Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 27, 1879, Image 1
rrt Fhe Herald. The Herald,- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, -AT- PLATTSMQOTH, NEBRASKA. a nrnitTisi : a it a t v. s , 41 "PAIR i 1 . j ' w. '3,; I in. J a in.; f. in. i l vr. 1 -,r . 2 r. , a str. . i .!.. it cnl.. 1 col . .. l " -I Ui 2 0 1 1 2 Ml 00 .m-.-i nr. j 1 "; 2 nil: a 71. fV I'im; i! i.J 5 2 75: 4 lift! 4 75 ; HOU'l.lMi ;i ( Jl'n MSI 12 ' iSMKI '.S10 3i (Ml I H (Hit 12(Kj l.M)i IHO.V 2500 4Mt MHNI ' l")0ii' ixhi: voci j.'no' 4ooo; oou - im OFFICE : Or Vine Et., On Block NoKh of Main, Con of F!fth Street. IS- AM Advertising Rills Due Quarterly. C37 Traudeut Advertisments must be raid In Advance. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. "PERSEVERANCE COXCJUERS." (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. Lrpt CL'CLblka cf s:j Fspsr in Czs GiEiy. Terms in Advance: One copy, one yhi $2.00 One copy, six monvfts l.'K) One copy, three months, 50 SS Extra Copies of the Hera li for sale by J. P. Tdl.v, at the rost-OfTice New lopot. Main Street. VOLUME XV. S PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1870. NUMB EH 3G. HENRY BGPCK DEALER IN SAFES, CHAIRS, KTC., ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES Of all sizes, ready made and sold cliea;i for cash. MY FINE HEARSE IS NOW READV FOR SERVICE. ORGANS & PIANOS Of Every Description, CHEAP FOE CASE. The Celebrated Whittlesey Patent WINDOW SHADE FIAT U RES, Complete with Roller, for 2."cts. Lambrequin Window Shades. And a Larger variety of Cheaper Shades, of all varieries, With many thanks for past patronage. I Invite all to c:ill and examine my LA ROE STOCK OF 13tf. FfRXTl'tK ASH COFFIXH BRICK! BRICK! If you want any Fire or Ornamental Brick, Call on j. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - NEBRASKA. HOTEL. CITY HOTEL j'LATTSMOLTII, neb. First cla.-s Lodh-g Rooms. First Class Roarding. Good Sample Rooms Every thing and every comfort A tiootl Hotel can Furnish Also, Good Wines, Good Beer, Good Liquors Good lemonade. Good Cigars, Kept at the City Hotel. H!y FRKI). GOO, rroprietor. aPaisstisag, 'SIGN, CARRIAGE and ORNA 2IENTAL PAINTER, . JL. ASHLEY. Sh'i over the Brick Block next to II Boeck's. I'LATTSMOUTH, .... NEP 411 y. ilJ.J d. a. c. Is on cheolut? "J ir resist: ibte cure for 3 1 f -3nws. TnomncTan" ruH tb Tir-e of Orinm, Tof &.. k !... a i". i ti".niLt.n. imovbiir J ..oa :.l li&.,.tc: uiiiT t-rycf them. ren-H f: 1 t rTvrnr tliat cioin! 3 -.Vts:.! and more'' f i rf.-ia uar i.iitmlr. iiU or uirccri ic. I j J rvlrTt", pr"7w1 1, to n 1 io I i:cr?oc!i, J T, or at H 1j:3 ;v.-:.iO. lijrraiuj ta;J U':V. r-tviii;r.j. f. fe Ho i Z.i.iz. s f !;. Cc, RochCitar. H.Y. Cole flgents H f-l TJ ITp Bitter 3! of iiorae-rfrr, K. Y. y, pe gjc:ie bvr ttxv Parent m4 Best MtM zTtA t n-riuatw, 'nak' ?-,:; luotv cure thxt i 1 otbsr nsMdut. Tin- 3 l-CR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Hub been in constant ri v' '' ne by the pubUo A v l i ' .O for over twenty years, and Is the beat preparation ever Invented for RESTOR Ia GRAY HAIR TO ITS TOCTHITL COLOR AND The State Assayer and Chemist of Mass. and leading endorse and it ts a great triuinpli in medi cine. LIFE. It enpplics the natural food and color to the hair glands -vrithoot staining: the skin. It will increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent its blanching and falling: off, and thus AVEKT BALDNESS. It cores Itching, Erup tions and Dandruff. As HAIR DRESSING It is very dexir&Me, giving; the hair a silken softness which nil admire. It keeps the head -rfen sweet and healthy. WHISKERS win change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation it is easily applied, and produces a perwciRfnt color tiat 'will not wash off. Jr-liElAKEi lsV B. P. HALL h CO., KASIiUA, H.H. Sold by si! Dea'ers in "riedlcine. wmm? I A MONTH! A321TT3 rAKTEr j 75SntbrllIairArtlfmiatk(Warllatam. t picfr. AdJAlf BROKSON, Swrclt, Itki wanted: 10,000 BT'SIIEI.S BrCEETES, of which I I make Buckeye Pile Ointment, Warranttd to Cure lae. Au4rct wth ttuiip, Dr. J.N. Tabier, l. Louit, Mo. CARPEnTEH SA17S Or anyothpr kind, yon can file ymtrmrlf with out A'ew yinrhtum so that it will cut Jirttnr than Mirr. Tha te-th will all remain of equal aira and linp. Sent frrm on rrript of ft.KO to any pnrt of the L'uild Mates. I lutrated CirculArs yVee. dootl A nntm trnntrrf i n eretv eounfuni.ii eit A.Lireas JC. Hit Til af; DUO., Sett) Ojc. Jo rrt, 11. W hava hnnrlrods cf letters from man nslcg Our Macbina who aaj they would Dot take & fur 1U WIRTS 5c SCHOLLE, No. 2i Wabash Atrnce. Chicago, Iix. Fine, Medium, and Common ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and pric list of over 600 new designs MAILED FKEJC aponspplication. Send fur it.) mnnn A MON'i'Ii ::uaranlced. l2a day at 'J jlj I hoine made by the industrious. Cap , ital not requited; we wiil start you. y ".len. women, boys and gii In make mon ey fater at work tor im tlian at anything else. The work if liUt and plea-aut, and sueli as any one can go riltt at. ilioewlio are wise who f-ee tins noii-e will feint us their addresses at once and fee for themselves. Costly eutlit and terms tree. Now is the Uins. Those already at work are laving up large (stilus of money Address TKUE" & CO., Auubta. Maine. 