern hats, and are expecting more soon.
Go and inspect them. St4
Mr. J. D.Simpson has been laid
up with malarial fever for a few days.
Capt. Bennett and Alex Schlegel have
been doing his run between the Junc
tions. " Now is the time to set out your
bedding plants, since the rain. Come
and select what you want, and get a
specimen Fuchsia plant at the same
time. 1 L. A. Moore.
Why are not some arrangements
being made to celebrate the 4th of Ju
ly? If the bridge gives us a send-off,
our folks ought to retaliate and set up
the ice-cream, etc.
No old goods. No shoddy Roods.
No snide goods at Wescott's. Every
article fresh and new, and warranted
as represented or money refunded. Otf
The rain, the welcome rain came
down on Tuesday evening all of a sud
den. Farmers had begun to look blue,
and the small grain crop was being se
riously injured. If this rain has ex
tended over the county, we are safe
for a fair crop of wheat yet; the corn
never looked better.
Muslcale. .
Mis. & Miss Simpsonassisted by
their pupils will give a concert at the
Court House, to-morrow (Friday) even
ing. The pupils of . Mrs. and Miss
Simpson are of all ages and degrees of
proficiency in musical studies, and
these recitals are given to show the
general advancement of the pupils,
not to submit them, having pursued
their studies but a short time, to se
vere critieism, such as would be prop
er towards those who have reached a
degree of excellence warranting them
in displaying their powers and submit
ting them to the criticisms of the peo
ple. The relativesand friends of the
pupils and these interested ia music
are invited to attend. The concert will
commence promptlyat eight o'clock.
Wanted Some corn and oats at
this office on "sub."
Lace Fichus, Lace Scarfs, Lace
Bibs received this week, very hand
some and the latest styles, at Solomon
& Nathan's. . 1
Mrs. Joiinson Miss Sweney
have cashmere beaded trimmings, and
the beads, for making the trimming.
Also jet trimmings in all the latest
styles. 8t4
Billy Eikenberry's new barn is
about completed, and his-frieuds and
neighbors propose te have a high old
dance te christen it, abeut the 4th of
J une. . . s
Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney have
four or five girls constantly busy and
then can hardly keep up with their
work, both in the millinery and dress
making line. 8t4
Mr. Wm. L. Brown, returned Wed
nesday freni Laporte, Huntington and
other points in Indiana, where he has
been visiting for two or three weeks.
He says he had a bess time.
Mrs. Johnson & Miss Sweeney,
have received a large assortment of
new and stylish fancy goods, daggers
and fancy pins for the hair, lace ties,
new styles of open work, long wristed
gloves and mitts," combs in new de
signs, laces, ruchings, &c, &c. 8t4
Bring along your corn or oats,
some of you chaps that want a Her
ald. Lower prices than ever at Wes
cott's, our expenses aie light and wt
will not be undersold; na trouble to
show goods, your trade is solicited.
We carry the best Clothing made in
America and are bound to sell it. C.
E. Wescott, proprietor of the Boss
Clothing Store, next to Smith, Black
&Co. - , tf
The cross fence is up and plowing
for the track has commenced on the
new Fair Grounds. When will our
County friends move the buildings
over. Don't all speak at once.
Prof. Drummond and wife are the
joint proprietors of a fine girl baby, so
say the Fremont papers. 'Pears to us
George Fairfield ought to take that in
on the Cass County census list.
The corn crop looks promising
throughout the county, in spite of the
excessive dry weather. Wheat on new
ground looks very good, but fall plow
ing wheat appears somewhat thin.
The wood, or false trestle work of
the first spaa over the water, will
be taken from the bridge to-morrow,
and the props knocked from under.
Two to one the iron span will loom
up in the air, firm solid.
We expected to give full particu
lars of the general results of the school
examinations, close of school, etc., but
were unable to get the data we desir
ed until too late; although rather
late, we shall endeavor to give them
next week.
- The best ami tuost substantial
store building in Louisville, owned by
Mr. J. V, Glover sine" eccupied by him,
has a neat and tidy appearance, and
lots of. goods are being constantly
wrapped up. The P. O. is kept by Mr.
G., which calls everybody in.
The storm of Sunday night which
seemed to be disselving in rain every
where but here, treated Omaha even
worse than us. Several houses being
blown down and signs, out houses
and small things generally, taking a
trip. The new Catholic convent walls
were racned completely out of shape.
Mr. Henry Hall and Mr. J. II.
Young, of Weeping Water, returned
from a trip to Chicago, yesterday,
where they took five car loads of cat
tle. They struck rather an overstock
ed market, but managed to come off
with a cent or two profit, they say, and
they remembered the Herald.
The body found in the river on the
17th is now supposed to be that of
Dan'l Monohan, from Malvern. He
was last seen in Council Bluffs on the
8th, with two bad characters and was
known to have had at that time about
81,700. The bedy was exhumed at
the request of the Sheriff of Mills Co.
