Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 13, 1880, Image 3

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    rHE - Herald. aivei:ti.skm::ts.
r -n i'-ni. cents h line. Ib-ular iutvrms-
111. ti r--i is j'l-r I nit-, ino aUTOiliseiiiuul Insert
I ir li .s Hi. 11. ; .lit.
I. .1 ii. it SMtie rates.
A. i i-:i- n:li'--r .if tin" law w ill be neld
, . i; .11.;.; it r ail li-Kal notices they liiii it in.
11 : : .i I .. : 1 ilelll Ill-Ill. ' a pr'ml III pi- I ! ll.M-
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Aoiir;-uir is limited, ci?,imiin!c:i!niis
1111-.1 In- brief uu'i lo the pjint. Willi no waste
ct v. i r-;s.
Tin ; itj nr is it--)Miiriitile for the correctness
a'-i-iiv i. ii ; to fi'i'y "I i:uu matter aim paia l-c
v .i N. ii. .
; Am- person who takes the paper regularly
ii ii.ii I'm' .i.4'-dfliw. whether I : le-.-it-d to his
ii.ii.i;-. -ii - wn.-il i-r lii- Is a. siib-c: iuer or not is
ri--'i;.iiili ferlhe ;i:iy.
2. II :v.iv person orilen hit paper diseontlil
1.,. ,.": i.:iir sill :ii-ie:n:i''cs. or tllC publish
.TiiK-.v continue to send It instil payment is
luaili-. mi. I cuIli-.-t the w hole amount, whether
the L-.iiier is tilc-n from the osnee or noi.
3 i no court have decided that refusing to
tike in vsii:in rs and periodicals from the post
oi-:,-,- i r ii'-iiiiiviii'' an.l leaving tin-in uncalled
Vr. i-l i ima fact? evidence of intentional
t is a i: n.
dobblo yourself I
The Goblins Saturday.
Onions at half price at J. lions &
Son 's ' 7(2
Phil Young's new Soda Fountain
1 immense. ;
Cunfh shells by the barrel, at J.
IJuiis & Soil's 7t2
Mike Schnellbacher's new building
is progressing finely.
A Large line Ladies Fancy Goods
at the Great Red Store. Ctf
Mr. Mergts is moving into his
new building t-day.
See Furniture at the Great Red
Stoke and don't forget it. Ctf
Any man who lost his pants lately
can call on the expressman.
Summer underwear 53 cents a
Suit at the Great Red, Store. Ctf
Don't Comet on them, but go to
the Goblins Saturday night.
Children's hats in great variety at
Mrs. Johnson & Mis3 Sweeney's.
Phil Youngs "Little Joker" is -a
pretty fellow, take a look at him.
Si buys more at J. Bows and Son.'s
than any oilier place in town. 7t3
The rus'u still continues for Bar
gains at Soloruen fc Xathan's. 1
Dr. Chapman at Lincoln has taken
in a partner by th'.' name of Winton
Straw Hats for Planters, 10 cents
each. Gkkat Ri:i Stokk. Ctf
Geo. and Jo Fairfield were level
ing up th Ilerold Block foundation
on Tuesday.
A large line of Boots and Shoes
at the Gnat 7icl Store, at makers
prices. Ctf
Go to see "The Goblins" by all
means. We are going and advise all
our friends to go.
Latest Styles Mens' Spring Hats
and Straw Goods at the Gklat Red
Stoke. Ctf
The Fannie Tatum passed our
wharf on Monday, loaded with mer
chandise for Omaha.
Walking made very easy with Ly
on's Heel StilTeners; they keep your
boots and shoes straight. 813
-Mrs. O'Grady, we are sorry toleara
i fttill very low, and but slight hopes
are. entertained of her recovery.
Go and see the new styles of rib
bons at Mrs. Johnson & Miss Sween
ey's. They are rich and handsome.
Don't fail to call and .see C. R.
Dovey & Co.'s samples of wall paper
at E.G. Dovey A Son's. 1
The best Xew York apple vinegar
in tlie market, guaranteed strictly pure
at F. S. White's. 4t4
Carruth's foundation was covered
with a board as well as with a mort
gage, the day it rained.
The B. it M. are the best cigars in
our market, manufactured only by
Schlegel & Xieman, opp. P. O. 7t2
Phil's soda ii boss. It can't help
but be cool when the fountain hold
about two hundred pounds of ice.
Bedding plants! now ready! Call
at the green-house and get just what
you want, in the best condition.
1 L. A. Mookk.
The'lYesbyterian Sociable at Mr.
M. B. Murphy's Tuesday evening was
largely attended and all enjwyed them
selves. Smokers, call for the B. & M., Dia
dem, Crown of Spain, Key West and
tarlirht, every hour of the day, at
Schlegel &, Nieman's, opp. P. O. . 7t2
Streight fc Miller, up town, on
Main street, next to Schlater's. Xew
shop new goods new styles. Call
and see at once. , .
M i:s. Jouxsox & Swkknky have le
ceived a large number of ellegant pat
tern hats, and are expecting more soon.
Go and inspect them - 8t4
The IIkkald is indebted to Dr.
