Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 08, 1880, Image 3

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    The Herald.
I'm. ;;:. ivnts :i Tine. Hfiilar advertls
l -i. 1 1 i i jT i- '. No adreruseinuut iusert
'. It vs i.i.n. i.. cents.
!..-! mi'l.TN :it SMttire rates.
a ... I ,f the law will be nc.ld
. i, -!!!' f..i le.:il notices they hand in,
.no .i.i . i. c.i-iii. inning a prooi 01 pouiica
.ifii.. notice will be ticld tor the puhlica
va oi .such nut ice.
Aa mit spurn Is limited, communications
ruM b? biief and to the point, with no waste
.)i words.
The p-ip ;r is responsible, for tlie correctness
. r.lin.: to copy of paid matter and paid Le-
?.I.S. Il.iij.
1. Ai.y person who takes the papnr regularly
fi.'iiitlr- pn -office, whether directed to ins
ti.iane. or v. nth'T lie Is a subscriber or not is
responsible for the pay.
2. ir iijv person ordeis his pnper discontin
ued, he must pay nil arrearages, or the publish
er m?v continue to send It until payment is
marie.' :u:d collect the whole amount, whether
;iie paper is taken from the oHice or not.
3. J he courts have decided that refusing to
t.ifce newspapers and periodicals from the post
ofliee or removing and leaving them uncalled
f-r, is' iriina facie, evidence of intentional
The election passed off quietly.
Who sows Blue grass at 3 A. M.?
Six lbs Good Coffee for Sl.OO, at
52tf TiieGueat Red Store.
Garden-making is the order of the
1). & M. suit yesterday for killing
Ex-Commissioner Wolfe was in
town Tuesday.
James Sage is to put up a house
epjoaitc Dick Straight's.
IiOok oat for a good programme
for high School Exhibition. 2t2
Old Koreas still keeps up his play
ful Creaks occasionally.
High School Exhibition Friday
April Oth, at Fitzgerald Hall. 2t2
A young sow, three quarters Essex,
for saly at the Herald office. tf
See the Great Red Store ad at top
of la.-X three columns of this page.
A milk condensing factory is to bo
started at West Point, Cuming Co.
Will blue grass sowed in the dark
of the moon at 3 A. M , grow better ?
Mr. Carroll's little son, who shot
his leg off sometime ago is doing well.
Orders have been given to extend
the 15. & M. mail service to Arapahoe.
Henry Snyder has seventy-five
acres of fall (grass) wheat looking very
First class country hams and ba
con constantly on hand at F. S.
White's. 2t2
That same old Milwaukee Beer at
James Grace's, and "Charley" draws
the corks.
Call and see our ten cent counter,
on which will be found articles worth
from 23c to $1.00.
52tf Gkeat Rkd Stoke.
The schijolhouse at Glendala was
burned last Monday, the work of an
incendiary undoubtedly.
Mr. J. W. Dixon drives a three
year old Black Hawk and Ilambleton
ian maro that is a beauty.
Mr.Rbert Donnelly has been build
ing a fenci around his lots and other
wise fixing them up lately.
If yon want Turtle Soup, go to
Davis & Co. They just stalled the ed
itor on some the other day.
Croft Eikenbary seems in awful
good spirits ever sinca lie got back;
must have had a good visit.
Bro. Tewksbury of the Mill has so
many fat cattl and hogs ho don't
knew what to d with 'cm all.
A general assortment and lowest
prices at The Great Red Store. Elev
en pounds of good sugar for $1.00. 2tf
rhil. Barnes is putting up a great
big stone store in Weeping WaUr, we
saw the hole for the foundation, Men
day. Who sticketh closer than a broth
er Tlie Plattsruouth grain man to a
farmer till that load of wheat" is
Cass County i3 an awful mean
place to steal things in, with our pres
ent corps of officers on deck all the
Mrs. W. L. Wells has been quite
sick since reaching the farm, but we
are glad to hear that she is fast im
proving. The old Muddy was on a rise
Monday, live feet of it at Yankton,
come down here and tried to run over
An extra train on the C. B. & Q.
is reported, that will bring our mail
over evenings, giving us two eastern
mails a day.
A large Stock of Heady Mixed
Paints, an extia large stock of Paint
Brushes and every thing in the paint
line at Smith & Black's. It3
The Presbyterian sociable will be
held at the house of Mrs. Marsland on
next Tuesday. All are inyited to go
and enjoy themselves.
No one sells goods as cheap as The
Great lied Store no use talking, they
ain't used to it. In a few days we
will open up an immense stock, call
and see its. L. Kalisky & Son. 2tf
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. White left on
Wednesday for a trip to Chicago. Mrs.
White will visit her old home in In
diana before returning.
The party given by the Firemen
last Thursday nicht. was very well
attended, and was a success financially
and olherwis. The attendance was
largfly the young people of the city
and we hardly believed they could
turn out in such numbers. Owing to
Mr. Fitzgerald's generosity in giving
them the use of the hall free, their ex
penses were comparitively light and
oyer one hundred dollars was netted.
Personal. -
TTm. Morrow called to see Ihe old
Herald last week.
J. S. Coley, of Louisville called on
the Herald yesterday.-
Miss Simpson of Omaha, is a guest
of Hiss Maggie Dawson.
