The Herald. The Herald, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT PLATTSIOOTH, NEBRASKA. ADVERTISIKO BATEM. rli'ACK i 1 vf. j mi w. j 3 w. 1 in.; 3 in. I C s.i. l yr 1 Kf . Si o;:i ro $2 ,v ?3 . on ii2M 1 i-ii VdO. 27;-,; 32V rtM lin)j IK c 2 Mi 2 7S 4 Of. I 4 73; Gti!l3i:ol -J) V Milt 8 On 10(HI 12i. W tt i'SOO: 35 ej MMtll'iOO! 1 .'. (tO , IHV: "jivji 40f,0l 00(4 15 00! 1-tOi)' 20 0: '-"1 00 4H(W! mi'll M 2 i";r. . 3 sijrH.-. col . . W col.. 1 col... ?C Vl9 t., One B!o-tk Horth of Main, Cor. of Fiftri Street f"27- All Advertising Bills Due Qurtcrly. 17" Traristcat Advertlsment nrnst bo Tald' in Advance. JKO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. J "PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS, 5J (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. Lit:;! Orditb cf ky a Cs Cbistj. Tarros In Advance: One ttrrty, ona ye; Oris; copy, six iHiitisa OSfi vopy, three mouths, S2.CC 1.C0 50 VOLUME XV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1370. NUMB Ell. 33. Extra Copies of the nittiALO for s&!e by J. P. You no, at tho rost-Ofiloe Ne lejot. Main Street. ' i i ii il 1 HPJ Ml p HENRY BCSCK dealer 1 n SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., ETC, iTC, Of A.H Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES Of till sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cabL .1r FiVii' HEARSE 13 NOW HEADY FOK SERVICE. ORGANS 8l PIANOS Of Every Description, CHEAP FOR CASH. The Celebrated Whittlesey Patent X7I17DOW SHADE FIXTURES, Complete with Roller, for 2."cts. Lambrequin Window Shades. Aud a Larger v?iiety of Cheaper Shades, of all varieties. With many thanks for past patronage. I Luvite all to call and examine my LAEG E STOCK OF J3tf. r'URXT"JK AM) COT FISH BRICK! BRICK! i you want any Fire cr Ornamental Erick, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - NEBRASKA. HOTEL. CITY HOTEL- PLATT SV.OUTU, NEB. First c'ass Lcdtrin?-; Rooms. First CIwm Boarding. i;i:nl Sar.iplc Itcciaa ETerjthiJ! atd every con:fort A Good Hotel can Fiirnlsli Also, Uors'.l NVins, (loud L'eer, 0:od I.itjiur. (,od LeiMiiuadsf. liood Ciir-..M, Kept at the City Kotel. 1t- FUEO. :Oi. rrui'i-ietr. Zt-Tt ' 7 Zf ar':r, CARRIAGE and ORXA HEXTA L rA I XTEI2, Sh'.-p over the Brielc Block next to II Boeclc's. l'LATTSMOUHI, lllv. It 70s re o. man of l'KiM v, T.e kor.-J tji 1: j Uraus of CO your juif. r-vuiu fer-i'.' sdu o ti 3 LjM II yen ere a in t ij' OTrrycr irr-lkiid mere vu! V7ao.T"ryfoar. w?i rrvr yen p;e.wr.rrrT.youcol l-:lir".r'-v.';.:i P" c'' -.r'.'? I' rh-,-o. ra ""ir.iia-ita;:. wit.i.-.uJ ' .a.'.T-.'.fa. r-,'1'-"'-A 'IT' w S i. tsi -i. W "A. V. TV.a tK) ?1 EiT,rc.n if-frvift. K.-'rrv or tn-rnnrv .wiirfi?. ' t-J tt .v i hves.-...' i - you w If tub !nr'7-r-M rni-! V-J tt Th. i:? r- f.-r !...-:!. f ,7,,!. ..:t.-io-tu irk m REKEOY FOU nissasss ol tlic Tlircat ani Luges. T):soasoa of the iiIno iv.iiy organs ;iro -so prov-u'.i-at a:l fatal, that a fiafe r.iul reliable reineily lr thtui is invaluable to every community. Avf.k's Ciskkrv Pec toral, ia such a remedy, a:iJ no other bo emi- r-'"'y nently merit.- the conri W1 JJ deiieo of the public. It iitulitkl ' i a scientilic combina- ti."a of the medicinal principles ami curative 'virtue of the finest ' V-e'l, to insure the preat- est poKsmle cn-cjeucy PECTORAL. uuifornuty of re- pults, vh:cli enables pTivsicianr, r- v,-cll cn invaH l.i t uso it with cofirhienee. It 23 tho most reliabl-3 remedy for d;s; xscs of the throat a:ul luus that sci ence h;w prniluced. It strikes a&th fouu dation of all pulmonary oiseases, affonllug prompt and certain relief, and ia adapted to patients of ur.y ae or either Hex. liein;? very jial it ib!e, the youngest children take it without diSieulty. In the treatment of or.I;:iary Coughs, Cole's, fr;o?-o Throat, IJronrhltls In J:iezi:a, Cleryiaan's .ore TJiroat, Asthma, Croiip, and Ca tarrh, tho eiferM of AvEit's CiiiRar Pi:c To;t.i., are n::irri;-al, and innltituds are an l.r.uily pr(.-s-:rvid from serious ilines-i by its timely and faithful use. It shrii'd be kept tt luiud in ftvery househo'd, U r tlie pro-t-'i t-on ii affords in .si:dd..-n attacks. In 'lioipiit-conj;-! ad Consumption th -ra i no other rciaedv 80 ciiicacioiu, Koothiu-, auj helpful. The rnrrvp'.hnu cures wJiich Ayer's CiiKiytr PK'.ror.Ai. ha-s effected a'.! over ti.o wor:d ar3 a sufiici.-nt puarai.ty that it will continue to prodneu the best results. An impartial trial will convince t'ne most scepti cal Hj wonderful curative powers, as well an of its sunniority ever all other prcr-ara-tior.3 for pulmonary compUiats. rmincnt physicians in all parts cl tlie fOHii'ry. knowing its composition, reoora-i-i'T.d Avrn'n CiiKJtBY invalids, d jresciile it ia their p-actice. The test . of half a century lias proved its absolute c-'rtainty to e;ir all pulmonary complaints not already Leyosiil tho reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., I'rnrlical nnl Anslj ticnl Chemists, Lowell, Mass. CLB 1ST JU-t. liCCG-Iiia KVtaTT.iiilfcR. 