Gibbon at Weeping Water for kind at
tention and a pleasant- visit during
Convention day.
Mns. Johnson f- Miss S wen kv
have cashmere beaded trimmings, and
the beads, for making the trimming.
Also jet trimmings in all the latest
styles. " 8t4
Merges and -Leonard have theii
new building ready, and will move. in
soon. It is a very handsome brick
structure, and makes one tvf. the best
storerooms in town. - '
We h.ive t!i, largest assortment of
wall pap-r in this state, call and see
samples at E. G. Dovey & Son.'s, ' ,
1 C. R. Dovey & Co
We find among our exchanges, the
Hasting's Daily Xebraskan, a lively
little daily just started by Prof. A. D.
Williams, which he intends to contin
ue through the campaign aud longer
if the'people demand, and better still,
pay for it. We wisli its editor success
and fame.
Mr. Daniel Klepser of Weeping Wa
ter was in tho city Tuesday.
Miss Lelia Simpson returned from
a short visit to Council Bluffs last
week. ... '- ' " '-; - '
Miss Lillio Woods returned from a
two week's visit near Weeping Water,
last Sunday .; '
W. R. Thomas came down Saturday
night, to see too see, why-his Lot s
of friends here. ( ;
Miss Flora Wise returned from
Omaha Saturday, where she has been
visiting Mrs. Calvert.
Theo. Bodien and family, formerly
of tip's place and now of Bloomington
have been back to see us this week.
Miss Wheeler, a cousin of Mr. Cal
vert, of the B. & M. R. II. is visiting
Plattsmoulh, the guest of Miss Flora
Wise. -
J. II. Ileffuer called at the Herald
yesterday, nod owing to his generosity
his purse was the lighter when lie
left. Thanks.
Dr. Mercer made a professional
visit to Plattsmouth on Sunday upon
Mrs. O'Grady, returning on a special
in the afternoon.
We learn from Mrs. Robert Max
well that their party have arrived safe
ly in Xew Hampshire and are enjoy
ing the old home scences.
Mr. M. A. McKinnon, has been up
to Omaha for several days, setting up
some of his handiwork, in the shape of.
some very fine desks, for the B. & M.
offices; Mac is a good one as his work
will testify, and is said to be one of
the best in the Carpenter shops.
Miss Ida Conn, who has been out in
the central part of the state for sever
al months, returned ,to Plattsmouth,
last week Tuesday, greatly to the
satisfaction of her many friends. She
was accompanied by a cousin, Miss
Xellie Reed, who will visit here and
at Clariuda, Iowa, during the summer.
"Mr. Will F. Taget, an old. time
print,' now manager of the Academy
of Music, at Omaha, called last Satur
day, and talked up the "Goblins," whom
he will play here on Saturday evening
next. - -
Schlegel fc Nieman's shop, oppo
site P. O., is always crowded with cus
tomers', because they can find every
thing they want in the line of smok
ing or chewing tobaccos. 7t2
A crazy "peg-leg" phrenologist was
giving some ef the boys away Monday
night. lie teld Joe. CoHnor. that he
had some bad deeds and some good
ones, en record, and lot of other just
such "noHsense. '. ;
Mrs. Johnson. & Sweeney have
four or live girls constantly busy,, and
then can bardlv keep m with their
work, both in the millinery and dress
making line. " 8t4
A very good appointment the
Commissioners made lately was that
f Mr. Stiles as Constable. He is a
ompetent man, used to drawing pa
pers and serving them properly and
eserves the position.
J. G. Chambers has a large and
complete line of new goods and an
enermous stock of Heavy work on
sale, and also wishes everybody to
know that he makes a specialty of fine
and light harnesses. Call and see for
yourself. 7t2
Peterson & Davis' brick kiln is
assuming gigantic proportions, and it
will soon be filled at their present late
of manufacturing. Saturday last they
pressed 3,500 brick and will run night
and day from now ou.
Mrs. Johnson & Miss Sweenet,
have received a large assortment of
new and stylish fancy goods, daggers
and fancv pins for the hair, lace ties,
new styles of open work, long wristed
gloves and mitts, combs in new de
signs, laces, ruchings, &c, &c. 8t4
We invite particular attention to
the tine line of oloaans, mantles. Cir
culars, Linen Suits and Linen Dusters
received this week, they have been
marked low and are going fasts Call
early and make your selections. Solo
noon & Nathan.
Our young friend, Will Wise, left
for Michigan on I he Sunday afternoon
train. The Herald sent a kiss along
for the bride; for we're going to tell
you a secret. Will slipped off ' to get
married, and thought the eld Herald
couldn't rind it out.
' Messrs. Rosenbaum and Goos were
brought up in the Police Court, Mon
day, on complaint of John Stevens,
charged with violating City Ordinance
relative to selling liquor on Sunday
They were each fined $5.00 and costs,
amounting to about S12.00.
If Dave Miller didn't go to Weep
ing Water, he ha harness till you can't
rest, to sell allee samee, and you want
to walk right in and look at the new
goOvls at the new shop. Buy and look,
or look and buy, just as you please.
You pays your money and can take
your chwice.
