The Herald. i.t A I. A !Y KRTISKMKXT.S. rr. ti -i. n!. .'" .vnts :. line. Regular auvertis- 1:1 . r li nn'. ."o aiiicruseuii.111 iiim-ii-U-i c.-.itS. I.t ! at t i' il r.i If. . . i.i I ;ircr .f lin- law will be iu-ll ( i . i...'. ..m ill :i iii.tii-i.-' liny Iwiiid in, it.'l .. i dc-iii .tiiilmtr It ii..:f ii puidiea- .i... ..:::-f will lte.ctd f..r the u-iiica-;io.i f t.f m,U notice. CnCIMl'MCUKiNS. A on- r:-cc i- limited, all cnrmiiiiica'!nns i i:. t be li.irf aw I t' the pjint, wall n' Vasle c worrl. 111.- T IS i )i01!::il('.C for the Correctness H- -i, ; i ; i.i ij.y of paid ma! tT a:il paid Le I' .ls. only. 1. Av person who takes the paper regularly ! i:i -i !'-(. !!:... whether rli!' to III A name, w.'.-nlu-r He I a or not is f- ;(:. .ii. If for the ;ay. 2. II a. iy poison onlcis his paper discontin ued, ho iri.i-t pay all arrearages, or the publish er mav roniinue to send it until payment is ii and colled Uie whole amount, whether .lit? y.u'iT is t.k"ii from the office or not. 3. I ,: cni ts have decided that refusing to Cake r.i --A-aiair.'M ami periodicals from the post oiilce. ur r.'-!H'v;i.LC ant Uaving them uncalled fo -, is 1'i iina facie evidence of IS'tK.STio.VAL HLA ll. LOCAL NEWS. We must have a Hotel. file n wood hits a bicycle club. Tiio Courant was late last week. Miss Ola Barnes lias a uew J?iano. U'jvri's 15attrj3 for sale by Smith & Hack's. 4t3 Who said Ilatt had. a bad cold, latily? Examine furniture at the Gr.EAT lli-.D Stoke. 4tf .Sherman Grant Kne went to Liin'ulii Munday night. V URNITURE, FURNITURE, GREAT IlKIi STORE. . 4tf A sou of Rev. Mr. Mullis was tak en to the asylum yesterday. For good 10 and 15c cigars go to Smith & Black's. 4t3 See Council and Commissioner's proceedings in this issue. Furniture at Chicago Prices at tho Great Red Store. 4tf Frank Carruth is Heparin coiiiun nce his new block. to New Spring gods, Great lied Store, lower than the lowest. 4tf Opportunity to buy a good Lawn Mower. Inquire at this ofliee. Wliite Counterpanes at the Great Hal .Store, 81.00 each. See them. 4tf A great deal of sickness and many ca-ses fatal in and near Elmwood. We hear that John Boone receiv ed a duck last week. How is it? Dr. Schildknecht has had over 200 cues of measles to attend to this spring. It's a boy, and "too sweet to live," and Charley Uhick'a to happy for any use. Twelve or fifteen boxes of oranges and lemons just received, at F. S. White's. 5t2 Large Stock of FimxiTVRK just received at the Great Red Stoke at low figures. 4tf The measles are about used up in Mr. Tutt's family and the sick ones are improving. Factotyviile flour warranted to give satisfaction, or money refunded, at F S. White's. 4t4 L. Golding is going to put up a l.rick block, and so she goes witli the improvement boom. The best Xew Yrk apple vinegar in the market, guaranteed strictly pure at F. S. White's. 4t4 Messrs. Merges and Leonard will move into their new building about the first of the month. "Our nevr Baby" cigar is still the Standard Bearer, Smtth & Black gua rantee the Brand. 4tg Miss Cora Wells came in from Sjuth Bend Tuesday afternoon, and will return to-day. Episcepal Social tw-night, at the residence of Mr. Win. Herold. A large attendance is expected. The celebrated' B. & M. in Xeb., (cigars) are again taking the lead, at Schlegel & Xieman's. 4t2 You will get the best cigar for oc at Phil You mr's, he also has a large as sortment o( Cigarettes. 1 We are indebted to Mr. J. B. Strode, for report of Central Commit tee and table of Delegates. If you want a good violin or ac cordeon for little money, don't fail to go to the P. O. News Depot. 1 Five cases of scarlet fever report ed; it is confined to the families of Mr Wilbur!) and Wittencamp. Mrs. McCrea and Mr. Marshall were up to see Janauschek, Friday no, we mean Mendelssohn. Time for Croquet playing :s at hand, and you will find a full line of croquet at the P. O. News Depot. 1 Who is collector of revenues and such, outside of the corporation, down in So.ip-grease "holler," for instance? Pipes of every description, anci every brand smoking and chewing to bacco in the market, at Schlegel & NiemanV 4t2 Mr. Leonard says the frost of Sun day night nipped his crab apple buds sevf rely and he thinks killed them all. Mathews, Sam. Chapman, Doc. Tones and the dogs went hunting Monday. In fact, that's nothing new. . Vanity Fair and Lone Fisherman eijMiettes. cizarette cases, paper and holders in endless quantities at Schle gel a: Nieman's. 4t2 W. B. Porter protests that the fig ure "1" in the 1SS0 in Merges store is ton long. Thompson is reiponsible and lie says he always makeaone"!" 