h s i it R ALU PERSONAL rROPEUTY. The new schtxhiio of perioral pro vty, 1 11:1 tiff in Kcctmhmc; with tlir" pVOVifiinllS f !i!t lift tf V.-.o lil'.ti li'fclS- lutute to j rovMe n sybifiis r.i if v niio, apli-uvrd rr.uch 1st, lfcT'1, i.s very sl.rin?ontf and inrlmic.) inttny articics uot li i Lhei to reijuircd to bt lif-trd fur amus'ine 'A. 11m l.iutiki have 1 eeii received ly tlie comity clerk, and I'm the in format iun of the public we pitt. lish below a list of tho projifrty biib .W't to taxii'ion: 1. Iloises of all aos. 2. Cattle of all aes. 3. Mules ami asses of all sgvs. 4. Sheep of all ages. 6. Koi;s of all apes. 6. c'team engines, iiielinlirnj boilers. 7. Fire and burglar proof safes. it. Billiard, pigeou-iiole, baya;elle, ci similar tables. D. Carriagea anl wagons of whatso ever kind. 10. Washes and c locks. 11. Sewiny or knitting machines. - 12. Piano-fortes. 13. Melodious and organs. 14. Franchises and the desciiption thereof. 13. Annuities and royalties, and the. description thereof. 1G. Patent rights and the description thereof. 17. Steamboats, sailing vessels, wharfboats and ot! er water-craft. 15. Merchandise uii bund. 19. Material and manufactured arti cles on Land. 20. Manufacturer's tools, imple ments, machinery (other than boilers unci engines, wLich shall be listed as such). 21. Agricultural tools, and imple ments and machinery. 22. Gold or silver plate and plated ware. H.i, Diamond".-! and jewelry. 4. Mones of bank, banker, broker, r stock jobber. 3. Credits of bank, banker, broker, vr stock bankers. 2'J. Moneys other than of bank, bank er, broker, or stock jubbei. 27. Credits other than of bunk, bank er broker, or stock jobb?r. 23. Bond, stocks, and state, county, city, village, or school iliitriet war rau'.s, and municipal stx-uritu-s of i:n kind whatever. 23. Shares of capital stock of com panies and associations not Uicorpoi cU td by the laws of tlii.i state except shares of stock in national banks. OJ. Property require J to list as a pawnbroker. 31. Property of companies und cor porations, oilier than property herein aftt r enumerated. oC. Bridge Property. CJ. Properly of saloons and eating Louses. 31. Household or office furniture and property. 35. Investments in real estate and i approvement s thereon. 30. All other property required to be listed. mn .'i vn- j-ujim m a Fran!: Leslie's Sunday Maaziac Tcr S- Miliary. It one cl the no it attr.'.riive ii'irnl-cru th.'t has le. L" a is.-.i cd of. tliis oittrrt.tt'.iitijj autl edi'y L:k VUlik':itiiu. and well s!isj.iu lis liirli - iii.ituii. 1 !: I-"- (.i:;.'S lii'e.l sil!i (iii::-f'li iteivti'.iiP.ii!!!- itrcta-iiilit v. ith some '. Leaa) I.i! t-nlaviiis. '1 ftv- :irt i. ie ;u e on a v.nir ty of M b Joe's. t- suit i ? ' t-ixi:, ;in l ,i!i interest edu cate J a id riiliiva: '! '.tin.! a ell ;s the naist oriin.ary leader. ur ;i:u c will pen:.: :tr.'tcr-c'.i'-e only to it of 'iMfi lii'ivi nolcsvii. f hv. 'Pie Ca of ttie. II.-: . Wil.iaiu Tenneiit ." tiy .itrctou l:-f..-y : rVi't uti'l S,i:t-ni:nes." !) nJfi"V .A. Ilml-oii ; "St .AUa linr, flu- A',-""-t if i t h". K.l:i-i!l," V li-r-tlt Ijt, sitld " 1':f J'l I'nociilioiis of I lirt IlU-'i.eiint; ." b AU"1 11. (iiyrnvy, ar- -xceK!int;l iiit.-ivsi ins n is like t. Hit"' iirt. ::ie 0:1 Mauilalra lli-ili.i t. lilt' inot'ior of i;'nri I!eli rr, ll.e l' :i tin" 'J'ftiilie." 'J l.e li.-Ft i.i .1 cf )i:iifs, -n- tllli-d ''!!. i'hi's!r-ii of ilu- ivcs prciii - l?rt of hHcoiaii!; un u:i!r-ari!iy :it!i:ii-t:vc fcjitiiie. ir. i'.Mjfa.:a I'i. (l.T'i-tt !:- ; 1 1 j; tl 1 1 I 1 . iir tn.v, flit li :-l "IVni'ii.r A ii iiua M' :v vuln i -t :ry ot: saciH 1 iiiiisk". Ttro ri.Ttri:-.'! t of lion i. oit. ii-tl wi.'n (. r !i in j ; . :!.! ?' en- :ne poems i'V -'v. 1.. Tot. lei-i : !'-r!tfrt. r.t-v. ! .. II. Iliekewift ti. Austin ilritthi. v, r c. V i tliful v;n-.-ls Im t. li-i'i-a V.ll.'l tt!.- a nr.-. Littli; Hin-es." " !'! I.nckv lTii.v, Vi'e. We-." if: . the fu":Mr is coioijioni Eient f a new sfri.il. T!i; r' is a very ulMi7iatit j.iiNT.-il.niy Ot tin- puis! i-i:rt'it..i-;iiivr una e!rutiVM i'iiaracti'r. Siiijrlr naai-s arc on y com-, anil t In' aim ii'ii s:;I"-rni: ion r.t n-.st pai !. Addresn. Kraak l.c.s li-'s I'ulil'-l h. House, 5J, ti uud &7 ;"ark l li-.ee. er. Vo; k. I'.irly Grass'. Very mnny fanners, nndm-my other vi?c ofoixl diirynieu, seem to think that they may fvtvw money by turning their cow s upon the past tisv. on the first nppenraneo of irr iss, and thai tlieivafier all the feed uiven lit h in is til row 1 1 away. Tnere i nothing more fallacious. Ifvou have plenty of pasture and it will nut poach und'T foot, rdvc the stock a elniice t:t 'l I,v all meaiH, but da not fail to 'ivc t!ic unial feed niirht and moriiin so lour os tiiey will eat. The youry- i:ss will teud to clear the system of humor, and net us an alternate to the oilier food jrivcn. It uill al-:o p;!i kly improve the color and flavor of butter. If pas turage i? not plenty, it is far better-to keep them in the yards until the t:is$ vows to a fair bite. It is the worst possible jtolicy to try and Pave h ty and grain in the spring between fod der and jfinss. Such stock will show this false economy all through the seas. n. Er. HeUccting1 Maic Lantern in Court During the recent trial of the AVLit ttker will case iu PiiiladelpLia. it be came necessary to show the diil'erences between a penning signature ::nl an imitation or forgery of the same. For this purpose Dr. Charles M. Cresson broutrht into court a powerful reflect in.rj marrio lantern. 