1 . W c GABPENTES SAWS Or my'lim kind, yon can tile ftonrsrl f with on Ajp tlntJtine so tlmt it will cut Jieiter- than Ihe tfiliwill all remain of hiih1 sirs and uap. Sent free on receipt of (lit. HO to any pirt of th? liiitt-i btatpH. 1 1 1 unti ai.i C irculiin. frr. foxi A prnt rrnnfrrt in frfi'y eovntunmt fit if. ATirea4 . HUTU dL- UJUO., j'cw Ox ford , JVt. Mf'e haT licnrlrpds cf loiters ft-nm mon n.lrs cur .Machine who ity tUvy would not take tut iu WIRTS & SGHOLLE, . 26. 223 Wabash At en ok. Chicago, 111. Floe, Medium, and Common r ILLUSTRATED CATALOOTJE nd price i.'t of orer 500 new design MAIL,Ei a n application. CS4 or tt.) more patent imnrovc roents tli.m ar.Tother sloven. Ask your deal er fur them, or send lor free illusiralcd cir cular. Chicrro U Erie Gtove Co. (Limited), Vx, 171 & 173 X,a.' SJ., Chicago. CRAY'S 6PECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK. The 0rtEnlIh TRADEMARK. ..hiit...BT.te. 7 iVi !v and all diiaaw CSX7' iV'iV5T:V that follow u a jr- Tefore Taking. Abuse: as Lwi of After TaU injf. Memorr, roivrl lsifj!e, Pnln in liirRack. Diaiaeuor VnioD, Premature Okl Age. aal Piacy other t)iiaK that laaJ to Inunitr orCoDtnnipiion, anil a Prematnrc Grave. (tjr'ull particular in cur i-imi hlst, wkich we desire to end free by mail to every one. C-7The Specific MeliciniU old by all 4rurs;t at Jl pr f actagi. or ia paekt,-c for 3, or will be tent free by njatt oa receipt of t&e racay by ad-ireeli-.z THE G2AT JKEDrCISS CO., Hbco:c Bun, Urraorr, Mies. i2r-Sda;ia ruttsmoulh and everywhere, by nil DrnffiTlM's. FIRST CIiA:S Clothing "House! C. G. HSR0LD, - Propristcr. FIKST ESTABL'I IS 1?-C. Keeps a general largo stock of Hen's, Youth's & Boy's iiLO 1 Itiiljr! an l ba just receive;! the finest lut of French and English Silk WORSTED SUITS, that ever cr:a?st:r tuz ito. river. lils li;7ei'cnt styles of are surprisins. f-tid his stock of 1 L. 1 iKitiU'.. V,. VV.JUJ a i.1 r. 0. 0 U i 3, AM) i, ?r v. W M V- i-2 ' r &3tft? Isms J r-.xKi-'i to sur.ply ilemacd. Call and Examine tliG n r " 4- C i a - n Vi L i. .--3 - 2 v Am 'i LiSi! SOLE AGENT. Kor sa'o bv K. O. Jovcv & Sm. Selcmon & Nath:n. Wm ilertlu, V. Ii. Laker & Co.. L. Kali.-,kY & .''oh. ' i ' vi-'-t-. iV t-'-i A stor.t backbone Is as essential tf physical health :i to political coiiristeiicv. Per weak ness of the back anrt disorder of the liver and kidnevs. tb tonic iwid luoderate dietetic ac tion oi the Hitlers Is the one needful. Keineiaber that the ptomaeh is tlte niain stay of every i.tlier v:.n. and that by iuvvoratinu 1 lie fiitVst ion xvtiii this ;i paration. the spinal eoluuiu and all its dependencies are t treui;th ened. fnr Ilostf ttf r s ALMANAC for 130 apply to Iiiits.g!t and dou!crs generally. 37t J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and liealcr in SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPS ETC., ETC., ETC. IiKP AIRING Dons "witli Neatn8ssl Dispatch. 1 e only place in town where "Tmley's pat ent self adjustable horse eollars.i'"e sold." P si fiy U 1 II ia 1 g 1 fcl H Is tho best base burn" I B 1 S I M 1 ,1 er for h"rJ coal- U r--; --t.t LJ pj --i-a 3 Is? ir w 7 iNational Bank OF PLATTSMOUTH, NESKASKA, eccrKsaoit to TOOTI.K. HAX.VA & CLARIS John "it7..-.kj: i.? K. ti. Iiovkv K. W. M-!.Al';HLlN. . JON'II O liOUKKK President. Vice President. Cashier. Assistant Carliicr. Tills Rank is now opeD for business at their new room, corner Mam and Sixth streets, and is prepared to transact a general BANKING- BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Government and Local Securities ROUGI1T AND SOLD. Deposits Received and Interest Allow ed on Time Certificates. Vvailable In any part of tlie United States and lu all the Principal Towns and Cities of F.urope. AGESTS'rOR TOE CELERSATED kman Line and Allan Line OP STKAMEKS. Terson wishing to bring out their friends from Europe can PVRCHASE TICKETS FROM CS Tli roach to Platts mouth. WE I IS . J. F. B A U H E I S T E R Furnishes Fresh, Pure iiilk. Special call? attended ta. and Fresh Milk from saute cow furni.suad when wanted, 4iy Excelsior Barber Shop. J. o. BOONS, Haiti Street, opposite Saunders House. HAin-ctr'TTiiT SHAVING A X D S II A M P O O 1 X G Especial attention given to CUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. CALL AND SEE BOONE, GENTS, And gtt a born in a CL3A:.T SHAVE A. Sehlegel & Bro Manufacturers cf ZfT-JIILsriE CIG-AS, Aud dealers in FAX C Y SMOKERS ARTICLE'S, SMOKING and CHEWING TOD ACCOS. ?pce:a! RKAXPS and sizes of CIGARS made to cider, and s.-.t isfaetioa guarastecd. Cig-r clippiuss sold for .smoking tobacco. Main ?t. three dooss west of Saunders House: Tlattsmoutii, Neb. lOly M HABDffABB STORE. J. S. DUKE Has just opened an catite new stock, of hard ware, on -wa jul mj-i79J -XT' ffr KKrir Xext door west of Chapman Jt Smith's Drug Stoic. A Full Line cf SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES and ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, ly the Keg or Pound ROPE, POWDER. SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A FulhT.ine of (ITlil-KY. Sjw:ialnates to Ruilders and Con tractors. All goods soli as low as they possibly can be and live. 4!y WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer tu DIIY GOODS, CLOTHS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOODS. :o: GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stock of BOOTS and . SHOES t bo CLOSED OUT AT COST :o: Notions, Queensware, and ia fact everything you can cad for in the line of General Merchandise. CASn PAID FOR HIDES AXD FURS. Ail kinds of country induce taken lu ex change for goods. