Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 11, 1879, Image 3

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- nn
Forbes, Friday.
Keeuan & Grace. Read Ad. else
rrhere. 33t3
Iternembcr the Masonic Festival
the 29th.
Grain ! Grain ! wanted at Fred
"Elmwood Feints" came too late for
this week.
See Keen an & Grace's Ad. Holi
day goods. 3813
Saturday aud Friday, Forbes folks
aro areund.
One hundred seats for Janawsheck
sold already.
Did you raad "Santa Claus" letter
ia another column. 2Sl2
Call on Mrs. Gapt. Marshall and
get the pew Organ Tutar. 38tf
See Julia.3 Pepperberg't new Ad
all about his "Present" &c.
Don't fail to take a look at the
New Organs at Mr. O. F. Johnson's, tf
Don't fail to read the litter writ
ten by "Santa Clans" in auother col
umn. 38'2
The Masonic Invitations for the
27th are being printed at the Hf2ikd
Pborbes Phuny Pholka phool
away an evening or two here, this
Saata Claus says in his letter that
big headquarters are at the P.O.News
Dpot. - 383
Bill Eikenbary para be has 9,000
Imsliels of corn husked and ain't ir
dne yet.
Holiday Goods all over ani every
where ; go aad see, everybody, for holi
day thing.
S. C. Moore is feeding forty-five
head of 6teers and they are as fine as
you mate 'em.
Everyone indebted to Smith &
Black are requested to settl by the
Crst of January 38tf
Everybody rush Into Smith &
Chick's and get your choiee of Books
before it is too late. 88t2
Ileaiember that Fred Gorder is
paying the beat price for Grain that
the market will allow.
Ed. Bigatll, of Lincoln, called
Tuesday. He inforras as that his
mother's wrist is doing cicely.
If yon want to eave monoy go to
the P. O. News Dept, far your Toys,
aad Holiday goods, candies, etc. 38t2
Fraak Guthman and Weckhach
have the most curious baking-pnwders,
just buy a box and see what youM get.
We shall try and gctths paptreut
on Wednesday before Christmas
Bring your Ads in Tuesday. . ReiDm-
ia Gsd
All are
There will be a social
Templar's Hall thl-t evening,
invited to curne and have a
Alex Scblegel has turned express
man. He can't quite fi'l Graa1-pa
Schlegei's placp, but than' he rattles
reund right livt-Iy.
Dr. Schildknecht Bem to have
the largest country practice of any
Doctor we know. He goes constantly,
good roads or bad.
Testerday the thaw froze up. and
before the froze th3W3 eut, we may
expect a pretty sharp spell of weather.
Our wood-piln is low-too. '
Just see our market rrpsrts, hogs,
S4.15; Wheat, 05 cents; Corn, 25 cts.;
Oats, 27 cts.; Butter. 25 cts.; Eggs, 25
cts.; and other tilings in proportion.
A little daughter of Jas. Leucht
weis fell from the High School steps
sometime since and died from tha ef
fects of the fall last Sunday morning.
Phil Young can supply all those
wishing Toys, Candies, Nuts, &c, for
Sunday schools, or private families,
Christmas Tree3, &c, aad save you
money. - 38t4
" There is soma fellow keeps send
ing samples of face powder Hp to this
oSce. Our Devil says when he gets
the Ink oft bo it will show, he'll use
Hold your orders for Candle?, and
Christmas Tree trimmings, until you
see Phil Young's Stock in that line,
largest ever offered in the city at low
prices. 38t2
Robert M. Elvin of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, will
preach on Sunday next, Dec. 14th, at
the courthouse, 11 o'clock a. m. and 7.
p. aa. All are invited.
Joseph Connor Is buying grain as
usual at five or aix different points on
the road. Joe. pats ia a bid for Oats
now and then, too; and in fact keeps
the market lively here.
The officers of a single "veteran
Club" in 111., sent four hundred sub
scribers to the Inter Ocean for the
year. That's the way to support a
good Republican Newspaper.
The Lincoln Journal thinks the
Grange suits have cost the tax-payers
as much or more than all saving ever
made by the purchase of goods direct.
