I. : "B II. Ue he a one ' W Fa fo t' o. t f rl n 4 iHE 11 E it A L I) LOCAL NEWS. -4ti ! Re J-f"I I In Thanksgiving Eve. rise. Wallace Sisters to-morrow iiiylit. I lie Wallace Sisters, the best of tha season. .v arrivals of thoie nobby winter suits, at A KdCOTT Si 1'ovi:ll'8. I " J10 ralu. SaTurJ.'.y niht and all day Sun day. 1 on't Forft my Special offer for the Holi dayi . Sili Jamks I'kttee. ijsuest prtee paid for Hile. Furs. Wool, etc.il F. S. WUITK'S. 25tf llliday Goods just received at Solomon & Katl fa's. Tit- IVst Sewing Machines ta the Market at Mires'. Mtf i:l'ie'iil r ttiose Choice Michigan apples at F. S l hite's. SH2 !"T O J Mti-.s' Tine V.'ariii Slippers for Co cts.. OUl iit Mvres'. 3 lit -(iidaner & IlernnannN store is constantly erov led with customers. C?V1 reaver Opera Boots S2.eo at Merles'. 'Mil iheet music at I'lnl Young's at one half di-f iiiit Iron: price list. 4ice Mr. PeUe's Special offer for the Iloli dijs hi another column. C! 2 -Tho Nebraska City Sua was Ixsued on Stm-la-t week, it seems? A sl.-!.nibo.it p;used through the draT ff tit- l.ride hist Tliuwdvy. ' tt hride hist Tiiur fJohn ileipcr-. of ! Sovth Her.d is In town, a ember of tfte C.iv.iul Jury. I" " .( Ouod Hand Mole all Calf Coots for p'i.tU at Alerm V. 24tf We It aru with regret th.it the wifo of Mr. T.I. C':i.ipi:iaii is very U:k. You e;ut find the finest and largest stock of canities ;tt t!i' P. O. News Depot. 0- " f.r Hand Made all Calf Eoofs for 2.Jt. 5.3.0a :it Mergex'. 34lf Capt. J. V Marshall and F. E. White paid Omaha a visit Tiifd;:y afternoon. Simon n color, Wt-epinir Water, orders the Hfkal!) and Inter-Ocean for oue year. Wo frhow a MamiiuPi'nt Srh'Clion of I.aJies Misses and Chihlreij's Woolen I?ose. 1 Solomon a Nathan. A new walk Is bfiui; put in. in front of C H. Tanuele's lu'iiahi 0:1 lower Main. Follow suit ! The O-be-.I oyful's wdl have " Hani let" on th..' boards 0.1 the 27ih. io and see him dance. Prof. Collier ftot his hi:: telescope out Thurs lay rii:it last, but di ln't see any s.ars fall to tp:;l; of, In vital ion v. iii soon le out for a ball on Thanksiv'i; nljjlit, to be given by tho Oh l?e Joyful Club. (Jeorpe S.nit:i couldn't pet Eaton's persliH mons after lie tried them, because he said "the pole wasn't long crouch. '' Heinenihf r if you want a pr.od 5 or Me ciirar. you can yet them at tl'.e P, O. News Depot, when you v.i'.I fi m1 t'i; be-t. 1 Jennie Va;!ace SNters Combination, a inot P'eeellent troupe. See notice elsewhere. W'iU bo hcie Friday November 'Jlst. D. T. II i'.riTsou. formerly in the store de piuMc.it of the It. .t M. in t'.ii city, has been ap;'i,itc.t C. P. St it ion aeut at Lincoln. AM thos. ri.-elvhi; in vit;'.tio:is t' the Oa F, Ioyfu! d.'.a."! O'l T'unsday e e-iinj;. Th:iliksj;iv i.i'. -.v : 1 1 ',v:eo!u . 01 their npp ";ir i ice. Til-- O'l J')y:al C!!;i ive th'-ir sei'nd hop !ast T i.irs'i.t.y v. ii-r.r resul;lir very pleas-mtly. Aho-t tliiity c i.ip: s in attendance. T:ie ".vTe. four clrlhhen and the all of 71. A. !I i'-!:.:,in's fami'y arrived from Michigan 1- i.-: . They i -.'t f.n sJeihtii at their old hot.!-. -The e!! t tv) uet up a c';us in vocal music v. in ah intoii 1 a ) -ie!it number could iM.t !-e o'utaiae !. :i-id P:of. Ferguson i;-ft us t,?t l'lid.iy . An int:r'si ir pi"? yesterday before Jude llt.V'i vai : somebody vs". ht.i mot lit rii-law. for assault and bat iery. Wc- have not iieard as el the verdict. -lust received, a fine ;scortment of I.adii s'. Misses aii'l ( -hiMrenV Wool and Knit Good s of every foru-eivable pattern at 1 G'JTHMAV & Wl-f lvr.ACH'S. --There will be asocicble nt Good Templar's llxi!. Tha.s lay oiilit. (Tlr-niks, tiring.) All are i-oruially i'ivi:ed o attead, and a good time will be s'l.u.intco.l. H:ir:er arj jmbl isbinj a "Younsr Folks" p:iper wt'oh'.y, of superior merit, w hich ran be taV.en with thidr other publications, and flub bed for at this office. C H. Par'n -1 lia put a Sidewa'k in on Main Str'-et next "o-r to lioeek's place and Jos. Bhcra moves in t!.c:e pr.