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers In STOVES, raatr art rr js. ust. jB3 9 ETC., ETC., KTC. One Door Fast of the Post-Office riattsmoutu, Nebraska. Practical Workere in SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA 2IERY,dc.,dc. Large assortment of Hard ana Soft Pumps, Gass Pipes andFittings. COAL STOVES, Wood and Coal Stoves for ii EATING Oil COOKING, Always on Hand. Evry variety of Tin, Sheet Iron, and Zinc Work, kept in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. rSTEYER YTH IXO WA ItRAXTED !SJ PIIICES tOW 1IOWX. SAGS R OS. PROFESSIONAL, CARDS IHt. J. 1j. MfCKRA, IIOMCEPATHIC PHYSIC I AX. at Factory vilie, Cass county, Nebraska. 24Iy T. n. WILSOX". ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice In Raan- ders and Cass Counties. Ashland, .Nebraska. K. B. WIXOHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Plattsmouth. Neb. Of fice Front Kooni oVer Chapiaan Smith's lirun btore. - -iiy JI.A. HAI5TIAS, ATTOKTCEYAXD SOLICITOR. Will Prac tice in the State and Federal Courts. Itesl dence, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Slly It. II. tiVISJiSTOX, 31. r- VHYSICIAN & 51'UOEOX. OFFICE HOURS, from to a. m., to 2 p. m. Examining Surgeon for U. fc. fensior.. IIt. XV. IS. HClHLIiSF.CHT, TKACTISIXG PHYSICIAX. will attend calls at all hours, nijrnt or flay, i lari-inoitiu, braka. Office iu Chapman & biuith's lruj Store. Or J. H. HALL. SI. I. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE with Dr. Livingston .South Side of Main Street, between 6th and 7th streets Will attend calls promptly. 'J)i XVIIA4 S. WISH. COLLECTIONS .-4 S tECFA L TT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Ajrency. O.Tiec In Fitz gerald's block, l'lattsmoutii, ieorasi;a. wiiw E3. S. SJIITH. iiToitVKV AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker. Special attention civen to Collections , . . . ...V ......... !... ,:,iA r 11 . 1 . 1 f 1 ; t ana au niaticrs iiii:i iiii iur uwc iw ic.n tnun.-, Oflice on 2d floor, over Post Oiliee. l'lattsmoutii, Nebraska. KJ.L LAW OFFICE, Peal Ftaie, Fire and LifeTn-sm-.iii."r wn!. I'hitisinouth. Nebraska. Col lectors, tax-paver. Have a complete abstract of titles. Rt:y "and sell real etate, nefctiate loans. &.C. i JJ 1 JIM'S K. MORlitlSON. AV. L. BROWSE. Notary Public. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives special au- niioii to eoiieetions and abstr teis of t'tlc iuce 111 Fitzgerald Plcck, Platt-eioulh, Nebraska. tTyt . HAW. !K. fJIAPMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chaneerv. Office iu Fitzger ald IsL'ck, luyl FLATTSMOUTII, XEB. I'lattsmoutU. Xebraslast. omee on Main Street over Solomon & Na than's Store. 3ily PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. ILATTSMOUTH, neb. C. RESSEi., - Proprietor. Flour, Com Jlcal t Feed Always on hand and for sale at lowest cash p ices. The hi?i'. st prices paid tor Y heat and Corn. Particular attention given custom work. cehakslb:s wauus::.. Tonsorial Artist. VliATTSTIOUTSI JTSKASKA. Flace :f business 0:1 Main St.. between 1th aiidr.tii streets. shaiapoii!g. Shading, chil dren's hair ciittiag, etc. etc. I'.tly LENHOFF & EON N S, Alorsiia! Dew Saloon ! Oae door east of tho Saunders House. We keep the best ol Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. S"m9 Constantly on Hand. S A UNO EitS HOUSE. J.S.GREGORY, - - - Proprietor. Location Central. Good Sairplo Room.. Every attention pr.ld to giests. 43m3 Tlattsiiolth. ----- Xkb MACIIIXE SHOPS ! PLATTSMOCT1I, XF.Tl., Repairer of Stcain Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Jlillf JA A51) -:TEA3I I-'ITTIn?.!, V'rought Iron Tipe. Force an I Lift Pipes.Steam Gauires, Hafet v-Valve Governor, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, repaired on short notive. FARM MACHINEH C5 b) ro O rs S 5 ?5 c zr.m ft er O o o B oa o1 5. 2. o a. 5 2 o w 3 5" S - r s 2 "Z M ri y r" - T2 w -r o --5 "" a X 5c o TO BATES & XlQHUKE. New Carpenter shop on ilaia Street, Corner of 7th. Bates & Kohnke, 13uilders, Contractors, and general workman in the Carpenter ' line. STOVES I :e3::e:d"wa-:e:e:. AND U. V. Mathews, - On Miin St., opp. Platte Valley nouse, arbbart, St -bci ft Sinter. A lanre assortment of SHELF HARD WARE, just reerived aud will be sold low. WOOD STOCK AND IRON, PUMPS, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. Ammunition, MaUs-Low. AND A SPECIALTY. Remember, we keep a good TINNER, and are prepared to do all sorts of Tin-work. BriHcn'a Corn. Planters, and all hinds of Farm Tools. U. V. I AT HEWS, 28iy Plattsuiouth, Neb. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, Sfatei Directory. A. R. PADDOCK. U. S. Senator. Beatrice. ALVIN SAUNDERS, U. S. Senator. Omaha. E. R. VALENTINE, Representat'e. West Point. ALBIN I S NANCE. Governor, Lincoln. S. J. ALEXANDER, Secretary of State. F. W. LEfDTKE. Auditor. Lincoln. t. M. BARTLE1T, Treasurer. Lincoln. S. R. THOMPSON. Sunt. Public Instruction. F. DAVIS, I .an ft Commisf loner. V. .1. DILWORTH. Attorney General. REV. C. C. HARRIS. Chaplain of Penitentiary. DR. H. P. MA TTHEWSOX, Supt. Hospital for the Insane. o Strprerrte Court. S. MAXWELL, Chief Justice, Fremont. G EO. B. LA K E, Omaha. AM ASA COBB, Lincoln. o Second Judiciat Sitlrici S. B. POUND. .Tut'se, Lincoln. J. C. WATSON, Froseeutiiijr-AU'y. Neb. City. W. L. SVELLS. Clerk Dist. Court, Platusmouth. - o County TJiteclory. A. N. SULLIVAN, County Judje. .1. D. TUTT. County Clerk. J. M. PATTERSON, County Treasurer. It. W. IIYRKS, Sheriff. G. W. FAIRFIELD. Surveyor. G. HILDEBRAND, Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. HENRY' WOLFE. Liberty Precinct. .TAMES CRAWFORD. South Bend rreclnct. SAM'L RICHARDSON. Mt. Pleasant Piecinct. City directory, . J. W. JOHNSON. Mavor. J. M. PATTERSON, Treasurer. J. D. SIMPSON. City Clerk. RICHARD VI VIA N. Police Judge. P. B. MURPHY, City Marshal. WM. L. WFLLS. ChW of Fire Dept. COUNCII.MKN. 1st Ward .1. FEFPEKBKKG, V.V. LEONARD. 2d Ward G. W. FAIRFIELD, J. V. WECK- (.BACII. 3d Ward-11. C. GUSHING, TiIOS. POLLOCK. 4th Ward P. McCALLAN, E. S. SHARP. 5otmaler3SO. W. MARSHALL. B. & M. R. KTime Table. Taking EffectTlay A, 1879. . FOR OMAHA FROM PLATTSMOUTH. Leaves 7 :(K a. m. Arrives 8 -45 a. ra." . 3 :W p. m. " . 4 :55 p. in. FROM OMAHA FOit PLATTSMOUTH. Leaves 9 :10 a. m. Arrives In :40 a. in. " 6 :00 p. 111. 1 :55 p. in. FOR T.-E WEST. Leaves Plattsmouth t) :45 a. 111. Arrives Lin coln. 12 -45 p. m. ; Arrives Kearney, 7: 55 p. in. Freight leaves 9 :0o a. 111. Ar. Lincoln 2 :55 p.m. FROM THE WEST. Lea es Kearney. 6 :."0 a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 1 .: p. m. Arrives Plattsmouth. 4 :'-'0 p. m Fre-inht leaves Lincoln 11:40 a. ia. Arrives Plattsuiouth, 4 :5T p. in. GOING EAST. Exoress. 6 :15 a. m. 1'asstMiger, (train each day) 4 :2S p. m., except Saturday. Eveiy third Saturday a train con nects at tlie usual time. El. V. EI. It. Xliisc TabSc. . Taking Effect Sunday, March 23, 1573. SOUTH. 5 :5ripci C :27 STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYR. BLUE HILL. COWLES. RED ( l.''L !). INAVALK. KIvKRTON. FI'.A r K 1.1 N. BLOOMING iuN. NOHTH. 8 :8iani 8 m 7 :40 . 6 :1S :25 7 :05 8 :20 S M 9 :10 0 :,J"pm 7 :i5 :35 6 : 6 : :10 5 : S5 L-5 6 : 5 :10am For Cutaneous Disorders, most invaluable. It docs not heal externally alone, but jienetnues with the most searching effects to tlie very root of the evil. HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT Possessed or this REMEDY. Every Man may be his own Doctor. It may be nibbed iuto the system, m as 10 reach any internal complaint : hv these iiiea:;s it cures !-ores or Ulcers in the THROAT, STOMACH, LIVER, Si'IsE. or oth er pans. It is an Infallible Remedy for BAD LEGS, BAD BREASTS. Contracted or Stilt Joints, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, and all Skin Diseases. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of J. Havoock. as agent tor the United States, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 2ti cents, C2 cents, and d each. J!7 There is considerable savins by taking the larger sizes. Hollo WAV s Co.. New York.. Clly . lA r1G?3TK! ASnrtS TT1VT23: I SfUIkt ArOelraln tKrWorl.!: acam- ii till I Elli make Euckre Tile Oiiitnciit,WaiTaEsd to Cur. Jfiica. AJJicm witU tali.p, llr. J. N. T.blcr, St. Lauis, Mo THE SUN FOR 1800 The Sun will deal with the events of the year 1J-S0 i 1 its own fashion, now pretty well under stood by everybody. From January 1 until IVcemher 31 it will be conducted as a newspa per, written in the English language, and print ed for the people. As a newspaper, i ne M.n oe.i.'ves in etiing all the ns.'.s of ;he world promptly, anil present ing it in the most intelligible .sluipe the shape that will enable its readers to keep well abreast of the ape with tlie least unproductive expendi ture of time. The greatest laterest to the greatest number that is the law controlling its daily make-up. It now has a circulation very much larger than I hat of any other Ani:r:ca!i newspaper, and en- lovs a income wiucii it is at all times prepar ed to spend liberally forthe bene.'itof its read ers. l"t;oplo of all conditions of life ana ail ways of thinKing buy and read The Sun; aud they ati derive satisla'tio:i ot some sort Iroin its col umns, for they keep on buying and reading it. In its comments on men and affairs. The Sun believes that the oidv cuide of policy should be common sense, invpfreil by Keuuine American pfir.:plcs antl baciie! bv honesty of nuri'ose. i-or this reason it is. aim win con tinue to be, absolutely independent of pariy. class. cliOjUe. oianiat i.m or interst. It is for ail. but oi none. It will continue to praise what is good uid reprobate what is evil, taking care that its language Is to t he point and plain, be yond the possibility of being misuuderstooit. 