Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 22, 1880, Image 3

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THE II E 11 A L 1)
Catcb the sunshine.
Beautiful, weather!
Instead of beautiful snow I
The bet Ts, at F. S. V.' Lite's. 43tf
It wa nice spring weather, last
Fred Hurpby is clerking for Mr.
A lie w Picket. The last is Grant
and Chamberlain.
If you -want a good 5c cigar go to
Keenan fc Grace's. 43t2
Henry Eikenbary was a courtins
is town last week.
The boss cigar, lor five cens at
Heeuan nd Grace's. 4312
The City ferry commenced regu
lar trips last Holiday.
The Best canned and dried fruits
ia the city at F.S. White's. 43if.
Edwin Jeary called last .Saturday,
ad we wero glad le see hiua.
Frank Carruth is axwi; th num
ber who rejoice in a t&lephtf&e.
A hi id go is to be built on Fsurlb
Slrtet, Lack of tha 1'Iatte Vuli&y.
Mrs. IIiaLbi Livs rented one of F.
Carruth's house.?, and will movo there
very shortly.
Money to loia ftu short lime
Chattel aocurity.
41tl "Will S. Wise.
Byron naa in Sunday,
from Weeping Vv'ater, brought in a
Lftggisb thief.
Jai. S. Mathe.n-3 comes out with
raw letter heads aad envelopes, from
the Hekald ofdoe.
Cigars at Pepperbox's by the box
or at retail. Remember, u Main St..
between 4th and 4tJ
Y7. L. Tucker ia buildhiz Cap. O'
Romka's hciir.e on Cth it., and will
sown cottineiicc another.
,Ve learn -villi eoitotv- cfthedsath
f iir. and Mr. O. Frost's yHe3t
hy, aL Omaha last week.
Ciftar Clipping at J alius repper
bivi, or: Mini street, bet wi'cn 4th and
S.L 23 cts. per lb, dry weight. 42l3
Set & D?wey, must be din;r
n good business, wo hare been yetting
ap some nice letter btJs and other
ww:k for them.
Transient pec pie visiting Pb-.tts-i.novth
would do well t try Fepper
fceitf.4 cigars, Miu fctreet, between
i'.h and Gth. 40; J
A tremendous e.-vk cf ice lodged
in tb-3 channel, cut through the biid
ye?terJiy and it was lean I would pile
iLc ice i-p no as to do daiuayr.
A Iliils paper states that
V-quire V.. L. Uobba refined SO,O:)0
ono claiiu i;i Custer Co. Glad to
lis.r that frijud V.'iliiaui ij "sslei"
Tae l zt fire C!:iteii-r at Hso:;an
& GracvV-, they have just got this ci
y.iT f:on -St. Louis, aad its the best
kivn in the ra:::kc-t. -bitO
Charb y Chip?, of Elwwocd, has
r -eu appointed postal ch-rk oa tiie j.
v M ., and foo'i a-! bhsli ?ee Lhu ulii:
ij Hciil b:i;a with tho best of 'erj.
I'hil Yfjnz and family have all
reeovered frani Iheir lat iii!;e-i, ami
i'as former is very "busily engage 1 in
vupackisg new tor-ds of various Ue
iipt:ocJ. Jo!;ua Murray fold Iws eers.
t.'mt weighed -1T5 Ihs eacli mor than
'.hen be bough.t then!, just four innth.-
i vl ten dayaHgo. pay3 corn
v:f:'ity we'll.
MnoD.n:i;h is in b"i3 el uiMit h"lp
i::j along tlvj efforts for aid U Ike Ire jojiTerc-rs. An arti'. 'e frora his
pen do '.Ii? aubjTt, rnafle cue f a se-i-es
in the Omaha News.
The case of Sehuluof vs. Thetnp--,on
for wages, before Judire Sullivan
vas completed Tuesday vt-nii.g, bu:
"the Judge reserves the subicittal of
wis decision till Saturday.
LiUrr.ry and TMucal ional Nr!rs,
f tibli-hed at Kearney by L. I. Filieli',
!ias b?en adopted by the tatt Depart-
;eut of I'ub'.ie Tnstmetijn, as the me
f. ijw for ;Vi ;ial auuuti .'Ctufents.
-I'tter Herges has gne to sh.e
taaking in dead earnest. The Hicualp
him the other day with a htd-tieU
ii ivn es, and what the tht-inuker
threw at hits wife in his hand, a
in kis teeth and a strap over his
Take Notice, all accoun's due
.se9-1 & l'owell, tun-t b settled at
t ,'ce. Those knowing themselves in-
t i ;ed please call and settle up as the
t.c oks of th late firm must a Ijust-
C. Ik Wkscott.
J. G. Chambers is still atop of the
.--7.?. with lots of harness already
uvde, ar.d more constantly cianufact
u irg. as he is bound to have a:i u:)
::;.!iifd quantity for lbs spring trade.
will take pleasure in showing all
" ":0o who will call that his harness is
:lo Rood as ean be found, and prices
;hat will scare no one. 43i2
II. A. Waterman & Son have pur--hascl
the lots on which the Fiatte
Valley House stands, and will use the
unoccupied portion of them for their
-lumber yard. Whether they i:itend to
t lihl a hotel in the place of the Fiatte
W y we do not Know, but it looks
Yry Biiu'b to us as if the man who
p:.t u, a rirst-cbss liotel hero, would
l e making a gaud investment of bis
r-anfy. The reputation of liavinjr in
t ;Mcifnt and poor hotel accom
riw.Utiona has gne forlb against
Pir,! ?mouth, and tlie sooner she re-'i-
Kin herself by erecting a botel large
f noagh to supply the demand, ami
ketps it ia fiT3t-cIa.-J3 etyi, the better
f her.
Deacon B. lias gone to Lineeln.
Mrs. Lve has been sick again, but
is better, we. are pleased to hear.
'Uncle Stephen Ilobson called last
week, as spry and lively as ever.
Milo Fellows, of Randolph, low,
is paying Plattsmouth another visit.
S. X. Merriam of Sigourney, Ion a,
is in town looking up 1 jts, &c, as us
ual. Miss Eunice Sage, of Iowa, niece of
Elias Sage, is teaching in Mrs. Love's
Miss Ida Goodvll of G Ion wood has
bfen engaged Hi teacher in our city
I). S. Lid lie. the IIeuald's Brother-in-law
left Pbituinouth last week for
Decatur, Burt Co.
J. A. Mar-Murihy started Tuesday
to meet with his many (juiil-diivis:g
brethren at Lincoln.
II. F. Glass, an old time friend, call
ed oji his way frm Ouraua to Ke r
ney, his Lyme.
Fine.!-: Crani'ir-r was again nnderthe
weather for a day or two, but com
menced his duties yistt-rd.iy.
His. Sanford C. Lewis, of Wavrrly, j
?eli.. is in town o;i a visit l hw pa- j
re lite, Mr. i;d Mrs. 12. sehulhof.
Will S. Wise Bold in tlie pint tii
days j57,03 of real estate (lots and
land.; half cy.sli l:o w" i'ai 1'tr busi
ness 'i
yt.v. ".nd Mrs. John Fitz-rnbd pass
ed through the City Tuesday mom
iwg, :r tiieir way homo fioia a tn
dajs viit t Cl:cgo.
T. W. Blackburn, betbsr known as
"Lin," has l.tea appointed advertising
ant f the Kaiisas Pacific. Good
luck ftid success to you.
