Wanted at Stse2Hlit iMines Mne iSSiop, latfsmetti, EleteasSKa. I 4 i V 4 u a s. no!, A. Con ti - Je. ! - he Herald. J: :.tri: Trr.s;-v-. 5 as-u"-a llite. l-t ;Vaj- ;.. verT'i- .t; v si; vtU i 'is lw !! be neJd M.S a.l parn.-j d-ta ii jui a piv.il l-i p:.;i--k.i; .- ai.y i..tuv wul a-.vUl liar t-.iu'-v-- OOK U;yi;'A VIONS. A, aor rrfe ' i' ""'. -4, iJl t;o;fw'.iitcrt1r. )- b ; rn i ri sji J U p.;.i.t. VmUi vra ' fcf wordt. TV . "3 pr !n rs;o,vjT, IcT t" er-'n,'S o5u U y tU aitlUr itiul pud t-a- J. A 67 )-rn rJO takes t 'j pt?!;f "-I"-i3-r trr.nj'u- s'-ofrSoe. 'UT'"uer 9.'e-ieJ to L'. f a, 'fyrx h ia a. au iwcjr CE U rucyj'j''jJ8 f or the pay. 3. If auy p?oux! oii-t fci per, dlsarotii ' 1"? uiua' 1(2? aii a-.Tvurujfs. f jitj'iieh-errx.- continue to CL-i It ciiU! iinv.t 1a pK.' cxi-i r..iiet t!i w!:0:e UTiun':;. Ce.Li.of Ui &-P" ia tai. f' tuc s2js or sot. . &r ir-i ! fcr .-t.-J ref.ile ta tA'se fcewspaot-w ad pe rUu'.baJs tt'.-a tbe pos; .T.-, r iriJiuvir.i: Ii-tvtac ttpii iiiiratiai 1; w iM-Uaa .UleuL ( JlViil'JSiL lsui . . LOCAL NEVvS. The Lwt Ta, at P. ii. Wkite'e. 42tf fore liiii at Holmes & Dixou'n. 'ki.eopal eciail this eTcaicj at Hie. Walter White's. cora. wwt; that' Uie y all arer; what a Nrbra-ika! The Beet canted sad dried fruits la tii city fit T. jb. WhiU's. 43lf. Oca ah a an4 St. Lsai3 ezc:iiiisi grettiapa b? telehoue, 410 milea. Phil Young eeUs.ths beat Fine Cct Chowiag TVoacco iu Pla'.tsmouth ; Dr. LivisUn wat Eshing yea ?rday uy t Omaha, to sea iiay, the tli'.T scrilv man of iT&'ui'Uska. Aaiouj tlse ne-A- irapi-9Vaints la i city, year Reporter frgol to uieu Ju that Kr. Fan field LaJ put iu a ATE. ' Mrs. Aadrew Colcaan was this 7ek adjudgo-i iasaue wad tnkej tolha Rotate Asyluca by Sheriff llycrs Ved siiday. Charley Halites ssld tw pairs f rcry On larire ho;e?3 "last week, cue air Is 2Jat. Woie tni tk etUer to Lsw lisore. A fellow at Omaha haa a new trttia-hars, h calls hica "Charley H'alkw" Ucai:e ha's kltt ajs aftr vhe -ri"d ricj." llf.iuiea fe C tree.Tcfter anfh i tur-laa.I of hors?t? this r, ek. Leok jv-t fr th8ai, tfrey'll be just what rar'.ra w.iit. "Oavitjfe Ov's Ileetawrant la cira, aa Miv'.a St., next dar to Ocaelau'a Diuff itar. Call aad ae Len.i, t:d zea k.?5. elsewhere. set t3ilra03 & Dixon's new livery -si. They pccjjmo 1o k- --p god stock l5iptak the cn-: Uo of those do ;u:nj liyry, fed or her?s. The Ladifis of Si. Lake's Guild l he'-l a fcfciaUe th bc&fc cf U.t.. WsJier Whi: taia ( ruarsuayj ;v.tii!;. 'furs ml t-T-. t ybojy. Crft. Eikeubdry sys he hid f.rty ! Sadt?wc with the cho'ej lir. U:i c j csiss tloEjr, cured era tud check ed tli who! thiti ia a f daye. ir yu wu.at the Ve.-it Tlcj Tbac- 3 to the P. O. Ksv.-a Depot, aad Ji fr ' Goad Luck" I'i To;:co, it i j vosonucecl tha L?jt in t'o city. 1 JoLa e.d J. W. FSii:, cilied ou v-L ?,?.EiL Tuesday and lft 62.00, he :.t ia Kksald'i ts thir fatwor ICaiisas, au old tisi resideut of thi i;y. rhil Yoanr at tha P. O. Nwa De will ia a few days display the lar gest efsflrinient of Valentines, ever fPii in Piattsuiouth, eili:; frem lc u. S-5.0Q. 43tl Our Csuoty SarTSjer lellS3 ia "Mistakes af l(scs." Bat what were they to compare with the Mistakes of i'.-sirfleid, who ra id a sew GaU and isft the fei.ee fall f gays. Dr. Crider wh was advertised to lc at the traders House, will le found at the rtsidence f Mr. Stitis, Corner Vine and 5th, jus- opposite ths IIkrali office, where be aviII wel come all who wish to see hiux. - Jataes E. Morrisea ha tridrd 9ff iis nic2 aw house on tha Avenue, fer Uaolo Thomas JefTarsoa Todd's. X"' what? "Jim" lirn3 graagtr, ami UiiCle Todd lawyer in th spring, we iiTyose. Several af our citizens atttnied state caavontion of Good Templars &t Lincoin, last week. J.E. ilrrhon a appoiatd G. VT. Ceunsellor. T:e t ,vvrntiot was salo. t be a harmoni---s aad successful one. -Mike SchneUbaektr is buildiaj? a wagon for fleary Beck. a grand griAifrai spring wason, warranted to ?.rr.v Ileary a;;d all his faaiily, be- i;'id-8 all tbe furniture ia the shop, that i if yen ga often enough. Little- row at Pleasant Rida last T?5-k. aux Thosiaas boy got a liek froia a bi fellow, aad if c'aai had ca-afht hiui that night, there would i.r iiave been much left. Nt-xt day chap was arrested aad brought be fore Judge Sullivan. The subject of a nev hotel, and a Scoi one, still attracts considerable at-Ve-iion. Wherever we go, we ate ask i'A --hn that new hotel is to Ie put . .r, coupled with the remark that, when VI V.tsmoath gets that, we'll coaa znd step there, nat before. Oar gni!!, worthy and competent i?J.V.tv friend, M-jor Morris O'Rourke, recently purchased frm Wewcolt M IVwell their Etock ef piece gtwj will ""a fntnre raa that depirt 'V in hie usual superior manner; "iaUi a ne w I -ittien.caH be obtained, hi winy fir :-U and patrons will find hi:i atC. E. Wcs--uV stre. Call and te Major. t"77ri.wa Wednssday.) Ftrsonal. D. D. Anrlrus callo.l Saturday end was iu town yet yesterday. Geo. Usn of Cfl&tre callwl Toei dy, sajt Catrt, i UeuaJ to hv t Cfiunly Seat yet. T. D. Bucfc. who eaw hecse th oth er day froia quite an extensive visit to Illiaoia, cuilvd ou tbe Hi-kali last week. Mr. B. wus aot fteliug very well hud mud inrer in Illinois, but the flue roudi. spring wither xnd goad Kir of Xebriiiia will svua cur biui we warrant. Hi?s Vifla Banics retursed fr lit. Pleasant litst Saturdiy norn, wlre lias besn forthe patt teven mftntkd, tapirs a course ia music, by which, her father infornaa us sho ha profited very much. Wo r jlad to chronicle the attempts f Plattsinoutb young jieepe to iaiiioTe thene&olves iu art or acifincf, ari each iidvance rais es the &tariirl of culture arid intelli gence cf the city. Feenaa the unrli'e raan was hers again this week. Not tb ''Vtri!i Irish cjan" any more, but a etoaJy sedato roidJle-seU rntkraau, vith a rudiib bua wa, a red rose at his button-hole and a pair ef serrel penieSt If folks must die wfcy Fn.i's ibz man to bsaatify their lJtstrdcticg-piace. D'ys aitfiud that ? VVe hava most unaccountably oaiiited previous rnii1tiH of tne sri-e-' i'lnetw of lira. Dr. Jno. Bhu.