Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 18, 1880, Image 3

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    The Herald.
r:.:iii-nt. 25 rents Hue. Regular advertis
er. I;' rents per line. No adTeruscunait lusert-
t i..f le-ii 25 cents.
tinilren at Statute rites.
A ;t'.rtvy-. nii'l o;!u- t ot the law mill be neld
i-,.title lr ;i mvI notices they Intnd in,
U.i VI t.:irt;r tte::i.t:td!:iK a proof of p'lh'iua
.:: ot :uiy notice v. ill be te!d tor the ounlica
Uoi: 'm ! audi liotiu.
CO M M V.' X i C A VI O X S.
An ir spue Is limited, :t!l coMiimtnica'Ioiis
tins! ! hn.rf and U the point, with no wasW
T"m- i:i-t 1 r-piiHiljl for toe correctness
Vr.r:'..: 4 t copy of paid m-Ut-er and paid Le-kx-'h.
!. Any priu wlio takes the pfipfa- regularly
Iium tlic pm'-oince. whether rtiroc.ed to his
cilicr tie Is a subscriber or not 18
ruKiuiille for the ;i.iy.
1 It any person orut his paper discontin
ued he iiiu-4 pay all arrearages, or the publish
er n'wy contiuiie lo send It until payment is
made, mid eollect Uie whole amount, whether
U paper is la. n from the olilce or uot.
A 1 lie court cave decided that refusing to
take newHuaper and periodicals from the post
cflice. or removing and leaving them uncalled
for, U prima tacit tvideuce of utTaUtTiONAl,
Meals at all hours at Davis & Co.'s.
Six tts Good Coffee for 31.00. at
&2tf The Great Red Store.
Good Cigars remember, at Davis
& Co.'s. 51 12
More of the b lasted 8 now this
Are we goiug to have winter all
. Go and see Chambers new stock
or harness, etc.
Itezular cooked meals at all hours
nt Davis & Co.'s 5U2
Dr. Warner's Health Corset3 at
Mrs. .Tohnstm & Sweeney's. 51 12
Oysters always fresh and good at
Davis & Co.'s Restaurant. 5U2
Buy a ticket for the Fireman's
Jall, a good time is guaranteed.
Warm Peanuts at all times, fresh
misted, at the P. 0. News Depot. 1
An answer to Mr. Metteer's ware
bouse plan will appear next week.
A large stock of spring goods to
be seen soon at Chambers.
J. V. Glover has been appointed
Postmaster at Louisville. "All hunk."
Keenan & Grace have dissolved
partnership. Ktenan goes to the Black
II ills.
The "Plattsinouth Board of Trade"
ci;;ar is on sale now at the P. O. News
Depot. 1
Henry Eikenbary's barn is loom
ing up big, and is going to be"a nice
burn, too.
Row at Rock Bluffs as it is a
very grave affair we ferbear to men
tion names.
A line of new embreideries, very
cheap and ia late designs at Mrs. John
son & Sweeney's. 51 12
Don't fail to try the Boss Cigar
'Plattsmeuth Board of Trade" at the
P. O. Xews Dapot. 1
Philip, of Xews Depot fame, is
havi; soui of the nobbiest cards in
town, printed at this office.
T. P. Hegan, Esq., of Buffalo, and
owner of the lot on corner of Main and
Fifth streets, was here yesterday.
Twelve wagon loads of lumber
went out for Billy Eikenbary's barn
the other day ; made the street rattle. .
Ulyssis Grant, Jr., and Miss Flood
of Cal., arw really a goin' to get mar
ried some of these days, old gossip says.
Judge Maxwell came down on the
train with Ye Editor Monday even
ing, and went west to Lincoln Tuesday
The Bee says the Republican State
Central Committee will meet the 28th
of Feb., 1880. Like to see 'em do it
this year.
C. II. Parmele and Win. Murray
bought and shipped Tom Wiles' cattle
with theirs. F. M. Young also shipped
last Monday.
The cheerful "click" of the tele
graph key is now heard in the Red
Store, and Charly Powell is the boss
of the machine.
Call and see our ten cent counter,
on which will be found articles worth
from 25c to S1.00.
52 tf Great Red Store.
Come and price with us, before
you spend your money. Xo trouble
to show goods. One price and fair
dealing guaranteed.
The Great Red Store.
52tf Foot of Main St.
Xew designs in back combs, gilt
and jet hairpins, lace aud lisle thread
open worked gloves at
51t2 Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney's.
Xew and -Elegant flowers, also
new styles of silks and ribbons in pol
ka dots, and brocaded designs at Mrs.
Johnson & Sweeney's. 51t2
Go to C. G. Herold for your first
class clothing at low rates. The larg
est stock ever seen in the city and
more constantly arriving. 51t4
Old maa Fowler, the Phrenology
man is out west on a bust, and Prof.
Love can't get his bust and the whole
head business is most busted.
The Presbyterian Coffee Social will
meet at the residence of Mr. G. F. Gy
ger, Thursday evening, March 18th.
All art invited to come.
Mrs. J. X. Wise, Sec.
Allen & Co.'s Richmond Gem, 35
cents per i pound, and Ole Virginia,
15 cents per package, both curly cut,
the best anJ finest smoking tobaccos in
town, sold at J. Pepperberg's. 50tf
We will have on hand a large and
well-selected stock, bought from lirst
hands, which we will sell at rock bot
. taui prices. "Live aud let live" is our
ttlwlttvr, UIIU I'll 111 UlUIieV I IV Bwl fAII CTrSll e.k.m .
coming to see us.
' The Great Red Store.
52tf Foot of Main St.