C. F. Yatfs and Wm. Darrah shnw
ed their faces in the city thn f.rst of
the w ek. Have t come back ad
look at o:;ca in a while.
rarxprsjitirs h:! ie:u!iuJ us
And by !''.ilir. Ui-f ; bo.-!.e us
Curtis ut cu;--y ail tlie ii:nr.
Oiuf innntl Star.
Hard Voad For Sale.
God hard wood for sale. Inquire
at GatLm:in So Weekbaeh's sior. 44tlo
Paper Fj Agaie.
Common newspaper has gone up to 10
cts. per lb., and when it's going to stop
we doa't know. All other paper riei
accordingly. B jat3 us.
Peter Bates moved into the house
he lias n-c-Pntly parehaed btsi Wedn's
Ihv, and as the gnile raia fell np.'n
ids g.ods nnd cliat Ids riv asktd bin
wha-t- he siie'.i a day for. "Mv
i::g vrti a j.b ar: way," lie said.
tr: 1 a mean day for a caean job." So
we him Laovi.
Pi !ieil M iss Meeting in Fiizgr-
th! bll.
d iv evening rext,
iaucaty 27, for i h p-nrpo.-.- of appt ini-
ing a rf;prni-;uui: vi co:nniatee to n-4
presf-nt at Oaiak.i u the reej-ti n f
Mr. pj;ii' I!, the great Irish land sgi
tatur. Let tht ie h rousing mewting
Our suhi-:ci!;iers t;! notice
change in udvei i:-.emeat of ii ist's Hid
ing Saw Machine to E C. Ba4',Si. La-
S Mo. Mr. Di-t makes this : li-t
t o.her ptrties in Chicg- el i in all
itej'rt f- 1.7. S. M tMpg Co. If VoU
.v;.it a 13 tF-i Saw, write again I the
nw addilSB.
!)-. Livingston infonm v. tliat
Dr. John Black has recently purchas
ed th? North half of L:s 1 an i 2 in
iJlock at, from the M. E. church for
about ,l,0'i); alo C. II. Parrnele
ami Mrs. W". E. 0.nebui deliver d on
Tusd:.y a bond for a ilced to Wiu.
Wettencanip, t ) lol o, b'oc!; 33, at a
consideration f a'.iout jfl.OOO.
I. O. Phiiiippi, well known in this
town, hrcomt sone of the Ass't ISsper
in ndenu of the Ii. c 11. it. Alex
Campbell is also j romoted to As.s't
-iupt on th western division. Boss
!Ild:e-e and Super Boss Touz ilin still
keep things goin;j lively and hav? faith
in the 11. So M. tasting salt water yet,
before they die or get bald-he.. ded.
The flerrans boy tei-plimed I)i".
Livii gston Tuesdav p. m.. that the
western t rain was due in 12 mnmtes
and that Capt. Palmer wasahoaid with
a sick brother; as lie was takikg lorn
through to Wisconsin, he wished the
Or. to meet him at the dp--t. Mr.
L'almer has beew m business somew here
iu the west and is suffering with spin
al fever.
The Catholic Festival was very
well attended last nig'nt. and the vot
ing for th ladies' gold watch and
chain waxed warm. At 1 o'clock the
board give:
MUs Ida M. Dennis n 110 vwtes
Miss Louise Egenherger . . . . .117
Miss Lizzie Kennedy and Miss Car
rie Schuihof also lifcatii' candidates at
a late hoar, and will make the, contest
quite interesting thi eeiiiig
A preliminary meeting was hdd
at Fitzgerald hall Mwnday evenirg, to
arrange for a mass meeting, to raise
money for the Irish Belief fund, and
make arrangements tor a special train
to Omaha when Parnell comes there.
Tuesday eveninr, Jan. 27th was the
tiiue and Fitzgerald llali tlie place ap
pointed for tlie meeting, at which com
petent speakrrs will set forth tiu bur
den of want under w hich Ireland is
The prist iriild weather has pretty
much demolished the ico and many
an anxious investigation has been;
made of she condition ef the ice bridge; ;
but as there has been no rise in the j
river the ice has gone out so gradu.aliy 1
;w to enable them to preserve the
bridge intact. On Monday under th j
supervision of Mr. Ilcldri-ge, a chan-
nel was cut to allow the floating ice to '
t go through, and we understand the
j djuagw in now pretty nearly ott.
A good audience assembled on Mon
day evening to hear M'Ue Celeste Cou
nell and Miss Alice Clark, the ne a
pianist, s;ld to have most wonderful
ability, the other, a vocaliit ufjuete
than ordinary power.
Owing to having an instrument whose
capacity was not fitifL'cient for ili hall
Celeste hardly give a fair exhibition
f her powers, and. perhaps, in her an
noyance, did not do either herself or
the instrument full just ico. We are
surprised that where so much depends
upon the instrument, they do not carry
one with them, as very few will allow
a tine instnuaent to be mved, and
many instruments of capacity sufU
cient for an ordinary room are quite
lost ia bo large a hall, and particularly
upon a stage with acoustic properties
so defective, as all who have ever at
tempted .ny exhibition upon that
stae know them to be. Mr. Conn lis
annoyance was undoubtedly great, but
one statement of the fact would have
held tlse sympathy of the audit-nee
nine i more effectually than the con
si ant repetition of it.
Miss Clark's singing was enjoyed by
all , her manner is free from the an
noyances of the pseudo-operatic style,
which has spoiled many an otherwise
good voice: her words were dis:inelly
enuiiciatedher tones in the upper reg
ister exceptionally good, and her pieces
well choHt-u. We can also offer the
same tribute to the n itura!uess of Ce
lete, tlie entire freedom from the
mannerisms which sh so graphically
and laughably "took oil." Her playing
upon the two instruments was also
worthy of nte, particularly when
blindfolded, tiie piau an 1 orjjan muf
fled with a havy shawl, and lht sense
of hearing bstructed. and having :ds
to overcome the further defect of the
two instruments i.ot b?in in accord.
The ttoup3 have but recently utart
ed iu a career in wh'cli experience is a
great aid, and alter th- fuv aiinoy.iu
ces incident upon the acquiring of it,
they will learn to steer clear of the
breakers which render at pi-s-:it
their voyage slightly temp jst u-.nis, and
enter into the siuth harbr of success.
Tirae is money, but health is hap
piness. If ;u have a bad cold or rough,
use Dr Ball's Cough S mp, L will cure
you. Price 2j cents. 1
"erjiemVr that the H'.kald of
fice, is now, ;;s always, ready to turn
out pl.iii and ornani-ntal Jb print in::,
of ev ry de-ci iption, and in a sntifi.i:
t;ry manner, at prices as low as tlie
advance in p,iper stock will ailrnit.
Don't forget, no v.-, that eur JoI t pes
are of tin latest style, and that We are
constantly adding to the same, and
snipping back to ih." foundry th old
styles ; and if yon can't rirj 1 "font"
out of over one hundred, that suits
your t?, why wv will s:v: for mom.
In tiie cure of Consumption there
is proh.iidy tei kn" vn ni-'dudoo equal
to tin; Syi up of iy nijl;os;:ii pri
patiil by Xlr. Jaiiii-s 1. I' id !. ., eh-tii
ir, st. .John, X. Ii. A Mum' r of eas
es have come under i n.; tee li.e past
jear when the results whi h havo fol
loweit its ore have been as onishisig.
We wiiie this !;r.soliii d by any o':-,
ami adi-e the s-. t io trv it. 41tl
EtUToi: "t o lo . i a l Fai:ms-;u."