't tp uninfluenced bv motives that do not appear on the turfaee : it has no opinions to sell, save those which may be had by any purchaser with two cents. It hates injustice and rascality even thiii it bites unnecessary words, it ab hors frauds, pities fools, and deplore nincom poops of every species. It willcontinuethrough out the year issu to chastise i he first class, in struct tli second, and discountenance the third. All honest men, with honest eoavictii ns whether sound r mistaken, are its ft Sect e. And the Sun makes no bones of tellinj? the truth tu its friends and about its friends and whenever occasion arises for plain speaking. These are the pi incoples upon which The sun will be ct ndueted during the year to coiie. The year 18 will be one in which no patri otic American can alford to close his eyes to public affairs, it is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the political events wioch it has in ftore. or the necessity of resolute vigi lance on the part of every citizen who desires to preserve the Oovemment that the founders gave us. The debates and acts of Congress, the utterances of the press, theexciiiiic contests of the Republican and Democratic parties, now nearly equal in strengil. throughout the coun try, the varying dr'ft of . public sentiment, wili all bear directly and effectively upon the twenty-fourth Presidential election to be held in November. Four years ago next November the wiliof the nation, as expressed at the poll, was thwarted by an abomniable conspiracy, the promoters and heneflciarien, of which etill hold the offices they stole. Will the crime of 137i5 be repeated in lS-'-O? The past decade of years opened with a corrupt, extravagant, and insol ent Administration intrenched at Washington. The Sun diil something toward dislodg.rg the gang and breaking its power. The same men are now intriguing to restore their leader and themselves to places iroin which they wero driven by the indignation of the people. Will they succeed? Tlie coming year will bring the answers (o these momentous queFlion. The Sun will be on hand to chronicle the facts as. they are developed, and to exhibit them clearly and fearlessly in their relations to expediency ami right. Thus, with a habit of philosophical good hu mor in looking at the minor affairs of life, and in gieat tilings a steadfast purpose to maintain the rights of "the people and the principles of the Constitution against all aggresser.s. The Sun is prepared to wrLe a tnit.Mui, instructive, and at the same time eatertainiug history of Our rates of subscription remain unchanged. For the Daily Sun, a four-page sheet of twehty eisht columns, tlie price by mail, post-paid, is Ni cents a month, or S0.50 a year ; or,' including the Sunday paper, an ei;;ht-page sheet of fifty-six columns, the price is 65 cents a month, or 17.70 a year, postage paid. The Sunday edition of the Sun Is also furnish ed separately at t-l.s a year, postage paid. The price of the Weekly Sun. eight nages. fifty-Fix columns, is $1 a year, postage paid. For clubs of ten sending tiO we will send an extra copy free. Address I.W.ENGLAND. 25t5 Publishers of The Sun, New Nork City. A Lost Sorrow, BY ETLA TVIIEBLKB. When oat of our lives a care Is taken That has darkened its chamber wits gloon like night, We sometimes feel like a sonl foreaken, As, blinded, we walk in the glare of light, Our feet hare been sore, and our braina have been weary, As we watched with a sufferer racked with woes; Yet the Earth acemed blank, an.l life cecmed dreary, When he turned from our watching toDeatn'a repose. So now with my heart that is freed from sor row So now with my eyes that are dry cf tears: I am lonely to-day, and I dread to-morrow. Missing the grief that was mine for year, For what was a burden became a treasure What was bitter grew honey-eweet; And my old-time chums, glad Joy ana Pleas nrc, Now seem strangers to me when we meet. I hugged my sorrow, and nursed it only It was frien -, an I food, and driik, in one; And, now it has gone, I am strangely lonely I miss the shadows, and tire of the sun, I tire of the crown, and I niias the burden; I miss the tronblo that saddened life; And the calm repose that is Sorrow's guerdon Is harder to feear than iis paia and strife. COSLISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS. Eegrtilar Session. L'LATTSMOUTII, Dec. 1st, 1879. Board met pursuant to adjournment, in regular session. Present J as. Crawford, Sara 'I Rich ardson, CmciissLners; J. Ii. Tutt, County Clerk. . Minutes of previous, raeeilag road and approved, and board adjouned to meet at 8 o'clock, December 2d. Tuesday, December 2d, 1379. Board met, members all present when the following bnaines3 was done to-wit: Allowed on poor fund. J. W. Thomas, medical servi ces to pauper 8 30 00 O.D.Butts, boarding and nurs ing pauper 18 75 J E Barnes, cleaning poor farm well 6 00 W II Schildknecht, Co. rhyei- cian 43 50 J "Walstow, m'd'se to J Bates, pauper 24 50 J C Eikenbary s . . . 