Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 15, 1880, Image 3

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    'SeadL Mogs Wasted at &fc.eigSit
W IT 1? T? 17s U A T !'
J. II J!i U 11. Jtl LI U
Xext llenday.
The best Ts, at F. B. Whites. 43tf
lirs. Frank diei o Sunday last.
Dn't target "Celeste" next Mon
day era.
If yea want a goed 5a cigar z to
Keeaiu & Grace's. 4;3t2
3ee adrcitisfiatnt ef tbe Catholic
Tbe boss cigar. lor five cens at
.nan acd Grace's. 4312
TLeedore T. has cancelled his en
gagement at this place.
Catholic Festival, next "Wednesday
and Thursday, Jar.. 21 and 22.
The Best canned and dricsl fruits
in tbe city at F. S. White's. tf.
The wife of Mr. Joseph Dyson
did Thursday afternoon last.
The ica bridge still "sterna the tide,'
and it's hoped will " weather the blaet"
till spring.
The Ice-crep will be abort 3gaiu
khia season unless we have some xuore
culd weather.
Frauk White has about four aun
drtd tons of Ice up and want eight
hundred more.
The weather is delightful and if
aly the roads were good what a coun
try 'twould be.
The new billiard and bowling hall
is almost completed, and soon will
aa'.eh the boys.
Cigars at Pepperberg's by the box
r at retail. Remember, on Main St..
between 4th and 5th. 4Ct3
Mr. Marsland and family remove
this w?k from ths Fitzgerald boast;
Jo the Cashing house.
Frank Carrutli is bavin.'; a Tele
p bono put up They want to hear the
tu-.'sic box at the house.
TTo understand that Mr. Henry
Waeraian is abut to buiii a rtsi
daace Kj'fcii High School Hill.
There hs botu and is a great -Seal
of sickness lately, nearly every one has
co'd and many sore throats.
Cigar Clippings at Julius Pepper
fcergV, ou Main street, between 4th aad
5th 35 its. per lb, dry weight. 42t3
The efilcc has b.-en filled with job
Hk, tor the past week tr two, and
ttill it comes in. and g303 ut ra Btyle.
Phil's telephone wire, owing to
t'- "ind. Vroke loose oao of its fast-r-hii:i;,
and siwpyoJ business fr a lit
tls wiiils.
Transit- t people visiting Platts
rcouth would do well to try IVpptr
er cigars, on Main street, between
-.llx ii.d 5th. 42i3
G.dd watch r.Jrlchnin for th most.
I ;iuUr youxitf lady, lit the Catho! ic
Festival, ths 21 and 22. Save y.ur
tfieias till then.
The best five cent cigar at Keenan
A Graft's, they have just got this ci
;.;r from St. Louis, and its the best
kaofru in ti:8 market. 4C;2
The Liederkrauz was well attend
ed i.l their last 15V.1 and some consid
erable money was realized over and
t'.;Y expenses.
1 h great jam up, Gist-class slavn
p, A X". kiad of 5c cigar can
be La at Keenan & Grace's all the
time, aad every time; call and fceo 'tin.
Sio Miller & Co's "A4" for dead
iog.'. oap is a very ess-nlial article.
they propose to furnish it by
-Ijole&iile. Idling on your deceased
--Tl: trial before Judge Sullivan, of
ilenry SchnIhfT vs. Geo. ii. Thomp
icr., that ahould have been heard Mon
day -.light lias beta put over tiil next
iiuilay eve.
Vava Allen, of the Cascidu Mills.
v7rpisig Water, says send mo the
Irr.ALy and f ceursa the. IkBtLD
Everything gae3 when Wave
ax the wheel.
A large party of yonng folks met
r.'d enjoytd TnwdUy evening at the
It- X. II. It. Birgess' residence. More
vjk! sjoyiiifi.t cojhl not h:ive ben
i.jd Ly uay possible inaaas.
A ccHsetion will be takr.n at the
jU :2ir Citliiolio church a wtvk from
cxt t'unday for the benefit of l'umins
.ri'jkeu Ireland, in response to a let
tor f::itlie imhop of Xebraska.
aus need walk in tlio rauil
when i'.iey visit tlie IIekalt ofdes
rew ; our new crossing and the repairs
on t!:e lo'.ver on lifts 'em slick and
.'Usm from the nasty sticky dirt.
I I.U Young is a little under the
e.eathor, thought it was his turn to be
, ,Y3 the other members of his'fam-excr-nt
"Jolly," have been down;
t bis .Ir.v will r-ome after a while.
T e Notice, all account due
Vi?:'t A. Powell, must bo settled at
c u f. Th ose knowing themselves in
dettd :se call and settle up as the
fceks ef tSie late firm mint b.i aJ just
' 13 1.31 C. E. Tvkscott.
Tr January number of ths Xe
err.Eka F:rmer, for the current year,
fa the berririaing of volume fur. A se
li.s of articles are to appear in it from
Dr. I..iviiigs.ia, ou Fish and Fish Cul
ture. Ths Mt. Pleasant Daily Reporter,
hi its criticism ef a concert heidin that
city, says ef Miss Clark: "Her voice
wa" as clear ns a silver bell, and her
tneIo'y of soand could net have been
n'.rr.iised by aay prima denna on the
American stae." The same paper says
f.Cel. -;e: 'In fact, if the citizens "of
Mt. Pi- :: mt had bee aware of that
ladjS ..tiil a a organist and pianist
there no hall in the city large eneuuh
io hold n?-half tin number that weuld
"k vr Lfer."
Mr. Plummer made Flattsmoulb a
flying visit last week.
Mrs. Jos. and Mrs. Henry Shera call
ed on tht; Herald, Saturday.
Ilendrickson left Monday for the
Biack Hills. Geod luck to jou, old
C. Scliluntz. the Cedar creek miller
and merchant was in yesterday and
gave the Hehald a call.
Billy Itaffiier and wife, formerly of
Crete aad now ef Kearney, have been
PIeuding a week with i;s, the guest of
his brother Ed. RufTner.
The holiday visit of Mr. and Mrs.
Drummond was somewhat . prolonged
owing to the prevalence of scarlet fe
ver in Fremont, the consequent
closing of the schools.
Mrs. Wm.Darrah left Plattsmouth
last Thursday, to take up her residence
in Lincoln, whence her husband had
preceded her. Their many friends here
will be sorry to lose them.