-tty soon with a ;?uera! stock orgocds. There ij a joke on our oi J friend Timothy CUrk or on Ju.-tice Ncwtu:ry. the IlKHALn hifrd'y knows which one or 'tt!;or tmght to rend up on breeding swine. Dr. Livingston has p. it down a hr ind new x x x si tewalk in front of his lot, and every body who had to trawl CtU Street enjoyed it the last rail.. Somebody else, say those along; Vine St., go and do likewise. All those receiving invitation to the "O-P.e--loyfi T'Kall on Tlianks;;; vin?. wil' do well to hear hi mind t!i-l they were pr'nieil at theHF.it ai.d o.llv-e. a:d ihat we are prepared to turn out inure of the kind on short notice. - ' lr. Sehildkaeclit has gore oT and left us, our neighborhood we mean, jut as we told him he would w!ym he com.uenced building that h .! out on the ave:iu ". Sorry to have theHi 31, but hope thy will eujoy t'aeir new house. Oh yes ! Phil .Young 's Svlifrrijifiuii Xeics Afjcncj is the place where you can subscribe for any ncw"P tper or magazine desired, for reading riaiier during the long winter nightf. Phil can save you money, trouble and time, don't fa'l to tve hi;n a trial. Dr. Lyon, physician of the Surgical and me dical IiKitute Onmlis, will be at the Saunders House, Niw. "th, for a few days. Dr. L. ranks anions the most successful physicians in this country, a man ol-.O years experience. The af t.ietcd thould cr-1 en h.111 A". H. lie locnttsaU tf-t'(srs at si'jtit. We call attention to the Advertisement of the American Express Company oa the third pae of tills pape.. T.13 Amerieia is oae oft'ne tddest and m:st reliable c mpfiaijs iu tii5 car rying bns't less and t'M A'ieat her.. C.ipt. Iten nett. is deservedly well known as tha most pa tient. obligiiiif and careful expressman ia the country. lo charging th9 Grand Jury.'' Jaiie Pmind , told thom he did not d -em it a.lvi--:tbie to Ou t in.iictm!it uiless the evidence would w irrant or.vietion and he would rather thev would not find in such cases as sheuld have come before Justice's Courts, it being additional expense in his Court and not the proper place foi cases that under the law could be tried in Justice Court. Vigorous endeavors have been made to generally welcome each and every one that present their invitations at ttic Thanksgiving ball, and an enjoyable time is promised to all. As it isthe first of the season, as well as the frst Fall niven by the club. (Ob -be Joyfnls) a fine lime may be anticipated. No time or money having been spared to make It a grand success. . Pagstt Stlneh comb, the facile writers of County histories have been bc:e delivering their books on Cass County. It took two ex press team-i, a liaud car and the band wagon to haul all their traps around. Siiuelicorab couldn 't stay very long oa account of his family had to go Inrne f d chores. Patrtt b-t every body at r.ili: ir.ls. set up t:'? cigars for "Stlneh" fcaid -they couldn't help it," &e, and left us af tvf the shower Personal. ; M. B. Cutlet came In Monday, in response to a call from the Court. .1 - Squire Lynch of Mt. Pleasant is . court ing round some fhis week. - Eli Plummer ana Jno. K. Clark of Lincoln paid I lattsniouth a visit Monday. v Sam Cannon ana his brother Will have both been attending Court this week. A. A. Laverty of Greenwood U in town. The Judge looks Due, but lost a Hkkald lately. Dr. E, L. Lyon of Omaha called last week. He is making arrangement; for a course of lec tures here sown. Our re?pcctcd contemporary Deacon Bush nell made a visit to Fremont last Friday, and stayed over Sunday. "Kichard Twain," supposed to be a brother of Mark Twain, is reported as a Police Judge in this town by Pagett & St'nchcomb's (hls)story of Cass County. j Capt. Fioover of LouieviUe was In town and paid his respects to the Hkkali. The Cap't left a specimen of his t ri-k at the rest Office not long since, where it was much admired as a genuine Nebraska TiLiaufacture.. We neglected to mention last week that Mrs. Spmlork aud Mrs. Marsland went for a visit to Marys vi lie, M ., aul other points. Mm. Mars land returned last Friday or Saturday, and we found out what made the corner below us look eo vacant for the last tea '-days. ' Dr. nohhs of Ehnwbod is In fowii The DoC; torti pirttrrig alon.s finely onftliere. which tin 1Ikuam is glad to hear.;, lli sends a llKirAtb to N. r, Hobbe,: tir.. 1ii;it the old gentleman may Know how things a redoing, and we wiite this that ho iaay 2uiov who sends It.