33 50 Allowed on General fand: St. Journal, blanks, Sec 13 35 J D Tutt, ex. acct. and sra'ry for November 50 33 D DMartinda!e, Co. Supt 70 40 P 13 Murphy, Jailor and b'd'g prisoners 119 CO A V Douelan, sundries 15 80 J A MacMurphy, two accts. blanks, printing docket, &c. .- 123 25 F Gordcr, coal for Jail and C II 123 52 Allowed on bridge fund: II A Waterman, lumber for uis. C3 95 Peter Gruber, building abut ments for bridges 340 SO Allowed on Land Road fund: Eli J W Pittman, assessing damages on road 2 00 W Ii Porter and others assesing damages 8 00 Ordered that tho Clerk notify the Pittsburg Bridge Co. that their bridges are not being built in accord ance with contract, as called for in plans and specifications of last year. Resolved, That license to druggists for sale of spirituous, malt or vinous liquors be fixed at $"25 per annum, druggists to be governed by Chapter fifty-three revised statutes. On application of J. R. Sousley for license to run a ferry acro33 the Mis souri River at Plattsmouth, tho fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas In 'lew of the fact that Morgan & Sharp have failed to main tain and operatd a good and substantial ferry across the Missouri at I'latts tnonth according to law, as by their license they are required to do: Therefore, lie it resolved tbat the ferry license heretofore granted to t'ae said Morgan & Sharp, bo and tho same is hereby revoked from and after Jan uary 1st, 1830, and that license be granted to J. R. Sousley for the opera ting, maintaining and carrying on a ferry, across the Missouri River at Plattsmouth, for one mile north of the City limits in Cass County and one mile south of city limits in Casscoun ty. Nebraska, for the period of five years from and after January 1st, 1880 to the first day of January, 1835, with the following rates of ferryage: Two horses and wagon, tran't.-.S -75 " " " " citizen 50 Four " trau't... . 1 25 Horse and rider .... 25 Footman 10 Loose horses per head 15 " cattle " 12 Hogs ....... v b Sheep ' 5 Freight per cwt 10 Ordered that P. Gruber be employed to build two abutments at or near E. IIepner'3,in Weeping Water, at $5.00 per perch, and the excavation to le done at $1.C0 per day, time and bill to be presented by G ruber, and hato wait till July 1st, 1881 for his money. Board adjourned to meet Wednes day morning. Wedesdat, Dec. 3, 1879. Beard met, members all present, when the following was done to-wit: Boad declared open between sec. 11 and 14, town 10, range 12, r.s soon as damages assessed by commissioners be paid to-wit: Jno. Knabe, 3125, and Andrew Strom, $15. Road declared open at the s. w. cor. of n. w. X, of the n. w. f sec. 13, twn 12, range 13, thence north oae mile and one quarter, and ending j.t the cor. of 1, 2, 11 auo. 12, town 12, ranee 13, and sup'r ordered to open same, when sum of forty five dollars be paid to Mary and John Richey, as awarded by com'rs appointed for that purpose. Petition of G.C. Ford, night Police f Piattsmojth for compensation from Co, as watchman for tho county build ings was rejected. The following claims were allowed: Henry co. com'r. . $13 20 Jas. Crawford, " " " 11 50 Saru'l Richardson " " "... 34 00 Board adjourned to meet on the first day of January, 1880. Attest: Henry Wolfe, J. D. Tutt, J Crawford, Co. Clerk. S. Riciiardson. Co. Corn's. It was at a spelling match in a country school. Tho word given out was "Onion." I suppose the scholars at the head of the class had not recog nized the word by its spelling in stu dying their lessons. They all missed it widely, spelling it in the most in geniously incorrect fashions. Near the foot of the clas3 stood a boy who had never been able toclimb up toward the he:d. But of the few words he did know how to spell, one was "Onion." When the word was missed at the head he became greatly excited, twisting himself into tho most ludicrous con tortions as it came nearer h'ua. At length the wor.l came to him, every one else having missed; the master said "next," whereapcm he exultingly swung Ids hand above hia head and came out with: "O-n, un, i-o-n, yun, ing i:m I'm head, by gosh!"' and be marthal to the head, while the master h".t him a blow across the shoulder for s .veaiicg. Harper's Magazine. "Studying the subject objectively and fim the educational point of view seeding to pro vide that which, taken altogether, will be of the moi service to the l.trget number I long Tigo C'Mich'ded that, if I could have but one work for a puhHc Ultra ;. I would select a complete set oi .virjier'd Monthly." Chakleh Fxan cis Adams -Ik. Its contents are contributed by the most emi nent authors and artists of Europe and Ameri ca, while the long experience of its publishers made them thoroughly conversant with the desires of the public, which they will spare no effort to gratify. The volumes of the Mifjazln begin with the Nnnihcrs for Jane and December ni each year. When no time is specified, it wiT be understood that the subscriber wishes t begin with the current number. HARPER' 3 PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, Oae Year St 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR," " " 4 0 The THREE above-named publication, One Year 10 00 Any TYO above named. One Year 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. Oae Y'ear.. 1 50 Pnttnge Trie, to all subscribers in Via United States or CtituJit. A Complete Set of IlARPa'S MAr.AZIVE. comprising nt volumes, in ne-it cloth binding, will be sent by express, fivijlit at of purchaser, on rec.'ipi of j.2"t per volume. .Sfn (jlc vnlumes. by mail. rxw,Ktfd. sa.ou. Cloth cas es, for binding. 