1 prettv big. We learn from the hunters that our old friend Mathews nearly met with an accident while shooting. He was found under a daugerous preci pice and rescued by Frank White just in time to prevent serious consequences. Personal. Mrs. E. S. Alpaugh, from Xew Jer sey, is vistting at her father's borne in Factoryville. Miss Olive Gass has returned to Plattsmouth from Ohie, where she has been attending school. . Jos. Beardsley and wife are the pa rents of a new daughter. It must be goed luck to go into the hardware bu siness. Dr. Schildknecht is nicely fixed in the rear of Wescott's new Clothing Store, iind next door east of Baker's general store. Mrs. Hyers, the w ife of our Sheriff, returned from a visit in Illinois, on last Saturday. Mrs. IPs friends will be glad to hear of her return in better health. P. A. Barrett, W. W., takes the Her ald and settles down to citizenship in Cass County. His good looks are in his favor, and if he isn't married some good-looking fanner's daughter wants to keep her weather eye open. Miss Miller, a niece of Capt. Ben nett's, is visiting her uncle's family on her way from the Black Hills to her home in Atchison. She considers the storm of Sunday quite trifling compar ed with a wind and sand storm which she passed through on the stage route from Deadwood to Sidney. There is asaug little fortune wait ing in this town, for the man who will put up a first class and commodi ous Hotel. Xebraska City has a cooking club of young ladies, and each young lady invites a young gentleman to test the results of their cooking. "We are sorry to learn that Mr. J. Tutt's entire family have been down with measles. We hope that they may all get through safely. The State Central Committee pass ed a resolution of thanks to Major Kleutsch for some very fine cigars fur nished .at its late meeting. Our Temperance column of nearly two columns appears on the first page this week, which gives us a little more space for our "late" country writers. J. J. McVey has removed his head quarters to James Grace's place of bu siness, and will be found there by all his old friends henceforward and here after. Mr. T. W. Shryock will be glad to meet any or all of his old friends and patrons at the Great Red Store, where he has charge of the Furniture de partment, otf Mrs. and Miss SimpBon have just received at their music room a hand some new square grand piano, direct from Xew York, a very tine instru ment. The "Unicum," a brand new brand of home-made cigars, put up in bundles and kept in a tin box. Buy them and try them. They are A Xo. 1, as we can testify by sample. Will Wells reports crops doing well, considering there was nothing much planted, and the majority of what has been planted or sown, has been blown off into the grass. A e like to see Mike Scbnellbaker full of work, but really would like to ask his friends not to block the street entirely with wagons and horses. Mr. Chief of Police, give 'em a hint on this. We half believe Joe Buttery had Dunstan fall in that well te get the rock out cheap. There never was the same amount of rock taken out of a 27 ft. welT in the same before in this town. Mrs. Wiley and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Droste went up to hear Miss Carrington, the prima donna in the Mendelssohn troupe, she being a niece of Mrs. Wiley, and a cousin of Mrs. Droste. The Tallon will case was tried last Thursday. Gen. John Cowan appeared for Dr. Livingston, and Mr. Haitigan for Capt. O'Rourke. The Judge took five days to think on't, and we know not the result yet. -Wescott is open once more, good goods and cheap goods always on hand Ready made suits of all kinds and also Custom made goods, made to order, and a full line of samples always on hand from which to select. Mr. Fred. Lehnhoff was taken sud denly ill on Monday last, and the symp toms became so alarming during the night, that his life was despaired of. We learn now that he is rapidly recov ering, and we are glad of it. It is reported that parties are de stroying the native trees in the new streets being cleared up. Suitable shade trees in these streets should be selected at once and preserved a: they can never be set out as cheap again. MacDonagh ("Our Mac") got a handsome editorial chair in Omaha the ether day, being voted to him at a Ca tholic Fair, as the most popular editor in Omaha. How sick those big fel lows like Xye and Miller must feel. The Sportsman's club now deem it very important that the true direc tion of the wind be ascertained on hunting days, and a Committee will hereaftei be appointed to determine its direction, force and probable effects. We are very much grieved to hear that a disastrous fire broke out Tues day morning at the farm of John H. Becker, by which his carpenter shop and 8230 worth of of tools, a barn, one horse, a set of harness arid 500 bushels of corn were destroyed. We acknowledge the receipt" of a very pretty basket of flowers from Miss' Ilesser and .aho some exquisite Marshal Xeil roses, which have render ed our rooms fragrant ever since. Miss Hesser has become her father's able assistant in his green houses, and is solving the problem f profitable work for women very thoroughly, and in a work which we imagine is congenial. Cass Connty Agricultural Society. The above society is called to. meet at the Court house on Wednesday, the 2Sth of this month for impoitant busi ness. Do not forget the day and date. "A full attendance is much needed. Mrs. John Ahl, residing near Ce dar Creek, came to town last Monday, with a frightful looking finger, caused by wearing too tight a wedding ring. The finger was so badly swollen that the ring was completely hidden from view, and medical aid had to be re sorted to to remove the ring. The "boss" Clothing House open again, across the street, not quite so much room, hardly as many goods but yet the neatest, tastiest, best stock you could buy. Orders taken for Cus tom ma de goods and samples always ready. Clothing of all kinds, hats, caps, &c, and gents' furnishing goods of many varieties. All goods warrant ed, when asked, and I want a fair tri al and nothing more. Come and see me. C. E. Wescott. Through neglect, the little dance at the Poor House, two weeks