-. .- 4 Prof. Frank St ad cr made l.is friends !n riatts mouth a short visit last week, previous to his I !Cj'v;n''e lt.r some r.;y-jer:i fiiy, wnere i:e f hutiti lor' a larger te'tl for Lis talents. We ! 1 I,... ..'t 1.. .. . .l."V 111 leaving' the great wot, and wish him success whcicvcr he gees. Ce down f o Boone's and you w ill get A Shampo shave that'll make you sweat ; The lather'll rise all round your head Like Sea-foam 011 a rocky ceoan bed. ... Court ItcniM. ... Besides our largely increased bar there were present from abroad. Hon. T. M. Marquette, Messrs. Harwood & Foxworthy r.nd Wolfe of the Lincoln Bar; Dist. Attorney Watson, and lawyers Covell. Stevenson, Hayward and Scho lieid of Neb. City ; B. S. Ramsey of Louisville ; Stewart, cf Greenwood; liroady. of Brown villo ; Hart, of Councl Bluffs,- anil Keui:edy, of Oim'ha. M. A. Hartiiitiii was admitted to tlie bar to pn ciico in all the t-ouriS of t!ie State, Messrs. J. B. Strode, E. H. Vooley and M. O'Donohoe will be examined for admission this teini. The Grand Jury, David Miller,. Foreman, fit '.a the Council Chamber where ye Editor acci dentally strayed Tuesday whemDavid said there was a "true bill"' found "agin" us aud wc left before Dist. Attorney Watsoa could write out an indictment. When Pottcngcr rises on his toes, shuts both eyes and says "hoemahew. Gentlemen of the Jc-y," then look out for breakers ahead. Lit r. Davll MMler, Forcm "S. M. Davis, ex. James Furgeson, 11. W, Black, S. D. Kl'is J. C. F-ikenbary, John Clarke, G. W. Ir airiieid, r.cu'.i.i:d HcHiple. LIST Or P P. S. Barues, David MoCaig, Peter Stander, D. T. Whitney, Ji.shtia Murray, N. M. Satchel. John S. Duke. If. Allen. Win. Wiaierstecn, M B. ( u.ier. J. V. Wt-ckl ach, (.. F. Swit -er,. ex. ran;l Jurors. an. Geo. Burger. John Kleizer, G. W. Wovley, retry Waiker, C. Wheeler, Orlando TelTt, Siaiou Hector. Thos. Mitchell. rtrtr .11::: j -ts. James Cii'ort, II. Uolleulieek, J. NV. Hoback, W. 15. Arnold, G. M Flowers. P. P. tia-s, Tiieedore ihietlrcke; John Cha;, Tiio.n.n Godi- r, S. C. Bethel, !. J. Streigat, J. N. Wolfe, et. The inm lies of the Saunders House were awake.ie.l TuH.d !iij,ht ly loud cries cf ".Mur der an. I i'.iiice :" On rushing 'o the tu'tiee a traveller who had r -isrei -.'il tlie night before as "Joh'.i M. Wreks. B. & 11. II." was foimd lalioriiig under temiM-rary insanity, during which lie fancied sointj o'lieTiom Counei! PIii!fj v.-;;s going t o m..rh.-r liITn. , Night Watchmau. Ford, was scut for alid ufter awakoair.g the whole st r.-et he was finally lodged in the cool er for the rest of the nifiiit. - Wednesday morning he seemed calmer, re cognized his overcoat, with $11 therein, winch Mr. Gregory hail sei.t hinti and told Marshal Murphy he war ted to 0 home to Michigan. He left 011 the afternoon tram east. Prorjntsie of lAnu-.il Meeting of D st. Lodge No. 4. I. O. G. T. to tie held at Bel in :it, Cass Comity, Nebras l.i. December lltli and 12th, lST'J. Opening Se;stoa Dee. Ilt'i at '1 p. m. Evening Session opun at 7 p, i. devoted to "Good of the Order." opened !i p iper on tha Sa!ject by Prof Woo t-y of Piattsmouth Lodge. Sessions of Merning and aftr.10 m of Ufa to be dt voted to minute luiMiiess. Friday evening at 7 p. 1:1. to be an open ses sion. Come one,c;ni'5 all, prepared with Songs and s;:e,'rll i. A. It. A. MtLUK:t. Chairroa.i of Com. Si ;t cried At Omaha sometime not long since Mr. Wil liam Stinchcomh to Miss Nellh, both of Omaha. "Will" used to live here, but we never thought lie would go ami get married then, he didn't look like a-lit'le boy that would