1 fl E It ALD All Sorts. TThat a paraloxioRl creature man La'aCrta blotting-paper to keep from blotting paper. The phylloxera hu made 19 ap pearance in Catalonia, Sj.ftin, and ha Infracted a radiui of lour leagues around Malaga. When John Uonirip'i wif-s aslcs Tor a Uo'.lar or two for currant rie minJa, he smile? swcetljr an he nnyu : "'True love, darling, seek no change. " A mnn never recognize? the exquis ite beauty of the luit he his on hia head until Le sees a duplicate oi it on the head of a charming jc'u L There are several different vraya of adulterating cider, but ttte ehapest is to slosh iu about ten gallpn of water to twenty-two of cider. No man cau object to water. The worli "mnjolicajir' are pro nounced "im-vol-ica yarby persons of culohah, and with such an accent as would be given by a mouth whilt? holding hot inuh. A learned laristrate at Leeds re cently decided that egs were not roent, and that a man could not be punished undor the law lor selling them when unlit for food. Ancxchine hasan article on "How to run a Newspaper" Thi- should be read only to editors, ns every other person iu the world knows just how a newspaper ought to be run. The French Academy of Sciences Las been requested by the Minister of Commerco to ascertain a practical method of dcteCiug the adulteration of olive oil with other kinds. The economical man now ponders on the problem whether it will ba cheaper to buy hi wiie a new pair of ploves every d.iy or two, or provide -Ear with an elegant tilamond ring. The "Western Railway Company ri France recently exhibited a double headed steel rail which had been in use eighteen consecutive years, and over which 2S6,O00 trains have pass d. Experiment? recently in .vie on the Lake Shore Ilailroud prove that petro leum can be successfully usod ae fuel for locomotives with a groat naviuaf of money besides doiugaway with smoke and cinders. " Jolnny,"eaida fond mother to her boy, "which would you rather do, speak French or fSpnuuh ? I would ratli:r," said Jonnny, rubbing his waistband and looking expressively at the table l would rather talk Tur key." 4,7ca!rful things are done now-a-days," said Tiinmias. "The doctor La given Fla rk's boy a now lip lioui his cheefc." "Ah," said the la ly, "many's the time I Lava knon a pair taken i'r in tniae, nnd not a very painful operation cilhor." An Iowa paper tells the story of a lady wlio took her child into the cem etery for the first timo,nnd upon (show ing him the marble figure of a lamb upon a grave was appalled to hear h.iu exclaim ; "1 suppose; an old sheep id buried there." "There is nothing like settling down," said a retired merchant confi dentially to Ids neighbor. -When I gave up br.-iiifrS I settled down, and' I found 1 1ix.il quite a comfortable for tune. If I should have settled up, I shouldn't have had a cent." Did the prophet Isaiah ever eat at a railroad elation? It certainly looks so, for how could he have described it so literally it ho had not: "And he shrill snatch on the right hand and be hungry; and he shall en. t on the left band, and shall not be satieiied." It ia said that a minisfer in a coun try kirk iii Scotland stopped in the course of hia discourse to ak a mem ber who was tleitf, "Are yo-hearing, John?" ''0!t,ae," was the response ; "I'm hearing, but to rem little pur poce." "I wish I wore you about two hours" Ehe said with great tenderness. "And why, my dearV he akcd with consid erable in 'erect, "llecauo," piie said, toying alTcctiouatoly wiiii his watch chain, "because then I would buy iny wife a ney. bonnet," When the prodigal son had return ed home, remarks the Cincinnati 12n quher, and the fat led calf was kilhd and placed before him on the tabic, lie turned up his uoe at it a.ud said "Great goodnes.I Haven't you rc any other kind of meat but that? 1 ai lu did hate veal." Mother to her daughter just seven years old : "What makes you look so sad, Carrie?" Carrie, looking at her baby-brother, three weeks old : "I was thiukiug that, in about ten years from now, when I shall be entering company, and having a beau, that brother of mine will bo pld enough to bother the life out of mc." A lady, a regular shopper, who had made an unfortunate clerk tumble over all the stockings in the store, objected that none of them were long enough. 