Mrs. Capt. Paine went east Friday.
Wm. Murray has sold all his cattle
and did very well with them. They
were all in all perhaps as fine a lot as
any in the county.
Our Sheriff, Boss Hyers, returned
from 111. Friday, where he left ma
dame II. well, and all the folks sorry
to see him leave, as we are glad to get
him back. Most everybody out of debt,
except printers, like to see the Sher
iff now and then.
A blessing to humanity is what
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup can well be
termed, for it has done more good al
ready than any other medicines. 1
Oh yes. don't eat any more stale
Peanuts, but go to the P. O. Xews De
pot, and buy fresh Roasted Peanuts
from the Patent Roaster, always warm
A good slock of groceries at rock
bottom prices. Don't- forget to call
and see how cheap we are selling.
Country produce taken in exchange.
52tf Great Red Store.
Changing presses this week and
part of last, has necessitated the delay
of considerable Job work. We will
endeavor to have everything cleared
up by Saturday.
James Keenan returns thanks for
many favors received in a business
way, during his stay in Plattsmouth,
and savs he shall not forget the boys
in the Black Hills.
L. H. Pickard, gen'l sup't of Ca
hill & Co.'s Agricultural Implement
works, Kalamazoo, Mich., called yes
terday. They are selling Sulky Plows
in this County now.
It sort e seems to us that that
sand might be removed from the side
walk, between 51 h street aud the P.O.
Every lady has to trapse through, and
every person get3 sanded down, more
or less.
Mr. Frank Stander bwught the
handsome black Clydesdale team of
Holmes & Patterson, at nearly 400.
They are beauties, and Stander has as
good an "all service" team as there is
in the County.
Merges says quite a number of his
old customers come down the street to
hunt him up. The bad weather is de
laying his new building, but we hope
it will soon let up and then he can
move back to the old quarters.
Elbert Duke was down last week
and says the Block puzzle, of 15 blocks
in 16 spaces, to range regular, is all
the rage in Omaha. Duke says they
can't do it by any of the processes pub
lished in the great dailies.
W. R.Thomas, returned Saturday
night from Kirksville, Missouri, where
he has been on an inspection tour for
Calvert, the B. & M. Engineer. He
left for Omaha on the afternoon train
Monday, where he has a situation in
the B. & M. offices.
Scene Post Office Phil Young's
Peanut roaster running at full speed
(1000 peanuts to the hour.) Cap. Mar
shall at delivery window singing so
lo(w): "We may scatter and handle the mail
as we will,
But the scent of "them peanuts hangs
round us still."
Prof. Foster, a very fine temper
ance lecturer, whose meetings for the
past week have been advertised in
these columns, gave us an interesting
closing lecture on Tuesday evening.
We think him much superior to many
other lecturers who have been here,
and hope he may meet with success in
his work.
Among the curiosities of setting
up a new Power Press is the wonder
ful facility with which an ordinary
monkey or "8" wrench can crawl out
of the way of the men, even under
boards, piles of old newspapers, and
off in odd corners, behind posts, and
so on. We know they must have done
this, f 9r every one knows printers can't
lie, and each individual boy in the of
fice will swear that he "saw that same
wrench in plain sight," on the floor or
the press but a moment before.
A dry old joker, who lives not far
away, says, that some time ago a wid
ow lived on a certain road leading out
of town. A fellow citizen, who arose
early and came to town to his daily
work, got into the habit of watching
the tracks that led up to the widow's
house, as he walked along, and soon
got so expert that he could tell just
who had visited her. One day he met
a well-to-do fellow citizen, and says:
"You was late up at the widow's this
morning." "Me? I never was at the
widow's, at alll" "You must not lend
your boots to another man, then; let
ine see your right foot!" W-t-d-f-c
showed up, and behold, a projecting
tuck on the nigh quarter of his off foot
gave him away.
Hank Streight says a burly pil
grim walked iato his store, and up to
the window, the other day just a3 he
was busy making out some orders to
go into the mail, passing in a letter
and some change, he says: "I want
two stamps." Hank pushed out the
stamps and change without looking up.
The fellow waited and looked and by
and by says: "Ain't yon goin' to put
them stumps on?" Still writing Hank
answered rather shortly "Xo. I think
you've got about as much time to lick
those stamps and put 'em on as I have,
we don't keep a 'licking clerk at this
Post Office." "You don't lick stamps
here and put 'em on, ch?" "Xo I don't."
"Well you're a h 11 of a Postmaster,
that's all I've got to say. Down at
Plattsmouth they always lick my
stamps and put em on for me.rAeydo."
Hank came dewn hist week to set if
he could engage the "licking clerk,"
from the Plnttsmouth Post office to
come up there awhile.
(. F. Gjger.
" House Painting. Carriage painting.
Graininp-, Calsomiaing, Paper-hanging.
Work warranted and specimens shown
at J. V. Weckbach's and R. B. Wind
ham's. 52ui0
Time's Up. Get Aboard!!!
The renders of this paper this week
will have the pleasure of reading the
flrst issue f a paper ever printed on a
"Power (or Rotary Cylinder) Press" in
this county. We hope it is a pleasure
to them, for it has been anything but
a pleasure to us. "Our new power
press" arrived last week Friday; that
is to Bay, a mass of iron frames, bolts,
screws, slots, holes, rollers and thinge
were hauled up from the Depot, and
the bill called 'em a "Press," but we
found out they wern'ta press by along
shot. All day Saturday, all day Mon
day and most of Tuesday our boys aid
ed by Peter Bates and a host of "super
visors and enumerators" about town
f us'sed with those pieces, and bolts and
screwg and slots and levers and cranks
and eccentrics, and Wednesday morn
ing we could hardly say we had a press
yet, Wednesday noon however, she be
gan to roll them off, and "here's yer pa
per" bright and fresh as ever; not so
good as we would like it, not so much
matter as we will have, but yet the old
Herald wound off on a Cylinder and
squeezed by a crank in the most ap
proved and "eccentric" fashion.