13!y INVINCIBLE" the best base burn lor hard coal. It lea and sizes, with more patent improve ments than anyother stoves. Ask your deal, cr for them, or send for free illustrated cir cular. C!iic3oe & Eric Stove Co. (Limited), Ui.e 171 & 173 Ldtic SU, Chicago. i1nnflTn! cono A YEAU. or jc to R20 a day V I Ki II I in yourown locality. Norisk. Wo lli I il If I men do as well as ineu. Many make V''iitorp than the aniount sta.'eil ubove. No one can fail to make money fast. Any o:ie can do the work. Von can make from fio cent.: to 5'J an hour by devoting your evenimis and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try t he busiiiess. iwothiuK like it for money m-ikini? ever oifered before, business pleasant and c triellv honorable. Iteader. if you want to know all about the best payir.-r business before the public sfnd us vour address and we will send vou full particulars and private terms free : Kniiin1(a worth ."i also free : vou can I urn must-" im vour ii'ind for vonrself. Ail dress G5"oKGE t:i i:tly STINSOX & CO., I'ortlaud. Maine. CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK. The Great Keglieb TRADE MARK. Remedy; An anfmllln care for Semloal Weak neea. Spermator rhea, Tm potency, and all diaeaaea that follow as a ra- . r.efore TakiBS. Aba; aiLoMof After Taking, afemory, Unlreraal ljtitude, Pp'.n in Oje Back. Dlmoaas e Vtatoo, Prematura Old Age, and buj other Dinasca thai lead to laaaulty or ConinmpUon, and a Premxtare Grava. Full partienlara in our pamphlet, w'aieh we deaire ta aend free by mall to arery one. Cj"The SpeciBe Medicine ts aold by all dnufliu at f I per package, or aia paekagea for J5, or wiU ba sent free by mall en receipt of the money by Jdrearinf SEnjCI:!K c0 Uicnaxic'a BLacc, Dmort, Micm. t-JT ?:!;: i.T X'iat Jrm iuth u.:d c cry.i.cte, b. dl IK u, gifts. Onr 5th Descriptive Itlns trated l'rlce List for Fall of 1879 will be sent to any ad drens upon receipt of NINE CENTS. It contain prices of over 10.000 articles with over l.OOO Illustrations. NO FEKSOJi who contemplates iIia ii T-r-li ii i of anv article f5 for personal or family nse, should fall to send for a copy. We sell most every civilized world. We sell all our Koooa at wnoieeaio prices direct to the con- nmer two middle men). The only house in America who make this their special bnRin.. One of thce valu able Irire IJst and Refer ence Itooks Is iniipenhlle. Address Montjnmery Ward SV..-31 and 21 abaall Avenue, CUicaffo, lllinoiaw fl AS B iaSil SOL3 AGENT. VZxn ECST and 3iOST POrfLAR rSetvics Xlrrsad cf tTo-Icrn Times. EEWASB G2- 13I3TATTOSS. I'r.r s:il bv E. . Povev & Kon, Solomon & Vithan, Wm lleroM, W. II. Laker & Co., L. Kaliskv & Son. ADA SIS WIND 3IILL. SI.M.SHII'HAX, AGENT, Weeping Water, Xeb. Manufactured by Marseilles MTi; Co., of MaivHlles, 111. 1 have put upseveinl in Cass Co. AinotiK those purehasin- are J. M P.eardsley. II, W. Uriajj", and S. Yansen and J. 11. Yoiiiijr, of tKoeCo.. all of whom can t"stify to their m-pt-rior excel In nee. Those. wiMhimr tfl purchase c;.!i address ii e at W. Water ; sat- faction pu;ir.mteed. ' lie "s from r."3 to.-s." ; ills wi: hour pumiiscr umps without mills. j:in.i "i It. Ct:pav W. D. JONES' Asain takes t'.-e Brick Livery Stabiet fLATTSMGUXn. NEBRASKA Tin olJ Bonner Stftb!es. !n rintt'incnth, ate now leased f'v i . f "i i i , I '.:e li ts on hantl new and liaud-oii:e accomuiouatious, iu liie shupc of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and - r SADDLE HORSES. ' I mil pr-pared to keep II(lir",ES FOR SALE TRADE! And win Train and Erak Colts :i Ceasonable Tern:. ALS Ul'MEAIIJER, That with n'fi tv of room (that every one known I have) ii. my t:ible, 1 can get Farmers' "lock and waKiH, loads ol hay, &c, under cov er. l'rrc thev will keep dry. st- il mv .!! patrons for their libprai ty, 1 so, it. I their trale forthe future, satisfied tint I can nccointuodate them lietter asd do better by tliem man everbe.'ore. V.'M. D. JONES. v :::2 I If l.'l1 " i l l I II H i llllUB'.ler III BS a I II l.styl WW 1 FIBST National Bank OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, 8CCCK8SOU TO TOOTLE, II AX X A & CLARK Tony Fitzgerald E. IlOVEY A. W. McLauoh lis. . . JONH O KOURKE Tresirtent. Vice rresident. ... .Cashier. ...Assistant Cashier. This Bank is now open for business at their new room, corner Main and Sixth streets, and is prepared to transact a general BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Government and Local Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits Received and Interest Allovo ed on Time Certificates. DEAFTS DBAWU", Vvailable In any part of the United States and In all the Principal Towns and Cities of Kurope. ACEXTsi'On THE CELEBRATED nman Line and Allan Line OF HTKAIIEHS. Person wishing to bring out their friends from Surope can ' PURCHASE TIfKETS FROM ITS Through to Plattumosth. lall Sa "EL . J. F. BAUFilEISTER