'I want," 6he said, "the longest hose that are made." "Then madam," was the reply, "youhad better apply to the next engine house." This is the view taken of it by en ia fud of bt. Joseph, ilo.: Little f'rcUdia was underg Jiug tb-3 dlfcarecabla opera tion ot" h;tVi:ig iii Lair ouLuixjvt by bis mother, and ii gi umLieJ at ihs Laaucur er. " hy, i'VoiUie," auiJ nia.aiuia, "you ouyht nut to innkc such a l'ue. 1 uou't fuss and cry wiiea uiy lm.;r ia -'i;bed.:' "Yes," replied l youtiiial pa-.y, "but your b.ii ain't fcitciicti to your head." Ifarpcr't Zl ag jgi.it. The cotton receipts ot Atlanta, Ga., fell cif inl873 about 12,000 bales from thote of 1S77. But what Georgia is losing in cotton would eeom to be made up to her in rich minerals. A single blast recent iy in the old Strickland mine in Forsyth County exposed a vein three feet in width wilh tsje gold so thick that it could be seen at a distance of ten paces. Teacher "Now, boys, quadruped and biped, you know, are two kinds of animals. Quadruped, animal with four ieu-s, such a? cow elephiuf, horse, etc. lilped, animal with two leg, auch as well, ah . Yes, there i3 a biped," pointing i a goose on the wall, "and I a:u biped, and vou are all bipeds. Now whut am 1?" Pause. Oue of the bi "A -goe, sir!" ' The American Isabella grape planted in Wurtomberg, Germany, grows with extraordinary luxuriance, the German vineyards are generally iu a rather porcondition,nndihisisaboutthcoidy vine that Loirs abundant fruit. The fnited Stales send cheese and beef to Kngland, and grapes and lager beer to Germany. It remains now that they should furnish wines to France. Two bovs had a fdw hot words and m sudden fight on High street theoth tr day. and one ran away, leaving the other with a Lloodv sose and a mouth full of "bawl. "Jjecnis to me," said a lK'dcstrinn who halted, "that you art big enough to lkk that boy!" "In course I ami'' waa the tearful replv. "Then why don't vou run after him and do it?" 'Cause 'cause," gasped ilio lad, "i don't want to get very mad at him until his foiks fall pears arc all ifone! After that I'll catch, bia and asitet bruii. hi& THE Joha JTjimoa, trho eam Is United Willi tin IaImc o tli iiOii-CiJul iluUilOf, iS U ir aa o.d iaaa, litinjin liw Ycik. A-taou-h 78 yc,i: of se, ilricsioa's hoi lliou-iit is said suit to b abborlxd witb bis iciii-tiirfj aad caecaanicai stud let, so that Lo aever leavca tn roomy tud hoa ia licica etiett, which is at oaca tut tiorui'.tory and iiii work: shop, except it t-9 lor eicci5 orj.tr cuiug buiac. bo cJki recrciiou k port&kea not of. 11 axepts iio iaviit.ou sua gives none. Lacii day ho cnciudea his Uoois wiia a record oitas eveau that Lavs happcued. Fur ceaiiy forty ycarshehca kept iLary, girisg a siag.e pije ta each day, vuld tiie vioz'd. baa r?cusi its ioitj volume coicpi.siag now over li,VuJ pa9s. In thm uiar only tweuty Uays ate utiss'ug ia tha ioily years, th onus sious beicg dua to an accidat ia 13 J3, wiiich Urpufod him of licgar on tit Artesian wells are becoming ery numerou-s throu.'lsout Call font ia,fresh ones being dug daily a well for irri gating purpo.a iu the farming lands as for genera! water supplies in S:;n Franci-eo and oiler cities. They cot froni I?2.'i0 npwa.-d, and Kme furniwh gallons of th jAH-est w.':ter daily. Iu the !fn Joiquin Valley tliey ar very ii:ii:erous, eleven beiug in full How within a tract three iviiies by a mile a:id a half in extei.t, and yet their proximity to e.ie'n otlicr and the digging of new wells does not limiie. i-!i their How at all, a thing that iand the c.ise everywhere. The novel ex periment has been tried of forming an liitilie'iHl lake with thU water and breeding lidi in it, and it has been foti i:d that the flh thrive as well in tVis water drawn fn.n aubterraneaii jonrrp" ;ia fa in :miv oMier. No familv iu Ireland deserves better of it than that of the Duke of Lein 6ter, its premier, and uutil recently only duke, who has lately remitted on his well tended estates 25 percent to all holding les than 0 acres, and 15 to those holding more. Further, he lias set large drain tge works a-going, where all out of work cau find it. Yet he is, for his position, a man of email meatu, and has some 12 children. His son, Lord Maurice Fitzgerald, is about to marry Lady Adelaide Forbes, eldest daughter of the Earl of Gra nard, a young lady of great beauty and a Roman Catholic. The Leinster FitzgeraUis were al!?o of that faith un til the I8t.li ceutury, when the guardi an of tike ihcii End of Kildare, a mi nor, brought the boy up a Protestant. The present