Pardon us If we are a little mixed
this week, a little dizzy as it were. Our
ears have been dinned all the week
with: "Set her up, let her down, tura
her over, let her back, send her for
ward; bow, turn her; forward I! back
ward, raise her, lower her, come ahead,
back her up, put on more pressure,
take it off, unscrew that nut, where's
the wrench, loosen her, tighten her,
where's the wrench, that's it, don't you
forget it, now she goes, where's the
wrench oh! Gosh
how a wrench can hit, where's the
Doctor, sew my lip up, patch my head,
oh my fingers, screw her up, don't hit
there, let her loose, where's the wrench
and don't you forget it,
Any woman around thought I'd
make that press work, new she
work's, where's the wrench; no, she
don't, stop her, twist that iron, ink her,
hit that cam, regulate that eccentric,
where's the wrench, oh here
she goes; oh Lord! 'the fly' won't work,
fix the table, 'don't you forget it,
where's the wrench, my fingers, leoK
out, take care, here she goes, back her,
roll her, lower the cylinder, raise the
feed, fix the tapes, now regulate
'them eccentrics here wo are, now
she goes" till at last, after mashed fin
gers, lost wrenches, big cuss-words,
black-faces and inky-fingers have be
come common property, "thera eccen
tric's" (that, and don't you forget it, is
Peter's talk) all work, the live Machine
moves off in all the wonder of a nine
teenth century invention and clean
and clear the papers fall from the fly
like wheat from the thresher, "and
don't you forget it." ; '- r
Although Cass Couuty is one of the
oldest and richest counties in Nebras
ka, and Plattsmouth one of the oldest
and richest towns on the Missouri
River, this is the first Power Press
ever set np in the County or town.
Owing to the backwardness of our peo
ple in many things and the habit they
have ef sending . all their printing
away from home to save ten cents, r
even five, no printer has heretofore
felt like incurring the expense of so
costly a machine for making news.
Xow the day has come, however,
thanks to new blood, new energy, new
railroad improvements, and better
times generally, when it may pay if
we have the right kind of support, aud
we feel proud as we hope our readers
feel proud that the old Stand by The
Herald, one of the first papers in the
County and oue of the very oldest in
the State wa3 and is the Drst to add
to its power, its strength and capacity
and to your pleasure and profit we
hope, in making this grea,t improve
ment. Give us your hand friends and
help us along, but aboye all give us
your two dollars, to grease the cylin
der and ink the rollers and soon the
Herald will loom up with a nine col
umn Weekly and a neat six column
Daily attachment or annex. "Wehepe
so, and'you hope so, and so mote it be.
We learn on good authority that
Messrs. Crites and Wentworth, pro
prietors of the new Democratic paper
will bo here this week yet, or first of
next with their power press and a
good first class office. Their goods are
all on the train and may arrive any
day. K rites but we'll have papers
enough, eh ?
Take Notice!
Remember the meeting of the Driv
ing Park Association, on Saturday, at
1 p. rn.t sharp. Cap. Wiles ha3 received
part of the money, and the rest must
be paid; besides, new officers should be
elected. All turn out.
Yestry Notice.
The anuual meeting for the election
of Wardens aud Vestrymen will be
held at St. Lake's Church Easter Mon
day, March 29th, at 7:30 o'clock, p. m.
All members are requested to attend.
By order of the Vestry.
The Nebraska Farmer.
The March number of the Nebraska
Farmer is before us aud we like it. A
large amount of its space is devoted
in the piesent instance to the sorghum
question, and the matter is well hand
led both editorially and by correspon
dents. "We furnish the Farmer aLd
our paper both one year for 82.65.
Before you begin your heavy'spring
work after a winter of relaxation, your
system needs cleansing and strength
ening to prevent an attack of Ague,
Billions or Spiing Fever, or Some oth
er Spring sickness thai. will unfit you
for a season's wnrk. You will save
time, much sickness and great expense
if you will use one bottle of Hop Bit
ters in your family this month. Don't
wait. See another column.
13-14-15 Die.
Sherman, bring the shot gun, hand
me down the butcher knife, get a "press
wrench" or two now I'm armed;
hunt me up at once, youngster, that
man, that being who got up this 13-14-15
thing, hunt him up I say, or forfeit
your scalp; I want to kill him, he
must be killed.
We always theugbt our matrimoni
al partner was pretty level headed,
pretty strong morally, above small vi
ces, &c, until now. Last night one of
the bovs got a box cover and marked
out 15 squares in it, and then cut some
square pasteboard chips 1, 2, 3, &c, and
at it they went, wife and all. We came
home about ten, and 6, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13,
mumble mumble was all we could hear.
We put an end to that game and the
family retired for slumber there's
where we missed it, 'long in the night
better half was groaning, groaning:
"What's the matter dear? eat too many
apple-dumplings?" (she's very fond of
'em and we'd had'em for dinner) groan,
mutter, "13, 14, 8, 11, oh dear, I can't
get it" a few minutes quiet and then:
"I wish I'd never seen that puzzle."