We judge that is the case here. x
Oa the border of a Dallas Times,
Tex.13, seat us by a friend, wo find
written Deanisoa, in eight years has
had 28 men killed aad 13 suieides.
Wa3 ever a man hang, by law, ia Tex
as? From piack Hills' papers we see
that Schnasse & Gramberg have laid
ia au immense new stock of goods.
Mr. Gossag?, the editor there, thinks
it is the largest yet brought to Rapid
City and their trade is corresponding
ly larce.
8. iner culled Saturday.
Dr. Ranev. the hog cholera man is
round yet, and doing a big business.
Henry Ahl, of Louisville, called last
week. Pleased to make his acquain
tance. Dan Johnson came down from Blair
this week to see the bays, and get some
Mr. Ralph Meeker and Miss Jose
phine Meeker passed through Oaxaha,
on Saturday.
Major Stevenson, of Omaha, was in
town Sunday and Monday, the guest
of Mr. Chas. DawaSn .
Fred Hayes, Yard Master at the B.
& M., went east to Detroit Monday, to
attend the marriage of his sister.
W. F. Bennett is home from the
Black Ilil!?, ani wo ar sorry to learn,
is sick, at his brother's, the captain's.
Mike Cavey and Dan McCaig came
to town during co'irt week, for the
first time in twj yi t:s. 3 ihf-y sid.
Mr. aal Mr:. H. X. Smith, and Miss
Ifami- of Omaha, have been down vis
iting tlx HFKii-D folks this week
Mr. Sinith lerest.ntR ihe firm of Bena
ley, Wagner &, Bensiey, Unioa Stock
yards, Chicago, ani is looking a'fUr fat
cattle eemewhat.
"Darling, I am growing old,
Silver threads among tlio gold"
Sang the wife but Jack replied,
"Turn your switch tlie other side."
James Kaser. a lad of fourteen
years who has been living with Mrs.
Hicks accidentally shot himself with
a email revolver ho wa3 cleaning. The
wound is not dangerous; Dr. Schild
knecht was sent for.
Mrs. Eignll an elderly lady,
mother of Ed. and Geo. Bignell, slipped
on our infernal sidewalks Sunday, com
ing from Church and sustained a com
pound fracture of the wrist which will
disable her for some weeks.
Grand opportunity to get a first
class Organ for the Holidays. Mason
& Hamlin excelled by none.
S612 James Pettee, State Agent.
Dick Reese keeps the best chewing
tobacco, of any one-horse-blacksraith
we ever saw. He says lie didn't hel
ler though last week. It was Mike.
One of the mules stepped on Mike's
crns and it 'most killed him.
The Clark fc Pluramer warehouse
is to be dlled with grain, aud Fred
Gorder i3 tho man that is going to do
it. Whca oae goes out another comes
iu. Billy Darrah left us far pastures
new and "Fred" steps iu to fill his
Remember Fhil Young makes a
specialty of Toys, Juvenile Books, Pho
to aad authograph albums. Doll3, Dell
Heads and Bodies, China ware. Vio
lins, Accordeons, and Harmonicas,
Candies, Nuts and Fruits of all kieda,
aud wiil not bo undersold. 3812.
We want some wood "by Gosh"
right off, too. Some of you fellows
tbat have been going to bring in wood
all summer had better bo about it
aiw, or there'll be a rsrnpws. We
ain't going to have our hair pulled by
the women any more because ycur're
too lazy to haul that wood.
Bottom Prices for Holidays on
Mason & Hamlin Organs, pply to r
address, Javks Pettee,
Ofiic iu O- F. Johnson's Di ng Store,
Pl.tttsmouth. Neb. 36t2
Tha New York Times tells a love
ly yarn about Piaafere at Lynn, Mass.
ferine one varnished the seats in a new
Opera house so the audiesce all stuck
fast, th; men ripped loose aud went
home by the alley. The women well
they didn't hardly ever swear; but on
ly because they couldn't do the subject
W e are just having a regular boom
on our Christmas Presents, to our sub
scribers. Applicants for the News
and the Cook Book are crowding in
every day, and bringing the cash for
the Hebald a year in advance.