A fire at Hillsdale, Iowa, last week
Wednesday, destroyed the large eleva
tor of Mickelwait & Coats, the C. B. A
Q. depot and Kelly's Hotel aud Store
building. The loss was estimated at
15,000, with an insurance of less than
j $--.000". We are indebted t the Glen
j wood Opinion for an extra containing
i a full account. . . .'" . '
! Col. Thomas Jeffersww Pickett, ed
i itor of" the Xebraska City Sun, and
j whilome the Globe, Lincoln, called on
j Tuesday. He says Otoe is Blaine, and
! he's left out. Pickett ran the wrong
paper at the wrong ei;d. If he had swap
: ped papers, and rui. the Grant paper
I in Lancaster and the Blaine paper in
i Otoe, he. would have been all right.
' 1
A Weeping Water letter, "General
Xews, &c," is omitted. We are very
liberal. with correspondents, but they
must write distinctly on one side of
the paper to obtain space. Especially
during the campaign we have not time
to re-write or correct MSS, and those
wanting matter inserted must have it
in good shape for printing themselves.
' The Goblins!
Saturday evening of this week we
are to'be visited again by the Goblins
who appeared in our midst last winter
for one night. ' Now, generally speak
ing, folks don't care . particularly to
see goblins, in', fact they-would : go . a
considerable ways around -to avoid a
goblin, but these goblins are a decided
exception. We mustered up courage
to confront them last winter aawe"
assure our readers that: we would go
a considerable ways out of our way
now to see them again, for -a jollier,
more rollicking, joyous, good natured.
singing, dancing, crying, laughing, eat
ing, drinking and sleeping set of .Gob
lins we never saw. " And they imbue
you with that same mirth fulness, too
They mix everything up in such a
wonderful hodge-podge of wit, liumor,
sense, nonsense and wisdom, and ' all
so rapidly and. perfectly executed with
such a delightful accord of time and
turj that you go away feeling in
good humor with yourself, them and
all I tbo '1 world. We" advise .all our
leaders who want to be lichly enter
tained '. for an evening to visit 'the
Goblins, and we assure them this is
co paid notice but a true a3 preaching
assertion of our sentiments, given out
of the fullness of our gratitude to
them for previous enjoyment afford
ed il3.
A "gray" was in town yesterday
buying an- outfit for. "gettin' " mar
rid, consisting of kid gloves, lace hand
kerchief for tho bride (that is to be)
and collar button for himself, "a pearl
one," be said, "for I don't expect to
wear it mor'n fifteen minutes; ain't
you got cheap ones, for Ave cents, or
two little ones for a cent is good
enough for me." He got it.
A delegation of over thirty mem
bers of the Plattsmouth Liederkranz
went up to Omaha Saturday afternoon
to attend, a musical festival given un
der the auspices of the Omaha M:en
nerchor, Sunday afternoon. Seven so
cieties were represented in all three
of Omaha, aud one each from Council
Bluffs, Fremont, Columbus and Platts
mouth. A very fine banner was pre
sented to the Omaha Mamnerchor, and
a concert and ball finished up the ev
ening. Our boys returned on Monday,
pleased with their reception and the
good time they enjoyed. , ,. 1 .
Mr. Jerome F. Cobb, Secretary of
the Michigan State Grange, and editor
of tht "Visitor," their, official grange
organ published at Schoolcraft, Mich.,
was the guest of Maj. D. .11., Wheeler
last week, anfl paid the Herald a very
pleasant call., Mr. C.was just return
ing from an extended trip to the Paciflc
coast in company with a' number of
friends from his town, and two very
interesting letters ..were read from
copies of his paper leftr on our table,
and a fine "cut," the fac simile of Mr.
Cobb, with a little sketch of his life
was also found ifi4ts columns, insert
ed by the ,fEditor-in-charge" during
the former's absence. - '
Married At the residence of the
Bride's Father in Plattsmouth, Xeb.,
Sunday, May 9th, ,180, by the Rev.
Mr. Baird. Mr. J. T. Marshall to Miss
L. M. Smith.
The groom is a son of Jno. Marshall
of Weeping Water, and the bride, a
daughter of C. P. Smith of this place.
They kindly remembered the Herald
and looked so happy as they rode off
in the buggy that we had a notion to
start out for a license and get married
over ourself.
- We hope the matrimonial felicity of
our young friends will never peg out,
but last awl through to. the end, and
when father Time finally trees them
out, may their good works be upper
most, and the fact that they have
stitched along through life be not
their sole consolation.
When Frank Carruth began dig
ging the cellar for his new building, a
big crowd gathered round, and every
other one would ask some question or
other about it. Frank got tired of this
aud stuck up a "boord" with this in
formation :
"This cellar will be eleven feet deep;
two-stery brick building; concrete
foundation; glass front; tin roof, and
covered with a mortgage. JSFFer fur
ther particulars enquire within.
Frank Carruth."