This is only the first night, what it'll
be when the disease fairly comes to a
head we don't know. Any way we've
let Pepperberg's dog loose evenings
since to keep other folks away s it's
terribly catching.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
James Keenan and James Grace, under
the firm name of Keenan & Grace, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts contracted prior to March
12th, 1880, are assumed and will be
paid by James Grace, and all debts due
the firm of Keenan & Grace are paya
ble to said James Grace.
James Keenan,
52 14 James Grace.
Plattsmouth, Neb., March 15th, 1880.
Plow Trial.
The Farmers in this vicinity are in
vited to witness a test of Work and
Draft of the Celebrated Hapgood Sul
ky Plow, to be held on the farm of
Widow Adams, oh the old Fair
Grounds, about three mi!es south-west
of Plattsmouth. on the 26th day of
March, 1880, commencing at 11 o'clock
a. m. We claim to have the Lightest
Draft Plow in the World, aud will
prove to you by a scientific test with
the Dynamometer, that our Plow will
run lighter on the team and carry a
man than a common walking Plow.
Farmers, come out and test this mat
ter for yourselves while you have an
opportunity, and then, when ready to
purchase, you will know where to buy
a Plow that will not kill your horses.
We will give any man $10.00 who will
bring a Walking Plow into the field
that will do good work, and draw as
light as our Sulky Plow in proportion
to the inches turned. Come and see
By Fred Gorder, Ag't, Plattsmouth,
Xeb. 52tl
S. I. Smith, general superintendent
of the Kansas division of the Union
Pacific railway, arrived in the city yes-
W. H. Smith, of the firm of Short &
Smith, Syracuse, manufacturers of
three-spring wagons, is in town. Oma
ha Xews.
If Syracuse, or Omaha either, is short
of Smiths, we'll lend 'em some; frin
stance: A. Smith just arrived last night.
B. Smith left this morning with his
C. Smith ask Charley Black or the
D. Smith runs his own planer.
E. Smith just out. -
F. Smith will send word in a day
or so.
G. Smith remotely connected with
the chain gang.
II. Smith not taking a nap, but
making a map.
I. Smith ask the old man.
J. Smith supposed to be John;"uuf
K. Smith a nonest man.
L. Smith don't want to be known.
P. Smith put a C before it.
W. Smith everybody knows.
Old man Smith is raising a family
in Happy Hollow.
The young Smiths all growing up
healthy, happy and virtuous.
Rest of family on Assessor's books
next spring.
A young man by the name of Wil
liam Kotz, coachmau for Mr. Charles
McClellan, came to my store one morn
ing complaining that his feet hurt him
very badly, and expressing fears that
they were frost-bitten. He had in vain
tried to get relief by consulting phy
sicians, and had endeavored, without
success, to ease the pain by rubbing
his feet with snow and ice, the reme
dy applied in such cases. Being ex
posed a great deal to the cold by his
occupation, his feet got worse daily,
until one day he fainted in the street.
A few days after he again came to my
store and showed me his feet. I have
seen a great many sores in my life, but
nothing to equal this, and was afraid
the poor fellow would lose his limbs.
He asked me for St. Jacobs Oil: but
at first I refused, as I did not wish to
take the responsibility upon myself,
not being a great admirer of so-called
Patent medicines. However, some
friends, who happened to be in the
store at the time, begged me give the
St. Jacobs Oil to the sufferer; so we
rubbed his feet well with the Oil, and
he took the remainder with him. Aft
er nine days the same man again came
into my store, perfectly well, and re
quested me to write to you of this most
wonderful cure; he also stated, that
two other persons had been cured of
Rheumatism by the same bottle which
helped him. John Lenzex.
Avon, Loraine Co., Ohio, Jau. 17, '79.
Carpet Wcanng.
. The undersigned respectfully solicits
orders in this line, and guarantees com
plete satisfaction, or no pay. Charges
very moderate. Enquire at Fred'Herr
ni a nn's store.
4914 A. Hansen.
Our old stand-by, Fred. Gorder, has
now on hand Sulky Plows, for Spring
plowing xx Corn Planters x x Har
rows xxx ! ! ? ? But Cultivators
to insur th next corn crop that's
Fred's great "holt." Come and see his
Cultivators. s 50t4
Plattsmouth Driving Park "and Agri
cultural Association.
The stockholders of the above orga
nization are requested to meet at one
o'clock, sharp, on Saturday, March 20th,
in the Court House, for important bu
siness very, necessary to be transacted,
and a full turn out is earnestly re
quested, if the object of the associa
tion is to be a success.
J. Vallery, Sr.,
Jno. A. MacMcrphy, V. Pres.
51t2 . Sec'y.
Farm for Sale
820 acres, seven mrles from the city.
Improvements first class; 400 bearing
fruit trees ; Cheap and ok easy terms.
Call soon and get a bargain.
50t4 Will. S. Wise.
Notice to Teachers.
I will hold an examination at Green
wood on the last Friday and Saturday
of March. E. II. Wooley,
50t3 Co. Supt.
Davis & Co. keep one of the best
Restaurants ever run in the town. In
Ben. Hemple's old building. 5U2
To Loan.
Money at 10 per cent, interest on im
proved farms. Apply to
51m3 R. B. Windham.
All persons in Cass County who have
horuesteaded, will rind out something
to their interest by calling on me. Call
without delay. Will. S. Wise,
50t4 Fitzgerald's Block, Plattsmouth.
Misses Herrmann & Wurl have re
moved their Millinery headquarters to
Wm. Herold's store, where they will
be happy to receive their old custom
ers and many new oues. 50t2
A young sow, three quarters Essex,
for sale at the Herald office. tf
Allen's Mill oii the Weeping Water.
