Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 15, 1880, Image 1

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    The Herald,
OJV St., Ona block Nortlt of Main,
Cor. of FM'.ix Stroct,
A O V E R T IHISQ It A T II 14 .
m'ait. ; 1 v.. i j . i 3 . j i in. , 3 tn.j e iii. I t vr.
1 nr .. ti v II M 5.'(i:; '(-,y fM'.i'M
2m;m.. 1 25. :7'; 2't CM iOeoi'ltiol
3N.. JWI 3 W A W 4 J5- tt Melt "O'XI
f'i.. at'j; (v.i, j.kki-jon. riMm "ioi si w
i.rnl.. Si'i'lJCU l.o.) I". .').;.( ot ft i fO 64
1 ml . . ' 15 i I l(j rHOO V.iixl 4Hi0 f..ii't! l(KJ'i
fr a:: Adrtri.'si-.j ei;u ru um tr:
la Advaiica.
TERMS: $2.00 a Year.
Terms ! n Advnmsi
re eoty, one yts- .....
One copy, six riioatfti.. .
Oire copy, three ino'iti..'
ta" Extra Copies of tho HmAT.n for arM tif
J. T. Yot'Nw, at the X'ost-Olee Nil Ucpw
. l.UJ
. .SO
The Herald.
Cy All Descriptions.
Of ill sizes, ready and oi cheap for cus'a.
Of Every Inscription,
The Celebrated
Whittlesey Patent
Com1 h-tc v.uh Elilcr. tor r:ics.
LaiatrG.'iiun Window Shades.
Ad a L-:ger vara ty of Cieaer ShsiU-s,
of wrietlt.
With many tfc?.t:';s for past p.-.trouaj- 1
-4it!te all to c:d! AM I examine niy
if-. i y;nxT'Hn am ''f'i-i"v
f.- rVt ,'Tt .nrfLr . wl.l ft,; - .1' u t.j
:; i . V7mu to, - ( r..u t l Jir, lutier t r Uu.uwrjiet,
1 tur'nmlir rru .: ...mI.
LuU'm') Cj., 4 Cii; L jr'Ltr-o .Hew Tark.
P pro TTTB S 1
H nor, u treat", :i.r.vizxv.iz, y
j'! m Pt!. t" -- c. HoT-rVj, r :--v-, IJr 5
zk-liicT, Urjry "Or- r.i, i.-p T
l ? iOJU 1.". li..'.
5Sj .'iXU J-J J f -r a -fcc they vlU n'A rrnT h:-i,rr.5
f; V t -!T-t. jt f t li.-jp U:y llie.T.,j
- T"v Tior first.-''.:'-..', r?r.- ' '.myiw p- 2
. t I tC ' .-i 4 4 ' i
3 ' . :.-r S'i-.'a i- - i 'L.'.l.i!
fc3 fri i s ! L : .r- :i .
J , ! ? ; f I ""..I- . '. :.:J-- ':u.-:-. -.".i,
l'.:U ::: . r: . t ' 14- - . . l-..x
U :-u,ir " :-- .... .' " -r .:.t:-
3 N-ifM '" " ,''
- . i , 1. . i
v -i t i .1
. -. i l'
-. :: i r
Jin- , i.-i
s5 ' T'-'".''-: '' :Ht ?-.-:: I rt ill
a V 'ft1 ' ' f. r T'a;nil:!cl
S. ' V.iS'W&iliv?-- i i ct tuii. nil: .
i. -. t.1-' -r-K .12 . - '- :.v!' -" " -
0 u r e
en e
j purrly vopotable bittfr Rtvl ixrxerixil
io li.:, and ij varractoil a speedy iind -tr-t-iii
cur for Kvor iinl A erne, Uills mi'l
i'ctw, Intermittent or Chill Kcvcr, lie-
iUtent l'evpr, Uumli Aiie, l't-riotlieal
cr tliliou? Fever, and a'i malarial ttis-or-.Iera.
In iii'asinatic tliitrict.s, the rapid
I.u.ii, coated tongue, thirst, lrtssitudo, losa of
e Ktitc1, pa'a in the back and loin, arid cold
i.'rn of tl'ie spiue and extrcimiri.-s, are only
pr- rronitiojis" of severer symj.mun wiiic'u
i. T-niiiate in the ague paroxysm, succeeded
by lugh fiver aud profuao reruj)irariua.
U is a etArtiin? fact, tbat r.inine, arsenic,
er.i .tiier j.oi ionous mineral. foria the basis
of ii ot of the " Fever and Ajim I'repara
ti r.-.," y;K; ific(" ' Syrup3," and "Ton
l' " in the'u irket. The ; n'irirativi8 made
Jr;.-r. thesB mineral poisuaw, although they
r.; -alatahle, an I may break t!ie cniil. lo
i. j- -.ure, but leave tire malarial and tlieir
l n dru iKjisen in tlm syste'a, prodneitig
f,u liisrn, dizz;iiC39, rinjriiii? iu tho ears, head
:)' . vertigo, and otli ;r tiionlers more for
r. '. d-'a than the disease t!ey wer. intended
'.lre. AvF.n'3 AcrE Ci i:k thoroulily
e: rv".;eat?a these noxiou: ioijon.s from the
and always cures the severest cases.
It ntains no quinine, mineral, or any thing
'-' could injure the most delicate patient;
-.! 1 ita crowning exrellence, alnive its cer
t t -j i v to cure, is that it leaves the system as
':co .'rem disease as before the attack.
F' r Uvor Complaints, Aytr's Agck
Ci iu:, by direct aetion on the liver and bil
iary apparatus, drive- out the poiRons whieh
pro 1 'i.e these complaint., and stimulates the
iju.m to a vigorous, healthy condition.
VTa Trarrant It when taken according to
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor icCo.,
practical and Analrtloal ChemlaU,
Lowell, Mass.
- wis t aix rcouT
y"W' J-V
Or any nthr Vini, you -An filo vanrxrl f iti
.'I'whittc, . tii:il it will cut Mirffrr tha
J.'--. 'I'h5 tv!h Trill nil rprn.iin r.f Mini ii:o unj
h.ij.e. r,rtt free on rwript tfj"&1.HO to an,
pirt -f tin-1 nit.-.l M.Wi.4. 1i!ui j-.l CucnlarJre.