Mr. Timothy Dore, of Milwaukee, an
old friend of Capt. O'Rourke's, is vis
iting us.
Mrs. Calvert, of Omaha, made Platts
mouth a visit the first of the week, re
turning to-day.
Geo. Shrader and Mr. O'Brien called
last week. George is still a Greenback -er
and in dead earnest.
The Presbyterian Sociable at Mrs.
Marsland's next Tuesday evening will
be a very pleasant affair. 4
"Wave" Allen has bought another
mill out at Lincoln. He must have
found a Greenback machine some
wheres. David Ileiser, an old army comrade
of Hon. Sam. M. Chapman's, was visit
ing here last week, and goes west on
the B. & M. '
Gen. Sooy Smith, the well known
engineer, sailed for Europe on the
30th. Ilia son, Chas. Soay Smith, was
lately married.
"Wm. Daily, our jolly IT. S. Marshal,
was down here Friday. William is like
ly to open Judge Dundy's Court for
some time yet.
John Fandras .just returned from
Jefferson Co., Nebraska, and thinks it
is a magnificent country, but can't beat
old Cass after all.
Fred Herrmann returned from the
East Sunday morning. He has been to
bny goods, and dropped off at Indian
apolis to Bee his gurl. Look out, Fred,
these Plaltsmouth girls are jealous
Mr. Baker, of W. K.Baker & Co.,
started east last week, and prettty soon
the new goods will begin to roll in".
Ladies can look for new styles in dress
goods and all the novelties, and all
hands can find a supply of standard
n. "W. Zink, of Louisville, dropped
in to see the Herald yesterday, and
we had a very pleasant chat. . We
think a great deal of Zink, and don't
want to see him disappointed; but we
must ask him to read that report from
"School District No. 25," which we re
ceived just after he left.
Mr. Wm. Brown, formerly treasurer
of the B. & M. R. R., and a resident of
Flattsmoutb. now of LaSalle, 111,, stop
ped over with us last Saturday and
Sunday, on his way home from a trip
through this state, where he has been
to look up the prospects for a good lo
cation. "We hope Mr. Brown may find
it to his interest to make Nebraska his
home again and should be glad to wel
come him to Plaltsmouth once more.
The Platfsrnonth Herald is now
printed on a new cylinder press, the
first ever set up in Cass County.
Adams County Gazette.
The Cass County Democrat is
ausgespielt "We don't know whether
Sheriff Hyers or Bushnell and Morri
son will run her in future. ,
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Weckbach, of Omaha, which died
at that place cn Saturday last, was
buried in tho family lot here, Monday.
The last seen of "Jo. Biles" was at
the ferry across the Missouri, pushing
an emigrant wagon on the boat, icork
infj his way toward his former home
in Iowa.
The Great Tied Store is filled to
overflowing with new and fresh spring
and summer goods, right from Claflin's
immense wholesale house of New
York City.
Allen & Co.'s "Richmond-Gem, 33
cents per I4 pound, and Ole Virginia,
15 cents per package, both curly cut,
the best and finest smoking tobaccos in
town, sold at J. Pepperberg's. 50tf
The front of Baker & Co's and J.
S. Duke's stores, which were scorched
and marred by the fire, have been re
painted and the change is a decided
A good stock of groceries at rock
bottom prices. Don't forget to call
and see how cheap we are selling.
Country produce taken in exchange.
32tf Great Red Store.
We have neglected to mention be
fore that Wm. L. Wells had sold his
house and lot, on the corner of 6th and
Oak streets, to Mrs. Gen. G. S. Smith.
William goes to farming and practic
ing law at South Bend.
Come and price with us, before
you spend your money. No trouble
to show goods. One price and fair
dealing guaranteed.
The Great Red Store.
521 f Foot of Main St.
We return thanks to little Miss
Nllio O'Rovrke for a dainty boquet
of odorous flowers, which have render
ed our rooms fragrant for several days
May Miss Nellie's pathway be strewn
with flowers by friends her life long.
Exhibition by Junior Class of
High School at Fitzgerald Hall, Fri
day evening, April Oth, good pro
gramme consisting of Songs, Reading,
Declamations, Dialogues, &c. No
small children in Exhibition. Pro
ceeds to buy Library for theschool.2t2
Married In Piattsmouth, March
2Gth, at the M. E. Parsonage by the
Rev. John Gallagher, Mr. Geo. E. Mar
tin of Mills Co., Iowa, to Miss Ada
Sutherland of Cass County.
John Brown, a fireman on the B.
& M. was killed at Friendvillelast Sat
urday. He was oiling the engine and
in some way slipped off and fractured
his skull. The Hook & Ladder Co. of
Nebraska City took charge of thobody
and buried him there. He had been
working in tho yards here for some
time, and was a faithful, hard-working
City Election.
City election passed off quietly Tues
day, there was no excitement in any
ward except perhaps the first, where
M. Schnellbacker was put on a ticket
as against C. II. Parmele, the nominee
of tho convention held hist Friday
evening. In the fourth wardM. O'Con
nor had some votes but the tegular
ticket was elected. The vote was ve
ry light, as is" always the case when
there is no contest.