3s cent-, by mail, post paid . Remittances should b made by I'ost-Ofilce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Xi:wi)rrA arewtt to co) thi alri rti- mcit without Lie erjircjs ordtr vf Uarpek Si Broth ers. Addref HARPER St BROTHER'S New York, Eclectic jlagazinc. OF Foreign Literature, Science anl Art. 1SS0- 3STII YEAR. Thft rcr.CTic Magazine: reproduces from foreign periodicals ail those artistes wiiicii are valuable to American readers. Its field of se lection embraces all the leading Fwreign Re views, Magazines, anl Journals, sfnd consults i he ta-t.-s of all classes of readers. Its p!au in cludes Science, Travels, Poetry, Novels, Essays, Reviews, Sketches, Short Stories, Etc., etc. The following lists comprise th priucil pe riodicals from which select Iocs are mate and the names of some of the leading writers wh contribute to them : Quarterly Review. iI.'t.IIoa.W.K.Gladst'c. Hint. Quarterly Review. A Ifred i ennyfon. Edinburgh. Review. ; Professor Huxley. Westminster Review. Professor 'lTi;da;l. or.tempor.iry Revie v. Rich, A. Proctor, IS. A l- ortnii Review. The Ntiiteeeaih Cent'y. Popular Science xi-it'w Blackwon l's '.la.tziae. Co rn h i i 1 M a-M z 1 1 e . Me.d ill. ill's Magazine. Fraser'i Magazine. New Quart. Magazine. I'emnli! Bar. B-lgravia. Good Words. London Society. Saturday Review. The Spectator, etc., etc. I.N. Locuver. 1". R. S. 1 Or. '.V. it. Carpenter. iE. B. I.ivlor. j Prof. Mar. MuJ'er. Professor O .veii. I Ma!tti w Armdd. !E. A.. Freeman. D.C.L. J. Anthony Froude. Hughes. nthoi;y Trollop. William Black. . Mrs. Uliphaat. Tureen ie.t. Miss. Thackeray, etc. CSThe Ei.kctic Ma.-jazib i a library is. mi'ti.iture. Thz 14 writngi of tUc let licing int!io-i ap-Kir in it. aiul coiilj rolum- or m ide from 'materials which ajypmn fresh tst i $ IMUJCH. MiT.Eb r.TV;n.V I ?. contains a Fbic Ste I-Engraving usually a per trait executed in the best n;nnner. These en gravings are of permanent val:ui. and &ddiiiuch to the attractiveness ti ihe Magazine. fiiit HH : Single Copies. 43 ccms ; oae copy one year, S5 : five copies, ?2'. Trial subscrip tion for three months, l. The ECLECTIC and any il magazine to one address, 3. Postage frte t" ail subscribers. 11. Ii. I'liLTOrJ. PnMIsJifr. 25 Slritt, A etc Terk. tTJn renewing ynursuhcrir"'"n to thi ri prr iy xnrr. t-t inclose a u.criutt'a fur GOJl COM PAX V. Nrw Oixcr;ricis. vet thin pnrt and 16 numbers of (iOOO CUMPAXV fori.lK by sen-Jing ticfort Jan. 1. A :t prom.itl j? GOOD C'OJIPAM. A MouthVj Magazine, Containing O.r'y Orifffnai Matter, i'ntli, JJright. Varii-i, Vigorous. Makes a speciality of gfod stone, by tho rruisf popular wntor. bus eit prtatning Fketches in great variety erlsp, pitliy essays; vie orons art icl.'s ; a:id reailv good poems. IT.' C.'Iftiai:TOK. next year will, a mon tr ol hers, Harri'i lU-ec'ier Slowc, Ciar1ct Dirihir Warner, iMtw.rd IF. U-.tcon, I'tlMci-a Hurtling Davis, liim&Ttrr Cohc, l-.-.race IL Stwl-l-.r. i;r. M. T'"J ie, K. V. jlm p. Mrs. Kirk. S'lniii ). Jcwrtt, Jamrj M. WhKnn, Uctace Thanr.t, Maine O'Xidale. W!I VT!SAi: OF IT. "It is an ex cellent specimen of clever editing. Hartford Courant. '"There is not a dull word In it front cover to cover. Philadelpuia Inquirer. "Is n bre magazine, and "will have a grand future." Providence Press. "The bet monthly magazine in America." Church Chronicle. Ky. "There is running through all the articles a vein of strong common sense, a rare commodity gener ally with magazine writers, that makes the reading of it refreshius." Richmond Christian Advocate. feperial ofT? r new 0nberHers, 16 Moot 'in. Tor fv3.C. Price S3. 00 a year. New yearly subscribers sendine before January 1 get four extra nein brs. biniiieg the jiretent volume, witnout extra charge. Specimen copy, 15 cenis; Bok sellers and newsdealers receive subscriptions and supply specimen copies as above r. netid to GOOO COM PAN Y. Springfield, Mass. An Epitapli. Here rest In dnst, far from Ufa's Bme, Old garments and o perished name, Press bard, lean hand of Time, cant down The groeneet garland, brightest crownl A rose-tipped beckoning finger leads The man himself o'er new-world meads. Where, ardent-Fouled, he hies alon;t, With f-eaher robes and loftier son?. Creep toward him. Time; perchance shall fall This tine dress nloo to thy thrall. Press on at speed naught canet thou cls Save ca.t-offcloaks and Iampa burned blMk. The letter Got Tkcre. A letter, addressed as belor, was' sent to the New Haven postollice, on of the localities where Postmaster Gen-' eral Key a "misdirection order" was a' peculiar injustice: Mr. Enos A. Hale. Assistant Postmaster, 250 Orchard street, New Haven, City of New Haven, Town of New Haven, County of New