(Jnnit A ae-n tm rran tT in rrrrrf eewttf rric
A lureaa iiti i II fc Mitt., AeM JC.
f"Ve hi hnn'Irf .Ij of !cliRr frnm mon onins
cur Macluc wbonajr tLe vouU uot t ke (3 fjr iu
o. 22i Wabaih Atknce. Chicago, iu.
Fine, Medium, and Corarnca
'I R P
iB k
list of overMO new dcnigut MA!i.l) FkiJS
c pen application. (invd fur tt.)
mora mlent i!tinrov-
nipiiti than any otlicr KtoTPi. Ask tout deal.
tr for theia, or send for free illustrated eir.
C'-.bago Erie Stove Co. (Limited),
tVh-j 171 . 173 St. CMcoflO.
frrk Kemedy; Aa
rtieft, !mptene,ri
sad All ditrmMJ
tfcftt follow UIM
a ueoca of 8c 1 f
rforeTjik!a7. Ahut; of ARrr Tskinf
Hnirrr, iroirml Lai'.ui1. Pain in ike Bek. Dtnaw t
Ylnoo, Premstur 014 Ice, ad nior other DiM&re lhat
trad u IomdItt or CAD-rutnptioc, an4 ."remfticre Grare.
C;PuH a4-lion'in ia cur i-aaipblu we derir tm
ftee by mil to e ery ooe. CvTli Spcific Kfd!ciar U
old by all drugiiia at 31 per parkac, or six packages Tor
9 or will b scat frM by laail oa roci- mf Ui -Boary by
;i7SoTd in'l 'at siuontU and everywhere, by
.-ill l;iiu'i-l.
ClotMno1 Houss!
G. 6. HEROLD, - Pix)prietor.
Keeps a general lar-e ttuek ef
Hetfs. Youth's & iioy's
Lu i iiiy i
iud lias just received the Ihiest lot t.f
Fronch and English Silk
Hit di!5'-!viit fityh-s of
Ci k Li"-y S.w' .i tjw t-
are suri ri aud hi s:n k of
Furnishing Goods !
IfJ;:irsi; eruits" to si:, ply any ue:i.;-.iid.
Gail and Examine the
. A A R K
t BEiT ana KC:iT POPriAH
Htwiuz Tlii-sad of 3Jo".ern Tit?ei.
For s;s"i bv K. !. Ptivt ;vv Son. Solomon A
Natlian. V.'in 'IleroM, W. Ji. i:.!;of & C.. L.
K-ilisi;,;-; Sou.
a tjvrn ,n0'1 i"s;iei.8 bi ckcve. of which I
tftffill i t make BurkeIi:H;iitmi:r.t, Warranted u
ur. tut, ik. w;:fa Dr. J . N . 1 abler, ;u Loun, !o.
Li ti r Iiv.iI, Ki:u:m.i:i:'.s .hi stand
SoutJt Si'Ie Loirtr Zlain..
Keeps constantly or. li'iml h ('.m! an well tc-l'-i'l.
1 suji j !- f
Fresh Beef, Fork & Mutton,
A Nil
All Kinds of Game & Fish
Iu Seasen.
fI!i!ist caii jui.-o p;iid fur pre. 11 or dry
H.iios. :mh! i-r f:it sttick. (iiveiuoa tr::.l as X
can s.ifeiy Kuarnutee p:tre, wbohsotne i;v:.ts.
sa p.
Will nini'cl. with INSl I'KLA r'.:
ill cn'.ip fie. fur (i. ."m. Aiijr'i; 1 . C
.i. KfcS. Iks. F. Mali-on .. Cfitc i,
ill., who wiw cira l, it cm- v.-nr- .-.ri.
ri...i,n.:i.-ii'.n finrj. It a.a .1 . ,r 'w.
i'ne hiiniinirt?-i. n-i'v. rh!n iii. pr. n-'t
fm F IJHi.d tn ccn-s to ni-y pr'nt'ii- 1 i .
r (IK j:.,r IUK of tnl! i:itt-r iin'i-:'. .-(,o-
fcira'.i. etc. 1'ou will never n-greiu.
Manufacturer ot and Dcab rln
n. jTu. kl jtj2 4
Done with Neatnesl Dispatch.
I e only place In town whore "Tiirvs pat
ent self adjustable horse eollaare sold."
8 E Ul n Ii tha best lse burn
fj 1 g JjiwJtrle n'l siies, with
e' -a
m . . --
v - - --- - m e L-
i. j. i. ?ic iti:..
ville, Cass county, Nrbra-V.a. 2tly
ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Frac-tlees In Saun
ders and Cass Counties. Ashland, Nebraska.
ATTORNKV AT LAW. Platt-nioutlt. Neb. Or
llc" Front Koom over Chapman & Smith's
l;ruii St tire. 4jly
w. a. h ai'.tii;ax.
iTm-jvif ivn cr TT'rrr? Will Pr-ii.
lire in tlm Vt:ite and Federal Courts. I'esi-
Uence, l iiilisiiiouin. iveora Ka. tuj
It. It. MVIXSTX. Til. !9
l'HVStt IAN & Sl'KOKOjr.
OFFICE IlOClfS, from 10 :. in.. t 2 p. m.-
Kxaiiiinintf Siiineon for C. ii. Pension.
!:!. V. II. Ml'IIlISSr.CHT,
f!iie:o;i AvBM. Phil t "jiiont h . Nebis:!;a.
Ohiee in Smitii and Black's lru Store. 4-My
S. II. ISAM,. .11. I.
OFFICE with Ir. Mvincslon South Side of
Main Street, between cti and 7th streets. Will
attend v:ili promptly. Ji 1
ATTOKNF.Y AT LAW. Heal Kst:ile. Fire In-furam-fl
and Collection Agency. Oiiiee iu Kitz-Ki-rald's
block, Plaiisnioiith, Nebraska, jiiili
!;. S.SMITM.
