6. L , THE HERALD FORTLETII YEAtt. TIIU PRAIRIE FARMER. FOR 1880. TEEtEADM AMERICAN AGRICULTOfiAL & BODSEHOLD WEEILY. Jtwr Town and Ceontrj. , For Old aid Yoaij. (Eftallte?d 1841.) ra Jmir.e Farmer ts the leading AsTi-lenlta-t and Household wffklj of America, pnd ac Vaowlett;rsl authority tbrougiicut the United hUiti aud Caaadas upon topics of Aaxci;urpa. lionTicuLTrKB, stock -jbais- Being published wMkly, the Bsorer-fesres'-(3cU In practical Agriculture Bud Agricultural feci, nee are grasped fcy an efficient editorial a-orpa aid pioinptfy placed tefere its readers ia uuiat attractive asd readable Turin. IT UVK-1TOCC DSriEIM K5T A rraater uctuit of reliable Lire-Stock iotelli bm is given in Its elmxu tiuriug- the year than La nay othr publication. !T1 TITKBMI1XV DIPAKTMBBT la MBeedea to If thoroughly reliable and most jratical. All queries by subscribers are prom pt t$ cbeerf ally and fully aaswered by one of the iunat aecsaiolilied Yeteriuarians ia the United htates, usder whoso direction this departneal Ia conducted OOtlSOLB iK G0 SELIB. - Weekly article i la each of these department, prepared expressly fur this pa;er, froui a pro ailaent feature. JT0 aARIIT RBTOKTS, leelsdlaf Live Stack. Grain and General Mar kets, are carefully prepared by a special repar or p ( the aear e( aia to press. tki aim ob raarutiiuHzu wnU is thefatur. aa It the past, t make rery dtpartrceut full auil coutpfele so far aa practical talent eaa aeeotapl:a the titl that trf nXia the Prairie Fw.niT the best Aricul nral an tissue Journal to Arnrrloa. Tarsus, ti ser yen in advance. Specimen co py fre te any address. Liberal Cash Coruuiis wea ai'owed to agente, who are wanted every Wtif to oraaize Clubs, and to whom cVii! Srjc outfit will be faralslied free upon applica- tNt4 TiSAlKia; lAlinllinuU., LwiaaA v . Chicago, ill. Harper's Young People. XXiXU BTB.A.1 IE 3D. Ta r1!a f -et"eBal literature for the yean; are well knows, and the want ef an anti Cote loss been feit. This is supplied by ftAJtrKKS Vui'Hfl pEri.K. abeamtifuly illus iratcd weekly Joaraai. which is equally devoid ef the objectioa&ble fe.itsree vf sennatioaal Ju venile literature and ef that xavraliziaf tune tais the ycatfcful reader. ye Yolnsaes of the YmmQ People begin with fceartt Number furJanaary ofeach yeer. Wfcvjn fee tlrae is meatloned. it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the V out tear aet aXtar las receipt ef order. HARPER'S FeRIODICALS. BAsirBU'S MAGAZINE, One Year.. HAslPKR'8 WHEK.LY, aAttPKHSBAZAK, 00 .. 4 00 .. 4 00 YaefTHXEK above-named publications Uae Vear If 00 AJiy IWJ above named. One Year 7 0 ealAItrSX'3 YOUXft PKOPLK, One Year.. 1 50 JPtMtact fret tn ail mt'Kriherg ta tb United IKCrCEMEKTS FOB 18S0 ONLY. tSrrhirfwnA'MwIwrto Harper's Youko JPaorus wAll be fumili?.l to every yearly mib sxriber t HAafKR'a Wkeklt for 10; or HlXfXB'l Youito Pkopi.e and ITarpkr's Wvfelt will wnf to nnu oddrc for one ( omn7ririj inf1 thcfirilNxxnberof Harp u WiEii.Tor January, 18W, recent o SS etor lac tvo PcrvMiVale. Vessittanees hould be rnaile by Pert-OfTlce 5sy Orderttr Draft, to avoid ebanee of loss. Vetpner are not to copy fAie advertisement tffmt (he erprtss order of llAUVB.it & Bboih- a11mm BAKPSH it BKOTHERS. 'ew York. All Serts. The ten largest taxpayers in Provi ience, 11. I are ladies. The less we parade our misfortunes, tlie mare sympathy we command. &riZU Dewy. Contentment is not happiness. An oyster may be contented. Happiness ii com pouaded of richer clemcuta. ""WTioro findeth a wife findeth a gooX thingf," eayg Solomon. If nil ac counts may bo believed, he practiced what be preached. Amcnem ranch. Wben faieo uusningr was .aiinistcofgeoa natureuiy. -it was one or vour to China, he had his visiting China, he had hia Yieiting cards J piincd in tb Chineae style, on lonsr stnpa of red paper, with, his name, 'Au-bhung.' YTben Theirs was forced to leave Versailles, and bis Paris hotel was turned, people asked, "Where will he live uowf" MIu history," said Cham the caricaturist. France, Germany, Italy,Austrii,nnd Bwitaerlaad have agreed that their emliAapiea and consulates send home Indigent persons of their respective nationalities at half the ordinary rail Way fere. The town Is flooded with spurious sil ver ooias. We