The key and the knife found were re
cognized as Monohan's. It is prob
ably a case of murder for pelf.
. Lawyer Windham has been down
in Rock Bluffs, trying that same old
case with Muffin again. This time he
winded Murfin, who came near giving
up the case, and the ghost, too. ne
thought the father of all lawyers had
sent for him, and no "writ of prohibi
tion" could prevail. But kind Nature
had compassion and issued a manda
mus; so onr friend Murfin lives to
fight it out on the old line, if it takes
all summer.
We are under life-long obligations
to the following named gentlemen of
Louisville for financial favors through
our collector, on Friday last: G. Wal
radt, Henry Thierolf, Frank Fetzer. J.
M. Waterman, B. G. Hoover, J. V.
Glover, T. F. Welborn, John Ossenkop,
Dr. J. A. Hasemeier; and Am. Lazen
by. of South Bend. To those of our
subscribers in that vicinity, whom the
collector failed to see, we would say
that he will spend a day or two more
in Louisville soon, and will try and
get a settlement with each and every
one, as we wish to get our books in
better shape than they have been for
yean past -
To the Ladies of Flattsmouth.
John McConihie Post. No. 45, Dep't
of Nebraska, , Grand Army of the Re
public, cordially and urgently invites
the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity
to send all the flowers they possibly
can to Good Templar's Hall, on Satur
day morning, the 29th inst., as early as
possible, and before 10 a. m. The Post
invites the ladies to help us in this pa
triotic duty to our dead comrades. In
the darker days of our country's histo
ry you were patriots as well as those
who bore arms, and the memory of
these dead soldiers is equally dear to
all. Let each offering be divided up in
to smal.l bouquets, small wreaths and
small crosses, and where this cannot
be done the loose flowers and ever
greens will be gratefully received.
In behalf of Pest No. 45. G. A. R ,
Rob't R. Livingston,
Jko. W. Jennings. Commander.
Post Adj't.
Mr. A. B. Fox, of Louisville, took
ia 3,000 bushels ot shelled corn, Friday
last, and bis new steam warehouse is
filled to overflowing. He made during
last week three shipments of hogs of
abeut ten or twelve car loads, besides
Friday's and Saturday's shipments.
Louisville is just looming up this sum
mer. "
Decoration Day.
In other States it is customary for
Merchants and other Business men to
close their places of business to give
their employes a chance to attend the
ceremonies of Decoration Day. Could
not our citizens do as much, once, here ?
Bound to Win.
New Goods! Low prices 1 Small prof
its! and quick sales does it, at the Boss
Clothing Stere.
10(4 C. E. Wescott.
Step Her.
The lumber en the new fairgrounds
and we fear that in the old is disap'
pearing. This must be stopped or
some one will get in trouble.
you will find at Solomon & Nathan's
Mohair and Linen Dusters, Linen
Suits, Circulars, Dolmans and Mantles
in great varieties. 1
S. S.
The Annual meeting of the Cass
County Sunday School Association is
held at Mt. Pleasant, 15th and 16th of
June. All schools in the County are
reqwested to send delegates, and all
favorable to S. S. work, are invited to
attend. Programme next week.
Weddiag Reception.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wise arrived in
Plattsmouth on Saturday evening last,
and recieved the congratulations if
their immediate friends.. This even
ing Mr. and Mrs. Parker Wise will be
at home to the friends of the newly
married ceuple, and congratulations
will be reiterated and the bride receive
a cordial welcome to her new home.
G. A. R.
The Grand Army ef the Republic
will meet at their Post, in Good Tem
plars' Hall, at 8:30 a. m., on Saturday
morning, the 29th inst., where all hon
orably discharged soldiers of the late
warcanjein; after which they will
proceed to the Presbyterian church at
10. a. m. Immediately after service
they will march to Oak Hill Cemetery
where the graves of the deceased sol
diers will be decorated in accordance
with the ordeis of the Dept. Com
mander. By order,
Jno. W. Jennings, Post Adj't.
Reed and See.
Womens Cloth Shoes 65c.
" " Button shoes $1 15.
" Fine Leather" " .... 1 25.
Mens' Brogans . . 1 25.
Misses Leather shoes 75.
Youths' Genuine Calf 1 25.
Others in proportion. Call and ex
amine, no charge for showing them.
1 Peter Merges.
New Horses.
Messrs. Holmes & Dixon have three
or four new Livery teams, very fine
ones. One very peculiar white and
black spotted mare, another all white,
and a black mare, are very noticeable
At theH. K. Church
on Sabbath next at 10 o'clock, a. m.
the II. E. Sabbath School will hold a
Centennial Memorial Service in honor
of Robert Rakes, the founder of Sab
bath Schools, instead of their usual
S. S. Service. Exercises to consist of
concert readings. Singing, Short Ad
dresses, &c.
