-J . i - i I IS 1 vr Phe Herald. rLATTSMOUTII, JAX. 22, 1830. Clab Last f ir 1830. We herewith present our readers with our club list for l-0. Those Uesiriiijrlo obtain one of cut Christ mas presents and also take a'lvant:i;; of the eluh rates will be charged twenty cent p.Ml tionnl uu thee club rates. THE riUCE. Hlkalu and Inter-Ocean, (weekly). 52 . " " i;uilin-t.ii Jla krj e :r m ' Louisville Courier Journal.... 3 03 " Leslie's Ills. Newspaper 1 15 " N. Y. Times. (semi-wceldyL. 4 15 " Sun. (weekly) 2 Go " Toledo Wade If 00 " Scientific American 4 15 Nebrieka Farmer 2 C5 " American Aj;i icuiturt; t 2 tx " Prairie Fanner 3 : " Nat. Lixe Slock Journal 3 ) " " Western Pural S Jt) American Pee Journal 2 C.5 " ' Harper' U;izar 4 C5 m - Weekly 4 05 Monthly 4 65 . 'nun;i People 2 85 " Scribner's Mnuilily 4 85 " St. Nicholas 4 Pi ' Elect ic Miiiruzine 5 75 " Domorests Monthly Maga zine, (without premium) 3 25 " Detnorest's Monthly Maga zine. (i itli premium) 3 C5 flodey's LadyV Poi.k.... 3 15 " Phrenological Journal 3 15 " Literary A. F.dueational Notes 2 5 M ' flood Company 4 CsO ' - Chicago Tribune 2 70 I'aiinell is now t!i? atti ctiun. Tekkey for l'r-ident'of the State Tair; by all ni-jns. Eimtou B joks says tLe Democrat ic party i" ot diseased but deceased. Eli LV. Muckat, f Kentucky, lias been nominated Governor of Utah to succeed Gov. Emorv. A western bound train on Wednes day last ttt&k out 483 sack3 of mail matter for Australia. The JLincoIn Democrat goes for Dr. J.Iatthev.-son tff the Insine Asjluui, and Bays he is a fraud. B. D. Sl AUG htli: has Ween nomin ated by tht! Pjesident as Supervisor of Census of Nebraska, and liruno Tzschuck for the second district. Ifi5l3i:iuii of the raniir, tliinks tlie last legislature expensive, and ilie Lin coln papers intimate that they want to scalp Mc on hij record a treasurer. This 13 a wicked world! An old lady in Kansas said she nev er could understand v, here all the Smiths came from, umLU site went to Connecticut and saw a bi sin "The Soiitli Manufacturing Company." Cohn is a btshal at Dead woo J. Denver Tribune. We should say the fellows who own the corn have oi "the dead voud" en the other fellows. Tun Lincoln Journal calls Mr. rhil lippi an "exemplary christian and a lino railroad man." Wo second the motion. Watchman. That's so, maybe: but a christian raiL-oad man is almost usscarcu as a christian editor. The President lias nominated James P.ussell Lowell, of Massachusetts, Minister to England, Jim. V. Foster, of Indiana, Minister to Kussia, and Lucius Fairchild, of "Wisconsin, Min ister to Spain, to tako the place of James llussc-ll Lowell appointed to England. If ns reported the President pro poses to divide the Census Supervis orships between the two parties, we hope it will not be Democrats south t'.nd Republicans north. We should touch rather see them divided in each ttato than that. Tiy the way where do the Greenb tckers come in? "We had expected an arlic'e from our Chief n Lincoln matters, the meet ing ef the State Hoard of Agi icuUure, Press Association, Wool Grower's meeting, Ac, Sec, but were dis.ti poiuted, and our rtedis will have to wait for particulars of their doings until next week. The Maine imbroglio seems to be virtually in fa or of the Republicans, who after the decision of the Supreme Court in their favor, took posessiwu of the State House, elected' their Gov ernor, Daniel F. Davis and state olh cers. and proceeded to business. The fusionists hold meetings on the side walk and in various places, but their numbers are gradually dwindling. A series of questions are about to Li; sent by them to the Supreme Court. Tnn editor of the leading democrat ic paper is ven- solicitous as t wheth er or not it would be safe to en'.iust raoue to Hon. Charles Stewart Par nell. For our part, xvo would trast Mr. Parnell with a million dollars be fore xve would trust Sam Tilden or Horatio Sevmour with 8100; or, the gentleman who built the Herndon bouse with a dime. Yes; Parnell is eminently trustworthy and hon.. table; nnd if uoi.no living man can be trust ed. Watchman. Mac don't have much opinion of his brother democratic editors and friends. Tibble.3 comes to the front on the "Ute outinge. In a letter published rvfr bis own name, which appeared in Monday's issue of the Xexv York l'rit une, he says: "It seems to me that ev ery honest mar- in America should feel it his duty to denounce the