Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 27, 1880, Image 2

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    The Herald.
ho. fc. Aac&urpht, Jditor.
: PLATTSMOUTH, MAY 27. 1880.
The National CobtbU.
Each State is entitled two delegates
from each congressional district and
four delegates at large, and each ter
ritory and the District of Colombia t"
two delegates, making a total of 756.
The delegations are as follows : .
Michigan .
Minnesota. . .
New Hampshire.
New Jersey
New York
Pennsylvania. . . .
Rhoda island
Arkansas ...
Leleware . . .
Louisiana ..
North Carolina.
South Carolina.
Ten o esse
Ttf -
West Virginia..
Arizona 2
Dakota ; 2
Wyoming 2
Utah 2
District of Columbia.. 2
Idaho. 2
Montana 2
New Mexico 2
Washington .....2
'Colorado goes six for Grant.
The Pawnee Republican it still for
Bro. Crites went up to Omaha last
week, a lawin.
A Special train leaves Lincoln for
Chicago, Monday.
Gex. Bek! Butler says Grant . will
be the Republican nominee and Til
den the Democratic
Yotjno Murfin had quite a serious
attack f illness while trying a case at
Rock Bluffs last week.
Boss Wentworth, of the Courant.
weat to Columbus, too, last week, and
he ain't got heme yet, either.
Sherwood Burr, Secretary of the
Senate, was one ef the Filmore County
delegates to the state convention.
Abjctant General Alexander
showed that he could get bis militia
out en the double quick, if they were
ever needed.
. The Annual Convention of the Ne
braska State Sunday School Associa
tion is held at York on June 1st, 2d
and 3d. A cordial invitation is extend
ed to all.
Sam Barker shipped between four
and five hundred head of cattle, and
about as many hegs, Saturday. Big
day's work, even far Sam.
A brother ef A. E. Touzalin, D. V.
Tcuzalin, genl agent of the It. I, & St.
Louis division of the C. B. & Q. R. B,
died at Rock Island very suddenly on
Hay 18th.
Gkn. Bex. Butler passed through
Omaha, Tuesday, on bis way to Cali
fornia, it is said to act as counsel for
young Kalloch in his coming trial for
the murder of DeYcung.
A Bee correspondent says that Pa
cific Junction is the coming town, as
the B. & M. will run right in there and
make headquarters for the C. B. & Q-,
K. C. & St. Joe, and B. & M. railroads.
"Cap" Humphrey of Pawnee pro
tests he didn't go to the Convention,
he's a Grant "Joker" and it was Mr.
Erwin that electrified the Convention,
Ac, &c. Brother Brooks offers him a
Grant cigar at Chicago to call it square.
- It takes 379 votes to nominate ; Don
Cameron gives Grant 416; the N. Y.
Herald gives Grant 24 majority now.
The N. Y. Times says his nomination
ia certain, and Gov. Palmer, of Illinois,
himself a candidate on the democratic
side, says Grant will be nominated ou
an understanding with some Southern
states, and will be a hard man to beat.
Unless for some reason Grant de
clines, it would seem that he must be
the nominee of the Convention next
week. Chamberlain, of Maine, has
been spoken of as Vice President, and
woald be an excellent nomination; but
later John Sherman seems to be the
favorite, if he will accept the second
place. Grant and Sherman would make
a strong team.
The Herald evidently fears that if
we should promote Postmaster Mar
shal to a Colonelcy, it might interfere
with it's editor's chances as his succes
sor, it case of Grant's election. Cour
ant. Just see how quick these democrats
smell an office t Here we've been eight
or nine years, signed the papers for
Cap. Marshall's reappointment twice,
and never thought ef supplanting him,
when our. new democratic friend of
only a few months has evidently been
on the alert to see how the land lies if
Mr. Tilden but, pshaw ! Tilden '11
never see the White House, anyway.
It's labor thrown away, Bro. Crites. .
When Governor Nance met the
workingmen at Omaha, he said he
wanted to hear them state their case
fully, frankly and without reserve, and
he would listen to any bona fide work
ingman's statement; but he did not
want to hear and would net listen to
any shyster lawyer, political bummer
or professional agitator. A square
statement was made by working mn,
and through the aid and counsel of the
Governor, Adjutant General and oth
ers a peaceable compromise was effcet
ed, and Woodshed and d-t rue ion f
property avoided. So much far firm
ness and good seiise, and the Governor
deserves all the praise he is ge:tiu,
no matter toha called the troops oat.