Duke has probably not resided out of Iivlind six years ot his life in the a gi'egaie. His scat Carloii llou-e, near ilaynorth College, is the erfection of a spacious and comtoria Ic country home, but not on an Eng lish Ecalc ot grandeur. .The Fitzgeralds are closely connected by marriage with the grea;es;t Whig houses in Eng land. The Duke is first cousin to the Duke ot Uedi'ord, nnd brother-in-law to the Dukes of Westminster, Argyll, and Su theiiuud. A trial which lately took place In the naval tribunal a t Cronstadt is much commented upon by tlie Uuian pa pers. The d -leu-lanf, Capt. Chud vntzetf, w.is accued of hiving lost a copy of "the secret chart of the ap- 5) roaches to the roadstead of Sveabor." Ic w.n found guilty, but was recom mended to the merry of the Emperor on account of "on important circum stimce whih was dicovercd iu the course of the inquiry. The "impor tant circumstance" was, recording to the oiScial report, that, on comparing the chart in question, which was kept secret-owing to iis being supposed to be more accurate thm :-ny puidic chart, with the one pub!idurd in Swed ish in lo7, it appnv. that the bit ter, though on a wuuller ac.ii, is "ex tremely accural e," and eocia.na records of sounding and indications of all the defensive worka at the out ranee to the roadstraJ which do not exit at all on the "eeret' chrt. "From thUt" s;rvcs the Oo!os, "it appears that the lluis.an navy do not puee-s a com plete chart eve a of the eiur.u; to the ncd-te:d of H v.aliorg, one of i' e mo-t imp -rtant htratglc-il poiuU in the It.:s3 an rout, nd it id e.isy to iv; how it waa tlit the Engl h apjrof chet! t!'e cif.t unng tl;3 Ciini?ii"i war by ch ui'.i'-U f which tho liufsla.iJ bad not the rotr.otctt iii---a. K0 IS! P . r3 n a g g r, i&j Cryfarrttelif'iiCiistoHi. Th-yiy it tecania it id tirct ; 2.7nthsrj Ilk Caatozisv Vmni it ive hen.Ilii tf tv ciiililt nn.il I'liy'iiclm, Tbceaass it eontalxt.8 no xuor or niLsval. si 5 W 5 Ci Is uatnra'a rndy for sasiiM&tixii; tho food. It enren rlcd C&iic, tu raJsiii o? Sour Curl nl TiiarrbT, allaya Ifovrle'hsesii aritl Kills Worm. Thi. tb CMlii Koalta andthe Mother e'etaiao reit. DZti atat, Ch.aa.Tf, a ad HellaTtiZe. pf.TfiSfirrgfj RITA eirs .ta Tha most TtiT Pais-rclicvlc; asaoU for MAN d BSAST th9 vorld lraa ever imova, Om 1,000,003 Bottloa iM lut j-ar t Tho reasons f-r this unnreceMted pcj lariiy, ur avivieut; the Coot&tif Iiiii BiGuts ar t- derrtiCca.JefiCO( they kr eI;orLel iuio t'.io etructuro; thry always euro ani sever dibc.Ticiait. 2o person nerd louder tuu".r ytiih PAI In tHo BACK, HHaamatiaxa or Slil Joints, for th 0 EN T.tnlmfnf 1 xtHI mziry eztora.lna.te tliap&Ln. Tlieroii k.o & trn.ii, bprain, Cut, Boavld, Bnm, Bruise, Stins:, Gall or Iaxnciioss lo vUca ManVui.l cr Dtuoio Iiruta cvre btiTj j r.t. tl a t tloea not rpcni to tbia Sootldng "bulm. 'XLe Contaur not only relievo pain, V-nt tbay incite Lealtby action, snLJo lr.ftft.in.Tuatirn, and cere, whether tho syzcptunis prccl from uoaalj of tha , or Kanraljjia of ilia 7"orvei fraia tonlracicd Cortls or a soolded land ; from a sjiratnod aaVJo or a ga.idi.od foot; actLr from dUtcu.-t'&j Ir?IJS3 ULDT3 TAGS or u t-i. .bd jcint on a Uor-.o'a Tj. M'.o ; : "3jr j-rodused by a Iurn or cIJ; -.ti'iUw;5.tisM fn!ii Fmit-bitc; Sv12 ' ias;s from Strain: thatorturco of Illion iatisnat Crippled for life, by cis neeiccted Bcc:.'e-it; a "TJilntTblo Lrs tr a Doctor's SHI may all La saved fiia On Settle of Cestenr I.1i!meitt. Ko IioaiaXerpari Farmer, Plaster, Teamster, or Liverjnin. ecu i7rrd to bo iiuout Iboto woadtrM Hi--iinioatx, Tbey e&a ba procured Ia imr part cf the cloTi) fr 50 eta. ani $1.00 a botUo. Triil WUles 23ta. nTi?a TiZVER-FAIUKQ REUCT SASFOHD'S CURE, 17 ! fvt iHt e.a t- m.tJnUate4 to li mott fjn.i'Ut-! w:aJii.'.'U: iff itferd la fror , xaf gr rlot.i y Dio.iifir. ti i um IlDicX, Cvks ro CT&kicir ac- La erf ry c&-q laror-J ia--jit kj i'tiuaotrili;f. hansutiiretluiirlniif :n jlr.y, ur to kf. r ai mw, t-ie triao-.e citn taOx rjiricr cflt.T. lae.j toe trcaiuti-t vf vs:rfiiri 0.-at. rrjii .xaf tiwi oie frit iu lib '):J' to do a;l Ut ! tuial t.t it. 1 b itrt :mrr ut irs r. tuna U f. tl isitf- fin.-.o. c. im pij.'ot, una t c,J'(iluir 11 eY'-r o!il ia fKor ot a prowler rMif. vroreic, ihcMlors- rntr uwi fl prtA vt tbt U--n fmedf UtUUiiej, 10 YTAH3 A SU rrZHETl. Frc-n Kca.TBoo.P. Gaert, Er!t!c!, R.L fYru. vd'-' 'ouriiii;. u o. 1. Gik w.yvZ etrvsi l ItAii;L Cc ni CiT I so iuductxl W tl.c; J m lu.