Geo. I'air.'ifid, our eomp-te:it and
irentai County Surveyor who was re
e!-oed tnst siuce, and sHore hitn
s"!f in on Bob In.'tsoM's latest "Mis
take", is getting up and thelin out all
about our road milters in th- County,
in lh- wiost sciei-lirie n-.-inner; and bis
Hoa.l 1I oif v.iitn coinjiieied w iil
in' one of the most, useful and valo
ao'.e bitoks of ref re nee in the County
ioiiifiin-i. If you want to know just
the time ami patience and pra ticai
knowledge it t;ikes t do this, examine
G ore's y in k caiefidly and then talk
the matter over a li.tle.
Our yoii'ig penph- :ii e'doour ng up."
A society he n ioinn d eight ol
our yoiitjg ladies c;:'h.d the "Mystic 8 '.
who ijive reueptious at the different
U"ine.s of the yoiusg la ties, to which
they in vite the young gentlemen. One
of their par: ies o-.'-.-tined at the rc-
tence of Miss Mamie Pet tee last
Tue lay eveni, which was charac
terized further by all appearii'jr in ris
tume masked, and the Marie Queen o
Scotts. Marie Antoinette, Flo v. er C ii 1.-,
Sitting Buds, Biiffalo Bills, Brother
Jonath.tii'.t. ai:d others danc-d sn.d
made itmrry together tlin livelong eve
ning. Long li v the 'Mytic 3."
The follow ing from the Malvern
(Pa., Item, just rt-cetveil from some
fn. lid, exp.ains it.seif very plain'v.
We wer n't aw a; e, howevrr, t hat f i iend
Thomas had gone into tiio newspaper
'Our western friend Vr. 11. Tliomns,
presented us with a paper printed in
Ptattsmouih, Neb., nailed the Daily
Enterprise. This puptr was of medi
um quality. It oonta i.ed 17 columns
of advertisements and 3 columns of
reading matter. How many of our cit
izens wish to subset ihe for the same?
W. It. T. advance aent."
From the Ilockport, Ind , Banner:
There is no medecine in the worid
which has gained such fame as Sr. J.
Cojj's Oil: this is, however, not in ti:e
least .'stoliihiot. wln-ii we cou.-ddtT
its truly wonderful urative poweis. I
Mr. F. ndenhurg, of Gramlview, cail-
ed at oar oili- e last w eek, and rtla ed
the following irctim-taHie: Isutl-rel
witli Blieumat ism forovr six years;
cnsw:ted many physicians and tried
hundreds of remedies, but without
avail. Having seen Sr. JACojfs Oil
advertised in your paper, and heard
of some most astonishing cures. I sent
to Bockport for a bottle of the Oil,
and used it according to directions.
The relief I felt was almost "electric."
I got Letter at nce, ar.d now there is
no? a Mace of Biieumatism leftin my
body. 4 itl
Tick's Floral Grins. -Of the !
many Guides an 1 see 1 and Plant Ca
talogues sent our by our seedsmen and
nursfi men, and that are doing. so much
to inform the people nnd beautify and i
enrich our country, none are so bean- !
tifnl, none so instructive as Tick's
Fln:l Guide. Its p;tper is the choic
est, its illustrations handsome, and
given bv the hundred, while i s co!r
ed plate is a cMn. This work. although
costing but five cents,' is handsome
enough for a cift biwk. or a plane on
the parlor table. Published by James (
Vxck. Bcbter. N. T. . i
.Of the Improvements and Bnsiacas
I, for 1S79.
Havinor requ s?ed our dearly beloved
brethren of the neighborhood to send
us a statement of their improTf ments ,
past year, that we might get up n
, T , . . i
rr. for Plaitsmouth, of eourse they
all set to work at ones and just took j
thief to live iniuu'.es of tiiae and a j
postal card and sent it in. That's!
...... ,, i . .
right, citizens, you a'l want a big town. !
: vou il reed a his town. ami His wav
to make it so. is to hang back and let
Your neighbors and the new
men do all the wuk and advertise oti
. io me woriu a. ineir expense ami join
Unfortunately for ns, or through the
mistake of our "uu" compromising
postmaster, none of these postalB about
your pew works, expenditures aial
deeds ever reached us except one, from
j Coaplain Wright, blessed be his mem
lory, he always does help himself anil
; everybody else that wants help, and of
Xt having received said postals or
i any other new, we engaged a compe-
; tent and wor.hy man and fellow citizen
jto-w it: W. L. Tucker, Esq, to go
'round and punch up the lame and the
I lazy, and encourage the bright and the
; f-mart, a:;d in short, wake us as nearly
an accurate lis: f our improvements
! as any out-ddrr can make. If any are
. ou;iit d it is tkeir o .vu fault, for we
! gave iiuiice three we ks ago tl.-.t v e
I were aifer that kind of information.
! If any are over-estimated, or uuder-es-j
timated, thatV the fault of our rule
j and jaeUpl.uie, which sometimes was
j too short or cut too thick a shaving.
The result is very gratifying, really
astounding; bet you a cooky, kind
reader, you can't guess within Slo.OOO
of i he sum total. Saul yourey s now,
and guess; don't read any farther, and
see how near you'll hit it.
To make a long story short here is
Mr. Tucker's very carefully compiled
statistics, verbatim:
II. Boeek. repairs & improvement gon-
eialiy, has expended. .. . $ 2 0i0 0!)
F Ooos, repair x. imp 00
U. T. Mattnews, moving
ktote building to M.tiu At.
and general repairs of
same and i.ew bouse erect-
id, 2Jx4'J ft , !ie story,
neat poilicoin front 1 300 CO
J. W. Itii itliy, hu-dness h'se
CDxt.l It. glass float, Lail
ailey, Pi.vVJ It 003 CO
J. S. Giegmy, liew house,
l (x 21 ! t 300 00
D. ii. Wneeler, imp., picket
lenc. , A.:: 123 00
W. Ii. i in ker, l7o ft. picket
fence 85 GO
J. H. Chambeis. gent iiil imp.
about toe hoit?e v barn... 150 00
ilciiry M. Mi h r, new barn
So wagon stied. new fence
and imp. on house 400 00
F. tb.rdi-r, adduion to h'se
ami o-her imp's, 700 00
Peter Merges, hou-e 14x23
f. 1 3 stoiy, piazza m, sh.-ii tutc!ae:i 10x23. 800 CO
Will. iliSso-I, Uf V bourse
1 5 2 s oiy v.i.ii b.oiemcu?,
and barn 1 050 00
.J. P. Youag, inii'., and rep's
m i:..u-e. . 603 00
J. V, ;ew bruise
. 14x24, with eii 14x14 It... 900 00
P. L. WH;'. imp. on iiotiie.. . (i0 0 J
S. M. J'oapma's " " 1CJ 00
,f . A. MacMui 'phy, imp on
lo-tise, new bai h room.p :n-
tiy. cistern, paint big tc.. 5C5 CO
Ciiap!;tin Wrigiif, add to h'se
and bam 700,00
Frank Neinoin. new bouse,
1 ;2 st. ry. 2 '.23 ft, celiar
and wouMsli-! GC0 00
Mrs. H. Sliera. new house.
' Ji story, 2x30
825 00
100 0
300 00
00 00
l uoo no
Ot!-) t')
G50 00
GvO Ox)
i 000 00
S50 Oil
350 00
275 00
5 GO 0j
700 03
2tM U0
225 00
3:H 00
KfO 0 )
200 00
100 00
2-4-1 00
100 00
200 00
John Leacii, a)-!. to house..