One ef the most singular things in
this Campaign has been that both in
this state and elsewhere the friends
of Gen. Grant supported him quietly,
earnestly without detraction or vitu
peration ef other candidates, while the
anti-Grant men have used the stale
slanders of Democrats as , arguments
against other candidates, and their
constant threat has been that their
side won't vote for Grant if nomina
ted. Which looks most like Republi
canism and patriotism?
The Republican State Convention
was a lively one and no mistake.
Small as the Grant men appeared in
numbers they managed thei: case with
consummate ability. Under the lead of
Laird and Majors, principally, they
kept the Blaine men wide awake the
whole night and made 'em mighty
"narvou" at times. There seems to
be no doubt but that if they could
have carried the amended motion to
vote by ballet, by districts, they would
have got a delegate or two to Chicago,
in spite of the boasted Blaine majori
ty. It is said our "bey Governor,'
brave as be is on strikes, "trembled"
for the result of the count the second
time; and Jimmy Dawes acknowledg
ed to this Editor that be got up and
down those aisles twice, in the short
est time he ever went through a con
vention, in order to stiffen the spinal
column of Blaine delegations.
In the Grant caucus lS.anti-Blaine
votes answered to roll-call we kept
the tally ourself.
Many think there was a miscount
on the final vote of the resolution, as
amended, to vote by ballot by dis
tricts, and that the chairman took the
count of the Editor ef this paper, and
that it was incorrect. We give below
the figures just as we put them down
at the time and as near correct as the
confusion would allow :
11 3
1 3
5 S
2 10
3 1
ft 5
3 2
4 17
8 1
9 5 -
2 5
. 2 7
7 3
6 2
3 7
2 5
3 4
1 6
7 1
1 H
4 8
19 3
3 3
i I
3 9
1 2
7 1
2 3
4 9
7 1
1 185
. 9
(The single votes after the nines
were changes, as we understood them.
It is barely possible that in the
noise some county was called wrong
but the footings of Mr. Cady and our
self were both alike and we both went
ever them before they were handed to
Mr. Collins. The real trouble was the
first vote on the amendment was too
large, a mistake being made there.
Pawnee 8 votes "no," being put down as
4 and one other eounty of 5 or 9 votes
put down as "aye" when it should have
been "no."
The Grant men then crowed so lus
tily tbey overdid the business and
scared the Blaine men, who might
have been willing to break the slate a
little, but were not yet prepared to see
the whole programme changed by their
votes. No wonder then that some
votes returned to their first love on the
second count. No secretaries could
hear in the din. the vote should have
been called slower and verified. We
looked to see Laird or Gere call for a
The Omaha Strikes Trouble.
What promised to be a serious riet
occurred in Omaha on Friday last.
There has been a "strike" at the Smelt
ing Works there far seme weeks, and
on Friday the company owning the
worKS, ran in some negroes from Kan
sas to take the place of the strikers.
Some of the negroes were armed. The
working men of Omaha at once rallied
and demanded that the negroes be sent
back. The company becoming scared,
telegraphed Gov. Nance fer -troops,"
stating that a riot was imminent. The
Governor and Secretary of State Alex
ander, fearing that disorder might fol
low, did order the militia company
from Wahoo, and one company from
Columbus, which promptly appeared
upon the ground.
The working men and the Governor
held a conference. Thev stated their
case plainly, and the Governor re
sponded as plainly and as frankly, by
saying that he would protect the rights
of all parties, and preserve peace at all
hazards. The smelting men had a right
to strike, but no right to prevent ether
workmen from laboring even at less
rates if they saw fit.
In the meanwhile the strikers had
induced the colored men to leave the
works, on promise of paying their fare
back to Kansas, and after another con
ference between the State authorities
and the laborers a compromise was ef
fected, and on Sunday all was peace,
as it should be. Monday morning the
great Smelting Works were opened
again ; the troops and officers of State
returned home, and quiet reigns on the
banks of the Old Muddy, near the rip
raps at Omaha.
