'JliM.Wead lop will e&' hf Milled :C5 , . . w . . "SJ 1 J J , , .a. 3- Mil 41ae ibrsi of May. THE HERALD LOCAL NEWS. Saturday night. McAllisters Minstrels. Everybody should go and see them. Go to Lear tb Minstrels Satanlay Night. New Geods. New Goods, at F. S. White's. ' 4St3 Last Sunday was Washington's Birthday. "Brown Dick," at Julius Pepper berg's -20 cents. 48 Oats wanted eorn took ia on "sufc" Roll 'em in! The walls of Merges building are fast rising heavenward. Tbe river is booming, rose about thirty inches Monday night. Don't fail to see the quantities of new goads at F. S. White's. S8t2 A youag three quarters F.3sex Sow for'sal. Inquire here. tf Frank Carrut-Ii is making prepara tions to begin his new buildiag. One of the bents of the temporary bridge went out Tuesday morning. McAllisters Minstrels at Fitzger ald Hall, Saturday, February 23th. The ferry boat at Brownville was sunk on Friday last. ' No lives lost. Rosewater has "ousted" two quacks from Omaha and is now after tho third. Wild geese are wouding their way northward, suggestive of summer they eay. The Rasgrsheck building is about completed, and very nice littlo place It is too. Anolher addition to onr "Jap" border, samples of which will be shown t-uaorrow. 1 Rjwgorshek Bros.' building Is al most finished, and will be a good busi ness location. Phil Yosng has now lu stock a fsil line of Legul Blanks, and don't you forget it! Otl Services at St. Lske'a church ev ery Wednesday and Friday evening, at 7:U0, during Lent. A series of evening meetings are being ht:ld at the Christian church this reek by Elder Alton. --Old Virginia Curly Cut" Smok ing Tbacc-u for 15 cents per package Ht Julias IVpperberg's. 4i Feler Mergos' siga i.s very orna nicutal as veil as useful the hiuadi vrctk of Mr. A. Ashley. Remember the "Curly Cut pure Id Virginia" Smoking tobacco at Ju liuj FeppeibergV, at 15 cents. 43 Hay wanted on ".Sub" Whero's eur lit. Pleasant man that wanted to hU as s:ne hay awhile baci. The white covered wagons are bediming to wead their way" through town again, in large numbers. One of the best Minstrel shows traveling will give aa entertainment at Fitzgerald It all Saturday night. The Vice-President has been at walk tracsfi-iring, but the bridge is how ia condition for crossing r.g.tin. A. Y. Touzalin, G. W. ITulJrvge and other B. fc M. oiliccrs were down Monday, looking up matters and things. The names of J. W. Jennings and Geo. i. Smith were amerg the niriv rIs at the Commercial, Lincoln, Tues day. It must be gaod, for evsrybftdy " r?corumenUs it, and the doctors pre scribe it. We mean Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. RememVer, Tlu Young has just rwfived a large assortmect of Bird Cagps for the Spring trade, from 75c to -3.00. 40:1 The fire cetapacy did Esma lively and noisy drilling Saturday night, and aeQi?d 19 gt up considerable enthusi asm over it. If you want any crap Beok or Tr.vjsr Pictures, go to tho P. O. News Dpot, where you will fisd them ia all styles. 4.M Miles Morgan Is erecting a house on Chicago Avenae, which, wo under stand, will be for rent. And bo the boom moves oa. Oswald Guthmann has purchased the lot occupied hy Rossnbauin's baiid lr;g. The house Mr. It. will move on to Vine or Third streets. Two huadred feet will hi aided to the B. & M. blacksmith shop this Spring, besides other heavy improve ments in that locality. The Free Press of Wilier comes to us jusi criss-crossed with X's "All hunk," Mr. Stout, why didn't you send to DeWitt for your mail, thoug'i? See the call for the annual meet ing of tho Cass County Agricultural Society, March 0th. Ail interested want to turn out. It is important. A chiniaey of the Austin house just south of town burned out last I' riday and raised a general alarm of lire, which happily was soon allayed. Tuesday was a geusiue Spring day and very comfortablo with our office windaw3 open. But doa't forget your base-burners; you may need them yet. Once more Miller & Co. are ad vertising for dead hogs, and will pay cash for them until May 1st. Don't waste ycur money by letting carrioa rot on your premises. Mr. Frank Stadter sends us a cata logue of the Art Loan Exhibition at fciou:c City, which was the first inti mation we had that Frank had set tled there. We find his name on the committee on p&intiug and notice sev eral of his paintings in the collection Personal. Edwin Jeary, of Greenwood, was here Monday. Mr. Shelton, of Weeping Water, call ed upon the Herald the other day. D. H. Wheeler, Jr., came down Sat urday to spend Sunday with his folks, Mrs. Higginson is visiting Platts- naouth, the guest of Mrs. and Miss Dawson. I. H. Culver, of Milford, and Capt Daggett, of Oswego, N. Y., visited us a few hours on Sunday. Will Gyger, one of the main stays of tho famous furniture store of Dewey & Stone, at Omaha, is visiting his pa rents in this city. M. II. Foote and A. Tyson of Stove Creek called on Monday and stocued themselves p with Justice of the Peace and Constable blanks. R. G. Clisbe, of Weeping Water and John Corbett of Centre Valley called Tuesday, and each left the wherewith for the Herald asd Inter Ocean another year. Mrs. Marshall our worthy postmist ress has been quite sick, but is getting better we are glad to hear. She is missed at her accustomed place al though Mrs. Hayes has filled her place most acceptably. Mr. Leonard is just as busy as be was before tho fire. Tho negatives are already becoming "roo numerous to mention," and the little gallery has a splendid "light" for the business. Remember that Solomon & Na than are selling of their wiutrr goods at greatly reduced prices to make room for an unsurpassed stock of Spring Goods. 