The Herald," NO. ft. y.lACVlURPHY, - DITOR. rLATTSMOUTII.NOV. 20,1879. Oun Club list will appear next week. Levi Beanijlossom .is ono of Ne braska's new Postmasters. A German Professor lias at last dis cs vered that the nose is the seat of the soul. The reception of Gen. Grant at Chi cago last Thursday was an immense affair. Remember the Herald from now until Jan. 1, 1831, for $2.00! Six weeks thrown in!. The New York Herald thinks the Democratic party needs a "rush of brains to the hc-ad.M Hancock is the raaa for the Con feds to nominate. A cock that can crow is worth dozen "barl's" that are empty. T. C. Beaman was appointed by the Governor of Michigan to succeed Sen ator Chandler until the Legislature shall elect. It's fun to see Thompson (original Greenback, never deserts hi3 principles, &c.,) puff the democracy and democrat ic candidates. The Neb. Fanner man wants $1000 set aside next year to get the devil to lecture at the State Fair; he must ineau the Printers' devil. A Cass County girl counted the wagons that passed west this year How many from January 1st to No vember 1st? Answer G7o. The Fremont Tribuwe i3 growing to be an excellent weekly under Mr. Hammoad's charge, even if they could not carry the county republican this time. A conductor on the U. P. R. It. by the name f Ityan, caught his foot in the frog of a switcli near Grand Is land, and was struck by a car causing his death in a few hours. The State board of Canvassers meet the 24th, to count the official vote of the State. The board consists of the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer and Attorney General. The Osoeela Record Edited by Mrs. Bittenbender "histed" a Bramah hen to cackle over the Republican Victory in Polk Co. Is that the kind of roos ter they have in Gov. Nance's County ? This year Richardson County elects all but two republicans, on her county ticket and r. republican majority on State ticket. Last year the greenback ers carried even the State ticket by 179. Court opened Monday in due form. Judge Pound on Deck, Billy Wells in his pew, and the lawyers, probation ers, cubs, bailiffs, bum-bailiffs, and spec tators ready for the usual melee, called getting justice. The Fremont Herald says that Mock ett, late superintendent of schools in Cuming Co., is the only man they ever saw ,vno could euttalk a woman and a lightning rod man combined. Good man too, Mackett. It is singular that where White and DeLeMatyr made their happiest "and most promising speeches in Saunders County, there the republicans polled their strongest vote. There must be something encouraging in this. The North Platte Republican has au Eagle at the head of the column, (over election news) with "lie Soars" and then: -To Tilden and Robinson" followed by a cut of Simmons "Liver Regulator" and the motto; "Bourbons must go." The Tilot thinks it turns out just as Dr. Miller advised in Judge Barnes case. Miller advised voters in the 3d district to vote for the best man for judge independent of party. They took his advico in the Cth dist. too, and elected Barnes. Judge Savage of Omaha has rea Bon to be proud of his re-election by such a handsome majority. The Judge Reserves it anyway, if any democrat over deserves office, and if the Herald ver votes for any democrats, Judgo S. will be1 one ot them. The cases known as the Hobbs cas es, that is suits against the bondsmen of Mr. Hobbs, were all dismissed; on legal poiat raised originally by Sam M. Chapman, and since confirmed by a decision of the Supreme Court, given in a case of ike like kind from Hamil ton County. The prospect now seems to be that the Utes, Ouray and all, propose to lie out of the Meeker murders, and not deliver up the criminals, unless at the point of the bayonet. The peace com- iaissioa of Gen. Adams is a failure and they will return to Washington in a few days. Ralph Meeker, son of the murder ed Ute Agent comes back at Charles A. Dana of the N. Y. hun for saying his father robbed the Indians and clos es thus: "I would advise this editor and Charles A. Dana to go West and start a little agency of their own." That's what we have always wished That those smart Indian Editors down East could have Iudians enough to tame once. Tim Greeubackers insisted that al though the republicans carried Maine, they had an increased vote and would certainly win next year. How do they account for the dropping off in Penn sylvania from 81,7SS last year to 27,000 this year; or in Now York from 75,000 last yer to 8,000 this. Mrs. Washington Brooks, of Wa terloo, Ioiva, asks Nebraska papers to help her find Mrs. Xiuiena Maria Ba ker, wife of N. A. 