' W. T. Allen has his Mill in the very
best of running order and wants all
the custom he can get. He will guar
antee no one will go from the mill dis
satisQed, $5 reward for bad flour made
out of good wheat. He has all kinds
of stock" for sale and the very best, will
sell cheap on good terms. Call and
see him soon as he is selling out to
move west. He pays his best respects
to all of his old Customers.
50t2 W. T. Allen.
Thirty of the best oman makers of the
World are competitors at the Tari Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Associated Press says
two highest gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
IIoruc-Made Cigars.
Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made
cigars. Ask your dealers
for Pepperberg's pure brands of home
made cigars. If you don't find them
there, go where they are kept, and by
doing so, encourage home labor. Job
bing in cigars and smokers articles a
specialty, at low prices. A large and
varied stock of smokers' goods always
en hand, at prices to suit the times.
42tf Julius Peiperbero.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Stilt Rheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Retail. Plattsmouth. Neb. 24Iy.
Hard Wood For Sale.
Good hard wood for sale. Inquire
at Guthman & Weckbach's store. 44tl3
To-day's Eclipse.
Of all other medicines Browns Pop
ular Western Remedies, may be
seen in every family where used. For
sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith & Black
and O. F. Johnson, Plattsinouth, aud
John Painter and Eledge & Co., East
Itronu's Vegetable Liver rill
Cure Billiousuess and Sick head-ache.
unowxx coin; ii kalham
Heals the lungs and cures coughs and
Cure sore throat and hoarseness, and
clear and strengthen the voice.
Ilea's ulcers, cuts, burns and inflam
ed eyes.
Ilrowu'j (acriumi Cutarrli Cur.
Is taking the place of all other ca
tarrh remedies. WIkt. used in con
nection witli Comp.
la, Dandelion & Iodine ok Potas
sium, it has Xever failed to cure. 48tf
Notice lo Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass count', will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
E. II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
A Rochester Physician's Experience.
R. Caulkins, M. D., of Rochester, N.
certifies Oct. 6th, 1879, that he has
used the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure
in his practice for diseases of the kid
neys and liver, and the result has been
satisfactory in the extreme. He says:
"I would now prescribe the same rem
edy to all similarly alllicted, aud you
are at liberty to so stut in votir testi
monials." 41tl3
Dr. King' California Golden Com
pound. Is a strictly vegetable preparation,
and will positivaly cure Dyspepsia,
Sick Headache, Acidity of Stomach,
coming up of Food, Pain iu pit of
Stomach, Low Spirits, Biliousness,
Constipation. Jaundice, Liver Coin
plaiut or auy affection of the Stomach
or Liver, in the shortest time possible.
You are not asked to bur until you
know what you are getting. There
fore, an you value your existence, do
not fail to no to your Druggist and get a
trial bsttlfree nf cJiurgp, winch will
show what -a irtful.ti oho dollar buttle j
will !.. sk tor Dn. king s Cali-I
fouxia fioi.DEN Compound, and take :
n other. Sold by .Smith & IJbick, .
wholesale aud. retain, Plat summit, i
Neb. 27c6ly J
Wednesday. March 17. 1880.
dst 93
S 754 00
3 23
20 25
50 00
Wheat. No.2..
Cora, ear
" shelled,..
Burley, No. 2 .
Native Cattle.
NOT FATZ. to Mfl
for oar irle Lin for
I8SO. t Am to ur
aiUlreu upon p
bllcallon. Contmlna "
descriptions of Tery-
pionl or family om,
with over l.i00 lllntr..ii...n. We tell all
f ood at whole! prices In quantities to nuit
li iifhnwr. Theonlr Instil u! Ion In America
U47 JU-i iX Wtth.mii Ave., Chicago, 111.
inin rniuirea ror
11113170 Improved Koot Heerl'aelt
lllnLj as. 25 Ct. Makes live gallons
of a drliiiwiiH and sparkling beverage whole
some nnd temperate. Sold by druggists, or Kent
by mail on receipt of i ets. Address. CIIAS. E.
HIKES. .Manufacturer. 215 Market Street. Phil
adelphia, fa. 50126
Probate Notice.
n the matter of the Estate of Wilhelniine Mer
ton, deceased.
In the Couuty Court of Cas County. Nebraska.
Xotlce Is hereby nlveti that J. W Marshall,
administrator of the estate of the oald Wilhel
mina Merlon, deceased, has made application
lor final setlement. :.ud th:tt said cause is set
for hearing at my olHce at riattsnioiuii. on the
14th day of April. A. D. 18H). at 1 o'clock p. in.,
on baid day ; at which time and place all per
sons interested may be present and examine
said accounts. A. N. SULLIVAN,
Couuty Judye.
l'lattf nioutli, March 18, 1880. ti'ij
Proposals for Military
Supplies. Headquarters Department of the Platte,
Office Chief Quartermaster,
Fokt Omaha. Neb., March 13, lsso.
Sealed Proposals, iu triplicate, subject to the
ueual conditions, will be received at this office
until 12 o'clock, noon, on Tuesday. April aoth,, or at the name hour, (allowing for the dif
ference in time,) at the offices of Hie Quarter
masters at the followsng named station, at
which places and time they will be opened in
the presence of bidders, for the furnishing and
delivery of Military Supplies during the year
coinmeucing July 1st,' ltK). and ending June
Mtli, 1881, as follows : Wood, Hay aud Charcoal
or tuch of said supplies as may be required at
Omaha Depot. Fort Omaha, Fort Hartsuff, Fort
Niobrara. Fort McPherson, Fort Sidney, Chey
enne Depot. Fort Russell, Fort Sander, Fort
Steele, tort Hall, Fort Dou;latf, Fort Cameron,
Fort Robinson, Camp Sheridan, Fort Laramie,
Fort Fctterman, Fort McKinney and Fort Wa
shakie. 4
Proposal will also be received at this office
to the day and hour above named, for the de
livery on the cars at the point nearest to the
mines on the line of the Union Pacific Railroad
of live thousand tons of Coal, of 2-J40 pounds to
ihe ton. Also for delivery at the Omaha Depot,
or at stations on the I iilon Pacific Railroad
ast front Kearney Juui'tiou. of two million
pounds Corn, and one million pounds Oats.