ATTOKNE Y AT LAV and Real Est ite Pro-
ker. Special attention iriven to Co!i;et
ami all matters ancetiii me tute to reai eaie
Oii'av on 2d ti'Kir, over Post OtJite. P!ttsiiu-ui h
Nebraska. J 1-
LAW OFFICE. Real IM Uf, Fire and Lifclu
suraiiee Ajcentt, Piattsmoutli, NebrasKa. Col-b-ctors.
tax-payer-. Have a cimsplete abstract
of titles. Buy ar.d sell real ertate. neori:ite
loans, fcc. l"''1
notary ruo.ic.
I!OitIMO' A; intWUXB.
ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. W;U practice la Cuss
and adjoining Ctiu.ities ; fives soee'ai atteuHiin
to cMlieclion.-, ;tt;d ;tl' .f title. li.iee in
Fitzgerald Block. l-latt-t!-utli. Ntbra.s..a.
17 V I
And Solicitor Hi 'Jtaioa:y. o'neo m Kit-cr-itiu
Block, , ...
13yl Pi.ATTSMO I Til, NEls.
ti XV. 4' 1. 1 ""V i-".t.
Iiattsw:osit2j. Xritt sia.
Office on Main Street over Solomon .-i Na
thati's Sto;e. iiby
V. ilUlSUl - IiOirioor.
Flojir, Com Meal & Feed
AJwavs on band and for sat at Invest ct-h
., iet-.s. The bi' pri'i-s psid tor Wneat titid
Corn, rartieulur attention t;ivei! custom
Tonscrial Artist.
Place c.f iiusiio-s- on Miii St.. between 4th
ui'dMit '.r't'ls. Sbatitpt'oiDK, Sha ia, chil
Jrcu's h.tir cut; ia;.', etc; :tc. l'"
31 or ii in?; licw SIooti !
Cue do:r east of tb' Saunticrs Ilecse. -keei.
ti.e Lest 0.'
Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars.'J Consfuit'v :i Ih-.nd.
J.S. GREGORY, - - - ProprMor.
Location Central. Cxd S;ii!ij!e Room.,
lively attention paid to quests. 4;:in3
I'LATrsMovitt. - - - - - Neb
Repairer of Steam Enjincs, Boilers,
Saw and Mill
c;a axii ktea:i i';TTit;K,
rrou:jVit Iron Pi;ic. Force and Lift Pijies. Steam
tiautres. Safety-Valve (i.ovcroors, nad ail
Kinds of Brass Fuc'ipc ti:ti.;s,
repaired on short uoiue.
C " 5 S
o CD
P (T -1
c . -
National B a n k
ToiIN FlTOKJiALD I'resident.
'. i. liovKV Vice I resilient.
. V". Mt 1. W 'fillLlS C is!ii;t.
Jonh O RofHitK -....Assistant Cashier.
This Bank is now ojci for l:st'-s at llieir
i w lour'!, eoi ih r ! :;in and Sixrh -l 1 ects, :tnd
is prepared to transact a general
Stock, Bends, Gold, Govern-nent ?n-f Uctal
Vzposits Resetted and Iirf:rH A Hunt
ed cn Time Ccriiju-ales.
Available in any part of the Cnitc;! States a:. J
In ali the IViiieip.'il Towns and Cities
of Europe.
A;i:xi ro2t tijc
HjIan Line and Allan Lii,te
ok hts:a3ii:i:h.
Person wishing to bnng out their Triends from
Europe eau
TUrOKh to PUttsmonth.
.Stale Directory.
AST" PPOfK. V. S. Sentitor. Beatrice.
ALVIN S I"NDEliS. I. S. Senator, omaha.
E. R. V A I.ENT1N E, P.epresentat'e. V'est Point.
a'lbIM'S . ANt'E.tbivernor, Lincoln.
S J. A LEX A NDKK. Secretary t)f State.
1' V'. LSI DTK E. Auditor. Lincoln.
M. BAR TI.E IT, Treasurer. Lincoln.
S. R. THOMPSON. Snot. Public Instruction.
F M 1 WIS. I.imd Cotnmi-sioTier.
.T. DILWORTH. Attorney Oeneral.
REV CO. HAHiUS.Chaolain of Penitentiary.
DP.. H. P. MA TTUEWSON, Supt. Hospital for
the Insane.
Supreme Court.
S MAXWELL. Chief Justice. Fremont.
OEO. B. LAKE, Omaha.
fferonil Judicial 7ittriel.
S. B. POUND. Judtic. Lincoln.
.1 v at sov t'rosecutintr-Att'v. Neb. City .
W. L WELLS. Clerk Dirt. Court, Flatlsaioulh,
County 7;'reelory.
A. N. PUI.LTVAN, County Jude.
.1. D. TL'TT. Ctioniy Cterk.
J. M. I'ATTKIMIN, County ires
R. V. H VERS. Mieri.T.
I ',. AV. FA ! i I i r. I.I. Mirveyor.
(1. HILDEBUAXD, Coroner.
r-o 1 v t v msiMlfstoxr.RS.
HENRY WOLFE. I beity Precinct.
.1 YMKS CRAWFORD. South Bend Precinct.
SAM'L RICHARDSON. Ml. Pleasant 1'ieciiict.
City yjire lory,
J. W. JOHNSON. Mrvor.
J M. I'ATl EI!S IN. Treasuif r.
J D. SIMPSON. Citv Clerk.
1". K. Ml'ltriiY. Citv Mai-shal.
W31. L. WELLS. Clib-f of Fire Dept.
t-Ol'NCl i.m r?;.
1st Ward-.l. PEPi-EliPKirO. V. V. LEONARD.
2d Wuid-O. W. FAIRFIELD, J. V. Wl'- "Tjj
M Ward R. C. CT'SHI NO, TflOS. POLL(CK.'
4tli Ward P. MACALLAN. E. S. SilAjiP.
i'jtlm.itler-JyO. W. M ARSHALL.
B. & M. R. R.Time Table.
Taking Ftfcct May 4, 1&79.
Leaves 7 :(K a. m. Arrives a. in.9 00
3 :Vt p. in. " 4 p. ui.
Leaves 9 :1o a. m. Arrives 10 :40 a. in.