A short freckle-faced man, with red
hair, called in on Tuesday and says:
"Mr. Carruth in?" "Yes," shouted
FranK from" the back room, "and
busy; what yon want?" "I called in,"
drawled the stranger, to ask about that
mortgage. Does it keep a tin roof from
rusting, stop the wind from ripping it
up, or make it quit leaking every oth
er year?" ''It do," says Frank. "It pro
tects the roof entirely from the in
clemency of the weather and the rapa
city of land sharks, creditors and In
surance men; is "fire-proof, burglar
proof and lawyer-proof; it makes a
fool ask questions, and forces wise
men to answer 'em. It keeps out cold
and prevents drafts. It tickes the fan
cy, pleases the eye, covers a multitude
of sins, and beats charity all hollow.
Anything else you want to know ? j
b.Vo! Guess I'll get one next week, if
it's good for all that." And he ambled
away, while Frar.k squinted through
the machine and "took" a spotted dog
over on Rasgorshek's lot, across the
For the benefit of all sufferers, be
good enough to bring the wonderful
effect of St. Jacobs Oil before the pub
lic. For twelve long years my. wife
suffered with Xeuralgia in the head,
and often had the most terrible pains
A lew weeks ago I bought, u bottle of
that wonderful remedy St. Jacobs
Oil and am perfectly astonished at
its marvelous effect ; half a bottle thor
oughly cured my wife. I would gladly
have paid any physician fifty dollars
if he could have done the s.tine; there
fore I wish that everybody may learn
to value this true medicine.
Christian Hanni,
8tl Youngstown, Ohio.
The Herald. Detroit. Mich., savs of Warner's
Safe Liver aud Kiduey Cure : "its efficacy in
kidney, liver and urinary diseases is so fully
acknowledged that it is not worth tueouestiou
injr Bona fide testimonials from well-known
citizens in public aud private life are evidences
Btrong enough to Couviuce the luost stubborn
doubter," gti3
,,:w-.j,qi A R.
In mentioning the fact of the estab
lishment of a Post of the Grand Ar
my of the Republic in this city lately
we forgot to say it "was called "John
McConihie, Post No. 45," and is named
after a former weir known citizen of
Xebraska, who was private Sec'y' o
the late Governor Samuel Black, just
before the advent of Ex-Governor
Saunders to this territory. Jrhn Mc
Conihie raised Company' "G the
old "First Xebraska," was wounded
seriously at ShiToh, where he behaved
withgreat gallantry,' and was after
wards given command of a Uenssellaer
County Regiment, in Xew York, at tho
head of which, while charging; the
rebel works at Petersburg, he was shot
through the brain, being thus killed in
battle, defending his country's". flag.
Ills old employer Gov.' Sam'l Black,
was also killed in battle -at . the head
of a Pennsylvania Regiment." We give
this brief and imperfect sketch because
the name we have given our Post in
future years.; will have a historical
significance nnd because it will .grati
fy, many of McConihie's old comrades
to realize that his memory is cherish
ed among those who knew him at
the camp-fire and in the smoke and
war of battle. L.
They arc Coming
"Our Goblins," a crispy, breezy ex
travaganza from the pen of Mr. Wil
liam Gill was produced at the Opera
house last evening by Gill & Fillings'
operetta- company. The audience,
though moderate, was appreciative
and testified their pleasure by bursts
of applause, amounting to an encore.
The plot, or rather idea, of the sketch
is pleasing, affording abundant oppor
tunity for good acting. Miss Deeriug
excels in actinjr. and Miss Kent as a
vocalist. The same can be said of the
male performers. Mr. Gill, in his pre
sentation of the part of Cobb fully
sustains his character as an actor of
decided merit, and furnishes addition
al proof of the talent he possesses
The piece is fashioned after Xate
Saulisburv's Troubadours, and not
withstanding some orchestral crudi
ties affords an evening's entertainment
not often enjoyed. The burlesque
was preceded by Hiram Stell, another
production of Mr. Gill, racy and laugh
ter-provoking. The same will be giv
en this evening, and deserves a liber
al patronage. Dubuque Herald, Dec.2
The above company will appear at
Fitgerald Hall, Saturday evening.
Chancellor Fail field's lecture on
Temperance, delivered last I riday ev
ening, under the auspices of the Red
Ribbon club, was only tolerably well
attended; in fact, the audience had to
spread out pretty well to make the M.
E. church look at all filled. At this we
were rather surprised, as we imagined
that the first address given in Platts
mouth by the Chancellor of our State
University, would have called out an
audience, irrespective of the subject,
but we believe some misunderstanding
in regard to the time, or an insufficient
advertising, was partly the cause.
The Chancellor's handling of the
subject was somewhat out of the usu
al routine. He described the three
kinds of laws upon our statute
books mandatory, regulatory, pro
hibitory. We regulate what is a bless
ing to the public so regulated; wo pro
hibit what is an unmitigated evil. A
law to regulate horse-stealing, thiev
ing, murder, etc., would bo an absurdi
ty, why not equally so a law regulating
the unmitigated evil of drinking?
The Chancellor's manner is pleasant.
free from bitter attacks, and his efforts
in the cause induced by a deep-seated
conviction of the dark evils worked by
intemperance. We trust a future lec
ture from him may call out a larger
Clydesdale Horse.