Rids for grain should state the rate per 100
pounds not per bushel. Payment for the sup
plies depends upon a future appropriatiou for
the purpose by Congress.
Proposals for either class of the stores men
Honed, or for quantities less than the whole re
quired, will be received. . Facli proposal should
be in triplicate, separate for each article, and
each vtaiion.
The Government reserves the right to reject
any or all proposals. A preference will be given
to articles of domestic production.
Rlank propoval and printed circulars statins
the kind and estimated quantities of Wood,
Hay and Charcoal required at each station, and
giving full instruction a to the manner of bid
ding, conditions to be observed by bidders and
ternik of contiact, &c, will be furnished on ap
plication to this office or to the.Quarteraiasters
at the various stations named.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
marked : "Proposals for at ."
aud addressed to the undersigned or to the re
spective Post and Depot Quartermasters.
S2t4 ' Chief Quartermaster.
Probate Notice.
In the Matter of the Estate of Win. E. Done
Ian, deceased. In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given, that Allie V. Donelan
Administratrix of the estate of the said Wm.
K. Donelan. deceased, has made application for
final settlement, and that said cause U set for
hearing at my oiUce at Plattsmouth. on the
16th day of April, A. D., lsso, at one o'clock p.
ni., on said day ; at which time and place, all
persons Interested may be present and exam
ine said accounts. A.N. Sullivan,
County Judge.
Plattsmouth, March 10th, 1880. 6113
Sheriff's Sale.
Dy virtue of aa Order of Sale, issued by W.
C. Showalter, Clerk of the District Court with
in and for Cas County, State of Nebraska, and
to me directed, I will on the 17th day of April,
A. D. lsso, at lo o'clock a. in., of said day, at the
South door of the Court House, in the City of
Plattsmouth. in said County, sell at Public Auc
tion the following real ectate, to-wit : The
North half (uH) of the South East quarter (se
Vi) of section twenty-four (4), township eleveu
(II), Eastof the sixth (6th) P.M.. situated In
Cass County, Nebraska, 'ihe same being levied
upon and taken as the property of Annie P.
Ellison, administratrix of the estate of Harvey
E. Ellison, deceased, and John Black, defend
ante, to satisfy a judgment of said Court by
Uriah W. Wise, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Neb., March 9th. A. D. lsso.
R. W. HYERS. Sheriff Cass Co.. Neb.
6115 Uy M. McEuvai.v, Dep'y.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate ot Stephen Osborn,
In the County Court of Cass County. Nebraska.
Upon reading and Clint? the duly verified pe
tition of Elizabeth J. Osborn. praying that ad
ministration of the eetate of Stephen Osborn,
deceased, be granted to her : Ordered that no
tice of the pendency of said cause be published
iu the Nebraska Hkkald. a weekly newspaper
printed, published, aud in general circulation
in said county, for three consecutive weeks,
and that the hearing of said cause be set for
the 6th day of April. A. D. 18s. at 1 o'clock p.
in., at the ofllce of the Couuty Judge, at Platts
mouth, at wiitch time aud place all persons in
terested may aopear and show cause, if any
they have, why administration of said estate
should not be granted to the said Elizabeth J.
Osborn, according to the praverof said petition.
A. N. SULLIVAN, Co. Judiro.
Plattsmouth, March toth, 18So. 5it3
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of ait Order of Sale, issued bv W.
C. Showalter, Esq.. Clerk of the District Court
within and for C:iss County, Nebraska, and to
me directed. I will, on Monday, the 12th dav of
April. A. D. lsso, at 10 o'clock a. in., of aid da
at the Smith door (being ihe front door) of the
Court House, in said Countv. sell at Public Auc
tion the following dcHcritei real estate, to-wit
The North East quarter (iip'4) and the Smith
West quarter (su f4) o section No. three (;t. in
townxliip No. twelve (li). North, range No.
thirteen (13) : also, lot No. three (3), and the
Soutli East quarter (se) of the South West
quarter (sw1) of Section No. tliirly-rour (34l
iu township ,o. thirteen (13), North, range No.
thirteen (13, East sixth (oth) P. M. ; all King
aud being situated In Cass County. Nebraska;
together with the appurtenances thereto be
longing The same being levied upon and taken
8 the property of Jason G. Miller and Mary P.
Miller, defendants (In the suit of Jacob Lefevcr
against said defendants, in the District Court
of Cass County, Nebraska.) to satisfy a judg
ment and decree of said District Court, render
ed in favor of said Jacob Ifever, and against
said Jason G. Miller and Marv P. Miller, at the
April term of said District Court, A. D. 1878.
Plattsmouth. March th, A. D. 15).
51t5 it. W. H VERS, Sheriff Cass Co., Neb.
Legal Notice.
LixrOLJf . Fehruarv ifi tmn
It Is hereby certified that the Homk 1 ssi n-
anck Co. of New York, in the State of New
York, has complied with the lnsurancfl Law of
this State, and is authorized to transact the
business ot Fire Insurance iu this State for the
current year.