'J'he room was darkeneil, and images of the twosi raMurcs, enormously majruilled, were thrown sido by side upon a screen be tore the jude and jury. The faNe tiq;nattire was at once revealed. In the ordinary matic lantern, the object to be show n 0:1 the screen is ihoio-gi-ajihed or p:iint d on a slide of ulasa, juid the libt passes tbrouo'li the slide to the screen ; in the reijeetin I auicrn the li"ht is throw m aninst the face of the object it-elf, and a the re Heel ed rays from the obact appear on the Fcreen. a stroituer li ;ht is reui Cil for the reJ!eciinT jantcrn than tor the or dinary instrument. In the present case the illumination of the writing was elfected by means of two ptwcr ful calcium lights contained within the lantern. witch placed in the instrument and reflected on a f;;idy ground glass Fcreen leaiis the sjieetator to believe tliat le has suddenly come in contact vith the city hull elouk. The pores fd' the skin on t'ae cheek or band are tbown with an unideasantly iingni-lic-d faithfulness, and to see the face of your dearest friend through the jnega scope almost moves you to tears, tinder the false impression that ho has teen riddled with bullets. A piece of writing which to the naked eye, or even under a strong magnifying glass, n pi seared as if each letter was mado with simply one stroke of the ticn, oa being placed n the lantern was easily dissected. The work of the skilled wniiiaa in ".ainting" the letters was laid bare. The ragged edges where the shading began and ended w'4-e aa plain as were the letters themselves. l)efects in the paper, though ever so tiight, br erasure or otherwise, and v.-tn the 'texture of tha japer itself, w&v pvii-tKl m le&r as sunlight. THE a All Scrls. A thumb on the hand is worth two in a dog's mouth. Fourteen doctors attended n sick man in New York, and, notwith standing ibis tact, he recovered. Human interests are reciprocally helpful. :un not unit u ally dost rueli ve ; are convergent and not divergent. The dit!eten'e between .1 joeket meisure Hnd a vejvtari in is: one is a foot-rule, and t!:e oilier a root-fool. When he is sixteen a boy is suppos ed to h tve outgrown the switeh, and. that is just the a0-e when a girl begins to need one. 1 never had a mm ruin tome for ad vice, but before h.. got thru he had more advice to offer than to ask for. J ah Itdliitf,. Little Jolmny eays: "Talk about your patent b i e burning stoves, my ma's old slipper is a hot enough bae burner fr me." One is an onion boiled and the other is a bunion oiled. Thcie is the an swer. Yon can (it a conundrum to il at your leisure. "It's cool to-iiav." stid a mother fo hcrlitlies !i. -Yes it's S'-hool five days out of the week replied the em bryonic paragraphist. Mary: "flet out wid y, Pat. Y"e n;v r mane the half that "yesiy!" Pat : ".Sure, then. M .ry, I mane the other half double, mi its all one!" Temper in a wife!" evelairr.ed old Colonel Fiiv.'iawk." "I l:k. temper in a wiff. I libe it so well that 1 hope niV wi!e'll never lose hers " The report tliat nn imnecTtnions young ni-tii lr:d "passed in ti is checks" iiro e from the fact of his having nswiiod his plaid pantaloons. A Detroit restaurant keeper hangs out a si rn of "Free Cii ps," iii 1 when the old loaders come aoun 1 lie shovvg them s'.n ax and a wood-pile. At a social meeting a few days f iia-e lb- f illowinr to tst was proposed and Innk : "In a-cending the hi!! of pros iiet ity 1:1 ly we never meet a friend." The Xew York Commercial A.lvei liser man mlks of " fotl'eo-drunl.en-ne-s." He probably ih.nks that, if " wine is a mocker," coffee is a mocha "What's eg.r-' this m -rniug?" "Kitjts. of co'ir e," says ihe d.etler. "Well." says :he cnsioiner, "I'm glad of it, for the list 1 bought of vuti wero Jill chickens." Am 11 is said to.be absent-minded when he thinks he has left hi wa;ch at lioiiie, and then takes it out of his pocket to see if he has time to ieiuri home and ,et it. A senior one mofn:u.T vainer forci t!y excriitui i : C-u:--0:111 1 i;:" ilis cl.nni C ioll v as!v ' 1. " a 1 -l ic ?" Tin; seni .r !-.e- not ih.it little ex pression any m .ve. A man who is botTiered fo kttow just what !'