-a- V - !i THE HEliALD Ail Sorts. Another way to settle the Lilian problem is to have all tho white folks killed oil. Mother "Now, Ennna. what is tho tenth conimandnicnt?" Kinina, aged 6 -"The same it was last Sunday." Some cnojiny of aMinncsota sawmill owner drove spikrs into tho lor, bo that 00 worth of saws wei-e spoiled. Greatness is transient, but a jrood moral character endures ju&t as long as a man kcep3.it iu g"ood repair. An English school board has ex pelled an 8-year-old pupil who camo to school with ornamental beads in cars. An Englishman has invented a ma chine that will firo SoO shots a minute and they will pierce an iron-platod" vessel at a distance of 1,000 yard?. A lady dentist in I5eilm has charge of-the teeth of the children of the Crown Trince, and a number of lady physicians rank high in European cir cles. George Eliot lives in a place where there is no profanity. The inhabitants merely mention tho name of the town vigorously, and thus avoid swearing. She lives in Godalming. The Parisian dinner hour grows an hour later every twenty years. Now it is 7i, and, as a consequence, the the atres are permitted to keep open till 12J instead of 12 o'clock, as formerly. A figure of Scsostris carved on a rock in Asia Minor, and minutely de scribed by Herodotus, was recently discovered by the English Consul at Smyrna. A poor but hlgh-Fpirited woman in Chicago, pounds an old rag on the kitchen table every morning to make the neighbors believe she has beefsteak tov breakfast. A young lady who didn't admire the custom in vogue among her sis ters of writinga letter and then cross writing it U illegibility, said she would prefer her epistles "without an ovcrekirt-" The housekeeping expenses of the Sultan are $ 10,000 joOO. Hut then it must be remembered that he pays for his plumber work by tho day, and keeps a Newfoundland dog whoeo ap petite couldn't be better. The number of foreign firms en gaged in commerce in China is 351, 6nd the total foreign population is 3, 14. The population of the treaty ports is estimated at 4,00o,0o0 The American residents number 420. The reading room of the British Mtucum contains three miles of book case. eight feel high. The dome whence the ck-ctrio light irradiate? the vast room is next to that of the Pantheon at Home, the largest extant. Cctcwayo ?ays there was only ten of his men present when the Prince Imperial was killed. A bold stand "Would have saved hi-? life, if the Zu lu king is to be believed, and the fate of an ciopiie might thus have been changed. Two friends were passing a church one evening, when a Fti"iig smell of burning leather pervaded the air. -I wonder if that is the odor of sancti ty?" said one. think it must be," was the quick reply, ''for it smells of sole." We remember now an old farmer, whsse zeal at grace was 'hardly suffi cient to repress his appetite, and h used to end his prayer in the follow ing unpunctiutcd manner: "Aw. biess us all for Christ's sake Joe pass the pota! eci!" Itabbi Joshua once met a boy who carried something in a covered ves mYi" "My boy," said the vabbi, ;what have you in that covered ves Fel?" "li" it was iriien 1-d for you to know," replied the boy, "it would not be covered." - The male members of the Keokuk bar showed no jealousy when Miss Nannie Smith was admitted to prac tice. The presiding Judge descended from the bench to shake hands with her, and the lawyers si b,e puently gavo her a. banquet. 'Tis the fr",vceoc thing in life to Pee the childlike simplicity and deference to niitenitl authority which a maiden of 35 or 40 will exhibit before a room full of people as -hc skips across the iloor to ask mamma- if she may walk up and down the piazza for a little while. Pedestrian (who has dropped a half dollar in front of "the blind''): "Why vou wretched irtmhr.g, vou're not blind!" r.ogg;ir "X.,t T, sir. If the card says I am, they must have given me a wrong oue. 1 am deaf and tfurnb!' A box stall costing ?13,000 has just been finished in tho stable of Karon Eothschild iu Vienna for his favorite horse. The stable proper has marble iloor?, encaustic tiles painted by dis tinguished artists, rings, chains, and drain traps of silver, and the walls are frescoed with hunting scenes.