latest out rage upon' the bites by the Secretary f the Interior, in refusing t em the i iicht to pet their si Je of the story be fore the American pcopd by placinsr them under guard and excluding all members of the press. For months their enemies have haJ free ue f ev rry avenue of information to the p?. ple. Simple justice demands that they should now have the same privilege." Yrs, of course, let's get their side in to the press; tell it all too, for God's eake. It couldn't be much worse titan tft Batcher business. .OUli STOCK CHOP. Whst a Tart f Cas Conniy f ies Witfrc ike Corn oes So iViiuro 1 h aoi:ey Cuuics From " ''IV. tiee, Han-, r.;:tk!l" For some weeks we have been trying to get the lumber of cattle kept and feeding iti the County, but could not Hltv;'ther on account vt bad roads and lack of time, through the kindness of tno friends we have a pretty correct list of Plattsm.iuth precinct and Lib erty, which we append in hopes it will ar.m.ie some one else to jathr more statistics for us. 2'ow is ur day and we want t t-ik advantage of it. All such facta and figures teil immensely for a county if pioperly tabulated. CATTLU IN" TUU rifLCINCT. John Atlauis , A. 1). Todd T. J. Ti.omaii A. 15. Tax lor , Jacob Vallery, seti Vet Draper Thomas Wiles. ... I. Wiles II. Eikenbary X. Jean , Y. 'i. Murrav S. Cole J shua Murray James IJurnett Ion Quinn Peter Koinniell .' J. ('. Eikenbary . 15. Porter Perry Walker Win Wetekcamp It. Mat er Henry Vallery Ji. L. Thoinas , Wilbor Cole Win. iSisxder G. W. Thomas Sara Anderson Harm JJester Ius.iM!ilman H. Sundcll :. Philip Horn , Henry Spanler Thomas U'iles, Jun Chailes Jean S. Wiles J. P. Doud Jacob Grassman James Ruby John Ilichardsou Wm. Keves Thos. Puby Jauics Huby Total.. LIUIIUTT PRrCINCT. A. P. "Weston Wm. Eikenbarv . I. X. Apple? 't M. 11. Mioemaker t'iiat ley Siv.iu Jacob I; i !-us ein Sam'l Canmm Phil Eii-ie Lexvii IJird L. G. Todd, iti small lots 150 74 74 75 100 04 74 74 Gi 7o O (it GO y; oG d;j 47 52 SG 40 So 21 20 ;;! 1G IS 10 1G IS 17 10 13 18 30 11 13 CG . i.O .1747 181 10) HO - f,0 50 40 40 40 0 4C0 Total 1034 Twenty-seven persons all told, are feeding a!l t'.e'e .Me in this precinct. They will average, ready for m ttket 1400 r:s.;;iid are worth au average per haps of iJ0 per h.'ad. We can count up nearly $100,000 in vested in the business right here. We xvant now a report frui each precinct an. I would like to keep it up. The Chicago men want to know it. It brings in buyers, advertises our county and helps us every way. Send the IIkijai.I) a report of your cattle, your hos an 1 xo'ir grain. We can't run trttind a!i over and you can very easily and cheaply drop us a postal card. Coasty Couu:ii::!iers' Praceedicjs. IiEGCLAU SESSION. (Continued from first page.) Fl.lDAV, January lGJi, 1830. Bo-ird met pursuant to iuljourtunent. Present, Jas. Crawford, Sam'i It ii-f : ard.um and Isaac Wiles, Coiu'rs; J. D. Tutt, Clerk. When the following claims were al io xved to-v. i, D. D. Martnidale, part Jan. Kal.SIS CO salary for Dec. SO 00 Kate MeMakin, erroneous taxes. IS 07 Ofiicial bond of A. McDenuid, Sup'r district "G approved. Settlement with the following road supervisors was then had to-wit: Due J. 1). Furguson, dist. 2J. 315.00; not allowed for xvant of funds. LueC II. Dill, dist. ,"o. 9, Sou h Demi, SG2.50; not'ulluwed for want of funds. Due Paul Johnson, dist. 29, S3G.10; not a'doxved for xvant of funds. Then followed in due form the ap. pointme'U of Joseph II. Fairfield as Deputy County Surveyor, appoint ment and bond signed respectively by G. W. Fainield and Joseph II. Fair field. J.is. Crawford was then al'o'ved ser vices as Co. Cousmiaid'juer. $30.50. Poard then adjourned to meet Mon day, January 10, 1SJ0. . Monday. January 13th, 1S30. Poar ' met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. Settlement with Co. Treasurer still being in progress, btwrd adjourned to meet Tuesday morning, January 20th. (Continued next week.) If a democratic president is elected, Judge E. S. Dundy is booked for the U. S. Senate and as there is n7about this little thing, t he senatorial candi dates of Xebraska miht as well pull in tteir feelers and save their ammu nition. Long live E S. Dundy the next U. S. Senator from Xebrasna! Lin coln Democrat. Now. who in thunder has been stuf fing you again ! EimerS.Dundy would make a good Senator though, by the way. PLATTSMOUTil IIliRALD has been in specting the schools of that city. Teach ers fastlifw!, though too many pupiU. Three primary schools, three grades each. Too tnaay grades. Three inter mediate schools. Grammar school, i .'