'Baker, her daugh ter, from whom she has heard nothing for some ) oars. Ex. We've all sor!s of Bakers here from Fred Stadelmann to Wm. Baker, Esq., but A. Baker Never Arrived here. The republican press is doing fc3 level best to have some member of tho republican family in New York elect ed besides Mr. Cornell, but their ef forts will be of no avail and Cornell is their sole prize. Lincoln Democrat before election. Col. we hate to say itbuLlike Graves in the days gone by "You're a d d poor guesser." . The Intor-Ocean pauses in its adul ations to the Grant banquet long eneugh to say that for once Ohio was conspicuoasly absent. Not an Ohio man appeared among the speakers, though it is proper to state that Gen. Garfield was one of tho regularly ap pointed toastmasters but wa3 unavoid ably absent. Great excitement obtains in Maine where the present democratic and greenback state authorities- are at tempting to throw out the vote ot four republican counties in the late election, thereby giving the state again to the coalition. . All the prominent Repub lican leaders are there and the matter will probably have to go into the courts to bo settled. The republican gain in Lancaster county is about 800. We remii d the republicans of Douglas county that by their action they will be outnumbered in the next state convention by the Lancaster county delegation. Omaha Republican. And old Nemaha will loom up again in the State eonvention, as she used "for to do." Advertiser. And Cass well she'll come out about even: that's all. More Silver Wedding Cards. This time they com from our old friends Mr. and Mrs. Juo. Zehrung of Lincoln, who on Thursday, Nov. 27th, will have passed twenty-five years f wedded life together, and invite all their friends to help them celebrate in their comfortable and handsome home, this wile stone on their journey of life. The Herald sends congratulations and greetings with good wishes for the r.ext twenty-five. Yesterday a farmer of Cass Courin ty came up here to see the tax-lists ef 1875, in tli Herald., Unfortunately for him. we did not have the list that year, and as no Watchman lists are to be found, the gentleman is ut. The herald Keeps bound files of the pa per always, is a permanent institution in Cass County, "rind it pays public of ficers and individuals having legals or other important printing that may he needed for future use, to patronize tkis paper. . DiVE Sherman that used to be her?, runs the Harvard Sentinel now and h says ho waked up the morning after Election and found his rooster hanging head down County seat did it and Sutton got away with the ipoils. We suppose the Sutton man's ro.ter was head up Wednesday morn ing. You'll have to get a couple of stene?, David, and a sling and march out some fine morning and slew that Sutton Goliatk. Reduced Railroad Fares. The B. & M. It. It. in Neb, have re duced their rates to 3. cts. a mile, on round trip tickets, from point to point on the whole line of the road. This is a great aid to business travel in Ne braska. . Tote For Your Senator. The present law of this State pro vides that at the general election im mediately preceding the. expiration of the term of a United States senator, the electors shall, by ballot, express their preference fr the person they desire to have elected. The legisla ture wi'l then elect the person so chos en, and thus the members may be re lieved of all censure by carrying out the wishes of their canstitments. How seme Democrats Down Sontli Feel. Dr. Felton of Georgia, along with Alexander Stephens sometimes speaks out in meeting. Here are his latest opinions on the course of the demo cracy, they will bear careful reading. He has now come out flat-footed, and denounces the Democratic party as the betrayer of every right they have pre tended to dafend. He denounces the course of Nnrthern and Western Dem ocrats in unloading everything upon the South and blaming that section for all the political misfortunes. He re fers to the attempted political legisla tion of the last session, and says that it was not the attempt of the South, but of the Northern a: id Western Democrats. The Southern members reluctantly agreed to support the re peal of the election laws, and of the law authorizing the, presence of troops at the polls. This, he says, is a good instance of the course that has been pursued, for, although the South did not