do that ; how ever he has and as the llKRAl.n always had a warm side for S'.incacomb, we want to congrat ulate the boy most sincerely and heartily, and hope to have the pleasure of seain;; Mr. S, some of these days, when we w ill renew our good wishes for the whole family. Tlie Annual Masonic Kail. The Masonic faternity of this city will give their Annual Celebration on St. John's eve (Dec. 27th) and it wilt 110 doubt be a- pleasant and very enjoyable affair, as usual. The Com mittee of General arrangements are : W. Marshall, O. Ashley. A. MaeMurphy, F. Johnson, L. D. Bennett, M. B. Murphy, R. Ballar.ce, A . 1. Despain, E. B. Lew is. F. E. White, Ch'm. " Xotie Is hereby given to each and every one knowing themselves indebted to me to mttle prior to January 1st. ISso, as after that date .all accounts will positively be placed In the hands of a col lector. W. H. ScilTt.DK.NKCT, G5tf Office at Smith & Bh'tk's Store. And tillThey Come! Aud when they leave. J. G. Chambers is minus come one or more of his many articles in the harness and Saddlery line. Call aud examine his ever new aud general stock. 1 Xotieel Dr;Schildknecht, has removed to his new residence on Chicago Avenue.- Office Btill at Smith & Black's. 30t2 Ladies?- You will find something elegant in Under wear at - Swlomox & Nathan's, t Apple- ! Apples ! I by the barrel or bu-dict at 1 Guthman & Weckbach's. A World of Good. v . One of the most popular medicines now before the American public, is Hop Uitter3. Yu see it everywhere. People take it with good effect. It builds them up. It is not as pleasant to the taste as some other Bitters as it is not a whiskey drink. It is more like the old fashionad bone set tea that has done a world of good. If youdo'nt feel just right try Hop Bitters. Nun da News, O WALLACE SISTERS. A Iecided. Success Last Xlffht. "JIInnie'H Luck." As high a compliment as we could pay to the Wallace Sisters those charming little women Who have been the receipient of public ap jdause iu every city in tlie Union would be to assert that their audience laut evening at the Opera House was refined, appreciative and exacting, and ua magnificent in its proportions as any that has assembled here for a longtime. At least six hundred oeopie faced the perform ers when tlie curtain arose, and from the mo ment the first word was uttered until the last silvery and poetic tones died away, they sat there in delight. Minnie's Luck" is a play witli one meial at least, and that Is, "never go back on a friend." Such devotion to this principle as was shown by thi little outcast Minnie, and fully recipro cated by the oiled-faced and illy-clad "Inky Dick," was worthy of all imitation. Jennie Wallace as Minnie, was a jewel to those who heard her last tight, la her deepest distress, her audience waa weeping with her ; in her gold en prosperity and joyous hilarity, lier audience was iniiling and rejoicing with her. Seldom, la fact, have we seen au actress win a place in the arms, figuratively, of her audience, there to be caressed and sympathised with, as did this winsome little lady last night. "luky Dick" was gramtiy impersonated, also, by Miss Ma '.id Wallace, who has lost none of her rollick h'g airs so characteristic of the little hero she represented.. Her dancing was the subject of a recall. . . ,M$. Dobson. the manager, has brought a rare treat to this city, and we are glad that our peo ple Sppreciate it. Lincoln Journal. The. Wallace Sisters play here Friday Nov. 21st. - - Phil Young has ordered a laigestock of sta tionery, writing paper and envelopes from the Western New s Co., Chicago. Also Juvenile and Holiday Books besides many other novelties.' Phil bought the above goods at the old prices, before the late heavy advance on; paper and stationery and Phil will give his customers the benefit of tlie same. Don't fail to go to tlie P. O. News Depot for your goods. 