- The building cost SSO.Cuu. At a certain We? Jem Convention the I'cv. was elected by the cler gy oil several ballots; but was, as many limes rejected by tho laity. Some one, not very long afterwards, asked him, '"If a l)ean is Very liev erer.d, .'pul a Bishop Bight Reverend, what would a Presbyter be who had been only half elected?" He replied lie ".uppoed he might be called tho left' Reverend!" "We have received a copy of an odd littl pamphlet entitled "Readers aad Writer's Economy Notes," which seems to be a sort of mutual repository for suggestions from its various subscrib ers on all sorts of things of use to fel low members. We take froca it au itm descriptive to itself. HOW WE LOOK TO AN INTELLIGENT FOREIGNER. (Translated from the Paris "Revue Politique tt LiiUraire," ' 14th June, 187'J.) "There has been organized at Boston, under the curious - name of Readers' nnd Writers' Economy Club' (Club de LTconomie pour I'S Lecterns ttles Ecricai-iS,) an association whose leading idea is truly American ; that is, truly original. Its object is to save the time, money, labor and teiaper of readers and writers by eo-opeiative metliods of manufacturing certain books and articles of merchandise. Members of th Association are to ex change suggestions ar.d information with frach other; a;.d it is hoiked that ibis way of working will result, in greater cheapness and ease of supply than would be possible to single iso lated students, since they will be al ways .able on this plan to procure at - once from some specialist information which by themselves thpy csuld nt get without a great deal of trouble. The difficulty with the Economy Club, it seems to us, will be to maintain any thing like an equality among the con tributions of the members. There a: sromf people who lik to receive a good deal and to give but little; and these are exactly the ones who will be mast prompt to offer themselves as rnaai bera of such a body." The uiSicalty apprehended by our genial cotemporary has not' thus far made its appearance; or, at any rate, there has been abundance of suggest ions from th3e who are quite willing (in ZSTew Testament phrase) to ! gosil 'Z'iV&z for nothing again. Ed. Uodej's Lutlj's Book Tor March. Godey's Eady's Book for March is a choice number of this old established favorite of the fair sex. Its fashion plates are numerous and beautiful, giv ing the latest styles f costume for the blustering month that, turnisg away from winter, heuitates to smile on spring. The diagram is a pattern for a street wrap of new design, and will be especially useful at the season when the heavier wraps of extreme cold weather are discarded. Mr. Bar ley's picture is a cestinuation of the Illustrations of the Poets, commenced in the l ebruHiy number. It is a spir ited scene from ills. Browning's poena, the "Rhyme of the Duch?ss 2Iay, and is one of the master-piecM of the great artist. The literary department is va ried and entertaining; '-Rcslyn's Tor- tune, the new serial by Christian Reid, is continued, the interest increas ing with every page. The "Rosebud Garden of Girl6" is concluded, but the editors promise a new serial, "Glen- archan, in the April number. GodbTojiPANiT Number Six. Good Company, ($3.00 A year ; SpriHg- held, Mas3.) Number Six, is as asual rich in stories. They include Better Times, by Ellen W. Olney; Cousin Se- raphina, by Sydney Hall; Aunt Het ty s .Slery, by Mrs. E. D.E.Bianciardi; and Old Barry's Son. There are these sketches: The Threshold of the Gods, by Maurice Thompson; A Little Trav eler, by Miss S. O. Jewett, author of Deephaveu; and After Fifteen Years. The writer or Acer Saccharniurn has a charming article, Snow Pictures. Austin Biei bower sets forth with much dietiuct nrss the fundamental differen ces of the republican and democratic parties. There is a careful account of the treasury department, and its pres ent head, Hon. John Sherman, by "Da vid Copperticld." Mr. G. M. Towle's bit-graphical sketch is about Victor Hu go. There are also The Indian a3 he Used to Be, Roman Mosaics, Adara and Eve; and poems by Mrs. Wyetb, and Herbert Hall Winslow, the young west ern poet wlio?e creditable work is to some extent familiar to the public; al so the editorial departments. The six numbers of the volume just closed, and those of the volume beginning with the next number a year's subscription-will bo sent for 2.50. This gives an admirable chance for those who are not familiar with Good Company to try it. tiid pro (no. Since the earliest ages, two prcblems have engaged the attention of specula tive humanity; perpetual motion, and the getting of something for nothing. The lirat remains, and is likely to re main, unsolved ; but if the evidence of printer's ink is to be trusted, the solu tion cf the second has been arrived at by the publishers of Ehrich's Fashion Quarterly. "And how soV" remaiks the reader, incredulous ? Marry, thus : By an ingenious system f combina tion subscriptions, the publishers of the Quarterly offer to ser.d their maga zine, free of all charga whatever, to ajl who may subscribe, tbroii'-h their agency, to any of the principal month ly or weekly periodicals. Thus a sub scriber to Peterson's Magazine has on ly to pay his regular t-.vo dollars thro' Ehrichs' agency, to receive, not only Peterson's for a ytr.r, but a really val uable quarterly magazine of fashion as well. How tlm