At the paper mills of Came Broth
ers, Coltav ille, Ma., large quautities
of bank-note paper are mado for the
Government. The strictst attention
as to quality ia observed, a apot or
speck no larger than a pin-head being
sufficieut to condemn a sheet,, and the
employes arriving and departing are
carefully watched. Armed guards p.
trol the preniie8 and grounds day and
niiht. no apgmucii to them is per
muted. Twenty-four womeu were
scut iroui iie Treasury Department na
counter an. I ex.imiiicrs, and a.e each
able to coiut 30,000 thee Is daily. I.e
precaution is uwesaary to prevent du
plication of shoots !or dihooct pur.
Grant at Chicago All the Same.
A Big Convention, &., Ac, c.
(From too Omaha Bee.)
Columbus, May 20. The republican
state convention, which closed its la
bors at 5 o'clock, Thursday morning,
after an all-night's session, was by all
odds the most imposing political as
semblage ever held in Nebraska. 'It
excelled all previous conventions of
all parties, not only ia point of num
bers, but in the array of brilliant fo
rensic talent, and the superior intelli
gence of the entire body. The contest
between followers of Grant and Blaine
was spirited throughout, and at times
quite exciting. The Grant minority
was compact, well organized and han
dled with admirable tact by veteran
leaders.' The Blaine men, relying on
their superiority of numbers, were not
as well disciplined, and made some
mistakes. The turning point of the
ontest was the defeat by a very close
vote of the attempt of the Grant lead
ers to procure a vote by ballot instead
of viva voce by counties, which com
pelled every man to show his colors.
The entire proceedings were charac
terized by remarkable good feeling and
a disposition to avoid personalities.
- On Wednesday evening, after sun
down, the Columbus Opera House, a
large wooden structure, with audito
rium on the ground floor, and a seating
capacity of about 400, including the
stage, presented an animated scene.
The stage had been draped with na
tional colors, and the floor had been
divided among the respeetive counties
by standards designating each delega
tion. Admission to the hall was by
ticket, each delegate being assigned to
a particular seat numbered on his card.
By 8 o'clock, when every delegate was
in his seat, the convention was called
to order by Hon. James W. Dawes,
chairman of the state committee.
The following gentlemen were ap
pointed a committee on permanont or
ganization: Tefft of Cass. Caldwell of
Nuckolls, Calkins ef Buffalo, Brown
of Douglas, and Wilson f Johnson. .
The convention passed res
olutions expressing preference for Mr.
Blaine, but no other instructions. The
majority for Blurine over Grant on each
ballot avei aged one hundred.
The following are the delegates and
alternates, with their vote:
(From the Omaha Republican.)
Dist Delegates Alternates Vote
1 Dawes Jeusea 245
2 Mitchell Wile . 242
3 Crounse J. J. Brown 241
4 Pringer Keene 241
6.... Gaalin Blerbower 231
Lewis Geo. Brooks 242
1 J. S. Dew 123
2 C. H.Gere 12
5 C. J. Greene 127
4 M. R. Reese 12
5 Jas. Laird 138
S Westerfeldt 120
Honors were easy between Nemaha
and Otoe on the announcement of the
vote. Col. Majors said: "Nemaha, nine
votes for the nominee of the Chicago
convention U. S. Grant." Following,
Col. Mitchell responded: "Otoe casts
eleven votes for the next president of
the United States James G. Blaii.e."
When Red Willow Co. was called the
chairman announced: "two votes for
J. G. Blaine all we've got."
Mr. James Laird, "to the end that
the triumph of James G. Blaine may
bo complete," moved to make the vote
unanimous, adding, "but we hereby
express the hope that, while you have
buried U. S. Grant by your ballots, he
may be resurrected on the third day
of June."
There was no report from the com
mittee en resolutions. Immediately af
ter the election of delegates, Steele, of
Butler, offered the following, which
was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That it is the sense of this
republican convention, that the repub
licans of the state of Nebraska shall
suppurt the nominee of the Chicago
Mr. Kennard, of Lancaster, offered
the following, which was laid ou the
. Resolved, That the delegates elected
here to-day are instructed not to vote
for John Sherman at Chicago.
True Merit Wins.
As an illustration of what can be
accomplished by dint of perseverance
and hard work, and the reward which
generally follows, we are led to call
the attention of our young renders,
every boy and young man just start
in life, to the promotion of T. J. Pot
ter to the position of Assistant-General
Manager of the C. B. Jfc Q. R. R.
as affording a bit of history that will
prove gooareading for them all.
