EC E R A Ij P :H3IH:rX,:R,,A-.-:L88Q. Aimonopimnncecenimeniitl 8 We Hiave just D'eturiBCfll from rIEW 3FGI, witSa the ILairges . ainall imi complete bilocK of Dry iimfimiM' loiiii 3 u Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, and Millinery Goods, ru n 3 01 fU l i n L Ifl I 1 nJ D which we are selling at prices that irso oilier merehant can buy them for5 and by purchasing: of we will &liare 3he IProfite with yon. In Domestics We Offer the Best Known Fabrics tit the OLD TIME PRICES : 50 pieces Dejour Dress Goods, latest shades (? 38 " Australian Crepes, tine styles 0t 50 44 Alpaca Lustres - 25 44 All Wool Suitings, exquisite at - 15 44 India Cashmere, lovely shades, double width at 12 44 Brocades, double width, line patterns at 20 44 Black and colored Cashmeres, from 30 44 Scotch Suiting, from - - - 1 5c per yd. 30c 15, IS & -Oe. :i5.j - 71i- 4 c up - l2Ac up A fine assortment of Silk and Wool -n Fringes; Plain and Pekin Striped Siiks and Satins, and Brocaded Silks, Fringes A-c, to match Dress Goods. Siik Sacqties mid Dolmans, ami Circulars in great variety; Camel's Hair and Bas ket Cloths for Cloaking, fcc. in Light Shades. Calico Dresses ami Wraps, from - - - - - $1 00 up HOUSE KEEPING GOODS: Towels, from - - - - - 15cprprup Crashes, at - - - - 5, t. 7$, 8, 10, A' 12Jc Table Damasks, at Napkins in great variety. Counterpanes from Marsailles Spreads 25, 40, 5 ), 60, 75c, fc f 1 00 per yd 85c $1 50 to $1 00 WflflETTIE SdDOD o ILovely IPatterns5 IPlaih, Striped and Figured IPiqueN, ILawns, Mainsooks, Daconette&9 Uc pr yd up. Summer Skirts from 50c up. A full line of Ladies' s Muslin Underwe ir, Zephyr a-id Summer Shawls, all shades, low. Embracing Thousands of Countless Articles, at NEW YORK PRICES. MILLINERY: This Department is in charge of M US. R. P KENNEDY, who will minister to the wants of the Ladies in this line. Trimmed Hats from f I 00 up. Straw Shapes from 50c up. Laces, Edgings, and Il.iiiiburg Embroideries, handomc Patterns, from 2c pr yd up. 20 different styles, from 35 to 50e each. Novelties in Neckwear, Fissues fec. Clothing; & ent&9 Furnishing: Kood& Men's Suits from $H 50 up. Boys' Suits, from $2 50 up. We show the finest assortment of Gents" Furnishing Goods in the West. IN FELT AND STRAW. A COMPLETE LINE. Hats from 50c up. Caps from 10c up. mm If li mm armusfMs am vajlises ait iFACTra&iHnr ipbrioes : Sole Agents for the lExcelsior Jewelry ; (Conic and see our Mevolvinjy Jew elry Show Case. A Novelty. W witt iTOlfciti ife BipGOUiit all atliei? Pwc Xrists by 10 nr et HBargaias are what we are flDfiPeB'iiig. (Call IEarly aiaul get FIRST CHOICE. SOLOMON & NATHAN, Philadelphia Store, Plattsmouth, Neb. V