is to be done, is x plained at length in tho premium list to Ehrichs' Fashion Quarterly, an ad vance copy of which lies upon our ta bl?. Nor is this the only novel feature which this same premium list contains. Other magazines ffer premiums for subscribers; but the Fashion Quarter ly net ouly does that, bat in addition, inaugurates the Morel idea cf premiums irithnut subscribers. But over this astounding aiypteiy we drop a discreet veil: and the reader who may wish to pierce it, is advisfd to send his name and address to Ehrich Brothers, Eigih A vrni.e and Twenty-fourth St., New York, whose prompt reply will doubt less resolve Ids d.mbts into pleasing and profitable certainties. Millions cf Mothers expieM their dr lisht over Cwtoria. It is a lure's remedy for aubiioUating tho food. Unlike Cafc tor Oil, it is pleasant te take, and a&like LZerpbine Syrups, it U harmless. Ciutoria resnlatee tb Boveli, dentroyv Worms, Cores Sour Curd and Wind Co"c md allays Fe"rerislms. What c'itc health to tiio Child, promotes rest for the Mother. Children Cry for Pitch er's Castorla. It it the mbet reliable, oiTactive sod yepdar article Upesied by waif Tg r: Eiooe Ilealinr ria!il hare boea maed L SUFFERING MAX baa there teen known fuch abeolafcs Pais relieving agents ai the They soothe, heal, and core. They HEAL-Cuts. Wounds. QaUs, Old-Sores, Broken-breasts and Sore Nipples ; CCEE-Pain in the Tack, Rheumatism. Scia tica, Lumbago, Neuralgia. Ear-Ache. Tetter, Pimples, Iteh. Salt Rheum, and all Flesh, Cone and ilutclo alhne&tf of Animals ; SUBDUE Inflammation and Swellings: BEUEVE-Boils, Felons.Utccrs. Sore Throat. Bronchitis Croup and Quinsy ; EXTKACT-Pain from Burns, Scalds, Bttca, Frost-bites, gprains and Eruises. - The experience of centuries has suula the Zdnlntenta, the inoet cpeedy and elective Cttratire agents for MAN and BEAST fho world bas erer known. The Centaur hare relieved more "bed-ridden Crip ples t healed more frightful wonsds, and saved more valuable animals than all other liniments, ointments, oils, extracts, I'lxjters and so-called "pain killers" and 'tk:a cures" combined. Phyaicians and Veterinary Burgeons en dorse the Centaur Linixaents millions of men, women and children in ail countries Kse thorn, and Housekeepers, Farmers. Planters, Trarelers, Liverymen, Teamsters and Stock-growers, are their patrons. They . are clean, they are handy, they are cheap, and they are reliable. There is no ache, pain, or swelling which they will not alle viate, subdue, or cure. Sold throughout THE HABITABLE GLOBE for 50 cts. and Sl.OO e, bottle. Trial bottles, 25 eta. jrjjjj ATA I2EVER-FAIUNQ RELIEF APFOXDCO OY SAhFORD'S RADICAL OUHE. IT Is a fret that enn ne snbstuntlatM by fie inert respctble teeumonials errr effcrej la fsTr f any proprietary medlciae, that tue Kadicaa Con fob Catabbs do9 iu erery case afford la irtaat and permanent rtlief. Ko matter of how lony faaCiiffr, or how fcevcre the dleafo, tae first Aoza fiTee tnch f Tlaerce of iu ralne la the treatmexit of Cat&rrhl ftffi?cUoL thatcorifidenc; ia at once felt lu He ability to do ail that Is claimed for If. The testimony of pavmc'nrn, drOL-pli-ta, and patients ia inr:moB on this point, and ton oecurnoia.Unr erid'nee la In point of reftxrctaMir? fcnpertor to any yer before otrtalned In faror of a popular remedy. The proprietors, therefore. Ely jaitlr f-cl rrca4 of the poaltioa this rciautiy has tUMiinea a4 heeva tt wtM&t cf IU rfiiuu. 10 YEARS A SUFFERER From Hon.Tfceo. P. Dogert, ErUtoI, 17.1. Memrs. "Wars ft roT-ras: frrnt'enm. Feelln ticriUk! y convinced 01 h rnicary of HiSFoKU a Ciruz ios tuTAKta, 1 tun lndascd to :cp roa a line to say that ai;hcci(tt I UaTa beeueccp Ucai of a;l turn toitraci advertise'! aa radical caroa," I hTe never foacd aavthiiig that proinlsca sach relief aad aifiron'.a cur as lliit of ! np- ia'a. I karu b;ca aOicted w.ih this dredfl dir?4 rr more tima tun yt-ars. er.d aot rscencir eaaid I b ladaced t persrvirre with aoy emit I . rsad the lrt er of 1'r. HeimWiiu, andean truth 'ully say that afcr lni Hts er six bott'.ea X am Uioroniftiiy etvined ot lia enrative proper tiea. Hoping thnt othrr s.milarly rtt:Ptcd llha Bvself will be lndaed ta mak the trie' I r.c?, ra& tlcmen. Terr trolv. etc. IHiO. P. bO(tLu CATARRHAL AFFEOTIONS, as Hot. TTesJc. Iafacea, R;d,at4 "Watery Ejcc: Clcertloa aJ Iauiu-.pjauua f the Kar ki.'ilDg Nols.-s In !t.e Read ; 8 r Throat; Elong Uoa ot the L'rala aad Swelled Tonal i: JJervoas iOi!ae, NeraUria. D'irirvrs, CloHdcd HaBicif, Lou of fervoas i otce.l.epr..lor.ef Spirits', a cnroliuly sr.d arlrrtiacelly twitnd with tUi txiey fCwtTiil.-t to diret:io"S wlii'-a aeaoap.iMity rh battle, or wiia b h,i 1'cd to z&f aACzvsa aa KacW pn-hr oorAfttas Ir. f-anford's Improrec Ir!v!lr Tabr, wad la J dueci'oei for uce iu all crMA. fries Sold hy a'J Whoiuaale aaU F. laU Drrru'w.s t-rcarhont the TJa!tcd Stales a.n C.