J. lines, new IioLse. one
story, 14 x24
U. ( . ( 'hiibbnck, new boose
Ik 15. W indham, ne w Luiih1,
lit storv,.
J. M . 1'atTeisoo, add. & oth
er illtp!"o flill'lllS
V in (in h'naun, new bouse
lx2, .-!i-). b.n m -S5
new house i 4 x Jfi with atl
eil 11x11
1-2 s oi y. p r.-!i.
L t. Jovc C: Son, p-ieivii,g
house with engine and
bud rendering fixtures...
Sam Sbo as ikT, l!"W bouse
story. 1I.2J. fence &c.
W. W. Scott. Hi-w hwnse. . . .
(Ier. L-:ii'ienhagen, new . b'k
J W. Bat nes, add. to hou.-p,
S M. Chapman, new imuse,
J s. N. j-diy, new h'se 14x16
I'.rown. new h'se 14xlG..
It. I'r psi, " 1x24..
I.Coiral, " " 12x11...
I. Oct I. " " lx2'J..
duo Knee. " " 14x21..
.I.Jandi. " " 16x4 .
M. G. Ki'-g, " " 14vl"s..
'. Lee, " 14x18.
T. .I.anda, " "
.1 Ploof. " "
IVtcr Mann, new house,
s ory, 2t)2G
C. E. Wcseott, new house,
Mrs O. D.Stone, new house
2!b21. ope story I.
fl. E. P..lmer. improve 'nts..
Mrs. Mi't'rt'ii aod yrs. Mar
sha. I. new brick bw'Jfe, 2
s!oi v
Bates .v. ICoItnk'e, shope
Win. L-mpke. addstion, ...
co no
300 00
803 00
500 00
700 00
200 00
2 150 00
200 00
300 00
1 125 00
Kit b-v Joiitisoi , shop
Ir J.-hii Btack. t.iVir-
M. E. Chureh and Parsoii-
:;:, in ntoveui'-nis
J. G. Itiehey. one new house
Uf, story. 20x20, neatly
A. O. Ifatt. impiaivement.. .
G. F. Gyger,
C. Ni hols. add. to house. . .
P.iiker, house, 10x13..
John Simono, house, 14x24.
W. II. SHtiidknecht, new
house, 2 story with veran
da n t wo sides
another, 2dx2t
James E. Morrison, new h'se
i story, 24x24
riois. Pollock, new house...
O. M. Streighi, bouse 14x22
Ja. CJraee, new house,
O. W. brick house..
Mrs. M. Propst. h'se 14x24..
S. S. Billings, 5 new houses,
2 and 3 riinis, one storv
t& $250.00 ".
J. W. Hansen, house 1-0x24..
J. V. Weckhach, lmuse 14x
24 w'th an L 14x14
Frank Carruth, new houoe,
18x2S. ij story, barn 18x
24. and othtr Imp
Joseph house, 1J
story. L 10x12, imfinisi"d
unother 16x18 1 stnr. .
1 000 00
150 00
- 85 00
200 00
20!) 00
200 00
2 COO 00
500 00
000 00
100 00
600 00
000 00
375 00
250 00
250 00
225 00
400 00
1 COO 00
200 00
450 00
Pat. McCallan, new house,
y story, 2tx24, neatly
C. ';ffey, 2 new houses, 16x
20, L I0xl4,2storv,and 14
x24, L 10x12, 1 story
J. V. Weckb.ieh,2 new hous
es, 14x 24, L 14x14. and ve
randa to each
1 000 00
900 00
87,0 00 !
200 00
300 CO !
3o( 00 !
300 00 j
50 U0
830 00
3 000 00
300 00
173 00 j
375 00
250 oa !
050 00 j
500 00 !
100 00 I
; Mrs. Mahoney, addi. ion . . . .
! South of 11. K. shops, 3 small
i,,,,, ifii
houses. 16x18.
p. Horasky. 1 new house...
Jam 8 I'hymas, 1 house ... .
" " shop.
John Simpson, 1 new house
I). Graves, 1 bouse 12x22, L
: South of same, 1 new
1 new house
' " V " v
; B, Mierwtiod, imps, stoie.
n.,rk Xewto-i, 1 new house
It. Donnelly, 1 loick black-
smilh shop. 22x48. . ....
Peter It alien, imp's
J. T. Weckhach, the Sexton
House, 23x-M. 4-story, and
veranda well liaished. ..
1 new house, 14x21. Ii 14x
14, l)i-stry. & nasemeiit
1 adilitiuti t bouse, 14x22
1 new house. 14x24. L 14x
1 new addition, 1(5x22, l'
slot ies
F. Ii. Guthm inn. 1 new ad
dition, 20x30, 2-story br'k
Ti e Wheeler House, 23.X
30. 3 story frame, and L..
B. W, Hyers. imp's on h'se.
P. P. G ass. ' imp's
Henrv Cooper, 1 new h .use,
M. rarroll, 1 new house, IS
XC0, L 14x14
C. S. Dawson. 1 new house,
13x30. lJi-stmy, veranda
'li 3 bitb'S
F. S. White, imp's an tee h'sa
I). E. Bat binuton, imp's
C. H. Could, adtl'n to house
J. P. Young. P lephone
Dr. II. II. Livingston. " ....
" gfu'i imp's
F. Carruth, Tdephone
Bridge on Second Sf
It. B. telegraph & telephone from depot to bridge
830 00
850 CO
350 00
425 00
425 00
850 00
800 00
5')( 00
50 CO
200 CO
700 00
1 200 00
500 00
75 00
150 00
25 00
35 00
127 00
25 0d
05 J 00
500 00
Total SM C37 00
We have attempted to tet Some es
timate of the railroad improvements,
but find it impossible to d so this
week, the majority of them having
been begun in 1878, and it being diffi
cult to find what portions were unfin
ished dur iig lb ear past. Although
the. great bulk of improvements ami
buildings about the machine shops
was commenced in 1878. a considera
ble atdouut w ould be added to our sum
total, could we get that portion which
was finished iu 1879.
Keiip'iaber, we cannot give this as
ready all. Some will be overlooked, a
fe- wvervaltted, siue undervalued.
On the whole, it is rather utub-r than
over. These buildings are all in 1870;
a few are not qui e finished vet, very
few though. Since January 1st, Mr.
Weckhach lias put a new bay-window,
a vi-randa, and folding dooisto his res
idence house.
The general business of the town
has increased wonderfully. Stores are
fuller of good3; everybody has increas
ed their facilities for business, and the
trade of the lawn has almost doubled
in th pist ye-ir. The farmers in the
sui r iuuding country are building new
hou:i;-s, birns and jt ati iries. So mote
it alwitvo be.
Mr. Lovey'a is tke largest single im
provement, and Mes us. Billings', Gu h
ui4 u it's ami Weckbachaj the most nu
merous. Gutlim iti!i aad Wtckb tch de
serve gieat creitit, for they b d the
boom; in fact, commenced before the
boom began, and Mr. Weckhach is the
largest, or rather, the best tenement
builder of the lot.
Where all have don well, there is
no room for adverse criticism. Let us
rejoice and get ready for this Year,
when we want to just double and tre
ble this est imate. Without the rail
load and ioidge improvements this is
t U4at-niti ;ent showitig. The railroad
folks won't tell us what tlodr bridge
is going to cost, but it is safe to say
that with piers, approaches and all, it
will crowd a :.:ii.liont of dollars to
be yet added to the above.