Only two weeks more to pay up for
the Herald a year in advance and get
a Christmas Present beside. See notice
at bead of first column en editorial
A young man working at the Mei
singer's met with quite a severo acci
dent last week, ia a somewhat unesu
al way. He was sitting reading, and
on moving from his chair, a pistel in
his pocket 6truck the chair aad went
off, the bullet penetrating the fleshy
part of his leg and lodging there, caus
ing a severe wound. Another party
taught by bitter experience that fire
arms are dangerous things to carry.
Mac Donagh breaks out in poetry
on Geo. L. Miller, "in regards" to his
passing poor old Dnrant in Now York
lately is the first "werse."
In years gone by, when he wa3 king
Of railroads ia the west,
I fawned upon him like a dog
I worshipped him with zest ;
But haughtily I pass him by
On Broadway's thoroughfare.
As I would any mangy tramp ;
lie's poor and bent with care.
Hear the King.
I will be in Cass County about the
last of January, or first of February,
1880, to sell trees, &c, and. will replace
all stock that did not grow last year
at half price. I want to do all I can
to satisfy my old customers, and reve
the value of our nurseries. Don't fail
to remember the date and have your
orders ready. Wm. King,
33L3 Agt. Shenandoah Nurseries.
Kica McHakia.
II. C. McMakin, one of our old resi
dents returned from the Black Hills
Saturday, and visited the Herald of
fice Monday, when he showed us some
very fine specimens from his new Mica
mine. They certainly compare very
favorably with eastern Mica, and we
believe Ileary and his partner have
secured a fortune as good Mica is a
scarce and valuable article of merchan-
Little Boys and Girls Ererywhere".
Sxow Castle, Icelakd,
Dec. 1st, 1870. y
My Dear Children:
Once more I greet you with the
"Merriest Christmas" and "gladdest
New Year." Don't fail to see what
fine present I havo for you in store at
Phil Young's Headquarters for
my Christmas presents. Now, my dear
children, you must remember that I
am getting old and feeble, so thair I
cannot visit you a'l a in my younger
days, sol would beg you to lighten
my burdens, by going to J. P. Young,
at the P. O. News Ieiot, and select
such geds a3 you want mo to bring
you for your presents, ask Phil to la
bel them plainly, or write me a letter
in care of I'niL Yownp.tiA my word
for it, you shall haYO everything you
ask for. But be sure aad don't forget
the place, and by li'iv.g gocd children
you shall be rewarded accordingly.
I am 03 ever, yours, affectionately,
Baptist Sociable
At tho house of Prof. Wise, Friday
evening. A cordial invitation extead
ed to all.
New Grain Bayer.
Fred Gorder is buying Grain again.
If you want full market price for your
grain come and see Fred Gorder.
Double TTeddiag.
At the rtsidence of Mr. George S.
Smith on Sunday, Doc. 7th, by the
Rev. II. B. Burgess, Mr. F. M. Ken
drick to Miss. Adele Brat. and-MR.
Herr D. Byers to Miss Alfa Perrt.
A3 members of the Kendall Company
tho Brides were given away by Mr.
Kendall. Other members of the com
pany were present at the ceremony, af
ter which, an elegant dinner was served.
- Card Writing.
All those wishing .calling cards,
written either witli plain black or col
ored inks can obtain tho same from
the undersigned, at the following
prices: Gold or silver edge, round coin
ers, 20 cents pev dozen, or two dozen
for 35 cents, plain white Bristol 15
cents per dozen or two for 25 cents; 10
cents per dozen or three for 25 cents
where cards are furnished. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money refunded.
W. II. Pool,
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
Tfee wonderful tragedienne will be
here on Saturday, Drc. 20th, one night
ouly. Mr. Young at great pains has
secured thij wonderful actress for this
place, and we oaght to give her a full
housi. Tiis is what the btst judges
6ay of her The play wili probably
b- "Mary ;tuart."
"The Past 1 Rachel's tho Tresent Jauau
schek's." Haj jier's Weekly.
l is your dut- ln:lics aad gentlemen of New
Orleans, ly ov irtlowiiig tiie houses to shew
your appreciatku of this woman. Do you pio
lt?NS 10 rtfpect ti 'its womauhHd? Do you pro
less to honor ger.'us? both combine iu Juuau
ci.cek a. woman who lias n-aci.ed the highest
round of fume's 'aililer with unstained gar
ments a woman w.xose cart er is blameless both
as regards her peisiual moral character, anil
the ennobling plays . he had ever produced, and
by her peuhi.-i matie ii miortal a wouiau as great
as her name which is vorld wide whose nacte
will remain a pf-rpeluai monument to the glory
of the stage. New Orle. os 1'icayuue.