- to U!'.t ti'Jhoacu I any: fcn- --'i-ticsl cf i til . uMi-cru wJvirtiM) 1 3 "tMlcu -ch rif Hi J u 'imi3 turtf m Uia.t o.- ''-it's. i have l a ftTuctd jk t.l.n Arcn"-! 5j--o f r iik' U':rj y ar, ni j t-ill rr;r.nr eocM t t-i in !i.c. d 1 1 j.'t. tct,; vita iy f.nl I r.l tli3 ! 't:r f :r. rimrirrtrf, & caa trfcii fnliy sjr !! f T fir t-t 4 tci"r I tp:t1t ir:il u lo'ioc d la sn.k tbaitaM Am, tlrarc. Trrtrniy. fit. 'iiil. P. ZObLuJ?, liAturoi K. L, J tij 24. 1271. GATflBRBAL SFFEflTiOriS, ?-rti ts ot, Wesk, Tn9iTn-C, TVA.ind Wferf tvn: I'!' T tl.)u saJ I jdnuiiuti"U vf Ue i 'I l.un: r Nois- ln tin? l!iia: -r. Tnr-'-kt; ttoDyrv tioa '! Uio Oala r', SweUfd Tucii'si crtnua lieilacbe, Ni-urli. iMnrlni. Cloid?a Vimory, Li f KcrTuua KtTt, In-pri-wionnf fipirltt, .r l crrc:is:'jr ad e.-i-T.lifirVly ir-tl wJa. tt': r-nitr.!;' in-, oici :P to croroo' n-fct'-h T'Ti;pary tXf li tOKir. or tiU Uu li-d lit kd&rti4 a ru-jelja cf p. l-.l't!ing 1 Tltij fjil cittn: . for lu (u rsin ns w i i $ -i ifiiurLKdii: ii icjklliru, V'ua t iuo, 1acs Potss, 2Sr- rwr Aitoclivn, IkmI RlueasAUtisiS 2T2o IaiUrnu)r, Ken cm ZmlJ, AAVctloii of d irivtn-j, Frarturod l;'t. ATcior f ii.e Cbot, Colds BJi Caa-hs, Isljurios in tl-a Suioikdi ami LLiiils, Ilfart A-Tco- t?re, 1't.eaJrjJ.fUro af tie YViUt nd Ann a, AaU-ojL, Gout, 3tl XVoep. caad Xaiiu, rala in tli Ci.8t. ftiiciila tav Huvk, I'jla in ta Kip, "l"arl;oo or Jtilaryr-a Vfciu. Ci-!c!c la tn zimJc CJvt Necl Faia scil Wi-aJLirriea ia and Trhuo-xiaT Cj'-g.i, SL-'p iu tlS 5a!, itert UiAnUie. 2 ' r liv, Ask for COLLINS VOLTAIC TLASTHL fold !1 Vho'.esaU and KetKil Jrfft Ti'SiS a I'OITrT. iTotrtLlor. to'oc ((. l0 UldLaiOilNiJ- OA i.:" -) FISoM (- OMAHA, CO'JNCiL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY or FLATT5 MOUTH la CHICAGO, Where diect eonnections are made with Through Sleeping Car Lines TO NEW YOISK. BOSTON, Mil LADF.LFHIA, ISA l.T I MOKE, W A SH I N TO S . AND ALL EASTERN CITIES. T7ze SJioi't Liric Vt PlCJiA for IXDIAKArOLIS. I.OUISVIIX.E. CIXCIX 2? ATT, af.it oil i-'unt in lite SOUTHEAST- ST. LOUIS, Wl,fr Direct Coonfctfoiis av; ii'ade jn t'.'.o I'NiON lH.lOT witli Ti.i..ii,h SU'ej.iii Cr Lines lor oil points KCl 'i'tl. . The Shortest, fcpeedk'i't nnd most Conifortabie v.a MASMSAL t- Ft. SCOTT, DEXTSOy, DA LEAS. HOCSTOX AUsTIX, SAXA.XTOX1U, OALVESTOX, and all lH'ints in TEXAS, I'ullmnn 1 :-AVipc1 l';Jace .Sleepinji ':-.rs. t ., U. & . r-.Orc. ))r;i v. iiiK-H'"in Cars, With IIi;;:n!rs Kei-Mnli'-r t'liiuri. No Exira Cliama for Sei'ts in Kn iiir.n;: CI:alrs. The far.icu C, D. & U. Faince Diuiiig Cir. Fast Time. Stfl F.all Tnwk nnd S'iprinr Fu jiMi- ii; --:n":-i I wit'.i M-cirOVi -if fnn-uah Cor A rrortQt m n. m.ikes t i.i-', above ttil oti'.ern, the IkvoiUo i.-uio t the Ti'.Y IT. and vmi v. :li f.r.dT 7 i VFM VG I ..x ury is&ieaa ot a l.;:coo::ort. All InforsnHtJon elit li'tn of F tr, '.( r (':;) Afr.U iii-.i!i:i! iO:-.s. T:n'-- .'alike. id he chreitiidy Jvt-ii by .!!: :"si to ; Ceteral Fa-.-e-n.'-r i.gt, Cateago. 'f :v'V:C ;riJC'' HOTEL. CITY liCTEL PUTTSVOnil, XE3. First class Lodinu Knoms. Fiist Class Eoarding. ;ood Sample Kooina E-erj thing and every comfort A Good Hotel can Turnis!? A'.so, Good Wines, Good Eer. Good Liquors. . GHd "Leinon:ole, Good Char, Kept at the City LTotel. lt'y FRFD. ;OOS, Froinirtor. S-V, CARRIAGE and ORNA 2! IS NT A L PAINTER, Sh'-p over the Jirielc Block ucx. to II Uocck's. FLATTSHOUTU. r. AGENTS WANTED TOR THE GREAT. Cehtehhial HISTORY f5lai? C3mH't345Vt fca? T.Ka M-fnrif"rmw THE W R MM riANO-FOHTE Are net only first-class Intrmn? nt, but this Eitiil.U-iJiiiif'ur iiuiv tie 1ust!y re:irded iia kiie of the l.'uJint' ri:,uo-Forta alauufiv.-tories ut ttio World. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. Purtne the Season ot 1KT5-17 th Henry F. Maier ti;tno!t were uf rt in Boston and vicinity in more uihh ia oiu-f nt. Hatwn oi le"-tS7i, t'oneerti". Reasna of 178-1ht Montn oi Oetober, 35 Couceris ; Monib of November, 45 Coni-erts- Xune bui Art ehi Piann cilil gain swh un THESE PI AX OS UA VF RECEIVED The Hiahest Praise Froin the Most Eminent Musicians. Of late I have bad many oir'rt unities of usinu your Tianus and chii a with ui.ifure. tbry have d j superior in Amen", t-.aA my long experience abroad justifift rue in piai'tnif tliem aliead ot any foreign instruments of their kind. I HAS. if. ADAMS. Madame Itore and the other artists of niv company are OVlijUitvil