-.t'l ia." VVTiT-KS A POTT KB, Q'.nttal AfcOU -A WlMltsal ruxii'st, Ccmius. laua. AX &i bsoss grttfXl relief !n Eliw snatsK, Weaak tpiuo, Local Faias, vr nn ULSFeotlcsa. Xrooal lilirtcxnatibro. f i3 I)3Qi4Hecu, ITci-t aS T AJZcctlooa ot aH SJimvjs, Fracttnd Klbs, AiTcciicae at tlia CimaL. Culdt ajod Co -J Ivs, Injuria a arf u Back, Btr-jias sad Bruliss, Wi Siclc,SrrociB PaSa of U.o 3prtls, Cranp la tie 2toBL2c"i acJ XZcait ATcc- ticve, Ezilargwd 5 pie-en, Braises and I'oeo Wju, TrluMTr.at'.r.jn cf the 'Wrlfci fcr-.d Arsaa. Ast'tv-n, Co -at, Iecal and Xe9 eeat&iS Sauias, Xa la tho Cfccat, rtiicii la tie rtXt. Ttd In tins Hip, Tartccae cr Eufcrursnd TciM, CxirJU. la the Kucic tuvl Kt-ti. Fain ai WanntM ElLti ftix" IsmX, TJ urtu3., &fjr "TUroat, Lambj;, TriioJi-3a; Cocglx. UZabj-? Voina la tiu EKSit, Xxlj-c liiAts, Qizlmy. Vlz-yet., a.- - irf-if iivn laay y?t - J4 2or. Tri?m 23 Oenta. Ai. fcr CCliiN-y VOLTAIC PLA3TESL Sold by aU noiosele aad ItetaU Ir-pJit tbreceHoot tie United States oc Caaafas, aiil by t(X2JLS rorTCIi. Proprtitora. BosCaa. Usaa. NO CHANGING OARb" ) FRiM (- OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS. NESfiASKA C!TY or FLAT7S MOUTH to CHICAGO, Where direct connections are ni;:;e with Through Sleeping Gar Lines TO X2W YOKK. r.OSTOX, rilirADKLI'KIA, li A LTI M O it E, WASlil Nil TO . AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. T7lc SKort Line Via FtCP.!A for IXDIAXAPOLIS. LOUISVILLE, CIXC1X-.V.-1T, (indoH ;(.fiifs in the SOUTHEAST- THK HKST MxV. FOI1 ST. LOUIS, Vl;rr I;iicct f'onneftimis r.ve ir.p.de in 1 lie t'MOK lifcl'Or uiili Vininigli fck'eiins Cul" I.iKts for ol; points SO! 'I"J1. T'uo Shortest, Spcedles-t ami most Comfort al-Iu via HANHI3ALt9 Ft. SCOTT, DEXISOX, DALLAS. IIOITSTOX A USTIX, SAXAXTOXIO, OA LVEHTOX, :'.rA ail no-Sittrs ia Fu'lnnr. lC-Wiicfl Palace leepiiip- Cars. '., 55. & ij. Palace Urawing-Po.jm Cars, With Kortoii's r; clinin-r Ctiairs. No KMra C:ni- for Scar in ll eliitinic 1 "h;i:r.. The famous C, 15. & t. J'aiace UiiUi:g Car. Fa!t Time. Steel llai! Track and Superior K.iii;metieoi;iinetl '.tH their fitfdt Tkrouyh far Arrati-)'tnei:t. ir.;.K( s tiiis, aloe ad oliievs, the favorite Kouie ta the WAST, SOi TIS OSC HOCTH KAiST. TRY IT.tuid jf.iijWllRmlT.'AVrM.VC it I.ux u; y :i:siead of a Pi.-eoml'ort. 1! I;,fori: ation .ihout P.atcs of Tare, KWn ii:'r Car Accoi.imodati'.ns, ami Time iY.iiler-, will be cl.eerfuiiy fcivvn ty api!yits; to JaiitCM Si. Wol. tieneral Passenger g't, Chicago. Trafiia Manager. HOTEL. CITY HOTEL Pl.ATTSMOrTH. KEB. First cla.--s Lodsin Itootns. First Class Hoarding. C.ood Sample Kootn? r.vcrj thing it1 every comfort A Good Hotel can Turiiisli Also, Good Wine, flood Peer, Good Lienors, Good Lemonade, Good Cigars, Kept at the City Bote!. U!y FKK1). JOOS, I'ltipi icior. "a r5 ff.v SIGN, CARRIAGE and ORNA MENTAL PAINTER, A.. ASHLEY. Sh"p over the Brick Block next to II Bocck's. PI. ATTS MO UT 1 1 , - - y-V.B 4iiy. r AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT UEHTENHIAL HISTORY 1 Will TfiSP P nlm at,---? THE HBHBY R MILLER riAXO-FOIiTE Are not only first-clii8 Iiiftrnnierit, but tills tsutblKsiiinent may be justly renmed us one oltlie leiiilinf? lJi:ini-Foite I:uiuI: toi ie.s of the World. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. Duriim the Season of lsr.viSTo the Henrv V. Slliler I'iaiiMs were used in liostou and viciuitv in more than ltj. ("oncerls. Season of 1577-1S78, i 7 Concerts. Se;ison of mx-ltC!1 MomUi of Otoher. 35 Concerts ; Mouth of November, 45 Coneerts- Xotie but f.rrt tlas Pianos smild ati nc7i un- quentionitl P'p!ilany. THESE PLlxYaS 1UV RECEIVED The Highest Praise i rom the Most Eminent Musicians. Of late I have had nianv OTaiorttinilit-s of usinpyour 1'ianos and can say with pieaMiie. llicy have no suerior in America, and my long experience abroad Instilie me in olacimr ttiein aiiead ot any foreign instruments of their kind. CHAM. tt. ADASW. Madame Koze. and ti'.e otl.er arlists of n.y romp.iiiy are delighted with the"Mi!!er"' Piano, foritsrich purity uf tone, and tlie womierlul manner iu wnicn it sustains tue voice.. if. MAPLK.SOX. In beba'if of the PaniHl.ee Concert C'omminv, and oariieiilariy rnvaelf as the ni. mist of sai',1 coiiipaiiy. I vi.ili to express many thanks for the bountiful Grand Pianos of voiir manufac ture, Willi wliicli you have furnished ns so far this season. Wiili your tine instruments con cert Kivins becomes a ixusitive pleasiiie aud Ue litflit, "so eay vie all of us." I consider no other "make" with which I am arijiiaii-.ted, can excel it ia anv of thfl iii:iities that conti!i:te a perfect m.strument. As an ftci'impaniment fjr the voice, 1 kt.ow of none 1 voi:u preier to your. -nrs. H. E. J5. CAKTEK. I take ftrep.t pleasure in reconunpiidiaij tile Ifenry T. Milier Piano on all occasions wiiere a first-class iaao is desired. iVIrs. i. iil. SMITH. I have known t!;p riai-os Ki..T-,iif:ictiiiel t,v Mr. Henry V. i:lier for i:ru-y ve.trs and I do not hesitate to saytiiat tiu y take !ii;;h rank anions the fiisc-eiaos iustrunicats of ai.y of tlie Lest makers. Caks. Zkkkah.v I consider the 'IP.ler IMano snnen'or lo all others in that mellow am! sinin r nnalit v so :ie- ccnlaolo for voice ac."inpaiii:uei-t s. Mrs. aline Osgood. We were delighted with the T'i.