asked a witty Irishman if he had any idea where they came from. Yea, sir, they come from some fellow's Wc-iuint, aud tha buyer pa&ae t!u?ui to the seller again." y FIrt Boy ,rvtrhers yer bin,BiHy?' tvxrond Iioy "Bits lishin'.' First Boy - Ketch any thin'?" with an anxious expression on his lace. Far-eeeing Second Boy "No.. But I expect ter when I git in iho Louse." AW York Therm are said to bo fully 200,000 beggars tramping' about the German Empire, and taey are estimated to get alii aot less tliaii $18,000,000 annual ly in Bioii)', without considering the value cf uod and clothing given tiim. An Irish gnrl who was in . the hnbit A soapino; tlie dirty clothes before puttie tliera to aoak,oa being told by tr uii?Ue3 to get a dried colfisli and put it to soak for dinnor, eke did so, tfUer rabbLcjf it pretty sinartly witli soap. At a legal Inwatlaration of a llqnor sp'aure oaae, tle juajre asked an un wlf Hag witness : "What was in the Wrral that yon bad?" "Well, your kosjor,' replied tha witnaaa, "it was, parked whisky ou one eiwl of the svrrei aud Pat DulTy' on Ue oilier and sb that I aaa't say whether it was whisky or Pat Dully was in tho bar Mi, being aa I am oh nay oath." There is a miniature villain in town. SH ia a ral-hwded small boy. The other day he bad just the wind he wanted, and, oilling the near-sighted boy over the way, he templed him in to the yard, edged behind him, dex terously removed and Bccretad his Kead gar, and tbi had the fun of eteiiitf him ohtae a black hen all round thinking she waa his cap. A 8ootchman ought to know what whisky is ood for; and here Is what l)r. Guthrie once said, "Whisky is ood in its own place. There is noth ing llae whisky in this world for pre ferring a xuan when he is dead. But it is one of tlie worst things iu the world lor preserving a man when he is living. If you want to keep a dead man pat him into whisky; if you want to kill a living1 man put whisky into hinu" The slowness of the Paris street-ear weuld uahe a Xew'Yorker mad with impatience. It stops at the barriers to be searched for contraband goods. It takes three men five minutes to change ltraos. while the driver bosses tlie job from hie elevated peicli. Four and are cars will stand in a row, all full ntjd and In, and one hour must elapse before the last one starts. No (irowd, press, or hurry seems ever to indnoe the com pa ay to put on extra "VVhiclofj or shorten tha regular iater TSiji of starting Aroca Nttes. Avoca Katcliurai has been verybaay for sometime past and 1ms not played the Katchum very well. Things have gone on in the good old way since ray last. Com is nearly all fathered. There wen many cold fingers however. Corn Is yielding very well. There is (rorae talk of starting the Avoca Literary Society, bnt we think that seme of those who neade the ilis tnrbance cf last winter way make the start this time. VTe will all try U help. I). O. Sheopman has reated his farm for cash rnt f ne hundred ant sev-enty-Hve dollars for ninety acrea. Rev. Mr. Thompson of Syractis has left as, and we bow bjive aepreachinf. The Methodist Minister has failed at the tichoel hsuse, north ef here, ilia appointments are not entirely reliable. at least so I have fowad. Our Sunday Sboel hae decided te save a Christmas tree. It is still in a flourishing eondition. Last Suaday was very ce'd.but tbere were twenty six eut, we will not give up while we have such back i a? as that Oar Friend Uadlock shows himself no more aboat aere. It ay accoaat far the p or prospect ef aur Seciety. D. E. Tremble is teaching scaaol ia Otoe County seven railes from Avoca. Avoca Katchtjm. San 5 ay la tire London I'arks. It is proposed to allnw tlie sale cf tea, coiSVn. and ouisT drinks of a nrn-iuioxi- CKtina' ntnre ia the London prks Snuciaje. An tnriRh juuruaiiit thinks tlial Lo:t!o3 is as eil pr:'iie.l with iiatks !W auy other city of Eur -pe. The Jeat'a P?k is Jar iU. eior to tlie Champ Eljtces, ara thr Champ E!y (: tiienifcelrw to the Grun i I'm It at Briiisel. He api;rehvni ;arf4.r u Ui Cutitiner.lal Sunday it we ii.ow jced watr at a t alf-penny t:e ir'- w' ca st s menv the cup. lo ha nld in the lle- 5;ut's Park. It 1 ia the Ii-irrnf I'ark n Sunday afternoon tht the iiue bour joi and outritr life of