iththe"MilliT" l'mno, for it.t rit'h purity f toi,, a:id the M'onderXul Dimmer In liicti it euaUiu.i tiu- vr:c-e. It. MAPI-ESOir. In beli:i1f of the Birn:bee Concert t'owniinv. and parlicnhtrly iiiVflf H- the pianist of said company, I wKb. to CAprfw iiinny tUai:kM for the l.fiiwniii: ur.iu.l ri;iins oi yur tiianutac tur, vitli whit'li yon have turm.sh'i w.s so far thi4 m-UMOii. Wirh your tine iniiiuiiifhts con ceit iviiiff becomes h !.!! tve pleauic aud de iight, "no hay we all oi us " HOWARD M I conirtrr no other "eiMke" with which 1 am acquainted, can fxccl it iu any of tiie (juxliws Hot ooiiriitute a i-rfct iiistrement. As an iirr'n.aiiiii:ciit fu- tlie voice, I know of none 1 ivouiu prefer to yourn. airs. ji. is. it. tAHTrit. T take "r,".t i)!eaure In rccoiuinendini! tlie If f iiiy r. ililicr i'ianoi on all occasions where a fwst-ciass p:atio is desired. sirs. a. ai. fMiTir. I have known the Piano mariiif.u'tiircl hv Mr. llenrv F. Millnr for innnv vennt and I do n.ft ! it.;if to s:v rhat they tak' piirli rank anions tlie tii'st-clii ibbtruii'Ct.ts of nny of the best lllilkerH. L'AKl. ZhJtKAHX I consider the MKW Tiano sueerir to ail ftieiiti that me!k and i-iiiin iua:iiy o ac- cpiauie lor voice acc.n.iiiaiuiiiri-. ilix. aline Osoooo. We were delhcbted with tlie Tianon of vour niauufucture witicli we used during our recent tour in the I'nited States ttieir cliannios siu- lat; quaiiuesreiid. rinyr trere epecia:ty oesira ble lor uccoiapanyiim tl;e ).iirn;.n voice. 'lUK (UtKilSAI. S'F.D!SH I.A i i j t' a u r:TT v.. fcria's IutcmaiiosalitioitiGiilSiO. This establishment wm the oi)!y one out of more th:vii foi ty Ji i;io-1oi te exhibitor, wiiich w- flcert.ed two am abm foj'iiM single exhibit ut i''aT:ns at tl;e t'c.'itciiaial inhibition. T2tU wv(. f:6 ani j Z-tallUhmen! tJmt Ktetivtd a SpecUil Award ftir a yeir Ini'tuiioa Xfie Valent Iela3 Upriglit Pi no-Forte. !le H8BP7 Miir Pianos nave ri-ctived ths endorsement of tlia Slate of Massachasells and the CITT of EOSTOU. They ait LEADEliS aiuon-j f.1 FOREMOST PI AX OS of THE WORLD. HENRY F. MILLER Boston, Masa, U. S. A. JAM&S PETTES. Ae't. r Plattsmouth. Neb. 52ty James Fett ee DfULEU IN Musical Instrumc-nis,. Sole Apprinli7ig Agent for The I'nrivnlleii .1?onon & ifaailiM CABINET OR'ANS. A!o t:it Apont f.r the lit nry F. Miller nnd V.". '. I"iuiiiiii t'i. t'iiinos. Pro' S. .:. Hrown, 'f user .ind lievalrer, Oe:.'l Travidiua Kz't S A M PEE I NSTIiUM E2TTS at oftlce. Sixth, one door south of Maiu St. M.ATTSMOUTH. XCD. Will do well to exiinun.; our New Mason & Ilsinlin Is Sea j:l'r.t F.iroe.ly iudj for 5 it ic iViel :es jti-i t- f Ly the pablic,2 fi. f ior m-re t'lAa S3 yeir;J i-'. 's:-pnrft1!;ntci r ;i;t..J SCsD S'OH CIRCULAR. ,'t T v.. f ilTf.nn 13 BSOi?)'.7T. , ji iil.i (!" Iili J1i.11 j,A- YOii Cirja ' ti -ir.rtisr i:tiiu tot" its s(rrv?:oa. -vaavAajanaaja J FSc'arr' jfA fe?J .h'?',--tL -CIS I X- ' ; ? T-' ir) By practices JSHICK! BRICK! If you want any Fke or Ornamental Brick, Call on J.T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - NEBRASKA. F. BAUMEISTER ' Furnishea Fr?h. Pure Milk. Specfal calls attended to. and Freh Milk from u-Mue cow luruUlied witeu wanted. HUB T 5: la. SB A. G. HATT New, Clean, First Class Jleat Shcp, nnMain Street Corner of 5'h, Plattsreouth Everybody ou baud tor fresh, lender incut. ;rl.n6 STUE1GIIT k niLUAU Harnrss 2Iantffs.vturers, SADDLES COI.LAK3. and all kii.ds of harness stock, constantly on hand. FRUIT, COSFECTIONEY, GROCERY STORE, NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS CUFFEES, SUGAU3, TOPACCOES, FLOUR, e. KprrernbT the place opposite E. G. Dovey's on Iower Main Street. 21-1? HTREianr & miller. 3 CO r CO O err o -Hi pi H cat o ' U-i E U J hj I .H Q )aea7 CD Cat-- 50 in " 5 i: i sv.- ... J t a. w--rr: iirret liltorT Itikjf IToft at ;n4i.i Ur ve.i. Ti. - it. WstviT Piih TaH :n o" . t ; :ic :r irnlvCil twin py. tin1 ir izp V w::jr.jj r4 rCrat1.t t ;. oii;!ika- uat fccl -rrc:n o.: ix:--.. . f' '- ti rt-Jp"'? ii'A;a tTLHi i -Cft , rtcr- ri(C;i' iird n ,i-t1lJi n-i rf , - i xr f. rr, r t 17. t ir h. "SfsTTu.' T-i-!.i, w-irttri:a t 1 - it, vfr?!i!ii t iS jf-i. y .r c.t J rr t-frj--ift f-r-jici-i ir c!5 rw ue-! y m't CinpAnT'XfT U "-i-, iii'lri-fri, f " t "Vsr--, T, i Ks. t-v ' irr.iw! fr tj. -.. 'i riu ft m tr;r: -vi't i'-oJ htM.fiM ''"' rh -' j a p-ai t.vt ! riU'-AT. IS. - ' " '- 3 vntw .rr'.a, ti k HtaVt . b tu, with C1. ' it : i - ---l. T " i- , rii. r t?u. t.:. ,'':' .tV ?