-mc rsf vmir laamifacfiire wuich we used durins our recent loin in me i li.iee. fiates. ine'r chavmiiijr sinjr im; qua'.ities rendv-riiif tlii-m epe.ci:tl!y desiia liic for accomp!;ii i:iu the liiimaii voic. Tiik Oi'.njiN.M. Sv,--(Ti.n LAII3ES' Q V- AliT 1CTT . forld's Inteatissal EiuiliiliOu" 1876. This establishment v--.it l!ie oi.lv one out of more than lor! y Piano-forte exhibitor, wlih h ; (it'irtcd two AiVARM fr its sl::;rle cxliibil of Pianos at tiie Centennial Kxliil.ition. This trai null Etallis:tmrnt that liecctved a iirial A ward for a Ace L-nv.-if fern Upiiglit riiino-Forte. flie Henry Hlr Pianos ti.r;'.v3 received the endorsement of the State of Massachusetts ami liia CITX ok BOSTOIT. Thi'j err IE A DEES cwim; the FOREMOST rnxos of THE vror.Lj). HERRY F. MILLER Boston, 'Mass., U. S. A. Platt3inoutb, Neb. 21y J a Miis Pet-tee IK,iLK!i IN Musical Instrumenls, S;le Appointing Aycn tfor TUe trnri-a!lr--l 55as-a c& Iinillu CABINET ORGANS. Alo Slyte A;:ei.t f r the Kecry F. iiiller and V.C. KifToti ( a. I'iar.o.i. .SAMPLE IXSTIIUMEXTS at office. Sixth, oi.e d:or south of JIaia tt. FLAT J'fiMOl Tit. N iV.i. " Vi'i"! rto woll to examine our Xtv.v Mason & Ilainliu OI-iG-A: USTSTISTJCTOH C - V . v i ti 1 y 7, r f. c t i t vi fi'l r. -i r i by tho public,; C C K 2 O C'RCULAR . 'QvViv .-rgsrs, i-aliSi v-i'.'i ":s-"'if.-'"'4- -.-Sv-'V i:J-.-b:ir,-l?.- It ;u w1' T;" rJ V ft '' '--xi fi' .7 -.'' y: .1"' J-' i s" iOJ' ,-at j STHE1GIIT & MILIEfla Harness Manvfacturers, SADDLES BKIDLES COLLARS and all kinds of harness stock, constantly od hand. Repairing of all Kinds ! NEATL Y DONE ca SHORT NOTICE NEW HARNESS ! TURNED OUT IN SHORT ORDER, And Satisfaction Guaranteed. tSpKemember the place, Opposite Henry Itoeek's Furnit ure Store, on Lower Main Street, i'latismouia. neo. ST HEIGHT & MILLER. URICK! MUCK! If you want any Fire or Ornamental Brick, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA, J. F. BAUMEISTER Fuxnishea Freh, Ture Milk, S)ecial calls attended to. and Freeh Milk from same cow furnished when wanted, 4!y A. G. rlATT JU.ST OPENED .VfiAI.V, Netn, Clean, First Class Ifeai STiop, on'Main Street Corner of 5th. l'lnlt-mouth Everybody on hand for fresh, tender nirht. 23-1.06 3 13 O 03 3 p P PL r o o P- f3 19 el a4 HO CO g IGIi tri.nIi""T0piCJL i C-.v t j ? ' i i fc-"M-..T ta.t aNC V-'fj ' r ,r-'- It, d fsvctit Cur ot . . 1 A; l;o fall on j. u vn:i- t'p: Lczi cf the 1: :, .tiffLhn r-rr- I -f f:m p-ci.rie iiiwena- ua .4 t.;i 1 V.,; JJr.c- I . .r ivmJy 1 J - i . .it - in t u4-r?. r. f - ' q-.irt.i ilkwii s-'-afi t;w"Mi. p,flfcr t jia t3'ruc.el fcxVitinj rsir-fiip -flrc nj'nu lis i-'-t.u n?:v:3 ,av .101. wrKu ;ui te.t-ia wn', tratnj ii-jr t'dt rtji iTrt t ff:ar- Tt; 'S'' t ? r'driin! !"rr'J f-CM.f s cf 3- . rv5vi. .Tim'.;'., Ccrf JtfiD crH"X8,.W'"-',i-OP V ? 'C. t J if I .tMilSi-t-tr. rnf uf p.ni'A:uoo!l --e Ua-t-r? 't ntct n-i:iyiii; I'.n ti ( :rifi; IViuVi T,?ni-, ?!C.t u bat b- n.aut i-jfstr i in tcv ( tr:u.tBt hii C J l.f t i. hi vey i rfc-i tivn f.s i vovr c tTtJ-.-ui.rc' 1 X.-C; !T.- I J c-i " vtw . :. l'ti'ri, rt, Ma:'r Tu, '-a Li-t t: i e f-r ' V I U I" ji-!t:.it- b tt V;. ?r-(- t J' -3-'-aa: t r"- r--.Lj u i-v ;.3 a-t;-,, v.- ua--iis- t.t riii f .r B-Hai fa. t ozi Ij. r;v , i w a,w', it i.ceiriia i tr. 7 r Ki it,..-C II l-'iiv-lR :.1! It J ".'. Vt'iL. i 1' u ct'rt- tc! br fcSe xl -i-I ft u o te : f.Oft ut::.ri tiOP 4 r?' ! ':tr:-i 1 t t:m-- ir-jf Cir-? ti-i t--T f- '"- . 't H A v... tl-l l-..Hn" In b 'Jtuae OlfciMO"! i:v ioi- t".-v. & -i it; 1 v1.;- ii'no (-' ') ,ru,r rua-; i a l i f. r .. 1 !. 1 ir.tiy i put in . :roi i i. r " i; t'i "'( 11 ir. a;-it ti.t ' ? h n-;? ; r t v r - .1 t f-'rf 3 J"to iu-.. f .'ii.-c r 1 ia UiSre-i!i . t. ''';. i ' -'T-; .'f ct. 9 6 "I .' r f b -t - V"if 1 : 1 I.""!.1"1'. '" l-J . t re v r r. In - : r.. t nt j 7. r"J I i-il,l jcl" : i.t r - -i ft ' p- y f ox. V I '' .ir:ir r , mt h.-. Iuj uv; t .- f t' ut : i vr f t r: I t v "' nian..' ft, a-t i ? V i'-!-'"l " ! t 'f i ;". '! 5' r;'.'r r fft:ctifcrfc...-.;jl tfc"r.e. A O'Ci i .' Ji?' s..- r- yV in k4xrf L rw? i- V3 x 'rT .'!f A . ,v-. fw-f a-. s-.-t i t ' M-'i.' Wt. 1 uir Xfb .. r?.cr., . .3 r ,?.": A . - "... 'd ' rvll! -:ri t "V.itraX J 1, K. n sA . ', . aa J- .'ifi-.f -t V.lfrfV V. r " i - '3 : MV.f :,.:.; urrU'i-J ..: j:..,-. j- ' S:.