London really vhowii ltKelt." The First Counniasiouer ot Public Works has lfa appeik-d to hy a deputation whoaak-ad ala that tlis fcaJ ot tobacco iQiht be permitted. riti re gard to that "all be ui!d iuiy whs that as most popla took their p;ixjs into uie purks he could not see why they should not have the wherewithal to cuaige tbeia." A Seriows Mistake. Galveston (Texas) News. They were sitting on tlie soop to gether. It waa about 8:47 p. m. Tlie moosl was floating wrenelv acroes the heavens, which rooked like an im- neire stretch of pale satin dappled with diamonds. Tiwre want breeze enough to make tite violets nod. Tlie daw fell with ita cutonmry sofiuoaa, aud was pillowed upon tha petal of i Iia rlraiirmnr litir A t'lmr tiuw aA oontomplatcd all the beauty of tlie foregoing tin-type, he broke the si lence : "It rained this morning, didn't it pet?" "It did," she replied sweetly. "We have had a great deal of rain lately, haven't we, dearest?" lie went on a.s lie gave a hitch at hia suspen ders. "We have." "Do you like rain, my little peach?" "JNOI" "Neither do If" Then there was another long pause, and more contemplation of tlie afore said tin-type, when the youth again went on rery leeoiy : "Does my little gold-Laired gum- arop thin it will nun to-saorrowr" "I think not." "I wonder if it will rain next Thurs day?" "Don't know ; but I think it will rain to-morrow. "Why do yon think so? "Whybecause theskios are clondy." They are quite bright," he went on with a wnik. "I lx?g your pardon," she responded, ears that I took for a dark cloud." And then the yonng man who couldn't get up a conversation abrupt ly lett. Of Ten Yeara Duration. The Dis charges Thick, Bloody, and of Foul Odor. Senses of Smell and Tatte Wholly Gone. Entirety Cured by SAEIFQHD'S RADICAL CURE. a?eews. Weeks Potter: oirtlenwia Tfee! eon OeUed to Ktnok4u to you u great beneSt aAro3D's IU.Iioi. (:r r.ra ttrn to nr. For ten ya I bare brn sCllcrf ti wUh this lotliOQe Imim, sad eepeelslly In tbe winter time fcae It been moct severe. Tse dwcnmrjre bss been thick and bloody, emitting a f-ut odor fca bed tbat my reence la room w'Ot ottirrs vu vry otfeoslv9 to Uaem.One week after eonmeaclnir the sc ot tUTOKD'i Kadioa Ci'sc I wvs not iroabled wltft it at all. Hri.Mc of taclc and ml. wllrb trere wollu sron. nsva now rally retsrncd. end my sjea. esal bealtb istuBeUlRirroTtd Toot. Aelsocbtc H. fokt. Mm t-li&ul Writ. Qaaira Japids, Hick.. Kov. t, lsio. LATER. Oentlemen : The pckire of Saitpoto's Ctraa arrived hf reto-nlvht !1 rirfit. Idontknow wbstl sbonld bsve done If it bad net been for till rrn)clv. 1 hT tried VmmI JXuchts and tveryUiln else, sad elUiongh I have ben able to Up the offrnvlve riis rge, I here not been ahWoraorermyaeiMeaof taste and smell until I tried Saxporo's Ccm. Ton an rarer any one yon ehonn to ra, and I wiU elienrrallr Inxorm tarm la coil as to the bene at Ham reuedy kas beea so me. Tonrs. MKi.BorntE n. iosjx tSaAaro BAros, Uion iov. is, 137 SfiflFQSD'S RADICAL CURE Eot only promiitly errerte the eorrod !e y dtschsrjjwe Catarrh, batlbvsympathetlc action.it rmtnrM to sonad health all 'tlie orc-ans of the nrad that haro beeowe anet,tbyit,aadxaiwUef the folio Ins affecUoaa : XWeetlTs Cyeetglit. Tafinraed and 3Catfr-p Eyas, PatlDful ! Watery Ejr, Lmi ot Kearlne:. Esvactie, KeursOiria of tbe Ear, glsebarwee fPotn tbe Car, Ktrtfriae; Nelses la tke liead. Jtx-aness. Kervooa Heatl- ax&e, ZNatcs la tlie Tempiee, Xoas of the lueaae)si T xaate and Pitkcli, Elongation ot the I i villa, InftammsUloa of tlie Tonsils, Patrid apTiiroat, Tinkliair or Haeklae Cas;a, Broorjjitis. a-wl lUoeUiaa; of tbe Xeh Tare eooitjae Tr. Faaferd's Improved fchulUvr SDlxt, wbh id'.l a.ul ctrvmV.r prepared dl rnotloTi Utr aae l-aJI ca'ra. rrier.tl. Tor sale by all vltofcaala sad retail arvs-lota ssd balers POTT&, G-oerel As-uuasud V.'boleaale Dmg Sf4&, jH'aj, Ma.e. . Voltaic Pusters AJT EVctre-OatYtiale Bttry, ombtae4 W?U a highly Medicated l'iwU'r. (ormlof the fraud ert curative afent laUte world of mealelae. and atterjr rarpasaiDr all oUinr Plaaters heretofore la aae. Taey acconiliah more la one week tbaa tee old Plarters in a whole year. TUcy do Uul raV turn, tiejr cvu. Thay Re".?evo Afectlor.s of trio Chest, rtellcva ACccttoBB of the Lnna, li-Ucv Aflectlo&aof the Heart. f:Ueve AtecUoiia of the Liver. Xtelleve Aflfctioasof tbo Spleen. liUeve Affrc.loi! o:'tiie Kidneys. KMimre Alfcetlona of the Folne. relieve AtT-cUr-a oriuo JTervee pftHrva ilfttlom of t .19 Moaeles. IS ii era A frotio:ia of tin J tnte. Keaev ACr'.rtir.aa of t'.ic B aea. ssv AfteoUuus of tae Siaeva y: -.