(N'otk.) Xfr. Editor: If in looking
over these figures or statements, you
rind any mist akes either in valuation
er siz- of buildings, plcasn collect .as
far s possible; for numbers of the
proper: y owners I cu!d not rind, ami
I had to place t. e valuation according
to my own judgment. Please state
these facts to the public, so as to set
at ease all hard feelings. The estima
tions or figures, inigl-t be swollen to a
considerabl- extent, by adding the nu
merous amount of revv picket fences
and small buildings that I find scat: rr
ed over mir city, t the amount of sev
eral hundred dollars, if ticie and space
would admit. W. L. T.
Dissolution Notice.
Be it known that the linn heretofore
existing and known as Wescolf Sz Pow
ell, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. C. E. Wkscott.
Jax. 5th. 1S80. C. A. Powell.
All indebtedness against and ac
counts due the firm of Wcseott So Pow
ell will be iidjusted by
43.3 C. E. Wescott.
New Firm in the ilrick Business.
Geo. Weill man succeeds Sneck & Co.,
in the Brick business on Washington j
Avenue, ami will hereafter have a full ;
supply of Brick constantly on hand. !
1 .
at low rates. c;oine and see the ne;
brick yard and get your spring build
ing brick, first-class.
42t4 Gf.o. WriD.MAN.
Dissolution Netice.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
heretofore known a- Mahlaner & Herr
mann has this day dissolved partner
ship by mutual consent, and that the
linn will hereafter be known by the
name ot F. Herrmann.
F. J. Malijaxer,
F. Hekkmaxx.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. Jan. 1. 1880. 42tf t
Dissolution Notice. !
The firm of Speck & Co., Brick mak
ers, is this day dissolved and Geo.
Weidman succeeds to the business. :
All indebted to the old firm please '
present the same and settle aceounts
with the new proprietor at once.
Plattsmouth, January 1st, 1830. 42t2
A Word of Protest.
Ed. Herald: In the issue of your
piper this week, I should like to ask
if a word of defense is not due theown-
! ers of the Piano, tised at 'he "Celeste
! concert". Monday mgbt. They are not
first refusedon the ground that i: wuuld
not do in a large hall, although it an
swers all purposes in a music room.
Mr. Warhuist. the tnai-ager of Blind
Tom. called with the advance agent
and inspected the inslmuien. before
engagitig it.
ment knew how welt it did its duty
every hour in the day, we k in ami
week out, never failing to produce cor
rect tones, (.when properly p!ned), b"
would have been at least respectful.
We consider that the owners of the
lustrum ;nt were grossly insulted, from
the fact that they were uo- disposed
to let the instrument go, but knowing
that there was iu o.her available, aa I
to accommodate said parties, kindly
yielded. For ah'ch, instead of thanks,
they were publicly insulted.
Dr. J. Jackson Crider
of the Ottumwa Medical Infirmary,
having consent d to make I'laltsmoiuh
a visit, wilt le at ll e maunders hou.e,
W- dm sday, 28;h day of January, 18.').
and remains three !as. His world
wide reputal ion nerds no comment and
ay a throat ami lung doctor he has no
equal in this country, lie can cure
any case of catarrh in existence. Dr.
Ciidt i- has h vd 31 years practice in this
and foreign count l ies and all those af
flicted witti any kind of Chronic dis-
J eases, or diseases of any thihciilt na
ture snou.U cail ami coi. sou ii-.m. ne
treats all Nervic diseases ami Rheu
matic and Neuralgia compiai at.s. Fe
males who have be n sidfuit g r
yeais, should not iei. this oppoitu ity
pass, but come at once apt! co:.suit
wi h a man that can read ymir disease
like a book. Be ew we g ve you what
the Milts County Eepubiicau says of
Dit J. jackso:; ctnriF.T:.
This gentleman made many friends
while here in our city and al.-o eiij y-t-il
u iaiije run of custom. lie. d es
not make a practice of visiting the
smalmr towns, but was induced to stop
off here, by th" solicitation of some of
oir citizens, who ibsired his services
His reputation is fust class, and his pa
tients all over the country speak iu
high terms of his skill in treat ing t hem.
and the square business like manner
in which he dealt with them. He w ill
return some time.
Don't forget the date of his arrival.
Wednesday. January 28th, stopping at
Saunders House.
My daughters sav, "Now much bet
ter father is since he used Hop Bit
ters." He is getting well alter his
long suffering from a disease declared
incurable, and we ale so glad that he
used vour Bitters. A holy of Roches
ter. N. Y.
IHsSiilatin Notice.
Sot'Tii Bitxn.Ni 3'.. Jan. 1st 1?0.
Notice is hereby given ti.a' he part
nership hcr'.ofore cxisttr.r b w- n J.
G. Itondne and It. G. MeVailaiul. un
der the firm nam- ot J.O. lioiniti" tv
Co., is this ilay dissolve! bv mutual
consent. J. G. itomine t se tle all ac
counts against said lino, ami to eiebc
all iu favor of said linn.
J. G. Bom ix if,
It. G. McEaulaxd.
I!OW.r.I-;trNU:!.IN-AI X.u;.t p;e;:int
Cliitif .I.Mi-iar.v 1. 1 . tiy It t A. ii '
f tii. Mr. M. b. iio-.vard :!- Atmira Mc
Muiiiii, at! ef t'ma Caiiu.v, Xcbrmka.
H"M IWLMNOH At tti- rtiteiiepnrtli
lu iile's I at :: r, S. S. 1 ". i 1 1 ; - ir . Weiinevluv eve.
.1 inuiiiv If!. I lV'Ie Jtev. .( . T. ilidni.
Mit. .Iiwi.l'il Si. It ; I us sital il9iiATl!K
1.11.1 all of i'l.ii I s i.oui 11.
Aoliie to ieaein rs.
Exauiii:a;iin of persons w ishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
follow ing limes ami places:
At i'iattsmoii h. 1st Friday timl Sat
urdny in January, February, May, nu
gust. Octttber and November. At
Weeping Witter, 1st. Friday and Satin
day iu March, J une and September. At
Louisville Is Friday ami Saturday in
A pril, J uly and December. Notice of
other examinations i!l be given.
E. ll.,
42tf Superintendent.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
heretofore known as llm "South Bei.d
Grain Company," has this ds.y dissolv
ed partnership by mutual cousent.aud
that the business will hereafter be
conducted by J. & II. J. St l eight, they
set-ling all claims dim or against the
old firm. J. G. Homink.
It. G. M;F.i:laxi,
Jaox St:m k;iit,
South Bend. Neb., Jan tub. 1880. 4313
Pen I he Deceived.
Many persons say "I haven't got the
Consumption" when asked tocure their
Cough with ShihiiTs Consumption
Cure. Do they not know tuttt Coughs
lead to Consumption and it leuiedy
that will cure Consumption will cer
tainly arid surely cure a cough or any
lung or throat trouble. We know it
w ill cure when all ot h is fail ami our
fait h in it is so positive that we will
refund the price paid if you receive
no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi
tion. Price 10 cts.- 50 cts. and 81.00
per bottle. For lame chest, IJaek or
side, use Shiloh's Porous blaster. Price
25 cents. For sale by Chapman &
Smith. Druggists.
Why wiii uu suuer with Dyspepsia
and liver complaint, constipation, ami
general debility when vou can get at
our s'ore Shbo'fs System Tiia!iz,jr
which we sell on a positive iruaiatitee
to cure ou. Price in cts. and 75 cts.
For sale by Chapman & siuith, Drug
ists. " 1 1 AC 1 v i I E 1 V X " ' a"p P ' " b r and
fragrant erfume. Sold by Chapman
So Smith; Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb.