New Let of Case's Goods
for Christmas and Holidays, Brandies,
boUled, Scotch whisky, Ii'sh whisky,
Bouiboa and AI33, bottled "Ver and
wines of all kinds, at
S8L3 Keenak & Gracv's.
Dr. Bulls' Cough Syrup is particu
larly recommended for children. It
curep Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat
and Whooping Cough. Is pltiisant to
the taste and acts like a charm. Price,
25 cants.
TaIIsc Lost.
On the road from Plattsmenth to
Three Groves, on Tuesday night. The
finder will be suitably rewarded by
leaving the same at this office or Wm.
Eikenbary's. Rice Eowe.
One Experience fro;j.3Sariy.
"I had been sick and miserable so
long and had caused my husband so
much trouble and expense, no one
seemed to know what ailed me," that I
was completely disheartened and dis
couraged. In this frame of mind I got
a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them
unknown to ray family. I soon began
to improve and gained so fast that my
husband and family thought it strange
and unnatural, but when I told them
what had helped me, they said, "Hur
rah for Hop Bitters! long may they
prosper, for they have made mother
well aud us happy." The Mother.
For Sale.
The old Platte Vallev hotel, corner
Main and Fourth sts., lot G6 by 140
feet, title clear, possession given, cheap
for cash. Apply to O. L. Palmer,
Chariton, Iowa.
Boot and Shoe Factory still carries
the Jead. 37t2
Gloves and Mitts, a fine line kept at
37t2 R. Sherwood's.
Christmas Presents.
Fancy slippers at Sherwood's cheap.
Highest price paid for Hides, Furs. Wool,
etc.. at F. S. White's. 25tf
One pair of boots or shoes saved
every year by using Lyon's Patent
Metallic Heel Stiffeners. 37U
The P.est Sewing Machiucs in the Market
at Merges'. 34tf
For Sale.
Two splendid building lots, No.'s 9
and 10, block 40, beautiful location on
hillside, northwest of Congregational
church. Apply to O. J,. Palmer,
Chariton, Iowa.
Mens' Fine Warm Slippers for 5o ets..
at Merges'. 34tf
For Sale.
Two snlendid buildinsr lots. TJ"o a 9
and 10, block 46, beautiful location on
hillside, northwest' of - Congregational
chnrck. Applv to O. L. Palmer.
Charlton, Iowa.
Died this month, Mr.Santiclause
after a long and fatigued journey, lad
en with Christmas Presents on his
way to Plattsmenth and ordered them
sent on to Smith & Black to be sold at
Bottom Prices, they are also adminis
trators of his estate and all persons
having claims against said estate will
be justified by call 1 n r at
Yours Respectfully
Smith & Black's.
For Sale.
Dwelling house, brick and stone, 2
lots in block 36, next block suthwest
of Bank. Apply to O. L,. Palmer.
Chariton, Iowa.
Hogs! Hogs! !
. Dead hftgs wanted immediately ; the
farmers or others will find ready sale
for all hogs that die on their baud?, at
prices varyiag from to 1 if tents per
pound. Bring them on to
87t3 Miller & Co.
at Streight & Miller's Harness Shop.
CiO Beaver Opera Boots 2.00 at
tj.tJU. Merges'. 34tf
Probate Notice.
Estate of John Tallom, deceased, la County
Court of Cuss County. Neb.
Notice is hereby given to all pel eons having
claims against the estate of John Tallon, deceas
ed, to fii$ the Fame in the ollice of tlie Coi.nty
Judge, at I'lalf mouth. Cass Co.. Nebraska, on
or before the 15th day of June, A. D. 18S0.
38t3 A. N, Sullivan. Co. Judge.
Farm for Sale !
Consisting of Eighty two acres under
cultivation, with a good dwelling
house and substantial outbuildings, on
Section 36, Town 12, Range 11, Louis
ville Precinct. Enquire of
31 til J. SCHLATER, Plattsmont.h.