.) yeai.i. Ilih kcIimoI. three yearn. T!::'oughtt'..t. there are from six to ten ci . ' S uudf : a teacher. Ten classes in about live hours! which is retrench ment ! ! The principal has twelve classes at times. Naturally bis are the higher classes. Twelve classes in five hours! Will any grievously burdened and complaining taxpayer please indi cate just when-ii! is tln economy of this arrangement? Moreover, there being nine teachers and an average of 73 pupils, will same herculean reporter please wrestle on paper with the iuter esliriJj InfweBCe ? Lit. Not. A ISO IT THE ITLS. JSotae of the ltrt:iile Ci-'rvo Times. From a gentleman traveling with the pa i ty, whose lips were not teaicil bv o;licial position, some of the par:i- enhtrs in the lest imony given b the woiiien to the comiMission was obtain ed. The women weie very reluctant in testifying as to being outraged. Mrs. Price held in her hand a pai-kagn of strvchnine, and declared herselt ready to take it rather than to have her sto ry published. She lay down on the floor and wept and implored that the narra tive of her outrage mijht not be pul lished. ?he was linaily induced, how ever, to teil box a Uucotiiphagre Ute had outraged her. She resisted suc cessfully his approaches all night, but the fellow threatened to call in some of the members of the tribe to assist him, and so site xielded. Txvo weeks later, sho was sold tor two ponies to Jobnson, who kept her for a week, treating her xveil and offering no vi lence, until within an hour before the rescuing par:y arrived, when he out raged her in the saje lrusli. Mrs. Meeker wa. outraged by Dou glass the first r.iuln. after the cap: ure. Josephine Meeker, xvho was tunning around in the sair brush after the mas sacre, was appro tchad bv Persiine, xvho saiil to her, '-You my nquaw?" "No, was the reply. "YOU HEAP UTFS SQUAW," sai l the Indian, meaning that she was the common property of the tribe, fol lowing the remark with re pr-n i n tr : "You my stjuaxv?" She tlii rejili-t!, Yes," and went and lived vi h him. Gen. Adams isked 'i-v if any othr In tlian had offered her any indigni y. and she ivded: Xo. Persune stood them off." This lady subsequent 13- trave!b-l t hrough Cdorai!o deliveiinur leciures, and relating certain pu ts of Iter story, referring in the mo.st complimentary terms to the noble acM-ms of the "gal lant Persune," and 1 he h indsome treat ment she had received from him. sou i n ut;.MJ. Her UarL- X X X. Last Monday Dr. 11. II. Livingston, one of the State Fish Commissioners, informed us that he expected thv oth er great Moguls of the t'sii Commis sion to meet iiiu at. Swm.ii lien. I to in vestigate the feelings and try the tem per of the young S.ilm -n, jus. hatched out there ut Mr. I-Iomine's han hery, and he further coidiaiiy invited us 1j accompany him to see the fiuuy, funny, little, big-headed roosters be fort they are chucked heads and tails into the cold, cold Republican or some other stream and streamlets to grow and furnish food f r nirwi and other t:.-;hes. Arrived at South liimd xve found ln uiine on hainl with a big xvagon fail of cans, his two black coils and well, some bait. No Kaley however and no May and as it had turned cold, n Hale May xvcather would have been very accept able. The- Doctor, Romine and oar self bundled into the xvagon, the colts gave a snort, the Engine an ezed back and away xxe rallied over the long bt idge across the. Platte for Mr. It's Bpri- gs over in Sarpy County. Across the bridge and up the Platte for about a mile and xve rcaca the !ish ponds, and xve really think one of the beat natural places for the business xve ever saw. what's Til Kit n. There are now in tie' hatching house 100.000 eggs and young fry in tii troughs from Mr. It's own fish. About 5,()iK) have been hatched this season and put in one of the ponds. Resides these there are the results of the 230.000 Salmon Spawn, si tit troin California, all hatched out and shim ming about. It is to remove them and distribute them t ii.it the Commission ers met on Monday. Soon they will be sporting Ln the head waters of the pellucid brooks of young Nebraska. VOWS IS Til E PONDS. Tlier are. three pwn-U. In iho firs-, as you may say, are 25.000 nine months old or yearling (Trout), in the second 8,000 txvoyeai old and in the last about G.OO0 three year old this hatching time. These are all of Mr. H's own raising and he old ones are? I'luin hLs old spring tin the Cass County side. The xvho'e business is fed by two magnificent clear springs that run txventy-seven cubic inches of Water. The springs are thirty or forty feel above the ponds. Hatching hou.