Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 04, 1879, Image 3

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Tho K. K. Kendall.
Without doubt the best.
Four more entertainments.
Matinee, Saturday, p.m.; 15 and
25c admission.
Special rates given to school chil
dren, en masse.
Read the two communications on
first page.
do to Solomon & ' Nathan's for
Holiday Goods. 1
j?m Carrath's new house is finished
and ready for rent.
Everything in the Baker's line to
be found at Hons & Son s. 1
Xo "Wallace Sisters" performance,
the Kendall Kombination.
Fresh f read at the New Bakery,
J. Bona & Son, proprietors.
Gloves Knd Mitts, a fine line kept At
Ii. Sherwood's.
-Don't tail to see Kendall to-night,
to-morrow night and Jsatunlay night
-fin to the "Blue Stocking" Soci
able at ML Pollock's Tuesday evening.
JTuxbury, formerly of Neb.
the Metropolitan Hotel at
City, take
liincoln. I
and ass h see the New Organ In
cry for gd fresh bread aHd confec-
laid aaid
for is ireck
' -The
from U 1
fail to call at Iho new Bak-
Boxs & Sox. 1
Som4iow "J. Slimkins" letter got
and was not saca iu time
ext pritate dance of Die "O-
Club." will be held one week
II .?uy Boeck has another bran new
sign. Itjain't paite so "germau-y" as
the old tne was.
Tli? mnters are goiag and corn
in ever day. A party went over to
"Wabcnsiy Tuesday.
TI:cIethodist church is getting a
new co.-ijof point, and present indica
tioaa lwik like a new steeple.
Doalt fail to read our Christmas
present pfi'er to all who pay up past
1 Uues anJ for the year' in advance.
f -The moat complete stock of Hosiery
to bo laimd in the city at
" Solomox & Nathan's. 1
; Our iVenr.iHm The Chicago
Wr.i.itr.r Nkws one year free fr oae
voar'.-; tabsciiptioii to th Herald.
' "Jr. Ilesser started last week for
.1 Key, Ind.. his old home, oa busi
connected with his father's estate.
brother Windham is putting up a
new Jiosse too. He doa't fnoaa that
any cf the boys shall get ahead of him.
you fee.
The Saunders House is getting i!s
mine inscribed on the front in many
'olors and a new coat of paint on the
-cast side.
'Something handsome in Silk and
"Beaded Fringes, Silk Feather Head
Il'ss, Gallooa Trimmings at Soloeion &
Nathan's. 1
, Ghoom "Shall I skin you aperta
tr, honey?" Brum: No, thank you.
deary. I have one already skuii."
Denver News.
Messrs. E. G. Dbvey & Son are as
usual, we see, prepared to bay hogs,
all the hogs Cass Countjr can raise, at
host cash prices.
The Sentinel rather pokes fun at
the dead horse business of the Enter
prise and calls it Blacksmith work.
Any printer (?) will understand that.
The Episcopal church has two
new and handsome chandeliers, the
lonatin of Messrs. A. W. White aud
Jee.;)ovey, also a hamlsoma chancel
lamp. '
Henry Bceck ha3 some neat Note
und Letter Heads, which aid to ad-
r vertise his splendid r.tockof furniture,
&e. They were just printed at the
Herald o23ce.
That barber down the Street,
Boone, has been paintiug his pale again.
Wt ll! better paint the pole than his
nose, but then John couldn't paint his
nose, very well .
The City Hotel, kept now by Fred
aos, is getting to be one of the best
stopping places in town. ' Fred has
boats of German friends and they all
stop at the "City."
Mr. Hohlschuh has been filling up
the various low places around cross
walks, with brick-bats. They answer
that purpose well, and will be handy
in case a row occurs.
The I'lattsmonth Enterprise says I
that "it, liko the Chicago Times, issued
a daily on Thanksgiving," and that's
' ,the only point of resemblance between
.V the two. Lincoln Globe.
-' v The Methodist Sociable, was held
Hev. John Gallagher called Tuesday.
M.is3 Sallie DeLaney is in town, the
guest of Miss Emma Herold.
Dr. Smith of Nebraska City came op
to spend Thanksgiving with relatives
Miss Carrie Bennett came dswn
from Omaha the day before Thanks
giving. Capt. It. O. Phillips, Sec't'y of the
South Platte Land Co., wasjin town
The ReY. Mr. Gee, of Lincoln was
here on Thanksgiving and preached in
the Baptist Church.