1 Slurried. TURN Lit GIBSON. At the residence of Mr. Ja v Gihsom, t'ialtsinoinh. Neb.. Saturday. Nov. tsth. 1ST3. by iiev. J. S . Gallagher. Mr. Geo. W, Ti'unkr and Miss Mary Ginsox, all of PhittMuonlh. The Herald was assured of the event as above recorded, by the reception of a box of wedding cake with the compliments of Mr. and Mrs, G..W. Turner, to whom it in turn extend congratulations and good wishes for their on ward Journey through life, Few are aware of the importance of checking a cough or common cld in itd first stage. Thai which in the be ginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon preys upon the lungs. Dr. Bull's Cough Syi'Hp affords instant relief. Price 25 cents. Ullsyes. Herrman & Warl are constantly 111 receipt of the latest styles of winter Millinery. New Pattern hats. Trimming silks, velvets and satins. Latest styles of ribbons. . A large and stylish assortment, of feathers. Ornaments of all kinds. Children hats, caps and hoods. Latest varieties in ties, scarfs, &?, A full assortment of zephyrs. Patterns for embroidery and worsted work. Call and see their stock. They will get you up a stylish hat ou short notice and cheap. . 31t 253 buys a pair of Ij.voh's Patent Heel ijtifft'neis and makes a bot r shoe last twice as Ions. o4U Iinckion's Arnica Salve. The Urst S.tlvein the world for Cuts Bruises. .Sores, Ulcers. Salt Bheum Tt-tter, Chapped ll;inds, Chilblains Corns, and kinds of skin eruptions This .Salve is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction in every case or mon ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Smith & Black. Wholesale and llolail, Piattsmnuth, Neb. 241y. Notice ! Th undersigned begs leave to an nounce to the citizens of PLATTSlfOUTU & CASS COUNTY, that he has now on exhibition at his store, a large stock of Iltdiday goods, consisting of Gold nnd Silver Watches, Chains, fine Jewelry, and a splendid selection of Silver Ware, the best in the market; King's Celebrated Spectacles and Eye glasses, in Cold, Silver, Steel d: Rubber Frames; Musical Instruments, Guitars, Banjos, Violins. Accordeons. French Harps, Strings, drc. Pocket & Table Cutlery, l'istols and Ammunition. Clocks, Fancy Goods, Notions, a large variety of Toys, Wagons, Rocking Horses, Per ambulators; Ladies' Willow Baskets, and Workstands, Picture and Story Books, ct-c, tSrc. Thanking my customers for past fa vors, I would, respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same. Ileinember that my motto is: "Quick Sales and Small, Pxiofits;" and not to be undersold by any house. Please give me a call; no trouble to show goods. Respectfully, J. SCIILATER, 35t6 Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1S78 ail boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainly labeled: JULIUS PEPPE11BURG-, Manufactukkr, Plattsmouth. - - - Nebraska. LEGAL NOTICES. Attachment Notice. Jamrs A Fisher aoiir-t A rtimn Forcmm. In Justices Court before K. J. Matiiis. J. P. in and for said County, to Artemns Foreman, iion-reddci.t Defendant, you are hereby notic ed that the above named Justice Rsiu-d an or der.f attachment against you for $15.70 and cwts of suit, on the 27th day of October, A. D. I8.:i. 3.U3 Jamks A. Fisiiek. Plaintiff. Estray Notice. Taken up hv the subscriber on his premises in Weeping Water precinct. Sept. t!i, 1879, one red heifer calf, supposed to be about six months old. Some white on belly, and branded -A" on left hip. J. M. Beakosi.ky. VEi-.f!M! Water, Neb., Oct. 2Mb.. J870. Estray Notice. Talten ui by the s:ibscriberva white steer, western stock! two year old. with brand on each hip. brand not distinguishable, rope on his horns when he came to my place. Tlie owner can have the same by proving properly, and paying charges as provi-.ted by law. J. KlKKNRAKV. 34t3 At Toor Farm near Plattsmouth. Neb. Attachment Notice. S. II. Richmond vs. John Dohigs. Tlie above named defendant. John Dohigs will take notice that on the 2it!l day of October, A. U. 1S79. A. N. Sullivan. County Judge, with in and for Cass County. Net)., issued an order of attachment for tlie sum of .2.;r. in an action peudinir before him wherein A'. H. Bichmond is plan till and John Iohig is defendant. That tlie i redits of said defendant in the hands of C. B. Fox have been attached Hnder said or der, Said cause was continued until the. 17th dav of Heccuiber. A. 1). 