The first ward gave Johnson 88, Simp
son, 90; Patterson, 89; Vivian, 87;
Fairfield, 80 ; Leonard. 70 ; Wintersteen,
87j Gorder, 89; Parmele, 50; Schnell
backer, 39. - '
The second ward stood: Johnson,
51 ; Simpson, 53 ; Patterson, 52 ; Vivian,
52; Fairfield. 53; Leonard, 51; Winter
steen, 53 ; Fairfield, 48 ; Weckbach, 53.
Third Ward Johnson, 57; Simpson,
53 ; Patterson, 58 ; Fairfield, 50 ; Vivian,
5G; Leonard, 57; Wintersteen, 53; Pol
lock, 51 ; Miller, 57.
Fourth Ward Johnson, 54; Simp
son, 50; Patterson," 50; Vivian, 54;
Fail field, 53; Leonard, 55; iV intersteen,
50 ; Sharp, 47 ; McCallan, 54 ; M. O'Con
nor, 7.
The men are elected alle sainee, but
the most voters must have been sick
Tuesday, as the majority at homo is
"agin 'em."
For Sale.
Light Brahma eggs, at Jno. Leach's.
Premium stock and warranted. 3t3
The friends and patrons of W. II.
Schildknecht will in future find him in
the back room of tlie building, soon to
be occupied by C. E. Wescott, ono door
east of Frank Carruth's. 3t2
Waterman's Lumber Yard is now on
Fourth Street, in the rear of the Platte
Valley. Remember the place, and give
us a call at our new quarters.
II. A. Waterman & Sox.
Found I
A little black and tan dog with "a
valuable collar came to the house of
Mr. R. Metteer. The owner can have
the same by calling on the undersign
ed, proving property.
R. Metteer.
Lost or Stolen.
A small white Bull dog, abou 5)
mos. old, short ears and crooked tail,
fair cattle-caller. A liberal reward
will be paid for return to
3tf R. W. Hyers, Sheriff.
Ix)st or Stolen.
About three weeks ago, a sorrel filly,
3 yrs. old, large, fine colt, blaze face
and left hind foot white. A liberal
reward will be paid for her return to
the farm of John Gyger, 3 miles north
of Elmwood P. O. in Cas3 Co., or any
information that may lead to her re
covery. 3t3 Jonx Gyger.
Notice-is hereby given that tire note
No. Co, given Apiil 22d, 1879, by J. &
II. J. Streight, to Jas. Merryman for
One hundred dcllars (S100.C0) has been
lost; and the said note having been
paid, all persons are notified against
negotiating for the same.
Signed, James Merktman.
Sonth Bend, Neb., March 30, 1880. tl
Additional Locals en second page.
The rain last Thursday night and
Friday was gladly welcomed by every
one, and did much good to the newly
sown wheat, as well as settling the
terrible dust.
Waterman don't live where he
did, he's moved. Gone round the cor
ner to "see a man ;" in fact he wants
to see several men at his new lumber
yard back of the Platte Valley House.
Dick O'Neill, formerly with Car
ruth, but more recently of Leadville.
has returned to Piattsmouth, and
looks just as natural as ever. His
many friends have kept him shaking
since his return.
We told Billy Eikenbary the other
day that we drove from John Chal
fant's house, in one hour and twenty
minutes. "That's nothing,' savs Wil
liam. "I've drove the old Blacks to
Piattsmouth in an hour often."
Our County Treasurer, Mr. Pat
terson, went home tho other evening
and found himself the father of a fif
teen pound boy. He was so delighted
and astonished that he came right
down town (next morning) and set the
cigars up for the whole town, TJ. S.
Marshal and all.
The County Commissi oners sat
down on themselves Tuesday and
then went out with Geo. Fairfield to
hunt bridges Wednesday. We shan't
tell how Commissioner Crawford was
fixed when he left here, but if he don't
get better soon, South Bend will be
out one Commissioner.
The Fireman's Ball was very well
attended last Thursday evening. The
fioor was full of dancers, and the pro
ceeds will net quite, a handsome sum.
We are glad of this and hope prosper
ity may attend them. As usual, how
ever, those having the least property
to protect bought the most tickets.
Ed. Fickler, a son of Godfrey Fick
ler's, about sixteen years of age, in
jured his arm most seriously last week.
He was standing in a wagon with his
arm resting upon a gun which was
suddenly jolted to one side striking
the side of the wagon and going off,
the charge tearing his arm very badly
near the shoulder. It is now hoped
the arm can be saved.
lrolit $1200.
"To sum it up, six long years of bed
ridden sickness, costing $300 per year,
total $1,200 all of this expense was
stopped by three bottles of Hop Bit
ters taken by my wife. She has done
her own housework for a year since,
without tlie loss of a 'day. and I want
everybody to know it, tor their benefit."
For Sale.
Six or eight stands of Bees, in good
condition. Enquire of
2tf T. Pollock.
Dr. G. W. Clutter has returned and
will be found at his old rooms, oyer
Solomon & Nathan's Store. Remem
ber the Docter has all the latest im
proved machinery for cleaning and
fitting the teeth oa already have, and
for making and fitting those you
haven't got. 2tf
Kb Editor in Luck.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Rheumatism ;
of this I am convinced. For two years
I suffered with Rheumatism in my
left shoulder and right arm. and last
fall I was incapable of attending to
my duties, and lay many a night unable
to sleep on account of terrible pains.