31i3r eow.
.'ol Hind Made all Ca'.f Roots fnr
O''O"' at Merges '. 31tf
A Bochestcr Physician's Experience.
B. Caulkins, M. D.. of Bochester, N.
Y., certifies Oct 0;h, 179, (hat he has
used the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure
iu bis practice fttr diseases of the kid-
MMS a. id livir and I.m r..,.!t
SatisfaC'C.rv ill the extreme. He St'.Vs:
wotihl mtw prescribe the same rem-
- ...... .v
edy tt all similarly elUicte!. and vou
are at liberty to So State in vour testi
monials." " " 41tlU
Call on .Mrs Capt. Marshall and
gat the new Organ Tutor.- S8tf
i 11 Ij lw w., 1 O.
FlaHjutli mjn Twill
as Kror?rFi nv k. o. unirr & son.
liCKI.'i'i TH K EAS.
Wci'.i'Mt'.H .Jan 2t 1?-1
, ,r,., , ' ".' ' . ' ' '
1,t n iro',s'x ,y i-pani!.i.e- . .
livvied .it lite t.iis here... iJ'"
GltAIN AND l'li'tilTE.
ISETt-liTEO 11V J. A. CONMtft, f.EKI.t
Wlifat, No. 2.. .
" 3...
" rejected...
Corn, i-ar
KUl to
j (:oh.
slieii.'d.. . .
" ;t
4 (Hi
s --
a io
JS tt ii l tig is uglier man a irrooKett
li, wit in- 'ioh- st raiuhtcn them w it h
, . ' ,r , ' ,.l k Ulim will)
Lvon's Heel Si i (Tenets.
Teiit' Eiiie Vi rm Stip.iers tur 5o is.,
at .VI.Tj;es. 3tf
Wert.l .i:ve..i.1r.i-liti.r- at the I'arW It x i
a.-al.:.M,:v,) Ass Hian-.l Pi.- s.vs
two liilu si uti'iil nii'daN t.avi1 i nawaultU to
tHe AmeritM,. initkets. Mas,,, mdi.
. . " T ... . .- ..- .
lli.l Kvt nl'll'A IVl .1 fill1 lll.tli, I III. V lint
.if. ...... I', .v ,...v ...
etc. nt
F. S. Wli'.TK'A. Wll
' wm t.y A;, auo y u t ;v.r j-i'.a,i;-r:...,ur tii.v ;t .im .ii.-i--. . -( ! -t.r
B.w I woli-lc: fu! ll rmm' t..... f'ifli,.ln i..
A'" K4 Otiiiil ifan.l XI i iitH'atf Lo.a. r.r
v a
ul-"x al .i
liemember thtit for boots and shes
n)ckw il traunot be heat in price. lie
has a large assortment. 28tf.
IIouH-r-I.tile Cigars.
Avoid smoking eastern filthy tenement-made
ii gars. Ask your dealers
for l'epperbet g's pure brands of home
made cigai s. If. vou don't find (heio
t la-re. g. w here they are kept, ami by
doing so, encourage home labor. Job
bing in cigars v ml smokers art iles a
speciaitv, at hw pri rs. A large and
vaiied stock in' smokers" goods always
oil hand, at prices to suit t he t inms.
2tf Ji'Lirs l'K.rrEKiJicno.
The l ie qi:e:4icn e(t!ed.
The people of Colorado have deter- j that a t'aaiee .f ..aid iiraiim.' u-.-M v .". j
miiied to use none, but BltOWX's F.V.M- l'r mr tlum i.'ia- weet.s u.-y. r tus
. . . ., ... i ,i i I.e.niiiK tit eis c.iii'e an 'inliie; ! lav;. next
ILV Mldicim:s in the fiittiia, and the
Ft s give it up.
Soltl by druggists everywhere.
It is Wearing You out.
And is annoying your friends; we
mean cough. BttoWN's Coco 51
Balsam the Great Western Lung heal
er, will cure you.
For sale by all druggists.
Some tf lour I aniily
Have need of Bkown's. Ai'.mca Salve
it all times, for heating cuts, hums.
bruises, fri.-t Idles, old SOK'S, iilnl in-
tl ,,UI
.. , - . -r . - i o
r or sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith .c
BUck,uud O. F.Johnson, Plattsmouth.
Yo.i Can't Mug.
Can hardly talk: You an hoarse
ai.d vour throat is sore, Buow'N S T All
fltoCHL'S will cure the .soreness, ami
clear ami, s rengthen the voice. All
Druggists keep them. 42 tf
Bcvkh-ii's Ai iiica Salve.
The Best S live in the world for Cuts
Bruises. Sores, I 'leers. Salt Bheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilbbiir s
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fe t satisfaction in every ease u mon-
i-y refomled. Price 25 ecru s per box,
For sale bv Smith it Black. Wholesale.
and Betail, Plattsmouth. Neb. 2t!y.
Elegant St vbs Mason So' Hamlin
i ", i -
Organs ttn hand and coming.
3(Ji2 JAMES PeTTEE. Geu'l g'.
. I 7T ., .-.
TSie Rest hewing Mai-maes ia the MniKft
at Verges',
Stop That Cou.';i.
If you are. suffering wi:h a Cough,
Cil Astbui.f, Iirniii Hay Fever.
Consumption, loss of voice, tickling in
the tl mat. or nv siTec!i'n of the
Thl3 or L'ingS, use 1)U. KlNiS NltW I S'oa I ae ;;:si iv ef .l.ituc.M , A. ' I-hC'.:
Di.scovkky for C.uumpfhtn. This is ; 1 ' vi';" "f VV 7'!'": r
, . , '. dt t !e ( hoi t ! in ua!i. 'iiini V. .'a ,-.t t ;,li-
llie great n-mcoy that is causing so j;,. Aimo tli" f.!i.t..i' real es h,,-. ta r.i i
much excitement bv its 'wonderful : 'J1,f- -"'"ii;. tia.ict i rhc m wh r.i t -.nir-r
i i : ('!. ai d tie- ..iii, til e.t ija' t'ii tli
eures. ruling thousands of Impel -ss ci- Is,.,., K..M irl,.r(ti -.f s.. hm N-.tu m;.,
ses. Over "otio million bottles Of Dr. :o,, The soiiil! Easi i. niter i'i i lii" S-i.ta
T-Tivi'k Vv- I iKi'iivii-v li tv.. in en ' '-e-l .iiat'i(t) or nni No to2 i:n
KINOS At.,, 1 'IH (li EI. i Have 1 Villi No. ten i In i. .Nori Ii if i ai.'e Ni'. eii' vii ( ! ! )
used witlitn the hist year, and have ;;,st oi the si-cmotm. p. M.. n ".is ..t .
givn pel feet satisfaction in eyerv in- I .bra-fca. lli" t.eite; bvi-d m .1 ami
1 ,,. .. . 1 t:ikeii as ihe t '"I'er! V ef I,r . in a ! ! j . 1 r, f.. I.
stance. We can nnoesCat ingly Ray , iiunr-r. it. U. i;iei.ari!s..ii. A(J:tie, .-t
that lliis is jeallv tit" oalv sure mre 'si.-e oi It. a. Th.enas. ii. .. it oi.i.,-;. :t..i
r .. ' . 11' " N l!ie llaraing. (le!"nda'iii : t s-tl i-' . a ! m 1 :
for 1. matat ami long affections, ami can . ( , ;.,. M.,.VPlV.i i.v i ( -,iua
cheerfuby recommend it to all. Call Mutual Lite Insurance Cui-apita j . cl Ja;i.o,
a.:.l get a trial bottle free of rost or a ; I,;1 Jiou u. Nt., , t vc. r,. a l. i:..
regmar size for Si .00. Sni'duc II'tK'k, ; in.o 1:. v. . il Vl.tts. s ir rl!T.
bolesale and Detail, Pia'.tsmi nth.