Cadets Wheeler, and Livingston
spent Thanksgiving at home and at
tended the O Be Joyful ball.
Miss Cushmaa and Miss Hale of
Omaha, the former a sister of Mrs.
Love, took Thanksgiving dinner with
their friends here.
Otto Mutz and his brother Austin
called last week. Otto is teaching at
Mt. Pleasant we understand and has a
very successful school.
Milo Fellows, a resident of Platts
mouth 2t years ag, and one of the
earliest freighters from here to Denver
i3 ia town visiting h!3 children for a
day or two.
Ex-Got. It. W. Furnas of Brown
villa called at the Herald headquar
ters yesterday afternoon. He is spend
ing a day or two in town, the guest of
Maj. and Mrs. D. H. Wheeler.
Plattsmoath lias Seen Pinafore.
At last Plattsmouth has fulfilled
what seems to be the destiny of every
city in the Union, She stands among
tho band of sisters and cousins and
aunts, who have seen Pinafore, and
now mar she draw a lens breath and
press forward to new fields of con
Wo were agreeably surprised at the
rendering of this operetta by the Ken
dall troupe, which we had supposed
confined exclusively to drama, but find
possessed of a versatility ef talont, un
suspected. The lack of a large chorus
was hardly felt, and the various parts
were carried out with spirit and vigor.
Dick Deadeye was very three cornered,
Sir Joseph Porter, K. C. B., was very
much the ruler or the king s navee,
Little Buttercup was very charming,
and Josephiue was very much in love
with Ilalph P.acktraw. Everybody
went to see the fun and now "I am lit
tle Buttercup," and "so do his sisters,
and bis cousins and hi3 aunts re
sounds from every side, and Platts
mouth has passed safely through an
other epidemic.
Christmas is Coming !
and Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney are help
ing their customers to get ready for it
by laying in a large stock of fancy
In silver and gilt embossed card
board they have
and multitudes of other pretty things.
Go and see the Chinese Pagodas. They
are put up in-boxes with directions
how to put them together, and make
a lovely ornament. They have also a'
fine line of Easels and Panel Pic
tures, Embossed Frames, with mot
toes, zephys, silks, and all the mater
ials for working up those lovely arti
cles. In the millinery department
they are getting on a new line of hats
and trimmings.
Call and see them. 3Ct3
All Things Useful.
iaitui t han mlrit if i.n.
Is far mora useful tlian lie was at "fust."
They serve Mm up for Spanish fly,
Aed thaw a.bllster on you or I.
Boon the barber: with bis" man
Shave and hair cut all tbey can.
Lots of people co there just for fun
To see how sMckauu" -Ice and neat Its dfr ie,
J. Bons & Son have bought out Os
wald Guthman's Bakery and Confec-,
tionary aud will in future keep J on
hand a choice lot of that line of go!s,
and will soan pat ia a large Blockf of
groceries. f
We call attention to'the notice" in
another eelumnjaf the addresses to bo
given by Mesdames Ninde and Pres-f
cott, who are connected with the Wb?
man's Missionary Association. Mrs
Ninde is snid to be a fine sneaker a act
all should hear her.
Oh Be Jo j fill!
The Oh Be Joyful Club gave a verY
pleasant ball last Thursday night and
lovers of the mazy dance .nad an op
portunity to gratify their taste fully.
About sixty couples were in-attend
ance, just enough to fill the hall com
fortably, the Bohemian Band furnish
ed the sweet strains and Stadelraann
the refreshment for the inner man,
the Good Templars affording a socond
place of entertainment at their soci
able. Everything was in good style,
and everybody in good spirits seeming
Elegant Styles Mason & Hamlin
Organs on hand and coming.
36t2 James Pettee, Gen'l Agt.
Farm for Sale !
Consisting of Eighty two acres under
cultivation, with a good dwelling
house and substantial outbuildings, on
Section 3C, Town 12, Range 11, Louis
ville Precinct. Enquire of
31 til J. SCHLATER, PlattSflontb
o r3
MsLh D
n no norm "if Tin 9
25c buys a pair of Lyon's Patent
Heel StilTeners and makes a Doot or
shoe last twice as long. 34tl
Hogs! Hogs! !
Dead hogs wanted immediately ; the
farmers or others will find ready sale
for all hogs that die on their hands, at
prices varying from J- to 1 rents per
pound. Bring them on to
37t3 Miller Co.
at Streight & Miller's Harness Shop.