Furnishes Fresh, Pure Milk, REUTUKED DAlIaY. ca'ls attended to. and Fresh Milk from same cow furnished when wanted. iiy Excelsior Barber Shop. J. o. BOONE, Main Street, opposite Saunders House. SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING Especial attention given to 'JUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. CALL AND SEE B00XE, GENTS, And get a boon in a A. Sehlegel &"Bro., Masiufacliii ers of ITXlrTH aZC3--A.:R,S, And de;!!C3 in f'ANCY SMOKERS ARTICLE'S, SMOKING and CHEWING T 0 B A C G 0 S . -peoiai BRANDS and sizes of CIGARS made to ord r, and satisfaction puarantt ed. Cirar clippings sold for smoking tobacco. "' Main St. iaree dot.js west of Saunders House. I'LATTSMOUTH, NeP.. 101 Ml HARDWARE STORE. J. S. DUKE Has just opened au entire new stock of bard ware, on -;t tbi rs 3sr a5 vtx: r ' ss Nest door west of Chapman & Smith's Drug Store. A Full Line cf SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES and ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, by the Key or Pound ROPE, POWDER, SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BARROWS. . A Full,Llne of t I'TLFIt V. Sp"(:ialRatf.s to Builders and Con ti actors. All f?ood sold as low as they possibly can be and live. 41y " WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer in DllY GOODS. CLOTHS. ' BLANKETS. FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOD -:o :- GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stock of BOOTS and SHOES CLOSED OUT AT COST :o: Notions, Queensware, and In fact everything you can caiiforia tlie line of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND, FURS. All kiiids of country nrodnce taken in ex change for goods. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in STOVE S, aw Tiy VV IB-ax.. ETC., r.TC, KTC. Oae Door East of the Post-Oflice, riattamouth, Kebra-ska. o :- Practical Workers In 3IIEET IRON, ZINC, TIN. BRA ZIER Y, dc, d-c. Large r.H'iortment of nard ana Soft Fcnips, Gass Fipea and Fittings. 30Jlli STOTB3, Wood H.nd Coal Stoves for HEATING Oil C00IUXG, Always on nand. Svry variety of Tin, Sheet Iron, and Zinc Work, kept in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. ST-EVER TTJi TXG . WARRANTED ! S&l PJHCF.8 LOW IOWX. SAGE ROS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS IIC. J. Im. MeCRBA, HOMCEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, at Factory, ville, Cass county, Nebraska. 24ly X. It. 1VILS05T. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practices in Saun ders and Cass Counties. Ashland, Nebraska. 35mG It. is. wimhiam, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Plattsmouth."Neb. Or fiee Front Room over Chapman & Smith's lru Store. - 43ly 31. A. IIAfiTKi AX, ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR. Will Prac tice in the State and Federal Courts. Resi dence, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 3lly It. IL L1VIXKSTOX, 31. PHVSICIAW & SCRCiEOH. OFFICE HOURS, from 10 a. m., te 2 p. mv Examining Surgeou for U. S. Pension. IR. W. II. CIIIL!IXECIIT, PRACTISING PHYSICIAN, will attend calls at ail hours, niirht or dav. Plattsmouth, Ne braska. Office in Chapman 6i Smith's Drug Store- J. !I. IIALIi. 31. I. rUYSICIAK AND SURGEON. OFFICE with Dr. Livingston nuth Side of Main Street, between CtU and Vth streets. Will attend calls promptly. 49yl WILL . WISE. COLLECTION'S si SPSCTALTT. " "ATTORNEY AT LAW, Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. Ollice in Fitz gerald's block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 22m3 UKO. H. H 31 IT SI. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Real Estafe Bro ker. Special attention iriven to Collections and all natters affecting the title to real estate. Office on 2d lloor, over Post Oillce. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 40 1. I. II. WIlEELEIi A CO. LAW OFFICE. Real Estate, Fire and Life In surance Asents, l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles. 15uy and sell real estate, negotiate loans. &c. I51 JAMES E. MORRISON. W. L.. RROWNE. Notary Public. MORKISOX & KKOAVXE. ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. Will practice in Cass and adjoining Counties ; pives special attention to collections and abstracts of title. - Office in Fitzgerald Ulock, l'lattsmouth. NeblaskA. 1TV . SAS. 31. C II A 132 AX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery. Office in Fitzger ald Liock, 191 rLATTSMOUTH, NEB. w. ('S.iTTi:i:. DENTIST. l'lsttsmontli. Xebr;ik.n. OfTce on Main Street over Soloir.on Na than's Store. 311y 35lt. w. R. xo it IIOMEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, treats all dis eases of women ::nd cl-.iltlrcn. Cl'.rouic diseases a Speciality. OEk-e hours f rom 9 to 11 a. in. and from 3 to 5 p. m. JtTlee in residence, tn Seventh and OaK Streets, opposite Mr. Dovey's residence. 