Highest cash price ptiid fr live hogs
by E. G. Dove & Son. S7i0
Legal Notice.
In tlie Ui.triel Court. Second Judicial District.
Ei.izahkiU J. MacMiliav I
against 1'il'lu,llT-S, P.-Mt.nn for
Klgii Mac.iim.av. I Wwao-O.-it
ndant. I
To litGH MACMll.LAX.
Sim-Hrni-.lmt, Dr fniiliznt:
Ry virtue f the nialine in hin h case made
ami !;ovi ie 1. you are hereby imllfied that on
Ihe i:tli day ef Iteet ruber, A. I). Is,'.
.1. M.f.Mi.cin Sited her peiir on' iii tiie Ditliit
. i.'Ult iei ;.s. t tiunty. ehivit,KH. jira.'. in to le
divoiceii f.ons I he bonds of matrimony, li.-ie-tolele
oa.traeti-it Rial exisiir.K witli v'oti. Hint
f-a Hie care, custody a. 1 eonirel ul the iiil.a:,t
daiui.ier. "Maty Lnui."
r::w Vou ace fai tii -r tiotilii'd to uMiar iu
mu c'.inc ami iin.nrr iwiii eetitioii on or be-
One .lie lit ll day of M. iltai. A. l. S". or li.e
ad.-i:al ions ot fa'iil I'l lainn will he taken as
eon e.sed.' an I aaph.'atioii will te? hlatle lo the
Coi.rt lor the leli-i tin vu oived.
It. H. YVHeri.KK. I u.. ,it..., ... 1.,:..
J.1. A. liAe.noA.s.iSoI'cn,'rsforl!alIil,-t
JJated, J tnuary ."Mil, 18si. 4il5
Road rotice.
To whom it may concern:
Tlie Commissioner appointed to locate .1 roa.1
com iiipiienii; Mt a point sixiy-fne iTi l't.iis ea-t
of Jne 1101 1 li-west CUW) eoiiier of llie i-inui:-west
(tiiailer a,lji, sec:ii 1 weary-four (li.
ttnvnsiiip twelve ( 12k rani;' ten eat uf li.e
ixt tl (U; li) u itiei(.ai li t 1 l(i:;iii ; thenr e so'., til
: Uie nnea pr;wt:cahle route fst of the reM
tlcnfe of J. i I'.oiniiK-, filmtted mu reeliun
twenty-five 2'1. towtsidp twelve l'J. range
ten lid ; tcrmitiatin at norlli line seeli'oti thii-Jy-.iX
(:;. ttivtr.fhip tv.rlve 12J range ten (luj.
ne rMiiiiii-iirii, aim iiir rtiau llotv loea; eil. ceiii- j
meni iHvr at ine m;ni-est nv. comer ol tiie
S. ...1 ; li - -A '.! li.l:iMrr lwv 1 . I ,r.,.t i,.,. f......
Jl.. ' " ' 1.. Vi 11 :rJ-, 't "r." . PB ' - 't'"' I
-24. tewn.hlii twelve ( raiier. jPB tlr, ,..,pt
tbence south lietween seclions Iweittv three
j lu
i,i tur ruin 1.-.O.J .1 11. 1 ,,i; llieiililali J rtl 11 Tl I
is twenty three
it !iort!i-vt et ti I corner if sect iiei j hi, i v-six
lt.l. ti.wltliil IHlMt'P i 1. r-ii-. i i..i, i'i.. t. :i.
caleti. iia- repi.i led in farm ot the localioii and j
vacation thereof, ami all obj.-etions theretp or ;
nanus ior :aiu:iiies must lie irieii in tae nuniy
Clerk's office on or before noo.i cf the Aith day
f February. A. I. I6ss. or such ra will he lo
cated auii yucMleU .irliriif reference thereto.
1M J, 1. TITTT, Gwaty Oteritv
Pwoad Notice
Yiai :!. ! firl.T f.!tr..'d ,xt t',;n Cc iftt
'tii.iii.eir liavr I'ui ;1 ijr !i ki.iii ! r;.l ptt-,
ti. i'-.nPi! f.irl.v r'rei. shth'-Vi-t ;:nl T ?j let
b'ChtlOl l ( 'tillllty Hli. v.'KMMl'IK vf :il !;
CiTin-f if !hi ii v ir;. ton-'!:m i i 'ii (1!
r.u.uf .1 ( 1 1 . i ii f iiift,.-f iti e!i sc-
' ; n-l " t:ii i tui i: n at soul'--.-! rmurr
j .;:.:;, M.t -H'-ir f.wii j-t.n r..r.w. . an
r-i;ia : ioei a: :.'. I .m i tli-ret r ,.te.-i f-r
j !.iin iaf inii'l ii-fit l.i itiu ' cii. iy Cti rk'i
!!;'. I'ti or ii t(.re i-eai. on li'f 13; a tt;r
M .t'M. A. 0. -;. eriiicti na Alii bct.'ieuutl
.ti ul ri fnefn-e Iiipm Io.
j. t. i rrr. Coz-aty ci. ric,.
i Ti.ATisiioi. i .'n S.Si. ify.
Eherilfs Sale.
.., ' rrrtrti o if, i 'rcl t r A.
"i'j MHt'.va!!. '.':i'iiy .ti.iiirc wirll-i a'at mr I ';
i I 'ini ii I T. 'if n .1't.a. i-.i'n In i ne ill nel tl. 1 rf'tl
i Ilie'.ndi il.iv id .laiiliai '', A. t. tv' 1 1 n'elei-H
A. M. ef a,il iy. at flic If iii't t o.-.-ii a
t.y Iif ay H. IVM't, in ia h;!i
in s Oil 'eiial y, t-'i ;:r l'.i' .-a; A ::; . i.iii l.ei it
Jiiw tux. ( u ll : I'iii P I'lil'Mi i-i) ''.-l:. ! . I r.
in I lie ent. Tiie same l.f la ' !'! i: :
i lajii, i, i he pt iii'i-l I "f i.'"li'T H. i'i Uli. t:ii-
te mima. t i u.-uis v :i a -a ! ..i :..i-
! ""vavtl i-y i ;',. hhimjio ii.ifi.
ri:itisiuJul!i,.fl.,.laiiii..uv : Ii... A. I'. 1 '9.
1;. w. il ltltf. ci
Sheviu s Sale.
f'y tirtu efau XT.itin'i. t.sjd hy
5titilvao. I'luicly .tittii-e wittmi ami fi.r "!
J'irtoii). ''!-i ami ' me (llfei 1 ill on
til .'l!li flay el .laini.iiv, A. I. is -o. ai
' F.Vtcr. hj IM Htm. at a tlyte.r .).. '.t.. i .ely.
il t ' ' "'. ' i1'" ",;r V' 5
, i i.ieeh...i..i:e.n.i .lie's . f r:.r if, ,t.-.;. . tni
Wl U, nty
' jii'lui'ient in .t'il I flirt, ircifci'i 't t v M.
. . . i . l -v
I (Uiilf, ICiail I. .
raittMiioatli, Nfb., J in. Oth. A. I). ?' f.
t.t'j P.. W. Hi 1II.S. .-; ,a!.T.