In the evening, also, a similar ser
vice will be held, commencing at
7:30. All patrons and friends of the
School are cordially invited to be
Programme for Public Meeting of Star
of Hope Lodge, No. 8, I. O. G. T.,
To be held in the M. E. Church, at Mt.
Pleasant, Nebraska, at 7 p. m., May
30th, 1880:
1. Opening song, "Haste to the Rescue."
2. Remarks by S. A. Davis.
3. 'Regular order of bnsiness.
4. Intermission.
5. Music.
G. Speech by James E. Morrison.
7. Music.
8. Toast, "Prosperity of Star of Hope
Lodge." Response by Rev. G. A.
9. Reeitatien, Mrs. M. E. Bailey.
10. Music.
11. Toast, "Religious Feeling in Tem
perance Work." ltoponae by Rev."
TTra. M. Werley.
12. Recitation, Miss Mary Hobson.
18. Closing song, "Vote it Out."
J. W. Miller, Ch'n Com.
To Rent.
- A new note!, with 17 rooms and
cellar. Eaquire of
4tf F. R. Guthman."
U. F. Gyger.
House Painting. Carriage painting.
Graining, Calsornining, Paper-hanging.
Work warranted aud specimens shown
at J. V. Weckbach's and R. B. Wind
bain's. 52m6
Decoration Day.
Marshal and Aids.
McConihie Post No. 45, G. A. R.
Orator of Day in Carriage.
Wagon with Flowers.
Decorating Committee.
City Council in Carriages.
City Officials.
. County Officials.
Fire Companies.
Singing Societies.
Wagon with Water and Ice.
The right will rest on corner of Main
and Sixth streets.
Precession will move up 6th to Vine,
thence along Washington Avenue to
Fairfield Hill, where carriages will
await the Post. After Post is seated,
will move to the Cemetery.
Decoration committee will proceed
to decorate the graves, which being
done, Adjutant of Post will read the
roster of dead comrades; at the con
clusion of each history there will be a
salute of one gun.
Orator of day will address those in
Procession will re-form arid return.
The Post will return to headquarters
before disbanding.
A Pleasant Party.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Young celebrated
their second anniversary on Thursday
evening last by inviting a number of
their friends in to eat. drink and be
merry. We very much regretted be
ing unable to attend, but understood
that those more fortunate than we en
joyed the hospitality of host and host
ess to the utmost.
WEAVER-STIEGGER In Platlsmouth. May
26, 18S0. by Judge Sullivan. Mr. .John w.
Weaver and Miss Laura Bille Stikggkr
all of Cass County.
HAIN PIGGOTT In Plattsmouth. Neb.. May
26, ift0. by Judge Sullivan, Mr. Geo. E. Hain
to Miss Amanda B. Pigoott, all of Cass Co.
CALKIN'S At one o'clock, May 6th. Charlie
L., oldest son of II C. and R. A. Calkins, ag
ed eleven years and ten months.
The poor suffering body that was Is now rent
ing In the grave, but our leved one has passed
safely over the cold water, and Is now happy
in the Paradise above, where we hope to meot
him again in the "sweet bye and-bye."
From Colorado.
Denver, May 20th, 1880.
Ed. Herald: It is now nearly
three weeks since our arrival in Den
ver and thinking that a few scattering
notes from this locality would be ac
ceptable to your many readers, and
would be of interest L hastily pen you
a few inkling lines. We left Platts
mouth in the latter part of ult.,
for the west to Colorado and the
Reeky Mountains. Had thought of
giving a brief description of our trip
through but circumstances and time
will not permit at present and it prob
ably would not be of general interest
to the Herald readers, as some other
Denver seems to be one of the larg
est and most prosperous cities of Colo
rado, from appearance. We were
somewhat surprised at the growth of
the city aud the business going on
here. From the number of travelers
and the far west seekers from the
east and other points that arrive here
daily, one would be impressed with
the idea that Denver was the great
metropolis city of the west. It is esti
mated that the arrival of passengers
on the railroads, that centre to this
point numbers about three or four
hundred a dav. and even more than
that at times; however, the majority
of them only make this a temporary
stopping place for a short time and
then proceed on their westward journ
ey to Leadville and other mining points
in the Rocky Mountains.
Denver has at present its share of
pickpockets, tramps, thieves and
other specimens of humanity and it
has been necessary for the police au
thorities to increase their force and
banish them from the city at times.
Agricultural pursuits in Colorado
seem to be only secondary; wheat is
the principal cereal raised here al
though garden vegetables of all kinds
are raised in abundance, and probably
can't be excelled by any other State in
the Union. We an informed that
verv little corn is raised on account
of the cold nights and other drawbacks
of the season. The Spring here has
been cold, backward and very dry, not
rain enough this seasen to start vege
tation until the 6th inst., about three
or four inches of snow fell and about
the same amount on th 9th which
caused sufficient moisture to start the
grass and all vegetation. From the
scarcity of snow in the mountains and
the dry weather, the streams are very
low and and water very scarce. Old
ranchmen say that the streams are
lower now than has been known for
a number of years.