" 6 :S . in. ' 7 :1 . p. m.
Leaves Piaits;untt?: 9 :4r, a. t.l. Arrives Lin
coPi. !' -;5 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 7: TZ p. m.
I'rerilit leaves 9 :im a. m. Ar. Liiu-olil " iSj p.m.
Leaves iveano-v. fi ;N) a. m. Leaver; Lincoln,
l .:i o. ni. ArrivI'S PJaltstntuth. 4 :20 p. m
l-K iht leaves l.ioeoin 11 :W a. m. Arnvcs
i'laiisiiiuiuh, 4 :.Vi p. i:i.
Express. 6 :T si. in.
l-.-uf.r..r Mr-iin Auv4 -C ill . Cltecof
.Satiirdav" Every third Sa'turday a train cm-
ucc;s at ine usi:a.i tioie.
K. V. II. Ei. Time Titlile.
.Tuliinj Efcct Sunday. March 1R7J.
5 :.Vpi:i
ti :-J7
C :4
7 : -5
S ::5
'J :!!
Ii APiTl AtiS.
A Y It.
BLUE 111 LL.
RED ( l.t'l'l).
I.N AY" A I.K.
liivKK i N.
1- i: a" Ii LIN.
F.L K I.M I N(iT )S.
8 ::;."iiin
R :02
7 :1)
7 :ti.'
C io-t
ti :0
r : " ."
5 :-' ""
5 :l'jam
For Cutaneous Disorders,
Asid ail eruptions of the -!;in. tlii-1 t iii'tiiiect is
mii-l iuva:u.u!e. Ir. noes 1101. c-ai exiet .;;!.
!m.'-. h.:i !",,! rat--s ui;i: the s:.rciiiuj;
edt.-fts l the veiy t'K.t of the evil.
Possessed "'. tbi REM KPV. Kvcrv Man may be
irsow.i i'.wti r. i: may bo rubbed into the
- vstem, -o as :o re.i'-U :ny jnlersu-.I compiaint :
i.v tin-M' no :-i s it CU!"S snr.sor '.'leers in the
Tt; i: 'AT, s it AC II. I ! V" '- Ii. SPI n E. tr oth
er parts. It N ;oi It f.-.;!:h:e for BAD
I.'';s. B.D liiJKXSlsi. Coi.iiavted or t in'
Joints, (i'jCT, KttEl'MATlhM, aod ail Skin
Dis ases.
lMpiitTANT Caution. None are penuine
unless t he signal ure of J. IlAYtiticK. as aent
iorthel nited States, surround each box of
Piils and Ointment. Boxes at lients, cenis,
and 1 :u l).
it Tlu re is considerable saving by takini;
the larger Holloway Co., New Vmk.
ST. LOUiy.
The Olobe-Domocrat renews its cbiiins to po
pular favor aiol pa: ronajie, v. iih inei ensi tl fa
ir i it; ii ! for pii.'iinp; aial re la i':iii I o; ii. and wit Si
iiitrea-ed (tetcrmt'ialion t i lame tiirtti redeem
its oit-n:atie pieties io ii!l the toil measuie of
reasvoal-ie ex .e ;al ion as a political, family
andraenera! lie v. sj,:; .er.
I t. lit ica"!;, the t.hibe Demcr-rat is recotrtd.ed
from ose ciiii of l::e coiuiliy to the other as t tie
iii.diiichiiitr ci':ii:i.'io:i tif that R"publicuuism
!ii ii t:am intopo.vei in tlc.e to save the l"id
ou fr.lti destiui'litiu. ami h;-s siace devoted a'l
its energies to the pi"-'set 'rition Intact of the
frttits of tin-war t'otccit upon its by the rebels
oi tiieSouih aided by toe Democrats of the
North. We nave opposed all forms ot compro
mise and com 'iiiiatiou that se ii;cd to aim at a
restoi ai.!::i to pv. i-r in t h is e i y of Cue men
and l he oi an ;.tt ;jU v. iiii li involved on in the
Uori -is of civil ar. 'J lie ! icie.o. imi it; p. illy is
now in t io: field for the next presidential t lec-
lio.i with the doctrine of State rights ami aul
iiliealion eitih'.t'.toi.t ! iipriii its I ;-.ii!n r. if sve I. it :il iiio-t an.-urediy cany out its p;-..
m:.-e to repeal ait tue legislation neecssiiat !
hy liie war and :ts results, and will iiiauurate
a policy v.liitdi will ntcotuae asid assit t aii'.th
er aliempi ni secession ami n hellion . 'lis is is
what, the bo.i-t of ti.e "St.lid Soui'i" mt-aus.
There but one antioote for a Solid Soiilii ami
t he evils v hi.-h it t m can i.s, : hat is a S !.;!
Norili, ui.ited'in a titm purpose tj i;ct'i l ho po
litic::! power of Ihe Nation in the n-erion winch
s.t-Ut loi til its h yal le..iotis I o crash rebellion
and restore the hitejtrity of the I 'i.ien. Events
h ive e.hiiiista'-i.itjiy poiiittl to tiec. I". S. (il al.t
as the inevitable candidate ot lite R pal bean
pally it ii" 111 is jrie:;t cot: i est . Tin-' re a if t'i nets
as wmliiy as ii". but thete seci.s io be no man
so certaiii to coast Ii.;:.te ia I. is faxor aU tlte
eienieais of Miec.--. iier.c. v e h-ive support -oil
and Ui'.iri ii his !ir!,ii:;.:in!i. kci imi:; in view
solely ihe v. elfaic oi t In- jb -puidirtan pf.iTy iiud
tiie bet assui .iia-e ol" i;s ti i,.'!ip!l iu ls.u.
As aeti.-iai to'" - p:pt r fort lie ennui ni-r-room
t!ie K.iiitiiy ait. I lh-! Fires;, lc, tljf tiloe-i lemo
er;;r w i ii i. ecu a!'i east f i i;e In-st i.nbhcal ifiit
of the day. Our taciiiilcs tor the c lleei ion of
i ai ii!i':i j asst tl ciiljir i.i msL or west.