883 buys the new Kimball Organ for
the next thirty days only, entirely new
designs of case, 5 octaves and 8 stops,
two full fine octave set of reeds. This
instrument is unsurpassed in tone and
finish and is the best organ for the
money in the market, and as material
of ill kinds Is advancing, there must
certainly be a raise in first class in
struments soon, send in your orders
soon and secure A bargain. Good
responsible Agents wanted in every
locality, for catalogues and terms, ad
dress, A. H. Bouk,
36t4 Greenwood, Neb.
Opera Boots $2.00 at
liie j-.aGies oi tne jt'iestyterian,
Church v. ill give a "Blue Stockiugt
Sociable at the residence of Thos. PI-
lock, Tuesday evening, Dec. 9tb. A?
pleasant programme ha3 been arrang-l
ed, and a general invitation is exred-t
ed. Mrs. J. N. Wise, Seci I
We have received a piece of new
music, entiled Scentless Koses. the
marked prirfe of which is 36 cts but
for the purpose of introducing it. tfce
publishers offtr to send a sample ccpy"
for teiicenEs. , " ' j
Address, N. Y. Music PubVCo, t
433 Fourtii Ave., New YwrkJ
The KftmhfU troupe pi ay pi! Vkm
"French Spy" to a fair house last ey n4
ing. Thfl fencing was splendid end!
wo u;ive quite an allection for trat
fellow that plays the "Sddla" -and Js
near-sighted with his ar. To-Blglit
the besj; Comedy of the lot, Enggt"3
If you want to feel satisfied gc
engags your places. ,
Physicians recommend Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup when all other medicines
fail, as a certain cure for Bronchitis,
Sore Throat and Coughs or Colds of
longstanding. For sale by all Diuj:-
gists. 1
HiKliest price paid for Hides. Furs. Wool.
etc., at F. S. WiiiTK's. 25tf
One pair of boots or shoes' saved
every vear by using Lyon's Patent
Metallic Heel Stiffeners. 37t4
Christmas Presents. . c j
Fancy clippers at Sherwood's cktupi
'u ;j:
Matinee. ' -
Be swre and come out to the matinee,
Saturday afternoon, where you may
have the privilsge of witnessing itfitt
world renowned M. S. Pinafora,"
Go and take the little ones. i
' .i !.
Dover's Ad. ''- it I
Highest cash price paid for lire hogs
by E. G. Dovey & Son. 37t6 1 I
.Crossing. Here Always.
As many have supposed "the cro:
ing here was interrupts;! by the break-i
in out of the temporary brii f
we desire to state that the transfer,
boat was making regular crossings' tlhe.
next day but one, has been ever sin se,
and the bridge will be replaced jast 4$
soon as the boat cannot run and iho)
river freezes for good. Everything 3
at hand and a few hours comparative-!
ly will throw the bridge'over again
Keeps the Nicest assortment of Lad e3j
Shoes ia the City. 37tCf 1
Last Call Ntice is hereby give
by Mie undersigned that all accounts
due t hero not settled by the first, off
January, 1880, will be placed in thef
hands of a collector with instructs jna
to collect at any cost. Please Ttemem-
ber. 37t4 STRKioriT & Miller!
All persens knowing themselves
debted to the undersigned
call immediately and settle, rs
counts standing out the first ef Jh'Vj
ary will bo placed in the hands i
cllector. 37t3 J. (J. Chambers !
FOWLER HOBBS In PhUtsmoutb. Nebra
ka. Nov. 27th, 18T!. at the resuleiio or tne
bride's nurents. by Rev. J. Ross, .1. E. Fowl
KittoMid.s Katk L. Hobiis, all of l'latts-moutli.
Tliis weJ.ling wai an entire surprise to the
whols coniiiiunity, and liunlly left tliem voice
and brealli e-uoush to congratulate tlie lmppy
couple. The Ukrai.o lias I:;id time enough to
recove"r however, and hereby extend its hearty
good wi.sUesfcr future happiness and prosperi
ty. Gne Lipcrncc Ts-oul' 32anf,
1 iiaa been sick ana miserable so
long and had caused my husband so
much trouble and expense, no one
seeinpd to know what ailed ine, that I
was completely disheartened and dis
couraged. In this frame of mind I got
a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them
unknown to my family. I soon began
to improve and gained so fast that my
husband and family thought it strange
and unnatural, but when I told them
what had helped russ they said. "Hur
rah for Hop Bitters! long may they
prosper, for they have made mother
well and us happy." The Mother.