.":is to e:;en I to a ie;i 1- v iiier. iba'sn'l enjoy his meds half ii niti;'h as the tna:i who decitte-" right uif th.-it he wcui't be juggled ol t of one red cei.t. roiresttc. Hot lemonade is one of tho best remedies for a 1 old. as it acts promptly and rfiiep ntly, end has no t'n; le i-ant ai'ter-eii'ects. G:.e lemon should be properly s j:;ce;:cd, ctf in slices, put w-th Migtr and covered with half a pin ofboilin water. Dr uk just be fore going to bed, end do not expose your lif on the follow tig -day. The remedy wid work off an attack of chills and lever if it is used properly. Hat Ornaments. Pigeons' wings make very prel ty ornau eats for hats ; you i;i get them pure white and color them. A pretty wreath for a young girl's hat can be obtained ffoui the small green feat hers of a pea fowl : the long tea. hers it re too glaring; ew taem on a strip of cloth, ue care i.i lipping them, anl then ex. cud over the edge far enough to hide the cloth. Table Silver should be cleaned at least once or twice a week, andean easily be kept in good, order and uol isheii brightly iu this way. Have your dish pan half full of boiling waier; place your silver in so that it may become warm ; then with a soft cloth dipped into the hot water, soaped and sprinkled with powdered b rax, scour the silver well; then rin-e in clean hot water; dry with a cle tn, dry cloth. Dyeing Haw Cotton. The follow ing is considered the hest and easiest way tor dyeing raw cottt.ni : Uoil wi;h twenty-two pounds extract of log wood for 100 posn. Is till it is till weil penetra;cd,t!ien dry: then boil slowly with ten pounds chromate of potash and live jiountls soila crystals ; mal e nil the liquor, takeout rind keep over night or one or two davs, then w ish well. That is the best and 'fastest black and stands well. The Use of IJenztne. A mistake, which very frequently is made in re moving grease spots with benzine or spirits of turpentine the Solvent i applied with a sponge or piece of rag. This tends inevitably to spread the grease. The stained portion" f the garments should be laid Hat between two sheets of blotting paper, and tha upper sheet well soaked w ith benzine. In this way, if suliieii n: time begi ven, the whole of the fitly inat.er 1k1 comes not only dissolved bit t absorbed by the paper. An oiled floor for the kitchen is bet ter than one finished iu any other way. A" to catching the dust, It does so no molt; than a dirk painted floor. A good sweeping remove" it. or even a good mopping, which brightens it as though it were varui-hed. and i" much easier and cheaper than scrub bing grease spots, or being torn up every ye or two for p'timing. (..e advantage i-wott cut 11-e the floor wiiti- otit injury in twenty-four hours, when put on the first time, and iu les ii;;ie for successive coat. It can be put on liter the evening work is done, and the next morning, if the oil is pure, it w ill be dry enough fo use. Apply with a clean brush, or even with a cloth. Now is t'ie i i:ec iy''t)rlbi to Fraul. Leslie's Popular 3Io iUdy. The .Taietary eila.lier roiiuiii-MOMjj ai e.v haii" f I '.is vt-. exci'IJ' t.t i-ata.' :e isaaii.: usually aiti.'ftivi' one ii: it.- iio iar ant ai'.i-1. t'i" i'j:;riinei!t.s. A M.'v ?:t-ria! slm v of if,-;. iaU-K-:. ti-it;"0 "Not Uui'.'y." ly K;:a v.. l'ii Of, i livyiet, ail J those W im r:iu tll.-oJX'D-i:tl o'riptiT wi I si'atcf'y fail feil.nv i In- si -iv 1 til", cud. The It'.-ati::,; itrti.'a', "Iii!u ii. and Iaiiei Eiicotiiiri ivd at Sii a." Iy On .:. ...0 ,r t, i.i ll.e I'. .S. Navv, is ri'i-le with in 0 ra-aii'Mi sii.i cxcui-itiii-ly in! 1 1 i '! !; -N uro Kxoilas fi in llie C,i,M St:iti-s," t?y Flvd l uIass ; "1 r.-.j-t in;j Hmisc-K form. C llt o J. ll;i.4ar ; an ai iio on "l:e Talleyrand." atu! oiur on "foi'tii'' iiy Dr. WiNon. will mil fail lo a'.trav; onsi'ii'raloi notice. The !,ai'tiiiiaii 1 f ti'-iien i-t vi ry altr active, the stories are le - ne of ! most 1 onuiar vi hers, aul by "-'. p.ol!!; -hi, le, M;r 'How Mr. No'iL'S ! U I.ride : i I 5f. lo-r iii Uiw to Niagara Kalis." " ii i'.s riiiiiiu i ! 1 nt" -lins. t-vor to.ny lio can appreciate i;i-nui:ir liiinier will enjov. Ti'ftv a;-e lim niK tiy Nellie C. Hastiaj-'s, K'cv. M.t'l W.t ioi.n, A. A. Watts, fir; koiiik jolniit alii sketches, and an alutH'tant ii:isc..tany ctnira -in a variety of i-uMfcts, Notes t Travel, Fiip. Science, etc., etc. TSii-re are 12S fju 11 1 i.s:res. wit about In-) il!:istr:ei(.,is, t'i.'t!u r '.itli a lieautifn! colori'il rriin!Upiece. emillej "Mater iiiit So!it:I ud-." Tiiose of iur re sot ere who tle siie i'!e:is;iBt anJ tiiotructive ie:iiiiie s'.iocM sulM-ri'ie to Frank Lksi.if.'s l'oftnit Monthly fer a new year. Tlie amt.il sub C; let ion is sii.t-'le opies. 