We neglected last week te men
tion the receipt f some lettuce trm
Mr. Kesser. The latest, earliest,' best
lettuce of this seasan. We haven't ate
any lettuce this year before, it made
our mouths wa'er.
Morrisa fc Brown got a new safe
last week. We hops they will safely
keep and safely conduct all cases that
may be entrusted to their eharge, and
that they will prove honest Urn, and
honest lawyers in the piejecatiea ef
all cases.
-We are sorry te Itarn that the
Hen. Mo;.s Stacking of Wahoo, re
ceived quite severe injuries by bring
thrown from his wagon, his team n: ri
sing away. lie is still confined to his
ld. W sincerely hope the injuries
may sot provo permanent.
A car-load of mules have been re
ceived f;t Jones' stable ; they are for
sale, and the editor of lhit paper has
inspected them, by request ef Mr.
Jones, and they are larg, handsome,
serviceable mults. We hupe our far
mer friends will give him a call before
purchasing, but look out and make
good bargains for themselves.
Dr. Livingston has a teilaphnnny
machen from his house to t!it otSee,
and from there to depot. Next week
he'll have it run on to Eoniine'a lish
ponds, and w;i-n the little llshyii wag
gle their tails for jiy in th msrniug.
the vibration will wake the Doctor rr
hi early rounds, besides pleasing the
tiohf s.
Fd WVscfttt, (successor to Wescott
Powell.) hMs the fort at the Bos
Clothing stre. Go-ds cheaper then reductions i i winter cl ith
ing, underwear, boats, caps, c, to clse
it mike rrjtim for an immense stock of
spriH.r go-ds. Xow i tha time to save
miiiey, v.hile ttiese goods are btdng
slaughtered. -1 3 L 1 E:. V.'kscott.
J. G. Chambers is still atop of the
heap, vrilh lots of harness already
made, and more coiistantly mar-ufavt-uriu,
as lie is bound to have an un
limited quantity for the epriug tiute,
and will take pleasure in shewing all
those who will call ikiit hi i is
as good as can be found, and price
that will scare no one. 43t2
Vv'csectt &. Powell have dissolved
partnership, Mr. Wescott continuing
the business, and Mr. Powell retim
ing to telegraphing or railroading,
which he thinks lie will like better
than being shut up in a clothing store.
Tiio tirui have been very enterpris
ing while with us, and pushed thMr
trade a good deal. They have kept a
large and tine assortment ef goods,
which, we doubt not, Mr. W. will ttill
add to and enlarge. "
Whoever fails to see tha faraou3
girl musician, " Miss Alice L. Clark,"
misses tie of the greatest natural
wondeis of the age. The director of
Clind Tom" s ays:
"A young girl about 10 years old,
with a form slight as that ot a fairy,
endowed, apparently, with the pwr
cf a fjiam.t combined in her execution
with the rapidity of thought a most
remarkable prodigy in music. Such is
X&w corn"? a Mr. W. W. Jamison,
of Elm wood, who deposeth and sayeth
that about one year ago a young man
solicited from him a year's subscrip
tion te the IlniALD, since which time
he has received a few copies of the
same, sometimes several in a pack
age, but no regularity about it. As
Mr. Jamison's name lias never beencn
our books, where did those few copies
centre from, and whore-is our 2.00. If
our self constituted solicitor don't rise
and explain thcie will be treuble in
his camp.
About fifteen couple of young La
dies and Gentlemen mtt at Mr. Frank
Johnson's last Monday evening, with a
well appointed programme lor a Sur
prise at the hospiu'.ble mansion of Mr.
Davis, for the special benefit of Miss
Lam-a. . Everything passed olf pleas
antly, an abundance of fun and good
cheer, games, plays, fun and merii
ment enlivened the occasion, and some
where aloat the hour of twelve the
festive crowd took their departure,
convinced that it was good to have
been there.
Harry Howland, one of the best
wagon-makers in this part of the coun
try, has completed a three-spring wa
gon, commonly called the duplex spring
It is a valuable j.nd lasting invention
in the way of making wagons, and Mr.
Howland deserves credit for the first
attempt in this direction, except Mr.
Mike Schnellbacher who put up aDex
ter spring for the editor of this paper
last summer. These side spiings with
a complex action aredecidedly the best
for our prairie couutry; having tested
theei ourselves, we give them the high
est award. Mr. Howland intends to
make platform spring wagons for light
use among farmers and we think he
ought to be patroaized extensively.
Heme manufacture under equal con
ditiene ftlvaye beiag preferable.
Johnson's History vf Nebraska.
Mr. Harrison Johnson has left with
us his history ef Xebraska, which we
think a very valuable work. Know
ing something of the early history of
Xebraska, ourselves, we believe this
work furnishes a want long felt and
needed by tao State. It contains
a list of the early settlers, the organi
zation of towns and counties, with a
chapter en the military record of the
First and Sectid Xebraska regiments,
invaluable to those who took part
therein. Besides it contains much his
tory interesting to every person who
came here in an early day. We' be
speak for this history the kindest no
tice from our contemporaries of the
press and all eld and new settlers. If
you want to know what Xebraska has
been and is, read Johnson's "History."
A. geod canvassing agent is wanted
for this county.
Leap Year.
Nobody has ever said one word ( well
hardly ever) about Leap Year, about
here February will soon be herewith
his twenty-nine days and what are you
goin' to do about it.
G. W. Ilo'drege, Sup't of the B. &
M. II. It. in Neb., called on the Herald
last evening.
Miss Carrie Schulhoff was most
agreeably surprised, but satisfactorily
entertained about fifteen couple of
young folks last Friday evening. With
the edibles and violin brought alng
for the oecason, the time was pleas
antly passed tiil ths "wee sma' hours."
"The largest and most perfect and
gigantic pi inting machine in the world
has recently been put into the press
room of the Missouri Republican, at
St. Louis. It has a capacity of 30,000
perfect pan-TP per hur. printed, cut,
folded and pasted." Holyoke (Mass.)
Paper World.
The West is bound to take the lead
in every branch of business.
Mrs. Jones, how is your health this
morning? Thank ou, madam, much
improved. 1 bought a botile of Lr.
Bull's Cough Syrup lat night apd aft
er the first dose my cough was checked.
I slept well and have not coughed once
this morning. 1
A schoolboy g't up to red a com
position tin "The Tre." He got a far
as "This subject has many branches,"
when the teacher sdd "Stop! you have
not yaur hough yet." "If you
interrupt me again," said the boy, "I'll
leave.". "You iri ve me any mor im
pudence and I'll fake the p.ip out of
yon. Do you understand ?" "1 twig."
said thf boy. and then the regular o
dr of business preceded. Des Moines
Xorthp.-.rt. Wis., May. C, 1679.