Messrs. A. M. & C. M. Holmes have
imported a very Tiandsom Clyde
Horse, a description of which can be
found on the bills lately printed at the
Herald office. He is a magnificent
bay, four years old, as tractable and
kind as a kitten and is certainly a
beautiful and valuable animal.
The Holmes' also have the Grey
Cleveland ai;d Xorman horse this
year. Two better horses can seldom
bo seen in one stable. This is not a
paid puff we want you to understand,
we consider both horses valuable to
the County and of great use to farmers
that desire to breed that kind of horse.
Lawu Mowers.
We call the attention of our readers
to the advertisement of the Hills Ar
chimedean Lawn Mower Co., of Hart-'
ford, Conn., in another column. They
claim to have the best Lawn Mowers
in the market, and their claim is not
disputed. We are about to purchase
one for ourselves, and if any of our
patrons should be desirous of seeing it
in use or of personally testing its mer
its and finding out how easy it runs,
and how nicely and evenly it finishes
its work, we invite them over to try
on our lawn any evening.
Tho great :ile of Clothing and
Gnls' Furni suing Goods still goes on,
sui's from $0.00 up, at Solomon A Xa-'
than's. - l
The residence of John
miles below Greenwood
Lewis, six
on Camp
Creek in this county, was entered by a
burglar and forty dollars in money
and some trinkets taken. The deed is
suppused to have been committed by a
low. heavy set German, with a bullet
hole in his left cheek, who had been in
the neighborhood for several days.
Sheriff Hyers was telegraphed to and
steps taken to insure his capture, but
up to the hour or going to press
trace of him li:d been forsn.l.
Xow Hose;
" Fichus; r
" Lisle Thread Gloves; :
" Parasols;
. " Fans;-
Laces; ,
" Zephyr Shawls, all at Solomon
& Xathan's. l
O'XEiLL Wednesday, May 12, issc. at e o'clock
Y. M.. Jamks O'N aged sixty-four years
seven moutbs and fourtet-u days. The funer
al will take place from his late residence, to
day, (Tbursdav, May 13th). at 2 o'clock V. M.
Frieods of the family are iaviied to attend.
Last night passed away ene of tbe oldest and
best known residents of an early day in this
County, 'Mr. James -O'Xeul. Identified with
Interests of Plattsir.outb from its infancy,' be
ing one of the original town Company, Oct.
ISM, Squire 0NelU will be sadly missed from
many a familial spot and gathering. Mr.
O'Xeill'e name appear Xec. 1854 on the first
list of precinct voters in the county, along with
Samuel Martin, Jacob Adams, M. Mickelwait,
L. U. Todd, Stepheu Wiles and the very first
settlers of the County.
In April i853 he was one of the judges of elec
tion, together with Ellas Gibbs and Stephen
Wiles, in the flrt County Election ever held.
In 18C7 he was County Commissioner of the
County. He was also ooe of the incorporates
of tbe first Ferry Company here hi 1865. and for
nlany years a Justice of the peace. From those
earlier year until yesterday the life ot Jus.
CTNeill baa been part of the history of this
county aud town. lie was a man ef good ludji
ment. strong in his views of matters and true
to all his friends. HU decease was hastened by-
business 'troubles, which had annoyed and
worried him into a low state ef health. Thin
was followed by some injury to bis foot, which
rapidly Inflamed, that -terrible enemy of life
and blood poisoner, gangrene set in, and. thus
passed away from among us while but little
past his prime, this useful citizen, kind friend,
father and husband.
; Died At Achison, Kansas, May
5th, 1880, Susan, wife of A.C.McMak
in, aged thirty-four years and one day.
The body was brought to Plattsmouth
Nebraska, and interred at the cemo-,
tery, May 8th, 1880, followed to the
grave by her mourning husband, .two
children and an aged father, sisters
and brothers, relatives and fiiends.
Deceased was the daughter of James
Chalfant of this county and was born
at Waynesburg, Penn. The family
moved to Xebraska in '57 and in Oct.
18G5 she was married to A. C.
Makin, also a well known and
early settler in the County, and
one of the oldest route agents in
very now
U. S. Mail Service in the west.
The death of Mrs. McMakin was
very sudden, being caused by Rheu
matism of the heart; she leaves two
children, girls aged seven and elevon
years. Many, many sympathizing
friends mourn with the bereaved hus
band and the motherless children over
their loss.
Mr. McMakin desires to return
thanks for the many acts of kindness
received from friends in Plattsmouth,
in this his hour of trouble, lie leaves
for Atchison to-day with the Children
who will be taken care of there. Many
kind wishes go with boMi.
New Harness Shop. ;
Dave Milltr has moved his harness
shop up town, next to Schlater's Jew
elry store, where he has an elegant
salesroom and good work shop, and we
wish the boys a "heap" strong business
in their new locality.