4812 The latest thing out is a young lady in town whose nese is so sensi tive sho can tell when her fellow eats onions, or takes a drink of Keen ait & Grace' best, by Lis breath through the telephone. Charley Holmes and partner have another lot of horses on haad, very nice oues too. Among the let a pair of Greys and a pair sf Black, three year old Clydesdales; boat anything on the roaL We aro out on Eending partly printed and pirtly written bills, re ceipts &c, at nawspaperpostago. The Postmaster-General rules that they are first class matter and sabject to letter postage. Remember the meeting of school oflicers at Plattsmouth Feb. 23, and Weeping Water, March 4th, notice of which was given and attendance re quested by our Superintendent, last week or week before. -A. few Call. is, Chinese Primroses, and Heliotrope plants nicely in bloom ; sams and Rose3, Puusics and other flowers in variety for cut ilowers. Call At the green liouso and got a nice plant or bonqust. ' 49l2 L. A. MooitK. Prof. Anderson gave his sleight of hand performance iu Beatrice a week ago to-night. His "slight of hand" here wa3 to tho tune of several dollars unpaid. But then two wives will cramp a man's pocket-book somewhat. Elder Cyrus Alton called upon the IIf.kald and brought us an item of news. Elder Alton is holding a se iIps of meetings in the Christian church, which will be continued for a week or two. and he seems to bo con fident of good success in his undertak ing. Sunday before last Bro. Burgess gave the "men-folks" hi3 blessing and said Religion was meant for Males, as well as Females, and the tna3euline9 ought to ceme to church better. Last Sunday evening there were twenty eight men and twenty-five women fct St. Luke's. Wasn't a good Sunday for church either. Moonlight too Gse. Ma. A. Neiqku, Tay lorvill c, Pa., writes: My mother, an old lady of sixty years, suffered for thirty yeais with Rheu matism, to such an extent that she was at times entirety lam". We procured fiom Messrs. Lud wig Bros.. Druggists in Scranlon, Pa., a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. used it according to diractions, and saw our efforts crowned with per fect success. Mother wa3 relieved. 1 Prof. Anderson, who was adver tised to give a sleight ef hand perfnn aneo here last week, was confronted by wife Xo. 1. at Omaha (wife No. 2 beiag with him), which so unnerved him that be was unable to fill his en gagements. Wife No. 1 was finally in duced by the troupe she was traveling vwth to leave hiin t wife No. 2, as a poor stick of a husband, not worth following up. Mn. Phillip IiKMUxar.n, an old subscriber to our paper, and well known in the whole surrounding country, in formed us the other day tbat his wire, who for two weary years had suffered with Rheumatism in the shaulder, dur ing which time she had been treated by several physicians without success, had been completely cured by a single bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. Bueyrus, Ohio, Courier, Feb., 13, 1870. Mr. Robert Hayes and Mis Addie Amison were united in the holy bonds of Matrimony, when, where, and by whom, being their business and no body elses, the Herald will never tell. Mr. Hayes has obtained a situa tion at Creston, Iowa, as telegraph op erator for which place he departed Thursday morning last, and Mrs. Hayis followed him ou Monday of this week. May success go with them. Waterloo, Iowa, Jan. 25, 1S70. I was taken with an acute attack of Rheumatism last fall, and confined to bed. At first employed a physician, without benefit; then sent to Wangler Bros' Drugstore, and obtained a bot tle of St. Jacobs Oil, the use of which soon gave me relief, and cured roo cf the attack. I can safely recommend it to all suffering with Rheumatism. I Respectfully, 40tl -MATT. AlCDERMOTT, i. C. K.U. fcllp3. For Sale. 160 acres of land in Avoca Precinct. Cass County, Neb., for cash, at $4.00 per acre. Title perfect. Inquire of H7 . D, II. WriFKLER & COr Resolutions sf Respect. Platte Lodge, No. 7, 1. 0. 0. F., February 19, A. D. 1880. f WnEREAS, It has pleased an All- wise Providence t call from the fam ily circle the wife of our brother, Sam, M. Chapman, therefore be it Jiesolved,ThsLt we deeply sympathize with him in his bereavement, by which ho has lost his earthly companion, his children an affectionate and true moth cr, and the community a useful mens ter of society. Revolted, That as members of this Lodgb we tender our warmest sympa thy to our worthy brother who has thus been called upon to mourn the loss ef a beloved and loving compan ion. To the children our kindest love and sympathy. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutious be presented to our brother, and also furnished the city papers for publication. G. F. Gyoer, N. G. Attest: J. PErPERBERG. Sec'y. Passed and approved Feb. 19, 1830. Hall of Plattsmouth ) ENCAMP3IENT. No. 3, I. O. O. F. ) WnEREAR, It has pleased the Most Worthy Grand Patriarch of the Uni verse to call from the earthly Taber nacle to His Celestial Home in the Heavens the wife and loved compan ion of our Worthy Patriarch, Samuel M. Chapman, therefore be it Resolced, That we deeply sympathize with our brother in his bereavement, by which he has lest his earthly com panion, his children an affectionate and true mother, and the community a useful member sf society. Resolved, That as members of this Encampment we tender our warmest symyathis to him who has thus early in life been called upon to mourn the irreparable loss of a beloved and lov ing wife; to the children our kindest love and sympathy, and to the mother and relatives heartfelt condolence in this their hour of affliction. Unsolved, That a copy of these reso lutions bo presented to our Worthy Patriarch under seal of the Encamp ment, and also be furnished the City papers for publication. U. C. Smith, C. P. SEAL. G. RASGORSIIEK, Scribe. Aboat Ues Tests, fte. There was a young lady who got a fine "pome;" She sent us an answer that took us right home; If "Soekery" had known what he should about hens, He wouldn't have, tried them 'ar bar rel ends. "Katrina" raay laugh, and tho barrel may burst ; Cut when you set a hen, get a good box first; Put ysur eggs in the nest, with a wish for good luck, And in less than a mnth you '11 hear the hen "cluck." The Board of Trade. The Beard of Trade at a meeting last evening which was largely attend ed, discussed a project communicated by Dr. Livingston of corresponding with other Boards in the State con cerning the creating of a State board to centralize the action of tho State, which was finally referred to a com mittee consisting of Dr. Livingston, Maj. Wheeler, J. W. Johnson, J. B. Strode and J. N. Wise. Plans for ad vertising tho city and count', their resources, etc., were also discussed, and the Board of Directors instructed to perfect a plan and report at the next meeting. EcAilister's Eioslrels Coming. McAllister's Minstrels will give an entertainment at Fitzgerald Hall, Sat urday evening, February 28th. The following from the Columbus Demo crat, win show the appreciation of them elsewhere: McAllister's" Minstrels had a large audience at Genftmia Hall last night. To do this fine troupo justice in a newspaper paragraph is simply im possible. The audience was kept, in an uproar tf applause and laughter con tinually. The opinion of all present was that it far excelled any minstrel troupe that had been there for five years. Should they over visit our city again they will be greeted by a crowd ed house. Charley Powell and E. B. Lewis, have been putting up several tel ephones, aud among them one for the Herald office, and now the clock striking and the dog barking, tlie or gan playing and the cry of dtnnsrl re sound in the Herald sanctum from the bowels of the earth, and awaken our enthusiasm on the telephone ques tion as much as the next one. Who would bo without a telephono? BARGAINS for a Pew Days. I have on hand a number of Mason & Hamlin Organs, five of their Latest and most desirable Styles, six to ten stops, that I will sell at from $75.00 to SI 10.00 Cash ix Hand if selected at once. James Pettee, State Agt. Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. Plattsmouth, Neb., Fwb. 2G, 1SS0.402 The Cass County Agricultural Society. The Annual Meeting of tho Agricul tural Society will be held at the Court House on Saturday, March 6th, 1330, at 1 o'clock p. m. A full attendance of the members is earnestly requested. J. N. Wise, Secretary. Feb. 23d, 18S0. SilTcr Plated Tabla Ware. The knives, forks and spoons (tea or table) sent out by the New England Silver Plate Co., of New Haven, Conn, have always given the best of satisfac tion, as they are made of that purest of metals, steel, plated with pure nick el and silver. Any one nesdiug a sup ply ought to write for a circular, or send S5 cents for a sample set of tea spoons. Strayed. Three head of cows, on the 24th of February. The last seen of them was on Pearl street, near Streight's stable. A reasonable reward will be given for their recovery. Address W. P. Siianklaxd, 4&tl PlaUsmtb, 2elv Married. VODDEN WOODKCFF At the residence of the bride's father, at Ehnwood. ny tl!er Cy- ru Altvn, Fcluuui v lUi, 1;80, Mr. GKOItOK A. Voudkn to Miss Cor Woomtuff, all of Llniwooit, Cans County, Nebraska. JONES KUSSnLL At Eisrlit Mile rove. at the residence of the nrnle'n tKirents. by K. Morrow, Justice of the Peace, Mr. TAomas Joxts aud -Miss cmxK kcsskll. See James Pettee's immense Bar gains for Organs in another column. 2 Carpet Weaving. The undersigned respectfully solicits orders in this line, and guarantees com plete satisfaction, or no pay. Charges very moderate. Enquire at Fred Herr mann s store. 40t4 A. Haxsex. Genuine Virginia Smoking Tobaccos. The celebrated "Brown Diet" brand of Tobacco, at 20 cents a package, at Julius Pepperberg's. 43 Our Grain Wars House. Ed. Herald: I am desirous to present to my brother farmers a sub ject of interest to us all. That is, the propriety of the farmers residing in Cass County, and especially the vicini ty of Plattsmouth, uniting and build ing a Ware House, fr the purpose of storing their grain until the mar ket will justify them in disposing of the same. The buildiag to be divided into bin3, sach stockholder to own and control his own bin; this will enable the farmer interested, to have the grain in shape, subject to the market at any time and will be a great sav ing to the general Grain Merchant in making his purchases at once and iu any dediied quantities, without the delay of street purchasing. The farmers will then be able to haul their grain to the ware bouse at any such times as they have- no other employment for themselves and teams. and not be compelled to lose valuable time or lose satisfactory market. This proposed plan will be of mutual benefit to th larmers and grain buy ers; if this idea should meet with the approval of your readers, I should be pleased to hear from any of them on the subject. Robert Metf.br. More Pankoain Road. Lovisville, Feb. 23d, 1880. Ed. Herald: My attention has been called to a communication in the Herald of the issue of February 19, purporting to coaao rrotn louisvi.ie and signed by "T. Whoever "T. S." may be, it matters but little, but in viaw of tho charges made against we in ths communication, I will say that it would have been less cowardly had he, she or it sigucd hi, her or its fall name. "T. S.", ha3 tried to discuss a subject of which, he, slie or it. seems stupidly Ignorant or willfully so. As tho "Pankonin Road," as it is generally called, is now eegrossing considerable public attention and is of great and vitnl public interest to the c'tizens of the middle part of the coun ty and especially to the towns of Louis ville and Weeping Water, I shall un dertake to state the fact3 concerning it3 location; which I trust