5s7::. at 9 o'clock, a. in. '3l-t3 S. II. RICHMOND. Plff. (71 fifl A Wr.F.K in your own town, and no cap Hvljl i!,H' risked. 'You can give tin business a J tj trial without expense. The best oppor- tiuily ever oflcred tor those willing to ivoik. You should try nothing e se until "you see for yourself what you can do at the business e oiler. No room So cxnhiiu here. You can devote all your lime or only your spare time to tlie li!S!ness. and make great pay for every hour y ou work. Women make as much ns men. Nend for special privau teuns and particulars, McU-ve mail free. 5 Out lit free. Don't com plain of !i;;i'ii times white voil have such a chance. Address II. HaLLET & CO., Portland, Mai-ie, 13ly Free of Cost. The most wondei f ul remedy of the age is now placed within the reach of all. Be he rich or be he poor," it costs nothing to give tbis great remedy a trial. Dr. King's California Gol den Compound, for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Eow Spirits, Loss of Appe, tite. Sour Stomach, Coming up of Food, Yellow Complexion, General Debility Inaetivity and Drowsiness, Liver Com plaint, Jaundice and Billiousncss for which it is a certain and speedy cure, o person should be without it. In ordei to prove that it will do all that we claim for it you are given a trial botle free of C'Jtt, xrliich will convince veil oi its truly wonderful merits, and show you that you what a regular one dollar sizT bottle will do. For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail, PJattsmouth. Xeb. 29e6wly. Yon Jlnst Cure that Conjii With Shilohs Consumption Cure, you can cure yourself. II has established the fact that Consumption can be cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso lutely without an equal, Two doses will relieve your child of Croup, it is pleasant to take and perfectly harmless to the youngest child, and no mother can afford to be without it. You can use two thirds of a bottle and if what we say is not true we will refund the price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and $1,00 per bottle. If your Lung3 are sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists. Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti pated, have you a Yellow skin, Loss of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail to use SIIILOH's SYSTEM VITALI ZEIl. It is guaranteed to relieve you, and will you continue to suffer when you can be cured on such terms as these. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. Sold by Chapman & Smith. Druggists. Well's Persian Perfume "li ACKME TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists Plattsmouth Xeb. 831yeow This is our Case. Yu have headache, aching pain in the side and under the shoulder, are bilious, constipated and dizzy; have bad breath, voracious appetite and then no appetite; are despondent and gloomy. The trouble is with "your liver.and Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills are piepared to cure just such cases, and will cure yon. Give them a trial. For sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith & Black, and O.F.Johnson. 32tf v - Plattsmouth, Xeb. . Diseases of tlt9 Skin. '-' It is in the blood, and you have blotches and eruptions, pimples, ring worms, boils, tumors, letter, salt rheum, chronic rheumatism, scrofula, or you may be suffering from the ef fects of Mercury. Ext. Sarsaparilla, Dandelion and Iodide of Potassium will purify yoor blood, iuvigi.rate your liver and cure you. All physicians recommend it. For sale by J. II. Butterv, Smith & Black, aud O. F. Johnson, Plattsmouth. 32tf Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given that the following de scribed real estate has been sold at tax sale for the Ueiiii'iuesit taxes of 1k71 and assessed as non-resident, to-wit : on the 2. I day of Sep tember 1S7"), Lots It and 12 in block (": : on the 'f-1. 