" . s p ; re n ev per.j-e lo o! aio tiie latest and
ietis( aeeurnic ti;t. !ii;re!it:e ii 'i.i ad fpiiaiters by
mail an.I iel 'rapo . e hav: t .i if poioien: -a,
;J1 uev.'s e! i;!ei s ipiiit;;;ti..t;! th-- country, ami
t he;r lull and inieresiinii ct'.roaicli-ii of events
led how faiiiitniiy t!,ey peiform tut duties as
signed in I hem. 'out "I ointueit i,:i News is pre
pared Willi ureat rare, ami we may sait'y clial
epi -e a of this department of the
t .lobe-democrat wi! it that of any oilier uews
p ;oer in the country. Oar mm is fuPtos ami
aceuntcy, seelriu m cover all -iibjecis of ircu
erai c.muiieice. ainl to nive the la.: est iitfonna
lioa ami quotation as to each.
The Da.l-ir Vi'eekly (.'Inhe-Peniptrat.
In iiui'-orince of our detei min ii ion to place
the Weekly i-.s::e of the Clobc-Dcmocrur with
in the reach of every vUer in the West for the
canije-.jn of isii. v. o have rciiueed its price m
one dona r per iiiinum. ps:tae prepaid by ua.
1 his makes it. etiitsidcrin its io aad tpiality.
the t iieavest i,ew.-p:.per i:i the cotiatrv. We
a i e eoii ibictit ttat t iie iiheralit v ;n our part will
l e met Py a eoi-cial lespuiise f;otu toe lcople
of Ine v. hoiu V est.
sncnii'tioN rmcLs.
r IlAH.V.
T' . bidir.z Sunday, per year ?l? oo
'.'i;:o .r oi::lay. p.-r ;. ar 11 00
I :.-:i:.t i smiiiay, in Cie.l.s tf Three ami
Cp-v: in.:- ..110
Withont iii,Lt , in .Clubs of Three ami
'J; 10 Wi
Tuesdays. Fs Mays and Sum'nys. per rear. S r-o
In ela!,.. of Fivf a:a! I'Tmanis ." 4 so
Ti;e-.i!avs !tnd Fridays 3 ro
In Ciubs ( Five and C w:ut!s 2
iKn v I. a it.
Payable In advnre. Special rate's to Asrents.
Remittances should be made by United states
PostuSTice .Money Orders, bank drafts, or regis
tered letters, whenever it cmi be done. Direc
tion, should be made plainly, ttiviii'' name of
Post Otice. County and State.
Addrsss all letters OIajBE PEINTLNG CCM
Why tiie Snake Shed Ilia Skin.
YVonld yon like to know de resson why de
snake she 1 bis Fkin?
Kase he tuk de ole one off fur to let de dcbbil
in; ,
An Eve, ithe sot a fishin with a piece of meat
ami bread,
An'tledebbil ho ilipup n' put de apple in
her head.
An' tie way do deb'oll done It, he Jist equal
down by the ditch,
An' he see'd the cray-lish lathi, an be give do
line a hitch,
An' F;ve, she tank Mm kindly, an de dcbbil he
bio a his mo?.
An' siy: "Ain't yon pot nnffia but your skin
an' hyar fur close?"
An betel her, ef she cat up all de apple an
t'e seeds,
She can pet a y:il!cr joeey an a string o cha
ucy beads.
An Mie s-.y: "Whar is defluboat?" An he
to;e her at de wharf,
An she nii.'hty s Veered o Adam; but he tuk
an' sot an' la if.
Den de dcbbil 'suade nd 'suade her; aa she
look nil round tic lot.
An she ece'd ol J Adam gwiuearoun' decorncr
in a trot.
An ehe hear de dogs a rnnnin, an ole Adam
hab his run.
An she tink "dat's fur coon hunting'," to ehe
'lowed to have some fun I
But when Ehe eat de debbll fotch
de close.
You had oughter see dat nigger step aroun
upon her toes,
fcbe clean forgot her cookin an de hoe-cake in
de ashes,
An Adam's mush for supper, an de way he's
pour dc lashes.
Till she see'd him comin Jumpin'an'a alingim
An" I tell yer, 'twaa a caution way she
broke an' run.
Dedebbil he put out to Hall, an lef de ole
snake skin,
An' dat' tte way de sarpents larued to wiggle
cut an' iu.
'Stipie, here's the iail ; cross oyer
to Elton's ine.ulo v, then o straight
on to the liollowan l pick ns many
berries as you can iiiivl. I sliall expect
you brick in less than an hour," fcuid
ill. AUen.
4Tom is so busy that you'll have o
bring the cows home from pasture;
then there are biscuits to mix, and you
must sot things to rights after wash
ing the supper dishes."
'Is t hat all I have to do to-night,
ina'tini?" demurely inquired Susie.
"Let me see; you can chop tho meat
so that Tom and lite farm hands can
have bah for breakfast. AV at are
you maki- g such a face about?"
"A fly crept on my noc, and I could
not help it ma'am."
"And, Susie, you may put the
clothes to soak to-night, for you must
be up betimes to commence washing
to-morrow. So make haste to get the
"Stop a minute! If Ellon's son
shourd happen to meet you, you must
ptiss on without saying a worJ."
'Only give me a chance," thought
the dm; fu Sue.
"Sue! Suel where are you going?"
shouted a voice close to her.
"Oh, dear!" exclaimed Sue.
voitnr; Elton, growing as red
as a t ttr-
key '.s comb in the face, trying to make
ine hear him."
"Sue! Sue I what's your great hur
iy?" 'Going to make niy fortune. Don't
you Fee 1 have a pail to hold the first
nugget of gold I find?"
" Well, let me go, so that I can sbare
the spoils."
'Not while my name is Sue. Until
I iv turn I will have to dispense with
your company."
"Do not ie go no 1 uicr. Susie, for see
theeh''.;d yonder. 1 am .-on iev ' ac
quainted v. iih t'i." c k rk of the weath
er, and we will have rain bu'lorc yoii
are a day older."