2s rent postj.ar 4. Aditr"w. Frank Leslie'., n,l -l'aing Uaie, D, IHPORTAHT LETTER From a DiVi.ijusshed Physician. "TO tn-: "t,f h nUlted nrnra inrfrlnr or X l'Wm-d th . i rmt. jr P of O. c ouutulioa Mit trrl. Tt-f . nue of emil. or tensor aiittit, cf lmarii!r. Oib boiaa roice. ll. tmnd.ou ornuwe na.ni On ir I u M U .il.tructlv-l!i8aeue. In poison it (!l-tfi ut. throoirtioL't the yi-tem :.v-C) 1 r.-ry v IhI furcn. ad tin k op ne moat robMft r.f c nti:utiii.s. Iuoi-eil l?fu but lit: la nni-ii: d l:y m tp' aricii.lrppt. Titlr km -llt by quacks und cliarial tiire n2erlnjf from li have little fao.e to b relleTnl of It litis sida of tiie!"'"'. Iltt ni. th- o.niHttli popular ! Bfiit t llilstrrihla ))e! ry rair.l.. i li'iln the rrat u cfaM passed i lohr.Ja at no orop. trtt and trnstworitr. Th n -w and hitherto u.itnej tni-thoj a.lopted by lr. Sr.ford In the preparation cf ln Kaii!z.Cuss haawon my hearty approval. I believe It likely to lucceed when all the nmal rcm-diea fail, hecauae Itetrtitea at the root of the Meua?. v r , thenciitef Howl. iille It Leala the tilcrrat I luembraim by direct application to the Eaaal paaaaic. liaaeti n Is baaed on certain flid rulra, and uiileea tlis vital f"rre are too far e bausr?id,iaufct,ia tlx great majority ot caaee, cficct a cure. os". r.r.AVT. v. t. KOSaOOTT BlOCX, SO. FmAJUXOHaJi, Oct. 1, 187 SARFOBD'S RlbiGAL CURS M iT tafely cla!m to be one of the few popnla- r.-nie.in-a receivinsr tne approTai oi oicuirai tentle.-ien. who. In private, not only freely r -eorn- inend Jtl.uc ure It I11 their fHinllles m prer.-renee to any or the preparaUou uauuliy ptcacrlbed by phvsiclaiia. Vou are aware." M a d!tt-irn!iieJ cttyphyi. tl-tn. lhat 1: y ot.l!Kttii!a . ti.e Muas. !edlcal fcjcictv aro anrli that I csnnor pnhtirly r-commend or pr.-icrll the CmUralCnre; hr.talpee I received o mora relief frotn the nae cf it ciyaeif. after a tlenoujrb. trinl of ihe o.unl re:nelU . 1 hav prt Tately .tdTiaed I' n-n. ami p'eann-e 1 haTe a-rl to rour fore no Kaslhuu one hundred of my pr.ileats or li." OITi:SiL"slTISFiCTI0y. CfTtKTLTnfTrS', We hare acid Sjrroii'a Rnx 1" Oi-. for oe.ariy one year, ..nil can y cn llrllv tbiit we trpr ViM a t:m lar prep .rat'oa th.st l ive each cnlvcrkl tl fuctluu. VVo have to team the tirvf co-t. plaint y t. Ve a-e nt lnt'.e I., b.t of recomTiienrt!-(r pat ent nv .lioinea, b: t your .ri-paraJou nit. ta tho warta of thou." da, a ..I w think thoo afflict, d th uld l.e eoiivnic.-d of itagrst merlta lhatihe r cff.-rt'.a; w 11 b r-li. . .. We fc: be-n tn tho 1. Gif ..k!n. t f;' t ! pvt twlveTea-erinistantiyv IT1 .illevtryti:ir.a-f..r:at irri. hut y ur l"'-.a hll th T'tU If a f e pr.ir-er v,u C. u U e Ui J letter or a-iy rrt "f It that yoa Cat:. V -ry t-olrrou a. . 1.. B T.PtV ft co Vhn!i;t:,. an.I'lXsil DruVn l-i Prtia--. H'- w aaa buitioacry, Wkca.:ou. Ii.J., Feu. z3, ibiS. ITach rielUkye pontot a lr. Sanford' Ircprovert Ir-L;lu.v Tu. and f-!l !:r- -t!ir.a f..r ii In all errs. Price. l.i. furnl lr l wi.olcn'.e and retail tlrnt'ir i nn J d ah Crwuhnnt the Ulttd etirt:aa.i Cr1... T'EFKs FOTTEtS, O-nrtl A,'e,:U W-ioiea-tlc Dnit'j'.sta, ri.t'-. JIon. vULlAiu rLAdltR An Ttectr-f3i1imlft Buttery ramtiliied vritlt tt Utubty lrui Hlril r"Titlb nliig I'lnMrr, furminz the bet l'li- r I r pilM iLid uihca tu this World ti Itlodl cicts. ELHOTRsGSTY As a er,n,1 curatirr. and re!or.t!v airent Je net eaualli'd lv ant eieuient or in- uirin.- t'i the lilnfory ci tin' healli'e art. L".'Wa til- vtal Rpitrlt hs ft-a the l.odv. r-i.r'.iiion t.y metvi.a of i li-.-trirty U po aih'e. fi is the lnt njo t of all piivsirinnH ami aar- fe.ina.n.i 1 has r'-aed thoiMMPrtg. appxiit I v l-a.t, rom an ut tuiuly tirnve, uuen no o-h'-r htimaa aenrv cr.utd bare inve. '-dert. Tula li the icauiu Cu. allvo elsiucut Iu Una eituter. BALSAM A?1D PIT-IE. The henliir propertla cf orr otrn fyacrar.t bat- tain una f.iu--a-.ii the guiast.f ttic V -tl m t-... wt-il known to r. quire dV-ci -iption. Their irut-fui, liealhiB. K.t!nn. und tr KKtuerinir properlieaare knowa t tht.Usanufc. Win: i to milneit i.i accord, anee with lute mi l importn t d.ai'Verie In phir cuacy. their hall:.v i.'.d atr- nihriiinu pr parties are lucreajd t'-iitotc!. In tin rpri t our elater la the btol ui use wiiliout ILe ud ot eiecuicuy. two in ors. Thna combined ve bare tveo grand medical eci uta in one. earh of wlucn pertorm Ita function and unt'Clv pn.cincu i:.ir curea than any llnl Bierl. lotion. wab. or plaater yer befora cora p .iiiidi "I 1 1 th hiilcrj- of medicine. Try oue. ? txcr.SCtXT. Sold by nil TThnlpaate and T?cttl Dnj(f?tits tTinnu' -out t;i' V- ltetl siati-a ad l'itn daa. a..1 by VKF.KS A eoTTtllt. Froprii-toia. r.oaton. :ana. lit. r M 5 H s - X t - H jf --2 '.Vj-fe: :Jastoria beCB;: it srisi; i-.ew.ltii t-- t costtaLa no no.-: 1 1 r raider rff st ?2 "ja i'.T p ;s s 71 1 .i asttire' rs30.3y f-r s vitrei a tins; .ito lorfl. It coiw 'Wiriii Colic, tiid rcrsa. Thin tie VY-AlfL l.a ya.1.h. r 3 ri g n t Tho uic!t effective Pii.:ii-reM)rlrf; acir.u for 2? AH T,2ZA.?.T tie "w i'.'I isi. t ri.? 5-js..?v.