- wt aiAy be the ertnt ef yoar waifcr. Joy.ui rnielUn'r:iK. Unlrcf U ituuon eve, a fact otK-i-'d by huadrede of teetlmonlala la oar iwoi'MlcJ. h&t fa sum! tl;at tbn moat lmpor. taut auwevertue iu pbanBAey date backleeathan tea m n4 ihi eoiabliiationacf rata ud mmucm Ue T,!ana and shmbe sri lirreln nnit,t wtth Sleo- tijjyt r ' ti" w to uut iun-wvi. IMco. as Vyitb TKP 7yol KtlosVwori lmtftUa Soldby i-nt1 State A-4 anartq. -.ri hy w l-A-6j WX TmK Pro;a-;cUr, to on, Maaa. Tlie Mexican Volcano of Orizaba, 17,800 feet above the sea level,has been anded by M. Athalz-a, a resident in P'lebla. Thirteen ix?rif')ns arci.-niiitui-icd him. one of whom died at the ty from rarefaction of llic aiT,nad another a few d ty8fterwripd from erysipelas caused by tho reflection of the sun on the auow, 7,000 ateps had to be eut in the snow to giu the summit, aud the expedition occupied four daye,one f which was a blank owing to ram and snow. Barou Muller, in 1859,firet mad the aaoeut, and be baa had very few sucoaasors. CryfrPltc!irior. TbylZlcB jt Bteaate it ia e-rret; 2rloira Iii.o Cstorf otoaui it Rives haaltl. to t child t svsid Phyaioians, eeaie It aozi. tains so worpMut r miaeral. la xatcrs's roraedy for asaisiilatiasr tko food. It oarei Wiad Colio, tlie raisins of Sour Curd aaJ Xiiarrliopa., allays FeTeriahsesa Riid Kills Worms. Thus tie Child laa bealtlk said tlie Mother o'btaius rest. Fleas" ant. Cheap, and Reliable. las.'U rsr m KM WVWF 7m 8.B3JP( The mett efestive Is-n-raUrln2 naU for MAX and BEAST tha world has ever tnowa. Over l.GOO.eOO Bottles seld last jeart The rMtoni for this apree4er.td po? larity, are evident; the Centaur Xioi msatt are snadt to deserve oonCdsaoe 4 thet are e.!orhod into the airunture; tbey always cure aud aeror Aaappobat. No pitkon nreJ louior iuifcr with PAI!T the BACK, Ttheuaatisai or Stiff Jeims, for the GEJTAOB Iainimests will enrnly exf ercdaate the pain. There ia no Strata, Sprain, Cut, Seald, Bern, Bruise, Stimg, Gall or Lsmeneci to whieh Manldsd or Dnm'j Urates ere auliject, that does not re-?asd to tills Sootung balm. Xho Ceutanr LINIMENTS- not only relievo pais, but they Incite healthy action, so.ac.ue uuamaiauoa, mnil iMirx. whether the symptoms proceed from i7oaads of the Cash, or Ncoralfria cf the Tierves ; from contracted floras or a sealtied hand t from a sprained onklo or a gashed foot f 4iether from disUtiDK PISSPL33 ca a LADY'S PACE or a strained jrlat oa a Ilorso'a Leg. The ftnny pnxiused by a Burn or Fcald; naortiSeation from Prost-bitee: SurU inga from Strains: tho tortures of Rhen xiatlsm Crippled for life, by some neclaUed aeculect; a valnaLlo horse or a Doctor's EIU tsay all be saved &oia One Bottle ef Centaur Liniment. JTo Housekeeper, Farmer, Planter, Teamster, or Liveryman, can aerd to le without these wostdorfsl T-inlsionts. They can be procured in stay part of the rj!oe for 50 eta. and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottles S3 ets. FOB SALE, 3.000,000 ACRES OF TETAS LA XV BY THE WESTERN LAUD COMPANY. Sevtian Laiul Warrants for 3185 00, and PATENTED LANDS FOR 8 ALE AT 6320 PKR SECTION. NON-TAX A Ul.t: USDS FOR SALE AT HI? t rEK SECTION. The Scrip controlled by this c i tit panv is sach that wti isswiM d tlf State of Tex;ts to the va ioua railro:ui;. of Texa.s, to ainl in thtir constructini-. Each ene ef these Scrip is a laud war rant for 640 acrta of laud, can be loca ted on any of th nceupitd domain of the State, of which therw rensaina 67,000,000 acres. Think of it! A section of ;Laud fer $125. We deal onlv in the best land-i. ad parties ord'-ring land from as cau rn: on getting just what they rdrr and THE JiEXJ' J H&jtiE IS to be had, and just as grod as if tli were on ihe ground tae'.sjerivva. We control a ch;ce lot of Pate.vi- ed Lands ib north west itxas :n what is known as t Pan Uandle re gion, that wo sell at $320 pr section. Iraraigra ion to Xerth- est 1 exas is vry large, mostly