"Always croaking and trying to
look as wise as an owl. I only wish
we sho'i'd have a .shower by way of
If lite rain comes down in buckets
ful yo.i will sing Miother tune. Iy
ll;e by, a little tbrk-eveJ, vosy
cheeked damsd must not say 'nay'
when I conic to-morrow at .Mrs. A!
don's door t escort her to the village
fur. Say, Susie, what time shall Icall
for you?'
"Mrs. Alden says poor girls cannot
walt their time in socking pleasure.
I would not even dare to say I would
like to ro."
"Weil, then, I'll ask her myself.
Here I go. riht about, to face the
dreaded person -igc in her domain."
"To think that the rich farmer's son
should condescend-to ask the poor or
phan girl to go to the fair with Lim.
"Won't it be too bad if I am denied
the pleasure? Just let her refuse! I'll
spill the milk, I'll spoil the hash, and
I'll Til loll site dyes her hair.
"Heigh! 1 should have my pail
nc":rly full by this time.
"Hut I ilo not see any berries here ; I
must go farther.
"It will never do to turn back with
out them. There must be some on the
slope yonder.
"Come, what a laggard I have be
come! How dark it is growing!"
A Hash of lightning shortened. Sue's
The sky had become overcast with
great black clouds.
The angry thunder began to be
Each moment the war of elements
The wind moaned and howled in ac
companiment. "I st.y it tho'.i. It must be a char
coal burner's hut. That will be some
protection, at leas'. Here I am at
Hurrying to the deserted, tumble
down ;e ement, drenched and breath
less, Sue cowered in a corner.
"Oh, if somebody were only here,
it woul i not be so terrible." "
'The thought was scarcely express
ed before a coarse voice cried out :
"Here 'we are, G riff. Guess Sam At
kins made this place for oar accommo
dation." And straight into the next room
marched the two men.
'It's getting very dark. Old Elton
will not think of coming from Silver-
ton to-night. Must have a heap of
money hidden in the house, I have
kept a sharp lookout for six months,
lie sold for cash the little house by
E ton I rook last Monday. Got paid
for his yoke of oxen on Wednesday;
besides, he has the rent of his tenants
on ha nl."
"1 say, Griff, you rc a knowing one.
Did you hear that clap of thunder? I
tell you what? we are iu luck, for old
Elton is mighty plucky, and might
bliow fight.
"I'm glad he is out of the way, Joe ;
but as tor his blabbing son, 1 ache for
a chance to pay him oil" for that old
grudge 1 hold against him."
"I'll get even with him to-nirht.
Everything is arranged. We can
climb up the back porch and force an
entrance through the window. The
rest is easy enough. Mind, half tho
spoils e :ch, and young Ldtou for me.
"Theres only one way to settle him,
and that is to stop his mouth forever.
What was that? I heard somebody
"It's nothing but the thunder you
heard. Who ever comes hcre,I would
like to know?'
"The rain is iarly over. Time is
money now ; so .ct's be going." .
For many minutes alter they had
departed Susie remained immovable
fearing the men might by some acci
dent return.
Her chief anxiety was to warn El
ton of the desperate plot that wouhj
booh be carried out.
The storm had now ceased.
The shades of night were falling fast
when Susie cautiously groped her way
ou t.
"I ought to be at home iu a short
time. How faint with terror I (eel!
How the rain has washed everything
awav. If I could only get down the
hilkside!" .
"The stars aie coming out. Thai
otmht to cheer me,"
Iter thin shoes were soaked through
and the briars made it almost impos
sible for her to proceed.
"1 cannot go on. My head grows
di 7.y. If I could only reach home! I
must sit down to gain strength."
Leaning against the jajrged trunk of
a fallen tree, Sue reclined.
Too moon catiie out in all her splen
dor, lighting up the landscape with
her glorious rays. Still Sue remained
"Where ami?" thought she. "My
lips are parched : my head oh. God !
It must be near m dnight, and I have
thrown the precious moments away. I
must overcome this strange stupor
which oppresses me."
On her hands an I knees she crept to
a pool and quenched her thirst, and
bathed her throbbing temples.
Kefreslied once more, she attempted
to stand.
"Thank God ! I am safely down the
hill. Only to cross the creek.and then
I will be at Elton's place.
As she noa red the stream her heart
sank within her.
"I tell you. Tom Alden, it i.s no use
to go on further. Susie- has been
caught in the storm, and has stopped
somewhere all night.
"There is someone trying to ford the
stream. Back, Sue, back! Do not
advance another step There, all dan
ger is over. 1 can bear your light
weight. Tell me why you did not get
home sooner. Mother is almost dis
tracted between doing your work and
fretting about you. Slie sent me after
vou. and "
"Thank God you found me! Oh ,if
avc are only in time!" exclaimed Sue,
"Vi s, wc are in lime to hear mother
scold," returned Tom.
"Do not Interrupt mo to ask how I
know Elton's house is to be plundered
to-night by two men, one of whom in
tends to take George Elton's life."
"X nsense!"
"You will drive me mad if you do
not go at once to his aid. Did you not
hear that Elton appeared against aman
named Grill for sheep-stealing? lie
it s who vowed to be revenged on
him. It is he who threatens his life.
Come, already they may have entered
the house ; already he may be at their
Her wild earnestness at last con
vinced Tom.
Tiirnisi": to his two field-hands he
bade thtiti follow him.
"The doors arc all fastened as usual,
We may as well "
"Look at the upper window. Do
you not hoar voices, too!" Burst in
the doors!" wildlv cried Sue.
"Ha! ha! Georire Elton, it i3 useless
to defend youre.t. The odds tell this
time. Y e have the obi man's thdit-
fisted savings all light, and we have
the old man s son nicely cornered. Ha!
ha! I have waited for this moment
Down came a heavy blow on tho as
sassin's head, which sent him reeling.
Taken so completely by surprise, it
was easy to overpower both GrifT and
his con federate.
I me did George Elton
have to appear against Grid.
hen the latter received his sen
tence of imprisonment for life his
looks of dcadlv hatred rested on Eiton
but they were powerless to harm.
"I say, Sue, it is too bad to sec you
slaving1-from morning till night. Why
will you still refuse me, and persist in
waiting on Mrs. Alden, instead of "
"Wailing on you instead? Xo,
George Elton, you shall never marry
the poor girl. Sue."