ago was not mentioned last week. But they had a dance, a nice crowd and good music. The hospitabla host, "Croft," even offered the "barred Cage" in the corner, for the benefit of those not dancing. It was not accepted, how ever; everybody enjoyed themselves hugely and all will be pleased to have it repeated. A very fatal disease among hors es is reported in the neighborhood of Weeping Water. Mr. John Allison has lost four lately, and Geo. Sigler tells us that its nothing strange to hear of a death every day or two. The cause of the disease or what it is call ed seems to be unknown, though the symptoms severe vomiting would indicate poison in some form or oth er. An interesting case before Judge Vivian yesterday, wherein "Belle" and "Dutchie" were each fined S1.00 and costs, amounting to $3.50 each, for keeping a disorderly house down in Soap-grease hollow. A young man named Eddie , also received a fine and cests amounting to. S10.00, for boarding and supporting the same. The "ladies" were requested to leave the state forthwith, or they would be liable to arrest again to-morrow. The main cause of the arrest was the dis charging 7 shots from a revolver in the hands of "Belle," who admitted she did the shooting, and shot to bring her man, but owing to her having been as she termed it "doped," she couldn't send her bullets home. Such charac ters are receiving their just deserts from our officers and it is hoped the city will be well rid of them soon. Weeping Water Ads.,&c. Fleming & Tiace of Weeping Water are daily receiving new goods from Chicago; a large and well selected stock consisting of notions, fancy dress goods, domestic cottonnades, cheviots aud dry goods or an Kinas, cioming, boots and shoes, hats aud caps, gro ceries and queensware; everything that is kept in the general Merchan dise line, which we propose to sell to the Citizens of Cass County, as cheap as the cheapest. You will make mon ey by calling and examining our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. 1 iXEMINO K KACE. Painting, Kalsemining, Decorating. Dovey & McElwain having had mncli experience in these branches are prepared to get up your rooms in the very best and latest style. Leave or ders for them at Dovey's st store. 5t2 Strayed. From J. II. Becker's farm, half a mile north of Shafer's school house, a roan cow, both horns sawed off, a hole in each ear. A liberal reward will be paid for her return. 5tf HENRY J. MILLER. Card of Thanks. Mr. J. II. Becker desires to express through the columns of the Herald, his sincere thanks to all for the assist ance rendered by them during the fire last Tuesday, which destroyed his sta bles, hay shed and carpenter shop. Sincere Thanks. I suffered for five years with Rheu matism. Having been persuaded by friends to try the St. Jacobs Oil I must acknowledge that it is the best reme dy I ever used ; in fact, it cured me en tirely. Aecpt my sincere thanks. 5tl Frank Schwartz, 93 Xineteenth St., Cincinnati, O. G. A.R. A preliminary meeting to organize a Post of the Grand Army of the Re public was held on Tuesday eyening; twenty or more signers were obtained and Capt. Wood is expected here next Mondar (the 26th) to organize the boys. All old soldiers are invited to be present, and those wishing to join can send their names to J. B. Strode in the meanwhile. WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS. C. R. Dovey & Co. C. R. Dovey & Co. have samples of the very latest styles in wall papers, which they will be happy to show to any one desirous of papering. Orders may be left at Dovey's store. These papers are all new in design, and com prise dados, friezes, panel papers, &c, which they ar9 prepared to put on in the very best manner and latest style. 5t2 We are pleased to annonnce to our friends and customers that our Spring Stock is now complete, consisting in part, of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks and Satins, White Goods. Printed Lawns, Table Linens and Napkins, Embroideries, Dress Buttons, Bed Spreads, Crashes, Towels, Cheviot Shirting, Ladies and Gents' neck wear, Ladits Silk Mittens, Kid Gloves in col ors. Gents' fine white and Percale shirts, a nice line of Carpets at reason able figures. Our stock of Ladies, Misses aud Childrens fine shoes and slippers. Mens tine sewed shoes in but ton, lace or buckle, was purchased last December before the advance in leath er. Plow Shoe3 for men and boys at lowest prices. A full assortment of Queensware and Glassware, Staple and fancy Gro ceries, Choice Sugar cured hams. Bacon and Shoulders. Soliciting a call from all we are Respectfully, 4tf E. G. Dovey & Son. A Strange Year. There never was o strange a year ; Theieajions gcem all out of tear : The summer took so much of fi.ll. We had no autumn days at all ; The fall, in order to get square. Took all winter it did dare : And winter evens uu the tbioe lij lingering iu the iapof spring. ruck. A well-known German minister, Rev A. Opitz, of Schleisiagerville, Wis., writes: "I was a sufferer with Rheumatism for years. Friends recommended the use of St. Jacobs Oil; I tried it, and must confess that the result was as tonishing. Having hardly used up the first bottle, I found relief, and the sec ond one cured me. I therefore feel un der obligations, and shall recommend this effective remedy, whenever I have a chance. 