The grand old mountains that lie
west and south of Denver present
some picturesque scenery to the travel
er as he chances to pass through Colo
rado ; Pike's Peak, that well know point
that every school boy remembers so
well, looks quite grand to the behold
er ; on clear days with its snow covered
top, one would not think it more than
twenty miles away, however, they call
it-eighty miles or more. Long's Peak,
is observed by every one with interest,
its tops looking upward above the sur
rounding country and cam be seen for
many miles around.
Farm wages are from 625 to S30 per
month and plenty of hands to fill all
vacancies when any occurs.
While in Denver we chanced to meet
several old frlei.ds from Nebraska,
among the number. Mr. Tom. Brown
from Rock Bluffs; Mr. Henry Hagood
from Kenosha; and the Story boys,
formerly residents of Neb. We also
had the pleasure of making a call at
Mr. Baldwin's, a son-in-law of Mr. and
Mrs.W. W. Wiley of Three Groves,
and had quite a pleasant chat with him
during our stay.
I will give the market prices of a
few farm products in Denver, merely
to show the difference between the
markets here and the eastern states;
nearly everything is sold here by the
pound or cwt: Wheat, Colorado, is
worth S3 102 15 per cwt.; Cora,
1 201 25 Mr cwt.; Oats. Colorado,
82 002 25. State;? 81 751 90 per
cwt.; Hay, bald, S1924 per ton; Po
tatoes, peach blows, 2 002 50 per
cwt.; Turnips 2 cents per lb.; Flour,
83 353 50; Butter, ranch, 2630
cents per lb.: Eggs, 17 cents per dez.;
Beef, dressed. 99, live weight 2
4j; Pork, dressed, per lb., 7 cents;
Honey, strained, 15 10 cents per lb.,
comb, 25 30; and other things in pro
portion. I fear this letter is too long already
and must close. If this letter is allow
ed space I will write again. Resp'y,
Weeping Water Notes.
Not much to mention this week;
dnst and dry weather absorb nearly
all the news.
We had splendid indications for rain
Sunday evening, but after lightning
and many cleuds, our prospects disap
peared in the Ease, West and North,
leaving us still parched and dry, with
a clear sky,
Farmers are feeling very blue over
the prospects for another harvest, as
small grain and corn need rain very
Barnes' new stere is assuming a
store-like appearance quite rapidly,
and will be an ornament and of bene
fit to Weeping Water.
The railroad surveyors have left us.
D. E. Jones is building an extensive
two-story kitchen addition on the
North side of his house.
Miss Creda Wolcott is improving.
She ha3 been an invalid for some time,
caused, I understand, from a fall on
the ice last winter.
Mr. Rockwell was made happy re
cently by a brand new little stranger;
and likewise Mr. Fitzpatrick. All do
ing well.
Mrs. M. E. Woods, we are sorry to
learn, is quite ill.
' It takes Tom much longer to dine
now than it used to do. However, it's
all right, Tom; we would, toe; it's
much more corapanienable.
You'll hear again from Trixy.
I Don't Hunt thut Stuff,"
Is what a lady of Boston said to her
husband when he brought heme some
medicine to cure her of sick headache
and neuralgia, which had made her
miserable for fourteen years. At the
first attack thereafter it was adminis
tered to her with such good results,
that she continued its use until cured,
and was made so enthusiastic in its
praise that she induced twenty-two of
the best families in her circle to adopt
it as their regular family medicine.
That "stuff" is Hop Bitters.
Attention, Citizens!!!
The relatives or friends of all de
ceased soldiers, whose remains are in
terred in Oak Hill Cemetery, are re
spectfully requested to laave their
names, ages, and number of lot where
buried' with the undersigned, at the
County Clerk's office, Plattsmouth,
Neb., before the 30th inst.
9t2 Jno. W.Jennings,
Adj't McConihie Post No. 45, G. A. R-
All persons indebted to the Cass Co.
Sentinel (where the same has accrued
since Sept. 26, 1879; on subscription,
advertising or Job work, are requested
to call and settle within the next thir
ty days and save costs. Call on George
II. Thompson in person, or at Harti
gan's law office, where receipts will be
given for all moneys paid.
George II. Thompson,
Late Publisher Cass Co. Set tinel.
Dated, May 19, 1880. 913
Cure sick head-ache, and prevent
summer sickness and chills.
Cures Dyspepsia and restores appe
tite. Try it; it cures.
Is Brown's Arnica Salve. It has
no equal for curing burns, cuts, bruis
es, and inflamed eyes; Good for man
or beast.
the liver k1u.