'r. of November 1S75, lot 10 in block e:, lot 13 i'i bh ek Ht and lot 7 i:: block 170. all in the citv of PI tttmuth. state of Nebraska. That I aiu the holder of the certificates of sale, and thai the time of redemption will expire in three month-from the completed service of this no tice, wiietrnn application will be made to the Treasurer of Cass County. Nebraska, for a tax deed thereon. S. N. MEliKIAM. 34t3 By W. J). MfcRBIAM. Agent. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue ,f an order of sale issued ly Wm. L. Wells. Clerk of Hie District Court within and for Cass Count v, Nebraska, and tome directed, 1 will ou the2-d day of November, A. D., 1S70, at lo o'clock, si. in. of sa:d day. at the south door of the Court House in said County, sell at Public Auction the following Real LVtato to wit: The north haiftn't) of the south west quarter (swU) of south west quarter (sw4) o Section No. thirty-four i3t in Township No. twelve (I2 north of Range No nine CJ) east of f.rh P. M. The same being levied upon and tak en as the property of l'.dwin Angell, Mary E. Angell. Oeorge W. Cadv and Oeome A. lloay huid. Defendants : to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Melissa L. Pal nek, Plaiut iJ. R. W. liVKiss, Sheriff, Cass County. Neb. riaitsmouth, Neb, October 22d, 1870 3U5 Legal Notic To Samuel II. Green, non-resident defendant. You are hereby notified that on th 2nd day of October. A. D. is;.). Oeireva C. Green, the undersigned plaintiff, filed her petition iu the clerk's office of the District Court of the Second .Judicial Distiict of Nebraska, within and for the comity of Cass, nsainst yon. The object Kl:d prayer of said petition is to obtain a decree felting aside and wholiy annulling th" marriage contract existing lietiveen yourself and said plaintiif . Also for the custody and care of one minor child, the fruit of such" niariiage. upon the grounds of neglect ami refusal to support the said plaintill and her said child. You are required to plead or answer to usid petition on or before the fifteenth dav of Dc.-cmlwir. ls9. gkneva C. Ghf.bn, Bv Morisou it Brown. 32tt " Jler Attorneys. Legal Notice. San Antonio National Bank vs W. V.. Terry man. To If". TT. ferryman: Take notice that the San Antonio National Bank, phiiutitl. has sued you as defendant in the District Court of the State of Nebraska, for Cass County, upon a judgment recovered by it against vou on the loth day of March, 1S77, iu the Uni ted States Circuit Court for the Western District of Texas for S3.ool.5' w ith interest from pa d dav on $2,731.42 at 25 per cent per annum, and on 273.14 at 8 per cent per annum, and that in its petition in that behalf filed in tlie oflice of the Clerk of the said L'isirict Court, it prays judgment agninst yo'i .r said sum with interest a siforesa"! with costs, which petition you are required to answer on or before the irili day of December, 1S70, or judgment w ill be taken against you by default. An attachment has been issued against your property in said action. CtiAS. D. Hink, Plaintiff's Att'y. Ordered published in the Nebraska Heiiald for four consecutive weeks. Attest, Wm. L. Wjci.ls, Clerk. November ICth. 1879. 34t4 Legal Notice. STATE OF NEBRASKA. I Cass County. i Second Judicial District. Geo. W. Lathrop. Plaintiff, Guardian of Jasper LatLrop, Minor, s.s. The District Court, N. 1 In the matter of the application of I George W. La I throp. as auardiaii vs. j-of Jasper N. La- j throit. minor heir Mary Jane Lathrop, Miner- of Harvey 15. La va"C. Day, Sarah H. Ro- I throp. deceased, den and Elizabeth M. to sell Real Estate Russell, Defendants. J of Minor. This matter came on to be heard on the peti tion of George W. Latlrrop, guardian of Jasper N. Lathrop, minor, praving for a license to eell the interest of said minor, in and to tlie follow ing Real Estate, described as follows : The north-east one-fourth, (ne1) of