Mr. Potter's career shows what en
ergy, industry and fidelity can do, and
is without precedent in the annals of
railroading. Only a few years ago he
was axman on the Burlington & Mis
souri River railroad, in July, 1462.
In the early part of 1863 ho was fire
man, but soon resigned and entered
the army as private in company A.,
seventh Iowa cavalry, and made a
good soldier. He left the army in
June, 1866, having been promoted suc
cessively from private to captain. In
July, 1866, he went to work for J. M.
Fish, a commission merchant of Ed
dyvillc. In 1867 he was appointed
station agent at Albia, and in July,
1869, was made chief clerk in the road
master's department, and fuel agent.
Ia 1870, in addition to the position of
fuel agent he was made agent for the
settlement of stock and personal in-
Sry claims, which place he held until
arch 1873, wheu he was appointed
general agent of the western Iowa di
vision with headquarters at Creston.
In February 1875, ho was made super
intendent of the Iowa division with
headquarters at Burlington. In June
1878, he was made general superinten
dent of the C. B. A Q. It. 11. with
headquarters at Burlington, ono of the
most arduous and responsible posi
tions In tho company's service. Mr.
Potter handled its duties with such
rare skill and taste that the company
determined to avail itself of his happy
combination of executive faculties, and
the tact which so quickly adapts it
self to the comprehensive, widely var
ied aud com plicated business of an or
ganization operating over two thousand
miles of railroad, and called him to
still greater responsibilities. And at
39 years of ago we find the hard work
ing boy of 1862, at the head of one of
the greatest corporations of the north
west. Boys, truo merit always win,
and you should keep it in mind.
The observatory for which James
Lick left a fund is to be built soon, a
si to having been selected on Mount
Hamilton, fiftv miles from San Fran
cisco, and 5,000 foet above sea level.
Tiie principal instrument, if the tes
tators directions are. carried out, will
be "the bet telescope in the world;
but its size, character and maker have
not yet been decided upon, and some
jprelliBliiary experiment will bo mad.
The Illinois Convention Three Days in
Old "Fight It Oat on this Line" Wins.
Special Dispatches to the Daily News. "
Springfield. May 20. The conven
tion re-assembled at 5 o'clock last ev
ening, in the presence of packed gal
leries. ,
The chairman said the first business
in order was a report from the com
mittee en credentials, made up as fol
lows: 1st district, Lewis Ellsworth,
Grant; 3d, C. H. Ferry, Blaine-Wash-burne;
4th. S. A. Hurlbut. Blaine; 5th,
Leander Smith, Washburne; 6tb. J. M.
Beardsley, Blaine; 7th, J. C. Grant,
Grant ; 8th, M. J. Sheridan. Grant ; 9th,
Enoch Emory, Blaiue; 10th, George W
Hamilton, Blaine; 11th, James Burke,
Grant: 12th. M.W.Branson. Blaine;
13th. E. M. Prince, Blaine; 14th, Jesse
II. Moore,- Grant; 15th, Wm. Chew,
Grant: 16th, .R.D. Noleman, Grant;
17th, R. A. Halbert, Washburne; 18th,
William R. Brown, Grant; 19th. Ross
Graham. Grant.
A motion by Senator Logan prevail
ed that the committee, if not prepared
to report in full, send in the delegates
from uncontested counties.
An adjournment until 8 o'clock fol
lowed. At this hour the chairman ef
the committee on credentials submit
ted the names of delegates from all
counties, except Cook and Greene. His
report was adopted.
Then an adjournment was had until
morning at 9 o'clock.
Springeield, May 20. The conven
tion assembled at 9.
Mr. Robbins. of Quiucy, offered a res
olution that the committee on creden
tials ignore the papers of all the Co.
conventions which were held at other
than the appointed places, meaning
thereby to cut out the Pa!mer House
men. A test vote on this resulted 349
noes, 249 ayes.
The convention then took a recess
till 11, to await the action of the com
mittee on credentials.