- -r ' r 'v u.u tt T;ii ca-it'a- --r.:-i: a-n Wjf'irt U 2-a. "'.. .:.; rt t ; rsiTia, r-4 r u -.7 .- t- e4 l-r iSe J.:.rt: ul '. ' to V u - f r. M-a,t'iftVo:otrhi kirc (u.- w ? Vv j :-t-, f.jiic. t-t i : v. k -.m .l: !.. . n -.:-i.r w.-rytfo r''. ivr--i i.c-'-n v' r;- '' thtir. I ?) i : r rl l- ; fvt.l'- j.i-r.- -l i- ru . t Lfi ft ti h X, 'a! O'"! ft-i.S -i; ! -.! irt.rvr I r il J t r Si S- Th -..-?. cm. i . ft r-v;t;.rt t rrr i' trTf "r--t. ( i1 i. " ba'i f-t'I Pi'itt-r. n. . rt ervicr.tn t'e v-'t T '.. 1 a icn- air ? - rr y t-. t "a, T ?. 7 . TaI.'i:pt:i tJTr;"t !r j ir-tr. f' "t 1 ''jjt7trir,nh.n :'. t.nvi-wt r. j i. e-!.' ' thit tt r-i m ? Ni- d t :.; i:ia' h" - .' i f 1 rr r c ' it:r jT i c r 'ir -- r . u i. e-Ti'-rr qi i"j" A ljt. nw r.l eon-.plefa Guida to tl.'ifi i j gl Bin ixtt, coi 4, w niaay -s ., v cmi'fn! W c man eciin ol 51 t J.J ; "i f x, .i t " iih!iIii. ouif ai pua ihcmpli- a s : - ."c...ri;i, "1 briccrwn,, Aai in nuiuiihii. a'l.ir to wiin, frwrirut-wii, in ca-, Ccihejr end eRipr.il. C(ufii 1k1;h, von-wuo, Onn t nnt.ljev li.d Ciiunl,ip, Iwipnlim to Marriage, c-..4--l. l.v of JSw.-uk, 1 ai. ut I ., nhoi :. . vtiracn, c, ijwl ju-.ie Xiai".'" peruVar a XVa js, ttt oi'a and Jrwiuuoit. A book fT pri'rua a-S v."l:iirmtrrJ:'iJC fl J'-O paK-S fuj iua (.nii. h Eiiil, fcr ti eir-. 'Ts Pr;v?.ts Ms:crr! Avlaer." ti, . un f.pcraiat'rhi.RjllebU:ty.a-flIlB- fc f Art Sf.MuM;'4 e--a,rrM. SrniU.at I cc 11. 'ncul i:-rif , l.'invuwaf a'CiiU lec!- Memory, LbN ot ( iul 1'j.t, . niang maTi- ijnjnpf or a-ha-;., p:,;.?e tr.tmi U and a f. itt r, -W" i-t v c a i a.1 pi;t ituwli aaoib tLta, r 00 ifit-. 1 4 Cx-.a- a-ivfCH-.", ttrtrrrt n a. a VVoH.-iii,?d, r-x U ilina ia r.na nM bnnd Tl-jn. 1. 1wy criaia .."0 r4 an t c--r aj j itBitnuocs, e-b-aarr'f rry laira n t-a f-wrai!-i m t'.at is wewi kJ7;.P0 a'd m.u-H Urct i aot p.ifcUah-l lit o'Kcf rk. T C'-fp-iMiid volhme ia Bjitive;y ' teat Pcpa!r a:c'-eal Book FiLiitlird. aAd t.i.4.',i.."'d aet K'.ai rt cai hara .air wn,y Tl:ind.L TMantljcr ii i fTWKECtd '-ru-i.a ofnu.y ytara (wt.. , . ;a wil kn-..n.) and t.a aric rirn, au4 iliiftrtintii l-:4 iowi, wiU b fnaad of i t.;n to thoe nwirf ftn-.n imuritsa cf tarwia,;f r-rc.-'MiT'Kor.rraT t f tlierjmr oj iut:i- toiciiig r. -!- t' FriTattj" or Or-.D .e" -.-ui ti v-i vtpea.ox comppra ia ra, f-T Ti u Kim, tii.'var tr Cw'rt-ray. tOonu'. U loa mt5J;tuu. i.d kt- - r- 9 'J "d rl."'7 inH wlth-nn cl-?- ) A"d-r Cr. at.: Divn ry, la M. &:a ft, -ixicu, l'a -iby li7.) For ! by fSowt PistftM. A-rflT3 wn?ad. Ctrt. E'.TTil in a a'! t-ia!a anj 'i-C f m "y R 'lTi.k'. Is . -t n t-i.ir ia-n- i M ai- rer-'-r -- - t..a i'. L. -7 -1 i'-i y wuuuuLa a--r a. ir.te- i, ct a Xrnt.a !- 1 l la-t ... Jli'a;". 3 y- 6 r-' by V'"' "-"J tlt.X iS.irt.r all irZ 1 n-. .v-'--r. frt.ri aul ! r'.V..t btMi:s art J 3 3 t''-a, :..-. Or- a , ,m It uisvaa. t- - m " I rciMia irtt.j I l.!U aua Gaa'l C , .j. ( m'U. a !iar 1 ' ia? A r aaat.le. f to' Limit ef V.M vd U 1 " a ei.i.b ft ,.l.-a:-' la- Lie. f to, c a rra.4ti-D. ! n.:rn r a t oc r rai. act f boh f.aE. tl'aO1, InSu. -na'-lia J j eiia,', t f - 'At D. aairrao. C rC 3 i"5- I: '-'- ble r a i. 1 r 3 i"J-a '" fc---ra par 6-1. Prlraiaf; I ibii-hai ka tni:f ooaie as I auraa lat 1 1 iu'-i t rum u. Lalia duruif aua 5 S e.-ydrt. Dr..Q. cr a h O M O Ve o5 hp H ki I 4 -1. '- Tva. j '- .it rcae. I I t TrW Wrk. r, ,i ;Dt C- c; Slif V9m . CM aw, .-. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BIsJlCKSjllTlI HOItSU SUOEINU, AMD WAGON EEPAIRING All kinds of FA KM IMPLEMENT! mended Neatly t Promplp. Horse, Mule 'Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything thtit har four I'fcet, from a Zebra to a GiruCt'e. Come nnd see us. jsr-xn-w SHOP, n Fifth St . Main ar.d Vine Street, ust across e.. from tho kkw 1IKKAI f vmcc. iy' ROBERT DONNELLY'S KLACKM1TI1 SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow rc- pairing, and general jobbing I am now inep.tred to do all kinds of retailing vi liuai aim uuitr m:u-liiner.v, as tfatra. ia a good lathe in toy khep. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker lias taken ehsrjre of the wmoa shcp. He is well known as a NO. 1 WOHKMAN. Xew tVnions and Itn&::iei made to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shoo on Sixthst mt oooiie Stretuht's Stable O. F. JOHNSON, DEaLEK in Drugs? Medicines? WALL-PAPER, All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO ZOEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. I'rfotrlttlojis Crefwlly ("arapKadd su Kxirrlee4 Sr-sjsla. REME'IBSIt THK FI.aC 3. A -ST. 2 DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN PLATT.SMOrTTI. NEK. Wines, L i q o u r s AND OIG-ABS. Main Strowt, opjjusite tfce Court Hun". Till, placK is Just opened, tteir, ot.d i;ouds of all kinds. Vr want to keep a good houso and -lae our cuto:nr. REMEMBER THIS. 9 Jr. NEW FIRM ! ltw" goo dsh JXO. B05S & S0?i, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. At O. Guiliuiac's old store. A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries, NEW ANI F BREAD STUFFS, of every description. Choice and Fancy Candies and all kinds ot Canned Goods. CIGARS A3D TOBACCOS, of ibe best brard3. CHRISTMAS TOIS, tC, dC, iu t:RL!ess qnantities. Fresh Bread Daily. Don't fail to Call. SSly J. BOXS & SOX, I'rep s. Peaters in 3 T1 O S E?- , 5-.. lij" rv B W K a KTC, FTC, ETCl One Poor Fast ot tho Ft-Otil., l'!..t::;ioLitl. Nelra-k;i. . FrHCtioal Work-'i's ia SHEET IRON, ZINC,- TIN, BRA ZIERT, 1-., to. Larjre assortnient of U;;nl mio Soft rumps, Gasa I'ipea find Fittings. GOAL STOYB3, Wood and Ctai s:ov, s fr Oil C00K1X0, Always on Ili-.iiJ. Evry varietv of Tin, Slift Iron, and Ziin AV'ork, in t'ito:k. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Pon. on Short Notk-e. riTE VER YT111XG WAP.UAXTED ! I'KIST.S LOW HOW'S. KEKXA N & GiUCE. pofaj Tmm CIGARS AND TOBACCO. PLATTSMOUTII XE15. IJilli.irJ Ila'l ani S:lion on Main street, fotir doors from Sixth at Neville's oM iilac. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, A LES, WINES.dC. BraifnafrTbc Vnwr .rt raj-e. Kesuau Graaa Vk c a y V ' ,Pta, ilin.i aiaLicaaKaaaiaaataav4tcaaiM : ' . -,.'--- r - f -v .1-.- t. - ? i - V -' f. .- -j . k':,.: f-v .--.V : y - ;; " r 1 ; . k :. t' ti i ; v-v---t-- -- That the public may tte protected ag ilntt Imitation and Fraud we tpetiallj eautUjn nil jvr chowrKo BKASiOS'S OAI'CISK POHOIS l'liASTKKS J to Umtilu uxrrd CAl'CIXE on each plasUr in tpelUdeorrrctly. j,l" not allow ni other flat ter to IttfKilrneil jJ under timi'.ar tntndit.g tmiiuj, u-illt the a.-muraiice that it U the tame thing or c gixui. Hear in mind that the only niject suvh womitr cat tmvt in that they can luj imilaUoKB at half the price vf the genuine, and they Impe'Ly thit huUliluliin tt fcai a kmM adJUoiinl profit. HEABl'RY & JOn'SO, I!irimxcentleiil Chcmlnf, fw York. 4HH H.A. WATERMAN & SON. Wholesale and Ketail Dealers In l'lNE LUMBEll, JATII. SHINGLES. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Maiu street. Coruerof Fifth, I'LATTSMOUTII, - - - - NEB. Still Better Rates for Lumber Excelsior Barber Shop. J. O. BOONE, Vain Street, opposite Saurulers House. TTX33.-CTJ'X,TX3iTC3-, 8HAVING AND SITAMrOOING Especial attention given to CUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. TALL AND SEE BOOXK, GENT, And L'L-t a boon lu a A. Schlegcl & Bro., Manutactnrcrs ot IITB CIG-ABS, And dealers in FANCY SIJOKKiW ARTICLE'S, SMOKING and cnCWING TO 15 ACCOS. Special CRAXDS nnd sizes of CIGATiS maito to order, and satisfuction t;uaraDtrpd. Cl;ir clippings Hold for smoking toliaseo. Main St. three doois west of Satmders House. I'LATTSMOUTII, Xi:3. 101y -&L A3MUFAOTO S'3T E I. 3 S- - 3. CO i Si 3. o o rrr- g. era O CD 00 CO ES CD S3 W 2 ' CO c o i CO C - 3 CD tx v CO O v. -a 5 C ' ia . C ' s- 2 s? jr - ---if.---- '.--.i . t' Sherwood Keeps ths Biggest "L5ne cf Soots L Shcoa In C2.S5 County. . 4!y -JT JB'--- III . lan aJ lna wurARTicourt. wWewoSH- add p. est: VhiteSewimo Machine Co. Cleveland, omo. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Ho. 1 1 HL -y,' ; Ann'irfri'liiiifortiroJifii.'tit'iil'Jrt.kwIwrnlontlf - '. J . V";J ,'1 I CDR.vrd in :ie im al trrmtitM-nl ofaii V cir!l.Bual r L-; 3 L 'J acd Llutraic 1.h-h- tiun n, other f iiysiciin ia 6C -1 5. ; 'A ir- ii'- '1 fc7! bilio. 6-;LOri noia.O.1. Ctriuture. Orchitis. ''- U " U " r.