James I. Fki.lw., Esq.
Sin: I have been using your medi-t-ine
ir over a vear now an 1 wi'h the
best effects. I bave used 12 bottles of
the HypophoFphite-?, and it has made
a nev man of me. I have been ailing
oer six yeare with a number of dip
eases, but. lung dinieuliy was the most
prominent. 1 have been under th care
of a grest many doctor., and have tak
en quantities of medicine without any
apparent benefit, but appeared to be
still growing worse and weaker until
I acci ieutailv cam; across one of your
circulars, and v. as constrained to try
your medicine, and I found its effect
were almost magical, unrni m. and I
was a surprise to myself and friends,
having gained so rapidly in fbh.
I remain respect fullv,
Lawrence Dorax.
Episcopal Sec i able at the house ef
Mrs. Eaten. thi3 (Thursday) evening.
All are iavited.
Closing Out.
Overcoats 25 pr. ct. below cost at C
G. Ilerold's. also 200- pairs of Ladies
and Misses' shoes, 50 cents on the dol
lar, at C. G. Ilerold.
Attention, ir Kaigbts!
A Conclave is called at the Asylum
f Mount Zion Commandtry, Xo. 5, for
nxt Wednesday night, the 21st,
at 7:30 p. m. Business of iir.poi tance
will bo submitted. All Sir Knights are
courteously requested to be present.
By order E. C.
DL-si.-Juii ja Netifs.
Be it known that the firm heretofore
existing and known as Wescelt & Pow
ell, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. C. E. Wescott.
Jan. 5th , 1330. C. A. Powell.
All indebtedness against and ac
counts due the, firm ef Wescott & Pow
ell will be adjusted by
4313 C. E. Wescott.
l)issiIatiea Nelice.
Xotice is hereby given that the firm
heretofore known as the "South Ber.d
Grain Company," has this day dissolv
ed partnership by mutual consent, and
that the business wll hereafter be
conducted by J. & H. J.Streight, they
settling all claims due or against the
old lirm. J. G. K 031 ink,
IT. G. McFarland,
Jason Streight,
Henry J. Streight.
South Bend, Xe'o., Jan. tJth. 1SS0. 43t3
Answer to 5Iany Correspondents.
In reply to numerous inquiries from
our it atii t s, concerning t he wonderful
qualities of the great German remedy,
jyr. Jacobs Oil, mentioned in our
last issue. we would inform them
that the article may be obtained iroru
our retail druggists, or by their aid.
Ask for St. Jacobs Oil, iwid if the
dealer does not keep it in stcck, lie will
be able to procure it in a few dajs
from the wholesale houses. We un
derstand there, is all eady an immedi
ate demand for the remedy, which is
not so very surprising when it is con
sidered what it is daily accomplishing J
! uie way ot reliet and cures, ladder
ing, in some instances, on the miracu
lous. 43tl
From Anon.
Afton, Neb, Jan. 8. 1830.
Just after writing uiv last card the
weather got no better vrv fast, tbe
lowest degree of cold bv mv thermom
eter having been 19. For the last two
weeks, however, we have had verv
pleasant weather in the dav time, but
rather ehilly at night, because of the
heavy fg that closes around one like
a wet sheet. Christmas and Xew
Year's days have rolled past. Xo harm
done that I COUid spp. i:nla tho
S mg of hands amiltjips indicated seme
misery in that locality, caHsed. no
doubt, by too much "fuwl" action. Cat
tle are locking well; in fact, most of
thBQ are thriving. With thanks for
. the pretty caleudar. Yeurs, etc,
!. XL S. Cblld.
IfiTPS of treat n?n remind us
We may make our wires sublime
And departing, leave txhin i us
Widows worthy ol eur time.
Therefore give your wife end-o5
By the life-insurance plan ;
Fix her to thai when you j;!ids off,
She can scoop another man.
Sam B. Hose, W. T. Seaman's Ag't
was here yesterday.
An uncle of Dr. Clutter struck it
rich in Ctilorada; he sold a mine there
for 5250,000.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian
church, will hold a sociable at the res-
! idence of Mrs. P. L. Wise, Tuesday eve
i ning, Jan. 20th. A general invitation
j is extended. Mrs.-J. X. Wise, Sec.
! Mr. Dill of South Bend, called on
! the Herald yesterday, and says he is
going to put up a big buildiug for gen
eral dry .goods, &c. in that town, and
he thinks South Bend is goin
to be the. Idlest and best place this
side of San Juan, in a short time.
Hurrah for Dili !
The Hoover Mechanical Telephone
is being put up all ever town Phil
Young, first in every thing, hu3 one
from bin Stro to the house; Cap
Palmer is going to have eue from his
house to the Dept so he can catch the
train; Andy McLaughlin wants oi
across to the Bakery, so he can send
bread heme for dinner.and lots of other
fellows are sounding around for th
scads to get a couple of Bpice boxes and
some copper wire.
The only objection te these things
is you can't always tell who is at the
ther end ef the wire; new Phil
Young was talking along innocently
enough to his wife the other day about
her headache in the morning and
whether she could come down to hear
Janausheck next wefk, when a cus
tmer came in and be turned away.
Mike Murphy iissiantly stepped to the
luasheen and kept up the talk. "Wast
some teariS for (inner" says Mike.
'Beans; what for V" sai s Mrs. Y. "Oh
I've get company comh'g liome to-day
and they all like beans, old army boys
you know, have fiume big fat o'd fash
ioned white beans, nose of your modern,
half black little things and plenty of
'em. for vuy friends aie hungry." Mike
slid out after tha: and when Phil went
licae his wife had about two bushel
if beaii ; cwokfid and every pot, kattle
and pan f oil, expecting a regiment of
siien. Phil liajt he'll lock that tll-a-fuu-up
next tiiue.
Oar "ew Coauty Ofiioers
Take possession this week. Capt.