-ji. OTtr l.COO.fiOd JJotJrs lap I ;-! Tj-evets-sm"' f"t t':.;2 urnciievt j-ru-lri'y, t o Cl u.'.t; !;0 C alf.uv LJjia" liio-its i m ei : o .:r.T-rj ciJii-iJCO , they an a". ort. 1 t r:i u.a m c : th-y ftIt?79 t '. J nil r.r--- v r si;joiiti No i ..;a i.;;J lr i.air vi-.a HL.carriv.33i or liT Joinis, f-r t'ae t i hilj I i c tl i t W It Cut, ScIfJ, iiuru, Erti, S im-, u.!l or La.uietiC's 1 wliicli tSar-iViaS ,. Iirutei c.rv cuT-et,tliMt tLeca not r-t"'.i I tils utUlci; luii. Z. il it 4 a i m I not ct-'.y rc-loTo y-fin, I t t! cy l-.x.-H-t Le.iULy nr'.i.ni, :.o i .'-mriail -sr., crsl ct.t", v.het'-.r t"..o ryi. j-i' h: i r-. m 1 from . czLd cf ta fen1.:, or Nftr.'ii f tlio ircrvc t f.-. ::i r U'.r.-teil CorJn or & ccalc-cl IiK2.'l ; lVoi.i a praitetl antTo uracasUedfuuti wfaotaer fro;a dUfu-liki -- T a "vm or a elraJr.e' ;.-. ' n : IIcro'u J.or. Too ii.rr.''"y iio.iiis- d by Lata -r -cM; ia.ortiiIca.i:i fi:u rrort biles; SirjV' in froui Sirnina: lli'tortorosof Rhfn-ma-i-i; Cr'n-nlwJ. f.TT 2re, by ome caU-. ivl nci i :.i;t: a ViilualZa cr Dcoicr'a 7Z1 c;, ba ic cCL f.uui Cuo rotCo cf Cc-ttvsir 2LiIrcsit. ITo TIoasc'-:eepc;Fjrnicr, rianter.Tcnm'te', or Livervm t, ct-i n"?rj to be !i'tmt tlieo wo-tl.-rr-l ir-'-ra-Vi. Tbey can procured ia n-- -art cf to flo'i:o f r 7.0 eta. and" C1.00 botlle. Trial bottle" MOTEL. CITY HOTEL ri.ATTSMOl"ni. NEB. first class Lodiiij: It-ioiws. FiislCIuss neardin?. itootl Vanillic Kooma Everj tiling and cvciy .comfort A Good Hotel can Furn... Also, Good Wines, flood Hcer, flood Lienors. floo.Leniiinade, (iod C'Ikhih, Kept at the Oitj Pctol. ltly Fi:i:i. ;ots. Tro.ri tr.r. SISN, CAE EI AO E and ORNA MENTAL PAINTER, J. ASHLBT. 8h' p over tlie 15rick Block nex4 to Ii 13oeck s. FLATTSMOVTU, - - - 'EB (3 HtiMI 1!. . MILLER PJLAMJ-FOI.TK Are r ot oii'y f.vst-ela-'S Iiitniniciits, but this tjstalilisrmiei.t may be instly regarded as mie ot ttie leading i'i .ino-Fortc MaiHil'.n-tories "t tho V. oi 'd. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. Imii:i tl;c Sefist n of IST'tsTd the Henry K. Miilt-r riaiius were used in I'.ostou and vicinity ii lie-re tlian I i.ne'Tts. Seas, ti of lST'.-lSTS. I 7.'t ','oiiCei ts. Seas..n ir lsT.s-lsv;. Month of October. Ii. ' otu-orls ; M iah of Not etiiinT, -. t't.ucei ts V.aic bui firtt c.i Pinnox cor;:! ijnin ueU Vn qilfti:tu liii'hiri'y. THESE PlAXO-t UA VE Ei CKIVED The Highest Praise From the ost Eminent fIinicians. ttf iiitc I iiave had many ojiportiniities of iiiiyotir l'iaiios ami c;ili say v. it ii p;ea-iiie iiey ii:iv? li ) suf.t'i ior itt A iliei ica, and my intii; viArieiH". al'ioad just 'St''' me in placing tliein i in ad ot any foreign tii.stiin.ioi'is i.f their kind. t'HAS. 1J. A HAMS. Madame H7.e and Hit' other artists of my uji'-.aay arc d.-i:M-l with t!ie"Jiiiiei" i'iami. iri'sn'iii iniMly 'if tone, and !t;e '.vntiiieili!, iduner ii. v.hii'a it yustani.s the iniiv. II. Mapi.kson. In lieha'f of t'ie Hai tiahep C-inef: t 'otniatiy ml ar:iciii:ii iy invM'it" as the pianist of s:t:V: iiii;'.iiy. i wish ii. express ini.ny tiiaiilKS to. le l;eaai itnl ;rand I'l.taos of yi.nr inaiuu, lire, with vl,::-'! von h;iv- ttirnislied i.s ;i fa; aisse.i-oii. U ii ii your tine jii-n a.m :i s eon- i'l Kt'it-C I'ccoiia s a iio-iiivc pica .'are and de vnt. "mi !' w ail of u.s " fl'UVABtl M I consider r.n other "make" with which T nn eijuaii.lcd. can exe.d ii. in any of U.e ijualitir: hat coi'titate a pi'taect ins; nii-itaif . As at .compat i i for iliv voire, I kiiO'.v of none i o;i:d piiMi-rio yours. .Mis. H. K. II. CAHTKti. I t:lk" p-eat jte;is;irc in rci'i.liliiK'lidinir th !' .iy T". Miller l'iaiios on all i::caiui's v. licit i. 1 liiSt-.-lass I'iuiin Is desired. Mrs. II. M. Smith. 1 have known tho Pianos m.-.tiiifact tired ! !r. Henry I". Millei-fi-r many years and I ii oi hesitate to sayliiat tin y take li;.'h rim. iirai tile firrt-ci;i .s ilisiruioenis of ai.y oi t',i' t iiitikers. f.t:i. Zi-iiitAiiX I ons;lr tl e Miller Phsno sapeiii.r to a! 'e iu tiial n. v aiul i-in..' in oti;il ii y mi j-i-p:ai!i; for voicoce.-oinaiiiini-i I M.'-. r.. Vl.l.vK Ostiooi. v. "e were deliI.trd with Hie- l'!:iios of ym, .:.tif;'ei iu- vi:i! 1: s e u-."i! liai iair our iccei: 't.r i'i I'rilr.l S:ias t heir ei i.i lining sii. .;.i i!:;.t s rend i anrr taem I'.p.ccia'iy !tsii; ) ucetunpun. iip the liiiiti:1" voi.'e. TnF.O.ik:ni. S'.vii.isn 1 . A i i K s ' iJ'C A I : T i T T 1 . Intf-Vs Tn'llMiial rv:Hlia'i 1 ''If ? ui its iJiihuridi ijiuifiitlJa l'jit This cstaldisiimeti' was the on'y one ur o k i t iiai' !o.a y i'iai'o-!..r:i' e. s, w.ii" . :.s i-ei-reed i i.vo awaim-s f'r its sii'h; exlliln t Pianos a: li.e .'oniean i.i! Khih:tit.:i. 'A i.i u'(!s f'n, tjnb.1 Elat-.liihm tt Ihxt tlccelvtd t-jr.cir,! X,itirf j r u Suv hi rent ion The FaJt til Icri!al U p v I izhl Vh n o-Fo v t e. fie liFFlfiip Planoi Have received t he eadorsi'incut of t'aj State of Massachusetts a.a! t!.e CITY EOSTOIT. nun ore LEA DKT!.