The Best Sewing Machines
at Merges'.
thd Market
51 tf
Notice !
The undersigned begs leave to an
nounce to the citizens of
that he has now on exhibition at his
store,- a large stock of Holiday goods,
consisting f
Qold and Silver Watches, Chains, fine
Jewelry, aiui a spiendul selection
of Silver Ware, the best in the
i mrtrket; King's Celebrated
Spectacles and Eye
glasses, in Gold,
Silver, Steel ct
Rubber Frames; ,
Musical Instruments,
Guitars, liatijos, Violins.
Avcordeons; French flarps.
Strings, dc, PoeTiet & Table Cutlery.
Pistols' ami Ammunition, Clocks,
Fancy Goods, Notions, h large variety
of Toys, Wagons, Rocking Horses, Per
ambulators; Ladies Willow Baskets,
ami Workstands, Picture ami Story
Hooks, d-c, d-c.
Thanking my customers for past fa
vors, I wouia respectiuny soncii a con
tinuance of the same, llemember that
my motto is:
"Quick Sales and S.mall Profits;"
and not to be undersold by any house.
Please give me a call ; no trouble to
show goods. Iiesprctfnlly,
S5t6 Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver.
Ve will uay Altciils u bmary oi felo per mouth
sod xpeusi, or aiictw A larg commifsiuu, to sell our
now and wwnderful iDTntton. Wt mean tehat ttaav.
mvl Irs. Addr8HiiA & Co Marshall. Mic&.
Is hereby given to each aud every one knowing
tfierflselves indebted to me to Kettle prior to
January 1st. 1S-S0, as after that date all accounts
will positively be placed in the hands of a col
lector. W. II. S'SsitLOKXKCT,
At tfnice at Fmhh &TIack' Store.
ffimet todk f Watehe89
Ibic1 f JTeweIryy-ffittfie ei
Between Weeping Water .and Platts-
mouth, a heavy gray woolen shawl, on
the 20th of Sept., 1879, a liberal reward
will be paid for its return to
SGlf Mrs. R. W. Hyers.
Mens Fino Warm Slippers for 5o cts.
at Merges. 34tf
Bncklen's Arnica Salt
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores,- Ulcere Salt Hheum
Tetter, Chapped IlaMS; Chfiblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Price 25 cents' per" box.
For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 341y.
The Latest Discovery.
Of more value than any Silver Mine
in Colorado, is German Catarrh
Cure: a remedy prepared especially
for the cure of Catarrh and severe
Colds in the head, that invariably lead
to Catarrh, which are so efcmiaen in
this climate. Remember that Catarrh,
if not checked promptly, goes to the
lungs, and ends in Consumption. Each
day's delay, lessens the chances cf cure.
Price ouly 50 cts. For Sale by the
Manufacturers, Brown Medicine and
Manuf'g Co., Leavenworth, Kansas,
and all Wholesale and Retail Drug
gists in the West.
ipnA WE
'hh Hal ri.
fjj trhil-u
Brown's Cough Balsam.
Will cure that cough. It cures by al
laying irrritation and produciag easy
expectoration. It is the most reliable
Cough Cure in the West. Beware :f
remedies that contain stupefying opi
ates. Is your throat sore ? Are you hoarse ?
Are yeu not neglecting what may lead
to a bronchial or lung disease ? Brown's
Tar Troches will cure that hoarseness
and soreness and strengthen the voice.
For sale by J. II. Butterv, Smith &
Black, and O. F.Johnson, Plattsmouth.
hist Tuesday evening and was largely
attended and enjoyed by all. Mr. and
Mrs. Barnes entertaining all most hos
pitably. . Rev A. J. Swartz and wife came
tlown to Plattsmouth on Saturday last,
and spend the WCC I here. Mr. Swartz
ii State Agent for he Wheeler & Wil
son Sewing Machine Co., and rviil
make Omaha his future headquarters,
so say the Omaha papers.
When the baud of the Pinafore
Company first promenaded through
town the r passed by the Uekvi.d of
fice Ik! 1-y .in express wagwn and fol
lowed by ,t baby carriage. We never
saw so much style as that before, no
l-.ever; wfll, hardly ever, except this
tme a:i 1 the next one.
Boot and
the Lead.
Shoe Factory
Woman's lTork fin Witmau.