Wiles, the new Commissioner, warks
into harness, jut as if he had been
there ail his life; in fact, Capt. Wiles
has eerved his country in many re
sjwnsible jsit!ons before this, and the
Herald feels like supporting and say
ing a good word for every tine Re
publican and American citizen, who.
when this ecuatry was at its dire ex
tremity, and when the jerpetuity el
iiepuhiieau institutions was at stak.'.
turned out and left ids family, his
home, and his busiiies, ;;nd fought for
that Union that all true patriots hold
so dear. Capt. Wiles was one of these
liii-n, and he's ot to t!o something aw
ful dirty Lufijre the. Herald gots bac k
on him. Uncle Henry Wolfe, who ha
gone out as Coiir.aissioiier, waa one ef
the bst men we ever bad in this
County, a faithful, true and honest
man for the public. We are sorry to
part with Uncle Henry, but hupe the
new Commissioner may bring a broad
er and moie enlightened business view
(if that L possible) towards aiding in
the practical details cf public affairs.
Mr. Showalter, the new District
Clerk, takes li Is place this week. While
Mr. Wells, the old clerk, has been a
gentleman, and performed the duties
if his oiTice for many years in an un
exceptional manner to the bar, the
Judge of the Cuiirt, and the citizens in
this district, we welcome Mr. Showal
ter t his new position, asking him to
remember that the fate and fortunes
of many poor and uninformed citizens
are really in bis charge. It is a
very responsible position; the
estates of men, dead and gone,
unable to state for themselves, arc in
his charge, the records of a commun
ity, the rights of a people, may be
said, to depend ou the integrity of a
District. Clerk; v,c bclicv? thsV'tlieso
duties will be faithfully pet formed
and these rights honestly protected
bv Mr. Showailcr.
Frof. Wooley, the County Super
intendent, who hero and now suc
ceeds Mr. Martindale, ha3 borne it
good reputation before our people;
lie is a young man, very young, ;or
his looks, but we believe lie is an
honest man. The Hkhalu hopes
that he will enter upon these new ob
ligations with .1 full idea of their
great responsibility. The education
of the young is a matter of the gieat
est importance to the American re
public. On the education of these
young Americans, growing up, de
pends the safety of our republican
institutions, How much more so
docs it depend on the. man who has
the government, the welfare and the
success of our educational system
in his charge. This man should be
a gentleman, a christian, a man of
general information, of probity and
of such good sense that he can make
suggestions to the higher powers ia
educational matters in this State,
that will be well and worthy of ac
cepting. Such a man do we hope for
our new Superintendent. Prof. Mar
tindale, who lias just gone out, has
been a very acceptable Superinten
dent; but we hope the man of brains,
the mn: of intellectual culture, the
man who will impress upon the edu
cational interests of this state, th s
great state, the fact that we need a
great, practical, earnest, honest, im
provement in our educational atlairs
may come from Cass Countv, and we
hope our new incumbent is the
The new Coroner, Perry Gas?, an
old resident, an old citizen ought to
know, and will kjiow, w think, bis
duties. On the Coittner depends the
investigations of foul sly or mali
cious deeds. The acting Coroner.
Ifyers, lias performed this duty with
unexceptionable skill and tact.
We can only hope that the new one
will use as much judgment, prudeut e,
and economy as the last.
John Tutt, County Clerk, re-elected,
has made a very acceptable officer. We
think so well of John, that we don't
propose to tire our readers, or badger
them by any comments on his capabil
ity to till the office he has been re-elected
to. We would have liked to have
seen a Republican there, but it w oft
en said: "Man proposes, and God dis
poses ;n ''Vox popu It. vox Dei." John is
there, and "by the Eternal," the Her
ald leaves him there.
Sullivan and Ilyers, re-qualified for
their offices; both are too we'd known,
boili were re-elected by such a major
ity that it precludes any comment
from thi.4 paper. May thev prosper and
succeed, ia the wish of the Herald.
James M. Patterson, democratic Co.
Treasurer, reelected after a severe
and terrible fight, has held and will
hold the office ef County Treasurer for
the next two jears. If wo can get him
out then, we'd do well. W. II. XeWeil
is ix mighty god man, but "Jimmy"
got the best of this heat, and we sub
side. John Jenniag, Deputy County
and District Clerk, is one of the best
men that ever lilled the otfiee, com
petent, caieful and up to the work
every way. Joha went o!f on a tan
gent two years ago, but he's kind o'
wiggled around now and is for Grant
for President, and will vote the
straight Republican ticket next fall.
Cecaty Commissioners' Proceedings.
f LATTSMOL'TII, Jan. 1, 1CS0.
Board met in regular session. 1 'res
ent, Henry Wolfe, Jas. Crawford and
and Sam '1 Il chardson, Commissioners,
J. D. Tutt, Clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved, and board adjourned to
meet January 2, 18S0.
Friday, Jan. 2, 1SS0.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
full board present, when the follow
ing official bunds were allowed:
Wm. Delesdei uier, constable, Stove
Creek; M. O'Donohoe, Justice ef the
Peace, Plattsmouth; A. D. Cook, sup'r
dis. 24, El rti wood; 11. W. Ilyers, Sher
iff Cas Co; A. B. Barr, sup'r dist. 2
Greenwood; John Philpot, sup'r dist.
34, Mc. Pleasant; Thos. Smith, consta
ble, Kock Bluffs; A. X. Sullivan, C.
Judge, Cass Co; Turner Zmk, J. 1'.,
Elm wood; A. A. Borden, Assessor,
Weeping Water; Edwin Jeary, J. P,
Salt Cie k ; II. G. Haw ley, assessor Mt.
Pleasant; E. D. Laughlin, constable
Salt Creek; P. P. G ass, coronej Cajs
Co; G. W. Fairfield, assessor Platts
mouth citv: S. It. Smith, sup'r dist. 32.
Centre; Walter Cutlorth, sup'r dist. 11
Louisville; J.Chase, J. P, Weeping
Water; Frank Stander, assessor, Lou
isville; Frtd. Ost, sup'r dist. 5tf, Liber
ty; O. M. Turrwnce, assessor, Centre:
ii. X. Colvin, J. P., Louisville; J. F.
Doud, sup'r dist. 15, Plattsmouth; W1
Leesley, constable, Greenwood; Geo.
Hansen, constable, Louisville; E. J.
Alathis, J. p. Sail Creek ;Orlando Bur
gess, constable. Cenire; Mich. Archer
assessor Bock Bluffs; Jno. Erliait, sup
dist. 23, Centre; A. Tyson, constable,
Centre; M. M. Omar., constable, Plat; 3
mouth; John Green, constable, Salt
Creek; G. W. Fairfield, surveyor Cass
Co; W. C. Shewalter, dist. clerk ; E. S.
Gilbert, J. P., Weeping Water; J. II.