Haven, State of Connecticut. United Slates of America, Western Continent, Planet earth. Solar system, m Universe. How many will acknowledgo ii. If they can decipher tho following enig ma, if it applies to them; 1 By a care ful and continued ap FY plication for a time, thi3 mtty ouo be solved, ami we can but think; wefo t hat when the solution is reach r.YouR ed, but a short time will elapsa pate before the benefit thereof will r.PA be fell in a form that we can yv really apprecia'.o. The con p cl usiou, however, may be prob lematic, but we anxiously await its determ'nation, trusting that it may )q' iu our favor. Ex. All Sorts. Blondin, now 55 years of afrc, gavo a perforinanco at Vienna recently. J2ngland is brought to face the pros pective loss of her hook and eyo trade. The question suggest? itself : whea the spider left the ark, did ho walk. 0 ULc a 11 v? The English penny postage stamp Is to be changed. It has been used, for orty years. A Canadian fanner, who recently lost a pig, after a long Murch found: him drowned in the cream can. "So," 6aid he, "poor piggy'6 crcamatfid. Fic Molliel" quoth Kucbou to Mary ' 'tis a pity vc two can't agree." "Fie Mollic is good sir," she answer ed; '-but you'll find you can't Mollio fie me." The difference between a man beir.g out of temper and out of money is, that when lie is out of money he shows the least f it, but when he's out of temper he shows t!if. m st of if.. ,jiaM.ivui Aonom otjt triinojiji nOJ1 U 8IB1 OI 00UO JOJ Stif 5JH OS pfUOtTB X ijo?fo.tq t; stjav cijav 'pub'qsntj Joq 01 nitAv SunoX v iii;s p.w.I no. t()iAV Ajta aqj 01 o" om icj ptnxA qstAt i A iiii'.n in .Michigan swappea Ills' iiorsc for a wile. An old buehelor-rV2-quaiutanco said Jie'd bet thero waa something wrong with the horr-e, of its owner never would have fooled it away hi that reckless manner. Seeing a servant rushing out of ft' LondoniioibS for medical, aid a rasrml-s-.tid : "rain a doctor," anil obtainod access to the rotmi of a sick child. Ho I'eignt'd to minister to him for hours, read prayers by bis bedside, and then, descending1 into the dining-rom Ant Liking advantage of the carclesucas wrought bv the approach of death, took a good meal, and decamped with nil the portable property ho could lay hands mi. Perhaps the most remarkable exhiW-' ti jn'ofpluckand promptness on record is that ot a miner's son at Mollis, 111. It is said that the father, Thoir.HsHar Lmd, lighted a slow match leading to a blast, and Kignalled to le drawn rp the shaft. He struck a projection and was thrown back iy the bottom ( the shaft, where he hy with ft rib broken. Realizing his fa l lifer's lrt'ril, llarland's young son tliil down tlie 70 fret of rope, hi crating his hinds ter ribly, but reaching the bottom in tim to tear the match from the fuse and prevent the explosion. 1SSO. Hai p er's We ekly. scholarly discussions of the quest ions of the day .t: r 1 1 il.S iJJ ll.lliil?-llli l,il v ill. ii die JJIllT" ed by the benl artists exerted a lr.ot power ful and beuctic-ial iuRueuce upon the public . .i T:ie weight of its influence will always be found on the s:d'j of morality, caltgutcaiueiit, tana re- Oncriicut. 1h. Vn'nmia nf 111. IX'reUlll Yietrin r!fh tbft flisi. Number for January of each year. When n r. lu m...t!f.n.J it 'l!l llA llfiil P. I ff tit Hint .1' lime . ... . . . ' '- - - - the subscriber wi.'ies to coiiimeuco with the- Number next after the receipt of order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year 54 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR, " " 4 CD The THREE above-named publications Uue iear io w Any 1WJ above nvned. One Yeir 7 09 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Oae Yi jr.. 1 W PiKiitoe free lo all subscribers in the Unitr.dt States or C:nada. A IIC lUUU.Ii , I 1. 1. ' ..n... .... -- - in neat cloth blndin?, will be sent by null, post t...A .. .1.1 i. v npu., f i if ncn 1 oro ifl- ed the freight does not exceed nc dollar w voimnei. lor vt.ou cacti, j. lyjmim on., v-m-prisin Tutnt.i-Thne Volumes, fcent on recipt of ca-n at the rate of 35 25 per vluiue, freiynt t:t crjmnsc of intrehater. Cluth Caes for each vlurm, suitable for biiulin, will be sent by mail, iioetpaid, on re ceipt oa St 00 each. K' UJil i iiticfs Fn)uiui up inane uy j uri-uiu.u yney Older or Draft, to stvoi1 thane, ct la. without tlie tritrm order of IIakpek & IrROiH- X Ik .t. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, ewi or. We were exposed latt week to a pitiless storm; that wet our feet nd stockings, and indeed our person all ever. In Ltct wc ioox a v.-acAiu cold, which brought sore throat and severe symptoms of fever. The good wife asserted her authority, plungsd our feet into hot water, wrapped us in hot blankets, find sent our faith ful son fox a bottle of Ayfk's Cher Pi.CTOKAL. It ia a splendid medi (.;ne pleasant to take, f nd did the job. We slept sou mlly throun me night and awoke well the next morn in!r Wft know we owe Quick rc- coverv to the Pcctoia!, cad shall not hesitate to reconintend it to all who need such n meIicine. Tehua- can a (Texas) Presbyterian. 1