Springfield, May 20. The delay of
the committee on credentials is not an
unmixed evil on either side. By it the
anti-Grant men are able to prevent
their opponents from announcing their
defeat, so as to have an effect upon the
Nebraska convention, which was held
last night, and the Alabama conven
tion, in session to-day. Had the Illinois
convention taken decisive steps yester
day, and the result been telegraphed to
Nebraska, much good to the Grant
cause would undoubtedly have result
ed. This the Blame men have saved
by the delay. It is also likely that the
delay has been used by some of the
shrewder anti-Grant managers, for the
purpose of negotiations with the com
mittee on credentials. The committee
stood at the time of its appointment
ten to eight in favor of Grant.
Among the anti-Grant minority up
on the committee are Gen. Hurlbut and
Maj. Beardsley, of Rock Island, two as
shrewd politicians as can be found in
Illinois, and men who will scruple at
nothing. It would surprise no one to
learn that they had arranged matters
in their peculiar fashion, so as to gain
a majority report for tho Farwell Hall
delegation. It is not improbable either
that, they may hope, by the delay, to
tire out the Grant men in the conven
tion. .
All of these considerations, howev
er, will probably be overbalanced by
the gain which is accruing to the pro
Grant faction by the delay. Three
thousand men are here awaiting the
result, 600 of them being delegates.
All of these persons are paying their
own expenses, and each hour's delav
increases their impatience. The Grant
managers feel that tho thing bodes
them no ill, so long as the impatience
continues to grow; for when the time
for action., does arrive the convention
will be ready to use prompt and vigor
ous measures.
It is reasonably certain that during
the delay ; forty-one of the Palmer
House delegates will be admitted as
delegates. --Whether the Farwell Hall
men will bolt or not is a matter of ut
ter indifference. A committee of lead
ing Grant men, representing each con
gressional district, will probably be
appointed by the chair to nominate 42
delegates to the Chicago convention.
Springfield, May 20. -At 2:30 the
convention is in session, awaiting the
report of the committee on credentials.
- Various rumors are current. One is
to the effect that the committee will
return the subject of the Cook County
contest to the convention without rec
ommendation. Another is that the Palmer House
men will have a majority, and the Far
well Hall men a minority report. -
Springfield,- May 20, 4:10 p. m.
The committee on credentials stand 9
to 9 They report, ignoring both the
Farwell Hall and Palmer House con
ventions as irregular, but stating that
the Grant men were entitled to 36 del
egates ab initio, and the Blaine-Washburne
men to 56. They leave the gen
eral convention to determine the case.
At last, after many pros and cons, a
committee of 19 (one from each dis
trict) was appointed to select dele
gates, and on Friday forenoon tltey i e
ported 43 straight Grant delegates to
the National convention at Chicago.
We give those at large as a sample of
the men; the others were appointed by
Mr. M. M. Ford, of Henry . County,
from the committee appointed to se
lect delegates, then came down the
center aisle and announced that the
report of the committee was ready,
and it was handed in and read as fol
' Delegate Alternates
Hon. John A. Logan. Wta. McAdam,
Cook. Randolph.
Emery A. Storr. Cook Rom Graham, White.
Gen. Green B. Kauni. Solomon Degan,
, ' . , , Pope. La Salle.
DaTid T. Little; C. C. Campbell.
Sangamon. ;-. Kankakee.
After nominating a state ticket the
convention adjourned in really quite
good humor, considering the heat of
the contest just passed.
American Losses by Fire.
SeientiOe American. . .
The amount of loses in (he United
States by fire during 1879, as reported
to Insurance companies, was $77,703,
700; add to this the uninsured losses
that are not reported, and it will fall
but little short of $100,000,000 claimed
as the loss in this couutry. -Canada
is not included in these reports.
In the four years, 1875-6-7 and 8,
there were burned whollv or in part,
in the U. 8.: 1,354 hotols,263 churches,
182 school houses, 40 court houses, 42
almshouses, hospitals and asvliinis
1,883 in all. It would naturally be
supposed that buildings of the char
acter named would bo built with more
than ordinary care, but the record does
not show such to be the case. Indeed,
tho more pretentious the building, the
more careless seem to be tho owners.
Our Temperance Column.
" For God, and Home, and Native Land.
The Public Library
Is now kept in the office of Will S.
Wise, and will be open for the loaning
and exchange of books every Wednes
day and Saturday afternoon, from 1 to
3 o'clock, and on Saturday evenings,
from 7 to 9. 44tf -
. The Bondage of Drink.