5tl To the Ladies of Cass County. I have moved my millinery establish ment into the building formerly ecu pied by Mr. Feeling as a shoe store. I have a new stock of spring hats, bon nets, vails, ties, gloves, dress buttons and many other notions. Respectfully, Miss M. A. Sage, 5t2 Ashland, Xeb. Wescott. The Boss Clothier is open again in the little store eas of W. U. Baker & Co.'s. Having been burnt out, root and branch, I have once more, howev er, got ut.on my feet and have opened a new and seUct stock of goods, in the above named place and desire to sec all my old friends and customers in these my new quarters when I will en deavor to show them the neatest, best fitting aud cheapest stock of Clothing ever brought to Plattsmouth. Please remember the place and give me a call. C. E. Wescott. Given I p 12 y Doctors. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy V" "I assure you it is true that he is en tirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and said he must die!" "Well-a-day I That is remarkable! I will go this day and get some for my poor George I know hops are good." For Sale. One good bull, by the undersigned at his farm 4t3 B. Siebold To Rent. A new Hotel, with 17 rooms and cellar. Enquire of 4tf F. R. Gutuman. For Sale. Light Brahma eggs, at Jno. Leach's. Premium stock and warranted. 3t3 Hard Wood For Sale. Good hard wood for sale. Inquire at Guthman & AVeckbach's store. 44tl3 A young sow, three quarters Essex, for sale at the Herald office. tf Prevent crooked boots and blister ed heels by wearing Lyon's Patent Me tallic Heel Stiff eners. 2t4 Allen & Co.'s Richmond Gem, 35 cents per 4 pound, and Ole Virginia, 15 cents per package, both curly cut, the best and finest smoking tobaccos in town, sold at J. Pepperberg's. 50tf Lost or Stolen About three weeks tgo, a sorrel filly, 2 yrs. old, large, fine colt, blaze face and left hind foot white. A liberal reward will be paid for her return to the farm of John Gyger, 3 miles north of Elmwood P. O. in Cass Co., or any information that may lead to her re covery. 3t3 John Gyoek. IIoiuc-3lade Cigars. Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made cigars. Ask your dealers for Pepperberg's pure brands of home made cigars. If you don't find them there, go where they are kept, and by doing so, encourage home labor. Job bing in cigars and smokers' articles a specialty, at low prices. A large and varied stock of smokers' goods always en hand, at prices to suit the times. 42tf Julius Pepperberg. Very Droll to Think of. If not above being taught by a man, use Dob bius's Electric Soap next wash day. Uned without any wash boiler or rubbing board, and used differently from any other soap ever made, it seems very droll to think of a quiet, orderly two hours' light work on wash day, with no beat and no steam, or smell of the washing through the house, instead of a long day's bard work ; but hundreds of thousands of women from Nova Scotia to Texas have proved for themselves that this is done ly us ing Dobbine's Electric Soap. Don't buy it, however, if too set iu your ways to use it ac cording to directions, that are as ciinple as to eem alnisit ridiculous and eo easy that a girl of twelve years ran do a large wah without be ing tired. It positively will mitiujure the finest fabric, has been before the public for fifteen years, and Its sale doubles every year. If your grocer ha not got it, he will get it. as all whole sale grocers keep it. I I., cragis & Co., Philadelphia. Rjced Bijos., Sole Airents. 3-eowly Weeping Water, i.'eb. Take Notiee. The Drug SLore hitherto known as the Donelan Drug Store has this day been purchased by the undersigned and I expect henceforth to run and keep the same as heretofore. Thank ing all old customers for their liberal patronage in the past, I hope to obtain the sama favors in the future, as I shall endeavor to keep a new and larger stock of goods if possible. Very Respectfully, Jos. M. Roberts. I also desire to give notice that all accounts due the store to date, must be settled by cash or note within thir ty days and I am authorized to settle the same. J. M. Roberts. PlattsmoMth, April 12th, 1880. 4t2 We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence to prove that Shiloh's Con sumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as it will cure a common or Chronic Cough in one half the time and re lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show" more cases of Consumption cured than all others. It wili cure where they fail, it is pleas ant to take, harmless to the youngest child, and we guarantee what wo say. Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and 81.00 If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Smith & Black. " Do you Utlitrrc it. ' . That in this town there are scores of persons passing our store every day whose lives are made miserable by In digestion, Dyspepsia, Sour ar.d distress ed Stomach, Liver Complaint Consti pation, when for 75 cts. we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold hy Smith & -Black. . We have a speedy and positive Cure, for Catarrh, Diphtheria. Canker mouth, and Head Ache, in SHILOH'S CA TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health, and sweet breath. Price 25 cts. - Sold by Smith & Black.4eowtf THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Wednesday, April 21, isso. Wheat. No. 2.. .. Corn, ear " shelled, Oats Harlcy.No. 2 Rye. Native Cattle... Hogs P.utter K;;;iS Potatoes .7.7.3 so 3 15 .7.7' 4y& NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, April 21, 1880. Money $1.03. Wheat 1 Rye 94 Corn . Oats 41 4G CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. April 21, 1880. 