-k, who has for eosie weks been conar.ed to her tei by a distressiBg affection of the ri which will prMbably rasult in the l'.rfi f bight f o:ie cy. Dr. De Nicyr t' G:sa:ia r. ho aiakea a si'pcial ty of 6 isteaaei of tha eye, cnze down last wk aiid pronounces her better, althuh he cannot hope to retain the sifcbt of b5th eyes. W laaru frcia the Toulan, 111, Uwald, tli.nt l)r. Gaffney now a red dest f tr'priagSeiiJ, 111, formerly of Caa Co, h teen mist anccesaful in bis practice, particularly iu his treat raeat of diphtheria, having .success ful ly treated a yatku;t. whom three other physicians h;-.d givsu up. Dr. Gaffney is a brother of ilrs. Clizba and lira. Ellison of Weeping Water, aud hus tiiiuy frieuila iu this couaty who will be pleased to hear of his success. A Parnell meeting, or what was advertised as such, wss held at Fitz-g-erald Hall, on Tuesday night. Hon. Sata. M. Chr.pmaa, Dr. Livingsten, Mr. Strode, Mr. Kartigar. and ttheis, tpVe ably and well ea the Irish situa tion; but a3 the meeting neither raised any rcarey to hslp the Imh. nor ..p pstnttd a Cijwiraitt to wait ou Mr. Parnell, the Kkualu hardly sees the object cf the SHtie. Tali woa'c cars an empty stomach. Wasn't there a hitch samewLere in that turn-tut? The Cathciic Festival last v,i--ek, ly aid Thursday evenings. yrm a deci-'Jsd bimss, tl; tet ts;-'t!ts btiaj be'v.7. esa Cv and ix .bundled dollars, ilis fiaiinah Caqney w; fi nally d.3eirfed the raogt popular young lady, aud received the gc,)i watch ami chain, but she must fcva had some pie ty pepu'ar rsppont'uts, .s tha cjn test netted A nuifiher f other article were rartisd fur ar.J sold at auction, aai'jag them a calendar clock drawn by Mr. Jko. ilcDonala, souje handsocae cakes, &e. The pruceeds will be dovotfd to paying frr the o: gaa, aad far church furniture. Jim. Woodson hired a beaova!nt lokin. oh! Tanderer to cut wood the other day, said u. 1. o. w. representing that ha had no stall to sleep in, and the rack was empty of fodder. Next taruisi! be broke the axhar.dl and stale the axe. togalhar with a suit of old clothes, Jim gav him to work iu, Jim got a new helve and walked down town, finding the b.l. o. w, at theSauu dcrs IIoue with feet ou a ch:.sr, ju3t ordering "quail en toast" of Gregory. Jiaa are-handled him oat of thre, aud across ihe street and down toward the Platte Valley, until marshal Mur phy heard the ynlla and interfered, as lis had to by law. Jim having forjot an axe-handle warrant, but public opinion says, served old b. 1. o. w. just right. We have received from a friend tha "Moliae Review," giving an ac count of tho various Manufactures in aad about Malioe and it is perfectly wecderful ta read, frora what small beginnings but a fw ycrs ago many of the graat industries started. The Moline Plow wrks, now worhl wido, were but a few years afo an unknowa quantity. The first p:iner Iill in the far west, nearly, was established here by S. W. Wheelock la 1831 and the Moliae pP'f mills are now far and widely known. Mr. Wheelock is also President of the Moline Plow worKs aad one of the self made men of the west, ur west of to-day. Babies Till yoa can't rest, this week. There's Cap. Bennett's folks, the richer by a little daughter; Mr. and 2Irs. O'Grady, a young Captain ; IT. ITcrold helps to swell the population for the next cen sus by one a (boy or girl) and JnGrses Grace has added another blessing (?) to the ruany Graces his family already possesses. Netiee, To All SferaUn of PlatUmouth En campment Ko. S. There will Im a called myelin? on Friday evening, January 30th, at 7 o'clock, sharp; All aaerabers are re qsested to b preeent, without fail. D. D. G. If. -I deem it a duty to state that Mr. of this county, had his risht lnne serieuMv affected with tubercu lar deposit, accompanied with nisht sweats, frequent lieinorrhstre. copiou" expectoration and much eaiaci-ition ; thetise of Fellows' Syrup of TTypo pbospbites seems to have arrested the progress of the disease almost immedi ately, the heroerrhacre has not returned, his appetite is excellent, and he is able to attend to his business as nsual. 45tl A. Smith, If. I, Campbelltown, f. B. BLAZES ! ! ! PLATTHMOOTS ia FLAMES WmM Ml 8ay ! THE BIG 13 EST FIUEYET THE TOWN AWAKE ! ELD! ECS ! SD ! Tie IlerlzoB liiKmlsated threcyh the Careles!4ues of PlatteuQuUi'g Basiaess Mca. At about 3 o'clock this morning the dreadful and dira alarm ef fire was sounded, tfprlnghig frera oarlBds we saw th! horizon in a blaze, red, red she was. Getting down Maiu Street we found it was all afire. As th IIehald saw it the small buildings between Fitzgerald's block aad tbe Sauadera He use were a blaze. THE ORIQI.V OF TUB FISS. As sear as we can ascertain, the Cie broke out either in Shryack's building or under th" stairs leading to Leeuard'a; though Mr. Murphy of the bowling alley, as that achimney fell in the office of the Saunders Ilowoe, bat our opinion is it started frota either Shryock's or tWeio;tt'e. buiidinj. It naight have beu tha work of an i cendiary Kbder Leoaaxd's steps or earele.s:js3 in cise c-.r the ether of thf buildings adjon ing, at all eveats its first fire seen by the IlEJiALD people, and corroborated by other's testimony, shows that the Merges' building, tbe Skryock building aad the opeu cause way next to fcchlfigel'a was all ablaze befyre HjUcii fire appeared iu the Saun ders Uouse. At this writiug.it is iru-pot-sible to say more. The fire was most disastrous, threatening ut on time to consume Fitzgt-rald Block. Stadel niami's, the Presbyterian church, J. Simpson's, Prouger's and all adjacent. HAD THE WIND CHANGED the