You think I love It t if this nerveless hand
Coald gala Immortal strength, this very hour,
I'd sweep this hellish traffic Iron the land "
And crush its blighting, madeniag nightmare
. power.
Yea, now with all my latest dying breath.
Ill curse the thing that drags ma down
to death.
Lave It? I loathe It ! yet I drink and drink.
And hale ray bondage with loathing hate ;
And hate myself as through the towa I slink.
The pledge t no, no ! too late too late 1
No pledge I I've tried it twice a waste l
Too late theie's no release for me but
It's bad eaought te drink : but not to drink
Doth such a t.aln of horrors wake
As in one hour would leave me dead I think ; .
Ah, keep away ye friends, for pity's sake !
The very thought ef them affects my
braiu ;
My end will be when they shall come
Love rum? I'd love to hold my head up higher
Aud breathe Cod's air a free and fearless
And look with undimmea eyes an earth and
With steady nerve to do and head to plan.
I'd love to grapple trials as they come,
Ia manly fashion, brave aud strong, Love
If I could go Into some land
Where no drink Is. God knows how wiUlugly
I'd fight those dreadful tormeuts of the dammed
That clutch the soul ef himwho would be free ;
But marshal up those grialy shapes of
To fall agala a twice before? No, No !
Ah, if I niiht have known how It would be
In those old college days so wild and gay.
When I first drank la youthful revelry.
How easy then tJput the cup away I
A mothers hepo aud Joy I was till then ;
Now see me trembling ha I those eyes
Back, fiery eyes, to hell where ye belong !
Ill drink ye down what ! bleod? drluk
blood 1
Help, help ! they come, hideous, devilish
Back, get back I they'll toss me la the flood !
Long, crooked hands are claw Ids In oiy
Is this the end? ha, ha I too late for
Intemperance is the scourge of the
world. There is no evil written in
the long catalogue of moral and politi
cal woes attended with mere harm to
individuals or to society than inebria
tion; profanity, larceny, lying, murder
are the offspring of intemperance.
To substantiate this no elaborate ar
gument is necessary, for the records of
our penitentiaries, the inscription on
the solitary prison wall, written by the
pen of time and the ink of tears and
the paupers grave, are all proofs in
support of the allegation. O inebra
tion I thou habit of folly, thou bast
dimmed the brilliant genius of the leg
islator, philosopher and orator, sealed
the mouth of heaven-commissioned
ambassadors, torn the royal diadem
from the monarch's brow, and robbed
the chieftain of his hard wen laurels.
But it would be more tolerable if the
evils resulting from this pernicious
habit were confined to the drunkard
himself. Yet it is not so! fer the love
ly aud intelligent women of our land
are the victims of bis misery. Night
after night finds the husband, who bas
become a drunkard, in the midst of
his family, brimfull with spirits and
passions; his wife meets him with a
trembling hand and aching heart, and
a tearful eye; his dear children retreat
from corner to corner, as if an evil
spirit had made its appearance.
The little homestead becomes the
theatre of family broils and angry
blows and neither his wife nor his
children are secure from the fury ef
his drunken madness. By and bye the
cries of her half-clad starving children
ring in her ears daily, and the hectic
flush of premature death dries up her
briny tears as they trickle down her
cheeks; her heart is a little. city of
ruins hope, pride, fortune aud hap
piness, all have departed, and : even
while she binds up his wounds, his
gross ingratitude sends keenest pangs
to her heart. Still the doting wife
grasps the' hand that withers her hopes
of earthly happiness, and leans tender
ly upon that cheek that conaumes the
sweetness of her youth, her health, her
Rev. J. P. Newman, D. D.
An Earnest Appeal.
Men and brethren, strong men it is
true perhaps, of you that your charac
ters are formed aud your habits are
made, your physical system is consoli
dated, so to speak: your heads are
strong, and you can say to yourselves
with perfect truth, and yon sometimes
do say to others, "I can take this thing
or leave it, I can do with it or with
out it." Then, my brethren.if you can
do with it or without it, your minds
and tastes are in this state of equili
brium in relation to it. do without it
for the sake of those who are in dan
ger through the means of it. Fathers!
do without it for the sake of your
young sons, .if for no other reason.
How can you tell but that their youth
ful steps may trip to that destruction
on this side of which your slower feet
have been able to halt. Think of
them ; pity them ; care for them. I do
not say, deny yourselves, for you say
there is no self-denial in the matter.