the north-east one-fourth (ne1) of section four (4) ; lot seven (Tan the nor h-w est one-fourth (tiw!) of the north west one-fourth (nwy of section four 4) and lot six (C.) iu the south west one fourth swl4) of the north-west one-fourth (nw-4) of section four (4) and lot Sve (5) in the south-east oue-fourth (se J of the north-west one-fourth (nwli) of section four (4) all in township number ten (10) north of range twelve (12) east of theCth Principal Meridian in Nebraska. For the purpose of providing the necessary means for the maintainanee, education and support of said Minor. And it appearing to the Court from sai-1 petition that it is necessary to sell said renl estate for the purpose aforesaid. It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of said d -ceased and all other persons interested therein appear before the undersigned Judge of the said Court at the Court House in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, on the 2iUh day of Decemoer, A. D. 1879. at one o'clock of said day. To then and there show cause, if any there be w hy the prayer of said petition should not be grouted and that notice of said hearing be published in the Nehraska IlKKAi.rt. published and circulating within Cass County, Nebraska, for not less than four connec tive weeksbefore the day of said hearing. Done at Chambers in the Citv of Lincoln, Lan caster County, Nebraska, this dav. November leth. 1ST9. . i. B. POUND, Judge. M. A. Haktioam, f A 8 for Petitioner. 31t5 OriJ rail IP lis rat 3 ftt -A.T FRANK CARRUTH'S JEWELRY STORE. Head and don't "buy a Dollar's Worth o Goods until you have Examined ms jL3$JjLil m an s - GOODS NEVER SO CHEAP BEFORE, FOR CASH-. You can get a good Watch, silver case, and American movement, front $10 to 35, warranted for one year and a good time keeper. Clocks from 1.50 to 85, each. Cuff Pins, Neck Chains and Jewelry, from 50c to $2.50 per pair and set, A-large assortment of Silver and Plated Ware; good Castors for $2 each. Knives, Porks and Spoons, cheaper than ever. f-)litifn1 3fttH-yii:miu4-w iolion & Accordeons from $1.50 the $10 each. WH4-4iiUUmUW. A ,apge assortment of Violin ifc Guitar String. and the celehrated Silver Steel Strings. Harmonicas from 5c to $2,50 each. Pocket Knives from 10c to 3 each. Razors, Strops, &,c. (Iftrtfltl SiYtyl ffom fr and a TLshootinii Revolver for 81.75; all kinds of SV UWy,H tWUU Umn Cartl.idges alu! ammunition; Shells for shot guns loaded for $3 per hundred. And in the mmvlnf" 33fttnviin0iil You can ct lie Dozen fine Retouched Cards, for yUljJiUt lJilUiUUii7 $2 50 Cahinet cards, 84 per dozen. Gems, 50c to $2 per dozen. Frame O f all MIncm Good 8x10 Frames, line pat terns, from 50c to $1.50 KMTLSSS , fiUed with glass, complete Velvet Paspartoots, and Card Frames, from 5c to 75 cents. 1 wl ? 0 Iff Pi TIP lib III tit? (2 ' ' (Irately lss2pived.) ' M Eaeesls na aalveaissBBg, hut a Sraal, a tlie s'epsitattoia f the sssaciiisse csceiesls all We will not "he Undersold in any lime of Goods. Watch Work Done, and 77 arranted. J3.JST JJSLM.I'JJYS.PJ SCPOCJS: OJP CLOTttTfTG-! Everything for MENS' and BOYS' Wear. 2ot asal rsalslsea0 - g3ls Dlf sa ia 3eeI nai, saaagie up at Feasiaaaaie aate aeasl Kits C$nai?tadL wa vagus' &s si'wMa Vi? mo sale lnwe a large stek of - gos!9 tlficy are good good9 aiMl latest styles -3 o CO 12 O o o B i O S S s g s 3 ho o ' W 050 o EH 5 d rs fa h ; H r.- 5iX l.---. . jj, i',,-Yi(mt J if T WESCOTT & POWELL, 3 7 GLOTMIERS, PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. r ) in i ) I !l? o o 3 3 C3 O oo P CO pa o a 1 a? o ' c 3 o 5-1 w q a EE o 5- M PT n CO 5 Si & CL O !2! e 3 ' ' S5 W asiei we brought tlieisa lies t 11. W as iaa tiaat !MiiiE2e uv isane is fi mmm mQMit Iloue'S I torbny tlEiaa9 aaasS it fcsay Mieaaa a tit Its4 place j&u aea. We tlaaaiEs. aaa ilE'iBE is itlae hest place to huy them? aaael dsa9l fng fitf- We have a lriffa Btoeic of Ready Made Goods.- G-JSJSTTS' JFT73Tj$ISIIIjSr& &00&S---TJSrAJZJ!SJ. SP?- OUR NAME IS WESCOTT & POWELL.