lead in the attempted repeal, it has to baar all the blame. He announces to his constituents that he can ao long er consistently attend the caucuses of the democratic party. A young man tat tip half an hour one night alter hi chum had gone to bed sew ing tin legs of the innocent sleeper's trousi-rd together. He sewed them strong and laughed long and silently after he went to bed, as he pictured the scene in the morning. When the morning dawned he rose witn a glow of anticipation on his face, and as it slowly faded away satdown upon the side of the bed and dejectedly cut open the bottom of his own carefully sewn trouser-legs; and when his unsus pecting chum asked what he was doing, sighed and . said, sadly, "Oh, nothing;" And he wearily thought how fnll of mean ness was this base, deceiving old world. Our Temperance Column. EDITED BI THE WOMAX'H CHRISTIAN TEM PKRAJiCK USIO.V. ' For God, and I one, and Native Land. PL.ATT8MOUTH LOIMJK NO. 2. I. O (. T. Keguhir mee ting at Good Templar.' Hall every Wednesday evening. K. II. Woolkv, W. C.T. Viola V. Barxkk, Scy. LII.ATT8.MOLTH TKMPLK (V HO'Oll AND Tkmi'KKASCR, o. 15. iw'guiar ir.etinr, Saturday evening in Hill ill Fitzgerald's block. i i uass, w. c. t. J. F. Johnson, Sec'y. 1) LATTSM8UTH Rkd ItiBiios Club. Regular meeting on Moudav evening f e:wh week. E. G. Dovev, I'resideut. H. M. Bcshnell, Sec'y. 1latimouth W. C. T. n. will meet every alternate Thursday at 3 o'clock, in the Reading Itoom, unless other notice is given in this column. Mrs. 11. M. Wise, President. Mrs. K. L. Duke, Secretary. IJlattsmouth Lodgk ok Juvenile uk will meet every alternate Friday even ing at 8 o'clock in Good Templars' Hall. Mrs. A. Schlegf.i, Superintendent. Suggestiv Events of a short Railway Trip. First comes our new bridge with its intricacies, with its hundreds of em ployes, and we exclaim whatablessing to laboring men are these rich mono polies. Take the dram shop away, and these laboring men will be the rich monopolies of to-morrow; thus we rea soned n the greenback solution, when w heard the cry "Pacific Junction, change cars;" when we would bey we were detained by a lad about 10, Plen ty of time fer breakfast." Oh! the whisky fumes, so early in the morn ing! I looked with amazement, and I saw another scene, a pale worn moth et bending over a hot stove, preparing the meals that brought the means that furnished her child the fatal draft. "All aboard" ended the reverie. When all seated, met a friend from Glenwood, who narrated the in cident of Landlord Nye. attempting to burn the Custor House and under arrest, and the solution was plain, whisky had mined him, and he would ruin others. Next in came a vener able looking old gentleman, carrying a youth in an invalid's chair ; be was pale and wan; fine cut, intellectual fea tures marked him as a young man of no mean birth. Red Oak was their station, many offered to assist the father to help the young men into a wailing carriage. Oa iaquiry we found that he and a boon companion in a playful scuffle, became unmtentionaly angered, the prisoner striking his friead a blow, which he has been sen tenced to imprisonment for life. Aye, thus it gaes, a young man in the prime of life, a living death for an accidential blow which ho would give worlds to withdraw, while we are granting thousands of men liberty to maliciously slay their millions. But here is Crestn, and we must wait four hours for the south bound train, and the weary hours we must beguil. We walk about the city seek ing whom and what we may see, and whom should we meet but our - old townsman Newman, who told us of the greatness of his city, his wife and baby; but the most interesting item given us by him was that they have but three saloons, and they paid 81,500, he also advised us to try that plan, as it worked admirably; ray mind ran back to the time he opposed the like moTt in our council, and I said, how men and times change. At 4 p. m. we left for Maryville, Mo., via Hopkins, and we were an noyed tfee whole journey, by a boyster ous drunken man. Thus was our entire journey marred by the footprints of this fell destroyer, strong drink. S. Temperance Matters in Ruslibury. NOV. 17th 1879. Ed. Herald: Wo wish through the columns of your valuable paper to give notice of the second annual meeting of Dist. Lodge No. 4 of Cass Co., as we know that bo other paper reaches so many people that are in favor of Tem perance. The Constitution provides for one for every ten members and one for Juvenile Temple and