Witness my hand and the seal of
the Auditor of Public Accounts the
J seal I" and year tove written.
1 f F, W. Likdtkk,
, Auditor P. A.
50t4 - Iu Charge of Insurance Department.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the last will and testament of
Josephs. Upton, decea-ed. iu County Court
of Cass County, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby fcivcii that Ci. S. Upton lias
filed an instrument iu writing, purport in;; to be
th- hist will and teriament of Josephs Upton,
deceased, and asking thai the same be admit
ted to probate, and proved as such bu t will and
testament, aud that the bearing of said caue
is set for lh Cth day of April, A. D.. lssc, t one
o'clock, i. in., on said day. at the office of the
County Judge in PlattKiiiiuith. Neb., at which
time and place all person interested may ap
pear, and show cause if any they liav. why
saitl instrument should not be admitted to pro
bate. , a. n. sui i.ivan;
50t3 Co.Judi-e.
To owner or occupant rf the follow it g de
scriled Real Estate, in the County oi Cass and
State of Nebraska, to-wit : It No. 4 In Block
No. T4 iu the city of Plaltsun.ulh. Cas County.
NebrasKa, You are hereby noiiQet that the
above described Kesil l-NtatnsscKi,ed as bclorg
ing to a noii-resiileul of Cass County, was, on
the 23d day of Noveinb. r. 1 77 sold to me.ihe
undersigned. tlere lehig ll other bl ldeis. for
the taxes levir-d :l,ereoe f.,r the year l7fi. :n:d
thai uiil the s:tine is i. t.'ei:.ed fioiit nucli
sale mi r befoie the 1st dav of Aj r.l. IS.-.0. a
deed will be issued for s.iid Real Estate to
4L-ti3 - 1LC. Smith.
F mm m
SharilTs Sale.
By virtue of an Execution, Issued by A. N.
Sullivan. Couuty Judge ulthln ami for 1'a.H.i
County. Nebraska, ami to me directed, 1 will on
the 3oili dav of March, A. I). km0, at 1 O'ciock
C. -in., of said day at the premises no occupied
y Henry Snyder, in aiu County, sell at Tubllc
Auction the follow Inc. to-wit : Five hundred
bushels of wheat in the bin. The Name lielnir
levied upon aud taken as the property of Hen
ry Snyder, defendant, to satisfy a Judgment of
said Court recovered by Ell I'luninier. plaintiff.
J'latlxmouth . Neb.. March 17th. A. D. Ikho.
52U K. W. MVEKS. Sheriff Cass Co.. Neb.
Public Legal Sale.
By virtue of a vote of the legal voter of Dii-'
trici k, in tawiut inei'iui assembled, I w hi. on
the 25th day of March. A. 1. Ism), at 'i o'clock
p, in., sell at Public Auction the School House
belonging to District 65, of Cass County, Ne
braska. The sale to take place at the door of
said school house. E. H. WOOLEY,
Supt. Pub. Iust'n, Cass Co., Neb.
Plattsinouth. Neb., March 1st. lsso. 50t5
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an execution issued by A. N.
Sullivan, County Judge within and fur Cass
Couuty. Nebraska,, and to me directed. I will,
on the IE tli cay of March. A. D. 1X80. at 11 o'
clock a. in., of said day, at the residence of
Joseph Campbell, in Rock Rlufts Precinct, in
said County, sell at Public Auction the follow-
Reaper and Mower, and one Thrcshit.g Machine
and Horse Power, and all appurtenances and
fixtures for miming the said machine. The
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erly of B. F. Mariow, defendant, to satisfy a
judgmeut of said Court by John H. Bachelor,
Plattsmotith, Neb.. Feb. 28th. A. D. lo.
5012 K, W. HYERS. Sheriff Cass Co.. Neb.
Notice Is hereby given that on the 15th day
of September. 1875. 1 purchased at tax sale the
north half (n'-i) of the south eat quarter (se )
of section thirty (30). township ten (to), range
thirteen (13) east 1. M.. situate iu Cass Couuty,
Nebraska, for the tax of 1874. and taxed to .
And that unless redemption therefrom is
made before the J9th day of June, lsso, at the
expiration of which date the right to redeem
will expire, application will be made to the
Treasurer of the above said Countv of Cass for
a tax deed thereon, S. N. A1EERIAM.
March 4th. 1880. 6ut3
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale. Issued by W. C.
Showalter. Clerk of the District Court within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, anil to
me directed, I w ill on the 5th day of April, A.
D. 18S0. at 10 o'clock a. in . of said day, at the
south door of the Court House, in the city of
Plattsmouth. in said County, sell at Public Auc
tion the following real estate, to-wit : The
South east quarter (seH) of the North West
quarter (nwU). and thirty-one (al) acies oil of
the North East quarter (ne of the North
West quarter (nw! I. being all of said last nam
ed quarter, except what lias been previously
deeded to other parties ; all in section nineteen
(lw), township No, twelve (12). north of range
fourteen (14). East of the Cth P. M. ; all tn Cass
County, Nebraska. The same being levied up
on and taken as the property of James O'Neill
and Rachel O'Neill, defendants, to satisfy a
Judgmeut of said Court by Jacob L. Phillips,
Plattsmouth. Neb.. March 2d. lsso.
It. W. HYERS. sheriff Cass Co., Ntb.