"Who talks of poverty, when I owe
yon what I possess mv life "
Site hesitated a moment, and Gcorcs
clasped her in his arms. .
'Will you 1; my wife, Sue?"
She looked down on the floor, and
whis-!;cix'il :
A month after. Sue became the mis
tress of her own home, and the cher
ished bride of George Elton.
A Western Jury man.
It was out west, in one of those lo
cal courts where a friendly, talkative
way marks the intercourse between
judges, juries, counsel and clients. A
man of the law, after eveloping con
siderable and perspir.t ion
in behalf of a prisoner, perorated by
raying : "Gentlemen, after what I have
stated to ou, is this man guilty? Van
he bo guilty? Is he guilty?"
Greatly to his disgust, the foreman
of the jury rafur a copiouscx pectoral ioii
replied : "You 'just wait a little, old
boss, ami we'll tell you."-
A the poker-player would say:
"Foreman hail the age, aivi counsellor
passed out."
Alt. l'leasaiit Notes.
January 5, 1830.
Ed. IIeuali: As 1 have not seen
anything iu the Herald for a lot. g
time from Mt. rh p.saiif, L thought 1
would pen a little to you from here.
Mt. l'leasaiit, as the name iniKcttUs,
has in former days been a place that
answeiid to the name; but this winter
all seems changed. The people seem to
he divided iu sentiment, but enough
aj;ree to run everything here, and we
young people have to give up. We can't
have many things as e desire, for
want of any place to hold forth. Tho
school fathers have closed the :h iiool
house against us; our Good Templar's
lodge h;ts been on wheels for three or
four months, holding meetings at pri
vate houses, and now held at W. J.
Linch's. But a few faithful ones are
siill trying to hold onto our old chart
er, that we have been working under
for nearly fourteen years. We are try
ing to raise money to build a lodge
had. We are out on Singh;"; school and
Literary Society boils, lor want of a
house lo hidd them iu.
But with all this, some of the. young
people agree well enough to hitch to
gether for life. On New Year's even
ing, at the church, in the presence of
a houae f uii, Mr. M. B. Howard to M iss
Almira McXerlin, all of this place;
this being the third or fourth wfdijing
here? this fall and winter.
Mr. 11. M. KouricyviHn lias returned
to this place from Kan3.t:-, where he h;is
been living for a while past. He has
purchased tho l'richard larin here, and
takes possession in March. B. B. Mc
Xerlin movea to Greenwood, Neb., with
all his sons .and son-in-law.
Our oitl friend Geo. Maguey was
visiting his friends st Mt. l'leasaiit for
a few days. We think George mast be
si inlying pretty hard ; ho looks pretty
W. J. Lineli delivered to Povey it
Son nine hogs in December, that aver
aged 400 lbs. the nine weighing "JiCO
pounds. Who can beat that?
Corn is not all gat bend yet, it is
good here.
Mr. Otto Mutz is teaching our dis
trict school ; we have a pood school.
Miss Nettie Mutz commences teaching
school in District No. 10 this morning.
The frost is getting pretty well out
of the ground; very muddv.
JIt. Pleasant.
An Essay o:i Man.
Man was in dry weather.
He was made of dust.
Quite a number have never recover
ed from their creation ; they are still
It's man's nature to be discontent
ed. Adam had . monopoly, but he
couldn't be happy without some one
to crow over.
For awhile he knocked around over
the Garden of Eden, and then went to
the house; but lie had to cook h i.s own
supper, there was no stotcwood chop
ped, and things were in a bad shape
The next morning it was the same
way. He had to make his own bed
tiiid sweep out. His socks were dirty,
and his arm would run through a hole
in his sleeve. So he was ilissati-tied.
The next night, when ho went to
sleep, the Creator punished him by
making one of his ribs into a woman
ft great misfortune to the race.
It has been six thousands years since
that rib was hist, and yet man con
tinues feeling for it.
This is a very feeling subject.
Pursuit in this cafe is taid to be
sweeter than possession.'
After Eve got acquainted with her
maje, she vowed that all the men in
tho world were not worth Adam.
Goliah was a man.
A fop is a male who is ashamed of
his sex, and attempts to conceal tho
fact that he is a man.
Concealment in such cases is attend
ed with but little trouble. It is only
necessarv to part his hair in the mid
dle. The family man resembles an oyster
on the half-shell.
Tho shell is knawn at home, the
soft side abroad.
Some men carry this resemblance, in
their faces. A great many men have
countenances like oysters.
Job is said to have been a very pa
tient man.
lbs had boils all over him.
Many a man boils all over himself
when the ' preacher reaches "thir
tcenthly" on a hot summer-day, and
never thinks of the grandeur of
Job's example.
It i3 natural for a man to
good example.
Teach and Learn.
One mmi cannot thoroughly, safely,
and wisely conduct urinyexpcrim'Mit?
;it tho same time. Hence, it is very
desirable for neighboring farmers to
help oito another in this respect. So
of all cl.-i.s--os engaged in productive
pursuits. Then men can, in one year,
try a number of theories that one man
could not put to the test in less than
I'm years. If-one makes fin experi
ment that proves i:nprontable,it i.s his
duty to let his friends know it, that
they may not sutler by repealing it.
If one possesses special knowledge
about varieties of articles of produce,
peculiarities of culture, methods of
preserving or utilizing what is rai-etl,
or anything else of importance to suc
cess and prosperity, ho ottght to be
kind enough to inform his neLdibors,
at least, so that they may be wiser and
more successful. In a certaincoiumu
nity the farming was unimproved, and
hence, 'unprofitable.' A progressive
man of intelligence ami skill in-ivcd
in from a distant State, introduced
more advanced idea.?, and rapidly con
vert ed the poor land into a fertile,
profitable farm. His neighbors were
kindly enlightened, adopted his wise
example, and soon brought up the
whole community to much greater
prosperity. Of course the man who
taught and those who learned are
much happier. Let it be known that
sellish monopoly of useful information
is suicidal as well as ignoble and un
charitable ; and that few men are to bo
pitied more than those who refuse to
learn by the experience of others.