from tha Xortho.n ,tatM. It is a well-watered region, the lands are rich and will grew grain and fruits ef all kind3. There are four railroads projected through this rein, whic will soon be bailt. Thoso htnda will b worth froni rive to TEN DOLLARS AN ACRS in a few years. The Countrv of Noi th-YV est Texas would remind one very ksucIi of Illi nois or Iewa. There are manv Colonies, Farmers, Trading Stores, Stock Buyers, ranche.. &c, ail over tlies north-western coun ties. Texas has iacreased in wa'th and population with greater rapidity dur ing the last tea years than any otlie State iu the Union. Population in 1870 800.030. whllo ia 187y, it is be lieved to bo FULLY 2,000,000. nd the tide of Iwmisratioa Into the Slate tliie year is immense. Now. if you want to make money. if vou want a hotne, if yoa ws.at ands for investment, bay these !anJs. A Map of Texas can be seen bj calling at th" office ia Plattsmouth. For particulars call on, or Address with postace stamp enclosed. 11. B. WIMJUAll, Agent. B. E. Bower, Plattsmouth. ib Land Commissioner. 30m3. ST It El GUT & MILIEU, Harness Jfanufecturirs, liKiwi.ta, COLLARS. and alt kiuds of barneas stock, constantly op band. FRUIT, CON FRCTIONE TV GROCERY STORE, KUTS, CANDIES, TEAS BUG Alt 8, TOBACCO ES, FI.OUB, AC Remember the place opposite E. 6. Dovey's vu iwer xatn Btreet. feMy 8T&JJI Q BT 5 Ztl LLJ?22- CENTAUR ata A a JJJ1JM,M.fci, , i i. a -i - -r- lrmii if i n - - -r-, -r- - ti firr-'ii- mn iiiitih iml t rrrr- i Tin- it i Tr r t r-ir- 1 rm m i swrriOTjri Ji I if n ma i mimn I imrrirai niiwmiDi i ino ttm iivTt-rnijfTisai.' 'ruifrj MmZ ;l Bi Xy-r- . .:,T MiiiL bUhKiSLbiiAOHiai, mmSl niWW M0z$& i - -?.. r'K .v.?i i v mtt&zm mwm i'U, 1 r.. - mm AonN. .vi Wlaia KVA- J -"-pm , t ii BAMlliK P&i& & - il jm&i$s ' &k -oE?Aihi- fei.r.ji mStfitmi&S tiv X"r P? - mmmmm m M t m hiA-m riAISO-lORTE Are aot w.ly first-elanf Ii)trunient). but this ttaMislinif-nt may be lusily rotcxi'ded as ii of the leaJin Piano-Forte Jkiaiiulactories ol tbe Worid. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. Purine the Season of JS7rr-lST6 the Henry F. Miller Pianos were used in Bostou auil viciuitj iu ruore tii:in ISSS fonetrts. BeaiMe of lt77-187x. 17 Vr.cert. Season of 1K78-17 Mouth of October. 3" Coacerts; ilontli of Xoveinber, 45 Cniict its- XonehulArtt e?i8 2fiu ewM ffnin nueh un qncxtitmetl fxtiuilarHi'. THESE PIAA'OS HA. V' RECEIVED The Highest Praise From the Most Eminent Musicians. Of bite I have had many opportunities of tisinyour Pianos and can say with pleasure, they have no superior iu America, anil my long experience abroad justifies me in placine them ahead of any foreign instrument of their kind. Chas. K. Adams. Madame Roze and the otlier artists f niv conipauyare delighted with the"Mi!ler" Piano, for Its rich purity f tone, and the' woadeifuJ icaaaer In which iteusiains the voice. II. Maplksow. In behalf of the Ramabee Concert Company, anil particularly mvnelf as the pinnist of safrt company, I wNIi to express many thanks for tlie oeatitifiil Grand Piano of your manufac ture, witli which you have furnished us mo far this Mpanun. With your Cue instriinietits con ert Rlvtiij: bwomtM a iiOMitive pleasure and tle Heiat, "o aay we all ef us " HSWARtlM I consider ne other "make" with which I sin ae'jnniuted. ean excvl it in any of the qualities that constitute a perfect instrument. As an accompaniment for the voice;, I know of aone i would prefer to yours. Mrs. P. IL H. Caktkr. I tuke great pleasure in reconinicsiiii.iir tlif Henry F. Miller Piano on all occasions w Here s first-clxsa piano is desired. Mrs. H. M. Smith. I have known the Pianon manufactured b Mr. Henry F. Miller for many years and I do not hesitate to say that they take hil; rank unions; the flrst-chioS ittntruiuents of ary if the befit makers. C'aui. Zi:hus I consider the Miller Pinna superior to Ii others in that mellow and .iriHK qu;-.liiy no ac ceptable for voice acciupaniiucrts. Mr, r.. Ai.1jM Osgood. We were delighted with the Piano of yn:r manufacture which we used durini; our recert tour iu tlie United K!;iws. Uieir cV:in'iiji si-i-io qualities rend ting theui esjoci;i;iy dtsii'.. b!e Jor acKoiupaiiylni! tlie humn vou e. The okioixal. Swedish LADl l'i' (jUAintTTK. World's InlfirnaM EiiriMti3ii-lS76. This establishment wjis the only one out of more thau forty Piano-forte exiiiiatom, wulci: wae ilej-reed two awakdk ferit.ssi!:j;!e exhibit of Pianos at the Centennial fa'xhibiiicu. This tea the only EMabl1inieut thai. Hicri'jtH a Special Aicartifor a yew Inrt:,:('.