From the Sturgis, Mich., Weekly:
Mr. John Brast, living in Sherman
township, informed us a few days ago
that his feet had been so terribly fro.t
bitten that he could hardly stand the
pf ins caused thereby. He happened to
think of St. Jacobs Oil, which he al
wajs keeps handy, rubbed his feet
twice with the remedy, and the pain
disappeared entirely. He not only val
ues St. Jacobs Oil as an unexcelled
remedy for a great many other pain
ful diseases, to which mankind is sub
ject, but he also asserts that it is real
ly invaluable for the many diseases
horses and stock are subject to, and
which so often play sad havoc with
the prospects of the farmer and stock
raiser. 8tl
Fresh Lime.
Fresh Lime by the peck, bushel, or
wagon load can be had at the Kiln,
near east end of the bridge. Lime al
ways on hand and of superior quality.
Inquire of Mickelwait & Sharp,
7tf on premises.
For Sale.
A good second hand leather top
Phaeton, cheap. Enquire at this office.
Our Drug stores are now xitpplied with "Malt
litters." the new Food Medicine which liiis
Uoiie so much good and comes tn us to highly
recommended. Try it. It inav save von heavy
lectors' bills. - ' 7t 4
A Household Need.
A book on the Liver, its diseases and their
treatment sent free. Including treatises upon
Liver Complaints. Torpid Liver. .Jaundice. Iiil-
nousness. Headache. Constipation, Dvspep.sia,
Malaria, etc. Address Int. Sankokd, 162
Broadway, New York City. N. Y. Tt4
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7U -
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing
teach in Cass county, will be
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and Xovember. At
Weeping V ater, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April. July and December.. Xotice of
other examinations will be given.
riobneicill be examined except at
the regular examinations ; and no cer
tificates from other Counties will be
. E. II. Wooley, I
42tf Superintendent."
, ' To Kent.
A new Hotel, with17 rooms and
eellar.- Enquire of .
. 4tf - F. II; Gcthmanv
- Thirty or tlir ItestC organ makers of the
.Win iil are coiiiiM-iit-oi- at Hie Palis Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Assaciated Press says
two highest j;olrt medals have bren awarded lo
the American makers. Manrn & Hamlin. - .
; Allen & Co.'s Richmond Gem, .j
cents per"J pound, ami Ole Virginia,
lo cents per package, both curly cut.
.the' best and finest smoking tobaccos in
lown, sold at J. Pepper berg's. 50tf
Free of Cost. -, i
The niost wondei ful remedy of the
age is iiw placed within the reach of
all. He ho rich' or be he poor," it costs
nothing to give this greaX remedya
trial. Dr. King's California Gol
dkn Compound, for Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Low Spirits, Loss of Appe,
tite. Sour Stpmach, Coming up of Food,
Yellow Complexion, General Debility
Iirnctivity and Drowsiness, Liver Com
plaint, Jaundice and Billiousness for
which it is a certain and speedy cure.
Xo person should be withotit it. In
order to prove that it will do all that
we claim for it you are given a trial
bottleZee of cost, which will convince
you of its truly wonderful merits, aud
show you that you what a regular one
dollar size bottle will do. For sale by
Smith & Black, Wholesale and Hetail,
Plattsmouth, Xeb. 2Ue6vvly.
Wednesday, May 12, 1880.
Wheat. No.2..
Corn, ear
" shelled
.....4. ......
. 1 25
. . . 40
, 3 80(4 OO
(lj3 CO
. ............ ' 15
...! ' 40 60
Harlry.No. 2
Native Cattle...
Hocs.........., .
Potatoes j..-. .w. .
Nr.w York, May 12. 188ft
Mnnev St
Rye ...
1 2-
Q 42
Chu-aoo. May 12,
Corn . . .
1 Ki
..... 37
." . :ni?i
Hogs, shipping ...,..S4 OOtfWU 40
Cattle. " 4 1ik 4 85
Sheep 5 Wis C 25
To Loan.
Money at 10 per cent, interest on im
proved farms. Apply to "
51m3 . R. B. Windham.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
. F. Gyger.
House Painting. Carriage painting.
Graining, Calsomining, Paper-hanging.
Work warranted and specimens shown
at J. V. Weckbach's and It. B. Wind
ham's. 52m6
UIDCC Improved Boot Beer Pack
1 1 1 II LJ ae, ',
Makes five gallons
of a delicious and sparklui
K beverage whoie
by druggists, or sent
pome nun temperate. roia
by mail on receipt of 25 cts. Address. CHAS. E.
HIRES. Manufacturer. 215 Market Street, Fhll
adelphia. Pa. 5GLM
Settlement Notice.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to Jason Streight for services
rendered by his horse, will please call
at Streight & Miller's harness shop and
settle by cash or note inside of thirty
days, or all such accounts will be plac
ed in the hands ot a collector. -
. , Jason Streight.
Plattsmouth, Mav 1, 1880. 7tf
We Challenge the World.
When vre say we believe, we have
evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con
sumption Cure is decidedly the best
Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as
it will cure a common or Chronic
Cougk in one half the time and re
lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping
Cough, Croup, and show more cases of
Consumption cured than all others.
It will euro where they fail, it is pleas
ant to take, harmless to the youngest
child, and we guarantee what we say.
Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 If
your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back
lame, use Shilwh's Porous Plaster. Sold
by Smith & Black.'
Do you Believe it.