-:. ? hhhi'J Hie 'niK.fO'. I'f.i.v: Tj;i: would. -'-iFfJRY F Mil l i L i i x t i 1 1,1 i- w J Bostcn, Mass.. U. 8 A. TtTiS PKTTKS, Ag't. Platisinoutb, Neb. V." r'- J j AMKS hliTTEE HKaLJ"". in Fflusica! InsirumGnls, ' Sole A ppo hi ! iaj A yii tfnr Tlie rnilviilit'l J.tsi::ii A IZniuSlii CABINET ORGANS. Alo State a cut for the llei.iy F. Milter r.nf'. W. F.tiieisi-a Co. I'i ti'os. Prof. s. M. Prown, Timor and Kepairer, O i-'i Travel ins .'.u'"t S. Ml'LF, I XS'M IJMEXTS at of2ce. Sixtli. one door south of Main St. FLATiSVJOUTH. NEP.. Will do wc!i ti cxan:i:ic our Slnsim & UinnUn oi:3a rr iust iz.Tr cmoin j. : . . i ; - a . r ri -;;J-.ij tcr -- . . J..v i-."- -.'.U vVl .i- 'l. a irt.c .1.1. - V iA C e'' a.. r-.a r. fri'.-o-v'f''"?.; - jt.-si. s.v .?.'?m.'-,:-- Ionic. s. :x u'--i , i i Hi t. . at -rw'o0? 0.5 l ,t v U W . f,V 0 -t c ,0 ie ?'' 5' v 2 e1. C i r-.Ii iverS . f r.rvw"1,fi8 Wu oseJ5 ..' - " r i v 3 in re y r-rocticoj lZ l ?-t 5 y r J Ly the public,.? -icr nitre tiian iio yenrs.J BRICK! JMlCKt If you want any . Fke or Ornamental Brick, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE. - - NEBRASKA J. F. B A U m E I S T E R Furaisl.-ee Fr- eli, I'll.e Milk, TJSIS.aS Untlli 55AII.Y. Special call? intended t. ami Fresh Miii; front santo ca.v inrn.slied when v.ai'.led ily -V -aTi rv Ji.. a o XJkaT SFa JkOS- a fcwMag S3 A. G. HATT JL'ST oriixcn A.TAI.V, A'ctr, Clean, Fiist Class Meat fihop, it Main Street Corner of 5:h. I'lattMnotit ! Cvcrt l:odv on hand for fresh, tender meat. Tli FAU HT 31IL!.rTli arutss Han rtfact u rers, sAPPLK.S UIiIDi.r.'s co! I.at:.s i:sd all kinds r.f harnessi stock. co;istar.l!y o: hand. FliUIT, CON FECTI ONE 5", AM) GROCEUY STOKE, NUTS, CAxrir.s, TEAS COFrKK. SCHAlCS. TOt CCCES. Fl.OUIt. ReinPinhTthP plncc opiiosite E. G. Dnvej ' n Lower .Main Street. 1-14 XT HEIGHT rf- MILLER. s 0 : q 5 CD PI Ci ! O H 5 tJ rn O 2 O o Cm 6 e-- -s - .0 l-i tfN e.n cr o o o CD Q v-i uu 3 2 O- 'A'i'i'OjiJiGl. X V'X tJj. J 4. . ; .. i .,.-..v. ' ' ' I.V'tr f.'l -i.. .(ir ' rfrit,.H 1!'Tt r- '"'-.II HCr J'.t. T l .iorv i ccJ, iP t. a ' a: il : l r-'.:i T: rt. jicMl'Miy ! t:M.. tl,ll: Tin T i -t.ff i-- . a-i ta,-'. ly vi-d t-:i! .- rl".r r mraft.-'m-o u-.liai j i 1 resifra: v rr;-r r, t i i ..i: J H-rvodf f i i . v H. f r.j I i src'M', 'it ' j; i ..f vJ iT 'tl -.-ti. 1 - r t !- . ' --:!:t ra .i.i lt ' --':-i r.: .i -y. . ' :"!l':wiifiv.fV-i'- f'-ni- 4- i . --j1 : . i' 1 ; f I i - . Av.-r 3 i lo t ' 7. . r . j n i :.-.. . f p-O tit 3 1 - - c i - ' l ' 'll!! P, ft !! Jftj i ! 7 . i a1"" i. I V.fc : I . - i .' . t t m-Vwt t? i,'l..l'F'.-' fl ?' t t- i' " t -si iii vr-v ti i c " . a i i:- t. p r . t .1? .;t8 o i " i : ii. ( :r- I, ft ' I: ': Ot v t v' l-'.t :r: ;t f i' 'i "lit Ki: : tr: t'' s I ' m. , ;i. I' , v-1 ' . .- ' ? i- ' r i f t - O t .:.t i; -1 c " i i :i is."-( i. c.1- l. rlt- t!,c ri-. h .' at it ni.i "' ' - v j i , r; ,t,. fit t. ;.-, t 1 i r w ct, . 4- t, u 1 ( r, v f-.-. t iv I r ft f- i:. ; ti- -. c vt fi:..-.v.' i -X t i- r. i 'T t'r::-;; t ': f t .c.i tr- -la . it V I I. :i I k L. C t.l o i sr-v la i ' lv, r 1 V - . r:rf. n r-. v-- .f - I i" ' 1 .:' r-i-: i V T i.i a f. -.--: ? t . e-.'i r.t -t j-. Vf,.f I l r "il r 5: o T i- --- .. : . Ji ; j :. : r - ;r I'-.- id f " f . ; f "' r-R .-.T Pi-r., v. :t. ' : ' 1 : t '" v . c --t t . , r-.-v.- - o - - v- r . i -. r - -' - - - v - " 1 - - ft . J I -..- t to .1 i. ft... i - -' . t i - p . -1: d. 4.. &.ic i - I t ( 4 :... 1 4 1 r" ; .T i - - ' : ' - . -. ra i. ''. - i r : . ' ''T': .. . f'-v' . .' furr- - . w - t ; ; , . , t ' t i- -wt. - r a. . : r- .. ?t 'i-. ....;.; l ' r v . I c :r. i .a." C a H :i I i C".. a 3 .-fc 7, - . 4i ? t v - .i. ra-r-a.- . 1 -iii t. " -A- tV. r ! r ',rr.rr;-u i' i" ) . .. r -a.- . filit " ..) 3-i- ; . -. r i f r- i i .rti, ri r ' .! ft ; -'- ijt"'.'--at ii..3t i Ii :!, it : . . -- -.,..? fp'vr.'. ?t ''. y J Ji--T-?!;.. c. ' j i. r !e h- id ir ivrn-s w txi ' f: --v. n-,crcr-,!,c , i f T M "'f f - rf C iti i v ...i C . 1 . :-'''r- '.i",'ti-"t t' -ii k j" f v. r"' Vj ' J T pj f-Tl V ? it: r iv m t L' 1 1 ...r ? ji" 1 1 a i : r -r. - - . f-r--:-r 1 -I lK'l V i new wort, j,rt: 60 1 S Clfcrt it,,i h n.ir-- f c-nt r ivi rMfta.itia f re. ) I Di-i" f Y'.utta nJ P Ljrlir hfid Ktl- G . . a Uaiii'r-J : a wattn f aT 9. iwra. Mi!.. ra antwr a m cn-icc an i i I for nip'.e of Mt I CaI3 9 frwiti . ( i t-r'-t eber rwlii, k actr: to vi n sx. AthiHi I ..',,.1,1. .nrMm..aM . tif... t- taa i i.4 nfiwucat. li!:t.r- i UiM'tD atitr rw'r I trr tv.s. Private i home ir?il ri airae rr a,,, 8 Lavl dun D( COM- I tb'M.ild H Witirt IU tjAtllr-ti, Ur. A. O. I m arv E It3a3 l.lrly .nj .pS.lT " Kri Ife-fJ ria puniw.iy. "-' e tim H aartiea'ara. rr C.