may aid in relieving the clouded aad ignorant mind of "T. S."and assist him, her or it in writing a little truth, at least, con cerning the matter. In the first place, about four years ago, a petition was presented to ths board cf Commission ers for the opening of the load in question, and not two years ago as "T. S." ignorantly states. The petition was numerously signed and called for ths location of the road in question, commencing not far from the town of Weeping Water and running thence north on the section line to the N. W. corner of section 34, town 12, range 11, and from thence on the most praetica bis route to the town of Louisville. The law having been complied with by tho petitioner!, the Commissioners, consisting of Messrs. E. G. Dover, W. B. Arnold and myself, appointed Mr. R. W. Cunningham, a gentleman living four miles east in Eight Mile Grove precinct, a farmer and one who had no direct interest whatever in the road to view tho proposed road. Mr. Cunningham reported favor ably and was instructed to have said road surveyed; the survey was made by Hon. John F. Polk, un der the diroction of Mr. Cunningham. Within the time required by law Mr. Pankonin filed claim for either S1.500 or $2,000 damage, lam not certain whica amount but the records of the County Clerk's ufneo will show the amount. This amount of damage was deemed exorbitant by the Commission ers, and as directed by law tha Com missioners appointed three disinterest ed men to appraise tho damage. Who were those men? It is doubtful if three better mea could have been found in the county or state. Theso appraisers consisted of Richard Lewis, James Ingram and Oliver Ward all fanners, residing from three to six miles directly east of the proposed roa 1, in Eight Milo Grove precinct and who had no direct niterast in the road. In short, neither the Commissioners, the Surveyor nor the appraisers had any more interest in this road than they have in roads le iding into South Bend or Greenwood, and much less than they have in roads leading into Plattsmouth. These apptaisers hav ing taken ths very binding oath pre scribed by our statutes, appraised Mr. Pankonin's damage at Forty-Eight Dol lars. The Commissioners approved this award and ordered a warrant drawn on Land Road fund for the amount, and subsequently Mr. Pankon in received the money from the Coun ty Treasurer on this warrant. I will say that the proceedings relative to the location of this road were precise ly the same as were had in the open ing of other roads. Mr. Pankonin, if aggrieved had the right to an appeal from the final award of Comaii33t on ers; but instead of parsuiag the law ful course, undertook by force to stop travel over the road, after the road had been re-surveyed by Mr. Joseph Fair field. I will say right here, that the stakes set by Mr. Polk, mark ing the boundaries of the road, disap peared from some cause and the coun ty Commissioners were thea placed under the- necessity of having tho road re-surveyed, and boundaries marked. This was made by Mr. Jo seph Fairfield, and at the samo time Mr. Theodore Heim, the road supervi sor, also marked the boundaries with a plow. 1 will say, that so far as I was con cerned, I did nothing mere than ect with tho other members of the board. "T. S.," is willfully mistaken when he, she or it, says, that I "-hunted up my man" and "told him where to locate the road." I nevsr advised commis sioner, surveyor, or appraisers what to do in tbe matter, so far as the location f the road is concerned. It was not my duty as a commissioner, to go with the commissioner to locate, or the ap praisers, and direct them what to do. Their duties were defined by law, and their men sworn to discharge those du ties without fear, favor or hope of re ward. In conclusion, I will say that I had no personal knowledge of where the road was located over Mr. Panko nin's land, until after tho survey of Mr. Fairfield, and this knowledge I gained from the boundaries marked by the supervisor. The importance of this road is well known to the towns of Weeping Water and Louisville. Not less than five haadred' thousand pounds ef merchandise were hauled over this road front Louisville to the merchants and business men of Weep ing Water during tlTe year 1879; and it is estimated that more than as many pounds of grain, flour and stock have been brought over this road for ship-. merit from Louisville, during the same period. "T. S." says, "Mr. Ramsey was a poor commissioner for the Germans," that "they could not get any bridges," &c. Again I say that "T. S." is will fully ignorant or in the last stages of idiocy. Let him, her or it ask Frank Stander, Theodore Ileim, Pettr Stan- der, Louis Eikoff, John Erliart, Jacsb Vallery, Sr., Johu Klyser, George Ber- ger, 1). O. uowers, mo uermans or Plattsmouth, of Avcca, in short the German citizens all over the county. "T. S." had better try again try at least to be able to write a littlo truth, and not write himself, hsrself or itself an liTBoramRs; ana l suggest also tnat T. S." show a little more bravery by signing his, her or its name in full, so that the readers of tho Herald may know who lias discovered the astound ing intelligence (?) that, "Mr. Ramsey fa$ a boy. Truly, yours. H. S. liAHSET. Vces of Elocfors. The fee of doctors is an item that very many persons are interested iu just at present. v o believe the schedule for visits is S-J.00, which would tax a man confined to his Bed for a year, and in need ef a daily visit, over 61,000 a year for medical attend ance aloae! And one single bottle of Hop bitters taken in time would save the 81,000 and all the year's bickness. Ed. iBBaaaauBaaaBMaaaaKaaajaaaBaaaM'W'BMaaaMawvavMnBiUBMavaMqaaBavaw SPECIAL NOTICES. Highest price paid tor Hides, Furs. Wool, etc. .at F. S. Wiijtk's!. .")tl Remember that for boots and shoes Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He has a large assortment. 