Hart, assessor, .Stove Creek; S. W. O;
ten, assessor, Elm wood; Paul Johnson,
sup'r Uist. 23; W. D. Hill, assessor. So.
Bend; It. Morrow, J. P, J took BlulTs ;
I. X. Applegate, assessor. Liberty; W.
H. Fry, constable, Platt.-mouth ; W.
W. Best or, sup'r dist. 47, Sieve Creek;
J. F, Buck, J, P., Libel ty ; J. Xewhan,
sup'r dist. 45; Anderson Rouse, assess
or, Greenwood ; A. Carmic'iael, J. P.,
Centre; Israel Wood, J. P.. Elm wood ;
R. Vivian, J. 1', Plattsmouth city; A.
J. Graves, J. P, Rock Bluffs; John D.
Tutt, Co. Clerk; J.'B. Meisinger, as
sessor. Eight Mile Grove ; Jas. Gilrnore
J, P, Avoca; X. M. Dewey, constable.
Louisville; Jno. Leise, sup'r dist. 30,
The following claims were then al
lowed on general fund:
I. D. Tutt, sal. & ex. ac. for Dec. S4 1.58
P. li. Murphy, b'd'g prisoners. . . 40.60
" jailor's fees (Hyers). . 39.50
St. Juarual, bianks, SlC 19.03
J. B. Stiode, taking depositions
B. & M. vs. Patterson COO
The following claims were then al
lowed on poor fund:
II. Bceek, coffins &c for pauper. 18.00
J. E. Barnes, digging grave " . 4.G0
W. II. Warden, team to p'rh'se. . 1.00
J. C. Eikenberry, b'd'g pauper. . 4S.73
Petition of Patrick B.essington, et
al, for the re-lcation of road rejected.
Petition of B. S. Ramsey, lor the
building dga across mill creek,
laid wver:
Settlement with W. J. White on
bridge contract of Aug. 1879, was then
had as follows;
For building 640 feet of pile bridge
at S5.00 per foot 3230.00
Difference bet. eiders and cash
as per cent 101.50
By ord. previously drawn, Cr. . 2000.00
Bal. due W. J. White on settle
ment 1391.50
It was then ordered that clerk draw
two warrants in favor of W.J. White,
of 3500.00 each and one for 6391.50 as
balance due on settlement.
Extension of time on School laud
was granted to Simeon Rector.
Baid adjourned to meet Saturday
at 8 o'clock.
Saturday, Jan 3, 1880.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
Board all present. When the follow
ing was done to-wit:
Petition of J. C. Newberry ct al. for
appointniemt e-f O. C. Clegboro, J. F
of Louisville; in place of B. G. Hoover,
was granted.
Tbe following' was then allowed on
bridge fund:
J. Vallerv, Jr., 5 r'd scrapers $30.00
On general fund:
11 W Hyers. b'nd'y serv's a3 pr b'l . 49.50
u . 40 00
.. . . S8 00
M . 4." yo.sO
Cwm'rs, insanity A. Bnrtnet 41.70
"J. F. Smith 32.35
G W Fairfield, w'k on r'd record. 47.50
J S Duke, os b'ge & poor fund. . 5.55
Claim of F. S White for goods fur
nished S. S. Frost, rejected, except that
part ordered by W. H. Shildkneciit.
Official Bond of S. L. Anderson, J.
P, was approved.
' Settlement wiih the folh wing road
supervisors was then had:
Am't due A. Tjsou, dist. 40, Stove
creek, $17.00; uut allowed fwr want of
Duo A. B Barr, dist. 20, Greenwood,
S24.1K): not allowed for want of funds.
Due John Ward, dist 2, Einiwood,
$24.03; not allowed fr want of funds.
Due G. W. Young, dist. 33, Mt. Pieas
ant, 23.50; not allowed for want of
Due G. W. Johnson, -list 55, Weep
ing Water, 627.50; nut allowed for
want of funds.
Due Wm. Coon, dist. 32, Centre, S15,
00; not allowed for want of funds.
. Due C. F. Law, dist. 24, ElBavod.
$15.00. Allowed in full.
Due G. Walrudt, dist. 24, Eight Mile
Giove, 331.00; not allowed for want of
Due X. A. B. Hicks, dist. 33, Eight
Mile Grove, -J3.17; not allowed for
want of funds.
Due Wm. Buster, dist. 47, Stove
Cierk, 3.75; not allowed for want of
Due Jacob Ruste'hultz, dist. 52.
Stove Creek, 320.50; not allowed for
waut of funds.
Due F. W. Fowler, dist. 4", Weeping
Water, $37.40; not allowed for want
of funds.
Due F. G. Kendall, dist. 4, Liberty,
$17.50; not allowed for want of funds.
Due Joshua Murray, dist. 14. Piatts
mouth, $11.25; not allowed for want
oi funds.
Due John Weichel, dist. 30, Elm
wood, $3.03; not allowed for want of
Due Silas Long, dist. 20, Mt. Pleas
ant, 329.03; not allowed for want of
County Trea .nrer is l.eirby author
ized to employ a collector to collect de
linquent taxes of the city of Platts
mouth; said collector to receive 5 per
cent for 1873. and 10 per cent for ail
pre ious years.
Board adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock
January 5.
Monday, Jan. 5, 18S0.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
full board present, when the following
was done, to-wit :
The following official bonds wore
approved :
W. B. Arnold, sup't dist. 49, Tipton ;
W. B. Arnold, J. P, Til ton; J
Cox, assessor, Avoca; B. C. Yeomans,
constable, Weeping Water; G. C. Cieg
horn, J. P, Louisville.
The following claims were then al
lowed on genera' fund:
Solomon & Xathan, mdse pr bill S 4.00
W. II. Baker & Co., " 5.S5
Conn bill, Petit Jury 1S2.3')
" " Grand Jury 183.'.,
P. P. Johnson, for work on bridge, 1 i:d
Petition .of R. G. McFarland, rt a!,
for appointment of J. II. Gilbert a
constable of South Bend, slanted.
Ordered that Clerk make a qui?
claim dfed to I. S. D. Spurlock to lot 7
block 23, she paying for the county's
interest at tax sale, $3.70 taxes, with
$4.15 interest.
Board then commenced annual set
tlement with County Treasurer. Ad
journed to meet at 8 o'clock January
G, 1830.
Tuesday, Jan. C, 1880.