--taaa . w ai . v v-. a lei "3 'ri " .'T J I MIKE ECHKELIiBACHER, ;-. VKSJfll Tli HORSE rII0LIX(;, AND WACOX IIKI'AIT'.INC. All kiu-.ts of FA KM IMF LKM I'NTS meiii.leJ 'aui& :0: .lorsc. HsiU'al OxSIioeiirj-.' In s'iort, we'll s'.iop :i:iyt!;ir:i? that ur four ft'tt, from si Zbra to u tiiniite. Conn iiml e tt3. ISTJUW SHOP. !iFi!":l!S between M.ii:i Vine Street -isi a"ioi .e coniiT from tlie skw litllAl ROBERT DONNELLY'S .. "-r j .vr-r, II LA CK31IT13 "Ki.i-'r trj SHOP. Wwjon, Bii'j'jy, Machine nud 'Flora re pairing, and general joLbiny 1 ani now prepared to ! all kinds of reti.-iinnt' of farm i'ud il:r machinery, as there ti H j-ooii lathe in !i;y sliop. FETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Waon Makei l;as taken c'.iarue of tlio v.v.uu sliop. He in we!! knuwn as -i 1 WORKMAN. ew Wf3s.o atfl Ifi-Cislc.- m r.l e t. S ATI SF ACTION Hl'A ?t.V NTF.XI). .v.iio i ai S iv: t et 'ii)sit S'reislit's Statili o7. JOHNSON" ii:ai.::!: in Drugs? Medicines; " AND IV i T T 5' 23 X7 7? Ail Paper Trimmed i-rec o. Charge. also dealt:. in stationery, Magazines .4A7 Lai est V uh I i est i ieii f, . I'rpsrrlpt f'iirel'B I ly ('tisjimiaiii' Uit OI. I. i-' -1 'r.'C ' i t'i V..i" PI A T'I MOUTH. NKH. i ne s, Li q o u r s AND CIG-APoS. Main Street. o:t:o';.lf tlie ftutl't II'.nie. Til!;: i'i-.C.1 is J-.s.-.t i)ie:nil. 7;t li; -TOt il go-j-la Jill kinds. We want to keeji n lioarc k'.n' please our cnton:ers. REMEMBER THIS. Sly. KEW FIKM ! :TS"W GOODS!! .TN. BOA'S A SON, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. l.Vt O. U!'.!r:i)W's t Id sUne.J A t I'LL LINE OT Staple and Fancy ii-o,erie?., NE'.V AND F BREAD STUFFS, of evei j d-r-STiptioii. : .laOk'C ai,,! F: ncy C;iiiilics and all kinds of Canned Goods. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, of iUe best britnds. CHRISTMAS TOYS, &C, dC, in endless quiijitiiics. Frcsli Bmul V-uly. Don't fail to C;t!. S3!y J. DON'S & .SOX, rr?p. Ijc;;Ii is in ovss, s"" its .rev aa T. J.- I at i:t.-., ktc, ktc. One Poor Cast of Ine I'ost-tJll'ieo, rialtsiiiotilli. Nei'lasi.a. Iactical Work is in SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA ZIER Y, it c, ti c. I.r.r;c assoitmeni of Han! a:;.i Soft 1 iir.ij-s, GrtKa l'ipes ;i:;il Fittin-rs. COAL STOTSS, Wood a:nJ Ce.-'i Stoves fur I A i I A U UU lOif i i. A 1 ; Always o;i Ilaiid. evry variety of Tin. IMieet Iron. .it;d Zin. Work. Kept in titock. WAKING AND REPAIRING, Dane on Short Notice. Sr2E YER YT I f.TO li'.lKK.t.VTED! I'llICTF.M LOW IOWX. SAGE ROS. Retail Liior D3fe CIGARS AND TOBACCO. I'LATTSMOUTII - - XEli. IJillianl Hall an.l Saloon on Aiam street. lour (loots irom sixtli ai .,, , . , , BEST BRANDS OF CIQAES, A LES, WINES, d-C. IteinfEiIr Xlie rm sr. I'lnc. -Kesnau & Grs.ce. m p -iv irr4 cxX v r- ? i. r-v C: tr-v v ; j - rCi '.. '. .e :, --: -, ' i . j ;. ' I' - ; . .. ; , . . . - " . J'.-..- '1 -.- - ' , , ' i.-. ! , s f . v 4"-.-v .-? i i-' . r ' '1 Tiof fa-jiuMie m.iy ?-f iroteh:l ay li.isfliivLiiUin ami Fraul ws'tpctlaUy caution all jw c..iAtro BKSsOlt'S CAl'tTSfi I'OIlOVei I'J.'.tii t::tH to ce; 'i if M1- ic w-ii CAPCIXE oy. ich j.i.i-.Vr U cm rerly. I,t not allow tmrnr ntftrr plat- t- to lie ihtlnuJ ? uivlt r ri,ui!'ir in.ttifJit.j natnt, tvit.U Vic .viri-cc thit it in the tame thing or .!. yoii.f. ir in min i h it tfi.: out;; o&jcit etu h itv:i Icr can luu c it that th- u c.i.i huu imltatlona r.' n tf the price of Vie grhui,i; a.ui thrj :;: IV this ub!Uulun ti ynl'i a ;iiJi additional j;Ar:sV Jt JOriSiV. riiarniact uticul n-.iBif. rw VorV. I. A. WATERMAN & SON. Wholesale nntl tletail Dciileis iu L'INE LUM11KH. LATH. bll INGLES. 55ASII, 000 US, BLINDS, ETC.. ETC.. ETC. 51au. street. Corner of Tlftli. I'LATTSSiOUTII, - - - - NED. itill Bettor Rates for Lumber Excelsior Barber Shop. J. O. BOONE, Main Street, o-pposite Saunders House. SIIAVIXU AND S II A M I'OOl.VG rsr-eciiil attention given to JUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. (ALL AND SEE 1JOONE. GENTS. A!il j;nt :v boon in a a A. Schleel & Ero., Manufactiiii is of iriiyrsj CIG-ABS, And df-rjet s iii ANCY S . ..ni.i-is.-r. (-I..-V.I.NO T 0 A C C 0 S . jiecial I1"ANI)S aiol sbes of riflAKS maile to order, and s.-.lisfat-iioi! j;'.iaiai.tcc..i. Ciar clioniii'TS .-oi.l lor snads intj toba'vo. Iain St. l!:rce t'.oois west of S.-ninsIers House. ri.ATTSMf.TTir, XlC3. 101y 3T TJ r- - 'ZL p. ' ' S ''.'a rr.'-i i H : O e o 0 -5 - II CO --' 1 ! EE: W o o O o nzi -L" ts i Z co - t r. 1? 5- Shcrvrccd Keeps the Biggest "Ike cf Beets & She In Cass CAVr ... FCR PARTICULARS "UMat" V!!JTESEV!Ma MACHINE CO. -.t- ho briiMi:w rMf.i.f.i. Ke.ma, or Rupture, ail Urinary l:ares Bud Bypa.atlc cr laercui ml Aljei-ncna cxtiio T nruat Birin or Cones, are trentd wiia unnarallied aucceaa, on la?t acicntiric priucip!.. e-tfeiy. Frivate. ej.-eriiit'ioi ibi b. t. xeai Zt.i.;i:Ty end Jmyyo ter.c,a tbr r.i.il of boli'-Abuse in youth, axu.l rz erf .