23tf. Ladies' and children's bunts and shoes cannot run over if Lyon's Patent Heel S'lifieners are used. 46t4 The Best canned and dried fruits in the city at F. S. White's. 4Ctf. Ilenie-SIiide Cigars. Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made cigars. Ask your dealers for Pepperbeig's pure brands of home made cigars. If you don't find thero there, go where they are kept, and by doing so, entourage home labor. Job bing in cigars and smokers' articles a specialty, at low prices. A large and varied stock of smokers' goods always en hand, at prices to suit the times. 4.2lt Jclivs Pepperbero. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. The Bv?st Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Tetter, Chapped Hand?, Chilblains Corns, and all kinds tif skin eruptions This Salve is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction in every case or mon ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 241y. Hard Wood For Sale. Good hard wood for sale. Inquire at Guthman . Weckbach's store. 44tl3 To-day's Eclipse. Of all other medicines Browns Pop ular Western Remedies, may be seen in everv family where used. For sale by J. H. Buttery, Smith & Black and O. F. Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Painter and E'.adge & Co., East Plattsmouth. Crown's Vrcetable I.lver TltU Care Billiousness and Siak head-ache. Kiton x s coiun itAi..v?i Heals the lung3 and cures coughs and colds. Cure sore throat and hoarseness, and clear and strengthen the voice. XIBOtVXK'S A!IVAAITF. Heals ulcers, cuts, burns and inflam ed eyes. Krown's Urruan Catarrh Care Is taking the place of all other ca tarrh remedies. Whea used in con nection with Comp. Ext.SarsaFaril la, Dandelion & Iodine of Potas sium, it has Never failed to cure. 4Stf A'otice lo 'learners. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping'Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, J une and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. E. 11. Wooley, 42tf . Superintendent. A Rochester Physician's Experience. R. Caulkius, M. D., of Rochester, N. Y., certifies Oct. 6th, 1879, that he lias used the Safe Kidney and LiVef Cure in his practice for diseases of the kid neys and liver, and the result has been satisfactory in the extreme. He saysf "I would now prescribe the same rem edy to all similarly afflicted, and you are at liberty to so state in vour testi monial," 4H1 ROME MARKETS. ORAin AND PRODUCE. Wednesday. Feb. 23, 1SS0. 1741S M 20 3S .v 3 00 .1.. 3 i. 20 10 40 Wheat. Xo. 2.. Corn, ear , ' shelled... Oats Barley, Xo. 2 . Rye Native Cattle.. Hos Butter EiiK Potatoes YOliiv. MARKETS. Nkw YorsK, Feb. 23. 1SH0. Money per cent. wneat .. Rve Corn , Oats Ktjits Pork Beef Lard Butter Cheese Whisky . O 1 1 60 47 a 4s 12 Ci IV (lit 2 00 dull 3 7 Q-'.t 1G U 2: 11 UA Hs 1 10 Ul 11 CfllCAGJ MARK F.TS. Chicago. Feb. 25. 18S3, Flour Wheat Com Oatn , Rve Barley Pork Lard Bulk Mats Butter Fsrs VV hisky tu;i 1 25' 37 3 75 7!l c 11 00 T 22 6Al 90 i9 7 i'5 6 35 C 31 2 14 C7 Better Than Gold. The grand climax 6f success is at last achieved. The poor rejoice, the sick arise and walk, the rich bank in the golden sunshine of perfect health. The physicial miseries of the human frame need ne longer be endured. Dr. Kino's California Golden Compound, for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Head ache, Coming upf food, Jaundice, Liv er Ceraplaiat, Biliousness, General De bility, Drowsiness and Low Spirits. This wonderful remedy will positicely cure, and that where every remedy has failed. To prove that this wonderful remedy will do all we claim for it you are pieseuted with a trial bottle free of cmt, by which you will readily per ceive its wonderful curative qualities, and which will show you what a regu lar one dollar size bottla will do. For aale by Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail. Plattsmouth. Neb. 25r9w1t. Thirty of the bnt oran makers of the World ure eoninetitow at the Pari Exposition, a ealtle dispatch to the Assieiated Press says t'-vo highest old i!ie;lals havo been awarded to the American makers. Mason & Hamlin. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue f aa execution Issued by A. N. Sullivan. Coisnty Jud'J within a:iJ for Oas County, Xchraska. iicd to ni" directed. I will ou tho' "til day of March. A. P. itk), at ; o'clock p. in., of said day, at the premises now occupi ed J;y Meury Suytier, hi Eilit Mil Dreve Pre cinct, in siud County, spll at" Public Auction th follow ins. to-n:t: Five liixudred bushels of wheat in the bin. 1 he taint' cinK levied upon and t.iken as the property of lsenrv fcnyder, Defendant ; to satisfy a 1iidb'!iicnt of said court by Eii Pltinuner. Plaintiff. R. W. H r Kits. Shcrifr. Cass Co. Neb. Pluttr.mauth, Neb.. I'eb. 23d. A. 1. 130. 9ll Notice. The rmki'nwn owner or owners and cl.ainuuifs of lot No. lour (4) in block No. twenty-seven (27) in the city of Phittsinoulh. in the county of CiLss and State of Nebraska, w ill take notice t hat on the 4t li dav of April. A. 1). 