To further these is re
commended that farmers, girdeuers,
fruit culturists, etc., visit one another
mors frequently, talk together more
freely.publish their experiments more
carefully, and, every legitimate way,
try to teach more and learn more.
Jiwrai 2irv Yorker
TLe Correct Way.
Young man, when you see anything
vou want, ak for it like a man. If
; you want to borrow live dollars froni
j a man, or if you only want to marry
I his daughter, don't fclide up f- him
'. nn.i bang on to your hat and talk poll
I tics and religion and weather, ana It'll
i old, stale jokes, whereof you cannot
! remember the point until you worry
j the old man into a nervous irritation.
Go at him with a full head of steam
j on and your bow ports open, like an
iron-clad puiltng lor a snore battery.
Snort ami paw and shake your head,
if you feel like it, no matter if it does
make him look astonished. Better as-'
tonish him than bore him. Go into'
his heart or pocket-book, or both, it
amounts to the same thiug, like a brin
dle bull with a curl in his forehead
charging a red merino dress eyes en
tire, tail up, and the dust a flying.
Then you'll letch him, or possibly ho
may fetch you. But never mind you'll
accomplish soinetiiing.aud show you're
not afraid to speak your mind. And
that's a great de d more than you would
accomplish by the other method. You
needn't lie cheeky, but you ought t'T
bo straightforward. L'urlinyian lixck-
A Roman Well Under I.oiitlon.
London is not so progressive in soma
other matters as in the construction of
the road -bed of her streets. It will
hardly be credited that tho vast me
tropolis, with its population of 3,000,--Oim,
has no "municipal water supply.
That i to say, then; is "no supply of
pure water, direct from its source, un
der t headmini' tration of metropolitan'
authority." The quotation i.s from
the language of a resolution pa: s.'d. at
a recent meeting hold to consider tho
question, and at which such promi
nent men as Sir Charles Dilke,
Sir John Lubbock, the Bishop of
London and Cardinal Manning wcro
among th speakers. At present tho
city is supplied by no less than ciuht
trading companies, who-c dividends
arc enormous. Indeed, one of tho
speakers at the 'meeting to which I
have referred rather wittily remarked
that the head of a great manufacturing
house in London had made a calcula
tion of the water Used by his estab
lishment, and found that it would bo
cheaper for him to connect his prem
ises with the nearest brewery and uso
beer at the cost price, instead of
By the way, speaking of water lends
me to recall a visit math! to oi.o of tho
few existing relics of I'oMian occup.v
siwiii of tho spot where London has its
tenter. But a little way from Cher
cng Cross n narrow alley descend
hceply toward the river. Turning
into ibis by-way v.c reached an old
brick house, iu no respect differing
from the thousands that surround it.
Knocking at tho basement door,amaid
appeared and led us down a flight of
stone steps into the sub-cellar. Here,
perhaps, fifty feet below tho level of
the Strand, on what in ancient times
must have been the side of a steep hill,
is what is known as "The Old 1 toman
Bath." It is an niched and vaulted
chamber of brickwork, which anti
quarians declare conclusively proea
by its construction its Bopn'oi origin,
filled with water bo perfectly c!ear
that at Rrst we supposed it to be emp
ty, and that we saw the white brick
work of tho bottom through no other'
medium than that of the air. The bath
is thii t en feet long, six fed broad,
and the water sr.indat adepth of near-'
ly live feet. It is not only marvelous-'
ly clear, but deliciotisly cold. 1 do
not wonder that in this land where ice
is ti costly luxury people throng to the .
old Boiuun spring to drink. In tho
same building isnnother bath, evident
ly of later con druction, whic tradi
tion attributes to that Earl of Es-ei
who was the favorite of Queen Eliza
beth. The latter is u-ed for bathing,
as numerous limp arments h inging
ou the wall bore witness, while tho
former is kept as a reservoir of drink
ing water on'v. Ijondon Letter.
A gang of sharpers in Philadelphia
have fr more than a year Ix-en swin
dling visitors from the country in a
novel way. They have a stable osten
sibly for tho puicJni e and sale of
horses. When a countryman enlera
to look at the stock, a practically va 1
ii ?it;s; hor.w. is offered to him for $150.
A bystander oilers $200, but the dcalef
angrily says he will not sell to this
man at any price, having had a prevt--ous
quarrel with him. The bystander'
draws ti.-c countryman aside and savs i
"Buy the hor.-e at $150, am! I'll take
hint off your hands at friuO." This
seems toiitier a chance to make $00
without "risk ; but the victim after
paying the $150 for the beast does not
see any more of the promised purcba-'
c.r w it'h the $200.
Exposition ok 137(5. Wandering'
through the L'nited States section of
this truly wonderful Exhibition, hy
pcrort.aiRentcd and over-displayed a$
the most of it is, I came upon an ele
gant glass case, who e rn.ode.sty was
the more conspicuous from its neigh'
bors' finery, surmounted by the mot-
to Dignis l'nvmia and displaying, in
neat packages, the medical prepara
tions (if the honso of Dr. J. (.'. Ayfj
& Co., Lowell, Mass.
I was aware of the world wi le re
putation of this eminent find, for tho
character and quality of their goodu,
and remember well their agents in
London, Messrs. Newberry, in St
Paui's Churchyard. Having a lei
sure hour, I dvtrmined to examine'
the contents of this cast-, myself, aad
I was stirpi isi J to sec the oViicatG
perfection to which they have brought
their household re medics. I was
chagrined at the reflection that, whi'e "
we have at homo the most skilful
and. ive-einiuenth", the best physici
ans in the world, these la.iKCC
tor3 distant o us so far in t lie line
popular medicines for family uscv
They have the sharpness to take ad
vantage of the higl eeienti fie discov
eries among us and make piils an t
potions as jialr.tablc as they are salu
tary. I was o!d 13" a l- ading drug--gist
in Phihido'pliia, that Dr AteuV
manufacto. y was the largest in Aincr -ics,
giving ernp!oYRH'ii.l to hundreds
I must gu to Lowell and see it, on my
way home. Corresj ondenee of tb
London (Eng.) Tckgraph.