That in this town there ; are scores
of persons -parsing our storo every day
whose lives are made miserable by In
digestion, Dyspepsia, Sour aud distress
ed Stomach, Liver Complaint Consti
pation, when for 73 cts. we will sell
them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to
cure them. Sold hy .Smith & Black.
- We have a spemdy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth,
and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector
free with each bottle. Use it if you
desire health, and sweet breath.. Price
25 cts. Sold by Smith & Black.-ieowtf
How to Make Soap for a Cent a Pound.
Suavd into small pieces five bars of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and boil in three quarts of wter
until the soap It thoroughly dissolved, so that
upon straining through- a sieve nothing re
mains'; add to the solution or "suds" three
gal lone of cold water ; stir briskly for several
minutes to mix, and set it away' to cool.' Al
though it will look like, nothing but soapsuds
while warm, a chemical reaction will take place
and in twenty-four hours' time will, develop
forty or fifty pounds of magnificent and' wlilfe
soft soap, costing less thau one cent a pound,
and as good as uiany.ol tbe adulterated com
pounds called soap, and sold at 7 to 10 cents a
pound. How long would it take for any other
soap used the same to become anything but
"soap-suds'". Any housewife knows that it
cannot be done with any soap she has ever us
ed. See if it can be done with Dobbins' Elec
tric. Foi ale by all grocers, i
Rkkd Hkos.. Sole Agents.
4-eowly Weeping Water, Neb.
Cure sick head-ache, and pre vent'
summer sickness and chills.
Cures Dyspepsia and restores appe
tite. Try it; it cures.
Is Brown's Arnica Salve. It has
no equal for curing burns, cuts, bruis
es, and inflamed eyes; Good for man
or beast.
Sarsaparilla, Dandelion .and Io
dide Potassium invigorates the Liver
and purifies the blood; it cures Scrof
ula and Rheumatism.
All of Browns Popular Medicines
for sale by J. IL Buttery.Smith & Black
and O. F. Johnson, Plattsmouth, and
John Painter and ,Eledge,& Co., East
Home-Made Cigars.
Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made
cigars. Ask your dealers
for Pepperberg's pure brands of home
made cigars. If you don't find them
there, go where they are kept, and by
doing so, encourage home labor. Job
bing in cigars and smokers' articles a
specialty, at low prices. A large and
varied stock of smokers' goods always
on band, at prices to suit the times.
42tf .Julius Pepperhero.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhouni
Tetter, 'Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and till kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed lo,give per
fect satisfaction in ever' case or nion
ev refunded. Price 2- cens per box.
For sale by Smith & Black. Wholesale
-and liui aiLPiattsuiuuth, Xeb. 41y.
Mortgage Sale.
Default having been made in the conditions
of a certain Chattel Mortgage, wherehv the
power of sale therein contained has become op
erative, executed by J. W. Murphy, of l'latts
month, Nebraska, to the Brunnwiek & I'.alke
iiiii;ui y, of CI.ic.ago. Illinois, bearing date the
2th day of January. ln. and recorded in the
County'Clerk's office of Cass County, Nebraska
on the day and tiie year aforesaid, on which
mortgage there is claimed to be due. at the
date o this notice, the sum of two hundred and
fifiy-seven and D0-1O0 dollars ( with in
terest thereon from January 2ith, lso, at ten
per cent, per annnrt).
And no proceeding having been instituted at
law to recover s tid amount, or any part there
of, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale
of property, therein described, on the 5th day
of July, lssii. at 1 o'clock p.m., at the front
door of the Court House, lu the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, to atisfy said debt, interest
and com is ; said pmpert v being described a
Oue4S by -Champion -Carom Table ; one 4l4
by 9 Champion six-pocket Pool Titble ; one- fet
21 Hyat Pool Calls ; one set 2 Billiard Balls :
two dozen Cues : two Cue Racks ; oue set of
Counters; two Bridges; one Brush; one Flu
Pool set complete. M, A. H aktioav
Attorney for the Bruusw tck & Baike Co,
Dated, May 13, 1880. 8t3
Saturday ESajr 15, 1880.
This is undoubtedly one ot the Finest Corned y Opera Companies that has ever visited
W ent, and their play abounds in
I3T None should Fail to Enjoy this EVENING OF PLEASURE IJ&
Admission,' - - -
RESERVED SEATS now on salt at
Is Leased to
wlio will, during: 4 lie
r' lwv w s j veil
With their immense stock of
(Consisting1 of all IPrlces,
Styles HDcsigns.
W. Hff. & 0).
USeserve tliis space for tlieir
fr I
XV 111 HUH If tl fill- v
dS W JlJlilg, d2)
daily expected.
Wlteii it comes
Fine Showing
and read our
umns, carefully.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue f an order of sale. Issued by Y. C.