slightest, Neville's, MueMurphy's, and the whole corner on sixth and Vine would have gone. Oa the other hand had it varied the least, Fitzger ald, itadfl:nar,n's, the Preaby teriaa church aad all that portion f town would have gone, aa J should it hava turned to the east or soelh, all Maiu Street might have disappeared. Ab it was the tire was kr-pt weiidorfully in caeck, by Dr. Livit:;tou, Mayor John son and others, who ruabeJ into the nielec, commanded the forces, aad sav ed the town. Hot becausa they did tha nisut physu'ial work, but because they were th only jjarties wlio had or could havo coBtrol of ths masses as SiMnhirti to save property and lifo ia this to ti. As all are aware our pa ps? ? to pre" -this iuerniag; we cau't i;ive in detail, the loss, the hero isw, tha -Jk due, by individual citi zens; but siillice it ta say witheut a fire departmeat, without hess, with pui. ftven a h:ok and b.du3r company, we saved Fitzgerald Block, an import ant building tliit weald never have been rebuilt. Tke great business in teivsts of th town were saved and the fire eheeked, when most needed by individual neroic efforts. At ewe tima it seemed as if Fitzger ald Block and Stadelrnan's must go; it was saved only by the most gigantic efforts of those who rushed into the building and poured water on the incipient flames, and we have nt space, we have not time, to pictura the gallant deed3 done aad psr forrued by those in advance, at this wonderful fire. Suffice to say had it cot been for the efforts of heroic men, not particularly interested in our bu siness welfare, this town this rnorn isg would h ive bten a wreck and a 'pile of burning rwins. WHO IID IT ? Thompson ot the Sontinei, i-.v-aiay-or, Dr. Livingston and a huwdred oth ers; they worked readily and well, and ever so many boys wheui wa can't name new, helped oa the bucket-line and saved this town. At the sata time, lots of lazy, isdif ierent scoundrels stood by and would not hflp a pin, to save anything. The Post Office was badly demoraliz ed. Phil Young had his goods and place completely riddled, loss not known. Schlegels' cigar shop almost com pletely buraed out; great loss for him, and comparatively small insurance. The little grain building entirely destroyed. Peter Merges, a prominent ehee manufacturer of this place, totally bunted out. V. V. Leonard, above Merge' store cleaned out entirely. C. E. Westcoit's burned to tho ground and O'Rourke's taiior shop a'su guao. T. W. Shryoek. furniture star total loss, building, stock aud tools. TUE SAUNDERS IIOt'SK, Oue cf the principal hotels we had burned to the gieuad; no insurance oa furniture. Fred Lehnheff cleaned out slick and clean. John Leach's little place was tipped ever aad partly saved. in eirosT the block from Fitzgerald's building to Gfth street burned up, back of this Egenberger's barn, Chris. Kohnke's barn and Schlegel's bara also caught the flames, and all small out buildings aleag the alloy wero burned up. FOB A TIME it seemed as if the brick block must go; it was saved by the very beet di rected effort. SOUTH SIDE. All the stores on the south side Waterman & Son's, John Boone's, Car- ruth's. Misses Tlerrmann & Wurl, Ba ker & Co., Smith A Black, X S. Duke, Mrs. Xewell, Ragorsaek Brcs- Dovey Son, F. S. White, aad the corner wre in great danger; but by tho aid of carpets from Davey'a storo, aad the exertions of the backet brigade, they wera saved, wita slight dasaage te win dows aad stock. Tbe heat was so great, you could not pusa down on tho south side of Main Stsaet at oue time without danger. Fitzgerald's block was ea fire on the balcony and outside several times. Will Chambers put it out once with the aid of the editor of this "paper. Stadelmana's and tho Presbyterian church roof were on fire lots of times. F.S.White's well on Maia Street almost saved tbe town. SPARKS. As an evidence of tha strength of the wiad and great danger, Mr. Spar lock's was en fire several times. DISTRESSED. The poor people from the Saunders House aad other bailiiags ncalUibd around at the Platte Valley, tha IIek ald house, Pepperberg's and ethers. At oue time it was thought the Bank itsflf. was unsafe and tbe contents would have to be maved. LOSSES AND IXSUKAKOK. I.t I us. iT.OO- S 1,200 1.9-0 4.003 2.PC4 6.H 1,0U 2.000 i:,coo 1.IU0 7W 1D0 20 Htiryock's lutldirn; un stu-it ... . WffCOtt" KtOl'ii Mercs' building aau stock l-eoii;:ri' tti'k Selling's store and tci Fitzgerald, rtaunge to Mock lira. U. itotjinsou. buildiri; oeca- liea by J. tiiikoff Komike'ti b;tra Ki:lergef' biio iLiid feud TeU! lc an.l inuranc $t5,GGe S 4,04 The work of tke pllca courts of At lanta has fallca eff fifty pr cent, since John Drew commenced hie "blue rib bon mosaont" ia Georgia We heard of a novel trade that was made a few days since, between our friend Andrew Larsen an'i Matthi as Iverson. Ivsrson traded Larsea a three-year-old colt for 303 roosters, to be delivered, a hundred each year, be tween the first and the 11th ot Janu ary for three years. Elair Pilot. That reminds us, some years ago a chap owed us for subscription, a pret ty big bill ; and oua day ha says : "If you will take that bill out in chickens, I'll pay it ail up." "Good enough" says we supposing he would bring theci along at odd intervals. One morning we waked up out of a sweet sleep and entered pandemoaiuta at ones. There was that chap out iu the back yard, with 33 yearling roost ers, every one a crovring,croing from deep baKii to chicken falsetto. We took 'em ia theugk, aui next rnsruisg, suf fering Moses!! D.ic. Livingston came running down ta sufge&t that either our folks or his, would have to go to the lunatic asylum. Charley Lazenby swore that he'd either more or the roosters must. The story got out, and every fallow dwu town saluted us with: "How's your rooster, Mac ?" er, "want any mora rooster at your