33tX PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. C. HIIISE!, - Propiictor. Flour, Corn Meal d- Feed Alwavs on hand and for sale at lowest'cash p ices. The mulo st prUes paid for Wheat aud C rn. Particular atleiition given custom work CIIIAHLCS n .iit 11 US . Tonsorial Artist. ?!.ATWMOLT:i XKBItASKA. Place of business on Main St.. lietwen 4th tnd.Mti streets. Sii tmpooiiig. SIiaig, chil dreu's h::r cutting, etc. etc. VJly co:i3n:uciA3i hotel, LINCOLN. NER. J.J.IMHOFF, x- - - Proprietor. The best known and most popular Landlord in the State. Always stop at the Commercial. - LENIIOFF cD BONNS, Morning Dew Silicon ! One door east of the Saunders House. We keep the best of Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. 33inf) Constantly on Hand. SAlLNDKltS HOUSE. J.S.GREGORY, - - - Proprietor. Location Central. Good Sample Room.. Every attention paid to gaests. 43m3 Plattsmouth. ----- Neb iFOTJXTTDIRrsr MACHINE SHOPS ! PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., Repairer of Stuam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist 21 ill A AXB STEAM l-'ITTCiS, frought Iron Pipe. Force and Lift Tipes, Steam Gair-'cs. Safety-Valve Governors. and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, repaired on short notice. F A h M MACHINE K" J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and Deab r in Ti f2JT CT tw? i77? fT-ii I m V? i SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS. WHIPS ETC., ETC.. ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. e only place in town where "Tnrley's pat ent self adjustable horse collarsave eold." 49 -Cm 3 5 -: - r- CO S re r6 a o " c; T9 -1 . a 9 I o" pa o o B CO 55- 3 O 3 ?5 ct- c ' G M C5 h- OR a o - O . 1 a 3 S5 3 00 o - t tg "-9 I Go a. 5 - 2 3 M j co r- L 5? rf3 a. 00 CO CD CO o 9. C2 to BATES & K0H1TKE. New Carpenter shop on Main Street, Corner of 7t!i.- Bates & Ivohnke, Builders, Contractors, and general workman in the Carpenter line. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Slate Directory. A. S. PADDOCK. U. S. Senator, Beatrice. ALVIN SAUNDERS. U. S. Senator. Omaha. E. R. VALENTINE, Represeutat'e. West Point. ALBIN LTS NANCE. Governor, Lincoln. S. J. ALEXANDER, Secretary of State. F. W. LEI DTK K. Auditor. Lincoln, fi. M. BARTLETT, Treasurer. Lincoln. S. R. THOMPSON, Suit. Public Instruction. F. M. DAVIS. Land Commissioner. O. J. DILWOKTH. Attorney General. REV. C. C. HARRIS. Chaplain of Penitentiary. DR. II. P. MATTHEWSON, Supt. Hospital for " the Insane. - o Supreme Court. S. MAXWELL, Chief Jiwtice, Fremont. CEO. B-. LAKE, Omaha. A MAS A COlili, Lincoln. Sec on ft Judicial District. S. B. POUND, Judge. Lincoln. J. C. WATSON, Prosecutrng-Att'y. Neb. City. W. L. WELLS. Clerk Dist. Court, Plattsmouth. County Directory. A. N. SULLIVAN, County Judge. J. D. TUTT. County Clerk. .1. M. PATTERSON, County Treasurer. R. W. 1IYFKS. Sheriff. G. W. FAIRFIELD. Surveyor. G. UILDEBRAND, Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. HENRY" WOLFE. Liberty Precinct. JAMES CRAWFORD. South Bend Precinct. SAM'L RICHARDSON. Mt. Pleasant Piecinct. City Directory, J. W. JOHNSON, Mavor. J. M. PATTERSON. Treasurer. J. 1). SIMPSON. City Clerk. RICHARD VIVIAN. Police Judge. . P. B. MURPHY. City Marshal. WM. L. WELLS. Chief of Fire Dept. roi'NCII.MKN. 1st Ward J. PEPPEKRERG. V. V. LEONARD. 2d Ward G. W. FAIRFIELD, J. V. WECK- I BACH. 3d Ward R. C. CUSHING, THOS. POLLOCK. 4th Ward P. McCALLAN, E. S. SHARP. 'olmaler-3XO. W. M ARSHALL. B. & M. Pv. R. Time Table. Taking Effect May 4, 1879. FOR OMAHA FROM PLATTSMOUTH. Leaves 7 :(0 a. m. Arrives 8 -45 a. in. " 3 p. in. " 4 :53 p. in. FROM OMAHA FOR PLaTTSMOCTTI. Leaves 9 :10 a. m. Arrives 10 :40 a. rn. " 6 :00 p. in. 7 :56 p. in. FOR THE WEST. Leaves Plattsmouth 9 :45 a. in. Arrives Lin coln, la p. ni. ; Arrives Kearney, 7- f-5 p. m. Freight leaves 9 :o0 a, in. Ar. Lincoln i :5o p.m. FROM THE WEST. Leaves Kearney. 6 r.V) a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 1 .30 p. in. Arrives Plattsmouth. 4 :' p. m Freiglit leaves Lincoln 11 :40 a. ni." Arrives Piatt siHOUth, 4 :.Vj p. in. v GOING EAST. Express, 6 :1S a. m. Passenger, (train each day) 4 :20 p. m., except Saturday. Every third Saturday a train con nects at the usual time. Fl. V. R. II. Time Table Taking Effect Sunday, March 23, 1S79. SOUTH. 5 iSripill 6 :27 6 :4S 7 :Z5 7 :.3 S :-'0 8 :35 - 9 :1 9 r-Tipm STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYR. BLCE lilLL. COWLES. RED CI.CL'D. INAVALE. RIvERTON. Fi'.ANKLIN. BLOOM IN GTON. NORTH. 8 ::i.")aiii 8 :0i 7 :40 7 : 6 :35 . 6 :10 5 :55 5 :'i5 5 :10aui C. K, fi O.K. II. TIME TABLE WESTWARD. Fxnress .0 i.liiiii, 1 25 pm i 4 r.rpm; 7 4()m 10 .Wplll . 1 -t.iaiu 4 2. .am ! 7 10a t j 'Joani I Mail, oopm 4. "ain 5. 10am 35am 15pm lfpm Ot'pia Fenv- thicatro " M-U'!)t-4 - Gaiestiurg ... " Burliigtoii " Ottumwa..... " Chaiitan " Creston Red Oak Arr. l'lattsmouth . EASTWARD. Express Mail. Lenve Plattsinov.T!i i 3-tipni; 5 Suani Red Oak ! 8 oopm i 8 uam " CreRton ! 