Degree Temple. The meeting will be on Dec. 11 and 12. We expect a god delega tion, and a general good time. A pub ic meetiag will be on second day. Fri day, G. W. C. T. Mrs. VanPelt will be present en that occasion, and Dist. Deputy J. E. Morrison, and others frem abroad ; let every man talk tem perance, and have temperance in the heart, and we will soen have Temper ance in our hand. Remember time and place, Frederick Lodge Hall, Dec. 11 and 12, Thursday and Friday. Ac commodations for entertaining visit ors and Delegates free of charge. For ether information address Dist. Sec'y. M. B. Howard, Dist. C. T. John W. Miller, Dist. Sec'y. T Be Well. Here is a remedy for the ills of the flesh and spirit, composed of leaves, plants, asd roots, which, if taken with out a wry face, will make any man re spectable and happy. Leave ff drinking. Leave off smoking. Leave off chewing tobacco. Leave off snuffing. Leave off swearing. Plant your pleasure in the home cir cle. Plant jor business in some honor able employ meiit. Plant your faith in Truth. Rot ymr habits in Industry. Root year feeling in Benevolence. Root your aftections in God. For direction see the Holy Scrip tures. There are but 450 places where liq uor is sold in Sweden, far a popula tion of 3,500,000. Wisconsin pays annually over $19 000,000 for liquor and $2,600,310 far her schools. Is that a fair compara tive estimate. The effort f the civil authorities to stop the sale of liquor at Long Bramcli on Sunday is meeting with success. If they succeed it will be a severe blow on the Sunday excursion business. Thunder Head, ti.o highest niountaiu of the Catskill, 4,23 fuel, I. us a beuutiiul spring of coid water under the highest ledyc, alioyt ten' feet !h;1ow the top. Physiology of a Fowl's Gizzard. Says Robert Jcnuiugs: Experiments havo demonstrated that' what may be called tho gastric juice in fowls has not sufficient power to uissolv their food, without the aid of tho grinding action of the gizzard. Bei'oro tho food is prepared tor digestion, therefore, the grains must be subjected to a trituatiug process; uud such as are not sufficiently bruised in this maimer, belo:e passing into the gizzard is, iu this respect, iiicchaoicnl, this organ serving us a mill to grind the food to pieces, and then, by means of its power ful muscles., pressing it gradually into the intcstiues, in the form of pulp. Tuo power of this organ is said to i.esutiicieut to pulverize, hollow globules of giass in a very short time, and solid masses of the same substances in a few weeks. The rapidity of this process seems to be pro portionate generally to the. size of the bird. A chicken, tor example breaks up such substances as are received iuto its stomach less rapidly than the capon; while a goose jKirforms the same opera tion sooner thau either. Needles, and even lancets, given turkeys, have been broken in pieces and avoided without any apparent injury to the stomach. The rea son undoubtedly i, that the larger spec ies of birds have thicker and more power lul organs of digestion. It has long been the general opinion that from some delicioncy in the digestive apparatus, fowls aie obliged to report to the use of stones and giuvel, in order to enable them to dispose of the food which they consume. .Some have supposed that the Use of these stones is to sheath the gizzard, in order to tit it to break iuto smaller fragments tlio hard angular sub stances which niiylit bo swallowed; they have also been considered to have a med icinal effect; others have iinagiucd th:it they acted as absorbeuts for uudue quan tities of acids in the stomach or as stimu lants to digestion; while it has ever been gravely aanertud that tiiey contribute di rectly to nutrition. .11: pea ted experiments, however, have cs'.abi-siied that pebbles are not at ail necessary to the trituiatiou of the hardest kinds oi' substances which can bo iut:o duced into their stomachs; and of course, the usual food of lowls can be bruised without their aid. They do, however, serve a useful auxiliary puipose. When put in motion by the. muscics, they are caj-a lc of producing eHe-ds upon the contents of the stoiuucu; thus assisting to grind (town tho grain, and sepaialiug its parts, the digestive lluid or gastric juice comes muie readily in contact with it. Vital Riches. The genius of our civilization in its physiological aspect is to make spend thrifts of us all of our vital riches. It in cludes no such aim as race improvement, says tho Popnl ir Science Monthly. True, some youthful culture of the head and heart is suppo.