Sarsaparilla, Dandelion and Io
dide Potassium invigorates the Liver
and purifies the blood ; it cures Scrof
ula and Rheumatism.
All of Browns Popular Medicines
for sale by J. H.Buttery.Smith & Black
and O. F. Johnson, Plattsmouth, and
John Painter and Eledge & Co., East
We Challenge the World.
When we say we believe, we have
evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure is decidedly the best
Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as
it will cure a common or Chronic
Cough in one half the time and re
lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping
Cough, Croup, and show more cases of
Consumption cured than all others.
It will cure where they fail, it is pleas
ant to take, harmless to the youngest
child, and we guarantee what we say.
Price 10 cents. 50 cents, and S1.00 If
your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lame, use Shileh's Porous Plaster. Sold
by Smith & Black.
Do you Believe it.
That in this tewn there are scores
ef persons passing our store every day
whose lives are made miserable by In
digestion. Dyspepsia, Sour ar.d distress
ed Stomach. Liver Complaint Consti
pation, when for 75 cts. we will sell
them Shitah's Vitalizer, guaranteed to
cure them. Sold by Smith & Black.
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth,
and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector
free with each bottle. Use it if you
desire health, and sweet breath. Price
25 cts. Sold by Smith & Black.4eowtf
How to Make Soap for a Cent a Pound.
Shave into small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in tliree quarts of wter
until the soap is thoroughly dissolved, so that
upon ctraining through a sieve nothing re
mains ; add to the solution or "suds" three
gallons of cold water ; etir briskly for several
minutes to mix, and set it away te cool. Al
though it will look like nothing but soapsuds
while warm, a chemical reaction will take place
and in twenty-four hours' jtiine will develop
forty or fifty pounds of magnificent and white
soft soap, costing lens than one cent a pound,
and as good as many ot the adulterated com
pounds called soap, and sold at 7 to 10 cents a
IHiuud. llow long would it take for any other
soap used the same to become anything but
"eoap-euds?". Any housewife knows that it
cannot be done with any soap she has ever u
ed. See if it can be done with Dobbins' Elec
tric. Vol sale by all grocers.
Kkkd Bros.. Sole Agents.
4-eowly - Weeping Water, Neb.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite r. U.
The Herald. Detroit, Mich., says of Warner's
Safe Liver and Kidney Cure : "Its efficacy in
kidney, liver aud urinary diseases is ho fully
acknowledged that it is not worth the question
ing Bona fide testimonials from well-known
citizens in public and private life are evidences
strong enough to convince the most stubborn
doubter." 8113
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July aud December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
No one will be examined except at
the regular examinations ; and no cer
tificates from other Counties trill be
42tf Superintendent. '
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy
Railroad wiil sell tickets to parties de
siring to attend the National Republi
can Convention in Chicago, at greatly
reduced rates. Tickets will be sold
May 30 to June 1st, inclusive, good to
return until June 5. inclusive. 9t2
home markets,
gkaix and produce.
Wednesday, May 26, 1880.
W heat. No.2. 90
Corn, ear 20
" shelled 22
Oats 24
Barley, No. 2 40
Rye 45
Native Cattle 3 WXTU oo
Hogti &3 60
Butter & 15
Eggs.... n 10
Potatoes 40 60
Nkw York. May 20, l&ao.
Money $1.00.
Wheat " 127X
Rye M
Corn 52 & 55
Oats 44 46 45
Chicago. May 26, 1880.
Flour S dull
Wheat v 1 H'i
Com 36!4
Oats , 2S
Rye 71
Barley 80
Hogs, ehiptdng ! S4 12ai 30
Cattle. - 3 jsfl 4 15
Sheep 6 87
To Loan.
Money at 10 per cent, interest on im
proved farms. Apply to
51m3 R. B. Windham.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings.
ltf Plattsmouth.
For Sale.
A house with two lots on the Main
business street, and two lots adjoining,
situated in Louisville, Cass Co., Neb.
Apply to Henry Hofmeister,
9t4 Louisville, Neb.
II in PC Improved Root Beer Pack
nitlUJ age. 23 Makes five gallons
of a delicious and sparkling beverage whole
some and tem)erate. Sold by drjggists. or sent
bv mail on rtceipt of 23 cts. Address, CHAS. K.
IflKES. Manufacturer, 215 Market Street, Phil
adelphia. Pa. 50136
Settlement Notice.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to Jason Streight for services
rendered by his horse, will please call
at Streight & Miller's harness shop and
settle by cash or note inside of thirty
days, or all such accounts will be plac
ed in the hands of a collector.
Jason Streight.
Plattsmouth, May 1, 1880. 7tf
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or
wagon load can be had at the Kiln,
near west end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickelwait & SHARP,
7tf on premises.