Full board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Settlement with County Treas
rer being still in progress, the boaul
adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock Wednes
day morning. January 7, 1SS0.
(Continued next week.)
Oulliy Oi' Wrong.
Some people have a fashion of con
fusing excellent remedies with tio
large mass of "patent medicines." and
in this they are guilty of a wrong
There are some advertised remedies
fully worth ail that is asked for them,
and one at least we know of Hop
Bitters. The writer has had occasion
to use the Bitters in just such a cli
mate as we have most of the 3rear iu
Bay City, and has always fuond them
to be first-class and has always found
them to be first-class and reliable do
ing all that is claimed for them. Tri
bune. New Firm in the Brick Business.
Geo. Weidsnan succeeds Speck Sc Co,
in the Brick business on Washington
Avenue, and will hereafter have a full
supply of Brick constantlv on hand,
at low rates. Come and see the new
briek yaid and get your spring build
ing brick, first-class.
42t4 Geo.
Uissolalion Xotice.
Xotice is hereby given that the firm
heretofore known as Ma!danr & Herr
mann has this day dissolved partner
ship by mutual consent, and that the
firm will hereafter be known by the
name of F. Herrmann.
F. J. Maldaner,
F. Herrmann.
Plattsmouth. Xeb., Jan. 1. 1330. 42tf
Dissolution Xotice.
The firm of Speck & Co, Brick mak
ers, is this day dissolved and Gen.
Weidmar. succeeds to the business.
AH indebted to the old firm please
present the same and - settle aceounts
with the new proprietor at once.
Plattsmouth, January 1st, 13S0. 42t2
Geo. Wei dm an.
Call on .Mrs Capt. Marshall and
get the new Organ Tutor. 38ti
i'-TIMGrrAKS FlsoM OOVfcRvr.w
if OF IOWa. tmtmii A.xr Tirfvr
V. GILZ. t-t lout. Ka.
Plattsuflulii LiT8Slock Kariet.
Wednesday. Jan. 1.1SJI.
L'VE J10t Vtb "wm-.'M. de
livered a: the ; here 10154 CO
home mark k is.
grain and produce.
itEporvrrn nv J. a. on nek, weekly.
V. li.-Vlt. '. ? 1 Pi
" l''jr( tetl
Corn, 'iir ; rt
" slu-iied 10
O.-ltS -
iUrl.-y, N. 2
" rejected "
Niitivir Cti!e 00
Texas Cat lie 3"
lU.p M
Xothing is uglier than a crooked
boot or shoe; straighten them with
Lvon's Htel StitTeners. 41t5
Mens Fine Warm Slippers fortoeit,
al MtTises". 3iil
Thirty f tli let orsan inakeri of the
World ar. emiiiieiitoiK at lite Tan ExpoJ-ition.
a eable tlisj.aten t' the Ash ieiated i'ri 'i faj .
two biirliest j!tM lnedaln have been awarded lo
tiie American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
( Reaver Opera Rtmts C ?J. r.t
xmif Merues'. ZUl
Highest price paid for Hides, Enr. Wool,
etc.. at F, S. U'iiitk's. 2;f
C.ood Hand Mad
i'0J jfi.joat Meiiies'.
C.ood Hand Made all Ca!f Root f..r
VV vrltl pky Afc 'iitm. y j 1.: pr-i u;iiniiT
tml cipwuctv, a it Ih'h ctirriinirii.a, tc si I uur
iivr tcj woulrf:il in :;:-. tnvt whit w v.
kuiuli (it: Addrcccbat.nK ACk. MwakaJl. Misti.
T- "J 'lood Hand M.u'e all t'ii!I boo't f' r
?j'tJ f,,.jo at MeiKt.'. 3ilf
lieraember that for boots and shoes
Hock well cannot be beat in price. lie
hai a large assortment. 2Stf.
If tmie-.tlade Ciyars.
Avoid smoking cistern lilthy tene
inejit-made cigars. Ask your dealers
for Pepperberg's pnrr brands of home
made cigars. If ou don't find them
there, go where they are kept, and by
doing ?o, encourage Inone labor. Job
tiing in cigars smokers' articles a
spi-ctaliy, .it low A large and
varied stock of smokers" good- aiways
n hand, at pi ices to suit the times.
Notice to 'Irachers.
Kxamifiation of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth. 1st Friday and Sat
urday in .laitiniry. February, May. vn
jitst. October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, .line and September. At
Lnnicivilh IkI Friday and Saturday in
April, duly and December. Xotice vf
other examinations will be given.
L H. Woolet.
42if Superintendent.
The L'te t'aestion Settled.
The people of Colorado have deter
mined to use none but IJhown's Fam
ily Medicines in -the. future, and the
Ctes give it up.
Sold by druggists everywhere.
It is Wearing Von cut.
And is annoying your friends; we
mean yoar cough. Hkown's Coroii
Ualsam the Great Western Lung heal
er, will cure you.
For sale by all druggists.
Sonieofour lamily
Iliive need of IisowN's rnica Salve
-it all times, for healing culs, ln:rns,
bruiM's, frat Idles, old sores, and in
:1 nned eyes.
For sale by J. II. Uutterv, Smith &
iil.xCk.and O. F. Johnson, llatlsmouth.
You Can't Sing.
Can hardly talk: You are hoarse
ti.d your throat is sore, Hruvx's Tar
L'roCULs will cure the soreness, and
-dear and suengthen the voice. All
Orugijts keep them. 42tf
You Must Cure that Cough.
With Shilohs Consumption Cure, yon
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption ean be
eured, while for Coughs, lironchilis.
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and till dis
eases of Thro ct and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an equal, Two doses
will relieve your child of Croup; it is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, ami no mother
can affoid to be without it. You cm
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say is not true we will refund the
pric paid. Price 10 els. 50 cts, and
l,00 per bottle. If our Lungs ar
sore or chest or back lame uso Shiloh's
Porous Piaster. Sold by Chapman &
Smith, Triir?ists.
Have inn Djspepsta, are you Consti
pated, have you a Yellow skin, Loss
of Applite, Head Ache, if bo don't fail
ZED. It is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue to suffer when
you can be cured on such teims as
these. Price 10 els. and To tts. Sold by
Chapman A Smith. IlnigL-itn.
Weil's Persian Pel lume "ilACKME
TACK" is rid and fragrant, try it
Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists
Phittsmoulli Seb. SJlveow
IJacklen's Arnica Salve.