Then for their sake put that thing
away that which you cannot but see
is the slope down which such multi
tudes run swiftly into the sea and are
Mothers and sisters, if the poor
shattered remains ef drunken human
ity could be arranged in rows before
you, how would you like to stand up
in tho presence of their mothers aud
sisters, and say, "I helped to produce
these results; I put the wine glass to
their lips; I made it fashionable and
manly for them to drink; I ured them
to the beginning of their coarse of
which this is God forgive me! the
melancholy and miserable result!
Bet. John Hall, D. J.
Babj Prizes, $600.
An eminent banker's wife of -
N. Y, has induced the proprietors of
that great medicine, Hop Bitters, to
offer $600 in prizes to the youngest
child that sayi Hop Bitters plainly, in
any language, between May 1, 1880, and
July 4, 1881. This is a liberal and in
teresting offer, and everybody and his
wife should send two cent stamp to
the Hop Bitters Mfg Co., Rochester,
H. Y.. U. S. A., for circular, giving full
particulars, and begin at once to teach
the children to say Hop Bitters, and
secure the prize.
Chicago, Burlington &Q,uincy
Tickets at greatly reduced rates will be on
sale June 7 and 8, and good to return to Include
June 12. - 10t3 .
ft D P k II C '3 Stops. 3 Set. Keeds, 2 Knee Swells.
UJuJaTIoSiooI, Book, only t iakos. Stool
c7ver&5ook $210 in $1600. Illustrated Cata
logue Free. Address Daniel K. Beatty, Wsli
lngton. N. J. ' U4
BEST MADE ; Warranted Six years. New
PIANOS, Stool, and Cover, S1S0, upward. New
O KUANS, 850. $(30. $75, upward. Illustrated
Cataloeue free. AGENTS WANTED. Second
ack W atkrs tc Co., 286 Broadway. X. Y.
We will send our Elkctro-Voltaic Bki.ts
and other Electric appliances upon trial for M
days to those suffering from Nervous Debility,
Ktieumatisin, faralysis or any diseases of the
Liver or Kidneys, and inauy other diseases. A
we cure guaranteed or no pay. Address. VOL
TAIC BELT CO.. Marshall, Michigan.
Dr. Laseelle's English Remedy,
TiTfpQ I unlike the many so-called prepara
IllUi lions for this disorder which only re
lieve while used by the patient, cl'krh riR
minkntlt ! and has been endor"td In this
respect for the past 20 years by the leading
medical authorities iu Europe. NO CHAKGK
made to give it a fair test, as DR. LASCELLES
undertakes to send each suffering applicant a
FREE package ou their forwarding name and
Tost Ofnce address to his Sole Agents for the
U. S. and Canada-. Messrs. SLOCCM St CO., No.
4 Cedar St.. New York.
THERE is no greater BLOory-PURirriKQ
and Life- Givino rRiNCiri.K In the
world of medicine than MALT EITTERS. pre
from unftrmenttd Malt and Hop. It is a Per
fect Rouovater of feeble and exhausted consti
tution. It enriches the blood, solidifies the
bones, hardens the muscles, quiets the nerves,
perfects digestion, cheers the mind, and vital
izes with new life every fluid of the body. It Is
so, because it strikes at the root of all debility
ERISHED BLOOD. Sold everywhere.
Is net a Vlbratar awr wm Apr) IIeWe,
Is wonderfully simple and admirably perfect ia its
thresh! rur ana vepaxatins; qualities. 8avea sUl
the Brain, and cleans It readv far Market.
Kuna easily, ia constructed durably, is finished
beautifully, ia the moot economical, least expen
sive, and snout aatiafaetary machine la the
market. Will handle wet grain as weU as dry.
Has no equal in UireRUin r flax and timothy, threon.
new and very desirable. Does tha work rnore
rapidly and better tha aa exclusively Hulunc
M8EPARATOIl8 of the various sixes uiftr
S mam er Harm I'nrrr-, as desired.
An Improved Pitta Power, an Imnraved
Woodbury Power, and the Jilward EqaaJ-IrJna-
Power, all mounted on four wheeia. are
mana?aetared by US, m4 mr effpiiml y
in, tkt mwkct.
We are alo prepared to furnish Bret-class)
Portable Eaaine with our Separators.