- in inaturer vi-a a. ir olhercuara, a::d vlikh produca aomeot tiir loiiowi-it! ffiis-t.: iirrsoii.Mr., ariiiiral nir.n- . iKimi ra eurd. Coru!fmiion t otttc, ci (iy mail fit, ai.tj in ilfnl, Vhen it it intn.venint 10 visit tli cil lir irtatnw ijt. BiJii iiie t"n Ik-rut by n.ail or xprs t rv lu re. Cur- true la liri-i artirlaa on the f.lowirt? aul.-Ht-ta: Wlio mj marry, i.o iKt, r.r. aiai.n'f.a. V. nrn.L.hood, J I,-.k.1 A-r.y Vl.o .hnulil marrr: !.. Iifiraiid hrppini-a may tni.rc. 1 ha marnr I or s.M.utnpiatu. n.arriae a'-.ul4 rradit.t'.'-n l-i-t uiidrr l's.'a ai A k-y. fopi.lar .cit.on, aaaa .lM.ve, b :t ps."T eni-t, :n p..s. 5l rt.. by mail. PRESGEIFTION FREE For the .podrmracf Seminal YVrakneaa, Io.t Mashood. I rriearure Debility, NVrvoos.m., wpind. nc , t o: t.iioo of Idfr... AvrraKiil to orie:. Ijrftiv M' niorv. a.td all lliwrder. bronRhtcn by Srv'irt II.Litf and tiitim. Any drOKP'.t ha. the inymlirnta. Adflrrw. fcB.UACfrUes. 7aCl.MtnutSt..St.Lou.at BAST'S RIDING SAW KACKIKE WiU "KnTfe'S.1 ..-5 I l'-Tr atcr doa all the worlc. r.5$2 I V B cd fur Circuiara and !-Is ' K 1 " i f-SsS I ACENTS WANTED, j f-:2 T VT Taa . if A Adcirea IT. W. JImduI 'b Cta C blcao, ni r s.a.ra.l'-n Cwn-i'-l. H'l.'T JI IS:. iH- I "wf.-r. .U n.-.Jl!t I r 1. S...-reu; l'J H:cl I " I r-i; i .-.c I -...;..: l.n; J M-el t ... : I S.Jvrr-j 'Ur-l I'.id.r: 1 ' '.i.lt li'.l-I-r: I tirr-t n 1 ?aii ; 12 l.ne fcr.vel rp; 11 ii'i fnr 1'iiwr; 1 !i.ir HarVt thit (aptr lyotm. a:J Cl'fi-se s.rrr. fnr rtf ni (b. B...T aeHirf ... er.1 . Jl scat for Fl.7 Cr.-., SI.ujf. tkn. AJJra. fEaeda Srtfy 0 aajw i, aVa-fcftP aV Vraay uayijm aimall il illamUMJIIilllM Ijn fit If f im isms mmmm) 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Mo. p ; ;i try M A rceii:arr.r3uiii.tc.fto Mnliia! Col li btrn lonfrr 1" - J fe iJ. '- DK..'d tn tl.c pvia; tn-anwiii ot all Veucri-al. Cexuat C Ks 'i r ' I ' ." 1 : i uili Ctiomci. BM'f. than ar.v oth.r I'hnirian in bb "-J i '.4 IJ "-r'i 'A. i Louia. a. cit Daorr. .tiowsand ail old rraitk-ats know. ' slA ti L; l: -J -1 J abccact Kua:a.i'n.i( a i.i-rr uui.t . xifij; i r.aiAi y ataitd rf --''- 11 .;:iv i . ..u i.'Uji.- ua f-c-3-.u. fit t".2. 2 C.:r:iJ C Tjj i. M It 13 K i i Vrtl t ii'l r." ft PiS AffMr t 2RO f :"-'"r-ri-yL lavt iu.nUr lu li'isr i.-.c o.h erd f.rar,rtir.p-. "H!rtfor (5C-C. I . ,iV'i f.' 1 "f"-. v v In co.tnirr or curriM-T. Ov.r tiilf wonrfnl n.n ni.i.r... It 1 ?A -S 1 1 i . r er r JuaA:Ua' ''is. f-C-i :t V W-wV-'i.' 4134 i ti 9 6 v.l I ruiy Hi I! c i.. tj t-ii liat ' . -'.! laA of Imini Hi.rUl ktmln1 ,y uL:t itiMk 1 o m.. i ii i:, n:ti c'J rt-f. f ci-, tr tiiib il.t mutili frwa ftd fir Irr.i . t!iat will inur a Orkrr m(r f tOU attntta 3I0XEY TO LOAN OAT IMF ROVED FARMS JfOIt FIE YEARS TIME. TK7T Villi CK.T BXTtllCST. NO COMMISSIONS. E'viuii-P of 1). U. WIIEELEH & CO. ri.ittsniouUi; Mil. E. M00UE, Lir. coin, Nelifithka. 21tf BATES & K0H1TKE. New Cai'iientcr simp on ilaiu SUfet, Conifr of 7 tli. liatcs fc Kolinl;c, Builder.-), Contractors, and general workman in ths Carpentvr lino. J. S. DUKE n.i.s jt:t iuM-iI ain ntiie i.e .v atocJc cf t.j.fuN v al e, on Netttoor west of ('lianiuau & Smith's! I'rur store. A Kull I.inn ( f SHELF II A LID WARS, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES ami ALL GARDEN TOOLS. r I'tj'llUl- IiOPS VGWHFU. K HOT, GRIND- IT ONES, V7KEEL-BAHR0WS. A I-t:':.!.li,c of t 'i'M JiV. Sj-.'.cu.d.Jlutcs to Builders anl Can- ' 1 " . ... 4 . .. ' ai',1 l.o. A tl y ..add su!d a lew they poeaiMy c.-.n T; 41V jtV O CL? O 2?6 "2T - -'.7 lV':;-fS: ts -f '"-. v .zj' y.r. ":-'.i -' I;';vv7.-,f f.-j'.f l.',--,"-- - :.; s . 4 T-'. ..i ;:: 17- v-'7 i ': IfH t; t-'.r- i..';.fi... a. WO County. ... 'HUT u" " ADDRESS: CLEVELAND, OHIO. J'''v ttj.t:. av-'.-S i hij Vi':.; ',T v.iiJ j 11 a J 'e- r'llrt L f i :-" ! t7...- ...llrrle T7HV ITiTV. ; e sJ- 1-'' ' 1 ' ' ' ; I': f l:.'5i tit .''. f r..l-T..t(iJ) Ji '.'-. I -f .-r vj caiier 1. . k n i- fowi1 V-' It Iu J! -..'.f A tr",-.;rry ,.-7 lo irni; u:.d i-jints l.i-J !Pcra 'l Vo . H I.iti.'."1 H or O-.l.i r. .!. . LKivii' JM.i:.a 1 c i'i. ai.iaa.j-a l:n .. cnoil fowl. f:fl c.'il of tM 13 V.Oith t W0 Of UZij OtllCX i ..,,.. ... , 1 t.j .'.'j l , ,cr fc rlchrr. ; 'lVv:: Tlf rno.rrt? pen - r-m cat fcj i.iariy e.. ry etltcr i -4 1 ; 10 .i aa'.llt.a i l-'iH 13 i 1 - , . 'i LiUliiau.: I-.-.r. I.'r .i.-., i of i urtar, livj I iM-:0-'VciV"i I t fTj-I. niiirfl-aa FL&HMitL r.ttfr-!. ,A 1"'.''' t . ,1 v.Ui .ro ve uio attperlorlty -. l.i;i3 i. s,v. .!.-r. fr-FtirSiil.'1'vE. 1;. IM1VEY &'f-OX,CrTIl '.. N X A- W'M'KlJACH. J". r. V ill If. iLudW i . - - - -.i si- ,s --i b V:l-Kv'-;?''t: 1-kS ' t i1. J - I . I. Tj- - - Kv.:,-at:;::;v-'.; vi ?,-':-- -''". '"-' 4 ( v ''.-."-V.'' - I- 'C;.';'sv-'.'. - ' i :;v r-v-'.:-.': ; 'A,r'l"vfrv'-ci :':' V: :z.:.'.-. ... , '..,f y- i . a WrM- -'J -!.?. i?r::i v i. . Ji. .-V, u f 1 )