-.e about three hundred yards above pres ent ponds and the springs about four rodo above the Hatching house From the ponds 10 the Platte is about txvo hundred yatds. Altogether it is about as good a plant for the btisim ss as you oft-. 11 find and fish culture in Nebraska is looming up deservedly. Oh, those beauties in the ponds, their lovely speckled sides as they d;rt af ter crumbs in tke a fellow ache to have a fish! The. p nd just seems filled with them, throw some food in and their shii.ing, glittering tins and side.- fl i.-h and dart like llakes of sunlight. Thex are cunning; too we threw in litib' bi-s of apple, the trout sprung for om or two pieces and finding it was not liver, or sotnet hing that they wanted, apple had no attraction fr them af terwards. Wi.h a sigh of regret xve left the "Speckies" mounted the old lumber wagon and trotted back to South 15end. of which more anon. A most disastrous lire occurred in Omaha Sunday evening, which result ed in the almost twtal destruction of Boyd's Packing House, and the im mense amount of meats stored therein amounting to 200,000 in value, and which after insurance have been de ducted will still leave Mr. Boxd a loser to the extent of more lhan 100,000 probably. Omaha, too xviil suiter se verely, as Mr. Boyd states that unless some discriminations against the city in regard to freight, and the lack of proper water xviks. are removed he shall not rebuild. Right in this con t.eiMoti xve should say that we under stand Fowler Bros., of Chicago, jre looking through the west, for a suitable location to erect a packing house, and why should not Plattstnouth, on the direct line of a large road, and the bu siness center of one of the richest coun ties in tue state, which is feeding a vet y huge number of hogs nnd cattle, make :i bid for it. Wake up Plattsmouth and go in for it. Ilavu't you been asleep long eneugh ? Oar Temperance Column. . l'Kl'.AM'K t'SIOK. '. "For t;:rt. ami linm. ao?l Satire Land." J i tie Public Library j Is now kept in the o!lb;e of Will S. Wise, and will be opm for the loaning and exchange of books wvery Wednes day and Saturday afternoon, from 1 to 3 o'clock, and on Saturday evenings? frm 7 to 9. 4itt" UnrettirRcd Books Persons having books belonging t the Public Library, will please return them 14 son as possible. Some of the books out were taken but a short time before the library was closed, and, of course, no blame cau attach to those bidding them; but several hooks have been out of the library for months be fore, and xve hope that such will be hunted up and speedily returned. One of the rules of the library imposes a fine in proportion to the length of time a book is kept beyond the term specified. Progress. The educating proce-s is extending through the length and breadth of oi.r land, and ti e better classes of society are beginning to see the eviis teault ing from tin iong-praciieed c hUkii of ofivi ig to New Year's callers the in evitable glass of x ine. From various sources we learn the custom is i gin ning to be grea ly "nonord in the breach." We clip the following from a Nexv York letter, published i.t the Ch icago Stiin la "d : NO WISH KOiJ Si:"W YEA It's DAT. The Const tail temperance liiotiser hood, of Bi -ooki x n, met at the Rink this xveek' to give re, .oris of toe Tem perance work in Brortiilx n. Drs. Fnl .011 and Ctiyler. and Rev. Messrs. Peck and Conway were appointed to issue to the people oflSrookhu an urgent request to serve mo xvine during the holiday season. A similar resolution was adop'ed at the in"e!ing of tin Board of M. ortgers of tfi X auonal Temperance Society held this week. This xv is a'-o urged a: the meeting at Dr. Tax lot's chinch; andit xviil be pressed s'.rongly 011 the pt-opie in m inv of the pulpits next S in day. Many peop e are gox'eruej 111 re by fashion than principle, and xve are glad to s.iv that some ladies ainty the leaders of fashion are urging Ih same thing this year. These are all hopeful signs. The following brief extracts are ta ken from add 1 esses recently delivered nefv re the American Temperance Un ion in New Y"rk. Mrs. Peckhaiii cf California, says: "Many have contracted tho habit of drinking ardent spirits from the ab surd socletv custom observed on .Nexv Year's day of hospitably pressing re freshments upon the visitors. In re gard to tint existence of tiiunkenness genet ally, eveiy man ought to feel that he is in a measure responsible for it. ile cannot say as did the fust born a I our race. 