houei?" Since then we always stipulated for a few raosters at a titae. If this fellows' 100 are good crowers. he'll wish h had the celt back. I deem it my duty to acquaint suf fering humanity with the fact that St. Jacjbs Oil is the most beneficial remedy ever introduced; this I have practically tested. For the psst six teen years I have suffered with Rheu matism, and so severely that I was often robbed of my night's re?t. A change of, weather would have the most painful effect an me, for then I culd move neither hands nor feet. I tried everv knwn remedy, but of no avail ; at last somebody recommended Ht. Jacoss Oil, and I concluded to trv it, but withlii tlsi hope for relief. Hav ing hardly used half a bottle, ths pains diminished, and to day I am well and hardy once more. The small sura of fifty Wnts had cured me. 4 tl Thomas Ott. St. Boniface, Ta. It speaks for itself: is what a lady said of Dr. Bull's Cotigh Syrun the ether day, fcr a stnple bottle eared my child of a most dreadful cough. 1 Fox Fiftt Cents we will send, post-paid to any address, a box uf Setd worth at retail $1.00, ia rder to ex tend our trade and that every una may le induced to give our Garden Seeds a trial. The box contains one packet each f Cream Sweet Coris, Webb's Perfec tion Pea, Excelsior Large Flat Dutch Cabbage. Ivory Pl Wax Bean, Nec tar Muskmelon. New French Break fast Radish, Acme. Tomato, Mammoth Texas Watermelon. Mammoth Hybrid Swede Turnip, Russian Cucumber. The packets are full size, and the 10 varieties are put up in a net box, and makes a very attractive present te anv one who has a farm or garden. Cata logue for 1830, free. Address S. Y. Haixfs, & Co., 45t8 41 North Front St Phii'a, Pa. COI? RESTONDENCE. GreeEWOvxi Locals. Jan. 2Gth. 1SS0. Suh lovely weatht-r. Miss Nellie Foster, acccmpaaied by Isaac Toland and fainily have retain ed from Iowa. Geo. S. Smith made our to wa a short visit "last Thursday. Mrs. C. B. Backeey was presented with a chromo last Thursday evening, costing $7i,00. J. A. Coanor came up last Friday, to inspect his mammoth warehouse which he has in course of construction here. v Dr. n. D. Root haa gone to Iowa, baviag been summoned ta the death bed of a relative there. We have about 85,000 bu. earcorn here, besides immense quantities of shelled corn, and it is estimated that only atwut one-fourth of all that will be sold here this season, is delivered. Mr. Lauren Mastin, has taken to him a wife, and Miss Mary Anne Allea is tbe lady. We are pleased to announce that our good people here are about to ac quire a perfect title to the Greenwood cemetery. This cemetery matter has been a source of considerable uneasi ness to those having deceased friends there, but this is now happily removed, 5 will purchase perfect title to any unoccupied let in cemetery. Aug us. Frese LonisTille. JkNCARY 2G, 1830. Ed. Hera lb: Wo see that this place is the le.-tat herd from : through .he press ef any seaport in the County. From this one would think we were dead. Perhaps we r in a journalistic sehse, but we have plenty of corn left. Frr;m the quiet siuunbirr this plae had fallen Into, religiously and social ly, it is beginning to awake to a sense of duty, ia such a way as to give hopes of longer an deeper set prosperity , and the re-establuhment of "good wilt to men." In a worldly way, the dawn of 'he goid time coming" is upon us; from :he stacks of ctra coming into this market daily,- and the shipraents ef stock, the revenue passing into th handa of the fanr.eis'is el bo small amount. The sociables which have been h;sti'Ud for the benefit of the Union Sunday School, are the centre of attractive for all, and are a great source of fan; besides fast accoojpiish i.ig the object of-lheir existence. There are some here in whom dwells the spirit of Athens; they have re-organized the old Literary society, and on eao i Saturdaf evening, in Mr. Glov er's hall, are heard ya Loui3vitIians of meditatien deep, jostling hard with Money, Woiaan and "Lynch La w." Tha Sunday school and two diffeient denominations bold their services in Glover's hall, and all are attended. Our citizens, as well as those of Centre and Weoping Water, are very indignant and aroused over tbe xecent flank movements is relation to what is kuewu as the Pankonin road, near ly two milss south-west of Louisville. We have not time or space now to re late in detail the circumstances under which this road was brought into ex istence, but will be brief ia giving a few outlines. In ordci te avoid passisg through an almost impassable hollow, the peo ple interested in having good roads in to Loaisville, petitioned for the re-location of a portion of the road between Louisville and Weeping Water, so as atGid said hollow, which is near Mr. Carl Pankonin's farm. The petition was granted tritheut a remonstrance; the road was surveyed and staked out, and a warrant issuad for damages al lowed Mr. Pankonin, tha road running over a email portion of Ids laud. Mr. P. thought after a while be would step "dot pusiness," so he interrupted trav el in various ways at times by staad it g at the entrauce with a shut gun, at other times by digging long and deep ditches across the road; at other timr.