3 dull 1 07 34VJ 28 71 80 LIVE STOCK. ?4 20rtiS4 50 4 OCKiit 6 25 5 Ws 6 25 Flour... Wheat. Corn . . . Oats.... Kve Barley.. Hogs, shipping.. Cattle. Sheep... SPECIAL NOTICES. Thirty of the beat organ makers of the World are competitors at the Paris Exposition, a cable dispatch to the Associated Press says two highest gold uwitals have been awarded to the American makers. Mason & Hamlin. To Loan. Money at 10 per cent, interest on im proved farms. Apply to 51m3 R. B. Windham. Money to Loan. On good farm property on long time. Apply to J. W. Jennings, ltf Plattsmouth. G. F. Gyger. House Painting, Carriago painting. Graining, Calsomining, Paper-hancing. Work warranted and specimens shown at J. V. Weckbach's and R. B. Wind ham's. 52m6 lJlO7C Improved Root Beer I'ack niuLJ age. "tN, Makes five gallons of a delicious and sparkling beverage whole some and temperate, tsold by druggists, or sent bv mail on rtoelpt of 25 cts. Adrtress, CIIAS. E. HIKES. Manufacturer. 215 Market Street. Phil adelphia, Pa. 50t20 From a Distinguished Physician. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopath ic physician, wrote to the Medical Rec ord to the effect that after all other means had failed, he sent for the Kid ney cure (sate lviuney jinu Liver Cure), and to his astonishment cured a serious case of Bright's Disease by administering it, and afterwards found it equally beneficial in other cases. 2tl2 Buckleu's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions 1 his Salve is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction in every case or mon ey refunded. Price 23 cents per box. 1 or sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail, Plattsmouth, Xeb. 241y. .Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st I riday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice ef other examinations will be given. iVo one will be examined except at the reuiilar examinations : and no cer tificates from other Counties will be indorsed. E. II. Wooley, 42tf Superintendent. (order Victorious at the Plow Trial. The following shows the decision of the committee, given at the trial, held on the Fair grounds last Friday: Plattsmouth, March 2C, 18S0. The undersigned committee of farm ers present at a public test of draft of the HAPGOOD SULKY PLOW, as compared with a John Deere Walking Plow, report that the Sulky Plow does good work, is easily handled, opens and finishes a land perfectly, and is lighter draft on the team than a Walk ing Plow. The following is the result of a care ful test with a Fairbanks' dynamome ter: Ilapgood Sulky, cutting 10 inch es wide: Depth of furrow 7.1 inches, Aver ge Draft 841 lts. John Deere Walking Plow, cutting lAjiche3 wide: De h of furrow 7.2 inches, Average Draft 370 lbs. II. Bestor, J. W. Voodry, T. J. Thom as, A. B. Todd, Jasper Totten, C. J. Dallinger, G. W. Pitman, J. C. Cummins, C. D. Cummins, Com. The Ilapgood Sulky Plow is for sale by Fred. Gorder, and the above is a guarantee of their advantages over the old Walking Plow. Mr. Gorder al so keeps in stock all other agricultur al implements, and sells the same at low down prices. 2t4 Better Than GoW. The grand climax of success is at last achieved. The poor rejoice, the sick arise and walk, the rich bank in the golden sunshine of perfect health. The physicial miseries of the human frame need no longer be endured. Dr. King's California Golden Compound, for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Head ache, Coming up of food, Jaundice, Liv er Complaint, Biliousness, General De bility, Drowsiness and Low Spirits. This wonderful remedy will positively cure, and that where every remedy has failed, To prove that this wonderful remedy will do all we claim for it yoa are presented with a trial bottle free of cost, by-Avhich you will readily per ceive its wonderful curative qualities, and which will show you what a regu lar one dollar size bottle will do. For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail, Plattsmouth. Xeb. N 23e6wly. The Mysterious Puzzle Solved! To enjoy peace of mind nd perfect physical health, let 13, 15, 14. alone and regulate your liver by taking Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills. By all Druggists. - A Physicians Clear Conscience. Dr. C C. O illeland of Gallatin, Mo., writes: "I have sold your Sarsaparil la, Dandelion and Iodide of" Pot assium, for more than one year, and used it in my family, and can say that I never used or sold a remedy for the Blod or Liver that gave as good sat isfaction, as this medicine." By all Druggists. Read What a Physician Says. I was afflicted with a severe attack of inflammation of the eyes, and could get no relief until I tried Brown's Arnica Salve Since then I have used it in my practice, and freely - say that I think it is the most wonderful healing Salve ever made and invalu able in every family." W. W. Baker, M. D., Hastings, Iowa. All of Browns Popular Medicines for sale by J. II.Buttery,Smith & Black and O. F. Johnson. Plattsmouth, and John Painter and Eledge & Co., East Plattsmouth. LEGAL NOTICES. Attachment Notice. Josiah Cllne, plaintiff, vs. James W. Stradley, non resident, defendant. In Justice's Court, before Edwin Jearv, Justice of the Peace in aud for Salt Creek