To owner r ocnt'iiut Oi" f stloej5 de-aiMit-rtt
I e;il !iate. in lln1 ('. t ' :i- 1
SI ate "f Ncl.ia.ka. te : I - t No. 4 i:' CUm-
No. 71 in J tie ivi v of I'I V I i C il. t iil!C.
i ltiait:i. Vi!!i:'.if li.r't ' i.e.aai' i! I'm
a'n'T" ,.e-rt:wi: ttf-al i'l:-.r its i - i us h. lim .;
' lt- jo a ti.iu-t,-i:t ..f ' t' eouy. . as. .-
m-'i.'.'..! ! i; ! Nnviut.iT, t. r M.i.f o, (:ie t'.
li ;'ilrli: :.!(;. Tin I i '!' -i nn ! Iifr Me .". i"t
Die i:nri IrT'fl tt.lffi lor iti :..' l.i '.
t tint t r - i r .ii-i'ii.i' t i'; e,n
hate ea ! !!:!. i e t t.t l.-v e? Aj-nl. t.
ii I will l.e t.aHt fur sat 1 !:ol 1. "
Cider cf
STATi OF Nt:i!!:.SK. -,,
'ass 'oi a v, t
DisTKicx Cocut ok Cass C'U XTT.
Ia tlie ma' lor uf l!ie a)lHcatii'i! -f i;,,''-.i Y ,
J.hI ttlaiji. tiil.o lli'.u el Ju.per N.,i !.
I'D. .
This ''.'if.r "tidn;; en to li t)rd fit (inn-l-er-
;TT liie Ceiirl liei;.(- ia t'leCifv '.f l,..:inl'i,
f.:;in :if l r Oii;a. Neta.i-'Xa. Itefote lienor
:i!'!e .Imlf I.. I'eiiTnt. mi ' 't: iIt I.
r- ndicr. A. l'..Ht.r'. l'.s I'ae .eltti-n f a!l
(;ii.-.r'!i;:'.i f"r !i".iTe Io pf M ji.,-i.. .1 l'.:;o if
5 (T'ImiI in Hi 1 ien !r t!;. iii'in: u iieiiirn,
miT'iierl ami iiiiaaiir.a e( fal.l r.'.n 'i' Ward.
! . . I 1 1 i ..... . i-i i. .r I . . flu. .1 m' a .,( ,- , i .1 , ...
ef kia anil ad )iis la'.i-i'fs'.-M im sol al
K'-iat-. (if t he I ime a:nl l'!;ife ol .iid 1'r.o ii" aiel
erdi ! inn I t;e in t- aa.l .!in r tn.-f U any
t!ie had rr v faul leave rlici.iJ net -e eraiued.
Ami ll f'.irl tier iiiifrio ing t'lai 11 is tiei'i-sary
lil t he sol"" i t anl Ion of snl M ii.or. t t.a t
aaiit Keal ft'. a; e lie sohl anil no u:e ari rai l'.ig
in o! !. (ir siiow c.nipe ago. list the tiat.:ii.
ef saul tic u-r.
It I therefore onivird ar.n attjiiitfd ttiv.t
CentKe W I. a'iiroji. karinli:-.o t e Mia iili' rl y
eiiij.e - ere;) ami ul h'"i veil I ,i t -11 a t I he ir." 'T
e.t .a sa' Minor in and to t '.r filto Aii.a lt.c: til
ed lamU and leni inenl s. V17. :
Tiieimitli eat (me fonrtt.' ne'' f t ii f nort tv
ea't iie f..i a; Ii d ''' 'f M'ctl n four (Ii, lot
lilimiter i-ev.-i! (Ti ia t.i enrtli v.rsf ii leurti
(n. ti of ih,- iiorlli wi-st ene foei t'a (h.v'hIo!
v.-eli.ill i4i. lot si in th' m)ii-!i Mr.'t
j cue t.inrth cU d the nnui e:-t ,nu
mmiii noti si'ciidii MIT (ii. ''ini no are i
' tlie souia ea-t one n'.i (.t i ef 1'ie iioiaa
v,ct (.m- imuiii inwici vm i t.'m- (i). a.i
in 1 . v, list. : ic.ia'ot r tea (1" inTih el rai.c.H
twelve (p.'i e.isl of tiie Ii an ajial Mt'i'!i::ii. .Nu-laa-i.a.
tlo.l ia the tu;ik io ; (f :-.le ll.
saiil jiiiaoliaa rejs.rt his doii.s itntier toie eid
er o lie said or Ihe .luilue lln'ieof, wait
all Cfilivemenl SJ.eeii. Ih U Uie faille 111 he IX
atnineii and "ii. ii farther oi'Mer made 1'n ivon.
, 'ouire
as shall seem iiict.ssiy aavl li.e la'v may ic
n. ij. j ot i.
.'mice. Cliiirulirs at tlie City of Lln.-wlfi.
Lancaster County. Nehra-ka. Decan'a r 'liii;.
It. II. Wlici i :. I A tie: ney lor
M. A. II A I I 11. A N. t't-til il'l.flH.
Said above ih srt i.' d lamlf w lit be se'd at tb
front l oi oj i he CoL.t Hon e ia the 'i; !
I t.ittsaioiilh. e!naka. oi .iia.iiary iti'h, lt3u,
:ti ti'ic o Vie 'is. p. i'i. "f .aid day.
4'jt IjU'liiiK Vi . I.A'I lil Of, (tior ilv.i.
SheriiTs Sale.
nw!r!v ef an order of K.i'e 'M!. r Wm.
I. Wl its. li l I; o! t lie liisll K.1 t"o t - 0 i lll l l niiiit'. . Neliral.a. ami In i'i" ( r-e,K(.
' w.i: on the w: h la m I t in narv, a. i . ic-k, :.t
j U'rulJnH-. V AA rlml luX
! lie A (:! ii,:i the (oihe.t ing real (cte. to-w;r;
I '.e We.-t h ,:r, ..r i.,e ..,:, k,.:. .pna-t.-r
1 (n e ' of V'" i ion No. 1 1. ,-itv ( :-,) t
No. tv.eive ,i,-i s viU f l:xnf:e o. m-vi at 1 1 1).
l ast ef the ;x:h o.ti.j P. !.. in . a-.s 1'oanly,
.Netir.isk t. i he f :m e ht-ij levied ip,!i a:el
t:il:-ii as Ihe pi'd'eitvif i hi'to keb-aart and
i:,.OIJ,. seb. ler..t:o:t..:ati-fv:t iu n-
lilelll uf s- i I o ,17. recev.
'id by ldiiti i.
llovey. it.iinl ih.
riaitsiimiiUi. "eh., J in.
' . O
41 tt
it. V. HVI.ItS. M.crlg.
tshcrilTs Sale.
I'v -, ir im e ;,r. i irder
L. el's. I lei ef 1 he lit:;-i t. 'not wi. I. in .ma
l- I' ,. Ci' V. ' . , '-- :1 l,t ll r ' : -ft .
fainter it- Graintr.
S gaper gniiging.
Al-o, Dccor-.tlions of all Y'.nit.
Paintc-d in Good Sty 5.
A. R. TAvr.on
N. IIoi.mks,
J. VA'.i.rr.v. Sc.,
It. IiHKDS Vi. 4ltf
defter la
Large stock cf
t" t.e
, , . .
OHUIlSt vUUtliii VV ill Ut
raid In fact everything you can ca.l f, rln
t!.s line of
General Merchandise.
All kind of country titer, im
eb sag tVu pood 9.
i r