10 35piu 111 15am " CharitiU i 12 55am 2 15pm tUtumwa I 3 Lilain , a Oopm Burlington (t Jsoam i 8 40pm Galesburg I 8 ft."am i 11 05pm " Mcudota 12 15pm j 3 10am Airiv Chicago I 3 30pm 7 00am ONLY 27 HOCRS TO St. LOUIS bv the new ROUTE just opened via MONMOUTH. PULL MAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS run from Burlington to St. Louis without change. HY LEAVING PLATTSMOUTH AT 3:50 P. M.,yoM arrive m St. IXIUIS the next evening at 8 :20. and leaving St. Louis at 8 :20 a. ni., you ar rive in Plattsmouth 9 :20 the next morning. Coupon Tickets for sale for all points North, South, East and West. SAMUEL POWELL, D. W. HITCHCOCK, Ticket Agent. Gen. Western Pass. Agent. J. M. Bechtal, -isent, l'lattsmouth. THE FRIEND OF ALL! ! HOLLOWAYS PILLS. "I had no appetite ; Hol'owav's Pills gave me a hearty one " Y'oui' Pills are marvellci"" " "1 send for another box and kevp them in the house." "Dr. Holloway has cured my headache that wa chronic." 'I gave one of your Puis to my babe for chel era morbus. The little dear got well in a day. "My naui-ea of a morning is now cured. "Your box of Holloway's Ointment cured me of noises In the head- 1 rubbetl tome of your Ointment behind ;he care, and the noise lias left." Send me two boxes ; I want one for a poor family." I enclose a dollar ; your price is 25 cents but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." "Send me five boxes ol your I ills." "Let me have three boxe of your Pills by re turn mail, for Chills and Fever.' I have over 2oo su-h testimonials as these but want of space compels me to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment is niOHl invaltiaflt. It does not heal externaily alone, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Possessed of this REMEDY. Every Man may be h s own Doctor. It may be rubbed into the system, t-o as to reach any internal complaint : by these means it cures sores or Ulcers in the THROAT, STOMACH, LIVER. SFInE, or oth er parts. It is an Infallible Remedy for BAD LEGS. BAD BREASTS, Contracted or Stiff Joints. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, aud ail Skin Diseases. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of J. JIaydock, as aent for the United States, surrounds each box of Pills and Oiutment. Boxes at 20 cents, 62 cents, and 1 each. C4S There is considerable saving by taking the larger tdzes. Holloway & Co., New York. Eliy PAPER - HANGING ie3 J-1 isr a? x asr a-. M. f?icElwain, r-Shop over BONNER STA BLES.on PINE STREET, Satisfaction Guaranteed. 5m6 - STKE1GIIT & MILL EH, Harness Manufacturers, saddles . BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly' on hand. - FRUIT, CONFECTIONEY. GROCERY STORE, NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS COFFEES, SUGARS, T0BACC0ES, FLOUR, &c. Remember the place opposite E. G. Dovey's on Lower Main Street. 21-ly STREIQHT & MILLER. The Homestead on the Hill. . rmi pinster lone and old, And my hair is stroaked with gray, And my lile wears on as dull and cold Asa cheerless Winter-day; And often, at early nii;ht. When the house i dusk and still, I sit and watch the jrleams of lijrht From the liomestend on the The one that beams first of all Shines out through the open t'oor, Illunif s the length aiivl I ireaJ th of the hali, From ceili i to ll.iir; It gleam? out into the iii-ht, And down to the garden-gnte. While juit within the warm flood of light. Do eager children, wait. They wait for the father's tread, They wait for the fallier'a kiss, For t lit loving touch of his hand on the head. And the smile that t'icy never miss; Their frolieing forms I see. As they dance with a merry din; They lnuph and they shout with a childish glee, As they welcome the father In. And next, in the family room. Where tiio ta'ile is spread fjr tea, The eveni'.g-Lim;) drivv of ths srl-w.n, And the :at lit ring shadows flee, And then, in the room above. Where Uip baby is in iis nst, I seem to he ir ti c murmur of lovo That htmhes it to its rest. Then I draw my curtain down, And 1 t.iiuk of a diy gone by When my lifi was youuj and my hair was brown, And my hopeful heart beat high; When a youth came wooing me, Hut I turned away a'xl sii.l, "Such a litf.ndrti'ii lifts would weary me, And I d i not oare to wel." 'Tis strange I can now recall, Ev'ry tone as he sai l good-hre: For years I t!i -ug-it of hi.:i sc irco at all. As I roamed 'ncith a foreign sky; For I journeyed far and wide, And of novelty bad my 1111, And I smiled to iitar that Ju-'d brought Lis l ri !o To th! !i-):n'S'.a! o i tY? hill. Ah, well! that i- long fcince o'er. And liie friends' of my yo'.it:i a re dead; Th' lovlk'-t Heei'.e cm charm no tt.or Whet; ti c- ;.o;rs ot ti.e hai t are Hed. And s a ths is:.xht eo:nss i i. Do I -it i tl'.c d irk and chill. And wo id r. and dream what my life had lixn I:i the h .mestra 1 on the hill. Couimissioner's Proceedings. REGULAR SESSION. Plattsmouth, Nov. 17, '79. Board met iu regular session; pres ent: Ileory "Wolfe. James Crawford and Sam'l Richardson, Commissioners; J. D. Tutt, Clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, when board adjourned to meet Tusday. Tuesday, Xov. 18, '72. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All the board present. The following claims were then al owed on general fund: D. D. Martindale, serv. as supt. 076 20 J D Tutt, sal. and ex 43 18 G II Black, insane case 17 50 " making city reg. list . 