-:i t i w.;i, C.' it ., h-t.t.-ji:t, AJ' : A j tt ii'.iTT ' 1 r C t-fcI':;i v ir. S - i.': - v -.' aj.i -.. si v' 1 I . t . 4 Vvm (:.'U. C . U " ..--(. J - n;4 1 .;.-(.., ,m .liuM.: 1 .t-1 ..''i, . .1 ii f ?! ., ..-.'.i-c j;. o-'Ju.; ..rt . vi.r i.i'e r t-- cii. I 1 1 .: .1 r: I Cr I .".'-.', !-;' uui ' i - a:.,c u. I -J. A-t p:-.a.r w r. il.t.f e 'i iiiaiutftt. A tf"1 wf ?t.c:.-;.'- t a'c ;t li'J 1 1.- V-i . i i-ia i-iv- f.C ,iz. jiV;i'!" :i:s,?ir: ! .iv,, V j.-ero' , . . ft - 4, ti W . x ir.r.i C'lat-r. j;;.'. Xt. ; ell t-'try, f-t'i. S- -'.. ? M-ti i-.Af. n .1. 1 . N . Ar." 3 S-"'y, L'wi::'.'a.u 4.'t .'I'H.J-. rtr'. i t. ,:if rit? -t, !.': v-f'. .!-i;i---r, t Jvfcii r "-.r) i.; ,W..jt ltk;r..-;.-r 4C la- '.,- f :;; .' & p. :t aa.-y . '"is.- . :? f .r t wt A.I irP. W , 4.Mj eve 4w 2 cr j .-. c'l l". .if rj t . ; Cm r j,--! V j . ft f r v t a- .tii:l t.'';.';. t r l"7tra:t.a?r . c1- b v-; . t l-.n r. "--- if Mi I'.oi - y'Li kftt - it r-A . u--t t mi t.hr r't. 'i' l-.-r vcviii.. ...'--. Vl9 ! J T li.-vj'-i - ''I J. jw.ii i.J (.tt.iO t : P f rf ),r;iii ii cr.:? h1.; 4 l..r t -(' y rr'....t;"i. T1 A-iiiier i r ::."l j ' -itacfrvi7T"f .1 f, i;vr I td ivr e .-. p. a il cj i-r ir .r .v"i c t?f--u.il t-l Tfc-'ia t 1 r-'S-c-A ; f r. m;.ii.!-.-. ( 1 fvf T- f.'orf.'.il 1.- .v 4 r? TK:lur- j'itl. ci:i-c'J " I - t:''"! i a: t or Ccrv-ii r. 'c'XK'a ---lit i.-i :? ir-.cr e ir ;V a f - f 'i b.'fJI .." 1 iirrv:. j". t: j -fr'ica (.-;. .V;, ::i ti l i ::-t i' f- u p" -: ". t ?";' y t---4 :ih-l!t rhr- ) :?"?: L f. ; V4- 3r C- T - : Tor st:Sj Ncia-A C4!.lr3. ACr T l iii . V" Pit. FT"J'T! irP;:' fcU pfHB1 tiiP'V r! rl r'l.'t w w i &j u...- r r.tt y& .i )tc-cy ev- fr' I'm t- v. : r-iii. J A tew vorfc. f rlc rW of Nit"", I'hjrt otu;y ff ilrrit, O;. ibi f O k r tloD ( i)i4iwi af W a:b ncd Mmyb'iCti: ft wr.lo of Ch-n-,- ftttJ m! ! In- to both sr. ' vbinf elTeurtt c to cot-- iaie ad riaiucct- iur utti"ii nr tlr:r ftouM t witrnt It. CAi'i-. a. o. 9.CUrk St-.CfctcaiT"- rrvM, t trade nri ritltaUoa frc. iUt t.d i mo, mq one rtilar for lauiple ft fc". rohiier gx-l. au T!t.tl lniunca'Jno ble F-ltAr- PWt, T per bwX. Prlv 3 C2 .1 CS 5S en w aA KOnTHrJEiMl KBUn lately ad r-'ir cur4. Vaia- 5 B rC- 1 o ru1""1!. r- S K tiVl fhr fail urt-ra'iri. Or I siilob 1 B9e dlaci. SaCateaptIil H M S Q S P " dusa ideate! n 1 0 CI cr 7. O H 0 ill s w f!P MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, KLJ1 CICSMi Til IIOIiSE SHOEING, AND 'AGON KEPAIRIXQ All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly & Protnplp. :0: Horse, Mule OxSliocinc:, In short, we'll shoe anything that ha? four feet, from & Zebra to u Giraffe. Come and see us. 2T2rW SJECOjP. n Fifth St between M:iin aad Vine Streets, usr pcros le corner Irom the sew 1IKKAI OFFICE. 10S" ROBERT DONNELLY'S "WAGOInT BLACKM1TH SHOP. rTaon, Btujgy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing w lauu ami wilier iiiiioniiieiy, tis mere is a good latlie ia my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker lias taken charge of the wagon shop, lie is veil known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Kew IVasrons an:I Kasraic made t wraer, SATISFACTION GUAHAXTKEO. Shop on Ki-vthstrcet Boposite Streiffht's Stable O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER in 7JJ rS v M a r r Drugs 9 meuiuuicdy AND WAME PAPER, Ail Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IT Stationery, Magazines, JLV7 X.atcst Fiiblicaitioris. 5rcrrIptIos Vtxrcrxili.y CorMpoonlad bf as Kxpcilenced Strozsitit. KEMEMfiEK THE ri.JvCE. 6fi ST. i DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN PJ.aTTSMOUTH. neb. W i ne s, L i q o u r s ANI CIGAHS. Mnln Sirt:, opposite tLe Court IIoue. Tiiis plnoe is just openi-d. n'w, gord goods cf iill ki:n!s. We want to keep a good houpa and plteut-o our customer. REM EM I) if R THIS. Sly. sew firm: JX0. 1505 & fSOX, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At O. Cuthii-.r's old stare. A fVLL LINE CK Staple and Fancy G o series, NEW AND F BREAD STUFFS, ( evert dtscrii'tion. Choice and Fancy Candies an'.l all kin-.Is of Canned Goods. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, cf Ike best Brutus. CHRISTMAS TOYS, d-C, cf-C, in endless quantities. Fresh 1$ read Daily. Don't fail to Call. 33;j' J. BOXS & SOX, I'rop s. leaiei! in STOVES, :sa raC j Ta..- iA. use 9 KTC, ETC., ETC. Ou(5 Ucor East of the IV-st-ti.tlco, Vlattsrr.outh, NetrHka. Frr.ct'oil V'( rkcrs ia SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN. BRA ZlERY,.U.,tir.. Itre a-'ortuiei.t of Hard aiifl .Soft I'uniii.s, Cuss 1'ij.ies and Fittings. W'jod and Coal i'iovtrs f.T HEATING Oil COOKING. Always on il..nd. Eviy yarioty of Thi, S'iret Iron, and Zinc "Work, kept ia y:ek. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Sliort Ni;i-'e. VEV.YTiiixr. irj 1 in a xtkd 1 PP.KT.S LOW 1VX. ?ptail Linn lumi CIGARS AND TOBACCO. I'LATTSMOUTII - - NEiJ. Iinii;ird Ha.Il .-ini Su-lcon oh Main street, four doers from Sixth at Neville's old rdaoe. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, A LES, WINES, LC. fi?wrnibrrTi:C ame nit lMsre. wl . Keenan & Grace, i r7s Tlnn 1 jJilU v- :x eYk -m': a A TCS3 10 T2:S U3S ICICrS PLA2IS33. It it t t5'.?-Cr KhHWljiC'p &:t tiat BENSON'S CAPClNE POROUS PLASTERS ARE - SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. The great demand for them has caused a number of uusc-ruoloii parties to niako and sell worthless imitations under similar sounding names. As the market I flooded with inferior plasters selling at any price it Is important for the consumer to know w hleh U tho best. It Is well known that some of the clif aj plasters have b6en exam hied and found to contain injur ious ingredient which make them dangerous to use, caasiug pnra'ysi and other disoaaes. CAl'TIOX-Rce that the word CAPCIXE on each plaster Is correctly spelled, WEABI HV & JUIIXNOX, I'linrmRcent icl ('UfmUts,sr. Y. I'llICESS CTH. Dir. j. a. miKRjiAx-.ia mr. orikixat. osly i. nhkumas known to tlie public for tlie past 3r years or more through his successful method of treating Uupture without the annoyance and injury trusses Inflict. His system of curv is by local ex ternal application. No man if safe wis o lias it rupture, no matter iiow insignificant lie may eon siiler it, lor every man who has died from if once flattered himself ihat u was but a lr)lllu ailment ; and every man who now suffers from it mid tin; injury of trti.se, to uch au extent that life lias no enjoyments, once regarded it as unworthy special attention. It is not a eland still affliction ; it is progressive even unto death. Iteferenccs jriveu t gentlemen in thf city, who have been cured. During treatment no hindrance from labor, fallen ts from abroad Cau receive treatment and leave lor home same day. HISBCOK OIr TJ3?TTJE!. pives the most reliable proof from distinguished professional gentlemen, clcr-ymeii and roer cliants of his successful practice and popularity therefrom titioiihout this oinitiy and tho West Indies. The afflicted should read it and inform themselves ot tlie certainty of beln: cured. It is illustrated with photographic likeness of extremely bad cases before and alter cure, and mailed to those who tend 10 ceats. Savo this, and remember iu wilting or calling me auuress is. A '4 t-'vU. is fi-sA aJ UUl ia mi mi sa 9X1 Rrnn.ilwnv.oor. CAI TIOV The retuitat'on of lit. J. A. S1IKKMAN, attained from -to. years successful pJc as started mound the country PretenJers w ho assume to be the original Dr. Sherman is for the cure of mipturo. Two ;f these parties an obi and young man recently turned lice iuis famous for the cure of mipturo. Two ot these parties an oki aixt younn man recently tu up iu lloslon ; they nui.od several by their Fniuiul.nt Ailvrrtint mru: : when deleced, was brouiiht, but the fellows ran away leaving sorrowful vietitn-, room reut, bojnl bills iiewspi;ers unpaid. Since thmi they have been discovered at'JUillroadv.ay, New Vork.w they recently, by base deceptions defrauded an aaeil t Icr-yman. 4 Excelsior Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, One door west vf Solomon & Nathan's Store SHAVING AND 8 II A 11 V O O 1 i O Especial attention jjiven to CUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. ALL AND SEE BOONE, GENTS, And Kt a boon ia a A. Schlegel & Ero Manufacturers of USTE CIGARS, And dealei-s in FANCY DMOKEUS AUTICLE'S, SMOKING and CIIKWING TOBACCOS. Special BRANDS r.nd sizes of CIOAKS made to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cigar clippings sold for smoking tobacco. Main Street, one door west: of J. s. D-jkc'd I'LATTSMOUTII, NeJI. 10y GO CO o o o o - G & CO g 5? w t:i"vv;ri--a I go n kM n a? k3 fe;i'f II II p!feE its 3 Jkil k&&-y Zjj-Vy -v(?., v -."f I T-.- 3fi".-!T-''T vs.y;i-rj !w fi'-,"' -'-'JT iyti: fcs I !;! Slierv70odvZeep5 tlie Ligest Line of Boots & Shoos In Cass County. . iy 1 ?i t'ti h n n hi nc. I BV rfAJiai a aUk C17 St. Charies Etroet, St. Louis, Ho, A refrul.r ftraduatv ol'to tlrdirai Coi!K.hM brn lon)re copa?f.'fl in tlie iivcriftitreatmriitof.il Venereal, Sexual And Cbronlc XiseaFe8 Oian any otbr Physician in8m louifl, aa city papers allow, ar.d altold resi'ietfta know. By-ptUia. Oonorrbaaa, Gleet. Otrlcture, Qrcbitia. Horn 1 a, or Kupture. til Urinary Disease and Eyphilit'c or Mercurlnl Af.ections of the Throat Hkin or Bonoe, ax Of;d vith unparalleled aucceaa, 00 Jateat atittitillc priaciplea. fafeiy. hnrotely. Bpcrmatorrora, Bcrvnl Debility and Impo tency, as Hie result of rx.