Tlte Best Salve in the world for Cuts
nruiSHS, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Ithe iin
fetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
I Ins ?alve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 2 cents per box.
For sale by Smith & IJlack. Wholesale
and Retail. Plattsmouth. Xeb. 211y.
Elegant Stvles Mason & Hamlin
Organs on hand and coming.
'MVl James Pettee. Geu'l Agt.
The Rest Machines In the Market
at Merges'. 34tt
Petter Thau Gold.
The grand climax of success is at last
achieved. The poor rejoice, the sick
ise and walk, the vrich. bank in the'
golden sunshine of perfect health. The ;
. I. 1 . . : . ..: . . c . i . .. i I
inj5a;iiii uiir, in tin- iiuiomU innue
need tie longer be endured. Dk. Kino's
California Golden Compound, for
Dyspepsia, Cotihtipation. Sick Head
ache, Coming up of food. Jaundice. Liv
er Complaint, L'iiiousness. General De
bility, Drowsiness and Low .Spirit.
Tlii vnindc-r f nl will nnxiiirelrj
- - ----- - i - .
cure, and that where every remedy has-
failed. To prove that this wonderful
remedy will do all we claim for it yoa
are presented with a trial bottle free
of cost, bv which you will readily per
ceive its wonderful curative qnalities,
and which will show you-what a regu
lar one dllar size bottle will do. For
na'e by Smith & Black, Wholesale and t
Retail. PlattsT! ontb. Xsb. JWeSwly
i legal notk;;s.
i Road Notice.
J Ta vhtnn U man rimcernt. .
j Yon .are iieieiiv noli:",! d t!iat tt'e Cttr tf
! Co'iumV-iHUirrif 1"IVP tins it. ,y !lir!:irctl ro id lit--i
lui ri.- Itr ly I-red. Srir:!eert v.d i:l.n. i u
j li.eMtinn ni oti'ity ri:ul. eonmifi !nr ur. tii-
ei-rner ii ii-cums (.:, tunM;i eleven (111
r.iiiie Jewell tl I . minim; tlietir u e, en jtf.
i li'Hi line, uTid tei nsi iiiit ina ill ""in li - i si eoiUft
j nf sfCtinli H (C. !:tl ! I own nild r:ttii'. :tn tielt
j n:ttl ; earl nil or.Jeef mr t ir I etuimo li
I damtiife inttt le hjeti fn t"j Coesa v l.''erk
j ef.ii-e nil ! le' on ti'.e tijtv u
! Tt;t'-e!(. A. I. 1 - oi r-h rou vlll b dinieil
I witlicut H f'. ielH-e tlietclM
I .1. D. It'TT, Coi.My r-'rvt.
J'i.ati SMtn; i h. Jan Ui. i$o.
j Sheriff's Sale.
i Ry Tirtne uf :m exeeui ti, Nnjrd I'V P??.'
Pidliv.-oi. oonnty .Inile williin :ti"1 j.r Cot
( ontiiv. Nelir;ei.:i. and to in' direeieit. I vr'l! on
' l!i I'l.Ir tiaV "f .Ismsaiy. A. D. 10. at 1 1 i'e!t-n
. A. M. ef itiv. at 'lie l''nils's i:tiw(-enplc4
; ly Henry 11. iv-ilit, in I'iitlt-nnnitli rieclin-t.
l'l M.O'l t V, s.-il ni 1 u.jiic .-vneTitin iiic rue
lowing, t't wit : Three I; ir.i.lietl In'"! ilsiiffi'ii
In I lie eriii.; Itin levied I'Ihih ur.ti
t ikt'ii : ltie tu-ti'"r! v of tleiiiy II. IVi'a. tit
intiiO't . I jti.t y a j n dement ( ?-.i:i court, r-1
covered by l.?' Ituniiiirv. m aii.t i t.
J'Uttsinonth, ct., Jiuiuaiv Utli. A. I,1s0.
iofi K. W.llYKRS, fiienil,
Tlv virtue of a e"ention. lsu-'d ty A.X.
Snliivan. Connty .Indee williin and f ir '
C'turity. Nebraska. int lo me directed. I will on
Hie 'Ji!i dav of January. A. D. 1S--'". at 1! oe'u:t
1. M, 'M;'.id dav, en the iirenilest i.f llemy
I'atter. in riattftnuntli Preinet, fn cai.l Count,
1 ceil at I'niilic Anetion the following, tn wil:
; lloee hundreti tmsliels of e-irn in Iheciih.
' s.nne lietnt; lfvlt ti upon taken m ttie t.iop.
I ei ty if Meiirv Ea ter, defetitlanr. to at My
I judgment tit said Cum., reeoveifT bj M.
D:'ltolloe, piaiiltlll.
Piattctiioulli. Neb, Jon. 12th. A. D. V.
4312 R. W. Ill Kits. h.self.
To owner er oeetipant of the- fnllnwlrs t
nerit'ed l:en! Estate, In the Con ity tt t' and
S-'tai" ' f Netnaxk.i. t'-wtt : Ltd No. 4 in I'.lock
No. Tl in Uie of rial t.inn.ui tl. Oj ( teinty,
Nitira-Ka. Yo-.imp berrby tmtiliet' tbat Cm
:!.oetU'fiTibe.t iCeal I'.tate a- w d li Iielonc
iny; lo :. iioii-r?'iiiient td Cut Con ity. oj
til" 2. Id i t 'f Ntiveinb. r, IS" Ktdd to lie tti
muii r iiriietl. tbfSe ln-iti no ot! el l eii'-rt, for
I lie taxi", levied tl;i icon for the year 1;.Ti, amf
1 t!;al Hoi'- I tie s:i!iie H redeemed froi.i cttell
' y.:!e on or tn lore t!ie 1st tlay of April, ), ik
deed will be it-tied lor said l.el r.ftale lo
4-1.3 Jl. C. .SMITH.
Order of Sale.
CA!-S Ct.c.M v, J'
Dis ruicT Coi ur or Cass Cointt..
In tlie matter of tlio app'icntion of (teorc vr.
Entlirop, toiantiau ol Jaspt r N. Lathricjt, M4-
I'OI .
Tli:.i ?:inte poinin fin in be heard ftt C'.iaiB
lier tit tbe Court lioiee in the City of Liiiiioln,
E-tneatO r Comity. Nebiii"ka. Jiefoie Honor
lilde .Indue S. 11. round, on be '.i.t ii tlay id le
ccinber, A. D.. Ihj.i. I'pon I lie pel it Ion of .'...d
(,iihi'i!i tn lor bsiv in cell tbe ileal Estate tle
scribed in ."aid petition for tbe niaint.tinaneo,
S'.ippoit and edneattoli of can! Minor Ward.