-nt,. ir n .iTiMir'3. fill Ijrinury l:ffl3i and EvriiuUHc cr Hrc-Tinl AHtcticnp cf too 1 brct I In cr li'.ueu. ar trrUed .'h tinparaUricd autxata, oa : latrr.t aci'iitirft princ:ic. fcafr.'r. l'riTas;y. j 6rr:i.a'otiVn i-f o! Icl.!i:ty ant Inrao tejev.aa tlip rtrmilt cf e":i-Abti in youth, a-ul - ; c3.Ji in infiTurer yraa. or ci'.iirrrauira. and u-h prutluca Miinrul liia loiiowi:iy rC-ciz tii-rvrtft.i.i'aa, a-liinat citiia- ! noli,. ( r ut.r.T. u.li I hi .i.w. ki live iiirinu v, niiiiniea t oa .. .... . . ". :iu!:on ii.Vsa. loia of acnial p-.wrr. tu ., midvrirR , xnariit-S' in"r"f'P''r cr uui-.'ippy, are pfrniaiKT.t.f j eiird. Couuf:iro at ottic, t r by n.al f, aiHi nivitwf. . Whrn it i inrof ie-i ier.t to it-;t (h citr tor trrarnict.t. mlaCinf ran b nt b iixii cr ri pr rrrTUrt. ur able c-tf j-i:aftd, h-r douijt trxisi-'t i f.ankJy atawd Pisrl:is; aW5 i, 1 i ; i? V-s:ca. 1 tusp : i CU1DS. i ' :r.v ntcio.h and r!?t. Wnair.it. tji i IpU for ffOc. In prtae or CTiirpnc?. Off: lifly wonilarrul pn pnturea, true to iifes articira en thi- fo loirirz .uhji-ta : M ho rtoy marry, aho not, Maniiful, Vo:i;r.ri'.od, I'hyvual df-'ay. Vlo aliouid niarra; If'w life r:d hcpiiifj may b incraairtl. 'i in Vh olt.py of H tiradr.rtift-i, .imI n.any rfaii it. thn 'Pt ,nicrr lor. a: H fcey. f'l t: M key. IVpular rdllion, , lr, pjgra. . 6 cia. by mail, tf"-il fniiif in AmAri-a. aantc at abovf. h.it ptpfr eo,rr, in mon.T r.r p.,tic-. rh-,t aA.iT;a- RBSORIPTION FEEH Irrniafurr Lability, Nrtouiii-, Itp.ii..'-ricr. ;f.;i hob f luia A vert ion to FfTirtv. IvfVit. V.rmory. ar.d aU Xi.ordert tn.Uhtcn ly SrvVtrt r!tbil aod Lx.a. Ar.j iR tiACQ-Jkv 7U CaLL.ut St., 8tt IxrU, ii BAST'S RID1K3 SAV MACRIKE Th BEST TIIXNtt OUT. Will B1W any aia loa 1 any poaiuoa. Thotiaand ,a ue. We'tthi of tte oper ator fSota il ?ie -arork. 6-cd for Circular, and lnoea. AGENTS WANTEa. - 1 -ar' t . .. AuJieaa J-.. V. Jiaal, ai, loui,, 'iu. Vf.L. I:;i:c! C3 SI Um M a V.l, f. - t tati.fw!-. t.mKrmurft. H.)T Ki)a (SI- fl.n.r. r-lr? a.u-i:e Mo r,-,-.ir brret j 10 Krf-!i In. Itrt-.: r' t'..f'i;U i J-l.fl I an, I I Silvst -p!,t.'l Mir: I I i.:u H -! r r I h. v feneil ; fif.at frH r; 1 ,'.ai, in. Fn-r : I Caak Out faOTijr I'an, a -i Ctufie S,crrt frr ,:'"! I 'a. (l'C a!iey acjJi'T e t.i A ! a;nt for rr- Cc,p". ! taaan, '. sil l UVA i ml ) ", " "7 FT T A KBpHrr.l Maataukna kkVi I tm ttkuf ut lit t. . I. Mil Mba C)cl;iwUUk t lkip Vturlk kM,l( bf MtpaBr.M. T ,ttem ai.a, wilb gawt rcrche, furnMfe lit, wtfit tova, auil five lml thl will lnr a oikr ,, lW a alh. Ada mi miATio al fta. co, b. i. u, ai. MONEY' TO LOAN ON 121 PROVED FARMS FOB FrE YEARS TIME. Tr.f PKfl'CKXT IVTEHES1 KO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of D. II. WHEELER A CO. Plattsinautli; or It. E. MOOIiE, Lia coin, Nebraska. ltf BATES a K0H1TKE. New Carpenter shop on Maiu Street Corner of 7tb. Bates & Kolmlcc, Contractors, and general workman in tho CarpenUT line. m HARDWARE STOHE. j. S. DUKE ll:i 3ii"t oper.i.-d ah rutiro new stock f hari ware, mi Tesar a tdej ws 'jh mv. ws ncw Ker.t door weat of Cli;ii'tn;u & Sinith's Urua Si ore. A Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES ana ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, ly tU JCet or Pound ROPE, POWDER, SHOT, GRIND STONES, WEEEL-BAnilOWS. A Fnll .Line of t TT V. Spi iu?;Ratcs to Builders and Cot tt tvtura. AM coddi sold :;a low aw tlscy posiiblv cn ba and live. " tlr ." - A t - . W . V ' . .. . jz TT" tt ii'J f.iu f'JfKO.O-'i for r.uy 0 a; '; Of ii'a"'u.:i-l fiv t; i;tct Cl;!lAi latlii) tLlil it la t ckk ti-.n iu '4 - li'Ti;.,fjieti.r vlio 1 n ;;ivca It u v-jti!rt.i:tL .;' it ti r.n Fiirrfnw rTrvcT- ,ilJ- .1 V.? vt so.i.i or s...l.-3-.-u.", jct or ii Jl, IiUj ii 1' 'If a t'Crtrnr-r ajJjjc,' S t' i''tiau UJu iia;trisi U.-J Good frvr! iclu':.'. a ;twi : ar-1 l.'nl Is I'oprovcd or Un,v o-o-l Jn j i'.;-' r on tstbo locr.i r e (it Is r.u:.-:ti i!s tr o;i,i-rv.u. Lcwi.V JlAtlXi J'jiii..t a. i c) r.i-kei genj rotl. Or,a can t'rJ 13 rcrtii ti.'O of an aw bnlilnr oc:'Toui!-i. Jt liiil-.ca tn-'t ttMOi- ni.O rrTr. Moret;:an tutlf t.- ': wn.ii r.-.nr en.o fro.n iie n.. r of c .i--. a - i -. 0: ra, n I'itii o:."u i:u;;-;e tiiv I'M i U.u.- lua om aa.rK brciU, Ti.e no t i. :''?' t' r-r i .. . !:' vtr-.l r!r!i It rHfM' .;. y. : i:r!y every ciilirr 5v .: : . -f O-ir 13 r.--5;:-:crasit art U fcbsc-r:.'-; v 1 'i,'--, ; 1"':'S H luuJ-3 fr.i-.-: ii ;.--. t i -.',- .,' f 'i .-tx..-, r,r. 1 : J; : , X ! c i ..1 J' ; ir; :.-VKr tae iSi-s.1', tt i cruad, ctrcuiT, CAi;r. ... , rttiriZL Of-K'c :S. , A ; ,c1'' 11 u l -t li-ove U-; upHtrity Ma n:. ,t vi:ri;i'.AcU. I'- h. ;i'J. suidw a. ?an j Y- :-r:.-.--..-'..-: .. .. '-.-- v . - .: - i . . ' vtr 4 r t v, i , i .i.. . - "ii ';'. V. ':-;.'-:':'' ';:--'.v 'yh1-. ?;;v V). :- -viKv: t':' j- v f-- V . - V - - aV . . - t , " . f 3 ,' ? ;1 . ! t ' ' I f x. - V? k t.m.Ut i!7.t freavU T. r". . 711 II i 1 1 0 ?i r.i i..-a : n rrrvry T i I.- ? ! I "l til J I it t - r