A few weeks ago a severe attack of
this trouble struck me, and this time
I concluded to try the St. Jacobs Oil,
I must acknowledge, with but little
confidence in its merits. I freely con
fess that the result has completely as
tonished me. The first application re
lieved the pain very materially, and
the continued use of only two bottles
has completely cured me of this chron
ic evil, and that after the most eminent
physicians and their prescriptions had
been of no avail. I therefore consider
it a duty to publish the above for the
benefit of all sufferers with Rheuma
tism and kindred complaints.
G. A. Heilman.
3tl Editor, Republican, Pittsburg, Pa.
G. F. Gyger.
House Paintiner. Carriatre naintinsr.
Graining, Calsomining, Paper-hanging.
Work warranted and specimens shown
at J. V. Weckbach's and It. B. Wind
ham's. 52 mG
To Loan.
Money at 10 per cent, interest on im
proved farms. Apply to
5lm3 It. B. Windham.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Piattsmouth.
Thirty of the bent organ makers of the
World are competitors at the Paris Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Associated Press says
two gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
Dissolution .Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
James Keenan and James Grace, under
the firm name of Keenan & Grace, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts contracted prior to March
12th, 1880, are assumed, and will be
paid by James Grace, and all debts due
the firm of Keenan & Grace aro paya
ble to said James Grace.
James Keenan,
52t4 James Grace.
Piattsmouth, Neb., March 15th, 1880.
m a.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Piattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
:Vpril, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
42tf Superintendent.
IIome-Made Cigars.
Avoid smoking eastern filthy tene
ment-made cigars. Ask your dealers
for Pepperberg's pure brands of home
made cigars. If you don t find them
there, go where they are kept, and by
doing so, encourage home labor. Job
bing in cigars and smokers articles a
specialty, at low prices. A large and
varied stock of smokers' goods always
on hand, at prices to suit the times.
42tf . Julius Pepperberg.
Buckleu's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Retail, Piattsmouth. Neb. 241y.
Hard Wood For Sale.
Good hard wood for sale. Inquire
at G uthman & Weckbach's store. 44tl3
The .Mysterious Puzzle Solved!
To enjoy peace of mind and perfect
physical health, let 13, 15, 14. alone
and regulate your liver by taking
Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills.
By all Druggists.
A Physicians Clear Conscience.
Dr. C. C. Qilldaiid of Gallatin, Mo.t
writes: "I have sold your Sarsaparil
la, Dandelion and Iodide of Pot
assium, for more than one year, and
used it in my family, and can say that
I never used or sold a remedy for the
Blood or Liver that gave as good sat
isfaction as this medicine." By all
Read What a Physician Says.
1 was afflicted with a severe attack
of inflammation of the eyes, and could
get no relief until I tried Brown's
Arnica Salve Since then I have
used it in my practice, and freely say
that I think it is the most wonderful
healing Salvo ever made and invalu
able in every family."
W. W. Baker, M. D.,
Hastings, Iowa.
All of Browns Popular Medicines
for sale by J. H. Buttery, Smith & Black
and O. F. Johnson, Piattsmouth, and
John Painter and Eledge & Co., East
From a Distinguished Physician.
Prof. Green, a distinguished allopath
ic physician, wrote to the Medical Rec
ord to tLe effect that after all other
means had failed, he sent for the Kid
ney Cure (Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure), and to his astonishment cured
a serious case of Bright's Disease by
administering it, and afterwards found
it equally beneficial in other cases. 2tl2
filTjr'C Improved Itoot Beer Park
rl I ri TU 3 ag". 5 "tM. Makes five gallons
of a delicious and sparkling beverage whole
some nnd temperate. Sold by dragKista. or sent
bv mail on rt ceipt of 25 cts. Address, CHAS. E.
HIKES. Manufacturer. 215 Market Street, Phil
adelphia, Pa. 60126
An Honest Mediciue Free of Charge.
Of all medicines advertised to cure
any affection of the Throat, Chsst or
Lungs, we know of none we can rec
ommend so highly as Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs,
Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Hay Fever,
Hoarseness, Tickling in the Throat,
loss of voice, etc., This medicine does
positively cure, and that where every
thing else has failed. No medicine
can show one-half so many positive
and permanent cures as have already
been effected by this truly wonderful
remedy For Asthma and Bronchitis
it is a perfect specific, curing the very
worst cases in the shortest time possi
ble. We say by all means give it a
trial. Trial bottles free. Regular size
1.00. For sale by Smith & Black,
wholesale and retail.Plattsmouth.Neb.
Wednesday, April 7,1880.
Wheat. No.2..
Corn, ear
" shelled...
Barley, No. 2
tfl 85
40 CO
Native Cattle 3 60S 4 oo
Hors 3 60
Butter 22 25
Kkrs 1(
Potatoes -. 40 60
Nkw York. April 7. 1880.
Money 6 percent.
O 1 39
40 48
Chicago. April
7, 1880.
1 13
Hops, fhipning
Cattle. "
.$4 35a?4 55
. 4 20ti 4 40
. 5 Mm 5 80
Road Notice.