For Sale.
Dwelling house, brick and sfone, 2
lots in block 36, next block southwest
f bank. . Apply to O. L. Palmer.
Chariton, Iowa.
f fflH iX$ -4 if y 3 M a i LVS
We will ttty AganuuetaiArr 01 tlou per month.
tnd iiptaui, or llw lirg (ommiMiOB, to Mil our
Bw aad woaarrful iaTOBtioa. M' mean what uajay.
toanBl AddrM6aiiA A Cw. MrkfcLU MiaA.
Business lots, south east corner Main
and Fifth sis., cheap for cash. Apply
to O. L. Palmer,
Chariton, Iowa.
Is hereby given to each and every one knowing
themselves indebted to me to settle prior to
January 1st. 1880, as after that date all accounts
will positively be placed in the hands of a col
35tf Office at Smith & Black's Store.
For Sale.
Two splendid building lots, No.'s 9
and 10, block 4C. beautiful location on
bill side, northwest of Congregational
Church. Applv to O. L.. Palmer,
Chariton, Iowa.
Bucklen's Arnica Salrc.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Tetter, Chapped. Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 241y.
Far Sale.
Dwelling house, brick and stone 2
lots in block 36, next block southwest
of bank, Apply to O. L. Palmer.
Chariton, Iowa.
For Sale.
The old Platte Valley Hotel, corner
Main and Fourth sts., lot 66x140 feet,
title clear, possession given, cheap for
cash. Apply to O. L. Palmer,
Chaiiton, Iowa.
Stop That Congh.
If you are suffering with a Cough,
Cola Asthma, Bronchitis, nfty Fever.
Consumption, loss of voice, tickling in
the throat, or any affection of the
Throat or Lungs, use Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. This is
the great remedy that is causing so
much excitement by its wonderful
oires, curing thousands of hopeless ca
se;. Over one million bottles of Dr.
Kin i's New Discovery have been
used Uhin the last year, and have
give n perfect satisfaction in every in
stance. We can unhesitatingly say
that this is really the only sure cure
for throat and lung affections, and can
cheerfully recommend it to all. Call
and get a trial bottle free of cst or a
regular size for 81.00. Smith & Black,
Wholesale and Retail, Plattsmouth,
Neb, 26e6wly.
a c -
For Sale.
Business lots south east corner Main
and Fifth sts., cheap for cash. Apply
O. Li. Palmer,
Chariton, Iowa.
Hon't be Peceired.
Many persons say "I haven't got the
Consumption" when asked to cure their
Cough with Shiloh's Consumption,
Cure. Do tlrey not know tnat Coughs
lead to Consumption and a remedy
that will cure Consumption will cer
tainly and surely cure a cough or any
lung or throat trouble. We know it
will cure when all others fall and our
faith in it is so positive that we will
refund the price paid if j-ou receive
no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi
tion. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and 61.00
per bottle. For lame chest, Back or
side, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price
25 cents. For sale by Chapman &
Smith, Druggists.
Why will yousuli'er with Dyspepsia
and liver complaint, constipation, mid
general debility when you can get at
our store Shiloh's System Vitalizer
which we sell on a positive guarantee
to cure you. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts.
For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drug
ists. ;
IIACK.ME J'ACK" a popular and
fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman
& Smith, Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb.
341y eow.
Highest cash price paid for live hogs
by E. Cr.Dovpy Son. 37f6
fPsi piifjr
mid leal lis
The HaFg;et smmI
stock f" ftPatcInes
A Mm lot of SfiflTei asDs!
C?!odk9 AlStensia Vafflaes5
supply f .geia aiasl mm
asad & Basra
S$ Gil
Don't Fail to Call and Examine.
Wc willlnot "bs Undersold in any Line of Goods. Watch Work Done, and Warranted.
tfcMs A
ajsr iJSjy:jzjrsjE stocjt of clotiiijvg-
Everything for MENS' and BOYS' Wear.
&m aiasi runner sqsi qja&ra. i
"Piece gel59 f tfee fisset faflwfics ira fiSae
lBai miuBe.uRP at reasonable aeate araoS
T8f!a23(tciidk or mo sale.
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have iteilg of Ready Made Good