'am I my brother's keeper.' The mighty power of the b illot hai vested in everyone the safety of his keeping." "The Rev. Hugh fie. Wilt Miller after ward addressed the, meeting &n beha.f of educating tUa young in proper tem perance principles, and in the coursn of his remarks said the public ought to look forxvani to a time when rn:u auJ g;u and brandy would not ajisL in the making of our 1 axvs. Ic is a pbi ib.e spectacle xvlie.; the Vice-President of Die United Slates takes the oath otiice with thickened speech; xvheu the ha.li of the National Capital become the resort of bibulous Congressmen ; when the roams of the National build ing are turned into biir-room gr-ig.-r erh's; when Senators reel on the ll or. It should be decl uvd that a man xvho g--ts drunk is unfit for public Service." Facts for Beer Drinkers The worst results from accidents in the Loudon hospitals ate said to be to draym-n. Though thvy are apparently models of he. ill h and st re.-.gth.yei if one of iht-in receives an injury, it is nearly always necessary to amputate in order to give him the most distant chance of life. The draymen have the unlimi ted privilege of the brewery ceiiar. Sir As ley Cooper xvas once called to a dray man, xvho xvas a powerful, fresh colored, beaitiiy-lookiug nun, and had suffered an injury in his linger, from a splinter of a stave. The wound, though trilling, suppuruled. He opened tin small abscess with his lancet. lie found, on retiring, he had left his lancet. Returning f..r it he found the man in a dying condition. The man died in a slmr; time. Dr. Gordon savs: " The moment beer-drinkers are attacked Wth acute diseases, I hey aie not able to bear depletion, and die." Dr. Edxvards says of beer-drinkers: "Tin ir diseases are alxvays of a dan gerous character, and, in c is J of acci dent, they can never undergo even the most triiling opera. ion with the secttr i y of the temperate. They almost in variably die ineler it." Dr. Buchanan savs: "Malt liqu us render the blood izy and unfit for circulation; henre, proceeds obstruction and inflammation of the lungs. There are fexv great beer-drinkers xvho are not phthisical, brought on by tfie glutinous and indi gestible nature of aie and porter. These liquors iutlimo the blo!l, and tear the tender vessels of the lungs to pieces." Dr. Maxson says: "Intoxica ting drinks, whether taken in the form of fermented or distilled liquors, are very frequent predisposing causes of disease. The hospitals of Nexv Yorkshow an equally unfavorable re cord of intemperance, and private practitioners every x hero have the same experience. Tick's Illustrated Floral Guide. A l.c.euilal xvein of tru pages, cue colored Sim et plate, iiixi r.fHi i.lusi rai wii'i ueyerip; ions 01 the liest l'love: ami Vegrial'lrs. vvitli ra-e Ol feeds, ;iiil tiow to groxv itielil. Ail foraFlVK CK.sT stamp. In K.iul,. or -ierm.il. Vu'K'sSKuns an? toe hest in the worM. Five cents tor postage will hay tile t iwKVUIUltm, te '. iiiK how 10 ad tlo'io. Tint Flo xv Kit ami Vk-hctatslk Uardsv. 175 page si eoloied plates, ana i-iany l:uinii-j iirax ius. For so e"i:ts in pajirr iiv-ri ; tl ou in eli'ttiint el.t. lu Oeriiiaa or H.i.'Pmi. ICK'.S lLia-SI IIATKI Mu.VT U.V iACA.I.X' :U p::sxeK. a coioieii piet lit evei v iiu.iih'.-r iiiiil many tine eii-;ravuii;s. Price 1 25 a xe;r ; live eopie? for S.x o.. Soeelineii nutiU'eiS sent lor 10 cents ; 3 trial copl for a', eenr.s. Address 44i4 JAM.lt V1CK, Uocnelr. N. Y. Soutli Bead Notes. Jascauy 17. 