- by running into light buggies with a heavy wag ah and upsetting them; fwr all of which ha got into law suits at various times, and at last into jxil at Platt8Baouth for some time. Ho is agiin trying, to raako disturb ance by getting Eiguer3 to a petition (on misrepresentations) to change the road back into the holl.v.v. A hearing of the caso by tke County Commission ers will take place March 3d. Justice demands that Mr. P. ba defeated in his illegal proceedings. Moro avieu. Lex. Frors Yiriaria. Jakuaht 31st, 1S80. Dear Herald: We ste nusarrous couimtinJeati;iB frcaa different parts of the county aad we thought per haps it woald not he amiss to send a few Uses frenl this part of the County. First we imagine some of yeurnum erous readers may ask the following questions, viz.: how large a place is Victoria, how many inhabitants, how many etores, taverns, and above all how many drunkard factories, etc., etc.? To such inquiries we will say Victo ria is only the name of a little country Pose OiSce, kept at a private house in the south west part of Weepiug Wa ter Precinct hear the Cettaga, School house ; 'tis true our Post effice has rath er a queenly name and it is kept by a Canadian family, but that is all right, "What's in a name." We have a school in progress and a Lyceata in full bla3t,both of which we presume are second to none in the count, besides a singing School that is not much behind. The people ia these parts live most ly by eating, and cora and fat hogs are the principal articles of export. The climate is mild at present, though it was rather unmild a few weeks ago. Tha inhabitants are itstelligent and industrious, and on the whole we have a very fine neighborhood to live in and still there is some un-ocCupied land, about here yet. S. P. II. From Rock Bluffs. Mr. Editor: With your permis sion, I would like to assist Adiron dack in throwing oil that unhappy and disagreeable spell of bis, that so nearly wafts hiui from the surface of the earth, for when I read his article in last week's issue of your paper, I felt a good deal as the bey did- when he kissed the girl iu school, and when asked by his teacher why he did it hw replied in a whimpering manner: "Whoa Susanna ehook her curl And whispered, I r afraid of girls. And diirsect klf a baby's dull ; I couldut itand it Sir, at all. But up aad klute.l her on the spot ; I know (boo-Iio) I oiibt to not, But somehow from her loaks (boo-bo) ItlioHht slie iad a wit-bed me to." Just so I felt Mr. Editor when I read Adirondack's account of his "bad spell," and that he really wanttdsGine body to hit him h little, enough at lest, to jog his taind to the fact, that whenever he attempts ta belittle Gen. Grant in the eyes and hearts of the American people, he is buttingagainst somethine a sreat deal harder than the walls of Richmond. He seems to have forgotten the fact, thai Richmond w;is held by those Southern rebels, with the same -bull doj" tenacity, that he charg es so freely in Gen. Grant; and when each is the case and it is desired to overcome such a spirit, it is necessary to manifest the same spirit, in a firm and aggressive form: and Gen. Grant was the man who had the nerve in him to do that very thing. He says that "in" bis "humble opin ion Gen. Sherman is far Grant's super- j lor. e will not dispute his right to ! his opinion, but when he attempts to : belittle Gen. Grant in the eyes and ophiion ef the people and to ele vate ijcen. Sherman as a superior man for the country, he has undertaken a task, tfe&t will require a manifestation cf ! great deal of that "bull dog"spirit if he carries to a successful end. As an aggressive, active and succe3- j ru. miiiUiy ia.m, uen. s.ieru record is brilliant, and few meuln this At" rid have any better, but as an exec utive official or a statesman, he is a total failure, and ttie little effort he m ule in that direction, .with the rebel Oil, Joseph E. Johnson in the terms of tho su t render of Johnson's army, very .tiac-Jt damotr.ed the ardor of his ad mirers, iuui shawled tbe faith f many :-f his best friends, to his executive bitity. The terms of that surrender was virtually an acknowledgement and recognition ' of the whole Southern Confederacy, and. if it had bcn accept ed by the authwrities at Washington, it would have given the rebels all they asked. When Gen. Grant was sent to Golds hero, C., with iniiti ttotij::s and au thority te sup?-iced,' and relieve Gn. Sherman of hia comraatd, and to t:iV"f the army and capture Johnson, he did cnt humiliate his comrade by so doing, but isditely and in a gentlemanly man uer iaformetT iiim that the terni3of surrender could not be accepted and for him (Gen. Sherman) to notify Gen. Johnson to ihe effect, and that he would cossmccbe hostilities auin iu forty-eight hours. Mr. Adirondack. I can only account for your "bad spells" in one of tvTVf ways, and that is, you must have somj personalgrieTar.ee with Gen. Grant, or else j ob are like tho deatocrats, ex ceedingly afraid that Gen. Grant wiW be nominated for President. And should any more cf those "bad spells" attack you, let us knew r.nd we will apply some of the best remedies that we have to relieve too. The weather is fine and tbe roads are improving, and the farmers j who have it to do are busy picking corn. Mrs. John Fartbiug, of whom we spoke in our last letter as being sick, has 6lnce died, she was buried en Thursday the 22d. The school children aad young peo ple of our place, are preparing for a rousing expibitiou for the last day of school, whieh will be in about four weeks. Billy Allen has built him a huge skiff for navigating on the Missouri river. Should your ferry boat give out, and your pedestriaus wish ta'crora the old Muddy, send them dowc, they will always find Billy ready. W wish to thank you heartily for your enterprise in publishing and ex plaining ihe revenue l.tw, it was just what we wanted to so. - Yours to command, PHILAKDEK DoE3TICX3. Salter la GeUisaff'TVcH. My daughters say, '"How much bet ter father is since he ueed lie p Bit tera." He is getting well alter his long suffering from a disease declared incurable, and v. t are so glad that he used your Bitters. A lady of Roches ter. X. Y. THS MAKKETS. Plattsisoatii Lirsjte Mar-si. AS HSroKTFD BY K. O. DOVIV SON. iJCKlNtt TILS SEArtOJf. Wednesday, J.T.D. 28, 1S31. LIVE HOf;.". 20&29 ; upward, de livered altUe 1H.-U3 here.... $3 XJ83 7 HOStS MAUKETS. GuAlIs AND PRODUCE. Wheat, No. 2 Com. ear shelled Oats,...