30 00 II McElwain, rep. C. II. wind' J D Tutt, disl'g poll books P B Murphy, prisoner's wash'g. O F Johnson, wall paper If- rr 4 O 05 45 11 YV Ilyers, boarding prisoners ani.jailor's fe&. 15G 40 M McElvain, glazing J Simmons, wash'g jail ciethes. . U V Mathews Cost bill, St. vs. Win Waberg. . . B'd insanity case F McGee Allowed on poor fund: J C Eikcnbery, b'd'g paupers. . . J E Barnes, d'g pauper grove. . . Eli Simpson, nursing pauper. . . C G Herold, cloth'g for p'r 4 II Boeck, coflin far pauper F StuH, nursing pauper! Wm Kirk, medicine serv. p'r... . Allowed on "bridge fund: Cummins & Richey, bridge and gen'l Jesse Urwin, posts as percrder. U V Mathews, spikes 6 GO G 5 38 CO 35 25 19 95 80 8 17 7 5 11 20 54 00 75 25 G5 00 50 10 00 37 41 6 00 4 08 Order allowed G. W. Young, road dist. No. 25, .400 feet of lumber, GO pounds spikes. Quackenbush & Bros, on bridge fund $12050. Application of Jas. Walker for Co. support of colored woman rejected. Order allowed R. Chilson for 820 oh district 21. Clerk was instructedto make deed to F. E. White and receive pay for County's interest in lots 10 and 11 in bleck 9. the price being the tax 12 per cent added. Theodore IJeodiker was appointed Supervisor of dist. 12 on petition. The matter of the incorporation of the city of Louisville with remon strance was taken up and after due consideration was rejected. Upon presentation of certificate from the Clerk of Saunders Co., the taxes of Ed. Hutchinson was. ordered stricken from the tax list for 1878, as they had been erronettsly assessed. Treasurer ordered to extend time on School land of C. M. Cherry. Board adjourned to meet Wednesday. November, 19th, 1879. -Beard met pursuant t adjournment. All the board present. Petition of J. YV. Johnson et. al. for an appropriation for the benefit of Thos. Owens and family, was granted ; orderedthe $60 be drawn from the poor fund and be expended under the di rection of J. W. Johnson. Ordered that the Co. Clerk of Cas3 Co. in tha State ef Nebraska, cause suit to be instituted against W. L. Hobbs and E. G. Dovey, H. D. Hatha way, C. II. Parmele and James O'Neil, his sureties, also against YV. L. Hobbs, former Treasurer f Cass Co. and A. L. Childs, E. Burger, S. Barker, Sam'l Maxwell andS. A. Davie, his sureties on his official bond dated November 3d, 1889, for amounts due the county while acting aa Treasurer. When it was ordered that G. S. Smith and G. YV. Coyell. be and they are hereby employed as Attorney's to prosecute the two ' foregoing 3uits against W. L.. Ilobbs et. al. at a com pensation of 335 each for each ca3e, as a retainer and 10 per cent of the amounts tecovered bv the county, the county to pay court expenses. The following were then allowed on general fund: Henry Kirkham, Jail well$20.- 85 less 82.00 $ 18 85 J. D. Tutt, making out 233 ' election certificates...'. 58 25 Streight & Miller repairing c's. 5 00 A. Ashley, glazing C't House 95 G W Covell, R R f'e and h. b. 30 00 - " " two cases County Yrs Hobbs 50 00 G S Smith, two cases Co'ty vs Hobbs et al..- 50 00 G S Smith, legal services 150 00 S Richardson serv as commis'r 10 00 J Crawford, " " " 33 50 Henry '.Volfe, " " " 10 20 Allowed en bridge fund: Dean & Son lumber road dist. 25 97 Ordered that the Clfrk be and is hereby ordered to serve the following notice on J. M. Patterson," County Treasurer of Cass County, Neb.: "You are respectfully requested to appear before the board ef county commissioners- at tbeir next regular! session in Dec, 1879, and show reason why you did not pay the registered war rants on the County general fund, at the times and iu the manner prescrib ed by law, sec. 4, chapter 05, revised statutes', but instead of paying s;ud warrants, as the law directs, allowed funds amounting to $6,000 to accumu late in your bonds. Ordered that the County Clerk be in structed to make out an accountagainst John B. Ilass, for keeping his sister in the poor house of this county and send to Saundur? county for collection im mediately. Clerk instructed to draw two war rants on bridge fund of 6500 each, in favor of YV. J. White, as part pay on bridge contract of Aug. 1879. .. Ordered that the clerk immediately notify all druggists in Ca33 county, or such as are selling spirituous liquors, that they must take out County license for same, as they are subject to prose cution, accordimi to the decision f the supreme court of this state. Application of S. M. Uolveistadt for refandif; money paid on taxes, said to be erroneously paid on ow ing school land to wit: n. of the n. w. H, and s. w. , section 30, town 10, range 11 east. Application refused by Henry Wolfe, and Jas. Craw ford, Sam uel Richardson dissenting from the above rinding. Board then adjourned to meet the first Monday in December, 1879. Attest: Henry "Wolfe, attest : Henry Y olfe, 1 r. D. Tutt, J. Crawford, Clerk. S. Richardson, ) Co. Corn's. "Winter 1'anhioni. MinwixTER Styles iv Drfsses. Wrath, Hats a.nd Boxn kts, Et tekas or Dhess am Fashion". Messrs. EHRICH fc CO., of New York, the publishers of EIIKICH'S FASHION O.CAK TEKLY', have kindly