For Price-List atd Circulars, address
SEYMC lit, 8A8IN e CO.
Monufaetwrera. StRrarator. Minn.
Xew Carpenter Shop on Maiii Street,
Corner of 7th.
In the Carpenter line.
Retail Liquor Dealer,
Billiard Hall and Saloon on Main Street, four
doors from Sixth at Neville's
old place.
WINES, tC ': r
Besnember the Xante and'PIaeo,
James Grace.
US. Mo. HL. el
Great Advantages to Buyers
IX 1877.
Ten Tears Credit at 6 per cent Interest.
Six Fears C redit at 6 per cent Interest,
and 20 per cent Diswunt.
Other Liberal IMweewafs Far Cash
lirbntr- en Fares and Frelxhta,
aad Prrnslsisna ter Inspreve
SBtenta. Pamphlets and naps, containing full partic
ulars will be mailed free to any patt.of the
world on application to .
ing and cieaninjr DOW aa wnu ana neany aa rayuuy
as wheat, and requires no chanra except the slaves.
Hat atore tqumrt fi trpmruiimm ami cUmmtmf mr.
fme Uaa oay tktr etoeAiM bumU, o4 aaa aa
--i.a.a 1m wwh Am. and under -baat Onr
1U Indorse It.
The Recorder. Americus. Ca., says : "Clerks,
Senators, Itepresentativee, Doctors, Lawyers,
Citizens, in public and private life, are testify
ing by the thousands, and over their own sig
natures, that a remedy has been found for
ungui s Disease or the Kidneys and for Ola-
ketes: these are respectively known as War-
ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and Warner's
safe Diabetes Cure." tl3
Hills -ArcUsiBfleai Lawn Mower Co.
Of Hartford. Conn.,
These Mowers have become celebrated
throughout the World, where lawns are culti
vated, as being the inoitt perfect and desirable
laws Mowers ever made. They stand at the
head of tha list of Lawn Mowers In the L S.
andEuroce. They contain all the Improvements
that experience iu their mauufacture can suk
rest; are beautifully finished, thoroughly
made, and do splendid work on evey variety of
Hand Mower Sires, from to IS Inches,
fony and Horse Sizes, 2. 28 and 32 Inches.
Bead for Circulars. tstio
rugs mb 4$L$bitiM
Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Toilet Articles,
cc, ctc, fc.
D. M. Ferry's Garden Seeds
and a large and well-selected assortment ot
Confectionery, Nuts. Clears and Tobaccos.
BhaM'fctf ksWlnstiel MttoWlsaw aUsaaW ' vAvfcJs"i 'keVMMe boWsfcs'
31 7 yard - -
Eilce UDres (Kood
ard wide Muliit -
JBest full stocl plow lioeo 1 SO
ILndies lioe& good - -
1 Tb. wMte sugar - II
(3 lts. cofiee. rrood - - JL
55 Ifes. very foet coflee II 0
Straw Hint m9 uncus, tsoys 1
w do molt recognise
we propose to compete with Chicago. Give us a show
before buying goods at another place.
TIig OlcL Eielia'bZe I
We show the largest and best selected stock of
HDry (Boods, MotloiiSjCDloitlliliig,
XLH JLa.K? AL' aa maaJUIJaaa d-W MaJJi
IHJootey, Iioes5 JSLatu9 (Daps,
and Millinery Koods9 :
Real Genuine Barqains!
This Season in eyery department.
We will HEaplicaie and HDis-
count all IPrice HAmtn
fey a per cent.
Call at the Philadelphia Store, make your Purchasea
flTifl irr.ii Tcill 1-fcr- Vtn
J vaa
Shop over tho Urick Block next to
II. Boeck's.
J. E. Cunningham,
I'aper Ifanglup, Uuleomlttlug-,
Cralnlnff and i!azltir .
A specialty. Alo a first class
Piano & Organ Finisher.
tir- Would say to the people of rUtWinonta.
that I fully
A share of the patronage is solicited. Order
will receive prompt attention.
Harness Manufacturers,
aud all kluds of harness stock, constantly'
Repairing of all Kinds !
And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
tWRemeinber the place, Opposite Ueury
Boeck's Furniture store, on Lower Main Street,
Plattsmouth. Neb. . " '
1 0
La. C r-A
(pJ5) s p B M