- P.urk-y, No. 2 . .. , Kve Ns.tie Cattle H - S3 20 5.M 23 CoCi-io 45 ...4 CC&4 .-'5 4IX) XEW TORK MARKETS. Xew York, Jan. 2S, 1S30. Money CiC per ceut. wheat .- liyc- dru . . .- O.ils F.JT.IS Fork 1'i-ef La- -A liulter Ci:ee-"e Whisky 1 33!iO 1 -10 --' 5s'4 10 a, is . . 12 50 t!3 61 (lull .. 7 90 Q.1 9-"i 15 Ci i!7 l ia jCHICACO markets. Chicago. Jan. a. ISJ". $ dull 1 iii3 1 21 37?4 33 73 . 72 & 7S 12 45 4il2 474 7 42Hfe 7 43 6 75 G ss 14 (u IS 1 03 Fiour Wheat 'oni Oats l:ve Harley Fork Lard liui Meats.. lint ier Ej-ss V, hisky Hard Wocd For Sale. Good hard wood for sale. Inquire at Guthman & Weckbacb's store. 44tl3 Dissolution Xetiee. Be it known that the firm heretofore existing and known as Wescott & Pow ell, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. C. E. Wescott. Jan. 5th, 1SS0. C. A. Powell, All indebtedness against and ac counts due the firm ef Wescott & Pow ell will be adjusted by 43:3 C. E. Wescott. Uisscluliou ISotiee. Notice is hereby given that the firm heretofore known as iia!daner& Herr mann has this day dissolved partner ship by mutual consent, and that the firm will hereafter be known by the name of F. Herrmann. F. J. Maldaner, F. Herrmann. Plattsmeuth. Neb., Jan. 1. 1830. 42tf iSotiee to Teachers Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will be at the following "times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. E. n. Woolet, 42'tf Suuerintendeat. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm heretofore known as the "South Bend Grain Company," has this day dissolv ed partnership by mutual consent, and that the business will hereafter be conducted by J. & H. J.Streight, they eetiling all claims due or against the old firm. J. G. Rominf, R. G. MoFarlan-d, Jason Streight. Henry J. Streight. South Bend. Neb., Jan..8th, 18B0. 43t3 A Reek-ester Physician's Experience. R. Caulkins, M. D., of Rochester, N. Y, certifies Oct. 6th, 1879, that he has used the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in his practice for diseases of the kid neys and liver, and the result ha 1een satisfactory ia the extreme. He says: "I would now presenile the earn rem edy to all similarly afilicted. and you are at liberty to so state in your testi monials." 4U13 Call on .Mrs Capt. Marshall and get tho bow Organ Tntor. 86t Henry Mertlns called ea the Hr.R ALD yesterday, and left ns with a hand f dl of change. Frank Morrison has slaughtered 1300 hogs tbia aaasou aud isn't half done. 5ew Finn ln-the Brick Unlset. Geo. Weidman succeeds Speck & Ct., in the Brick business on Washington Avenue, and will hereafter have a full supply of Brick const antlv on hand, at low rates. Gmne and se the new brick yard and get your spring build ing brick, first-class. 42t4 Geo. Weidmak. XHssoluliou Notice. SotlTH Bi:wn,NKB., Jan. Is 1&S0. Notice is heretiy given that the part nership hfcrtoftre existing between J. G. Romine and R. G. McFarland, un der the firm name ef J.G. Ewintne & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual couent. J. . Romine to settle all ac counts against said hi m, and to collect all in favor of said firm. J. G. Romine, R. G. McFarlanb. Nothing is uglier than a crooked boot or shoe; straighten them with Lyon's Heel StiftVners. 41t5 "special Notices. 5(K MmiV Fine Warm Slipper lor to rtv at Merges. 341 1 TUIrtj' of ?te bent ors;i!i makers ef th World are competitor at tbe Fart Kijxisirloti. a estble Uiti.teh to tbe AnvicUtnd I'le-K says two bihest gold ned's have been awarded tu tho American inukera, Masuu Ik Hamlin. Hijt.est irie paid for Hides. Fur. Wool, etc.. at F. 3. Whitic's. 25ti bJf at ? t-vA ..jei. 3.jufllt ? , ."i' ?J will tny a( 'Uuoii e. V.v iet Remember that for boots and shoes Rockwell cannot be boat in price. He has a large assortment. 33lf. Ileaie-SIade Cigars. Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made cigars. Ask your dealers for Pepperberg's pure brands of home made cigars. If yoa don't find them there, go where they are kept, and by doing so, encourage home labor. Job bing iu cigars and smokers' articles a specialty, at low prices. A large and varied stock of smokers' goods always on hand, at prices to suit the times. 42tf JULIL'3 PEPrEF.BEKO. The Ute (Jaeatiou Settled. The people of Colorado have deter mined to use none but Brown's Fam ily Medicines in ths future, aud the Utes give it up. Sold by druggists everywhere. It Is Wearing You oat. And is annoy iug your friends; we mean your cough. Browns Cough Balsam the Great Western Lung heal er, will cure you. For sale by all druggists. Svmo af cur Family Have need of Brown' Arnica Salve atalltiir.es, for healing cuts, burns, bruises, frost bites, old sores, and in llamed eyes. For sale by J. H. Buttery, Smith & Black, aud O. F.Johnson, Plattsmouth. You Caa't Siaif. Can hardly talk: You : are "hoarse and your throat is sore. Brown's Tar Troches will cure the soreness, and clear and strengthen the voice. All Druggists keep them. 4itf BuckleH's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Titter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions This Salve is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction in every cas or mon ey refunded. Price 2.1 cents per box. For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail. Plattsmouth. Neb. 241y. Dr. Kiag's California Uoldea foai- pon.td. Is a etrietly vegetable preparation, and will positively cure Dyspepsia, ick Headache, Acidity of Stomach, coming up of Food, Pain in pit of Stomach, Low Spirits, Biliousness, Constipation. Jaundice. Liver Com plaint or any affection of the Stomach or Liver, in the shortcut time possible. You are not a3ked to buy until you know what yoa are getting. There fore, as you value your existence, do not fail to go to your Druggist and pet a trial hot tie free of charge, which will show what a regular ono dollar feotlle