And it. apoeaiiny; to Hie Jnd ;e ot !:ild Coift
tiiat a riel'ire td caid lieariinr bad been;
etl for moie (ban four weei.s next preei: :iiii: tlie
bi i.i in'- of Ibi- eaii-.e aeeooiin- t law. lo to'Tl
of km i'lid all persons intetetted in said Ki-i'.l
E-late,t.l t l.t- lime and pities oj lieai ie an1
Ornej-lll llieill in am". II euo ni, i it .hit
thev Ii.'ot w: y said leave should not be en-ntea.
And it further appearing that If is neeecs.iry
for the support unit t clmaiion of said Mn nr. t to. t
said Eeal K'-laie be Ko'nl ai ti lui one .tpneailr;
to objeet. er .show caute iga the t''i'Jt!ii;
ef said lieene.
II is tberefore ordered Rid adjudged tint
Centre W. I.atbtop. (iM.irdiau be ami is hep-by
etnpovteifd i-liii e.nthoried to sell all Die inter
est of rait Minor in and lot tie foduiviLj tlefeilb
cd landc and teru-'aeiits. i.. :
The noil It eat one foltrlli (lie') fd tlie north
ea-t one fontili n,! 'f ceeiien lour ill, lof
liiimiier i-rven (7) in the north west one f miIIi
(n ' of tlii t.rtli west one lo:ir!!i tiiW-)f
section four U. lot si in the non: It wes
one foltrlli (sw.i) of the nofill west on
fourth (niVil section fonr (41. nd lot live i;
th! south ea-t one loutHi (f-e' i of the north
west one fourth mwU) of section froir (l). All
in township nneitier t-ti (l'O noith of ranga
twelve tl'J) east of the Erineipal Meridian, .'-bra-ka.
that ou the ni.iki.iu' tif stiid mi tbo
said p'tarilian report ins tloln-'s muter 1 tic oili
er to the snii! Court, or tlie Jitdire thereof, with
all convenient "peed, that the eatne may be ex
amined atidem-li Inrtlier enter made thereon,
as shall seem r.eccs.iary and the law may re
quire, is. iE i'or.M),
Done at ChaniliT' at t!ie City or l.itn-oln,
Lancaster t'outo y. Netira-Ka, l eeeinber 2Klht
17,. It, II. v of ii i jt. Attorneys for
M. A. ll.Mfi ioan. t I'etui. nirc.
Said above described lands will be ob! nt th
front deoi of the Coin t lioit-e in the City .(
I'lattsntontii. Nebrak-.on January iMtlt, 120,
at one o'clock, p. m. said itay.
1JU cjKoitoK. Vv'. L.tiik"S C.e.aidtan.
Rvvir!ii.- of an OrJer of Kale isst'oi by Yfrn '
L Vells. Clerk of tlie District Cnnit wi 1 1, in nnd
lor Case CtMintv. Nebraska, anil to me dii eetttl,
1 W ill till the fill day of 1't bi tiat V, A. it. at
9 o"c!rt-k a. in., of said day. at Ibe diMr
of the CoMit House, tn said Cotnity.ctill atl'i''
lieAneilon the tol'.owin- real estate, to-wit
'ihe West half (w 'il of the North East quarter
Ol v '4 I of section No. twenty-six M), tow indilo
Nil. tr.elve (lli. Noftii of R:iuj.'e 'o. eleven ill),
Ka-t ot the sixth o;th) I'. M.. in Cass County,
Nebraska. The same beirnr levied upon ami
taken hs the prOH'rt y tif I'lii'.ip Eeti-bi t and
Cleine St-boom an. defendant, to satisf t jii-J-'
meat of said Ctn.rt, recovered tiy Edt.ard U.
Dovey. plainliii.
l latlsmoutii. Neb., .T..n. 7th. A. T l-TI
4H5 R. V. HYERS. MierifT.
SIicrilTs Sale.
Tv virtue of ::n Order of Sa'.e. issued by YTrn.
I.. 'Vei!s. Clerk of the District Court w it bin tool
for C-ifs County, Nebraska. ai:il to me directed.
1 on t be ;i!st day of January, A. D. lo, I
10 o'clock a in., of said tlay. at the Smith door
of the Court l!oue, in said County, sell at I'uti
ii: A uesioji the Joilow iuu real esiete, to v ,i j
The North ha. f('ji of the Ninth Ka'f (ptratT
and the Smith West jii::tler I'l i t ihn
South Eiist onarter (U of See Ion No, two (2)
and the Soiiih Ka-.t (pierter l1) of the Solid
et ipiu' f -r ('-4 ) of sect ion No t (. town
ship No. I en (PO. North of taiie . uiivfii (11)
East of the sixth ("tn i P M, in Cast County.
Nelira-ka. 'I he same it in:r b' -. njeei and
taken as t he oio;k ri v d l.eviua tiimn r. L. D.
Hunter, V.. R. RiCiirds ui, A'iu.:i'i-!ratois of
the estate of D. A. Thomas, 15. 1 l inl ami
N't Hie llatiiiu. defendant ; tos ui-r. a hid"
mt ur of sai I Court, recovered by 'Ihe I uioa
Mutual Lito lusurancs Company, of MaiUv1,
I'lattHitiottth, Nch, Dec. ?.0, A D. !:..
4 1 1 r R. w. itT:i;s. NiinlX
A llochistir Physic-ian's Kxpirlemt-c
It. Canlkins, M. D, of Tlnchester, X",
Y, certifies Oct. 0th, 1ST0, that ho has
used the Sale Kidney and Liver Curo
' in his practice for diseases of the kid
! neys and ii vt r, and the result has been
! satisfactory in the extreme. He sayf
'I would now prescribe the same, rem
edy to all similarly arTicted, and yoir
are at liberty to so state in your testi'
moulals." 4UI3
Higl.est cash price paid for Live ho??1
by E. G. Dover & Son. 37tC
JZTTlTW C3-00 Lj3!!
At C). Cuthniar.'s old tire.l
Staple and Fancy Groceries
of every description.
Choice and Fancy Candies
and all kinds ef
Canned Goods.
of the best brands.
in endless quantities.
Fresh Bread Daily
Don't fail to Call.
s!" j. noy.- tcy, vo?i-
: !