-in The Ialcnl i'o'd.il Piawo-Ferte. IHe Mi I Miller Itave received the eiidorseniest 'f ti: Stale of Massachusetts and t&e CITY or EOSTON. They are LEAVERS atunnj the FOREMUS'J riAXOS of THK WORLD. HENRY F. MILLEF Boston, Mass,, U. S. A. JAMA'S PETTE Ag't. Pl t tim ouvli . 'Neb. J AMES FETTE: DEaLIsS I7t ilusieai Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for TS t:jrlvatlert ZKtn A Rai27a CABINET ORGANS. Also Ptt A sent f rr the Henry r. Mlilcr r.d t. v . auiwon 1,0. riKnos. Prof. S. M. Itrown. Tutor anil Renalrer. : ,; a'' Travellns A't SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at ofica. Sixth, one doer sout!) of Mai Si. PLATTSMOUTH, NER. Nude Scholar Will do well to examine our New Mason k Hamlin OHC3-JSrilNrS'X,K,TTCJ70 T V ?""S?n P T F "DT7'7. 9t 1 t - 1 vrt'm P y 1 R:i Ji J Ji C T7 TO J ECU t J T tir .-m;i-r vr. till 1 o- iT sy.f'HT-.nt. avvv,iLe.ts4e;iaaAAi ii a U-a-i Lr ', C . u - fe- J iA.-it-.! t.i-vi.jv.-:-, v.-: ;: .4 --.f-J- Ata.l Biyrrrs. ii ;;;.! 7 ..-'-' -v - J . Ve-rvkf-.h,"' I? !:,; :':"l "'Ml lTi-sbi'Atei! Ii i-A .- X'5 ff $C.vtUarMo.d Tr:'- A h- l tJ v V- $ it Xnvigorator! ; 3 f in FracticrJ 'H-3 ccd b7 the public.5 Bifre than S3 7e-rs),j r$ J: w"ttn. urpr:ocdp3teii r'?iiTt.; -v-;v suD roa circular A G flATT JV&T QfKXF.r) AGAr.f. e New, Clean, First Clan Heat Skof, oriMaln Street Corner of S li. PI:ft-rrr.4,tji : Kvervbodv on hand for fresh, tender mest. tI.o , ... REDUCED PACKAGE RATES Between 3.000 Offletea of thla Oo. In Naw Cnaland, Mlddloand Weetern States also to o;fioea of nearly all Connecting Lines. -MONEY CURRENCY AND COLD. I Package not exooedlaa; S SO, I 5o. " - S Or 20c. 5 50, 25c. targe sums 4a fno tmalUr proportion. MERCHANDISE. tanmt a4 BljkMt Caarsia, anr.n t. aia. Fackaees aot eioeciiay 1 CBe. I 4l8.23t60o. 2; 1 to 75c. to SI. " 25to45c. I 7 kl PRINTED MATTER. BOOKS and O'her matter, tthnlly in print, or dered froas, or sent by.deaiers, Ac, PHa-PAll 2 IbaHj Be. I 3lba. 2Qc. I 4-ibo- 2Qo. 0SDESS F0S FTJZCHASIXa flOODS Left with any Afient of this Co. wtll be promaUy executed, tcitfurut tajm, other thau the ocainaxy eliarge for carrying the goods. Send your Money and Purcels by Erpreee; Cheapest and quiokeat, with uoalUvo aoeurKy. IX. G. FAEG0, Freat. 3 J ; it mmm r- 3 t ) -H C p L3 e-e . - K SS i S E t I M g, ST P f-J &hf S uj S2 3 ' i a. jvt 1 Sf A few of the a: i:ck ou can bnv to the bc-it udvut tr'v at tlie live progressive DRY -GQOuS and CLOTHING HObSE our SOLOMON T For SI 00 ym cati huj 22 yariin airrui.w '-lini. . " 7-e pittn-J Ko:ti r.W nt"! y.r. 10 " cotton batting. " prr yard dftnstic xtn!.'iti). 8,1, " " trheviitt ahirtititc. vert vi. " 7 brown mitl lileMcke tii'i'iin, :' m 7 " Canton ihimiel, supers. Bl " tickinsr, no bet:er. 1 00 a gnixl coiufor'ithle. " 1 25 r pair up, snlemliil L-.'in t . " tf. 1 ard 20t j.er vM. a'.j:':.- ;- 221.c up, l!f k nr.d i-i-.tiTi tJ .;' " 45c j'r yanl h'wk an i .-.'-.-.j - . , -8U It 10 ?i.ni 12Vo to i.V fer url ;:. m I;.,- . " S0c ier yard tip, aii v...! flithnt Is, ! ev i fc-i'iVth.J. 50o " waterproof, nti ext.-fllt ii ; quiit; . " 20c cassinieres, 'well worth dui.We.) - 75 up. Latliea cloakn. Ihe tin est assort tve;i I in tke vity. " ! 7 hj. Mioses and chi-dren's plonks " " " " " 20c ier yard up, hnnl usmie zephyr fasi ititvn. " 75- iy, a ;;reat aricty of shrm is. " 25c up, pe feet fitting corsets. 50c up, tv.u litittcn kid glore,, fin. A foil line of Ladies' iind Children's ur.derwear. (v-iy c r-!t. T ;e finest assort tnent tf Lnrfie's. Chiidrvn'san? lrf.t::t h.in-he. packs and shawic, zepliyr, ever knun ii in Plat.ymuth. ILLIH For 75c, up. Ladies' triniraed I'at.s, fo. 65c, up. Children's hais. Jewelry and notions at prices :hat e : . O O O Of 3fens'. Youths' and rliiidreas chdliins?. reri5 .: -jf c.'t. ire : iair to close this branch of our business. look out for b:?rj;:iii3. Fr 83 00 and up. Mens vercai, Jsard to bt. . " 4-00 ami up, Mens' suits. " ". 