-cd to reach alter that ob ject. B it it does not. it looks only to immediate success in social distinctions, or to winning in competitive st rubles, not to the remote oS.exis oi' onr improve ment as a ni'jti Indeed, t!i instances in which physical dce.iei :.! ion, by tho pre vailing inju iicions and highly hca l-culture. is not thereby beg. in, are al together exceptional. Co m pa ru the highly-educated son with h:t lather, and a perceptible diminution in the grade of constitutional stamina is nearly always manifest. Continue 'he ptoucss i" r a gen eration or two, and a p.0rosive deterior ation will ensue until lucre are only sick ly boys to grow up into invalided man hood. Very f-w ever think of, an I yet fewer ever seek after, tlu accumuatixi of vital riches. Only whu hrwighi to S:iitLr:ng by poveity oi tins kind is tho mi;:d arous ed to any interest in tit: suoj.;ct. Prior to the inception of diso:.s',.:i liioiightloes sounding of vital res -i Ve is v. h it our so cial practices slcniuiicady cicwutago; and when as a (Icbi.iiy, disease, and ua tiinely Uoaln tn.'iiie, t::eso .uc not resid ed as the Cviui nevs ui r. falai iiu'.v in too existing system of civilization, but asm ti lers of prevision v. h,eh a.oneco.icciu l'to videnco and lhe doctia. c -institutional vigor, thus so lii:id:y spent, ren ders frequent dei!i.::tds up: -ti die higlivsl resi-uiccs of the heaiin-; ail urgently nec essary. Aud it rausi oj co. lie vie. t in-ii in prolonging the life of tieleclito olmd there are disp'uytd a skill uL.d case novel before equated. Geographical Problems Solved. Within the present generation, and mainly during the present decade, nearly all tho great gcogiaihical problems left us by our adventurous ancestors havo been solved; all the great lines of explor ation havo been taken up aud worked out with success that leaves to the future only Ihe details to lid iu. The Northwest Pas sage was completed more than a quarter ot a century ago; tho Australian interior lias been crossed ami recrossed ui.hiu the past low years; several bright linos now break up the once mysteiious dark ness of tlio ' Dark Contineu.;" the sources Ui tho Ivile have been liaced, and the couise ol tho Cono ad but laid dovn; tho Russians have tilled up many impor tant blanks iu Central Asia; there is no mysttry to sj eak ot tor yeogr.i hers on the .North American Continent, anil none ot any lnagnhu.le on the South; even the greai outlines of the cci:i-bud have been chartered, and now at hint alter a strug gle begun more than ;00 years siuco, tne iSortheast Pa-sage Ins been made with an ease that makes one wonder why it was r.ol io:ig ago." A matter-of-fact Svedi-h Proiesaor has. shown that with a suitable ship at the piocr so s n this long-MHight-fur passage to Far C'a Ihay" is a question oi only a few weeks. Of Aictic feats them now remains only tho "dash at the IVh," and that the North Polo wilt be reached soontriir titer there can be no doubt. 1, ' n-lou Tunes. His Policy. While one of the sanitary police was moving through the alleys of Cass avenue tho other day, says the Detroit Free Press he cutne upon two bad nuisances at once. One family had thrown a great heap o! garbage over tha fence, and the other had dumped over an old mattress and two or ihieo dead cats. The citizen living be tween the two heiipa camo out to tho fence holding his uo&e, and the officer aked : 'How long have these nuisances exist ed?" Oh, about a month," was the reply. 'And you havc-ii'i lodged u complaint at the City llalir No." "Why, this horrible stencil must float ri,lit into your housjf" -Yes, so it does; but I wasn't fixed to say any tiling. Tho man over here lends me his lawn-mower twice a week, and my tvife borrows most of our tea and eolfee of the the other one. I kinder liggcred u:j i", aud concluded not to rai3C a row .iukst'i!C in-'ivirgot tuo unit or the bracd of coffee run down. mmiarannMn Seicutilic Conclusion. Ab-mt Paris Green. 