To oil tchom it may concern:
The xectiou line road, commencing at the
North West nw corner of section thirty-two
IS4, township ten 10. raiijie twelve 12, and
running South to the County line, has been de
clared by the Board of County CointnUioners
an open road. All objections thereto, or claims
(or d.miauex. must be 11 lea lu t tie county
Clerk's ollice on or before uo in. on the 12th (lav
of June. A. I). 180, or such road will be opened
without reference thereto.
3t5 J. D. TUTT, County Clerk.
Road Notice.
To all whom it may tonccrn:
The Section line road commenclnc: at the
South East (se) corner of the North East quarter
(ne?4), of Section twenty-seven (27), Town
twelve 112J. itanjte eleven iij. runiuuj; tnence
north on section line, to the south boundary of
the town of Louisville has been declared by
the Board of County Commissioners an open
road, and all objections thereto, or claims for
damages, must be filed, in the County Clerk's
ollice. on or before neon on the 12th day of June
A. u. 180, or such road will be opened without
reference thereto.
3t5 J. 1). l UTT, Co. Clerk.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Eetate of Sauford Potten-
er, in the County Court oicas Co., ebras
t'uon reading and Clin:: the duly verilied pe
tition of Dennis l'ottenger. praying that ad
ministration ol the estate ot ftauioru l'otten
ger. deceased, be granted liowara w. inK :
knlfil Mint notice of Lite nendencv of a:iti
cause be pubiished In the .Nebraska H'kkalu.s
weekly newspaper, pribted, published and in
general circulation in said county, lor three
consecutive weeks, and that the hearing of
said cause be set for iliu 4th dny of May, A. !..
1880. at one o ciock p. ni., at me omce oi me
County Judge, at liattsuoouth, at which time
and place, all persons interested may appear
and show cause, if any they have, why admin
istration of said estate should not be granted to
the caul Howard W. Zink, according to the
prayer of said petition. A. N. Sullivan,
luuuij duage.
riuttsmuuth. March 17th. 18S0. 313
Master's Sale.
States, kok the distkict of jskbuaska.
The Ctiiou Mutual Life
vs. Insurance Co.
Agnes C. Carper, et al.
Public notice Is hereby given that in pursu
ance ol a decree entered in lhe above cause,
on the 2Cth day of June. 1879, I, William Daily.
Special Master in Chancery iu said Court, will
on tlie 11th day of May, 10, at the hour of 10
o'clock In the forenoon of tlie said day, at the
North door of the United Slates Court House
in the City of Omaha,- Stale of Nebraska, sell
at public auction the following described prop
erty, to-wit : The North West quarter (uwy
of section No. thirty-one 31, in township No.
eleven (.11 J North in range No. twelve 12 East.
behii one hundred and sixty 1C0 acres ac
cording to Government survey, more or less ;
situate in Cass County, Nebraska.
3t5 Special Master iu Chancery.
Master's Sale.
In tite Circuit Court ok the United
States, kok the District ok Nebraska.
The Utiiou Mutual Life
vs. Insurance Co.
Livonia Becker, et al.
Public notice is hereby giveu that iu pursu
ance of a decree entered in tne above cause, on
the 26th day of June, 187J, I, William Daily,
Special Master in Chancery in said Court, will
on tlie lull day of May, 10, at tlie hour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, at the
North door of the United States Court House
in the City of Omaha. State of Nebraska, sell
at public auction the following described prop
erty, to-wit : The West half IwHl of the North
East quarter ne?4. and the North West quart
er nwii of the South East quarter sef of
section No. six c, in township No. eleven 11
North range fourteen 14, East sixth 6th P.
M. : sit uated in the County of Cass, State of Ne
31S Special Master in Chancery.
Master's Sale.
In the circuit Court ok the United
States, for the District ok Nebraska.
The Union Mutual Life
vs, Insurance Co.
Win. 11. Detwller. et al.
Tublic notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of a decree entered iu tlie above cause,
on the 2Gth day of June, 1879, 1, William Daily,
Special Master iu Chancery in said Court, w ill
on the llth day of May. 1880. at the hour of lu
o'clock in the forenoon of the suid day, at the
North door of the United States Ct.urt House
in the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, sell
at public auction the following dt scrbed prop
erly, to-wit: Twenty-eight 2J rods s-nd nine
teen l!j links East of the North West nw
corner of the North West quarter uw? ot the
North West quarter of section seven 7j. town
ship ten 101, North of Range twelve 12
thence South fifty-two 52 J rods,-theuce East
twenty-four 24 rods, thence South twenty
eight 1 2s J degrees East to the South line ot the
said forty acre lot ; thence North to tlie North
line of said lot ; thence West to the place of be
ginning, cot. ta.ning nineteen 19 acres, more
or less, situate in the County of Cass, State of
3t5 Special Master in Chancery.
Master's Sale.
In the Circuit Court ok the United
States for the District ok Nebraska
The Union Mutual Life
vs. Insurance
e Co., V
al.. )
Granville E. Fleming, et
foreclosure ok mortgage.