will do. Ask for Dr. Kino's Cali fornia Goldkn Compound, aad take no other. Sold by Smith Sc Black, wholesale and retain, Plattsmouth, Neb. 2e6wly DOVEY'8 AD. Highest cash price paid fcr live hogs by E. G. Dovcy & Son. S7l6 LEOAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. STATE OF NED It ASK A 1- CASS COUNTY, Iu the Dl-triet Cuurt. Second Judicial District. KLIZAbKTH J. MACMILI.A M, I'laiatilf. Kl'GH Mac.Mili.ax. Oelenrtant. Petition Ur DiYurc. TO Euan MacMii.i.ajt. A'oH-Htiitlrnt, DrfcnAant: P,yylrfue f the etatute in such ee made and provided, yon are hereby notified that on the 19lli day ef Deeeniler, A. D. l7f. Elizabeth J. M.t-Mi,l:i:i Bled her jveT't .oii in tie Di-ttriet Court fur Cass County. Nebraaka. praying to m divorced from the bou-Js of niiitriinony, liere tofore contraeted and existltijt with yon, and tor the care, custody a:irt eontrol of the inlai.t daughter, "Mary lr.a." ttie isiue t)f eaid Diiir riaixe. You are furthwr noticed to ;u:ir iu eanl cause aud answer ciiid petition on or be fore tbe iStti day of March. A. I. 1H:. or the allt gatinns of raid petition will be taken as eoniesned.i aud aotdieatlou wilt te made 10 tiie Court for tlie relief therein praved. ELIZABETH J. MacMILI.AN. m". A. U?f?H. Solicitors lor PlalutlJT Dated, January -jutli, 10. 44t5 Road liotice. To u-hom H may concern: The Cw;niuiMioner appointed to locate a road eoniusenoi!! at a point sixty-fire (6.r) rods ea-t of she north-west ) eorti-r of the south west cuarter ii.w'ii. -ctil J wenty-Iour r.'li. town!iip twelve (!2. ratine ton (1), e-t of ti: w.xib itttii) ji tn -r. . 1 meridian ; tlieiic &outh on the wu'I pra:-t:ea:!e rouie west oi the rei denee of J. ti lio::ine, plluited ceetion twenty-five 'St. towDsliip twelve 112. ran:;e ten nil : terminating at north lite -e.lou tiur-ty-MX (;:. twii!ii; telve 12j ran;;e teti loj, .e established, aud ihe ro:wl no looated.coin :iienc:;r at the north-west nw comer of the south-west quarter sv'il. scctirm twenty-four a, townstijp twelve lii, ratine ten 10, eat t the fix I '.1 th) oriiH-ipal rtieridiau ; running th-iice south between sections twenty three Ki-.d twenty- four Ti A and cectioiis twenty live aad twentv-six i5 & 10 ; . and terrriuatiiii: at cortb-wect liiwj corner of section tbiriy-six t;), townahip tweive f 12), ranire ten (lot. be va eated, h;u reported in favor of the location and vacation thereof, and all objections thereto or claims tordamaes must be filed In the County Clerk's office oh or before noon of the 2"th day f February. A. I. l'. or sncli road wt!l be. lo cated aud vacated without reference therm a. 4M J, D. YUTT, 0i( C4erk. .:"-. -St .x;:-.;v,v' vv 5Ut': ,5 Probate rldt cc'. SfAl TE OV J4FBRAiA ) B. CAi I Ol J T Y. I . At a C:"":tr :rHrt. at the ("? y t'e: j-.O'Hi in irxt for rid '.'uit v, on ttit 7tU da ot January. A. D. 1-. l'lt-sr.ut. A.M. built van, C it: ty .fmlRe. - In thf natter ? tt H1nte of' Jittn TnU-m, da u rea lint; a rapr.' filed hT."?.r:. r ;ifrortf'.- i' to be the '. wilt v( said .lohti 7,i!lon. iicii.i' . r.uticup::lt. PI, an in whLMi said pr.'teiiJ"t wm Alrx::'- Ca:r.;bc!l is rnivcie ard name. a?cc:tor. jirt n feimin Hie tfitlou of aal .f. AlHt-.(ir ;.ir)-.l.ei;. vv.iJiT.. ttmt at id wl. u:: S? proved ani and ttat ailinlniK-. ration tilerev.t tuny te Kralite.) tu.i!d Alfan-. ti.r fa'-ipt-ell a exertitnr : it Is ri"ier'l that ttia ll'ih djaof March. A 1.- 19. tit 2 o.elot it p. in.. b !5ci:..ed ana t, at-l toe s u tilne ! tiertty as.poied and set for tb lie.trii'ir f ti e applicat en'to have a:d wltl proved aid 8l)v cd. t which time r.ll pt-rs-tbs interested l:i sai'f io:tacr tua v j.pr ar ;t a Couiity Com t, at that time to be ferM 111 the t'oii'ity Court rooin lit l'!:'.!tl!'Ortb. In s;0d County tit (':. and !hov eait.e why t..e 9 11 I a;pietim suoojd n6t t- 1 .ut-l. aii'l contest tn probate c.I ..iil unl, whbti aii Hire aad plate .' appointed for provin-i faid will. And it apivannj? to the Court th.lt there Is "o widow r otuer Hison inleiirted lo coniet md will, resident wtthln the Hiate of Neora-I-.H, It Is further oiri'Ted tnat public nol"t) ot tnc tiiiie and p!ace for proving and aUoultif raid will br eiven to all p rso,is interested i' iti.ittor by piiblieat iin. hiih shall be do re bv puttiis'iiini a copy 't this tm'.er in ihe N f . nxASKA IIkr al'.. a isewypnper pr'td and pi;!listied in t lit- Cnituly of ("avs. in tiie Stataj f NfbraeUn, tinj kcics MiucesnWefy prevtoiin to tbe tu::-i i.ppu)ut'i herein for ttie proving ufsiidwiiL A.. N. SULLIVAN. tt:t County Jude .- P.oad KotiCa. To wfcom if aiiv,"HCfrn: . Vmi are hereby notified that th County Co:niiiissio!ier' have this day declared road pe- filioned for by Fred. Schlieiert nnd others, for location ! County road. roinniencitiR at ttie se ccrrcr ef s(-iio;i flv (,11, towns!; I11 eleven (11) rnune eleven (III. runniut; Iheiice V c:t on sre tion line, and iei iuin;Hin nt eoutb-west corner of seciioti fit 8. same town nnd rane. an upon road ; nnd all abjections thereto or claims for tla'iiaues Must be tiled in the County Clelij's or'.ce on or bIore noop. on the l.Sth day of March. A. I. 10, or such road will be opoued withvut reRreuce thereto. , J. I. 1 L'TT, County ClerX, lly .T. V.'