placed at our oervice the following notes on the Winter Fashions of 1879 80, compiled from advance sheets of the forth coming Winter number of their magazine. The Fashion Quarterly is unquestionably tiie lead ing authority on all matters of dress and the toilet generally, as well as the most trustworthy guide to shopping in all its branches. We un derstand that the Winter number will bo unus ually rich in Its descriptions cf Holiday goods and presents. The low price of the magazine, only 60 cents a year, or 15 cents a single copy, places it within I lie leach of all : and there is no lady but w ill find it useful, however small may be her purchase, or limited her means. The styles for the coming season nre rich, pleastng'aDd varied to a degree exceeding lhat of many past years. The revival of changeable or shot'silks, satins aud velvets, brocades aud damasees, the introduction of gold and 6ilver threads into many of thq richest dress goods, and the received form m which cut jet and va negated be;irl have been reproduced, render fashion tins year a gorgeous and beautiful won der. The modiste! and milliners have caught the artistic spirit and have made admirable use of tiicse nww fabrics in the creation of rare ly beautiful costumes, wraps, bonnets, hats, uud accessories of the toilet. SACCjUES. CLOAKS, ETC. While long French of beaver and chin chilla cloths atid other cloaking materials, are used for ordinary wear, the rie'ier Sii-iiienne and Antwerp siiti and silk matelasse and heavy camels hair cloaking fabrics, bot h bI.i-! and coloved, are made up into long dolman., visiles, and long, loose-fitting sacque dolmans, with elbow sleeves or dolm in capes superimposed above theacque. forming ornamental sleeves and upper capes combined. Such garments ai e lined with quilted Kalia. and trimmed with the richest otneh feather ruchings. chenille, and crimped tape ; and sometimes a rich pasemen terirt lat-tail fringe is added, falling over the under one of cheuille and pressed bilk. Tassel ed and b;;ll fringes are aiso used, and to give addei effect, strands of jet beads are introduc ed in the black fringes, ami amber and varie gnted ones iu the colored fiii'ges that trim the cloaks of colored cloaking material. MILLINEKV. The millinery, this season, assumes more ori ginal and interesting forms than ever, while no words car. convev an adequate idea of tiie ex quisite colors and texture of the materials. The salius, velvets, ami silks, the ribbons and ail woven stufTs in millinery goods, come in change able etleets. or if solid iu culor. are Woven wiUi a glistening and sbeeiiev surface that is inde scribably beaut iful. the fancy featners aiso are richer aud more variegated than ev-r. and the ostrich tips and plumes are frequently sha ded in a novel and most effective manner : col ored tinsel, crystal, and variegated and tine cut let be;ias and ornaments ai used wi libitum on everything, and cold and silver braids, geld, silver. Jet steel and variegated jewel orna-1 meiits, all play their part iu tne worn oi uouuet and hat ornamentation. SIAIPLR HEAD GEAR. But while these dressy and elaborate bonre'is and hats are worn for cerenionieus occasions, in ful) toilet, the simplest kind of head gear felts, Derbvs, and equestrieunes are worn by young iat'.i-s on all ordinary occa"ioits, wjin in tie or no irimminzon them, while their mam mas wear plain felt bonnets, trimmed only with mam aiiii riioon. r iauSs oi uiaiu siik orsai pi. and but one modest wiug, or perhaps two ostrich tips LINGERIE. Among new neck lingerie are found chemis ettes of point d'etprd and crept lie alternating. enormous cravats or white inuslui, etigett wiiu ureton, potit a epril and other laces, ana nen us of all styles and dimensions, while for tall and stately figures lart;e lace half handkerchief ni nrecon lace anu jxnni a esprit, uoroeieu who piaitiugs of ihe same, are used with marked enect. Ti:uni1er Head, the highest nioutiinin of thu Caiskiil, 4,.1'i-j led, na a hcutunu spring oi. cold water under the highest ledge, about teu feet below the ioj. Does Your Fanning ray? Tut tlio question, says X. Y. Z. in r.n exchange, to the average farmer and per liaj 13 he viil tell you he thiaka fanning dots pay. Possibly ho will answer "i think not," but very probably if ho says wind lie actually thinks, ho will say that he doesn't know. Ak tliL" same niau how much money lie cleared from a certain' jio.ato patch, r whether he gaiucd any thing from a ccrtaiu lioid planted to coin, aud iu either cae you receive the samo ptiswer, "1 don't kuow." And probably it" this man runs his farm (or lots liisfann ruu him) lor twenty years to coine, ho will uevur know the cx.ict cost of his croim, or whether or not his crops tiro a gam or a loss to him; perhaps lie iur.y guess but he doesn't knuw. Fanners, open your eyes, and know wliut you are about! YYiicti you plaut corn, estimate what the use of your laud is worth; estimate the woith of your tinio spent iu preparing the laud and in lend ing the crop; estimate the value of seed aud fertilizers used. Put all down in writing and when you have harvested the crop, estimate what it is worth. You can easily iind out your exact gain or lo&s. Keep an account with each crop you raise; keep au aicouut with your hens aud your hogs. Five minutes a day spent in practical bookkeeping won't impover ish you. Do business in a business way. What would be thought of a merchant or a manufacturer who kept no accouut'f' They could'iA do business that way. But are wo smarter than they Fanners, kcepyonr accounts, nud know where your money comes fioui; know wh.