Public notice is hereby given, that in pursu
ance of a decree entered in the above cause, on
the 26th day of June 1879, I, William Daily,
Special Master in Chancery in said Court, will
on the llth day of Mav, 180. at the hour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon ot the said day. at the
north door of the United States Court House in
the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, sell at
public auction, tlie following described proper
ty, to-wit : The south east quarter se)4 of
section twenty-nine 2-J and tlie north east
quarter neof the northwest quarter nwitj of
section thirty-two 32 and twenty-live 25
acres off the west part of the north
half n't of tlie north east quarter
ne'il "I section thirty-two 32 and the- south
naif s'il of the northeast .quarter rieii of
section twenty 20 all in township eleveu 11
north of range thirteen 13 east of the sixth
16 Principal Meridian, containing in all three
hundred and live .V)5 acres more or less ac
cording to the original Government survey, sit
uated iu the County of Cass and State of Ne
braska. William Daily,
3t5 Special Master in Chancery.
Iu the District Court of the Second Judicial
District iu and for Cass County, Nebraska.
Elias Solomon and Isaac Nathan, 1
composing the firm of Solomon
d- Nathan, Plaintiffs,
John C. Ward. Streight & Miller.
The said John C. Ward, non-resident, de
fendant, will take notice that the above named
plaintiffs cid on the 20th dav of March, A. D.
1S80. file their petition in the District Court cf
Cass County. Nebraska, against vou, tLe said
JohnC. Ward, and Streight A Miller, prayiag
for a foreclosure of a Mortgage, giveuuy you
on the St h day of March, 1177, to one James
Bixbr, for the sum of $65.00, and which mort
gage was afterwards assigned to these plaiu
titts, the same bcin given oa one acre of laad,
described as follows: Commencing at the
South West (sw comer of the South East
quarter (seH) of the North West quarter (uwV)
of section five (5). township twelve (12). ranga
thirteen (13), East sixth (Cth) P. M., running
North twenty (20) rods, ; thence East eijfht (8)
rods ; thence South parallel with the West Hue
twenty (2) rods ; theuce West eight (gi rods to
the place of beginning, being in Cass County.
Nebraska. On the 3d day of April, 1880, said pe
tition was amended by making streight & Mil
lar defendants, tbey claiming to held a subse
quent mortgage rn I he same premises.
The prayer of plaintiffs' petition is that said
premises be told to sat'sfy their claim against
you. together with luterest and costs. Yeu are
therefore notified that unless you appear and
answer said petition, as required by law, de
fault will be taken against you. and decree
rendered accordingly.
By R. B. Windham. Atfy. 3t4
Estray Notice.
Taken tip by the subscriber, on bis enclosed
premises, in tleht Mile Grove Precinct, In Cass
County. Nebraska, eu the 3d day of February
&X, one brown beifer with red a'nd white head
ana white tail, supposed to be one year old.
No marks. J. 11. Mkisinokr.
March 20th, 1880. 3t
To owner or occupant of the following de
(crtbed real estate in the County of Cass and
State of Nebraska, to-wit : lot five (5) and six
(C) in block seventy-four (74) in the city of
Piattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska : You are
hereby notified that the above described real
estate assessed as belonging to a non-resident
of Cans county, was, on the itth day of Septem
ber, 1874, Hold to Cass county, Nebraska, there
being no other bidders therefor, for the taxes
levied thereon for the year 1873 ; and that un
less tlie xaine is redeemed from such rale on or
before the 1st day of July, 1880, a deed will be
issued for said real estate to 11. C. Smith, as
signee of said Cass County.
Z"l Xl. J. Sjlilil.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the last will and testament
Benjamin liouse, deceased.
In County Court, Cass County, Nebraska.
Upon reading and filing an instrument
writing, purporting to be a certified copy of the
last will and testament of Benjamin Rouse, de
ceased, from the lrobate Court of Cuyahoga
County, State of Ohio, It is ordered that notice
ol the pendency of said cause be published in
the Nebraska Herald, a weekly newspaper,
printed and published and of general circula
tion in the County of Cass and Slate of Nebras
ka, for three weeks next preceding the 16th day
April, A. D. 1880, and that the hearing of said
cause be set for l o'clock p. m. on said day, at
the County Court room in said Couutv. at
which time and place all persons interested
may ippear and snow cause, if any they have,
why said last will rnd testament should not be
admitted to probate and proved, according to
the petition filed herein.
213 A. N. SULLIVAN, County Judge.
Sheriff' Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by W. C.
Showalter, Clerk of the District Court within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the 27th day of April, A. D.
1880, at 11 o'clock a. in., of said day, at the
south ioor of the Court House, in said County
sell at public auction the following real estate
to-wit : Lot seven (7) block thirty-two (32). also
lot four (4) in block one hundred and sixty
three (163) in the city of Piattsmouth, also lots
one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) in block twenty
four (24). also bits nine (9) and ten (10) in block
twenty-six (26) Duke's addition, to the city of
l'lattsiiioutli, also lot No. nine (9) in block No.
ten (10) Thompson's addition to the City of
Piattsmouth. The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of C. 1, Moore, Defen
dant ; to satisfy a judgment of said court re
covered by O. L. Palmer, Plaintiff.
R. W. H vers. Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Piattsmouth. March 23d. A. D. 1880. 1 15
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of Sale, issued by W. C.