1. Paris Green that has been four inouths in the soil, no longer remains as such, but has passed iuto some less solu ble state, and is unaffected by the ordin ary solvents of tho soil. 2. When applied in small quantities, such as are alone necessary in destroying injurioui a insects, it does not affect the health of tho plant. $ Z. The power ot tho soil to hold ar cenious Jtcid and arseuites in soluble form will prevent water from becoming poisoned unless the green is used in ex cess of any requirements as to insecticide. Prof, R. C Kedzie, Michigan Agricul tural Sficty, . The boy stood on the back yard fence whence all but him had lied, the llaiues that lit his lather's barn shone just above tho shed. Tho bunch of crackers in his hand, two others iu hii? hat, with piteous accents loud he cried, "I never thought of!" A bunch of trackers to the tail of one smaii dog he'd tied; tho dog in auguisii sought the barn tmd mid iis ruins died. Tuo sparks flew w ide aud red and hot, that ill upon that biat; they tired tho crackers hi his hand and eke those in his hat. Then came a burst of latlliiTg sound the boyf -VVheie was he gone Ask of the vvimis that far around sucked bits of meat and bono, and scraps oi ami bai.s ami lops and naiis and hooks 'and yam, the relics of the dreadful boy that burned his lather's baru. Spriuy field Unio. While ten men watch for chauces, one may make chances; whiie tea men wait for something to turn up, ono su-xo ds, aud is called a man of luck, tho favorite of fortune. There-is no-luce iike pluck, cud fortune most fave-rs thoco who are indifferent to fortune. Humbugged Again. I saw so much said about the merits of Hop Bitters, and my wife who was always been doctoring, and never well, teased me so urgently tr get her some, I concluded to be humbugged again ; and I am glad I did. for ia less than two mouths use of the Bitters my wif was cured and she has remained so for eighteen months. I like such hum bugging II. T. St. Paul. Special Offer for the Holidays. I will make a SrECIAL DISCOUNT on Ma SOX& HAMLIN Okoans for the next two months, to give lovers of good music an oppor tunity of making a IIOLIDA. r PR ES KiVT to their friends. Terms made known by ap plication tO J.V.MK9 TKTTKE, General Agent, I'iattsinontli, Neb. Samples can be seen at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store. Call ami examine. S4t2 I'roposals for i rain. Ileadq'rs. Der.t. of the Platte. Cf i. Ms. Office. Fort Omaha, Neb., November 7, 18"i. Sealed Proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, Mill be received at this oliiee, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Thursday, No vember 1:7th. i'i9, at which place and time lliey will be opened in t lie presence of bidders, for the furnishing and delivery, in quanties a re quired, up to December Sist, 1S79. at Omaha De pot, Nebraska, or at stations on the Union Pa cific Itailroad. east frwin Kearney Juuetiou, ot Ji.OOO.OOO pounds corn, aud 1,000.000 pounds oats. Proposals for quant ites less than the whole wilt be received. Delivery of the grain will, if required, commence December it. Pre ference will be given to articles of domestic pro duction. The contracts will be let with the proviso that the quantities contracted for may be increased or reduced o:ie-third by the Chief quartermas ter of the Department, at any time within 20 days alter the date of contract. Pids should state the rate per loo pounds, (not pet bushel), aud tliH year in which tiie corn proposed to be furnished was grown, and should Le endorsed on envekpes "Pids tor Grain." P.idders are requested to submit proposals for delivery of corn in new re-sewed gunny sacks of aloiit two bushels each, and for delivery of the Oats in new 1 e-sevved burlap sacks ol r?or. ovor four bushels each, or for part or ail the oats to t.e de.ivered in houhi.k sai'Ks, the ia uer sacks to be provided at the Omaha Depot, by the quartermaster's Department. Copies of this advertisement and of the cir cular of instructions to bidder can be obtained 011 application to this office, and oi: copy each of said advertisement anil circilar should be attached to or accompany each triplicate of the proposal and form a part thereof. Tne right 10 reject an v or nil bids is reserved. JOHN V. FL UEY, Captain and A. Q. II.. V. S. A. S3t2 iu ohittge Chief CJ. M's. Oflice. W. D. JONES' Again takes the Brick Livery Stable, PL A TTSM G UTJ I, NEI1P.AS-KA The old Ponncr StaMos. in Fhittsmonth, aie now leased bv I . f I : , i t ii h is o.i hand new aud handsome. aeeoiHiaouatioas, ia the shape of HOUSES, CA Ii Ta AG ES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HORSES. I am prepared to keep HOUSES FOR SALE s TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Reasonable Terms. ALSO It IHI EMBER, That with plenty of room (that every one knows I have) in my stable, i can get Farmers' stock and wagons, loads of hay, &e., under cov er, where Thev will keep dry. itail my old patrons for their liberal ity, 1 solicit their trade for the future, satisfied th .t I can accommodate them better aad do better by them than ever before. 