Mrs. Mary C. Ninde of Winona, Wis.,
and Mrs. Lucy E. Presrottof S'.Loui.
Mo., Secretaries of the Western Branch
of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society of the M. L Church will be ir.
Plattsmouth Dec. 10th and Uih, to
present the needs of th work which
thev represent. A ci!u:v.dav eveuin
Mrs. Ninde will lecture on "Japan."
Thursday p. m. Missionary Tea meet
ing at Mi s. Spurlock's. Ladies of the
several Missionary societies in the city
are invited to be present; Thursday
evening, Union Missionary Mass
meeting, conducted by Mesdames
Ninde and Pvescott.
will o e 44 I? H l! ..Tl H & U"ll If? ff
.sr.,-.- l it ktJ: a
still can ies Jrf ' V.
t ! "Vill II II 3 ir"
WEKIC In jonr own town, and v.o eap-
n.Kci. on can fiive in Dullness a The best oppor-
tuaity ever oflercd lor those wilUnir to
work. oii should trv nothinu elie until vou
pee for yourself what yon run do at the business
we oner. j riMim in c.piaiii nore. xou can
devote all yon- time or only your spare time to
the busineva, and make reat pay for every
hour vou work. Women make as much as men.
Nend for spenai pnvate terms and particulars.
which we mall free. jf5 Out lit free. Jiou't com
plain of hard times wuiie you have such a
chance. Address ll. iialle i & ta, J'eniand,
Maine. 13!y
Better Thau (.'old.
The grand climax of success is at last
achieved. The poor rejoice, the sick
arise and walk, tlie rich bank in th3
golden sunshine of perfect health. The
physicial miseries of the human frame
need no longer be endured. Dr. Kino's
California Golden Compound, for
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Head
ache, Cming up of food, Jaundice, Liv
er Complaint, Biliousness, General De
bility, Drowsiness and Low Spirits.
This wonderful remedy will positively
cure, and that where every remedy has
failed, To prove that this wonderful
remedy will do all we claim for it yo
are presented with a trial bottle Jfree
of cost, by which you will readily per
ceive its wonderful curative qualities,
and which will show you what a regu
lar one dollar size bottle will do. For
sale by Smith & Black. Wholesale and
Retail. Plattsmouth. Neb. 2-jeGwly.
sN;'.tt buckl-one U as essential to physical
lu;.lii as to political eoiisisseiicv. For weak
ness of tlie back and disorder f the liver and
kidneys, tlie tonic ami moderate dietetic ac
tion of the Bitter is Jh Piie thing needful.
ItemcmlKT that the stomach Is the main stay
of every other orsau. and that by invliroratini'
the digestion villi this preparation, the spinal
roliimn and all its dependencies are etrength
cned. For Hostetter's ALMANAC for 1830 apply
t rnsnrists and dfviter- yrserti'ly. "7t l
You 3Inst Cure lhat Cough.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption can be
cured, while fur Coughs, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an equal. Two doses
will relieve your child of is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can affoid to be without it. You can
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say is not true we will refund the
price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and
81,'0 per bottle. If your Xiing are
sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman fc
Smith, Druggists.
Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pated, have you aYellow skin, Loss
of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail
ZE B.-" It is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue t'o suffer when
you can le- cored on such terms as
these. Price 10 cts. and 73 cts. Sold by
Chapman & Smith. Druggists.
Well's Persian Perfume :'1I ACKME
TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it
Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists
Plattsmouth Neb. 33Weow .
A fiaepot f elTes aiedl Plates!
C?leM, Albums, Faasaues, 2Ty9
ware, ITeMa9
, and a large.
it mm MMmmU
Don't Fail to Call and Examine.
We willjiot le Undersold in any Line of Goods. Watch Work Done, and Warranted.
ttBaas Ad
Everything for MENS' and BOYS' Wear-
te &rad- E'gaBweir g9as OotBi.
Saiad, anade -up at s,eaiQa
laaTe a large stek f goods,
tfliey are gd gd9
and latest tjle
ecs isn the
!c rates anad .
sale. We
2 u
X i
P" 5w T
- P -
2 r
' egg-. M I
C) O
2 S5
3 m.?1
and we toroiagSit
leiM laere to sell. We
I tlae Suest
We have a
HMsines Is. to Saads
as to fesay tlBein9 asad
the feest islaee vosa eass.
place t May tlseasa
llQtlS of Ready Made Good
aasd don't forget it.
mmm I