1 50 and up, Hoys' suits. FURNISHING GOOLS IN PROPORTION. For 61 75, up. Mens hoots. MenNlios 1 25 up. 1 00. up. Boys' boots. Bvs' shoes. S ir; up. " 1 00, up. Ladies a hoes. Childretis shoes, 25? up. The largest and most elegar.t stock of mens and boys' felt and stiff crawn hats in the west. Take advantage of the great inducements we ofr in zephyrs, all raior, 12 cents per eusee. Full Jirie of Gerinantown and hish colored yaia ve-y low. Fine ass't in Java Honey Comb aud plaid ci ivij at ieduce,l figures. FINE DRESSING GLOVES. GLOVES FOR FARMERS, GLOVES FOR RAILROAD MEN. u " BRIDGE 2! EN, GLOVES FOR LIVERY MJSN. In fact we, show the greatest variety of gloves, for spe use, to be found, and we call special attention to them. The above list covers onIy a saiall portion of She many articles which we offer as BARGAINS. We guarantee the public the retailing of all goods at wholesale prices, and we defy anyone in the husiaess to coaspete with tha aboYe figures. OLQB ION Ntutli; & Prvmp p. jlZorsc, Si!ile& OxSlioeing, ; u short, we'll shoe anything that liar lour feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe, f'ouie and see ua. ' n fi'th 5 USt Kt-rii5 between Main a-vt Vine fttrnets. e corner frwm tbe nkw 1IEKA1. OFK1CS HOfiEftT DONNELLY'S 5 i hit . 1Y I 1 il SHOP. Wagon, Jitig:;, Machine- and Flow re pat ring, and general jolting 1 am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm mid other niHchinery, as there is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAUZN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken cfcaree of the wagon shop. He is wt-n knnwn as a NO. 1 WOlt KM A. ew Wasoao ad Kttara! easde to rtier. SATISFACTION fiUARANTEKD. hrn en SIvthskreet aonoit eeiglna Stable n JOHNSON, DEALKJi IN Druqs- ifiedicines, a4ii Paper Trimmed ree of CUarge. ALSO DEALER IN ,.V '-iiA aiiit i3M Stali o n ery , Ma gazin b. AND L ?i t es t V whl iv a t o it . PriMiMipltirv Curefally t'p5iat HEMIMBKR THE PLaCX. 6ih ? DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN Pl.A'fl HMOt'TH. NErt EDG E it T 0 N . V I ne s, L i q o u r s AXl) CIG-ABS. Main Rlroet, opposite the f'onrt Koue. This place la Just o:fne9. neic, good :ood( all kinds. We went lo kce:a g-'iod haue ii.cC j!ea our cuetonirra. MUfElMSR TJcIS. 8!y. I? 4a . a i s i t J O IN y ,-a ; A 'tt;- V.I. iefv c,i.i.' f -i; "VV & NATHAN. ! WALJ 'PAPER. a. j B iw.ei.; i i -fa -AiyS I t .Tn THE ONLY HEDALS EVER AWARDED FOR POROUS PLASTERS TOE CJYEJ; totheroaauruturerso'BKN'aON'SCAPCIXK FOP.OUS PLASTEUS st tho CMiIcnuial a-' Parin Kxpnsitien. OVER 5.0G0 PHYSICIANS & DRUGGISTS HAVE VOLUNTARILY TESTIFIED that they are a gretit itnprowment on the common. U)W-actlng 2'oroa Plasters by rawnn f f ,;.., -prompt actum and the absnlutc t trtalnty of their qultkly relieving inin, and effecting a po4ft r viticK. as or. 404 H. A. WATERMAN & SON. Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in PINE LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES. SASH, D00US, BLINDS, ETC., ETC.. ETC. Me street. Orticr of Fifth. PLATT.SliOUTTI, - - - - NEB. Still 33ttr Aitss for Lumber Sehluntz & Dewey, Cedar Creek, Oass county, Nq-... BEALEKS IX Hardware, Mai5 Ciips5 Ht Highest market price kinds of Grain, in Cash, or will ta!;e produce in exchange for goods. Having now got our Stock fairly opened, we invite all to call and ex amine. HVE.-A- ILT TJ IF1 pa 31 CD o o fa o CD ca CD cr tr CD 55 CS :-i g re Fv.va'':v v i? iV-v-?'''. 2-: h. mmm:m$i&mm:i i lire; - -Tr i--.y-'iy-7 Sherwood Keeps the iggesl 'Line of Ecotsl & Shcoa In Ca?s THZ3CS T seta BY i V-1 ej ji UNr FOR PAKT1CBLAR r,Bt VVhiteSevihg Machine Co. SifsJViiSf aSiI 617 St. Cberles Street, St. Lonls, Mo. A regular gr.duta of two Bladii-al Collrjcr., haalMrn lonfcr np.gcd in the .nrcial trfttrnml fif all Venereal. Sezu&l ejad tbromc l:se8fcie tiun any ather Physician in 8c Xoois. aa city paper, .how, aid aliold raaiilenta know. Bypbilia, Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Stricture. Ca-cnJtia. Bemia, or Rupture, nil Urinary Dieeaaee and Syphilitic or Merci'iiM ArTcctiona of the Throat . Bkin or Bone, are treetad with unparal!elc4 raecaaa, OB lataat arientifir principle. Saf.lT. Privately. opermatoria?, ti-xvial IXitality and Im po tency, at the remit ef Sclf-AbuM Id youth, acsual