. Jurrsivoi, Dip'y. t5 r LATTSMot'l w, Jan bill, IS0. Notice. To owner or occupant of the followlnj de scribed heal Estate, in the County of Cas atxl ttte of Nebraska, to-wit : Lot No. 4 In H!rk No. 74 in the city of FlattsniMit h. Cass County. Nebrarica. Von are. hereby in-tiaef that t"i nbovt described Eeal Estate i-escd as bi'lf.uf- ItiK to a r.ou-rcs:,ii.iit or t;ass t uiinij. was. ou the TM' day of Novrwb. r. IK77 aold lo me th nndersijO'e. there beinR no other bidders, for the taxes levied thereon for tbe yar lxTti, and thai unleHri the sains is redeemed from euca sale on or belorn the 1st day of April, Iw, a deeil will be issued fyrsaid Rc;d t-l.:e to 42t:i H. SMira. , Order of Sate- STATE OF VKIJKASiCA, ). KJ Ast County, . Disthiot Cot;i:r of Cahs Coi ntt. In the matter of the application cf tlcorge. w: Ithrop. CfUitruiau ol Jasper N. Lathrop, Mi nor. This r.vtire comln': on to be heard n.t Chsra Uere at the Court Houue In the t if y of Lincoln, Lancaster Cotirty, Nel-ia-ka. I'.efore Jtotioi -able .lude . H. found, on the VAtt day of De cember, A. P.. 1C79. L'pon the petition of sabl (;uardian for leave to eell the Ileal Estate le-Ft-ribed In said petition for tiie urr.ntaiiiHiico, support anil education f ".td Minor Vt'ard. And it up;e.r!i.5 to tho Jud;e f said Court that a notice of naid hanr.jr had been publish ed f'r moie thsu lour wee'ivs next prccelinn the hearing of tbi cause accrrdiiiK to law, to uex of km and ail persons interest ed in said R-'ff Ef tate.of the time and place of said hcarm aud ordeiint: them to appear and show cuse tf any thev had w.iy said leave should not be granted. And it further appearia. th.vt It is necessary for the support u'r.d education of said Miuwr.tbat said lal Esta.e be sold and i t oi.e uppcailoz to object, or. stiow caaae against the urarfitix of said license. It Is therefore ordered and adjudged that CeotKe W. Latbrop, nuardiait be and is hereby empo.veif d nnd autt"ned to sell all tbe intr est of sab Minor in and to the fallowing describ ed lar.d and tenements, viz. : The iinrt'i east one fourth (nei) cf t"ie north eaat one fourtn (ne'l of scclion four (t, ) t number eeven 17) in tlie north west on fourrit (owii) of the north west oue fourt h (n !) U yection four (t. lot e.ix In the south wct one fourth (swy4 of tbe norlh west, oue fouiih (nwii) section four (1). end lot Cvc ii the s,iutl e:ist one tourth (e' of the north west one fourth ( iws of section fur (4). Alt in township number ten (ll north of ranpa twelve (12) east of the Principal Meridian, Nu-bra-kH. tb it on the niakiun of niid side the sabl K'iardi:in report bis dolnps under tl is ord er o the said Court, or the .Indue thereof, w lta r.ll cotivenieni speei.. that ttie a'ne may be st a:i!ined and fii.'h further order nuitie Ciereou, as shall seem necessary aud Ihe law rnny re-nijire- S. B. 1'ouni, 1 .ludgo. Donnat Chambers at the Cily or Lincoln, Lancaster Count v. Nebraska, Dfceinbi-r 'Zi.lk. 187'J. D, If. WiiK.P I.KR. I Attorneys for M. A. Haki kiax, f I et U iciiern, Said above ibvsci ibt d land" will be sold nt the front d'-or of t be Couit House in the City oC I'l.il.tsmoutli. Nebraska, rn Januaiy i.'itli, lsf, at one o'clock. r. in. of said day. , The above sale ia adjourned until Pr.tun , Januaiy ii--t. i.v.o, ai t i ' same place bn.ll" i". (.kuuue '.V, La rnnor, GLi tdli D. Sheriffs Sale. P.y virtue of an order of Stile ls:iuea by Xf n. L. Vel!s. "ierk of tbe District Court within and fiirC.ei Coutitv. NehK'sk a. and to m directed. 1 will oTt the it'll dy .t Februai-y, A. 1. rt 9 o'clock a. m.. of said d iv, at the South doi-r d the I'ourt House. In s;.ld Conotv.se!) at 'ol li"Aiic:ion tbs tdilowliiL; real esiate. to-wit : i'lie West half (w l of tiie North Kott quarl-r (ti e i) of s-ctjo'i No. twer.ty-six Cfi, towio-hip No. ir. five (i-'l. North of Untice No. eleven (II). Fat of t!ie sixth t:ih) F. M.. In Cass County, Nebraska. '1 be s one Drlritj levied upon and taken as th property of Philip Keicnarf r.nd (;eiycSrfi'fiii,in, defendant a. to sat isfy a jn ment of s.;::! Co irt, rscovered by Edward (.' Dovey. plalntifl. . PlHitauioutii, Neb., Jan. 7th. A. D :73T 4115 it. W. HYEKS, sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. Py virtue of an Order of Hale, Issued b Wm. L. wells. Clerk of the District Court 'i hln ant! for Cas Coutitv, Nebraska, and to me llreeed. I will on the 31st dav of January, A. I). Is,r3. at o o'clock a in., of said day. at the Hiutli door oT the Court House, iu said Co;;nty. sf !1 a Pub lic Auction the followi'ig real estate, to ir. : 1 he North li.t.fCil of the y(.uth Eat t4;;.ir;. r (U), end tue South West qua.iter (') of tb South East pirl r ('4 of KeeTiou Ne.two(2); and ihe .South East quarter J4) of t!ie SoutU Weet 4u:ij Iit of section No two Uv. tovCn ship No. ten (!(. Norlh of iane No. eleven (IS) East of the sixth (fith) P. M in Cass Cwunty. Nebraska. The sjitie being; levied upon and taken as the property of lyeviia Hunt t r. L. It. Hunter. E. K. Ricluhdson, Administrators of the estate of 1). A. Thomas, B. L. fardluff. !nil N'i Hie liardim?. ilefendtiit" ; to satify a Judu-, mcr.tofsabl Court, recovered by Hie t'nion Mutual Lifa Insurance Company, of Maine, plaintiff. Plat tsuio-.iMi, Neb , Dec. 30. A. D. 1873. 4lt5 R. W. HYHIW. Sheriff. Vick's 'iHnst rated Klaral (iuide. A beautiful work cf trfl pr.ccs, one colored nnr--el plate, and Z illustrations, v.'ilh descripl iot.s of the t est 1-lowers and Vegetables. v.PU price of wef-d-i, and how to c.row them. All forariVK t'V k T stamp. In En!isli or ;rman. Vick'sSkmis ate the best In the world. Five, cents for p.nitHe will buy the ViajR At. tj t'IIn;, te'lir.e how lo iet them. Thk Klowkh and Vmktasi.k Caudkx. 175 pasea six colored plates, and in!.ny hundred e ntrrayii!'-'"- Eor ,rO cents In paper covers ; t-1 W In eieirar.t cloth." In C.ern an or EnKlNh. Vh.-k's Ii.i.i'stktf;i Moki ih.v Maoazinb 3J p:-stes. a colored plate in everv number anX manv fine enuravirtcs. Price S1.2' a year ; live, copii-s for 5 00. SjK-cimea numbers sent for 10 cents : J trial copi" for Scents. Address 44t JAilES V1CK, Eoch. ster. N. Y. , HEAL ESTATE CITY AND COUNTY IN E 21 D LESS QUANTITIES. WILL. & WISE. gtw.dvoScTjfciotsfZo J'atner it Grainer. ALL KINDS OF fainting, raining, 5l3tsingr Alo, Decoration of a:l kloJs. Painted in Good Style. FRESCOING A SPECIALTY. REFERENCES : A. P.. Taylor,- J. Vai.i fh v. Sr.; - N. Holmes, E. IlEii K.'t. 411 f jEMTEH'L.EXHIBmO 7 -X.