18S0. Ed. IIehald: It has been sumo time since we have seen anything from our little town in your paper; thought I would drop you a few items. Our town is, as usual, lively: the street Hie full from morning until night, xx ith teams loaded with coru. Corn is cer tainly king. There are at present 300 feet of ci iti, 12 feet wide and 12 feet high, full of ear corn, and about half as much more crib room now building, besides all the elevators and old store rooms full of shelled corn; and still it comes. The question is, what will we do with the corn? How are we going to get it to the seaboard? It seems haid en the Nebraska farmer to have t give, its he des now, two-fifths of his corn crop to gat it to Chicago, half way to Nexv York. But as things are noxv, he is at the mercy of the monop olies, and cau only pray. "Oh, Eord, how long?" But, enough of this. Now something about the outlook of our burg. Your readers all know where it is situated, but may not know th amount of country it drains of produce. There are 30 square miles in a precinct, and this Station draws trad from 0 pre cincts; or, in other words, 21G square miies. or IoS.240 acres. At least tw tlnnls 01 this can and xvL 1 be cultivat ed soon." Oar merchants are doing a heavy business, sho A iug plainly there is room for inoie. We need a harness maker, a shoemaker, and a furniture siore; of saioous xxe have enough. By the way. one 01 y air ciiy lawytisaiid one AI.e.i oi an riiders County, cau.-ed one of our sa.uoo men soi.e 1 roubie ; charge sell ing liquor to a minor only $125. Noxv xxoeii our young men xvant to xet their whist le, they haxe to take the Family Record along. P. .-s. 15.ii ties is tip from Weeping Water, looking after his drug business her . By the xxay, xve bear it hinlt-d thai' Pi.il means to locate here p-rma-nentiy, soon, lie is a good bu.sines ui to. C. li.DW: t outetiiplates-erecting a business block in the spring. To ere have been several changes of bite. Saiu'l Bred on has taken doxMihis smoke eievaior, and sold his black smith shop to Hay Bros., who are go ing to turn it into a hardware store. Tue South Bend Grain Co. has dissolv ed, J. & II. J. Sireighi taking the in terest t Romine & Co. Our Mr. A. S. Campbell and J. M. Robinson leave us Monday, for Arizona. Their loss will be feit; tiiev were irthy voting m-.-t.. and ;t will tie miiuh time before their pones xviil be filled. Our se!i..ui is Uii ler the management of V. Mauley ; he is one of our efficient teachers, and an honor to the calling. Dr. Stewart, hi e of Illinois, now occupies the M. E. parsonage, and attends to the afflicted. Elder Miller, of Lincoln, preaches on this circuit this year. For f it ef tit ing your patience, I xviil close willi the markets. Shelled corn. lS(;19c per bushel; ear corn 1S lc; hogs, S3 85(2.54.00 perhutidred; wheat, 80i390e per bushel ; butter, 20c ; eggs, 20c per doz. If this is worth pub lishing, I will wiite again. Mc. Luella Xctes. Ed. Uktiald: Iti answer to the question "What has become of some of the Hf.kald correspondents?" xve beg leave to say, we are still on earth but must admit, there are tiims xx hen xve. do lot feel sure of a sufficient amount of attraction of gravitation to keep us there. One of those spells came over us, xvheu xve read Grant's attack on Gen. Sherman.. Very few men xvho claim to be ge-.ith ni in will allow self aggran dizemeiit to make them guilty of in grathmle. (Jen. Sherman, with his usual 111 nlsty, has always spoken in praise of Grant, as the great general of the w a 1 ; xvhili he, in our humble opinion is far Grant's superior in eve rything but bigoted bulldogism. "I will fight it out on this line if it takes me all summer." Compare this, the slaughter i f pieci'.ms lives at the B it lie o." th' - Wilderness and Grant's whole campaign in front of Richmond, xvit h t he si raiegy ac-1 generalship ;f the great chieftain's, "March to the -ea,' and xxe think, although '.here mav be now and then "blackened chim neys" and "half burned In uses," to mark the lattei's course, these monu ments xviil detract um litt'e from the deserved piaise and gratitude the na tion oxve Gen. Sherman, as . hose monu ments erected to the sacred memory of thousands of t he be-t and bravest xvho were sacrificed butting against the fortifications of Richmond, xviil add tt the Pi csidentia Boom of the former. No Grant nails in our pocket this lime! Considerable corn out yet, this fine xveather is making the acres less fast Quite :; number of new se; tiers are to be added to our neighborhood this spring, most of the abandoned R. R. land have been taken, also those he'd by the I nui ane Co's. Babies and cornshellers till you cant rest. HiimilNm is out of Ihe threshing machine business, and has gone into it horse dairy, farming implements throxvn in. San ford Po' tenger returned last week from a visit to his brother