-if-Ab'-jV' in youth, sexual es. eessos in maturer yeais. or other ra ises, atid vhk-h produca amiieot the Ir-ilowinsr etff'ls: nervoiisuess, seminal emis sions, drtiilitv. dmiKss orsiKht, defective inemoty. liitnplca on the fact, .hTiii-al tiersy, arcrion V siciety of fVmacs, contusion ti ideas, loss of s.'i;inl pxer. etc., rcntleririg marriaee ln-.proper or imifiry. are permanently cured. Consuitstion at oliice, or hy mail fret, aixi invited, Vhen it is iuroiiTenient to visit the city tor treatment, fnedicines can be sert by msil or express -.very here. Cur able cases guarar..ecd, where doubt xist.Jt ia fiantly au.lc4 tnthlK fcr Ker, 1 Cap; tma, 1 Etaap ; ffs-3U2, ht t.-.t, 2 SuJt;i. 1 Pst. pBSIs. I GU8DE- iacKautclcrth and rf It TT.J.t3jr. 6 tiled for 60c. 5b poita?; or rurrxney. Orer flltT won?rful penoicturr. true to life; crticUa oa the f-i'lowiny auhjccUr Tviio may marrv. ml'O mt, whr. Kanhd, Woniaithood. 'h-ftcal alecar. ht ahouM marry; I!jw lift aiui ita;ipiri?o ciay be iiicrraspd. The I'hynu.ozr of prorturtHi, aiKJ niauy morf. Tliwae nrnrried or c-i.fairiatinj Kmrriase ahould read it, then krpt ur.fir lock ti kev. P'tpt-lar etliticn, aame as above, but pap'r c-ovrr. it ti'mrr, U& n br maalf in noifTtir fvi'tar- Cwprt 'rl iu;fiein Arrtr;ft. yaisuogghaf- g - -' "gg PBESCBiPTKON PREB For the ipcy cure ol rminal afcnrai, Irt .MeiJior.d, I'rematur libii:y, Ncrimlics. IVspnndency. -on!u?ion pflileas. Aversion to Sjciely. Defer ive Ui unry. ami ail J) Isordcrs broug- ten lv hetict Uaui'.s and xlxrvsses. Al.y drucgist has the inre-lVnu. Ai! ire's, OI JACQJESt 705 Chestnut St., St,Lou,M EAST'S RiS!H3 SAW MACHINE The BEST TliXW UOU JL. Will RAW any aise Icks in any position. Tbouaacda Id vvsignioi iiio v Hid Aidreat Mi, QSTPKEHE! $5 ia 62333 f:?53c!. 5-2 I "-J' !eere'J 1 K::.i !.- firei ; I :5'C Hi"'-' H:ilcr; I n.'o lle.i;er: (uh: V i.el Pjj r; 1 K' H.-r. t p T'-nril ; Ane rivrL. ; I !.Ji t'u' 1 1 that fui;!Tr 1 wsi. scJ C 1..J-M crel If r saor.ey sc:i fill s i;3 l (,-a tor sou au me wgri. 2- - I V.4 Send for Curcuiara stud KVV i-rujea. i' m fvj lurrnT !St. IWew Vork. suit HBll beru 4hti BATES & K0H1TKE. Nbw Carpenter shop on Main Street, Corner of 7th. Bates & Kolmke, Builder?. Contractors, and general workman in tlie Carpenter line. HEW HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE Has Just opened an entire new stock ot httn ware, on K.tt-B'HT aTi OWL- m 3ZS B J'JO Neat door west of (.'hai'iuau St ymith's Drufl Store. A Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES and ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, by th Ki or Pound ROPE, POWDER, SHOT, ORINJ STONES, WHEEL-3ABE0WS. A rulIJIJue of tXTl.F.RV. Spcci'tllRatcs tc liuilders and Ccrr tractors. All goods sold as lo e they possibly can and live. 4lT AMm mm e--"a the mm nmu sqap kikes: tI2i CENT. FTJBZ. (Patented.) jtxzxy powirEED. in cm. y rEKFTrrrrt." The ut?rnxet an! pnrest l,yo nt'lei. "WiTl miki) 1j .iin'iH f the bt nt f orftuubtl ilard Etuft') lu Hi r:iiii:t' vt'iihnnt hoil-ns;. Tits fjot je'tttf r-sml'tfacr tuaid, 3 tir l--,t di-lofV-t-tiaut. :;. f .!!o.u aro aoum rf tJkj (l-rrtTttna'f" r.i-ts jicd by tuoUia f--ia" 88 Per Ceut. iowJoroJ i-6. "Ffrtst. Ittpa'VH-aTa!r-Tirfinwltl Tfrtpa mil c-r ni'ivah.'o i,l cisily taki-n olf stfy-'W ni i'-a iuK t!:2Cf.ct. nut ex.rao-t, thetw jV by catir.if tljn tro,il'r. k.-111'.var.' e, aiil f'-A js-tJatitT (froru flj-itiif 1 arf i-Je), tu fi.y.'J-Vi wi.ii otff i.yca. wticii. ix'it;ir K -- J ft a 1 in tf o catiK, rmiKt 1 ,c: v. ,v i 'rnirn. a i"cporr"inj cr more ran rxj 7 TJfhxl, in v;iu.-T4ctt-.:i)inir, vcrtiKUliur, c.,ar"! tlie u J rffturnou U tbc ran, ati'l 4 Viilh ;.ltprllv sill M'lnt lfl uLw.i'lc.'l f 1 ye t; ouco ana ' in aticrt uiuc, or Uut y - atrv- u '-'t,-1 1 a 1 rmXr'iiSi l'or.rth. Al.!nto -''fan a.t auu t r.-atioi, "VT f - Tim Soaii ran i... ,.,-.. i tu tv.vjrjr i:ant' vith tliiii l.. h. Nlalb. .'u fii:iro i iif.!9 in mnyjnaf Soep wit.il tli.H I. a wliea the rviuiiie tlirtcv.oua k-ivui aro fol:ow"x Scyrnrfe. Orj ran of t' rorrdcrf-l I.ye In 13 twenty ioiuiJa cf btl hotU or Wfc.ktn ElfiHtb. One can of this T.:-o wfll aarvmlfy one tuoA) 1 .f irreufce tu;m an .jUicr Couceit -alod ..yfs, l ail Pr.Hiv:t, r Ktinili'r. lli. Tt.a 3,je 1 jm Ie t.Et etrocircr tbaa r.jr t.iu. r Iy tr Polaeh. a. V"3,11'''' t.-urrcx.nfu wi-l tctlczi "t i be turd-'H nil-r. KinvtmH. i.e t.ai.nor.fi 1 arfj UioronKUlr C;r- r-:t.r.8. T)..'t.:j. ,r t"i . jt. Inva'u.,l i fc- aii!;:jr !!, ... :,f(oo. Eita. et iij lueti sjrutis. tur watltirr Uroca. KASrurACTfUiD OTTLT ST 4f trriMic ;v f. . d'ivky & foK, r.V7ff MAN KCKJA H. V.t. Willi Ji. r.d V fl. n.VKBK u CO. Ai.'i CUt in in ttraX. jLj JLJfia f -- ' ft i "'! " tt.o catiK, rmiKt u -,r jV l.tv kt-n wfiti a Uau;iQor to kb tiAVi ii tii I.ye r-'iU - '"'v A H,-ni. It belr b fln A-jVpowiler, ru cu r. uivo t!.o Ay:'' yftS. ul " 1 lK,;'r il tl"! c-FTv-'iS ti nt.-?, bctnf alwaya rtady for t i 1 i, l;i i "a V