Showalter, Clerk of the District Court within
and for Cast County, Nebraska, and to uie di
rected, I will, on the 27th day of April, A. I.
1880, at lo o'clock a. in., of said day, at the south
door of tho Court House, in said County, sell
at Public Auction the following Keal Estate,
to-wit: The North East quarter (ne!) of sec
tion one (1). in township No. twelve (12), North
of range thirteen (13). East ; also, the West half
(wH)of the Stuth East quarter (se) ef the
South East quarter (se'i) ef section No. thirty
six (36), township thirteen (13), range twelve
(12). East, containing twenty (20) acres ; also, a
certain other tiact of land, kuown and describ
ed as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at the North
East die) corner of the North West Quarter
HnwH) of the South East quarter (se4) of sec-
nuu ii oia yut. iu tuwusiii)! twelve vIS -iurm
of range thirteen (13). East; luuning thence
West thirty (30) rods; thence South eighty (80)
rods ; thence East thirty (30) rods, and thence
North eighty (80)rods to place of beginning,
and containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less ;
all of the foregoing described property situated
in Cass County. Nebraska. Tlie same being lev
ied upon and taken as the proierty of VV. W.
Connor and Nancy Connor, defendants, to sat
isfy a judgment of said Com t by J. C. Cowan,
Piattsmouth. Neb.. March 23d, A. D. 1880.
H5 It. W. UYEKS, Sheriff Cass Co., Neb.
Legal Notice.
To the non-resident owner of the following
described real estate in the county of Cass and
Utate of Nebraska, to-wit : lots eleven 11 and
twelve 12 in block one buudred and twenty
two 122J in the city of Piattsmouth ; you are
hereby notified that the above described real
estate was on the 25th day of September, 1875,
sold toCasscounty, that said Cass county trans
ferred and sold all its right and interest to the
undersigned, John Reich, on the 5th day of
March, 1880, and that unless the same is redeem
ed from sucli sale on or before the 15th day of
July A. D., 1880. a tax deed will be issued for
said real eetate to the undersigned.
John Reich.
Piattsmouth, Nebraska, March 15th, 1880. It3
Guardians Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a
decretal Order made bv his honor S. B. Pound,
Judge of the Secwnd judicial District within
and tor Cass County, Nebraska, lu open Court
in the Court Room in the City of Piattsmouth,
Cass County, Nebraska, on tlie 18th day of No
vember, at the November, 1879, Term of said
District Court, 1 will on Saturday, the 17th day
of Auril. 1880, offer for sale t public vendue at
the front door of the Court bouse, in the City
of Piattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, at the
hour of two o'clock p. m.. of said day to the
highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and
interest of Fnnk Moore and Charles Moore
minor heirs and John Moore Idiotic son, heirs
of Mary Moore, deceased, of Cass County, Ne
braka, In and to the following described real
estate, situated in Cass County. Nebraska to
wit: The South East quarter (se) of North
East quarter (nei-i) of section twentv-flve (25),
township twelve (-2). North of range thirteen
(13) , East ; lot No, fourteen (11), section twenty
(20), township twelve (12), North of range four
teen (14), East ; lot No. forty-one (41 , section
twenty-nine (29). township twelve (12), North
of Range fourteen (14), East ; lota Nos. three
and seven (3 & 7). section thirty (30), township
twelve (12), North of range fourteen (ft). East ;
North West quarter(nwA)of North East quart
er (neU) of section thirty (30), township twelve
(12). North of range fourteen (14), East ; East
half (e'i) and south West quarter (wi,) of
North West quarter (nw) of section thirty (30)
township twelve (12), North of range fourteen
(14) . East; North West quarter nw) of South
West quarter (sw"4) of section thirty 30, town
ship twelve 12j, North of ran ye fourteen 114,
East. Said sal will remain open for bidders
for the space of one hour. Terms of sale. Cash.
114 JOSEPH B. MOORE, Guardian.
Proposals for Military
Supplies. Headquarters Department of the Platte,
Office Chief Quartermaster,
Fort Omaha. Neb., March 13, 1880.
Sealed Proposals, in triplicate, subject to the
usual conditions, will be received at this ofiice
until 12 o'clock, noon, on Tuesday. April 20th,
1880, or at the same hour, (allowing for the dif
ference In time.) at the oftices of the Quarter
masters at tlie followsng named stations, at
which places and time they will be opened in
tlie presence ol bidders, for the furnishing and
delivery of Military Supplies during the year
commencing July 1st, 1880, and ending June
30th. 1881, as follows : Wood. Hay and Charcoal
or such of said supplies as may be required at
Omaha Dept. Fort Omaha, Fort HartsuU, Fort
Niobrara. Fort McPherson, Fort Sidney, Chey
enne Depot. Fort Russell, Fort Sanders, Fort
Steele, tort Hall, Fort Douglas, Fort Cameron,
Fort Robinson. Camp Sheridan. Fort l-aramie.
Fort Fetternian, Fort McKinney and Fort Wa
shakie. Proposals will also be received at this ofllce
to the day and hour above named, for the de
livery on the cars at the o!nt nearest to the
mines on the line of the Union Pacific Railroad
of five thousand tons of Coal, of 2240 pounds to
lhe ton. Also for delivery at the Omaha Depot,
or at stations on the Lniou Pacific Railroad
east froni, Kearney Junction, of two million
pounds Corn, and one million pounds Oats.