V will pay Agents &airy ol Hooper month
tad xp.n., or allow larg eomnlMion, te mi I oor
B and wonderful Inranticna. Wt mean irhat toy,
bjuasl fro. 4ddrM Siuiui A Col. iawobaU. Miok.
Allen & Co.'s Richmond Gem, 35
cents per 4 pound, and Ole Virginia,
15 cents per package, both curly cut,
the best and finest smoking tobaccos in
town, sold at J. Pepperberg's. 50tf
A Household Need.
A book on the Liver, its diseases and their
treatment sent free. Including treatises upon
Liver Complaints. Torpid Liver. Jaundice. Bil
iiousness. Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia,
Malaria, etc. Addrexs Dk. Savfobd, 1C2
Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Jt4
Our Drug stores are now unpolled with "Malt
Bitters," the new Food Medicine whieli lias
done o much good and comes t us mo highlv
recommended. Try it. It may save you heavy
doctors' bills. "t4
Thirty wT the bettt organ makers of the
World are competitors at the Pari Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Associated Pre says
two highest gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
Stop That Cough.
If you are suffering with a Cough,
Cold Asthma, Bronchitis. Hay Fever.
Consumption, loss of voice, tickling in
the throat, or any affection of the
Thioat or Lungs, use Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. This is
the great remedy that is causing so
much excitement by its wonderful
cures, curing thousands of hopeless ca
ses. Over one million bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery have been
used within the last year, and have
given perfect satisfaction in' every in
stance. We can unhesitatingly say
that this is really the only sure cure
for throat and lung affections, and can
cheerfully recommend it to all. Call
and get a trial bottle free of cost or a
regular size for 81.00. Smith & Black,
Wholesale and Retail, Plattsmouth,
Neb, 26e6wly.
Home-Made Cigars.
Avoid smoking eastern filthy tene-ment-madu
cigars. Ask your dealers
for Pepperbeig's pure brands of home
made cigars. If you don't find them
there, go where they are kept, and by
doing so, encourage home labor. Job
bing in cigars and smokers articles a
specialty, at low prices. A large and
varied stock of smokers' goods always
on band, at prieessto suit the times.
42tf Julius Pepperberg.
Buekleu's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
Ft sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Retail, Plattsmouth. Neb. 241y.
Probate Notice.
Id the matter of the Estate of James O'Nell,
deceased. In the County Court of Cass Co.,
- Nebraska.
Upon reading and filing the duly verifled-pe-titlon
of Racbael O'Neil, praying that adnluis
tration of the estate of James O'Neil, deceas
ed, be granted to J. V. Johnson and Haiti O'
Nfil : Ordered that notice of the pendency of
said cause be published in the Nebraska Hicr
ALD. a weekly newspaper, printed, published,
and in general circulation in said County, for
three connective weeks, and that the hearing
of said cause be set for the llth day of June,
A. 1. l0, at 1 o'clock p. in., at the office of th
County Judue, at Plattsmouth. at which time
and place all persons interested may appear
and show cause, if any they have, why admin
Ifinitien ot aid estate should not be granted
to the said J. W. Johnson and Lafe O'Neil, ac
cording to the prayer of aid oetitien.
A. N. SULLIVAN. County Judge.
Plattsmouth , May sub, isso. lott
arums (Da&UKrarir
Is Leased to
wlio will, during ttEie
jlM 1st
With their immense stock of
Consisting of sill X?rice3,
Styles l UDesIjpts.
w. m. mAmmsi & COD.
Are now located In their
One door west of their old stand, and are prepared to show you the
Best Variety and Lowest Prices !
in the following lines i
Staple and IPancy IDry SoodUi9
Motions, ILadies5 (Kent9
IFurnisIiing: (Roods,
Queensware, Glassware,
mToocLexi cS Til?illoinr-liiroje,
UDried and (Canned IFruitsI
Groceries, Flour and Provisions.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of Chai. F. W.
Kater Loheda, deceased. In the County
Court of Cass Countv, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that John Bauer, ad
ministrator of the estate of the said Caas. F.
W. Kaster l-olietla. deceased, has made appli
cation for flniii m-I i lenient, aud that said causa
is set for bearing ai lav ofllce, at Plattsmouth,
on the litU day of June. A. I). 1R80, at 9 o'clock
a. ni.. on said day. at which time and place all
persons interested may be present and exam
ine said accounts.
A. N. SULLIVAN. County Judge.
Plattsmouth, May 24th, 1880. lots
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that I will sell at Pub
lic Vendue, on the 12th day ot June, A. U. 1880,
at I o'clock p. s., at the late residence of San
ford Pottenger. deceased, Elmwood Precinct.