3yl WM. D. JONES. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always on Hand AND HEARSE FUNERALS. TAKE UOTICE ! I want all of my accounts settled to date, aivt I shall do no more credit hwsiuess. All old accounts must be settled up. aud no new ones will be made. I'nless such accounts are settled sliMrlly they will be sued. I w ish to do astiictlycash business iu future JOHN SHANNON, 4Cly Plattsmouth. Xeb. W. II INVITE THE PUBLIC TO INSPECT THEIR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, CONSISTING IN PART OF DRY GOODJ, NOTIONS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, BLANKETS, FEATHERS, CLOTHS, AND CASSIMERES, BEAVERS, lt E T E L L A NTS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS, KNIT SACQUES. AND JACKETS A FULL LINE OF Underwear, Ladies', Gents', and C7ii?d rens' Knit Goods, Such as Hoods, Scarfs, Ntibias,Fancy Hosiery , Mittens, Etc., in endless Profusion, Yarns of all kinds, Zephyr. Gertnantown, Wool.Ca ntas,Card Board Mottoes. The Best. Line of Oloves, in the City, direct from the Factory, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, EU: All of which were bought of First Hands, FOR CASH. AND WE WILL MAKE nSE.a-I3STS YBBY CLOSB. PSTGive m a call, and we will guarantee to give you satisfaction in qual ity and price of goads or uq tra4e. 34-wS W II. BAKLU & CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i I r Til f O Stool. Cover ami Hook only I I Ik I X 1 INSltoi-50rgraiml3stos 8 set Iteetls. 2 knee Swells, Stools, lioo.-v. I'liiy i?98JB'-HolMay Newspaper free. Address Daniel F. Hearty, Wii.sliing'ii, li.J. Q 1 OHO returns in .) dav on ji.Tliivcsfed". v fc'Wy Official Iteiort.s and information free. Like proflts weekly on Stock option of ?10 o M. Address T. Potter, AVi-lit ."i Co. r.arkern.35 Wall St., N. AGENTS READ THIS ! We want aa Agent iu this County to whom we will pay a salary of $:K per month Hnd ex penses to sell onrvvo'iderinl invention. Sample free. Address at . onee SJ1EKMAX & CO., Mar sha Lt.. Mich i ; a S25 tO S5000i'waVl'sV.iavtVicfolm! dalion for fortunes every week, unrt pavs ini inense profits by the new Caiit:tli.utUu System of operating stocks. Full explaoat ion tin appli cation to A i a Ms, r.itovvjl "fc Co,. Hankers, 23 Hroad St. X. Y. I.mrr-t f.rl-p ever known . ' n Itreooti-lrfwwlern, ttille. S, ol o in. CUR $15 SK0T-SU3 at pri-Hlly rtfduceJ price. Send stump for our Hew - mm 1 1 1 lliirLf'J i BI itlopue. T . POWELL. & feON, 33S Maiu btreet, CINCIA'KATI.O. mm CLUED. A simple vesettiblo remedy for thei tjxfl y ftnd permanent cure cl CotiRumit- uonaircucmtusiJ&rarrri.Ar.uiuui.aKd ail itroai and Luna AJfection. Also a JMMItlTO tinuM radical cure lor kcpvoub JJeiuUty ana augj Nervous Comxluii.ts, has been teited tn thousand of ernes. 1 locipe, with f ull directions 1 (in German. Irencli. or Knjrlifi) for prepar-M inir and tuaiiir. Rent Lv mail l'r",s lire rcrt t a n nt -ui't vi buxui. netijim name tmm paper W.W.BERAK.149 toTO-'B!ock. Rochester. M.T ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Ye will send our F.lkctro-Voltaic Kklts and other Flctrie appliances 'upon trial for 30 days to those suffering from Nervous Debility, Kheumatism, Paralysis or any deseases of the Liver or Kidneys, aiid many other diseases, A. mtre cure gunninttcd or no pen. Address. YOLr TAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mkhinan. A GENTS WANTED for A TOUR l ROUND THE WORLD CI GENERAL GRANT. This in the fastest-selling book ever publish ed, and the only complete' and authentic His tory of Grant V Travels. ri-il for circulars con taining a full description of the work ami our extra terms to Agents. Address National Pub. Co , Chicago. 111., or St. Louis, Mo. 33U REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Now IS THE TI3IK. Fine business house lot $3,000. " " " & " $2,000. 4 fiuc business houses and lots $2500 each. Vacant lots ?."00 and upwards. Splendid residences from $5i0 to S.WK). Dwelling lots, improved and unimproved, iu endless var'.ety and all shades of prices, from $10 to each. Pair lots on corner, 4 blocks from Main and 6th sts.. no hill, only S20. Single corner, 2 blocks from Cth and Main, only $ioo. Two lots, on corner. High School hill. only $. Two w hole blocks, onl v four blocks from High School building, only 4-llfl for each block. FAIt.dS. 200 acres, 2 miles north-east of Weeping Wa ter, running water, timbvr, well, house, barn, hedge, fruit trees, &c. Jut think of it ! lco acres in Mr. rieasaut Precinct, wild land, lor only S7.5:i per acre. i0 acres, 6 miles from Green wood, GO acres cultivated, running water. Many others not here mentioned. - Come aud see me and I iil give prices and terms. I can suit you in city or county if you wish to buy. In fact if volt want to buy Sell ' " " " rent " " " " lease any proper! v. call and see Will S. Wisk. Atl'y a Law, Peal Kt. and Fire. las. Ag'i. Fitzgerald Plot-k. HOfiil-' .vnil i: cjiiis :u .