1878 one .l:iine!",;r;ice purchased said lot No. four (4 in block N. twenty-cevesi (21) in s;iid I'lalfs rnoui it City at Treasurer's tax saie for 1 lie de l:i!p:ent Uxvh of the jeiir 1876 and took and received from James M. Tatter-oii, Treacurer of Cass County a tax sale certificate of pur cliase forsaid lot four (4) in block No. twenty seven (27) And tbat afterwards, to-wit : on t lie 13t!iday of February 1873. the undersigned as signee for a t ill 1 and valuable consideration pur:li:ted said certilicate of saie to said lot and look a due and regular assignment ui tbe name and that the undersigned will on tbe :r.th day of May, ISA), present said tax nale certilicate to I lie Treasurer of Cass County, Nebraska, and demand a Tax Deed Conveyinir to the ucder siaiwd, the full and complete title to abl lot No. four ( lu block No. twenty-fCven (27, in ;:id PiatUmoulh City. 4Jt4 Vai.kntixk Kauex Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Edwin Angel!, deceased . in the County Court of Cass Coun tv, Nebraska. iTpou reading and filing the duly verified pe tition of Mary E. An;i'i!, praying that adminis tration of the estate of Edwin Angel, deceas ed, l.e granted to her : Ordered, that notice of tbe pendancy of said cause be published ia the Nebiaska 11uai.i. a weekly newspaper print ed, published and in jreueral circulation iu aid county, lor three consecutive week, and that C;c hearing of xaid cause be set for tbe 21 dav of .March. A. I, lssfh at 3 o'clock p. in., at the oilico of the County Judi.'fi at Plattsmouth. at w liieb time aliU p'a-Ve ail persons interested may appear and show cause, if j:nr they have, why ailuiitiislralioa of said estate" should not be frauted lo the said Mary K. Augell, aicord inj to the prayeT of said petition. A. N. ?CLU VAN, Co. Judga. rhitlfiiioiith. Keb. 5th, lsso. 47ta Probate Notice. ia the matter ofthe estate of Pattk-L Gilroy, deceased. In the County Court of Cas Ceunty, Nebraska. Cpon reading; and filing the duly verified pe tition of John O'liourke. praying that adminis tration of the estate ot Patrick (Jilroy, deecas e;l. be v?.'ded to bim : Ordered that notice of the pendency of said cause be publixhei itvthc Nebraska ilKitALD. a wotkly i.cwpaper printed published. and in general circulation in aiti Co., for three consecutive weeks, and that the lieari!"B of sal't cause be set. for the stli d.iy of .March. A. I), lsxo, at one o'clock, p. in., al the office of t he County J.IvIk. at Piatt mouth, at which time and pi:i"e, ail peisons inter&f.trd mav appear and show cause, it -my Ciey have, why administration of said.'.ctate :-hould not be granted to the said .John O'itoiirke, accord ing to the prayer of said netiMou. A. N. Sr'i.i.iVAi.-, Co. Judce. Plattsmouth. Feu. 18, 1SS0. 4st3 Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby civen tbat puimant to a decretal order of caie. made by the Hon, S. II. Pound. JuiIko of the Vd Judicial District of tbe State of Nebraska, that I will seil at Pubiie Vendue o:i Tilti ''.in day of March. A. J)., lui ; at lb front door of the store of Fleming ii: iiace. in tbe town of Weepidir Water, ali the ri:tit. title and interest of Z. J. Q.iiuiou. de ceased, iu aud to the following described prem ises, to-wit : the west half wl ot th south east quaiter se'l of section No. tliinv or.e:l tow ii tea (lOj ratine twelve i l east of the tith P.M.. In Cass County. Neb. Sain to remain open from eleven o'clock P. M. to thsee o'clock P J.i . on aid day. Terms. Cash, or crt dit ai pro vided by Statute in sue!; eases. li. YV. Joimsoy, 4713 Administrator. Road Notice. 2o all vtwm It may Concern: Tbe C uuniisMouer appoint vl to Ineate a road commencing on the section line dividing sec tions thirteen and twenty-four (13 & '1) town twelve (11!) north or ra:.:e thirteen (13) eat at a point, where Chicago A venue crosses said line. Tiieme easterly on the most practicable route to Lincoln Avenue in -eetioii eighteen (1) town twelve (VZ) range fourteen (14). ?aid road runs lus now located over a part of the north east quarter iuc'4) of the north e.ist quarter nei4)ef section twenty -tour (ill in lowtuwtive (1;!) range thirteen (10) ami over the north weft quarter uw of the north west quarter IiiwVj of section nineteen 1:J in town twelve 12J larse fourteen 141 and over a part of the north east quarter IneKj of the north west quaiter 11W j of s' t-tion nineteen in town twelve 12 north of range fourteen IHJ east of the 0th P. M. has repoited iu favor of the location thereof, and ali objections thereto or claims for damagex, must be tiled 111 the County Clerk's oil ice, on or before noon on the isih day of April. A. 1.. ls.v). or such load will be declared an open and established road without reference thereto. 47i5 J. l. Tutt, Co. Cierk. Administrator's Sale. By virtue and iu pursuance of an order of the District Court. Second Judicial Dis;nct, within and for Otoe County, State of Nebraska, dated November 17. A. D. lj'7l, and January ao. A. D. issi). 1 will oltcr for sale at Public Auction, 011 Tuesday, the Mil day of March, A. D. lwso. at 1 o'clock p. 111. of saiil dav. at the front door of the btiiiding where the last term of the District Court was held: of said district, in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass County, State of Nebraska, the following described real estate, to-wit: The South K:vt quarter (seVi) of section llfteen (15), in township eleven (11), iu ramie eleven ill); also the North Kast (ne) of North Kat quarter (ne1) of section eight (8), and the North hall (U1 i of North V.'tst quarter (tiw), and North West (aw) of North Kast quarter (net-4) ot section nine (0), in lownsbiu eleven 11). in range eleven (II): all of said land lying Kast of tbe rixlh (Cth) principal meridian, iu Cass County, Stare of Nebraska. Tcfins of Sale One-third of tho purclmvc money of said real estate to be paid at the t:rs of ale ; one-third to be pa:d in tine vear t owe third to be paid in two year, frpie dateof sale ; ia be secured by notes" anil mortgage e-it the property, at ten per cent, interest lior.i date of sale until paid, interest pavable nnnuailv. Dated, Nebrauka City, Nebraska, Febrcary Cth. A. D. 1S30. C. W. SEYMOfK. Administrator and Kxecutor of tho itate of Joha W.- Seymour, diseased. 