Cass Couity, Nebraska, the following personal
pronerty. to-wit : One two-horse wagon ; one
Klovr; six pigs, three months old ; three stock
ogs ; one sow aad six pigs ; two mares and
colts : one bay horse ; one set of double har
ness ; one cultivator ; one hundred bushels of
corn ; and various other articles. Said property
being sold by order of the County Court as the
property of the said Sanford Pottenger, deceas
ed. Terms Cash on ali sums under lt.00 ; over
$10.00. six mouths time with approved security.
10t3 HOWAtaD W. Z1NK. Adm'r.
Legal Notice.
In th County Court of Cass County, Nebraska.
Edward G. Devey and Ueorge Iovey.
compoHtng the firm of E. (.. Dovey
& .Son, plaintiffs,
Calvin P. Moore and Armilda A.
laivin I . iuoorr, 01 lug oni. i wronu.,
will take uotice that th plaintiffs herein did
on the 5th day of May Its'o. tile their petition
lit the Countv Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you, the said Calvin P. Moore, and Ar
milda A. Moore, praying Judgment against you
for the sum of twd bundled and thirteen do.
lars aud seventeen cents ($213.17). balance due
ou account and for coHts ot suit. The said Cal
vin P. Moore Is hereby notified that he is re
quired to appear ail answer said petition on
or before the 5th day of July. IS80, or the same
will be taken as true, and Judgment be render
ed against you bv default.
By K. B. Wixuham. their Att'y. tota
In the District Court of Cass Comity. Second
Judicial iiftrict of the State of Nebraska.
Clementine E. Sweet, plaintiff, 1
Selden N. Merriam. defendant. )
To Selden N. Merriam, the aoove named de
feudant : You are hereby notified that lem
entine E. Sweet, the above named plaintiff, did
on the 24th day of May. A. I). 180. file la th -above
named Court a petition against you, set
ting forth that she is the owner of and holds
the legal title to the f llowiug described iaad
and premises, situated In Cas County, Nebras
ka, to-wit : The North West quarter (nwV of
section twenty-two (22). i" towuship ten (!0.
North of range twelve (12). East of the sixth
(6th) Principal Meridian ; and the general ob
ject and praver of said Clementine E. hweet
petition, filed as aforesaid in a'l Court, is to
have three several I resurer's ux deeds. made
by the several Treaurers of t w l ou-uy. Ne
braska, to you tor said premises. Ie set side.
cancelled and declared void y dci e ol
Court, and that the ale of ld t.r-iiiles for
the pretended taxes frtiie year l7i be C
clared void, and that ttie pretended taxe for
the years 187. 1TI. 172. 1873. 1874, 1875 and 187
paid bv you, l-e d-cla'f d void, aud declared to
be no lir'n on pre)".-es. and forgeneral and
quiial-lo rc!i-i. You m notifled that you are
r'-;uirr.ii to .tinwer ordemnr to plain
tiff's sid petition on or before the 12th day of
.'uiv, A. I. 12i"v. or the same will be taken a
confessed by you. and decree rendered accord
By Covell & P.AJ.HOM. her Att'yf t5
In the District Court of Cass County, Second
Judicial District of elrasa.
Seth R. Ward, plaintiff, 1
Walter B Butbe. defendant, f
To Walter P. Beelje, the above named de
fendant: Yor :ir-r riftby notified that the
move named pi.-ui'.iiT, Seth E. Ward, did on
the 24tb day of May, A. It. 1880. file in the above
named Court a petition against you, setting
forth that he is the owner of and holds the le
gal title to the follow!? described laad and
premises, situated ia Cass County, in the State
if Nebraska, to-wit : The East half (eH) of the
isouth West quarter (swi), and t be West half
(wi) of the South Kast quarter(sei) of section
eighteen (18), in township eleven (11). North of
range fourteen (14). East of the sixth (6tb) Prin
cipal Meridian ; and the general object and
prayer of said petition is to have three several
Treasurer's tax deeds, wade for said premises
by the several Treasurers of Cas County, Ne
braska, set aside, caaeelled and declared void,
and that the sale of said premises for pretend
ed taxes for the yearlsea be declared void, and
that the pretended taxesta said land for the
years I868..1870. 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874. 1875 bad
1876 be declared void, and that the Court shall
declare that the same were paid by yen and
those under whom you claim, without any right
or authoritv to make such payments, and that
you acquired no lien on said land by reason of
such payments, and fer general and equitable
relief. Vou are further notified that you are re
quired to plead answer or demur to said peti
tion eu or before the .2th day of July, A. I.
I860, or the same will be taken as confessed by
you and decree reudered accordingly.
By Coyexx Rxxsou, bis Att'y. lots
Mortgage Sale.
Default having been made in the conditions
of a certain Chattel Mortgaxe, whereby the
power of sale therein contained has becine op
erative, executed by J. W. Murphy, ef Platu
mouth, Nebraska, to the Bruuswlck Balke
Company, of Chicago. Illinois, bearing date the
2.tth day of January, 1880, and recorded ut the
County Clerk's efnee of Cans Cuunty, Nebraska
on the day and the year aforesaid, ea which
mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the
date o' this notice, the sura of two hundred and
fifty-seven and 50-100 dollars (1257.50). with in
terest thereon from January 2th, isso, at tea
per cent, per annum.