(iop or c,i: i- for a new Iloise Pook. It treat !:!! diseases, hau Xi tine, engravings showing piedt ions ps.-inu-ed by McK horses, a t."b!- of do'-i-s. n large col llititlL Icciiou hi valuable- recipes, t lor telling the age of a will; au engraving showing feiii nj r;ic!i year, and a 'arge ;;;ioi;::t of ol her valuable horse information. Ir. Win. II. Had s;iys. '"I have bought booSs wliich 1 hav; paid S and i'J" fr v. hich 1 ilo not like as weli as I do yours," Send for a circular. Audits waniei I. 15. J. Kendall, M. Li., Kiids biirgh Falis. Yt. 'ly 11 V.X I V t. ii'T4 This remarkable on'iiiciiie will cure Spavins, Splint. Curb. Callous, &c. , or any enlargemeu!, aiul will remove the lni.ich without 1'1'steriiig or causing a sore. No reme M'AVIX dy ever discovered eip.ials it. lor certainty of act ion in. stopping the lameness fli-d removiiur the bunch. Prics .t.iKt. Send ('I'ttl'. for circular giving posit ive p:o.if. Solcl lv drttgL'ists or sent by the inventor. P.. J. Ken dal'. AS. !., Ktiosbr.rgh Falls. Yt. C. F. (iood mau agent, ( imalri. Sebiaska. REDUCED PACKAGE RATES Between 3.600 Offices of this Co. In New England, Middle and Western States; also to offices of nearly all Connecting Lines. MONEY CURRENCY AND COLO. Packages not exceeding S 20, I 5C. " " S40, 20c. - " " $30,25c. Large rums i.i much tmaller proportion.. MERCHANDISE. Uwett Hijht Chrsf, according ( tWn. Packages net exceeding I l"h. 25c. I 4los.25to60c, 21b.2 5to30c. S 25 to 75c. 3 " 25 to 45c. I 7 25to$. PRINTED MATTER. BOOKS, and other matter, wholly in print, or dered from, or Bent by.dealers, &c, PRE-PAID! 2lbarT5cTT3'lbs. 2Qc. I 4- lbs. 25c. ORDERS FOB PCBCIIASIXG GOODS Left with an j Aeeu t of thi s Co. will be promptly executed, without expense, other than the ordinary charge for carrying the goods. Send your Money and Parcels by Erpress; chea pest and q u ickes t, with positive aecu rlty . y(31. G. FAEGO, rres't. 3-.'in2 J. I. Bk.nvftt Jijnt OUR GROCERY STOCK ! Is the most complete in the city, COFFEES, All Grades, GREEN AND ROASTED. TEAS! Just try 'em.) SYRUPS, Pure Maple, SVG. R HOUSE, NEW ORLEANS, SORGHUM, Etc. DRIED FRUITS, Of All Kinds. Canned Goods of all Jdnds,Crat;kers,freshfrom Bakery, Choice brands of Flour. Oat and Cor n Meal, Graham, Etc., Tobacc-os, all Kinds, Plug, Fine cut and Smok ing. Oueensicare and Glassware, Vool and Willow Wares, Table and Pocket Cutlery, nails by carload, forks, Scoojy-shovcls, Spades and - Feed-Baskets, Etc. m r 11 i JLn mi til FOTl TIIE I ''"' L"'".'' '" hi inn ii ii ii miiiii i ii ii mimi ii im I m talilMm,$ mimum j- 1 j j HAVE JUST OI L'XED A LA II CI E STOCK.OF ' j ftcfu fatt Sufis ! Dress-Goods I IT ' ' ! L n i J 3 HOSIER,-- Z1 ! Domestics, Underwear, 9ir Domestics, SUA- unit Fiirumlizii Goads ! Also a Full Line oT Wooden ware Ami all I! Which Ave will sell INSPECTION j 4 INVITED! 5 1 rr-i y'lrid ulp. aie (Uumiji. dea&ed ia j SJiow Oivr Goods i m Plnltsmoutli. La3 onca more u thru an & vrlio sire, ou aud after this NEW GOODS, V.'e are In iilino.stil:iily recoij't of DRY AND FANCY GOODS and (RHSCJEE&fll3 a which wc offer our friends aud the iublic at at prices t tmtZ' BEESS GOODS, Casliiiieres, Alpacas, Delaines, &c. Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward The fiut-st stock of White ISedsprewdH vcr brouuht to the Citv. Buell's Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, and Cottonades il full Stock. Mat and Dap.a and S,rii'HiiBBiiag Jtsl. CaceF5e anal IPfi'awistoias - OF ALL KINDS. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. We desire to see all our old patrons back and want to hold a .natiy of the present ones aa we can GUTIIMAN & AVECKIJAC1L REMEMBER THE PLACE, ONE DOOR WEST OF P. O., or Olj (71 C75 -XI n m felt;: 1 1 t i i vv Underwear, 'WLS! BXo agings! kind-s of 1 at very low fiigures. ihmiiiiiii iiii ii Nebraska. " come Lack" to Weckbach 3 date sole proprietors. C2! 1 (Pk 1 O ; ELEGANT STYLES suit the tin'ie s. .PLATTSMOUTU Jt&-Us4