475 Burlington & Missouri Rivor Railroad Company in Nebraska; -Tbe Annual Meeting ofthe Stockholder of the Burlington and Missouri Ktver Uailroad Company iu Nebraska will be held at the ofllee of the Company, in Plattsim uth, Nebraska, Thursday, the 2'cth day of February, A. D. IS), at ten o'clock, a. m., for the electiou ot Direct ors, and any other business which may legally come before the meeting. J. N. DKNtSON, Secretary. Boston, January IT. l.srfo. 43t4 Omaha & South Western Railroad Company. The annual meeting of the Stockholder t the Omaha and South Western K.illro.-vl Con. pany, w ill be held at tlio office of the Uurling ton and MifiM-uri Itivcr Kail road Conioany iu Nebraska.in Plattinouth. Nebraska. 'I tiursday, the 26th day of February, A. J IKSo, at Tn thirty o'clock, A. M., for the election of Direc tors, aud any other business which may legally come before the meeting. J. N. DkxiSo. Secretary. Bostok, January 17. lseo. ' 4f.t4 Probate Notice. STATE OF NEBRASKA. ( aa CAf COU.NTV. I In County Court. In the matter of the last will and testament of Hophia P. It. Hogcr, deceased. On reading and filing an instrument in writ ing, pin porting to be a true copy of the laot will aud testament of Sophia P. 14. flogg, deceased, late of Manstieid. Ki' hlaad County, iu tbe .State of Ohio, and also an order of court, admitting the same to prohate in said State, it is order ed that notice of the penderey of said cause be published in the Nebraska IKRA!.I, a weekly newspaper, printed, published and in general circulation in the said County of Cass, and sitate of Nebraska, for three weeks, successively pre vious to the th dav of March. A. D-. lsso. and that the hearing of said cause be set for one o'clock. P. M..ou naid day, at the County court room, in said County of Cass, at which time and place all persons interested, may appear and show causu if any they have why said last wll and testament should not be admitted to probate, according to the prayer of M.J. U. Adams, who is named as sole executrix iu saW Instrument. 4713 A. N. SCLl.lVAN. Co. Judge. Probate Notice. STATU OF NF.BP.ASKA. t CASS COUNTY, f" In County Court. Whereas R. L. Heed, of said County, has filed in in v office an instrument in writing, pur- rorlins to be the last will and testament of .uciiis f. Keed, doceased, late of said County, and asked to have the same admitted to pro bate ; whereupon I have appointed Wednes day, the 3d day of March, A. 1). isso, at one o'clock p, ra., at my ollice lu said County, as th? time and place for proving said will, at which timf and place all concerned may ap pear and contest the probate of the same. In testimony whereof I have hereuntoset ruy hand and olilcial seal this 1 ith day of February A. I. 1H.S0. 4713 A. M. SCI.LlVAN. Co. Judgo. Kotice. To owner or occupant of the following de scribed Feal Estate, in the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, to-wit : l-ot No. 4 in Block No. 74 in the city of Plattsnu.uth. Cass County, Nehrai-Ka. You are hereby notified that the aboTe described heal Estate assessed m tit-longing to non-resident f Cass County, was. ou the ad day of November, 177 sold to me tho undersigned, there being no fiber bidders, for the taxes levied there.. 1 f.rthe year Istp, and that unless the same is redeemed from such sale on or before the 1st dav of April, lswi, a deed will be issued for said Beal F.tate to 2ll3 H. C. Smith. J. E. Cunningham, HOUSE PAIKTER I AND ORNAMENT ER. Paper UauIng, Kassoinlnluf, A specialty. Alse a Drsi class Piano & Organ Finisher. tf-Would ay t th people of riattsinoutt, that I fully yVAItTtAXT ALL COS Tli ACTS. A share of the patronase is solicited. Orders will receive prompt attention. 4Sm6 J. E. CUNNINGHAM. New Departure ! of our well known Tailor, Morris Q;Monr&e WHO HAS F&liMAXEXTLY LOCATED, On Lower Main St., opp. Court Home. A Fl'LL LINE OF PIECE G-OODS will eonatant'.y be kept in stock and &I1 orders promptly filled. A Fit Guaranteed ! la every instance. tTT' Dout forget th Location, txtf ii. O'UOCr.nR, Prop. H. A. WATERMAN & SON. Wholesale and Ketail Dealer la I'INE LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES. HAStL DOOllS, BLINDS, ETC.. ETC.. ETC. Mftio etrrel. Comer of Fiftb. 1'LATTSMOUTJI, .... NEB. Still Better Rates for Lumber FJICHOLS.SHEPARD&CO. tJJ. EctablLhe Sfivm TUB MTAMDAitD .f - VI i ST -ri.7V 7 m : - -XniS-. htm AKTONJaTJINni.V tint TIT.E .4 mdmrunr mi, ..si i-.. ibu t t.ir h. ! (rvi m4 hu. ro!ITAl.i; T tiCT ION. o I J UAW.HIU.VIM1 KTE.tN.KM-IMS.Illi .pci.l fr.lare.or rwmr. DnraHilit j, ..Vty ICixiDniitT, anil ItrantT entirely unkoown la ln-r matte.. Pu,a-I..ft Outfit, aad Suam-Pcwer Separator, a .fieeiaH. roar .ilea of Separator., fr.rn 6 t. It horte-poa-er ; alM t stele. Iaiproeed Mounted Uorea-eoirara. S3 Year f Fro.erou. 4 ontloaou. Ku.lcraa be ihi kww. olUoat UMft or duk, lectia,.r siaiiaga. vent, frn!&es m atiuug .uarant eufr'erior (jod. and hoaoraJ. dcaiiDf. Ol lYIfttJ f The aronderful nwit and poalarite of UHU I tilt I oir Viaa.Toa atachlnerr ha. drlrra other iuai.liiue lo tue wall ; henee Torino, makers are ntw attemiit. in to build ami paim oil inferior aad mongrel tatitaUoo. of our lamou. eocoa. HOT DECEIVED OT roam exr?rimenln.a ftnd xrorth!ri iitiwhinrsr. If ni m all, St tbe "OlilCIN AL, ttnl the wtKti-fc; i rota iiw Cj" Kof full prttnlr eitll oo oqr dealer, to a. rur liimtrau t ircu.ar., wo:n mail rrec Addrea, If ICHOLS. SEZPASD ft CO., Battle Creak, Klch. to ua ftr ITmraul t'trculAra, whn:h s laail free. Add rem THE CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS, now In its seventeenth year ot publication,' ia a general family newspaper, unsurpassed in all th reTJirenients of American Jour-, nalixtn. Fir-t anil foremost, it is a neipjpaper in the comnlctestnonse of tho name. Ite telegraphic service is unsurpassed by anv oih'r pubiieat'ion In the cotintrj. Having, the advantage of conneei ion with th'! CHICAiO DAILY NEWS, it publishes all the, dispatches of both tho Wkstkuji Associated Prkss and the National Abbociatki PitF.ss, besides a very offensive service of special dispatches from all important point.