And no proceeding having been Instituted at
law to recovor s lid amount, cr any part there
of, said mortgage will be foreclosed bra sale
of property, therein described, oa the Jib day
of June, 1880, at 1 o'clock p.m., at the front
door of the Court House, in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, to satisfy said debt. Interest
and costs ; said property being described ae
One 4S by 9 Champion Carom Table ; one
by 9 Champion six-pocket Pool Table ; one set
2'i Hyat Pool Balls ; one set 2H Billiard Balis :
two dozen Cues : two Cue Racks ; one set ef
Counters ; two Bridges ; one Brush ; one Pi a
Pool set complete, M. A. Habtio am.
Attorney for the Brunswick Balke Co.
Dated, May 13, 1880. st5
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of au order of sale, issued by f . C.
Showalter. Esq.. Clerk of District Court with
in and for Cam County, Nebraska, aad to me
directed, I will, on Tuesday, the 8th day of
June, A. D., 18HO, at lo o'clock a. m., of said day
at the South door (being the front door) of the
Court House in said County, sell at Public Auc
tion the following described real estate, te
wit : The north-east quarter (ne1) and the
south-west quarter (sw4 of seetion number
three (3) iu towii.thtp number twelve d'ii. north
of ranye number thirteen (13) ; also let number
three (3) and the south-east quarter (t) of
the Kouth-west quarter (sw!) of section aura
ber thirty-four (4) In town number thirteen,
(13) north range uumltertbiiteen (13), eaat 6tU
P. M. ; all lyiny anr beiug situated In Caas Co..
Nebraska : together with the sppurteaees
theruto belonging. Ohe same being levied, up
on and taken as the property of Jason 1. Mil
ler, and Mary P. Miller, defendants, (ia the suit
of Jacob Lefever aEalast said defendants, la
the District court of Cass County. Nebraska.)
to satisfy a Judgment aad decree of said Dis
trict Court, rendered in favar of said Jacob Le
fever, and against said Jason (J. Miller ai d
Mary P. Miller, at April term of said District
Court. A. D. 187.
Plattxinouth, May 5th, A. D. IMO.
St4 K. W. IIYKK8, Kberiff.
Road Notice.
To all whom It may concern :
The Commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the South East corner of sec
tion thirty-two (32), township twelve (It), north
range ten 1 10. East : running tbence oo said
sect ion line North one (I) mile and one-half
(Vi) : thence East einlitv (80) rods ; iheuce north
one (1) mile, to intersect with the mad running
East and West, hat reported la favor of the lo
cation thereof, and all objections thereto, or
claims fur damaKeM, must be filed In the County
( lerk's oflirr ou or tM-iore aoon, ro tbe tsili
day of June. A. I. ltso. or siren road will be lo
eaied without reference thereto.
6i5 J. IX 1 UT T. Ci.nty lerk.
SALT, or nt.'jfK)l. HOL'MK.
By virtue i a vote of the legal voters of Dis
trict 65. in lawful meeting assembled. I will on
the 2it day of May, A. i. 1180,' at 3 o'clock p.
in., sell at Public Auction the School lioase be
longing to District .. of Cass County, Nebras
ka. Tlie sal.- to take place at the door of said
school house. E. 11. WOOLEY,
Supt. Pub. Inst'n, Cas Co., Neb.
Plattsmouth, Neb., April 28th, 1880. t5
Road Notice.
To all v. hom It may Concern :
The Commissioner appointed to vacate a road
now located from south east corner of south
e;st quarter (seH) ot north east quarter (net)
of section twenty-seven (27) tow a twelve (12)
range thirteen (13) tbence north fifteen (16)
chain.i thence north east to the north east cor
ner of the south east quarter (e!) of the north
east quarter (ne!4)cf said section aad te locate
a road from the south east corner ef south-west
quarter fswJi )ot northeast quarter (nH) of
said section twenty-seven (27) to the east line
of section twenty-seven (T7) tbence north
twenty (20) chains, has reported In favor of the
vacation and location thereof, and all objec
tions thereto or claims for damages, must be
filed in the County Clerk's office, on or before
noon on the 28tb day of June A. D. ltto. or such
road will be vacated and located without refer
ence thereto. J. D. TUTT.Co ClerK. M6
First class Lodging Rooms.
First Class Boarding.
Good Sample Booms
Everything and every comfort
A Good Hotel canJFurnlsli
Also. Good Wines, Good Beer, Good Liquorj,
Good Lemonade. Good Cigars,
Kept at the Cit Hotel.
lDy FKED. VQQ9, Proprietor.