50t5 By M. McElwaix, Dep'y,
The unknown owner or owners and claimants
of lot No. four (4) in block No. twenty-seven
(27) in the city of Plattsmouth, in the countv of
Cass aud Statu of Nebraska, will take notice
that on the 4th day of April. A. D. 1878 oue
James Grace purchased said lot No. four (4) iu
block No. twenty-seven (271 in said Platts
mouth City at Treasurer' tax sale for the de
linquent taxes of the year 1876 and took and
received from James M. Patterson, Treasurer
of Cass Couuty a tax sale certificate of pur
chase for said lot four (4) in block No. twenty
seven (27) and that afterwards, to-wit : on the
13th day of February 1879. the undersigned as
signee for a full and valuable consideration
purchased said certificate of sale to said lot and
took a due and rcgnlar assignment of the same
and that the undersigned will on the 2.5th day
of May. 180. present said tax sale certificate to
the Treasurer of Cass County, Nebraska, and
demand a Tax Deed Conveying to the under
signed, the full and complete title to said lot
No. four (4) iu block No. twentv-seven (27), In
said Plattsmouth City.
3f A M r" E? A tenptent buttura man in earh
VlHIl I C V coo.ty III. I . S. to acll tba
tsloMiia uf Tfeiac Wartk KaowlMff" bj ubtcritliia.
To.vca Bun. with good rcf.rcaOM, w fur.ub tUr Mtnt trr,
ud givt term tbat will ft worker Ter flOO mmiL.
AddfM. IM Lka ATIOX At riB. IO-, Boi 24U2, bl. Uui, Ha.
W. C. Bitowx. Edwin E. Hbowk
Edwin It. Pkice.
rofon, rict Co.,
Coininisfclou Merchants In
Room 81, New Exchange Building,
Unlou Ntoek Vards), - - Chirac.
E. S. Stick nf. v. President Union Stock Yards
National Hank. Chicago.
W. M. UBAtoElffi & CD.
Httcsefive tBois space for tlseir
daily expected.
Wlacsa it conacs loolk out for st
Fine Showing
and read our AUD. in tlienc col
i iins.8, carefully.
niCHOLS.SHEPARD & CO.BatC3Creer.Hicl.
A"TOIni'CI.T nntATtLT: M mwlrMin, mvi: '! I'" kajr iho itm 00a tolu.
PORTABLE, TRACTION, oul HTUAH'.Ul'KM.NW HTKAM-EAtil.NKM, with om1 lciamHmv
DurabilUj, KaosoiBT, oo4 Beootr niMr utmi I. MM Bioata. Ulna P.ra tlulou wl luu Nn
Brporotora a apMlalt, t'oor atua mt Seporotora, from 4 to 11 aro-er ; oloo t atytea loiprored Jaaoatoa BwoPawara.
Years rrwapero. an4 Cwatlwawu BwatwM ' omm. wUImm cfcaac. of mmmrn. Well tea, or aaaof.
oMBt, fornUaco a alrouf gooxautao fur aoperMMT food. aa Boaorabl. araUac.
f I IT I fa II I Th vmaer'ol aaosraa aad oovalorltr at
UHU I lUll I Vima.Tom MocliiBar, baa 4rtra .titer
Biocniaea t. to. wall : braoa rorloaa otokora oro bow iiicom.
lac to ootid aad palat oft laforkoT and aaoagral baltatioa of
sar foada.
hj nob xpertaMittkl rnl vtMthleM mfteMaerr. If Tea hit
V ret 1 "Ottla3Al. u4 th 4iEAXiK
C 7 for fbll MrfJet.1.u-s om anr delrs. r vrtta
t tor .U-ui4.i Cireuura, wiUck w mail trot. A4dtm
BICHOLS, 8EFA1U ft CO., Batt! Creek, Mich,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Malu street. Comer of Fifth.
Still Better Rates for Lumber
New Departure !
of our well known Tailor,
Morrm O'EqufIcg
Chi Lowtr Main St., opp. Court House.
will constantly be kept In stock and allorder
promptly filled.
A Fit Guaranteed !
In every instance,
f ffDont forget the location.
4stt M. O ROURKF, rrop.
tex run ckxt i.ti:ri:st
Enquire of D. II. W1IEELEU & CO.
Plattsinouth; r It. E. MOOIIE, Lift
colnT Nebraska. 21tf
Livery, Feed & Sale
Or an- Old Stable in neto hand tntirelg.
The New Finn of
open the old
on the Corner of Cth and Pearl Streets with A
New Livery Outfit.
houses kept nr the day oh week.
Call and see HOLMES & DIXON.
J. E. Cunniuglinm,
Paper Hanging-, Kulsomliiliigr.
4.1-aliilng and c; la zing,
A specialty. Also a first class
Piano & Organ Finisher.
Cfif Would say to the people of Plattsmouth,
that I fully
A share of the patronage Is solicited. Order
will receive prompt atteuiion.
S'ainler & C vainer.
IJatnling, raining, (Biasing,
Alio, Decorations of nil kiadx.
Painted in Good Style.
.1. Vai.i.kkv. Sr.
E. Hkkh.nkk.
Threshing Machinery and Portable
and-Tractlon Engin .
T1IF T ANOAKD u.Ueaa. iMmufUttt a Qrmk
'wrl l.
M ATMII.ES tor Ormi.-B.Tlof, Tia-8aTlm, rrfect
Cktiiim. .nd 4 nortufk Wtrk.
JM OMPAKABLK lo t K.HrUJ. PtrfuHom
I I'uli, rerJ rkmujMlup, MUfmu JUuk, u4
JfMWa f Mud.1.
MAKVKLOC8 far r mwmHot wart la ad mints mt
Groin. B"l KwtwMtif Imi M l. Miy mywlM TkrwlMC
im k'i., TfMh. Clow. u4 oil .taer Hi.ii