Showaller. Kaq.. Clerk of District Court with
in and for Cas County, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will, on Tuesday, the 8th day of
Jane, A. I)., lsso, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of said day
At the South door (being the front door) of the
Ceurt Hou.e in said County, sell at Public Auc
tion the tallowing des'-ribed real estate, to
wit : lhe north-east quarter (nH) and the
south-west quarter sw y of seetion number
three (3) in township number twelve (laj. north
of range number thirteen 13) ; also lai number
three 3) and the south-e-.t Quarter (e4 of
the south-west iiarter (swkt) of M ction iann
br thirty-four (34) in town number thirteen,
(13) north' range nuiubertliitteen (13), east ttti
P. M. ; all lyiny anr" being situated in Cass Co .
Nebraska - together with the aps-iutcrices
theruio belonging. The snnie being levied up
oa and taken as the property ol Jason V. Mil
ler, nd Mary P. Miller, defendant, (in the uit
of Jseob l-fever aKxinxt naiit defendants, m
the District ccurt of (.'am 'oiinty, Nebraska.)
to satisfy a Judgment and decree ofaid ii
trict Court. r-niie-ed In laver ol said Jac.jb Le
feer. and aj'-inm .aia Janon t;. Ml ler ai.d
Mary P. Miller. April term o( anid lxtiiii-t
Court, A. 1. 17.
l1attsnii;Uth,' May M h', A !"180. '
m K. VT. IIYUiS. Sheriff.
Road Notice.
To -all whom it may concern :
' The Commissioner appointed to locte a roan
commciiciu at the South Kast corner of sec
tion ihhty-twoCfcii, township twelve (IS), nortl.
ranjre ten (10), Fjist : Hindus thence ui ai.
section line-North one (l)inile and one-bali
ii-i) ; thence Ku-st eihtv (80) rods ; thence nortl.
one (1) mile, to intersect with the road running
liavt and Wt-t, has rcorted in favor of the lo
cation thereof, and all objections thereto or
claims for damages, must be filed in the County
Clerk's office on or beiore noon, on the 28th
day of June. A. I). 180. or such road will be lo
cal ed wilbom reference thereto.
6.j J. V. TL'TT, County Clerk.
Public Legal Sale.'
By virtue of a vote of the legal voters of Ii
trict 65. In lawful meeting assembled. I will on
the 2ist dav of May. A. I . 1880. at 3 o'clock p.
m., sell at Public Auction the School House be
longing to District v. of Cass County. Nebras
ka. The sale to take place at tbe tinor ot said
school house. E. 11. WOOLEY.
Supt. Pub. Irsfn, Cass Co., Neb.
PUttdinouth, Neb., April 28th, im. fcU '
- 50 and
75 Cents.
J. P. Young's Post Office News Depot
r-w 1 r
LU 1
(TUff51 17
look out for
lH. in tliese col-
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of two Executions Usued by W. C.
Hhowalter. Clerk of the District Court within
i and for Ca. county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 21th day of May, A. D.
' Iko, at 10 o'clock a, in., of aaid day, at the
. Mouth Door of the Court House iu PuuiHinouth
City in said County. ell at Public Auction the
! following Keal Kstate to-wit : The outh west
quarter (swyof wection thirty-one (3I town
ship eleven 1 1) range thirteen (13) etutt ef the
Cth P. M., all in Cass County, Nebraska. The
same bein levied upon and taken a the prop
erty of Thomas L. Herrv, Defendant ; to natis-
! fy t wo judgments of said Court by .1. W. Gay
loci, and Thomas IJryau, Plaintiff's ; assigned
! to U X. A."h!ou.
Platt.smotiMi. Nob.. April IMIi. A. U. I vn.
5t. It. W. Hvkkh, Sheriff, Casn Co.. !1cb.
Tn owner t-r occupant of the following de
scribed real estate in the Count) of Ca.s and
.-Mate of Nebraska, to- wit : lot eighteen (Imi.
eciimi twent 20), townshiii twelve (12), ranj;e
'urteen ( It), being two t2) acres, in Cass Co..
.Nebraska: You aie hereby notified that the
.love described real estate, assessed as be
.otyMitg to a non-resident of Cass County, was.
'o the 2) st lay of September, 1875. sold to Cass
County, Nebraska, there being tin other bid
ders therefor, lor the taxes levied thorron for
ne year 187t : and that unless the same l ro
neeiiied from such sale on or before the l.t day
ii August, lssn. a deed will be issued fur said
real estate to M. W. Mornan. assignee of said
Cass County 013 M. W. MOKOAN.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may Concern : .
The Commissioner appointed to vacate a road
now located from south east corner of south
e;istqiianer (seW) of northeast quarter (nek)
of section twer.ty-even (27) town twelve (12)
r;tt:i;e thirteen (13) thence north fifteen (15)
chains thence north east to the north east cor
ner of the south east quarter (ef) of the north
eat quarter (ne!)ef said f ectiun aud t locate
a roau from the south east cornerof south-west
quarter (iw't) of northeast quarter (ne1) ef
said section twenty-seven (27) to the enst line
1 Mction tweuty-nttven (27) thence north
twenty t20) chains, has reported in favor of the
vacatfi-nand locution thereof, and all objec
t'ou. thereto or claims for damKcs. must be
filed iu the County Clerk's office, on or before
uoou on the 28th day of June A. D. 1880. or such
road will be vacaten and located without refer
ence thereto. J. O. TVTT.Co. Cletk. its
H fn (rb U7
rYi A '(