and friends in Indiana. Says they could not hire him to go back (here and live. Jim Piner stu.da ahead in horse trading. Where is that "courtesy" report of our. Co. Tieasurrr promised by the 1 1 pit A ld, some time ago. Adirondack. Ai.sw. r Tills. Did you ever know any person to be ill, xvit hout iiiac-ion of the Stomach, Liver or kidneys, ordid you ex-iv knoxx one xvho xvas xveil when either xvas ob structed, 01 inactixe; and did you ever know or bear of any ease of the kind tint Hop Bitters would not core. Ask your neighbor tie same question. Montreal Beard I rom. R. L. M isely, of Montreal, Canada, ct rtiiied Sept. 27, 1S70, that he had suf fered terribly from dyspepsia, and xvas completely cured by taking Warner's Safe Bitters. He savs: "My appetite is good, and I now suiter m ineonveni etioe from eating heartv meals." These Bitters are also a specific for all skin diseases. 4 It 13 DEALER IN Hardware, Cutlery, Uails, Iron, Wagon 'iotli., STOVKS and TlN-iVAUfi, Iron, H'eocf Stot l;, Piunji", Ammunition, FIELD & QAnDEX SEEDS. HOPE, ANI ALL KINDS OF .SHEET IRON WO UK, Kept in Mock. Klakin.; and n i-airliig, done with NEATNESS &. DISPATCH. AU Work Warranted. Utt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DI m f I f O Stool. O'X'er jhhI Piok only . ! Ll I 8 E'?l43t0S2.55O saia13sUr inilU Wa 3et Keeui. 2 Kiieo Sells, isiools. liiMik. oiiiy st.l"nol;itr.v Newspnner Ire?. Address Dai.lel F. Peattx'.Washlug'u. N.J. AGENTS READ f HlSI We want an Agnt In fUi County to whom we will pay a i-aiary of ilH per nneuli and ex penses to sell our wondemil invention. Sampla free. Address at once SIlliliilAS i CO., ilAK- gll ALLM ICU IO A S. m 'ar.li. no 2 alikt. xvit h name. 10c ; or 15 OX' chromo C'arJ-. with uaiut), luc. C. B. Ihe vers. Summit. N. Y. 4:04 A" ' 'WKXTi t4XTI0l lor the lictt and h'attxt-Sfttiug Pictorial Pocks and PiWes. Prices reduced :u percent. National Pr n i.Tsnivo Co.. rlliciliTO, 11 . 4114 $10,003 0. LiFii & MlW&ai't. :0 OC.i n't j -'4 o r !-" whi . i r.krj.'iiiz a 1 ... e t " -.t n rlAltat . ) i( lai Jll. ! r O --r FA t.-'.rl. s. b. Miixnnmr lam? o., 1. UIIHK 11 WV HltH. K T. 3 s. 43 x Uo.i iio ;:vil-v5ii.l 1 H M (4 ll fcl 13 &U ar'l- r'!'.fe-t M ice. iJ-.i tl hi W ll fe1 ft--. 1, a Kmn tr onr kt lllu-.tiv.tvt C.'nloirlir. t. KWL1. t bOS, U9 liiiu Mil, CINCINNATI, O. on 30 bAyy thial We will eiid our Klkctko-Voltaic Hei.ts and otiier Kleefr-e ar:!i 1 lees lli.a tri 0 for 30 ivs to Ihose MiiTertTiff tiom Neivons l)ltlity. Phe.cnaiisni. Inralis or aiy iisea"eM of the I.ixeror Kidneys, and many other diseases, A. rut'r. curr (j:uirnittf-1 or tin ;;. Address. VOL 'J !--;-. ' f .... i. 1 - r :,..:..., , 3 533 S 8 ff"i fv cis,r?s1' i s f CUIltD. A Klmpio c.-ctc-?"5 rcmcdyM 1 r tli j ijtrdj aii I n.a. t-. 1 r C: ir.-iuiri l.u-l r.. rfA-ul-J-ia A.. ziXA.eua all ihrua'.sl and Ln,j Ajtciiotu. du u i:i :rivo n.nd ....!.- I -- t ,r IT. .-..-."a T.. 1 ' : ...H : !Ou n.ia 1. 1 rtnci. t r Lnr 1- i.) 1 r 1 reiHt-- i-ij iid 1:5 :T,czt ly r'-ul li-i-o cl caarffei-3 . n recii t cf e'.iiit. tir. rcitr-LJl GtNRAL ilThU'l.s OF FELLOWS' Compound Syrup Ilypopliosphites. It is perfi' lly safe, and UwUs phasmi Ti'K firt r'pMrtit effect is to Increase the:' "petite. It :isi-ts liiL'c-tiiin mid '-alines tee food loassiriiilafe prpei !y-tlai- the UV-.I..111 lu 1 1 .t ' iv v t . Mil If v its Ur ic a.'th"i "n tin- dl - e-live irgi:s. Imlnces inoie J..(.iiims juat ng-.liir ex'Kt-lla iioi'.s. Its eifei-i oil tlie mem brane is sncli that easy expeet oiatinii is rodnced : iiot only are t he ir pasxi.aesensPy void ed ! the erre:inti ntrea-tv de iio'te I. ii if i.s ci!e -i:.( i !- 's-: si. 1 ( a ; i.-ii i.e. i'i a '. ' '11:. r; 1 :i';" e xvhi.-i! : -tie:.!:-ini'tr ii e 1 I .. her . ejiii uTi'iiiy ie:.-:M-i . wt: .!e t he ( 111- I- re: u'l -.!. l'!i- r;iiii.. v with 1: I,-on ll. .-h v. Idle if i'i-r 'he Syi'ip. of ir.-!f nelieoi's fiat ui"! can t.e h..ter n.'a:;l ii to lie:p :!(: l.e no-re nuiia t'ie r.f;;i:'i..n. :! 1 t:eTn e efl-e:cioi;s in :t!l i!i-preiii if spir'ni. sl.;il:i;,g or t : t i.i! if i:g of the hand or hody, cii'lil). -llol tties of hreiith. or Cntisnmptl Ve h.:l it. 'I lie nerves ami miei lcs become sirt-iijlh-ened and the blood pun IK-d. FEaovis' coroisp HT.if or htpophos- Speedily an; perinnnt ntly c;r'; '"onesf inn r.f tlie I.nriLs. Kroncliiti", Consumption. Nervous Pri.sir:ii ion. Short of li-eaili. l'aiph ai i.-n of the lit-nrt. 