-' It Is iNDEFEXfiKN'T is Pomtics. It presents all politictl nevrs froefrom partisan bla or eoloriner, and absolutely without fear or f jVor as to parties. Tii events of tho com-, Ing year in the worl-l of politics are of such peculiar', and even personal, interest to every American citizen, as to render it of paramount importance that fair and unvar nished statements of every political event or question should b-s at the command of nlT who desire to know the truth, rather than tha distarted versions of interested party organs. It seeks to f jroih the rend'T fxets, tho p-ssessiin of w liieh e-hall quslify liici to form his own opinions. It i a Fa milt piper. Each issue con'ains ix complktbi stories, au altogether novci feature in a XEWSpaper proper, and the.e h-ve won for, it, wherever it is known, an enviable popularity in tho home circle. JJesides this, eaetf number contains a rich variety of condensed notes on art, literature. cicnw, industries fashions, etc., which are of common interest in the household. The paper is pure Id tone, and nothing objectionable is ever permitted to appear in its column?, a character- istic of the very iirst importance In a Journal that assumes to meet the rexniiremnte of a family paper. Is Makkkt 1epkt8 are complete and trustworthy. THE CHI' CAGO WEEKLY NEWS is the cheapest newspaper in the United States. bEVENTV-' five Cents a Yea p. postage included. What Old Subscribers Say when thoy Renew their Subscription : R. CojrleT, Loins, I'nlou CoMity, Ind.. Mmfn: ! II. V. 'Welborn, Saako rraiiie. BJrp Coanty," think flu; News tlie twt weekly extant, anJ da Ten", fir,: , n"t wi&U to do without It " I Plense e?nd me a few copiea of your par? D. M. Sava?e, flint CltT. Mlcb., bj-i: "We (wecklr) a 1 1 will a-et von a Hurt. I ronsMcr Ij fan not o wlihout the W kislv Niews. We arc the cheapest. ani beiot nejpsper lu the L'ulteu taking ibrec other papers r-Milrt, hut we et more ttat-s." Bews in vour paperl!insll the rtl .uttotrethi-r." , Lawrence Walsh. I.Mars. Inw.t. mtii Wm. M'.-Cslhim. f';lK)t, Ark.. sjb: "Iijuat ' Vo-i will Unl Im-Iw1 $1 for (lxteen rnonlhs' rtiits me; ca"t do without it." anhwript!on to ih WriKLT Nkwh. J would not r-rt The Iter. J. Hoher. Monro?. Oregon, savs: 'I without Die Vir.Ki.r Ntwslf It coat tja Tear." havehecn a suhrorltx-r t, Uic uica;o News for Noel Couturier, I'roveinout, lx:elartit Couotyr a number of years. The N ews Ii certainly oue of Mich., sari: . (he bct newspapers of the lan'l. on am ount of "Isemiyw the wltblr lncloneff Jl for !xtnf tue narl times, ana mv limited Im-oroe H a:ti a McthooiKt prea'-her). I thouerht of doing without the paper, miuli asl like it. i;it wife and children ?lve mc no rest till 1 send for it again, so I Inclose i rcnu." Willie J. McKinnev. Mlllnim, Kr.. ays. "I fhink your Wckklv 1 oue of th host p-;--r 1ub lished In Ainerii-a, and Is uot couQucd entirely fc poUtical new." The strove extracts are snfficicnt to show- r. wlmt erlrc-m the CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS is held byl's old eohscriber. II U a favorite fa.milt Miwsrtrnii, beraoec it fnrnihcs tf complete, tni'ta-orlhv and puri finnilv Journnf ATTiie lowest pkick in liiK I'NITKD statb,' SEVENI V-KIVK CENTS A YBAR, poswgo included. A lUUar bill piys for sixteen inonib IT IS A PEOPLE'S PAPER BOTH IN CHARACTER AND PRlCEy f ACOrtHf YK."1X1K r. ZAWSOXi lTOUS2iI, NEW Livery, Feed & Salef STABLE, Or an OU Stable In nets hand tntlrdp: The New Firm of HOLMES & 1HX0X; t.pcn the old tTREiaiir i! Any, do the Comer of Cth and Tearl Streets with f New Livery Outfit. GOOD HOB.SES AND C.tt UIAGH8 at nil 1 times houses Fan sale, houses novum axd solv, HOUSES KEPT BY THE DA OR WEKK.1 Call ami sec HOLMES & DIXOy. 45mfl HEAL ESTATE -CITY AND COUNTY IN ENDLESS QUANTITIES: WILL. & WISE. SUtlS MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS FOli FTE YEARS TIME. TE PER CE.H1 IXTERErEi NO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of D. II. WIIEELEIt A CO riattsrnoath ; or II. E. MOOUE, IJd eoJrj, Kebraslta. 21tf . WILLIAM HEROIjD, dealer la DRY GOODS, CLOT II 3. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOODS' GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS: Large stock of BOOTS and SHOES to to CLOSED OUT AT COST Notions, Quecnswarev ana in fact everything y u can call for la the line cf General Merchandise. CASH TAID FOK HIDES AND FURS. AH kinds of country oroduce taken la e change for goods. Champion Jiillinrd Kall AND Wen "TJPin ((cg, J. W. MURPHY, - - Prop,- Main Street. Opp. I'latto Valley. BEST HHA X I ).V OF CTOAItS, APPLES. , C.i.Vf -S Airrs. AM A UE.SEUAL STUCK OF L'OXMCTIOXElilES, Given Out in ExCifannff tClt l'OOL CIIKCKS. y27AU Gentlemen are respectfully Invited t?' caii. and participat". -r otherwise, in th aiuiucniciiW alloidcd. The best of order Is al-. ways preserved and everjo".011 enJoJ' theio se.ves. 471 v T'liinltr t Graintr. ALL KINDS OF Raiding, raining, lasin Sbilsotuitiitt) Alio, Decorations cf all kicd. Painted in Good Style. FRESCOING A SPECIALTY? REFEHHNCE3 J A. It. TAT LOU, N. Hui.mks. .1. V i.i,F.nv. Br., K. lttrKBxm. 4l. 01 ORIGINAL AND ONLY CENUINE mm Tkrecfcins JSTacliiiiery aad I'ort&M aud Traction Er glues. U(y ef trll. pmrftttttm' ui. or u Mi. tan ruiM, u U AUVrtlXjrC tor M0r mtporimr work la ma W mt ! n&x. TiaMlhv. Clover, ud all m:her ajJX - 'CI " ""i ''Vrs-fV iMMx inon::' auiiscrintu.il lor inn i uniw nami.T V.il'j . I ..... ...L..,. 1 ' r . finM. VMrW A - r..llAtr in the I'nilrii rittfs. and liavo fonr-l the I'arier I want at last. I think eecr hody oit-ht to like Hi Wltv, there's noihlntr f.kn 1C for 7. oncta a ycar!' Au aiionymbii. KMhst-riher writes cxprea.lr to. BtaUi bis aatia.'nrt'oai witii the Nl J, "for," b mv. I want a prxficr fhat treats both pWltlcai parties fairly. ... j. . 133 fare AYEXt CHKJAO PXr