eecae in niararer yea-f, or other cautea, aud wbkh prcxlucs aonwof the ullowin efferti: Benroumeai, wmiual emu. aions, rfrbilft.y. dimne. ot ih:,deJatiro memory, pimple en the face, phT'ical decay, araloo to aaciy of t m.lea, eontuiioa of fdwit, Iom lit Sexual f"wrr. etc., rendering tnarrlaea lmjrioiKr or unhsrvy, ar permauently eured. Con.ultaikH at office, or by an.ll free, and invitee. when it l. inc.n.euieiit lo vi.it the city lor treatment. mHlicirv can be ment bw mail or frnrrti ererv vlirr. i nr. able cat, g uarantrctl. la bera doubt cxiatfyt if frmnLly atatcd CUIDE. idlni. Seal ed for bOc l.lff&.nt ciolh Rnd rttt Hrdintr. Sraled for BOa in potta or crtirrrocy. tmr r fifty wor.derfttl penpicturaa, o lovine atilijeru i Who may PRESCRIPTION FREE For the ipaedy ciraof aeminal Weakne., Laa Mar hood, I rem. lure Uebility, Kcrvaoiitieav. lnrmAft?y. Confii.ioa of Ida... Aver, ion to society, Drfertiv. M'morv, aud ail Xhaordcrv broug hton by Secret Habit and xceM. Any drugri.t ha. the inrre,lierit. Andrea., fjR. JACOUIe, 70S Caaalnut 8C, 6t, Louir, U CAST'S RIDIF.G SAW MACHIHE &4 ? s The BUST THING OUT. 1' Will SAW any else logs In. any pOelUon. .oouiinni in nan Waiirht Of the ODCT- tor dooa all th. work. Bend for Circular, and ATioea. ACENT8 WANTED. Add C-CC KESE! S5ieCTf::.hV a Si I 'LL'"',;"1 fiwwie'. mi: HZZ llnal. " .-.ey-ry , V.i.i S IMIX'T IIW llil. kaarv. hMTrla; 10 It tea 1 n -n ; I Mic e r.nelii. Ira: 2 Ilrel liu: I il-.pu; If -t4cr : I I U;n Htl-icr : I hn'.tr t.p I'cmiI ! umh .nvei. 11 ilu-ci. an. r.per; I pl.iu Hook thil lw..r Foem, asd Crn"e Secret lir tlr.uiac nam, (Wf awncy MMinx e. tfi .---i a mr Wit Biarry, who not, why. si.nhood. Womanhood, Phy.val -. CUT tM.ii. decay. Who ahoulil marry ; liow life and h.pplnea. may IttSaneatlrrlylYKlVITVIri? b. ioareavnd. Tlie Phy.iolotrv of He-production, and many - 1 rrio V.h-i ; hort . iiv ft tlin li-I n more. 1'liow m.rr.erf or oontcn.i.i.t,,,. m.rriw. .hould .M 1,, , r Lv-.t , q ,- read It. then karA ander lock and key. Popular edition, f t Of ficrl.t t T SlleratCW, J i. t, aame a. above, but paper cover, iW) p.r, 25 da. by mail, ' OUlOT bai.lnt,' Tfrv.d' '. in money or pavta.. Cheanert rood'uide in Aofca. lj'v. ILh.'iS la llwjif ' ft t:- 'if " r -m a IVANTPn A " " iiiii u I j.lopU af Tkiag. W.rth kf mw.( . T.tbck ...a. ilb (Ood nlcra.aaa, w. fwu.k Ida .w4Jhl rrar, (ie irrni iStl vlll lnarrawlur a.ar flOV a ataata. Xiitmm I.TXBAATIUJa. tlB. tOBos H. Sk b.aia, -1. MONEY TO LOAN ON IM PROVED FARMS F0J Fr E TEARS TIME. TEJf PER CEJST IXTlTUESr. NO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of D. II. WHEELER & CO. Plattsmoath; r 11. E. JJOOKE, Lin coln, Nebraska. 2Hf Stoneware, Q 5 eiac.i) piid for ail 7$ O T O jE y County. J? St M PLC IHAHTC9 i : -va, - , .,liu,r ar v- -i xi ' r.Ta : CHUT!' - AD EREt S I Vaf- Cleveland, ohio. j BEST 13 CinSAPiZST! EuLa a ' m m aj .V B L u tiaa u at. Wl W We tc-iil fire $1000.00 for tiny Alw.x, vr CtiiCT ariitlteratioti fnunti i thie 1'Otrjijjjt. c In.lorve.i t,y tlie rr-v'ra eff'JJ'p f Health, nn-1 tho hcbt chei-.u -rs-V la 1110 lW-'t Hl'et. 11. ui niuu ti'i.ii t., r any Trojtt PoycS-r 1; the wnrl'l. it r.cvEH. FAiri . 7:i-hil ns direoferL It Is t AJ Bt N : D T,v t-rr r to snstaiia and uaurUii I. pvstcm. Ooofl food mates.-ocil tcfilth; r.r,ft hr. !s improved cr 1-r.palrr-d la t.'i-i;;tUo.i lis food we eat 1 nutritions r ctnerwWv Ltwid' UASI.sa l'OVilt;K alnayi -.' food fatxl. One can of thii 13 worth two cf tny ti fcakli? comnoaniL. It Hakes bread whiter r:l r I eft or. MorthaD ti&U the co;nnl;tlnt.nrjf l u t-r I ari;ie from the mimi cf common b'tkiii i ' I dera, which ortea Uiuke tho bcsicf fioiir 'a out aarn tirean. Tl:9 most d( ".a.to p'rscra ran rat 4 prfj arfU with 1& wrflout pU v. f'Kij e.'-ry oi:ir riij:l! tr-.r'faia iuiterutct and la aiMOltitc-iy 1 :' ;-'. 'I'll - u 1 .. ... 5 - - fa 1 ef ' a .t.s u v.uuo , t - 'hi r-:iieit ft re -je . r-vi f Tartar, ami is IF:t fcT.--i r It rnakes th IiAuS'i', licutcst. wi-I r utrltlona ' A-4 sna. a e a a H J w MATcrr.vrvi tjns-.n oyt.T CT tS'-Tor le hv K. O. DOVEY & PO v t TH MANV VvKf KBAC'lb F. S. WUiTF"1 V' -JV5 f f .s.'J &.4--.. , :.d..'-fjf $ ? -;'..;-7 CUCKWHEAT, INDIAN. Af FLAHKEL CAKE3. A? pvrlo t.!. 1 y.iU prove the mperl. t