'i'reiiihiii'ir of the Hands and the Jamb.. I'hy.sii-iil aij:l ei.ii.l I lepressi'in. Pons of Appei if. Li!-s oi Fneruy , I.0-1 of Memory. It u ill rapidly improve the weakened functions and organs of tlie body, which depend for healtli hp.m voluntary, semi-voluntary ami in voluntary nervon anion, lr arts w'th vigor, genileffss. arnt flililiety. owiu to tlie exquis ite hainio.iy of its ii.trredieMc, akin to pure I'lood itseM. Its taste i-. pleasant, and its effect-1 permanent. StId by all Druggists. $1. 0 ier bottle. '. .--. : ? c.;W . - , -f-r '-, $ Tilt; Stomach Is Strei.jRiPucd. The liver reLrnh'ted. the lmwi 1st put In proper order, the b. od eni ielicd and p'P iii.-d. ami 1 In cervo -xsiem remitted ti:i:..ia'l ami vitrer om! l.y this ines! imal le family medicine- nnd safeguard a:rainst disease. hi.-h i-. mor.-over. a iiicst :.rrecaii'e and elTective -ippetizer. and a cor.'Pal peeiiUni ly aiiapli-d to tlie xvauts oi the a"d 4iid i.ilirm. For sale by ali Druj;i;iat3 and Dealers gener ally. 4-:ri J0IIX SIIAXXOX'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages alvrajs o.a Hand AND HEABSHI FUNERAL.'. rZ'VIZl ZiTOTICH! I I Win: t all of iny iteeoill'.rs ser.'led to d.1t!. atvl 1 !:. ill ! no uiore crciiil b'.i-dness. All old :te-onnts must be settled 11:1. and no n.-w ones xvi'l be mniie. 1'ri.es.s iiieii aecounts are oCttit li Si:.-itlV tliev will be fled. 1 wish to do abliiciiy c:i!i business in fat ute JOHN S!i.N-xn, i'latt.sinoutU. Neb, V7. D. JON E' Ajraii; takes the Brick Livery Stable. PLATTSMGUTH, Nl PPASi; A Tlie old P.onoer S!:,!.p-s. in FhittMnonth. lire now leased a ' I I i 4 ill h h is 0:1 liaiiil new and liaiid'oine acciiiuitpxiatiotis, iii the shape of II OH ES. CA RI: 1 A B UGQIES, and SADDLE HORSES. I am prepared to keep HOUSES FOR ALES TRADE. And will Train and cic.k Colts On Peasonalde Tei n.s. ALSO UF.MESICER, That with plenty of room (that every ope km w! I have) in n-y stable. 1 can get Farmer ctock and w ijiiik. hiads fit hay, &c, under cov er. bi le thev will Keep irv. Tiia-.Ki it; all my old patrols for their liberal ity. I so lea their trade lorti.e future, fafistied th t I can ftreommoiiate them better and do benei !i tuem Ulan evertielore. 3yl WJI.l). JON'ES. is n sure ore for pavm. '.. ini. ; j fill 1, calious. sprains, s.ve!.l.iirs. ' l.'i.i's l:iir',H'SS li'.ll Jifl i.i.htr"- !f;..yc.r..j nieiit' of the joiiii.s and limb. '"it ;; --. will eompteteiy remove a bone V , pavin w i: liii-.it ijlisiei i:: or e.uis- Vniinr sore. Ir is !-' ;i.s loimI Ii.i ie:oi as fer b'-asi and is tiw I fui; sfrenglh. at all times of Ihe year xi'iii perfect safetx . ill).-? V. 8. M:irh--1. Kubin'a-oo. Apr. in. To. P.. J. K.?.lail. Iikak Sik: I rec ived Hie two l.ot'l'-s of yon-spa vie en re forwarded by -x-pr ss in .I.tinuirv lasi. I a-n iiappv to si ite'in n p periormeil Ml yon.- a-lv -i t s -ieii ealh-d for. In thre" weeks .'fier 1 1 oniiiieijced u.-ing it. the Spavin was i-'lirely rrinovil ,-Oid a x-;i!ual!e horse restored to usefulness. Verv ttuly v.v.rs. .loHS t'AI.K FK "J.! Send for Illustrated circular nixing Posiuie Pr. of. Price .s:. Ail Dr.c.egisis have if or can tet il for you. ' Dr. B. J. Kendall A Co.. Prop'. 3inf Fnosburv' ha'Ua, Vfc. O. F. Goodman, Afceot, Otnma, Na H n U G r (fZ men FOE THE HEET 30 DAYS: . i - -a -i MA HiiiL JoOji1 fr, ti 1 1 ft lir.3 one tscre " luihmm ii tr who are, oa and after this NEW GOODS, r j 1 lR ? tins it n H si ft si H ELEGANT A'c are In almost DRY AND FANCY GOODS asset (KIMCDISmi2i Inch we offer our friends and the pnli.tc at Tp7I piK fftsr! -Ts : price:' tt suit tLe limec. f if$fot fieoo frfifoi'tfc -j-srs- v'' w -sv CvvJ Ciislnsicrcs, Alpacas, Delaines, &c. Calicos, from 12 to 1G Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward The Onest stock of White bedspread ver brouzht to the City. Buell's Cassimeres, Tveeds, Jeans, and Cottonadejs 11 full" Stock. - 10sj$s ssiaU Cops, OF ALL KINDS. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. We desire to see till our old patrons back tind xvant to hold rx ui.tny of th present ones as xxe can CUTIIMAN' & VV PICK BACH. REMEMBER THE PLACE, ONE DOOR WEST OF P. O., tXf PLATTXMOVTHi NEBRA&FA Tl i'i f i r ft W I t' 1AU. vt ,1 f.l LJ yrsv w--. iZ7. J i fi n u ii -i V k :i i CTV. H hi p r ; -j pi V- v vitrua ai. 1-1 hi come buck" lr Weckbach, date solo proprietors. O il i-a iLU O i '1 ilar rccci;.; of 1 r 1 14 ft r i j 1 1 0 i t li ii If L (1 It