Precinct. Cass Co., Neb. To James W. Stradley, non-resident, defend ant : You are hereby notified that the above- named Justice of the Peace issued an order of attachment against you, on the day of April, lso, in the amount of eight dollars aud fiftv-fivH cents (b.J5), and said cause is contin ued until the yth day of June. A. D. lsso. at 1 o'clock p. in. Josiau Clin. t.reenwooa, reb., April 19th, I8te. 5t3 Attachment Notice. William Paul, Plaintiff vs James W. Stradley. uon-resident defendant. In Justices court, before Edwin Jeary, Justice of the Peace in and for Salt Creek Precinct, Cast Co.. Neb. To James W. Stradlev. non resident Defen dant: You are hereby notified that the above named Justice of the Peace issued an order of attachment on the day of April, lMo. against you in the amount of seventeen (17) collars and said cause 1 continued until the 81 U day of Jun, A. 1). 1880, at 1 :30 p. in. V I LLI AM fAUL. Greenwood, Neb., April 19th, ltso. 5t3 Sheriffs Sale. Uy virtue of two Executions issued by W. C. Showalter, Clerk of the District Court within aud for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 24th day of Mav, A. D. Ihso, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of said day, at the South Door of the Court House in Plattsmout h City iu said County, sell at Public Auction the following Real Estate to-wit : The Kouth west quarter (swof section thirty-one (31) town snip eleven (U) raneo thirteen. (13 east of th 6th P. M., all in Caas County, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken ai the nroi erty of Thomas L. Kerry. Defendaat ; to satis fy two judgments of said Court by J. W. Uae lockand Thomas Bryaa. Plaintiff's; assigned to L. T. Ashton. I'lattsmouth, Neb., April 19th. A. D. 1888. 5t5 Jt. W. Hiers, Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate of E. A. Hull, de-i-eased. in the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. Upon reading and tiling the duly verified pe tition of Hariuan Maxwell, praying that admin istration of the estate of k. A. Hull, deceased, be granted Edwin A. Jeary : Ordered that no tic of the pendency of said cause be published iu the Nebraska Hkrai.d, a weekly newspaper printed, published, and in general circulation in said County, for three consecutive weeks, and that the hearing of raid cause beset for the llth day of May, A. D. 188(i, at 3 o'clock p. in., at the otlice of the County Judge, at i'latts mouth, at which time and place all persons in terested may appear aud show cause. If any they lrtve, wliy administration of said estate should not be granted to the said Edwin A. Jeary, according to the prayer of said petition. A. N. SULLIVAN, County Judge. Plattsmouth, April 15, lbso. 6t:i Probate Notice. In the mptter of the estate of Cornelius Maho nv, deceased, in the County Court of Cass Co., Nebraska. Upon reading and filiug the duly verified pe tition of P. H. Mahony, praying that admini stration of the estate of Cornelius Mahony. de ceased, be granted P. H. Mahony : Ordered that notice of the pendency of said cause be published in the Nebraska IIkkald, a weekly newspaper, printed, published, and in general circulation In said county. for three consecutive weeks, aud that the hearing of said cauae be set for the 7th day of May A. D 180. at ono o'clock P. M. at the office of the County Judge, at Plattsmoth, at which time and place, all per sons interested may appearand show cause, if any they have, why administration of said es tate should not be granted to tLe said P. H. Mahony, according to the praver of said peti tion. A. N. SL'LLl AN, Co. Judge. I'lattsmouth, April 20th, 1880. 5t3 Probate Notice. In the matter of t! c estate of Joseph S. Upton, deceased. Notice is hereby given, to all persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph S. Upton, deceased, to file the same on or before the loth day of November, A.-D.,1S80, In the office of the County Judge, at Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska. A. N. Sullivan, Co. Judge, riattsmouth, April Mth, 1880. 414 Road Notice. To all whom it may concern: The section line road, commencing at the North West Lnw corner of section thirty-two 32J, township ten 10, range twelve 12, and running South to the County line, has been de clared by the Hoard of County Commissioners an open road. All objections thereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's otlice on or before no n. on the Uth day of June, A. D. 1880, or such road will be opened without reference thereto. 3to J. D. TUTT. County Clerk. Master's Sale. DISTRICT OF l, NEBRASKA, Is the Circuit Court of thk Unitkd States, kok the District of Nkf.kaska. The Uuion Mutual Life ) j vs. Insurance Co.. rh.lm"P1.v. Agnes C. Carper, et al. n"1(-eiv- FORF.CLOSUKK OF MORTGAGE. Public notice Is hereby given that in pursu ance of a decree entered in 1 lie above cause, on the 2i;th day of June. 187t, 1, William Daily, Special Master in Chancery in said Court, will ou the llth day of May. 1880, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, at the North door of the United States Court House in the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, sell at publie auctiou the following described prop erty, to-wit : The North West quarter ,nw?4 of section No. thirty-one 31, in township No. eleven 11 North iu range No. twelve 12 East, being one hundred aud sixty 100 acres ac cording to Government survey, more or less ; situate in Caas County. Nebraska. WILLIAM DAILY, 3t3 Special Master in Chancery. Master's Sale. DISTRICT OF Isj NEBRASKA, f s a IS THE CIRCUIT COUltT OF THE UNITED States, for the District of Nebraska The Union Mutual Life utual Life 1 . Insurame Co., rrila," rv viler, et al. ) cnantery, vs. Win. H. Detw FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Public notice is hereby given that In pur suance of a decree entered in the above cause, ou the 26th day of June, 1879, 1, William Daily, Special Master in Chancery in said Court, will on the llth day of May. 1880, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, at the North door of the United States Court House in the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, sell at public auction the following dtscrbed prop erty, to-wit : 1 w:iity-eight 2 rods and nine teen 10 links East of the Nortli West nw corner of the Nor'h West quarter nw1 of the North West quarter of section srveu 7J. town ship ten lo, Noi th of Range twelve 12 East, thence South fifty-two J52jrods, thence East twenty-four 24j roils, thence South twenty eight 2SJ degrees Eat to the South tine ot the said loi ty acre lot ; thence North to the North line of said lot ; thence West to the place of be ginning, cwi.ta.niiig nineteen lid acres, more or less, situate iu the County of Cass, state of Nebraska , WILLIAM DaILY. 315 Special Master iu Chancery. Notice. futhe District Court of the Second Judicial District in aud for Cass County, Nebraska. Ellas Solomon and Isaac rtathan, composing the Crw of Solomon i: Nathan, Plaintiffs, vs John C. Ward. Streiglit & Miller. Defendants. The said John C. Ward, non-resident, de fendant, will take notice that the above named plaintiffs c'idonthe 20th day of March, A. D. 18.H0. file their petition in the District Court cf Cass County. Nebraska, against you, the said John C. Ward, and Streiglit & Miller, praying for a foreclosure of a Mortgage, given by you on the 9th day of March, 1S77, to one James Cixby, for the sum of $R5.00, and which mort gage'was afterwards assigned to these plain tins, the same being given oa one acre of land, described as follows: Commencing at the South West (swj corner of the South East quarter (seHi) of the North West quarter (n w') of section five (5). township twelve (12). range tliirteeu (13). East sixth (oth) P. M.. running North twenty (an) rods, ; thence East eight (8) rods ; thence South parallel with the West line tweuiy (0) rods ; thence West eight (8) rod to the place of beginning, being in Cass County, Nebraska. On the 3d day of April, 1880, said pe tition was amended by making Streiglit & Mil ler defendants, they claiming to hld a ubse quent mortgage on the same premises. The prayer of plaintiffs' petition is that said premises be tolif to sat'sfy their claim agaiust you. together with interest aud costs. Vtiu are therefore notified that unless you appear and answer saidjM-titiou, as required by law, de fault will oe taken against you, and decre rendered accordingly. SOLOMON & NATHAN, By It. B. Windham. Att'y. 3U KTcbw Is Leased to rul Dj (f wlio will, cltirisag; tlie SPRINGSUMMER MIG With their immense slock of Cii&Is4!aig' sill !B?iiees9 Styles tf&s HBcsigiis. MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH NEB. ! W. M. EBA1KIEHE & . Meserve tills spsice for tlicir (CO IF ii I a ft ' daily expected. WScees it coiiics lools out fur a Fine Showing anl read our Isi tliese eol tiiim&, carefully. Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber, on lila enclosed premises, in Kiirht Mile Urove Precinct, in Cass Countv, Nebraska, wn the 3d day of February 1880, one brown heifer with red and white head ami white tail, supposed to be one year old. No marke. J. 11. Mkisinuer. March 20th, 1SS0. 31 S Notice. To owner or occupant of the following de scribed real estate la the Couuty of Cass and State of Nebraska, to-wit ; lot five (5) and six (6) in block seventy-four (74) in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska : You are hereby notified that the above described real estate assessed as belonging to a non-resident of Cans county, was, ou the 9th day of Septem ber, 1874, sold to Cas county, Nebraska, there being no other bidders therefor, for the taxes levied thereon for the year 1873 ; and that un less the same l.. redeemed from such sale on or before the 1st day of July, 1880. a deed will be issued for said real estate to H. C. Smith, as signee of said Cass Couuty. 21113 II. C. SMITH. Master's Sale. DISTRICT OK l NEBRASKA, f S 3-j I?r the Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Nebraska. The Union Mutual Life - I . vs. Insurance Co., riiiiieerv Livonia Becker, et al. j L "1"t"ry- FORECLOSURE of mortgage. Public notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of a decree entered in tiie above cau.