-.t crojis pay the nio.-; know whether your hogs ami hcus pay or not. Then you will know where to invest your time and money. Lay by this bhiUlessucss mid do business as vou should, and your" will bo ihe gainers by it. - New York City. The New York Legislature has done a good tning in passing a bill reforming liie vicious svtttm of teneuieut house crow'.iiug in the city of New York, says liie Scifiiliiic Record. The new Ktatuto forbids any teiiem' iit house or bl. ck to cover uioru than 05 per cent of the laud at bit hcil, und a cfear space must be left between it aud the bui.wing iK-xt to it. The windows in every room mut equal onc-U'Uth the urea of the room, and ven tilate n must bo provided. Kaeh occu pant must bj provided with GOO cubic iect ol a;r. A eociely is organised to see thai I. iis statute, which, though defective, iu some respects, is sirictly enforced. If is, li. croft i re, hoped that iu duo time- hu-" m..n xisletice in that city may bo brought 'into harmony with lite laws of die u l health, ami the slow process of muutor that has destroyed its tens of thousands of lives already may be abol ished. There is no good natural reason why New York should not bo one of the healthiest cities on the globe?. It h mild in winter and not severe as lo heat in tho summer, above other places, p.inl having such grand water surfaces, s ilt and fresh. about it, and grand facilities for rural connections, it ought to stand at the head of At, antic cities lor sweetness, health slid beauty. Old heroes of the Revolution like PuW nam and lKrkimer Uo not sliiue in their ospisloiury work. Such specimens ot, thi'ir correspondence as have survived the too.h of fi.'iie ami come down to an ad-' miring l ut p'l.r.Iiiig tHisteiity need tho accompaniment of an explanatory chart. Thus, tho Oneida Historical Society has sccuicd liu loilowing in the handwriting of lletkiniei : Si r you will order your bodellyan do uierchs immiedectleh do fordewaid weid for biolRs.n aud amoniest heu lietl for ou betell. Dis you will niebeu your beiicl from friud. Nicolas herciiiieimkii. To Cornell pledcr bellinger at du nets." ochdober 18, 1775. By the ai 1 ot two or three volumes of taclu s, a copy of Ca.'sar's commentaries, and Diedcricli Knickerbocker's history of ihe New Netherlands, a patient and patriotic person will be able to translate this missive as follows: Sir: You will order your battalion to match immediately to Fort Edward with lour days' provisions aud ammunition, lit lor one battle. This you will disobey (atj your peril. From (your) friend, Nicholas IIekkijier. To Co!ouei Peter Bellinger, At the Flats, October IS, 1770. Desblains, the diet d'orchestre of the Clcvario des Li las, is dead. Siuce 1850 l.e has beaten time at litis celebrated es ublishmcnt ol pere Bullicr, and his deatit wiil be regretted by many generations of s'udeuls. An anecdote is toid that when Dcvbiaius heard that a certain member of Ihe actual French Cabinet bad cmo into ollice l.e went to sec him requested a p. ace lor na old violinist who had be coii.u paralyzed in one arm. J'iie Minis ter, who ha I been a bold dancer at Bul lici's in tlu days ot his 30UII1, at onco recognized Dcsblains, but declared ho had no ph'.fc to give. "1 must huve one," said I), sbl.-t.h.s. aIusi? Do you mean that as a command!" "Perhaps," replied Dcsb.ains. "W hen I used lo direct tho oichstraJof a cji lain puL.ic ball of w hich y,u were an habitue and you asked 1110 lo bisser a polka tiiat had please 1 yon I did not wait lo bo asked twice." Thu Miuiater yielded, and tho paralyzed vio linist got tiie place. A J.Iobi'c paper dscrilies a young lady with her hair "as black as a ravcu'e" The ravens weren't wearing Lair to speak of last summer, but we suppose the style has changed this year. Hau-kege, Positive Results. Tlere arc nu merous remedies that cure sometimes and become trusted as useful, bit none have ever proved so eflectual euretl co many and such remarkable cases as Dr. Ayer's medee ines. The Cherry Pectoral has restored great numbers of patients who were believed to-be hopelessly affected with consumption. Ague Cure breaks up chills and fe ' ver quickly and suiely. Ayer's Compound Extract of Sar sapa'rilla eradicates scrofula and im purities of the blood, cleanses tho svstcm and restores it to vigorous health. Ry. its timely tse many troublesome disorders that caii.e a 'decline of health are expelled or cur ed. Ayer's Pills and their effects arc" too well known everywhere to requfref anv commendation from us heie- ScVanton (Pa.) Times.