Bids for grain should state the rate per loo
pounds iot per bushel. Payment for the sup
plies depends upon a future appropriation for
the purpose by Congress.
Proposals for either class of the stores men -Honed,
or for quantities less than the whole re
quired, will be received. Each proposal should
be iu triplicate, separate for each article, and
each station.
The Government reserves the right to reject
any or all proposals. A preference will be given
to articles of domestic production. '
Blank proposals and printed circulars stating
the kind and estimated quantities of Wood,
Hay and Charcoal required at each station, and
giving full Instructions as to the manner of bid
ding, conditions to be observed by bidders and
term of eon ti act. &c., will be furnished on ap
plication to tli is oflice or to the Quartermasters
al the various stations named.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
marked : "Proposals for at ."
and addressed to the underolgned or to the re
spective Post and Depot Quartermasters.
C2t4 Chief Quartermaster.
Prevent crooked boots and blister
ed heels by wearing Lyon's Patent Me
tallic Heel Stiffeners. 2t4
Is Leased to
wlio will9 during tlae
With their immense stock of
(Consisting of all IPriees5
HHeservc tills space for their
daily expected.
Wlien it comes looit out for a
Fine Showing
stud read our .AJD. in col
umns, carefully.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an Order of Sale, Issued by W.
C. Showalter, Esq.. Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to
me direcied, I will, on Monday, the 12th day of
April. A. D. 180, at 10 o'clock a. ni., of said day,
at the South door (being the front door) of the
Court House, in said County.sell at Public Auc
tion the following described real estate, to-wit :
The North East quarter (ne?4) and the South
West quarter (sw$4) o section No. three (3). in
township No. twelve (12), North, range No.
thirteen (13) : also, lot No. three (3), and the
South East quarter (se4) of the South West
quarter (swHt) of Section No. thirty-four (31),
in township No. thirteen (13), North, range No.
thirteen (131, East sixth (Cth) P. M. : all lying
and hoinc situated fn Cajttt fmiiitv. Nphraki
together with the appurtenances thereto be-
longing ine same neuig levied upon and taken
s ne property of Jason G. Miller and Mary P.
Miller, defendants (In the suit of Jacob Lefever
against said defendants, in the Distriet Court
of Cass County, Nebraska.) to satisfy a judg
ment and decree of said District Court, render
ed in favor of said Jacob Lefever. and aeainst
6aid Jason G. Miller and Mary P. Miller, at the I
April term of said District Court. A. D. 1878.
Piattsmouth, March 8th, A. D. 1S80.
Clt5 R. W. HYERS, Sheriff Cass Co., Neb.
D. C. Waoker, G, E. Bkxsi.ev, J. R. Benslej-.
Office, 66 Exchange Building.
reference :
We refer by permission to the First Nation
al Bank, Piattsmouth, Nebraska.
General Western Agent, headquarters at
Omaha. 2ni4
Livery, Feed & Sale
Or an Old Stable in new hand entirely.
The- New Firm of
open the old
on the Corner of Cth and Tearl Streets with a
New Livery Outfit.
Call and see HOLMES & DIXON. -45m6
Cud rfn (raw
3 I
I. IT 1
14 V A IM F" A bmlm lacfc
VZaIW I 1 U CMil; M lb. V. S. lo acll Um
"IrciayrSIa af Talaga Warth Kaairlac" tf aubacriptlaa.
To tack mmm. wick food refaraaaat, w. lutlik aatki tsaa,
m4 (it. iitm that wlU laaara a worker over $loa a auatk.
AMcaai IXTKKSATlOIAIi TIB. CO, Boa 24at, St. Laau, Ho.
J. E. Cunningham,
l'aper Hanging Kalsomlulng,
draining- and Cilazingr.
A specialty. Als a first class
Piano & Organ Finisher.
ty Would say to the oeoule of riattsmouth.
that I fully
A share of the patronage is solicited. Orders
will receive prompt attention.
New Departure !
or our well known Tailor,
Morrm QfRourke
On Lower Main St., opp. Court Hons.
will constantly be kept In stock and allordcrs
promptly filled.
A Fit Guaranteed!
in every Instance.
f&Dout forget the Location.
4tf M. O'ltOCBKE, Prop.
W. C. Bbowx.
Edwin K. Pkicjc.
Edwin E. Brown
proton, $)ritt Co.,
Commission Merchants In
Boom 81, New Exchange Building,
Union Ntoelt Yards, - - Chlcco.
refer bt permission to
E. 8. Sticknev, President Union Stock Yards
National Bank. Chicago. Win
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
ETC., .
Malu street. Corner of Fifth.
Still Better Rates for Lumber
$25 to $50001;
JadMoaalf biraaW4 la
Wail Sklaya lb foaoow
...... t..r f j u. .nr. -
V,I,W1U Wlinnnv. f 1 " " r - - - .
Svavcm olovorUInc la Stork. -allaiUo.Um . applita.
Imxi w Auia.liauw A Gu., Buk.n, J bivA il. T.