-e, on tne2;th day of June, i79, I, William Daily, Special Master in Chancery in said Court, will on the llth day of May, loO, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, at the North door of the United States Court House in the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, sell at public auction the following described prop erty, to-wit : The West half w!i of the North East quarter ne'i. and the North West quart er nw4 of the South East quarter se1 of section No. six 6J, in township No. eleven It North range fourteen 14, East sixth 6th p. M. ; situated in the Countv of Cass. State of Ne braska. WILLIAM DAILY, 315 Special Master in Chancery. Master's Sale. DISTRICT OF ).! NEBRASKA, J & !5 Ix the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska. The Union Mutual Life vs. Insurance In Granville E. Fleming, et, Chancery. foreclosure of mortgage. Public notice i herebv given, that in pursu ance of a decree entered in the above cause, on the 2Ctli day of June I87U, I, William Daily, Special Matter in Chancery in said Court, will on the llth day of Mav, 1880, at the hour of 10 o'clock iu the forenoon ot the said day. at the north door of the United States Court House in the City of Omaha. State of Nebraska, sell at fiublic auction, the following described proper y, ui-wit : The south east quarter se'-J of section twenty-nine 20 and the north eaat quarter ueJof the northwest quarter nw; of section thirty-two 32 and twenty-five I2ij acres off the west pait of the north half nvil of the north east quarter IneH of section thirty-two 32 and the south half siil of the northeast quarter nei-i of section twenty 20 all in township eleve-i 11 north of range thirteen 113 east of the sixth 6 Principal Meridian, containing in ail three hundred and five 306 at-res more or les ac cording to the original (Jovernment survev.sit uated in the County of Cass and State of Ne braska. William Daily. at 5 Special Master in Chancery. 7T JMJ in '"I "'linn I fct Km m iillrwiii l--Hi MM i Sheriff Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by W. O. Kuewalter, Clerk of the District Court w ithin and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 27th day of Atu il, A. D. isso, at 11 o'clock a. m., of said clay, at the south loor of the Court House, in said County sell at public auction the following real estate to-wit : Lt seven (7) block thirty-two (32). also lot four (4) in block one hundred and sixty three (tr3) in the city of Plattsmouth, also lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) in block twenty four (24). also lots nine (0) and ten (10) in block twenty-six (20) Duke's addition, to the city of Plattsinoiitli, also lot No. nine (9) in block No. ten (10) Thompson's addition to the City of Plattsmouth. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of C. P, Moore, Defen dant; to satufy a Judgment of said court re covered by O. L. Palmer. Plaintiff. R. W. Hyersj. SSherilT, Cass Co., Neb. Plattsmouth. March 23d, A. D. 1880. its Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of Sale, isnued by W. C. Showalter, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, aud to me di rected, I will, on the 27th day of April, A. I), isso, at lo o'clock a. m., of said day, at the eouth door of tho Court House, in said County, sell at Public Auction the following Real Estate, to-wit: The North East quarter (ne1) of sec tion one (1 ). in township No. twelve (12, Xorth of range thirteen (13). East ; also, the West half (wi)or the Scuth East quarter se4) of tho South East quarter (se1,) of section No. thirty six (3fi), township thirteen (1.3), range twelve (12). East, containing twenty (2i acres ; also, a certain other tract of land.knoAn and describ ed as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at tho North East (ne) corner of the North West quarter (nw!4) of the South East quarter (se1) of ec tion N( . six (), in township twelve (12). North of range thirteen (13). East; luuning thence West thirty (30) rods : thence South eighty (80) rods ; thence East thirty (30) rods, and I hence North eighty (8) rods to place of beginning, and containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less : all of the foregoing described property situated In Cass County, Nebraska. The eama being lev ied upon and taken as the property of W. W. Connor and Nancy Connor, defendant, to sat isfy a judgment ofsaidCouit by J. C. Cowan, planum Plattsmouth. Neb.. March 23d. A. D. 18o. It3 Ii. W. HYERS, Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. Road Notice. To all u-tum U may concern: The Section line road commencing at the South East (se) comer of the North East quarter (ne), of Section twenty-seven (27), Town twelve 12, Range eleven 11. running thence north on section line, to the south boundary of the town of Louisville has been declared by the Board of County Commissioners an op-u road, and all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's otlice, on or before noon on the J2th day of June A. D. 1880, or such road will be opened without ruference thereto. 313 J. D. TUTT. Co. Clerk. Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate of Sanford Totten er, in the CouutyCourtof CasBCo.,Nebras- Upon reading and filing the duly verified pe tition of Dennis Pottenger. praying that ad ministration of the estate of ban ford Potten ger. deceased, be granted Howard W. Zink : urdeiedtnat notice ot the pendency of Raid cause be published In the Nebraska Herald, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and iu general circulation in said county, for three consecutive weeks, and that the hearing of said cause be set for the 4tli day of May, A. D., 1880. at one o'clock p. m., at the oflice of the County Judge, at Plattsmouth, at which tim and place, all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why admin istration of said estate should not be granted to the said Howard W. Ziuk, accordius to the prayer of said petition. A. N. Sullivan, Couuty Judge. riattsmouth. March 17tli. 1880. UJ m:!